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Concept of a Sadhaka (Spiritual Aspirant)

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Hello ,

I would like to know the concept of a sadhaka (Spiritual Aspirant, a

Seeker) according to various ancient Indian scriptures and texts like

bhagavad gita and others.


Thank you, Dev - Saritha



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QUESTION: I would like to know the concept of a sadhaka (Spiritual

Aspirant, a Seeker) according to various ancient Indian scriptures

and texts like bhagavad gita and others. Thank you, Dev - Saritha

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Hari Om


Sadhak ( a spiritual aspirant) is that person in whom desire for

liberation / freedom from pains and sorrows of worldly life has

arisen, described in Scriptures as - Subheccha ( Auspicious desire)

and he accepts/ resolves/decides as under.


" I donot have to take any thing from the world, I have to give

only " - by thinking and deciding on these lines a person becomes

Sadhak. No body can become a sadhak if he believes that " body/world

are mine and for me " -NEVER !. This is fundamental.


A sadhak should also accept/assume that he is sadhak. When such an

acceptance takes place in him, his striving becomes very fast. Then

he can never do a prohibited action.


A Karma yogi sadhak starts his journey by accepting ( changing his

ego) that " I am Yogi " . ( Yoga here means-Equanimity)


One who has decided to go on path of Jnana Yoga must accept/assume

that " I am curious " .


One who has decided to follow path of Bhakti Yoga, he should

accept/assume that " I am devotee/ Bhakta " .


That I am Sadhak or I am Bhakta or I am Yogi or I am Inquirer

(Seeker of Truth) these are " bhav shariras " (sentimental/emotional

bodies) not gross bodies.


When you become sadhak, certain divine properties start manifesting

in you, automatically, without making any efforts. Those properties

are stated in Gita 16:1 to 16:3.


Whether you have made progress and how much progress depends upon

manifestation of aforesaid properties in you - which manifestation

is effortless and automatic..


It is a very good topic to ponder. The aforesaid are illustrative

not exhaustive views.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


When Swamiji was once asked this question, who is a Sadhak (true

seeker)? Swamiji's reply was - A sadhak is he who does not have

any intentions of doing anything against his spiritual pursuit.

Liking and desiring worldly pleasures and hoarding is doing things

against one's spiritual pursuit. When a person desires enjoyment and

hoarding and likes that which is against his spiritual pursuits,

then inspite of doing much sadhana, he does not progress. As long as

there is desire, aim and fondness for wealth, respect, high status,

comforts, etc, till that time a man cannot be called a sadhak (true

seeker, a spiritual aspirant).


Inconsistent behavior is present in even ordinary men. Sometimes

desiring God and divinity, other times attracted to the world;

sometimes demonstrating good qualities and behavior, other times bad

qualities and improper behavior, in this manner, one engages in

inconsistence behavior, i.e. on one hand spiritual pursuits and at

the same time indulging in things against one's spiritual aim. Some

men have a predominance of spiritual aim, whereas others have

predominance of behavior that goes against his spiritual aim.


In reality, he who does not behave contrary to his spiritual aim and

he who does not have the aim of worldly enjoyment and hoarding, and

has the sole aim of only realizing God, Truth, he alone is eligible

to be and is rightly called a Sadhak (a true seeker).


With devotion

Meera Das


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QUESTION: I would like to know the concept of a sadhaka (Spiritual

Aspirant, a Seeker) according to various ancient Indian scriptures

and texts like bhagavad gita and others. Thank you, Dev - Saritha

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Hari Om


A sadhak never ceases to do striving, he strives 24 hours a day , 7

days a week and 365/366 days a year. That is why he has to accept

that I am sadhak. A firm acceptance effortlessly guarantees no

prohibited actions from him. He has a godly self-respect which is -

" Being a sadhak how I can do this thing? " regarding sins /

prohibited actions.


He invariably and in all the cases therefore renounces consumption

of worldly pleasures. His job is to strive and strive only. One who

is consumer of worldly pleasures is Bhogi, he is not a sadhak. He is

rogi (sick) and not yogi (striver). For this reason, a sadhak stays

clear away from worldly bhogs (pleasures) nor develops liking

towards them.


There can not be the rightful claim to liberation for a man, by say

spiritual practice (striving/saadhna), knowledge and devotion done

by him, without dispassion or indifference to worldly attachments.


Sadhak must have strong will and determination. He must decide -

come what may I shall not deviate from my sadhana.


The first divine property which manifests in sadhak automatically

is " abhayam " - fearlessness. As he progresses in striving more and

more divine properties keep manifesting in him. A sadhak should

never get dejected if he does not find in himself any divine

property stated in Gita 16:1 to 3, he should instead wonder how it

is not in him. There is a system of manifestation in him those

properties- automatically, effortlessly.


A sadhak deals at the outset itself with his ego/sense of doership.

He either changes his ego ( Bhakti Yoga) , or purifies his ego

(karma yoga) or eliminates his ego (jnana yoga) after in all cases

accepting " I am sadhak " . It is a law that if Karta (ego- Jeeva

sitting in ego) changes, the actions, intellect, mind , etc all

change automatically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


My Dear Friend

Saadhak is Sri Krishna and individual has to only act in accordance

with 'prerna' of Sri Krishna. Thus, individual is not a saadhak.

This is stated in the Bhagwat Gita.


There are so many subjects of study in the world but he/she realizes

that world eventhough big, has insufficient supply of oxigen and

living condition at time of the death. In a typical example of a

boy in India who has fallen in 36 ft deep borewell, and we all are

like that boy. The world is a concealed underground room and the

exit hole is at the top. We have bigger sizes and attachments with

possessions of the world, and can not be lifted up outside the room,

and suffocate by breath and memory of hope, to die. We climb up, and

whenever we look down, we fall. So this attachment or gravity does

not let us go out of the limitation of nature. Sri Krishna is trying

to pull all of us out from that hole on the top of the underground

room, and as an aspirant, one should follow prerna of Sri Krihna who

is saadhak trying to lift us out.



(krishna gopal)




Hari Om


Sadhak ( a spiritual aspirant) is that person in whom desire for

liberation / freedom from pains and sorrows of worldly life has

arisen, described in Scriptures as - Subheccha ( Auspicious desire)

and he accepts/ resolves/decides as under.


" I donot have to take any thing from the world, I have to give

only " - by thinking and deciding on these lines a person becomes

Sadhak. No body can become a sadhak if he believes that " body/world

are mine and for me " -NEVER !. This is fundamental.


A sadhak should also accept/assume that he is sadhak. When such an

acceptance takes place in him, his striving becomes very fast. Then

he can never do a prohibited action.


A Karma yogi sadhak starts his journey by accepting ( changing his

ego) that " I am Yogi " . ( Yoga here means-Equanimity)


One who has decided to go on path of Jnana Yoga must accept/assume

that " I am curious " .


One who has decided to follow path of Bhakti Yoga, he should

accept/assume that " I am devotee/ Bhakta " .


That I am Sadhak or I am Bhakta or I am Yogi or I am Inquirer

(Seeker of Truth) these are " bhav shariras " (sentimental/emotional

bodies) not gross bodies.


When you become sadhak, certain divine properties start manifesting

in you, automatically, without making any efforts. Those properties

are stated in Gita 16:1 to 16:3.


Whether you have made progress and how much progress depends upon

manifestation of aforesaid properties in you - which manifestation

is effortless and automatic..


It is a very good topic to ponder. The aforesaid are illustrative

not exhaustive views.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


When Swamiji was once asked this question, who is a Sadhak (true

seeker)? Swamiji's reply was - A sadhak is he who does not have

any intentions of doing anything against his spiritual pursuit.

Liking and desiring worldly pleasures and hoarding is doing things

against one's spiritual pursuit. When a person desires enjoyment and

hoarding and likes that which is against his spiritual pursuits,

then inspite of doing much sadhana, he does not progress. As long as

there is desire, aim and fondness for wealth, respect, high status,

comforts, etc, till that time a man cannot be called a sadhak (true

seeker, a spiritual aspirant).


Inconsistent behavior is present in even ordinary men. Sometimes

desiring God and divinity, other times attracted to the world;

sometimes demonstrating good qualities and behavior, other times bad

qualities and improper behavior, in this manner, one engages in

inconsistence behavior, i.e. on one hand spiritual pursuits and at

the same time indulging in things against one's spiritual aim. Some

men have a predominance of spiritual aim, whereas others have

predominance of behavior that goes against his spiritual aim.


In reality, he who does not behave contrary to his spiritual aim and

he who does not have the aim of worldly enjoyment and hoarding, and

has the sole aim of only realizing God, Truth, he alone is eligible

to be and is rightly called a Sadhak (a true seeker).


With devotion

Meera Das


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QUESTION: I would like to know the concept of a sadhaka (Spiritual

Aspirant, a Seeker) according to various ancient Indian scriptures

and texts like bhagavad gita and others. Thank you, Dev - Saritha

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Hari Om


A sadhak of Karma yoga decides and accepts that - " I will not 1)

do bad to anybody, 2) understand anybody to be bad and 3) desire bad

for anybody. "


A real Karma yogi sadhak insists on not doing anything bad to

anybody, rather than doing good. Sadhana (striving) of a Karma Yoga

sadhak gets completed when this inner expression in him completely

governs his actions by mind/speech and body.


The direct impact of this determination is that he will either not

do anything or he will do good only.


He automatically then does his duties only. Being a sadhak even

otherwise the question of his sinning does not arise.


His above vrata (resolve/vow/swearing/acceptace/determination) -

makes him " sarvabhoot hite rata " - a person who is continuously /

unceasingly engaged in the welfare/service/interest of all jeevas.

(Gita 12:4).


A sadhak can become " sarva bhoot hite rata " , only by not doing bad

to anybody. He cannot reach / do good to " everybody " unless he

determines as above. Here his inner self expression / acceptance

(bhava and reach) is limitless (aseem) and is reaching to all

jeevas. It is not restricted to a handful - as when a sadhak decides

to do good.


A sadhak of karma yoga would never deviate from his aforesaid

resolution/acceptance/ determination/vow ! - Come what May !!


Hence a sadhak of karma yoga achieves perfection and gets equanimity

(yoga) by not doing bad to anybody, not understanding anybody to be

bad and not desiring bad for anybody. He then only can be said to be

limitless and indulging into service and welfare of everyone.


Of course - his acceptances/ decisions that I am Sadhak , I am yogi

and I have to only give to this world, this world is not mine/for

me etc as stated in my earlier responses on the subject - also help

him immensely in his goal.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



The present question ' Concept of Sadhaka according to scriptures

like Bhagavad Gita '


The scriptures prescribed a series of Sadhanas to be followed by

all seekers or Sadhakas. A person practicing these are called

sadhak. The Seeker through the practice must become the sought. Each

level of practice being called Yoga connects the Sadhaka and Sadhya -

Yujyate, Sadhyate Saha Sadhakaha, Yasyasaha Yogaha.


Bhagavad Gita suggested :


Abhyaasayogayuktena chetasa naanyagaamina - He who with his mind

desciplined in the practice of meditation attains the Divine Purusha.


Abhaasa yogena tato maamichhaptum - seek to attain Me through the

yoga of repeated practice.


Abhaasenatu Kounteya vairaagyenacha gruhyate - the mind can be

broughta under control by repeated practice of meditation and



Sanaih Sanaihruparamedbudhya - should attain tranquility through

gradual practice.


A Saadhak is one striving with such prescribed practices.


" golianjaneyulu "





Hari Om


A sadhak never ceases to do striving, he strives 24 hours a day , 7

days a week and 365/366 days a year. That is why he has to accept

that I am sadhak. A firm acceptance effortlessly guarantees no

prohibited actions from him. He has a godly self-respect which is -

" Being a sadhak how I can do this thing? " regarding sins /

prohibited actions.


He invariably and in all the cases therefore renounces consumption

of worldly pleasures. His job is to strive and strive only. One who

is consumer of worldly pleasures is Bhogi, he is not a sadhak. He is

rogi (sick) and not yogi (striver). For this reason, a sadhak stays

clear away from worldly bhogs (pleasures) nor develops liking

towards them.


There can not be the rightful claim to liberation for a man, by say

spiritual practice (striving/saadhna), knowledge and devotion done

by him, without dispassion or indifference to worldly attachments.


Sadhak must have strong will and determination. He must decide -

come what may I shall not deviate from my sadhana.


The first divine property which manifests in sadhak automatically

is " abhayam " - fearlessness. As he progresses in striving more and

more divine properties keep manifesting in him. A sadhak should

never get dejected if he does not find in himself any divine

property stated in Gita 16:1 to 3, he should instead wonder how it

is not in him. There is a system of manifestation in him those

properties- automatically, effortlessly.


A sadhak deals at the outset itself with his ego/sense of doership.

He either changes his ego ( Bhakti Yoga) , or purifies his ego

(karma yoga) or eliminates his ego (jnana yoga) after in all cases

accepting " I am sadhak " . It is a law that if Karta (ego- Jeeva

sitting in ego) changes, the actions, intellect, mind , etc all

change automatically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


My Dear Friend

Saadhak is Sri Krishna and individual has to only act in accordance

with 'prerna' of Sri Krishna. Thus, individual is not a saadhak.

This is stated in the Bhagwat Gita.


There are so many subjects of study in the world but he/she realizes

that world eventhough big, has insufficient supply of oxigen and

living condition at time of the death. In a typical example of a

boy in India who has fallen in 36 ft deep borewell, and we all are

like that boy. The world is a concealed underground room and the

exit hole is at the top. We have bigger sizes and attachments with

possessions of the world, and can not be lifted up outside the room,

and suffocate by breath and memory of hope, to die. We climb up, and

whenever we look down, we fall. So this attachment or gravity does

not let us go out of the limitation of nature. Sri Krishna is trying

to pull all of us out from that hole on the top of the underground

room, and as an aspirant, one should follow prerna of Sri Krihna who

is saadhak trying to lift us out.



(krishna gopal)



Hari Om


Sadhak ( a spiritual aspirant) is that person in whom desire for

liberation / freedom from pains and sorrows of worldly life has

arisen, described in Scriptures as - Subheccha ( Auspicious desire)

and he accepts/ resolves/decides as under.


" I donot have to take any thing from the world, I have to give

only " - by thinking and deciding on these lines a person becomes

Sadhak. No body can become a sadhak if he believes that " body/world

are mine and for me " -NEVER !. This is fundamental.


A sadhak should also accept/assume that he is sadhak. When such an

acceptance takes place in him, his striving becomes very fast. Then

he can never do a prohibited action.


A Karma yogi sadhak starts his journey by accepting ( changing his

ego) that " I am Yogi " . ( Yoga here means-Equanimity)


One who has decided to go on path of Jnana Yoga must accept/assume

that " I am curious " .


One who has decided to follow path of Bhakti Yoga, he should

accept/assume that " I am devotee/ Bhakta " .


That I am Sadhak or I am Bhakta or I am Yogi or I am Inquirer

(Seeker of Truth) these are " bhav shariras " (sentimental/emotional

bodies) not gross bodies.


When you become sadhak, certain divine properties start manifesting

in you, automatically, without making any efforts. Those properties

are stated in Gita 16:1 to 16:3.


Whether you have made progress and how much progress depends upon

manifestation of aforesaid properties in you - which manifestation

is effortless and automatic..


It is a very good topic to ponder. The aforesaid are illustrative

not exhaustive views.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


When Swamiji was once asked this question, who is a Sadhak (true

seeker)? Swamiji's reply was - A sadhak is he who does not have

any intentions of doing anything against his spiritual pursuit.

Liking and desiring worldly pleasures and hoarding is doing things

against one's spiritual pursuit. When a person desires enjoyment and

hoarding and likes that which is against his spiritual pursuits,

then inspite of doing much sadhana, he does not progress. As long as

there is desire, aim and fondness for wealth, respect, high status,

comforts, etc, till that time a man cannot be called a sadhak (true

seeker, a spiritual aspirant).


Inconsistent behavior is present in even ordinary men. Sometimes

desiring God and divinity, other times attracted to the world;

sometimes demonstrating good qualities and behavior, other times bad

qualities and improper behavior, in this manner, one engages in

inconsistence behavior, i.e. on one hand spiritual pursuits and at

the same time indulging in things against one's spiritual aim. Some

men have a predominance of spiritual aim, whereas others have

predominance of behavior that goes against his spiritual aim.


In reality, he who does not behave contrary to his spiritual aim and

he who does not have the aim of worldly enjoyment and hoarding, and

has the sole aim of only realizing God, Truth, he alone is eligible

to be and is rightly called a Sadhak (a true seeker).


With devotion

Meera Das


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QUESTION: I would like to know the concept of a sadhaka (Spiritual

Aspirant, a Seeker) according to various ancient Indian scriptures

and texts like bhagavad gita and others. Thank you, Dev - Saritha

Please review Gita Talk Guidelines before responding at:





'Sadhak' is 'Seeker of Truth'.


There are three main paths advised in greatest of our

scriptures 'Gitaji'. These are Gyan Yog, Karma Yog and Bhakti Yog.

Depending upon the individual nature, a sadhak may choose to follow

any of these paths. All will ultimately lead to same goal. It would

be highly improper to suggest that you should choose this or that

path. You should please read Gitaji (with commentaries), slowly and

carefully (no rapid reading, please). This will help you clarify

what path suits you best.


Most important aspect of sadhak is his desire to achieve God. The

duration depends on the intensity of this desire. No body in the

universe can say how much time it can take. Please embark upon this

path keeping in mind that there is no 'quick fix' and that it will

take time (Janam janam muni jatan karahin). Please be patient and do

not leave it mid way.


One more thing I would like to point out is that we must make effort

to realise God in our current life time. We know that time of death

is not known. Hence we should loose no time.. This fear of death

nearing helps in our path to move quickly ( " Binu Bhaya hoya na

Preet " - Ram Charit Manas). Always remember that death is knocking

at our door.


Best of Luck




Namasthe all. This is my humble opinion.


In Bhagavadgita, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna : who and how does a real

yogi /sanyasi act/walk/talk/behave in this world. Lord answers : A

yogi or a shadha is the one is is equanimous in all the pairs of

opposites that he encounters in life.

The pairs of opposites are at three levels of our own understanding.

hot and cold at physical level, pain and pleasure at mind level,

honor and dishonor at the intellectual level.


A yogi does not waver from his inner peace irrespective of whatever

the extreme pairs of opposites he goes through. He just surrenders

everything as a work of God and this enormous faith

about 'everything happpens because of God or or Supreme divinity'

leads this sage/yogi to be equanimous in all situations.


Also, the term 'sanyasi' means not the one who is unmarried or wears

the certain colored clothing (saffron or white), but is the one who

is always exploring / inquiring on that 'Supreme'

or 'Brahman' 'wholly rooted' and 'exploring of Brahman.'






Hari Om


A sadhak of Jnana Yoga takes the vrata ( vow / determination /

resolve / acceptance) - not to form affinity / attachment with any

body / anything .


The form of each one of us is " separate " / " unattached " - asang (

Brihad Upanishad- 4:3:15). One is not able to experience this

separateness, this natual unattachment, because we consider

perishable things -for me and mine. The departmant of Self is

separate (sentient) and department of transitory, momentary worldly

things is separate (inert). They are as different as are day and

night. In fact attachment/union with inert and those worldly things

which come into contact only for going away - is the root cause of

our entanglement into birth death cycle (Gita 13:21)


Therefore a sadhak of Jnana Yoga follows this vrata/acceptance/

determination that - " I am not body at any point of time and I have

no relationship/connection of any type whatsoever with any body/

anything " .


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Hari Om


A sadhak of Karma yoga decides and accepts that - " I will not 1)

do bad to anybody, 2) understand anybody to be bad and 3) desire bad

for anybody. "


A real Karma yogi sadhak insists on not doing anything bad to

anybody, rather than doing good. Sadhana (striving) of a Karma Yoga

sadhak gets completed when this inner expression in him completely

governs his actions by mind/speech and body.


The direct impact of this determination is that he will either not

do anything or he will do good only.


He automatically then does his duties only. Being a sadhak even

otherwise the question of his sinning does not arise.


His above vrata (resolve/vow/swearing/acceptace/determination) -

makes him " sarvabhoot hite rata " - a person who is continuously /

unceasingly engaged in the welfare/service/interest of all jeevas.

(Gita 12:4).


A sadhak can become " sarva bhoot hite rata " , only by not doing bad

to anybody. He cannot reach / do good to " everybody " unless he

determines as above. Here his inner self expression / acceptance

(bhava and reach) is limitless (aseem) and is reaching to all

jeevas. It is not restricted to a handful - as when a sadhak decides

to do good.


A sadhak of karma yoga would never deviate from his aforesaid

resolution/acceptance/ determination/vow ! - Come what May !!


Hence a sadhak of karma yoga achieves perfection and gets equanimity

(yoga) by not doing bad to anybody, not understanding anybody to be

bad and not desiring bad for anybody. He then only can be said to be

limitless and indulging into service and welfare of everyone.


Of course - his acceptances/ decisions that I am Sadhak , I am yogi

and I have to only give to this world, this world is not mine/for

me etc as stated in my earlier responses on the subject - also help

him immensely in his goal.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



The present question ' Concept of Sadhaka according to scriptures

like Bhagavad Gita '


The scriptures prescribed a series of Sadhanas to be followed by

all seekers or Sadhakas. A person practicing these are called

sadhak. The Seeker through the practice must become the sought. Each

level of practice being called Yoga connects the Sadhaka and Sadhya -

Yujyate, Sadhyate Saha Sadhakaha, Yasyasaha Yogaha.


Bhagavad Gita suggested :


Abhyaasayogayuktena chetasa naanyagaamina - He who with his mind

desciplined in the practice of meditation attains the Divine Purusha.


Abhaasa yogena tato maamichhaptum - seek to attain Me through the

yoga of repeated practice.


Abhaasenatu Kounteya vairaagyenacha gruhyate - the mind can be

broughta under control by repeated practice of meditation and



Sanaih Sanaihruparamedbudhya - should attain tranquility through

gradual practice.


A Saadhak is one striving with such prescribed practices.


" golianjaneyulu "




Hari Om


A sadhak never ceases to do striving, he strives 24 hours a day , 7

days a week and 365/366 days a year. That is why he has to accept

that I am sadhak. A firm acceptance effortlessly guarantees no

prohibited actions from him. He has a godly self-respect which is -

" Being a sadhak how I can do this thing? " regarding sins /

prohibited actions.


He invariably and in all the cases therefore renounces consumption

of worldly pleasures. His job is to strive and strive only. One who

is consumer of worldly pleasures is Bhogi, he is not a sadhak. He is

rogi (sick) and not yogi (striver). For this reason, a sadhak stays

clear away from worldly bhogs (pleasures) nor develops liking

towards them.


There can not be the rightful claim to liberation for a man, by say

spiritual practice (striving/saadhna), knowledge and devotion done

by him, without dispassion or indifference to worldly attachments.


Sadhak must have strong will and determination. He must decide -

come what may I shall not deviate from my sadhana.


The first divine property which manifests in sadhak automatically

is " abhayam " - fearlessness. As he progresses in striving more and

more divine properties keep manifesting in him. A sadhak should

never get dejected if he does not find in himself any divine

property stated in Gita 16:1 to 3, he should instead wonder how it

is not in him. There is a system of manifestation in him those

properties- automatically, effortlessly.


A sadhak deals at the outset itself with his ego/sense of doership.

He either changes his ego ( Bhakti Yoga) , or purifies his ego

(karma yoga) or eliminates his ego (jnana yoga) after in all cases

accepting " I am sadhak " . It is a law that if Karta (ego- Jeeva

sitting in ego) changes, the actions, intellect, mind , etc all

change automatically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


My Dear Friend

Saadhak is Sri Krishna and individual has to only act in accordance

with 'prerna' of Sri Krishna. Thus, individual is not a saadhak.

This is stated in the Bhagwat Gita.


There are so many subjects of study in the world but he/she realizes

that world eventhough big, has insufficient supply of oxigen and

living condition at time of the death. In a typical example of a

boy in India who has fallen in 36 ft deep borewell, and we all are

like that boy. The world is a concealed underground room and the

exit hole is at the top. We have bigger sizes and attachments with

possessions of the world, and can not be lifted up outside the room,

and suffocate by breath and memory of hope, to die. We climb up, and

whenever we look down, we fall. So this attachment or gravity does

not let us go out of the limitation of nature. Sri Krishna is trying

to pull all of us out from that hole on the top of the underground

room, and as an aspirant, one should follow prerna of Sri Krihna who

is saadhak trying to lift us out.



(krishna gopal)



Hari Om


Sadhak ( a spiritual aspirant) is that person in whom desire for

liberation / freedom from pains and sorrows of worldly life has

arisen, described in Scriptures as - Subheccha ( Auspicious desire)

and he accepts/ resolves/decides as under.


" I donot have to take any thing from the world, I have to give

only " - by thinking and deciding on these lines a person becomes

Sadhak. No body can become a sadhak if he believes that " body/world

are mine and for me " -NEVER !. This is fundamental.


A sadhak should also accept/assume that he is sadhak. When such an

acceptance takes place in him, his striving becomes very fast. Then

he can never do a prohibited action.


A Karma yogi sadhak starts his journey by accepting ( changing his

ego) that " I am Yogi " . ( Yoga here means-Equanimity)


One who has decided to go on path of Jnana Yoga must accept/assume

that " I am curious " .


One who has decided to follow path of Bhakti Yoga, he should

accept/assume that " I am devotee/ Bhakta " .


That I am Sadhak or I am Bhakta or I am Yogi or I am Inquirer

(Seeker of Truth) these are " bhav shariras " (sentimental/emotional

bodies) not gross bodies.


When you become sadhak, certain divine properties start manifesting

in you, automatically, without making any efforts. Those properties

are stated in Gita 16:1 to 16:3.


Whether you have made progress and how much progress depends upon

manifestation of aforesaid properties in you - which manifestation

is effortless and automatic..


It is a very good topic to ponder. The aforesaid are illustrative

not exhaustive views.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


When Swamiji was once asked this question, who is a Sadhak (true

seeker)? Swamiji's reply was - A sadhak is he who does not have

any intentions of doing anything against his spiritual pursuit.

Liking and desiring worldly pleasures and hoarding is doing things

against one's spiritual pursuit. When a person desires enjoyment and

hoarding and likes that which is against his spiritual pursuits,

then inspite of doing much sadhana, he does not progress. As long as

there is desire, aim and fondness for wealth, respect, high status,

comforts, etc, till that time a man cannot be called a sadhak (true

seeker, a spiritual aspirant).


Inconsistent behavior is present in even ordinary men. Sometimes

desiring God and divinity, other times attracted to the world;

sometimes demonstrating good qualities and behavior, other times bad

qualities and improper behavior, in this manner, one engages in

inconsistence behavior, i.e. on one hand spiritual pursuits and at

the same time indulging in things against one's spiritual aim. Some

men have a predominance of spiritual aim, whereas others have

predominance of behavior that goes against his spiritual aim.


In reality, he who does not behave contrary to his spiritual aim and

he who does not have the aim of worldly enjoyment and hoarding, and

has the sole aim of only realizing God, Truth, he alone is eligible

to be and is rightly called a Sadhak (a true seeker).


With devotion

Meera Das


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QUESTION: I would like to know the concept of a sadhaka (Spiritual

Aspirant, a Seeker) according to various ancient Indian scriptures

and texts like bhagavad gita and others. Thank you, Dev - Saritha

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Hari Om


We quite often say that by intense desire , the realisation becomes

faster for sadhak. Question here is how to develop that intensity.

That status of fish without water?


Sadhak when he is given divine properties by the God starts feeling

His presence around Him. He should therefore reciprocate advent of

these properties in him by not getting proudy of it and acknowledge

by mind, speech and conduct , by bhavas (inner expression) ,

the " kripa " of God. That increases intensity of desire.


Moreover, when ever he makes an error in sadhana (striving) , the

minutest error, there arises in him automatically a remorse feeling,

an intense anxiety( udaasi) as to why he conducted in an improper

manner. Such anxiety does not so forcefully arise in non- sadhaks.

Sadhak must make use of such bouts of anxieties arising within him-

by profoundly remembering God- at that particular time- at that

point the wax is in melt form.. That increases the intensity of

desire for Him. That eradicates his bad karmas very fast.


Many times when sadhak is involved in worldly duties fully,

suddenly he remembers something related with Paramatma, some divine

song, some verse of Gita, some devotee of God ( it is our direct

experience). At that point Sadhak must become happy and presume

that God has remembered him and if at that point of time he

profoundly engages himself mentally in chanting His name etc , his

desire to get Him increases manifold. That increases his love for



Sadhak must develop a habit of seeing the hand of God in every

happening/incidence around him. If he tries that very soon he will

decipher out the divine hand everywhere. That makes him progress

much faster and love Him more.


When sadhak becomes bit careless, immediately God sends unfavourable

circumstances before him. When he gets very threatened , by

adversity, again God sends favourable circumstances to him. This

process keeps continuing.( This process is not that frequent in non-

sadhaks) Sadhak therefore should see God's hand in all circumstances

and remain enthused and optimistic always- that also helps him

attain Equanimity faster.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Jai. Shree Krishna


Goswami Tulsidasji Maharaaj said in Ramayana-


Bigree Janam Anek ki , sudhare ab hi aaj


" Hohi " Raam ko naam japi, Tulsi taji kusamaj


Your bad karmas ( of millions and trillions of light years) will

come to an end " RIGHT NOW- AT THIS VERY MOMENT " if you chant the

name of Rama BY FIRST BECOMING OF HIM and by renouncing bad company !


You can " Hohi " - become of Paramatma only when you decide/resolve -

" Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " (Only God is mine, nothing

else is mine) and you can renounce bad company only when you believe

in the words of Gitaji, Saints etc.


Was Goswamiji joking? No ! ! He meant it. Right now! Instant. What

about Krishna using the word " kshipram " - again humor? No ! Taat

Shree (Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj) also says so. Why we should not

believe them? Why we should not believe God Himself, Saints, Gita,

Ramayan ??


Sadhak must always be optimistic. He should not allow even a shadow

of doubt in his striving. He must have confidence that he will get

Him- right in this life, many times over. Then his Sadhana will be

fast, focussed and productive. Why should he adopt a path which

delays him? Never. The Gitaji made Arjuna realise Him within hours.

Arjuna heard Gita only once. You can read 1000 times ! Have

confidence. Focus yourself!


Quick fix - even that takes time , once you are determined ! !


You shall achieve your goal , only if you think you can. Start the

journey with confidence ! Always !!!


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Bhayyaji/ Bahenji


All sadhana which you make is cumbersome only till you tolerate the

delay. If you are not tolerating the delay- it is like push the

electric button here , the illumination is there. That is the

minimum- maximum is as you want.


There was a muni ( sadhak) who was doing tapasya for a long long

time. Narada once passed through him. He asked Narada - Sir When I

shall realise Paramatma. Pls ask Him and reply me. Narada said Ok.

Narada went to Naraina . He asked Naraina about that Sadhak. Naraina

said after as many kalpas ( aeons) as are leaves in the tree under

which he is meditating. Narada returned and told him so. After

Narada left, Sadhak started dancing - " I will surely get God , I

will surely get God "


And instantly. God appeared before him.


Understood Bhaiyyaji / Bahenji?


Jee Jee





'Sadhak' is 'Seeker of Truth'.


There are three main paths advised in greatest of our

scriptures 'Gitaji'. These are Gyan Yog, Karma Yog and Bhakti Yog.

Depending upon the individual nature, a sadhak may choose to follow

any of these paths. All will ultimately lead to same goal. It would

be highly improper to suggest that you should choose this or that

path. You should please read Gitaji (with commentaries), slowly and

carefully (no rapid reading, please). This will help you clarify

what path suits you best.


Most important aspect of sadhak is his desire to achieve God. The

duration depends on the intensity of this desire. No body in the

universe can say how much time it can take. Please embark upon this

path keeping in mind that there is no 'quick fix' and that it will

take time (Janam janam muni jatan karahin). Please be patient and do

not leave it mid way.


One more thing I would like to point out is that we must make effort

to realise God in our current life time. We know that time of death

is not known. Hence we should loose no time.. This fear of death

nearing helps in our path to move quickly ( " Binu Bhaya hoya na

Preet " - Ram Charit Manas). Always remember that death is knocking

at our door.


Best of Luck




Namasthe all. This is my humble opinion.


In Bhagavadgita, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna : who and how does a real

yogi /sanyasi act/walk/talk/behave in this world. Lord answers : A

yogi or a shadha is the one is is equanimous in all the pairs of

opposites that he encounters in life.

The pairs of opposites are at three levels of our own understanding.

hot and cold at physical level, pain and pleasure at mind level,

honor and dishonor at the intellectual level.


A yogi does not waver from his inner peace irrespective of whatever

the extreme pairs of opposites he goes through. He just surrenders

everything as a work of God and this enormous faith

about 'everything happpens because of God or or Supreme divinity'

leads this sage/yogi to be equanimous in all situations.


Also, the term 'sanyasi' means not the one who is unmarried or wears

the certain colored clothing (saffron or white), but is the one who

is always exploring / inquiring on that 'Supreme'

or 'Brahman' 'wholly rooted' and 'exploring of Brahman.'






Hari Om


A sadhak of Jnana Yoga takes the vrata ( vow / determination /

resolve / acceptance) - not to form affinity / attachment with any

body / anything .


The form of each one of us is " separate " / " unattached " - asang (

Brihad Upanishad- 4:3:15). One is not able to experience this

separateness, this natual unattachment, because we consider

perishable things -for me and mine. The departmant of Self is

separate (sentient) and department of transitory, momentary worldly

things is separate (inert). They are as different as are day and

night. In fact attachment/union with inert and those worldly things

which come into contact only for going away - is the root cause of

our entanglement into birth death cycle (Gita 13:21)


Therefore a sadhak of Jnana Yoga follows this vrata/acceptance/

determination that - " I am not body at any point of time and I have

no relationship/connection of any type whatsoever with any body/

anything " .


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Hari Om


A sadhak of Karma yoga decides and accepts that - " I will not 1)

do bad to anybody, 2) understand anybody to be bad and 3) desire bad

for anybody. "


A real Karma yogi sadhak insists on not doing anything bad to

anybody, rather than doing good. Sadhana (striving) of a Karma Yoga

sadhak gets completed when this inner expression in him completely

governs his actions by mind/speech and body.


The direct impact of this determination is that he will either not

do anything or he will do good only.


He automatically then does his duties only. Being a sadhak even

otherwise the question of his sinning does not arise.


His above vrata (resolve/vow/swearing/acceptace/determination) -

makes him " sarvabhoot hite rata " - a person who is continuously /

unceasingly engaged in the welfare/service/interest of all jeevas.

(Gita 12:4).


A sadhak can become " sarva bhoot hite rata " , only by not doing bad

to anybody. He cannot reach / do good to " everybody " unless he

determines as above. Here his inner self expression / acceptance

(bhava and reach) is limitless (aseem) and is reaching to all

jeevas. It is not restricted to a handful - as when a sadhak decides

to do good.


A sadhak of karma yoga would never deviate from his aforesaid

resolution/acceptance/ determination/vow ! - Come what May !!


Hence a sadhak of karma yoga achieves perfection and gets equanimity

(yoga) by not doing bad to anybody, not understanding anybody to be

bad and not desiring bad for anybody. He then only can be said to be

limitless and indulging into service and welfare of everyone.


Of course - his acceptances/ decisions that I am Sadhak , I am yogi

and I have to only give to this world, this world is not mine/for

me etc as stated in my earlier responses on the subject - also help

him immensely in his goal.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



The present question ' Concept of Sadhaka according to scriptures

like Bhagavad Gita '


The scriptures prescribed a series of Sadhanas to be followed by

all seekers or Sadhakas. A person practicing these are called

sadhak. The Seeker through the practice must become the sought. Each

level of practice being called Yoga connects the Sadhaka and Sadhya -

Yujyate, Sadhyate Saha Sadhakaha, Yasyasaha Yogaha.


Bhagavad Gita suggested :


Abhyaasayogayuktena chetasa naanyagaamina - He who with his mind

desciplined in the practice of meditation attains the Divine Purusha.


Abhaasa yogena tato maamichhaptum - seek to attain Me through the

yoga of repeated practice.


Abhaasenatu Kounteya vairaagyenacha gruhyate - the mind can be

broughta under control by repeated practice of meditation and



Sanaih Sanaihruparamedbudhya - should attain tranquility through

gradual practice.


A Saadhak is one striving with such prescribed practices.


" golianjaneyulu "




Hari Om


A sadhak never ceases to do striving, he strives 24 hours a day , 7

days a week and 365/366 days a year. That is why he has to accept

that I am sadhak. A firm acceptance effortlessly guarantees no

prohibited actions from him. He has a godly self-respect which is -

" Being a sadhak how I can do this thing? " regarding sins /

prohibited actions.


He invariably and in all the cases therefore renounces consumption

of worldly pleasures. His job is to strive and strive only. One who

is consumer of worldly pleasures is Bhogi, he is not a sadhak. He is

rogi (sick) and not yogi (striver). For this reason, a sadhak stays

clear away from worldly bhogs (pleasures) nor develops liking

towards them.


There can not be the rightful claim to liberation for a man, by say

spiritual practice (striving/saadhna), knowledge and devotion done

by him, without dispassion or indifference to worldly attachments.


Sadhak must have strong will and determination. He must decide -

come what may I shall not deviate from my sadhana.


The first divine property which manifests in sadhak automatically

is " abhayam " - fearlessness. As he progresses in striving more and

more divine properties keep manifesting in him. A sadhak should

never get dejected if he does not find in himself any divine

property stated in Gita 16:1 to 3, he should instead wonder how it

is not in him. There is a system of manifestation in him those

properties- automatically, effortlessly.


A sadhak deals at the outset itself with his ego/sense of doership.

He either changes his ego ( Bhakti Yoga) , or purifies his ego

(karma yoga) or eliminates his ego (jnana yoga) after in all cases

accepting " I am sadhak " . It is a law that if Karta (ego- Jeeva

sitting in ego) changes, the actions, intellect, mind , etc all

change automatically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


My Dear Friend

Saadhak is Sri Krishna and individual has to only act in accordance

with 'prerna' of Sri Krishna. Thus, individual is not a saadhak.

This is stated in the Bhagwat Gita.


There are so many subjects of study in the world but he/she realizes

that world eventhough big, has insufficient supply of oxigen and

living condition at time of the death. In a typical example of a

boy in India who has fallen in 36 ft deep borewell, and we all are

like that boy. The world is a concealed underground room and the

exit hole is at the top. We have bigger sizes and attachments with

possessions of the world, and can not be lifted up outside the room,

and suffocate by breath and memory of hope, to die. We climb up, and

whenever we look down, we fall. So this attachment or gravity does

not let us go out of the limitation of nature. Sri Krishna is trying

to pull all of us out from that hole on the top of the underground

room, and as an aspirant, one should follow prerna of Sri Krihna who

is saadhak trying to lift us out.



(krishna gopal)



Hari Om


Sadhak ( a spiritual aspirant) is that person in whom desire for

liberation / freedom from pains and sorrows of worldly life has

arisen, described in Scriptures as - Subheccha ( Auspicious desire)

and he accepts/ resolves/decides as under.


" I donot have to take any thing from the world, I have to give

only " - by thinking and deciding on these lines a person becomes

Sadhak. No body can become a sadhak if he believes that " body/world

are mine and for me " -NEVER !. This is fundamental.


A sadhak should also accept/assume that he is sadhak. When such an

acceptance takes place in him, his striving becomes very fast. Then

he can never do a prohibited action.


A Karma yogi sadhak starts his journey by accepting ( changing his

ego) that " I am Yogi " . ( Yoga here means-Equanimity)


One who has decided to go on path of Jnana Yoga must accept/assume

that " I am curious " .


One who has decided to follow path of Bhakti Yoga, he should

accept/assume that " I am devotee/ Bhakta " .


That I am Sadhak or I am Bhakta or I am Yogi or I am Inquirer

(Seeker of Truth) these are " bhav shariras " (sentimental/emotional

bodies) not gross bodies.


When you become sadhak, certain divine properties start manifesting

in you, automatically, without making any efforts. Those properties

are stated in Gita 16:1 to 16:3.


Whether you have made progress and how much progress depends upon

manifestation of aforesaid properties in you - which manifestation

is effortless and automatic..


It is a very good topic to ponder. The aforesaid are illustrative

not exhaustive views.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


When Swamiji was once asked this question, who is a Sadhak (true

seeker)? Swamiji's reply was - A sadhak is he who does not have

any intentions of doing anything against his spiritual pursuit.

Liking and desiring worldly pleasures and hoarding is doing things

against one's spiritual pursuit. When a person desires enjoyment and

hoarding and likes that which is against his spiritual pursuits,

then inspite of doing much sadhana, he does not progress. As long as

there is desire, aim and fondness for wealth, respect, high status,

comforts, etc, till that time a man cannot be called a sadhak (true

seeker, a spiritual aspirant).


Inconsistent behavior is present in even ordinary men. Sometimes

desiring God and divinity, other times attracted to the world;

sometimes demonstrating good qualities and behavior, other times bad

qualities and improper behavior, in this manner, one engages in

inconsistence behavior, i.e. on one hand spiritual pursuits and at

the same time indulging in things against one's spiritual aim. Some

men have a predominance of spiritual aim, whereas others have

predominance of behavior that goes against his spiritual aim.


In reality, he who does not behave contrary to his spiritual aim and

he who does not have the aim of worldly enjoyment and hoarding, and

has the sole aim of only realizing God, Truth, he alone is eligible

to be and is rightly called a Sadhak (a true seeker).


With devotion

Meera Das


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QUESTION: I would like to know the concept of a sadhaka (Spiritual

Aspirant, a Seeker) according to various ancient Indian scriptures

and texts like bhagavad gita and others. Thank you, Dev - Saritha

Please review Gita Talk Guidelines before responding at:





Jai Hanuman


There is one idiom in Hindi- Bhaiyyaji/ Bahenjee !


It says, Jee


" Rota jaye , mare ki khabar lekar aaye "


One who leaves the home crying ( doubtful) , returns back to the

home with a news that some one has died. Jee


Hence sadhaks should never allow pessimism reg God Realisation in

them.- Bhaiyyaji / Bahenjee !


Did not you observe Bhaiyya that there is no question of practice

there ?. Actionless Bahenji - actionless ! What practice ! What

time ! What methods ! ! ! Where is milk, where is butter, where is

ghee? Nothing Bhaiyya nothing. No shanaih shanaih at all - Dada ,

nothing !


Simply call ! Call !! Hey Naath I am yours ! ! Hey Naath main apko

bhoolun nahin !! ( O Lord I am yours. O lord I should not forget you)


Nothing else is needed Bhaiyya , nothing else is needed. Leave these

high fundas, Jee - these rhetorics, these inteligentias - simply

leave them Bhaiyya, Leave them Jee. Be simple. Be child like, Jee !


Accept Papa as your own Jee !


Daddy is called - " Bhaavgrahi Janardan " - (He accepts inner

expressions only).. If you feel it may take janam janam ( lives and

lives) - you are gone Bhaiyyaji - in that case it will really take

janam janam. ROTA JAYE, MARE KI KHABAR LAYE ! ! What is the value of

practice in the regime of Papa ? ( Tulsi kitane mar gaye de de tan

ko traas - Says Tulsidasji - Alas How many have died empty handed by

giving pains to the body?)


Jaago Bahiyya Jaago. ( Wake up , Wake Up)


Baba - just be enthusiastic..

Don't even think that by action/ practice you can get Papa . He is

your Baap ( father) Bhaiyya - your Baap ! !


What kind of practice/ abhyaas/ study/actions/ methods / systems can

be required by a child to slip into the lap of his mummy? Why he

should be fearing death? Non sense ! You are his child only- nothing

more than child. Child is more productive and effective than you ,

Maharaaj ! Child Understands. He doesn't argue. He just calls his

Mother and mother comes running.


Just slip into the loving arms of Papa- no conditions, no

qualifications, no capability, no ability, no practice, no

knowledge, no qualification, no power, nothing Bhaiyya/ Bahenjee


Nothing - Only Right - I am Yours . Hey Naath - I am yours ! !


Bhaiyyaji/ Bahenji -lag jaao-simply start. Don't think it is at all

time consuming or delaying !


Badhe chalo bahaduron badhe chalo

( Move forward - O brave people, move forward)


Just do not allow any negativism. There is no loss on the way, there

is no labour at all. There is only happiness there- no requisites at



Namaste Jee


Jee Jee





Hari Om


We quite often say that by intense desire , the realisation becomes

faster for sadhak. Question here is how to develop that intensity.

That status of fish without water?


Sadhak when he is given divine properties by the God starts feeling

His presence around Him. He should therefore reciprocate advent of

these properties in him by not getting proudy of it and acknowledge

by mind, speech and conduct , by bhavas (inner expression) ,

the " kripa " of God. That increases intensity of desire.


Moreover, when ever he makes an error in sadhana (striving) , the

minutest error, there arises in him automatically a remorse feeling,

an intense anxiety( udaasi) as to why he conducted in an improper

manner. Such anxiety does not so forcefully arise in non- sadhaks.

Sadhak must make use of such bouts of anxieties arising within him-

by profoundly remembering God- at that particular time- at that

point the wax is in melt form.. That increases the intensity of

desire for Him. That eradicates his bad karmas very fast.


Many times when sadhak is involved in worldly duties fully,

suddenly he remembers something related with Paramatma, some divine

song, some verse of Gita, some devotee of God ( it is our direct

experience). At that point Sadhak must become happy and presume

that God has remembered him and if at that point of time he

profoundly engages himself mentally in chanting His name etc , his

desire to get Him increases manifold. That increases his love for



Sadhak must develop a habit of seeing the hand of God in every

happening/incidence around him. If he tries that very soon he will

decipher out the divine hand everywhere. That makes him progress

much faster and love Him more.


When sadhak becomes bit careless, immediately God sends unfavourable

circumstances before him. When he gets very threatened , by

adversity, again God sends favourable circumstances to him. This

process keeps continuing.( This process is not that frequent in non-

sadhaks) Sadhak therefore should see God's hand in all circumstances

and remain enthused and optimistic always- that also helps him

attain Equanimity faster.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Jai. Shree Krishna


Goswami Tulsidasji Maharaaj said in Ramayana-


Bigree Janam Anek ki , sudhare ab hi aaj


" Hohi " Raam ko naam japi, Tulsi taji kusamaj


Your bad karmas ( of millions and trillions of light years) will

come to an end " RIGHT NOW- AT THIS VERY MOMENT " if you chant the

name of Rama BY FIRST BECOMING OF HIM and by renouncing bad company !


You can " Hohi " - become of Paramatma only when you decide/resolve -

" Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " (Only God is mine, nothing

else is mine) and you can renounce bad company only when you believe

in the words of Gitaji, Saints etc.


Was Goswamiji joking? No ! ! He meant it. Right now! Instant. What

about Krishna using the word " kshipram " - again humor? No ! Taat

Shree (Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj) also says so. Why we should not

believe them? Why we should not believe God Himself, Saints, Gita,

Ramayan ??


Sadhak must always be optimistic. He should not allow even a shadow

of doubt in his striving. He must have confidence that he will get

Him- right in this life, many times over. Then his Sadhana will be

fast, focussed and productive. Why should he adopt a path which

delays him? Never. The Gitaji made Arjuna realise Him within hours.

Arjuna heard Gita only once. You can read 1000 times ! Have

confidence. Focus yourself!


Quick fix - even that takes time , once you are determined ! !


You shall achieve your goal , only if you think you can. Start the

journey with confidence ! Always !!!


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Bhayyaji/ Bahenji


All sadhana which you make is cumbersome only till you tolerate the

delay. If you are not tolerating the delay- it is like push the

electric button here , the illumination is there. That is the

minimum- maximum is as you want.


There was a muni ( sadhak) who was doing tapasya for a long long

time. Narada once passed through him. He asked Narada - Sir When I

shall realise Paramatma. Pls ask Him and reply me. Narada said Ok.

Narada went to Naraina . He asked Naraina about that Sadhak. Naraina

said after as many kalpas ( aeons) as are leaves in the tree under

which he is meditating. Narada returned and told him so. After

Narada left, Sadhak started dancing - " I will surely get God , I

will surely get God "


And instantly. God appeared before him.


Understood Bhaiyyaji / Bahenji?


Jee Jee




'Sadhak' is 'Seeker of Truth'.


There are three main paths advised in greatest of our

scriptures 'Gitaji'. These are Gyan Yog, Karma Yog and Bhakti Yog.

Depending upon the individual nature, a sadhak may choose to follow

any of these paths. All will ultimately lead to same goal. It would

be highly improper to suggest that you should choose this or that

path. You should please read Gitaji (with commentaries), slowly and

carefully (no rapid reading, please). This will help you clarify

what path suits you best.


Most important aspect of sadhak is his desire to achieve God. The

duration depends on the intensity of this desire. No body in the

universe can say how much time it can take. Please embark upon this

path keeping in mind that there is no 'quick fix' and that it will

take time (Janam janam muni jatan karahin). Please be patient and do

not leave it mid way.


One more thing I would like to point out is that we must make effort

to realise God in our current life time. We know that time of death

is not known. Hence we should loose no time.. This fear of death

nearing helps in our path to move quickly ( " Binu Bhaya hoya na

Preet " - Ram Charit Manas). Always remember that death is knocking

at our door.


Best of Luck




Namasthe all. This is my humble opinion.


In Bhagavadgita, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna : who and how does a real

yogi /sanyasi act/walk/talk/behave in this world. Lord answers : A

yogi or a shadha is the one is is equanimous in all the pairs of

opposites that he encounters in life.

The pairs of opposites are at three levels of our own understanding.

hot and cold at physical level, pain and pleasure at mind level,

honor and dishonor at the intellectual level.


A yogi does not waver from his inner peace irrespective of whatever

the extreme pairs of opposites he goes through. He just surrenders

everything as a work of God and this enormous faith

about 'everything happpens because of God or or Supreme divinity'

leads this sage/yogi to be equanimous in all situations.


Also, the term 'sanyasi' means not the one who is unmarried or wears

the certain colored clothing (saffron or white), but is the one who

is always exploring / inquiring on that 'Supreme'

or 'Brahman' 'wholly rooted' and 'exploring of Brahman.'






Hari Om


A sadhak of Jnana Yoga takes the vrata ( vow / determination /

resolve / acceptance) - not to form affinity / attachment with any

body / anything .


The form of each one of us is " separate " / " unattached " - asang (

Brihad Upanishad- 4:3:15). One is not able to experience this

separateness, this natual unattachment, because we consider

perishable things -for me and mine. The departmant of Self is

separate (sentient) and department of transitory, momentary worldly

things is separate (inert). They are as different as are day and

night. In fact attachment/union with inert and those worldly things

which come into contact only for going away - is the root cause of

our entanglement into birth death cycle (Gita 13:21)


Therefore a sadhak of Jnana Yoga follows this vrata/acceptance/

determination that - " I am not body at any point of time and I have

no relationship/connection of any type whatsoever with any body/

anything " .


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Hari Om


A sadhak of Karma yoga decides and accepts that - " I will not 1)

do bad to anybody, 2) understand anybody to be bad and 3) desire bad

for anybody. "


A real Karma yogi sadhak insists on not doing anything bad to

anybody, rather than doing good. Sadhana (striving) of a Karma Yoga

sadhak gets completed when this inner expression in him completely

governs his actions by mind/speech and body.


The direct impact of this determination is that he will either not

do anything or he will do good only.


He automatically then does his duties only. Being a sadhak even

otherwise the question of his sinning does not arise.


His above vrata (resolve/vow/swearing/acceptace/determination) -

makes him " sarvabhoot hite rata " - a person who is continuously /

unceasingly engaged in the welfare/service/interest of all jeevas.

(Gita 12:4).


A sadhak can become " sarva bhoot hite rata " , only by not doing bad

to anybody. He cannot reach / do good to " everybody " unless he

determines as above. Here his inner self expression / acceptance

(bhava and reach) is limitless (aseem) and is reaching to all

jeevas. It is not restricted to a handful - as when a sadhak decides

to do good.


A sadhak of karma yoga would never deviate from his aforesaid

resolution/acceptance/ determination/vow ! - Come what May !!


Hence a sadhak of karma yoga achieves perfection and gets equanimity

(yoga) by not doing bad to anybody, not understanding anybody to be

bad and not desiring bad for anybody. He then only can be said to be

limitless and indulging into service and welfare of everyone.


Of course - his acceptances/ decisions that I am Sadhak , I am yogi

and I have to only give to this world, this world is not mine/for

me etc as stated in my earlier responses on the subject - also help

him immensely in his goal.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



The present question ' Concept of Sadhaka according to scriptures

like Bhagavad Gita '


The scriptures prescribed a series of Sadhanas to be followed by

all seekers or Sadhakas. A person practicing these are called

sadhak. The Seeker through the practice must become the sought. Each

level of practice being called Yoga connects the Sadhaka and Sadhya -

Yujyate, Sadhyate Saha Sadhakaha, Yasyasaha Yogaha.


Bhagavad Gita suggested :


Abhyaasayogayuktena chetasa naanyagaamina - He who with his mind

desciplined in the practice of meditation attains the Divine Purusha.


Abhaasa yogena tato maamichhaptum - seek to attain Me through the

yoga of repeated practice.


Abhaasenatu Kounteya vairaagyenacha gruhyate - the mind can be

broughta under control by repeated practice of meditation and



Sanaih Sanaihruparamedbudhya - should attain tranquility through

gradual practice.


A Saadhak is one striving with such prescribed practices.


" golianjaneyulu "




Hari Om


A sadhak never ceases to do striving, he strives 24 hours a day , 7

days a week and 365/366 days a year. That is why he has to accept

that I am sadhak. A firm acceptance effortlessly guarantees no

prohibited actions from him. He has a godly self-respect which is -

" Being a sadhak how I can do this thing? " regarding sins /

prohibited actions.


He invariably and in all the cases therefore renounces consumption

of worldly pleasures. His job is to strive and strive only. One who

is consumer of worldly pleasures is Bhogi, he is not a sadhak. He is

rogi (sick) and not yogi (striver). For this reason, a sadhak stays

clear away from worldly bhogs (pleasures) nor develops liking

towards them.


There can not be the rightful claim to liberation for a man, by say

spiritual practice (striving/saadhna), knowledge and devotion done

by him, without dispassion or indifference to worldly attachments.


Sadhak must have strong will and determination. He must decide -

come what may I shall not deviate from my sadhana.


The first divine property which manifests in sadhak automatically

is " abhayam " - fearlessness. As he progresses in striving more and

more divine properties keep manifesting in him. A sadhak should

never get dejected if he does not find in himself any divine

property stated in Gita 16:1 to 3, he should instead wonder how it

is not in him. There is a system of manifestation in him those

properties- automatically, effortlessly.


A sadhak deals at the outset itself with his ego/sense of doership.

He either changes his ego ( Bhakti Yoga) , or purifies his ego

(karma yoga) or eliminates his ego (jnana yoga) after in all cases

accepting " I am sadhak " . It is a law that if Karta (ego- Jeeva

sitting in ego) changes, the actions, intellect, mind , etc all

change automatically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


My Dear Friend

Saadhak is Sri Krishna and individual has to only act in accordance

with 'prerna' of Sri Krishna. Thus, individual is not a saadhak.

This is stated in the Bhagwat Gita.


There are so many subjects of study in the world but he/she realizes

that world eventhough big, has insufficient supply of oxigen and

living condition at time of the death. In a typical example of a

boy in India who has fallen in 36 ft deep borewell, and we all are

like that boy. The world is a concealed underground room and the

exit hole is at the top. We have bigger sizes and attachments with

possessions of the world, and can not be lifted up outside the room,

and suffocate by breath and memory of hope, to die. We climb up, and

whenever we look down, we fall. So this attachment or gravity does

not let us go out of the limitation of nature. Sri Krishna is trying

to pull all of us out from that hole on the top of the underground

room, and as an aspirant, one should follow prerna of Sri Krihna who

is saadhak trying to lift us out.



(krishna gopal)



Hari Om


Sadhak ( a spiritual aspirant) is that person in whom desire for

liberation / freedom from pains and sorrows of worldly life has

arisen, described in Scriptures as - Subheccha ( Auspicious desire)

and he accepts/ resolves/decides as under.


" I donot have to take any thing from the world, I have to give

only " - by thinking and deciding on these lines a person becomes

Sadhak. No body can become a sadhak if he believes that " body/world

are mine and for me " -NEVER !. This is fundamental.


A sadhak should also accept/assume that he is sadhak. When such an

acceptance takes place in him, his striving becomes very fast. Then

he can never do a prohibited action.


A Karma yogi sadhak starts his journey by accepting ( changing his

ego) that " I am Yogi " . ( Yoga here means-Equanimity)


One who has decided to go on path of Jnana Yoga must accept/assume

that " I am curious " .


One who has decided to follow path of Bhakti Yoga, he should

accept/assume that " I am devotee/ Bhakta " .


That I am Sadhak or I am Bhakta or I am Yogi or I am Inquirer

(Seeker of Truth) these are " bhav shariras " (sentimental/emotional

bodies) not gross bodies.


When you become sadhak, certain divine properties start manifesting

in you, automatically, without making any efforts. Those properties

are stated in Gita 16:1 to 16:3.


Whether you have made progress and how much progress depends upon

manifestation of aforesaid properties in you - which manifestation

is effortless and automatic..


It is a very good topic to ponder. The aforesaid are illustrative

not exhaustive views.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


When Swamiji was once asked this question, who is a Sadhak (true

seeker)? Swamiji's reply was - A sadhak is he who does not have

any intentions of doing anything against his spiritual pursuit.

Liking and desiring worldly pleasures and hoarding is doing things

against one's spiritual pursuit. When a person desires enjoyment and

hoarding and likes that which is against his spiritual pursuits,

then inspite of doing much sadhana, he does not progress. As long as

there is desire, aim and fondness for wealth, respect, high status,

comforts, etc, till that time a man cannot be called a sadhak (true

seeker, a spiritual aspirant).


Inconsistent behavior is present in even ordinary men. Sometimes

desiring God and divinity, other times attracted to the world;

sometimes demonstrating good qualities and behavior, other times bad

qualities and improper behavior, in this manner, one engages in

inconsistence behavior, i.e. on one hand spiritual pursuits and at

the same time indulging in things against one's spiritual aim. Some

men have a predominance of spiritual aim, whereas others have

predominance of behavior that goes against his spiritual aim.


In reality, he who does not behave contrary to his spiritual aim and

he who does not have the aim of worldly enjoyment and hoarding, and

has the sole aim of only realizing God, Truth, he alone is eligible

to be and is rightly called a Sadhak (a true seeker).


With devotion

Meera Das


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QUESTION: I would like to know the concept of a sadhaka (Spiritual

Aspirant, a Seeker) according to various ancient Indian scriptures

and texts like bhagavad gita and others. Thank you, Dev - Saritha

Please review Gita Talk Guidelines before responding at:





Sadhana means practicing something to its perfection tenaciously

pursuing its associated target with an undeterred resolution till

attaining the target to one's satisfaction. A sadhaka is one who

performs it without loosing sight of the target even for a moment

not allowing oneself to lax in the course or digress from the path

for achieving the intended target. Pscychologically, an individual

enters such a resolve when one feels suffocated being deprived of

freedom and contenment in life. I other words, any sadhana is always

an attempt to overcome a hurdle, a journey toward freedom and

contenment. Who is not in a pursuit of freedom and happiness; then,

who can be not a Sadhaka in this life?! Every one is … in one's own

perspective to one's own limits.


However, one should not loose one's attention to the fact that

sadhana is an act to attain something that we think we do not have!

Farther one is from the target, harder one's sadhana needs to be.

Deeper one's separation from the target, stronger one's sadhana

would become. In other words, one who yarns for freedom and

contentment more would be entangled in more laborious and intense

sadhana. One who feels more constrained and deprived of happiness

would yarn for the same more. This is true irrespective of whether

it is one's professional quest or spiritual pursuit.


Then, what is wrong with the sadhana practiced naturally by

everyone? One might wonder. There is no question of right or wrong

here – the question is whether one attained the intended goal for

sure or not. If one has not, one is back to square one – swarmed by

the furstration of discontentment and dejection of constraints,

probably in much more intensity. We have put (and are putting) all

our efforts over our life span(s) intensifying the sense of deprival

of freedom and happiness in an exponential fashion in the name of

seeking the same. We have applied so much energy into winding our

life to tune it to our whims and fancies developing preferences,

habits and instincts – these are often called vasanas in our

scriptures – that corrupt our efforts further procreating themselves

in multitude as we spend days of our lives.


Spirituality is to make one's sadhana fool-proof – to remove all the

factors that hinder, halt, mislead and break one's journey toward

the freedom and the contentment.




Naga Narayana





Jai Hanuman


There is one idiom in Hindi- Bhaiyyaji/ Bahenjee !


It says, Jee


" Rota jaye , mare ki khabar lekar aaye "


One who leaves the home crying ( doubtful) , returns back to the

home with a news that some one has died. Jee


Hence sadhaks should never allow pessimism reg God Realisation in

them.- Bhaiyyaji / Bahenjee !


Did not you observe Bhaiyya that there is no question of practice

there ?. Actionless Bahenji - actionless ! What practice ! What

time ! What methods ! ! ! Where is milk, where is butter, where is

ghee? Nothing Bhaiyya nothing. No shanaih shanaih at all - Dada ,

nothing !


Simply call ! Call !! Hey Naath I am yours ! ! Hey Naath main apko

bhoolun nahin !! ( O Lord I am yours. O lord I should not forget you)


Nothing else is needed Bhaiyya , nothing else is needed. Leave these

high fundas, Jee - these rhetorics, these inteligentias - simply

leave them Bhaiyya, Leave them Jee. Be simple. Be child like, Jee !


Accept Papa as your own Jee !


Daddy is called - " Bhaavgrahi Janardan " - (He accepts inner

expressions only).. If you feel it may take janam janam ( lives and

lives) - you are gone Bhaiyyaji - in that case it will really take

janam janam. ROTA JAYE, MARE KI KHABAR LAYE ! ! What is the value of

practice in the regime of Papa ? ( Tulsi kitane mar gaye de de tan

ko traas - Says Tulsidasji - Alas How many have died empty handed by

giving pains to the body?)


Jaago Bahiyya Jaago. ( Wake up , Wake Up)


Baba - just be enthusiastic..

Don't even think that by action/ practice you can get Papa . He is

your Baap ( father) Bhaiyya - your Baap ! !


What kind of practice/ abhyaas/ study/actions/ methods / systems can

be required by a child to slip into the lap of his mummy? Why he

should be fearing death? Non sense ! You are his child only- nothing

more than child. Child is more productive and effective than you ,

Maharaaj ! Child Understands. He doesn't argue. He just calls his

Mother and mother comes running.


Just slip into the loving arms of Papa- no conditions, no

qualifications, no capability, no ability, no practice, no

knowledge, no qualification, no power, nothing Bhaiyya/ Bahenjee


Nothing - Only Right - I am Yours . Hey Naath - I am yours ! !


Bhaiyyaji/ Bahenji -lag jaao-simply start. Don't think it is at all

time consuming or delaying !


Badhe chalo bahaduron badhe chalo

( Move forward - O brave people, move forward)


Just do not allow any negativism. There is no loss on the way, there

is no labour at all. There is only happiness there- no requisites at



Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


We quite often say that by intense desire , the realisation becomes

faster for sadhak. Question here is how to develop that intensity.

That status of fish without water?


Sadhak when he is given divine properties by the God starts feeling

His presence around Him. He should therefore reciprocate advent of

these properties in him by not getting proudy of it and acknowledge

by mind, speech and conduct , by bhavas (inner expression) ,

the " kripa " of God. That increases intensity of desire.


Moreover, when ever he makes an error in sadhana (striving) , the

minutest error, there arises in him automatically a remorse feeling,

an intense anxiety( udaasi) as to why he conducted in an improper

manner. Such anxiety does not so forcefully arise in non- sadhaks.

Sadhak must make use of such bouts of anxieties arising within him-

by profoundly remembering God- at that particular time- at that

point the wax is in melt form.. That increases the intensity of

desire for Him. That eradicates his bad karmas very fast.


Many times when sadhak is involved in worldly duties fully,

suddenly he remembers something related with Paramatma, some divine

song, some verse of Gita, some devotee of God ( it is our direct

experience). At that point Sadhak must become happy and presume

that God has remembered him and if at that point of time he

profoundly engages himself mentally in chanting His name etc , his

desire to get Him increases manifold. That increases his love for



Sadhak must develop a habit of seeing the hand of God in every

happening/incidence around him. If he tries that very soon he will

decipher out the divine hand everywhere. That makes him progress

much faster and love Him more.


When sadhak becomes bit careless, immediately God sends unfavourable

circumstances before him. When he gets very threatened , by

adversity, again God sends favourable circumstances to him. This

process keeps continuing.( This process is not that frequent in non-

sadhaks) Sadhak therefore should see God's hand in all circumstances

and remain enthused and optimistic always- that also helps him

attain Equanimity faster.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Jai. Shree Krishna


Goswami Tulsidasji Maharaaj said in Ramayana-


Bigree Janam Anek ki , sudhare ab hi aaj


" Hohi " Raam ko naam japi, Tulsi taji kusamaj


Your bad karmas ( of millions and trillions of light years) will

come to an end " RIGHT NOW- AT THIS VERY MOMENT " if you chant the

name of Rama BY FIRST BECOMING OF HIM and by renouncing bad company !


You can " Hohi " - become of Paramatma only when you decide/resolve -

" Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " (Only God is mine, nothing

else is mine) and you can renounce bad company only when you believe

in the words of Gitaji, Saints etc.


Was Goswamiji joking? No ! ! He meant it. Right now! Instant. What

about Krishna using the word " kshipram " - again humor? No ! Taat

Shree (Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj) also says so. Why we should not

believe them? Why we should not believe God Himself, Saints, Gita,

Ramayan ??


Sadhak must always be optimistic. He should not allow even a shadow

of doubt in his striving. He must have confidence that he will get

Him- right in this life, many times over. Then his Sadhana will be

fast, focussed and productive. Why should he adopt a path which

delays him? Never. The Gitaji made Arjuna realise Him within hours.

Arjuna heard Gita only once. You can read 1000 times ! Have

confidence. Focus yourself!


Quick fix - even that takes time , once you are determined ! !


You shall achieve your goal , only if you think you can. Start the

journey with confidence ! Always !!!


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Bhayyaji/ Bahenji


All sadhana which you make is cumbersome only till you tolerate the

delay. If you are not tolerating the delay- it is like push the

electric button here , the illumination is there. That is the

minimum- maximum is as you want.


There was a muni ( sadhak) who was doing tapasya for a long long

time. Narada once passed through him. He asked Narada - Sir When I

shall realise Paramatma. Pls ask Him and reply me. Narada said Ok.

Narada went to Naraina . He asked Naraina about that Sadhak. Naraina

said after as many kalpas ( aeons) as are leaves in the tree under

which he is meditating. Narada returned and told him so. After

Narada left, Sadhak started dancing - " I will surely get God , I

will surely get God "


And instantly. God appeared before him.


Understood Bhaiyyaji / Bahenji?


Jee Jee




'Sadhak' is 'Seeker of Truth'.


There are three main paths advised in greatest of our

scriptures 'Gitaji'. These are Gyan Yog, Karma Yog and Bhakti Yog.

Depending upon the individual nature, a sadhak may choose to follow

any of these paths. All will ultimately lead to same goal. It would

be highly improper to suggest that you should choose this or that

path. You should please read Gitaji (with commentaries), slowly and

carefully (no rapid reading, please). This will help you clarify

what path suits you best.


Most important aspect of sadhak is his desire to achieve God. The

duration depends on the intensity of this desire. No body in the

universe can say how much time it can take. Please embark upon this

path keeping in mind that there is no 'quick fix' and that it will

take time (Janam janam muni jatan karahin). Please be patient and do

not leave it mid way.


One more thing I would like to point out is that we must make effort

to realise God in our current life time. We know that time of death

is not known. Hence we should loose no time.. This fear of death

nearing helps in our path to move quickly ( " Binu Bhaya hoya na

Preet " - Ram Charit Manas). Always remember that death is knocking

at our door.


Best of Luck




Namasthe all. This is my humble opinion.


In Bhagavadgita, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna : who and how does a real

yogi /sanyasi act/walk/talk/behave in this world. Lord answers : A

yogi or a shadha is the one is is equanimous in all the pairs of

opposites that he encounters in life.

The pairs of opposites are at three levels of our own understanding.

hot and cold at physical level, pain and pleasure at mind level,

honor and dishonor at the intellectual level.


A yogi does not waver from his inner peace irrespective of whatever

the extreme pairs of opposites he goes through. He just surrenders

everything as a work of God and this enormous faith

about 'everything happpens because of God or or Supreme divinity'

leads this sage/yogi to be equanimous in all situations.


Also, the term 'sanyasi' means not the one who is unmarried or wears

the certain colored clothing (saffron or white), but is the one who

is always exploring / inquiring on that 'Supreme'

or 'Brahman' 'wholly rooted' and 'exploring of Brahman.'






Hari Om


A sadhak of Jnana Yoga takes the vrata ( vow / determination /

resolve / acceptance) - not to form affinity / attachment with any

body / anything .


The form of each one of us is " separate " / " unattached " - asang (

Brihad Upanishad- 4:3:15). One is not able to experience this

separateness, this natual unattachment, because we consider

perishable things -for me and mine. The departmant of Self is

separate (sentient) and department of transitory, momentary worldly

things is separate (inert). They are as different as are day and

night. In fact attachment/union with inert and those worldly things

which come into contact only for going away - is the root cause of

our entanglement into birth death cycle (Gita 13:21)


Therefore a sadhak of Jnana Yoga follows this vrata/acceptance/

determination that - " I am not body at any point of time and I have

no relationship/connection of any type whatsoever with any body/

anything " .


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Hari Om


A sadhak of Karma yoga decides and accepts that - " I will not 1)

do bad to anybody, 2) understand anybody to be bad and 3) desire bad

for anybody. "


A real Karma yogi sadhak insists on not doing anything bad to

anybody, rather than doing good. Sadhana (striving) of a Karma Yoga

sadhak gets completed when this inner expression in him completely

governs his actions by mind/speech and body.


The direct impact of this determination is that he will either not

do anything or he will do good only.


He automatically then does his duties only. Being a sadhak even

otherwise the question of his sinning does not arise.


His above vrata (resolve/vow/swearing/acceptace/determination) -

makes him " sarvabhoot hite rata " - a person who is continuously /

unceasingly engaged in the welfare/service/interest of all jeevas.

(Gita 12:4).


A sadhak can become " sarva bhoot hite rata " , only by not doing bad

to anybody. He cannot reach / do good to " everybody " unless he

determines as above. Here his inner self expression / acceptance

(bhava and reach) is limitless (aseem) and is reaching to all

jeevas. It is not restricted to a handful - as when a sadhak decides

to do good.


A sadhak of karma yoga would never deviate from his aforesaid

resolution/acceptance/ determination/vow ! - Come what May !!


Hence a sadhak of karma yoga achieves perfection and gets equanimity

(yoga) by not doing bad to anybody, not understanding anybody to be

bad and not desiring bad for anybody. He then only can be said to be

limitless and indulging into service and welfare of everyone.


Of course - his acceptances/ decisions that I am Sadhak , I am yogi

and I have to only give to this world, this world is not mine/for

me etc as stated in my earlier responses on the subject - also help

him immensely in his goal.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



The present question ' Concept of Sadhaka according to scriptures

like Bhagavad Gita '


The scriptures prescribed a series of Sadhanas to be followed by

all seekers or Sadhakas. A person practicing these are called

sadhak. The Seeker through the practice must become the sought. Each

level of practice being called Yoga connects the Sadhaka and Sadhya -

Yujyate, Sadhyate Saha Sadhakaha, Yasyasaha Yogaha.


Bhagavad Gita suggested :


Abhyaasayogayuktena chetasa naanyagaamina - He who with his mind

desciplined in the practice of meditation attains the Divine Purusha.


Abhaasa yogena tato maamichhaptum - seek to attain Me through the

yoga of repeated practice.


Abhaasenatu Kounteya vairaagyenacha gruhyate - the mind can be

broughta under control by repeated practice of meditation and



Sanaih Sanaihruparamedbudhya - should attain tranquility through

gradual practice.


A Saadhak is one striving with such prescribed practices.


" golianjaneyulu "




Hari Om


A sadhak never ceases to do striving, he strives 24 hours a day , 7

days a week and 365/366 days a year. That is why he has to accept

that I am sadhak. A firm acceptance effortlessly guarantees no

prohibited actions from him. He has a godly self-respect which is -

" Being a sadhak how I can do this thing? " regarding sins /

prohibited actions.


He invariably and in all the cases therefore renounces consumption

of worldly pleasures. His job is to strive and strive only. One who

is consumer of worldly pleasures is Bhogi, he is not a sadhak. He is

rogi (sick) and not yogi (striver). For this reason, a sadhak stays

clear away from worldly bhogs (pleasures) nor develops liking

towards them.


There can not be the rightful claim to liberation for a man, by say

spiritual practice (striving/saadhna), knowledge and devotion done

by him, without dispassion or indifference to worldly attachments.


Sadhak must have strong will and determination. He must decide -

come what may I shall not deviate from my sadhana.


The first divine property which manifests in sadhak automatically

is " abhayam " - fearlessness. As he progresses in striving more and

more divine properties keep manifesting in him. A sadhak should

never get dejected if he does not find in himself any divine

property stated in Gita 16:1 to 3, he should instead wonder how it

is not in him. There is a system of manifestation in him those

properties- automatically, effortlessly.


A sadhak deals at the outset itself with his ego/sense of doership.

He either changes his ego ( Bhakti Yoga) , or purifies his ego

(karma yoga) or eliminates his ego (jnana yoga) after in all cases

accepting " I am sadhak " . It is a law that if Karta (ego- Jeeva

sitting in ego) changes, the actions, intellect, mind , etc all

change automatically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


My Dear Friend

Saadhak is Sri Krishna and individual has to only act in accordance

with 'prerna' of Sri Krishna. Thus, individual is not a saadhak.

This is stated in the Bhagwat Gita.


There are so many subjects of study in the world but he/she realizes

that world eventhough big, has insufficient supply of oxigen and

living condition at time of the death. In a typical example of a

boy in India who has fallen in 36 ft deep borewell, and we all are

like that boy. The world is a concealed underground room and the

exit hole is at the top. We have bigger sizes and attachments with

possessions of the world, and can not be lifted up outside the room,

and suffocate by breath and memory of hope, to die. We climb up, and

whenever we look down, we fall. So this attachment or gravity does

not let us go out of the limitation of nature. Sri Krishna is trying

to pull all of us out from that hole on the top of the underground

room, and as an aspirant, one should follow prerna of Sri Krihna who

is saadhak trying to lift us out.



(krishna gopal)



Hari Om


Sadhak ( a spiritual aspirant) is that person in whom desire for

liberation / freedom from pains and sorrows of worldly life has

arisen, described in Scriptures as - Subheccha ( Auspicious desire)

and he accepts/ resolves/decides as under.


" I donot have to take any thing from the world, I have to give

only " - by thinking and deciding on these lines a person becomes

Sadhak. No body can become a sadhak if he believes that " body/world

are mine and for me " -NEVER !. This is fundamental.


A sadhak should also accept/assume that he is sadhak. When such an

acceptance takes place in him, his striving becomes very fast. Then

he can never do a prohibited action.


A Karma yogi sadhak starts his journey by accepting ( changing his

ego) that " I am Yogi " . ( Yoga here means-Equanimity)


One who has decided to go on path of Jnana Yoga must accept/assume

that " I am curious " .


One who has decided to follow path of Bhakti Yoga, he should

accept/assume that " I am devotee/ Bhakta " .


That I am Sadhak or I am Bhakta or I am Yogi or I am Inquirer

(Seeker of Truth) these are " bhav shariras " (sentimental/emotional

bodies) not gross bodies.


When you become sadhak, certain divine properties start manifesting

in you, automatically, without making any efforts. Those properties

are stated in Gita 16:1 to 16:3.


Whether you have made progress and how much progress depends upon

manifestation of aforesaid properties in you - which manifestation

is effortless and automatic..


It is a very good topic to ponder. The aforesaid are illustrative

not exhaustive views.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


When Swamiji was once asked this question, who is a Sadhak (true

seeker)? Swamiji's reply was - A sadhak is he who does not have

any intentions of doing anything against his spiritual pursuit.

Liking and desiring worldly pleasures and hoarding is doing things

against one's spiritual pursuit. When a person desires enjoyment and

hoarding and likes that which is against his spiritual pursuits,

then inspite of doing much sadhana, he does not progress. As long as

there is desire, aim and fondness for wealth, respect, high status,

comforts, etc, till that time a man cannot be called a sadhak (true

seeker, a spiritual aspirant).


Inconsistent behavior is present in even ordinary men. Sometimes

desiring God and divinity, other times attracted to the world;

sometimes demonstrating good qualities and behavior, other times bad

qualities and improper behavior, in this manner, one engages in

inconsistence behavior, i.e. on one hand spiritual pursuits and at

the same time indulging in things against one's spiritual aim. Some

men have a predominance of spiritual aim, whereas others have

predominance of behavior that goes against his spiritual aim.


In reality, he who does not behave contrary to his spiritual aim and

he who does not have the aim of worldly enjoyment and hoarding, and

has the sole aim of only realizing God, Truth, he alone is eligible

to be and is rightly called a Sadhak (a true seeker).


With devotion

Meera Das


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Re: Concept of a Sadhaka (Spiritual Aspirant)



QUESTION: I would like to know the concept of a sadhaka (Spiritual

Aspirant, a Seeker) according to various ancient Indian scriptures

and texts like bhagavad gita and others. Thank you, Dev - Saritha

Please review Gita Talk Guidelines before responding at:





… Why spirituality is required in our activities (Sadhana) ? …


Note that there are two elements involved in corrupting one's

activity: (1) the desire removing obectivity from the activity and

(2) the ego inducing subjectivity into its perception. Until the

desirer (ego) exists, desires cannot be eradicated. And, until the

desires exist, the desirer cannot be eliminated. The duo is like the

demons of lore – Vatapi and Ilavala. Vatapi (desire) has a special

power of taking any form and can prop up instantly like a pheonyx

from its burial at the beck and call of Ilavala (ego). The demons

develop a special taste to devour the Bramhins, the spiritual

seekers, for obvious reasons that they are seeking to get rid of the

duo. An ordinary gullible Bramhin falls a prey to the demonic

schemes of the two. Vatapi becomes a lamb. Ilavala cooks it

deleciously serving the gullible Bramhins. As soon as the gullible

Bramhins eat the delicacy, Ilavala calls out for his brother Vatapi.

Vatapi comes to life slitting open the Bramhins stomach. The demons

devour the carcass of the prey. One has to be as resilient,

observant and resolute as Agastya Muni to appreciate the fundamental

mechanism of the duo, to wield the power of digesting the desire

Vatapi while burning the ego Ilavala to ashes simultaneously. A

spiritual sadhaka's target is to attain the Agastya-hood – wholistic

transcendence of one's weaknesses.


Note that all our vasanas are nothing but accepted residual notions

from our activities and interactions with this world. Two things

need to be achieved here:


1. Yagnya: Reject residual notions from current activities.

2. Dana: Purge the existing residual notions as and when they crop



To execute these effectively one has to appreciate (1) the

illegitimacy of one's claim over such notions in the first place;

(2) the close correlation between one's lack of freedom and

happiness with these notions; and (3) the techniques of alienating

such notions and eventually eradicating the same.


Sadhana is a kind of unwinding effort to nullify the side effects of

our day-to-day interactions with the worlds stored in our treasury

of Vasanas while blocking the same entering the system at the same

time. We have wound our lives in multi-directions, multi-planes and

multi-domains. Any mistake in the unwinding process may cause much

more severe winding! That is why, the wise seers of the lore caution

us, " Kshurasya dhara nishita duratyaya " – spiritual seeking is like

treading upon the razor edge; " Utthishthata! Jagrata!! Praapya

varaannibodhata!!! " – Get up! Be alert!! Positively steady yourself

in divine association!!! A Sadhaka is one who keeps these three

rules laid out by Yama in Kathopanishad, wielding proactive, alert

and cautious vigilence on one's own activities, emotions and

attitudes purging the same from one's body, mind and soul

perpetually. Sadhana is one's perpetual pursuit of not letting

oneself becoming opaque to the inherent Freedom and Happiness





Naga Narayana.


Dear sadaks,

Bagavan said, " surrender to ME all karmas,be rightious and live

Dharmic " .

Real Sadak` s aim is to get liberated from this world, by shedding

all desires. Sri Krishna while sitting by river Yamuna bank with

Gopies who asked HIM whether they can feed saint Durvasa on the other

side of the river. The river was over flowing. Gopies asked how to

cross. Sr Krishna said to gopies, " Tell the river that krishna has

no contact with any lady, the river will open and you gopies can give

food to saint " . The gopies said to the river and the river opened to

their surprise. They reached other side and gave different varieties

of food to Saint. They asked Durvasa what now to say so that the

river will again open for them to cross back. Saint said, " tell the

river Durvasa has eaten only grass and river will open. The river did

open and gopies were unable to understand the secret behind.

Now sadaks contemplate on this.






Sadhana means practicing something to its perfection tenaciously

pursuing its associated target with an undeterred resolution till

attaining the target to one's satisfaction. A sadhaka is one who

performs it without loosing sight of the target even for a moment

not allowing oneself to lax in the course or digress from the path

for achieving the intended target. Pscychologically, an individual

enters such a resolve when one feels suffocated being deprived of

freedom and contenment in life. I other words, any sadhana is always

an attempt to overcome a hurdle, a journey toward freedom and

contenment. Who is not in a pursuit of freedom and happiness; then,

who can be not a Sadhaka in this life?! Every one is … in one's own

perspective to one's own limits.


However, one should not loose one's attention to the fact that

sadhana is an act to attain something that we think we do not have!

Farther one is from the target, harder one's sadhana needs to be.

Deeper one's separation from the target, stronger one's sadhana

would become. In other words, one who yarns for freedom and

contentment more would be entangled in more laborious and intense

sadhana. One who feels more constrained and deprived of happiness

would yarn for the same more. This is true irrespective of whether

it is one's professional quest or spiritual pursuit.


Then, what is wrong with the sadhana practiced naturally by

everyone? One might wonder. There is no question of right or wrong

here – the question is whether one attained the intended goal for

sure or not. If one has not, one is back to square one – swarmed by

the furstration of discontentment and dejection of constraints,

probably in much more intensity. We have put (and are putting) all

our efforts over our life span(s) intensifying the sense of deprival

of freedom and happiness in an exponential fashion in the name of

seeking the same. We have applied so much energy into winding our

life to tune it to our whims and fancies developing preferences,

habits and instincts – these are often called vasanas in our

scriptures – that corrupt our efforts further procreating themselves

in multitude as we spend days of our lives.


Spirituality is to make one's sadhana fool-proof – to remove all the

factors that hinder, halt, mislead and break one's journey toward

the freedom and the contentment.




Naga Narayana



Hari Om


We quite often say that by intense desire , the realisation becomes

faster for sadhak. Question here is how to develop that intensity.

That status of fish without water?


Sadhak when he is given divine properties by the God starts feeling

His presence around Him. He should therefore reciprocate advent of

these properties in him by not getting proudy of it and acknowledge

by mind, speech and conduct , by bhavas (inner expression) ,

the " kripa " of God. That increases intensity of desire.


Moreover, when ever he makes an error in sadhana (striving) , the

minutest error, there arises in him automatically a remorse feeling,

an intense anxiety( udaasi) as to why he conducted in an improper

manner. Such anxiety does not so forcefully arise in non- sadhaks.

Sadhak must make use of such bouts of anxieties arising within him-

by profoundly remembering God- at that particular time- at that

point the wax is in melt form.. That increases the intensity of

desire for Him. That eradicates his bad karmas very fast.


Many times when sadhak is involved in worldly duties fully,

suddenly he remembers something related with Paramatma, some divine

song, some verse of Gita, some devotee of God ( it is our direct

experience). At that point Sadhak must become happy and presume

that God has remembered him and if at that point of time he

profoundly engages himself mentally in chanting His name etc , his

desire to get Him increases manifold. That increases his love for



Sadhak must develop a habit of seeing the hand of God in every

happening/incidence around him. If he tries that very soon he will

decipher out the divine hand everywhere. That makes him progress

much faster and love Him more.


When sadhak becomes bit careless, immediately God sends unfavourable

circumstances before him. When he gets very threatened , by

adversity, again God sends favourable circumstances to him. This

process keeps continuing.( This process is not that frequent in non-

sadhaks) Sadhak therefore should see God's hand in all circumstances

and remain enthused and optimistic always- that also helps him

attain Equanimity faster.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Jai Shree Krishna


Goswami Tulsidasji Maharaaj said in Ramayana-


Bigree Janam Anek ki , sudhare ab hi aaj


" Hohi " Raam ko naam japi, Tulsi taji kusamaj


Your bad karmas ( of millions and trillions of light years) will

come to an end " RIGHT NOW- AT THIS VERY MOMENT " if you chant the

name of Rama BY FIRST BECOMING OF HIM and by renouncing bad company !


You can " Hohi " - become of Paramatma only when you decide/resolve -

" Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " (Only God is mine, nothing

else is mine) and you can renounce bad company only when you believe

in the words of Gitaji, Saints etc.


Was Goswamiji joking? No ! ! He meant it. Right now! Instant. What

about Krishna using the word " kshipram " - again humor? No ! Taat

Shree (Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj) also says so. Why we should not

believe them? Why we should not believe God Himself, Saints, Gita,

Ramayan ??


Sadhak must always be optimistic. He should not allow even a shadow

of doubt in his striving. He must have confidence that he will get

Him- right in this life, many times over. Then his Sadhana will be

fast, focussed and productive. Why should he adopt a path which

delays him? Never. The Gitaji made Arjuna realise Him within hours.

Arjuna heard Gita only once. You can read 1000 times ! Have

confidence. Focus yourself!


Quick fix - even that takes time , once you are determined ! !


You shall achieve your goal , only if you think you can. Start the

journey with confidence ! Always !!!


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana


Jai Hanuman


There is one idiom in Hindi- Bhaiyyaji/ Bahenjee !


It says, Jee


" Rota jaye , mare ki khabar lekar aaye "


One who leaves the home crying ( doubtful) , returns back to the

home with a news that some one has died. Jee


Hence sadhaks should never allow pessimism reg God Realisation in

them.- Bhaiyyaji / Bahenjee !


Did not you observe Bhaiyya that there is no question of practice

there ?. Actionless Bahenji - actionless ! What practice ! What

time ! What methods ! ! ! Where is milk, where is butter, where is

ghee? Nothing Bhaiyya nothing. No shanaih shanaih at all - Dada ,

nothing !


Simply call ! Call !! Hey Naath I am yours ! ! Hey Naath main apko

bhoolun nahin !! ( O Lord I am yours. O lord I should not forget you)


Nothing else is needed Bhaiyya , nothing else is needed. Leave these

high fundas, Jee - these rhetorics, these inteligentias - simply

leave them Bhaiyya, Leave them Jee. Be simple. Be child like, Jee !


Accept Papa as your own Jee !


Daddy is called - " Bhaavgrahi Janardan " - (He accepts inner

expressions only).. If you feel it may take janam janam ( lives and

lives) - you are gone Bhaiyyaji - in that case it will really take

janam janam. ROTA JAYE, MARE KI KHABAR LAYE ! ! What is the value of

practice in the regime of Papa ? ( Tulsi kitane mar gaye de de tan

ko traas - Says Tulsidasji - Alas How many have died empty handed by

giving pains to the body?)


Jaago Bahiyya Jaago. ( Wake up , Wake Up)


Baba - just be enthusiastic..

Don't even think that by action/ practice you can get Papa . He is

your Baap ( father) Bhaiyya - your Baap ! !


What kind of practice/ abhyaas/ study/actions/ methods / systems can

be required by a child to slip into the lap of his mummy? Why he

should be fearing death? Non sense ! You are his child only- nothing

more than child. Child is more productive and effective than you ,

Maharaaj ! Child Understands. He doesn't argue. He just calls his

Mother and mother comes running.


Just slip into the loving arms of Papa- no conditions, no

qualifications, no capability, no ability, no practice, no

knowledge, no qualification, no power, nothing Bhaiyya/ Bahenjee


Nothing - Only Right - I am Yours . Hey Naath - I am yours ! !


Bhaiyyaji/ Bahenji -lag jaao-simply start. Don't think it is at all

time consuming or delaying !


Badhe chalo bahaduron badhe chalo

( Move forward - O brave people, move forward)


Just do not allow any negativism. There is no loss on the way, there

is no labour at all. There is only happiness there- no requisites at



Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Jai Hanuman


Bhayyaji/ Bahenji


All sadhana which you make is cumbersome only till you tolerate the

delay. If you are not tolerating the delay- it is like push the

electric button here , the illumination is there. That is the

minimum- maximum is as you want.


There was a muni ( sadhak) who was doing tapasya for a long long

time. Narada once passed through him. He asked Narada - Sir When I

shall realise Paramatma. Pls ask Him and reply me. Narada said Ok.

Narada went to Naraina . He asked Naraina about that Sadhak. Naraina

said after as many kalpas ( aeons) as are leaves in the tree under

which he is meditating. Narada returned and told him so. After

Narada left, Sadhak started dancing - " I will surely get God , I

will surely get God "


And instantly. God appeared before him.


Understood Bhaiyyaji / Bahenji?


Jee Jee




'Sadhak' is 'Seeker of Truth'.


There are three main paths advised in greatest of our

scriptures 'Gitaji'. These are Gyan Yog, Karma Yog and Bhakti Yog.

Depending upon the individual nature, a sadhak may choose to follow

any of these paths. All will ultimately lead to same goal. It would

be highly improper to suggest that you should choose this or that

path. You should please read Gitaji (with commentaries), slowly and

carefully (no rapid reading, please). This will help you clarify

what path suits you best.


Most important aspect of sadhak is his desire to achieve God. The

duration depends on the intensity of this desire. No body in the

universe can say how much time it can take. Please embark upon this

path keeping in mind that there is no 'quick fix' and that it will

take time (Janam janam muni jatan karahin). Please be patient and do

not leave it mid way.


One more thing I would like to point out is that we must make effort

to realise God in our current life time. We know that time of death

is not known. Hence we should loose no time.. This fear of death

nearing helps in our path to move quickly ( " Binu Bhaya hoya na

Preet " - Ram Charit Manas). Always remember that death is knocking

at our door.


Best of Luck




Namasthe all. This is my humble opinion.


In Bhagavadgita, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna : who and how does a real

yogi /sanyasi act/walk/talk/behave in this world. Lord answers : A

yogi or a shadha is the one is is equanimous in all the pairs of

opposites that he encounters in life.

The pairs of opposites are at three levels of our own understanding.

hot and cold at physical level, pain and pleasure at mind level,

honor and dishonor at the intellectual level.


A yogi does not waver from his inner peace irrespective of whatever

the extreme pairs of opposites he goes through. He just surrenders

everything as a work of God and this enormous faith

about 'everything happpens because of God or or Supreme divinity'

leads this sage/yogi to be equanimous in all situations.


Also, the term 'sanyasi' means not the one who is unmarried or wears

the certain colored clothing (saffron or white), but is the one who

is always exploring / inquiring on that 'Supreme'

or 'Brahman' 'wholly rooted' and 'exploring of Brahman.'






Hari Om


A sadhak of Jnana Yoga takes the vrata ( vow / determination /

resolve / acceptance) - not to form affinity / attachment with any

body / anything .


The form of each one of us is " separate " / " unattached " - asang (

Brihad Upanishad- 4:3:15). One is not able to experience this

separateness, this natual unattachment, because we consider

perishable things -for me and mine. The departmant of Self is

separate (sentient) and department of transitory, momentary worldly

things is separate (inert). They are as different as are day and

night. In fact attachment/union with inert and those worldly things

which come into contact only for going away - is the root cause of

our entanglement into birth death cycle (Gita 13:21)


Therefore a sadhak of Jnana Yoga follows this vrata/acceptance/

determination that - " I am not body at any point of time and I have

no relationship/connection of any type whatsoever with any body/

anything " .


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Hari Om


A sadhak of Karma yoga decides and accepts that - " I will not 1)

do bad to anybody, 2) understand anybody to be bad and 3) desire bad

for anybody. "


A real Karma yogi sadhak insists on not doing anything bad to

anybody, rather than doing good. Sadhana (striving) of a Karma Yoga

sadhak gets completed when this inner expression in him completely

governs his actions by mind/speech and body.


The direct impact of this determination is that he will either not

do anything or he will do good only.


He automatically then does his duties only. Being a sadhak even

otherwise the question of his sinning does not arise.


His above vrata (resolve/vow/swearing/acceptace/determination) -

makes him " sarvabhoot hite rata " - a person who is continuously /

unceasingly engaged in the welfare/service/interest of all jeevas.

(Gita 12:4).


A sadhak can become " sarva bhoot hite rata " , only by not doing bad

to anybody. He cannot reach / do good to " everybody " unless he

determines as above. Here his inner self expression / acceptance

(bhava and reach) is limitless (aseem) and is reaching to all

jeevas. It is not restricted to a handful - as when a sadhak decides

to do good.


A sadhak of karma yoga would never deviate from his aforesaid

resolution/acceptance/ determination/vow ! - Come what May !!


Hence a sadhak of karma yoga achieves perfection and gets equanimity

(yoga) by not doing bad to anybody, not understanding anybody to be

bad and not desiring bad for anybody. He then only can be said to be

limitless and indulging into service and welfare of everyone.


Of course - his acceptances/ decisions that I am Sadhak , I am yogi

and I have to only give to this world, this world is not mine/for

me etc as stated in my earlier responses on the subject - also help

him immensely in his goal.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



The present question ' Concept of Sadhaka according to scriptures

like Bhagavad Gita '


The scriptures prescribed a series of Sadhanas to be followed by

all seekers or Sadhakas. A person practicing these are called

sadhak. The Seeker through the practice must become the sought. Each

level of practice being called Yoga connects the Sadhaka and Sadhya -

Yujyate, Sadhyate Saha Sadhakaha, Yasyasaha Yogaha.


Bhagavad Gita suggested :


Abhyaasayogayuktena chetasa naanyagaamina - He who with his mind

desciplined in the practice of meditation attains the Divine Purusha.


Abhaasa yogena tato maamichhaptum - seek to attain Me through the

yoga of repeated practice.


Abhaasenatu Kounteya vairaagyenacha gruhyate - the mind can be

broughta under control by repeated practice of meditation and



Sanaih Sanaihruparamedbudhya - should attain tranquility through

gradual practice.


A Saadhak is one striving with such prescribed practices.


" golianjaneyulu "




Hari Om


A sadhak never ceases to do striving, he strives 24 hours a day , 7

days a week and 365/366 days a year. That is why he has to accept

that I am sadhak. A firm acceptance effortlessly guarantees no

prohibited actions from him. He has a godly self-respect which is -

" Being a sadhak how I can do this thing? " regarding sins /

prohibited actions.


He invariably and in all the cases therefore renounces consumption

of worldly pleasures. His job is to strive and strive only. One who

is consumer of worldly pleasures is Bhogi, he is not a sadhak. He is

rogi (sick) and not yogi (striver). For this reason, a sadhak stays

clear away from worldly bhogs (pleasures) nor develops liking

towards them.


There can not be the rightful claim to liberation for a man, by say

spiritual practice (striving/saadhna), knowledge and devotion done

by him, without dispassion or indifference to worldly attachments.


Sadhak must have strong will and determination. He must decide -

come what may I shall not deviate from my sadhana.


The first divine property which manifests in sadhak automatically

is " abhayam " - fearlessness. As he progresses in striving more and

more divine properties keep manifesting in him. A sadhak should

never get dejected if he does not find in himself any divine

property stated in Gita 16:1 to 3, he should instead wonder how it

is not in him. There is a system of manifestation in him those

properties- automatically, effortlessly.


A sadhak deals at the outset itself with his ego/sense of doership.

He either changes his ego ( Bhakti Yoga) , or purifies his ego

(karma yoga) or eliminates his ego (jnana yoga) after in all cases

accepting " I am sadhak " . It is a law that if Karta (ego- Jeeva

sitting in ego) changes, the actions, intellect, mind , etc all

change automatically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


My Dear Friend

Saadhak is Sri Krishna and individual has to only act in accordance

with 'prerna' of Sri Krishna. Thus, individual is not a saadhak.

This is stated in the Bhagwat Gita.


There are so many subjects of study in the world but he/she realizes

that world eventhough big, has insufficient supply of oxigen and

living condition at time of the death. In a typical example of a

boy in India who has fallen in 36 ft deep borewell, and we all are

like that boy. The world is a concealed underground room and the

exit hole is at the top. We have bigger sizes and attachments with

possessions of the world, and can not be lifted up outside the room,

and suffocate by breath and memory of hope, to die. We climb up, and

whenever we look down, we fall. So this attachment or gravity does

not let us go out of the limitation of nature. Sri Krishna is trying

to pull all of us out from that hole on the top of the underground

room, and as an aspirant, one should follow prerna of Sri Krihna who

is saadhak trying to lift us out.



(krishna gopal)



Hari Om


Sadhak ( a spiritual aspirant) is that person in whom desire for

liberation / freedom from pains and sorrows of worldly life has

arisen, described in Scriptures as - Subheccha ( Auspicious desire)

and he accepts/ resolves/decides as under.


" I donot have to take any thing from the world, I have to give

only " - by thinking and deciding on these lines a person becomes

Sadhak. No body can become a sadhak if he believes that " body/world

are mine and for me " -NEVER !. This is fundamental.


A sadhak should also accept/assume that he is sadhak. When such an

acceptance takes place in him, his striving becomes very fast. Then

he can never do a prohibited action.


A Karma yogi sadhak starts his journey by accepting ( changing his

ego) that " I am Yogi " . ( Yoga here means-Equanimity)


One who has decided to go on path of Jnana Yoga must accept/assume

that " I am curious " .


One who has decided to follow path of Bhakti Yoga, he should

accept/assume that " I am devotee/ Bhakta " .


That I am Sadhak or I am Bhakta or I am Yogi or I am Inquirer

(Seeker of Truth) these are " bhav shariras " (sentimental/emotional

bodies) not gross bodies.


When you become sadhak, certain divine properties start manifesting

in you, automatically, without making any efforts. Those properties

are stated in Gita 16:1 to 16:3.


Whether you have made progress and how much progress depends upon

manifestation of aforesaid properties in you - which manifestation

is effortless and automatic..


It is a very good topic to ponder. The aforesaid are illustrative

not exhaustive views.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


When Swamiji was once asked this question, who is a Sadhak (true

seeker)? Swamiji's reply was - A sadhak is he who does not have

any intentions of doing anything against his spiritual pursuit.

Liking and desiring worldly pleasures and hoarding is doing things

against one's spiritual pursuit. When a person desires enjoyment and

hoarding and likes that which is against his spiritual pursuits,

then inspite of doing much sadhana, he does not progress. As long as

there is desire, aim and fondness for wealth, respect, high status,

comforts, etc, till that time a man cannot be called a sadhak (true

seeker, a spiritual aspirant).


Inconsistent behavior is present in even ordinary men. Sometimes

desiring God and divinity, other times attracted to the world;

sometimes demonstrating good qualities and behavior, other times bad

qualities and improper behavior, in this manner, one engages in

inconsistence behavior, i.e. on one hand spiritual pursuits and at

the same time indulging in things against one's spiritual aim. Some

men have a predominance of spiritual aim, whereas others have

predominance of behavior that goes against his spiritual aim.


In reality, he who does not behave contrary to his spiritual aim and

he who does not have the aim of worldly enjoyment and hoarding, and

has the sole aim of only realizing God, Truth, he alone is eligible

to be and is rightly called a Sadhak (a true seeker).


With devotion

Meera Das


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