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Can There Be No Liberation Without a Guru ?

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


There have been some emails sent directly to moderators regarding a

recent daily message by Swamiji on " Can there be no liberation without

a Guru? " . These emails with some comments / issues are listed below-


There were similar questions that have been raised in Gita-talk, but are spread

among various topics and difficult to summarize. Due to there being over 10,000

members, I sincerely request those who want to participate in this discussion,

particularly raise questions / doubts / issues, to please review the past sadhak

daily messages related to Guru (links provided below) and Gita-Talk discussion

(link below), so that we can all leverage the learnings and as far as possible

not repeat the same questions / issues.


Sadhak message links are:


What is a True Spiritual Guide like?



Gita View of Guru - Part I & II




Is it Essential for a Guru to be a Self Realized Soul ?



On Guru Disciple Relationship



On Guru - Sishya



Is it not Essential to Engage in Guru Disciple Relationship ?



Worship of Guru - Part 1



Worship of Guru - Part 2



God is Guru of this Universe



Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide or Guru



Real Guru is your discrimination:



There is no Sin in letting go of false Guru



Who can be considered a Guru?



Gita Talk discussion links are at:



Please keep discussions to half a page and relevant to the specific question

only. Please all review remaining Gita Talk guidelines.


(these guidelines are being updated based on recent feedback, please be patient)


From Gita-Talk Moderators

Ram Ram



Hare Krishna

Yes, there is no liberation without Guru. And the Hindu world is

not free from Guru Ghantals (Fake Gurus). At every four steps there is

Guru. Guru's glorification is upto such an amount that Gurus tend to

have published their own photos, feet-photos, blessing photos and what

not. Yesterday I was watching Aastha International and listening

Satpal Maharaj's Son's Upadesh. On Stage Satpal Ji is sitting beside

his Dharampatni. Entire Guru Family--father, mother and son are there

on stage. What a Virat Darshan of Gurus. Everybody is Guru. Innocent

Persons from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. have gathered to

listen. In India Guru,Guru and countless Gurus. Ironically, when my

son listened Shri Gita Shloka from Satpalji's mouth, he literraly

laughed when self-imposed, self-proclaimed Guruji said---Nainam

Chchindanti Shaastrani......in place of Shastrani (Ch 2 Verse 23).

Shaastrani means Scriptures and Shastrani means weapons. Such Gurus

are a lot who are promoting their sons.

As a matter of fact there is only one and one Guru who is Shri

Krishna--Shri Krishnam Vande Gagat Gurum. Shri Gita is the only

scripture on this planet Earth which can guide us truthfully. Shri

Krishna is the the the only Guru.

Teshamev Anukampartham Aham Agyanjam Tamah

Nashayamyaatma Bhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhasvataa....


Shri Gita Ch. 10 Verse 11


Hare Krishna


Mahesh Sharma



My dandavat pranams to all

I find the article below to be total hypocrisy. A person is

saying, " don't accept guru " ....but in their mode of presentation, they

are giving instruction as a guru!!! People are accepting, " Yes, this

is the way I will follow, based on teachings of this man " . So, they

are accepting guru. It is unavoidable.....one MUST look for guidance.

To not admit to doing so, is hypocrisy. It is a falsehood, and one

should be honest and abandon deceit.

A misunderstanding is that a person can become guru. Guru is

not made, not that today I am qualified, but tomorrow I may fall away.

That person had no business calling himself guru......however, a true

aspirant may see ANYONE, even a prostitute, a deer, or a moth as his

guru. Guru is external manifestation of Paramatma.....to see him as

an ordinary man is a great offense. This is stated in the padma Purana:


arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati bddhir

visnor va vaisnavanam kali mala mathane pada tirthe " mbu-buddhih

sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabda-samanya-buddhir

visnau sarvesvare tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah

" One who considers the worshipable Deity to be stone; who considers

the Vaisnava Guru to be a mortal man, or who considers a Vaisnava to

be limited by the confines of caste, lineage, or creed, who considers

the holy foot wash of Lord Visnu (Ganga water) or af a Vaisnava

(caranamrta) to be ordinary water; who considers the holy Name (the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra) which vanquishes all sins, to be material

sound vibration, and who consider the God of gods, Lord Visnu, to be

merely on the level of demigods, such a person, becomes a resident of

hell. "

respectfully submitted, Mahalaksmi Dasi


shree hari

ram ram


Mahalakshmiji, Please re-read the daily posting and find out

specific sentence, line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage.


I truly believe Swamiji is saying learn from all, do not get stuck.....as it is

guru tattva...and not a specific individual who locks one into discipleship and

is trading in knowledge. (accepting gifts). Again, it is important that if

you disagree, you are able to point out specific points that Swamiji made, which

you disagree with.


Swamiji is not trading in money. He did not ever carry money or ever

take any gifts from anyone or anything of that sort for revealing

these secrets. He did not make any one a disciple or gave

mantra, or mala...etc. Again, in all his writings he is saying that your

intense longing, desire is more important then the guru-disciple formal

relationship. Guru can take you to the water, but ultimately it is up to you to

drink. So ultimately it is you, that is what Swamiji is conveying.


Again please point out specific statements of Swamiji and raise concerns and not

just generalities.

thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator



My dandavat pranams to all in this forum,

I am praying for patience to explain a topic which I find to be

quite painful to present.....the pain is in that I don't wish to have

any arguement with those who are of a particular mind set....however,

I find that there are many statements in the article below which could

be seen to be contradicting themselves....however, in the Absolute

sense, I see their consistency.... To begin, the first line states,

" That which we wish to attain, the Supreme essence " ......and then the

fourth sentence states, " that Supreme Soul (consciousness) is ever

attained by all beings "

So, with deepest regard to Sri RamSukhadasji, I beg his kindness

and permission to comment on his words. He is saying first, " that

which we wish to attain " .....hence, God consciousness, full absorption

in the Supreme, is NOT already attained by all. He is himself stating,

" that which we wish to attain " . What I am hearing from him, and I

again beg his kindness to help me understand, is that not everyone at

this time HAS attained the supreme consciousness. However, an uttama

adhikari, one who is on the top most rungs of devotion to God, cannot

help but, within themselves, perceive everyone else as perfectly

serving God....although he is simultaneously aware that they are NOT

already there. So, the contradictory phrase becomes reconciled.

But, accepted that there are many souls in the conditioned state,

who honestly admit that they have NOT attained full awareness of the

Supreme, what to be done? My answer to this is to find one who knows,

find a teacher, a preceptor, a guru.

For fear of making this to long and thus unprintable, I will stop

here, and wait until tomorrow to furthur analyze what, to me, are

misconceptions which persons are having about the idea of guru.


Mahalakshmi Dasi


Hare Krsna !!!





In Bhagavad Gita the Sloka " Tad Viddhi Prani paadena Pariprasnena

Sevaya, Upadesanti te Gnanam Gnanina tattva darsinah " clearly state

the importance of accepting a GURU. For everything we need GURU, be

it material knowledge or Spiritual knowledge. Is there any one who

has obtained a PHD Degree without taking lessons from teachers ? If

that is the case for material knowledge then what to speak of

Spiritual knowledge ? GURU is one who imparts knowledge and to get

that knowledge one should be inquisitive to know and submissive in his

service. GURU IS NOT A TRADER who gives somthing and takes somthing

in return. There are certain qualifications required to become GURU

and also certain qualifications required for becoming a desciple.

Guru means one who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the

illumination of knowledge. Another meaning of GURU is HEAVY. Guru

should be heavy and only then the disciples will be obedient and take

to the right path.





shree hari

ram ram


Haribol, Swamiji was of the mindset that people instead of seeing something

divine in any individual and becoming engaged with a particular person, should

become engaged directly with God. He was totally and strongly against worship

and puja of a person, an individual.



The Gita verse does not talk about engaging in Guru - Disciple

relationship. Swami has said about Gita 4:34. " In Gita 4:34 and Gita 13:7,

the Lord has advised such a devotee to receive instructions from a teacher,

through devotion. In this discipline, a preceptor is a must. Not being fully

aware of the perfection of a preceptor or the preceptor not being perfect, it

becomes very difficult for spiritual aspirants to maintain their faith. Thus

there remains the possibility of delays in one's spiritual practices. "


Swamiji also says - karma yoga is easier to practice than jnana yog

because - " The path of action can be followed by all, (different caste, creed,

order of life etc) under all circumstances. But the path of Sannyasa

(renunciate), that Arjuna talks about can be followed only under special

circumstances as explained in Gita 4:34, since all cannot come across great

Souls who have realized the Truth. Moreover, they cannot have complete faith in

these great Souls and even more so, they do not have an opportunity to live in

their company. Thus Karmayoga is better of the two. " Please read Swamiji's

explanation on the Gita verse at -





Hope this helps, but if not, please take specific statements of

Swamiji that you disagree with and we can address. Thank you for

taking the time,


Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator


Hare Krsna !!!


Thanks for your reply.


GURU is a via medium to approach the Supreme Lord. Just like one

cannot approach a big person directly but to approach thru his

secretary. Similarly Guru imparts the knowledge and shows the right

path to the Supreme Lord as he has received it from his Guru through

the unbroken chain of disciplic succession. (Evam parampara praptam

emam rajasrayo viduh ....) This knowledge is coming directly from the

Supreme Lord, Krishna through bonafide disciplic succession. This

knowledge is called APAURUSHEYA - means not man made knowledge. The

process of receiving this knowledge is through SABDA PRAMAN from the

vedic authorities.


One should be very careful in selecting a GURU. He should be a

bonafide GURU falling in any of the four authentic sampradayas coming

in disciplic succession and preach the message of the Supreme Lord

Krishna AS IT IS without any concoction or mental speculation. Even

Lord Krishna accepted a Guru - this is to set an example for the

general people like us to follow - otherwise what was the necessity

for the Supreme Lord Krishna to accept a Guru ?


And it is not necessary to always associate with GURU personally. One

can associate with the GURU through VAANI by executing his

instructions. VAPU (personal association) with Guru is not always

possible. Shastra says that one should follow in the footsteps of

Guru, Sadhu & Shastra to save ourselves from gliding down. GURU helps

us to cross over the ocean of material nescience just like a ship

captain very safely take us accross the ocean. With our own endeavour

it will be very difficult to achieve the task and with the help of the

GURU be it VAANI or VAPU it becomes much easier - the material ocean

becomes just like water contained in the calf's hoofprint and we can

just cross over it without any difficulty. Another example: Suppose

we have to climb the stair-case to get to the 100th floor of the

building how much time it will take and how tedious it would be but

GURU can take you through a Lift which is faster and easier.


Regarding the Yoga, Bhakti yoga is the simplest & easiest process

recommended in the age of Kali and Bhakti yoga is the culmination of

all other yogas. Lord Srikrishna says in the concluding chapter of

Bhagavad Gita - manmana bhava mad bhakto, madhyajimaam

namaskuru........ Karma yoga in Krishna Consciousness is Bhakti yoga.

Do all the activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord

Krishna and not for our personal sense gratification. We have

already enjoyed our senses in other lower species of lives for

millions and millions of years and now since we have been blessed with

a human form of life we should not waste this precious human form in

which form only we have the intelligence, higher reasoning power,

inquisitiveness to know the absolute truth. We should use the rare &

precious human form of life to liberate ourselves from the material

bondage rather going up and down transmigrating through different

species of lives.


This is my humble understanding as taught by HDG Srila Prabhupada, the

Iskcon Founder Acharya who falls in the disciplic succession of

Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya.





-Shree Hari-


I found this article the most brilliant subject matter on the whole

conundrum of Guru I have ever read.

Buddha, (the best as I remember), quoted, 'One may take something to

be the Truth, but do not grasp onto it too tightly, for when the

truth comes knocking at your door, you may not answer it'.

I see these words of Swami Ramsukhdasji shouting loudly at the

confused world, his words are surely knocking at the door.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari:


27th August, 2008, Wednesday

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence, That

Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It cannot

be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case, then how

would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That Supreme

Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those great

souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become Gurus,

nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


Individuals that transact or trade their teachings are not Gurus.

Those that say - first become my disciple (student), then I will

reveal to you the path towards God Realization, are like traders of

God. It is a principle that the price that a particular item is sold

for, the actual value of the item is less then the listed price.

Just like a watch which is available for Rs 1,000, it would cost

lesser than Rs 1,000 for the shopkeeper to purchase that item for

resale. If by making someone a Guru, something is attained, then the

thing attained will be less value than the Guru himself has. Then

with that weaker thing, how can God be attained? God is priceless. A

priceless thing is only attained without a price, and that which is

attained for a price, is weaker than the listed price. Therefore if

anyone says, I will reveal to you the real essence, if you become my

disciple then, kindly join your hands in gesture " no thank you " and

keep a distance ! Understand this to be some Kaalnemi !

Kaalnemi, the demon, the false Guru came to Hanumanji and said -


" Ser majjan kari aatur aavahu; dicchaa devu gyaan jehi paavahu. "

(Manasa. Lankaa. 57:4)


On hearing this, Hanumanji said - first take the gift, thereafter

give the secret mantra, and immediately thereafter Hanumanji by

wrapping his tail around the demon, lifted him and threw him down.


God has clearly stated in the Gita -

" Uddharedaatmanaatm aanam naatmaanamvasaadaye t

Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatamanah " (Gita 6:5)


" A man must raise himself by his own effort. He must not degrade

himself; for the Self is his own friend and the Self is also his

own enemy. " (Gita 6:5)


The point is that man alone is responsible for his own spiritual

upliftment or downfall. No one else is. God has bestowed this human

body, and with it, he has given all the necessary tools to attain

salvation. Therefore, one does not need anyone else for one's



Guru (spiritual guide), Saints and God, uplift the soul only after

man himself has trust and faith in them. Only after man accepts them

(Guru, Saints, God), comes to them, and follows their directions. If

man does not accept them, then how are they to do anything for man's

salvation? They simply cannot do anything. If you do not become a

student, then what can a teacher do for you? Just like some other

person can come and drop off a meal at your home, but the hunger

must come from within. If there is no hunger within, than what use

is there of delicious food preparations that are placed in front of



Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.


In reality, man himself is his own Guru - " Aatmano Gururaatmaiyva

Purushasya Vishehataha. " (Srimadbhag 11:7:20). Therefore discourses

are for your own self. Knowing this, see faults in your own self and

seek to remove them, instead of seeing faults in others.


From " Kyaa Guru Bina Mukti Nahin ? " by Swami Ramsukhdasji in Hindi

on page 28-29


Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


There have been some emails sent directly to moderators regarding a

recent daily message by Swamiji on " Can there be no liberation without a Guru? " .

These emails with some comments / issues are listed below-


There were similar questions that have been raised in Gita-talk, but are spread

among various topics and difficult to summarize. Due to there being over 10,000

members, I sincerely request those who want to participate in this discussion,

particularly raise questions / doubts / issues, to please review the past sadhak

daily messages related to Guru (links provided below) and Gita-Talk discussion

(link below), so that we can all leverage the learnings and as far as possible

not repeat the same questions / issues.


Sadhak message links on Guru are at :


What is a True Spiritual Guide like?



Gita View of Guru - Part I & II




Is it Essential for a Guru to be a Self Realized Soul ?



On Guru Disciple Relationship



On Guru - Sishya



Is it not Essential to Engage in Guru Disciple Relationship ?



Worship of Guru - Part 1



Worship of Guru - Part 2



God is Guru of this Universe



Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide or Guru



Real Guru is your discrimination:



There is no Sin in letting go of false Guru



Who can be considered a Guru?



Gita Talk discussion links are at:



Please re-read the daily posting and find out specific sentence,

line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage. Please keep

discussions to half a page and relevant to the specific question

only. Please review remaining Gita Talk guidelines.



thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator





-Shree Hari-


I have pasted a part of the original article, it speaks volumes:

'Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.'


Now consider this, one desires the Divine Truth with a passion, one

will have insights experiences, these experiences can become a

yardstick to measure the worth of those whom maybe of help to one.

One will recognize the astounding reality of a chance meeting maybe,

someone might be of support when one most needs support, so many

coincidences can occur.

One is dealing with the indwelling Supreme, that Indwelling will make itself

known. By taking up ones own ego belief to what one requires of a guru, and

going on search for such; is expressed by a Sufi story:

A man spied another man under a street lamp on his hands and knees

searching for something, " What are you looking for he asked " , " my

keys, I've lost my keys " the reply. After a fruitless search the

helper said, " Are you sure you lost them here under the lamp? " , " Oh

no, I lost them over there in the dark, but I can see a lot better

here under the lamp! " . Comment, wrong lamp!

(I have taken the lead of Maheshji ):

B.G. 10:11 'Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their

Self, destroy the darkness born of ignorance by the luminous lamp of

knowledge.' B.G. 10:12. 'You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme

abode (or the supreme light), the supreme purifier, the eternal,

divine Person, the primeval God, unborn and omnipresent.'


The worship of the primeval God, is for all mankind without

exception, and the desire for liberation is born in all of us, but we

may have to step out of the light of comfort and dogma, and trust in

the guidance of the Supreme Light.


With Respect and Divine Love.



(Mike Keenor)



Thanks Mahesh Bhaiyya and. Brother Mike Keenor !


Did you notice. Brothers? - people saying that there are secretaries already

existing in this universe, Jee - appointed by our Daddy - and if you are

interested in realisation you must move through them ! Direct realisation. No

kitkit, no jhik jhik. No practice. No ego less ness. No karan sapeksha, no karan

nirpeksha. No sadhana. No Sadhak. No time required. Just Come, Register with us

and Go straight to Gau Loka. Don't you know who we are? Secretaries ! Agents !!

Did not you read Gita? Padam Purana ?? Direct authorised agents !!!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


Official appointees under verse 4:34 of Gitaji ! Licence holders ! Direct

recepient of knowledge Jee! Sabd Purana Jee! From Lord Krishna Jee !

Apaurushayam Bhaiyya !! Lineage !!!! Wah Re Kaliyuga? (Hats off to you Kaliyuga



Raam . Raam. Raam.




Guru is always there inside with each one of us. He only introduces meanings of

things around us. Even visible as mother, father, teacher, friends, and even

enemy. So, the objects that ignite minds are Guru. The real guru is inside and

educational objects are outside.


Krishna is the last Guru, Shiva is father and 2nd Guru, Paarvati is mother and

1st Guru. Ram Charit Maanas thus says:


Bhawani Shankarau Vande Shiddha Vishwas Roopinau

Yabhaam Bina n pashyanti, Siddhah Swantah Sthameeshwaram.


Mother is the Bhawani who is Sriddha or giver of the container (worthiness) to

hold the knowledge, and Shiva the father gives the vishwas or fills the

container with the content ( knowledge or book). Lastly, the person with the

container and content goes inside to find Ishwar who is the teacher, and

develops understanding.


Without Guru, thus, to enter inside our own heart where Isht lives, is not

possible. If you follow the Guru, you will have no conflict but if you have it

for reason of others, the Guru will save you himself. So, names and prayer of

Guru have physical effects, and thoughts of Guru has intellectual effect.


Siya Ram maay sab jag jaani, Karahu Pranaam jori yug paani.

I now know how the whole world is filled and operated by Sita and Ram

So, I pray to the world by folded hands.



K G Misra





Hare Krishna

Yes, there is no liberation without Guru. And the Hindu world is

not free from Guru Ghantals (Fake Gurus). At every four steps there is

Guru. Guru's glorification is upto such an amount that Gurus tend to

have published their own photos, feet-photos, blessing photos and what

not. Yesterday I was watching Aastha International and listening

Satpal Maharaj's Son's Upadesh. On Stage Satpal Ji is sitting beside

his Dharampatni. Entire Guru Family--father, mother and son are there

on stage. What a Virat Darshan of Gurus. Everybody is Guru. Innocent

Persons from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. have gathered to

listen. In India Guru,Guru and countless Gurus. Ironically, when my

son listened Shri Gita Shloka from Satpalji's mouth, he literraly

laughed when self-imposed, self-proclaimed Guruji said---Nainam

Chchindanti Shaastrani......in place of Shastrani (Ch 2 Verse 23).

Shaastrani means Scriptures and Shastrani means weapons. Such Gurus

are a lot who are promoting their sons.

As a matter of fact there is only one and one Guru who is Shri

Krishna--Shri Krishnam Vande Gagat Gurum. Shri Gita is the only

scripture on this planet Earth which can guide us truthfully. Shri

Krishna is the the the only Guru.

Teshamev Anukampartham Aham Agyanjam Tamah

Nashayamyaatma Bhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhasvataa....


Shri Gita Ch. 10 Verse 11


Hare Krishna


Mahesh Sharma



My dandavat pranams to all

I find the article below to be total hypocrisy. A person is

saying, " don't accept guru " ....but in their mode of presentation, they

are giving instruction as a guru!!! People are accepting, " Yes, this

is the way I will follow, based on teachings of this man " . So, they

are accepting guru. It is unavoidable.....one MUST look for guidance.

To not admit to doing so, is hypocrisy. It is a falsehood, and one

should be honest and abandon deceit.

A misunderstanding is that a person can become guru. Guru is

not made, not that today I am qualified, but tomorrow I may fall away.

That person had no business calling himself guru......however, a true

aspirant may see ANYONE, even a prostitute, a deer, or a moth as his

guru. Guru is external manifestation of Paramatma.....to see him as

an ordinary man is a great offense. This is stated in the padma Purana:


arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati bddhir

visnor va vaisnavanam kali mala mathane pada tirthe " mbu-buddhih

sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabda-samanya-buddhir

visnau sarvesvare tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah

" One who considers the worshipable Deity to be stone; who considers

the Vaisnava Guru to be a mortal man, or who considers a Vaisnava to

be limited by the confines of caste, lineage, or creed, who considers

the holy foot wash of Lord Visnu (Ganga water) or af a Vaisnava

(caranamrta) to be ordinary water; who considers the holy Name (the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra) which vanquishes all sins, to be material

sound vibration, and who consider the God of gods, Lord Visnu, to be

merely on the level of demigods, such a person, becomes a resident of

hell. "

respectfully submitted, Mahalaksmi Dasi


shree hari

ram ram


Mahalakshmiji, Please re-read the daily posting and find out

specific sentence, line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage.


I truly believe Swamiji is saying learn from all, do not get stuck.....as it is

guru tattva...and not a specific individual who locks one into discipleship and

is trading in knowledge. (accepting gifts). Again, it is important that if you

disagree, you are able to point out specific points that Swamiji made, which you

disagree with.


Swamiji is not trading in money. He did not ever carry money or ever

take any gifts from anyone or anything of that sort for revealing

these secrets. He did not make any one a disciple or gave

mantra, or mala...etc. Again, in all his writings he is saying that your intense

longing, desire is more important then the guru-disciple formal relationship.

Guru can take you to the water, but ultimately it is up to you to drink. So

ultimately it is you, that is what Swamiji is conveying.


Again please point out specific statements of Swamiji and raise concerns and not

just generalities. thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator



My dandavat pranams to all in this forum,

I am praying for patience to explain a topic which I find to be

quite painful to present.....the pain is in that I don't wish to have

any arguement with those who are of a particular mind set....however,

I find that there are many statements in the article below which could

be seen to be contradicting themselves....however, in the Absolute

sense, I see their consistency.... To begin, the first line states,

" That which we wish to attain, the Supreme essence " ......and then the

fourth sentence states, " that Supreme Soul (consciousness) is ever

attained by all beings "

So, with deepest regard to Sri RamSukhadasji, I beg his kindness

and permission to comment on his words. He is saying first, " that

which we wish to attain " .....hence, God consciousness, full absorption in the

Supreme, is NOT already attained by all. He is himself stating, " that which we

wish to attain " . What I am hearing from him, and I again beg his kindness to

help me understand, is that not everyone at this time HAS attained the supreme

consciousness. However, an uttama adhikari, one who is on the top most rungs of

devotion to God, cannot help but, within themselves, perceive everyone else as

perfectly serving God....although he is simultaneously aware that they are NOT

already there. So, the contradictory phrase becomes reconciled. But, accepted

that there are many souls in the conditioned state, who honestly admit that they

have NOT attained full awareness of the Supreme, what to be done? My answer to

this is to find one who knows, find a teacher, a preceptor, a guru.

For fear of making this to long and thus unprintable, I will stop

here, and wait until tomorrow to furthur analyze what, to me, are

misconceptions which persons are having about the idea of guru.


Mahalakshmi Dasi


Hare Krsna !!!





In Bhagavad Gita the Sloka " Tad Viddhi Prani paadena Pariprasnena

Sevaya, Upadesanti te Gnanam Gnanina tattva darsinah " clearly state

the importance of accepting a GURU. For everything we need GURU, be

it material knowledge or Spiritual knowledge. Is there any one who

has obtained a PHD Degree without taking lessons from teachers ? If

that is the case for material knowledge then what to speak of

Spiritual knowledge ? GURU is one who imparts knowledge and to get

that knowledge one should be inquisitive to know and submissive in his

service. GURU IS NOT A TRADER who gives somthing and takes somthing

in return. There are certain qualifications required to become GURU

and also certain qualifications required for becoming a desciple.

Guru means one who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the

illumination of knowledge. Another meaning of GURU is HEAVY. Guru

should be heavy and only then the disciples will be obedient and take

to the right path.





shree hari

ram ram


Haribol, Swamiji was of the mindset that people instead of seeing

something divine in any individual and becoming engaged with a

particular person, should become engaged directly with God. He was

totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an



The Gita verse does not talk about engaging in Guru - Disciple

relationship. Swamiji said that " In Gita 4:34 and Gita 13:7, the Lord has

advised such a devotee to receive instructions from a teacher. In this

discipline (jnana yog), a preceptor is a must. Not being fully aware of the

perfection of a preceptor or the

preceptor not being perfect, it becomes very difficult for spiritual

aspirants to maintain their faith. Thus there remains the possibility of delays

in one's spiritual practices. "


Swamiji also says - karma yoga is easier to practice than jnana yog

because - " The path of action can be followed by all, (different

caste, creed, order of life etc) under all circumstances. But the

path of Sannyasa (renunciate), that Arjuna talks about can be

followed only under special circumstances as explained in Gita 4:34,

since all cannot come across great Souls who have realized the Truth. Moreover,

they cannot have complete faith in these great Souls and even more so, they do

not have an opportunity to live in

their company. Thus Karmayoga is better of the two. " Please read

Swamiji's explanation on the Gita verse at -





Hope this helps, but if not, please take specific statements of

Swamiji that you disagree with and we can address. Thank you for

taking the time,


Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator


Hare Krsna !!!


Thanks for your reply.


GURU is a via medium to approach the Supreme Lord. Just like one

cannot approach a big person directly but to approach thru his

secretary. Similarly Guru imparts the knowledge and shows the right

path to the Supreme Lord as he has received it from his Guru through

the unbroken chain of disciplic succession. (Evam parampara praptam

emam rajasrayo viduh ....) This knowledge is coming directly from the

Supreme Lord, Krishna through bonafide disciplic succession. This

knowledge is called APAURUSHEYA - means not man made knowledge. The

process of receiving this knowledge is through SABDA PRAMAN from the

vedic authorities.


One should be very careful in selecting a GURU. He should be a

bonafide GURU falling in any of the four authentic sampradayas coming

in disciplic succession and preach the message of the Supreme Lord

Krishna AS IT IS without any concoction or mental speculation. Even

Lord Krishna accepted a Guru - this is to set an example for the

general people like us to follow - otherwise what was the necessity

for the Supreme Lord Krishna to accept a Guru ?


And it is not necessary to always associate with GURU personally. One

can associate with the GURU through VAANI by executing his

instructions. VAPU (personal association) with Guru is not always

possible. Shastra says that one should follow in the footsteps of

Guru, Sadhu & Shastra to save ourselves from gliding down. GURU helps

us to cross over the ocean of material nescience just like a ship

captain very safely take us accross the ocean. With our own endeavour

it will be very difficult to achieve the task and with the help of the

GURU be it VAANI or VAPU it becomes much easier - the material ocean

becomes just like water contained in the calf's hoofprint and we can

just cross over it without any difficulty. Another example: Suppose

we have to climb the stair-case to get to the 100th floor of the

building how much time it will take and how tedious it would be but

GURU can take you through a Lift which is faster and easier.


Regarding the Yoga, Bhakti yoga is the simplest & easiest process

recommended in the age of Kali and Bhakti yoga is the culmination of

all other yogas. Lord Srikrishna says in the concluding chapter of

Bhagavad Gita - manmana bhava mad bhakto, madhyajimaam

namaskuru........ Karma yoga in Krishna Consciousness is Bhakti yoga.

Do all the activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord

Krishna and not for our personal sense gratification. We have

already enjoyed our senses in other lower species of lives for

millions and millions of years and now since we have been blessed with

a human form of life we should not waste this precious human form in

which form only we have the intelligence, higher reasoning power,

inquisitiveness to know the absolute truth. We should use the rare &

precious human form of life to liberate ourselves from the material

bondage rather going up and down transmigrating through different

species of lives.


This is my humble understanding as taught by HDG Srila Prabhupada, the Iskcon

Founder Acharya who falls in the disciplic succession of

Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya.





-Shree Hari-


I found this article the most brilliant subject matter on the whole

conundrum of Guru I have ever read.

Buddha, (the best as I remember), quoted, 'One may take something to

be the Truth, but do not grasp onto it too tightly, for when the

truth comes knocking at your door, you may not answer it'.

I see these words of Swami Ramsukhdasji shouting loudly at the

confused world, his words are surely knocking at the door.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari:


27th August, 2008, Wednesday

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence, That

Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It cannot

be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case, then how

would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That Supreme

Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those great

souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become Gurus,

nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


Individuals that transact or trade their teachings are not Gurus.

Those that say - first become my disciple (student), then I will

reveal to you the path towards God Realization, are like traders of

God. It is a principle that the price that a particular item is sold

for, the actual value of the item is less then the listed price.

Just like a watch which is available for Rs 1,000, it would cost

lesser than Rs 1,000 for the shopkeeper to purchase that item for

resale. If by making someone a Guru, something is attained, then the

thing attained will be less value than the Guru himself has. Then

with that weaker thing, how can God be attained? God is priceless. A

priceless thing is only attained without a price, and that which is

attained for a price, is weaker than the listed price. Therefore if

anyone says, I will reveal to you the real essence, if you become my

disciple then, kindly join your hands in gesture " no thank you " and

keep a distance ! Understand this to be some Kaalnemi !

Kaalnemi, the demon, the false Guru came to Hanumanji and said -


" Ser majjan kari aatur aavahu; dicchaa devu gyaan jehi paavahu. "

(Manasa. Lankaa. 57:4)


On hearing this, Hanumanji said - first take the gift, thereafter

give the secret mantra, and immediately thereafter Hanumanji by

wrapping his tail around the demon, lifted him and threw him down.


God has clearly stated in the Gita -

" Uddharedaatmanaatm aanam naatmaanamvasaadaye t

Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatamanah " (Gita 6:5)


" A man must raise himself by his own effort. He must not degrade

himself; for the Self is his own friend and the Self is also his

own enemy. " (Gita 6:5)


The point is that man alone is responsible for his own spiritual

upliftment or downfall. No one else is. God has bestowed this human

body, and with it, he has given all the necessary tools to attain

salvation. Therefore, one does not need anyone else for one's



Guru (spiritual guide), Saints and God, uplift the soul only after

man himself has trust and faith in them. Only after man accepts them

(Guru, Saints, God), comes to them, and follows their directions. If

man does not accept them, then how are they to do anything for man's

salvation? They simply cannot do anything. If you do not become a

student, then what can a teacher do for you? Just like some other

person can come and drop off a meal at your home, but the hunger

must come from within. If there is no hunger within, than what use

is there of delicious food preparations that are placed in front of



Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.


In reality, man himself is his own Guru - " Aatmano Gururaatmaiyva

Purushasya Vishehataha. " (Srimadbhag 11:7:20). Therefore discourses

are for your own self. Knowing this, see faults in your own self and

seek to remove them, instead of seeing faults in others.


From " Kyaa Guru Bina Mukti Nahin ? " by Swami Ramsukhdasji in Hindi

on page 28-29


Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


There have been some emails sent directly to moderators regarding a

recent daily message by Swamiji on " Can there be no liberation

without a Guru? " . These emails with some comments / issues are

listed below-


There were similar questions that have been raised in Gita-talk, but

are spread among various topics and difficult to summarize. Due to

there being over 10,000 members, I sincerely request those who want

to participate in this discussion, particularly raise questions /

doubts / issues, to please review the past sadhak daily messages

related to Guru (links provided below) and Gita-Talk discussion

(link below), so that we can all leverage the learnings and as far

as possible not repeat the same questions / issues.


Sadhak message links on Guru are at :


What is a True Spiritual Guide like?



Gita View of Guru - Part I & II




Is it Essential for a Guru to be a Self Realized Soul ?



On Guru Disciple Relationship



On Guru - Sishya



Is it not Essential to Engage in Guru Disciple Relationship ?



Worship of Guru - Part 1



Worship of Guru - Part 2



God is Guru of this Universe



Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide or Guru



Real Guru is your discrimination:



There is no Sin in letting go of false Guru



Who can be considered a Guru?



Gita Talk discussion links are at:



Please re-read the daily posting and find out specific sentence,

line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage. Please keep

discussions to half a page and relevant to the specific question

only. Please review remaining Gita Talk guidelines.



thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator





The Master (Guru) of this entire Universe, for our realization,

bestows on us this human body. Along with it, he also gives the

Guru in the form of " discrimination " . God does not leave anything

partially done – just as a high official, receives along with his

position, also a house, car, servant, and all the facilities and

conveniences come along with his position, similarly, God provides

man all the necessary tools for his salvation, by which he can

properly know what is real versus unreal, what is good versus bad

conduct, what is rightful duty and what is not etc. There is no

other Guru, that is greater than our discrimination (vivek) and one

must respect / revere it. For salvation of mankind, there does not

arise the need for an external Guru. And he who does not pay

respect to his own discriminative faculty (vivek), he will not be

able to attain his salvation by engaging in an external Guru.


In reality, salvation, liberation, attainment of essential

knowledge, God Realization, is not dependent on an external Guru. If

without a Guru, essential knowledge (knowledge of Truth) were not

possible then, the very first Guru that was born, how did he attain

this knowledge? How? By this it is evident, that without making

another person a Guru, man can attain realization, he can attain

essential knowledge, by the grace of Bhagwaan - who is the Guru of

the entire Universe.


Realization of the Essential Element (tattva jnana) happens due to

our own faith, beliefs, trust, interest, and according to our

abilities in doing our spiritual practice. There is no such rule

that by making someone a Guru, salvation is on it's way or is

definitely attainable. As long as within yourself, that inner

longing is not awakened, till that time even God Himself, cannot

liberate you or make you attain Salvation, then how is the Guru

going to make you attain salvation? God is the Guru of this entire

Universe, and we too are in this Universe, therefore, in reality, we

already are with a Guru, in fact we are disciples of the greatest

Guru. There is great danger from a Kaliyug Guru, but there is no

danger from Bhagwaan, the Guru of this entire Universe.






Jagadguru Bhagwan aapni prapti ke liye manusya ko sarir de te hai

tho sath mai vivek rupi guru bhi de tehai bhagwan adhura kamnahi

karte jaise bade offcier ko makan noker motor adi sub suvidha

uplabhdha hoti hai vesehi bhagwan aadmi ko sarir ke sath kalyan ki

bhi sub samgri de te hai jes se vah sat asat kartvya or akartvya

thek be thek adi ko jan sakta hai isse badh kar koi guru nahi hai

jo apne vivek ka adar karta hai us ko apne kalyan ke liye bahari

guru ki jarurat nahi padthi. Or jo apne vivek ka adar nahi kartha

vah bahari guru banakar apna kalyan nahi ker saktha vastav me kalyan

mukti tatvagyan parmatma prapti guru ke adhin nahi hai agar bena

guru ke tatvagyan nahi hota tho shastri mai jo sabse pahala guru

raha hoga usko tatvagyanke se huaa isse ye sidh huaa ki bina kisi

manusya ko guru banaye jagatguru bhagwan ki kirpa se tatvagyan ho

sak ta hai.tatav ki prapti tab ho ti hai jub apni sradha vishvash

ruchi or yogyata ke anusar sadhan ki ya jay guru banane se kalyan

hohi jayeja esa koi vidhan nahi hai. Jab tak apke bhitar apne kalyan

ki lalsa jagrat nahi hogi tab tak bhagwan bhi apka kalyan nahi kar

sakte phir guru kai se ker dega. Bhagwan jagat ke guru hai or hum

bhi jagat ke bhitar hai isliye vastav mai hum guru se rahit he hai

hum asli mahan guru ke sisya hai. Kalyuji guru se tho bada khatra

hai per jagatguru bhagwan se koi khatra nahi hai





Shree Hari

ram ram


I believe there is agreement along the lines of Guru tattva and that

since Paramatmaa is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, the

tattva (Guru Tattva) to uplift a Jeev in attaining liberation /

salvation or God Realization can come from anyone / anywhere. The

issues / concerns / differences expressed by Sadhaks are mostly

around -


Guru - Disciple relationship, through a formal initiation and

related dakshinaah (Gifts), and bondage to one individual / group /

organization etc. This is where Swamiji, clearly states to stay

away from such a set-up. I read through the links provided and

Swamiji's reasons are clear. Sadhaks who have doubts, should take

the time to read these links. There is no hypocrisy by Swamiji, as

until his last breath, He only saw himself as Sadhak and never

anything else.


Yes! When spiritual knowledge is shared, only to those who are

initiated into Discipleship and only for a fee, it is a trade. It

may appear to be a harsh word, but there is no other way to soften

that transaction. Swamiji clearly states that in such situations,

what is received by disciple is of lesser value than the dakshinaa

(gift) given.


Swamiji is not in disagreement about seeking guidance. Yes! we all

need guidance along the spiritual journey and path. Swamiji's point

is more around the sadhak's own intense longing and a firm aim /

goal of salvation / liberations as being key in attainment. Swamiji

therefore suggests not to get stuck, and instead seek guidance from

wherever God reveals Himself to you, in His divine plays. Be open in

receiving the guidance from many sources and certainly do not seek

guidance from only one, and that too one who will only give you guidance after

initiation and for a fee. That is Swamiji's point. Hope this helps !


Meera Das

Ram Ram





-Shree Hari-


I have pasted a part of the original article, it speaks volumes:

'Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.'


Now consider this, one desires the Divine Truth with a passion, one

will have insights experiences, these experiences can become a

yardstick to measure the worth of those whom maybe of help to one.

One will recognize the astounding reality of a chance meeting maybe,

someone might be of support when one most needs support, so many

coincidences can occur. One is dealing with the indwelling Supreme,

that Indwelling will make itself known. By taking up ones own ego

belief to what one requires of a guru, and going on search for such;

is expressed by a Sufi story: A man spied another man under a street

lamp on his hands and knees searching for something, " What are you

looking for he asked " , " my keys, I've lost my keys " the reply. After

a fruitless search the helper said, " Are you sure you lost them here

under the lamp? " , " Oh no, I lost them over there in the dark, but I

can see a lot better here under the lamp! " . Comment, wrong lamp!


(I have taken the lead of Maheshji ):

B.G. 10:11 'Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their

Self, destroy the darkness born of ignorance by the luminous lamp of

knowledge.' B.G. 10:12. 'You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme

abode (or the supreme light), the supreme purifier, the eternal,

divine Person, the primeval God, unborn and omnipresent.'


The worship of the primeval God, is for all mankind without

exception, and the desire for liberation is born in all of us, but we

may have to step out of the light of comfort and dogma, and trust in

the guidance of the Supreme Light.


With Respect and Divine Love.



(Mike Keenor)



Thanks Mahesh Bhaiyya and. Brother Mike Keenor !


Did you notice. Brothers? - people saying that there are secretaries

already existing in this universe, Jee - appointed by our Daddy -

and if you are interested in realisation you must move through

them ! Direct realisation. No kitkit, no jhik jhik. No practice. No

ego less ness. No karan sapeksha, no karan nirpeksha. No sadhana. No

Sadhak. No time required. Just Come, Register with us and Go

straight to Gau Loka. Don't you know who we are? Secretaries !

Agents !! Did not you read Gita? Padam Purana ?? Direct authorised

agents !!!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


Official appointees under verse 4:34 of Gitaji ! Licence holders !

Direct recepient of knowledge Jee! Sabd Purana Jee! From Lord

Krishna Jee ! Apaurushayam Bhaiyya !! Lineage !!!! Wah Re Kaliyuga?

(Hats off to you Kaliyuga!)


Raam . Raam. Raam.




Guru is always there inside with each one of us. He only introduces

meanings of things around us. Even visible as mother, father,

teacher, friends, and even enemy. So, the objects that ignite minds

are Guru. The real guru is inside and educational objects are



Krishna is the last Guru, Shiva is father and 2nd Guru, Paarvati is

mother and 1st Guru. Ram Charit Maanas thus says:


Bhawani Shankarau Vande Shiddha Vishwas Roopinau

Yabhaam Bina n pashyanti, Siddhah Swantah Sthameeshwaram.


Mother is the Bhawani who is Sriddha or giver of the container

(worthiness) to hold the knowledge, and Shiva the father gives the

vishwas or fills the container with the content ( knowledge or

book). Lastly, the person with the container and content goes inside

to find Ishwar who is the teacher, and develops understanding.


Without Guru, thus, to enter inside our own heart where Isht lives,

is not possible. If you follow the Guru, you will have no conflict

but if you have it for reason of others, the Guru will save you

himself. So, names and prayer of Guru have physical effects, and

thoughts of Guru has intellectual effect.


Siya Ram maay sab jag jaani, Karahu Pranaam jori yug paani.

I now know how the whole world is filled and operated by Sita and Ram

So, I pray to the world by folded hands.



K G Misra





Hare Krishna

Yes, there is no liberation without Guru. And the Hindu world is

not free from Guru Ghantals (Fake Gurus). At every four steps there

is Guru. Guru's glorification is upto such an amount that Gurus tend

to have published their own photos, feet-photos, blessing photos and

what not. Yesterday I was watching Aastha International and listening

Satpal Maharaj's Son's Upadesh. On Stage Satpal Ji is sitting beside

his Dharampatni. Entire Guru Family--father, mother and son are there

on stage. What a Virat Darshan of Gurus. Everybody is Guru. Innocent

Persons from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. have gathered to

listen. In India Guru,Guru and countless Gurus. Ironically, when my

son listened Shri Gita Shloka from Satpalji's mouth, he literraly

laughed when self-imposed, self-proclaimed Guruji said---Nainam

Chchindanti Shaastrani......in place of Shastrani (Ch 2 Verse 23).

Shaastrani means Scriptures and Shastrani means weapons. Such Gurus

are a lot who are promoting their sons.

As a matter of fact there is only one and one Guru who is Shri

Krishna--Shri Krishnam Vande Gagat Gurum. Shri Gita is the only

scripture on this planet Earth which can guide us truthfully. Shri

Krishna is the the the only Guru.

Teshamev Anukampartham Aham Agyanjam Tamah

Nashayamyaatma Bhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhasvataa....


Shri Gita Ch. 10 Verse 11


Hare Krishna


Mahesh Sharma



My dandavat pranams to all

I find the article below to be total hypocrisy. A person is

saying, " don't accept guru " ....but in their mode of presentation,

they are giving instruction as a guru!!! People are accepting, " Yes,

this is the way I will follow, based on teachings of this man " . So,

they are accepting guru. It is unavoidable.....one MUST look for


To not admit to doing so, is hypocrisy. It is a falsehood, and one

should be honest and abandon deceit. A misunderstanding is that a

person can become guru. Guru is not made, not that today I am

qualified, but tomorrow I may fall away.

That person had no business calling himself guru......however, a true

aspirant may see ANYONE, even a prostitute, a deer, or a moth as his

guru. Guru is external manifestation of Paramatma.....to see him as

an ordinary man is a great offense. This is stated in the padma



arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati bddhir

visnor va vaisnavanam kali mala mathane pada tirthe " mbu-buddhih

sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabda-samanya-buddhir

visnau sarvesvare tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah

" One who considers the worshipable Deity to be stone; who considers

the Vaisnava Guru to be a mortal man, or who considers a Vaisnava to

be limited by the confines of caste, lineage, or creed, who considers

the holy foot wash of Lord Visnu (Ganga water) or af a Vaisnava

(caranamrta) to be ordinary water; who considers the holy Name (the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra) which vanquishes all sins, to be material

sound vibration, and who consider the God of gods, Lord Visnu, to be

merely on the level of demigods, such a person, becomes a resident of

hell. "

respectfully submitted, Mahalaksmi Dasi


shree hari

ram ram


Mahalakshmiji, Please re-read the daily posting and find out

specific sentence, line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's



I truly believe Swamiji is saying learn from all, do not get

stuck.....as it is guru tattva...and not a specific individual who

locks one into discipleship and is trading in knowledge. (accepting

gifts). Again, it is important that if you disagree, you are able to

point out specific points that Swamiji made, which you disagree with.


Swamiji is not trading in money. He did not ever carry money or ever

take any gifts from anyone or anything of that sort for revealing

these secrets. He did not make any one a disciple or gave mantra, or

mala...etc. Again, in all his writings he is saying that your intense

longing, desire is more important then the guru-disciple formal

relationship. Guru can take you to the water, but ultimately it is

up to you to drink. So ultimately it is you, that is what Swamiji is



Again please point out specific statements of Swamiji and raise

concerns and not just generalities. thank you for your time and



Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator



My dandavat pranams to all in this forum,

I am praying for patience to explain a topic which I find to be

quite painful to present.....the pain is in that I don't wish to have

any arguement with those who are of a particular mind set....however,

I find that there are many statements in the article below which

could be seen to be contradicting themselves....however, in the

Absolute sense, I see their consistency.... To begin, the first line

states, " That which we wish to attain, the Supreme essence " ......and

then the fourth sentence states, " that Supreme Soul (consciousness)

is ever attained by all beings " So, with deepest regard to Sri

RamSukhadasji, I beg his kindness and permission to comment on his

words. He is saying first, " that which we wish to attain " .....hence,

God consciousness, full absorption in the Supreme, is NOT already

attained by all. He is himself stating, " that which we wish to

attain " . What I am hearing from him, and I again beg his kindness to

help me understand, is that not everyone at this time HAS attained

the supreme consciousness. However, an uttama adhikari, one who is

on the top most rungs of devotion to God, cannot help but, within

themselves, perceive everyone else as perfectly serving

God....although he is simultaneously aware that they are NOT

already there. So, the contradictory phrase becomes reconciled. But,

accepted that there are many souls in the conditioned state, who

honestly admit that they have NOT attained full awareness of the

Supreme, what to be done? My answer to this is to find one who

knows, find a teacher, a preceptor, a guru.

For fear of making this to long and thus unprintable, I will stop

here, and wait until tomorrow to furthur analyze what, to me, are

misconceptions which persons are having about the idea of guru.


Mahalakshmi Dasi


Hare Krsna !!!





In Bhagavad Gita the Sloka " Tad Viddhi Prani paadena Pariprasnena

Sevaya, Upadesanti te Gnanam Gnanina tattva darsinah " clearly state

the importance of accepting a GURU. For everything we need GURU, be

it material knowledge or Spiritual knowledge. Is there any one who

has obtained a PHD Degree without taking lessons from teachers ? If

that is the case for material knowledge then what to speak of

Spiritual knowledge ? GURU is one who imparts knowledge and to get

that knowledge one should be inquisitive to know and submissive in


service. GURU IS NOT A TRADER who gives somthing and takes somthing

in return. There are certain qualifications required to become GURU

and also certain qualifications required for becoming a desciple.

Guru means one who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the

illumination of knowledge. Another meaning of GURU is HEAVY. Guru

should be heavy and only then the disciples will be obedient and take

to the right path.





shree hari

ram ram


Haribol, Swamiji was of the mindset that people instead of seeing

something divine in any individual and becoming engaged with a

particular person, should become engaged directly with God. He was

totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an



The Gita verse does not talk about engaging in Guru - Disciple

relationship. Swamiji said that " In Gita 4:34 and Gita 13:7, the

Lord has advised such a devotee to receive instructions from a

teacher. In this discipline (jnana yog), a preceptor is a must. Not

being fully aware of the perfection of a preceptor or the

preceptor not being perfect, it becomes very difficult for spiritual

aspirants to maintain their faith. Thus there remains the

possibility of delays in one's spiritual practices. "


Swamiji also says - karma yoga is easier to practice than jnana yog

because - " The path of action can be followed by all, (different

caste, creed, order of life etc) under all circumstances. But the

path of Sannyasa (renunciate), that Arjuna talks about can be

followed only under special circumstances as explained in Gita 4:34,

since all cannot come across great Souls who have realized the

Truth. Moreover, they cannot have complete faith in these great

Souls and even more so, they do not have an opportunity to live in

their company. Thus Karmayoga is better of the two. " Please read

Swamiji's explanation on the Gita verse at -





Hope this helps, but if not, please take specific statements of

Swamiji that you disagree with and we can address. Thank you for

taking the time,


Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator


Hare Krsna !!!


Thanks for your reply.


GURU is a via medium to approach the Supreme Lord. Just like one

cannot approach a big person directly but to approach thru his

secretary. Similarly Guru imparts the knowledge and shows the right

path to the Supreme Lord as he has received it from his Guru through

the unbroken chain of disciplic succession. (Evam parampara praptam

emam rajasrayo viduh ....) This knowledge is coming directly from the

Supreme Lord, Krishna through bonafide disciplic succession. This

knowledge is called APAURUSHEYA - means not man made knowledge. The

process of receiving this knowledge is through SABDA PRAMAN from the

vedic authorities.


One should be very careful in selecting a GURU. He should be a

bonafide GURU falling in any of the four authentic sampradayas coming

in disciplic succession and preach the message of the Supreme Lord

Krishna AS IT IS without any concoction or mental speculation. Even

Lord Krishna accepted a Guru - this is to set an example for the

general people like us to follow - otherwise what was the necessity

for the Supreme Lord Krishna to accept a Guru ?


And it is not necessary to always associate with GURU personally. One

can associate with the GURU through VAANI by executing his

instructions. VAPU (personal association) with Guru is not always

possible. Shastra says that one should follow in the footsteps of

Guru, Sadhu & Shastra to save ourselves from gliding down. GURU helps

us to cross over the ocean of material nescience just like a ship

captain very safely take us accross the ocean. With our own endeavour

it will be very difficult to achieve the task and with the help of


GURU be it VAANI or VAPU it becomes much easier - the material ocean

becomes just like water contained in the calf's hoofprint and we can

just cross over it without any difficulty. Another example: Suppose

we have to climb the stair-case to get to the 100th floor of the

building how much time it will take and how tedious it would be but

GURU can take you through a Lift which is faster and easier.


Regarding the Yoga, Bhakti yoga is the simplest & easiest process

recommended in the age of Kali and Bhakti yoga is the culmination of

all other yogas. Lord Srikrishna says in the concluding chapter of

Bhagavad Gita - manmana bhava mad bhakto, madhyajimaam

namaskuru........ Karma yoga in Krishna Consciousness is Bhakti yoga.

Do all the activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord

Krishna and not for our personal sense gratification. We have

already enjoyed our senses in other lower species of lives for

millions and millions of years and now since we have been blessed


a human form of life we should not waste this precious human form in

which form only we have the intelligence, higher reasoning power,

inquisitiveness to know the absolute truth. We should use the rare &

precious human form of life to liberate ourselves from the material

bondage rather going up and down transmigrating through different

species of lives.


This is my humble understanding as taught by HDG Srila Prabhupada,

the Iskcon

Founder Acharya who falls in the disciplic succession of

Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya.





-Shree Hari-


I found this article the most brilliant subject matter on the whole

conundrum of Guru I have ever read.

Buddha, (the best as I remember), quoted, 'One may take something to

be the Truth, but do not grasp onto it too tightly, for when the

truth comes knocking at your door, you may not answer it'.

I see these words of Swami Ramsukhdasji shouting loudly at the

confused world, his words are surely knocking at the door.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari:


27th August, 2008, Wednesday

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence, That

Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It cannot

be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case, then how

would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That Supreme

Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those great

souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become Gurus,

nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


Individuals that transact or trade their teachings are not Gurus.

Those that say - first become my disciple (student), then I will

reveal to you the path towards God Realization, are like traders of

God. It is a principle that the price that a particular item is sold

for, the actual value of the item is less then the listed price.

Just like a watch which is available for Rs 1,000, it would cost

lesser than Rs 1,000 for the shopkeeper to purchase that item for

resale. If by making someone a Guru, something is attained, then the

thing attained will be less value than the Guru himself has. Then

with that weaker thing, how can God be attained? God is priceless. A

priceless thing is only attained without a price, and that which is

attained for a price, is weaker than the listed price. Therefore if

anyone says, I will reveal to you the real essence, if you become my

disciple then, kindly join your hands in gesture " no thank you " and

keep a distance ! Understand this to be some Kaalnemi !

Kaalnemi, the demon, the false Guru came to Hanumanji and said -


" Ser majjan kari aatur aavahu; dicchaa devu gyaan jehi paavahu. "

(Manasa. Lankaa. 57:4)


On hearing this, Hanumanji said - first take the gift, thereafter

give the secret mantra, and immediately thereafter Hanumanji by

wrapping his tail around the demon, lifted him and threw him down.


God has clearly stated in the Gita -

" Uddharedaatmanaatm aanam naatmaanamvasaadaye t

Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatamanah " (Gita 6:5)


" A man must raise himself by his own effort. He must not degrade

himself; for the Self is his own friend and the Self is also his

own enemy. " (Gita 6:5)


The point is that man alone is responsible for his own spiritual

upliftment or downfall. No one else is. God has bestowed this human

body, and with it, he has given all the necessary tools to attain

salvation. Therefore, one does not need anyone else for one's



Guru (spiritual guide), Saints and God, uplift the soul only after

man himself has trust and faith in them. Only after man accepts them

(Guru, Saints, God), comes to them, and follows their directions. If

man does not accept them, then how are they to do anything for man's

salvation? They simply cannot do anything. If you do not become a

student, then what can a teacher do for you? Just like some other

person can come and drop off a meal at your home, but the hunger

must come from within. If there is no hunger within, than what use

is there of delicious food preparations that are placed in front of



Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.


In reality, man himself is his own Guru - " Aatmano Gururaatmaiyva

Purushasya Vishehataha. " (Srimadbhag 11:7:20). Therefore discourses

are for your own self. Knowing this, see faults in your own self and

seek to remove them, instead of seeing faults in others.


From " Kyaa Guru Bina Mukti Nahin ? " by Swami Ramsukhdasji in Hindi

on page 28-29


Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


There have been some emails sent directly to moderators regarding a

recent daily message by Swamiji on " Can there be no liberation

without a Guru? " . These emails with some comments / issues are

listed below-


There were similar questions that have been raised in Gita-talk, but

are spread among various topics and difficult to summarize. Due to

there being over 16,000 members, I sincerely request those who want

to participate in this discussion, particularly raise questions /

doubts / issues, to please review the past sadhak daily messages

related to Guru (links provided below) and Gita-Talk discussion

(link below), so that we can all leverage the learnings and as far

as possible not repeat the same questions / issues.


Sadhak message links on Guru are at :


What is a True Spiritual Guide like?



Gita View of Guru - Part I & II




Is it Essential for a Guru to be a Self Realized Soul ?



On Guru Disciple Relationship



On Guru - Sishya



Is it not Essential to Engage in Guru Disciple Relationship ?



Worship of Guru - Part 1



Worship of Guru - Part 2



God is Guru of this Universe



Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide or Guru



Real Guru is your discrimination:



There is no Sin in letting go of false Guru



Who can be considered a Guru?



Gita Talk discussion links are at:



Please re-read the daily posting and find out specific sentence,

line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage. Please keep

discussions to half a page and relevant to the specific question

only. Please review remaining Gita Talk guidelines.



thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator





Dear Sadaks,


What if some body is not able to find a Guru? He is lost in the

world. Adi Sankara Had Guru Govinda Pada. Still his enlightment not

to full as such Bagavan Shiva came as a Sandala and enlighted with

Manisha Panchakam. Name any saint without Guru. Even our Sri Krishna

had Guru Sandeepan. Sri Ram had Guru. Valmiki had Guru.

Is it essential ? If yes, then how God is " samam sarveshu

bhuteshu " ? This question Sant Namadev asked Bagavan Panduran and

was a Guru by Bagavan himself. Another saint known as Kaanchi

Poornar was in direct contact with Bagavan Varadarajar WHO showed

him Guru before giving the sant Mukthi.

What kind of Guru is necessary for a child to run into the lap of

his Mom? Instinctly given by Bagavan until age 12. Any act of the

child upto 12 does not come in Paapa or Puniya. Ref: Vidhura Neethi-

Unpanashids. 1st step Mathru devo bava--Shows 2cd step Pithru Father-

-3rd Step father shows Guru devo Bava and final step 4th Guru shows

Bagavan. Referance: Kapila Geetha and Kabir Doss.


What kind of efforts can be needed to achieve that element which is

in everybody, at all times, in all places ? Many are in ignorance

that they are Aham Bramasmi--Guru tell that the Brahman is within

and outside Omnipresent. With this knowledge one contemplates on GOD

and silences. But hurdles comes even to great men. In that

circumstances they dwell in Para Brahman. Examples: Adi Sankara was

to be beheaded by a Sandalan (Kaabali) but the saint offered his

head knowing that killer or the killed are one and the same. Another

is Jada Bharatha. Prahalda says this.


Can any Guru cause a hunger in you? Sat Guru can cause a drop of

Nector to fall into throat from inner small toung, thereby causing

NO hunger for years. Also Guru can cause hunger for devotion.

Besides this Guru can cause physical hunger. Referance: The great

saint Veera Bramam at Caddaph lived 100 ago caused hunger to his

disciple enabling the disciple to eat 10 peoples food.


A thurst in you? A desire in you? What else is necessary in

realising God except desire?

NISKAMA PREMA BAKTHI. Thrust can fail, desire can fail when tested

as in case of so many saints. NOT BAKTHI. A digabar (nude) sanyasin

speaking to Bagavan Shiva asked Bagavan , " What was the delay in

taking him to HIS abode " . Bagavan said that the sanyasin had the

thought, " I am digamber free from desires and have only desire for

GOD " .

That " I' " Me " are the problem.

Regret If this is hurting someone.



Vyasji's questions back to Hari Shankarji triggered me to post my

observations on the matter of Guru and Shishya. You may want to have

a look at it. Thanks. Naga.


In life, is it essential to have a Guru or not?


Following is what I understand with the terms guru and disciple in

their isolation as we start thinking from the perspective of our

perceptional discrepancy.


Guru: Source of knowledge, a never-changing entity.


Disciple: Receiver of knowledge, an ever-changing entity.


NOW … can there be anything without GURU? Could anyone have uttered

a word without a guru? Could anyone have put a step forward without

a guru? Could there be a single action or thought that had no guru?


and Shisya relationship is old concept and no more relevant in the

present age. Most of the time, Shisya knows more than the Guru – is

absolutely baseless.


Knowledge in our perception is to receive new information …

ignorance in our perception is the obsolete information junked in

our memory. You cannot receive new valid information on anything

unless you accept that the corresponding information you have saved

in your memory is obsolete. Often, we ignorantly imagine that

ignorance is lack of some information without realizing that we

could not perceive anything if it has no bearing on our earlier

experiences. The source of valid information is the guru and the

junkyard of obsolete information is the student. The force that

validates the newer information is The Guru within. The recipient of

the newer information is the student. Therefore, anything that

perceives can only be a student. It can never be a guru.


Student can never be greater than Guru as such since a guru should

relatively have more valid information than a student by definition.

The identity of Guru may change … not of the concept.


Whether we know or not, whether we like it or not, all the

information that we seem to proudly own happens to be borrowed from

everything other than ourselves. The instant we think we know better

than our guru, we forfeit our right to call ourselves his students.

The instant we declare we know, we forfeit our studenthood as such.

That is the worst thing that is possible to happen to any spiritual



Knowledge is a perpetual process of acknowledging ignorance within …

in other words, one can earn the right to receive knowledge only by

an acceptance of the ignorance harbored within and through a

resolution to purge the same.


A difference of opinion is insufficient to judge whether I know more

than others. In fact, can anybody know more than any other? It is an

incorrect notion because … (1) The Knowledge does not belong to

anybody; (2) nobody can ever assess what another could possible know

and (3) more than anything else, nobody really knows how much he/she

knows in the first place! In other words The Knowledge is

immeasurable. Therefore any comparison based on knowledge is

lopsided in itself. But, a difference of opinion certainly

establishes that one harbors the same is definitely incapable of

appreciating an opposing view point on the same point and hence is

ignorant to that extent. A difference of opinion certainly brings

out one's ignorance for inspection. One should capitalize on such

opportunities to examine one's own ignorance. One becomes a self-

assisin if one resorts to twist such opporutinies to establish

other's ignorance because (1) one has missed a great opportunity to

unveil oneself in the first place and (2) one has veiled more opaque

costumes by intensifying one's own ignorance in the process. One

should keep in mind that one can never establish ignorance in others

just for one's incapability of penetrating anything beyond its

superficial presence. Even if one does, it cannot do anything good



Greatness is not in being a Guru as the Guru forfeits freedom to

learn or unlearn! Greatness is in being a student as student alone

retains freedom to learn and unlearn!! That is why students are kept

at high esteem in all our scriptures. Often the gurus are obscure

and referred directly to cosmic forces in the name of gods.


In our traditional learning system, there are only students

communicating to each other their learning each considering the

other as guru. Learning is a life-long process for a true student.


All scripts always make statement such as " let us learn

together " , " let us explore together " , and so on. Learning is a

collective process between multiple individuals.


" I know " is the furtile seed of ignorance … " I know better " is the

fertile soil of ignorance. I know the best is the furtile fruit of

ignorance which enseeds itself perpetually. No sane saint will ever

say I am a Guru … e.g. Ram Sukhdasji never let anybody touch his

feet or worship him. A true sadhaka is an eternal student of

everything in life.


One who thinks to know better than the other will forfeit a chance

to learn. One who thinks the other knows better can learn. The

knowledge always flows from a higher plane to a lower plane just

like water. You cannot receive the nectar of water to sustain your

existence unless you are at a lowere elevation than the source of

water. You cannot receive the nectar of knowledge to sustain your

soul unless you position yourself lower than the source of knowledge

which is everything.


Craving for students (in other words, to be a Guru) is the weakness.

Urging for a Guru (in other words, maintaining oneself as a student)

is the strength. A true seeker always seeks the association of true

students. Any other seeker is definitely a guru for a true seeker.

In fact everything is nothing but The Guru for a true seeker. That

is why they say " Guru will seek you if your yearning for learning is

pure and strong " . No true seeker can announce himself as the guru to

us. No true seeker can ever wield the ignorance of not seeing the

guru in anything in life. It is student's responsibility to locate

The Guru in the fellow sadhkas, rather, in everything around.


One has no choice but to receive the grace of The Guru actively or

passively, knowingly or unknowingly, wantingly or unwantingly.

Everything is born with The Guru embedded in its core to achieve

this task. In a way, everything is a guru as well as a disciple.

Therefore, guru and disciple are nothing but The Same. One who seeks

the guru in everything seeks The Guru within and becomes one with

the same. The eternal learner is the only eternal knower. One who

sees ONLY GURU AND NOTHING ELSE in the whole universe remains the

Eternal Student and is verily THE JAGADGURU as such.




Naga Narayana



Loving Divine,



However, realization can happen beyond these means, at any moment,

not necessarily while reading scripture or during spiritual

practices! Also see BG 5:28. Able Guru can sometimes grant

realization as He/She is one with the Parmatma, He/She has ability

to control your thought waves or biological tendencies, He/She is

able to align ones consciousness with His/hers and thus make one

part of His Divine experience. Those who go through this experience

know what they have understood, there is no doubt remain in their

head, there is nothing remain for them to know any more and there is

nothing remain for them to do anymore. All these happens only as a

part of Divine Will. Baba says knowing Divine is easy but remain

established in it every moment is difficult due to our



Hope this helps.

humble regards.

always at Thy Lotus Feet


Manjula Patel



You do not have to search for a Guru. Guru will come to you. But

only when you are ready. A Guru can only show you the path. You have

to do the sadhna yourself. You can connect with your soul when you

can meditate, which means emptying your mind of all worldly

thoughts. That can only happen with practice. There is no quick fix

for God realisation. It may take several births. It took a hundred

births to become the Buddha.


Hari Shanker Deo





The Master (Guru) of this entire Universe, for our realization,

bestows on us this human body. Along with it, he also gives the

Guru in the form of " discrimination " . God does not leave anything

partially done – just as a high official, receives along with his

position, also a house, car, servant, and all the facilities and

conveniences come along with his position, similarly, God provides

man all the necessary tools for his salvation, by which he can

properly know what is real versus unreal, what is good versus bad

conduct, what is rightful duty and what is not etc. There is no

other Guru, that is greater than our discrimination (vivek) and one

must respect / revere it. For salvation of mankind, there does not

arise the need for an external Guru. And he who does not pay

respect to his own discriminative faculty (vivek), he will not be

able to attain his salvation by engaging in an external Guru.


In reality, salvation, liberation, attainment of essential

knowledge, God Realization, is not dependent on an external Guru. If

without a Guru, essential knowledge (knowledge of Truth) were not

possible then, the very first Guru that was born, how did he attain

this knowledge? How? By this it is evident, that without making

another person a Guru, man can attain realization, he can attain

essential knowledge, by the grace of Bhagwaan - who is the Guru of

the entire Universe.


Realization of the Essential Element (tattva jnana) happens due to

our own faith, beliefs, trust, interest, and according to our

abilities in doing our spiritual practice. There is no such rule

that by making someone a Guru, salvation is on it's way or is

definitely attainable. As long as within yourself, that inner

longing is not awakened, till that time even God Himself, cannot

liberate you or make you attain Salvation, then how is the Guru

going to make you attain salvation? God is the Guru of this entire

Universe, and we too are in this Universe, therefore, in reality, we

already are with a Guru, in fact we are disciples of the greatest

Guru. There is great danger from a Kaliyug Guru, but there is no

danger from Bhagwaan, the Guru of this entire Universe.






Jagadguru Bhagwan aapni prapti ke liye manusya ko sarir de te hai

tho sath mai vivek rupi guru bhi de tehai bhagwan adhura kamnahi

karte jaise bade offcier ko makan noker motor adi sub suvidha

uplabhdha hoti hai vesehi bhagwan aadmi ko sarir ke sath kalyan ki

bhi sub samgri de te hai jes se vah sat asat kartvya or akartvya

thek be thek adi ko jan sakta hai isse badh kar koi guru nahi hai

jo apne vivek ka adar karta hai us ko apne kalyan ke liye bahari

guru ki jarurat nahi padthi. Or jo apne vivek ka adar nahi kartha

vah bahari guru banakar apna kalyan nahi ker saktha vastav me kalyan

mukti tatvagyan parmatma prapti guru ke adhin nahi hai agar bena

guru ke tatvagyan nahi hota tho shastri mai jo sabse pahala guru

raha hoga usko tatvagyanke se huaa isse ye sidh huaa ki bina kisi

manusya ko guru banaye jagatguru bhagwan ki kirpa se tatvagyan ho

sak ta hai.tatav ki prapti tab ho ti hai jub apni sradha vishvash

ruchi or yogyata ke anusar sadhan ki ya jay guru banane se kalyan

hohi jayeja esa koi vidhan nahi hai. Jab tak apke bhitar apne kalyan

ki lalsa jagrat nahi hogi tab tak bhagwan bhi apka kalyan nahi kar

sakte phir guru kai se ker dega. Bhagwan jagat ke guru hai or hum

bhi jagat ke bhitar hai isliye vastav mai hum guru se rahit he hai

hum asli mahan guru ke sisya hai. Kalyuji guru se tho bada khatra

hai per jagatguru bhagwan se koi khatra nahi hai





Shree Hari

ram ram


I believe there is agreement along the lines of Guru tattva and that

since Paramatmaa is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, the

tattva (Guru Tattva) to uplift a Jeev in attaining liberation /

salvation or God Realization can come from anyone / anywhere. The

issues / concerns / differences expressed by Sadhaks are mostly

around -


Guru - Disciple relationship, through a formal initiation and

related dakshinaah (Gifts), and bondage to one individual / group /

organization etc. This is where Swamiji, clearly states to stay

away from such a set-up. I read through the links provided and

Swamiji's reasons are clear. Sadhaks who have doubts, should take

the time to read these links. There is no hypocrisy by Swamiji, as

until his last breath, He only saw himself as Sadhak and never

anything else.


Yes! When spiritual knowledge is shared, only to those who are

initiated into Discipleship and only for a fee, it is a trade. It

may appear to be a harsh word, but there is no other way to soften

that transaction. Swamiji clearly states that in such situations,

what is received by disciple is of lesser value than the dakshinaa

(gift) given.


Swamiji is not in disagreement about seeking guidance. Yes! we all

need guidance along the spiritual journey and path. Swamiji's point

is more around the sadhak's own intense longing and a firm aim /

goal of salvation / liberations as being key in attainment. Swamiji

therefore suggests not to get stuck, and instead seek guidance from

wherever God reveals Himself to you, in His divine plays. Be open in

receiving the guidance from many sources and certainly do not seek

guidance from only one, and that too one who will only give you

guidance after

initiation and for a fee. That is Swamiji's point. Hope this helps !


Meera Das

Ram Ram





-Shree Hari-


I have pasted a part of the original article, it speaks volumes:

'Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.'


Now consider this, one desires the Divine Truth with a passion, one

will have insights experiences, these experiences can become a

yardstick to measure the worth of those whom maybe of help to one.

One will recognize the astounding reality of a chance meeting maybe,

someone might be of support when one most needs support, so many

coincidences can occur. One is dealing with the indwelling Supreme,

that Indwelling will make itself known. By taking up ones own ego

belief to what one requires of a guru, and going on search for such;

is expressed by a Sufi story: A man spied another man under a street

lamp on his hands and knees searching for something, " What are you

looking for he asked " , " my keys, I've lost my keys " the reply. After

a fruitless search the helper said, " Are you sure you lost them here

under the lamp? " , " Oh no, I lost them over there in the dark, but I

can see a lot better here under the lamp! " . Comment, wrong lamp!


(I have taken the lead of Maheshji ):

B.G. 10:11 'Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their

Self, destroy the darkness born of ignorance by the luminous lamp of

knowledge.' B.G. 10:12. 'You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme

abode (or the supreme light), the supreme purifier, the eternal,

divine Person, the primeval God, unborn and omnipresent.'


The worship of the primeval God, is for all mankind without

exception, and the desire for liberation is born in all of us, but we

may have to step out of the light of comfort and dogma, and trust in

the guidance of the Supreme Light.


With Respect and Divine Love.



(Mike Keenor)



Thanks Mahesh Bhaiyya and. Brother Mike Keenor !


Did you notice. Brothers? - people saying that there are secretaries

already existing in this universe, Jee - appointed by our Daddy -

and if you are interested in realisation you must move through

them ! Direct realisation. No kitkit, no jhik jhik. No practice. No

ego less ness. No karan sapeksha, no karan nirpeksha. No sadhana. No

Sadhak. No time required. Just Come, Register with us and Go

straight to Gau Loka. Don't you know who we are? Secretaries !

Agents !! Did not you read Gita? Padam Purana ?? Direct authorised

agents !!!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


Official appointees under verse 4:34 of Gitaji ! Licence holders !

Direct recepient of knowledge Jee! Sabd Purana Jee! From Lord

Krishna Jee ! Apaurushayam Bhaiyya !! Lineage !!!! Wah Re Kaliyuga?

(Hats off to you Kaliyuga!)


Raam . Raam. Raam.




Guru is always there inside with each one of us. He only introduces

meanings of things around us. Even visible as mother, father,

teacher, friends, and even enemy. So, the objects that ignite minds

are Guru. The real guru is inside and educational objects are



Krishna is the last Guru, Shiva is father and 2nd Guru, Paarvati is

mother and 1st Guru. Ram Charit Maanas thus says:


Bhawani Shankarau Vande Shiddha Vishwas Roopinau

Yabhaam Bina n pashyanti, Siddhah Swantah Sthameeshwaram.


Mother is the Bhawani who is Sriddha or giver of the container

(worthiness) to hold the knowledge, and Shiva the father gives the

vishwas or fills the container with the content ( knowledge or

book). Lastly, the person with the container and content goes inside

to find Ishwar who is the teacher, and develops understanding.


Without Guru, thus, to enter inside our own heart where Isht lives,

is not possible. If you follow the Guru, you will have no conflict

but if you have it for reason of others, the Guru will save you

himself. So, names and prayer of Guru have physical effects, and

thoughts of Guru has intellectual effect.


Siya Ram maay sab jag jaani, Karahu Pranaam jori yug paani.

I now know how the whole world is filled and operated by Sita and Ram

So, I pray to the world by folded hands.



K G Misra





Hare Krishna

Yes, there is no liberation without Guru. And the Hindu world is

not free from Guru Ghantals (Fake Gurus). At every four steps there

is Guru. Guru's glorification is upto such an amount that Gurus tend

to have published their own photos, feet-photos, blessing photos and

what not. Yesterday I was watching Aastha International and listening

Satpal Maharaj's Son's Upadesh. On Stage Satpal Ji is sitting beside

his Dharampatni. Entire Guru Family--father, mother and son are there

on stage. What a Virat Darshan of Gurus. Everybody is Guru. Innocent

Persons from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. have gathered to

listen. In India Guru,Guru and countless Gurus. Ironically, when my

son listened Shri Gita Shloka from Satpalji's mouth, he literraly

laughed when self-imposed, self-proclaimed Guruji said---Nainam

Chchindanti Shaastrani......in place of Shastrani (Ch 2 Verse 23).

Shaastrani means Scriptures and Shastrani means weapons. Such Gurus

are a lot who are promoting their sons.

As a matter of fact there is only one and one Guru who is Shri

Krishna--Shri Krishnam Vande Gagat Gurum. Shri Gita is the only

scripture on this planet Earth which can guide us truthfully. Shri

Krishna is the the the only Guru.

Teshamev Anukampartham Aham Agyanjam Tamah

Nashayamyaatma Bhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhasvataa....


Shri Gita Ch. 10 Verse 11


Hare Krishna


Mahesh Sharma



My dandavat pranams to all

I find the article below to be total hypocrisy. A person is

saying, " don't accept guru " ....but in their mode of presentation,

they are giving instruction as a guru!!! People are accepting, " Yes,

this is the way I will follow, based on teachings of this man " . So,

they are accepting guru. It is unavoidable.....one MUST look for


To not admit to doing so, is hypocrisy. It is a falsehood, and one

should be honest and abandon deceit. A misunderstanding is that a

person can become guru. Guru is not made, not that today I am

qualified, but tomorrow I may fall away.

That person had no business calling himself guru......however, a true

aspirant may see ANYONE, even a prostitute, a deer, or a moth as his

guru. Guru is external manifestation of Paramatma.....to see him as

an ordinary man is a great offense. This is stated in the padma



arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati bddhir

visnor va vaisnavanam kali mala mathane pada tirthe " mbu-buddhih

sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabda-samanya-buddhir

visnau sarvesvare tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah

" One who considers the worshipable Deity to be stone; who considers

the Vaisnava Guru to be a mortal man, or who considers a Vaisnava to

be limited by the confines of caste, lineage, or creed, who considers

the holy foot wash of Lord Visnu (Ganga water) or af a Vaisnava

(caranamrta) to be ordinary water; who considers the holy Name (the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra) which vanquishes all sins, to be material

sound vibration, and who consider the God of gods, Lord Visnu, to be

merely on the level of demigods, such a person, becomes a resident of

hell. "

respectfully submitted, Mahalaksmi Dasi


shree hari

ram ram


Mahalakshmiji, Please re-read the daily posting and find out

specific sentence, line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's



I truly believe Swamiji is saying learn from all, do not get

stuck.....as it is guru tattva...and not a specific individual who

locks one into discipleship and is trading in knowledge. (accepting

gifts). Again, it is important that if you disagree, you are able to

point out specific points that Swamiji made, which you disagree with.


Swamiji is not trading in money. He did not ever carry money or ever

take any gifts from anyone or anything of that sort for revealing

these secrets. He did not make any one a disciple or gave mantra, or

mala...etc. Again, in all his writings he is saying that your intense

longing, desire is more important then the guru-disciple formal

relationship. Guru can take you to the water, but ultimately it is

up to you to drink. So ultimately it is you, that is what Swamiji is



Again please point out specific statements of Swamiji and raise

concerns and not just generalities. thank you for your time and



Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator



My dandavat pranams to all in this forum,

I am praying for patience to explain a topic which I find to be

quite painful to present.....the pain is in that I don't wish to have

any arguement with those who are of a particular mind set....however,

I find that there are many statements in the article below which

could be seen to be contradicting themselves....however, in the

Absolute sense, I see their consistency.... To begin, the first line

states, " That which we wish to attain, the Supreme essence " ......and

then the fourth sentence states, " that Supreme Soul (consciousness)

is ever attained by all beings " So, with deepest regard to Sri

RamSukhadasji, I beg his kindness and permission to comment on his

words. He is saying first, " that which we wish to attain " .....hence,

God consciousness, full absorption in the Supreme, is NOT already

attained by all. He is himself stating, " that which we wish to

attain " . What I am hearing from him, and I again beg his kindness to

help me understand, is that not everyone at this time HAS attained

the supreme consciousness. However, an uttama adhikari, one who is

on the top most rungs of devotion to God, cannot help but, within

themselves, perceive everyone else as perfectly serving

God....although he is simultaneously aware that they are NOT

already there. So, the contradictory phrase becomes reconciled. But,

accepted that there are many souls in the conditioned state, who

honestly admit that they have NOT attained full awareness of the

Supreme, what to be done? My answer to this is to find one who

knows, find a teacher, a preceptor, a guru.

For fear of making this to long and thus unprintable, I will stop

here, and wait until tomorrow to furthur analyze what, to me, are

misconceptions which persons are having about the idea of guru.


Mahalakshmi Dasi


Hare Krsna !!!





In Bhagavad Gita the Sloka " Tad Viddhi Prani paadena Pariprasnena

Sevaya, Upadesanti te Gnanam Gnanina tattva darsinah " clearly state

the importance of accepting a GURU. For everything we need GURU, be

it material knowledge or Spiritual knowledge. Is there any one who

has obtained a PHD Degree without taking lessons from teachers ? If

that is the case for material knowledge then what to speak of

Spiritual knowledge ? GURU is one who imparts knowledge and to get

that knowledge one should be inquisitive to know and submissive in


service. GURU IS NOT A TRADER who gives somthing and takes somthing

in return. There are certain qualifications required to become GURU

and also certain qualifications required for becoming a desciple.

Guru means one who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the

illumination of knowledge. Another meaning of GURU is HEAVY. Guru

should be heavy and only then the disciples will be obedient and take

to the right path.





shree hari

ram ram


Haribol, Swamiji was of the mindset that people instead of seeing

something divine in any individual and becoming engaged with a

particular person, should become engaged directly with God. He was

totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an



The Gita verse does not talk about engaging in Guru - Disciple

relationship. Swamiji said that " In Gita 4:34 and Gita 13:7, the

Lord has advised such a devotee to receive instructions from a

teacher. In this discipline (jnana yog), a preceptor is a must. Not

being fully aware of the perfection of a preceptor or the

preceptor not being perfect, it becomes very difficult for spiritual

aspirants to maintain their faith. Thus there remains the

possibility of delays in one's spiritual practices. "


Swamiji also says - karma yoga is easier to practice than jnana yog

because - " The path of action can be followed by all, (different

caste, creed, order of life etc) under all circumstances. But the

path of Sannyasa (renunciate), that Arjuna talks about can be

followed only under special circumstances as explained in Gita 4:34,

since all cannot come across great Souls who have realized the

Truth. Moreover, they cannot have complete faith in these great

Souls and even more so, they do not have an opportunity to live in

their company. Thus Karmayoga is better of the two. " Please read

Swamiji's explanation on the Gita verse at -





Hope this helps, but if not, please take specific statements of

Swamiji that you disagree with and we can address. Thank you for

taking the time,


Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator


Hare Krsna !!!


Thanks for your reply.


GURU is a via medium to approach the Supreme Lord. Just like one

cannot approach a big person directly but to approach thru his

secretary. Similarly Guru imparts the knowledge and shows the right

path to the Supreme Lord as he has received it from his Guru through

the unbroken chain of disciplic succession. (Evam parampara praptam

emam rajasrayo viduh ....) This knowledge is coming directly from the

Supreme Lord, Krishna through bonafide disciplic succession. This

knowledge is called APAURUSHEYA - means not man made knowledge. The

process of receiving this knowledge is through SABDA PRAMAN from the

vedic authorities.


One should be very careful in selecting a GURU. He should be a

bonafide GURU falling in any of the four authentic sampradayas coming

in disciplic succession and preach the message of the Supreme Lord

Krishna AS IT IS without any concoction or mental speculation. Even

Lord Krishna accepted a Guru - this is to set an example for the

general people like us to follow - otherwise what was the necessity

for the Supreme Lord Krishna to accept a Guru ?


And it is not necessary to always associate with GURU personally. One

can associate with the GURU through VAANI by executing his

instructions. VAPU (personal association) with Guru is not always

possible. Shastra says that one should follow in the footsteps of

Guru, Sadhu & Shastra to save ourselves from gliding down. GURU helps

us to cross over the ocean of material nescience just like a ship

captain very safely take us accross the ocean. With our own endeavour

it will be very difficult to achieve the task and with the help of


GURU be it VAANI or VAPU it becomes much easier - the material ocean

becomes just like water contained in the calf's hoofprint and we can

just cross over it without any difficulty. Another example: Suppose

we have to climb the stair-case to get to the 100th floor of the

building how much time it will take and how tedious it would be but

GURU can take you through a Lift which is faster and easier.


Regarding the Yoga, Bhakti yoga is the simplest & easiest process

recommended in the age of Kali and Bhakti yoga is the culmination of

all other yogas. Lord Srikrishna says in the concluding chapter of

Bhagavad Gita - manmana bhava mad bhakto, madhyajimaam

namaskuru........ Karma yoga in Krishna Consciousness is Bhakti yoga.

Do all the activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord

Krishna and not for our personal sense gratification. We have

already enjoyed our senses in other lower species of lives for

millions and millions of years and now since we have been blessed


a human form of life we should not waste this precious human form in

which form only we have the intelligence, higher reasoning power,

inquisitiveness to know the absolute truth. We should use the rare &

precious human form of life to liberate ourselves from the material

bondage rather going up and down transmigrating through different

species of lives.


This is my humble understanding as taught by HDG Srila Prabhupada,

the Iskcon

Founder Acharya who falls in the disciplic succession of

Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya.





-Shree Hari-


I found this article the most brilliant subject matter on the whole

conundrum of Guru I have ever read.

Buddha, (the best as I remember), quoted, 'One may take something to

be the Truth, but do not grasp onto it too tightly, for when the

truth comes knocking at your door, you may not answer it'.

I see these words of Swami Ramsukhdasji shouting loudly at the

confused world, his words are surely knocking at the door.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari:


27th August, 2008, Wednesday

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence, That

Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It cannot

be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case, then how

would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That Supreme

Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those great

souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become Gurus,

nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


Individuals that transact or trade their teachings are not Gurus.

Those that say - first become my disciple (student), then I will

reveal to you the path towards God Realization, are like traders of

God. It is a principle that the price that a particular item is sold

for, the actual value of the item is less then the listed price.

Just like a watch which is available for Rs 1,000, it would cost

lesser than Rs 1,000 for the shopkeeper to purchase that item for

resale. If by making someone a Guru, something is attained, then the

thing attained will be less value than the Guru himself has. Then

with that weaker thing, how can God be attained? God is priceless. A

priceless thing is only attained without a price, and that which is

attained for a price, is weaker than the listed price. Therefore if

anyone says, I will reveal to you the real essence, if you become my

disciple then, kindly join your hands in gesture " no thank you " and

keep a distance ! Understand this to be some Kaalnemi !

Kaalnemi, the demon, the false Guru came to Hanumanji and said -


" Ser majjan kari aatur aavahu; dicchaa devu gyaan jehi paavahu. "

(Manasa. Lankaa. 57:4)


On hearing this, Hanumanji said - first take the gift, thereafter

give the secret mantra, and immediately thereafter Hanumanji by

wrapping his tail around the demon, lifted him and threw him down.


God has clearly stated in the Gita -

" Uddharedaatmanaatm aanam naatmaanamvasaadaye t

Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatamanah " (Gita 6:5)


" A man must raise himself by his own effort. He must not degrade

himself; for the Self is his own friend and the Self is also his

own enemy. " (Gita 6:5)


The point is that man alone is responsible for his own spiritual

upliftment or downfall. No one else is. God has bestowed this human

body, and with it, he has given all the necessary tools to attain

salvation. Therefore, one does not need anyone else for one's



Guru (spiritual guide), Saints and God, uplift the soul only after

man himself has trust and faith in them. Only after man accepts them

(Guru, Saints, God), comes to them, and follows their directions. If

man does not accept them, then how are they to do anything for man's

salvation? They simply cannot do anything. If you do not become a

student, then what can a teacher do for you? Just like some other

person can come and drop off a meal at your home, but the hunger

must come from within. If there is no hunger within, than what use

is there of delicious food preparations that are placed in front of



Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.


In reality, man himself is his own Guru - " Aatmano Gururaatmaiyva

Purushasya Vishehataha. " (Srimadbhag 11:7:20). Therefore discourses

are for your own self. Knowing this, see faults in your own self and

seek to remove them, instead of seeing faults in others.


From " Kyaa Guru Bina Mukti Nahin ? " by Swami Ramsukhdasji in Hindi

on page 28-29


Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


There have been some emails sent directly to moderators regarding a

recent daily message by Swamiji on " Can there be no liberation

without a Guru? " . These emails with some comments / issues are

listed below-


There were similar questions that have been raised in Gita-talk, but

are spread among various topics and difficult to summarize. Due to

there being over 16,000 members, I sincerely request those who want

to participate in this discussion, particularly raise questions /

doubts / issues, to please review the past sadhak daily messages

related to Guru (links provided below) and Gita-Talk discussion

(link below), so that we can all leverage the learnings and as far

as possible not repeat the same questions / issues.


Sadhak message links on Guru are at :


What is a True Spiritual Guide like?



Gita View of Guru - Part I & II




Is it Essential for a Guru to be a Self Realized Soul ?



On Guru Disciple Relationship



On Guru - Sishya



Is it not Essential to Engage in Guru Disciple Relationship ?



Worship of Guru - Part 1



Worship of Guru - Part 2



God is Guru of this Universe



Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide or Guru



Real Guru is your discrimination:



There is no Sin in letting go of false Guru



Who can be considered a Guru?



Gita Talk discussion links are at:



Please re-read the daily posting and find out specific sentence,

line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage. Please keep

discussions to half a page and relevant to the specific question

only. Please review remaining Gita Talk guidelines.



thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator





Here are some glories of a Guru and other points that Swamiji has

expressed in his book " Kya Guru Bina Mukti Nahi " (page 8-10)


Glory of Guru


In reality, no one can ever describe full glory of a guru. Guru's

glory is even more than that of God. Hence, guru has found place of

immense glory in scriptures. But that glory is of truth, not of

hypocrisy-fraud. Nowadays hypocrisy-fraud has increased and it is

spreading. Who is good and who is bad- this is not quickly known. To

erase that evil, which comes in the form of evil, is easy. But that

evil which comes in form of good, it is very difficult to efface.

Seetaji confronted Ravan, King Pratapbhanu confronted Kapat muni and

Hanumanji confronted Kaalnemi, they were not able to identify them and

so got deceived; because they appeared in front of them as ascetics.

Nowadays also it is seen that the kind of faith student has in guru,

the guru himself does not seems to be worthy of it. That is why Sethji

Shri Jayadayalji Goyandka used to say that nowadays my faith is not in

gurus but in their students! Reason being the faith which disciple has

in his guru is honorable.


Even though the glory of guru described in scriptures is correct, it

is not to be popularized in present times. Reason being that nowadays

hypocrites-fraudulent fix their own selfish deeds, with the support of

guru-glory described in scriptures. In this, Kaliyug is also helpful;

because Kaliyug is friend of Adharam (unrighteousness)--

Kalinadharammitran (Padmapuran Uttar. 193/31). In reality, guru-glory

is not for advertising but for implementing. If any guru himself

preaches about guru-glory, popularizes those books having guru-glory

written in it then it is evident that he wants to become a guru. One

who has desire to become a guru, people can never benefit from him.

Hence, I don't contravene guru, but I contravene fraud. No one can

ever negate a guru.


Guru's glory is actually from student's perspective, not from guru's

perspective. There is a perspective of guru, a perspective of student

and the perspective of a third person. Guru holds such view that I

have not done anything, but that element (truth) which is

innate-natural, only got beholden by student. Meaning that I have only

made him realize his true self; from my side I have not given him

anything. Student is of view that my guru has given me everything.

Whatever has happened has happened by guru's grace. The third person

holds view that the student realized the truth-element only because of

his faith.


True glory is of that guru, who has made the student realize Govind

(God). One who does not make the student realize Govind, only talks

cheesy, he is not a guru. Such a guru's glory is fake and only for

deceiving others.


Varun Paprunia



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Sadhakas have expressed their views on the subject and all have their

own merits depending upon the circumstances of seekers. This seems to

be the case as pointed out by B.Sathyanarayanji in his examples of

Self-realized beings. One cannot say for sure that on the path of

liberation, Guru as living in body or otherwise is required or is not


Why not be open to all possibilities?

Isn't it better to long for knowledge of SELF, and have that as

priority of life while performing one's duty? For that True

descipleship is what one needs.

How can one do that? By keeping the mind open for any learning to take

place any time, anywhere, and by anyone in the cosmos.

Intense desire for truth comes only from Truth, not from individual,

and seeker is led to whatever is needed for him/her.

Truth may lead one to someone or someone may appear in one's life

whose words penetrate through the veil of ignorance right into the

core of one's being. Guru is such a someone who is not body-mind

person that appears to be so. Truth acts through apparant person or

through other channels. Gurus are not to be searched. Disciple's heart

cries out and tells him/her that " yes, this is my Guru " . Its a heart

to heart talk and surrender happens unknown to both at the

time.(personal experience).

In my experience reading scriptures alone will not cut it!

Truth needs to be pointed out as it cannot be objectified like other

perceived knowledge, saying here it is! That's why it is helpful to

hear it from some lips who can point the correct direction to look at,

just as someone with experience can point us with finger to the moon

which may be hidden in clouds, stars, trees etc. Finger cannot touch

the moon but can point, nevertheless! One cannot touch the truth as

one is TRUTH!

So what is wrong in accepting such invitation from Truth Itself in the

form of Guru or " intuitive understanding " or whatever form or formless

that may be? Or why run after Guru because of Self realized had one?

Entire Cosmos will conspire to give Realization to such a one who

sincerely is longing for Truth and remains open! Unknowns are His ways!

Namaskar...Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadaks,


What if some body is not able to find a Guru? He is lost in the

world. Adi Sankara Had Guru Govinda Pada. Still his enlightment not

to full as such Bagavan Shiva came as a Sandala and enlighted with

Manisha Panchakam. Name any saint without Guru. Even our Sri Krishna

had Guru Sandeepan. Sri Ram had Guru. Valmiki had Guru.

Is it essential ? If yes, then how God is " samam sarveshu

bhuteshu " ? This question Sant Namadev asked Bagavan Panduran and

was a Guru by Bagavan himself. Another saint known as Kaanchi

Poornar was in direct contact with Bagavan Varadarajar WHO showed

him Guru before giving the sant Mukthi.

What kind of Guru is necessary for a child to run into the lap of

his Mom? Instinctly given by Bagavan until age 12. Any act of the

child upto 12 does not come in Paapa or Puniya. Ref: Vidhura Neethi-

Unpanashids. 1st step Mathru devo bava--Shows 2cd step Pithru Father-

-3rd Step father shows Guru devo Bava and final step 4th Guru shows

Bagavan. Referance: Kapila Geetha and Kabir Doss.


What kind of efforts can be needed to achieve that element which is

in everybody, at all times, in all places ? Many are in ignorance

that they are Aham Bramasmi--Guru tell that the Brahman is within

and outside Omnipresent. With this knowledge one contemplates on GOD

and silences. But hurdles comes even to great men. In that

circumstances they dwell in Para Brahman. Examples: Adi Sankara was

to be beheaded by a Sandalan (Kaabali) but the saint offered his

head knowing that killer or the killed are one and the same. Another

is Jada Bharatha. Prahalda says this.


Can any Guru cause a hunger in you? Sat Guru can cause a drop of

Nector to fall into throat from inner small toung, thereby causing

NO hunger for years. Also Guru can cause hunger for devotion.

Besides this Guru can cause physical hunger. Referance: The great

saint Veera Bramam at Caddaph lived 100 ago caused hunger to his

disciple enabling the disciple to eat 10 peoples food.


A thurst in you? A desire in you? What else is necessary in

realising God except desire?

NISKAMA PREMA BAKTHI. Thrust can fail, desire can fail when tested

as in case of so many saints. NOT BAKTHI. A digabar (nude) sanyasin

speaking to Bagavan Shiva asked Bagavan , " What was the delay in

taking him to HIS abode " . Bagavan said that the sanyasin had the

thought, " I am digamber free from desires and have only desire for

GOD " .

That " I' " Me " are the problem.

Regret If this is hurting someone.



Vyasji's questions back to Hari Shankarji triggered me to post my

observations on the matter of Guru and Shishya. You may want to have

a look at it. Thanks. Naga.


In life, is it essential to have a Guru or not?


Following is what I understand with the terms guru and disciple in

their isolation as we start thinking from the perspective of our

perceptional discrepancy.


Guru: Source of knowledge, a never-changing entity.


Disciple: Receiver of knowledge, an ever-changing entity.


NOW … can there be anything without GURU? Could anyone have uttered

a word without a guru? Could anyone have put a step forward without

a guru? Could there be a single action or thought that had no guru?


and Shisya relationship is old concept and no more relevant in the

present age. Most of the time, Shisya knows more than the Guru – is

absolutely baseless.


Knowledge in our perception is to receive new information …

ignorance in our perception is the obsolete information junked in

our memory. You cannot receive new valid information on anything

unless you accept that the corresponding information you have saved

in your memory is obsolete. Often, we ignorantly imagine that

ignorance is lack of some information without realizing that we

could not perceive anything if it has no bearing on our earlier

experiences. The source of valid information is the guru and the

junkyard of obsolete information is the student. The force that

validates the newer information is The Guru within. The recipient of

the newer information is the student. Therefore, anything that

perceives can only be a student. It can never be a guru.


Student can never be greater than Guru as such since a guru should

relatively have more valid information than a student by definition.

The identity of Guru may change … not of the concept.


Whether we know or not, whether we like it or not, all the

information that we seem to proudly own happens to be borrowed from

everything other than ourselves. The instant we think we know better

than our guru, we forfeit our right to call ourselves his students.

The instant we declare we know, we forfeit our studenthood as such.

That is the worst thing that is possible to happen to any spiritual



Knowledge is a perpetual process of acknowledging ignorance within …

in other words, one can earn the right to receive knowledge only by

an acceptance of the ignorance harbored within and through a

resolution to purge the same.


A difference of opinion is insufficient to judge whether I know more

than others. In fact, can anybody know more than any other? It is an

incorrect notion because … (1) The Knowledge does not belong to

anybody; (2) nobody can ever assess what another could possible know

and (3) more than anything else, nobody really knows how much he/she

knows in the first place! In other words The Knowledge is

immeasurable. Therefore any comparison based on knowledge is

lopsided in itself. But, a difference of opinion certainly

establishes that one harbors the same is definitely incapable of

appreciating an opposing view point on the same point and hence is

ignorant to that extent. A difference of opinion certainly brings

out one's ignorance for inspection. One should capitalize on such

opportunities to examine one's own ignorance. One becomes a self-

assisin if one resorts to twist such opporutinies to establish

other's ignorance because (1) one has missed a great opportunity to

unveil oneself in the first place and (2) one has veiled more opaque

costumes by intensifying one's own ignorance in the process. One

should keep in mind that one can never establish ignorance in others

just for one's incapability of penetrating anything beyond its

superficial presence. Even if one does, it cannot do anything good



Greatness is not in being a Guru as the Guru forfeits freedom to

learn or unlearn! Greatness is in being a student as student alone

retains freedom to learn and unlearn!! That is why students are kept

at high esteem in all our scriptures. Often the gurus are obscure

and referred directly to cosmic forces in the name of gods.


In our traditional learning system, there are only students

communicating to each other their learning each considering the

other as guru. Learning is a life-long process for a true student.


All scripts always make statement such as " let us learn

together " , " let us explore together " , and so on. Learning is a

collective process between multiple individuals.


" I know " is the furtile seed of ignorance … " I know better " is the

fertile soil of ignorance. I know the best is the furtile fruit of

ignorance which enseeds itself perpetually. No sane saint will ever

say I am a Guru … e.g. Ram Sukhdasji never let anybody touch his

feet or worship him. A true sadhaka is an eternal student of

everything in life.


One who thinks to know better than the other will forfeit a chance

to learn. One who thinks the other knows better can learn. The

knowledge always flows from a higher plane to a lower plane just

like water. You cannot receive the nectar of water to sustain your

existence unless you are at a lowere elevation than the source of

water. You cannot receive the nectar of knowledge to sustain your

soul unless you position yourself lower than the source of knowledge

which is everything.


Craving for students (in other words, to be a Guru) is the weakness.

Urging for a Guru (in other words, maintaining oneself as a student)

is the strength. A true seeker always seeks the association of true

students. Any other seeker is definitely a guru for a true seeker.

In fact everything is nothing but The Guru for a true seeker. That

is why they say " Guru will seek you if your yearning for learning is

pure and strong " . No true seeker can announce himself as the guru to

us. No true seeker can ever wield the ignorance of not seeing the

guru in anything in life. It is student's responsibility to locate

The Guru in the fellow sadhkas, rather, in everything around.


One has no choice but to receive the grace of The Guru actively or

passively, knowingly or unknowingly, wantingly or unwantingly.

Everything is born with The Guru embedded in its core to achieve

this task. In a way, everything is a guru as well as a disciple.

Therefore, guru and disciple are nothing but The Same. One who seeks

the guru in everything seeks The Guru within and becomes one with

the same. The eternal learner is the only eternal knower. One who

sees ONLY GURU AND NOTHING ELSE in the whole universe remains the

Eternal Student and is verily THE JAGADGURU as such.




Naga Narayana



Loving Divine,



However, realization can happen beyond these means, at any moment,

not necessarily while reading scripture or during spiritual

practices! Also see BG 5:28. Able Guru can sometimes grant

realization as He/She is one with the Parmatma, He/She has ability

to control your thought waves or biological tendencies, He/She is

able to align ones consciousness with His/hers and thus make one

part of His Divine experience. Those who go through this experience

know what they have understood, there is no doubt remain in their

head, there is nothing remain for them to know any more and there is

nothing remain for them to do anymore. All these happens only as a

part of Divine Will. Baba says knowing Divine is easy but remain

established in it every moment is difficult due to our



Hope this helps.

humble regards.

always at Thy Lotus Feet


Manjula Patel



You do not have to search for a Guru. Guru will come to you. But

only when you are ready. A Guru can only show you the path. You have

to do the sadhna yourself. You can connect with your soul when you

can meditate, which means emptying your mind of all worldly

thoughts. That can only happen with practice. There is no quick fix

for God realisation. It may take several births. It took a hundred

births to become the Buddha.


Hari Shanker Deo





The Master (Guru) of this entire Universe, for our realization,

bestows on us this human body. Along with it, he also gives the

Guru in the form of " discrimination " . God does not leave anything

partially done – just as a high official, receives along with his

position, also a house, car, servant, and all the facilities and

conveniences come along with his position, similarly, God provides

man all the necessary tools for his salvation, by which he can

properly know what is real versus unreal, what is good versus bad

conduct, what is rightful duty and what is not etc. There is no

other Guru, that is greater than our discrimination (vivek) and one

must respect / revere it. For salvation of mankind, there does not

arise the need for an external Guru. And he who does not pay

respect to his own discriminative faculty (vivek), he will not be

able to attain his salvation by engaging in an external Guru.


In reality, salvation, liberation, attainment of essential

knowledge, God Realization, is not dependent on an external Guru. If

without a Guru, essential knowledge (knowledge of Truth) were not

possible then, the very first Guru that was born, how did he attain

this knowledge? How? By this it is evident, that without making

another person a Guru, man can attain realization, he can attain

essential knowledge, by the grace of Bhagwaan - who is the Guru of

the entire Universe.


Realization of the Essential Element (tattva jnana) happens due to

our own faith, beliefs, trust, interest, and according to our

abilities in doing our spiritual practice. There is no such rule

that by making someone a Guru, salvation is on it's way or is

definitely attainable. As long as within yourself, that inner

longing is not awakened, till that time even God Himself, cannot

liberate you or make you attain Salvation, then how is the Guru

going to make you attain salvation? God is the Guru of this entire

Universe, and we too are in this Universe, therefore, in reality, we

already are with a Guru, in fact we are disciples of the greatest

Guru. There is great danger from a Kaliyug Guru, but there is no

danger from Bhagwaan, the Guru of this entire Universe.






Jagadguru Bhagwan aapni prapti ke liye manusya ko sarir de te hai

tho sath mai vivek rupi guru bhi de tehai bhagwan adhura kamnahi

karte jaise bade offcier ko makan noker motor adi sub suvidha

uplabhdha hoti hai vesehi bhagwan aadmi ko sarir ke sath kalyan ki

bhi sub samgri de te hai jes se vah sat asat kartvya or akartvya

thek be thek adi ko jan sakta hai isse badh kar koi guru nahi hai

jo apne vivek ka adar karta hai us ko apne kalyan ke liye bahari

guru ki jarurat nahi padthi. Or jo apne vivek ka adar nahi kartha

vah bahari guru banakar apna kalyan nahi ker saktha vastav me kalyan

mukti tatvagyan parmatma prapti guru ke adhin nahi hai agar bena

guru ke tatvagyan nahi hota tho shastri mai jo sabse pahala guru

raha hoga usko tatvagyanke se huaa isse ye sidh huaa ki bina kisi

manusya ko guru banaye jagatguru bhagwan ki kirpa se tatvagyan ho

sak ta hai.tatav ki prapti tab ho ti hai jub apni sradha vishvash

ruchi or yogyata ke anusar sadhan ki ya jay guru banane se kalyan

hohi jayeja esa koi vidhan nahi hai. Jab tak apke bhitar apne kalyan

ki lalsa jagrat nahi hogi tab tak bhagwan bhi apka kalyan nahi kar

sakte phir guru kai se ker dega. Bhagwan jagat ke guru hai or hum

bhi jagat ke bhitar hai isliye vastav mai hum guru se rahit he hai

hum asli mahan guru ke sisya hai. Kalyuji guru se tho bada khatra

hai per jagatguru bhagwan se koi khatra nahi hai





Shree Hari

ram ram


I believe there is agreement along the lines of Guru tattva and that

since Paramatmaa is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, the

tattva (Guru Tattva) to uplift a Jeev in attaining liberation /

salvation or God Realization can come from anyone / anywhere. The

issues / concerns / differences expressed by Sadhaks are mostly

around -


Guru - Disciple relationship, through a formal initiation and

related dakshinaah (Gifts), and bondage to one individual / group /

organization etc. This is where Swamiji, clearly states to stay

away from such a set-up. I read through the links provided and

Swamiji's reasons are clear. Sadhaks who have doubts, should take

the time to read these links. There is no hypocrisy by Swamiji, as

until his last breath, He only saw himself as Sadhak and never

anything else.


Yes! When spiritual knowledge is shared, only to those who are

initiated into Discipleship and only for a fee, it is a trade. It

may appear to be a harsh word, but there is no other way to soften

that transaction. Swamiji clearly states that in such situations,

what is received by disciple is of lesser value than the dakshinaa

(gift) given.


Swamiji is not in disagreement about seeking guidance. Yes! we all

need guidance along the spiritual journey and path. Swamiji's point

is more around the sadhak's own intense longing and a firm aim /

goal of salvation / liberations as being key in attainment. Swamiji

therefore suggests not to get stuck, and instead seek guidance from

wherever God reveals Himself to you, in His divine plays. Be open in

receiving the guidance from many sources and certainly do not seek

guidance from only one, and that too one who will only give you

guidance after

initiation and for a fee. That is Swamiji's point. Hope this helps !


Meera Das

Ram Ram





-Shree Hari-


I have pasted a part of the original article, it speaks volumes:

'Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.'


Now consider this, one desires the Divine Truth with a passion, one

will have insights experiences, these experiences can become a

yardstick to measure the worth of those whom maybe of help to one.

One will recognize the astounding reality of a chance meeting maybe,

someone might be of support when one most needs support, so many

coincidences can occur. One is dealing with the indwelling Supreme,

that Indwelling will make itself known. By taking up ones own ego

belief to what one requires of a guru, and going on search for such;

is expressed by a Sufi story: A man spied another man under a street

lamp on his hands and knees searching for something, " What are you

looking for he asked " , " my keys, I've lost my keys " the reply. After

a fruitless search the helper said, " Are you sure you lost them here

under the lamp? " , " Oh no, I lost them over there in the dark, but I

can see a lot better here under the lamp! " . Comment, wrong lamp!


(I have taken the lead of Maheshji ):

B.G. 10:11 'Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their

Self, destroy the darkness born of ignorance by the luminous lamp of

knowledge.' B.G. 10:12. 'You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme

abode (or the supreme light), the supreme purifier, the eternal,

divine Person, the primeval God, unborn and omnipresent.'


The worship of the primeval God, is for all mankind without

exception, and the desire for liberation is born in all of us, but we

may have to step out of the light of comfort and dogma, and trust in

the guidance of the Supreme Light.


With Respect and Divine Love.



(Mike Keenor)



Thanks Mahesh Bhaiyya and. Brother Mike Keenor !


Did you notice. Brothers? - people saying that there are secretaries

already existing in this universe, Jee - appointed by our Daddy -

and if you are interested in realisation you must move through

them ! Direct realisation. No kitkit, no jhik jhik. No practice. No

ego less ness. No karan sapeksha, no karan nirpeksha. No sadhana. No

Sadhak. No time required. Just Come, Register with us and Go

straight to Gau Loka. Don't you know who we are? Secretaries !

Agents !! Did not you read Gita? Padam Purana ?? Direct authorised

agents !!!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


Official appointees under verse 4:34 of Gitaji ! Licence holders !

Direct recepient of knowledge Jee! Sabd Purana Jee! From Lord

Krishna Jee ! Apaurushayam Bhaiyya !! Lineage !!!! Wah Re Kaliyuga?

(Hats off to you Kaliyuga!)


Raam . Raam. Raam.




Guru is always there inside with each one of us. He only introduces

meanings of things around us. Even visible as mother, father,

teacher, friends, and even enemy. So, the objects that ignite minds

are Guru. The real guru is inside and educational objects are



Krishna is the last Guru, Shiva is father and 2nd Guru, Paarvati is

mother and 1st Guru. Ram Charit Maanas thus says:


Bhawani Shankarau Vande Shiddha Vishwas Roopinau

Yabhaam Bina n pashyanti, Siddhah Swantah Sthameeshwaram.


Mother is the Bhawani who is Sriddha or giver of the container

(worthiness) to hold the knowledge, and Shiva the father gives the

vishwas or fills the container with the content ( knowledge or

book). Lastly, the person with the container and content goes inside

to find Ishwar who is the teacher, and develops understanding.


Without Guru, thus, to enter inside our own heart where Isht lives,

is not possible. If you follow the Guru, you will have no conflict

but if you have it for reason of others, the Guru will save you

himself. So, names and prayer of Guru have physical effects, and

thoughts of Guru has intellectual effect.


Siya Ram maay sab jag jaani, Karahu Pranaam jori yug paani.

I now know how the whole world is filled and operated by Sita and Ram

So, I pray to the world by folded hands.



K G Misra





Hare Krishna

Yes, there is no liberation without Guru. And the Hindu world is

not free from Guru Ghantals (Fake Gurus). At every four steps there

is Guru. Guru's glorification is upto such an amount that Gurus tend

to have published their own photos, feet-photos, blessing photos and

what not. Yesterday I was watching Aastha International and listening

Satpal Maharaj's Son's Upadesh. On Stage Satpal Ji is sitting beside

his Dharampatni. Entire Guru Family--father, mother and son are there

on stage. What a Virat Darshan of Gurus. Everybody is Guru. Innocent

Persons from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. have gathered to

listen. In India Guru,Guru and countless Gurus. Ironically, when my

son listened Shri Gita Shloka from Satpalji's mouth, he literraly

laughed when self-imposed, self-proclaimed Guruji said---Nainam

Chchindanti Shaastrani......in place of Shastrani (Ch 2 Verse 23).

Shaastrani means Scriptures and Shastrani means weapons. Such Gurus

are a lot who are promoting their sons.

As a matter of fact there is only one and one Guru who is Shri

Krishna--Shri Krishnam Vande Gagat Gurum. Shri Gita is the only

scripture on this planet Earth which can guide us truthfully. Shri

Krishna is the the the only Guru.

Teshamev Anukampartham Aham Agyanjam Tamah

Nashayamyaatma Bhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhasvataa....


Shri Gita Ch. 10 Verse 11


Hare Krishna


Mahesh Sharma



My dandavat pranams to all

I find the article below to be total hypocrisy. A person is

saying, " don't accept guru " ....but in their mode of presentation,

they are giving instruction as a guru!!! People are accepting, " Yes,

this is the way I will follow, based on teachings of this man " . So,

they are accepting guru. It is unavoidable.....one MUST look for


To not admit to doing so, is hypocrisy. It is a falsehood, and one

should be honest and abandon deceit. A misunderstanding is that a

person can become guru. Guru is not made, not that today I am

qualified, but tomorrow I may fall away.

That person had no business calling himself guru......however, a true

aspirant may see ANYONE, even a prostitute, a deer, or a moth as his

guru. Guru is external manifestation of Paramatma.....to see him as

an ordinary man is a great offense. This is stated in the padma



arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati bddhir

visnor va vaisnavanam kali mala mathane pada tirthe " mbu-buddhih

sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabda-samanya-buddhir

visnau sarvesvare tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah

" One who considers the worshipable Deity to be stone; who considers

the Vaisnava Guru to be a mortal man, or who considers a Vaisnava to

be limited by the confines of caste, lineage, or creed, who considers

the holy foot wash of Lord Visnu (Ganga water) or af a Vaisnava

(caranamrta) to be ordinary water; who considers the holy Name (the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra) which vanquishes all sins, to be material

sound vibration, and who consider the God of gods, Lord Visnu, to be

merely on the level of demigods, such a person, becomes a resident of

hell. "

respectfully submitted, Mahalaksmi Dasi


shree hari

ram ram


Mahalakshmiji, Please re-read the daily posting and find out

specific sentence, line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's



I truly believe Swamiji is saying learn from all, do not get

stuck.....as it is guru tattva...and not a specific individual who

locks one into discipleship and is trading in knowledge. (accepting

gifts). Again, it is important that if you disagree, you are able to

point out specific points that Swamiji made, which you disagree with.


Swamiji is not trading in money. He did not ever carry money or ever

take any gifts from anyone or anything of that sort for revealing

these secrets. He did not make any one a disciple or gave mantra, or

mala...etc. Again, in all his writings he is saying that your intense

longing, desire is more important then the guru-disciple formal

relationship. Guru can take you to the water, but ultimately it is

up to you to drink. So ultimately it is you, that is what Swamiji is



Again please point out specific statements of Swamiji and raise

concerns and not just generalities. thank you for your time and



Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator



My dandavat pranams to all in this forum,

I am praying for patience to explain a topic which I find to be

quite painful to present.....the pain is in that I don't wish to have

any arguement with those who are of a particular mind set....however,

I find that there are many statements in the article below which

could be seen to be contradicting themselves....however, in the

Absolute sense, I see their consistency.... To begin, the first line

states, " That which we wish to attain, the Supreme essence " ......and

then the fourth sentence states, " that Supreme Soul (consciousness)

is ever attained by all beings " So, with deepest regard to Sri

RamSukhadasji, I beg his kindness and permission to comment on his

words. He is saying first, " that which we wish to attain " .....hence,

God consciousness, full absorption in the Supreme, is NOT already

attained by all. He is himself stating, " that which we wish to

attain " . What I am hearing from him, and I again beg his kindness to

help me understand, is that not everyone at this time HAS attained

the supreme consciousness. However, an uttama adhikari, one who is

on the top most rungs of devotion to God, cannot help but, within

themselves, perceive everyone else as perfectly serving

God....although he is simultaneously aware that they are NOT

already there. So, the contradictory phrase becomes reconciled. But,

accepted that there are many souls in the conditioned state, who

honestly admit that they have NOT attained full awareness of the

Supreme, what to be done? My answer to this is to find one who

knows, find a teacher, a preceptor, a guru.

For fear of making this to long and thus unprintable, I will stop

here, and wait until tomorrow to furthur analyze what, to me, are

misconceptions which persons are having about the idea of guru.


Mahalakshmi Dasi


Hare Krsna !!!





In Bhagavad Gita the Sloka " Tad Viddhi Prani paadena Pariprasnena

Sevaya, Upadesanti te Gnanam Gnanina tattva darsinah " clearly state

the importance of accepting a GURU. For everything we need GURU, be

it material knowledge or Spiritual knowledge. Is there any one who

has obtained a PHD Degree without taking lessons from teachers ? If

that is the case for material knowledge then what to speak of

Spiritual knowledge ? GURU is one who imparts knowledge and to get

that knowledge one should be inquisitive to know and submissive in


service. GURU IS NOT A TRADER who gives somthing and takes somthing

in return. There are certain qualifications required to become GURU

and also certain qualifications required for becoming a desciple.

Guru means one who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the

illumination of knowledge. Another meaning of GURU is HEAVY. Guru

should be heavy and only then the disciples will be obedient and take

to the right path.





shree hari

ram ram


Haribol, Swamiji was of the mindset that people instead of seeing

something divine in any individual and becoming engaged with a

particular person, should become engaged directly with God. He was

totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an



The Gita verse does not talk about engaging in Guru - Disciple

relationship. Swamiji said that " In Gita 4:34 and Gita 13:7, the

Lord has advised such a devotee to receive instructions from a

teacher. In this discipline (jnana yog), a preceptor is a must. Not

being fully aware of the perfection of a preceptor or the

preceptor not being perfect, it becomes very difficult for spiritual

aspirants to maintain their faith. Thus there remains the

possibility of delays in one's spiritual practices. "


Swamiji also says - karma yoga is easier to practice than jnana yog

because - " The path of action can be followed by all, (different

caste, creed, order of life etc) under all circumstances. But the

path of Sannyasa (renunciate), that Arjuna talks about can be

followed only under special circumstances as explained in Gita 4:34,

since all cannot come across great Souls who have realized the

Truth. Moreover, they cannot have complete faith in these great

Souls and even more so, they do not have an opportunity to live in

their company. Thus Karmayoga is better of the two. " Please read

Swamiji's explanation on the Gita verse at -





Hope this helps, but if not, please take specific statements of

Swamiji that you disagree with and we can address. Thank you for

taking the time,


Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator


Hare Krsna !!!


Thanks for your reply.


GURU is a via medium to approach the Supreme Lord. Just like one

cannot approach a big person directly but to approach thru his

secretary. Similarly Guru imparts the knowledge and shows the right

path to the Supreme Lord as he has received it from his Guru through

the unbroken chain of disciplic succession. (Evam parampara praptam

emam rajasrayo viduh ....) This knowledge is coming directly from the

Supreme Lord, Krishna through bonafide disciplic succession. This

knowledge is called APAURUSHEYA - means not man made knowledge. The

process of receiving this knowledge is through SABDA PRAMAN from the

vedic authorities.


One should be very careful in selecting a GURU. He should be a

bonafide GURU falling in any of the four authentic sampradayas coming

in disciplic succession and preach the message of the Supreme Lord

Krishna AS IT IS without any concoction or mental speculation. Even

Lord Krishna accepted a Guru - this is to set an example for the

general people like us to follow - otherwise what was the necessity

for the Supreme Lord Krishna to accept a Guru ?


And it is not necessary to always associate with GURU personally. One

can associate with the GURU through VAANI by executing his

instructions. VAPU (personal association) with Guru is not always

possible. Shastra says that one should follow in the footsteps of

Guru, Sadhu & Shastra to save ourselves from gliding down. GURU helps

us to cross over the ocean of material nescience just like a ship

captain very safely take us accross the ocean. With our own endeavour

it will be very difficult to achieve the task and with the help of


GURU be it VAANI or VAPU it becomes much easier - the material ocean

becomes just like water contained in the calf's hoofprint and we can

just cross over it without any difficulty. Another example: Suppose

we have to climb the stair-case to get to the 100th floor of the

building how much time it will take and how tedious it would be but

GURU can take you through a Lift which is faster and easier.


Regarding the Yoga, Bhakti yoga is the simplest & easiest process

recommended in the age of Kali and Bhakti yoga is the culmination of

all other yogas. Lord Srikrishna says in the concluding chapter of

Bhagavad Gita - manmana bhava mad bhakto, madhyajimaam

namaskuru........ Karma yoga in Krishna Consciousness is Bhakti yoga.

Do all the activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord

Krishna and not for our personal sense gratification. We have

already enjoyed our senses in other lower species of lives for

millions and millions of years and now since we have been blessed


a human form of life we should not waste this precious human form in

which form only we have the intelligence, higher reasoning power,

inquisitiveness to know the absolute truth. We should use the rare &

precious human form of life to liberate ourselves from the material

bondage rather going up and down transmigrating through different

species of lives.


This is my humble understanding as taught by HDG Srila Prabhupada,

the Iskcon

Founder Acharya who falls in the disciplic succession of

Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya.





-Shree Hari-


I found this article the most brilliant subject matter on the whole

conundrum of Guru I have ever read.

Buddha, (the best as I remember), quoted, 'One may take something to

be the Truth, but do not grasp onto it too tightly, for when the

truth comes knocking at your door, you may not answer it'.

I see these words of Swami Ramsukhdasji shouting loudly at the

confused world, his words are surely knocking at the door.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari:


27th August, 2008, Wednesday

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence, That

Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It cannot

be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case, then how

would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That Supreme

Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those great

souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become Gurus,

nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


Individuals that transact or trade their teachings are not Gurus.

Those that say - first become my disciple (student), then I will

reveal to you the path towards God Realization, are like traders of

God. It is a principle that the price that a particular item is sold

for, the actual value of the item is less then the listed price.

Just like a watch which is available for Rs 1,000, it would cost

lesser than Rs 1,000 for the shopkeeper to purchase that item for

resale. If by making someone a Guru, something is attained, then the

thing attained will be less value than the Guru himself has. Then

with that weaker thing, how can God be attained? God is priceless. A

priceless thing is only attained without a price, and that which is

attained for a price, is weaker than the listed price. Therefore if

anyone says, I will reveal to you the real essence, if you become my

disciple then, kindly join your hands in gesture " no thank you " and

keep a distance ! Understand this to be some Kaalnemi !

Kaalnemi, the demon, the false Guru came to Hanumanji and said -


" Ser majjan kari aatur aavahu; dicchaa devu gyaan jehi paavahu. "

(Manasa. Lankaa. 57:4)


On hearing this, Hanumanji said - first take the gift, thereafter

give the secret mantra, and immediately thereafter Hanumanji by

wrapping his tail around the demon, lifted him and threw him down.


God has clearly stated in the Gita -

" Uddharedaatmanaatm aanam naatmaanamvasaadaye t

Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatamanah " (Gita 6:5)


" A man must raise himself by his own effort. He must not degrade

himself; for the Self is his own friend and the Self is also his

own enemy. " (Gita 6:5)


The point is that man alone is responsible for his own spiritual

upliftment or downfall. No one else is. God has bestowed this human

body, and with it, he has given all the necessary tools to attain

salvation. Therefore, one does not need anyone else for one's



Guru (spiritual guide), Saints and God, uplift the soul only after

man himself has trust and faith in them. Only after man accepts them

(Guru, Saints, God), comes to them, and follows their directions. If

man does not accept them, then how are they to do anything for man's

salvation? They simply cannot do anything. If you do not become a

student, then what can a teacher do for you? Just like some other

person can come and drop off a meal at your home, but the hunger

must come from within. If there is no hunger within, than what use

is there of delicious food preparations that are placed in front of



Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.


In reality, man himself is his own Guru - " Aatmano Gururaatmaiyva

Purushasya Vishehataha. " (Srimadbhag 11:7:20). Therefore discourses

are for your own self. Knowing this, see faults in your own self and

seek to remove them, instead of seeing faults in others.


From " Kyaa Guru Bina Mukti Nahin ? " by Swami Ramsukhdasji in Hindi

on page 28-29


Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


There have been some emails sent directly to moderators regarding a

recent daily message by Swamiji on " Can there be no liberation

without a Guru? " . These emails with some comments / issues are

listed below-


There were similar questions that have been raised in Gita-talk, but

are spread among various topics and difficult to summarize. Due to

there being over 16,000 members, I sincerely request those who want

to participate in this discussion, particularly raise questions /

doubts / issues, to please review the past sadhak daily messages

related to Guru (links provided below) and Gita-Talk discussion

(link below), so that we can all leverage the learnings and as far

as possible not repeat the same questions / issues.


Sadhak message links on Guru are at :


What is a True Spiritual Guide like?



Gita View of Guru - Part I & II




Is it Essential for a Guru to be a Self Realized Soul ?



On Guru Disciple Relationship



On Guru - Sishya



Is it not Essential to Engage in Guru Disciple Relationship ?



Worship of Guru - Part 1



Worship of Guru - Part 2



God is Guru of this Universe



Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide or Guru



Real Guru is your discrimination:



There is no Sin in letting go of false Guru



Who can be considered a Guru?



Gita Talk discussion links are at:



Please re-read the daily posting and find out specific sentence,

line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage. Please keep

discussions to half a page and relevant to the specific question

only. Please review remaining Gita Talk guidelines.



thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator





Jai Hanuman


Problem is not of Guruhood. Problem now a days is of Gurus who on

every nook and corner are arising- seeking respects, money from the

disciples, printing large posters of themselves, eager to get name

and fame for themselves, all with the worldly objectives. They are

so many. Even on this an otherwise very divine and selfless GT

group, I could find a person or two stating indirectly- I am Guru ,

come to me for fulfillment of spiritual objectives. I read it.

They open " maths " /ashrams/gurukuls enrol the people, charge them,

sell their magazines to them, sell photographs , beads and what not

of themselves and loot the innocent public. Some on this very GT

group have claimed that You must route yourselves through them in

all the cases- as if they are licence holders of Daddy the great.


As Swamiji stated that even this Kaliyuga is a friend of such fake

Gurus. We are going to see more and more of them in the future. Let

us be cautious. Let us rely more on " conscience " , let us believe

that our Dear Daddy who has given us human birth has also given us

everything which is necessary for realisation- in abundance.

Whenever we are ready, guru will come to us .


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The question was - Can there be NO LIBERATION WITHOUT a GURU?

Swamiji clearly states liberation is not dependent on the Guru.

Arjuna had spent many years in close proximity with Bhagwaan Shri

Krishna, eating, sleeping, playing, doing practically everything

with Bhagwaan being present, but he did not receive the message of

the Gita... So why not? Krishna was Bhagwaan even before the Gita

was shared, why then ? The simple point that Swamiji has explained

is that Arjuna did not have the quest to know. It was only after

the desire for salvation was awakened within him, that Bhagavan Shri

Krishna spoke and revealed the message of the Gita. If Arjuna did

not have this inner quest, then would liberation be possible,

inspite of having Krishna, the Jagatguru besides him? Simply

speaking - NO. That is the point Swamiji is making. One may lead a horse to the

water, but the horse must have the desire to drink !!! His intense desire,

longing, quest for guidance, despondent state were key. The sadhak's liberation

is dependent on sadhak's laalsa (intense longing) for truth, salvation,

liberation, benediction.


Secondly, Krishna did not tell Arjuna, Wait !!! I cannot reveal

to you the secret messages until you take this mantra that I whisper

into your ears, wear this mala, until a formal guru-disciple relationship /

ceremony is undertaken, dakshina is given in exchange, and until you commit to

listen to me and my discourses only, and you commit to not listen to anyone

else, etc. etc.


That is the point that Swamiji is making ... there was no formal guru-disciple

transaction that Krishna engaged in. Krishna revealed the Gita because there

was a burning desire in Arjuna to KNOW. There was an intense longing in Arjuna

to seek Truth, to seek guidance, which is what lead to liberation... Once again

therefore it was Arjuna, who was the cause of liberation.


Sadhaks, please kindly focus on answering the question that is being

posed and not the broader topic.


Meera das

Ram Ram



Hari Om


I wonder if any sadhak or Swamiji denied that element called Guru

does not help in sadhana. What is not getting grasped either

deliberately or by ignorance that a Guru is not necessarily an

individual and not necessarily one. What must be understood that

Guru is one of the requirements of realisation, but it is not to be

searched. It is residing inside you. To talk of Guru, and to talk of

searching and finding him is stupidity.Secondly, if you are serious

in sadhana Gurus do come to you automatically, as parrots come

automatically when fruit is ripe. That Guru may be even in a form of

enemy or child or friend, sentient or inert, matter or activity. It

will come to youi as naturally as human birth came to you. This is

what needs to be understood clearly. There is no distinction between

a Guru and God. Both are residing inside you, outside you, and in

every particle, situation, circumstance, incidence, happening,

state ! Hence Scriptures equate God and Guru in no uncertain terms –

KRISHNAM VANDE JAGADGURUM. What is wrong and patently wrong and a

great obstacle is to search/ find out Guru made of bone and flesh

and what is wrong is to call himself to be Guru. Another Guru which

Scriptures invariably refer is " Conscience " . ( Viveka).


Sadhaks must understand that God has given us everything which is

necessary for God Realisation. For nothing we have to make efforts.

Everything is available in abundance. To talk about finding a Guru,

after having got the human birth is in my view STUPIDITY and nothing

else ! Is God who has so kindly given us human birth, so ignorant

that it will expect us to " search " for Guru ? What if we do not

find? Will the human life go waste ? Non Sense ! It cannot. Your

Guru is residing right inside you. IF WE ARE WILLING, NOTHING CAN


Guru wherever needed, will come to us himself. A human being having

goal of God Realisation need not go to anybody for

knowledge/guidance. For such sadhak mere desire is more than

enough.If our aim is health ( yoga) or wealth or " occult powers " , or

worldly knowledge or education or powers – then it is a different



In this Kaliyuga, it is easy very easy for humanity to get cheated

by fake and worldly Gurus. Hundreds of examples can be given as to

how everyday we notice what is happening in the ashrams of those

self proclaimed " Bhagwaans " or Gurus. I would urge sadhaks of this

divine GT group at least to understand as to how Guru is lying

inside you. There is no need for any outer Guru of any sort

whatsoever. If you can believe, believe on this. Scriptures/ Gita/

Saints and Sages/ Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj all support this view

unequivocally. Believe this, if you can. Don't waste your time and

energy in worshipping bodies made of bone and flesh. Draw good

elements out of everything which passes through your experience and

believe that God is Guru, your conscience is Guru !


Sadhaks should introspect and deliberate on one point if they can.

How did they learn so far- worldly things and spiritual things? Just

an honest introspection. They should share how did they get drawn

towards God at the first instance? That will provide correct answer

to this question.


As far as I am concerned I think I learnt more by " reading " . In the

beginning magazines/newspapers/ any literature. Later on as life

unfolded its true colours and as vicissitudes/agonies increased- by

reading Scriptures like Gita / Ramayana etc. As the curiosity

increased books and audio cassettes of Swamiji came into life,

naturally and sitting at home " without any efforts at my end " . Mike

Keenor also got Gita like that only. So does everybody ( my belief)


There was desire, there was need, there was fire within to get out

of bondage. Then, Satsanga came into life. With say every 100

worldly people, occassionally a truthful soul also came into

experience- dealing with life in an interesting manner, better

manner, peaceful manner- right manner, in the manner taught by

Swamiji ! Importance of peace in life took the priority than

anything else. Traits started arising from within. Mysteries started

getting resolved. Vision started getting clearer and clearer. Faith

started getting strengthened automatically.


Attitude changed. Perceptions changed. What was " painful/ isolated/

only for me " in the earlier days started looking " normal,

applicable to all, natural " - same things ! Mistakes started coming

into knowledge and evaporated as if they never existed. Very concept

about the world changed. Bad started looking good and vice versa.

And then came the word - " Lila " !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Every one of us is a GURU of one oneself but as one neds a teacher

to teach and make one qualify for getting digree, same way we all

need a perfect teacher for this worldly affairs as well as iner-

spirit to be liberated through purifying our KARMAS, without which

illmination of path is not possible, as our Karmas interfere.

Regards Hari Motwani





Here are some glories of a Guru and other points that Swamiji has

expressed in his book " Kya Guru Bina Mukti Nahi " (page 8-10)


Glory of Guru


In reality, no one can ever describe full glory of a guru. Guru's

glory is even more than that of God. Hence, guru has found place of

immense glory in scriptures. But that glory is of truth, not of

hypocrisy-fraud. Nowadays hypocrisy-fraud has increased and it is

spreading. Who is good and who is bad- this is not quickly known. To

erase that evil, which comes in the form of evil, is easy. But that

evil which comes in form of good, it is very difficult to efface.

Seetaji confronted Ravan, King Pratapbhanu confronted Kapat muni and

Hanumanji confronted Kaalnemi, they were not able to identify them


so got deceived; because they appeared in front of them as ascetics.

Nowadays also it is seen that the kind of faith student has in guru,

the guru himself does not seems to be worthy of it. That is why

Sethji Shri Jayadayalji Goyandka used to say that nowadays my faith

is not in gurus but in their students! Reason being the faith which

disciple has in his guru is honorable.


Even though the glory of guru described in scriptures is correct, it

is not to be popularized in present times. Reason being that nowadays

hypocrites-fraudulent fix their own selfish deeds, with the support

of guru-glory described in scriptures. In this, Kaliyug is also

helpful; because Kaliyug is friend of Adharam (unrighteousness)--

Kalinadharammitran (Padmapuran Uttar. 193/31). In reality, guru-glory

is not for advertising but for implementing. If any guru himself

preaches about guru-glory, popularizes those books having guru-glory

written in it then it is evident that he wants to become a guru. One

who has desire to become a guru, people can never benefit from him.

Hence, I don't contravene guru, but I contravene fraud. No one can

ever negate a guru.


Guru's glory is actually from student's perspective, not from guru's

perspective. There is a perspective of guru, a perspective of student

and the perspective of a third person. Guru holds such view that I

have not done anything, but that element (truth) which is

innate-natural, only got beholden by student. Meaning that I have


made him realize his true self; from my side I have not given him

anything. Student is of view that my guru has given me everything.

Whatever has happened has happened by guru's grace. The third person

holds view that the student realized the truth-element only because

of his faith.


True glory is of that guru, who has made the student realize Govind

(God). One who does not make the student realize Govind, only talks

cheesy, he is not a guru. Such a guru's glory is fake and only for

deceiving others.


Varun Paprunia



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Sadhakas have expressed their views on the subject and all have


own merits depending upon the circumstances of seekers. This seems to

be the case as pointed out by B.Sathyanarayanji in his examples of

Self-realized beings. One cannot say for sure that on the path of

liberation, Guru as living in body or otherwise is required or is not


Why not be open to all possibilities?

Isn't it better to long for knowledge of SELF, and have that as

priority of life while performing one's duty? For that True

descipleship is what one needs.

How can one do that? By keeping the mind open for any learning to

take place any time, anywhere, and by anyone in the cosmos.

Intense desire for truth comes only from Truth, not from individual,

and seeker is led to whatever is needed for him/her.

Truth may lead one to someone or someone may appear in one's life

whose words penetrate through the veil of ignorance right into the

core of one's being. Guru is such a someone who is not body-mind

person that appears to be so. Truth acts through apparant person or

through other channels. Gurus are not to be searched. Disciple's

heart cries out and tells him/her that " yes, this is my Guru " . Its a

heart to heart talk and surrender happens unknown to both at the

time.(personal experience).

In my experience reading scriptures alone will not cut it!

Truth needs to be pointed out as it cannot be objectified like other

perceived knowledge, saying here it is! That's why it is helpful to

hear it from some lips who can point the correct direction to look

at, just as someone with experience can point us with finger to the

moon which may be hidden in clouds, stars, trees etc. Finger cannot

touch the moon but can point, nevertheless! One cannot touch the

truth as one is TRUTH!

So what is wrong in accepting such invitation from Truth Itself in

the form of Guru or " intuitive understanding " or whatever form or

formless that may be? Or why run after Guru because of Self realized

had one?

Entire Cosmos will conspire to give Realization to such a one who

sincerely is longing for Truth and remains open! Unknowns are His


Namaskar...Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadaks,


What if some body is not able to find a Guru? He is lost in the

world. Adi Sankara Had Guru Govinda Pada. Still his enlightment not

to full as such Bagavan Shiva came as a Sandala and enlighted with

Manisha Panchakam. Name any saint without Guru. Even our Sri Krishna

had Guru Sandeepan. Sri Ram had Guru. Valmiki had Guru.

Is it essential ? If yes, then how God is " samam sarveshu

bhuteshu " ? This question Sant Namadev asked Bagavan Panduran and

was a Guru by Bagavan himself. Another saint known as Kaanchi

Poornar was in direct contact with Bagavan Varadarajar WHO showed

him Guru before giving the sant Mukthi.

What kind of Guru is necessary for a child to run into the lap of

his Mom? Instinctly given by Bagavan until age 12. Any act of the

child upto 12 does not come in Paapa or Puniya. Ref: Vidhura Neethi-

Unpanashids. 1st step Mathru devo bava--Shows 2cd step Pithru Father-

-3rd Step father shows Guru devo Bava and final step 4th Guru shows

Bagavan. Referance: Kapila Geetha and Kabir Doss.


What kind of efforts can be needed to achieve that element which is

in everybody, at all times, in all places ? Many are in ignorance

that they are Aham Bramasmi--Guru tell that the Brahman is within

and outside Omnipresent. With this knowledge one contemplates on GOD

and silences. But hurdles comes even to great men. In that

circumstances they dwell in Para Brahman. Examples: Adi Sankara was

to be beheaded by a Sandalan (Kaabali) but the saint offered his

head knowing that killer or the killed are one and the same. Another

is Jada Bharatha. Prahalda says this.


Can any Guru cause a hunger in you? Sat Guru can cause a drop of

Nector to fall into throat from inner small toung, thereby causing

NO hunger for years. Also Guru can cause hunger for devotion.

Besides this Guru can cause physical hunger. Referance: The great

saint Veera Bramam at Caddaph lived 100 ago caused hunger to his

disciple enabling the disciple to eat 10 peoples food.


A thurst in you? A desire in you? What else is necessary in

realising God except desire?

NISKAMA PREMA BAKTHI. Thrust can fail, desire can fail when tested

as in case of so many saints. NOT BAKTHI. A digabar (nude) sanyasin

speaking to Bagavan Shiva asked Bagavan , " What was the delay in

taking him to HIS abode " . Bagavan said that the sanyasin had the

thought, " I am digamber free from desires and have only desire for

GOD " .

That " I' " Me " are the problem.

Regret If this is hurting someone.



Vyasji's questions back to Hari Shankarji triggered me to post my

observations on the matter of Guru and Shishya. You may want to have

a look at it. Thanks. Naga.


In life, is it essential to have a Guru or not?


Following is what I understand with the terms guru and disciple in

their isolation as we start thinking from the perspective of our

perceptional discrepancy.


Guru: Source of knowledge, a never-changing entity.


Disciple: Receiver of knowledge, an ever-changing entity.


NOW … can there be anything without GURU? Could anyone have uttered

a word without a guru? Could anyone have put a step forward without

a guru? Could there be a single action or thought that had no guru?


and Shisya relationship is old concept and no more relevant in the

present age. Most of the time, Shisya knows more than the Guru – is

absolutely baseless.


Knowledge in our perception is to receive new information …

ignorance in our perception is the obsolete information junked in

our memory. You cannot receive new valid information on anything

unless you accept that the corresponding information you have saved

in your memory is obsolete. Often, we ignorantly imagine that

ignorance is lack of some information without realizing that we

could not perceive anything if it has no bearing on our earlier

experiences. The source of valid information is the guru and the

junkyard of obsolete information is the student. The force that

validates the newer information is The Guru within. The recipient of

the newer information is the student. Therefore, anything that

perceives can only be a student. It can never be a guru.


Student can never be greater than Guru as such since a guru should

relatively have more valid information than a student by definition.

The identity of Guru may change … not of the concept.


Whether we know or not, whether we like it or not, all the

information that we seem to proudly own happens to be borrowed from

everything other than ourselves. The instant we think we know better

than our guru, we forfeit our right to call ourselves his students.

The instant we declare we know, we forfeit our studenthood as such.

That is the worst thing that is possible to happen to any spiritual



Knowledge is a perpetual process of acknowledging ignorance within …

in other words, one can earn the right to receive knowledge only by

an acceptance of the ignorance harbored within and through a

resolution to purge the same.


A difference of opinion is insufficient to judge whether I know more

than others. In fact, can anybody know more than any other? It is an

incorrect notion because … (1) The Knowledge does not belong to

anybody; (2) nobody can ever assess what another could possible know

and (3) more than anything else, nobody really knows how much he/she

knows in the first place! In other words The Knowledge is

immeasurable. Therefore any comparison based on knowledge is

lopsided in itself. But, a difference of opinion certainly

establishes that one harbors the same is definitely incapable of

appreciating an opposing view point on the same point and hence is

ignorant to that extent. A difference of opinion certainly brings

out one's ignorance for inspection. One should capitalize on such

opportunities to examine one's own ignorance. One becomes a self-

assisin if one resorts to twist such opporutinies to establish

other's ignorance because (1) one has missed a great opportunity to

unveil oneself in the first place and (2) one has veiled more opaque

costumes by intensifying one's own ignorance in the process. One

should keep in mind that one can never establish ignorance in others

just for one's incapability of penetrating anything beyond its

superficial presence. Even if one does, it cannot do anything good



Greatness is not in being a Guru as the Guru forfeits freedom to

learn or unlearn! Greatness is in being a student as student alone

retains freedom to learn and unlearn!! That is why students are kept

at high esteem in all our scriptures. Often the gurus are obscure

and referred directly to cosmic forces in the name of gods.


In our traditional learning system, there are only students

communicating to each other their learning each considering the

other as guru. Learning is a life-long process for a true student.


All scripts always make statement such as " let us learn

together " , " let us explore together " , and so on. Learning is a

collective process between multiple individuals.


" I know " is the furtile seed of ignorance … " I know better " is the

fertile soil of ignorance. I know the best is the furtile fruit of

ignorance which enseeds itself perpetually. No sane saint will ever

say I am a Guru … e.g. Ram Sukhdasji never let anybody touch his

feet or worship him. A true sadhaka is an eternal student of

everything in life.


One who thinks to know better than the other will forfeit a chance

to learn. One who thinks the other knows better can learn. The

knowledge always flows from a higher plane to a lower plane just

like water. You cannot receive the nectar of water to sustain your

existence unless you are at a lowere elevation than the source of

water. You cannot receive the nectar of knowledge to sustain your

soul unless you position yourself lower than the source of knowledge

which is everything.


Craving for students (in other words, to be a Guru) is the weakness.

Urging for a Guru (in other words, maintaining oneself as a student)

is the strength. A true seeker always seeks the association of true

students. Any other seeker is definitely a guru for a true seeker.

In fact everything is nothing but The Guru for a true seeker. That

is why they say " Guru will seek you if your yearning for learning is

pure and strong " . No true seeker can announce himself as the guru to

us. No true seeker can ever wield the ignorance of not seeing the

guru in anything in life. It is student's responsibility to locate

The Guru in the fellow sadhkas, rather, in everything around.


One has no choice but to receive the grace of The Guru actively or

passively, knowingly or unknowingly, wantingly or unwantingly.

Everything is born with The Guru embedded in its core to achieve

this task. In a way, everything is a guru as well as a disciple.

Therefore, guru and disciple are nothing but The Same. One who seeks

the guru in everything seeks The Guru within and becomes one with

the same. The eternal learner is the only eternal knower. One who

sees ONLY GURU AND NOTHING ELSE in the whole universe remains the

Eternal Student and is verily THE JAGADGURU as such.




Naga Narayana



Loving Divine,



However, realization can happen beyond these means, at any moment,

not necessarily while reading scripture or during spiritual

practices! Also see BG 5:28. Able Guru can sometimes grant

realization as He/She is one with the Parmatma, He/She has ability

to control your thought waves or biological tendencies, He/She is

able to align ones consciousness with His/hers and thus make one

part of His Divine experience. Those who go through this experience

know what they have understood, there is no doubt remain in their

head, there is nothing remain for them to know any more and there is

nothing remain for them to do anymore. All these happens only as a

part of Divine Will. Baba says knowing Divine is easy but remain

established in it every moment is difficult due to our



Hope this helps.

humble regards.

always at Thy Lotus Feet


Manjula Patel



You do not have to search for a Guru. Guru will come to you. But

only when you are ready. A Guru can only show you the path. You have

to do the sadhna yourself. You can connect with your soul when you

can meditate, which means emptying your mind of all worldly

thoughts. That can only happen with practice. There is no quick fix

for God realisation. It may take several births. It took a hundred

births to become the Buddha.


Hari Shanker Deo





The Master (Guru) of this entire Universe, for our realization,

bestows on us this human body. Along with it, he also gives the

Guru in the form of " discrimination " . God does not leave anything

partially done – just as a high official, receives along with his

position, also a house, car, servant, and all the facilities and

conveniences come along with his position, similarly, God provides

man all the necessary tools for his salvation, by which he can

properly know what is real versus unreal, what is good versus bad

conduct, what is rightful duty and what is not etc. There is no

other Guru, that is greater than our discrimination (vivek) and one

must respect / revere it. For salvation of mankind, there does not

arise the need for an external Guru. And he who does not pay

respect to his own discriminative faculty (vivek), he will not be

able to attain his salvation by engaging in an external Guru.


In reality, salvation, liberation, attainment of essential

knowledge, God Realization, is not dependent on an external Guru. If

without a Guru, essential knowledge (knowledge of Truth) were not

possible then, the very first Guru that was born, how did he attain

this knowledge? How? By this it is evident, that without making

another person a Guru, man can attain realization, he can attain

essential knowledge, by the grace of Bhagwaan - who is the Guru of

the entire Universe.


Realization of the Essential Element (tattva jnana) happens due to

our own faith, beliefs, trust, interest, and according to our

abilities in doing our spiritual practice. There is no such rule

that by making someone a Guru, salvation is on it's way or is

definitely attainable. As long as within yourself, that inner

longing is not awakened, till that time even God Himself, cannot

liberate you or make you attain Salvation, then how is the Guru

going to make you attain salvation? God is the Guru of this entire

Universe, and we too are in this Universe, therefore, in reality, we

already are with a Guru, in fact we are disciples of the greatest

Guru. There is great danger from a Kaliyug Guru, but there is no

danger from Bhagwaan, the Guru of this entire Universe.






Jagadguru Bhagwan aapni prapti ke liye manusya ko sarir de te hai

tho sath mai vivek rupi guru bhi de tehai bhagwan adhura kamnahi

karte jaise bade offcier ko makan noker motor adi sub suvidha

uplabhdha hoti hai vesehi bhagwan aadmi ko sarir ke sath kalyan ki

bhi sub samgri de te hai jes se vah sat asat kartvya or akartvya

thek be thek adi ko jan sakta hai isse badh kar koi guru nahi hai

jo apne vivek ka adar karta hai us ko apne kalyan ke liye bahari

guru ki jarurat nahi padthi. Or jo apne vivek ka adar nahi kartha

vah bahari guru banakar apna kalyan nahi ker saktha vastav me kalyan

mukti tatvagyan parmatma prapti guru ke adhin nahi hai agar bena

guru ke tatvagyan nahi hota tho shastri mai jo sabse pahala guru

raha hoga usko tatvagyanke se huaa isse ye sidh huaa ki bina kisi

manusya ko guru banaye jagatguru bhagwan ki kirpa se tatvagyan ho

sak ta hai.tatav ki prapti tab ho ti hai jub apni sradha vishvash

ruchi or yogyata ke anusar sadhan ki ya jay guru banane se kalyan

hohi jayeja esa koi vidhan nahi hai. Jab tak apke bhitar apne kalyan

ki lalsa jagrat nahi hogi tab tak bhagwan bhi apka kalyan nahi kar

sakte phir guru kai se ker dega. Bhagwan jagat ke guru hai or hum

bhi jagat ke bhitar hai isliye vastav mai hum guru se rahit he hai

hum asli mahan guru ke sisya hai. Kalyuji guru se tho bada khatra

hai per jagatguru bhagwan se koi khatra nahi hai





Shree Hari

ram ram


I believe there is agreement along the lines of Guru tattva and that

since Paramatmaa is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, the

tattva (Guru Tattva) to uplift a Jeev in attaining liberation /

salvation or God Realization can come from anyone / anywhere. The

issues / concerns / differences expressed by Sadhaks are mostly

around -


Guru - Disciple relationship, through a formal initiation and

related dakshinaah (Gifts), and bondage to one individual / group /

organization etc. This is where Swamiji, clearly states to stay

away from such a set-up. I read through the links provided and

Swamiji's reasons are clear. Sadhaks who have doubts, should take

the time to read these links. There is no hypocrisy by Swamiji, as

until his last breath, He only saw himself as Sadhak and never

anything else.


Yes! When spiritual knowledge is shared, only to those who are

initiated into Discipleship and only for a fee, it is a trade. It

may appear to be a harsh word, but there is no other way to soften

that transaction. Swamiji clearly states that in such situations,

what is received by disciple is of lesser value than the dakshinaa

(gift) given.


Swamiji is not in disagreement about seeking guidance. Yes! we all

need guidance along the spiritual journey and path. Swamiji's point

is more around the sadhak's own intense longing and a firm aim /

goal of salvation / liberations as being key in attainment. Swamiji

therefore suggests not to get stuck, and instead seek guidance from

wherever God reveals Himself to you, in His divine plays. Be open in

receiving the guidance from many sources and certainly do not seek

guidance from only one, and that too one who will only give you

guidance after

initiation and for a fee. That is Swamiji's point. Hope this helps !


Meera Das

Ram Ram





-Shree Hari-


I have pasted a part of the original article, it speaks volumes:

'Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.'


Now consider this, one desires the Divine Truth with a passion, one

will have insights experiences, these experiences can become a

yardstick to measure the worth of those whom maybe of help to one.

One will recognize the astounding reality of a chance meeting maybe,

someone might be of support when one most needs support, so many

coincidences can occur. One is dealing with the indwelling Supreme,

that Indwelling will make itself known. By taking up ones own ego

belief to what one requires of a guru, and going on search for such;

is expressed by a Sufi story: A man spied another man under a street

lamp on his hands and knees searching for something, " What are you

looking for he asked " , " my keys, I've lost my keys " the reply. After

a fruitless search the helper said, " Are you sure you lost them here

under the lamp? " , " Oh no, I lost them over there in the dark, but I

can see a lot better here under the lamp! " . Comment, wrong lamp!


(I have taken the lead of Maheshji ):

B.G. 10:11 'Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their

Self, destroy the darkness born of ignorance by the luminous lamp of

knowledge.' B.G. 10:12. 'You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme

abode (or the supreme light), the supreme purifier, the eternal,

divine Person, the primeval God, unborn and omnipresent.'


The worship of the primeval God, is for all mankind without

exception, and the desire for liberation is born in all of us, but we

may have to step out of the light of comfort and dogma, and trust in

the guidance of the Supreme Light.


With Respect and Divine Love.



(Mike Keenor)



Thanks Mahesh Bhaiyya and. Brother Mike Keenor !


Did you notice. Brothers? - people saying that there are secretaries

already existing in this universe, Jee - appointed by our Daddy -

and if you are interested in realisation you must move through

them ! Direct realisation. No kitkit, no jhik jhik. No practice. No

ego less ness. No karan sapeksha, no karan nirpeksha. No sadhana. No

Sadhak. No time required. Just Come, Register with us and Go

straight to Gau Loka. Don't you know who we are? Secretaries !

Agents !! Did not you read Gita? Padam Purana ?? Direct authorised

agents !!!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


Official appointees under verse 4:34 of Gitaji ! Licence holders !

Direct recepient of knowledge Jee! Sabd Purana Jee! From Lord

Krishna Jee ! Apaurushayam Bhaiyya !! Lineage !!!! Wah Re Kaliyuga?

(Hats off to you Kaliyuga!)


Raam . Raam. Raam.




Guru is always there inside with each one of us. He only introduces

meanings of things around us. Even visible as mother, father,

teacher, friends, and even enemy. So, the objects that ignite minds

are Guru. The real guru is inside and educational objects are



Krishna is the last Guru, Shiva is father and 2nd Guru, Paarvati is

mother and 1st Guru. Ram Charit Maanas thus says:


Bhawani Shankarau Vande Shiddha Vishwas Roopinau

Yabhaam Bina n pashyanti, Siddhah Swantah Sthameeshwaram.


Mother is the Bhawani who is Sriddha or giver of the container

(worthiness) to hold the knowledge, and Shiva the father gives the

vishwas or fills the container with the content ( knowledge or

book). Lastly, the person with the container and content goes inside

to find Ishwar who is the teacher, and develops understanding.


Without Guru, thus, to enter inside our own heart where Isht lives,

is not possible. If you follow the Guru, you will have no conflict

but if you have it for reason of others, the Guru will save you

himself. So, names and prayer of Guru have physical effects, and

thoughts of Guru has intellectual effect.


Siya Ram maay sab jag jaani, Karahu Pranaam jori yug paani.

I now know how the whole world is filled and operated by Sita and Ram

So, I pray to the world by folded hands.



K G Misra





Hare Krishna

Yes, there is no liberation without Guru. And the Hindu world is

not free from Guru Ghantals (Fake Gurus). At every four steps there

is Guru. Guru's glorification is upto such an amount that Gurus tend

to have published their own photos, feet-photos, blessing photos and

what not. Yesterday I was watching Aastha International and listening

Satpal Maharaj's Son's Upadesh. On Stage Satpal Ji is sitting beside

his Dharampatni. Entire Guru Family--father, mother and son are there

on stage. What a Virat Darshan of Gurus. Everybody is Guru. Innocent

Persons from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. have gathered to

listen. In India Guru,Guru and countless Gurus. Ironically, when my

son listened Shri Gita Shloka from Satpalji's mouth, he literraly

laughed when self-imposed, self-proclaimed Guruji said---Nainam

Chchindanti Shaastrani......in place of Shastrani (Ch 2 Verse 23).

Shaastrani means Scriptures and Shastrani means weapons. Such Gurus

are a lot who are promoting their sons.

As a matter of fact there is only one and one Guru who is Shri

Krishna--Shri Krishnam Vande Gagat Gurum. Shri Gita is the only

scripture on this planet Earth which can guide us truthfully. Shri

Krishna is the the the only Guru.

Teshamev Anukampartham Aham Agyanjam Tamah

Nashayamyaatma Bhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhasvataa....


Shri Gita Ch. 10 Verse 11


Hare Krishna


Mahesh Sharma



My dandavat pranams to all

I find the article below to be total hypocrisy. A person is

saying, " don't accept guru " ....but in their mode of presentation,

they are giving instruction as a guru!!! People are accepting, " Yes,

this is the way I will follow, based on teachings of this man " . So,

they are accepting guru. It is unavoidable.....one MUST look for


To not admit to doing so, is hypocrisy. It is a falsehood, and one

should be honest and abandon deceit. A misunderstanding is that a

person can become guru. Guru is not made, not that today I am

qualified, but tomorrow I may fall away.

That person had no business calling himself guru......however, a true

aspirant may see ANYONE, even a prostitute, a deer, or a moth as his

guru. Guru is external manifestation of Paramatma.....to see him as

an ordinary man is a great offense. This is stated in the padma



arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati bddhir

visnor va vaisnavanam kali mala mathane pada tirthe " mbu-buddhih

sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabda-samanya-buddhir

visnau sarvesvare tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah

" One who considers the worshipable Deity to be stone; who considers

the Vaisnava Guru to be a mortal man, or who considers a Vaisnava to

be limited by the confines of caste, lineage, or creed, who considers

the holy foot wash of Lord Visnu (Ganga water) or af a Vaisnava

(caranamrta) to be ordinary water; who considers the holy Name (the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra) which vanquishes all sins, to be material

sound vibration, and who consider the God of gods, Lord Visnu, to be

merely on the level of demigods, such a person, becomes a resident of

hell. "

respectfully submitted, Mahalaksmi Dasi


shree hari

ram ram


Mahalakshmiji, Please re-read the daily posting and find out

specific sentence, line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's



I truly believe Swamiji is saying learn from all, do not get

stuck.....as it is guru tattva...and not a specific individual who

locks one into discipleship and is trading in knowledge. (accepting

gifts). Again, it is important that if you disagree, you are able to

point out specific points that Swamiji made, which you disagree with.


Swamiji is not trading in money. He did not ever carry money or ever

take any gifts from anyone or anything of that sort for revealing

these secrets. He did not make any one a disciple or gave mantra, or

mala...etc. Again, in all his writings he is saying that your intense

longing, desire is more important then the guru-disciple formal

relationship. Guru can take you to the water, but ultimately it is

up to you to drink. So ultimately it is you, that is what Swamiji is



Again please point out specific statements of Swamiji and raise

concerns and not just generalities. thank you for your time and



Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator



My dandavat pranams to all in this forum,

I am praying for patience to explain a topic which I find to be

quite painful to present.....the pain is in that I don't wish to have

any arguement with those who are of a particular mind set....however,

I find that there are many statements in the article below which

could be seen to be contradicting themselves....however, in the

Absolute sense, I see their consistency.... To begin, the first line

states, " That which we wish to attain, the Supreme essence " ......and

then the fourth sentence states, " that Supreme Soul (consciousness)

is ever attained by all beings " So, with deepest regard to Sri

RamSukhadasji, I beg his kindness and permission to comment on his

words. He is saying first, " that which we wish to attain " .....hence,

God consciousness, full absorption in the Supreme, is NOT already

attained by all. He is himself stating, " that which we wish to

attain " . What I am hearing from him, and I again beg his kindness to

help me understand, is that not everyone at this time HAS attained

the supreme consciousness. However, an uttama adhikari, one who is

on the top most rungs of devotion to God, cannot help but, within

themselves, perceive everyone else as perfectly serving

God....although he is simultaneously aware that they are NOT

already there. So, the contradictory phrase becomes reconciled. But,

accepted that there are many souls in the conditioned state, who

honestly admit that they have NOT attained full awareness of the

Supreme, what to be done? My answer to this is to find one who

knows, find a teacher, a preceptor, a guru.

For fear of making this to long and thus unprintable, I will stop

here, and wait until tomorrow to furthur analyze what, to me, are

misconceptions which persons are having about the idea of guru.


Mahalakshmi Dasi


Hare Krsna !!!





In Bhagavad Gita the Sloka " Tad Viddhi Prani paadena Pariprasnena

Sevaya, Upadesanti te Gnanam Gnanina tattva darsinah " clearly state

the importance of accepting a GURU. For everything we need GURU, be

it material knowledge or Spiritual knowledge. Is there any one who

has obtained a PHD Degree without taking lessons from teachers ? If

that is the case for material knowledge then what to speak of

Spiritual knowledge ? GURU is one who imparts knowledge and to get

that knowledge one should be inquisitive to know and submissive in


service. GURU IS NOT A TRADER who gives somthing and takes somthing

in return. There are certain qualifications required to become GURU

and also certain qualifications required for becoming a desciple.

Guru means one who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the

illumination of knowledge. Another meaning of GURU is HEAVY. Guru

should be heavy and only then the disciples will be obedient and take

to the right path.





shree hari

ram ram


Haribol, Swamiji was of the mindset that people instead of seeing

something divine in any individual and becoming engaged with a

particular person, should become engaged directly with God. He was

totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an



The Gita verse does not talk about engaging in Guru - Disciple

relationship. Swamiji said that " In Gita 4:34 and Gita 13:7, the

Lord has advised such a devotee to receive instructions from a

teacher. In this discipline (jnana yog), a preceptor is a must. Not

being fully aware of the perfection of a preceptor or the

preceptor not being perfect, it becomes very difficult for spiritual

aspirants to maintain their faith. Thus there remains the

possibility of delays in one's spiritual practices. "


Swamiji also says - karma yoga is easier to practice than jnana yog

because - " The path of action can be followed by all, (different

caste, creed, order of life etc) under all circumstances. But the

path of Sannyasa (renunciate), that Arjuna talks about can be

followed only under special circumstances as explained in Gita 4:34,

since all cannot come across great Souls who have realized the

Truth. Moreover, they cannot have complete faith in these great

Souls and even more so, they do not have an opportunity to live in

their company. Thus Karmayoga is better of the two. " Please read

Swamiji's explanation on the Gita verse at -





Hope this helps, but if not, please take specific statements of

Swamiji that you disagree with and we can address. Thank you for

taking the time,


Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator


Hare Krsna !!!


Thanks for your reply.


GURU is a via medium to approach the Supreme Lord. Just like one

cannot approach a big person directly but to approach thru his

secretary. Similarly Guru imparts the knowledge and shows the right

path to the Supreme Lord as he has received it from his Guru through

the unbroken chain of disciplic succession. (Evam parampara praptam

emam rajasrayo viduh ....) This knowledge is coming directly from the

Supreme Lord, Krishna through bonafide disciplic succession. This

knowledge is called APAURUSHEYA - means not man made knowledge. The

process of receiving this knowledge is through SABDA PRAMAN from the

vedic authorities.


One should be very careful in selecting a GURU. He should be a

bonafide GURU falling in any of the four authentic sampradayas coming

in disciplic succession and preach the message of the Supreme Lord

Krishna AS IT IS without any concoction or mental speculation. Even

Lord Krishna accepted a Guru - this is to set an example for the

general people like us to follow - otherwise what was the necessity

for the Supreme Lord Krishna to accept a Guru ?


And it is not necessary to always associate with GURU personally. One

can associate with the GURU through VAANI by executing his

instructions. VAPU (personal association) with Guru is not always

possible. Shastra says that one should follow in the footsteps of

Guru, Sadhu & Shastra to save ourselves from gliding down. GURU helps

us to cross over the ocean of material nescience just like a ship

captain very safely take us accross the ocean. With our own endeavour

it will be very difficult to achieve the task and with the help of


GURU be it VAANI or VAPU it becomes much easier - the material ocean

becomes just like water contained in the calf's hoofprint and we can

just cross over it without any difficulty. Another example: Suppose

we have to climb the stair-case to get to the 100th floor of the

building how much time it will take and how tedious it would be but

GURU can take you through a Lift which is faster and easier.


Regarding the Yoga, Bhakti yoga is the simplest & easiest process

recommended in the age of Kali and Bhakti yoga is the culmination of

all other yogas. Lord Srikrishna says in the concluding chapter of

Bhagavad Gita - manmana bhava mad bhakto, madhyajimaam

namaskuru........ Karma yoga in Krishna Consciousness is Bhakti yoga.

Do all the activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord

Krishna and not for our personal sense gratification. We have

already enjoyed our senses in other lower species of lives for

millions and millions of years and now since we have been blessed


a human form of life we should not waste this precious human form in

which form only we have the intelligence, higher reasoning power,

inquisitiveness to know the absolute truth. We should use the rare &

precious human form of life to liberate ourselves from the material

bondage rather going up and down transmigrating through different

species of lives.


This is my humble understanding as taught by HDG Srila Prabhupada,

the Iskcon

Founder Acharya who falls in the disciplic succession of

Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya.





-Shree Hari-


I found this article the most brilliant subject matter on the whole

conundrum of Guru I have ever read.

Buddha, (the best as I remember), quoted, 'One may take something to

be the Truth, but do not grasp onto it too tightly, for when the

truth comes knocking at your door, you may not answer it'.

I see these words of Swami Ramsukhdasji shouting loudly at the

confused world, his words are surely knocking at the door.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari:


27th August, 2008, Wednesday

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence, That

Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It cannot

be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case, then how

would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That Supreme

Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those great

souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become Gurus,

nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


Individuals that transact or trade their teachings are not Gurus.

Those that say - first become my disciple (student), then I will

reveal to you the path towards God Realization, are like traders of

God. It is a principle that the price that a particular item is sold

for, the actual value of the item is less then the listed price.

Just like a watch which is available for Rs 1,000, it would cost

lesser than Rs 1,000 for the shopkeeper to purchase that item for

resale. If by making someone a Guru, something is attained, then the

thing attained will be less value than the Guru himself has. Then

with that weaker thing, how can God be attained? God is priceless. A

priceless thing is only attained without a price, and that which is

attained for a price, is weaker than the listed price. Therefore if

anyone says, I will reveal to you the real essence, if you become my

disciple then, kindly join your hands in gesture " no thank you " and

keep a distance ! Understand this to be some Kaalnemi !

Kaalnemi, the demon, the false Guru came to Hanumanji and said -


" Ser majjan kari aatur aavahu; dicchaa devu gyaan jehi paavahu. "

(Manasa. Lankaa. 57:4)


On hearing this, Hanumanji said - first take the gift, thereafter

give the secret mantra, and immediately thereafter Hanumanji by

wrapping his tail around the demon, lifted him and threw him down.


God has clearly stated in the Gita -

" Uddharedaatmanaatm aanam naatmaanamvasaadaye t

Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatamanah " (Gita 6:5)


" A man must raise himself by his own effort. He must not degrade

himself; for the Self is his own friend and the Self is also his

own enemy. " (Gita 6:5)


The point is that man alone is responsible for his own spiritual

upliftment or downfall. No one else is. God has bestowed this human

body, and with it, he has given all the necessary tools to attain

salvation. Therefore, one does not need anyone else for one's



Guru (spiritual guide), Saints and God, uplift the soul only after

man himself has trust and faith in them. Only after man accepts them

(Guru, Saints, God), comes to them, and follows their directions. If

man does not accept them, then how are they to do anything for man's

salvation? They simply cannot do anything. If you do not become a

student, then what can a teacher do for you? Just like some other

person can come and drop off a meal at your home, but the hunger

must come from within. If there is no hunger within, than what use

is there of delicious food preparations that are placed in front of



Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.


In reality, man himself is his own Guru - " Aatmano Gururaatmaiyva

Purushasya Vishehataha. " (Srimadbhag 11:7:20). Therefore discourses

are for your own self. Knowing this, see faults in your own self and

seek to remove them, instead of seeing faults in others.


From " Kyaa Guru Bina Mukti Nahin ? " by Swami Ramsukhdasji in Hindi

on page 28-29


Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


There have been some emails sent directly to moderators regarding a

recent daily message by Swamiji on " Can there be no liberation

without a Guru? " . These emails with some comments / issues are

listed below-


There were similar questions that have been raised in Gita-talk, but

are spread among various topics and difficult to summarize. Due to

there being over 16,000 members, I sincerely request those who want

to participate in this discussion, particularly raise questions /

doubts / issues, to please review the past sadhak daily messages

related to Guru (links provided below) and Gita-Talk discussion

(link below), so that we can all leverage the learnings and as far

as possible not repeat the same questions / issues.


Sadhak message links on Guru are at :


What is a True Spiritual Guide like?



Gita View of Guru - Part I & II




Is it Essential for a Guru to be a Self Realized Soul ?



On Guru Disciple Relationship



On Guru - Sishya



Is it not Essential to Engage in Guru Disciple Relationship ?



Worship of Guru - Part 1



Worship of Guru - Part 2



God is Guru of this Universe



Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide or Guru



Real Guru is your discrimination:



There is no Sin in letting go of false Guru



Who can be considered a Guru?



Gita Talk discussion links are at:



Please re-read the daily posting and find out specific sentence,

line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage. Please keep

discussions to half a page and relevant to the specific question

only. Please review remaining Gita Talk guidelines.



thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator





Ramsukhdasji: That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence,

That Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It

cannot be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case,

then how would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That

Supreme Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those

great souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become

Gurus, nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


This one of the most genuine statement I have ever seen by a true

sadhak that Ramsukhdasji should have been. There is absolutely no

contradictions here. Yes. Consciousness is of-course ever-attained

in everything. Of-course most of use are clueless of the same and

hence harp on everything we know to find what it could be. One would

wish to attain it thanks to the self-imposed (svayaaropita) and self-

gained (svayaarjita) ignorance (avidyaa) which is also refrred to as

Adhyaasa by many seers. The Supreme is ever-established as such ...

but, thanks to the avidyaa one cannot see it - hence, the wish. No

contradictions, I see.


The best of the message above is the etrnal studentship the great

spirit has embraced. Lots of criticism and verbal dissection is

going on who is Guru, who is not, who should be, who should never

be, etc. All that is irrelevant to me. Me being the student is most

important. Studenthood is great - then I have a chance to remove my

ignorance. Nobody can claim Guruhood in sanity as The Guru will

remain always beyond everything. At the same time, for a true

student, everything remains Guru only. Guru exists in student's

mind, not in perceived guru's mind! That is the essence I always

receive from Ramsukhdasji's self-conductance as I have read so far.

That very spirit of eternal studenthood is the true guru for me.


Talking about Guru's quality is waste of time. Even a cheater is a

guru - I learnt what cheating means from him/her :). I learn why I

feel cheated from the experience. I learn how valid or sane that

very feeling of being cheated is in reality. Everything is The Guru

only if I am willing to learn!


I personally feel that alertness regarding my studentship is the

only relevant issue and need to be nurtured as a Saadhaka. The

minute I turn toward examining the qualities of a Guru, I forfeit my

Saadhana as such.


Let me NEVER entertain that.




Naga Narayana




It is right of a GURU to look for a suitable SHISYA. Similarly a

Shishya who is a self learner and cannot get access to a suitable

GURU has the right to learn things on his own with out a GURU.The

beauty of SANATANA dharm is in this that the knowledge comes to you

by itself if you seek the truth.Veda are a collection of

observations which helps.


GURU also helps in giving the direction and that is all.THE SEEKER

IS ALWAYS INDEPENDENT. Guru provides an easier path by giving



" apb1942 "



Not all Gurus are fake. There are many who have realised God in

India. From birth till death, we meet various Gurus. Our first Gurus

are our own parents, then our teachers in school. When we are ready

the Guru will certainly find us and show us the path to salvation.


Hari Shanker Deo



Jai Hanuman


Problem is not of Guruhood. Problem now a days is of Gurus who on

every nook and corner are arising- seeking respects, money from the

disciples, printing large posters of themselves, eager to get name

and fame for themselves, all with the worldly objectives. They are

so many. Even on this an otherwise very divine and selfless GT

group, I could find a person or two stating indirectly- I am Guru ,

come to me for fulfillment of spiritual objectives. I read it.

They open " maths " /ashrams/gurukuls enrol the people, charge them,

sell their magazines to them, sell photographs , beads and what not

of themselves and loot the innocent public. Some on this very GT

group have claimed that You must route yourselves through them in

all the cases- as if they are licence holders of Daddy the great.


As Swamiji stated that even this Kaliyuga is a friend of such fake

Gurus. We are going to see more and more of them in the future. Let

us be cautious. Let us rely more on " conscience " , let us believe

that our Dear Daddy who has given us human birth has also given us

everything which is necessary for realisation- in abundance.

Whenever we are ready, guru will come to us .


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The question was - Can there be NO LIBERATION WITHOUT a GURU?

Swamiji clearly states liberation is not dependent on the Guru.

Arjuna had spent many years in close proximity with Bhagwaan Shri

Krishna, eating, sleeping, playing, doing practically everything

with Bhagwaan being present, but he did not receive the message of

the Gita... So why not? Krishna was Bhagwaan even before the Gita

was shared, why then ? The simple point that Swamiji has explained

is that Arjuna did not have the quest to know. It was only after

the desire for salvation was awakened within him, that Bhagavan Shri

Krishna spoke and revealed the message of the Gita. If Arjuna did

not have this inner quest, then would liberation be possible,

inspite of having Krishna, the Jagatguru besides him? Simply

speaking - NO. That is the point Swamiji is making. One may lead a

horse to the water, but the horse must have the desire to drink !!!

His intense desire, longing, quest for guidance, despondent state

were key. The sadhak's liberation is dependent on sadhak's laalsa

(intense longing) for truth, salvation, liberation, benediction.


Secondly, Krishna did not tell Arjuna, Wait !!! I cannot reveal

to you the secret messages until you take this mantra that I whisper

into your ears, wear this mala, until a formal guru-disciple

relationship / ceremony is undertaken, dakshina is given in

exchange, and until you commit to listen to me and my discourses

only, and you commit to not listen to anyone else, etc. etc.


That is the point that Swamiji is making ... there was no formal

guru-disciple transaction that Krishna engaged in. Krishna revealed

the Gita because there was a burning desire in Arjuna to KNOW. There

was an intense longing in Arjuna to seek Truth, to seek guidance,

which is what lead to liberation... Once again therefore it was

Arjuna, who was the cause of liberation.


Sadhaks, please kindly focus on answering the question that is being

posed and not the broader topic.


Meera das

Ram Ram



Hari Om


I wonder if any sadhak or Swamiji denied that element called Guru

does not help in sadhana. What is not getting grasped either

deliberately or by ignorance that a Guru is not necessarily an

individual and not necessarily one. What must be understood that

Guru is one of the requirements of realisation, but it is not to be

searched. It is residing inside you. To talk of Guru, and to talk of

searching and finding him is stupidity.Secondly, if you are serious

in sadhana Gurus do come to you automatically, as parrots come

automatically when fruit is ripe. That Guru may be even in a form of

enemy or child or friend, sentient or inert, matter or activity. It

will come to youi as naturally as human birth came to you. This is

what needs to be understood clearly. There is no distinction between

a Guru and God. Both are residing inside you, outside you, and in

every particle, situation, circumstance, incidence, happening,

state ! Hence Scriptures equate God and Guru in no uncertain terms –

KRISHNAM VANDE JAGADGURUM. What is wrong and patently wrong and a

great obstacle is to search/ find out Guru made of bone and flesh

and what is wrong is to call himself to be Guru. Another Guru which

Scriptures invariably refer is " Conscience " . ( Viveka).


Sadhaks must understand that God has given us everything which is

necessary for God Realisation. For nothing we have to make efforts.

Everything is available in abundance. To talk about finding a Guru,

after having got the human birth is in my view STUPIDITY and nothing

else ! Is God who has so kindly given us human birth, so ignorant

that it will expect us to " search " for Guru ? What if we do not

find? Will the human life go waste ? Non Sense ! It cannot. Your

Guru is residing right inside you. IF WE ARE WILLING, NOTHING CAN


Guru wherever needed, will come to us himself. A human being having

goal of God Realisation need not go to anybody for

knowledge/guidance. For such sadhak mere desire is more than

enough.If our aim is health ( yoga) or wealth or " occult powers " , or

worldly knowledge or education or powers – then it is a different



In this Kaliyuga, it is easy very easy for humanity to get cheated

by fake and worldly Gurus. Hundreds of examples can be given as to

how everyday we notice what is happening in the ashrams of those

self proclaimed " Bhagwaans " or Gurus. I would urge sadhaks of this

divine GT group at least to understand as to how Guru is lying

inside you. There is no need for any outer Guru of any sort

whatsoever. If you can believe, believe on this. Scriptures/ Gita/

Saints and Sages/ Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj all support this view

unequivocally. Believe this, if you can. Don't waste your time and

energy in worshipping bodies made of bone and flesh. Draw good

elements out of everything which passes through your experience and

believe that God is Guru, your conscience is Guru !


Sadhaks should introspect and deliberate on one point if they can.

How did they learn so far- worldly things and spiritual things? Just

an honest introspection. They should share how did they get drawn

towards God at the first instance? That will provide correct answer

to this question.


As far as I am concerned I think I learnt more by " reading " . In the

beginning magazines/newspapers/ any literature. Later on as life

unfolded its true colours and as vicissitudes/agonies increased- by

reading Scriptures like Gita / Ramayana etc. As the curiosity

increased books and audio cassettes of Swamiji came into life,

naturally and sitting at home " without any efforts at my end " . Mike

Keenor also got Gita like that only. So does everybody ( my belief)


There was desire, there was need, there was fire within to get out

of bondage. Then, Satsanga came into life. With say every 100

worldly people, occassionally a truthful soul also came into

experience- dealing with life in an interesting manner, better

manner, peaceful manner- right manner, in the manner taught by

Swamiji ! Importance of peace in life took the priority than

anything else. Traits started arising from within. Mysteries started

getting resolved. Vision started getting clearer and clearer. Faith

started getting strengthened automatically.


Attitude changed. Perceptions changed. What was " painful/ isolated/

only for me " in the earlier days started looking " normal,

applicable to all, natural " - same things ! Mistakes started coming

into knowledge and evaporated as if they never existed. Very concept

about the world changed. Bad started looking good and vice versa.

And then came the word - " Lila " !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Every one of us is a GURU of one oneself but as one neds a teacher

to teach and make one qualify for getting digree, same way we all

need a perfect teacher for this worldly affairs as well as iner-

spirit to be liberated through purifying our KARMAS, without which

illmination of path is not possible, as our Karmas interfere.

Regards Hari Motwani





Here are some glories of a Guru and other points that Swamiji has

expressed in his book " Kya Guru Bina Mukti Nahi " (page 8-10)


Glory of Guru


In reality, no one can ever describe full glory of a guru. Guru's

glory is even more than that of God. Hence, guru has found place of

immense glory in scriptures. But that glory is of truth, not of

hypocrisy-fraud. Nowadays hypocrisy-fraud has increased and it is

spreading. Who is good and who is bad- this is not quickly known. To

erase that evil, which comes in the form of evil, is easy. But that

evil which comes in form of good, it is very difficult to efface.

Seetaji confronted Ravan, King Pratapbhanu confronted Kapat muni and

Hanumanji confronted Kaalnemi, they were not able to identify them


so got deceived; because they appeared in front of them as ascetics.

Nowadays also it is seen that the kind of faith student has in guru,

the guru himself does not seems to be worthy of it. That is why

Sethji Shri Jayadayalji Goyandka used to say that nowadays my faith

is not in gurus but in their students! Reason being the faith which

disciple has in his guru is honorable.


Even though the glory of guru described in scriptures is correct, it

is not to be popularized in present times. Reason being that nowadays

hypocrites-fraudulent fix their own selfish deeds, with the support

of guru-glory described in scriptures. In this, Kaliyug is also

helpful; because Kaliyug is friend of Adharam (unrighteousness)--

Kalinadharammitran (Padmapuran Uttar. 193/31). In reality, guru-glory

is not for advertising but for implementing. If any guru himself

preaches about guru-glory, popularizes those books having guru-glory

written in it then it is evident that he wants to become a guru. One

who has desire to become a guru, people can never benefit from him.

Hence, I don't contravene guru, but I contravene fraud. No one can

ever negate a guru.


Guru's glory is actually from student's perspective, not from guru's

perspective. There is a perspective of guru, a perspective of student

and the perspective of a third person. Guru holds such view that I

have not done anything, but that element (truth) which is

innate-natural, only got beholden by student. Meaning that I have


made him realize his true self; from my side I have not given him

anything. Student is of view that my guru has given me everything.

Whatever has happened has happened by guru's grace. The third person

holds view that the student realized the truth-element only because

of his faith.


True glory is of that guru, who has made the student realize Govind

(God). One who does not make the student realize Govind, only talks

cheesy, he is not a guru. Such a guru's glory is fake and only for

deceiving others.


Varun Paprunia



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Sadhakas have expressed their views on the subject and all have


own merits depending upon the circumstances of seekers. This seems to

be the case as pointed out by B.Sathyanarayanji in his examples of

Self-realized beings. One cannot say for sure that on the path of

liberation, Guru as living in body or otherwise is required or is not


Why not be open to all possibilities?

Isn't it better to long for knowledge of SELF, and have that as

priority of life while performing one's duty? For that True

descipleship is what one needs.

How can one do that? By keeping the mind open for any learning to

take place any time, anywhere, and by anyone in the cosmos.

Intense desire for truth comes only from Truth, not from individual,

and seeker is led to whatever is needed for him/her.

Truth may lead one to someone or someone may appear in one's life

whose words penetrate through the veil of ignorance right into the

core of one's being. Guru is such a someone who is not body-mind

person that appears to be so. Truth acts through apparant person or

through other channels. Gurus are not to be searched. Disciple's

heart cries out and tells him/her that " yes, this is my Guru " . Its a

heart to heart talk and surrender happens unknown to both at the

time.(personal experience).

In my experience reading scriptures alone will not cut it!

Truth needs to be pointed out as it cannot be objectified like other

perceived knowledge, saying here it is! That's why it is helpful to

hear it from some lips who can point the correct direction to look

at, just as someone with experience can point us with finger to the

moon which may be hidden in clouds, stars, trees etc. Finger cannot

touch the moon but can point, nevertheless! One cannot touch the

truth as one is TRUTH!

So what is wrong in accepting such invitation from Truth Itself in

the form of Guru or " intuitive understanding " or whatever form or

formless that may be? Or why run after Guru because of Self realized

had one?

Entire Cosmos will conspire to give Realization to such a one who

sincerely is longing for Truth and remains open! Unknowns are His


Namaskar...Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadaks,


What if some body is not able to find a Guru? He is lost in the

world. Adi Sankara Had Guru Govinda Pada. Still his enlightment not

to full as such Bagavan Shiva came as a Sandala and enlighted with

Manisha Panchakam. Name any saint without Guru. Even our Sri Krishna

had Guru Sandeepan. Sri Ram had Guru. Valmiki had Guru.

Is it essential ? If yes, then how God is " samam sarveshu

bhuteshu " ? This question Sant Namadev asked Bagavan Panduran and

was a Guru by Bagavan himself. Another saint known as Kaanchi

Poornar was in direct contact with Bagavan Varadarajar WHO showed

him Guru before giving the sant Mukthi.

What kind of Guru is necessary for a child to run into the lap of

his Mom? Instinctly given by Bagavan until age 12. Any act of the

child upto 12 does not come in Paapa or Puniya. Ref: Vidhura Neethi-

Unpanashids. 1st step Mathru devo bava--Shows 2cd step Pithru Father-

-3rd Step father shows Guru devo Bava and final step 4th Guru shows

Bagavan. Referance: Kapila Geetha and Kabir Doss.


What kind of efforts can be needed to achieve that element which is

in everybody, at all times, in all places ? Many are in ignorance

that they are Aham Bramasmi--Guru tell that the Brahman is within

and outside Omnipresent. With this knowledge one contemplates on GOD

and silences. But hurdles comes even to great men. In that

circumstances they dwell in Para Brahman. Examples: Adi Sankara was

to be beheaded by a Sandalan (Kaabali) but the saint offered his

head knowing that killer or the killed are one and the same. Another

is Jada Bharatha. Prahalda says this.


Can any Guru cause a hunger in you? Sat Guru can cause a drop of

Nector to fall into throat from inner small toung, thereby causing

NO hunger for years. Also Guru can cause hunger for devotion.

Besides this Guru can cause physical hunger. Referance: The great

saint Veera Bramam at Caddaph lived 100 ago caused hunger to his

disciple enabling the disciple to eat 10 peoples food.


A thurst in you? A desire in you? What else is necessary in

realising God except desire?

NISKAMA PREMA BAKTHI. Thrust can fail, desire can fail when tested

as in case of so many saints. NOT BAKTHI. A digabar (nude) sanyasin

speaking to Bagavan Shiva asked Bagavan , " What was the delay in

taking him to HIS abode " . Bagavan said that the sanyasin had the

thought, " I am digamber free from desires and have only desire for

GOD " .

That " I' " Me " are the problem.

Regret If this is hurting someone.



Vyasji's questions back to Hari Shankarji triggered me to post my

observations on the matter of Guru and Shishya. You may want to have

a look at it. Thanks. Naga.


In life, is it essential to have a Guru or not?


Following is what I understand with the terms guru and disciple in

their isolation as we start thinking from the perspective of our

perceptional discrepancy.


Guru: Source of knowledge, a never-changing entity.


Disciple: Receiver of knowledge, an ever-changing entity.


NOW … can there be anything without GURU? Could anyone have uttered

a word without a guru? Could anyone have put a step forward without

a guru? Could there be a single action or thought that had no guru?


and Shisya relationship is old concept and no more relevant in the

present age. Most of the time, Shisya knows more than the Guru – is

absolutely baseless.


Knowledge in our perception is to receive new information …

ignorance in our perception is the obsolete information junked in

our memory. You cannot receive new valid information on anything

unless you accept that the corresponding information you have saved

in your memory is obsolete. Often, we ignorantly imagine that

ignorance is lack of some information without realizing that we

could not perceive anything if it has no bearing on our earlier

experiences. The source of valid information is the guru and the

junkyard of obsolete information is the student. The force that

validates the newer information is The Guru within. The recipient of

the newer information is the student. Therefore, anything that

perceives can only be a student. It can never be a guru.


Student can never be greater than Guru as such since a guru should

relatively have more valid information than a student by definition.

The identity of Guru may change … not of the concept.


Whether we know or not, whether we like it or not, all the

information that we seem to proudly own happens to be borrowed from

everything other than ourselves. The instant we think we know better

than our guru, we forfeit our right to call ourselves his students.

The instant we declare we know, we forfeit our studenthood as such.

That is the worst thing that is possible to happen to any spiritual



Knowledge is a perpetual process of acknowledging ignorance within …

in other words, one can earn the right to receive knowledge only by

an acceptance of the ignorance harbored within and through a

resolution to purge the same.


A difference of opinion is insufficient to judge whether I know more

than others. In fact, can anybody know more than any other? It is an

incorrect notion because … (1) The Knowledge does not belong to

anybody; (2) nobody can ever assess what another could possible know

and (3) more than anything else, nobody really knows how much he/she

knows in the first place! In other words The Knowledge is

immeasurable. Therefore any comparison based on knowledge is

lopsided in itself. But, a difference of opinion certainly

establishes that one harbors the same is definitely incapable of

appreciating an opposing view point on the same point and hence is

ignorant to that extent. A difference of opinion certainly brings

out one's ignorance for inspection. One should capitalize on such

opportunities to examine one's own ignorance. One becomes a self-

assisin if one resorts to twist such opporutinies to establish

other's ignorance because (1) one has missed a great opportunity to

unveil oneself in the first place and (2) one has veiled more opaque

costumes by intensifying one's own ignorance in the process. One

should keep in mind that one can never establish ignorance in others

just for one's incapability of penetrating anything beyond its

superficial presence. Even if one does, it cannot do anything good



Greatness is not in being a Guru as the Guru forfeits freedom to

learn or unlearn! Greatness is in being a student as student alone

retains freedom to learn and unlearn!! That is why students are kept

at high esteem in all our scriptures. Often the gurus are obscure

and referred directly to cosmic forces in the name of gods.


In our traditional learning system, there are only students

communicating to each other their learning each considering the

other as guru. Learning is a life-long process for a true student.


All scripts always make statement such as " let us learn

together " , " let us explore together " , and so on. Learning is a

collective process between multiple individuals.


" I know " is the furtile seed of ignorance … " I know better " is the

fertile soil of ignorance. I know the best is the furtile fruit of

ignorance which enseeds itself perpetually. No sane saint will ever

say I am a Guru … e.g. Ram Sukhdasji never let anybody touch his

feet or worship him. A true sadhaka is an eternal student of

everything in life.


One who thinks to know better than the other will forfeit a chance

to learn. One who thinks the other knows better can learn. The

knowledge always flows from a higher plane to a lower plane just

like water. You cannot receive the nectar of water to sustain your

existence unless you are at a lowere elevation than the source of

water. You cannot receive the nectar of knowledge to sustain your

soul unless you position yourself lower than the source of knowledge

which is everything.


Craving for students (in other words, to be a Guru) is the weakness.

Urging for a Guru (in other words, maintaining oneself as a student)

is the strength. A true seeker always seeks the association of true

students. Any other seeker is definitely a guru for a true seeker.

In fact everything is nothing but The Guru for a true seeker. That

is why they say " Guru will seek you if your yearning for learning is

pure and strong " . No true seeker can announce himself as the guru to

us. No true seeker can ever wield the ignorance of not seeing the

guru in anything in life. It is student's responsibility to locate

The Guru in the fellow sadhkas, rather, in everything around.


One has no choice but to receive the grace of The Guru actively or

passively, knowingly or unknowingly, wantingly or unwantingly.

Everything is born with The Guru embedded in its core to achieve

this task. In a way, everything is a guru as well as a disciple.

Therefore, guru and disciple are nothing but The Same. One who seeks

the guru in everything seeks The Guru within and becomes one with

the same. The eternal learner is the only eternal knower. One who

sees ONLY GURU AND NOTHING ELSE in the whole universe remains the

Eternal Student and is verily THE JAGADGURU as such.




Naga Narayana



Loving Divine,



However, realization can happen beyond these means, at any moment,

not necessarily while reading scripture or during spiritual

practices! Also see BG 5:28. Able Guru can sometimes grant

realization as He/She is one with the Parmatma, He/She has ability

to control your thought waves or biological tendencies, He/She is

able to align ones consciousness with His/hers and thus make one

part of His Divine experience. Those who go through this experience

know what they have understood, there is no doubt remain in their

head, there is nothing remain for them to know any more and there is

nothing remain for them to do anymore. All these happens only as a

part of Divine Will. Baba says knowing Divine is easy but remain

established in it every moment is difficult due to our



Hope this helps.

humble regards.

always at Thy Lotus Feet


Manjula Patel



You do not have to search for a Guru. Guru will come to you. But

only when you are ready. A Guru can only show you the path. You have

to do the sadhna yourself. You can connect with your soul when you

can meditate, which means emptying your mind of all worldly

thoughts. That can only happen with practice. There is no quick fix

for God realisation. It may take several births. It took a hundred

births to become the Buddha.


Hari Shanker Deo





The Master (Guru) of this entire Universe, for our realization,

bestows on us this human body. Along with it, he also gives the

Guru in the form of " discrimination " . God does not leave anything

partially done – just as a high official, receives along with his

position, also a house, car, servant, and all the facilities and

conveniences come along with his position, similarly, God provides

man all the necessary tools for his salvation, by which he can

properly know what is real versus unreal, what is good versus bad

conduct, what is rightful duty and what is not etc. There is no

other Guru, that is greater than our discrimination (vivek) and one

must respect / revere it. For salvation of mankind, there does not

arise the need for an external Guru. And he who does not pay

respect to his own discriminative faculty (vivek), he will not be

able to attain his salvation by engaging in an external Guru.


In reality, salvation, liberation, attainment of essential

knowledge, God Realization, is not dependent on an external Guru. If

without a Guru, essential knowledge (knowledge of Truth) were not

possible then, the very first Guru that was born, how did he attain

this knowledge? How? By this it is evident, that without making

another person a Guru, man can attain realization, he can attain

essential knowledge, by the grace of Bhagwaan - who is the Guru of

the entire Universe.


Realization of the Essential Element (tattva jnana) happens due to

our own faith, beliefs, trust, interest, and according to our

abilities in doing our spiritual practice. There is no such rule

that by making someone a Guru, salvation is on it's way or is

definitely attainable. As long as within yourself, that inner

longing is not awakened, till that time even God Himself, cannot

liberate you or make you attain Salvation, then how is the Guru

going to make you attain salvation? God is the Guru of this entire

Universe, and we too are in this Universe, therefore, in reality, we

already are with a Guru, in fact we are disciples of the greatest

Guru. There is great danger from a Kaliyug Guru, but there is no

danger from Bhagwaan, the Guru of this entire Universe.






Jagadguru Bhagwan aapni prapti ke liye manusya ko sarir de te hai

tho sath mai vivek rupi guru bhi de tehai bhagwan adhura kamnahi

karte jaise bade offcier ko makan noker motor adi sub suvidha

uplabhdha hoti hai vesehi bhagwan aadmi ko sarir ke sath kalyan ki

bhi sub samgri de te hai jes se vah sat asat kartvya or akartvya

thek be thek adi ko jan sakta hai isse badh kar koi guru nahi hai

jo apne vivek ka adar karta hai us ko apne kalyan ke liye bahari

guru ki jarurat nahi padthi. Or jo apne vivek ka adar nahi kartha

vah bahari guru banakar apna kalyan nahi ker saktha vastav me kalyan

mukti tatvagyan parmatma prapti guru ke adhin nahi hai agar bena

guru ke tatvagyan nahi hota tho shastri mai jo sabse pahala guru

raha hoga usko tatvagyanke se huaa isse ye sidh huaa ki bina kisi

manusya ko guru banaye jagatguru bhagwan ki kirpa se tatvagyan ho

sak ta hai.tatav ki prapti tab ho ti hai jub apni sradha vishvash

ruchi or yogyata ke anusar sadhan ki ya jay guru banane se kalyan

hohi jayeja esa koi vidhan nahi hai. Jab tak apke bhitar apne kalyan

ki lalsa jagrat nahi hogi tab tak bhagwan bhi apka kalyan nahi kar

sakte phir guru kai se ker dega. Bhagwan jagat ke guru hai or hum

bhi jagat ke bhitar hai isliye vastav mai hum guru se rahit he hai

hum asli mahan guru ke sisya hai. Kalyuji guru se tho bada khatra

hai per jagatguru bhagwan se koi khatra nahi hai





Shree Hari

ram ram


I believe there is agreement along the lines of Guru tattva and that

since Paramatmaa is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, the

tattva (Guru Tattva) to uplift a Jeev in attaining liberation /

salvation or God Realization can come from anyone / anywhere. The

issues / concerns / differences expressed by Sadhaks are mostly

around -


Guru - Disciple relationship, through a formal initiation and

related dakshinaah (Gifts), and bondage to one individual / group /

organization etc. This is where Swamiji, clearly states to stay

away from such a set-up. I read through the links provided and

Swamiji's reasons are clear. Sadhaks who have doubts, should take

the time to read these links. There is no hypocrisy by Swamiji, as

until his last breath, He only saw himself as Sadhak and never

anything else.


Yes! When spiritual knowledge is shared, only to those who are

initiated into Discipleship and only for a fee, it is a trade. It

may appear to be a harsh word, but there is no other way to soften

that transaction. Swamiji clearly states that in such situations,

what is received by disciple is of lesser value than the dakshinaa

(gift) given.


Swamiji is not in disagreement about seeking guidance. Yes! we all

need guidance along the spiritual journey and path. Swamiji's point

is more around the sadhak's own intense longing and a firm aim /

goal of salvation / liberations as being key in attainment. Swamiji

therefore suggests not to get stuck, and instead seek guidance from

wherever God reveals Himself to you, in His divine plays. Be open in

receiving the guidance from many sources and certainly do not seek

guidance from only one, and that too one who will only give you

guidance after

initiation and for a fee. That is Swamiji's point. Hope this helps !


Meera Das

Ram Ram





-Shree Hari-


I have pasted a part of the original article, it speaks volumes:

'Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.'


Now consider this, one desires the Divine Truth with a passion, one

will have insights experiences, these experiences can become a

yardstick to measure the worth of those whom maybe of help to one.

One will recognize the astounding reality of a chance meeting maybe,

someone might be of support when one most needs support, so many

coincidences can occur. One is dealing with the indwelling Supreme,

that Indwelling will make itself known. By taking up ones own ego

belief to what one requires of a guru, and going on search for such;

is expressed by a Sufi story: A man spied another man under a street

lamp on his hands and knees searching for something, " What are you

looking for he asked " , " my keys, I've lost my keys " the reply. After

a fruitless search the helper said, " Are you sure you lost them here

under the lamp? " , " Oh no, I lost them over there in the dark, but I

can see a lot better here under the lamp! " . Comment, wrong lamp!


(I have taken the lead of Maheshji ):

B.G. 10:11 'Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their

Self, destroy the darkness born of ignorance by the luminous lamp of

knowledge.' B.G. 10:12. 'You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme

abode (or the supreme light), the supreme purifier, the eternal,

divine Person, the primeval God, unborn and omnipresent.'


The worship of the primeval God, is for all mankind without

exception, and the desire for liberation is born in all of us, but we

may have to step out of the light of comfort and dogma, and trust in

the guidance of the Supreme Light.


With Respect and Divine Love.



(Mike Keenor)



Thanks Mahesh Bhaiyya and. Brother Mike Keenor !


Did you notice. Brothers? - people saying that there are secretaries

already existing in this universe, Jee - appointed by our Daddy -

and if you are interested in realisation you must move through

them ! Direct realisation. No kitkit, no jhik jhik. No practice. No

ego less ness. No karan sapeksha, no karan nirpeksha. No sadhana. No

Sadhak. No time required. Just Come, Register with us and Go

straight to Gau Loka. Don't you know who we are? Secretaries !

Agents !! Did not you read Gita? Padam Purana ?? Direct authorised

agents !!!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


Official appointees under verse 4:34 of Gitaji ! Licence holders !

Direct recepient of knowledge Jee! Sabd Purana Jee! From Lord

Krishna Jee ! Apaurushayam Bhaiyya !! Lineage !!!! Wah Re Kaliyuga?

(Hats off to you Kaliyuga!)


Raam . Raam. Raam.




Guru is always there inside with each one of us. He only introduces

meanings of things around us. Even visible as mother, father,

teacher, friends, and even enemy. So, the objects that ignite minds

are Guru. The real guru is inside and educational objects are



Krishna is the last Guru, Shiva is father and 2nd Guru, Paarvati is

mother and 1st Guru. Ram Charit Maanas thus says:


Bhawani Shankarau Vande Shiddha Vishwas Roopinau

Yabhaam Bina n pashyanti, Siddhah Swantah Sthameeshwaram.


Mother is the Bhawani who is Sriddha or giver of the container

(worthiness) to hold the knowledge, and Shiva the father gives the

vishwas or fills the container with the content ( knowledge or

book). Lastly, the person with the container and content goes inside

to find Ishwar who is the teacher, and develops understanding.


Without Guru, thus, to enter inside our own heart where Isht lives,

is not possible. If you follow the Guru, you will have no conflict

but if you have it for reason of others, the Guru will save you

himself. So, names and prayer of Guru have physical effects, and

thoughts of Guru has intellectual effect.


Siya Ram maay sab jag jaani, Karahu Pranaam jori yug paani.

I now know how the whole world is filled and operated by Sita and Ram

So, I pray to the world by folded hands.



K G Misra





Hare Krishna

Yes, there is no liberation without Guru. And the Hindu world is

not free from Guru Ghantals (Fake Gurus). At every four steps there

is Guru. Guru's glorification is upto such an amount that Gurus tend

to have published their own photos, feet-photos, blessing photos and

what not. Yesterday I was watching Aastha International and listening

Satpal Maharaj's Son's Upadesh. On Stage Satpal Ji is sitting beside

his Dharampatni. Entire Guru Family--father, mother and son are there

on stage. What a Virat Darshan of Gurus. Everybody is Guru. Innocent

Persons from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. have gathered to

listen. In India Guru,Guru and countless Gurus. Ironically, when my

son listened Shri Gita Shloka from Satpalji's mouth, he literraly

laughed when self-imposed, self-proclaimed Guruji said---Nainam

Chchindanti Shaastrani......in place of Shastrani (Ch 2 Verse 23).

Shaastrani means Scriptures and Shastrani means weapons. Such Gurus

are a lot who are promoting their sons.

As a matter of fact there is only one and one Guru who is Shri

Krishna--Shri Krishnam Vande Gagat Gurum. Shri Gita is the only

scripture on this planet Earth which can guide us truthfully. Shri

Krishna is the the the only Guru.

Teshamev Anukampartham Aham Agyanjam Tamah

Nashayamyaatma Bhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhasvataa....


Shri Gita Ch. 10 Verse 11


Hare Krishna


Mahesh Sharma



My dandavat pranams to all

I find the article below to be total hypocrisy. A person is

saying, " don't accept guru " ....but in their mode of presentation,

they are giving instruction as a guru!!! People are accepting, " Yes,

this is the way I will follow, based on teachings of this man " . So,

they are accepting guru. It is unavoidable.....one MUST look for


To not admit to doing so, is hypocrisy. It is a falsehood, and one

should be honest and abandon deceit. A misunderstanding is that a

person can become guru. Guru is not made, not that today I am

qualified, but tomorrow I may fall away.

That person had no business calling himself guru......however, a true

aspirant may see ANYONE, even a prostitute, a deer, or a moth as his

guru. Guru is external manifestation of Paramatma.....to see him as

an ordinary man is a great offense. This is stated in the padma



arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati bddhir

visnor va vaisnavanam kali mala mathane pada tirthe " mbu-buddhih

sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabda-samanya-buddhir

visnau sarvesvare tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah

" One who considers the worshipable Deity to be stone; who considers

the Vaisnava Guru to be a mortal man, or who considers a Vaisnava to

be limited by the confines of caste, lineage, or creed, who considers

the holy foot wash of Lord Visnu (Ganga water) or af a Vaisnava

(caranamrta) to be ordinary water; who considers the holy Name (the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra) which vanquishes all sins, to be material

sound vibration, and who consider the God of gods, Lord Visnu, to be

merely on the level of demigods, such a person, becomes a resident of

hell. "

respectfully submitted, Mahalaksmi Dasi


shree hari

ram ram


Mahalakshmiji, Please re-read the daily posting and find out

specific sentence, line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's



I truly believe Swamiji is saying learn from all, do not get

stuck.....as it is guru tattva...and not a specific individual who

locks one into discipleship and is trading in knowledge. (accepting

gifts). Again, it is important that if you disagree, you are able to

point out specific points that Swamiji made, which you disagree with.


Swamiji is not trading in money. He did not ever carry money or ever

take any gifts from anyone or anything of that sort for revealing

these secrets. He did not make any one a disciple or gave mantra, or

mala...etc. Again, in all his writings he is saying that your intense

longing, desire is more important then the guru-disciple formal

relationship. Guru can take you to the water, but ultimately it is

up to you to drink. So ultimately it is you, that is what Swamiji is



Again please point out specific statements of Swamiji and raise

concerns and not just generalities. thank you for your time and



Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator



My dandavat pranams to all in this forum,

I am praying for patience to explain a topic which I find to be

quite painful to present.....the pain is in that I don't wish to have

any arguement with those who are of a particular mind set....however,

I find that there are many statements in the article below which

could be seen to be contradicting themselves....however, in the

Absolute sense, I see their consistency.... To begin, the first line

states, " That which we wish to attain, the Supreme essence " ......and

then the fourth sentence states, " that Supreme Soul (consciousness)

is ever attained by all beings " So, with deepest regard to Sri

RamSukhadasji, I beg his kindness and permission to comment on his

words. He is saying first, " that which we wish to attain " .....hence,

God consciousness, full absorption in the Supreme, is NOT already

attained by all. He is himself stating, " that which we wish to

attain " . What I am hearing from him, and I again beg his kindness to

help me understand, is that not everyone at this time HAS attained

the supreme consciousness. However, an uttama adhikari, one who is

on the top most rungs of devotion to God, cannot help but, within

themselves, perceive everyone else as perfectly serving

God....although he is simultaneously aware that they are NOT

already there. So, the contradictory phrase becomes reconciled. But,

accepted that there are many souls in the conditioned state, who

honestly admit that they have NOT attained full awareness of the

Supreme, what to be done? My answer to this is to find one who

knows, find a teacher, a preceptor, a guru.

For fear of making this to long and thus unprintable, I will stop

here, and wait until tomorrow to furthur analyze what, to me, are

misconceptions which persons are having about the idea of guru.


Mahalakshmi Dasi


Hare Krsna !!!





In Bhagavad Gita the Sloka " Tad Viddhi Prani paadena Pariprasnena

Sevaya, Upadesanti te Gnanam Gnanina tattva darsinah " clearly state

the importance of accepting a GURU. For everything we need GURU, be

it material knowledge or Spiritual knowledge. Is there any one who

has obtained a PHD Degree without taking lessons from teachers ? If

that is the case for material knowledge then what to speak of

Spiritual knowledge ? GURU is one who imparts knowledge and to get

that knowledge one should be inquisitive to know and submissive in


service. GURU IS NOT A TRADER who gives somthing and takes somthing

in return. There are certain qualifications required to become GURU

and also certain qualifications required for becoming a desciple.

Guru means one who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the

illumination of knowledge. Another meaning of GURU is HEAVY. Guru

should be heavy and only then the disciples will be obedient and take

to the right path.





shree hari

ram ram


Haribol, Swamiji was of the mindset that people instead of seeing

something divine in any individual and becoming engaged with a

particular person, should become engaged directly with God. He was

totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an



The Gita verse does not talk about engaging in Guru - Disciple

relationship. Swamiji said that " In Gita 4:34 and Gita 13:7, the

Lord has advised such a devotee to receive instructions from a

teacher. In this discipline (jnana yog), a preceptor is a must. Not

being fully aware of the perfection of a preceptor or the

preceptor not being perfect, it becomes very difficult for spiritual

aspirants to maintain their faith. Thus there remains the

possibility of delays in one's spiritual practices. "


Swamiji also says - karma yoga is easier to practice than jnana yog

because - " The path of action can be followed by all, (different

caste, creed, order of life etc) under all circumstances. But the

path of Sannyasa (renunciate), that Arjuna talks about can be

followed only under special circumstances as explained in Gita 4:34,

since all cannot come across great Souls who have realized the

Truth. Moreover, they cannot have complete faith in these great

Souls and even more so, they do not have an opportunity to live in

their company. Thus Karmayoga is better of the two. " Please read

Swamiji's explanation on the Gita verse at -





Hope this helps, but if not, please take specific statements of

Swamiji that you disagree with and we can address. Thank you for

taking the time,


Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator


Hare Krsna !!!


Thanks for your reply.


GURU is a via medium to approach the Supreme Lord. Just like one

cannot approach a big person directly but to approach thru his

secretary. Similarly Guru imparts the knowledge and shows the right

path to the Supreme Lord as he has received it from his Guru through

the unbroken chain of disciplic succession. (Evam parampara praptam

emam rajasrayo viduh ....) This knowledge is coming directly from the

Supreme Lord, Krishna through bonafide disciplic succession. This

knowledge is called APAURUSHEYA - means not man made knowledge. The

process of receiving this knowledge is through SABDA PRAMAN from the

vedic authorities.


One should be very careful in selecting a GURU. He should be a

bonafide GURU falling in any of the four authentic sampradayas coming

in disciplic succession and preach the message of the Supreme Lord

Krishna AS IT IS without any concoction or mental speculation. Even

Lord Krishna accepted a Guru - this is to set an example for the

general people like us to follow - otherwise what was the necessity

for the Supreme Lord Krishna to accept a Guru ?


And it is not necessary to always associate with GURU personally. One

can associate with the GURU through VAANI by executing his

instructions. VAPU (personal association) with Guru is not always

possible. Shastra says that one should follow in the footsteps of

Guru, Sadhu & Shastra to save ourselves from gliding down. GURU helps

us to cross over the ocean of material nescience just like a ship

captain very safely take us accross the ocean. With our own endeavour

it will be very difficult to achieve the task and with the help of


GURU be it VAANI or VAPU it becomes much easier - the material ocean

becomes just like water contained in the calf's hoofprint and we can

just cross over it without any difficulty. Another example: Suppose

we have to climb the stair-case to get to the 100th floor of the

building how much time it will take and how tedious it would be but

GURU can take you through a Lift which is faster and easier.


Regarding the Yoga, Bhakti yoga is the simplest & easiest process

recommended in the age of Kali and Bhakti yoga is the culmination of

all other yogas. Lord Srikrishna says in the concluding chapter of

Bhagavad Gita - manmana bhava mad bhakto, madhyajimaam

namaskuru........ Karma yoga in Krishna Consciousness is Bhakti yoga.

Do all the activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord

Krishna and not for our personal sense gratification. We have

already enjoyed our senses in other lower species of lives for

millions and millions of years and now since we have been blessed


a human form of life we should not waste this precious human form in

which form only we have the intelligence, higher reasoning power,

inquisitiveness to know the absolute truth. We should use the rare &

precious human form of life to liberate ourselves from the material

bondage rather going up and down transmigrating through different

species of lives.


This is my humble understanding as taught by HDG Srila Prabhupada,

the Iskcon

Founder Acharya who falls in the disciplic succession of

Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya.





-Shree Hari-


I found this article the most brilliant subject matter on the whole

conundrum of Guru I have ever read.

Buddha, (the best as I remember), quoted, 'One may take something to

be the Truth, but do not grasp onto it too tightly, for when the

truth comes knocking at your door, you may not answer it'.

I see these words of Swami Ramsukhdasji shouting loudly at the

confused world, his words are surely knocking at the door.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari:


27th August, 2008, Wednesday

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence, That

Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It cannot

be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case, then how

would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That Supreme

Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those great

souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become Gurus,

nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


Individuals that transact or trade their teachings are not Gurus.

Those that say - first become my disciple (student), then I will

reveal to you the path towards God Realization, are like traders of

God. It is a principle that the price that a particular item is sold

for, the actual value of the item is less then the listed price.

Just like a watch which is available for Rs 1,000, it would cost

lesser than Rs 1,000 for the shopkeeper to purchase that item for

resale. If by making someone a Guru, something is attained, then the

thing attained will be less value than the Guru himself has. Then

with that weaker thing, how can God be attained? God is priceless. A

priceless thing is only attained without a price, and that which is

attained for a price, is weaker than the listed price. Therefore if

anyone says, I will reveal to you the real essence, if you become my

disciple then, kindly join your hands in gesture " no thank you " and

keep a distance ! Understand this to be some Kaalnemi !

Kaalnemi, the demon, the false Guru came to Hanumanji and said -


" Ser majjan kari aatur aavahu; dicchaa devu gyaan jehi paavahu. "

(Manasa. Lankaa. 57:4)


On hearing this, Hanumanji said - first take the gift, thereafter

give the secret mantra, and immediately thereafter Hanumanji by

wrapping his tail around the demon, lifted him and threw him down.


God has clearly stated in the Gita -

" Uddharedaatmanaatm aanam naatmaanamvasaadaye t

Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatamanah " (Gita 6:5)


" A man must raise himself by his own effort. He must not degrade

himself; for the Self is his own friend and the Self is also his

own enemy. " (Gita 6:5)


The point is that man alone is responsible for his own spiritual

upliftment or downfall. No one else is. God has bestowed this human

body, and with it, he has given all the necessary tools to attain

salvation. Therefore, one does not need anyone else for one's



Guru (spiritual guide), Saints and God, uplift the soul only after

man himself has trust and faith in them. Only after man accepts them

(Guru, Saints, God), comes to them, and follows their directions. If

man does not accept them, then how are they to do anything for man's

salvation? They simply cannot do anything. If you do not become a

student, then what can a teacher do for you? Just like some other

person can come and drop off a meal at your home, but the hunger

must come from within. If there is no hunger within, than what use

is there of delicious food preparations that are placed in front of



Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.


In reality, man himself is his own Guru - " Aatmano Gururaatmaiyva

Purushasya Vishehataha. " (Srimadbhag 11:7:20). Therefore discourses

are for your own self. Knowing this, see faults in your own self and

seek to remove them, instead of seeing faults in others.


From " Kyaa Guru Bina Mukti Nahin ? " by Swami Ramsukhdasji in Hindi

on page 28-29


Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


There have been some emails sent directly to moderators regarding a

recent daily message by Swamiji on " Can there be no liberation

without a Guru? " . These emails with some comments / issues are

listed below-


There were similar questions that have been raised in Gita-talk, but

are spread among various topics and difficult to summarize. Due to

there being over 16,000 members, I sincerely request those who want

to participate in this discussion, particularly raise questions /

doubts / issues, to please review the past sadhak daily messages

related to Guru (links provided below) and Gita-Talk discussion

(link below), so that we can all leverage the learnings and as far

as possible not repeat the same questions / issues.


Sadhak message links on Guru are at :


What is a True Spiritual Guide like?



Gita View of Guru - Part I & II




Is it Essential for a Guru to be a Self Realized Soul ?



On Guru Disciple Relationship



On Guru - Sishya



Is it not Essential to Engage in Guru Disciple Relationship ?



Worship of Guru - Part 1



Worship of Guru - Part 2



God is Guru of this Universe



Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide or Guru



Real Guru is your discrimination:



There is no Sin in letting go of false Guru



Who can be considered a Guru?



Gita Talk discussion links are at:



Please re-read the daily posting and find out specific sentence,

line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage. Please keep

discussions to half a page and relevant to the specific question

only. Please review remaining Gita Talk guidelines.



thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator





Jai Hanuman


Great ! Great you are, Oye, Mira Bahenjee !! Oye Jee Jee - the

Great !! Great , Jee because you are right - ab initio, Jee !!

Concepts and thoughts are your Gurus - if grasped correctly !! From

any one ! What to say if they are from Taat Shree ?


That is " midas touch " of Taat Shree ! Swamiji Shri Ramsukhdasji

Maharaj !! That is what we all must understand ! Who is " opposing "

Guru ? Is any one " anti Krishna " in this Group?


And that " Midas " , never liked Himself, His great Self, to be

called as " Guru " ! Never allowed Himself to be photographed! Never

allowed any one to touch His pious Feet ! Never allowed anyone to

take the dust which touched His feet! Never allowed anyone to dance

or clap ! Never propogated His virtues! Never touched money! Never

made disciples! Never proclaimed Himself to be " Bhagwaan " !

Never " desired " anything from anybody ! Never " collected "

donations/subscriptions/charities from any one. Never left anything

behind which can be called as " Memorial " of His Great Self- except

His words- written and spoken ! Never touched a female !

Never " wrote " in a magazine which has " commerce " as its motive!

Never allowed " Kalyaan " magazine to publish " advertisements " inspite

of being a household magazine in India and inspite of being in

circulation for more than 75 years, when He merged into the Brahma !

Never allowed any praise/ Jaijaikar of Himself !


He never opened any Maths/ Gurukuls/ Paathshalas/ Ashrams/

Institutions /Yoga classes/ Schools or Universities! He never

desired or required any " special or decorative chairs " for His Great

Self. He never allowed any charity boxes to be put outside of His

discourse " paandals " . He requested ladies not to raise even their

hands while keertans etc were being made. He never called or

attributed " isms " to any of His principles/ thoughts or original

ideas ! His photos will never be present in this universe ! His

words will never be absent in this universe ! He took extra

ordinary " vows " like - I will never demand/expect anything from

anybody, or like - I will never touch money/female , or like_ Let

there be no memorial or remembering place for me forever etc etc !!



He had reasons! He had logic! He had Scriptures to support Him. More

than enough reasons ! He was real GURU but always a Disciple ! He

stated that Gurus , in fact, in reality, fall at the feet of

Disciples! He proved that in order to be called " Father " one must

necessarily should have " son " . Who can be GURU if there is no CHELLA

(follower). He addressed always the world at large as " ANNADATA "

(Giver of food to Him)!


He was real GURU ! Not in His perception or thoughts !! But for you,

me, Mike and all !!


Was He Guru or God ? Or Greater than God ?


He never denied however, the following , but only when a Sadhak

stated that or when He stated as Sadhak and Sadhak only and NEVER







Before me Guru and Govinda ( God Himself, Daddy the Great) are

standing. Whose feet should I touch first ?


Hats off to you O Dear Guru! You made it possible for me to meet

God !!


What do you say Mike Bhaiyya? Any contradictions?

Baba !! Who can make you meet Daddy when you are His child ? You are

always His child only ! Does not He know that, even if you have

forgotten? Trust Him then !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


There you are ! Mr Hari Shankar Deo !!. " When we are ready Guru

will certainly find us " !


Is not there a " certainty " ? You need not find Him. You need not

think about Him. You need not argue about Him. You need not seek

Him. He is greater than God - Mr Hari Shankar !!! Do you get me ? By

your " weak " gestures/efforts can you requisition Him ? No ! When you

merit His manifestation before you , He will !!


Real problem or the real question on this Divine GT Group Satsanga

forum should be - HOW TO RECOGNISE HIM ??


Who is not Guru for a Sadhak ? Come on !! Dear Sadhaks !! What do

you say Dear Sadhaks ? Who is not Guru for us - this is my question,

Fellow Sadhaks! Simple question !!


You just " be " a sadhak / a student / a learner / a curious/ a

Bhakta / a Yogi / - Just " become " that , just " become " of the God

and of no body else- that's all you need to accomplish, that's all

is required, that's all is necessary, that's all is warranted, ...

That's all Your Father expects from His Lovely, Dear Child ! What

kind of Guru is needed for that? For a child to say - O Mom I am

Yours ?


Just believe on this and forget everything else - you are through !


Practical Example ! Old Sadhaks read someone's Tamma in the past !

For this Q also read him. Who caused the change ? Which Guru? When?

How ? Has not the change taken place ? Why there is a change ? Truth

is God ! God is Guru ! God is Conscience ! God is Krishna ! Krishna

is Guru ! Guru is Krishna ! GREATER THAN KRISHNA !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B






Ramsukhdasji: That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence,

That Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It

cannot be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case,

then how would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That

Supreme Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those

great souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become

Gurus, nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


This one of the most genuine statement I have ever seen by a true

sadhak that Ramsukhdasji should have been. There is absolutely no

contradictions here. Yes. Consciousness is of-course ever-attained

in everything. Of-course most of use are clueless of the same and

hence harp on everything we know to find what it could be. One would

wish to attain it thanks to the self-imposed (svayaaropita) and self-

gained (svayaarjita) ignorance (avidyaa) which is also refrred to as

Adhyaasa by many seers. The Supreme is ever-established as such ...

but, thanks to the avidyaa one cannot see it - hence, the wish. No

contradictions, I see.


The best of the message above is the etrnal studentship the great

spirit has embraced. Lots of criticism and verbal dissection is

going on who is Guru, who is not, who should be, who should never

be, etc. All that is irrelevant to me. Me being the student is most

important. Studenthood is great - then I have a chance to remove my

ignorance. Nobody can claim Guruhood in sanity as The Guru will

remain always beyond everything. At the same time, for a true

student, everything remains Guru only. Guru exists in student's

mind, not in perceived guru's mind! That is the essence I always

receive from Ramsukhdasji's self-conductance as I have read so far.

That very spirit of eternal studenthood is the true guru for me.


Talking about Guru's quality is waste of time. Even a cheater is a

guru - I learnt what cheating means from him/her :). I learn why I

feel cheated from the experience. I learn how valid or sane that

very feeling of being cheated is in reality. Everything is The Guru

only if I am willing to learn!


I personally feel that alertness regarding my studentship is the

only relevant issue and need to be nurtured as a Saadhaka. The

minute I turn toward examining the qualities of a Guru, I forfeit my

Saadhana as such.


Let me NEVER entertain that.




Naga Narayana




It is right of a GURU to look for a suitable SHISYA. Similarly a

Shishya who is a self learner and cannot get access to a suitable

GURU has the right to learn things on his own with out a GURU.The

beauty of SANATANA dharm is in this that the knowledge comes to you

by itself if you seek the truth.Veda are a collection of

observations which helps.


GURU also helps in giving the direction and that is all.THE SEEKER

IS ALWAYS INDEPENDENT. Guru provides an easier path by giving



" apb1942 "



Not all Gurus are fake. There are many who have realised God in

India. From birth till death, we meet various Gurus. Our first Gurus

are our own parents, then our teachers in school. When we are ready

the Guru will certainly find us and show us the path to salvation.


Hari Shanker Deo



Jai Hanuman


Problem is not of Guruhood. Problem now a days is of Gurus who on

every nook and corner are arising- seeking respects, money from the

disciples, printing large posters of themselves, eager to get name

and fame for themselves, all with the worldly objectives. They are

so many. Even on this an otherwise very divine and selfless GT

group, I could find a person or two stating indirectly- I am Guru ,

come to me for fulfillment of spiritual objectives. I read it.

They open " maths " /ashrams/gurukuls enrol the people, charge them,

sell their magazines to them, sell photographs , beads and what not

of themselves and loot the innocent public. Some on this very GT

group have claimed that You must route yourselves through them in

all the cases- as if they are licence holders of Daddy the great.


As Swamiji stated that even this Kaliyuga is a friend of such fake

Gurus. We are going to see more and more of them in the future. Let

us be cautious. Let us rely more on " conscience " , let us believe

that our Dear Daddy who has given us human birth has also given us

everything which is necessary for realisation- in abundance.

Whenever we are ready, guru will come to us .


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The question was - Can there be NO LIBERATION WITHOUT a GURU?

Swamiji clearly states liberation is not dependent on the Guru.

Arjuna had spent many years in close proximity with Bhagwaan Shri

Krishna, eating, sleeping, playing, doing practically everything

with Bhagwaan being present, but he did not receive the message of

the Gita... So why not? Krishna was Bhagwaan even before the Gita

was shared, why then ? The simple point that Swamiji has explained

is that Arjuna did not have the quest to know. It was only after

the desire for salvation was awakened within him, that Bhagavan Shri

Krishna spoke and revealed the message of the Gita. If Arjuna did

not have this inner quest, then would liberation be possible,

inspite of having Krishna, the Jagatguru besides him? Simply

speaking - NO. That is the point Swamiji is making. One may lead a

horse to the water, but the horse must have the desire to drink !!!

His intense desire, longing, quest for guidance, despondent state

were key. The sadhak's liberation is dependent on sadhak's laalsa

(intense longing) for truth, salvation, liberation, benediction.


Secondly, Krishna did not tell Arjuna, Wait !!! I cannot reveal

to you the secret messages until you take this mantra that I whisper

into your ears, wear this mala, until a formal guru-disciple

relationship / ceremony is undertaken, dakshina is given in

exchange, and until you commit to listen to me and my discourses

only, and you commit to not listen to anyone else, etc. etc.


That is the point that Swamiji is making ... there was no formal

guru-disciple transaction that Krishna engaged in. Krishna revealed

the Gita because there was a burning desire in Arjuna to KNOW. There

was an intense longing in Arjuna to seek Truth, to seek guidance,

which is what lead to liberation... Once again therefore it was

Arjuna, who was the cause of liberation.


Sadhaks, please kindly focus on answering the question that is being

posed and not the broader topic.


Meera das

Ram Ram



Hari Om


I wonder if any sadhak or Swamiji denied that element called Guru

does not help in sadhana. What is not getting grasped either

deliberately or by ignorance that a Guru is not necessarily an

individual and not necessarily one. What must be understood that

Guru is one of the requirements of realisation, but it is not to be

searched. It is residing inside you. To talk of Guru, and to talk of

searching and finding him is stupidity.Secondly, if you are serious

in sadhana Gurus do come to you automatically, as parrots come

automatically when fruit is ripe. That Guru may be even in a form of

enemy or child or friend, sentient or inert, matter or activity. It

will come to youi as naturally as human birth came to you. This is

what needs to be understood clearly. There is no distinction between

a Guru and God. Both are residing inside you, outside you, and in

every particle, situation, circumstance, incidence, happening,

state ! Hence Scriptures equate God and Guru in no uncertain terms –

KRISHNAM VANDE JAGADGURUM. What is wrong and patently wrong and a

great obstacle is to search/ find out Guru made of bone and flesh

and what is wrong is to call himself to be Guru. Another Guru which

Scriptures invariably refer is " Conscience " . ( Viveka).


Sadhaks must understand that God has given us everything which is

necessary for God Realisation. For nothing we have to make efforts.

Everything is available in abundance. To talk about finding a Guru,

after having got the human birth is in my view STUPIDITY and nothing

else ! Is God who has so kindly given us human birth, so ignorant

that it will expect us to " search " for Guru ? What if we do not

find? Will the human life go waste ? Non Sense ! It cannot. Your

Guru is residing right inside you. IF WE ARE WILLING, NOTHING CAN


Guru wherever needed, will come to us himself. A human being having

goal of God Realisation need not go to anybody for

knowledge/guidance. For such sadhak mere desire is more than

enough.If our aim is health ( yoga) or wealth or " occult powers " , or

worldly knowledge or education or powers – then it is a different



In this Kaliyuga, it is easy very easy for humanity to get cheated

by fake and worldly Gurus. Hundreds of examples can be given as to

how everyday we notice what is happening in the ashrams of those

self proclaimed " Bhagwaans " or Gurus. I would urge sadhaks of this

divine GT group at least to understand as to how Guru is lying

inside you. There is no need for any outer Guru of any sort

whatsoever. If you can believe, believe on this. Scriptures/ Gita/

Saints and Sages/ Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj all support this view

unequivocally. Believe this, if you can. Don't waste your time and

energy in worshipping bodies made of bone and flesh. Draw good

elements out of everything which passes through your experience and

believe that God is Guru, your conscience is Guru !


Sadhaks should introspect and deliberate on one point if they can.

How did they learn so far- worldly things and spiritual things? Just

an honest introspection. They should share how did they get drawn

towards God at the first instance? That will provide correct answer

to this question.


As far as I am concerned I think I learnt more by " reading " . In the

beginning magazines/newspapers/ any literature. Later on as life

unfolded its true colours and as vicissitudes/agonies increased- by

reading Scriptures like Gita / Ramayana etc. As the curiosity

increased books and audio cassettes of Swamiji came into life,

naturally and sitting at home " without any efforts at my end " . Mike

Keenor also got Gita like that only. So does everybody ( my belief)


There was desire, there was need, there was fire within to get out

of bondage. Then, Satsanga came into life. With say every 100

worldly people, occassionally a truthful soul also came into

experience- dealing with life in an interesting manner, better

manner, peaceful manner- right manner, in the manner taught by

Swamiji ! Importance of peace in life took the priority than

anything else. Traits started arising from within. Mysteries started

getting resolved. Vision started getting clearer and clearer. Faith

started getting strengthened automatically.


Attitude changed. Perceptions changed. What was " painful/ isolated/

only for me " in the earlier days started looking " normal,

applicable to all, natural " - same things ! Mistakes started coming

into knowledge and evaporated as if they never existed. Very concept

about the world changed. Bad started looking good and vice versa.

And then came the word - " Lila " !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Every one of us is a GURU of one oneself but as one neds a teacher

to teach and make one qualify for getting digree, same way we all

need a perfect teacher for this worldly affairs as well as iner-

spirit to be liberated through purifying our KARMAS, without which

illmination of path is not possible, as our Karmas interfere.

Regards Hari Motwani





Here are some glories of a Guru and other points that Swamiji has

expressed in his book " Kya Guru Bina Mukti Nahi " (page 8-10)


Glory of Guru


In reality, no one can ever describe full glory of a guru. Guru's

glory is even more than that of God. Hence, guru has found place of

immense glory in scriptures. But that glory is of truth, not of

hypocrisy-fraud. Nowadays hypocrisy-fraud has increased and it is

spreading. Who is good and who is bad- this is not quickly known. To

erase that evil, which comes in the form of evil, is easy. But that

evil which comes in form of good, it is very difficult to efface.

Seetaji confronted Ravan, King Pratapbhanu confronted Kapat muni and

Hanumanji confronted Kaalnemi, they were not able to identify them


so got deceived; because they appeared in front of them as ascetics.

Nowadays also it is seen that the kind of faith student has in guru,

the guru himself does not seems to be worthy of it. That is why

Sethji Shri Jayadayalji Goyandka used to say that nowadays my faith

is not in gurus but in their students! Reason being the faith which

disciple has in his guru is honorable.


Even though the glory of guru described in scriptures is correct, it

is not to be popularized in present times. Reason being that nowadays

hypocrites-fraudulent fix their own selfish deeds, with the support

of guru-glory described in scriptures. In this, Kaliyug is also

helpful; because Kaliyug is friend of Adharam (unrighteousness)--

Kalinadharammitran (Padmapuran Uttar. 193/31). In reality, guru-glory

is not for advertising but for implementing. If any guru himself

preaches about guru-glory, popularizes those books having guru-glory

written in it then it is evident that he wants to become a guru. One

who has desire to become a guru, people can never benefit from him.

Hence, I don't contravene guru, but I contravene fraud. No one can

ever negate a guru.


Guru's glory is actually from student's perspective, not from guru's

perspective. There is a perspective of guru, a perspective of student

and the perspective of a third person. Guru holds such view that I

have not done anything, but that element (truth) which is

innate-natural, only got beholden by student. Meaning that I have


made him realize his true self; from my side I have not given him

anything. Student is of view that my guru has given me everything.

Whatever has happened has happened by guru's grace. The third person

holds view that the student realized the truth-element only because

of his faith.


True glory is of that guru, who has made the student realize Govind

(God). One who does not make the student realize Govind, only talks

cheesy, he is not a guru. Such a guru's glory is fake and only for

deceiving others.


Varun Paprunia



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Sadhakas have expressed their views on the subject and all have


own merits depending upon the circumstances of seekers. This seems to

be the case as pointed out by B.Sathyanarayanji in his examples of

Self-realized beings. One cannot say for sure that on the path of

liberation, Guru as living in body or otherwise is required or is not


Why not be open to all possibilities?

Isn't it better to long for knowledge of SELF, and have that as

priority of life while performing one's duty? For that True

descipleship is what one needs.

How can one do that? By keeping the mind open for any learning to

take place any time, anywhere, and by anyone in the cosmos.

Intense desire for truth comes only from Truth, not from individual,

and seeker is led to whatever is needed for him/her.

Truth may lead one to someone or someone may appear in one's life

whose words penetrate through the veil of ignorance right into the

core of one's being. Guru is such a someone who is not body-mind

person that appears to be so. Truth acts through apparant person or

through other channels. Gurus are not to be searched. Disciple's

heart cries out and tells him/her that " yes, this is my Guru " . Its a

heart to heart talk and surrender happens unknown to both at the

time.(personal experience).

In my experience reading scriptures alone will not cut it!

Truth needs to be pointed out as it cannot be objectified like other

perceived knowledge, saying here it is! That's why it is helpful to

hear it from some lips who can point the correct direction to look

at, just as someone with experience can point us with finger to the

moon which may be hidden in clouds, stars, trees etc. Finger cannot

touch the moon but can point, nevertheless! One cannot touch the

truth as one is TRUTH!

So what is wrong in accepting such invitation from Truth Itself in

the form of Guru or " intuitive understanding " or whatever form or

formless that may be? Or why run after Guru because of Self realized

had one?

Entire Cosmos will conspire to give Realization to such a one who

sincerely is longing for Truth and remains open! Unknowns are His


Namaskar...Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadaks,


What if some body is not able to find a Guru? He is lost in the

world. Adi Sankara Had Guru Govinda Pada. Still his enlightment not

to full as such Bagavan Shiva came as a Sandala and enlighted with

Manisha Panchakam. Name any saint without Guru. Even our Sri Krishna

had Guru Sandeepan. Sri Ram had Guru. Valmiki had Guru.

Is it essential ? If yes, then how God is " samam sarveshu

bhuteshu " ? This question Sant Namadev asked Bagavan Panduran and

was a Guru by Bagavan himself. Another saint known as Kaanchi

Poornar was in direct contact with Bagavan Varadarajar WHO showed

him Guru before giving the sant Mukthi.

What kind of Guru is necessary for a child to run into the lap of

his Mom? Instinctly given by Bagavan until age 12. Any act of the

child upto 12 does not come in Paapa or Puniya. Ref: Vidhura Neethi-

Unpanashids. 1st step Mathru devo bava--Shows 2cd step Pithru Father-

-3rd Step father shows Guru devo Bava and final step 4th Guru shows

Bagavan. Referance: Kapila Geetha and Kabir Doss.


What kind of efforts can be needed to achieve that element which is

in everybody, at all times, in all places ? Many are in ignorance

that they are Aham Bramasmi--Guru tell that the Brahman is within

and outside Omnipresent. With this knowledge one contemplates on GOD

and silences. But hurdles comes even to great men. In that

circumstances they dwell in Para Brahman. Examples: Adi Sankara was

to be beheaded by a Sandalan (Kaabali) but the saint offered his

head knowing that killer or the killed are one and the same. Another

is Jada Bharatha. Prahalda says this.


Can any Guru cause a hunger in you? Sat Guru can cause a drop of

Nector to fall into throat from inner small toung, thereby causing

NO hunger for years. Also Guru can cause hunger for devotion.

Besides this Guru can cause physical hunger. Referance: The great

saint Veera Bramam at Caddaph lived 100 ago caused hunger to his

disciple enabling the disciple to eat 10 peoples food.


A thurst in you? A desire in you? What else is necessary in

realising God except desire?

NISKAMA PREMA BAKTHI. Thrust can fail, desire can fail when tested

as in case of so many saints. NOT BAKTHI. A digabar (nude) sanyasin

speaking to Bagavan Shiva asked Bagavan , " What was the delay in

taking him to HIS abode " . Bagavan said that the sanyasin had the

thought, " I am digamber free from desires and have only desire for

GOD " .

That " I' " Me " are the problem.

Regret If this is hurting someone.



Vyasji's questions back to Hari Shankarji triggered me to post my

observations on the matter of Guru and Shishya. You may want to have

a look at it. Thanks. Naga.


In life, is it essential to have a Guru or not?


Following is what I understand with the terms guru and disciple in

their isolation as we start thinking from the perspective of our

perceptional discrepancy.


Guru: Source of knowledge, a never-changing entity.


Disciple: Receiver of knowledge, an ever-changing entity.


NOW … can there be anything without GURU? Could anyone have uttered

a word without a guru? Could anyone have put a step forward without

a guru? Could there be a single action or thought that had no guru?


and Shisya relationship is old concept and no more relevant in the

present age. Most of the time, Shisya knows more than the Guru – is

absolutely baseless.


Knowledge in our perception is to receive new information …

ignorance in our perception is the obsolete information junked in

our memory. You cannot receive new valid information on anything

unless you accept that the corresponding information you have saved

in your memory is obsolete. Often, we ignorantly imagine that

ignorance is lack of some information without realizing that we

could not perceive anything if it has no bearing on our earlier

experiences. The source of valid information is the guru and the

junkyard of obsolete information is the student. The force that

validates the newer information is The Guru within. The recipient of

the newer information is the student. Therefore, anything that

perceives can only be a student. It can never be a guru.


Student can never be greater than Guru as such since a guru should

relatively have more valid information than a student by definition.

The identity of Guru may change … not of the concept.


Whether we know or not, whether we like it or not, all the

information that we seem to proudly own happens to be borrowed from

everything other than ourselves. The instant we think we know better

than our guru, we forfeit our right to call ourselves his students.

The instant we declare we know, we forfeit our studenthood as such.

That is the worst thing that is possible to happen to any spiritual



Knowledge is a perpetual process of acknowledging ignorance within …

in other words, one can earn the right to receive knowledge only by

an acceptance of the ignorance harbored within and through a

resolution to purge the same.


A difference of opinion is insufficient to judge whether I know more

than others. In fact, can anybody know more than any other? It is an

incorrect notion because … (1) The Knowledge does not belong to

anybody; (2) nobody can ever assess what another could possible know

and (3) more than anything else, nobody really knows how much he/she

knows in the first place! In other words The Knowledge is

immeasurable. Therefore any comparison based on knowledge is

lopsided in itself. But, a difference of opinion certainly

establishes that one harbors the same is definitely incapable of

appreciating an opposing view point on the same point and hence is

ignorant to that extent. A difference of opinion certainly brings

out one's ignorance for inspection. One should capitalize on such

opportunities to examine one's own ignorance. One becomes a self-

assisin if one resorts to twist such opporutinies to establish

other's ignorance because (1) one has missed a great opportunity to

unveil oneself in the first place and (2) one has veiled more opaque

costumes by intensifying one's own ignorance in the process. One

should keep in mind that one can never establish ignorance in others

just for one's incapability of penetrating anything beyond its

superficial presence. Even if one does, it cannot do anything good



Greatness is not in being a Guru as the Guru forfeits freedom to

learn or unlearn! Greatness is in being a student as student alone

retains freedom to learn and unlearn!! That is why students are kept

at high esteem in all our scriptures. Often the gurus are obscure

and referred directly to cosmic forces in the name of gods.


In our traditional learning system, there are only students

communicating to each other their learning each considering the

other as guru. Learning is a life-long process for a true student.


All scripts always make statement such as " let us learn

together " , " let us explore together " , and so on. Learning is a

collective process between multiple individuals.


" I know " is the furtile seed of ignorance … " I know better " is the

fertile soil of ignorance. I know the best is the furtile fruit of

ignorance which enseeds itself perpetually. No sane saint will ever

say I am a Guru … e.g. Ram Sukhdasji never let anybody touch his

feet or worship him. A true sadhaka is an eternal student of

everything in life.


One who thinks to know better than the other will forfeit a chance

to learn. One who thinks the other knows better can learn. The

knowledge always flows from a higher plane to a lower plane just

like water. You cannot receive the nectar of water to sustain your

existence unless you are at a lowere elevation than the source of

water. You cannot receive the nectar of knowledge to sustain your

soul unless you position yourself lower than the source of knowledge

which is everything.


Craving for students (in other words, to be a Guru) is the weakness.

Urging for a Guru (in other words, maintaining oneself as a student)

is the strength. A true seeker always seeks the association of true

students. Any other seeker is definitely a guru for a true seeker.

In fact everything is nothing but The Guru for a true seeker. That

is why they say " Guru will seek you if your yearning for learning is

pure and strong " . No true seeker can announce himself as the guru to

us. No true seeker can ever wield the ignorance of not seeing the

guru in anything in life. It is student's responsibility to locate

The Guru in the fellow sadhkas, rather, in everything around.


One has no choice but to receive the grace of The Guru actively or

passively, knowingly or unknowingly, wantingly or unwantingly.

Everything is born with The Guru embedded in its core to achieve

this task. In a way, everything is a guru as well as a disciple.

Therefore, guru and disciple are nothing but The Same. One who seeks

the guru in everything seeks The Guru within and becomes one with

the same. The eternal learner is the only eternal knower. One who

sees ONLY GURU AND NOTHING ELSE in the whole universe remains the

Eternal Student and is verily THE JAGADGURU as such.




Naga Narayana



Loving Divine,



However, realization can happen beyond these means, at any moment,

not necessarily while reading scripture or during spiritual

practices! Also see BG 5:28. Able Guru can sometimes grant

realization as He/She is one with the Parmatma, He/She has ability

to control your thought waves or biological tendencies, He/She is

able to align ones consciousness with His/hers and thus make one

part of His Divine experience. Those who go through this experience

know what they have understood, there is no doubt remain in their

head, there is nothing remain for them to know any more and there is

nothing remain for them to do anymore. All these happens only as a

part of Divine Will. Baba says knowing Divine is easy but remain

established in it every moment is difficult due to our



Hope this helps.

humble regards.

always at Thy Lotus Feet


Manjula Patel



You do not have to search for a Guru. Guru will come to you. But

only when you are ready. A Guru can only show you the path. You have

to do the sadhna yourself. You can connect with your soul when you

can meditate, which means emptying your mind of all worldly

thoughts. That can only happen with practice. There is no quick fix

for God realisation. It may take several births. It took a hundred

births to become the Buddha.


Hari Shanker Deo





The Master (Guru) of this entire Universe, for our realization,

bestows on us this human body. Along with it, he also gives the

Guru in the form of " discrimination " . God does not leave anything

partially done – just as a high official, receives along with his

position, also a house, car, servant, and all the facilities and

conveniences come along with his position, similarly, God provides

man all the necessary tools for his salvation, by which he can

properly know what is real versus unreal, what is good versus bad

conduct, what is rightful duty and what is not etc. There is no

other Guru, that is greater than our discrimination (vivek) and one

must respect / revere it. For salvation of mankind, there does not

arise the need for an external Guru. And he who does not pay

respect to his own discriminative faculty (vivek), he will not be

able to attain his salvation by engaging in an external Guru.


In reality, salvation, liberation, attainment of essential

knowledge, God Realization, is not dependent on an external Guru. If

without a Guru, essential knowledge (knowledge of Truth) were not

possible then, the very first Guru that was born, how did he attain

this knowledge? How? By this it is evident, that without making

another person a Guru, man can attain realization, he can attain

essential knowledge, by the grace of Bhagwaan - who is the Guru of

the entire Universe.


Realization of the Essential Element (tattva jnana) happens due to

our own faith, beliefs, trust, interest, and according to our

abilities in doing our spiritual practice. There is no such rule

that by making someone a Guru, salvation is on it's way or is

definitely attainable. As long as within yourself, that inner

longing is not awakened, till that time even God Himself, cannot

liberate you or make you attain Salvation, then how is the Guru

going to make you attain salvation? God is the Guru of this entire

Universe, and we too are in this Universe, therefore, in reality, we

already are with a Guru, in fact we are disciples of the greatest

Guru. There is great danger from a Kaliyug Guru, but there is no

danger from Bhagwaan, the Guru of this entire Universe.






Jagadguru Bhagwan aapni prapti ke liye manusya ko sarir de te hai

tho sath mai vivek rupi guru bhi de tehai bhagwan adhura kamnahi

karte jaise bade offcier ko makan noker motor adi sub suvidha

uplabhdha hoti hai vesehi bhagwan aadmi ko sarir ke sath kalyan ki

bhi sub samgri de te hai jes se vah sat asat kartvya or akartvya

thek be thek adi ko jan sakta hai isse badh kar koi guru nahi hai

jo apne vivek ka adar karta hai us ko apne kalyan ke liye bahari

guru ki jarurat nahi padthi. Or jo apne vivek ka adar nahi kartha

vah bahari guru banakar apna kalyan nahi ker saktha vastav me kalyan

mukti tatvagyan parmatma prapti guru ke adhin nahi hai agar bena

guru ke tatvagyan nahi hota tho shastri mai jo sabse pahala guru

raha hoga usko tatvagyanke se huaa isse ye sidh huaa ki bina kisi

manusya ko guru banaye jagatguru bhagwan ki kirpa se tatvagyan ho

sak ta hai.tatav ki prapti tab ho ti hai jub apni sradha vishvash

ruchi or yogyata ke anusar sadhan ki ya jay guru banane se kalyan

hohi jayeja esa koi vidhan nahi hai. Jab tak apke bhitar apne kalyan

ki lalsa jagrat nahi hogi tab tak bhagwan bhi apka kalyan nahi kar

sakte phir guru kai se ker dega. Bhagwan jagat ke guru hai or hum

bhi jagat ke bhitar hai isliye vastav mai hum guru se rahit he hai

hum asli mahan guru ke sisya hai. Kalyuji guru se tho bada khatra

hai per jagatguru bhagwan se koi khatra nahi hai





Shree Hari

ram ram


I believe there is agreement along the lines of Guru tattva and that

since Paramatmaa is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, the

tattva (Guru Tattva) to uplift a Jeev in attaining liberation /

salvation or God Realization can come from anyone / anywhere. The

issues / concerns / differences expressed by Sadhaks are mostly

around -


Guru - Disciple relationship, through a formal initiation and

related dakshinaah (Gifts), and bondage to one individual / group /

organization etc. This is where Swamiji, clearly states to stay

away from such a set-up. I read through the links provided and

Swamiji's reasons are clear. Sadhaks who have doubts, should take

the time to read these links. There is no hypocrisy by Swamiji, as

until his last breath, He only saw himself as Sadhak and never

anything else.


Yes! When spiritual knowledge is shared, only to those who are

initiated into Discipleship and only for a fee, it is a trade. It

may appear to be a harsh word, but there is no other way to soften

that transaction. Swamiji clearly states that in such situations,

what is received by disciple is of lesser value than the dakshinaa

(gift) given.


Swamiji is not in disagreement about seeking guidance. Yes! we all

need guidance along the spiritual journey and path. Swamiji's point

is more around the sadhak's own intense longing and a firm aim /

goal of salvation / liberations as being key in attainment. Swamiji

therefore suggests not to get stuck, and instead seek guidance from

wherever God reveals Himself to you, in His divine plays. Be open in

receiving the guidance from many sources and certainly do not seek

guidance from only one, and that too one who will only give you

guidance after

initiation and for a fee. That is Swamiji's point. Hope this helps !


Meera Das

Ram Ram





-Shree Hari-


I have pasted a part of the original article, it speaks volumes:

'Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.'


Now consider this, one desires the Divine Truth with a passion, one

will have insights experiences, these experiences can become a

yardstick to measure the worth of those whom maybe of help to one.

One will recognize the astounding reality of a chance meeting maybe,

someone might be of support when one most needs support, so many

coincidences can occur. One is dealing with the indwelling Supreme,

that Indwelling will make itself known. By taking up ones own ego

belief to what one requires of a guru, and going on search for such;

is expressed by a Sufi story: A man spied another man under a street

lamp on his hands and knees searching for something, " What are you

looking for he asked " , " my keys, I've lost my keys " the reply. After

a fruitless search the helper said, " Are you sure you lost them here

under the lamp? " , " Oh no, I lost them over there in the dark, but I

can see a lot better here under the lamp! " . Comment, wrong lamp!


(I have taken the lead of Maheshji ):

B.G. 10:11 'Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their

Self, destroy the darkness born of ignorance by the luminous lamp of

knowledge.' B.G. 10:12. 'You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme

abode (or the supreme light), the supreme purifier, the eternal,

divine Person, the primeval God, unborn and omnipresent.'


The worship of the primeval God, is for all mankind without

exception, and the desire for liberation is born in all of us, but we

may have to step out of the light of comfort and dogma, and trust in

the guidance of the Supreme Light.


With Respect and Divine Love.



(Mike Keenor)



Thanks Mahesh Bhaiyya and. Brother Mike Keenor !


Did you notice. Brothers? - people saying that there are secretaries

already existing in this universe, Jee - appointed by our Daddy -

and if you are interested in realisation you must move through

them ! Direct realisation. No kitkit, no jhik jhik. No practice. No

ego less ness. No karan sapeksha, no karan nirpeksha. No sadhana. No

Sadhak. No time required. Just Come, Register with us and Go

straight to Gau Loka. Don't you know who we are? Secretaries !

Agents !! Did not you read Gita? Padam Purana ?? Direct authorised

agents !!!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


Official appointees under verse 4:34 of Gitaji ! Licence holders !

Direct recepient of knowledge Jee! Sabd Purana Jee! From Lord

Krishna Jee ! Apaurushayam Bhaiyya !! Lineage !!!! Wah Re Kaliyuga?

(Hats off to you Kaliyuga!)


Raam . Raam. Raam.




Guru is always there inside with each one of us. He only introduces

meanings of things around us. Even visible as mother, father,

teacher, friends, and even enemy. So, the objects that ignite minds

are Guru. The real guru is inside and educational objects are



Krishna is the last Guru, Shiva is father and 2nd Guru, Paarvati is

mother and 1st Guru. Ram Charit Maanas thus says:


Bhawani Shankarau Vande Shiddha Vishwas Roopinau

Yabhaam Bina n pashyanti, Siddhah Swantah Sthameeshwaram.


Mother is the Bhawani who is Sriddha or giver of the container

(worthiness) to hold the knowledge, and Shiva the father gives the

vishwas or fills the container with the content ( knowledge or

book). Lastly, the person with the container and content goes inside

to find Ishwar who is the teacher, and develops understanding.


Without Guru, thus, to enter inside our own heart where Isht lives,

is not possible. If you follow the Guru, you will have no conflict

but if you have it for reason of others, the Guru will save you

himself. So, names and prayer of Guru have physical effects, and

thoughts of Guru has intellectual effect.


Siya Ram maay sab jag jaani, Karahu Pranaam jori yug paani.

I now know how the whole world is filled and operated by Sita and Ram

So, I pray to the world by folded hands.



K G Misra





Hare Krishna

Yes, there is no liberation without Guru. And the Hindu world is

not free from Guru Ghantals (Fake Gurus). At every four steps there

is Guru. Guru's glorification is upto such an amount that Gurus tend

to have published their own photos, feet-photos, blessing photos and

what not. Yesterday I was watching Aastha International and listening

Satpal Maharaj's Son's Upadesh. On Stage Satpal Ji is sitting beside

his Dharampatni. Entire Guru Family--father, mother and son are there

on stage. What a Virat Darshan of Gurus. Everybody is Guru. Innocent

Persons from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. have gathered to

listen. In India Guru,Guru and countless Gurus. Ironically, when my

son listened Shri Gita Shloka from Satpalji's mouth, he literraly

laughed when self-imposed, self-proclaimed Guruji said---Nainam

Chchindanti Shaastrani......in place of Shastrani (Ch 2 Verse 23).

Shaastrani means Scriptures and Shastrani means weapons. Such Gurus

are a lot who are promoting their sons.

As a matter of fact there is only one and one Guru who is Shri

Krishna--Shri Krishnam Vande Gagat Gurum. Shri Gita is the only

scripture on this planet Earth which can guide us truthfully. Shri

Krishna is the the the only Guru.

Teshamev Anukampartham Aham Agyanjam Tamah

Nashayamyaatma Bhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhasvataa....


Shri Gita Ch. 10 Verse 11


Hare Krishna


Mahesh Sharma



My dandavat pranams to all

I find the article below to be total hypocrisy. A person is

saying, " don't accept guru " ....but in their mode of presentation,

they are giving instruction as a guru!!! People are accepting, " Yes,

this is the way I will follow, based on teachings of this man " . So,

they are accepting guru. It is unavoidable.....one MUST look for


To not admit to doing so, is hypocrisy. It is a falsehood, and one

should be honest and abandon deceit. A misunderstanding is that a

person can become guru. Guru is not made, not that today I am

qualified, but tomorrow I may fall away.

That person had no business calling himself guru......however, a true

aspirant may see ANYONE, even a prostitute, a deer, or a moth as his

guru. Guru is external manifestation of Paramatma.....to see him as

an ordinary man is a great offense. This is stated in the padma



arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati bddhir

visnor va vaisnavanam kali mala mathane pada tirthe " mbu-buddhih

sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabda-samanya-buddhir

visnau sarvesvare tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah

" One who considers the worshipable Deity to be stone; who considers

the Vaisnava Guru to be a mortal man, or who considers a Vaisnava to

be limited by the confines of caste, lineage, or creed, who considers

the holy foot wash of Lord Visnu (Ganga water) or af a Vaisnava

(caranamrta) to be ordinary water; who considers the holy Name (the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra) which vanquishes all sins, to be material

sound vibration, and who consider the God of gods, Lord Visnu, to be

merely on the level of demigods, such a person, becomes a resident of

hell. "

respectfully submitted, Mahalaksmi Dasi


shree hari

ram ram


Mahalakshmiji, Please re-read the daily posting and find out

specific sentence, line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's



I truly believe Swamiji is saying learn from all, do not get

stuck.....as it is guru tattva...and not a specific individual who

locks one into discipleship and is trading in knowledge. (accepting

gifts). Again, it is important that if you disagree, you are able to

point out specific points that Swamiji made, which you disagree with.


Swamiji is not trading in money. He did not ever carry money or ever

take any gifts from anyone or anything of that sort for revealing

these secrets. He did not make any one a disciple or gave mantra, or

mala...etc. Again, in all his writings he is saying that your intense

longing, desire is more important then the guru-disciple formal

relationship. Guru can take you to the water, but ultimately it is

up to you to drink. So ultimately it is you, that is what Swamiji is



Again please point out specific statements of Swamiji and raise

concerns and not just generalities. thank you for your time and



Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator



My dandavat pranams to all in this forum,

I am praying for patience to explain a topic which I find to be

quite painful to present.....the pain is in that I don't wish to have

any arguement with those who are of a particular mind set....however,

I find that there are many statements in the article below which

could be seen to be contradicting themselves....however, in the

Absolute sense, I see their consistency.... To begin, the first line

states, " That which we wish to attain, the Supreme essence " ......and

then the fourth sentence states, " that Supreme Soul (consciousness)

is ever attained by all beings " So, with deepest regard to Sri

RamSukhadasji, I beg his kindness and permission to comment on his

words. He is saying first, " that which we wish to attain " .....hence,

God consciousness, full absorption in the Supreme, is NOT already

attained by all. He is himself stating, " that which we wish to

attain " . What I am hearing from him, and I again beg his kindness to

help me understand, is that not everyone at this time HAS attained

the supreme consciousness. However, an uttama adhikari, one who is

on the top most rungs of devotion to God, cannot help but, within

themselves, perceive everyone else as perfectly serving

God....although he is simultaneously aware that they are NOT

already there. So, the contradictory phrase becomes reconciled. But,

accepted that there are many souls in the conditioned state, who

honestly admit that they have NOT attained full awareness of the

Supreme, what to be done? My answer to this is to find one who

knows, find a teacher, a preceptor, a guru.

For fear of making this to long and thus unprintable, I will stop

here, and wait until tomorrow to furthur analyze what, to me, are

misconceptions which persons are having about the idea of guru.


Mahalakshmi Dasi


Hare Krsna !!!





In Bhagavad Gita the Sloka " Tad Viddhi Prani paadena Pariprasnena

Sevaya, Upadesanti te Gnanam Gnanina tattva darsinah " clearly state

the importance of accepting a GURU. For everything we need GURU, be

it material knowledge or Spiritual knowledge. Is there any one who

has obtained a PHD Degree without taking lessons from teachers ? If

that is the case for material knowledge then what to speak of

Spiritual knowledge ? GURU is one who imparts knowledge and to get

that knowledge one should be inquisitive to know and submissive in


service. GURU IS NOT A TRADER who gives somthing and takes somthing

in return. There are certain qualifications required to become GURU

and also certain qualifications required for becoming a desciple.

Guru means one who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the

illumination of knowledge. Another meaning of GURU is HEAVY. Guru

should be heavy and only then the disciples will be obedient and take

to the right path.





shree hari

ram ram


Haribol, Swamiji was of the mindset that people instead of seeing

something divine in any individual and becoming engaged with a

particular person, should become engaged directly with God. He was

totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an



The Gita verse does not talk about engaging in Guru - Disciple

relationship. Swamiji said that " In Gita 4:34 and Gita 13:7, the

Lord has advised such a devotee to receive instructions from a

teacher. In this discipline (jnana yog), a preceptor is a must. Not

being fully aware of the perfection of a preceptor or the

preceptor not being perfect, it becomes very difficult for spiritual

aspirants to maintain their faith. Thus there remains the

possibility of delays in one's spiritual practices. "


Swamiji also says - karma yoga is easier to practice than jnana yog

because - " The path of action can be followed by all, (different

caste, creed, order of life etc) under all circumstances. But the

path of Sannyasa (renunciate), that Arjuna talks about can be

followed only under special circumstances as explained in Gita 4:34,

since all cannot come across great Souls who have realized the

Truth. Moreover, they cannot have complete faith in these great

Souls and even more so, they do not have an opportunity to live in

their company. Thus Karmayoga is better of the two. " Please read

Swamiji's explanation on the Gita verse at -





Hope this helps, but if not, please take specific statements of

Swamiji that you disagree with and we can address. Thank you for

taking the time,


Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator


Hare Krsna !!!


Thanks for your reply.


GURU is a via medium to approach the Supreme Lord. Just like one

cannot approach a big person directly but to approach thru his

secretary. Similarly Guru imparts the knowledge and shows the right

path to the Supreme Lord as he has received it from his Guru through

the unbroken chain of disciplic succession. (Evam parampara praptam

emam rajasrayo viduh ....) This knowledge is coming directly from the

Supreme Lord, Krishna through bonafide disciplic succession. This

knowledge is called APAURUSHEYA - means not man made knowledge. The

process of receiving this knowledge is through SABDA PRAMAN from the

vedic authorities.


One should be very careful in selecting a GURU. He should be a

bonafide GURU falling in any of the four authentic sampradayas coming

in disciplic succession and preach the message of the Supreme Lord

Krishna AS IT IS without any concoction or mental speculation. Even

Lord Krishna accepted a Guru - this is to set an example for the

general people like us to follow - otherwise what was the necessity

for the Supreme Lord Krishna to accept a Guru ?


And it is not necessary to always associate with GURU personally. One

can associate with the GURU through VAANI by executing his

instructions. VAPU (personal association) with Guru is not always

possible. Shastra says that one should follow in the footsteps of

Guru, Sadhu & Shastra to save ourselves from gliding down. GURU helps

us to cross over the ocean of material nescience just like a ship

captain very safely take us accross the ocean. With our own endeavour

it will be very difficult to achieve the task and with the help of


GURU be it VAANI or VAPU it becomes much easier - the material ocean

becomes just like water contained in the calf's hoofprint and we can

just cross over it without any difficulty. Another example: Suppose

we have to climb the stair-case to get to the 100th floor of the

building how much time it will take and how tedious it would be but

GURU can take you through a Lift which is faster and easier.


Regarding the Yoga, Bhakti yoga is the simplest & easiest process

recommended in the age of Kali and Bhakti yoga is the culmination of

all other yogas. Lord Srikrishna says in the concluding chapter of

Bhagavad Gita - manmana bhava mad bhakto, madhyajimaam

namaskuru........ Karma yoga in Krishna Consciousness is Bhakti yoga.

Do all the activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord

Krishna and not for our personal sense gratification. We have

already enjoyed our senses in other lower species of lives for

millions and millions of years and now since we have been blessed


a human form of life we should not waste this precious human form in

which form only we have the intelligence, higher reasoning power,

inquisitiveness to know the absolute truth. We should use the rare &

precious human form of life to liberate ourselves from the material

bondage rather going up and down transmigrating through different

species of lives.


This is my humble understanding as taught by HDG Srila Prabhupada,

the Iskcon

Founder Acharya who falls in the disciplic succession of

Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya.





-Shree Hari-


I found this article the most brilliant subject matter on the whole

conundrum of Guru I have ever read.

Buddha, (the best as I remember), quoted, 'One may take something to

be the Truth, but do not grasp onto it too tightly, for when the

truth comes knocking at your door, you may not answer it'.

I see these words of Swami Ramsukhdasji shouting loudly at the

confused world, his words are surely knocking at the door.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari:


27th August, 2008, Wednesday

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence, That

Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It cannot

be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case, then how

would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That Supreme

Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those great

souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become Gurus,

nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


Individuals that transact or trade their teachings are not Gurus.

Those that say - first become my disciple (student), then I will

reveal to you the path towards God Realization, are like traders of

God. It is a principle that the price that a particular item is sold

for, the actual value of the item is less then the listed price.

Just like a watch which is available for Rs 1,000, it would cost

lesser than Rs 1,000 for the shopkeeper to purchase that item for

resale. If by making someone a Guru, something is attained, then the

thing attained will be less value than the Guru himself has. Then

with that weaker thing, how can God be attained? God is priceless. A

priceless thing is only attained without a price, and that which is

attained for a price, is weaker than the listed price. Therefore if

anyone says, I will reveal to you the real essence, if you become my

disciple then, kindly join your hands in gesture " no thank you " and

keep a distance ! Understand this to be some Kaalnemi !

Kaalnemi, the demon, the false Guru came to Hanumanji and said -


" Ser majjan kari aatur aavahu; dicchaa devu gyaan jehi paavahu. "

(Manasa. Lankaa. 57:4)


On hearing this, Hanumanji said - first take the gift, thereafter

give the secret mantra, and immediately thereafter Hanumanji by

wrapping his tail around the demon, lifted him and threw him down.


God has clearly stated in the Gita -

" Uddharedaatmanaatm aanam naatmaanamvasaadaye t

Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatamanah " (Gita 6:5)


" A man must raise himself by his own effort. He must not degrade

himself; for the Self is his own friend and the Self is also his

own enemy. " (Gita 6:5)


The point is that man alone is responsible for his own spiritual

upliftment or downfall. No one else is. God has bestowed this human

body, and with it, he has given all the necessary tools to attain

salvation. Therefore, one does not need anyone else for one's



Guru (spiritual guide), Saints and God, uplift the soul only after

man himself has trust and faith in them. Only after man accepts them

(Guru, Saints, God), comes to them, and follows their directions. If

man does not accept them, then how are they to do anything for man's

salvation? They simply cannot do anything. If you do not become a

student, then what can a teacher do for you? Just like some other

person can come and drop off a meal at your home, but the hunger

must come from within. If there is no hunger within, than what use

is there of delicious food preparations that are placed in front of



Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.


In reality, man himself is his own Guru - " Aatmano Gururaatmaiyva

Purushasya Vishehataha. " (Srimadbhag 11:7:20). Therefore discourses

are for your own self. Knowing this, see faults in your own self and

seek to remove them, instead of seeing faults in others.


From " Kyaa Guru Bina Mukti Nahin ? " by Swami Ramsukhdasji in Hindi

on page 28-29


Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


There have been some emails sent directly to moderators regarding a

recent daily message by Swamiji on " Can there be no liberation

without a Guru? " . These emails with some comments / issues are

listed below-


There were similar questions that have been raised in Gita-talk, but

are spread among various topics and difficult to summarize. Due to

there being over 16,000 members, I sincerely request those who want

to participate in this discussion, particularly raise questions /

doubts / issues, to please review the past sadhak daily messages

related to Guru (links provided below) and Gita-Talk discussion

(link below), so that we can all leverage the learnings and as far

as possible not repeat the same questions / issues.


Sadhak message links on Guru are at :


What is a True Spiritual Guide like?



Gita View of Guru - Part I & II




Is it Essential for a Guru to be a Self Realized Soul ?



On Guru Disciple Relationship



On Guru - Sishya



Is it not Essential to Engage in Guru Disciple Relationship ?



Worship of Guru - Part 1



Worship of Guru - Part 2



God is Guru of this Universe



Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide or Guru



Real Guru is your discrimination:



There is no Sin in letting go of false Guru



Who can be considered a Guru?



Gita Talk discussion links are at:



Please re-read the daily posting and find out specific sentence,

line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's messsage. Please keep

discussions to half a page and relevant to the specific question

only. Please review remaining Gita Talk guidelines.



thank you for your time and patience.


Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator





-Shree Hari-


Je Je Shashikalaji


I would like to explain something.

When sahdaka posted discourses by Swami Ramsukhdasji, (a soul I have

never heard of) to me, I got exited, even though the manner of

expression was different to the way I might have said things. He

was as it were, singing a song I could sing to. In my excitement I

started to make comments, ask questions and so on. I was thus

politely and firmly requested to send my questions to .

Swamiji was saying much that I could relate to, much more than many

here can realise .

So clearly Swamiji is still at work even though out of body.

I absolutely agree with the idea that it's ones inner desire for

'Baba', (I like the concept of Father), is that which will call in

the Guru.

Let me explain; there was a time when unknown to me, I was going to

need support and guidance.

I had a minor medical problem and decided to try homeopathy, and

found out much to my surprise, in this small town I lived in was one

of the highest rated homeopaths in the country.

Yes she addressed my medical problems. She saw deep into my soul, oh

yes; the divine tidal wave that was coming my way....

Interestingly she had worked for years in India in an Ashram as a

healer, but you know what, she never called herself my Guru, never

tried to force her tradition on me. She was one of three Gurus who

came my way when need was there.

What a fool I would be if I did not understand the need for Swamiji

in me, what a fool.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Hari Om


There you are ! Mr Hari Shankar Deo !!. " When we are ready Guru

will certainly find us " !


Is not there a " certainty " ? You need not find Him. You need not

think about Him. You need not argue about Him. You need not seek

Him. He is greater than God - Mr Hari Shankar !!! Do you get me ? By

your " weak " gestures/efforts can you requisition Him ? No ! When you

merit His manifestation before you , He will !!


Real problem or the real question on this Divine GT Group Satsanga

forum should be - HOW TO RECOGNISE HIM ??


Who is not Guru for a Sadhak ? Come on !! Dear Sadhaks !! What do

you say Dear Sadhaks ? Who is not Guru for us - this is my question,

Fellow Sadhaks! Simple question !!


You just " be " a sadhak / a student / a learner / a curious/ a

Bhakta / a Yogi / - Just " become " that , just " become " of the God

and of no body else- that's all you need to accomplish, that's all

is required, that's all is necessary, that's all is warranted, ...

That's all Your Father expects from His Lovely, Dear Child ! What

kind of Guru is needed for that? For a child to say - O Mom I am

Yours ?


Just believe on this and forget everything else - you are through !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Jai Hanuman


Great ! Great you are, Oye, Mira Bahenjee !! Oye Jee Jee - the

Great !! Great , Jee because you are right - ab initio, Jee !!

Concepts and thoughts are your Gurus - if grasped correctly !! From

any one ! What to say if they are from Taat Shree ?


That is " midas touch " of Taat Shree ! Swamiji Shri Ramsukhdasji

Maharaj !! That is what we all must understand ! Who is " opposing "

Guru ? Is any one " anti Krishna " in this Group?


And that " Midas " , never liked Himself, His great Self, to be

called as " Guru " ! Never allowed Himself to be photographed! Never

allowed any one to touch His pious Feet ! Never allowed anyone to

take the dust which touched His feet! Never allowed anyone to dance

or clap ! Never propogated His virtues! Never touched money! Never

made disciples! Never proclaimed Himself to be " Bhagwaan " !

Never " desired " anything from anybody ! Never " collected "

donations/subscriptions/charities from any one. Never left anything

behind which can be called as " Memorial " of His Great Self- except

His words- written and spoken ! Never touched a female !

Never " wrote " in a magazine which has " commerce " as its motive!

Never allowed " Kalyaan " magazine to publish " advertisements " inspite

of being a household magazine in India and inspite of being in

circulation for more than 75 years, when He merged into the Brahma !

Never allowed any praise/ Jaijaikar of Himself !


He never opened any Maths/ Gurukuls/ Paathshalas/ Ashrams/

Institutions /Yoga classes/ Schools or Universities! He never

desired or required any " special or decorative chairs " for His Great

Self. He never allowed any charity boxes to be put outside of His

discourse " paandals " . He requested ladies not to raise even their

hands while keertans etc were being made. He never called or

attributed " isms " to any of His principles/ thoughts or original

ideas ! His photos will never be present in this universe ! His

words will never be absent in this universe ! He took extra

ordinary " vows " like - I will never demand/expect anything from

anybody, or like - I will never touch money/female , or like_ Let

there be no memorial or remembering place for me forever etc etc !!



He had reasons! He had logic! He had Scriptures to support Him. More

than enough reasons ! He was real GURU but always a Disciple ! He

stated that Gurus , in fact, in reality, fall at the feet of

Disciples! He proved that in order to be called " Father " one must

necessarily should have " son " . Who can be GURU if there is no CHELLA

(follower). He addressed always the world at large as " ANNADATA "

(Giver of food to Him)!


He was real GURU ! Not in His perception or thoughts !! But for you,

me, Mike and all !!


Was He Guru or God ? Or Greater than God ?


He never denied however, the following , but only when a Sadhak

stated that or when He stated as Sadhak and Sadhak only and NEVER







Before me Guru and Govinda ( God Himself, Daddy the Great) are

standing. Whose feet should I touch first ?


Hats off to you O Dear Guru! You made it possible for me to meet

God !!


What do you say Mike Bhaiyya? Any contradictions?

Baba !! Who can make you meet Daddy when you are His child ? You are

always His child only ! Does not He know that, even if you have

forgotten? Trust Him then !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee





Ramsukhdasji: That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence,

That Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It

cannot be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case,

then how would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That

Supreme Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those

great souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become

Gurus, nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


This one of the most genuine statement I have ever seen by a true

sadhak that Ramsukhdasji should have been. There is absolutely no

contradictions here. Yes. Consciousness is of-course ever-attained

in everything. Of-course most of use are clueless of the same and

hence harp on everything we know to find what it could be. One would

wish to attain it thanks to the self-imposed (svayaaropita) and self-

gained (svayaarjita) ignorance (avidyaa) which is also refrred to as

Adhyaasa by many seers. The Supreme is ever-established as such ...

but, thanks to the avidyaa one cannot see it - hence, the wish. No

contradictions, I see.


The best of the message above is the etrnal studentship the great

spirit has embraced. Lots of criticism and verbal dissection is

going on who is Guru, who is not, who should be, who should never

be, etc. All that is irrelevant to me. Me being the student is most

important. Studenthood is great - then I have a chance to remove my

ignorance. Nobody can claim Guruhood in sanity as The Guru will

remain always beyond everything. At the same time, for a true

student, everything remains Guru only. Guru exists in student's

mind, not in perceived guru's mind! That is the essence I always

receive from Ramsukhdasji's self-conductance as I have read so far.

That very spirit of eternal studenthood is the true guru for me.


Talking about Guru's quality is waste of time. Even a cheater is a

guru - I learnt what cheating means from him/her :). I learn why I

feel cheated from the experience. I learn how valid or sane that

very feeling of being cheated is in reality. Everything is The Guru

only if I am willing to learn!


I personally feel that alertness regarding my studentship is the

only relevant issue and need to be nurtured as a Saadhaka. The

minute I turn toward examining the qualities of a Guru, I forfeit my

Saadhana as such.


Let me NEVER entertain that.




Naga Narayana




It is right of a GURU to look for a suitable SHISYA. Similarly a

Shishya who is a self learner and cannot get access to a suitable

GURU has the right to learn things on his own with out a GURU.The

beauty of SANATANA dharm is in this that the knowledge comes to you

by itself if you seek the truth.Veda are a collection of

observations which helps.


GURU also helps in giving the direction and that is all.THE SEEKER

IS ALWAYS INDEPENDENT. Guru provides an easier path by giving



" apb1942 "



Not all Gurus are fake. There are many who have realised God in

India. From birth till death, we meet various Gurus. Our first Gurus

are our own parents, then our teachers in school. When we are ready

the Guru will certainly find us and show us the path to salvation.


Hari Shanker Deo



Jai Hanuman


Problem is not of Guruhood. Problem now a days is of Gurus who on

every nook and corner are arising- seeking respects, money from the

disciples, printing large posters of themselves, eager to get name

and fame for themselves, all with the worldly objectives. They are

so many. Even on this an otherwise very divine and selfless GT

group, I could find a person or two stating indirectly- I am Guru ,

come to me for fulfillment of spiritual objectives. I read it.

They open " maths " /ashrams/gurukuls enrol the people, charge them,

sell their magazines to them, sell photographs , beads and what not

of themselves and loot the innocent public. Some on this very GT

group have claimed that You must route yourselves through them in

all the cases- as if they are licence holders of Daddy the great.


As Swamiji stated that even this Kaliyuga is a friend of such fake

Gurus. We are going to see more and more of them in the future. Let

us be cautious. Let us rely more on " conscience " , let us believe

that our Dear Daddy who has given us human birth has also given us

everything which is necessary for realisation- in abundance.

Whenever we are ready, guru will come to us .


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The question was - Can there be NO LIBERATION WITHOUT a GURU?

Swamiji clearly states liberation is not dependent on the Guru.

Arjuna had spent many years in close proximity with Bhagwaan Shri

Krishna, eating, sleeping, playing, doing practically everything

with Bhagwaan being present, but he did not receive the message of

the Gita... So why not? Krishna was Bhagwaan even before the Gita

was shared, why then ? The simple point that Swamiji has explained

is that Arjuna did not have the quest to know. It was only after

the desire for salvation was awakened within him, that Bhagavan Shri

Krishna spoke and revealed the message of the Gita. If Arjuna did

not have this inner quest, then would liberation be possible,

inspite of having Krishna, the Jagatguru besides him? Simply

speaking - NO. That is the point Swamiji is making. One may lead a

horse to the water, but the horse must have the desire to drink !!!

His intense desire, longing, quest for guidance, despondent state

were key. The sadhak's liberation is dependent on sadhak's laalsa

(intense longing) for truth, salvation, liberation, benediction.


Secondly, Krishna did not tell Arjuna, Wait !!! I cannot reveal

to you the secret messages until you take this mantra that I whisper

into your ears, wear this mala, until a formal guru-disciple

relationship / ceremony is undertaken, dakshina is given in

exchange, and until you commit to listen to me and my discourses

only, and you commit to not listen to anyone else, etc. etc.


That is the point that Swamiji is making ... there was no formal

guru-disciple transaction that Krishna engaged in. Krishna revealed

the Gita because there was a burning desire in Arjuna to KNOW. There

was an intense longing in Arjuna to seek Truth, to seek guidance,

which is what lead to liberation... Once again therefore it was

Arjuna, who was the cause of liberation.


Sadhaks, please kindly focus on answering the question that is being

posed and not the broader topic.


Meera das

Ram Ram



Hari Om


I wonder if any sadhak or Swamiji denied that element called Guru

does not help in sadhana. What is not getting grasped either

deliberately or by ignorance that a Guru is not necessarily an

individual and not necessarily one. What must be understood that

Guru is one of the requirements of realisation, but it is not to be

searched. It is residing inside you. To talk of Guru, and to talk of

searching and finding him is stupidity.Secondly, if you are serious

in sadhana Gurus do come to you automatically, as parrots come

automatically when fruit is ripe. That Guru may be even in a form of

enemy or child or friend, sentient or inert, matter or activity. It

will come to youi as naturally as human birth came to you. This is

what needs to be understood clearly. There is no distinction between

a Guru and God. Both are residing inside you, outside you, and in

every particle, situation, circumstance, incidence, happening,

state ! Hence Scriptures equate God and Guru in no uncertain terms –

KRISHNAM VANDE JAGADGURUM. What is wrong and patently wrong and a

great obstacle is to search/ find out Guru made of bone and flesh

and what is wrong is to call himself to be Guru. Another Guru which

Scriptures invariably refer is " Conscience " . ( Viveka).


Sadhaks must understand that God has given us everything which is

necessary for God Realisation. For nothing we have to make efforts.

Everything is available in abundance. To talk about finding a Guru,

after having got the human birth is in my view STUPIDITY and nothing

else ! Is God who has so kindly given us human birth, so ignorant

that it will expect us to " search " for Guru ? What if we do not

find? Will the human life go waste ? Non Sense ! It cannot. Your

Guru is residing right inside you. IF WE ARE WILLING, NOTHING CAN


Guru wherever needed, will come to us himself. A human being having

goal of God Realisation need not go to anybody for

knowledge/guidance. For such sadhak mere desire is more than

enough.If our aim is health ( yoga) or wealth or " occult powers " , or

worldly knowledge or education or powers – then it is a different



In this Kaliyuga, it is easy very easy for humanity to get cheated

by fake and worldly Gurus. Hundreds of examples can be given as to

how everyday we notice what is happening in the ashrams of those

self proclaimed " Bhagwaans " or Gurus. I would urge sadhaks of this

divine GT group at least to understand as to how Guru is lying

inside you. There is no need for any outer Guru of any sort

whatsoever. If you can believe, believe on this. Scriptures/ Gita/

Saints and Sages/ Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj all support this view

unequivocally. Believe this, if you can. Don't waste your time and

energy in worshipping bodies made of bone and flesh. Draw good

elements out of everything which passes through your experience and

believe that God is Guru, your conscience is Guru !


Sadhaks should introspect and deliberate on one point if they can.

How did they learn so far- worldly things and spiritual things? Just

an honest introspection. They should share how did they get drawn

towards God at the first instance? That will provide correct answer

to this question.


As far as I am concerned I think I learnt more by " reading " . In the

beginning magazines/newspapers/ any literature. Later on as life

unfolded its true colours and as vicissitudes/agonies increased- by

reading Scriptures like Gita / Ramayana etc. As the curiosity

increased books and audio cassettes of Swamiji came into life,

naturally and sitting at home " without any efforts at my end " . Mike

Keenor also got Gita like that only. So does everybody ( my belief)


There was desire, there was need, there was fire within to get out

of bondage. Then, Satsanga came into life. With say every 100

worldly people, occassionally a truthful soul also came into

experience- dealing with life in an interesting manner, better

manner, peaceful manner- right manner, in the manner taught by

Swamiji ! Importance of peace in life took the priority than

anything else. Traits started arising from within. Mysteries started

getting resolved. Vision started getting clearer and clearer. Faith

started getting strengthened automatically.


Attitude changed. Perceptions changed. What was " painful/ isolated/

only for me " in the earlier days started looking " normal,

applicable to all, natural " - same things ! Mistakes started coming

into knowledge and evaporated as if they never existed. Very concept

about the world changed. Bad started looking good and vice versa.

And then came the word - " Lila " !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Every one of us is a GURU of one oneself but as one neds a teacher

to teach and make one qualify for getting digree, same way we all

need a perfect teacher for this worldly affairs as well as iner-

spirit to be liberated through purifying our KARMAS, without which

illmination of path is not possible, as our Karmas interfere.

Regards Hari Motwani





Here are some glories of a Guru and other points that Swamiji has

expressed in his book " Kya Guru Bina Mukti Nahi " (page 8-10)


Glory of Guru


In reality, no one can ever describe full glory of a guru. Guru's

glory is even more than that of God. Hence, guru has found place of

immense glory in scriptures. But that glory is of truth, not of

hypocrisy-fraud. Nowadays hypocrisy-fraud has increased and it is

spreading. Who is good and who is bad- this is not quickly known. To

erase that evil, which comes in the form of evil, is easy. But that

evil which comes in form of good, it is very difficult to efface.

Seetaji confronted Ravan, King Pratapbhanu confronted Kapat muni and

Hanumanji confronted Kaalnemi, they were not able to identify them


so got deceived; because they appeared in front of them as ascetics.

Nowadays also it is seen that the kind of faith student has in guru,

the guru himself does not seems to be worthy of it. That is why

Sethji Shri Jayadayalji Goyandka used to say that nowadays my faith

is not in gurus but in their students! Reason being the faith which

disciple has in his guru is honorable.


Even though the glory of guru described in scriptures is correct, it

is not to be popularized in present times. Reason being that nowadays

hypocrites-fraudulent fix their own selfish deeds, with the support

of guru-glory described in scriptures. In this, Kaliyug is also

helpful; because Kaliyug is friend of Adharam (unrighteousness)--

Kalinadharammitran (Padmapuran Uttar. 193/31). In reality, guru-glory

is not for advertising but for implementing. If any guru himself

preaches about guru-glory, popularizes those books having guru-glory

written in it then it is evident that he wants to become a guru. One

who has desire to become a guru, people can never benefit from him.

Hence, I don't contravene guru, but I contravene fraud. No one can

ever negate a guru.


Guru's glory is actually from student's perspective, not from guru's

perspective. There is a perspective of guru, a perspective of student

and the perspective of a third person. Guru holds such view that I

have not done anything, but that element (truth) which is

innate-natural, only got beholden by student. Meaning that I have


made him realize his true self; from my side I have not given him

anything. Student is of view that my guru has given me everything.

Whatever has happened has happened by guru's grace. The third person

holds view that the student realized the truth-element only because

of his faith.


True glory is of that guru, who has made the student realize Govind

(God). One who does not make the student realize Govind, only talks

cheesy, he is not a guru. Such a guru's glory is fake and only for

deceiving others.


Varun Paprunia



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Sadhakas have expressed their views on the subject and all have


own merits depending upon the circumstances of seekers. This seems to

be the case as pointed out by B.Sathyanarayanji in his examples of

Self-realized beings. One cannot say for sure that on the path of

liberation, Guru as living in body or otherwise is required or is not


Why not be open to all possibilities?

Isn't it better to long for knowledge of SELF, and have that as

priority of life while performing one's duty? For that True

descipleship is what one needs.

How can one do that? By keeping the mind open for any learning to

take place any time, anywhere, and by anyone in the cosmos.

Intense desire for truth comes only from Truth, not from individual,

and seeker is led to whatever is needed for him/her.

Truth may lead one to someone or someone may appear in one's life

whose words penetrate through the veil of ignorance right into the

core of one's being. Guru is such a someone who is not body-mind

person that appears to be so. Truth acts through apparant person or

through other channels. Gurus are not to be searched. Disciple's

heart cries out and tells him/her that " yes, this is my Guru " . Its a

heart to heart talk and surrender happens unknown to both at the

time.(personal experience).

In my experience reading scriptures alone will not cut it!

Truth needs to be pointed out as it cannot be objectified like other

perceived knowledge, saying here it is! That's why it is helpful to

hear it from some lips who can point the correct direction to look

at, just as someone with experience can point us with finger to the

moon which may be hidden in clouds, stars, trees etc. Finger cannot

touch the moon but can point, nevertheless! One cannot touch the

truth as one is TRUTH!

So what is wrong in accepting such invitation from Truth Itself in

the form of Guru or " intuitive understanding " or whatever form or

formless that may be? Or why run after Guru because of Self realized

had one?

Entire Cosmos will conspire to give Realization to such a one who

sincerely is longing for Truth and remains open! Unknowns are His


Namaskar...Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadaks,


What if some body is not able to find a Guru? He is lost in the

world. Adi Sankara Had Guru Govinda Pada. Still his enlightment not

to full as such Bagavan Shiva came as a Sandala and enlighted with

Manisha Panchakam. Name any saint without Guru. Even our Sri Krishna

had Guru Sandeepan. Sri Ram had Guru. Valmiki had Guru.

Is it essential ? If yes, then how God is " samam sarveshu

bhuteshu " ? This question Sant Namadev asked Bagavan Panduran and

was a Guru by Bagavan himself. Another saint known as Kaanchi

Poornar was in direct contact with Bagavan Varadarajar WHO showed

him Guru before giving the sant Mukthi.

What kind of Guru is necessary for a child to run into the lap of

his Mom? Instinctly given by Bagavan until age 12. Any act of the

child upto 12 does not come in Paapa or Puniya. Ref: Vidhura Neethi-

Unpanashids. 1st step Mathru devo bava--Shows 2cd step Pithru Father-

-3rd Step father shows Guru devo Bava and final step 4th Guru shows

Bagavan. Referance: Kapila Geetha and Kabir Doss.


What kind of efforts can be needed to achieve that element which is

in everybody, at all times, in all places ? Many are in ignorance

that they are Aham Bramasmi--Guru tell that the Brahman is within

and outside Omnipresent. With this knowledge one contemplates on GOD

and silences. But hurdles comes even to great men. In that

circumstances they dwell in Para Brahman. Examples: Adi Sankara was

to be beheaded by a Sandalan (Kaabali) but the saint offered his

head knowing that killer or the killed are one and the same. Another

is Jada Bharatha. Prahalda says this.


Can any Guru cause a hunger in you? Sat Guru can cause a drop of

Nector to fall into throat from inner small toung, thereby causing

NO hunger for years. Also Guru can cause hunger for devotion.

Besides this Guru can cause physical hunger. Referance: The great

saint Veera Bramam at Caddaph lived 100 ago caused hunger to his

disciple enabling the disciple to eat 10 peoples food.


A thurst in you? A desire in you? What else is necessary in

realising God except desire?

NISKAMA PREMA BAKTHI. Thrust can fail, desire can fail when tested

as in case of so many saints. NOT BAKTHI. A digabar (nude) sanyasin

speaking to Bagavan Shiva asked Bagavan , " What was the delay in

taking him to HIS abode " . Bagavan said that the sanyasin had the

thought, " I am digamber free from desires and have only desire for

GOD " .

That " I' " Me " are the problem.

Regret If this is hurting someone.



Vyasji's questions back to Hari Shankarji triggered me to post my

observations on the matter of Guru and Shishya. You may want to have

a look at it. Thanks. Naga.


In life, is it essential to have a Guru or not?


Following is what I understand with the terms guru and disciple in

their isolation as we start thinking from the perspective of our

perceptional discrepancy.


Guru: Source of knowledge, a never-changing entity.


Disciple: Receiver of knowledge, an ever-changing entity.


NOW … can there be anything without GURU? Could anyone have uttered

a word without a guru? Could anyone have put a step forward without

a guru? Could there be a single action or thought that had no guru?


and Shisya relationship is old concept and no more relevant in the

present age. Most of the time, Shisya knows more than the Guru – is

absolutely baseless.


Knowledge in our perception is to receive new information …

ignorance in our perception is the obsolete information junked in

our memory. You cannot receive new valid information on anything

unless you accept that the corresponding information you have saved

in your memory is obsolete. Often, we ignorantly imagine that

ignorance is lack of some information without realizing that we

could not perceive anything if it has no bearing on our earlier

experiences. The source of valid information is the guru and the

junkyard of obsolete information is the student. The force that

validates the newer information is The Guru within. The recipient of

the newer information is the student. Therefore, anything that

perceives can only be a student. It can never be a guru.


Student can never be greater than Guru as such since a guru should

relatively have more valid information than a student by definition.

The identity of Guru may change … not of the concept.


Whether we know or not, whether we like it or not, all the

information that we seem to proudly own happens to be borrowed from

everything other than ourselves. The instant we think we know better

than our guru, we forfeit our right to call ourselves his students.

The instant we declare we know, we forfeit our studenthood as such.

That is the worst thing that is possible to happen to any spiritual



Knowledge is a perpetual process of acknowledging ignorance within …

in other words, one can earn the right to receive knowledge only by

an acceptance of the ignorance harbored within and through a

resolution to purge the same.


A difference of opinion is insufficient to judge whether I know more

than others. In fact, can anybody know more than any other? It is an

incorrect notion because … (1) The Knowledge does not belong to

anybody; (2) nobody can ever assess what another could possible know

and (3) more than anything else, nobody really knows how much he/she

knows in the first place! In other words The Knowledge is

immeasurable. Therefore any comparison based on knowledge is

lopsided in itself. But, a difference of opinion certainly

establishes that one harbors the same is definitely incapable of

appreciating an opposing view point on the same point and hence is

ignorant to that extent. A difference of opinion certainly brings

out one's ignorance for inspection. One should capitalize on such

opportunities to examine one's own ignorance. One becomes a self-

assisin if one resorts to twist such opporutinies to establish

other's ignorance because (1) one has missed a great opportunity to

unveil oneself in the first place and (2) one has veiled more opaque

costumes by intensifying one's own ignorance in the process. One

should keep in mind that one can never establish ignorance in others

just for one's incapability of penetrating anything beyond its

superficial presence. Even if one does, it cannot do anything good



Greatness is not in being a Guru as the Guru forfeits freedom to

learn or unlearn! Greatness is in being a student as student alone

retains freedom to learn and unlearn!! That is why students are kept

at high esteem in all our scriptures. Often the gurus are obscure

and referred directly to cosmic forces in the name of gods.


In our traditional learning system, there are only students

communicating to each other their learning each considering the

other as guru. Learning is a life-long process for a true student.


All scripts always make statement such as " let us learn

together " , " let us explore together " , and so on. Learning is a

collective process between multiple individuals.


" I know " is the furtile seed of ignorance … " I know better " is the

fertile soil of ignorance. I know the best is the furtile fruit of

ignorance which enseeds itself perpetually. No sane saint will ever

say I am a Guru … e.g. Ram Sukhdasji never let anybody touch his

feet or worship him. A true sadhaka is an eternal student of

everything in life.


One who thinks to know better than the other will forfeit a chance

to learn. One who thinks the other knows better can learn. The

knowledge always flows from a higher plane to a lower plane just

like water. You cannot receive the nectar of water to sustain your

existence unless you are at a lowere elevation than the source of

water. You cannot receive the nectar of knowledge to sustain your

soul unless you position yourself lower than the source of knowledge

which is everything.


Craving for students (in other words, to be a Guru) is the weakness.

Urging for a Guru (in other words, maintaining oneself as a student)

is the strength. A true seeker always seeks the association of true

students. Any other seeker is definitely a guru for a true seeker.

In fact everything is nothing but The Guru for a true seeker. That

is why they say " Guru will seek you if your yearning for learning is

pure and strong " . No true seeker can announce himself as the guru to

us. No true seeker can ever wield the ignorance of not seeing the

guru in anything in life. It is student's responsibility to locate

The Guru in the fellow sadhkas, rather, in everything around.


One has no choice but to receive the grace of The Guru actively or

passively, knowingly or unknowingly, wantingly or unwantingly.

Everything is born with The Guru embedded in its core to achieve

this task. In a way, everything is a guru as well as a disciple.

Therefore, guru and disciple are nothing but The Same. One who seeks

the guru in everything seeks The Guru within and becomes one with

the same. The eternal learner is the only eternal knower. One who

sees ONLY GURU AND NOTHING ELSE in the whole universe remains the

Eternal Student and is verily THE JAGADGURU as such.




Naga Narayana



Loving Divine,



However, realization can happen beyond these means, at any moment,

not necessarily while reading scripture or during spiritual

practices! Also see BG 5:28. Able Guru can sometimes grant

realization as He/She is one with the Parmatma, He/She has ability

to control your thought waves or biological tendencies, He/She is

able to align ones consciousness with His/hers and thus make one

part of His Divine experience. Those who go through this experience

know what they have understood, there is no doubt remain in their

head, there is nothing remain for them to know any more and there is

nothing remain for them to do anymore. All these happens only as a

part of Divine Will. Baba says knowing Divine is easy but remain

established in it every moment is difficult due to our



Hope this helps.

humble regards.

always at Thy Lotus Feet


Manjula Patel



You do not have to search for a Guru. Guru will come to you. But

only when you are ready. A Guru can only show you the path. You have

to do the sadhna yourself. You can connect with your soul when you

can meditate, which means emptying your mind of all worldly

thoughts. That can only happen with practice. There is no quick fix

for God realisation. It may take several births. It took a hundred

births to become the Buddha.


Hari Shanker Deo





The Master (Guru) of this entire Universe, for our realization,

bestows on us this human body. Along with it, he also gives the

Guru in the form of " discrimination " . God does not leave anything

partially done – just as a high official, receives along with his

position, also a house, car, servant, and all the facilities and

conveniences come along with his position, similarly, God provides

man all the necessary tools for his salvation, by which he can

properly know what is real versus unreal, what is good versus bad

conduct, what is rightful duty and what is not etc. There is no

other Guru, that is greater than our discrimination (vivek) and one

must respect / revere it. For salvation of mankind, there does not

arise the need for an external Guru. And he who does not pay

respect to his own discriminative faculty (vivek), he will not be

able to attain his salvation by engaging in an external Guru.


In reality, salvation, liberation, attainment of essential

knowledge, God Realization, is not dependent on an external Guru. If

without a Guru, essential knowledge (knowledge of Truth) were not

possible then, the very first Guru that was born, how did he attain

this knowledge? How? By this it is evident, that without making

another person a Guru, man can attain realization, he can attain

essential knowledge, by the grace of Bhagwaan - who is the Guru of

the entire Universe.


Realization of the Essential Element (tattva jnana) happens due to

our own faith, beliefs, trust, interest, and according to our

abilities in doing our spiritual practice. There is no such rule

that by making someone a Guru, salvation is on it's way or is

definitely attainable. As long as within yourself, that inner

longing is not awakened, till that time even God Himself, cannot

liberate you or make you attain Salvation, then how is the Guru

going to make you attain salvation? God is the Guru of this entire

Universe, and we too are in this Universe, therefore, in reality, we

already are with a Guru, in fact we are disciples of the greatest

Guru. There is great danger from a Kaliyug Guru, but there is no

danger from Bhagwaan, the Guru of this entire Universe.






Jagadguru Bhagwan aapni prapti ke liye manusya ko sarir de te hai

tho sath mai vivek rupi guru bhi de tehai bhagwan adhura kamnahi

karte jaise bade offcier ko makan noker motor adi sub suvidha

uplabhdha hoti hai vesehi bhagwan aadmi ko sarir ke sath kalyan ki

bhi sub samgri de te hai jes se vah sat asat kartvya or akartvya

thek be thek adi ko jan sakta hai isse badh kar koi guru nahi hai

jo apne vivek ka adar karta hai us ko apne kalyan ke liye bahari

guru ki jarurat nahi padthi. Or jo apne vivek ka adar nahi kartha

vah bahari guru banakar apna kalyan nahi ker saktha vastav me kalyan

mukti tatvagyan parmatma prapti guru ke adhin nahi hai agar bena

guru ke tatvagyan nahi hota tho shastri mai jo sabse pahala guru

raha hoga usko tatvagyanke se huaa isse ye sidh huaa ki bina kisi

manusya ko guru banaye jagatguru bhagwan ki kirpa se tatvagyan ho

sak ta hai.tatav ki prapti tab ho ti hai jub apni sradha vishvash

ruchi or yogyata ke anusar sadhan ki ya jay guru banane se kalyan

hohi jayeja esa koi vidhan nahi hai. Jab tak apke bhitar apne kalyan

ki lalsa jagrat nahi hogi tab tak bhagwan bhi apka kalyan nahi kar

sakte phir guru kai se ker dega. Bhagwan jagat ke guru hai or hum

bhi jagat ke bhitar hai isliye vastav mai hum guru se rahit he hai

hum asli mahan guru ke sisya hai. Kalyuji guru se tho bada khatra

hai per jagatguru bhagwan se koi khatra nahi hai





Shree Hari

ram ram


I believe there is agreement along the lines of Guru tattva and that

since Paramatmaa is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, the

tattva (Guru Tattva) to uplift a Jeev in attaining liberation /

salvation or God Realization can come from anyone / anywhere. The

issues / concerns / differences expressed by Sadhaks are mostly

around -


Guru - Disciple relationship, through a formal initiation and

related dakshinaah (Gifts), and bondage to one individual / group /

organization etc. This is where Swamiji, clearly states to stay

away from such a set-up. I read through the links provided and

Swamiji's reasons are clear. Sadhaks who have doubts, should take

the time to read these links. There is no hypocrisy by Swamiji, as

until his last breath, He only saw himself as Sadhak and never

anything else.


Yes! When spiritual knowledge is shared, only to those who are

initiated into Discipleship and only for a fee, it is a trade. It

may appear to be a harsh word, but there is no other way to soften

that transaction. Swamiji clearly states that in such situations,

what is received by disciple is of lesser value than the dakshinaa

(gift) given.


Swamiji is not in disagreement about seeking guidance. Yes! we all

need guidance along the spiritual journey and path. Swamiji's point

is more around the sadhak's own intense longing and a firm aim /

goal of salvation / liberations as being key in attainment. Swamiji

therefore suggests not to get stuck, and instead seek guidance from

wherever God reveals Himself to you, in His divine plays. Be open in

receiving the guidance from many sources and certainly do not seek

guidance from only one, and that too one who will only give you

guidance after

initiation and for a fee. That is Swamiji's point. Hope this helps !


Meera Das

Ram Ram





-Shree Hari-


I have pasted a part of the original article, it speaks volumes:

'Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.'


Now consider this, one desires the Divine Truth with a passion, one

will have insights experiences, these experiences can become a

yardstick to measure the worth of those whom maybe of help to one.

One will recognize the astounding reality of a chance meeting maybe,

someone might be of support when one most needs support, so many

coincidences can occur. One is dealing with the indwelling Supreme,

that Indwelling will make itself known. By taking up ones own ego

belief to what one requires of a guru, and going on search for such;

is expressed by a Sufi story: A man spied another man under a street

lamp on his hands and knees searching for something, " What are you

looking for he asked " , " my keys, I've lost my keys " the reply. After

a fruitless search the helper said, " Are you sure you lost them here

under the lamp? " , " Oh no, I lost them over there in the dark, but I

can see a lot better here under the lamp! " . Comment, wrong lamp!


(I have taken the lead of Maheshji ):

B.G. 10:11 'Out of mere compassion for them, I, dwelling within their

Self, destroy the darkness born of ignorance by the luminous lamp of

knowledge.' B.G. 10:12. 'You are the Supreme Brahman, the supreme

abode (or the supreme light), the supreme purifier, the eternal,

divine Person, the primeval God, unborn and omnipresent.'


The worship of the primeval God, is for all mankind without

exception, and the desire for liberation is born in all of us, but we

may have to step out of the light of comfort and dogma, and trust in

the guidance of the Supreme Light.


With Respect and Divine Love.



(Mike Keenor)



Thanks Mahesh Bhaiyya and. Brother Mike Keenor !


Did you notice. Brothers? - people saying that there are secretaries

already existing in this universe, Jee - appointed by our Daddy -

and if you are interested in realisation you must move through

them ! Direct realisation. No kitkit, no jhik jhik. No practice. No

ego less ness. No karan sapeksha, no karan nirpeksha. No sadhana. No

Sadhak. No time required. Just Come, Register with us and Go

straight to Gau Loka. Don't you know who we are? Secretaries !

Agents !! Did not you read Gita? Padam Purana ?? Direct authorised

agents !!!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


Official appointees under verse 4:34 of Gitaji ! Licence holders !

Direct recepient of knowledge Jee! Sabd Purana Jee! From Lord

Krishna Jee ! Apaurushayam Bhaiyya !! Lineage !!!! Wah Re Kaliyuga?

(Hats off to you Kaliyuga!)


Raam . Raam. Raam.




Guru is always there inside with each one of us. He only introduces

meanings of things around us. Even visible as mother, father,

teacher, friends, and even enemy. So, the objects that ignite minds

are Guru. The real guru is inside and educational objects are



Krishna is the last Guru, Shiva is father and 2nd Guru, Paarvati is

mother and 1st Guru. Ram Charit Maanas thus says:


Bhawani Shankarau Vande Shiddha Vishwas Roopinau

Yabhaam Bina n pashyanti, Siddhah Swantah Sthameeshwaram.


Mother is the Bhawani who is Sriddha or giver of the container

(worthiness) to hold the knowledge, and Shiva the father gives the

vishwas or fills the container with the content ( knowledge or

book). Lastly, the person with the container and content goes inside

to find Ishwar who is the teacher, and develops understanding.


Without Guru, thus, to enter inside our own heart where Isht lives,

is not possible. If you follow the Guru, you will have no conflict

but if you have it for reason of others, the Guru will save you

himself. So, names and prayer of Guru have physical effects, and

thoughts of Guru has intellectual effect.


Siya Ram maay sab jag jaani, Karahu Pranaam jori yug paani.

I now know how the whole world is filled and operated by Sita and Ram

So, I pray to the world by folded hands.



K G Misra





Hare Krishna

Yes, there is no liberation without Guru. And the Hindu world is

not free from Guru Ghantals (Fake Gurus). At every four steps there

is Guru. Guru's glorification is upto such an amount that Gurus tend

to have published their own photos, feet-photos, blessing photos and

what not. Yesterday I was watching Aastha International and listening

Satpal Maharaj's Son's Upadesh. On Stage Satpal Ji is sitting beside

his Dharampatni. Entire Guru Family--father, mother and son are there

on stage. What a Virat Darshan of Gurus. Everybody is Guru. Innocent

Persons from Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. have gathered to

listen. In India Guru,Guru and countless Gurus. Ironically, when my

son listened Shri Gita Shloka from Satpalji's mouth, he literraly

laughed when self-imposed, self-proclaimed Guruji said---Nainam

Chchindanti Shaastrani......in place of Shastrani (Ch 2 Verse 23).

Shaastrani means Scriptures and Shastrani means weapons. Such Gurus

are a lot who are promoting their sons.

As a matter of fact there is only one and one Guru who is Shri

Krishna--Shri Krishnam Vande Gagat Gurum. Shri Gita is the only

scripture on this planet Earth which can guide us truthfully. Shri

Krishna is the the the only Guru.

Teshamev Anukampartham Aham Agyanjam Tamah

Nashayamyaatma Bhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhasvataa....


Shri Gita Ch. 10 Verse 11


Hare Krishna


Mahesh Sharma



My dandavat pranams to all

I find the article below to be total hypocrisy. A person is

saying, " don't accept guru " ....but in their mode of presentation,

they are giving instruction as a guru!!! People are accepting, " Yes,

this is the way I will follow, based on teachings of this man " . So,

they are accepting guru. It is unavoidable.....one MUST look for


To not admit to doing so, is hypocrisy. It is a falsehood, and one

should be honest and abandon deceit. A misunderstanding is that a

person can become guru. Guru is not made, not that today I am

qualified, but tomorrow I may fall away.

That person had no business calling himself guru......however, a true

aspirant may see ANYONE, even a prostitute, a deer, or a moth as his

guru. Guru is external manifestation of Paramatma.....to see him as

an ordinary man is a great offense. This is stated in the padma



arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati bddhir

visnor va vaisnavanam kali mala mathane pada tirthe " mbu-buddhih

sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabda-samanya-buddhir

visnau sarvesvare tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah

" One who considers the worshipable Deity to be stone; who considers

the Vaisnava Guru to be a mortal man, or who considers a Vaisnava to

be limited by the confines of caste, lineage, or creed, who considers

the holy foot wash of Lord Visnu (Ganga water) or af a Vaisnava

(caranamrta) to be ordinary water; who considers the holy Name (the

Hare Krsna maha-mantra) which vanquishes all sins, to be material

sound vibration, and who consider the God of gods, Lord Visnu, to be

merely on the level of demigods, such a person, becomes a resident of

hell. "

respectfully submitted, Mahalaksmi Dasi


shree hari

ram ram


Mahalakshmiji, Please re-read the daily posting and find out

specific sentence, line, point that you disagree with Swamiji's



I truly believe Swamiji is saying learn from all, do not get

stuck.....as it is guru tattva...and not a specific individual who

locks one into discipleship and is trading in knowledge. (accepting

gifts). Again, it is important that if you disagree, you are able to

point out specific points that Swamiji made, which you disagree with.


Swamiji is not trading in money. He did not ever carry money or ever

take any gifts from anyone or anything of that sort for revealing

these secrets. He did not make any one a disciple or gave mantra, or

mala...etc. Again, in all his writings he is saying that your intense

longing, desire is more important then the guru-disciple formal

relationship. Guru can take you to the water, but ultimately it is

up to you to drink. So ultimately it is you, that is what Swamiji is



Again please point out specific statements of Swamiji and raise

concerns and not just generalities. thank you for your time and



Ram Ram

Gita-talk moderator



My dandavat pranams to all in this forum,

I am praying for patience to explain a topic which I find to be

quite painful to present.....the pain is in that I don't wish to have

any arguement with those who are of a particular mind set....however,

I find that there are many statements in the article below which

could be seen to be contradicting themselves....however, in the

Absolute sense, I see their consistency.... To begin, the first line

states, " That which we wish to attain, the Supreme essence " ......and

then the fourth sentence states, " that Supreme Soul (consciousness)

is ever attained by all beings " So, with deepest regard to Sri

RamSukhadasji, I beg his kindness and permission to comment on his

words. He is saying first, " that which we wish to attain " .....hence,

God consciousness, full absorption in the Supreme, is NOT already

attained by all. He is himself stating, " that which we wish to

attain " . What I am hearing from him, and I again beg his kindness to

help me understand, is that not everyone at this time HAS attained

the supreme consciousness. However, an uttama adhikari, one who is

on the top most rungs of devotion to God, cannot help but, within

themselves, perceive everyone else as perfectly serving

God....although he is simultaneously aware that they are NOT

already there. So, the contradictory phrase becomes reconciled. But,

accepted that there are many souls in the conditioned state, who

honestly admit that they have NOT attained full awareness of the

Supreme, what to be done? My answer to this is to find one who

knows, find a teacher, a preceptor, a guru.

For fear of making this to long and thus unprintable, I will stop

here, and wait until tomorrow to furthur analyze what, to me, are

misconceptions which persons are having about the idea of guru.


Mahalakshmi Dasi


Hare Krsna !!!





In Bhagavad Gita the Sloka " Tad Viddhi Prani paadena Pariprasnena

Sevaya, Upadesanti te Gnanam Gnanina tattva darsinah " clearly state

the importance of accepting a GURU. For everything we need GURU, be

it material knowledge or Spiritual knowledge. Is there any one who

has obtained a PHD Degree without taking lessons from teachers ? If

that is the case for material knowledge then what to speak of

Spiritual knowledge ? GURU is one who imparts knowledge and to get

that knowledge one should be inquisitive to know and submissive in


service. GURU IS NOT A TRADER who gives somthing and takes somthing

in return. There are certain qualifications required to become GURU

and also certain qualifications required for becoming a desciple.

Guru means one who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the

illumination of knowledge. Another meaning of GURU is HEAVY. Guru

should be heavy and only then the disciples will be obedient and take

to the right path.





shree hari

ram ram


Haribol, Swamiji was of the mindset that people instead of seeing

something divine in any individual and becoming engaged with a

particular person, should become engaged directly with God. He was

totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an



The Gita verse does not talk about engaging in Guru - Disciple

relationship. Swamiji said that " In Gita 4:34 and Gita 13:7, the

Lord has advised such a devotee to receive instructions from a

teacher. In this discipline (jnana yog), a preceptor is a must. Not

being fully aware of the perfection of a preceptor or the

preceptor not being perfect, it becomes very difficult for spiritual

aspirants to maintain their faith. Thus there remains the

possibility of delays in one's spiritual practices. "


Swamiji also says - karma yoga is easier to practice than jnana yog

because - " The path of action can be followed by all, (different

caste, creed, order of life etc) under all circumstances. But the

path of Sannyasa (renunciate), that Arjuna talks about can be

followed only under special circumstances as explained in Gita 4:34,

since all cannot come across great Souls who have realized the

Truth. Moreover, they cannot have complete faith in these great

Souls and even more so, they do not have an opportunity to live in

their company. Thus Karmayoga is better of the two. " Please read

Swamiji's explanation on the Gita verse at -





Hope this helps, but if not, please take specific statements of

Swamiji that you disagree with and we can address. Thank you for

taking the time,


Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator


Hare Krsna !!!


Thanks for your reply.


GURU is a via medium to approach the Supreme Lord. Just like one

cannot approach a big person directly but to approach thru his

secretary. Similarly Guru imparts the knowledge and shows the right

path to the Supreme Lord as he has received it from his Guru through

the unbroken chain of disciplic succession. (Evam parampara praptam

emam rajasrayo viduh ....) This knowledge is coming directly from the

Supreme Lord, Krishna through bonafide disciplic succession. This

knowledge is called APAURUSHEYA - means not man made knowledge. The

process of receiving this knowledge is through SABDA PRAMAN from the

vedic authorities.


One should be very careful in selecting a GURU. He should be a

bonafide GURU falling in any of the four authentic sampradayas coming

in disciplic succession and preach the message of the Supreme Lord

Krishna AS IT IS without any concoction or mental speculation. Even

Lord Krishna accepted a Guru - this is to set an example for the

general people like us to follow - otherwise what was the necessity

for the Supreme Lord Krishna to accept a Guru ?


And it is not necessary to always associate with GURU personally. One

can associate with the GURU through VAANI by executing his

instructions. VAPU (personal association) with Guru is not always

possible. Shastra says that one should follow in the footsteps of

Guru, Sadhu & Shastra to save ourselves from gliding down. GURU helps

us to cross over the ocean of material nescience just like a ship

captain very safely take us accross the ocean. With our own endeavour

it will be very difficult to achieve the task and with the help of


GURU be it VAANI or VAPU it becomes much easier - the material ocean

becomes just like water contained in the calf's hoofprint and we can

just cross over it without any difficulty. Another example: Suppose

we have to climb the stair-case to get to the 100th floor of the

building how much time it will take and how tedious it would be but

GURU can take you through a Lift which is faster and easier.


Regarding the Yoga, Bhakti yoga is the simplest & easiest process

recommended in the age of Kali and Bhakti yoga is the culmination of

all other yogas. Lord Srikrishna says in the concluding chapter of

Bhagavad Gita - manmana bhava mad bhakto, madhyajimaam

namaskuru........ Karma yoga in Krishna Consciousness is Bhakti yoga.

Do all the activities for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord

Krishna and not for our personal sense gratification. We have

already enjoyed our senses in other lower species of lives for

millions and millions of years and now since we have been blessed


a human form of life we should not waste this precious human form in

which form only we have the intelligence, higher reasoning power,

inquisitiveness to know the absolute truth. We should use the rare &

precious human form of life to liberate ourselves from the material

bondage rather going up and down transmigrating through different

species of lives.


This is my humble understanding as taught by HDG Srila Prabhupada,

the Iskcon

Founder Acharya who falls in the disciplic succession of

Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya.





-Shree Hari-


I found this article the most brilliant subject matter on the whole

conundrum of Guru I have ever read.

Buddha, (the best as I remember), quoted, 'One may take something to

be the Truth, but do not grasp onto it too tightly, for when the

truth comes knocking at your door, you may not answer it'.

I see these words of Swami Ramsukhdasji shouting loudly at the

confused world, his words are surely knocking at the door.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari:


27th August, 2008, Wednesday

Bhadrapad Krishna Ekadashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


That which we wish to attain, that Supreme Essence, That

Consciousness is not concentrated in one particular place. It cannot

be captured or captivated by any one. If that was the case, then how

would That Eternal and Supreme Essence benefit us ? That Supreme

Soul (Consciousness) is ever attained by all beings. Those great

souls that have realized this Supreme Essence, neither become Gurus,

nor take any fees (gifts). In fact, they openly share their

learnings with all. Rather, those that do not become Gurus, are able

to reveal about the Supreme Essence in a manner that those who

become Gurus are unable to share.


Individuals that transact or trade their teachings are not Gurus.

Those that say - first become my disciple (student), then I will

reveal to you the path towards God Realization, are like traders of

God. It is a principle that the price that a particular item is sold

for, the actual value of the item is less then the listed price.

Just like a watch which is available for Rs 1,000, it would cost

lesser than Rs 1,000 for the shopkeeper to purchase that item for

resale. If by making someone a Guru, something is attained, then the

thing attained will be less value than the Guru himself has. Then

with that weaker thing, how can God be attained? God is priceless. A

priceless thing is only attained without a price, and that which is

attained for a price, is weaker than the listed price. Therefore if

anyone says, I will reveal to you the real essence, if you become my

disciple then, kindly join your hands in gesture " no thank you " and

keep a distance ! Understand this to be some Kaalnemi !

Kaalnemi, the demon, the false Guru came to Hanumanji and said -


" Ser majjan kari aatur aavahu; dicchaa devu gyaan jehi paavahu. "

(Manasa. Lankaa. 57:4)


On hearing this, Hanumanji said - first take the gift, thereafter

give the secret mantra, and immediately thereafter Hanumanji by

wrapping his tail around the demon, lifted him and threw him down.


God has clearly stated in the Gita -

" Uddharedaatmanaatm aanam naatmaanamvasaadaye t

Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatamanah " (Gita 6:5)


" A man must raise himself by his own effort. He must not degrade

himself; for the Self is his own friend and the Self is also his

own enemy. " (Gita 6:5)


The point is that man alone is responsible for his own spiritual

upliftment or downfall. No one else is. God has bestowed this human

body, and with it, he has given all the necessary tools to attain

salvation. Therefore, one does not need anyone else for one's



Guru (spiritual guide), Saints and God, uplift the soul only after

man himself has trust and faith in them. Only after man accepts them

(Guru, Saints, God), comes to them, and follows their directions. If

man does not accept them, then how are they to do anything for man's

salvation? They simply cannot do anything. If you do not become a

student, then what can a teacher do for you? Just like some other

person can come and drop off a meal at your home, but the hunger

must come from within. If there is no hunger within, than what use

is there of delicious food preparations that are placed in front of



Guru, Saint and God are never non-existent. There have been many

great Saints, Teachers, Gurus and Avatars (God's manifestations on

Earth), but until now we have not attained salvation ! It becomes

clear from this, that we have not accepted them. Thus, in our

upliftment or downfall, we alone are responsible. Those who believe

that someone else is responsible for their upliftment or

degradation, they will never be uplifted. They can never be

benefited with this belief.


In reality, man himself is his own Guru - " Aatmano Gururaatmaiyva

Purushasya Vishehataha. " (Srimadbhag 11:7:20). Therefore discourses

are for your own self. Knowing this, see faults in your own self and

seek to remove them, instead of seeing faults in others.


From " Kyaa Guru Bina Mukti Nahin ? " by Swami Ramsukhdasji in Hindi

on page 28-29


Ram Ram

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