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Vishay (Worldly Enjoyments), Jnana (Knowledge), Satya (Truth)

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Dear Sadhak

Shashikala is revered from my heart as it is starting the commentary

by prayer to Hanuman ji. It conveys a lot more than what is every

time written. My desire is to learn from the source of Sahashikala

ji 3 words - Vishay -> Jnana -> Satya (Worldly or Sensual

Enjoyments, Knowledge, Truth). I have drenched in BG by self

realization in technical way, but seeking to know from Hanuman ji

directly, in voice of Shashikala.

Krishna Gopal


All Sadhaks welcome to respond (From Gita Talk Moderator)



Shree Hari

Ram Ram




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.




Ram Ram

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Dear Sadhak

Shashikala is revered from my heart as it is starting the commentary

by prayer to Hanuman ji. It conveys a lot more than what is every

time written. My desire is to learn from the source of Sahashikala

ji 3 words - Vishay -> Jnana -> Satya (Worldly or Sensual

Enjoyments, Knowledge, Truth). I have drenched myself in BG by self-

realization in technical way, but seeking to know from Hanuman ji

directly, in voice of Shashikala.

Krishna Gopal


All Sadhaks welcome to respond (From Gita Talk Moderator)



Jai Hanuman


Bhaiyya KGjee. Since a bit busy with other questions, hence delay.

Now a bit freed up - Here is reply to the first part - " Vishays " .


Views on " Vishays " (subject matters of sense organs) - They are

meant for animals on one hand and for devatas (demi gods) on other

hand. Moreover my Hanumanji does not like them. I cannot annoy

Bajrang Bali. There is no benefit taking panga (fight) with Him.


I am not entitled to enjoy/suffer these vishays, therefore where is the question

of applying the mind on them, Jee?


Even otherwise I am not in good terms with the mind. These sense

organs directly report to the mind. Mind is always in opposition

with me. Mind reports to intellect and ego. But both intellect and

ego fear coming near me. In my case this mind is extra natural

and nasty and I prefer to keep mind normally in the deep freezer.


Whenever any worldly tasks/duties are to be accomplished, I switch

on this machine, use it and then again place it in deep freezer. It

is therefore always cold and chilling. Both Intellect and ego

therefore do not nag or haunt me. They know I am their sustainer. If

I ignore them, they will die.


Since vishays directly report to mind, normally they find themselves

in deep freezer only with their controller.


Bhaiyya, why don't you also try? If mind shouts at first time, laugh

it out. Say in deep freezer there are lot of eatables. Just eat them

rather than me. In your technical study of Gitajee, self and

surrender will be more handy than this creature Bhaiyyaji. Gita and

mind are different even otherwise. Where is compatibilty between

both ?


Also every ten minutes say Jai Hanuman , Jai Hanuman for next 52



Bhoot pisach nikat nahin ave, Mahaveer jab naam sunave


Next time on next subject. Bhaiyyajee.


Jee Jee





Shree Hari

Ram Ram




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.




Ram Ram

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Dear Sadhak

Shashikala is revered from my heart as it is starting the commentary

by prayer to Hanuman ji. It conveys a lot more than what is every

time written. My desire is to learn from the source of Sahashikala

ji 3 words - Vishay -> Jnana -> Satya (Worldly or Sensual

Enjoyments, Knowledge, Truth). I have drenched myself in BG by self-

realization in technical way, but seeking to know from Hanuman ji

directly, in voice of Shashikala.

Krishna Gopal


All Sadhaks welcome to respond (From Gita Talk Moderator)





I am very much satisfied with Sashikalajii and never can repay it. I

have just one point that I share that only I found a new meaning as

following. I use always Manah in very high esteem and consider it

Ram. And Sita as Buddhi that manages worldly acts in our life and

interaction. In the process, Sita or Buddhi gets abducted by wierd

consideration (Rawan). And finally Hanuman brings back infomation on

Sita to Ram, and Ram then kills Rawan and Sita and Ram reunite. In

this context:


Mano Javam Marut Tulta Vegam Jitndriyam Biddhi Matam Varistham

Born out of Manah (Sri Ram) and with ability of control over senses

with highest speed is the most qualifed in the opinion of Sita.


So the Buddhi loves Sri Hanuman like Her most loved son, who is

jitendria and brings to her news from Sri Ram when She in difficult





(Krishna Gopal)



Re Vishays


Jai Shree Krishna


Description of Vishays by Jee Jee Shashikalaji should be an eye

opener for many of us. Yes indeed the human life is not meant for

hankering after sensual gratifications. There is no place for them

in human form of life. Here you must rise above them. Thanks Jee Jee.


There is no doubt that if we ignore ego/mind/intellect then they

lose their very existence. In fact being inert they need sentient to

be operative- just as inert wire needs electricity to get active. If

sentient (self) is discriminative then these " tools " have no choice

but to fall in line with " self " .



I request Jee to also give her views on " conscience " - same cold and

chilling views-along with what is desired by Krishna Gopalji.


We indeed are fortunate to be part of such satsang group.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana




Jai Hanuman


Bhaiyya KGjee. Since a bit busy with other questions, hence delay.

Now a bit freed up - Here is reply to the first part - " Vishays " .


Views on " Vishays " (subject matters of sense organs) - They are

meant for animals on one hand and for devatas (demi gods) on other

hand. Moreover my Hanumanji does not like them. I cannot annoy

Bajrang Bali. There is no benefit taking panga (fight) with Him.


I am not entitled to enjoy/suffer these vishays, therefore where is

the question

of applying the mind on them, Jee?


Even otherwise I am not in good terms with the mind. These sense

organs directly report to the mind. Mind is always in opposition

with me. Mind reports to intellect and ego. But both intellect and

ego fear coming near me. In my case this mind is extra natural

and nasty and I prefer to keep mind normally in the deep freezer.


Whenever any worldly tasks/duties are to be accomplished, I switch

on this machine, use it and then again place it in deep freezer. It

is therefore always cold and chilling. Both Intellect and ego

therefore do not nag or haunt me. They know I am their sustainer. If

I ignore them, they will die.


Since vishays directly report to mind, normally they find themselves

in deep freezer only with their controller.


Bhaiyya, why don't you also try? If mind shouts at first time, laugh

it out. Say in deep freezer there are lot of eatables. Just eat them

rather than me. In your technical study of Gitajee, self and

surrender will be more handy than this creature Bhaiyyaji. Gita and

mind are different even otherwise. Where is compatibilty between

both ?


Also every ten minutes say Jai Hanuman , Jai Hanuman for next 52



Bhoot pisach nikat nahin ave, Mahaveer jab naam sunave


Next time on next subject. Bhaiyyajee.


Jee Jee





Shree Hari

Ram Ram




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.




Ram Ram

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Dear Sadhak

Shashikala is revered from my heart as it is starting the commentary

by prayer to Hanuman ji. It conveys a lot more than what is every

time written. My desire is to learn from the source of Sahashikala

ji 3 words - Vishay -> Jnana -> Satya (Worldly or Sensual

Enjoyments, Knowledge, Truth). I have drenched myself in BG by self-

realization in technical way, but seeking to know from Hanuman ji

directly, in voice of Shashikala.

Krishna Gopal


All Sadhaks welcome to respond (From Gita Talk Moderator)





Jai Hanuman


Very Good. Straight on Bajrang Bali - Bhaiyya? KG Bhaiyya ! " Manah " -

Raam! " Buddhih " Sita Maiyya ? ?


Bhaiyya - this " technical " study of Gita has indeed played havoc

with your entire system. Still using " mind " ? Oh Bajrang Bali !!


Raam Raam Raam


Bhaiyya - Please do use " viveka " . Ask your manah not to jump from

Gita to Ramayana to Mahabharata, that fast. But you won't be able to

do that - Manah is Raam for you. Sold out state!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


So manah is Raam. Intellect is Sita Maiyyah. What is my Hanumanji ?

Ego or eye or skin or ear or tongue - what Jee ? Now this is my

first question !


Hanumanji is little dangerous, Jee ! But what ever be my advice, I

am sure you will use mind. Old habits die hard.


First clarify. Then only I will take my manah out of deep freezer.

Already it is annoyed because I didn't use it for quite a some

time. Based on your answer, I shall decide whether to switch on the

machine or not.


Second Question. What is the difference Bhaiyyajee,

between " technical " self realization, if at all possible, referred

by you in your original prayer and " practical " realisation , if at

all possible ?


My questions - you should reply - as honestly as I did .


Manah Raam and Buddhi Sita Maiyya ? ? Hanumanji to be defined ? ?

Very Good !


Raam Raam Raam


Third Question ! What is Raavan in your latest technical research

product - in the story referred by you ? Self or Ego or Brahma or

body or vishays, or some specific organ ?


Do reply now. I told you not to use mind. But manah is Raam for

you. Now do reply.


Surrender is allowed provided made unconditionallly - by a brother

to a sister - with a real heart felt (no mind here Bhaiyya)

affection ! Be Bold.


In no case running away is allowed. Be Bold !


All sadhaks are requested to take side of KG Bhaiyya- and argue on

his behalf - in friendly spirit. Come On ! Believe Me , KG Bhaiyya

is right at more than one places ! !


Namaste Jee !


Jee Jee





I am very much satisfied with Sashikalajii and never can repay it. I

have just one point that I share that only I found a new meaning as

following. I use always Manah in very high esteem and consider it

Ram. And Sita as Buddhi that manages worldly acts in our life and

interaction. In the process, Sita or Buddhi gets abducted by wierd

consideration (Rawan). And finally Hanuman brings back infomation on

Sita to Ram, and Ram then kills Rawan and Sita and Ram reunite. In

this context:


Mano Javam Marut Tulta Vegam Jitndriyam Biddhi Matam Varistham

Born out of Manah (Sri Ram) and with ability of control over senses

with highest speed is the most qualifed in the opinion of Sita.


So the Buddhi loves Sri Hanuman like Her most loved son, who is

jitendria and brings to her news from Sri Ram when She in difficult





(Krishna Gopal)



Re Vishays


Jai Shree Krishna


Description of Vishays by Jee Jee Shashikalaji should be an eye

opener for many of us. Yes indeed the human life is not meant for

hankering after sensual gratifications. There is no place for them

in human form of life. Here you must rise above them. Thanks Jee Jee.


There is no doubt that if we ignore ego/mind/intellect then they

lose their very existence. In fact being inert they need sentient to

be operative- just as inert wire needs electricity to get active. If

sentient (self) is discriminative then these " tools " have no choice

but to fall in line with " self " .



I request Jee to also give her views on " conscience " - same cold and

chilling views-along with what is desired by Krishna Gopalji.


We indeed are fortunate to be part of such satsang group.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana




Jai Hanuman


Bhaiyya KGjee. Since a bit busy with other questions, hence delay.

Now a bit freed up - Here is reply to the first part - " Vishays " .


Views on " Vishays " (subject matters of sense organs) - They are

meant for animals on one hand and for devatas (demi gods) on other

hand. Moreover my Hanumanji does not like them. I cannot annoy

Bajrang Bali. There is no benefit taking panga (fight) with Him.


I am not entitled to enjoy/suffer these vishays, therefore where is

the question

of applying the mind on them, Jee?


Even otherwise I am not in good terms with the mind. These sense

organs directly report to the mind. Mind is always in opposition

with me. Mind reports to intellect and ego. But both intellect and

ego fear coming near me. In my case this mind is extra natural

and nasty and I prefer to keep mind normally in the deep freezer.


Whenever any worldly tasks/duties are to be accomplished, I switch

on this machine, use it and then again place it in deep freezer. It

is therefore always cold and chilling. Both Intellect and ego

therefore do not nag or haunt me. They know I am their sustainer. If

I ignore them, they will die.


Since vishays directly report to mind, normally they find themselves

in deep freezer only with their controller.


Bhaiyya, why don't you also try? If mind shouts at first time, laugh

it out. Say in deep freezer there are lot of eatables. Just eat them

rather than me. In your technical study of Gitajee, self and

surrender will be more handy than this creature Bhaiyyaji. Gita and

mind are different even otherwise. Where is compatibilty between

both ?


Also every ten minutes say Jai Hanuman , Jai Hanuman for next 52



Bhoot pisach nikat nahin ave, Mahaveer jab naam sunave


Next time on next subject. Bhaiyyajee.


Jee Jee





Shree Hari

Ram Ram




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Dear Sadhak

Shashikala is revered from my heart as it is starting the commentary

by prayer to Hanuman ji. It conveys a lot more than what is every

time written. My desire is to learn from the source of Sahashikala

ji 3 words - Vishay -> Jnana -> Satya (Worldly or Sensual

Enjoyments, Knowledge, Truth). I have drenched myself in BG by self-

realization in technical way, but seeking to know from Hanuman ji

directly, in voice of Shashikala.

Krishna Gopal


All Sadhaks welcome to respond (From Gita Talk Moderator)





Hari Om


A humble suggestion to Shashikalajee.


While it is true that most of the things you stated are quite good,

direct and very bold - but sometimes sheer sarcasm takes over your

expressions, which may hurt any sadhak any time. To hurt others is

not a healthy spiritual trait. Krishna Gopalji may not say

anything , but your yesterday's posting was in quite contrast with

your usual ones.


Of course I have no doubts about your knowledge and faith you have

in your Hanumanji. Some times I laugh also freely , after reading

your postings. I know from your writings that you must have really

put your Self in sadhna. Hence I have dared to advice you. Simple

advice, Jee.


I feel that sarcasm and over insistence on any issue may not be

appreciated in spiritual matters. It spoils the habit also.


It is an advice in real spirit. I know you have no intentions of

hurting any one, but hurt may take place. May be you want Sadhaks to

laugh, to remain jovial but note that- Words pierce the heart, more

than sword.


Please don't take me negatively.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Jai Hanuman


Very Good. Straight on Bajrang Bali - Bhaiyya? KG Bhaiyya ! " Manah " -

Raam! " Buddhih " Sita Maiyya ? ?


Bhaiyya - this " technical " study of Gita has indeed played havoc

with your entire system. Still using " mind " ? Oh Bajrang Bali !!


Raam Raam Raam


Bhaiyya - Please do use " viveka " . Ask your manah not to jump from

Gita to Ramayana to Mahabharata, that fast. But you won't be able to

do that - Manah is Raam for you. Sold out state!


Raam Raam Raam ! !


So manah is Raam. Intellect is Sita Maiyyah. What is my Hanumanji ?

Ego or eye or skin or ear or tongue - what Jee ? Now this is my

first question !


Hanumanji is little dangerous, Jee ! But what ever be my advice, I

am sure you will use mind. Old habits die hard.


First clarify. Then only I will take my manah out of deep freezer.

Already it is annoyed because I didn't use it for quite a some

time. Based on your answer, I shall decide whether to switch on the

machine or not.


Second Question. What is the difference Bhaiyyajee,

between " technical " self realization, if at all possible, referred

by you in your original prayer and " practical " realisation , if at

all possible ?


My questions - you should reply - as honestly as I did .


Manah Raam and Buddhi Sita Maiyya ? ? Hanumanji to be defined ? ?

Very Good !


Raam Raam Raam


Third Question ! What is Raavan in your latest technical research

product - in the story referred by you ? Self or Ego or Brahma or

body or vishays, or some specific organ ?


Do reply now. I told you not to use mind. But manah is Raam for

you. Now do reply.


Surrender is allowed provided made unconditionallly - by a brother

to a sister - with a real heart felt (no mind here Bhaiyya)

affection ! Be Bold.


In no case running away is allowed. Be Bold !


All sadhaks are requested to take side of KG Bhaiyya- and argue on

his behalf - in friendly spirit. Come On ! Believe Me , KG Bhaiyya

is right at more than one places ! !


Namaste Jee !


Jee Jee





I am very much satisfied with Sashikalajii and never can repay it. I

have just one point that I share that only I found a new meaning as

following. I use always Manah in very high esteem and consider it

Ram. And Sita as Buddhi that manages worldly acts in our life and

interaction. In the process, Sita or Buddhi gets abducted by wierd

consideration (Rawan). And finally Hanuman brings back infomation on

Sita to Ram, and Ram then kills Rawan and Sita and Ram reunite. In

this context:


Mano Javam Marut Tulta Vegam Jitndriyam Biddhi Matam Varistham

Born out of Manah (Sri Ram) and with ability of control over senses

with highest speed is the most qualifed in the opinion of Sita.


So the Buddhi loves Sri Hanuman like Her most loved son, who is

jitendria and brings to her news from Sri Ram when She in difficult





(Krishna Gopal)



Re Vishays


Jai Shree Krishna


Description of Vishays by Jee Jee Shashikalaji should be an eye

opener for many of us. Yes indeed the human life is not meant for

hankering after sensual gratifications. There is no place for them

in human form of life. Here you must rise above them. Thanks Jee Jee.


There is no doubt that if we ignore ego/mind/intellect then they

lose their very existence. In fact being inert they need sentient to

be operative- just as inert wire needs electricity to get active. If

sentient (self) is discriminative then these " tools " have no choice

but to fall in line with " self " .



I request Jee to also give her views on " conscience " - same cold and

chilling views-along with what is desired by Krishna Gopalji.


We indeed are fortunate to be part of such satsang group.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana




Jai Hanuman


Bhaiyya KGjee. Since a bit busy with other questions, hence delay.

Now a bit freed up - Here is reply to the first part - " Vishays " .


Views on " Vishays " (subject matters of sense organs) - They are

meant for animals on one hand and for devatas (demi gods) on other

hand. Moreover my Hanumanji does not like them. I cannot annoy

Bajrang Bali. There is no benefit taking panga (fight) with Him.


I am not entitled to enjoy/suffer these vishays, therefore where is

the question

of applying the mind on them, Jee?


Even otherwise I am not in good terms with the mind. These sense

organs directly report to the mind. Mind is always in opposition

with me. Mind reports to intellect and ego. But both intellect and

ego fear coming near me. In my case this mind is extra natural

and nasty and I prefer to keep mind normally in the deep freezer.


Whenever any worldly tasks/duties are to be accomplished, I switch

on this machine, use it and then again place it in deep freezer. It

is therefore always cold and chilling. Both Intellect and ego

therefore do not nag or haunt me. They know I am their sustainer. If

I ignore them, they will die.


Since vishays directly report to mind, normally they find themselves

in deep freezer only with their controller.


Bhaiyya, why don't you also try? If mind shouts at first time, laugh

it out. Say in deep freezer there are lot of eatables. Just eat them

rather than me. In your technical study of Gitajee, self and

surrender will be more handy than this creature Bhaiyyaji. Gita and

mind are different even otherwise. Where is compatibilty between

both ?


Also every ten minutes say Jai Hanuman , Jai Hanuman for next 52



Bhoot pisach nikat nahin ave, Mahaveer jab naam sunave


Next time on next subject. Bhaiyyajee.


Jee Jee





Shree Hari

Ram Ram




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

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3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

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half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

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13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

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Ram Ram

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