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Why Still Sadness when Our Krishna is all around Us

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QUESTION: When I can feel Our Krishna all around me, why still there

is sadness sometimes in my heart? As Pujya Swami Ji try to teach us

that God is with us all the time. I do feel him 24hr a day, but still

sometimes I wish that I could see and talk to him like a normal

person. I know that he listens to us and he answer to us in his own

ways, but then why still sometimes there is sadness in my heart? Can

someone help make it go away?


Ashu Singla





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

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determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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QUESTION: When I can feel Our Krishna all around me, why still there

is sadness sometimes in my heart? As Pujya Swami Ji try to teach us

that God is with us all the time. I do feel him 24hr a day, but still

sometimes I wish that I could see and talk to him like a normal

person. I know that he listens to us and he answer to us in his own

ways, but then why still sometimes there is sadness in my heart? Can

someone help make it go away?


Ashu Singla





Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

It is beyond comprehension to see or feel sadness being 24hrs with

God. What we name 'sadness' or 'happiness' is God. We never see or

feel anything except God. What more you want? Please accept 'sadness

is God' as 'happiness is God' and God is beyond both.

As regards helping sadness go away from you, NOBODY can ever do so

EXCEPT YOURSELF. Just disown the mind (who feels sadness, not

YOURSELF) and it will go away from YOU. This 'method' was given to me

by Swamiji some six years ago and it works wonderfully.


Ram Ram!



In my humble opinion, One gets sad because you want to be sad.

If you don't want to be sad, talk to God and tell him that I don't

want to be sad. The sadness will go away.


Jag Kottha



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji has made this crystal clear that we experience sadness, due to

considering the Mind and Intellect as our very own, due to which " I " ,

Self becomes happy and sad. If you have accepted Krishna into your

life, and you feel His presence all around, then this Mind and

Intellect is also Krishna's. Now where is the question of that which

belongs to Krishna, being " filled with sadness " ?


Also, Swamiji has brought up an interesting point that usually when

one feels sad, or unhappy or disappointed or dejected... if one looks

at the underlying reason, one will discover that usually it is due to

expectation of something from the world. Deep rooted is a desire or

something that we want from the world and the people around. It may

be worth introspecting and seeing if you have some unfulfilled

expectations from the people around you. The minute you let go these

expectations, the sadness will disappear.


There are other points, if needed will cover in future mailings.


Meera Das

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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QUESTION: When I can feel Our Krishna all around me, why still there

is sadness sometimes in my heart? As Pujya Swami Ji try to teach us

that God is with us all the time. I do feel him 24hr a day, but still

sometimes I wish that I could see and talk to him like a normal

person. I know that he listens to us and he answer to us in his own

ways, but then why still sometimes there is sadness in my heart? Can

someone help make it go away?


Ashu Singla







Jay Shree Krishna


Like a normal person, you can meet and even talk with Prabhu (God).

However, Swamiji Maharaj has said that receiving darshan (seeing,

having the vision / appearance of Prabhu) is up to Prabhu. In

loving, we are independent. Just as Prabhu is One, similarly desire

to see That One must be exclusive (undivided, having no other desire,

entirely devoted to that One). Besides Prabhu, your mind does not

want to engage in anything else. In Prabhu's abscence, if even

living becomes difficult, then work will be done (Prabhu will make

His appearance). In this one must keep in mind that through

stubborness and insistence, one cannot meet Prabhu, but out of love,

and intense feeling of separation, and a deep longing for ending the separation

(viyog). Prabhu is compassionate and merciful and our very own. Call out to

Him, Pray ! " He Naath, darshan " - O Father, let us see you... call out, and

surely He will meet !!



Aap normal person ki tarah Prabhu se milan, batchit bhi kar sakate

ho.Lekin Swamiji Maharaj kahate the ki Darshan dena Prabhu ke hath me

hai. Prem karne me ham swatantra hai.Jaise Prabhu Ananya hai, vase hi

unke Darshan karne ki Lalsa Ananya ho jay. Unke siva kanhi man naa

lage, Unke viraha me jina bhi muskil ho jay, to kam ho jay. Esame yeh

khyal rakhe ki hath, jidd se nahi milte lekin Pyar se ,Viyog,viraha

se jarur milenge.Vah Kripalu hai,Apane hai .Pukarte raho,Prarthana

karo...He Nath - Darshan Do...Pukaro...Jarur milenge.....!!


Sadhak Ramesh



May you attain salvation.. In Kaliyug, simply through calling out

Paramatma's name, remembrance and recollection, man can cross

to the other side.


You have not read the Gita, being deeply engaged, or there is some

differences in your understanding. You must remember Paramatma with

sentiments of exclusivity. With inner sentiments and nature, you

need to become a sannyaasi (an ascetic, renunciate). You do not

need to physically renounce (leave family etc.) Whatever you know to

be perishable (not real, asat) needs to be given up. Leave the rest

to Paramatma.





Mahasay apka kalyan ho,

``kalyuj me ek nam adara sumir sumir nar utre para.

Aapne gita ko manlaga ker phadha nahi hai ya aapke

Samzne mai koi pher hai. apko annaya bhav se parmatma

Ko yad kerna hai. sabhav se sanyasi banna hai sanyas

Lena nahi hai. jane hua asat ka tyag karna hai. baki aap

Parmatma per chod do.






Dear Sadak,

Read Slokas " Vasudeva Sutham Devam " ---------Which ends with " Koti

Jalma Papam Vinasyathe " . Your sadness will go.





Jai Hanuman


What can happiness become if it must change? Neither become happy

nor become sad , if they generate out of your mind. Absolute happiness

generates from " self " and not from " mind " . Self is " sahaj sukhrashi "

not mind.


Sukh ho ya dukh, jab sadaa sang rahe naa koy


Tab dukh ko apnaaiye ke jaye to dukh na hoy


Happiness and sadness when both do not remain with you permanently,

(they always come and depart) - then welcome and prefer sorrow so

that there is no sorrow when it departs.


Many times the vacuum left in mind due to dispassion also is

perceived as sadness. Convert this sadness to become " anxiety " (

vyaakulta) for Paramatma, by intense prayers and profound remembering

of God at that particular time..


A sadhak is soft and delicate by heart. He/she does good to all, and

generally accepts all to be equally good . When by divine will, the

other party does not acknowledge your goodness , then also sadness

comes in you. Such sadness vanishes when you stop desiring any

acknowledgement/reciprocation for your good conduct vis a vis him/her-

and perceive other person's ignorance/ disrespect etc as God sent

and delivered by God only.


If you do your duty only and nothing else- sadness will not touch



You said 24 hours you perceive God around you- then when you become

sad , think why it arose ? Indeed you will find that the cause of

sadness was your getting worldly again. Stay put and again with a

particular attention, see God in that specific person/ incidence

which triggerred sadness in your mind.


Jee Jee



19 sloka of 13th Chapter

Prakriti (nature and senses) and Purush (pure Atma) together bound by

Sankalp (creation, survival and destruction) produce Jiiva (life,

consciousness). As a result, Jiiva (2P) includes Vikar (ownership and

security) and Guna (reactivity of properties of interaction).


Krishna (purush) is everywhere but Jiiva who is part of it does not

fully know Krishna because of influence of vikar (agitation of mind,

changes) and guna (constituents of nature, qualities). So, happiness

and sorrow do happen to Jiiva with all pervading Krishna. Prakriti is

not a negative force, it is force of sankalp (vow, bequeath) of

creation, survival and destruction and recreation; and in this never

ending cycle, staying without trouble is possible only when one

stays in his/her swabhhav (own natural state) that solves all problem

which is caused by prakriti (nature) while in state of Jiiva.




(Krishna Gopal)



Dear Ashuji,


I think you are in a great state of mind. The very fact that you

feel the presence of God around you all the time, is a clear

indication of that state. If I have understood your state of mind

correctly, then the reason for your sadness could well be that you

want to see and talk to God in physical form and that does not

happen. You may please recall that Meera Bai, who was one of the

greatest 'Premi Bhaktas' of kaliyug, was not only sad but was also

crying most of the time. Infact, most of us would be elated to be in

that state. This is the sign of your intense desire to realise God.

Please keep it up and add crying to your sadness. Truly, this sadness

is not the worldly sadness that need to bother or concern you. This

sadness is to be cultivated and rejoiced.


Seeing and being able to talk to God can happen only with intense

love for God. I recall once during a Satsang someone kept on asking

Bhaiji (Shri Hanuman Prasad ji Poddar), if he is talking from

experience or just talking based on hearsay. When this person kept on

with his question, Bhaiji roared in front of the whole public (most

saints do not do this) " Yes, I have seen God and I have even talked

to Him " and started crying bitterly. It is not a secret how great

a 'Premi Bhaktas' he was.




Hari Om


Presuming that you are indeed a sadhak, the occassional sadness

arising in you should also be properly utilised by you. During that

period you should renounce the " desire for happiness " . Be certain

sadness can only arise out of desire for happiness. It is a law.

Sadness will vanish, the moment you find out the cause of sorrow and

renounce the very cause which always is desire for happiness.


Another reason of sudden arising of sadness in case of a sadhak, is

that even if the sadhak does a very small error in sadhana, the

conscience , being fully awakened shall make you sad. This burns your

past improper deeds, and makes you purer. A sadhak becomes sad very

fast if he makes even a small error vis a vis another person. His

sins get destroyed immediately thereby without forming any

habit/impressions in him.


While one may feel seeing God everywhere, but an absolute and

immovable state in this regard may not be always there in sadhak.

Even in realised Jnana Yogis- the three gunas keep arising at

intervals. ( Gita 14:22/23).Sadness in you denotes such deficiencies

in your focus- Vasudevah Sarvam.


In case of devotee, since it is responsibilty of God to burn your

sins, such adversities are sent rather frequently to expeditiously

burn your sins. One should hence become happy, when such sadness

arises , presume it to be God sent for your betterment and

destruction of your sins.


It is also a testing time for you to assess if you have fully

acquired Equanimity.


In all the cases, sadness/sorrow in a sadhak's life is always for his

spiritual progress. It should be as welcomed as happiness. This

helps sadhak more than anything else.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B






Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

It is beyond comprehension to see or feel sadness being 24hrs with

God. What we name 'sadness' or 'happiness' is God. We never see or

feel anything except God. What more you want? Please accept 'sadness

is God' as 'happiness is God' and God is beyond both.

As regards helping sadness go away from you, NOBODY can ever do so

EXCEPT YOURSELF. Just disown the mind (who feels sadness, not

YOURSELF) and it will go away from YOU. This 'method' was given to me

by Swamiji some six years ago and it works wonderfully.


Ram Ram!



In my humble opinion, One gets sad because you want to be sad.

If you don't want to be sad, talk to God and tell him that I don't

want to be sad. The sadness will go away.


Jag Kottha



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji has made this crystal clear that we experience sadness, due to

considering the Mind and Intellect as our very own, due to which " I " ,

Self becomes happy and sad. If you have accepted Krishna into your

life, and you feel His presence all around, then this Mind and

Intellect is also Krishna's. Now where is the question of that which

belongs to Krishna, being " filled with sadness " ?


Also, Swamiji has brought up an interesting point that usually when

one feels sad, or unhappy or disappointed or dejected... if one looks

at the underlying reason, one will discover that usually it is due to

expectation of something from the world. Deep rooted is a desire or

something that we want from the world and the people around. It may

be worth introspecting and seeing if you have some unfulfilled

expectations from the people around you. The minute you let go these

expectations, the sadness will disappear.


There are other points, if needed will cover in future mailings.


Meera Das

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Re: Why Still Sadness when Our Krishna is all around Us



QUESTION: When I can feel Our Krishna all around me, why still there

is sadness sometimes in my heart? As Pujya Swami Ji try to teach us

that God is with us all the time. I do feel him 24hr a day, but still

sometimes I wish that I could see and talk to him like a normal

person. I know that he listens to us and he answer to us in his own

ways, but then why still sometimes there is sadness in my heart? Can

someone help make it go away?


Ashu Singla




My Parnam to you all great devotee's,


Thank you very much for your wonderful suggestions. Reading them all

helped me a lot. It gave me the chance to analize myself from

different point of views, and it directed me to the right direction.

I will do as you have told me. Thank you very much for your deep and

caring suggestions. If anything else comes to your mind, pls do

share it with me. I do want to tell Respected A.H.Dalmia that yes,

tears are already there without any affort. I can not do puja

without them. So I guess, I am headed toward right direction. As

Pujiya Swami Ji said saddness (partikulata) takes us faster toward

god then happiness (anukulata). As also Respected Sadak Ramesh Ji

said that Pyar se ,Viyog,viraha se jarur milenge. Thank you,,,,


Ashu Singla




Jai Hanuman


Regarding your desire to talk with Paramatma- please note nothing

exists in this universe except Him. NASATO VIDYATE BHAVO , NABHAVO

VIDYATE SATAH . There is no presence of unreal and no absence of



" Sadsachahamarjunah " ( Gita 9 : 19) - I am sat (real) as well as

asat (unreal).


When there is nothing except Him, who will talk to whom? For what?


Ashuji. If you perceive Him everywhere , all the times, 24 hours a

day , you can't feel need of talking with Him. Then , even if you

talk to yourself, you are talking to Him only.


Ice hidden behind ice, can ice remain hidden?


Once that stage arises the very need for a question or answer

evaporates-from the roots.


Paani main ghee neepaje to lookhi khaay na koy


( Had butter been available out of stirring of water, who would have

eaten bread without butter? )


No Jee! Just focus yourself more intensely on " Vasudevah Sarvam " . A

lot of ground is still to be covered.


But believe me, the task is not at all impossible/rare- there is a

joy so long as you perceive what you say. The moment you become

dishonest - there is sadness,.


I have never seen a person asking for a lamp/ torch to see a burning

object. When it burns- there is nothing needed. No torch. No lights.

No advice. No questions, no doubts, no dilemmas, no needs, no

desires, no proofs, no explanations- that there is something burning-

that that is " self " illuminating !


Jee Jee




Nothing in this world can make you happy. Everything in this world

is an illusion. The only thing real is your soul which is immortal.

To connect with it one should practice meditation.


Hari Shanker Deo







Jay Shree Krishna


Like a normal person, you can meet and even talk with Prabhu (God).

However, Swamiji Maharaj has said that receiving darshan (seeing,

having the vision / appearance of Prabhu) is up to Prabhu. In

loving, we are independent. Just as Prabhu is One, similarly desire

to see That One must be exclusive (undivided, having no other desire,

entirely devoted to that One). Besides Prabhu, your mind does not

want to engage in anything else. In Prabhu's abscence, if even

living becomes difficult, then work will be done (Prabhu will make

His appearance). In this one must keep in mind that through

stubborness and insistence, one cannot meet Prabhu, but out of love,

and intense feeling of separation, and a deep longing for ending the


(viyog). Prabhu is compassionate and merciful and our very own. Call

out to

Him, Pray ! " He Naath, darshan " - O Father, let us see you... call

out, and

surely He will meet !!



Aap normal person ki tarah Prabhu se milan, batchit bhi kar sakate

ho.Lekin Swamiji Maharaj kahate the ki Darshan dena Prabhu ke hath me

hai. Prem karne me ham swatantra hai.Jaise Prabhu Ananya hai, vase hi

unke Darshan karne ki Lalsa Ananya ho jay. Unke siva kanhi man naa

lage, Unke viraha me jina bhi muskil ho jay, to kam ho jay. Esame yeh

khyal rakhe ki hath, jidd se nahi milte lekin Pyar se ,Viyog,viraha

se jarur milenge.Vah Kripalu hai,Apane hai .Pukarte raho,Prarthana

karo...He Nath - Darshan Do...Pukaro...Jarur milenge.....!!


Sadhak Ramesh



May you attain salvation.. In Kaliyug, simply through calling out

Paramatma's name, remembrance and recollection, man can cross

to the other side.


You have not read the Gita, being deeply engaged, or there is some

differences in your understanding. You must remember Paramatma with

sentiments of exclusivity. With inner sentiments and nature, you

need to become a sannyaasi (an ascetic, renunciate). You do not

need to physically renounce (leave family etc.) Whatever you know to

be perishable (not real, asat) needs to be given up. Leave the rest

to Paramatma.





Mahasay apka kalyan ho,

``kalyuj me ek nam adara sumir sumir nar utre para.

Aapne gita ko manlaga ker phadha nahi hai ya aapke

Samzne mai koi pher hai. apko annaya bhav se parmatma

Ko yad kerna hai. sabhav se sanyasi banna hai sanyas

Lena nahi hai. jane hua asat ka tyag karna hai. baki aap

Parmatma per chod do.






Dear Sadak,

Read Slokas " Vasudeva Sutham Devam " ---------Which ends with " Koti

Jalma Papam Vinasyathe " . Your sadness will go.





Jai Hanuman


What can happiness become if it must change? Neither become happy

nor become sad , if they generate out of your mind. Absolute


generates from " self " and not from " mind " . Self is " sahaj sukhrashi "

not mind.


Sukh ho ya dukh, jab sadaa sang rahe naa koy


Tab dukh ko apnaaiye ke jaye to dukh na hoy


Happiness and sadness when both do not remain with you permanently,

(they always come and depart) - then welcome and prefer sorrow so

that there is no sorrow when it departs.


Many times the vacuum left in mind due to dispassion also is

perceived as sadness. Convert this sadness to become " anxiety " (

vyaakulta) for Paramatma, by intense prayers and profound remembering

of God at that particular time..


A sadhak is soft and delicate by heart. He/she does good to all, and

generally accepts all to be equally good . When by divine will, the

other party does not acknowledge your goodness , then also sadness

comes in you. Such sadness vanishes when you stop desiring any

acknowledgement/reciprocation for your good conduct vis a vis


and perceive other person's ignorance/ disrespect etc as God sent

and delivered by God only.


If you do your duty only and nothing else- sadness will not touch



You said 24 hours you perceive God around you- then when you become

sad , think why it arose ? Indeed you will find that the cause of

sadness was your getting worldly again. Stay put and again with a

particular attention, see God in that specific person/ incidence

which triggerred sadness in your mind.


Jee Jee



19 sloka of 13th Chapter

Prakriti (nature and senses) and Purush (pure Atma) together bound by

Sankalp (creation, survival and destruction) produce Jiiva (life,

consciousness). As a result, Jiiva (2P) includes Vikar (ownership and

security) and Guna (reactivity of properties of interaction).


Krishna (purush) is everywhere but Jiiva who is part of it does not

fully know Krishna because of influence of vikar (agitation of mind,

changes) and guna (constituents of nature, qualities). So, happiness

and sorrow do happen to Jiiva with all pervading Krishna. Prakriti is

not a negative force, it is force of sankalp (vow, bequeath) of

creation, survival and destruction and recreation; and in this never

ending cycle, staying without trouble is possible only when one

stays in his/her swabhhav (own natural state) that solves all problem

which is caused by prakriti (nature) while in state of Jiiva.




(Krishna Gopal)



Dear Ashuji,


I think you are in a great state of mind. The very fact that you

feel the presence of God around you all the time, is a clear

indication of that state. If I have understood your state of mind

correctly, then the reason for your sadness could well be that you

want to see and talk to God in physical form and that does not

happen. You may please recall that Meera Bai, who was one of the

greatest 'Premi Bhaktas' of kaliyug, was not only sad but was also

crying most of the time. Infact, most of us would be elated to be in

that state. This is the sign of your intense desire to realise God.

Please keep it up and add crying to your sadness. Truly, this sadness

is not the worldly sadness that need to bother or concern you. This

sadness is to be cultivated and rejoiced.


Seeing and being able to talk to God can happen only with intense

love for God. I recall once during a Satsang someone kept on asking

Bhaiji (Shri Hanuman Prasad ji Poddar), if he is talking from

experience or just talking based on hearsay. When this person kept on

with his question, Bhaiji roared in front of the whole public (most

saints do not do this) " Yes, I have seen God and I have even talked

to Him " and started crying bitterly. It is not a secret how great

a 'Premi Bhaktas' he was.




Hari Om


Presuming that you are indeed a sadhak, the occassional sadness

arising in you should also be properly utilised by you. During that

period you should renounce the " desire for happiness " . Be certain

sadness can only arise out of desire for happiness. It is a law.

Sadness will vanish, the moment you find out the cause of sorrow and

renounce the very cause which always is desire for happiness.


Another reason of sudden arising of sadness in case of a sadhak, is

that even if the sadhak does a very small error in sadhana, the

conscience , being fully awakened shall make you sad. This burns your

past improper deeds, and makes you purer. A sadhak becomes sad very

fast if he makes even a small error vis a vis another person. His

sins get destroyed immediately thereby without forming any

habit/impressions in him.


While one may feel seeing God everywhere, but an absolute and

immovable state in this regard may not be always there in sadhak.

Even in realised Jnana Yogis- the three gunas keep arising at

intervals. ( Gita 14:22/23).Sadness in you denotes such deficiencies

in your focus- Vasudevah Sarvam.


In case of devotee, since it is responsibilty of God to burn your

sins, such adversities are sent rather frequently to expeditiously

burn your sins. One should hence become happy, when such sadness

arises , presume it to be God sent for your betterment and

destruction of your sins.


It is also a testing time for you to assess if you have fully

acquired Equanimity.


In all the cases, sadness/sorrow in a sadhak's life is always for his

spiritual progress. It should be as welcomed as happiness. This

helps sadhak more than anything else.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B






Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

It is beyond comprehension to see or feel sadness being 24hrs with

God. What we name 'sadness' or 'happiness' is God. We never see or

feel anything except God. What more you want? Please accept 'sadness

is God' as 'happiness is God' and God is beyond both.

As regards helping sadness go away from you, NOBODY can ever do so

EXCEPT YOURSELF. Just disown the mind (who feels sadness, not

YOURSELF) and it will go away from YOU. This 'method' was given to me

by Swamiji some six years ago and it works wonderfully.


Ram Ram!



In my humble opinion, One gets sad because you want to be sad.

If you don't want to be sad, talk to God and tell him that I don't

want to be sad. The sadness will go away.


Jag Kottha



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji has made this crystal clear that we experience sadness, due


considering the Mind and Intellect as our very own, due to which " I " ,

Self becomes happy and sad. If you have accepted Krishna into your

life, and you feel His presence all around, then this Mind and

Intellect is also Krishna's. Now where is the question of that which

belongs to Krishna, being " filled with sadness " ?


Also, Swamiji has brought up an interesting point that usually when

one feels sad, or unhappy or disappointed or dejected... if one looks

at the underlying reason, one will discover that usually it is due to

expectation of something from the world. Deep rooted is a desire or

something that we want from the world and the people around. It may

be worth introspecting and seeing if you have some unfulfilled

expectations from the people around you. The minute you let go these

expectations, the sadness will disappear.


There are other points, if needed will cover in future mailings.


Meera Das

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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QUESTION: When I can feel Our Krishna all around me, why still there

is sadness sometimes in my heart? As Pujya Swami Ji try to teach us

that God is with us all the time. I do feel him 24hr a day, but still

sometimes I wish that I could see and talk to him like a normal

person. I know that he listens to us and he answer to us in his own

ways, but then why still sometimes there is sadness in my heart? Can

someone help make it go away?


Ashu Singla





Why Still Sadness when Our Krishna is all around Us ?


Krishna revealed Vishwarupa at different times to different people …


The mother angry at her child shouts, the child starts crying with

wide open mouth. The universe is revealed to the mother thanks to

her love for the child. The baby showers The Love on the loving

young lady in return.


The Gopis are curious about this young dark handsome boy with their

adolescent admiration and love for the magnificent youth radiating

from the boy. The naughty youth reveals its splendor in all the cow

boys around. The young boy pours the youthful energy from all



The enraged Shishupaala shouts through his lungs innumerable names

of Krishna in an attempt to insult Him. The freasome ego trembling

with fear of death wants to murder The Krishna and embraces The

Death instantly in return.


The poor young woman Droupadi is dragged around by the insensitive

rogues in public. The lady with shattered self-esteem calls for her

devout friend, brother and god – Krishna. The Krishna is revealed

instantly in her dignity that can never be corrupted by anything

radiating Its purity all around.


The arrogant Duryodhana challenges what could be this Krishna after

all. The sadhaks around suggest what IT could be – the all powerful

force. The cunning intellect wants to capture the power so that

there could be no challenge to its hegemony over the world. The

arrogant intellect understands everything is Krishna including

himself. Then what is Krishna's use?! The perplexed arrogance drops

the idea of Krishna muttering " useless fellow! " The useless fellow

remains worthless to him.


The great warrior Arjuna is down to his knees with his vivd

imagination of himself being the cause for a great distruction –

that too, his own beloved elders, cousins and friends … He seeks the

guidance from his cousin, friend, guru, and soul– Krishna. The

Krishna is revealed in The Absolute of his consciousness where all

the emotions and relations, objects and images, actions and

thoughts, inherent nature and apparent properties, earth and sun,

moon and stars, water and space, anything and everything, … and

nothing dance around in infinitude and yet being THAT as such. The

friend becomes everything to Arjuna.


Depending on one's nature one yarns for Krishna in one's own fashion

and IT is revealed accordingly. If one seeks sadnes around, Sadness

He is. If one seeks arrogance around, Arrogance He is. If one seeks

happiness around, Happiness He is. … If one seeks nothing, Nothing

He is. … If one seeks Him in everything, Everything He is.


He IS what you want … He IS what you do not want … HE IS also

whatever you never considered …


He IS what you have … He IS what you do not have … HE IS also

whatever you could never hold …


He IS what you know … He IS what you do not know … HE IS also

whatever you could not think ...


He IS what you did ... He IS what you did not … HE IS also whatever

you could not reach …


He IS what you accept … He IS what you reject … HE IS also what you

cannot even fathom …


He IS everything … He IS nothing … HE IS nothing and everything and

beyond …


He IS what you are … He IS what you are not … HE IS what He IS …


He IS for sure what you could never know, you could never hold, you

could never grasp … but, for sure, HE IS WHAT HE IS … and … HE IS





Naga Narayana




My Parnam to you all great devotee's,


Thank you very much for your wonderful suggestions. Reading them all

helped me a lot. It gave me the chance to analize myself from

different point of views, and it directed me to the right direction.

I will do as you have told me. Thank you very much for your deep and

caring suggestions. If anything else comes to your mind, pls do

share it with me. I do want to tell Respected A.H.Dalmia that yes,

tears are already there without any affort. I can not do puja

without them. So I guess, I am headed toward right direction. As

Pujiya Swami Ji said saddness (partikulata) takes us faster toward

god then happiness (anukulata). As also Respected Sadak Ramesh Ji

said that Pyar se ,Viyog,viraha se jarur milenge. Thank you,


Ashu Singla




Jai Hanuman


Regarding your desire to talk with Paramatma- please note nothing

exists in this universe except Him. NASATO VIDYATE BHAVO , NABHAVO

VIDYATE SATAH . There is no presence of unreal and no absence of



" Sadsachahamarjunah " ( Gita 9 : 19) - I am sat (real) as well as

asat (unreal).


When there is nothing except Him, who will talk to whom? For what?


Ashuji. If you perceive Him everywhere , all the times, 24 hours a

day , you can't feel need of talking with Him. Then , even if you

talk to yourself, you are talking to Him only.


Ice hidden behind ice, can ice remain hidden?


Once that stage arises the very need for a question or answer

evaporates-from the roots.


Paani main ghee neepaje to lookhi khaay na koy


( Had butter been available out of stirring of water, who would have

eaten bread without butter? )


No Jee! Just focus yourself more intensely on " Vasudevah Sarvam " . A

lot of ground is still to be covered.


But believe me, the task is not at all impossible/rare- there is a

joy so long as you perceive what you say. The moment you become

dishonest - there is sadness,.


I have never seen a person asking for a lamp/ torch to see a burning

object. When it burns- there is nothing needed. No torch. No lights.

No advice. No questions, no doubts, no dilemmas, no needs, no

desires, no proofs, no explanations- that there is something burning-

that that is " self " illuminating !


Jee Jee




Nothing in this world can make you happy. Everything in this world

is an illusion. The only thing real is your soul which is immortal.

To connect with it one should practice meditation.


Hari Shanker Deo





Jay Shree Krishna


Like a normal person, you can meet and even talk with Prabhu (God).

However, Swamiji Maharaj has said that receiving darshan (seeing,

having the vision / appearance of Prabhu) is up to Prabhu. In

loving, we are independent. Just as Prabhu is One, similarly desire

to see That One must be exclusive (undivided, having no other desire,

entirely devoted to that One). Besides Prabhu, your mind does not

want to engage in anything else. In Prabhu's abscence, if even

living becomes difficult, then work will be done (Prabhu will make

His appearance). In this one must keep in mind that through

stubborness and insistence, one cannot meet Prabhu, but out of love,

and intense feeling of separation, and a deep longing for ending the


(viyog). Prabhu is compassionate and merciful and our very own. Call

out to

Him, Pray ! " He Naath, darshan " - O Father, let us see you... call

out, and

surely He will meet !!



Aap normal person ki tarah Prabhu se milan, batchit bhi kar sakate

ho.Lekin Swamiji Maharaj kahate the ki Darshan dena Prabhu ke hath me

hai. Prem karne me ham swatantra hai.Jaise Prabhu Ananya hai, vase hi

unke Darshan karne ki Lalsa Ananya ho jay. Unke siva kanhi man naa

lage, Unke viraha me jina bhi muskil ho jay, to kam ho jay. Esame yeh

khyal rakhe ki hath, jidd se nahi milte lekin Pyar se ,Viyog,viraha

se jarur milenge.Vah Kripalu hai,Apane hai .Pukarte raho,Prarthana

karo...He Nath - Darshan Do...Pukaro...Jarur milenge.....!!


Sadhak Ramesh



May you attain salvation.. In Kaliyug, simply through calling out

Paramatma's name, remembrance and recollection, man can cross

to the other side.


You have not read the Gita, being deeply engaged, or there is some

differences in your understanding. You must remember Paramatma with

sentiments of exclusivity. With inner sentiments and nature, you

need to become a sannyaasi (an ascetic, renunciate). You do not

need to physically renounce (leave family etc.) Whatever you know to

be perishable (not real, asat) needs to be given up. Leave the rest

to Paramatma.





Mahasay apka kalyan ho,

``kalyuj me ek nam adara sumir sumir nar utre para.

Aapne gita ko manlaga ker phadha nahi hai ya aapke

Samzne mai koi pher hai. apko annaya bhav se parmatma

Ko yad kerna hai. sabhav se sanyasi banna hai sanyas

Lena nahi hai. jane hua asat ka tyag karna hai. baki aap

Parmatma per chod do.






Dear Sadak,

Read Slokas " Vasudeva Sutham Devam " ---------Which ends with " Koti

Jalma Papam Vinasyathe " . Your sadness will go.





Jai Hanuman


What can happiness become if it must change? Neither become happy

nor become sad , if they generate out of your mind. Absolute


generates from " self " and not from " mind " . Self is " sahaj sukhrashi "

not mind.


Sukh ho ya dukh, jab sadaa sang rahe naa koy


Tab dukh ko apnaaiye ke jaye to dukh na hoy


Happiness and sadness when both do not remain with you permanently,

(they always come and depart) - then welcome and prefer sorrow so

that there is no sorrow when it departs.


Many times the vacuum left in mind due to dispassion also is

perceived as sadness. Convert this sadness to become " anxiety " (

vyaakulta) for Paramatma, by intense prayers and profound remembering

of God at that particular time..


A sadhak is soft and delicate by heart. He/she does good to all, and

generally accepts all to be equally good . When by divine will, the

other party does not acknowledge your goodness , then also sadness

comes in you. Such sadness vanishes when you stop desiring any

acknowledgement/reciprocation for your good conduct vis a vis


and perceive other person's ignorance/ disrespect etc as God sent

and delivered by God only.


If you do your duty only and nothing else- sadness will not touch



You said 24 hours you perceive God around you- then when you become

sad , think why it arose ? Indeed you will find that the cause of

sadness was your getting worldly again. Stay put and again with a

particular attention, see God in that specific person/ incidence

which triggerred sadness in your mind.


Jee Jee



19 sloka of 13th Chapter

Prakriti (nature and senses) and Purush (pure Atma) together bound by

Sankalp (creation, survival and destruction) produce Jiiva (life,

consciousness). As a result, Jiiva (2P) includes Vikar (ownership and

security) and Guna (reactivity of properties of interaction).


Krishna (purush) is everywhere but Jiiva who is part of it does not

fully know Krishna because of influence of vikar (agitation of mind,

changes) and guna (constituents of nature, qualities). So, happiness

and sorrow do happen to Jiiva with all pervading Krishna. Prakriti is

not a negative force, it is force of sankalp (vow, bequeath) of

creation, survival and destruction and recreation; and in this never

ending cycle, staying without trouble is possible only when one

stays in his/her swabhhav (own natural state) that solves all problem

which is caused by prakriti (nature) while in state of Jiiva.




(Krishna Gopal)



Dear Ashuji,


I think you are in a great state of mind. The very fact that you

feel the presence of God around you all the time, is a clear

indication of that state. If I have understood your state of mind

correctly, then the reason for your sadness could well be that you

want to see and talk to God in physical form and that does not

happen. You may please recall that Meera Bai, who was one of the

greatest 'Premi Bhaktas' of kaliyug, was not only sad but was also

crying most of the time. Infact, most of us would be elated to be in

that state. This is the sign of your intense desire to realise God.

Please keep it up and add crying to your sadness. Truly, this sadness

is not the worldly sadness that need to bother or concern you. This

sadness is to be cultivated and rejoiced.


Seeing and being able to talk to God can happen only with intense

love for God. I recall once during a Satsang someone kept on asking

Bhaiji (Shri Hanuman Prasad ji Poddar), if he is talking from

experience or just talking based on hearsay. When this person kept on

with his question, Bhaiji roared in front of the whole public (most

saints do not do this) " Yes, I have seen God and I have even talked

to Him " and started crying bitterly. It is not a secret how great

a 'Premi Bhaktas' he was.




Hari Om


Presuming that you are indeed a sadhak, the occassional sadness

arising in you should also be properly utilised by you. During that

period you should renounce the " desire for happiness " . Be certain

sadness can only arise out of desire for happiness. It is a law.

Sadness will vanish, the moment you find out the cause of sorrow and

renounce the very cause which always is desire for happiness.


Another reason of sudden arising of sadness in case of a sadhak, is

that even if the sadhak does a very small error in sadhana, the

conscience , being fully awakened shall make you sad. This burns your

past improper deeds, and makes you purer. A sadhak becomes sad very

fast if he makes even a small error vis a vis another person. His

sins get destroyed immediately thereby without forming any

habit/impressions in him.


While one may feel seeing God everywhere, but an absolute and

immovable state in this regard may not be always there in sadhak.

Even in realised Jnana Yogis- the three gunas keep arising at

intervals. ( Gita 14:22/23).Sadness in you denotes such deficiencies

in your focus- Vasudevah Sarvam.


In case of devotee, since it is responsibilty of God to burn your

sins, such adversities are sent rather frequently to expeditiously

burn your sins. One should hence become happy, when such sadness

arises , presume it to be God sent for your betterment and

destruction of your sins.


It is also a testing time for you to assess if you have fully

acquired Equanimity.


In all the cases, sadness/sorrow in a sadhak's life is always for his

spiritual progress. It should be as welcomed as happiness. This

helps sadhak more than anything else.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B






Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

It is beyond comprehension to see or feel sadness being 24hrs with

God. What we name 'sadness' or 'happiness' is God. We never see or

feel anything except God. What more you want? Please accept 'sadness

is God' as 'happiness is God' and God is beyond both.

As regards helping sadness go away from you, NOBODY can ever do so

EXCEPT YOURSELF. Just disown the mind (who feels sadness, not

YOURSELF) and it will go away from YOU. This 'method' was given to me

by Swamiji some six years ago and it works wonderfully.


Ram Ram!



In my humble opinion, One gets sad because you want to be sad.

If you don't want to be sad, talk to God and tell him that I don't

want to be sad. The sadness will go away.


Jag Kottha



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji has made this crystal clear that we experience sadness, due


considering the Mind and Intellect as our very own, due to which " I " ,

Self becomes happy and sad. If you have accepted Krishna into your

life, and you feel His presence all around, then this Mind and

Intellect is also Krishna's. Now where is the question of that which

belongs to Krishna, being " filled with sadness " ?


Also, Swamiji has brought up an interesting point that usually when

one feels sad, or unhappy or disappointed or dejected... if one looks

at the underlying reason, one will discover that usually it is due to

expectation of something from the world. Deep rooted is a desire or

something that we want from the world and the people around. It may

be worth introspecting and seeing if you have some unfulfilled

expectations from the people around you. The minute you let go these

expectations, the sadness will disappear.


There are other points, if needed will cover in future mailings.


Meera Das

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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