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Seeking Help - I Pray a Lot, But Have No Mental Peace

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please disregard the GUNAS AND SELF EVOLUTION question posted

ealier. It was erroneously reposted. From Gita Talk Moderator,

Ram Ram



Revered Sir,

I want to remember Krishna as Govinda. Is there a simple line

which I can recite. I pray a lot but have no mental peace.

Regards, Ramgopal


(ramgopal madiraju)






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Revered Sir,

I want to remember Krishna as Govinda. Is there a simple line

which I can recite. I pray a lot but have no mental peace.

Regards, Ramgopal


(ramgopal madiraju)




Hari Om


Ramgopalji. This is not your problem alone. Almost entire humanity

experiences lack of peace mostly at all times, in different manners.

In fact this world has been defined by Lord Krishna Himself

as " dukhalayam " . Whoever wants something from this world -

immediately and instantly- this world becomes painful for him. It is

a law.


Be happy at the outset, that Saints and Sages, Scriptures like

Gitaji, Ramayana etc have given enough methods to all of us to get

rid of this common humanity disease.

You will indeed receive right counsel from brothers and sisters of

this forum. Keep tuned with an enthuasism with this Gita Talk

deliberations.. The fruit has ripened, parrots will come.


First step- stop expecting that any peace can arise out of your

chanting the name of God or by your prayers. Prayers are not meant

to barter peace against the same. They should be full of your

gratitude to Govinda. He gave you human life, He gave you chance to

realise even Him. His grace only has made it possible for you to be

able to pray. What more is needed? Simply keep doing that , as much

as you can. All names of God are same. Govinda also is a beautiful

name. Simply keep praying-with a masti (bliss).Do not connect your

lack of peace with your prayers.


Lack of peace has no connection with your prayers or with intensity

thereof. The cause for lack of peace is your connection with the

world. The cause of lack of peace is your mind to which machine you

supplied " desires " as input. The cause for lack of peace is your

expectation from all people around you, from circumstances

surrounding you. We will assess them.


We shall deliberate further systematically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear all,

For remembering Krishna as Govinda, chant the following lines.






K.V. Gopalakrishna


Jai Hanuman


Ramgopal Bhaiyya ! Namaste Jee!! Ashanti - lack of peace - no ! It

is gone from today, Jee ! !


Bhaiyya except Govinda, nothing is yours, Jee. Now where is lack of

peace? All else are going to leave you, in fact they are leaving you

continuously. This money, health, wealth, body, wife, children,

kith, kin, house -all the things about which you get so much

worried - NOTE Bhaiyya - after some time you will not even remember

them. Believe Me , Dear Brother. If there is any method of

remembering them then tell who were your parents in previous life?

Where you used to live in last life? Just as you don't remember your

last life, you will not remember this life also ! ! Any doubt on



Now Bhaiyya, when it is certain that you will not even remember in

dreams, these worldly things, people, circumstances, situations-

then where is the sense in worrying about them today, Jee ?


Therefore sing fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " .

If the world is going to dogs because of that, let it go. World can

only go to dogs. It is meant for that only. Nothing else can happen

with the world. Even if entire world vanishes- don't worry. You and

your Govinda shall remain forever. Don't even consider any other



Govinda is mine - accept this and become blissful ! Jee! . Even if

entire world becomes annoyed with you Jee - Damn care. Mere to

Girdhar Gopal. Govinda is mine. More than enough - Jee.


Saadhu sabhi vichaar kar, divi jagat ne pooth


Peechhe dekhi jaavati , to pahale hi baitho rooth


(Saints accumulated at one place, deiscussed and turned their back

towards the world. When later on the world is not going to stay,

then why not we should stay away from it, now itself! )


Jee Jee




Dear Ram Gopal Madiraju,

it will take some time to immerse your self in joy of unending

purusha, so keep on reciting u will get lost and start having peace

" shapurshiva "



Shri Ramgopal Ji,


Rama Nama is the simplest and most powerful medicine for Peace of


When chanting (praying) Rama Nama with Sincerity and faith, as a

child calls the mother, the LORD obliges immediately.


There is nothing that Rama Nama is not capable of giving.



rama nama japataam kuto bhayam. Where is the scope to fear anything

(including mental disturbances) for one who decorates his lips with

Rama Nama.


Ananya chintan of the LORD is required. Depending solely on the LORD

(the LORD and the LORD's Name being non-different)

" Ananyas Chintayantomam Ye Janah Paryupasathe, Tesham

Nithyabhiyuktanam Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham. "

Lord Krishna declares, " Whoever thinks of me incessantly, I will be

always with them and look after their welfare completely. "



The more we mere mortals try and control things or expect things the

greater the level of anxiety.

In contrast, the more we let go thus the greater the level of

surrender to the will of the LORD, the greater the level of peace of



Ram Ram

Deepak Vinod



Shri Ramgopalji


Mental peace will come out of a firm belief that " I AM IN THE SAFE




Imagine yourself as a child in HIS hands. Does a child in the hands

of a loving mother worry about its food, water, clothing or shelter?


Simple line to recite 24 hours a day:









G Rangarajan


Dear Sadak

Mother Draupadi sang this song when she beeing disrobed.

" Shanku Chakra Gadha Panim Drwaraka Nilaya Achuda

GOVINDA pundarikacha Rakshamam Saranagatha " .

For mind peacefulness Sat Sangh to know yourself and visit temples

Mental peace within oneself, has to be uncovered.







1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Revered Sir,

I want to remember Krishna as Govinda. Is there a simple line

which I can recite. I pray a lot but have no mental peace.

Regards, Ramgopal


(ramgopal madiraju)





-Shree Hari-



When I read your question, I did some thinking during the day, and

this evening I read the deliberations. Vyasji eloquently articulated

many of my thoughts. I will however offer my humble thoughts as I see


When I think of The Beloved, (Krishna so fills that place in my

heart), I actually feel my eyes smart with soft tears of Divine Love,

but do understand my suffering does not diminish that love, I offer

my silent prayers, (that is my way), not because I seek peace, but

because I want to embrace God with my heart.

In fact it was through suffering I turned towards GOD, the help came

automatically, this turning towards the Divine, was my primordial

soul reaching out.(thats the best way I can put it).

Govinda is your beloved, and reaching out to him with that Ancient

Love, by whatever is your way will start to heal you.


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




My dandavat pranams to all in this beautiful forum....

In regard to question below, pertaining to peace.....I have found

for myself that I must analyze carefully who I am associating with,

and who I am giving my heart to.. It is explained in chapter 6

verse 17 " He who is temperate in his habits of eating sleeping,

working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing

the yoga system " .

Are you praying, but simultaneously attached to situations of

enjoyment? Even absorption in various television shows, where

there are dramas of different " visayis " or sense enjoyers, will

prevent you from having peace. Because that association, which is

nondifferent than inviting those persons directly into your living

room to converse with you, will rob you have remembrance of the

Lord. There cannot be peace if you are letting yourself indulge in

materialistic associations. This does not mean that one cannot

conduct business in the world, but the mind must be trained to see

everything in relation to the Lord. There are certainly questions

to ask yourself, in regard to what it is that is filling the mind.

It requires sometimes great sacrifice to attain peace......it is not

going to come to everyone, even if the prayers are there, as long as

we simulteously hold onto so many other affections.

all glories to Srimati Radharani, on this anniversary of her

glorious appearance!


Mahalaksmi Dasi



you have asked a question please find out what kind of relationship

you have with Krishna. Who Is he to you?define. Then you can call

him with that name and you will get peace.

Dr. R. B. Smarta


Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Ramgopal Madiraju,

Please chant " Om Govinda Hari, Gopala Hari! " ...I have heard many

do this as part of bhajans....

---regards, In Sai Smaran, N K Srinivasan



When your heart is not at peace there will be no mental peace with

any prayer. Buddha is your heart at peace. As the Gita

says, " Buddhau saranam anvicche! "


Buddham saranam gacchami (I go to Buddha for protection)

Dhamam saranam gacchami (I go to the Dharma for protection)

Sangham saranam gacchami (I go to the saints for protection)


Recite this as many times as possible.

" hellonidhi "



My dear Madiraju Ram Gopal,


Please get either a CD or a magnetic tape contaiing Pandit Jas Raj's

Bhajan, " Om namo Bhagavatey Vasudevaya " Listen for at least ten

minutes in the morning before you start for your work. This would

work wondes. Divakaran

" subbanarasu divakaran "


Thank you, sir, Hari Om sir. Your reply is most satisfying.

Pl continue it. Any help needed and you think that I deseve. pl donot


Again thanks,

Brahma Narain Mehrotra




Hari Om


Ramgopalji. This is not your problem alone. Almost entire humanity

experiences lack of peace mostly at all times, in different manners.

In fact this world has been defined by Lord Krishna Himself

as " dukhalayam " . Whoever wants something from this world -

immediately and instantly- this world becomes painful for him. It is

a law.


Be happy at the outset, that Saints and Sages, Scriptures like

Gitaji, Ramayana etc have given enough methods to all of us to get

rid of this common humanity disease.

You will indeed receive right counsel from brothers and sisters of

this forum. Keep tuned with an enthuasism with this Gita Talk

deliberations.. The fruit has ripened, parrots will come.


First step- stop expecting that any peace can arise out of your

chanting the name of God or by your prayers. Prayers are not meant

to barter peace against the same. They should be full of your

gratitude to Govinda. He gave you human life, He gave you chance to

realise even Him. His grace only has made it possible for you to be

able to pray. What more is needed? Simply keep doing that , as much

as you can. All names of God are same. Govinda also is a beautiful

name. Simply keep praying-with a masti (bliss).Do not connect your

lack of peace with your prayers.


Lack of peace has no connection with your prayers or with intensity

thereof. The cause for lack of peace is your connection with the

world. The cause of lack of peace is your mind to which machine you

supplied " desires " as input. The cause for lack of peace is your

expectation from all people around you, from circumstances

surrounding you. We will assess them.


We shall deliberate further systematically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear all,

For remembering Krishna as Govinda, chant the following lines.






K.V. Gopalakrishna


Jai Hanuman


Ramgopal Bhaiyya ! Namaste Jee!! Ashanti - lack of peace - no ! It

is gone from today, Jee ! !


Bhaiyya except Govinda, nothing is yours, Jee. Now where is lack of

peace? All else are going to leave you, in fact they are leaving you

continuously. This money, health, wealth, body, wife, children,

kith, kin, house -all the things about which you get so much

worried - NOTE Bhaiyya - after some time you will not even remember

them. Believe Me , Dear Brother. If there is any method of

remembering them then tell who were your parents in previous life?

Where you used to live in last life? Just as you don't remember your

last life, you will not remember this life also ! ! Any doubt on



Now Bhaiyya, when it is certain that you will not even remember in

dreams, these worldly things, people, circumstances, situations-

then where is the sense in worrying about them today, Jee ?


Therefore sing fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " .

If the world is going to dogs because of that, let it go. World can

only go to dogs. It is meant for that only. Nothing else can happen

with the world. Even if entire world vanishes- don't worry. You and

your Govinda shall remain forever. Don't even consider any other



Govinda is mine - accept this and become blissful ! Jee! . Even if

entire world becomes annoyed with you Jee - Damn care. Mere to

Girdhar Gopal. Govinda is mine. More than enough - Jee.


Saadhu sabhi vichaar kar, divi jagat ne pooth


Peechhe dekhi jaavati , to pahale hi baitho rooth


(Saints accumulated at one place, deiscussed and turned their back

towards the world. When later on the world is not going to stay,

then why not we should stay away from it, now itself! )


Jee Jee




Dear Ram Gopal Madiraju,

it will take some time to immerse your self in joy of unending

purusha, so keep on reciting u will get lost and start having peace

" shapurshiva "



Shri Ramgopal Ji,


Rama Nama is the simplest and most powerful medicine for Peace of


When chanting (praying) Rama Nama with Sincerity and faith, as a

child calls the mother, the LORD obliges immediately.


There is nothing that Rama Nama is not capable of giving.



rama nama japataam kuto bhayam. Where is the scope to fear anything

(including mental disturbances) for one who decorates his lips with

Rama Nama.


Ananya chintan of the LORD is required. Depending solely on the LORD

(the LORD and the LORD's Name being non-different)

" Ananyas Chintayantomam Ye Janah Paryupasathe, Tesham

Nithyabhiyuktanam Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham. "

Lord Krishna declares, " Whoever thinks of me incessantly, I will be

always with them and look after their welfare completely. "



The more we mere mortals try and control things or expect things the

greater the level of anxiety.

In contrast, the more we let go thus the greater the level of

surrender to the will of the LORD, the greater the level of peace of



Ram Ram

Deepak Vinod



Shri Ramgopalji


Mental peace will come out of a firm belief that " I AM IN THE SAFE




Imagine yourself as a child in HIS hands. Does a child in the hands

of a loving mother worry about its food, water, clothing or shelter?


Simple line to recite 24 hours a day:









G Rangarajan


Dear Sadak

Mother Draupadi sang this song when she beeing disrobed.

" Shanku Chakra Gadha Panim Drwaraka Nilaya Achuda

GOVINDA pundarikacha Rakshamam Saranagatha " .

For mind peacefulness Sat Sangh to know yourself and visit temples

Mental peace within oneself, has to be uncovered.







1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Revered Sir,

I want to remember Krishna as Govinda. Is there a simple line

which I can recite. I pray a lot but have no mental peace.

Regards, Ramgopal


(Ramgopal Madiraju)







Ramgopalji, we get disturbed because we want things to be done in

our way. We are ruled by KAAM, KRODH, MOHA, MAYA. We have to reverse

it, we should rule them. We should use them as our weapons.

Till things happen according to us, we are happy. The moment

something happens against our wishes, we become upset. The only

MANTRA to become happy is to understand GITA. Not just understanding

it, we have to accept that Krishna is every-thing for us, we are his

servant. Our whole day working should be such as if we are working

for our master Krishna. Now if any thing goes wrong (according to

us). We need not bother, it was because Krishna wanted it that way.

Initially it seems a little difficult and may be confusing too, but

once you catch the real thing then no problem at all.

You recite any mantra for any period of time, but at the end if you

think that you are the " doer " , I don't think you will get true

happiness. True happiness comes only after complete surrendering to

Krishna (no ifs or buts, no questions). The biggest mantra is to

forget " doer-ship " . Only Krishna is the one and all.

Ashok Goenka


Dear Friend,


I can understand the predicament … We should appreciate what is

Prarthana, who can prescribe it to whom, why should it be practiced,

how should it be practiced and why and how does it work!


If you are averse to understand the full mechanism of Upasana, you

should satisfy two prerequisites in the least: An authentic

prescription and an undeterred practice. In this case it works like

a medicine – reducing the symptoms – wherein you choose the best

doctor whom you trust to understand your problem well and you

administer the medicines owing your faith in the medicine. I hope

you met a good Guru and have good trust – in such case, you should

have not felt the miseries at least while you practice the Prarthana.


If you want the everlasting effect from the Prarthana – to be at The

Peace beyond the activity itself … well, welcome! So am I!! Let us

learn together!!!


What is Prarthana?


Very often we are confused that prayer is for begging The God to

shower favors on us – it could be materials, energy, health, life

expectancy, relations … or happiness – as a boon. We do not

appreciate either God or the Upasana. Therefore, we grumble, " I did

so much work. What is the God doing? Why is he not responding? " as

if The God waiting for one's Tapasya to favor him. Can't help … most

stories provide such assurances! But, think … Why should favor

anybody, anything? How can He do that? He is everything! He is

beyond our stupid ideas such a favoritism. Therefore, if you are

practicing prayers with any kind of expectations … I assure you …

you are wasting your " effort " ! At least apply yourself toward the

society through job or service, you may be rewarded. Do not expect

rewards from The God.


Let us get back, what really is The Upasana? We as individuals as

egos have occupied the thrown in the respective systems so badly we

are paranoid about losing the same (Asana) … if not anything, the

death is haunting pointing toward its certain reality. As a result,

we develop dependency on anything and everything recklessly with no

discrimination thinking that any could save the asana as far as

possible. Thanks to our ignorance, we imagine to expand the throne

(the associated empire of ownership) in all our frantic efforts all

through our life. The seers of lore understand this through their

own experiences through Tapasya and have realized that it is our

frantic attachment to this throne of identities that is the root



Dhyaayato vishayaan pumsah …


and, have prescribed us many methods to remove this flaw in us.

Basically, Upasana is to look for an alternative throne (Upasana) so

that we become Upasakas (ones who treat this alternative seat as

special above one's identity circle). So obviously, somebody other

than the ego will occupy this seat. For ego to accept this fact, it

needs reverence. Therefore, choose anything that you respect and/or

something which controls your life in your understanding e.g.

parents, nature, money, job, guru, a cosmic force, a cosmic element,

an idol, if nothing apeals … The Nothing itself. The basic idea of

the prayer is to dethrone you with your own consent and show you

what it means and how you feel. If you had practiced any of your

prayer correctly, this should have occurred – you or not what you

were; in fact, you are nobody. If that had happened, you should have

felt an absolute silence – stillness in life. Then you should have

felt The Peace as such.


Prarthana or Upasana is a practice that shifts an individual from

the self-claimed throne to the feet of a super-trhone with absolute

humility wherein the ego is stripped from its locus of existence.




Naga Narayana


Jai Shree Krishna


Om Kleem Krishnaaye Namah

Try this


Komal Gurdasani



I prefer mental chanting than loud recitation, with a varying length

of the word Govinda.

Govinda, Go ovinda, Go oovinda, Go ooovinda.....

or alternate smaller version followed by longer version Govinda,


Meditation on it would probably be better for discovering your own

preferences to achieve mental peace.

Best wishes,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.


Hari Om


Yes ! Yes !! Brother Mike. Surely the God is with you. Surely you

speak from your soul.


Surely we should be thankful to the lack of peace which in fact was

responsible for making us turn our face towards our Father.


The moment one understands this, instantly, that " lack of peace "

changes the name, character, bhava (expression of self) , and our

perception of it - it then gets called as " Kripa " of our Father.

His way of Justness. His way of accelerating us towards Himself. His

way of remembering us. His way of teaching us. His way of reminding

us. His way of cautioning us.His way of saving us. His way of loving



The very lack of peace then becomes a medium and hence the very

pain of association with it converts into gratitude, appreciation,

understanding, and comfort.


Blissful equanimity has already entered you , Brother Mike !

Provided healing is complete. Tell me why not-if you do not agree.


Hence at both the times you tend to become blissful. Believe you are

so and you become so.


We are proud of you, O Dear Son of Krishna. May He grant to you-



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji when asked about when does a man experience lack of peace,

or disturbances of the mind, he has said -

When he begins to depend on wealth, possessions, wife - son and

other perishable objects. Those things and persons that he is

depending on, are all the kind that are coming and going, unstable,

non-dependable. That is, in their coming together and departing, the

mind becomes restless, and unpeaceful. Swamiji suggests leaving

dependencies of those things that are temporary and perishable, and

depending only on Paramatma, who is Eternal and Imperishable, then

restlessness or loss of peace will go away.


Mahalakshmiji had brought out some good points on the right company,

temparate and non-materialistic life style, control of sense organs

etc. Also Shashikalaji has very well addressed the temporary nature

of the world and that only Govinda is permanent and the only one

that is Mine and will be with me at all times.


Swamiji suggests the following methods to remain peaceful and

cheerful (joyful) -


1) One should remain free from attachment and aversion to persons,

objects, incidents and circumstances etc.

2) Out of egoism and selfishness, one must not be partial with any


3) One should fill the mind completely and entirely with divine

traits, such as compassion, forgiveness and generosity etc.

4) One should have feelings of welfare of all beings

5) One whose diet is balanced and regular, whose nature favors

living in solitude, who on being asked, shares at times insights

that are spiritually beneficial, in other words, speaks very little,

he who is moderate in sleep and recreation. In this manner, that

which is in accordance to the ordinance of the scriptures, such a

spiritual aspirant, gains peace and cheerfulness (Joyfulness) of

mind, very quickly.


Meera Das

Ram Ram





-Shree Hari-



When I read your question, I did some thinking during the day, and

this evening I read the deliberations. Vyasji eloquently articulated

many of my thoughts. I will however offer my humble thoughts as I see


When I think of The Beloved, (Krishna so fills that place in my

heart), I actually feel my eyes smart with soft tears of Divine Love,

but do understand my suffering does not diminish that love, I offer

my silent prayers, (that is my way), not because I seek peace, but

because I want to embrace God with my heart.

In fact it was through suffering I turned towards GOD, the help came

automatically, this turning towards the Divine, was my primordial

soul reaching out.(thats the best way I can put it).

Govinda is your beloved, and reaching out to him with that Ancient

Love, by whatever is your way will start to heal you.


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




My dandavat pranams to all in this beautiful forum....

In regard to question below, pertaining to peace.....I have found

for myself that I must analyze carefully who I am associating with,

and who I am giving my heart to.. It is explained in chapter 6

verse 17 " He who is temperate in his habits of eating sleeping,

working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing

the yoga system " .

Are you praying, but simultaneously attached to situations of

enjoyment? Even absorption in various television shows, where

there are dramas of different " visayis " or sense enjoyers, will

prevent you from having peace. Because that association, which is

nondifferent than inviting those persons directly into your living

room to converse with you, will rob you have remembrance of the

Lord. There cannot be peace if you are letting yourself indulge in

materialistic associations. This does not mean that one cannot

conduct business in the world, but the mind must be trained to see

everything in relation to the Lord. There are certainly questions

to ask yourself, in regard to what it is that is filling the mind.

It requires sometimes great sacrifice to attain peace......it is not

going to come to everyone, even if the prayers are there, as long as

we simulteously hold onto so many other affections.

all glories to Srimati Radharani, on this anniversary of her

glorious appearance!


Mahalaksmi Dasi



you have asked a question please find out what kind of relationship

you have with Krishna. Who Is he to you?define. Then you can call

him with that name and you will get peace.

Dr. R. B. Smarta


Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Ramgopal Madiraju,

Please chant " Om Govinda Hari, Gopala Hari! " ...I have heard many

do this as part of bhajans....

---regards, In Sai Smaran, N K Srinivasan



When your heart is not at peace there will be no mental peace with

any prayer. Buddha is your heart at peace. As the Gita

says, " Buddhau saranam anvicche! "


Buddham saranam gacchami (I go to Buddha for protection)

Dhamam saranam gacchami (I go to the Dharma for protection)

Sangham saranam gacchami (I go to the saints for protection)


Recite this as many times as possible.

" hellonidhi "



My dear Madiraju Ram Gopal,


Please get either a CD or a magnetic tape contaiing Pandit Jas Raj's

Bhajan, " Om namo Bhagavatey Vasudevaya " Listen for at least ten

minutes in the morning before you start for your work. This would

work wondes. Divakaran

" subbanarasu divakaran "


Thank you, sir, Hari Om sir. Your reply is most satisfying.

Pl continue it. Any help needed and you think that I deseve. pl donot


Again thanks,

Brahma Narain Mehrotra




Hari Om


Ramgopalji. This is not your problem alone. Almost entire humanity

experiences lack of peace mostly at all times, in different manners.

In fact this world has been defined by Lord Krishna Himself

as " dukhalayam " . Whoever wants something from this world -

immediately and instantly- this world becomes painful for him. It is

a law.


Be happy at the outset, that Saints and Sages, Scriptures like

Gitaji, Ramayana etc have given enough methods to all of us to get

rid of this common humanity disease.

You will indeed receive right counsel from brothers and sisters of

this forum. Keep tuned with an enthuasism with this Gita Talk

deliberations.. The fruit has ripened, parrots will come.


First step- stop expecting that any peace can arise out of your

chanting the name of God or by your prayers. Prayers are not meant

to barter peace against the same. They should be full of your

gratitude to Govinda. He gave you human life, He gave you chance to

realise even Him. His grace only has made it possible for you to be

able to pray. What more is needed? Simply keep doing that , as much

as you can. All names of God are same. Govinda also is a beautiful

name. Simply keep praying-with a masti (bliss).Do not connect your

lack of peace with your prayers.


Lack of peace has no connection with your prayers or with intensity

thereof. The cause for lack of peace is your connection with the

world. The cause of lack of peace is your mind to which machine you

supplied " desires " as input. The cause for lack of peace is your

expectation from all people around you, from circumstances

surrounding you. We will assess them.


We shall deliberate further systematically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear all,

For remembering Krishna as Govinda, chant the following lines.






K.V. Gopalakrishna


Jai Hanuman


Ramgopal Bhaiyya ! Namaste Jee!! Ashanti - lack of peace - no ! It

is gone from today, Jee ! !


Bhaiyya except Govinda, nothing is yours, Jee. Now where is lack of

peace? All else are going to leave you, in fact they are leaving you

continuously. This money, health, wealth, body, wife, children,

kith, kin, house -all the things about which you get so much

worried - NOTE Bhaiyya - after some time you will not even remember

them. Believe Me , Dear Brother. If there is any method of

remembering them then tell who were your parents in previous life?

Where you used to live in last life? Just as you don't remember your

last life, you will not remember this life also ! ! Any doubt on



Now Bhaiyya, when it is certain that you will not even remember in

dreams, these worldly things, people, circumstances, situations-

then where is the sense in worrying about them today, Jee ?


Therefore sing fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " .

If the world is going to dogs because of that, let it go. World can

only go to dogs. It is meant for that only. Nothing else can happen

with the world. Even if entire world vanishes- don't worry. You and

your Govinda shall remain forever. Don't even consider any other



Govinda is mine - accept this and become blissful ! Jee! . Even if

entire world becomes annoyed with you Jee - Damn care. Mere to

Girdhar Gopal. Govinda is mine. More than enough - Jee.


Saadhu sabhi vichaar kar, divi jagat ne pooth


Peechhe dekhi jaavati , to pahale hi baitho rooth


(Saints accumulated at one place, discussed and turned their back

towards the world. When later on the world is not going to stay,

then why not we should stay away from it, now itself! )


Jee Jee




Dear Ram Gopal Madiraju,

it will take some time to immerse your self in joy of unending

purusha, so keep on reciting u will get lost and start having peace

" shapurshiva "



Shri Ramgopal Ji,


Rama Nama is the simplest and most powerful medicine for Peace of


When chanting (praying) Rama Nama with Sincerity and faith, as a

child calls the mother, the LORD obliges immediately.


There is nothing that Rama Nama is not capable of giving.



rama nama japataam kuto bhayam. Where is the scope to fear anything

(including mental disturbances) for one who decorates his lips with

Rama Nama.


Ananya chintan of the LORD is required. Depending solely on the LORD

(the LORD and the LORD's Name being non-different)

" Ananyas Chintayantomam Ye Janah Paryupasathe, Tesham

Nithyabhiyuktanam Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham. "

Lord Krishna declares, " Whoever thinks of me incessantly, I will be

always with them and look after their welfare completely. "



The more we mere mortals try and control things or expect things the

greater the level of anxiety.

In contrast, the more we let go thus the greater the level of

surrender to the will of the LORD, the greater the level of peace of



Ram Ram

Deepak Vinod



Shri Ramgopalji


Mental peace will come out of a firm belief that " I AM IN THE SAFE




Imagine yourself as a child in HIS hands. Does a child in the hands

of a loving mother worry about its food, water, clothing or shelter?


Simple line to recite 24 hours a day:









G Rangarajan


Dear Sadak

Mother Draupadi sang this song when she beeing disrobed.

" Shanku Chakra Gadha Panim Drwaraka Nilaya Achuda

GOVINDA pundarikacha Rakshamam Saranagatha " .

For mind peacefulness Sat Sangh to know yourself and visit temples

Mental peace within oneself, has to be uncovered.







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Ram Ram

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Revered Sir,

I want to remember Krishna as Govinda. Is there a simple line

which I can recite. I pray a lot but have no mental peace.

Regards, Ramgopal


(Ramgopal Madiraju)





:Shree Hari:


Ram Ram


Shree Ramgopal Madirajujee - simple line is


" He Mere Naath Mein Aapako Bhooloon Naheen "

" My very own Father, let me never forget you. "


Ram Ram.





Narayan Narayan


As long as in the world there remains desire for enjoyment of

pleasures and hoarding, till that time mind will not be in peac, it

will not engage in God.

There was a great soul who was giving a discourse. A man asked,

Great One, can I realize God too? The Great Soul said Yes! Go home

today and light a ghee lamp, and the entire night meditate in front

of it. The man returned next day and said, you fooled me. I was

unable to see God. Great One asked, what was going through your

mind at that time? There was a doubt whether I can realize God

today. Great Soul said, if instead of having doubts, if there was

faith, then today, at this moment, God can be realized. Having Faith

also plays an important role. Ramchandra



Jab tak bhoutik jagat mein bhog or sangrah ki kaamna rahegi tab tak.

shaanti nahin hogi, Man nahin lagegaa.

Ek mahatma pravachan de rahe the toh ek admi bola mahatma ji hame bhi

Bhagwan mil sakte hai, toh mahatma ji ne kaha gher jaaker ghee ka

Deepak jalaanaa or rat bher uske saamne baith kar bhagwan ka dhyan

karnaa. Woh aadmi doosre din Mahatmaji ke paas aaker bole kyaa

baikuf banaate ho. Bhagwan toh mile nahin. Mahatmaji bole aapke

man mein kyaa thaa. Aadmi bola Man mai sanka thi ki aaj hi mil

jaayenje. Toh mahatmaji ne kaha ki sankaa Ki jagah shradhaa hoti

toh aaj abhi e si vakt mil jaate. Shradhaa kaa bahut mahatva hai.



Who is fit for Upasana?


Generally, one who feels miserable! Particularly, one who has tried

many avenues in the outside world through his various stages of life

to ralize that no matter whatever is corrected in his material world

could not bring stability in his state of happiness. One who

realizes that the state of happiness borrowed from the external

world through objects, positions, money, relations, etc. could not

be sustained in spite of the strenuous effort expended all through

these years comes to a dead end – what next? Why am I still

suffering? I had what I wanted … yet … why this pain? Who is

inflicting on me? I don't see any other than myself … how could I?!

Could I really hurt myself?? Am I so stupid??? I need some light,

some direction, some guidance … please …


First of all seek your desires right … trace your miseries right …

let the plea errupt " Help! " … do not feel shy. Arjuna pleads

Krishna, " Shaadhi maam! " The accpetance of a Guru is pre-requisite

for becoming an Upasaka. This means, (1) one's ego will never wiggle

its tail again till the guru completes the teaching; (2) one's mind

is all open to obsorb what the guru says; and (3) the body ever

ready to execute anything the guru asks to do … kaayaa … vaachaa …

manasa. One who has that urgency and commitment for a remedy at once

is fit for seeking a guru and hence Upasana.


Therefore, seek that urge to settle scores on your miseries … at



What is the basis of personalized prescription of an Upasana?


No Upasana works if it does not conform to one's current nature.

Therefore, appreciation of one's behavioral (apparent) nature

(Dharma) and aspirational (inherent) nature (Guna) and their

interaction to make a person what he/she is. Veda Vyasa nakes

wonderful observations,


|| Shreyaan swadarmo vigunah paradharmaat swanushthitaat ||


One's nature as is (even if it is disgusting one) is far better than

an imbibed (even if it is the most revered) – varna sankara is the

only sin one can commit; this sin manifests in many different ways

depending on circumstances. Wrong prescription of Prarthana is very

dangerous – it either intensifies existing identities or brings in

aliens, the new identities. The reason is, the prescription remains

alien to the ego. It cannot accept the validity of a prescription

that sounds alien to start with. It is obviously nervous about

loosing its coveted seat. The very practice starts with tremors

within reminding the ego of its coveted seat more than ever during

the practice. The wrong prescription leads to hyper-sensitive

allergy within. Instead of driving the ego out of its seat, the

wrongly prqacticed Prarthana glues the ego into its throne further.


Therefore, one has to understand the patient's symptoms, their root

causes as well as the patient's physiology thoroughly before

prescribing the medicine. A good prescription of The Upasana is the

basis of its success with an enthusiastic seeker.


Therefore, seek the right prescription.




Naga Narayana.







Ramgopalji, we get disturbed because we want things to be done in

our way. We are ruled by KAAM, KRODH, MOHA, MAYA. We have to reverse

it, we should rule them. We should use them as our weapons.

Till things happen according to us, we are happy. The moment

something happens against our wishes, we become upset. The only

MANTRA to become happy is to understand GITA. Not just understanding

it, we have to accept that Krishna is every-thing for us, we are his

servant. Our whole day working should be such as if we are working

for our master Krishna. Now if any thing goes wrong (according to

us). We need not bother, it was because Krishna wanted it that way.

Initially it seems a little difficult and may be confusing too, but

once you catch the real thing then no problem at all.

You recite any mantra for any period of time, but at the end if you

think that you are the " doer " , I don't think you will get true

happiness. True happiness comes only after complete surrendering to

Krishna (no ifs or buts, no questions). The biggest mantra is to

forget " doer-ship " . Only Krishna is the one and all.

Ashok Goenka


Dear Friend,


I can understand the predicament … We should appreciate what is

Prarthana, who can prescribe it to whom, why should it be practiced,

how should it be practiced and why and how does it work!


If you are averse to understand the full mechanism of Upasana, you

should satisfy two prerequisites in the least: An authentic

prescription and an undeterred practice. In this case it works like

a medicine – reducing the symptoms – wherein you choose the best

doctor whom you trust to understand your problem well and you

administer the medicines owing your faith in the medicine. I hope

you met a good Guru and have good trust – in such case, you should

have not felt the miseries at least while you practice the Prarthana.


If you want the everlasting effect from the Prarthana – to be at The

Peace beyond the activity itself … well, welcome! So am I!! Let us

learn together!!!


What is Prarthana?


Very often we are confused that prayer is for begging The God to

shower favors on us – it could be materials, energy, health, life

expectancy, relations … or happiness – as a boon. We do not

appreciate either God or the Upasana. Therefore, we grumble, " I did

so much work. What is the God doing? Why is he not responding? " as

if The God waiting for one's Tapasya to favor him. Can't help … most

stories provide such assurances! But, think … Why should favor

anybody, anything? How can He do that? He is everything! He is

beyond our stupid ideas such a favoritism. Therefore, if you are

practicing prayers with any kind of expectations … I assure you …

you are wasting your " effort " ! At least apply yourself toward the

society through job or service, you may be rewarded. Do not expect

rewards from The God.


Let us get back, what really is The Upasana? We as individuals as

egos have occupied the thrown in the respective systems so badly we

are paranoid about losing the same (Asana) … if not anything, the

death is haunting pointing toward its certain reality. As a result,

we develop dependency on anything and everything recklessly with no

discrimination thinking that any could save the asana as far as

possible. Thanks to our ignorance, we imagine to expand the throne

(the associated empire of ownership) in all our frantic efforts all

through our life. The seers of lore understand this through their

own experiences through Tapasya and have realized that it is our

frantic attachment to this throne of identities that is the root



Dhyaayato vishayaan pumsah …


and, have prescribed us many methods to remove this flaw in us.

Basically, Upasana is to look for an alternative throne (Upasana) so

that we become Upasakas (ones who treat this alternative seat as

special above one's identity circle). So obviously, somebody other

than the ego will occupy this seat. For ego to accept this fact, it

needs reverence. Therefore, choose anything that you respect and/or

something which controls your life in your understanding e.g.

parents, nature, money, job, guru, a cosmic force, a cosmic element,

an idol, if nothing apeals … The Nothing itself. The basic idea of

the prayer is to dethrone you with your own consent and show you

what it means and how you feel. If you had practiced any of your

prayer correctly, this should have occurred – you or not what you

were; in fact, you are nobody. If that had happened, you should have

felt an absolute silence – stillness in life. Then you should have

felt The Peace as such.


Prarthana or Upasana is a practice that shifts an individual from

the self-claimed throne to the feet of a super-trhone with absolute

humility wherein the ego is stripped from its locus of existence.




Naga Narayana


Jai Shree Krishna


Om Kleem Krishnaaye Namah

Try this


Komal Gurdasani



I prefer mental chanting than loud recitation, with a varying length

of the word Govinda.

Govinda, Go ovinda, Go oovinda, Go ooovinda.....

or alternate smaller version followed by longer version Govinda,


Meditation on it would probably be better for discovering your own

preferences to achieve mental peace.

Best wishes,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.


Hari Om


Yes ! Yes !! Brother Mike. Surely the God is with you. Surely you

speak from your soul.


Surely we should be thankful to the lack of peace which in fact was

responsible for making us turn our face towards our Father.


The moment one understands this, instantly, that " lack of peace "

changes the name, character, bhava (expression of self) , and our

perception of it - it then gets called as " Kripa " of our Father.

His way of Justness. His way of accelerating us towards Himself. His

way of remembering us. His way of teaching us. His way of reminding

us. His way of cautioning us.His way of saving us. His way of loving



The very lack of peace then becomes a medium and hence the very

pain of association with it converts into gratitude, appreciation,

understanding, and comfort.


Blissful equanimity has already entered you , Brother Mike !

Provided healing is complete. Tell me why not-if you do not agree.


Hence at both the times you tend to become blissful. Believe you are

so and you become so.


We are proud of you, O Dear Son of Krishna. May He grant to you-



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji when asked about when does a man experience lack of peace,

or disturbances of the mind, he has said -

When he begins to depend on wealth, possessions, wife - son and

other perishable objects. Those things and persons that he is

depending on, are all the kind that are coming and going, unstable,

non-dependable. That is, in their coming together and departing, the

mind becomes restless, and unpeaceful. Swamiji suggests leaving

dependencies of those things that are temporary and perishable, and

depending only on Paramatma, who is Eternal and Imperishable, then

restlessness or loss of peace will go away.


Mahalakshmiji had brought out some good points on the right company,

temparate and non-materialistic life style, control of sense organs

etc. Also Shashikalaji has very well addressed the temporary nature

of the world and that only Govinda is permanent and the only one

that is Mine and will be with me at all times.


Swamiji suggests the following methods to remain peaceful and

cheerful (joyful) -


1) One should remain free from attachment and aversion to persons,

objects, incidents and circumstances etc.

2) Out of egoism and selfishness, one must not be partial with any


3) One should fill the mind completely and entirely with divine

traits, such as compassion, forgiveness and generosity etc.

4) One should have feelings of welfare of all beings

5) One whose diet is balanced and regular, whose nature favors

living in solitude, who on being asked, shares at times insights

that are spiritually beneficial, in other words, speaks very little,

he who is moderate in sleep and recreation. In this manner, that

which is in accordance to the ordinance of the scriptures, such a

spiritual aspirant, gains peace and cheerfulness (Joyfulness) of

mind, very quickly.


Meera Das

Ram Ram




-Shree Hari-



When I read your question, I did some thinking during the day, and

this evening I read the deliberations. Vyasji eloquently articulated

many of my thoughts. I will however offer my humble thoughts as I see


When I think of The Beloved, (Krishna so fills that place in my

heart), I actually feel my eyes smart with soft tears of Divine Love,

but do understand my suffering does not diminish that love, I offer

my silent prayers, (that is my way), not because I seek peace, but

because I want to embrace God with my heart.

In fact it was through suffering I turned towards GOD, the help came

automatically, this turning towards the Divine, was my primordial

soul reaching out.(thats the best way I can put it).

Govinda is your beloved, and reaching out to him with that Ancient

Love, by whatever is your way will start to heal you.


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




My dandavat pranams to all in this beautiful forum....

In regard to question below, pertaining to peace.....I have found

for myself that I must analyze carefully who I am associating with,

and who I am giving my heart to.. It is explained in chapter 6

verse 17 " He who is temperate in his habits of eating sleeping,

working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing

the yoga system " .

Are you praying, but simultaneously attached to situations of

enjoyment? Even absorption in various television shows, where

there are dramas of different " visayis " or sense enjoyers, will

prevent you from having peace. Because that association, which is

nondifferent than inviting those persons directly into your living

room to converse with you, will rob you have remembrance of the

Lord. There cannot be peace if you are letting yourself indulge in

materialistic associations. This does not mean that one cannot

conduct business in the world, but the mind must be trained to see

everything in relation to the Lord. There are certainly questions

to ask yourself, in regard to what it is that is filling the mind.

It requires sometimes great sacrifice to attain peace......it is not

going to come to everyone, even if the prayers are there, as long as

we simulteously hold onto so many other affections.

all glories to Srimati Radharani, on this anniversary of her

glorious appearance!


Mahalaksmi Dasi



you have asked a question please find out what kind of relationship

you have with Krishna. Who Is he to you?define. Then you can call

him with that name and you will get peace.

Dr. R. B. Smarta


Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Ramgopal Madiraju,

Please chant " Om Govinda Hari, Gopala Hari! " ...I have heard many

do this as part of bhajans....

---regards, In Sai Smaran, N K Srinivasan



When your heart is not at peace there will be no mental peace with

any prayer. Buddha is your heart at peace. As the Gita

says, " Buddhau saranam anvicche! "


Buddham saranam gacchami (I go to Buddha for protection)

Dhamam saranam gacchami (I go to the Dharma for protection)

Sangham saranam gacchami (I go to the saints for protection)


Recite this as many times as possible.

" hellonidhi "



My dear Madiraju Ram Gopal,


Please get either a CD or a magnetic tape contaiing Pandit Jas Raj's

Bhajan, " Om namo Bhagavatey Vasudevaya " Listen for at least ten

minutes in the morning before you start for your work. This would

work wondes. Divakaran

" subbanarasu divakaran "


Thank you, sir, Hari Om sir. Your reply is most satisfying.

Pl continue it. Any help needed and you think that I deseve. pl donot


Again thanks,

Brahma Narain Mehrotra




Hari Om


Ramgopalji. This is not your problem alone. Almost entire humanity

experiences lack of peace mostly at all times, in different manners.

In fact this world has been defined by Lord Krishna Himself

as " dukhalayam " . Whoever wants something from this world -

immediately and instantly- this world becomes painful for him. It is

a law.


Be happy at the outset, that Saints and Sages, Scriptures like

Gitaji, Ramayana etc have given enough methods to all of us to get

rid of this common humanity disease.

You will indeed receive right counsel from brothers and sisters of

this forum. Keep tuned with an enthuasism with this Gita Talk

deliberations.. The fruit has ripened, parrots will come.


First step- stop expecting that any peace can arise out of your

chanting the name of God or by your prayers. Prayers are not meant

to barter peace against the same. They should be full of your

gratitude to Govinda. He gave you human life, He gave you chance to

realise even Him. His grace only has made it possible for you to be

able to pray. What more is needed? Simply keep doing that , as much

as you can. All names of God are same. Govinda also is a beautiful

name. Simply keep praying-with a masti (bliss).Do not connect your

lack of peace with your prayers.


Lack of peace has no connection with your prayers or with intensity

thereof. The cause for lack of peace is your connection with the

world. The cause of lack of peace is your mind to which machine you

supplied " desires " as input. The cause for lack of peace is your

expectation from all people around you, from circumstances

surrounding you. We will assess them.


We shall deliberate further systematically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear all,

For remembering Krishna as Govinda, chant the following lines.






K.V. Gopalakrishna


Jai Hanuman


Ramgopal Bhaiyya ! Namaste Jee!! Ashanti - lack of peace - no ! It

is gone from today, Jee ! !


Bhaiyya except Govinda, nothing is yours, Jee. Now where is lack of

peace? All else are going to leave you, in fact they are leaving you

continuously. This money, health, wealth, body, wife, children,

kith, kin, house -all the things about which you get so much

worried - NOTE Bhaiyya - after some time you will not even remember

them. Believe Me , Dear Brother. If there is any method of

remembering them then tell who were your parents in previous life?

Where you used to live in last life? Just as you don't remember your

last life, you will not remember this life also ! ! Any doubt on



Now Bhaiyya, when it is certain that you will not even remember in

dreams, these worldly things, people, circumstances, situations-

then where is the sense in worrying about them today, Jee ?


Therefore sing fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " .

If the world is going to dogs because of that, let it go. World can

only go to dogs. It is meant for that only. Nothing else can happen

with the world. Even if entire world vanishes- don't worry. You and

your Govinda shall remain forever. Don't even consider any other



Govinda is mine - accept this and become blissful ! Jee! . Even if

entire world becomes annoyed with you Jee - Damn care. Mere to

Girdhar Gopal. Govinda is mine. More than enough - Jee.


Saadhu sabhi vichaar kar, divi jagat ne pooth


Peechhe dekhi jaavati , to pahale hi baitho rooth


(Saints accumulated at one place, discussed and turned their back

towards the world. When later on the world is not going to stay,

then why not we should stay away from it, now itself! )


Jee Jee




Dear Ram Gopal Madiraju,

it will take some time to immerse your self in joy of unending

purusha, so keep on reciting u will get lost and start having peace

" shapurshiva "



Shri Ramgopal Ji,


Rama Nama is the simplest and most powerful medicine for Peace of


When chanting (praying) Rama Nama with Sincerity and faith, as a

child calls the mother, the LORD obliges immediately.


There is nothing that Rama Nama is not capable of giving.



rama nama japataam kuto bhayam. Where is the scope to fear anything

(including mental disturbances) for one who decorates his lips with

Rama Nama.


Ananya chintan of the LORD is required. Depending solely on the LORD

(the LORD and the LORD's Name being non-different)

" Ananyas Chintayantomam Ye Janah Paryupasathe, Tesham

Nithyabhiyuktanam Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham. "

Lord Krishna declares, " Whoever thinks of me incessantly, I will be

always with them and look after their welfare completely. "



The more we mere mortals try and control things or expect things the

greater the level of anxiety.

In contrast, the more we let go thus the greater the level of

surrender to the will of the LORD, the greater the level of peace of



Ram Ram

Deepak Vinod



Shri Ramgopalji


Mental peace will come out of a firm belief that " I AM IN THE SAFE




Imagine yourself as a child in HIS hands. Does a child in the hands

of a loving mother worry about its food, water, clothing or shelter?


Simple line to recite 24 hours a day:









G Rangarajan


Dear Sadak

Mother Draupadi sang this song when she beeing disrobed.

" Shanku Chakra Gadha Panim Drwaraka Nilaya Achuda

GOVINDA pundarikacha Rakshamam Saranagatha " .

For mind peacefulness Sat Sangh to know yourself and visit temples

Mental peace within oneself, has to be uncovered.







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Ram Ram

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Revered Sir,

I want to remember Krishna as Govinda. Is there a simple line

which I can recite. I pray a lot but have no mental peace.

Regards, Ramgopal


(Ramgopal Madiraju)





:Shree Hari:


Ram Ram


Shree Ramgopal Madirajujee - simple line is


" He Mere Naath Mein Aapako Bhooloon Naheen "

" My very own Father, let me never forget you. "


Ram Ram.






When one's mind becomes wavered, it is but natural that he tends to

get out of concentration. Concentration requires will power and this

you can get with self-training. We are all not masters but students

and so it is never too late to learn. If you recall your younger

days you would remember that you had a lot to by-heart and the more

you read, more the subject gets imbedded in your mind. Please try.

Best of luck.



P. Ramakrishnan



How does Upasana work?


Upasana works AS IS by revealing you AS YOU ARE by stripping you off

whatever YOU HAVE. In other words, it strips you off all your

coverings (pretentions) to show you stork naked (Avadhuta) which you

are. How deep you can penetrate into these layers and how long you

can sustain yourself in that depth is upto you … it is upto the Guru

you have sought ... it is upto its strength to penetrate into your

kingdom of Dharmas and Gunas. But, for sure, every cloth that is

stripped off reveals the freshness of what you are.


Awareness of why the prescription was made reveals the mechanism of

how the prescription works. The basis for all the prescription is

reduction of our Dharmas and Gunas and never to acuire their new

alien cousins. Therefore, every Upasana is two pronged – Daana to

purge away the masks we have tied on to our faces in terms of images

of our memory bank and Yagyna to ensure that no new nature is

borrowed from our environment during the activity.


True Upasana extends naturally to wider spectra of our Gunas and

Dharmas to eventually drop the same off our identity bank.


|| Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharanam vraja ||


Keep it up to drop of all the clothings, all your pretentions, all

your traits, all your images, all your identities to merge in me,

the urge for liberation. Oblation of all our Vaasanas (acquired

behavioral and aspirational characteristics) into the flames of this

urge to be what we are is The Upasana tinto which all other

prescriptions would eventually merge in like rivers eventually

disolving away their identities into an ocean.


All the Upasanas are aimed at the Avadhuta state … The Niravaana …

The Kaivalya … The Moksha … THAT … just names to keep up the Upasana

Yagnya " to be " that we are by dropping off all our " to have "



Seek to be The Upasana.


A simple single line Prarthana please …


That is good! The simplest is NOTHING … SILENCE … if you can!


The next simplest is " Oum " which incorporartes to whole universe and

yet the simplest sound possible …


But, what is the use of any, simple or complex, if are NOT READY?!

Being ready is what that matters … The Urge, The Trust, The

Knowledge, … Once ready, anything can cat as Upasana and anything



You can even say, " a-squared plus b-squared is equal to c-squared "

often … you can even recite the whole Ramayana daily … you write

Rama nam koti all trhough your life … but if you lack the required

ingredient … all that remains " Dukrim karanam " of a foolish,

absesisve and temporal mind … no use. Therefore, Bhaja Govindam …

seek The Guru of all within … your urge for liberation from your

ignorance and inertia. If you do, nothing becomes the prayer … The

Nothing which IS EVERYTHING.




Naga Narayana



Jai Shree Krishna


I read observations of Mr Naga Narayana , on the matter of Prarthana

(prayer)- .


" The wrong prescription leads to hyper sensitivity allergy within.

Instead of ego out of its seat, the wrongly practiced prarthana

glues to ego into its throne further "


Prayer is not learnt ! Prayer emanates out of soul. Prayer comes

from within, from soul. What prescription ? What ego? Where is the

question of Guru ? What is being adviced ? There are Gurus for that

also ? What kind of Guru is required for a child to call his mother ?


One should learn to become a child.


No Ramgopalji - my advice is that don't rush to any one. Your

Govinda is more than enough. Just pray from a pure heart. Enough!


" Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin " - best advice.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayan Narayan




Narayan Narayan


As long as in the world there remains desire for enjoyment of

pleasures and hoarding, till that time mind will not be in peac, it

will not engage in God.

There was a great soul who was giving a discourse. A man asked,

Great One, can I realize God too? The Great Soul said Yes! Go home

today and light a ghee lamp, and the entire night meditate in front

of it. The man returned next day and said, you fooled me. I was

unable to see God. Great One asked, what was going through your

mind at that time? There was a doubt whether I can realize God

today. Great Soul said, if instead of having doubts, if there was

faith, then today, at this moment, God can be realized. Having Faith

also plays an important role. Ramchandra



Jab tak bhoutik jagat mein bhog or sangrah ki kaamna rahegi tab tak.

shaanti nahin hogi, Man nahin lagegaa.

Ek mahatma pravachan de rahe the toh ek admi bola mahatma ji hame bhi

Bhagwan mil sakte hai, toh mahatma ji ne kaha gher jaaker ghee ka

Deepak jalaanaa or rat bher uske saamne baith kar bhagwan ka dhyan

karnaa. Woh aadmi doosre din Mahatmaji ke paas aaker bole kyaa

baikuf banaate ho. Bhagwan toh mile nahin. Mahatmaji bole aapke

man mein kyaa thaa. Aadmi bola Man mai sanka thi ki aaj hi mil

jaayenje. Toh mahatmaji ne kaha ki sankaa Ki jagah shradhaa hoti

toh aaj abhi e si vakt mil jaate. Shradhaa kaa bahut mahatva hai.



Who is fit for Upasana?


Generally, one who feels miserable! Particularly, one who has tried

many avenues in the outside world through his various stages of life

to ralize that no matter whatever is corrected in his material world

could not bring stability in his state of happiness. One who

realizes that the state of happiness borrowed from the external

world through objects, positions, money, relations, etc. could not

be sustained in spite of the strenuous effort expended all through

these years comes to a dead end – what next? Why am I still

suffering? I had what I wanted … yet … why this pain? Who is

inflicting on me? I don't see any other than myself … how could I?!

Could I really hurt myself?? Am I so stupid??? I need some light,

some direction, some guidance … please …


First of all seek your desires right … trace your miseries right …

let the plea errupt " Help! " … do not feel shy. Arjuna pleads

Krishna, " Shaadhi maam! " The accpetance of a Guru is pre-requisite

for becoming an Upasaka. This means, (1) one's ego will never wiggle

its tail again till the guru completes the teaching; (2) one's mind

is all open to obsorb what the guru says; and (3) the body ever

ready to execute anything the guru asks to do … kaayaa … vaachaa …

manasa. One who has that urgency and commitment for a remedy at once

is fit for seeking a guru and hence Upasana.


Therefore, seek that urge to settle scores on your miseries … at



What is the basis of personalized prescription of an Upasana?


No Upasana works if it does not conform to one's current nature.

Therefore, appreciation of one's behavioral (apparent) nature

(Dharma) and aspirational (inherent) nature (Guna) and their

interaction to make a person what he/she is. Veda Vyasa nakes

wonderful observations,


|| Shreyaan swadarmo vigunah paradharmaat swanushthitaat ||


One's nature as is (even if it is disgusting one) is far better than

an imbibed (even if it is the most revered) – varna sankara is the

only sin one can commit; this sin manifests in many different ways

depending on circumstances. Wrong prescription of Prarthana is very

dangerous – it either intensifies existing identities or brings in

aliens, the new identities. The reason is, the prescription remains

alien to the ego. It cannot accept the validity of a prescription

that sounds alien to start with. It is obviously nervous about

loosing its coveted seat. The very practice starts with tremors

within reminding the ego of its coveted seat more than ever during

the practice. The wrong prescription leads to hyper-sensitive

allergy within. Instead of driving the ego out of its seat, the

wrongly prqacticed Prarthana glues the ego into its throne further.


Therefore, one has to understand the patient's symptoms, their root

causes as well as the patient's physiology thoroughly before

prescribing the medicine. A good prescription of The Upasana is the

basis of its success with an enthusiastic seeker.


Therefore, seek the right prescription.




Naga Narayana.







Ramgopalji, we get disturbed because we want things to be done in

our way. We are ruled by KAAM, KRODH, MOHA, MAYA. We have to reverse

it, we should rule them. We should use them as our weapons.

Till things happen according to us, we are happy. The moment

something happens against our wishes, we become upset. The only

MANTRA to become happy is to understand GITA. Not just understanding

it, we have to accept that Krishna is every-thing for us, we are his

servant. Our whole day working should be such as if we are working

for our master Krishna. Now if any thing goes wrong (according to

us). We need not bother, it was because Krishna wanted it that way.

Initially it seems a little difficult and may be confusing too, but

once you catch the real thing then no problem at all.

You recite any mantra for any period of time, but at the end if you

think that you are the " doer " , I don't think you will get true

happiness. True happiness comes only after complete surrendering to

Krishna (no ifs or buts, no questions). The biggest mantra is to

forget " doer-ship " . Only Krishna is the one and all.

Ashok Goenka


Dear Friend,


I can understand the predicament … We should appreciate what is

Prarthana, who can prescribe it to whom, why should it be practiced,

how should it be practiced and why and how does it work!


If you are averse to understand the full mechanism of Upasana, you

should satisfy two prerequisites in the least: An authentic

prescription and an undeterred practice. In this case it works like

a medicine – reducing the symptoms – wherein you choose the best

doctor whom you trust to understand your problem well and you

administer the medicines owing your faith in the medicine. I hope

you met a good Guru and have good trust – in such case, you should

have not felt the miseries at least while you practice the Prarthana.


If you want the everlasting effect from the Prarthana – to be at The

Peace beyond the activity itself … well, welcome! So am I!! Let us

learn together!!!


What is Prarthana?


Very often we are confused that prayer is for begging The God to

shower favors on us – it could be materials, energy, health, life

expectancy, relations … or happiness – as a boon. We do not

appreciate either God or the Upasana. Therefore, we grumble, " I did

so much work. What is the God doing? Why is he not responding? " as

if The God waiting for one's Tapasya to favor him. Can't help … most

stories provide such assurances! But, think … Why should favor

anybody, anything? How can He do that? He is everything! He is

beyond our stupid ideas such a favoritism. Therefore, if you are

practicing prayers with any kind of expectations … I assure you …

you are wasting your " effort " ! At least apply yourself toward the

society through job or service, you may be rewarded. Do not expect

rewards from The God.


Let us get back, what really is The Upasana? We as individuals as

egos have occupied the thrown in the respective systems so badly we

are paranoid about losing the same (Asana) … if not anything, the

death is haunting pointing toward its certain reality. As a result,

we develop dependency on anything and everything recklessly with no

discrimination thinking that any could save the asana as far as

possible. Thanks to our ignorance, we imagine to expand the throne

(the associated empire of ownership) in all our frantic efforts all

through our life. The seers of lore understand this through their

own experiences through Tapasya and have realized that it is our

frantic attachment to this throne of identities that is the root



Dhyaayato vishayaan pumsah …


and, have prescribed us many methods to remove this flaw in us.

Basically, Upasana is to look for an alternative throne (Upasana) so

that we become Upasakas (ones who treat this alternative seat as

special above one's identity circle). So obviously, somebody other

than the ego will occupy this seat. For ego to accept this fact, it

needs reverence. Therefore, choose anything that you respect and/or

something which controls your life in your understanding e.g.

parents, nature, money, job, guru, a cosmic force, a cosmic element,

an idol, if nothing apeals … The Nothing itself. The basic idea of

the prayer is to dethrone you with your own consent and show you

what it means and how you feel. If you had practiced any of your

prayer correctly, this should have occurred – you or not what you

were; in fact, you are nobody. If that had happened, you should have

felt an absolute silence – stillness in life. Then you should have

felt The Peace as such.


Prarthana or Upasana is a practice that shifts an individual from

the self-claimed throne to the feet of a super-trhone with absolute

humility wherein the ego is stripped from its locus of existence.




Naga Narayana


Jai Shree Krishna


Om Kleem Krishnaaye Namah

Try this


Komal Gurdasani



I prefer mental chanting than loud recitation, with a varying length

of the word Govinda.

Govinda, Go ovinda, Go oovinda, Go ooovinda.....

or alternate smaller version followed by longer version Govinda,


Meditation on it would probably be better for discovering your own

preferences to achieve mental peace.

Best wishes,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.


Hari Om


Yes ! Yes !! Brother Mike. Surely the God is with you. Surely you

speak from your soul.


Surely we should be thankful to the lack of peace which in fact was

responsible for making us turn our face towards our Father.


The moment one understands this, instantly, that " lack of peace "

changes the name, character, bhava (expression of self) , and our

perception of it - it then gets called as " Kripa " of our Father.

His way of Justness. His way of accelerating us towards Himself. His

way of remembering us. His way of teaching us. His way of reminding

us. His way of cautioning us.His way of saving us. His way of loving



The very lack of peace then becomes a medium and hence the very

pain of association with it converts into gratitude, appreciation,

understanding, and comfort.


Blissful equanimity has already entered you , Brother Mike !

Provided healing is complete. Tell me why not-if you do not agree.


Hence at both the times you tend to become blissful. Believe you are

so and you become so.


We are proud of you, O Dear Son of Krishna. May He grant to you-



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji when asked about when does a man experience lack of peace,

or disturbances of the mind, he has said -

When he begins to depend on wealth, possessions, wife - son and

other perishable objects. Those things and persons that he is

depending on, are all the kind that are coming and going, unstable,

non-dependable. That is, in their coming together and departing, the

mind becomes restless, and unpeaceful. Swamiji suggests leaving

dependencies of those things that are temporary and perishable, and

depending only on Paramatma, who is Eternal and Imperishable, then

restlessness or loss of peace will go away.


Mahalakshmiji had brought out some good points on the right company,

temparate and non-materialistic life style, control of sense organs

etc. Also Shashikalaji has very well addressed the temporary nature

of the world and that only Govinda is permanent and the only one

that is Mine and will be with me at all times.


Swamiji suggests the following methods to remain peaceful and

cheerful (joyful) -


1) One should remain free from attachment and aversion to persons,

objects, incidents and circumstances etc.

2) Out of egoism and selfishness, one must not be partial with any


3) One should fill the mind completely and entirely with divine

traits, such as compassion, forgiveness and generosity etc.

4) One should have feelings of welfare of all beings

5) One whose diet is balanced and regular, whose nature favors

living in solitude, who on being asked, shares at times insights

that are spiritually beneficial, in other words, speaks very little,

he who is moderate in sleep and recreation. In this manner, that

which is in accordance to the ordinance of the scriptures, such a

spiritual aspirant, gains peace and cheerfulness (Joyfulness) of

mind, very quickly.


Meera Das

Ram Ram




-Shree Hari-



When I read your question, I did some thinking during the day, and

this evening I read the deliberations. Vyasji eloquently articulated

many of my thoughts. I will however offer my humble thoughts as I see


When I think of The Beloved, (Krishna so fills that place in my

heart), I actually feel my eyes smart with soft tears of Divine Love,

but do understand my suffering does not diminish that love, I offer

my silent prayers, (that is my way), not because I seek peace, but

because I want to embrace God with my heart.

In fact it was through suffering I turned towards GOD, the help came

automatically, this turning towards the Divine, was my primordial

soul reaching out.(thats the best way I can put it).

Govinda is your beloved, and reaching out to him with that Ancient

Love, by whatever is your way will start to heal you.


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




My dandavat pranams to all in this beautiful forum....

In regard to question below, pertaining to peace.....I have found

for myself that I must analyze carefully who I am associating with,

and who I am giving my heart to.. It is explained in chapter 6

verse 17 " He who is temperate in his habits of eating sleeping,

working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing

the yoga system " .

Are you praying, but simultaneously attached to situations of

enjoyment? Even absorption in various television shows, where

there are dramas of different " visayis " or sense enjoyers, will

prevent you from having peace. Because that association, which is

nondifferent than inviting those persons directly into your living

room to converse with you, will rob you have remembrance of the

Lord. There cannot be peace if you are letting yourself indulge in

materialistic associations. This does not mean that one cannot

conduct business in the world, but the mind must be trained to see

everything in relation to the Lord. There are certainly questions

to ask yourself, in regard to what it is that is filling the mind.

It requires sometimes great sacrifice to attain peace......it is not

going to come to everyone, even if the prayers are there, as long as

we simulteously hold onto so many other affections.

all glories to Srimati Radharani, on this anniversary of her

glorious appearance!


Mahalaksmi Dasi



you have asked a question please find out what kind of relationship

you have with Krishna. Who Is he to you?define. Then you can call

him with that name and you will get peace.

Dr. R. B. Smarta


Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Ramgopal Madiraju,

Please chant " Om Govinda Hari, Gopala Hari! " ...I have heard many

do this as part of bhajans....

---regards, In Sai Smaran, N K Srinivasan



When your heart is not at peace there will be no mental peace with

any prayer. Buddha is your heart at peace. As the Gita

says, " Buddhau saranam anvicche! "


Buddham saranam gacchami (I go to Buddha for protection)

Dhamam saranam gacchami (I go to the Dharma for protection)

Sangham saranam gacchami (I go to the saints for protection)


Recite this as many times as possible.

" hellonidhi "



My dear Madiraju Ram Gopal,


Please get either a CD or a magnetic tape contaiing Pandit Jas Raj's

Bhajan, " Om namo Bhagavatey Vasudevaya " Listen for at least ten

minutes in the morning before you start for your work. This would

work wondes. Divakaran

" subbanarasu divakaran "


Thank you, sir, Hari Om sir. Your reply is most satisfying.

Pl continue it. Any help needed and you think that I deseve. pl donot


Again thanks,

Brahma Narain Mehrotra




Hari Om


Ramgopalji. This is not your problem alone. Almost entire humanity

experiences lack of peace mostly at all times, in different manners.

In fact this world has been defined by Lord Krishna Himself

as " dukhalayam " . Whoever wants something from this world -

immediately and instantly- this world becomes painful for him. It is

a law.


Be happy at the outset, that Saints and Sages, Scriptures like

Gitaji, Ramayana etc have given enough methods to all of us to get

rid of this common humanity disease.

You will indeed receive right counsel from brothers and sisters of

this forum. Keep tuned with an enthuasism with this Gita Talk

deliberations.. The fruit has ripened, parrots will come.


First step- stop expecting that any peace can arise out of your

chanting the name of God or by your prayers. Prayers are not meant

to barter peace against the same. They should be full of your

gratitude to Govinda. He gave you human life, He gave you chance to

realise even Him. His grace only has made it possible for you to be

able to pray. What more is needed? Simply keep doing that , as much

as you can. All names of God are same. Govinda also is a beautiful

name. Simply keep praying-with a masti (bliss).Do not connect your

lack of peace with your prayers.


Lack of peace has no connection with your prayers or with intensity

thereof. The cause for lack of peace is your connection with the

world. The cause of lack of peace is your mind to which machine you

supplied " desires " as input. The cause for lack of peace is your

expectation from all people around you, from circumstances

surrounding you. We will assess them.


We shall deliberate further systematically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear all,

For remembering Krishna as Govinda, chant the following lines.






K.V. Gopalakrishna


Jai Hanuman


Ramgopal Bhaiyya ! Namaste Jee!! Ashanti - lack of peace - no ! It

is gone from today, Jee ! !


Bhaiyya except Govinda, nothing is yours, Jee. Now where is lack of

peace? All else are going to leave you, in fact they are leaving you

continuously. This money, health, wealth, body, wife, children,

kith, kin, house -all the things about which you get so much

worried - NOTE Bhaiyya - after some time you will not even remember

them. Believe Me , Dear Brother. If there is any method of

remembering them then tell who were your parents in previous life?

Where you used to live in last life? Just as you don't remember your

last life, you will not remember this life also ! ! Any doubt on



Now Bhaiyya, when it is certain that you will not even remember in

dreams, these worldly things, people, circumstances, situations-

then where is the sense in worrying about them today, Jee ?


Therefore sing fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " .

If the world is going to dogs because of that, let it go. World can

only go to dogs. It is meant for that only. Nothing else can happen

with the world. Even if entire world vanishes- don't worry. You and

your Govinda shall remain forever. Don't even consider any other



Govinda is mine - accept this and become blissful ! Jee! . Even if

entire world becomes annoyed with you Jee - Damn care. Mere to

Girdhar Gopal. Govinda is mine. More than enough - Jee.


Saadhu sabhi vichaar kar, divi jagat ne pooth


Peechhe dekhi jaavati , to pahale hi baitho rooth


(Saints accumulated at one place, discussed and turned their back

towards the world. When later on the world is not going to stay,

then why not we should stay away from it, now itself! )


Jee Jee




Dear Ram Gopal Madiraju,

it will take some time to immerse your self in joy of unending

purusha, so keep on reciting u will get lost and start having peace

" shapurshiva "



Shri Ramgopal Ji,


Rama Nama is the simplest and most powerful medicine for Peace of


When chanting (praying) Rama Nama with Sincerity and faith, as a

child calls the mother, the LORD obliges immediately.


There is nothing that Rama Nama is not capable of giving.



rama nama japataam kuto bhayam. Where is the scope to fear anything

(including mental disturbances) for one who decorates his lips with

Rama Nama.


Ananya chintan of the LORD is required. Depending solely on the LORD

(the LORD and the LORD's Name being non-different)

" Ananyas Chintayantomam Ye Janah Paryupasathe, Tesham

Nithyabhiyuktanam Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham. "

Lord Krishna declares, " Whoever thinks of me incessantly, I will be

always with them and look after their welfare completely. "



The more we mere mortals try and control things or expect things the

greater the level of anxiety.

In contrast, the more we let go thus the greater the level of

surrender to the will of the LORD, the greater the level of peace of



Ram Ram

Deepak Vinod



Shri Ramgopalji


Mental peace will come out of a firm belief that " I AM IN THE SAFE




Imagine yourself as a child in HIS hands. Does a child in the hands

of a loving mother worry about its food, water, clothing or shelter?


Simple line to recite 24 hours a day:









G Rangarajan


Dear Sadak

Mother Draupadi sang this song when she beeing disrobed.

" Shanku Chakra Gadha Panim Drwaraka Nilaya Achuda

GOVINDA pundarikacha Rakshamam Saranagatha " .

For mind peacefulness Sat Sangh to know yourself and visit temples

Mental peace within oneself, has to be uncovered.







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Ram Ram

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Revered Sir,

I want to remember Krishna as Govinda. Is there a simple line

which I can recite. I pray a lot but have no mental peace.

Regards, Ramgopal


(Ramgopal Madiraju)





" Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam, Mudhamate "

" Visharad Sharma "



Hari Om


It is true that this world has been defined as " dukhalayam " (filled

with sorrow) by Krishna Himself - but when?


Only when we have desires within to be fulfilled out of world. If we

renounce them, the world no longer remains dukhalayam for us.


Then verse 7:19 of Gita comes into play - the world

becomes " Bhagvatsvaroop " . (the form of very Paramatma ) for us !!.


How easy! How practical !! What is needed? Renunciation of desires!

It has nothing to do with actual receipt of happiness by us! Even

without desiring, happiness comes to us - many times!! So what do we

lose in renouncing desires? Nothing in fact!


Desires arise only because of our connection with this world !


Hence in fact the root cause of our lack of peace, sorrow, suffering

is our connection with the world. If we look at the world only as a

witness, if we only do our duty towards the family members, the body

etc without expecting anything in return - where is lack of peace?


Therefore as sadhaks, let us all simply disconnect with

the " perishable " world, as can perishable ever give anything to

the " imperishable " Self? Can this world satisfy us? No ! Hence

simply remain connected with Govinda and have limited connection

with the world - only to do your Duty !


Where is lack of peace now?


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




:Shree Hari:


Ram Ram


Shree Ramgopal Madirajujee - simple line is


" He Mere Naath Mein Aapako Bhooloon Naheen "

" My very own Father, let me never forget you. "


Ram Ram.






When one's mind becomes wavered, it is but natural that he tends to

get out of concentration. Concentration requires will power and this

you can get with self-training. We are all not masters but students

and so it is never too late to learn. If you recall your younger

days you would remember that you had a lot to by-heart and the more

you read, more the subject gets imbedded in your mind. Please try.

Best of luck.



P. Ramakrishnan



How does Upasana work?


Upasana works AS IS by revealing you AS YOU ARE by stripping you off

whatever YOU HAVE. In other words, it strips you off all your

coverings (pretentions) to show you stork naked (Avadhuta) which you

are. How deep you can penetrate into these layers and how long you

can sustain yourself in that depth is upto you … it is upto the Guru

you have sought ... it is upto its strength to penetrate into your

kingdom of Dharmas and Gunas. But, for sure, every cloth that is

stripped off reveals the freshness of what you are.


Awareness of why the prescription was made reveals the mechanism of

how the prescription works. The basis for all the prescription is

reduction of our Dharmas and Gunas and never to acuire their new

alien cousins. Therefore, every Upasana is two pronged – Daana to

purge away the masks we have tied on to our faces in terms of images

of our memory bank and Yagyna to ensure that no new nature is

borrowed from our environment during the activity.


True Upasana extends naturally to wider spectra of our Gunas and

Dharmas to eventually drop the same off our identity bank.


|| Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharanam vraja ||


Keep it up to drop of all the clothings, all your pretentions, all

your traits, all your images, all your identities to merge in me,

the urge for liberation. Oblation of all our Vaasanas (acquired

behavioral and aspirational characteristics) into the flames of this

urge to be what we are is The Upasana tinto which all other

prescriptions would eventually merge in like rivers eventually

disolving away their identities into an ocean.


All the Upasanas are aimed at the Avadhuta state … The Niravaana …

The Kaivalya … The Moksha … THAT … just names to keep up the Upasana

Yagnya " to be " that we are by dropping off all our " to have "



Seek to be The Upasana.


A simple single line Prarthana please …


That is good! The simplest is NOTHING … SILENCE … if you can!


The next simplest is " Oum " which incorporartes to whole universe and

yet the simplest sound possible …


But, what is the use of any, simple or complex, if are NOT READY?!

Being ready is what that matters … The Urge, The Trust, The

Knowledge, … Once ready, anything can cat as Upasana and anything



You can even say, " a-squared plus b-squared is equal to c-squared "

often … you can even recite the whole Ramayana daily … you write

Rama nam koti all trhough your life … but if you lack the required

ingredient … all that remains " Dukrim karanam " of a foolish,

absesisve and temporal mind … no use. Therefore, Bhaja Govindam …

seek The Guru of all within … your urge for liberation from your

ignorance and inertia. If you do, nothing becomes the prayer … The

Nothing which IS EVERYTHING.




Naga Narayana



Jai Shree Krishna


I read observations of Mr Naga Narayana , on the matter of Prarthana

(prayer)- .


" The wrong prescription leads to hyper sensitivity allergy within.

Instead of ego out of its seat, the wrongly practiced prarthana

glues to ego into its throne further "


Prayer is not learnt ! Prayer emanates out of soul. Prayer comes

from within, from soul. What prescription ? What ego? Where is the

question of Guru ? What is being adviced ? There are Gurus for that

also ? What kind of Guru is required for a child to call his mother ?


One should learn to become a child.


No Ramgopalji - my advice is that don't rush to any one. Your

Govinda is more than enough. Just pray from a pure heart. Enough!


" Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin " - best advice.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayan Narayan




Narayan Narayan


As long as in the world there remains desire for enjoyment of

pleasures and hoarding, till that time mind will not be in peac, it

will not engage in God.

There was a great soul who was giving a discourse. A man asked,

Great One, can I realize God too? The Great Soul said Yes! Go home

today and light a ghee lamp, and the entire night meditate in front

of it. The man returned next day and said, you fooled me. I was

unable to see God. Great One asked, what was going through your

mind at that time? There was a doubt whether I can realize God

today. Great Soul said, if instead of having doubts, if there was

faith, then today, at this moment, God can be realized. Having Faith

also plays an important role. Ramchandra



Jab tak bhoutik jagat mein bhog or sangrah ki kaamna rahegi tab tak.

shaanti nahin hogi, Man nahin lagegaa.

Ek mahatma pravachan de rahe the toh ek admi bola mahatma ji hame bhi

Bhagwan mil sakte hai, toh mahatma ji ne kaha gher jaaker ghee ka

Deepak jalaanaa or rat bher uske saamne baith kar bhagwan ka dhyan

karnaa. Woh aadmi doosre din Mahatmaji ke paas aaker bole kyaa

baikuf banaate ho. Bhagwan toh mile nahin. Mahatmaji bole aapke

man mein kyaa thaa. Aadmi bola Man mai sanka thi ki aaj hi mil

jaayenje. Toh mahatmaji ne kaha ki sankaa Ki jagah shradhaa hoti

toh aaj abhi e si vakt mil jaate. Shradhaa kaa bahut mahatva hai.



Who is fit for Upasana?


Generally, one who feels miserable! Particularly, one who has tried

many avenues in the outside world through his various stages of life

to ralize that no matter whatever is corrected in his material world

could not bring stability in his state of happiness. One who

realizes that the state of happiness borrowed from the external

world through objects, positions, money, relations, etc. could not

be sustained in spite of the strenuous effort expended all through

these years comes to a dead end – what next? Why am I still

suffering? I had what I wanted … yet … why this pain? Who is

inflicting on me? I don't see any other than myself … how could I?!

Could I really hurt myself?? Am I so stupid??? I need some light,

some direction, some guidance … please …


First of all seek your desires right … trace your miseries right …

let the plea errupt " Help! " … do not feel shy. Arjuna pleads

Krishna, " Shaadhi maam! " The accpetance of a Guru is pre-requisite

for becoming an Upasaka. This means, (1) one's ego will never wiggle

its tail again till the guru completes the teaching; (2) one's mind

is all open to obsorb what the guru says; and (3) the body ever

ready to execute anything the guru asks to do … kaayaa … vaachaa …

manasa. One who has that urgency and commitment for a remedy at once

is fit for seeking a guru and hence Upasana.


Therefore, seek that urge to settle scores on your miseries … at



What is the basis of personalized prescription of an Upasana?


No Upasana works if it does not conform to one's current nature.

Therefore, appreciation of one's behavioral (apparent) nature

(Dharma) and aspirational (inherent) nature (Guna) and their

interaction to make a person what he/she is. Veda Vyasa nakes

wonderful observations,


|| Shreyaan swadarmo vigunah paradharmaat swanushthitaat ||


One's nature as is (even if it is disgusting one) is far better than

an imbibed (even if it is the most revered) – varna sankara is the

only sin one can commit; this sin manifests in many different ways

depending on circumstances. Wrong prescription of Prarthana is very

dangerous – it either intensifies existing identities or brings in

aliens, the new identities. The reason is, the prescription remains

alien to the ego. It cannot accept the validity of a prescription

that sounds alien to start with. It is obviously nervous about

loosing its coveted seat. The very practice starts with tremors

within reminding the ego of its coveted seat more than ever during

the practice. The wrong prescription leads to hyper-sensitive

allergy within. Instead of driving the ego out of its seat, the

wrongly prqacticed Prarthana glues the ego into its throne further.


Therefore, one has to understand the patient's symptoms, their root

causes as well as the patient's physiology thoroughly before

prescribing the medicine. A good prescription of The Upasana is the

basis of its success with an enthusiastic seeker.


Therefore, seek the right prescription.




Naga Narayana.







Ramgopalji, we get disturbed because we want things to be done in

our way. We are ruled by KAAM, KRODH, MOHA, MAYA. We have to reverse

it, we should rule them. We should use them as our weapons.

Till things happen according to us, we are happy. The moment

something happens against our wishes, we become upset. The only

MANTRA to become happy is to understand GITA. Not just understanding

it, we have to accept that Krishna is every-thing for us, we are his

servant. Our whole day working should be such as if we are working

for our master Krishna. Now if any thing goes wrong (according to

us). We need not bother, it was because Krishna wanted it that way.

Initially it seems a little difficult and may be confusing too, but

once you catch the real thing then no problem at all.

You recite any mantra for any period of time, but at the end if you

think that you are the " doer " , I don't think you will get true

happiness. True happiness comes only after complete surrendering to

Krishna (no ifs or buts, no questions). The biggest mantra is to

forget " doer-ship " . Only Krishna is the one and all.

Ashok Goenka


Dear Friend,


I can understand the predicament … We should appreciate what is

Prarthana, who can prescribe it to whom, why should it be practiced,

how should it be practiced and why and how does it work!


If you are averse to understand the full mechanism of Upasana, you

should satisfy two prerequisites in the least: An authentic

prescription and an undeterred practice. In this case it works like

a medicine – reducing the symptoms – wherein you choose the best

doctor whom you trust to understand your problem well and you

administer the medicines owing your faith in the medicine. I hope

you met a good Guru and have good trust – in such case, you should

have not felt the miseries at least while you practice the Prarthana.


If you want the everlasting effect from the Prarthana – to be at The

Peace beyond the activity itself … well, welcome! So am I!! Let us

learn together!!!


What is Prarthana?


Very often we are confused that prayer is for begging The God to

shower favors on us – it could be materials, energy, health, life

expectancy, relations … or happiness – as a boon. We do not

appreciate either God or the Upasana. Therefore, we grumble, " I did

so much work. What is the God doing? Why is he not responding? " as

if The God waiting for one's Tapasya to favor him. Can't help … most

stories provide such assurances! But, think … Why should favor

anybody, anything? How can He do that? He is everything! He is

beyond our stupid ideas such a favoritism. Therefore, if you are

practicing prayers with any kind of expectations … I assure you …

you are wasting your " effort " ! At least apply yourself toward the

society through job or service, you may be rewarded. Do not expect

rewards from The God.


Let us get back, what really is The Upasana? We as individuals as

egos have occupied the thrown in the respective systems so badly we

are paranoid about losing the same (Asana) … if not anything, the

death is haunting pointing toward its certain reality. As a result,

we develop dependency on anything and everything recklessly with no

discrimination thinking that any could save the asana as far as

possible. Thanks to our ignorance, we imagine to expand the throne

(the associated empire of ownership) in all our frantic efforts all

through our life. The seers of lore understand this through their

own experiences through Tapasya and have realized that it is our

frantic attachment to this throne of identities that is the root



Dhyaayato vishayaan pumsah …


and, have prescribed us many methods to remove this flaw in us.

Basically, Upasana is to look for an alternative throne (Upasana) so

that we become Upasakas (ones who treat this alternative seat as

special above one's identity circle). So obviously, somebody other

than the ego will occupy this seat. For ego to accept this fact, it

needs reverence. Therefore, choose anything that you respect and/or

something which controls your life in your understanding e.g.

parents, nature, money, job, guru, a cosmic force, a cosmic element,

an idol, if nothing apeals … The Nothing itself. The basic idea of

the prayer is to dethrone you with your own consent and show you

what it means and how you feel. If you had practiced any of your

prayer correctly, this should have occurred – you or not what you

were; in fact, you are nobody. If that had happened, you should have

felt an absolute silence – stillness in life. Then you should have

felt The Peace as such.


Prarthana or Upasana is a practice that shifts an individual from

the self-claimed throne to the feet of a super-trhone with absolute

humility wherein the ego is stripped from its locus of existence.




Naga Narayana


Jai Shree Krishna


Om Kleem Krishnaaye Namah

Try this


Komal Gurdasani



I prefer mental chanting than loud recitation, with a varying length

of the word Govinda.

Govinda, Go ovinda, Go oovinda, Go ooovinda.....

or alternate smaller version followed by longer version Govinda,


Meditation on it would probably be better for discovering your own

preferences to achieve mental peace.

Best wishes,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.


Hari Om


Yes ! Yes !! Brother Mike. Surely the God is with you. Surely you

speak from your soul.


Surely we should be thankful to the lack of peace which in fact was

responsible for making us turn our face towards our Father.


The moment one understands this, instantly, that " lack of peace "

changes the name, character, bhava (expression of self) , and our

perception of it - it then gets called as " Kripa " of our Father.

His way of Justness. His way of accelerating us towards Himself. His

way of remembering us. His way of teaching us. His way of reminding

us. His way of cautioning us.His way of saving us. His way of loving



The very lack of peace then becomes a medium and hence the very

pain of association with it converts into gratitude, appreciation,

understanding, and comfort.


Blissful equanimity has already entered you , Brother Mike !

Provided healing is complete. Tell me why not-if you do not agree.


Hence at both the times you tend to become blissful. Believe you are

so and you become so.


We are proud of you, O Dear Son of Krishna. May He grant to you-



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji when asked about when does a man experience lack of peace,

or disturbances of the mind, he has said -

When he begins to depend on wealth, possessions, wife - son and

other perishable objects. Those things and persons that he is

depending on, are all the kind that are coming and going, unstable,

non-dependable. That is, in their coming together and departing, the

mind becomes restless, and unpeaceful. Swamiji suggests leaving

dependencies of those things that are temporary and perishable, and

depending only on Paramatma, who is Eternal and Imperishable, then

restlessness or loss of peace will go away.


Mahalakshmiji had brought out some good points on the right company,

temparate and non-materialistic life style, control of sense organs

etc. Also Shashikalaji has very well addressed the temporary nature

of the world and that only Govinda is permanent and the only one

that is Mine and will be with me at all times.


Swamiji suggests the following methods to remain peaceful and

cheerful (joyful) -


1) One should remain free from attachment and aversion to persons,

objects, incidents and circumstances etc.

2) Out of egoism and selfishness, one must not be partial with any


3) One should fill the mind completely and entirely with divine

traits, such as compassion, forgiveness and generosity etc.

4) One should have feelings of welfare of all beings

5) One whose diet is balanced and regular, whose nature favors

living in solitude, who on being asked, shares at times insights

that are spiritually beneficial, in other words, speaks very little,

he who is moderate in sleep and recreation. In this manner, that

which is in accordance to the ordinance of the scriptures, such a

spiritual aspirant, gains peace and cheerfulness (Joyfulness) of

mind, very quickly.


Meera Das

Ram Ram




-Shree Hari-



When I read your question, I did some thinking during the day, and

this evening I read the deliberations. Vyasji eloquently articulated

many of my thoughts. I will however offer my humble thoughts as I see


When I think of The Beloved, (Krishna so fills that place in my

heart), I actually feel my eyes smart with soft tears of Divine Love,

but do understand my suffering does not diminish that love, I offer

my silent prayers, (that is my way), not because I seek peace, but

because I want to embrace God with my heart.

In fact it was through suffering I turned towards GOD, the help came

automatically, this turning towards the Divine, was my primordial

soul reaching out.(thats the best way I can put it).

Govinda is your beloved, and reaching out to him with that Ancient

Love, by whatever is your way will start to heal you.


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




My dandavat pranams to all in this beautiful forum....

In regard to question below, pertaining to peace.....I have found

for myself that I must analyze carefully who I am associating with,

and who I am giving my heart to.. It is explained in chapter 6

verse 17 " He who is temperate in his habits of eating sleeping,

working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing

the yoga system " .

Are you praying, but simultaneously attached to situations of

enjoyment? Even absorption in various television shows, where

there are dramas of different " visayis " or sense enjoyers, will

prevent you from having peace. Because that association, which is

nondifferent than inviting those persons directly into your living

room to converse with you, will rob you have remembrance of the

Lord. There cannot be peace if you are letting yourself indulge in

materialistic associations. This does not mean that one cannot

conduct business in the world, but the mind must be trained to see

everything in relation to the Lord. There are certainly questions

to ask yourself, in regard to what it is that is filling the mind.

It requires sometimes great sacrifice to attain peace......it is not

going to come to everyone, even if the prayers are there, as long as

we simulteously hold onto so many other affections.

all glories to Srimati Radharani, on this anniversary of her

glorious appearance!


Mahalaksmi Dasi



you have asked a question please find out what kind of relationship

you have with Krishna. Who Is he to you?define. Then you can call

him with that name and you will get peace.

Dr. R. B. Smarta


Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Ramgopal Madiraju,

Please chant " Om Govinda Hari, Gopala Hari! " ...I have heard many

do this as part of bhajans....

---regards, In Sai Smaran, N K Srinivasan



When your heart is not at peace there will be no mental peace with

any prayer. Buddha is your heart at peace. As the Gita

says, " Buddhau saranam anvicche! "


Buddham saranam gacchami (I go to Buddha for protection)

Dhamam saranam gacchami (I go to the Dharma for protection)

Sangham saranam gacchami (I go to the saints for protection)


Recite this as many times as possible.

" hellonidhi "



My dear Madiraju Ram Gopal,


Please get either a CD or a magnetic tape contaiing Pandit Jas Raj's

Bhajan, " Om namo Bhagavatey Vasudevaya " Listen for at least ten

minutes in the morning before you start for your work. This would

work wondes. Divakaran

" subbanarasu divakaran "


Thank you, sir, Hari Om sir. Your reply is most satisfying.

Pl continue it. Any help needed and you think that I deseve. pl donot


Again thanks,

Brahma Narain Mehrotra




Hari Om


Ramgopalji. This is not your problem alone. Almost entire humanity

experiences lack of peace mostly at all times, in different manners.

In fact this world has been defined by Lord Krishna Himself

as " dukhalayam " . Whoever wants something from this world -

immediately and instantly- this world becomes painful for him. It is

a law.


Be happy at the outset, that Saints and Sages, Scriptures like

Gitaji, Ramayana etc have given enough methods to all of us to get

rid of this common humanity disease.

You will indeed receive right counsel from brothers and sisters of

this forum. Keep tuned with an enthuasism with this Gita Talk

deliberations.. The fruit has ripened, parrots will come.


First step- stop expecting that any peace can arise out of your

chanting the name of God or by your prayers. Prayers are not meant

to barter peace against the same. They should be full of your

gratitude to Govinda. He gave you human life, He gave you chance to

realise even Him. His grace only has made it possible for you to be

able to pray. What more is needed? Simply keep doing that , as much

as you can. All names of God are same. Govinda also is a beautiful

name. Simply keep praying-with a masti (bliss).Do not connect your

lack of peace with your prayers.


Lack of peace has no connection with your prayers or with intensity

thereof. The cause for lack of peace is your connection with the

world. The cause of lack of peace is your mind to which machine you

supplied " desires " as input. The cause for lack of peace is your

expectation from all people around you, from circumstances

surrounding you. We will assess them.


We shall deliberate further systematically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear all,

For remembering Krishna as Govinda, chant the following lines.






K.V. Gopalakrishna


Jai Hanuman


Ramgopal Bhaiyya ! Namaste Jee!! Ashanti - lack of peace - no ! It

is gone from today, Jee ! !


Bhaiyya except Govinda, nothing is yours, Jee. Now where is lack of

peace? All else are going to leave you, in fact they are leaving you

continuously. This money, health, wealth, body, wife, children,

kith, kin, house -all the things about which you get so much

worried - NOTE Bhaiyya - after some time you will not even remember

them. Believe Me , Dear Brother. If there is any method of

remembering them then tell who were your parents in previous life?

Where you used to live in last life? Just as you don't remember your

last life, you will not remember this life also ! ! Any doubt on



Now Bhaiyya, when it is certain that you will not even remember in

dreams, these worldly things, people, circumstances, situations-

then where is the sense in worrying about them today, Jee ?


Therefore sing fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " .

If the world is going to dogs because of that, let it go. World can

only go to dogs. It is meant for that only. Nothing else can happen

with the world. Even if entire world vanishes- don't worry. You and

your Govinda shall remain forever. Don't even consider any other



Govinda is mine - accept this and become blissful ! Jee! . Even if

entire world becomes annoyed with you Jee - Damn care. Mere to

Girdhar Gopal. Govinda is mine. More than enough - Jee.


Saadhu sabhi vichaar kar, divi jagat ne pooth


Peechhe dekhi jaavati , to pahale hi baitho rooth


(Saints accumulated at one place, discussed and turned their back

towards the world. When later on the world is not going to stay,

then why not we should stay away from it, now itself! )


Jee Jee




Dear Ram Gopal Madiraju,

it will take some time to immerse your self in joy of unending

purusha, so keep on reciting u will get lost and start having peace

" shapurshiva "



Shri Ramgopal Ji,


Rama Nama is the simplest and most powerful medicine for Peace of


When chanting (praying) Rama Nama with Sincerity and faith, as a

child calls the mother, the LORD obliges immediately.


There is nothing that Rama Nama is not capable of giving.



rama nama japataam kuto bhayam. Where is the scope to fear anything

(including mental disturbances) for one who decorates his lips with

Rama Nama.


Ananya chintan of the LORD is required. Depending solely on the LORD

(the LORD and the LORD's Name being non-different)

" Ananyas Chintayantomam Ye Janah Paryupasathe, Tesham

Nithyabhiyuktanam Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham. "

Lord Krishna declares, " Whoever thinks of me incessantly, I will be

always with them and look after their welfare completely. "



The more we mere mortals try and control things or expect things the

greater the level of anxiety.

In contrast, the more we let go thus the greater the level of

surrender to the will of the LORD, the greater the level of peace of



Ram Ram

Deepak Vinod



Shri Ramgopalji


Mental peace will come out of a firm belief that " I AM IN THE SAFE




Imagine yourself as a child in HIS hands. Does a child in the hands

of a loving mother worry about its food, water, clothing or shelter?


Simple line to recite 24 hours a day:









G Rangarajan


Dear Sadak

Mother Draupadi sang this song when she beeing disrobed.

" Shanku Chakra Gadha Panim Drwaraka Nilaya Achuda

GOVINDA pundarikacha Rakshamam Saranagatha " .

For mind peacefulness Sat Sangh to know yourself and visit temples

Mental peace within oneself, has to be uncovered.







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Ram Ram

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Revered Sir,

I want to remember Krishna as Govinda. Is there a simple line

which I can recite. I pray a lot but have no mental peace.

Regards, Ramgopal


(Ramgopal Madiraju)




Dear Ramgopal,


It is not what you call Him, it is what your relationship with Him

is? Who Is He to you ? Once you establish a relationship with Him,

you will attain peace .Ok ?

Dr. R. B. Smarta


You can recite any of the three prayers below.


Govinda Hari Govinda; Govinda Hari Govinda; Govinda Hari Govinda

Mukunda madhav Govindha


Namste Murare, namste Dhayalo;

Namste Jagnatha, Govinda Vishnu

Namste Ramnatha, Gopal showre

Namste , namste ,namste, Namaste


Hare Krishne Gopal Govind Showre


Krishnan, Sindhu


Prayer helps for some. Have you ever thought of meditation? There

are many meditation groups, be careful in choosing one that is

mainstream. Raja Yoga (Meditation) is a path that can lead to peace

of mind and lead to scientific contemplation on God.


" To men who meditate on Me as their very Own, ever united to Me by

incessant worship, I supply their deficiencies and make permanent

their gains. " - bhagavad gita, chapter 9 verse 22. from 'God talks

with Arjuna' by Paramahansa Yogananda.


with best wishes, Prashanth Thirukkonda



" Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam, Mudhamate "

" Visharad Sharma "



Govind jai jai, Gopal jai jai

Radharamana Hari Govind jai jai.


Pray from deep within, peace can not be obtained from without, it

has to come from within itself, feel that you are one with Govinda,

at his feeet, when you sleep, visualise your head as placed at his

feet, think about Govinda, speak Govinda, cry Govinda, and see that

you are in his hands, then what can bother you? You will smile, and

be happy, with Govinda, your only feeling shall be happiness, do not

pray, feel him inside you, there is no difference between you and

him, he is not your master, do not fear him feel him as your closest

friend who loves you, and whom you love a lot, you touch his feet,

cheek, and even kiss him........


Visharad Sharma


Hari Om


It is true that this world has been defined as " dukhalayam " (filled

with sorrow) by Krishna Himself - but when?


Only when we have desires within to be fulfilled out of world. If we

renounce them, the world no longer remains dukhalayam for us.


Then verse 7:19 of Gita comes into play - the world

becomes " Bhagvatsvaroop " . (the form of very Paramatma ) for us !!.


How easy! How practical !! What is needed? Renunciation of desires!

It has nothing to do with actual receipt of happiness by us! Even

without desiring, happiness comes to us - many times!! So what do we

lose in renouncing desires? Nothing in fact!


Desires arise only because of our connection with this world !


Hence in fact the root cause of our lack of peace, sorrow, suffering

is our connection with the world. If we look at the world only as a

witness, if we only do our duty towards the family members, the body

etc without expecting anything in return - where is lack of peace?


Therefore as sadhaks, let us all simply disconnect with

the " perishable " world, as can perishable ever give anything to

the " imperishable " Self? Can this world satisfy us? No ! Hence

simply remain connected with Govinda and have limited connection

with the world - only to do your Duty !


Where is lack of peace now?


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


My Dear Ramgopal,

Prayer is very powerful weapon through which we can reach / attain God.

Pray, Pray and Pray. I am fully convinced. Prayer to God gives absolute peace.

Pray Non-stop and whole heartedly. God will listen to your prayer. Shri Krishna

is very kind and merciful. You can chant OM only. Whatever name you like to

chant, God listens and accepts your prayer. It is my and everybody's experience.

May God bless you.




Mahesh Sharma




:Shree Hari:


Ram Ram


Shree Ramgopal Madirajujee - simple line is


" He Mere Naath Mein Aapako Bhooloon Naheen "

" My very own Father, let me never forget you. "


Ram Ram.






When one's mind becomes wavered, it is but natural that he tends to

get out of concentration. Concentration requires will power and this

you can get with self-training. We are all not masters but students

and so it is never too late to learn. If you recall your younger

days you would remember that you had a lot to by-heart and the more

you read, more the subject gets imbedded in your mind. Please try.

Best of luck.



P. Ramakrishnan



How does Upasana work?


Upasana works AS IS by revealing you AS YOU ARE by stripping you off

whatever YOU HAVE. In other words, it strips you off all your

coverings (pretentions) to show you stork naked (Avadhuta) which you

are. How deep you can penetrate into these layers and how long you

can sustain yourself in that depth is upto you … it is upto the Guru

you have sought ... it is upto its strength to penetrate into your

kingdom of Dharmas and Gunas. But, for sure, every cloth that is

stripped off reveals the freshness of what you are.


Awareness of why the prescription was made reveals the mechanism of

how the prescription works. The basis for all the prescription is

reduction of our Dharmas and Gunas and never to acuire their new

alien cousins. Therefore, every Upasana is two pronged – Daana to

purge away the masks we have tied on to our faces in terms of images

of our memory bank and Yagyna to ensure that no new nature is

borrowed from our environment during the activity.


True Upasana extends naturally to wider spectra of our Gunas and

Dharmas to eventually drop the same off our identity bank.


|| Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharanam vraja ||


Keep it up to drop of all the clothings, all your pretentions, all

your traits, all your images, all your identities to merge in me,

the urge for liberation. Oblation of all our Vaasanas (acquired

behavioral and aspirational characteristics) into the flames of this

urge to be what we are is The Upasana tinto which all other

prescriptions would eventually merge in like rivers eventually

disolving away their identities into an ocean.


All the Upasanas are aimed at the Avadhuta state … The Niravaana …

The Kaivalya … The Moksha … THAT … just names to keep up the Upasana

Yagnya " to be " that we are by dropping off all our " to have "



Seek to be The Upasana.


A simple single line Prarthana please …


That is good! The simplest is NOTHING … SILENCE … if you can!


The next simplest is " Oum " which incorporartes to whole universe and

yet the simplest sound possible …


But, what is the use of any, simple or complex, if are NOT READY?!

Being ready is what that matters … The Urge, The Trust, The

Knowledge, … Once ready, anything can cat as Upasana and anything



You can even say, " a-squared plus b-squared is equal to c-squared "

often … you can even recite the whole Ramayana daily … you write

Rama nam koti all trhough your life … but if you lack the required

ingredient … all that remains " Dukrim karanam " of a foolish,

absesisve and temporal mind … no use. Therefore, Bhaja Govindam …

seek The Guru of all within … your urge for liberation from your

ignorance and inertia. If you do, nothing becomes the prayer … The

Nothing which IS EVERYTHING.




Naga Narayana



Jai Shree Krishna


I read observations of Mr Naga Narayana , on the matter of Prarthana

(prayer)- .


" The wrong prescription leads to hyper sensitivity allergy within.

Instead of ego out of its seat, the wrongly practiced prarthana

glues to ego into its throne further "


Prayer is not learnt ! Prayer emanates out of soul. Prayer comes

from within, from soul. What prescription ? What ego? Where is the

question of Guru ? What is being adviced ? There are Gurus for that

also ? What kind of Guru is required for a child to call his mother ?


One should learn to become a child.


No Ramgopalji - my advice is that don't rush to any one. Your

Govinda is more than enough. Just pray from a pure heart. Enough!


" Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin " - best advice.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayan Narayan




Narayan Narayan


As long as in the world there remains desire for enjoyment of

pleasures and hoarding, till that time mind will not be in peac, it

will not engage in God.

There was a great soul who was giving a discourse. A man asked,

Great One, can I realize God too? The Great Soul said Yes! Go home

today and light a ghee lamp, and the entire night meditate in front

of it. The man returned next day and said, you fooled me. I was

unable to see God. Great One asked, what was going through your

mind at that time? There was a doubt whether I can realize God

today. Great Soul said, if instead of having doubts, if there was

faith, then today, at this moment, God can be realized. Having Faith

also plays an important role. Ramchandra



Jab tak bhoutik jagat mein bhog or sangrah ki kaamna rahegi tab tak.

shaanti nahin hogi, Man nahin lagegaa.

Ek mahatma pravachan de rahe the toh ek admi bola mahatma ji hame bhi

Bhagwan mil sakte hai, toh mahatma ji ne kaha gher jaaker ghee ka

Deepak jalaanaa or rat bher uske saamne baith kar bhagwan ka dhyan

karnaa. Woh aadmi doosre din Mahatmaji ke paas aaker bole kyaa

baikuf banaate ho. Bhagwan toh mile nahin. Mahatmaji bole aapke

man mein kyaa thaa. Aadmi bola Man mai sanka thi ki aaj hi mil

jaayenje. Toh mahatmaji ne kaha ki sankaa Ki jagah shradhaa hoti

toh aaj abhi e si vakt mil jaate. Shradhaa kaa bahut mahatva hai.



Who is fit for Upasana?


Generally, one who feels miserable! Particularly, one who has tried

many avenues in the outside world through his various stages of life

to ralize that no matter whatever is corrected in his material world

could not bring stability in his state of happiness. One who

realizes that the state of happiness borrowed from the external

world through objects, positions, money, relations, etc. could not

be sustained in spite of the strenuous effort expended all through

these years comes to a dead end – what next? Why am I still

suffering? I had what I wanted … yet … why this pain? Who is

inflicting on me? I don't see any other than myself … how could I?!

Could I really hurt myself?? Am I so stupid??? I need some light,

some direction, some guidance … please …


First of all seek your desires right … trace your miseries right …

let the plea errupt " Help! " … do not feel shy. Arjuna pleads

Krishna, " Shaadhi maam! " The accpetance of a Guru is pre-requisite

for becoming an Upasaka. This means, (1) one's ego will never wiggle

its tail again till the guru completes the teaching; (2) one's mind

is all open to obsorb what the guru says; and (3) the body ever

ready to execute anything the guru asks to do … kaayaa … vaachaa …

manasa. One who has that urgency and commitment for a remedy at once

is fit for seeking a guru and hence Upasana.


Therefore, seek that urge to settle scores on your miseries … at



What is the basis of personalized prescription of an Upasana?


No Upasana works if it does not conform to one's current nature.

Therefore, appreciation of one's behavioral (apparent) nature

(Dharma) and aspirational (inherent) nature (Guna) and their

interaction to make a person what he/she is. Veda Vyasa nakes

wonderful observations,


|| Shreyaan swadarmo vigunah paradharmaat swanushthitaat ||


One's nature as is (even if it is disgusting one) is far better than

an imbibed (even if it is the most revered) – varna sankara is the

only sin one can commit; this sin manifests in many different ways

depending on circumstances. Wrong prescription of Prarthana is very

dangerous – it either intensifies existing identities or brings in

aliens, the new identities. The reason is, the prescription remains

alien to the ego. It cannot accept the validity of a prescription

that sounds alien to start with. It is obviously nervous about

loosing its coveted seat. The very practice starts with tremors

within reminding the ego of its coveted seat more than ever during

the practice. The wrong prescription leads to hyper-sensitive

allergy within. Instead of driving the ego out of its seat, the

wrongly prqacticed Prarthana glues the ego into its throne further.


Therefore, one has to understand the patient's symptoms, their root

causes as well as the patient's physiology thoroughly before

prescribing the medicine. A good prescription of The Upasana is the

basis of its success with an enthusiastic seeker.


Therefore, seek the right prescription.




Naga Narayana.







Ramgopalji, we get disturbed because we want things to be done in

our way. We are ruled by KAAM, KRODH, MOHA, MAYA. We have to reverse

it, we should rule them. We should use them as our weapons.

Till things happen according to us, we are happy. The moment

something happens against our wishes, we become upset. The only

MANTRA to become happy is to understand GITA. Not just understanding

it, we have to accept that Krishna is every-thing for us, we are his

servant. Our whole day working should be such as if we are working

for our master Krishna. Now if any thing goes wrong (according to

us). We need not bother, it was because Krishna wanted it that way.

Initially it seems a little difficult and may be confusing too, but

once you catch the real thing then no problem at all.

You recite any mantra for any period of time, but at the end if you

think that you are the " doer " , I don't think you will get true

happiness. True happiness comes only after complete surrendering to

Krishna (no ifs or buts, no questions). The biggest mantra is to

forget " doer-ship " . Only Krishna is the one and all.

Ashok Goenka


Dear Friend,


I can understand the predicament … We should appreciate what is

Prarthana, who can prescribe it to whom, why should it be practiced,

how should it be practiced and why and how does it work!


If you are averse to understand the full mechanism of Upasana, you

should satisfy two prerequisites in the least: An authentic

prescription and an undeterred practice. In this case it works like

a medicine – reducing the symptoms – wherein you choose the best

doctor whom you trust to understand your problem well and you

administer the medicines owing your faith in the medicine. I hope

you met a good Guru and have good trust – in such case, you should

have not felt the miseries at least while you practice the Prarthana.


If you want the everlasting effect from the Prarthana – to be at The

Peace beyond the activity itself … well, welcome! So am I!! Let us

learn together!!!


What is Prarthana?


Very often we are confused that prayer is for begging The God to

shower favors on us – it could be materials, energy, health, life

expectancy, relations … or happiness – as a boon. We do not

appreciate either God or the Upasana. Therefore, we grumble, " I did

so much work. What is the God doing? Why is he not responding? " as

if The God waiting for one's Tapasya to favor him. Can't help … most

stories provide such assurances! But, think … Why should favor

anybody, anything? How can He do that? He is everything! He is

beyond our stupid ideas such a favoritism. Therefore, if you are

practicing prayers with any kind of expectations … I assure you …

you are wasting your " effort " ! At least apply yourself toward the

society through job or service, you may be rewarded. Do not expect

rewards from The God.


Let us get back, what really is The Upasana? We as individuals as

egos have occupied the thrown in the respective systems so badly we

are paranoid about losing the same (Asana) … if not anything, the

death is haunting pointing toward its certain reality. As a result,

we develop dependency on anything and everything recklessly with no

discrimination thinking that any could save the asana as far as

possible. Thanks to our ignorance, we imagine to expand the throne

(the associated empire of ownership) in all our frantic efforts all

through our life. The seers of lore understand this through their

own experiences through Tapasya and have realized that it is our

frantic attachment to this throne of identities that is the root



Dhyaayato vishayaan pumsah …


and, have prescribed us many methods to remove this flaw in us.

Basically, Upasana is to look for an alternative throne (Upasana) so

that we become Upasakas (ones who treat this alternative seat as

special above one's identity circle). So obviously, somebody other

than the ego will occupy this seat. For ego to accept this fact, it

needs reverence. Therefore, choose anything that you respect and/or

something which controls your life in your understanding e.g.

parents, nature, money, job, guru, a cosmic force, a cosmic element,

an idol, if nothing apeals … The Nothing itself. The basic idea of

the prayer is to dethrone you with your own consent and show you

what it means and how you feel. If you had practiced any of your

prayer correctly, this should have occurred – you or not what you

were; in fact, you are nobody. If that had happened, you should have

felt an absolute silence – stillness in life. Then you should have

felt The Peace as such.


Prarthana or Upasana is a practice that shifts an individual from

the self-claimed throne to the feet of a super-trhone with absolute

humility wherein the ego is stripped from its locus of existence.




Naga Narayana


Jai Shree Krishna


Om Kleem Krishnaaye Namah

Try this


Komal Gurdasani



I prefer mental chanting than loud recitation, with a varying length

of the word Govinda.

Govinda, Go ovinda, Go oovinda, Go ooovinda.....

or alternate smaller version followed by longer version Govinda,


Meditation on it would probably be better for discovering your own

preferences to achieve mental peace.

Best wishes,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.


Hari Om


Yes ! Yes !! Brother Mike. Surely the God is with you. Surely you

speak from your soul.


Surely we should be thankful to the lack of peace which in fact was

responsible for making us turn our face towards our Father.


The moment one understands this, instantly, that " lack of peace "

changes the name, character, bhava (expression of self) , and our

perception of it - it then gets called as " Kripa " of our Father.

His way of Justness. His way of accelerating us towards Himself. His

way of remembering us. His way of teaching us. His way of reminding

us. His way of cautioning us.His way of saving us. His way of loving



The very lack of peace then becomes a medium and hence the very

pain of association with it converts into gratitude, appreciation,

understanding, and comfort.


Blissful equanimity has already entered you , Brother Mike !

Provided healing is complete. Tell me why not-if you do not agree.


Hence at both the times you tend to become blissful. Believe you are

so and you become so.


We are proud of you, O Dear Son of Krishna. May He grant to you-



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji when asked about when does a man experience lack of peace,

or disturbances of the mind, he has said -

When he begins to depend on wealth, possessions, wife - son and

other perishable objects. Those things and persons that he is

depending on, are all the kind that are coming and going, unstable,

non-dependable. That is, in their coming together and departing, the

mind becomes restless, and unpeaceful. Swamiji suggests leaving

dependencies of those things that are temporary and perishable, and

depending only on Paramatma, who is Eternal and Imperishable, then

restlessness or loss of peace will go away.


Mahalakshmiji had brought out some good points on the right company,

temparate and non-materialistic life style, control of sense organs

etc. Also Shashikalaji has very well addressed the temporary nature

of the world and that only Govinda is permanent and the only one

that is Mine and will be with me at all times.


Swamiji suggests the following methods to remain peaceful and

cheerful (joyful) -


1) One should remain free from attachment and aversion to persons,

objects, incidents and circumstances etc.

2) Out of egoism and selfishness, one must not be partial with any


3) One should fill the mind completely and entirely with divine

traits, such as compassion, forgiveness and generosity etc.

4) One should have feelings of welfare of all beings

5) One whose diet is balanced and regular, whose nature favors

living in solitude, who on being asked, shares at times insights

that are spiritually beneficial, in other words, speaks very little,

he who is moderate in sleep and recreation. In this manner, that

which is in accordance to the ordinance of the scriptures, such a

spiritual aspirant, gains peace and cheerfulness (Joyfulness) of

mind, very quickly.


Meera Das

Ram Ram




-Shree Hari-



When I read your question, I did some thinking during the day, and

this evening I read the deliberations. Vyasji eloquently articulated

many of my thoughts. I will however offer my humble thoughts as I see


When I think of The Beloved, (Krishna so fills that place in my

heart), I actually feel my eyes smart with soft tears of Divine Love,

but do understand my suffering does not diminish that love, I offer

my silent prayers, (that is my way), not because I seek peace, but

because I want to embrace God with my heart.

In fact it was through suffering I turned towards GOD, the help came

automatically, this turning towards the Divine, was my primordial

soul reaching out.(thats the best way I can put it).

Govinda is your beloved, and reaching out to him with that Ancient

Love, by whatever is your way will start to heal you.


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




My dandavat pranams to all in this beautiful forum....

In regard to question below, pertaining to peace.....I have found

for myself that I must analyze carefully who I am associating with,

and who I am giving my heart to.. It is explained in chapter 6

verse 17 " He who is temperate in his habits of eating sleeping,

working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing

the yoga system " .

Are you praying, but simultaneously attached to situations of

enjoyment? Even absorption in various television shows, where

there are dramas of different " visayis " or sense enjoyers, will

prevent you from having peace. Because that association, which is

nondifferent than inviting those persons directly into your living

room to converse with you, will rob you have remembrance of the

Lord. There cannot be peace if you are letting yourself indulge in

materialistic associations. This does not mean that one cannot

conduct business in the world, but the mind must be trained to see

everything in relation to the Lord. There are certainly questions

to ask yourself, in regard to what it is that is filling the mind.

It requires sometimes great sacrifice to attain peace......it is not

going to come to everyone, even if the prayers are there, as long as

we simulteously hold onto so many other affections.

all glories to Srimati Radharani, on this anniversary of her

glorious appearance!


Mahalaksmi Dasi



you have asked a question please find out what kind of relationship

you have with Krishna. Who Is he to you?define. Then you can call

him with that name and you will get peace.

Dr. R. B. Smarta


Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Ramgopal Madiraju,

Please chant " Om Govinda Hari, Gopala Hari! " ...I have heard many

do this as part of bhajans....

---regards, In Sai Smaran, N K Srinivasan



When your heart is not at peace there will be no mental peace with

any prayer. Buddha is your heart at peace. As the Gita

says, " Buddhau saranam anvicche! "


Buddham saranam gacchami (I go to Buddha for protection)

Dhamam saranam gacchami (I go to the Dharma for protection)

Sangham saranam gacchami (I go to the saints for protection)


Recite this as many times as possible.

" hellonidhi "



My dear Madiraju Ram Gopal,


Please get either a CD or a magnetic tape contaiing Pandit Jas Raj's

Bhajan, " Om namo Bhagavatey Vasudevaya " Listen for at least ten

minutes in the morning before you start for your work. This would

work wondes. Divakaran

" subbanarasu divakaran "


Thank you, sir, Hari Om sir. Your reply is most satisfying.

Pl continue it. Any help needed and you think that I deseve. pl donot


Again thanks,

Brahma Narain Mehrotra




Hari Om


Ramgopalji. This is not your problem alone. Almost entire humanity

experiences lack of peace mostly at all times, in different manners.

In fact this world has been defined by Lord Krishna Himself

as " dukhalayam " . Whoever wants something from this world -

immediately and instantly- this world becomes painful for him. It is

a law.


Be happy at the outset, that Saints and Sages, Scriptures like

Gitaji, Ramayana etc have given enough methods to all of us to get

rid of this common humanity disease.

You will indeed receive right counsel from brothers and sisters of

this forum. Keep tuned with an enthuasism with this Gita Talk

deliberations.. The fruit has ripened, parrots will come.


First step- stop expecting that any peace can arise out of your

chanting the name of God or by your prayers. Prayers are not meant

to barter peace against the same. They should be full of your

gratitude to Govinda. He gave you human life, He gave you chance to

realise even Him. His grace only has made it possible for you to be

able to pray. What more is needed? Simply keep doing that , as much

as you can. All names of God are same. Govinda also is a beautiful

name. Simply keep praying-with a masti (bliss).Do not connect your

lack of peace with your prayers.


Lack of peace has no connection with your prayers or with intensity

thereof. The cause for lack of peace is your connection with the

world. The cause of lack of peace is your mind to which machine you

supplied " desires " as input. The cause for lack of peace is your

expectation from all people around you, from circumstances

surrounding you. We will assess them.


We shall deliberate further systematically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear all,

For remembering Krishna as Govinda, chant the following lines.






K.V. Gopalakrishna


Jai Hanuman


Ramgopal Bhaiyya ! Namaste Jee!! Ashanti - lack of peace - no ! It

is gone from today, Jee ! !


Bhaiyya except Govinda, nothing is yours, Jee. Now where is lack of

peace? All else are going to leave you, in fact they are leaving you

continuously. This money, health, wealth, body, wife, children,

kith, kin, house -all the things about which you get so much

worried - NOTE Bhaiyya - after some time you will not even remember

them. Believe Me , Dear Brother. If there is any method of

remembering them then tell who were your parents in previous life?

Where you used to live in last life? Just as you don't remember your

last life, you will not remember this life also ! ! Any doubt on



Now Bhaiyya, when it is certain that you will not even remember in

dreams, these worldly things, people, circumstances, situations-

then where is the sense in worrying about them today, Jee ?


Therefore sing fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " .

If the world is going to dogs because of that, let it go. World can

only go to dogs. It is meant for that only. Nothing else can happen

with the world. Even if entire world vanishes- don't worry. You and

your Govinda shall remain forever. Don't even consider any other



Govinda is mine - accept this and become blissful ! Jee! . Even if

entire world becomes annoyed with you Jee - Damn care. Mere to

Girdhar Gopal. Govinda is mine. More than enough - Jee.


Saadhu sabhi vichaar kar, divi jagat ne pooth


Peechhe dekhi jaavati , to pahale hi baitho rooth


(Saints accumulated at one place, discussed and turned their back

towards the world. When later on the world is not going to stay,

then why not we should stay away from it, now itself! )


Jee Jee




Dear Ram Gopal Madiraju,

it will take some time to immerse your self in joy of unending

purusha, so keep on reciting u will get lost and start having peace

" shapurshiva "



Shri Ramgopal Ji,


Rama Nama is the simplest and most powerful medicine for Peace of


When chanting (praying) Rama Nama with Sincerity and faith, as a

child calls the mother, the LORD obliges immediately.


There is nothing that Rama Nama is not capable of giving.



rama nama japataam kuto bhayam. Where is the scope to fear anything

(including mental disturbances) for one who decorates his lips with

Rama Nama.


Ananya chintan of the LORD is required. Depending solely on the LORD

(the LORD and the LORD's Name being non-different)

" Ananyas Chintayantomam Ye Janah Paryupasathe, Tesham

Nithyabhiyuktanam Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham. "

Lord Krishna declares, " Whoever thinks of me incessantly, I will be

always with them and look after their welfare completely. "



The more we mere mortals try and control things or expect things the

greater the level of anxiety.

In contrast, the more we let go thus the greater the level of

surrender to the will of the LORD, the greater the level of peace of



Ram Ram

Deepak Vinod



Shri Ramgopalji


Mental peace will come out of a firm belief that " I AM IN THE SAFE




Imagine yourself as a child in HIS hands. Does a child in the hands

of a loving mother worry about its food, water, clothing or shelter?


Simple line to recite 24 hours a day:









G Rangarajan


Dear Sadak

Mother Draupadi sang this song when she beeing disrobed.

" Shanku Chakra Gadha Panim Drwaraka Nilaya Achuda

GOVINDA pundarikacha Rakshamam Saranagatha " .

For mind peacefulness Sat Sangh to know yourself and visit temples

Mental peace within oneself, has to be uncovered.







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Ram Ram

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Revered Sir,

I want to remember Krishna as Govinda. Is there a simple line

which I can recite. I pray a lot but have no mental peace.

Regards, Ramgopal


(Ramgopal Madiraju)




Shree Hari

Ram Ram



May you attain Salvation

Peace does not come from winning over external things, but from

gaining inner quietude. The main reason for happiness and

unhappiness is our selves (man himself). Uncontrolled and

unrestrained flame becomes gross and begins to constantly cause

discomfort. It is only in the unrestrained, uncontrolled mind's

flow that impressions of sorrow are left and as one attains

equanimity of mind, one attains the nectar. (This is all being said

only for understanding worldly relations. Until we do not detach

from that which we know to be unreal (perishable, false, temporary)

in this world, till then the mind will continue to wander (not get

engaged). Ramchandra

(there may be some inaccuracies in this translation. Hindi readers,

please read the Hindi version instead. Moderator)



Aapka kalyan ho


Shanti kisi bhaher ke samrajay ko jitne se nahi milti balki

Aatam samrajay ko pane se hoti hai sukh or dukh ka mul karan khud

Hi hota hai(admi)us ki niyantrit vertiya jaha rao mai pool bichati

Hai vahi viprit a-niyantrit vertiya sool ban ker us ke pranoo me

Prati pal chubhan peda karti hai.v-sam man ke dharatal per hi dhukh

Ka akuran hota hai thik es ke virit samta ke dharatal per amrit milta

Hai.(yeh sub vyavhar mai samzane ki bate hai. Sansar me jane hu-a

A-sat ka tyaj nahi karoge tab tak man bhatakta raheja(man na lagna)



Loving Divine,


One of the meanings of Govinda = the ruler of senses. Arjun

addresses Lord by this name in BG 1:32 where he is still afflicted

by worldly stuff. Second time this addressing happens when Sanjay

tells Dhrutrashtra what Arjun said to Hrishikesh in BG 2:9.

Addressing Lord with the name Govinda is so appropriate here as

Arjun is being deluded or is falling down under the influence of his

biological tendencies, i.e., extrovert nature. So he is seeking

help from Govinda, the ruler of senses to help him direct/guide

within where his true form/nature/self remains.


See that all your senses are governed by Govinda. When you see,

make sure it is not you or your eyes seeing it but IT is Govinda who

is the sight within that seeing. When you speak feel that it is the

voice of Govinda behind your voice that is giving your voice

strength. When you walk, feel the vibrations of Govinda coming to

it. When you indulge in any selfless karma, see that how it is

performed by Govinda. When you breath, watching it try to find out

who is actually breathing? Do you have control over it or is it

Govinda, the breath of all breaths, is breathing within you, keeping

you alive? Observe Him making your activity happen, letting you

enjoy what you have, etc. Go deep within and see Govinda perform

each and every action of yours remaining anonymous, hiding behind

the veil in your heart. You will definitely find peace. As long as

you see yourself as the doer or governer of your senses (including

mind), there is no peace but as soon as you start recognizing

Govinda behind your act, peace dawns suddenly. Just observe as a

silent witness the doings of Govinda and you will enjoy His divine



Hope this helps,

humble regards,

always at Thy Holy Feet


Manjula Patel



Namasthe Ramgopal ji,


This is my humble opinion. I guess i understand what you are

feeling. If possible, please u can try this. Whenever you pray in

the morning, just try to remember God (krishna as you mentioned and

tell him that you are completely surrendering all of your day's

actions and all of yourself to Him and go on with your each and

every action surrendering to him and not expecting anything out of

your action. Then automatically your mind feels at peace. Whenever

we do not feel peace, that means, we still did not completely

surrender to HIM. Please try your best and God will handle the rest.




Dear Ramgopal


Bhagwan Krishna says " Ishwara Sarwa Bhutananm Hridaydeshe Tishthati "

18:61 i.e God resides in everyone's heart,in your heart and in the

heart of each and every one.


Focusing on your heart chant this, feel this, as much and as

frequently as possible. This will re-establish/strenghthen connection

with God and also with other human beings.


We have no mental peace when we cannot see presence of God in Self

and / or in others.


May this moment onward you have peace.


Ashok Jain


Narayan Narayan



As long as one does not leave longing for enjoyment of pleasures

(bhog) and hoarding of material things (sangrah), till then mind

will not engage in God. Along with that, give up attachment and

desires then very quickly you will be able to leave and mind will

become engaged. 1) Just like we see our daughter as ours before

marriage, but after marriage she becomes an outsider (or belongs to

her husband's family) 2) Just like food that is poisoned and you

become aware that it has been poisoned, then you will not eat.

Paramatma, has given you the discrimination, do not be blind towards

it. Mind will automatically engage in Paramatma - Ramchandra

(hindi readers should read the hindi version - moderator)



Jab tak bhog or sangrah ki verti nahi chutegi tab tak man nahi

Lagega. Sath me moh kamna ka tyaj ker do tho jaldi choot jayegi or

man Lagjayega.1) jai se hum aapni bachi ko sadhi se pahle aapni

mante hai Per sadhi ke bad para-e (sasural ki ho ga ti hai)

2) jai se kisi bhojan me jaher hai or aapko malum pada tho aap bhojan

Nahi karoge. Tho phir upar wale ne vivek diya hai us ka andhar mat

karo. Man apne aap lagjayega- - Ramchandra



It is in your hands to either have peace of mind or to make your

mind into pieces. Do develop faith in yourself and self confidence.

God sees the truth but waits.....


Everything will fall in line. Please do not worry.






God bless you


Narayan narayan


Everyone know to read, but the essence of the verse (shlokas) is not

understood. Just like speaking, looking, tasting, smelling, hearing

have relationship with the their appropriate sense organs (mouth,

eyes, tongue, nose, ears etc.). The happiness that comes from this

relationship with the sense organs is called enjoyment of

pleasures. This is the root cause of all sorrows. A man who is

free from attachment / attraction to these external senses,

experiences inner joy. Just like man is entitled to God

Realization, but man misuses this opportunity and that in it self

becomes the cause of lack of peace. He who does not surrender to

Prabhu, cannot understand Prabhu's secret and mysterious essence.





Padhna sab jante hai per (shlok)maram nahi samzte je se-

Shabad(word)roop,ras,gandh,eske shath indriyo ka sham-bandh

Hai e s se sambdhit sukho ka name bhog hai wai sab dukho ka

Karan hai. Baher ke vishyo mai aashkati-rahit purush atma

Mai sukh ka anubhav karte hai. Je se manushya ko bhagwat

Prapti mai janam shidh adhikar hai parantu manushya es ka

Durupyog kartha hai or vahi man ko ashant kartha hai Prabhu ki

sharan nahi ho te prabhu ka tatav-rahsya nai Jante.






Dear Ramgopal,


It is not what you call Him, it is what your relationship with Him

is? Who Is He to you ? Once you establish a relationship with Him,

you will attain peace .Ok ?

Dr. R. B. Smarta


You can recite any of the three prayers below.


Govinda Hari Govinda; Govinda Hari Govinda; Govinda Hari Govinda

Mukunda madhav Govindha


Namste Murare, namste Dhayalo;

Namste Jagnatha, Govinda Vishnu

Namste Ramnatha, Gopal showre

Namste , namste ,namste, Namaste


Hare Krishne Gopal Govind Showre


Krishnan, Sindhu


Prayer helps for some. Have you ever thought of meditation? There

are many meditation groups, be careful in choosing one that is

mainstream. Raja Yoga (Meditation) is a path that can lead to peace

of mind and lead to scientific contemplation on God.


" To men who meditate on Me as their very Own, ever united to Me by

incessant worship, I supply their deficiencies and make permanent

their gains. " - bhagavad gita, chapter 9 verse 22. from 'God talks

with Arjuna' by Paramahansa Yogananda.


with best wishes, Prashanth Thirukkonda



" Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam, Mudhamate "

" Visharad Sharma "



Govind jai jai, Gopal jai jai

Radharamana Hari Govind jai jai.


Pray from deep within, peace can not be obtained from without, it

has to come from within itself, feel that you are one with Govinda,

at his feeet, when you sleep, visualise your head as placed at his

feet, think about Govinda, speak Govinda, cry Govinda, and see that

you are in his hands, then what can bother you? You will smile, and

be happy, with Govinda, your only feeling shall be happiness, do not

pray, feel him inside you, there is no difference between you and

him, he is not your master, do not fear him feel him as your closest

friend who loves you, and whom you love a lot, you touch his feet,

cheek, and even kiss him........


Visharad Sharma


Hari Om


It is true that this world has been defined as " dukhalayam " (filled

with sorrow) by Krishna Himself - but when?


Only when we have desires within to be fulfilled out of world. If we

renounce them, the world no longer remains dukhalayam for us.


Then verse 7:19 of Gita comes into play - the world

becomes " Bhagvatsvaroop " . (the form of very Paramatma ) for us !!.


How easy! How practical !! What is needed? Renunciation of desires!

It has nothing to do with actual receipt of happiness by us! Even

without desiring, happiness comes to us - many times!! So what do we

lose in renouncing desires? Nothing in fact!


Desires arise only because of our connection with this world !


Hence in fact the root cause of our lack of peace, sorrow, suffering

is our connection with the world. If we look at the world only as a

witness, if we only do our duty towards the family members, the body

etc without expecting anything in return - where is lack of peace?


Therefore as sadhaks, let us all simply disconnect with

the " perishable " world, as can perishable ever give anything to

the " imperishable " Self? Can this world satisfy us? No ! Hence

simply remain connected with Govinda and have limited connection

with the world - only to do your Duty !


Where is lack of peace now?


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


My Dear Ramgopal,

Prayer is very powerful weapon through which we can reach / attain


Pray, Pray and Pray. I am fully convinced. Prayer to God gives

absolute peace.

Pray Non-stop and whole heartedly. God will listen to your prayer.

Shri Krishna

is very kind and merciful. You can chant OM only. Whatever name you

like to

chant, God listens and accepts your prayer. It is my and everybody's


May God bless you.




Mahesh Sharma




:Shree Hari:


Ram Ram


Shree Ramgopal Madirajujee - simple line is


" He Mere Naath Mein Aapako Bhooloon Naheen "

" My very own Father, let me never forget you. "


Ram Ram.






When one's mind becomes wavered, it is but natural that he tends to

get out of concentration. Concentration requires will power and this

you can get with self-training. We are all not masters but students

and so it is never too late to learn. If you recall your younger

days you would remember that you had a lot to by-heart and the more

you read, more the subject gets imbedded in your mind. Please try.

Best of luck.



P. Ramakrishnan



How does Upasana work?


Upasana works AS IS by revealing you AS YOU ARE by stripping you off

whatever YOU HAVE. In other words, it strips you off all your

coverings (pretentions) to show you stork naked (Avadhuta) which you

are. How deep you can penetrate into these layers and how long you

can sustain yourself in that depth is upto you … it is upto the Guru

you have sought ... it is upto its strength to penetrate into your

kingdom of Dharmas and Gunas. But, for sure, every cloth that is

stripped off reveals the freshness of what you are.


Awareness of why the prescription was made reveals the mechanism of

how the prescription works. The basis for all the prescription is

reduction of our Dharmas and Gunas and never to acuire their new

alien cousins. Therefore, every Upasana is two pronged – Daana to

purge away the masks we have tied on to our faces in terms of images

of our memory bank and Yagyna to ensure that no new nature is

borrowed from our environment during the activity.


True Upasana extends naturally to wider spectra of our Gunas and

Dharmas to eventually drop the same off our identity bank.


|| Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharanam vraja ||


Keep it up to drop of all the clothings, all your pretentions, all

your traits, all your images, all your identities to merge in me,

the urge for liberation. Oblation of all our Vaasanas (acquired

behavioral and aspirational characteristics) into the flames of this

urge to be what we are is The Upasana tinto which all other

prescriptions would eventually merge in like rivers eventually

disolving away their identities into an ocean.


All the Upasanas are aimed at the Avadhuta state … The Niravaana …

The Kaivalya … The Moksha … THAT … just names to keep up the Upasana

Yagnya " to be " that we are by dropping off all our " to have "



Seek to be The Upasana.


A simple single line Prarthana please …


That is good! The simplest is NOTHING … SILENCE … if you can!


The next simplest is " Oum " which incorporartes to whole universe and

yet the simplest sound possible …


But, what is the use of any, simple or complex, if are NOT READY?!

Being ready is what that matters … The Urge, The Trust, The

Knowledge, … Once ready, anything can cat as Upasana and anything



You can even say, " a-squared plus b-squared is equal to c-squared "

often … you can even recite the whole Ramayana daily … you write

Rama nam koti all trhough your life … but if you lack the required

ingredient … all that remains " Dukrim karanam " of a foolish,

absesisve and temporal mind … no use. Therefore, Bhaja Govindam …

seek The Guru of all within … your urge for liberation from your

ignorance and inertia. If you do, nothing becomes the prayer … The

Nothing which IS EVERYTHING.




Naga Narayana



Jai Shree Krishna


I read observations of Mr Naga Narayana , on the matter of Prarthana

(prayer)- .


" The wrong prescription leads to hyper sensitivity allergy within.

Instead of ego out of its seat, the wrongly practiced prarthana

glues to ego into its throne further "


Prayer is not learnt ! Prayer emanates out of soul. Prayer comes

from within, from soul. What prescription ? What ego? Where is the

question of Guru ? What is being adviced ? There are Gurus for that

also ? What kind of Guru is required for a child to call his mother ?


One should learn to become a child.


No Ramgopalji - my advice is that don't rush to any one. Your

Govinda is more than enough. Just pray from a pure heart. Enough!


" Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin " - best advice.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayan Narayan




Narayan Narayan


As long as in the world there remains desire for enjoyment of

pleasures and hoarding, till that time mind will not be in peac, it

will not engage in God.

There was a great soul who was giving a discourse. A man asked,

Great One, can I realize God too? The Great Soul said Yes! Go home

today and light a ghee lamp, and the entire night meditate in front

of it. The man returned next day and said, you fooled me. I was

unable to see God. Great One asked, what was going through your

mind at that time? There was a doubt whether I can realize God

today. Great Soul said, if instead of having doubts, if there was

faith, then today, at this moment, God can be realized. Having Faith

also plays an important role. Ramchandra



Jab tak bhoutik jagat mein bhog or sangrah ki kaamna rahegi tab tak.

shaanti nahin hogi, Man nahin lagegaa.

Ek mahatma pravachan de rahe the toh ek admi bola mahatma ji hame bhi

Bhagwan mil sakte hai, toh mahatma ji ne kaha gher jaaker ghee ka

Deepak jalaanaa or rat bher uske saamne baith kar bhagwan ka dhyan

karnaa. Woh aadmi doosre din Mahatmaji ke paas aaker bole kyaa

baikuf banaate ho. Bhagwan toh mile nahin. Mahatmaji bole aapke

man mein kyaa thaa. Aadmi bola Man mai sanka thi ki aaj hi mil

jaayenje. Toh mahatmaji ne kaha ki sankaa Ki jagah shradhaa hoti

toh aaj abhi e si vakt mil jaate. Shradhaa kaa bahut mahatva hai.



Who is fit for Upasana?


Generally, one who feels miserable! Particularly, one who has tried

many avenues in the outside world through his various stages of life

to ralize that no matter whatever is corrected in his material world

could not bring stability in his state of happiness. One who

realizes that the state of happiness borrowed from the external

world through objects, positions, money, relations, etc. could not

be sustained in spite of the strenuous effort expended all through

these years comes to a dead end – what next? Why am I still

suffering? I had what I wanted … yet … why this pain? Who is

inflicting on me? I don't see any other than myself … how could I?!

Could I really hurt myself?? Am I so stupid??? I need some light,

some direction, some guidance … please …


First of all seek your desires right … trace your miseries right …

let the plea errupt " Help! " … do not feel shy. Arjuna pleads

Krishna, " Shaadhi maam! " The accpetance of a Guru is pre-requisite

for becoming an Upasaka. This means, (1) one's ego will never wiggle

its tail again till the guru completes the teaching; (2) one's mind

is all open to obsorb what the guru says; and (3) the body ever

ready to execute anything the guru asks to do … kaayaa … vaachaa …

manasa. One who has that urgency and commitment for a remedy at once

is fit for seeking a guru and hence Upasana.


Therefore, seek that urge to settle scores on your miseries … at



What is the basis of personalized prescription of an Upasana?


No Upasana works if it does not conform to one's current nature.

Therefore, appreciation of one's behavioral (apparent) nature

(Dharma) and aspirational (inherent) nature (Guna) and their

interaction to make a person what he/she is. Veda Vyasa nakes

wonderful observations,


|| Shreyaan swadarmo vigunah paradharmaat swanushthitaat ||


One's nature as is (even if it is disgusting one) is far better than

an imbibed (even if it is the most revered) – varna sankara is the

only sin one can commit; this sin manifests in many different ways

depending on circumstances. Wrong prescription of Prarthana is very

dangerous – it either intensifies existing identities or brings in

aliens, the new identities. The reason is, the prescription remains

alien to the ego. It cannot accept the validity of a prescription

that sounds alien to start with. It is obviously nervous about

loosing its coveted seat. The very practice starts with tremors

within reminding the ego of its coveted seat more than ever during

the practice. The wrong prescription leads to hyper-sensitive

allergy within. Instead of driving the ego out of its seat, the

wrongly prqacticed Prarthana glues the ego into its throne further.


Therefore, one has to understand the patient's symptoms, their root

causes as well as the patient's physiology thoroughly before

prescribing the medicine. A good prescription of The Upasana is the

basis of its success with an enthusiastic seeker.


Therefore, seek the right prescription.




Naga Narayana.







Ramgopalji, we get disturbed because we want things to be done in

our way. We are ruled by KAAM, KRODH, MOHA, MAYA. We have to reverse

it, we should rule them. We should use them as our weapons.

Till things happen according to us, we are happy. The moment

something happens against our wishes, we become upset. The only

MANTRA to become happy is to understand GITA. Not just understanding

it, we have to accept that Krishna is every-thing for us, we are his

servant. Our whole day working should be such as if we are working

for our master Krishna. Now if any thing goes wrong (according to

us). We need not bother, it was because Krishna wanted it that way.

Initially it seems a little difficult and may be confusing too, but

once you catch the real thing then no problem at all.

You recite any mantra for any period of time, but at the end if you

think that you are the " doer " , I don't think you will get true

happiness. True happiness comes only after complete surrendering to

Krishna (no ifs or buts, no questions). The biggest mantra is to

forget " doer-ship " . Only Krishna is the one and all.

Ashok Goenka


Dear Friend,


I can understand the predicament … We should appreciate what is

Prarthana, who can prescribe it to whom, why should it be practiced,

how should it be practiced and why and how does it work!


If you are averse to understand the full mechanism of Upasana, you

should satisfy two prerequisites in the least: An authentic

prescription and an undeterred practice. In this case it works like

a medicine – reducing the symptoms – wherein you choose the best

doctor whom you trust to understand your problem well and you

administer the medicines owing your faith in the medicine. I hope

you met a good Guru and have good trust – in such case, you should

have not felt the miseries at least while you practice the Prarthana.


If you want the everlasting effect from the Prarthana – to be at The

Peace beyond the activity itself … well, welcome! So am I!! Let us

learn together!!!


What is Prarthana?


Very often we are confused that prayer is for begging The God to

shower favors on us – it could be materials, energy, health, life

expectancy, relations … or happiness – as a boon. We do not

appreciate either God or the Upasana. Therefore, we grumble, " I did

so much work. What is the God doing? Why is he not responding? " as

if The God waiting for one's Tapasya to favor him. Can't help … most

stories provide such assurances! But, think … Why should favor

anybody, anything? How can He do that? He is everything! He is

beyond our stupid ideas such a favoritism. Therefore, if you are

practicing prayers with any kind of expectations … I assure you …

you are wasting your " effort " ! At least apply yourself toward the

society through job or service, you may be rewarded. Do not expect

rewards from The God.


Let us get back, what really is The Upasana? We as individuals as

egos have occupied the thrown in the respective systems so badly we

are paranoid about losing the same (Asana) … if not anything, the

death is haunting pointing toward its certain reality. As a result,

we develop dependency on anything and everything recklessly with no

discrimination thinking that any could save the asana as far as

possible. Thanks to our ignorance, we imagine to expand the throne

(the associated empire of ownership) in all our frantic efforts all

through our life. The seers of lore understand this through their

own experiences through Tapasya and have realized that it is our

frantic attachment to this throne of identities that is the root



Dhyaayato vishayaan pumsah …


and, have prescribed us many methods to remove this flaw in us.

Basically, Upasana is to look for an alternative throne (Upasana) so

that we become Upasakas (ones who treat this alternative seat as

special above one's identity circle). So obviously, somebody other

than the ego will occupy this seat. For ego to accept this fact, it

needs reverence. Therefore, choose anything that you respect and/or

something which controls your life in your understanding e.g.

parents, nature, money, job, guru, a cosmic force, a cosmic element,

an idol, if nothing apeals … The Nothing itself. The basic idea of

the prayer is to dethrone you with your own consent and show you

what it means and how you feel. If you had practiced any of your

prayer correctly, this should have occurred – you or not what you

were; in fact, you are nobody. If that had happened, you should have

felt an absolute silence – stillness in life. Then you should have

felt The Peace as such.


Prarthana or Upasana is a practice that shifts an individual from

the self-claimed throne to the feet of a super-trhone with absolute

humility wherein the ego is stripped from its locus of existence.




Naga Narayana


Jai Shree Krishna


Om Kleem Krishnaaye Namah

Try this


Komal Gurdasani



I prefer mental chanting than loud recitation, with a varying length

of the word Govinda.

Govinda, Go ovinda, Go oovinda, Go ooovinda.....

or alternate smaller version followed by longer version Govinda,


Meditation on it would probably be better for discovering your own

preferences to achieve mental peace.

Best wishes,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.


Hari Om


Yes ! Yes !! Brother Mike. Surely the God is with you. Surely you

speak from your soul.


Surely we should be thankful to the lack of peace which in fact was

responsible for making us turn our face towards our Father.


The moment one understands this, instantly, that " lack of peace "

changes the name, character, bhava (expression of self) , and our

perception of it - it then gets called as " Kripa " of our Father.

His way of Justness. His way of accelerating us towards Himself. His

way of remembering us. His way of teaching us. His way of reminding

us. His way of cautioning us.His way of saving us. His way of loving



The very lack of peace then becomes a medium and hence the very

pain of association with it converts into gratitude, appreciation,

understanding, and comfort.


Blissful equanimity has already entered you , Brother Mike !

Provided healing is complete. Tell me why not-if you do not agree.


Hence at both the times you tend to become blissful. Believe you are

so and you become so.


We are proud of you, O Dear Son of Krishna. May He grant to you-



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji when asked about when does a man experience lack of peace,

or disturbances of the mind, he has said -

When he begins to depend on wealth, possessions, wife - son and

other perishable objects. Those things and persons that he is

depending on, are all the kind that are coming and going, unstable,

non-dependable. That is, in their coming together and departing, the

mind becomes restless, and unpeaceful. Swamiji suggests leaving

dependencies of those things that are temporary and perishable, and

depending only on Paramatma, who is Eternal and Imperishable, then

restlessness or loss of peace will go away.


Mahalakshmiji had brought out some good points on the right company,

temparate and non-materialistic life style, control of sense organs

etc. Also Shashikalaji has very well addressed the temporary nature

of the world and that only Govinda is permanent and the only one

that is Mine and will be with me at all times.


Swamiji suggests the following methods to remain peaceful and

cheerful (joyful) -


1) One should remain free from attachment and aversion to persons,

objects, incidents and circumstances etc.

2) Out of egoism and selfishness, one must not be partial with any


3) One should fill the mind completely and entirely with divine

traits, such as compassion, forgiveness and generosity etc.

4) One should have feelings of welfare of all beings

5) One whose diet is balanced and regular, whose nature favors

living in solitude, who on being asked, shares at times insights

that are spiritually beneficial, in other words, speaks very little,

he who is moderate in sleep and recreation. In this manner, that

which is in accordance to the ordinance of the scriptures, such a

spiritual aspirant, gains peace and cheerfulness (Joyfulness) of

mind, very quickly.


Meera Das

Ram Ram




-Shree Hari-



When I read your question, I did some thinking during the day, and

this evening I read the deliberations. Vyasji eloquently articulated

many of my thoughts. I will however offer my humble thoughts as I see


When I think of The Beloved, (Krishna so fills that place in my

heart), I actually feel my eyes smart with soft tears of Divine Love,

but do understand my suffering does not diminish that love, I offer

my silent prayers, (that is my way), not because I seek peace, but

because I want to embrace God with my heart.

In fact it was through suffering I turned towards GOD, the help came

automatically, this turning towards the Divine, was my primordial

soul reaching out.(thats the best way I can put it).

Govinda is your beloved, and reaching out to him with that Ancient

Love, by whatever is your way will start to heal you.


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




My dandavat pranams to all in this beautiful forum....

In regard to question below, pertaining to peace.....I have found

for myself that I must analyze carefully who I am associating with,

and who I am giving my heart to.. It is explained in chapter 6

verse 17 " He who is temperate in his habits of eating sleeping,

working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing

the yoga system " .

Are you praying, but simultaneously attached to situations of

enjoyment? Even absorption in various television shows, where

there are dramas of different " visayis " or sense enjoyers, will

prevent you from having peace. Because that association, which is

nondifferent than inviting those persons directly into your living

room to converse with you, will rob you have remembrance of the

Lord. There cannot be peace if you are letting yourself indulge in

materialistic associations. This does not mean that one cannot

conduct business in the world, but the mind must be trained to see

everything in relation to the Lord. There are certainly questions

to ask yourself, in regard to what it is that is filling the mind.

It requires sometimes great sacrifice to attain peace......it is not

going to come to everyone, even if the prayers are there, as long as

we simulteously hold onto so many other affections.

all glories to Srimati Radharani, on this anniversary of her

glorious appearance!


Mahalaksmi Dasi



you have asked a question please find out what kind of relationship

you have with Krishna. Who Is he to you?define. Then you can call

him with that name and you will get peace.

Dr. R. B. Smarta


Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Ramgopal Madiraju,

Please chant " Om Govinda Hari, Gopala Hari! " ...I have heard many

do this as part of bhajans....

---regards, In Sai Smaran, N K Srinivasan



When your heart is not at peace there will be no mental peace with

any prayer. Buddha is your heart at peace. As the Gita

says, " Buddhau saranam anvicche! "


Buddham saranam gacchami (I go to Buddha for protection)

Dhamam saranam gacchami (I go to the Dharma for protection)

Sangham saranam gacchami (I go to the saints for protection)


Recite this as many times as possible.

" hellonidhi "



My dear Madiraju Ram Gopal,


Please get either a CD or a magnetic tape contaiing Pandit Jas Raj's

Bhajan, " Om namo Bhagavatey Vasudevaya " Listen for at least ten

minutes in the morning before you start for your work. This would

work wondes. Divakaran

" subbanarasu divakaran "


Thank you, sir, Hari Om sir. Your reply is most satisfying.

Pl continue it. Any help needed and you think that I deseve. pl donot


Again thanks,

Brahma Narain Mehrotra




Hari Om


Ramgopalji. This is not your problem alone. Almost entire humanity

experiences lack of peace mostly at all times, in different manners.

In fact this world has been defined by Lord Krishna Himself

as " dukhalayam " . Whoever wants something from this world -

immediately and instantly- this world becomes painful for him. It is

a law.


Be happy at the outset, that Saints and Sages, Scriptures like

Gitaji, Ramayana etc have given enough methods to all of us to get

rid of this common humanity disease.

You will indeed receive right counsel from brothers and sisters of

this forum. Keep tuned with an enthuasism with this Gita Talk

deliberations.. The fruit has ripened, parrots will come.


First step- stop expecting that any peace can arise out of your

chanting the name of God or by your prayers. Prayers are not meant

to barter peace against the same. They should be full of your

gratitude to Govinda. He gave you human life, He gave you chance to

realise even Him. His grace only has made it possible for you to be

able to pray. What more is needed? Simply keep doing that , as much

as you can. All names of God are same. Govinda also is a beautiful

name. Simply keep praying-with a masti (bliss).Do not connect your

lack of peace with your prayers.


Lack of peace has no connection with your prayers or with intensity

thereof. The cause for lack of peace is your connection with the

world. The cause of lack of peace is your mind to which machine you

supplied " desires " as input. The cause for lack of peace is your

expectation from all people around you, from circumstances

surrounding you. We will assess them.


We shall deliberate further systematically.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear all,

For remembering Krishna as Govinda, chant the following lines.






K.V. Gopalakrishna


Jai Hanuman


Ramgopal Bhaiyya ! Namaste Jee!! Ashanti - lack of peace - no ! It

is gone from today, Jee ! !


Bhaiyya except Govinda, nothing is yours, Jee. Now where is lack of

peace? All else are going to leave you, in fact they are leaving you

continuously. This money, health, wealth, body, wife, children,

kith, kin, house -all the things about which you get so much

worried - NOTE Bhaiyya - after some time you will not even remember

them. Believe Me , Dear Brother. If there is any method of

remembering them then tell who were your parents in previous life?

Where you used to live in last life? Just as you don't remember your

last life, you will not remember this life also ! ! Any doubt on



Now Bhaiyya, when it is certain that you will not even remember in

dreams, these worldly things, people, circumstances, situations-

then where is the sense in worrying about them today, Jee ?


Therefore sing fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " .

If the world is going to dogs because of that, let it go. World can

only go to dogs. It is meant for that only. Nothing else can happen

with the world. Even if entire world vanishes- don't worry. You and

your Govinda shall remain forever. Don't even consider any other



Govinda is mine - accept this and become blissful ! Jee! . Even if

entire world becomes annoyed with you Jee - Damn care. Mere to

Girdhar Gopal. Govinda is mine. More than enough - Jee.


Saadhu sabhi vichaar kar, divi jagat ne pooth


Peechhe dekhi jaavati , to pahale hi baitho rooth


(Saints accumulated at one place, discussed and turned their back

towards the world. When later on the world is not going to stay,

then why not we should stay away from it, now itself! )


Jee Jee




Dear Ram Gopal Madiraju,

it will take some time to immerse your self in joy of unending

purusha, so keep on reciting u will get lost and start having peace

" shapurshiva "



Shri Ramgopal Ji,


Rama Nama is the simplest and most powerful medicine for Peace of


When chanting (praying) Rama Nama with Sincerity and faith, as a

child calls the mother, the LORD obliges immediately.


There is nothing that Rama Nama is not capable of giving.



rama nama japataam kuto bhayam. Where is the scope to fear anything

(including mental disturbances) for one who decorates his lips with

Rama Nama.


Ananya chintan of the LORD is required. Depending solely on the LORD

(the LORD and the LORD's Name being non-different)

" Ananyas Chintayantomam Ye Janah Paryupasathe, Tesham

Nithyabhiyuktanam Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham. "

Lord Krishna declares, " Whoever thinks of me incessantly, I will be

always with them and look after their welfare completely. "



The more we mere mortals try and control things or expect things the

greater the level of anxiety.

In contrast, the more we let go thus the greater the level of

surrender to the will of the LORD, the greater the level of peace of



Ram Ram

Deepak Vinod



Shri Ramgopalji


Mental peace will come out of a firm belief that " I AM IN THE SAFE




Imagine yourself as a child in HIS hands. Does a child in the hands

of a loving mother worry about its food, water, clothing or shelter?


Simple line to recite 24 hours a day:









G Rangarajan


Dear Sadak

Mother Draupadi sang this song when she beeing disrobed.

" Shanku Chakra Gadha Panim Drwaraka Nilaya Achuda

GOVINDA pundarikacha Rakshamam Saranagatha " .

For mind peacefulness Sat Sangh to know yourself and visit temples

Mental peace within oneself, has to be uncovered.







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Ram Ram

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