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One's Duty

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-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor


Hari Om


Mike. In BG 18:66 , “abandoning all duties” means , renouncing the “shelter of

all duties”, not the abandoning physically the performance of the duties. You

can even afford to leave the decision making itself with reference to the duty,

as to whether something is your duty or not, also to Paramatma under this verse.

But under no circumstance, the duties should be renounced/abandoned physically

! You can simply offer all karmas made by you to Him , under this verse.


If we take the stand that “duty” physically should be abandoned, then neither

the specific reference under 18:66 gets satisfactorily explained, nor the prior

references nor the post reaction of Arjuna justifies that interpretation. Entire

Chapter 3 of BG then will prove to be futile. Arjuna, too, after hearing this ,

did not relinquish his duty, viz fighting . He said in 18:73- “karishye vachanam

tav”- I shall do what you say. We also in 18:66 should keep doing our duties but

should not get entangled in deciding what is our duty and we should not depend

on the duty. We should offer our karmas to Paramatma. You cant abandon karma

even if you want to. It is a law. You can, however, convert those karmas into

“akarmas” ( non binding karmas) by either renouncing the “doership” ( Jnana

Yoga), or renouncing the results thereof ( Karma Yoga) or offering them to

Parasmatma (Bhakti Yoga). The karma should not bind you, it should not result in

repeated birth-that is all is needed. The shelter of duty is does produce a

binding for yout . You may also fall then under BG 9:21. Hence under no

circumstance, you should renounce your duties. You should not depend upon them.

You should depend upon God instead.


As regards 18:48, please note it is related with Karma Yoga. Entire Chapter 3

talks in unison regarding performing one’s duty to the best of one’s ability.

What is duty? Duty is – “WHAT YOU CAN DO AND WHAT YOU SHOULD DO”. That is all

the duty is. This is the best definition of duty for sadhaks - coming straight

from Swamiji. In Jnana Yoga there is no such question arising, because there the

sadhak starts with a determination- I don’t do anything. In Karma Yoga only this

question can arise. BG 18:48 is guiding principle for a Karma Yogi. In Bhakti

Yoga , particularly, in surrender such a question does not again arise. You are

no more there. You have surrendered yourself to God. Now where is the question

of any right, duty, obligation, righteousness? When such question arises in your

life after surrender, Paramatma shall take care of you- MAA SUCHAH . Only He is

there and you are a toy in His hand. There is neither doership, nor

renouncership, nor consumption (enjoyment or suffering) of results. In fact what

has gone to the winds, is entire concept of duty for a sadhak - MAA SUCHAH.


Mike after surrender, YOU HAVE ONLY ONE DUTY LEFT FOR YOU - MAA SUCHAH – Don’t

worry. Simply throw all cautions, all dependences, all cares, all worries, all

fears, all apprehensions, all anxieties- simply throw them away. You have no

duty. All get transferred to Paramatma. You remain- Worriless, griefless,

fearless, doubtless- just observing the Divine playing through you, your mind,

your body, your actions, and your surroundings - you should simply then enjoy

that bliss of Paramatma playing in you. Simple !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




In English


Serving the world and God Realization (Love with God)



in Hindi






Jai Hanuman


Once you surrender yourself to God under 18:66, you can only do duties - Jee !

What else you can do Jee !! Hence you can only give relying on that duty.!!!

Neither Arjuna gave up doing His duties after hearing Gita, nor we should. Our

aim/bhava then should not be to get into decision making. We have to depend upon

God not upon duty. That is all 18:66 means. After you have surrendered yourself

to God - prohibited actions CANNOT be done by body/mind etc. NOT POSSIBLE !

Only sometimes a dilemma may arise – should I do /Should I not do / What should

I do type! Leave that to Him-put aside all confusion regarding duty, Jee ! Keep

doing as per your “bhava” (inner sentiments / expression) without bothering

whether it was right or wrong. Along with you, your mind, intellect, ego, body

all get surrendered ! Nothing then needs to be done/thought/relied upon. Rely

upon God and upon your “conscience” while taking decisions. Leave everything

else to Daddy. No worry. No thinking. Become “MAST” (blissful). Allow God to

operate through you. Where are you then? It is Daddy all along Jee !





Whatever heart ( conscience) told me, I did that. Only when I am free , I shall

think whether I did good or bad !!


Become free, Bhaiyya !


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Ram Ram,


In Gita 18-48, Krishna says to those who are beginners, do your

regular routine work. In Gita 18-66 Krishna says, you take refuge in

me, you work only for me. Doing that (working for Him) if you do any

sin, I will take care of it. Nowhere He has denied for work, he

denies to work for the benefit of self. This is advance stage.

Please read all verses between 48th and 66th very carefully. Don't

get confused. the message is very clear.


Ashok Goenka



Bhagwat Gita says about swabhaav (self nature) or state of

subconscious mind which one should not ignore. Any one is more at

ease and is efficient in its unique way of self-realization. For

example, a great artist in India Amitabh Bacchan decided to launch a

commecial enterprise and he failed in it miserably. His choice of

work ruined him. After he came back to art and acting in film, he

was again OK.


This means, every one has to follow his/her unique self-nature

during period of the journey of life. A seed of lemon cannot produce

tree of mango irrespective of the soil or water or fertilizer poured

in it. Each one of us are unique and born in complete from the day

1, and hence, it stands no competition or comparison to influence

it. This understanding nature of self is called DUTY.


For me, Krishna is humanities, for a artist, Krishna is a dancer,

for a warrior, Krishna is a warrior. So the teacher is one but

students have different subjects of study depending on their self-

development of mind. The duty or swabhaav thus changes and students

carry out the education of life within its limitation.


best regards


(Krishna Gopal)


Hari Om


The duty in this life is to unite with God within and in the world.

In this unity one has to perform his duties as if not attached to it.




Chris Duindam



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Hari Om


Swamiji has said categorically in Sadhak Sanjeevani - that after

surrender , (i) Never worry (ii) Never doubt (iii) Never test as to

actually you have surrendered or not (iv) Never Fear and (v) Never

grieve ! These 5 in fact are your real functions , after you

surrender ! What real tests they are- Believe me !!


Renouncing the mind, makes you worriless! All worries originate from

there!! So does assurance given by Him in 9:31.It is responsibility

of God to remove your doubts (BG 7:21). Strong Faith and belief in

Him, destroys the fear so does assurance under 9:31 ( My Bhakta shall

Never fall ). Reading of Scriptures also makes you fearless. That

you are immortal , this knowledge kills the worst fears.


To be griefless- This is the toughest test. Because after surrender,

an avalanche of His Kripa comes into your life. Your sins have to

start getting destroyed in a super fast manner- as promised by God-

isn't it ??


Your aeons old chains of " me " and " mine " start getting broken,

ruthlessly. A serious dent takes place in that almost everyday-

creating pain in you.. Worldly relations break abruptly-creating

pain in you. The " mineness " ruthlessly starts getting destroyed-

creating pain in you. Sometimes you feel that each and every

happenning in your life is only to hurt your " ego " . Both " me "

and " mine " take a severe beating.


Silverlining -


In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first time

prayed. We " surrendered " on that day itself- we do not know. It

is " habit " of God- even if someone " talks " of surrender, His laws

quickly start operating to make that guy surrender totally/ really.

Hence Saints and Sages sing praises of adversity/ sorrow in your

life. Hence whatever so far has taken place - be thankful for the

same. Cleaning over upto that, at least !!


" Ma suchah " ( worry/grieve not) is, according to my personal view,

biggest duty of a sadhak under 18:66 ! He must abandon grief/worry.

A real challenge !


Arjuna " talked " only in 2nd Chapter regarding Surrender- he did not

surrender " actually " . The " real " surrender was when he said - "

karishye vachanam tav " . (BG 18:73). ( Here the " dependence on duty "

was thrown by Arjuna not the " duty " itself - He did not say " I

shall fight " , as against what he said in 2nd Chapter - " I shall not

fight " , instead he decided to depend on Krishna- I shall do what

you say and not on duty )


Mike - Note how ruthlessly Krishna after Arjuna merely " talked "

about surrender in BG 2nd Chapter, destroyed the authenticity/

wisdom/ utterings/ ideology/notions/ dharma/ principles -whatever

Arjuna's mind/intellect/ego delivered in Chapter 1 and 2 upto 2:10,

and even upto 18:59 ???


Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of Arjuna. Tell me

which of his argument was upheld in toto by Krishna? Think

academically about it- except one small agreement in Chapter 6.

That is how things move after surrender, " automatically " . Your

ego/intellect/mind is destroyed by Krishna ruthlessly, mercilessly !!


Feel that destruction, enjoy that beating, with the protection,

love and guarantees of our Eternal Father. Be ready for that. Be

assured that with every hit a purity shall emerge in you. Love that.

Adore that, Wait for that , Hope for that ! Marvel at that! Pray

for that. (Kunti did that). Never forget 5 principles given by

Swamiji- they are your warriors in the war.They are your weapons !!!


Believe in His immortal words - na me bhaktah pransyati ( BG 9:31).


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Hanuman


Mike Bhaiyya !


On this subject of surrender, Jee - Let me sing the song which

Swamiji so sweetly sang and which was played whole day on His

Nirvaan Day ( 3/07/2005) uninterruptedly on a TV channel across the

Globe -





O God! I have surrendered to you. Now you are free to make me

dance / play at your tunes/ wish!





All the weight on my person has gone away, and I have forgotten all

the sorrows! I have now become worryless /sorrowless , as I have

taken refuge into your powerful lotus feet !!





All worries/ anxieties (of me) are now yours only ! I have now

become worry less/fear less and my soul has indeed become blissful !!





My fame and ill fame - all is now yours as I am now known as your

servant(surrendered) ! My mind has now become a Black Bee and it

has indeed got immersed into your Lotus feet !!.


So that is what is your duty regarding 18:66, Jee - Bhaiyya Jee ! Is

it difficult, Brother, Jee ?


This was sung by Swamiji. I will also sing next time another song

also sung by Swamiji only- on the same subject, Jee !


Namaste Jee.


Jee Jee






Hari Om


Mike. In BG 18:66 , " abandoning all duties " means , renouncing

the " shelter of all duties " , not the abandoning physically the

performance of the duties. You can even afford to leave the decision

making itself with reference to the duty, as to whether something is

your duty or not, also to Paramatma under this verse.

But under no circumstance, the duties should be renounced/abandoned

physically ! You can simply offer all karmas made by you to Him ,

under this verse.


If we take the stand that " duty " physically should be abandoned,

then neither the specific reference under 18:66 gets satisfactorily

explained, nor the prior references nor the post reaction of Arjuna

justifies that interpretation. Entire Chapter 3 of BG then will

prove to be futile. Arjuna, too, after hearing this, did not

relinquish his duty, viz fighting . He said in 18:73- " karishye

vachanam tav " - I shall do what you say. We also in 18:66 should keep

doing our duties but should not get entangled in deciding what is

our duty and we should not depend on the duty. We should offer our

karmas to Paramatma. You cant abandon karma even if you want to. It

is a law. You can, however, convert those karmas into " akarmas " (

non binding karmas) by either renouncing the " doership " ( Jnana

Yoga), or renouncing the results thereof ( Karma Yoga) or offering

them to Parasmatma (Bhakti Yoga). The karma should not bind you, it

should not result in repeated birth-that is all is needed. The

shelter of duty is does produce a binding for yout . You may also

fall then under BG 9:21. Hence under no circumstance, you should

renounce your duties. You should not depend upon them.

You should depend upon God instead.


As regards 18:48, please note it is related with Karma Yoga. Entire

Chapter 3 talks in unison regarding performing one's duty to the

best of one's ability. What is duty? Duty is – " WHAT YOU CAN DO AND

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO " . That is all the duty is. This is the best

definition of duty for sadhaks - coming straight from Swamiji. In

Jnana Yoga there is no such question arising, because there the

sadhak starts with a determination- I don't do anything. In Karma

Yoga only this question can arise. BG 18:48 is guiding principle for

a Karma Yogi. In Bhakti Yoga , particularly, in surrender such a

question does not again arise. You are no more there. You have

surrendered yourself to God. Now where is the question of any right,

duty, obligation, righteousness? When such question arises in your

life after surrender, Paramatma shall take care of you- MAA SUCHAH .

Only He is there and you are a toy in His hand. There is neither

doership, nor renouncership, nor consumption (enjoyment or

suffering) of results. In fact what has gone to the winds, is entire

concept of duty for a sadhak - MAA SUCHAH.



SUCHAH – Don't worry. Simply throw all cautions, all dependences,

all cares, all worries, all fears, all apprehensions, all anxieties-

simply throw them away. You have no duty. All get transferred to

Paramatma. You remain- Worriless, griefless, fearless, doubtless-

just observing the Divine playing through you, your mind, your body,

your actions, and your surroundings - you should simply then enjoy

that bliss of Paramatma playing in you. Simple !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




In English


Serving the world and God Realization (Love with God)



in Hindi






Jai Hanuman


Once you surrender yourself to God under 18:66, you can only do

duties - Jee ! What else you can do Jee !! Hence you can only give relying on

that duty.!!! Neither Arjuna gave up doing His duties after hearing Gita, nor we

should. Our aim/bhava then should not be to get into decision making. We have to

depend upon God not upon duty. That is all 18:66 means. After you have

surrendered yourself

to God - prohibited actions CANNOT be done by body/mind etc. NOT

POSSIBLE ! Only sometimes a dilemma may arise – should I do /Should I not do /

What should I do type! Leave that to Him-put aside all confusion regarding duty,

Jee ! Keep doing as per your " bhava " (inner sentiments / expression) without

bothering whether it was right or wrong. Along with you, your mind, intellect,

ego, body

all get surrendered ! Nothing then needs to be done/thought/relied

upon. Rely upon God and upon your " conscience " while taking decisions. Leave

everything else to Daddy. No worry. No thinking. Become " MAST " (blissful). Allow

God to operate through you. Where are you then? It is Daddy all along Jee !





Whatever heart ( conscience) told me, I did that. Only when I am

free , I shall think whether I did good or bad !!


Become free, Bhaiyya !

Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Ram Ram,


In Gita 18-48, Krishna says to those who are beginners, do your

regular routine work. In Gita 18-66 Krishna says, you take refuge in

me, you work only for me. Doing that (working for Him) if you do any

sin, I will take care of it. Nowhere He has denied for work, he

denies to work for the benefit of self. This is advance stage.

Please read all verses between 48th and 66th very carefully. Don't

get confused. the message is very clear.


Ashok Goenka



Bhagwat Gita says about swabhaav (self nature) or state of

subconscious mind which one should not ignore. Any one is more at

ease and is efficient in its unique way of self-realization. For

example, a great artist in India Amitabh Bacchan decided to launch a

commecial enterprise and he failed in it miserably. His choice of

work ruined him. After he came back to art and acting in film, he

was again OK.


This means, every one has to follow his/her unique self-nature

during period of the journey of life. A seed of lemon cannot produce

tree of mango irrespective of the soil or water or fertilizer poured

in it. Each one of us are unique and born in complete from the day

1, and hence, it stands no competition or comparison to influence

it. This understanding nature of self is called DUTY.


For me, Krishna is humanities, for a artist, Krishna is a dancer,

for a warrior, Krishna is a warrior. So the teacher is one but

students have different subjects of study depending on their self-

development of mind. The duty or swabhaav thus changes and students

carry out the education of life within its limitation.


best regards


(Krishna Gopal)


Hari Om


The duty in this life is to unite with God within and in the world.

In this unity one has to perform his duties as if not attached to it.




Chris Duindam



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Share on other sites

-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor



-Shree Hari-


Looking further into the beginning of B.G. 18.66 ' sarva-dharman

parityajya...', I found three translations all different, but placing

them as it were upon each other in my mind, the penny dropped.

And yes I have read from B.G. 18: 48 to 66, I have done some

thinking, but most of all I bow in respect to all, and all your

words have been of assistance. I think it is clear to all that there

is divine work going on here.

Swamiji was very special was he not? Song and dance can touch the

soul, there are songs around that are reborn, to fit the times, some

are so ancient and sacred they can take ones breath away, I

understand what song can do Jee Jee Shashikalaji.

Vyasji I understand what you are writing about, as I am no stranger

to anguish of the soul, that comes from suffering at all levels. Also

your statement: 'Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of

Arjuna', is true, and Lord Krishna can, and does do such things still

to this day across all cultures, God has many names.

Most of all Sir, you answered a question I never asked but had been

puzzling me for some time.

You wrote, 'In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first

time prayed'. To me prayer can be without words, beyond words .


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)



Hari Om


Final thoughts on surrender.


After you surrender , you indeed start feeling presence of God more

eloquently than earlier- no doubt on that !.


Reason is that while the same body, mind, intellect , ego etc are

working, but " you " (Self) have changed position from a " doer " to

a " non doer " ! From a " seen " to a " seer " ! From a Principal to an

agent! From " Swamiji " to a " Das " and you have started

getting " Ram " naam " sukh " !


You indeed become then a " drishta " ( a seer, a witness-BG 13: 23).

Now " BEFORE YOU ONLY " - your beloved Divine's actions/

circumstances/ karmas/incidences/states will take place

(rather " by/through " you).


BEFORE YOU ONLY your sins will get destroyed (BG 18:73).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your " moha " . (nashto moha-18:73) will extinguish.

BEFORE YOU ONLY your faith and belief in your Beloved will

strengthen (BG 7:21).

BEFORE YOU ONLY equanimity shall enter you (BG 10:10).

BEFORE YOU ONLY viveka (conscience) will awaken (BG 2:53).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " knowledge " will dawn upon you (BG 10:11).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your mind shall change ( BG 10:9,9:34).

BEFORE YOU ONLY disconnection with inert will take place( BG 3:9).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " sat " (real) will prevail and. " asat " . (unreal) will

vanish (BG 2:16) !

BEFORE YOU ONLY " Divine Properties " shall manifest in you (BG

16:1/3) in abundance ! ! AUTOMATICALLY and EFFORTLESSLY !!


How then can you remain not " feeling " direct presence of Paramatma

around/inside you (BG 7:19) ? Why then He should not become easy for

you to get (BG 8:14) ? What prevents you then from not reaching to

the level stated in BG 6:30 ?


You can after " surrender " only experience as to how God meets

with His promises made by Him in BG 7:21/ 9:22/ 9:31/10:10/10:11/

12:7/13:32/ etc etc.


How can one then not " feel " Him operating clearly and directly

through himself !!


You will also " experience " as to how meticulously God " picks "

faults (sins) in you. How precisely He addresses/cures/destroys your

sins(BG 18:66) ! You will feel as if the situations etc arising

before you were really " tailor made " -for you only- Precise,

accurate and on the dot !! You will find very quickly as to how you

have really changed ! You will feel as to how you were time and

again saved from otherwise rather " impossible to survive

situations " ( na Me bhaktah pranasyati- 9:31 ). You will feel then

only as to how this world /people/given circumstances etc have

changed from an otherwise absolutely " dukhalayam " into an

unbelievable but so obvious and natural " Bhagvat Svaroopam " (BG

7:19) for you !


You will understand as to why you suffered in the past and how

needlessly ? And as to why Saints and Sages/Gita recommend you to

get detached from the inert !


As your ego/mind etc will quieten and as equanimity will start

arising in you - your bliss can only multiply !. Your devotion can

only be more intense - as if it was quite natural ! Your Love for

God can only increase geometrically - obvious and unquestionable !

Your Faith in Him can only strengthen- and become immovable

literally ! The sorrows can only eliminate- as if they never

existed ! Peace in you can only acquire permanence- as if it was

ever there - sahaj sukhrashi - naturally !


Darkness/ignorance/stupidity/ Maya - you will wonder as to how could

they exist in the past ?


Can the experience of " Vasudevah Sarvam " ( BG 7:19) then remain rare

for you ? Never !


This is the power of surrender ! That is why Saints and Sages call

this verse BG 18:66 to be the " essence " of Gita.


Vasudevah Sarvam !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


Shree Hari


Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaka, thank you for a good question


Gitaji Verse 18-48


As it has been pointed out eloquently by Mr. Vyas, this verse

relates to Karma Yoga. Even though all actions are afflicted with

some defects, Gitaji declares that one must not abandon one's duty.

In Gitaji, Chap. 2, Verses 31-38 declare the importance of doing our

duty (Swa-dharma) as prescribed in our scriptures (Ref: Gita 16-24).

One incurs sin if he/she does not perform the ordained duty.


Swamiji Maharaj says in Gita Probhidini (page 533), while performing

one's prescribed duty, it is given that there are some inherent

defects but they DO NOT affect the doer of actions if these actions

are done with an attitude of Karma Yoga. In Karma Yoga, the actions

are performed with the sense of equanimity, neither for a desire for

expectation of a specific fruit nor for seeking pleasure (Bhoga



The effect of inherent defects in performance of actions is much

more connected with the motivation behind the actions on doer's part

and not on actions themselves. Just like a doctor while treating a

patient, cuts his limb for the purpose of making him healthy, he

does not incur any sin. Also, Gitaji Verse 18-17, states:


" He whose is free from the notion of egoism and whose understanding

is free from attachment, though slaying all these people, he slays

not, nor is he bound. "


Gitaji Verse 18-66


This verse is in the context of Bhakti Yoga, specifically, complete

surrender (Sharnagatih). The verse is declaring not to abandon all

Dharmas (or Karmas) physically but not having any dependence on

these Dharmas (or Karmas). By adopting this attitude, the devotee

while performing all prescribed actions, he is free from bondage of

actions because he relinquishes the ownership of actions, good and

bad fruits do not affect him.


There is an assurance from the Lord that by solely depending on Him

the devotee does not have to worry about anything. In the process of

surrendering to God the devotee has changed his identity and

accepted a sole relationship with God, " I am God's only and no one

else's " .

(Arjuna says in Gitaji 18-73, " karisye vacanam tava " ).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Dear Sadaks,

Bagavan said " Do your duty but with Samarpana Bavana to ME " . Bagavan

meant do not think of fruit of action. Actually with the Kripa of

Bagavan alone that everything happens. But we humans think that we

are doing. That thought gives us misery or happiness.



Dear Sadhaks and Bhagavatas


This poser from Sri Mike Keenor illustrates how difficult it is to

understand the underlying philosophy of GITA without the guidance of

a proper and qualified Guru or Acharya. I recall that somewhere

along the line, some had even questioned the need for a Guru at all.

I would like to share my thoughts and understanding obtained from

illustrious Acharyas and by my reading of the holy scripture. These

are set out below in a most humble fashion.


The purpose of this life is to get redemption from this SAMSARA - a

cycle of birth, death and rebirth in an endless chain with no origin

and no end - brought about by our actions, inactions - our Karmas.

Vedas and other Scriptures deal with this aspect in an elaborate

manner in the BRAHAMA KANDAS. These are not easily understandable

for various reasons. Therefore our Lord expounded the substance of

these scriptures in the form of GITA for the benefit of humanity.

ARJUNA was only an excuse and a medium to impart this knowledge to

the whole of humanity.


Gita deals with three basic Yogas -Karma, Jnana & Bakthi and

emphasises that these three are not independent of one another but

neatly intertwined in such a way that practice of Karma Yoga will

lead one to Jnana Yoga and this finally to Bakthi yoga. It is a

gradual transition.

Karma Yoga if practised correctly as per Gita will eliminate from

our minds all attachments, me and you concepts, develop a sense of

equanimity and prepares the mind to understand the difference

between our Atma and body, the attributes of Atma that becomes the

centre of our meditation pondering over our relationship with

PARAMATMA and how we are actually so subordinate to HIM - Jnana

Yoga. This creates a longing to be with HIM and culminates in Bakthi.


It is only through Bakthi alone that one could reach the lotus feet

of our Lord (Moksha) from where there is no return to Samsara. No

getting back to the wombs. The Bakthi marga is long and strenuous

and might take many many births before the goal is attained.


It in this context that Sloka 66 of Ch 18 was born. when Arjuna

stood perplexed by the complexity of Yogs and the difficult nature

of practising them. The word used here is " Dharma " and this will

not translate into " duties " as is commonly understood. To my mind

and taking the whole context of Gita (we should not lose sight of

this), this means that instead of practising Karma or Jnana and

Bakthi yogas (that would take many, many innumerable births) Krishna

offered a simpler solution to reach HIM. It is " you surrender to me

body and soul as the ONLY REFUGE abandoning all other YOGA pursuits

to reach me " . I will redeem you from the Samsara and let there be no

doubt on this. This will happen at the end of this lifetime and

there will not be anymore involvement in samsara. That is a Divine

Promise from Krishna. This Marga is also known as PRAPATTHI marga.


ways to reach HIM -through Bakthi marga (involving unknown time

factor) or through PRAPATTHI marga also known as Saranagathi ( I am

incapable of redeeming myself and I lay this burden also on YOUR

shoulders and only your shoulders alone). Thus this Sloka 66 is the

quintessence of Gita.


The above does not mean that once you have surrendered, you can do

anything in life that is not permitted by sastras. We must remember

that Arjuna was gradually taken through this process of Karma, Jnana

and Bakthi yogas by Krishna Himself and finally Krishna delivered

this all important message when Arjuna's mind had become cleansed

and fine-tuned to receive this message. Therefore, if we have

reached this state of enlightenment to seek salvation through

Prapatthi, then our minds would never sway from the paths of virtue.

We would continue to do the duties until the end of life.


Now to Sloka 44 of Ch 18: Hopefully the above would have removed the

doubt regarding " duties " as used in this Sloka and the word Dharma

used in Sloka used in Sloka 66. What is stated in 66 is to abandon

all other methods to reach HIM and instead only resort to Prapatthi

alone. This would not imply that we are asked to abandon all our

duties. If a person has reached this level mental maturity already

to resort to Prapatthi marga, he would never abandon his daily

duties that are enjoined on him by scriptures. He would continue to

perform them in the unshakeable faith that he has done his bit to

attain salvation and it would be upto HIM to fulfil the promise. You

are only a tool in the process. What he abandons is the fruits of

his action and not the action itself-karma yogi (the first step in

his pursuit).


Hence in my mind the two slokas 44 and 66 are not opposed to one



I have merely shared my understanding and Sadaks would pardon me if

I have stated anything incorrectly.


Radhe Shyam

Humble pranams

G Rangarajan




Dear Sadak,

I reply to mails but Mediators rejects it. I reply as Bagvan speaks

through me. But the same Bagavan as Mediator rejects and never asks

clarification of my mail.So it does not bother me.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


We are really sorry, Sathyanarayanji and many others. Mails not

processed within 14 days are automatically rejected. To limit the

number of emails we sent you, we often wait till there are number of

responses. Your mails were not rejected due to content, but mostly

they were isolated responses, which never got processes. Once again

our sincere apologies to all who recently received " Rejected " mail

notice. We will try to do a better job in the future.


From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


Jai Shree Krishna

I think God is taking exam of tolerance. If one is true

and honest he will surely not leave his path of honesty because he

knows God is with him and he has to be strong in such situations and

keep on hardworking. As said by Lord Krishna " karma karo fruit ka

desire mat rakho " . I thing spirituality fruit ripes to its best only

in negative situations because in these situations alone a person

needs to follow Gitaji's updesh. In good situations everyone feels

that yes God has given us everything. But there are very few who

feel that god has given me this situation for my good to see that

how much my spiritual level has risen to face even in this opposing

situation. Do you remember Lord Krishna's aunt KuntiMa too asked for

sorrow filled circumstances from Lord because in those circumstance

a spiritual minded person feels more attachment with the Lord than

in the happy days where he has no time

for lord except saying thankyou.

ram ram






Hari Om


Swamiji has said categorically in Sadhak Sanjeevani - that after

surrender , (i) Never worry (ii) Never doubt (iii) Never test as to

actually you have surrendered or not (iv) Never Fear and (v) Never

grieve ! These 5 in fact are your real functions , after you

surrender ! What real tests they are- Believe me !!


Renouncing the mind, makes you worriless! All worries originate from

there!! So does assurance given by Him in 9:31.It is responsibility

of God to remove your doubts (BG 7:21). Strong Faith and belief in

Him, destroys the fear so does assurance under 9:31 ( My Bhakta shall

Never fall ). Reading of Scriptures also makes you fearless. That

you are immortal , this knowledge kills the worst fears.


To be griefless- This is the toughest test. Because after surrender,

an avalanche of His Kripa comes into your life. Your sins have to

start getting destroyed in a super fast manner- as promised by God-

isn't it ??


Your aeons old chains of " me " and " mine " start getting broken,

ruthlessly. A serious dent takes place in that almost everyday-

creating pain in you.. Worldly relations break abruptly-creating

pain in you. The " mineness " ruthlessly starts getting destroyed-

creating pain in you. Sometimes you feel that each and every

happenning in your life is only to hurt your " ego " . Both " me "

and " mine " take a severe beating.


Silverlining -


In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first time

prayed. We " surrendered " on that day itself- we do not know. It

is " habit " of God- even if someone " talks " of surrender, His laws

quickly start operating to make that guy surrender totally/ really.

Hence Saints and Sages sing praises of adversity/ sorrow in your

life. Hence whatever so far has taken place - be thankful for the

same. Cleaning over upto that, at least !!


" Ma suchah " ( worry/grieve not) is, according to my personal view,

biggest duty of a sadhak under 18:66 ! He must abandon grief/worry.

A real challenge !


Arjuna " talked " only in 2nd Chapter regarding Surrender- he did not

surrender " actually " . The " real " surrender was when he said - "

karishye vachanam tav " . (BG 18:73). ( Here the " dependence on duty "

was thrown by Arjuna not the " duty " itself - He did not say " I

shall fight " , as against what he said in 2nd Chapter - " I shall not

fight " , instead he decided to depend on Krishna- I shall do what

you say and not on duty )


Mike - Note how ruthlessly Krishna after Arjuna merely " talked "

about surrender in BG 2nd Chapter, destroyed the authenticity/

wisdom/ utterings/ ideology/notions/ dharma/ principles -whatever

Arjuna's mind/intellect/ego delivered in Chapter 1 and 2 upto 2:10,

and even upto 18:59 ???


Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of Arjuna. Tell me

which of his argument was upheld in toto by Krishna? Think

academically about it- except one small agreement in Chapter 6.

That is how things move after surrender, " automatically " . Your

ego/intellect/mind is destroyed by Krishna ruthlessly, mercilessly !!


Feel that destruction, enjoy that beating, with the protection,

love and guarantees of our Eternal Father. Be ready for that. Be

assured that with every hit a purity shall emerge in you. Love that.

Adore that, Wait for that , Hope for that ! Marvel at that! Pray

for that. (Kunti did that). Never forget 5 principles given by

Swamiji- they are your warriors in the war.They are your weapons !!!


Believe in His immortal words - na me bhaktah pransyati ( BG 9:31).


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Hanuman


Mike Bhaiyya !


On this subject of surrender, Jee - Let me sing the song which

Swamiji so sweetly sang and which was played whole day on His

Nirvaan Day ( 3/07/2005) uninterruptedly on a TV channel across the

Globe -





O God! I have surrendered to you. Now you are free to make me

dance / play at your tunes/ wish!





All the weight on my person has gone away, and I have forgotten all

the sorrows! I have now become worryless /sorrowless , as I have

taken refuge into your powerful lotus feet !!





All worries/ anxieties (of me) are now yours only ! I have now

become worry less/fear less and my soul has indeed become blissful !!





My fame and ill fame - all is now yours as I am now known as your

servant(surrendered) ! My mind has now become a Black Bee and it

has indeed got immersed into your Lotus feet !!.


So that is what is your duty regarding 18:66, Jee - Bhaiyya Jee ! Is

it difficult, Brother, Jee ?


This was sung by Swamiji. I will also sing next time another song

also sung by Swamiji only- on the same subject, Jee !


Namaste Jee.


Jee Jee






Hari Om


Mike. In BG 18:66 , " abandoning all duties " means , renouncing

the " shelter of all duties " , not the abandoning physically the

performance of the duties. You can even afford to leave the decision

making itself with reference to the duty, as to whether something is

your duty or not, also to Paramatma under this verse.

But under no circumstance, the duties should be renounced/abandoned

physically ! You can simply offer all karmas made by you to Him ,

under this verse.


If we take the stand that " duty " physically should be abandoned,

then neither the specific reference under 18:66 gets satisfactorily

explained, nor the prior references nor the post reaction of Arjuna

justifies that interpretation. Entire Chapter 3 of BG then will

prove to be futile. Arjuna, too, after hearing this, did not

relinquish his duty, viz fighting . He said in 18:73- " karishye

vachanam tav " - I shall do what you say. We also in 18:66 should keep

doing our duties but should not get entangled in deciding what is

our duty and we should not depend on the duty. We should offer our

karmas to Paramatma. You cant abandon karma even if you want to. It

is a law. You can, however, convert those karmas into " akarmas " (

non binding karmas) by either renouncing the " doership " ( Jnana

Yoga), or renouncing the results thereof ( Karma Yoga) or offering

them to Parasmatma (Bhakti Yoga). The karma should not bind you, it

should not result in repeated birth-that is all is needed. The

shelter of duty is does produce a binding for yout . You may also

fall then under BG 9:21. Hence under no circumstance, you should

renounce your duties. You should not depend upon them.

You should depend upon God instead.


As regards 18:48, please note it is related with Karma Yoga. Entire

Chapter 3 talks in unison regarding performing one's duty to the

best of one's ability. What is duty? Duty is – " WHAT YOU CAN DO AND

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO " . That is all the duty is. This is the best

definition of duty for sadhaks - coming straight from Swamiji. In

Jnana Yoga there is no such question arising, because there the

sadhak starts with a determination- I don't do anything. In Karma

Yoga only this question can arise. BG 18:48 is guiding principle for

a Karma Yogi. In Bhakti Yoga , particularly, in surrender such a

question does not again arise. You are no more there. You have

surrendered yourself to God. Now where is the question of any right,

duty, obligation, righteousness? When such question arises in your

life after surrender, Paramatma shall take care of you- MAA SUCHAH .

Only He is there and you are a toy in His hand. There is neither

doership, nor renouncership, nor consumption (enjoyment or

suffering) of results. In fact what has gone to the winds, is entire

concept of duty for a sadhak - MAA SUCHAH.



SUCHAH – Don't worry. Simply throw all cautions, all dependences,

all cares, all worries, all fears, all apprehensions, all anxieties-

simply throw them away. You have no duty. All get transferred to

Paramatma. You remain- Worriless, griefless, fearless, doubtless-

just observing the Divine playing through you, your mind, your body,

your actions, and your surroundings - you should simply then enjoy

that bliss of Paramatma playing in you. Simple !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




In English


Serving the world and God Realization (Love with God)



in Hindi






Jai Hanuman


Once you surrender yourself to God under 18:66, you can only do

duties - Jee ! What else you can do Jee !! Hence you can only give

relying on

that duty.!!! Neither Arjuna gave up doing His duties after hearing

Gita, nor we

should. Our aim/bhava then should not be to get into decision

making. We have to

depend upon God not upon duty. That is all 18:66 means. After you


surrendered yourself

to God - prohibited actions CANNOT be done by body/mind etc. NOT

POSSIBLE ! Only sometimes a dilemma may arise – should I do /Should

I not do /

What should I do type! Leave that to Him-put aside all confusion

regarding duty,

Jee ! Keep doing as per your " bhava " (inner sentiments / expression)


bothering whether it was right or wrong. Along with you, your mind,


ego, body

all get surrendered ! Nothing then needs to be done/thought/relied

upon. Rely upon God and upon your " conscience " while taking

decisions. Leave

everything else to Daddy. No worry. No thinking. Become " MAST "

(blissful). Allow

God to operate through you. Where are you then? It is Daddy all

along Jee !





Whatever heart ( conscience) told me, I did that. Only when I am

free , I shall think whether I did good or bad !!


Become free, Bhaiyya !

Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Ram Ram,


In Gita 18-48, Krishna says to those who are beginners, do your

regular routine work. In Gita 18-66 Krishna says, you take refuge in

me, you work only for me. Doing that (working for Him) if you do any

sin, I will take care of it. Nowhere He has denied for work, he

denies to work for the benefit of self. This is advance stage.

Please read all verses between 48th and 66th very carefully. Don't

get confused. the message is very clear.


Ashok Goenka



Bhagwat Gita says about swabhaav (self nature) or state of

subconscious mind which one should not ignore. Any one is more at

ease and is efficient in its unique way of self-realization. For

example, a great artist in India Amitabh Bacchan decided to launch a

commecial enterprise and he failed in it miserably. His choice of

work ruined him. After he came back to art and acting in film, he

was again OK.


This means, every one has to follow his/her unique self-nature

during period of the journey of life. A seed of lemon cannot produce

tree of mango irrespective of the soil or water or fertilizer poured

in it. Each one of us are unique and born in complete from the day

1, and hence, it stands no competition or comparison to influence

it. This understanding nature of self is called DUTY.


For me, Krishna is humanities, for a artist, Krishna is a dancer,

for a warrior, Krishna is a warrior. So the teacher is one but

students have different subjects of study depending on their self-

development of mind. The duty or swabhaav thus changes and students

carry out the education of life within its limitation.


best regards


(Krishna Gopal)


Hari Om


The duty in this life is to unite with God within and in the world.

In this unity one has to perform his duties as if not attached to it.




Chris Duindam



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor






Your final thoughts on surrender are truely touching! Let it be our

initial actions to practice.




Naga Narayana.



Jai Hanuman


I was so happy to note Mike Bhaiyya's response to all sadhaks.

Bhaiyya, you have made all of us proud of you. Sure, taking shelter

of God can never... never result in your ever looking back. After

all He is the ocean of Love - only Love , nothing else except pure

Love !! Why we have received this human birth, Bhaiyya? Swamiji said

in this human birth we have enough time to realise God - and many

times over.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Narayan Narayan



God did not say in essence, to entirely abandon all dharmas


If He said to abandon, by very nature, then minimally at least Arjun

would not engage in fighting the war. Because fighting and

protection, are the duties of a Kshatriya, but in actuality, Arjun

did fight the war.

Therefore meaning of Bhagwaan's message, that one must not take

refuge even in Dharma (righteousness / duties). One must only take

refuge in Bhagwaan. When man realizes his weakness and experiences

Bhagwaan's total power, capabilities and competence, then he





Bhagwan nein sampuran dharamo ka swaroop se tyag nahi bataya


Agar swaroop se bata te tho kum se kum arjun tho yudh na karte

Kyoki yudh karna chatriya ka dharam hein parantu arjun nein yudh kiya

Hein. Bhagwan ke kathan ka tatpriya hein dharam ki bhi saran nahi

honi chahiye. Keval meri hi saran honi chahiye. Jab manushya aapni

kamjori or bhagwan Ki sarv-samartha ka anubhav ho jata hein tab wo

sarnagat ho ja ta Hein,




Hari Om


Yes Brother Mike !


Indeed Swamiji IS special. Such Saints are rare particularly in

Kaliyuga. He rarely talked. But I recall two statements 1) He did

not have to learn Gita. Gita was already " kanthastha " (already

remembered by heart, without repeated practice again and again) as a

child. He could recite it from beginning !! 2) He started his

formal Gita study at the age of 12 -with Gita 15:6 - " Na tad

bhasyate suryo, na shashanko na paavakah! Yad gatva na nivartante,

tad dhamam paramam mamam " !! " Neither does the Sun illume that

(eternal goal), nor the moon, nor the fire; having gone thither,

they (they who reach there), return not; that is my Supreme Abode.

(Gita 15:6)


In the beginning I used to search from his writings some quick

formulas (mantras). Never found from hundreds of his books. I

laughed freely when I read one formula in Sadhak Sanjeevani for

throwing away from mind the thoughts which involuntarily come and

disturb our concentration. It was a mantra - " adang badang

svaahaa " !! After his nirvana, his one book was published by the

name " Sant Samagam " . In that book, he gave another way for pleasing

Lord Shiva. He said in the night from 11 pm to 2 am, sit facing

north east and recite " Om Namah Shivay " for 120x108 times (12960

times) every night for six months. You will get blessings of Lord

Shiva. Only these two instances-to my knowledge ! His standard

mantra - Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin ! " Oh Father, My Master,

Let me Never Forget You. "


Indeed He lived that goal, that object and reached there only - even

while being amongst us. Humanity at large, will forever be proud of



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


FROM MODERATOR: Please clarify what " adang badang svaahaa " !! mean

in English... thank you ! Ram Ram



Dear Sadaks,

Bhagavan said this for Kshatriya Dharma----Gita 18:48. One should

not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born, though faulty;

for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire by smoke! (Gita


This is for Sanyasa Dharma or for Sadhaks---Gita 18:66. Abandoning

attachment to all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)

There was one man Darma Vyajar. He was slaughter but exceptionaly

devoted to his parents. He had occult powers. He never abondened

duty to which he was born. But he also never failed his duty towards

parents. These 2 are 2 differant dharmas.

The birth taken by one is by his previous birth karma.

For Arjuna, Bhagavan taught his Dharma as a Kshatriya by birth.

For Yudhava, Bagavan tought his to surrender in HIM as Sanyanas





-Shree Hari-


Looking further into the beginning of B.G. 18.66 ' sarva-dharman

parityajya...', I found three translations all different, but placing

them as it were upon each other in my mind, the penny dropped.

And yes I have read from B.G. 18: 48 to 66, I have done some

thinking, but most of all I bow in respect to all, and all your

words have been of assistance. I think it is clear to all that there

is divine work going on here.

Swamiji was very special was he not? Song and dance can touch the

soul, there are songs around that are reborn, to fit the times, some

are so ancient and sacred they can take ones breath away, I

understand what song can do Jee Jee Shashikalaji.

Vyasji I understand what you are writing about, as I am no stranger

to anguish of the soul, that comes from suffering at all levels. Also

your statement: 'Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of

Arjuna', is true, and Lord Krishna can, and does do such things still

to this day across all cultures, God has many names.

Most of all Sir, you answered a question I never asked but had been

puzzling me for some time.

You wrote, 'In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first

time prayed'. To me prayer can be without words, beyond words .


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)



Hari Om


Final thoughts on surrender.


After you surrender , you indeed start feeling presence of God more

eloquently than earlier- no doubt on that !.


Reason is that while the same body, mind, intellect , ego etc are

working, but " you " (Self) have changed position from a " doer " to

a " non doer " ! From a " seen " to a " seer " ! From a Principal to an

agent! From " Swamiji " to a " Das " and you have started

getting " Ram " naam " sukh " !


You indeed become then a " drishta " ( a seer, a witness-BG 13: 23).

Now " BEFORE YOU ONLY " - your beloved Divine's actions/

circumstances/ karmas/incidences/states will take place

(rather " by/through " you).


BEFORE YOU ONLY your sins will get destroyed (BG 18:73).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your " moha " . (nashto moha-18:73) will extinguish.

BEFORE YOU ONLY your faith and belief in your Beloved will

strengthen (BG 7:21).

BEFORE YOU ONLY equanimity shall enter you (BG 10:10).

BEFORE YOU ONLY viveka (conscience) will awaken (BG 2:53).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " knowledge " will dawn upon you (BG 10:11).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your mind shall change ( BG 10:9,9:34).

BEFORE YOU ONLY disconnection with inert will take place( BG 3:9).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " sat " (real) will prevail and. " asat " . (unreal) will

vanish (BG 2:16) !

BEFORE YOU ONLY " Divine Properties " shall manifest in you (BG

16:1/3) in abundance ! ! AUTOMATICALLY and EFFORTLESSLY !!


How then can you remain not " feeling " direct presence of Paramatma

around/inside you (BG 7:19) ? Why then He should not become easy for

you to get (BG 8:14) ? What prevents you then from not reaching to

the level stated in BG 6:30 ?


You can after " surrender " only experience as to how God meets

with His promises made by Him in BG 7:21/ 9:22/ 9:31/10:10/10:11/

12:7/13:32/ etc etc.


How can one then not " feel " Him operating clearly and directly

through himself !!


You will also " experience " as to how meticulously God " picks "

faults (sins) in you. How precisely He addresses/cures/destroys your

sins(BG 18:66) ! You will feel as if the situations etc arising

before you were really " tailor made " -for you only- Precise,

accurate and on the dot !! You will find very quickly as to how you

have really changed ! You will feel as to how you were time and

again saved from otherwise rather " impossible to survive

situations " ( na Me bhaktah pranasyati- 9:31 ). You will feel then

only as to how this world /people/given circumstances etc have

changed from an otherwise absolutely " dukhalayam " into an

unbelievable but so obvious and natural " Bhagvat Svaroopam " (BG

7:19) for you !


You will understand as to why you suffered in the past and how

needlessly ? And as to why Saints and Sages/Gita recommend you to

get detached from the inert !


As your ego/mind etc will quieten and as equanimity will start

arising in you - your bliss can only multiply !. Your devotion can

only be more intense - as if it was quite natural ! Your Love for

God can only increase geometrically - obvious and unquestionable !

Your Faith in Him can only strengthen- and become immovable

literally ! The sorrows can only eliminate- as if they never

existed ! Peace in you can only acquire permanence- as if it was

ever there - sahaj sukhrashi - naturally !


Darkness/ignorance/stupidity/ Maya - you will wonder as to how could

they exist in the past ?


Can the experience of " Vasudevah Sarvam " ( BG 7:19) then remain rare

for you ? Never !


This is the power of surrender ! That is why Saints and Sages call

this verse BG 18:66 to be the " essence " of Gita.


Vasudevah Sarvam !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


Shree Hari


Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaka, thank you for a good question


Gitaji Verse 18-48


As it has been pointed out eloquently by Mr. Vyas, this verse

relates to Karma Yoga. Even though all actions are afflicted with

some defects, Gitaji declares that one must not abandon one's duty.

In Gitaji, Chap. 2, Verses 31-38 declare the importance of doing our

duty (Swa-dharma) as prescribed in our scriptures (Ref: Gita 16-24).

One incurs sin if he/she does not perform the ordained duty.


Swamiji Maharaj says in Gita Probhidini (page 533), while performing

one's prescribed duty, it is given that there are some inherent

defects but they DO NOT affect the doer of actions if these actions

are done with an attitude of Karma Yoga. In Karma Yoga, the actions

are performed with the sense of equanimity, neither for a desire for

expectation of a specific fruit nor for seeking pleasure (Bhoga



The effect of inherent defects in performance of actions is much

more connected with the motivation behind the actions on doer's part

and not on actions themselves. Just like a doctor while treating a

patient, cuts his limb for the purpose of making him healthy, he

does not incur any sin. Also, Gitaji Verse 18-17, states:


" He whose is free from the notion of egoism and whose understanding

is free from attachment, though slaying all these people, he slays

not, nor is he bound. "


Gitaji Verse 18-66


This verse is in the context of Bhakti Yoga, specifically, complete

surrender (Sharnagatih). The verse is declaring not to abandon all

Dharmas (or Karmas) physically but not having any dependence on

these Dharmas (or Karmas). By adopting this attitude, the devotee

while performing all prescribed actions, he is free from bondage of

actions because he relinquishes the ownership of actions, good and

bad fruits do not affect him.


There is an assurance from the Lord that by solely depending on Him

the devotee does not have to worry about anything. In the process of

surrendering to God the devotee has changed his identity and

accepted a sole relationship with God, " I am God's only and no one

else's " .

(Arjuna says in Gitaji 18-73, " karisye vacanam tava " ).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Dear Sadaks,

Bagavan said " Do your duty but with Samarpana Bavana to ME " . Bagavan

meant do not think of fruit of action. Actually with the Kripa of

Bagavan alone that everything happens. But we humans think that we

are doing. That thought gives us misery or happiness.



Dear Sadhaks and Bhagavatas


This poser from Sri Mike Keenor illustrates how difficult it is to

understand the underlying philosophy of GITA without the guidance of

a proper and qualified Guru or Acharya. I recall that somewhere

along the line, some had even questioned the need for a Guru at all.

I would like to share my thoughts and understanding obtained from

illustrious Acharyas and by my reading of the holy scripture. These

are set out below in a most humble fashion.


The purpose of this life is to get redemption from this SAMSARA - a

cycle of birth, death and rebirth in an endless chain with no origin

and no end - brought about by our actions, inactions - our Karmas.

Vedas and other Scriptures deal with this aspect in an elaborate

manner in the BRAHAMA KANDAS. These are not easily understandable

for various reasons. Therefore our Lord expounded the substance of

these scriptures in the form of GITA for the benefit of humanity.

ARJUNA was only an excuse and a medium to impart this knowledge to

the whole of humanity.


Gita deals with three basic Yogas -Karma, Jnana & Bakthi and

emphasises that these three are not independent of one another but

neatly intertwined in such a way that practice of Karma Yoga will

lead one to Jnana Yoga and this finally to Bakthi yoga. It is a

gradual transition.

Karma Yoga if practised correctly as per Gita will eliminate from

our minds all attachments, me and you concepts, develop a sense of

equanimity and prepares the mind to understand the difference

between our Atma and body, the attributes of Atma that becomes the

centre of our meditation pondering over our relationship with

PARAMATMA and how we are actually so subordinate to HIM - Jnana

Yoga. This creates a longing to be with HIM and culminates in Bakthi.


It is only through Bakthi alone that one could reach the lotus feet

of our Lord (Moksha) from where there is no return to Samsara. No

getting back to the wombs. The Bakthi marga is long and strenuous

and might take many many births before the goal is attained.


It in this context that Sloka 66 of Ch 18 was born. when Arjuna

stood perplexed by the complexity of Yogs and the difficult nature

of practising them. The word used here is " Dharma " and this will

not translate into " duties " as is commonly understood. To my mind

and taking the whole context of Gita (we should not lose sight of

this), this means that instead of practising Karma or Jnana and

Bakthi yogas (that would take many, many innumerable births) Krishna

offered a simpler solution to reach HIM. It is " you surrender to me

body and soul as the ONLY REFUGE abandoning all other YOGA pursuits

to reach me " . I will redeem you from the Samsara and let there be no

doubt on this. This will happen at the end of this lifetime and

there will not be anymore involvement in samsara. That is a Divine

Promise from Krishna. This Marga is also known as PRAPATTHI marga.


ways to reach HIM -through Bakthi marga (involving unknown time

factor) or through PRAPATTHI marga also known as Saranagathi ( I am

incapable of redeeming myself and I lay this burden also on YOUR

shoulders and only your shoulders alone). Thus this Sloka 66 is the

quintessence of Gita.


The above does not mean that once you have surrendered, you can do

anything in life that is not permitted by sastras. We must remember

that Arjuna was gradually taken through this process of Karma, Jnana

and Bakthi yogas by Krishna Himself and finally Krishna delivered

this all important message when Arjuna's mind had become cleansed

and fine-tuned to receive this message. Therefore, if we have

reached this state of enlightenment to seek salvation through

Prapatthi, then our minds would never sway from the paths of virtue.

We would continue to do the duties until the end of life.


Now to Sloka 44 of Ch 18: Hopefully the above would have removed the

doubt regarding " duties " as used in this Sloka and the word Dharma

used in Sloka used in Sloka 66. What is stated in 66 is to abandon

all other methods to reach HIM and instead only resort to Prapatthi

alone. This would not imply that we are asked to abandon all our

duties. If a person has reached this level mental maturity already

to resort to Prapatthi marga, he would never abandon his daily

duties that are enjoined on him by scriptures. He would continue to

perform them in the unshakeable faith that he has done his bit to

attain salvation and it would be upto HIM to fulfil the promise. You

are only a tool in the process. What he abandons is the fruits of

his action and not the action itself-karma yogi (the first step in

his pursuit).


Hence in my mind the two slokas 44 and 66 are not opposed to one



I have merely shared my understanding and Sadaks would pardon me if

I have stated anything incorrectly.


Radhe Shyam

Humble pranams

G Rangarajan




Dear Sadak,

I reply to mails but Mediators rejects it. I reply as Bagvan speaks

through me. But the same Bagavan as Mediator rejects and never asks

clarification of my mail.So it does not bother me.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


We are really sorry, Sathyanarayanji and many others. Mails not

processed within 14 days are automatically rejected. To limit the

number of emails we sent you, we often wait till there are number of

responses. Your mails were not rejected due to content, but mostly

they were isolated responses, which never got processes. Once again

our sincere apologies to all who recently received " Rejected " mail

notice. We will try to do a better job in the future.


From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


Jai Shree Krishna

I think God is taking exam of tolerance. If one is true

and honest he will surely not leave his path of honesty because he

knows God is with him and he has to be strong in such situations and

keep on hardworking. As said by Lord Krishna " karma karo fruit ka

desire mat rakho " . I thing spirituality fruit ripes to its best only

in negative situations because in these situations alone a person

needs to follow Gitaji's updesh. In good situations everyone feels

that yes God has given us everything. But there are very few who

feel that god has given me this situation for my good to see that

how much my spiritual level has risen to face even in this opposing

situation. Do you remember Lord Krishna's aunt KuntiMa too asked for

sorrow filled circumstances from Lord because in those circumstance

a spiritual minded person feels more attachment with the Lord than

in the happy days where he has no time

for lord except saying thankyou.

ram ram






Hari Om


Swamiji has said categorically in Sadhak Sanjeevani - that after

surrender , (i) Never worry (ii) Never doubt (iii) Never test as to

actually you have surrendered or not (iv) Never Fear and (v) Never

grieve ! These 5 in fact are your real functions , after you

surrender ! What real tests they are- Believe me !!


Renouncing the mind, makes you worriless! All worries originate from

there!! So does assurance given by Him in 9:31.It is responsibility

of God to remove your doubts (BG 7:21). Strong Faith and belief in

Him, destroys the fear so does assurance under 9:31 ( My Bhakta shall

Never fall ). Reading of Scriptures also makes you fearless. That

you are immortal , this knowledge kills the worst fears.


To be griefless- This is the toughest test. Because after surrender,

an avalanche of His Kripa comes into your life. Your sins have to

start getting destroyed in a super fast manner- as promised by God-

isn't it ??


Your aeons old chains of " me " and " mine " start getting broken,

ruthlessly. A serious dent takes place in that almost everyday-

creating pain in you.. Worldly relations break abruptly-creating

pain in you. The " mineness " ruthlessly starts getting destroyed-

creating pain in you. Sometimes you feel that each and every

happenning in your life is only to hurt your " ego " . Both " me "

and " mine " take a severe beating.


Silverlining -


In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first time

prayed. We " surrendered " on that day itself- we do not know. It

is " habit " of God- even if someone " talks " of surrender, His laws

quickly start operating to make that guy surrender totally/ really.

Hence Saints and Sages sing praises of adversity/ sorrow in your

life. Hence whatever so far has taken place - be thankful for the

same. Cleaning over upto that, at least !!


" Ma suchah " ( worry/grieve not) is, according to my personal view,

biggest duty of a sadhak under 18:66 ! He must abandon grief/worry.

A real challenge !


Arjuna " talked " only in 2nd Chapter regarding Surrender- he did not

surrender " actually " . The " real " surrender was when he said - "

karishye vachanam tav " . (BG 18:73). ( Here the " dependence on duty "

was thrown by Arjuna not the " duty " itself - He did not say " I

shall fight " , as against what he said in 2nd Chapter - " I shall not

fight " , instead he decided to depend on Krishna- I shall do what

you say and not on duty )


Mike - Note how ruthlessly Krishna after Arjuna merely " talked "

about surrender in BG 2nd Chapter, destroyed the authenticity/

wisdom/ utterings/ ideology/notions/ dharma/ principles -whatever

Arjuna's mind/intellect/ego delivered in Chapter 1 and 2 upto 2:10,

and even upto 18:59 ???


Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of Arjuna. Tell me

which of his argument was upheld in toto by Krishna? Think

academically about it- except one small agreement in Chapter 6.

That is how things move after surrender, " automatically " . Your

ego/intellect/mind is destroyed by Krishna ruthlessly, mercilessly !!


Feel that destruction, enjoy that beating, with the protection,

love and guarantees of our Eternal Father. Be ready for that. Be

assured that with every hit a purity shall emerge in you. Love that.

Adore that, Wait for that , Hope for that ! Marvel at that! Pray

for that. (Kunti did that). Never forget 5 principles given by

Swamiji- they are your warriors in the war.They are your weapons !!!


Believe in His immortal words - na me bhaktah pransyati ( BG 9:31).


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Hanuman


Mike Bhaiyya !


On this subject of surrender, Jee - Let me sing the song which

Swamiji so sweetly sang and which was played whole day on His

Nirvaan Day ( 3/07/2005) uninterruptedly on a TV channel across the

Globe -





O God! I have surrendered to you. Now you are free to make me

dance / play at your tunes/ wish!





All the weight on my person has gone away, and I have forgotten all

the sorrows! I have now become worryless /sorrowless , as I have

taken refuge into your powerful lotus feet !!





All worries/ anxieties (of me) are now yours only ! I have now

become worry less/fear less and my soul has indeed become blissful !!





My fame and ill fame - all is now yours as I am now known as your

servant(surrendered) ! My mind has now become a Black Bee and it

has indeed got immersed into your Lotus feet !!.


So that is what is your duty regarding 18:66, Jee - Bhaiyya Jee ! Is

it difficult, Brother, Jee ?


This was sung by Swamiji. I will also sing next time another song

also sung by Swamiji only- on the same subject, Jee !


Namaste Jee.


Jee Jee






Hari Om


Mike. In BG 18:66 , " abandoning all duties " means , renouncing

the " shelter of all duties " , not the abandoning physically the

performance of the duties. You can even afford to leave the decision

making itself with reference to the duty, as to whether something is

your duty or not, also to Paramatma under this verse.

But under no circumstance, the duties should be renounced/abandoned

physically ! You can simply offer all karmas made by you to Him ,

under this verse.


If we take the stand that " duty " physically should be abandoned,

then neither the specific reference under 18:66 gets satisfactorily

explained, nor the prior references nor the post reaction of Arjuna

justifies that interpretation. Entire Chapter 3 of BG then will

prove to be futile. Arjuna, too, after hearing this, did not

relinquish his duty, viz fighting . He said in 18:73- " karishye

vachanam tav " - I shall do what you say. We also in 18:66 should keep

doing our duties but should not get entangled in deciding what is

our duty and we should not depend on the duty. We should offer our

karmas to Paramatma. You cant abandon karma even if you want to. It

is a law. You can, however, convert those karmas into " akarmas " (

non binding karmas) by either renouncing the " doership " ( Jnana

Yoga), or renouncing the results thereof ( Karma Yoga) or offering

them to Parasmatma (Bhakti Yoga). The karma should not bind you, it

should not result in repeated birth-that is all is needed. The

shelter of duty is does produce a binding for yout . You may also

fall then under BG 9:21. Hence under no circumstance, you should

renounce your duties. You should not depend upon them.

You should depend upon God instead.


As regards 18:48, please note it is related with Karma Yoga. Entire

Chapter 3 talks in unison regarding performing one's duty to the

best of one's ability. What is duty? Duty is – " WHAT YOU CAN DO AND

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO " . That is all the duty is. This is the best

definition of duty for sadhaks - coming straight from Swamiji. In

Jnana Yoga there is no such question arising, because there the

sadhak starts with a determination- I don't do anything. In Karma

Yoga only this question can arise. BG 18:48 is guiding principle for

a Karma Yogi. In Bhakti Yoga , particularly, in surrender such a

question does not again arise. You are no more there. You have

surrendered yourself to God. Now where is the question of any right,

duty, obligation, righteousness? When such question arises in your

life after surrender, Paramatma shall take care of you- MAA SUCHAH .

Only He is there and you are a toy in His hand. There is neither

doership, nor renouncership, nor consumption (enjoyment or

suffering) of results. In fact what has gone to the winds, is entire

concept of duty for a sadhak - MAA SUCHAH.



SUCHAH – Don't worry. Simply throw all cautions, all dependences,

all cares, all worries, all fears, all apprehensions, all anxieties-

simply throw them away. You have no duty. All get transferred to

Paramatma. You remain- Worriless, griefless, fearless, doubtless-

just observing the Divine playing through you, your mind, your body,

your actions, and your surroundings - you should simply then enjoy

that bliss of Paramatma playing in you. Simple !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




In English


Serving the world and God Realization (Love with God)



in Hindi






Jai Hanuman


Once you surrender yourself to God under 18:66, you can only do

duties - Jee ! What else you can do Jee !! Hence you can only give

relying on

that duty.!!! Neither Arjuna gave up doing His duties after hearing

Gita, nor we

should. Our aim/bhava then should not be to get into decision

making. We have to

depend upon God not upon duty. That is all 18:66 means. After you


surrendered yourself

to God - prohibited actions CANNOT be done by body/mind etc. NOT

POSSIBLE ! Only sometimes a dilemma may arise – should I do /Should

I not do /

What should I do type! Leave that to Him-put aside all confusion

regarding duty,

Jee ! Keep doing as per your " bhava " (inner sentiments / expression)


bothering whether it was right or wrong. Along with you, your mind,


ego, body

all get surrendered ! Nothing then needs to be done/thought/relied

upon. Rely upon God and upon your " conscience " while taking

decisions. Leave

everything else to Daddy. No worry. No thinking. Become " MAST "

(blissful). Allow

God to operate through you. Where are you then? It is Daddy all

along Jee !





Whatever heart ( conscience) told me, I did that. Only when I am

free , I shall think whether I did good or bad !!


Become free, Bhaiyya !

Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Ram Ram,


In Gita 18-48, Krishna says to those who are beginners, do your

regular routine work. In Gita 18-66 Krishna says, you take refuge in

me, you work only for me. Doing that (working for Him) if you do any

sin, I will take care of it. Nowhere He has denied for work, he

denies to work for the benefit of self. This is advance stage.

Please read all verses between 48th and 66th very carefully. Don't

get confused. the message is very clear.


Ashok Goenka



Bhagwat Gita says about swabhaav (self nature) or state of

subconscious mind which one should not ignore. Any one is more at

ease and is efficient in its unique way of self-realization. For

example, a great artist in India Amitabh Bacchan decided to launch a

commecial enterprise and he failed in it miserably. His choice of

work ruined him. After he came back to art and acting in film, he

was again OK.


This means, every one has to follow his/her unique self-nature

during period of the journey of life. A seed of lemon cannot produce

tree of mango irrespective of the soil or water or fertilizer poured

in it. Each one of us are unique and born in complete from the day

1, and hence, it stands no competition or comparison to influence

it. This understanding nature of self is called DUTY.


For me, Krishna is humanities, for a artist, Krishna is a dancer,

for a warrior, Krishna is a warrior. So the teacher is one but

students have different subjects of study depending on their self-

development of mind. The duty or swabhaav thus changes and students

carry out the education of life within its limitation.


best regards


(Krishna Gopal)


Hari Om


The duty in this life is to unite with God within and in the world.

In this unity one has to perform his duties as if not attached to it.




Chris Duindam



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

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10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

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11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

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12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

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13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

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there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor





I feel god Narayan is telling that every one comes to this earth with

baggage(that is purpose ) this purpose has been pre ordained so its

our duty to fulfil that even though sometimes it may look like you

are doing wrong thing (like Arjuna felt about engaging in war and

killing his kith and kin) but if it is our Karthavya (duty) we need

to do it






Hare Krishna Prabhu


My understanding - When one is sufficiently purified by performing

nishkama karma yoga (selfless service) and has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then at

that platform one can abandon his material duties and take completely

to the service of the transcendental lord, and that is why, to

abandon all varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to lord

krishna is the final instruction of gita and not the first.


If someone prematurely gives up his duties without purifying ones's

heart, then he will fall down and will be a big disturbance to the

society as a whole.


i hope this is clear.


piyush gupta



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


In N.B. Vyasji's write-up he has said - in BG 18:66 , " abandoning all

duties " means, renouncing the " shelter of all duties " , not

abandoning physically the performance of the duties. In Piyush

Gupta's posting it is indicated - When one has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then

one can abandon his material duties and take completely to the

service of the transcendental Lord, and that is why, to abandon all

varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to Lord Krishna is

the final instruction of Gita and not the first. Which explanation

is correct?

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram




When the life of the individual is still governed by his mind then

he needs to mind his duties.when the person has surrendered himself

to god,then he has become one with the universe and he cant do

anything which harms someone or goes against the laws of

universe. then he need not to be conscious about his duties as

everything will be taken care by universe means god.as krishan

says, yogkshem vahamyam.


" M Vivek "





Your final thoughts on surrender are truely touching! Let it be our

initial actions to practice.




Naga Narayana.



Jai Hanuman


I was so happy to note Mike Bhaiyya's response to all sadhaks.

Bhaiyya, you have made all of us proud of you. Sure, taking shelter

of God can never... never result in your ever looking back. After

all He is the ocean of Love - only Love , nothing else except pure

Love !! Why we have received this human birth, Bhaiyya? Swamiji said

in this human birth we have enough time to realise God - and many

times over.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Narayan Narayan



God did not say in essence, to entirely abandon all dharmas


If He said to abandon, by very nature, then minimally at least Arjun

would not engage in fighting the war. Because fighting and

protection, are the duties of a Kshatriya, but in actuality, Arjun

did fight the war.

Therefore meaning of Bhagwaan's message, that one must not take

refuge even in Dharma (righteousness / duties). One must only take

refuge in Bhagwaan. When man realizes his weakness and experiences

Bhagwaan's total power, capabilities and competence, then he





Bhagwan nein sampuran dharamo ka swaroop se tyag nahi bataya


Agar swaroop se bata te tho kum se kum arjun tho yudh na karte

Kyoki yudh karna chatriya ka dharam hein parantu arjun nein yudh kiya

Hein. Bhagwan ke kathan ka tatpriya hein dharam ki bhi saran nahi

honi chahiye. Keval meri hi saran honi chahiye. Jab manushya aapni

kamjori or bhagwan Ki sarv-samartha ka anubhav ho jata hein tab wo

sarnagat ho ja ta Hein,




Hari Om


Yes Brother Mike !


Indeed Swamiji IS special. Such Saints are rare particularly in

Kaliyuga. He rarely talked. But I recall two statements 1) He did

not have to learn Gita. Gita was already " kanthastha " (already

remembered by heart, without repeated practice again and again) as a

child. He could recite it from beginning !! 2) He started his

formal Gita study at the age of 12 -with Gita 15:6 - " Na tad

bhasyate suryo, na shashanko na paavakah! Yad gatva na nivartante,

tad dhamam paramam mamam " !! " Neither does the Sun illume that

(eternal goal), nor the moon, nor the fire; having gone thither,

they (they who reach there), return not; that is my Supreme Abode.

(Gita 15:6)


In the beginning I used to search from his writings some quick

formulas (mantras). Never found from hundreds of his books. I

laughed freely when I read one formula in Sadhak Sanjeevani for

throwing away from mind the thoughts which involuntarily come and

disturb our concentration. It was a mantra - " adang badang

svaahaa " !! After his nirvana, his one book was published by the

name " Sant Samagam " . In that book, he gave another way for pleasing

Lord Shiva. He said in the night from 11 pm to 2 am, sit facing

north east and recite " Om Namah Shivay " for 120x108 times (12960

times) every night for six months. You will get blessings of Lord

Shiva. Only these two instances-to my knowledge ! His standard

mantra - Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin ! " Oh Father, My Master,

Let me Never Forget You. "


Indeed He lived that goal, that object and reached there only - even

while being amongst us. Humanity at large, will forever be proud of



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


FROM MODERATOR: Please clarify what " adang badang svaahaa " !! means

in English... thank you ! Ram Ram



Dear Sadaks,

Bhagavan said this for Kshatriya Dharma----Gita 18:48. One should

not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born, though faulty;

for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire by smoke! (Gita


This is for Sanyasa Dharma or for Sadhaks---Gita 18:66. Abandoning

attachment to all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)

There was one man Darma Vyajar. He was slaughter but exceptionaly

devoted to his parents. He had occult powers. He never abondened

duty to which he was born. But he also never failed his duty towards

parents. These 2 are 2 differant dharmas.

The birth taken by one is by his previous birth karma.

For Arjuna, Bhagavan taught his Dharma as a Kshatriya by birth.

For Yudhava, Bagavan tought his to surrender in HIM as Sanyanas





-Shree Hari-


Looking further into the beginning of B.G. 18.66 ' sarva-dharman

parityajya...', I found three translations all different, but placing

them as it were upon each other in my mind, the penny dropped.

And yes I have read from B.G. 18: 48 to 66, I have done some

thinking, but most of all I bow in respect to all, and all your

words have been of assistance. I think it is clear to all that there

is divine work going on here.

Swamiji was very special was he not? Song and dance can touch the

soul, there are songs around that are reborn, to fit the times, some

are so ancient and sacred they can take ones breath away, I

understand what song can do Jee Jee Shashikalaji.

Vyasji I understand what you are writing about, as I am no stranger

to anguish of the soul, that comes from suffering at all levels. Also

your statement: 'Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of

Arjuna', is true, and Lord Krishna can, and does do such things still

to this day across all cultures, God has many names.

Most of all Sir, you answered a question I never asked but had been

puzzling me for some time.

You wrote, 'In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first

time prayed'. To me prayer can be without words, beyond words .


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)



Hari Om


Final thoughts on surrender.


After you surrender , you indeed start feeling presence of God more

eloquently than earlier- no doubt on that !.


Reason is that while the same body, mind, intellect , ego etc are

working, but " you " (Self) have changed position from a " doer " to

a " non doer " ! From a " seen " to a " seer " ! From a Principal to an

agent! From " Swamiji " to a " Das " and you have started

getting " Ram " naam " sukh " !


You indeed become then a " drishta " ( a seer, a witness-BG 13: 23).

Now " BEFORE YOU ONLY " - your beloved Divine's actions/

circumstances/ karmas/incidences/states will take place

(rather " by/through " you).


BEFORE YOU ONLY your sins will get destroyed (BG 18:73).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your " moha " . (nashto moha-18:73) will extinguish.

BEFORE YOU ONLY your faith and belief in your Beloved will

strengthen (BG 7:21).

BEFORE YOU ONLY equanimity shall enter you (BG 10:10).

BEFORE YOU ONLY viveka (conscience) will awaken (BG 2:53).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " knowledge " will dawn upon you (BG 10:11).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your mind shall change ( BG 10:9,9:34).

BEFORE YOU ONLY disconnection with inert will take place( BG 3:9).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " sat " (real) will prevail and. " asat " . (unreal) will

vanish (BG 2:16) !

BEFORE YOU ONLY " Divine Properties " shall manifest in you (BG

16:1/3) in abundance ! ! AUTOMATICALLY and EFFORTLESSLY !!


How then can you remain not " feeling " direct presence of Paramatma

around/inside you (BG 7:19) ? Why then He should not become easy for

you to get (BG 8:14) ? What prevents you then from not reaching to

the level stated in BG 6:30 ?


You can after " surrender " only experience as to how God meets

with His promises made by Him in BG 7:21/ 9:22/ 9:31/10:10/10:11/

12:7/13:32/ etc etc.


How can one then not " feel " Him operating clearly and directly

through himself !!


You will also " experience " as to how meticulously God " picks "

faults (sins) in you. How precisely He addresses/cures/destroys your

sins(BG 18:66) ! You will feel as if the situations etc arising

before you were really " tailor made " -for you only- Precise,

accurate and on the dot !! You will find very quickly as to how you

have really changed ! You will feel as to how you were time and

again saved from otherwise rather " impossible to survive

situations " ( na Me bhaktah pranasyati- 9:31 ). You will feel then

only as to how this world /people/given circumstances etc have

changed from an otherwise absolutely " dukhalayam " into an

unbelievable but so obvious and natural " Bhagvat Svaroopam " (BG

7:19) for you !


You will understand as to why you suffered in the past and how

needlessly ? And as to why Saints and Sages/Gita recommend you to

get detached from the inert !


As your ego/mind etc will quieten and as equanimity will start

arising in you - your bliss can only multiply !. Your devotion can

only be more intense - as if it was quite natural ! Your Love for

God can only increase geometrically - obvious and unquestionable !

Your Faith in Him can only strengthen- and become immovable

literally ! The sorrows can only eliminate- as if they never

existed ! Peace in you can only acquire permanence- as if it was

ever there - sahaj sukhrashi - naturally !


Darkness/ignorance/stupidity/ Maya - you will wonder as to how could

they exist in the past ?


Can the experience of " Vasudevah Sarvam " ( BG 7:19) then remain rare

for you ? Never !


This is the power of surrender ! That is why Saints and Sages call

this verse BG 18:66 to be the " essence " of Gita.


Vasudevah Sarvam !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


Shree Hari


Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaka, thank you for a good question


Gitaji Verse 18-48


As it has been pointed out eloquently by Mr. Vyas, this verse

relates to Karma Yoga. Even though all actions are afflicted with

some defects, Gitaji declares that one must not abandon one's duty.

In Gitaji, Chap. 2, Verses 31-38 declare the importance of doing our

duty (Swa-dharma) as prescribed in our scriptures (Ref: Gita 16-24).

One incurs sin if he/she does not perform the ordained duty.


Swamiji Maharaj says in Gita Probhidini (page 533), while performing

one's prescribed duty, it is given that there are some inherent

defects but they DO NOT affect the doer of actions if these actions

are done with an attitude of Karma Yoga. In Karma Yoga, the actions

are performed with the sense of equanimity, neither for a desire for

expectation of a specific fruit nor for seeking pleasure (Bhoga



The effect of inherent defects in performance of actions is much

more connected with the motivation behind the actions on doer's part

and not on actions themselves. Just like a doctor while treating a

patient, cuts his limb for the purpose of making him healthy, he

does not incur any sin. Also, Gitaji Verse 18-17, states:


" He whose is free from the notion of egoism and whose understanding

is free from attachment, though slaying all these people, he slays

not, nor is he bound. "


Gitaji Verse 18-66


This verse is in the context of Bhakti Yoga, specifically, complete

surrender (Sharnagatih). The verse is declaring not to abandon all

Dharmas (or Karmas) physically but not having any dependence on

these Dharmas (or Karmas). By adopting this attitude, the devotee

while performing all prescribed actions, he is free from bondage of

actions because he relinquishes the ownership of actions, good and

bad fruits do not affect him.


There is an assurance from the Lord that by solely depending on Him

the devotee does not have to worry about anything. In the process of

surrendering to God the devotee has changed his identity and

accepted a sole relationship with God, " I am God's only and no one

else's " .

(Arjuna says in Gitaji 18-73, " karisye vacanam tava " ).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Dear Sadaks,

Bagavan said " Do your duty but with Samarpana Bavana to ME " . Bagavan

meant do not think of fruit of action. Actually with the Kripa of

Bagavan alone that everything happens. But we humans think that we

are doing. That thought gives us misery or happiness.



Dear Sadhaks and Bhagavatas


This poser from Sri Mike Keenor illustrates how difficult it is to

understand the underlying philosophy of GITA without the guidance of

a proper and qualified Guru or Acharya. I recall that somewhere

along the line, some had even questioned the need for a Guru at all.

I would like to share my thoughts and understanding obtained from

illustrious Acharyas and by my reading of the holy scripture. These

are set out below in a most humble fashion.


The purpose of this life is to get redemption from this SAMSARA - a

cycle of birth, death and rebirth in an endless chain with no origin

and no end - brought about by our actions, inactions - our Karmas.

Vedas and other Scriptures deal with this aspect in an elaborate

manner in the BRAHAMA KANDAS. These are not easily understandable

for various reasons. Therefore our Lord expounded the substance of

these scriptures in the form of GITA for the benefit of humanity.

ARJUNA was only an excuse and a medium to impart this knowledge to

the whole of humanity.


Gita deals with three basic Yogas -Karma, Jnana & Bakthi and

emphasises that these three are not independent of one another but

neatly intertwined in such a way that practice of Karma Yoga will

lead one to Jnana Yoga and this finally to Bakthi yoga. It is a

gradual transition.

Karma Yoga if practised correctly as per Gita will eliminate from

our minds all attachments, me and you concepts, develop a sense of

equanimity and prepares the mind to understand the difference

between our Atma and body, the attributes of Atma that becomes the

centre of our meditation pondering over our relationship with

PARAMATMA and how we are actually so subordinate to HIM - Jnana

Yoga. This creates a longing to be with HIM and culminates in Bakthi.


It is only through Bakthi alone that one could reach the lotus feet

of our Lord (Moksha) from where there is no return to Samsara. No

getting back to the wombs. The Bakthi marga is long and strenuous

and might take many many births before the goal is attained.


It in this context that Sloka 66 of Ch 18 was born. when Arjuna

stood perplexed by the complexity of Yogs and the difficult nature

of practising them. The word used here is " Dharma " and this will

not translate into " duties " as is commonly understood. To my mind

and taking the whole context of Gita (we should not lose sight of

this), this means that instead of practising Karma or Jnana and

Bakthi yogas (that would take many, many innumerable births) Krishna

offered a simpler solution to reach HIM. It is " you surrender to me

body and soul as the ONLY REFUGE abandoning all other YOGA pursuits

to reach me " . I will redeem you from the Samsara and let there be no

doubt on this. This will happen at the end of this lifetime and

there will not be anymore involvement in samsara. That is a Divine

Promise from Krishna. This Marga is also known as PRAPATTHI marga.


ways to reach HIM -through Bakthi marga (involving unknown time

factor) or through PRAPATTHI marga also known as Saranagathi ( I am

incapable of redeeming myself and I lay this burden also on YOUR

shoulders and only your shoulders alone). Thus this Sloka 66 is the

quintessence of Gita.


The above does not mean that once you have surrendered, you can do

anything in life that is not permitted by sastras. We must remember

that Arjuna was gradually taken through this process of Karma, Jnana

and Bakthi yogas by Krishna Himself and finally Krishna delivered

this all important message when Arjuna's mind had become cleansed

and fine-tuned to receive this message. Therefore, if we have

reached this state of enlightenment to seek salvation through

Prapatthi, then our minds would never sway from the paths of virtue.

We would continue to do the duties until the end of life.


Now to Sloka 44 of Ch 18: Hopefully the above would have removed the

doubt regarding " duties " as used in this Sloka and the word Dharma

used in Sloka used in Sloka 66. What is stated in 66 is to abandon

all other methods to reach HIM and instead only resort to Prapatthi

alone. This would not imply that we are asked to abandon all our

duties. If a person has reached this level mental maturity already

to resort to Prapatthi marga, he would never abandon his daily

duties that are enjoined on him by scriptures. He would continue to

perform them in the unshakeable faith that he has done his bit to

attain salvation and it would be upto HIM to fulfil the promise. You

are only a tool in the process. What he abandons is the fruits of

his action and not the action itself-karma yogi (the first step in

his pursuit).


Hence in my mind the two slokas 44 and 66 are not opposed to one



I have merely shared my understanding and Sadaks would pardon me if

I have stated anything incorrectly.


Radhe Shyam

Humble pranams

G Rangarajan




Dear Sadak,

I reply to mails but Mediators rejects it. I reply as Bagvan speaks

through me. But the same Bagavan as Mediator rejects and never asks

clarification of my mail.So it does not bother me.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


We are really sorry, Sathyanarayanji and many others. Mails not

processed within 14 days are automatically rejected. To limit the

number of emails we sent you, we often wait till there are number of

responses. Your mails were not rejected due to content, but mostly

they were isolated responses, which never got processes. Once again

our sincere apologies to all who recently received " Rejected " mail

notice. We will try to do a better job in the future.


From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


Jai Shree Krishna

I think God is taking exam of tolerance. If one is true

and honest he will surely not leave his path of honesty because he

knows God is with him and he has to be strong in such situations and

keep on hardworking. As said by Lord Krishna " karma karo fruit ka

desire mat rakho " . I thing spirituality fruit ripes to its best only

in negative situations because in these situations alone a person

needs to follow Gitaji's updesh. In good situations everyone feels

that yes God has given us everything. But there are very few who

feel that god has given me this situation for my good to see that

how much my spiritual level has risen to face even in this opposing

situation. Do you remember Lord Krishna's aunt KuntiMa too asked for

sorrow filled circumstances from Lord because in those circumstance

a spiritual minded person feels more attachment with the Lord than

in the happy days where he has no time

for lord except saying thankyou.

ram ram






Hari Om


Swamiji has said categorically in Sadhak Sanjeevani - that after

surrender , (i) Never worry (ii) Never doubt (iii) Never test as to

actually you have surrendered or not (iv) Never Fear and (v) Never

grieve ! These 5 in fact are your real functions , after you

surrender ! What real tests they are- Believe me !!


Renouncing the mind, makes you worriless! All worries originate from

there!! So does assurance given by Him in 9:31.It is responsibility

of God to remove your doubts (BG 7:21). Strong Faith and belief in

Him, destroys the fear so does assurance under 9:31 ( My Bhakta shall

Never fall ). Reading of Scriptures also makes you fearless. That

you are immortal , this knowledge kills the worst fears.


To be griefless- This is the toughest test. Because after surrender,

an avalanche of His Kripa comes into your life. Your sins have to

start getting destroyed in a super fast manner- as promised by God-

isn't it ??


Your aeons old chains of " me " and " mine " start getting broken,

ruthlessly. A serious dent takes place in that almost everyday-

creating pain in you.. Worldly relations break abruptly-creating

pain in you. The " mineness " ruthlessly starts getting destroyed-

creating pain in you. Sometimes you feel that each and every

happenning in your life is only to hurt your " ego " . Both " me "

and " mine " take a severe beating.


Silverlining -


In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first time

prayed. We " surrendered " on that day itself- we do not know. It

is " habit " of God- even if someone " talks " of surrender, His laws

quickly start operating to make that guy surrender totally/ really.

Hence Saints and Sages sing praises of adversity/ sorrow in your

life. Hence whatever so far has taken place - be thankful for the

same. Cleaning over upto that, at least !!


" Ma suchah " ( worry/grieve not) is, according to my personal view,

biggest duty of a sadhak under 18:66 ! He must abandon grief/worry.

A real challenge !


Arjuna " talked " only in 2nd Chapter regarding Surrender- he did not

surrender " actually " . The " real " surrender was when he said - "

karishye vachanam tav " . (BG 18:73). ( Here the " dependence on duty "

was thrown by Arjuna not the " duty " itself - He did not say " I

shall fight " , as against what he said in 2nd Chapter - " I shall not

fight " , instead he decided to depend on Krishna- I shall do what

you say and not on duty )


Mike - Note how ruthlessly Krishna after Arjuna merely " talked "

about surrender in BG 2nd Chapter, destroyed the authenticity/

wisdom/ utterings/ ideology/notions/ dharma/ principles -whatever

Arjuna's mind/intellect/ego delivered in Chapter 1 and 2 upto 2:10,

and even upto 18:59 ???


Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of Arjuna. Tell me

which of his argument was upheld in toto by Krishna? Think

academically about it- except one small agreement in Chapter 6.

That is how things move after surrender, " automatically " . Your

ego/intellect/mind is destroyed by Krishna ruthlessly, mercilessly !!


Feel that destruction, enjoy that beating, with the protection,

love and guarantees of our Eternal Father. Be ready for that. Be

assured that with every hit a purity shall emerge in you. Love that.

Adore that, Wait for that , Hope for that ! Marvel at that! Pray

for that. (Kunti did that). Never forget 5 principles given by

Swamiji- they are your warriors in the war.They are your weapons !!!


Believe in His immortal words - na me bhaktah pransyati ( BG 9:31).


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Hanuman


Mike Bhaiyya !


On this subject of surrender, Jee - Let me sing the song which

Swamiji so sweetly sang and which was played whole day on His

Nirvaan Day ( 3/07/2005) uninterruptedly on a TV channel across the

Globe -





O God! I have surrendered to you. Now you are free to make me

dance / play at your tunes/ wish!





All the weight on my person has gone away, and I have forgotten all

the sorrows! I have now become worryless /sorrowless , as I have

taken refuge into your powerful lotus feet !!





All worries/ anxieties (of me) are now yours only ! I have now

become worry less/fear less and my soul has indeed become blissful !!





My fame and ill fame - all is now yours as I am now known as your

servant(surrendered) ! My mind has now become a Black Bee and it

has indeed got immersed into your Lotus feet !!.


So that is what is your duty regarding 18:66, Jee - Bhaiyya Jee ! Is

it difficult, Brother, Jee ?


This was sung by Swamiji. I will also sing next time another song

also sung by Swamiji only- on the same subject, Jee !


Namaste Jee.


Jee Jee






Hari Om


Mike. In BG 18:66 , " abandoning all duties " means , renouncing

the " shelter of all duties " , not the abandoning physically the

performance of the duties. You can even afford to leave the decision

making itself with reference to the duty, as to whether something is

your duty or not, also to Paramatma under this verse.

But under no circumstance, the duties should be renounced/abandoned

physically ! You can simply offer all karmas made by you to Him ,

under this verse.


If we take the stand that " duty " physically should be abandoned,

then neither the specific reference under 18:66 gets satisfactorily

explained, nor the prior references nor the post reaction of Arjuna

justifies that interpretation. Entire Chapter 3 of BG then will

prove to be futile. Arjuna, too, after hearing this, did not

relinquish his duty, viz fighting . He said in 18:73- " karishye

vachanam tav " - I shall do what you say. We also in 18:66 should keep

doing our duties but should not get entangled in deciding what is

our duty and we should not depend on the duty. We should offer our

karmas to Paramatma. You cant abandon karma even if you want to. It

is a law. You can, however, convert those karmas into " akarmas " (

non binding karmas) by either renouncing the " doership " ( Jnana

Yoga), or renouncing the results thereof ( Karma Yoga) or offering

them to Parasmatma (Bhakti Yoga). The karma should not bind you, it

should not result in repeated birth-that is all is needed. The

shelter of duty is does produce a binding for yout . You may also

fall then under BG 9:21. Hence under no circumstance, you should

renounce your duties. You should not depend upon them.

You should depend upon God instead.


As regards 18:48, please note it is related with Karma Yoga. Entire

Chapter 3 talks in unison regarding performing one's duty to the

best of one's ability. What is duty? Duty is – " WHAT YOU CAN DO AND

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO " . That is all the duty is. This is the best

definition of duty for sadhaks - coming straight from Swamiji. In

Jnana Yoga there is no such question arising, because there the

sadhak starts with a determination- I don't do anything. In Karma

Yoga only this question can arise. BG 18:48 is guiding principle for

a Karma Yogi. In Bhakti Yoga , particularly, in surrender such a

question does not again arise. You are no more there. You have

surrendered yourself to God. Now where is the question of any right,

duty, obligation, righteousness? When such question arises in your

life after surrender, Paramatma shall take care of you- MAA SUCHAH .

Only He is there and you are a toy in His hand. There is neither

doership, nor renouncership, nor consumption (enjoyment or

suffering) of results. In fact what has gone to the winds, is entire

concept of duty for a sadhak - MAA SUCHAH.



SUCHAH – Don't worry. Simply throw all cautions, all dependences,

all cares, all worries, all fears, all apprehensions, all anxieties-

simply throw them away. You have no duty. All get transferred to

Paramatma. You remain- Worriless, griefless, fearless, doubtless-

just observing the Divine playing through you, your mind, your body,

your actions, and your surroundings - you should simply then enjoy

that bliss of Paramatma playing in you. Simple !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




In English


Serving the world and God Realization (Love with God)



in Hindi






Jai Hanuman


Once you surrender yourself to God under 18:66, you can only do

duties - Jee ! What else you can do Jee !! Hence you can only give

relying on

that duty.!!! Neither Arjuna gave up doing His duties after hearing

Gita, nor we

should. Our aim/bhava then should not be to get into decision

making. We have to

depend upon God not upon duty. That is all 18:66 means. After you


surrendered yourself

to God - prohibited actions CANNOT be done by body/mind etc. NOT

POSSIBLE ! Only sometimes a dilemma may arise – should I do /Should

I not do /

What should I do type! Leave that to Him-put aside all confusion

regarding duty,

Jee ! Keep doing as per your " bhava " (inner sentiments / expression)


bothering whether it was right or wrong. Along with you, your mind,


ego, body

all get surrendered ! Nothing then needs to be done/thought/relied

upon. Rely upon God and upon your " conscience " while taking

decisions. Leave

everything else to Daddy. No worry. No thinking. Become " MAST "

(blissful). Allow

God to operate through you. Where are you then? It is Daddy all

along Jee !





Whatever heart ( conscience) told me, I did that. Only when I am

free , I shall think whether I did good or bad !!


Become free, Bhaiyya !

Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Ram Ram,


In Gita 18-48, Krishna says to those who are beginners, do your

regular routine work. In Gita 18-66 Krishna says, you take refuge in

me, you work only for me. Doing that (working for Him) if you do any

sin, I will take care of it. Nowhere He has denied for work, he

denies to work for the benefit of self. This is advance stage.

Please read all verses between 48th and 66th very carefully. Don't

get confused. the message is very clear.


Ashok Goenka



Bhagwat Gita says about swabhaav (self nature) or state of

subconscious mind which one should not ignore. Any one is more at

ease and is efficient in its unique way of self-realization. For

example, a great artist in India Amitabh Bacchan decided to launch a

commecial enterprise and he failed in it miserably. His choice of

work ruined him. After he came back to art and acting in film, he

was again OK.


This means, every one has to follow his/her unique self-nature

during period of the journey of life. A seed of lemon cannot produce

tree of mango irrespective of the soil or water or fertilizer poured

in it. Each one of us are unique and born in complete from the day

1, and hence, it stands no competition or comparison to influence

it. This understanding nature of self is called DUTY.


For me, Krishna is humanities, for a artist, Krishna is a dancer,

for a warrior, Krishna is a warrior. So the teacher is one but

students have different subjects of study depending on their self-

development of mind. The duty or swabhaav thus changes and students

carry out the education of life within its limitation.


best regards


(Krishna Gopal)


Hari Om


The duty in this life is to unite with God within and in the world.

In this unity one has to perform his duties as if not attached to it.




Chris Duindam



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

Link to comment
Share on other sites

-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Friends, In spite of being immersed (marmagya?) in Gita, it will

not be possible to be freed from the traps of mind – intellect.

Shraddhey Swamiji has instructed that do not accept the mind as

yours at all. It will become quiet. When there is no relation with

the mind, than there will be no relation with the intellect. What

is to be done, and what is not to be done, both these are in mind

and intellect, not in the Self (swayam). When mind – intellect, are

removed from the scene, then Self itself will be engaged in

Paramaatmaa (God). So be it.

Ram Ram




Bandhuvar, Aap Gita marmagya banker bhi mana – buddhi ke is

dhanchakker se mukti paa sakenge aisaa hogaa nahin. Shraddhey

Swamiji ne nirdesh diyaa thaa mana ko apnaa maano hi mat. Chup ho

jaayegaa. Jab man se sambandh nahin rahaa toh buddhi se bhi nahin

rahaa. Kartavya – akartavya ye dono mana – buddhi mein hote hai,

swayam mein nahin. Mana – buddhi hattate hi swayam hi jaa lagegaa

Paramaatmaa mein. Astu.

Ram Ram



Hari Om


Gita Talk Moderator has raised a question for the first time. Thanks.


No ! Piyushji's views can't be substantiated from Gita, or from Scriptures.

Shruti ( history), Yukti ( logic/rationale) and Anubhuti ( experience) - all

three pillars of determining truth- are not supporting his views. However, it is

a beautiful subject to deliberate upon.


First of all there is no difference between " duty " and " dharma " as far as our

Scriptures and particularly Gita is concerned. Your dharma is your duty only,

nothing else except that. Hence " duty " referred in 18:48 and " dharma " referred

in Gita 18:66 are one and the same.


Secondly, you have not been asked to renounce the duties in Gita 18:66

physically. You have to renounce only " shelter of duty " under 18:66.

(Elaborate reasons have been given in my postings to support this- Piyushji is

welcome to draw attention of Sadhaks , if he does not agree ). Arjuna did that

only. He did not renounce " fight " , which his " dharma " . He did not rely on

fighting. He relied on Krishna and said " karishye vachanam tav " and not " I

shall not fight " in 18:73 !


Question of Gita telling you that after surrender you can do whatever you want

and particularly improper deeds is unthinkable.


Sadhaks may give their fresh views on the above. In the next edition we will

address Piyushji's specific views. Piyushji may also support his views further,

if he wants to.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Shri Krishnah sharanam mama.


Mike ji's translation of the verse 18.66 could be better, as it is

basically a literal translation. When Bhagwan says `dharmaan', not

only it means duties or righteousness, it also implies `adharmas' or

unrighteousness, etc. or for that matter- all ACTIONS. Elsewhere in

Gita it is amply revealed that these actions are not free from

bondage. In the next line of the verse where the word `paap' or sin

is mentioned, again it does not mean sin alone, but also implies

punya or `virtuous', `righteous', `good deeds'. Both the good as

well as the bad deeds (paap and punya) have the `same result' when

we talk of `absolute freedom' from the bondage, the `moksha', i.e.,

both of them are deterrents. Thus, in order to achieve liberation,

absolute surrender (sharanaagati, atma samarpana) to Bhagwan is the

only way out and that has been revealed as the most profound

(profoundest) words by Bhagwan (Gita 18.64).


The meaning of verse 18.48 becomes quite clear when one reads the

next verse 18.49 where Bhagwan mentions `asaktabuddhih' or one whose

intellect is unattached. Thus, doing a duty with detachment or

rather unattachment is like `freedom from action', which is

absolutely necessary to attain the supreme state. Bound by and

living in the realm of the three inherent `gunas', the Jiva can not

remain without doing any `action' even for a fraction of a second

(Gita 3.5) and thus keeps pushing himself towards bondage, except

when totally surrendering all his intellect to Bhagwan and

converting the `actions' into `freedom from action' with

his `unattached action'.


K.N. Sharma




I feel god Narayan is telling that every one comes to this earth with

baggage(that is purpose ) this purpose has been pre ordained so its

our duty to fulfil that even though sometimes it may look like you

are doing wrong thing (like Arjuna felt about engaging in war and

killing his kith and kin) but if it is our Karthavya (duty) we need

to do it






Hare Krishna Prabhu


My understanding - When one is sufficiently purified by performing

nishkama karma yoga (selfless service) and has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then at

that platform one can abandon his material duties and take completely

to the service of the transcendental lord, and that is why, to

abandon all varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to lord

krishna is the final instruction of gita and not the first.


If someone prematurely gives up his duties without purifying ones's

heart, then he will fall down and will be a big disturbance to the

society as a whole.


i hope this is clear.


piyush gupta



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


In N.B. Vyasji's write-up he has said - in BG 18:66 , " abandoning all

duties " means, renouncing the " shelter of all duties " , not

abandoning physically the performance of the duties. In Piyush

Gupta's posting it is indicated - When one has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then

one can abandon his material duties and take completely to the

service of the transcendental Lord, and that is why, to abandon all

varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to Lord Krishna is

the final instruction of Gita and not the first. Which explanation

is correct?

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram




When the life of the individual is still governed by his mind then

he needs to mind his duties.when the person has surrendered himself

to god,then he has become one with the universe and he cant do

anything which harms someone or goes against the laws of

universe. then he need not to be conscious about his duties as

everything will be taken care by universe means god, as krishan

says, yogkshem vahamyam.


" M Vivek "





Your final thoughts on surrender are truely touching! Let it be our

initial actions to practice.




Naga Narayana.



Jai Hanuman


I was so happy to note Mike Bhaiyya's response to all sadhaks.

Bhaiyya, you have made all of us proud of you. Sure, taking shelter

of God can never... never result in your ever looking back. After

all He is the ocean of Love - only Love , nothing else except pure

Love !! Why we have received this human birth, Bhaiyya? Swamiji said

in this human birth we have enough time to realise God - and many

times over.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Narayan Narayan



God did not say in essence, to entirely abandon all dharmas


If He said to abandon, by very nature, then minimally at least Arjun

would not engage in fighting the war. Because fighting and

protection, are the duties of a Kshatriya, but in actuality, Arjun

did fight the war.

Therefore meaning of Bhagwaan's message, that one must not take

refuge even in Dharma (righteousness / duties). One must only take

refuge in Bhagwaan. When man realizes his weakness and experiences

Bhagwaan's total power, capabilities and competence, then he





Bhagwan nein sampuran dharamo ka swaroop se tyag nahi bataya


Agar swaroop se bata te tho kum se kum arjun tho yudh na karte

Kyoki yudh karna chatriya ka dharam hein parantu arjun nein yudh kiya

Hein. Bhagwan ke kathan ka tatpriya hein dharam ki bhi saran nahi

honi chahiye. Keval meri hi saran honi chahiye. Jab manushya aapni

kamjori or bhagwan Ki sarv-samartha ka anubhav ho jata hein tab wo

sarnagat ho ja ta Hein,




Hari Om


Yes Brother Mike !


Indeed Swamiji IS special. Such Saints are rare particularly in

Kaliyuga. He rarely talked. But I recall two statements 1) He did

not have to learn Gita. Gita was already " kanthastha " (already

remembered by heart, without repeated practice again and again) as a

child. He could recite it from beginning !! 2) He started his

formal Gita study at the age of 12 -with Gita 15:6 - " Na tad

bhasyate suryo, na shashanko na paavakah! Yad gatva na nivartante,

tad dhamam paramam mamam " !! " Neither does the Sun illume that

(eternal goal), nor the moon, nor the fire; having gone thither,

they (they who reach there), return not; that is my Supreme Abode.

(Gita 15:6)


In the beginning I used to search from his writings some quick

formulas (mantras). Never found from hundreds of his books. I

laughed freely when I read one formula in Sadhak Sanjeevani for

throwing away from mind the thoughts which involuntarily come and

disturb our concentration. It was a mantra - " adang badang

svaahaa " !! After his nirvana, his one book was published by the

name " Sant Samagam " . In that book, he gave another way for pleasing

Lord Shiva. He said in the night from 11 pm to 2 am, sit facing

north east and recite " Om Namah Shivay " for 120x108 times (12960

times) every night for six months. You will get blessings of Lord

Shiva. Only these two instances-to my knowledge ! His standard

mantra - Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin ! " Oh Father, My Master,

Let me Never Forget You. "


Indeed He lived that goal, that object and reached there only - even

while being amongst us. Humanity at large, will forever be proud of



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


FROM MODERATOR: Please clarify what " adang badang svaahaa " !! means

in English... thank you ! Ram Ram



Dear Sadaks,

Bhagavan said this for Kshatriya Dharma----Gita 18:48. One should

not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born, though faulty;

for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire by smoke! (Gita


This is for Sanyasa Dharma or for Sadhaks---Gita 18:66. Abandoning

attachment to all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)

There was one man Darma Vyajar. He was slaughter but exceptionaly

devoted to his parents. He had occult powers. He never abondened

duty to which he was born. But he also never failed his duty towards

parents. These 2 are 2 differant dharmas.

The birth taken by one is by his previous birth karma.

For Arjuna, Bhagavan taught his Dharma as a Kshatriya by birth.

For Yudhava, Bagavan tought his to surrender in HIM as Sanyanas





-Shree Hari-


Looking further into the beginning of B.G. 18.66 ' sarva-dharman

parityajya...', I found three translations all different, but placing

them as it were upon each other in my mind, the penny dropped.

And yes I have read from B.G. 18: 48 to 66, I have done some

thinking, but most of all I bow in respect to all, and all your

words have been of assistance. I think it is clear to all that there

is divine work going on here.

Swamiji was very special was he not? Song and dance can touch the

soul, there are songs around that are reborn, to fit the times, some

are so ancient and sacred they can take ones breath away, I

understand what song can do Jee Jee Shashikalaji.

Vyasji I understand what you are writing about, as I am no stranger

to anguish of the soul, that comes from suffering at all levels. Also

your statement: 'Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of

Arjuna', is true, and Lord Krishna can, and does do such things still

to this day across all cultures, God has many names.

Most of all Sir, you answered a question I never asked but had been

puzzling me for some time.

You wrote, 'In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first

time prayed'. To me prayer can be without words, beyond words .


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)



Hari Om


Final thoughts on surrender.


After you surrender , you indeed start feeling presence of God more

eloquently than earlier- no doubt on that !.


Reason is that while the same body, mind, intellect , ego etc are

working, but " you " (Self) have changed position from a " doer " to

a " non doer " ! From a " seen " to a " seer " ! From a Principal to an

agent! From " Swamiji " to a " Das " and you have started

getting " Ram " naam " sukh " !


You indeed become then a " drishta " ( a seer, a witness-BG 13: 23).

Now " BEFORE YOU ONLY " - your beloved Divine's actions/

circumstances/ karmas/incidences/states will take place

(rather " by/through " you).


BEFORE YOU ONLY your sins will get destroyed (BG 18:73).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your " moha " . (nashto moha-18:73) will extinguish.

BEFORE YOU ONLY your faith and belief in your Beloved will

strengthen (BG 7:21).

BEFORE YOU ONLY equanimity shall enter you (BG 10:10).

BEFORE YOU ONLY viveka (conscience) will awaken (BG 2:53).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " knowledge " will dawn upon you (BG 10:11).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your mind shall change ( BG 10:9,9:34).

BEFORE YOU ONLY disconnection with inert will take place( BG 3:9).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " sat " (real) will prevail and. " asat " . (unreal) will

vanish (BG 2:16) !

BEFORE YOU ONLY " Divine Properties " shall manifest in you (BG

16:1/3) in abundance ! ! AUTOMATICALLY and EFFORTLESSLY !!


How then can you remain not " feeling " direct presence of Paramatma

around/inside you (BG 7:19) ? Why then He should not become easy for

you to get (BG 8:14) ? What prevents you then from not reaching to

the level stated in BG 6:30 ?


You can after " surrender " only experience as to how God meets

with His promises made by Him in BG 7:21/ 9:22/ 9:31/10:10/10:11/

12:7/13:32/ etc etc.


How can one then not " feel " Him operating clearly and directly

through himself !!


You will also " experience " as to how meticulously God " picks "

faults (sins) in you. How precisely He addresses/cures/destroys your

sins(BG 18:66) ! You will feel as if the situations etc arising

before you were really " tailor made " -for you only- Precise,

accurate and on the dot !! You will find very quickly as to how you

have really changed ! You will feel as to how you were time and

again saved from otherwise rather " impossible to survive

situations " ( na Me bhaktah pranasyati- 9:31 ). You will feel then

only as to how this world /people/given circumstances etc have

changed from an otherwise absolutely " dukhalayam " into an

unbelievable but so obvious and natural " Bhagvat Svaroopam " (BG

7:19) for you !


You will understand as to why you suffered in the past and how

needlessly ? And as to why Saints and Sages/Gita recommend you to

get detached from the inert !


As your ego/mind etc will quieten and as equanimity will start

arising in you - your bliss can only multiply !. Your devotion can

only be more intense - as if it was quite natural ! Your Love for

God can only increase geometrically - obvious and unquestionable !

Your Faith in Him can only strengthen- and become immovable

literally ! The sorrows can only eliminate- as if they never

existed ! Peace in you can only acquire permanence- as if it was

ever there - sahaj sukhrashi - naturally !


Darkness/ignorance/stupidity/ Maya - you will wonder as to how could

they exist in the past ?


Can the experience of " Vasudevah Sarvam " ( BG 7:19) then remain rare

for you ? Never !


This is the power of surrender ! That is why Saints and Sages call

this verse BG 18:66 to be the " essence " of Gita.


Vasudevah Sarvam !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


Shree Hari


Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaka, thank you for a good question


Gitaji Verse 18-48


As it has been pointed out eloquently by Mr. Vyas, this verse

relates to Karma Yoga. Even though all actions are afflicted with

some defects, Gitaji declares that one must not abandon one's duty.

In Gitaji, Chap. 2, Verses 31-38 declare the importance of doing our

duty (Swa-dharma) as prescribed in our scriptures (Ref: Gita 16-24).

One incurs sin if he/she does not perform the ordained duty.


Swamiji Maharaj says in Gita Probhidini (page 533), while performing

one's prescribed duty, it is given that there are some inherent

defects but they DO NOT affect the doer of actions if these actions

are done with an attitude of Karma Yoga. In Karma Yoga, the actions

are performed with the sense of equanimity, neither for a desire for

expectation of a specific fruit nor for seeking pleasure (Bhoga



The effect of inherent defects in performance of actions is much

more connected with the motivation behind the actions on doer's part

and not on actions themselves. Just like a doctor while treating a

patient, cuts his limb for the purpose of making him healthy, he

does not incur any sin. Also, Gitaji Verse 18-17, states:


" He whose is free from the notion of egoism and whose understanding

is free from attachment, though slaying all these people, he slays

not, nor is he bound. "


Gitaji Verse 18-66


This verse is in the context of Bhakti Yoga, specifically, complete

surrender (Sharnagatih). The verse is declaring not to abandon all

Dharmas (or Karmas) physically but not having any dependence on

these Dharmas (or Karmas). By adopting this attitude, the devotee

while performing all prescribed actions, he is free from bondage of

actions because he relinquishes the ownership of actions, good and

bad fruits do not affect him.


There is an assurance from the Lord that by solely depending on Him

the devotee does not have to worry about anything. In the process of

surrendering to God the devotee has changed his identity and

accepted a sole relationship with God, " I am God's only and no one

else's " .

(Arjuna says in Gitaji 18-73, " karisye vacanam tava " ).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Dear Sadaks,

Bagavan said " Do your duty but with Samarpana Bavana to ME " . Bagavan

meant do not think of fruit of action. Actually with the Kripa of

Bagavan alone that everything happens. But we humans think that we

are doing. That thought gives us misery or happiness.



Dear Sadhaks and Bhagavatas


This poser from Sri Mike Keenor illustrates how difficult it is to

understand the underlying philosophy of GITA without the guidance of

a proper and qualified Guru or Acharya. I recall that somewhere

along the line, some had even questioned the need for a Guru at all.

I would like to share my thoughts and understanding obtained from

illustrious Acharyas and by my reading of the holy scripture. These

are set out below in a most humble fashion.


The purpose of this life is to get redemption from this SAMSARA - a

cycle of birth, death and rebirth in an endless chain with no origin

and no end - brought about by our actions, inactions - our Karmas.

Vedas and other Scriptures deal with this aspect in an elaborate

manner in the BRAHAMA KANDAS. These are not easily understandable

for various reasons. Therefore our Lord expounded the substance of

these scriptures in the form of GITA for the benefit of humanity.

ARJUNA was only an excuse and a medium to impart this knowledge to

the whole of humanity.


Gita deals with three basic Yogas -Karma, Jnana & Bakthi and

emphasises that these three are not independent of one another but

neatly intertwined in such a way that practice of Karma Yoga will

lead one to Jnana Yoga and this finally to Bakthi yoga. It is a

gradual transition.

Karma Yoga if practised correctly as per Gita will eliminate from

our minds all attachments, me and you concepts, develop a sense of

equanimity and prepares the mind to understand the difference

between our Atma and body, the attributes of Atma that becomes the

centre of our meditation pondering over our relationship with

PARAMATMA and how we are actually so subordinate to HIM - Jnana

Yoga. This creates a longing to be with HIM and culminates in Bakthi.


It is only through Bakthi alone that one could reach the lotus feet

of our Lord (Moksha) from where there is no return to Samsara. No

getting back to the wombs. The Bakthi marga is long and strenuous

and might take many many births before the goal is attained.


It in this context that Sloka 66 of Ch 18 was born. when Arjuna

stood perplexed by the complexity of Yogs and the difficult nature

of practising them. The word used here is " Dharma " and this will

not translate into " duties " as is commonly understood. To my mind

and taking the whole context of Gita (we should not lose sight of

this), this means that instead of practising Karma or Jnana and

Bakthi yogas (that would take many, many innumerable births) Krishna

offered a simpler solution to reach HIM. It is " you surrender to me

body and soul as the ONLY REFUGE abandoning all other YOGA pursuits

to reach me " . I will redeem you from the Samsara and let there be no

doubt on this. This will happen at the end of this lifetime and

there will not be anymore involvement in samsara. That is a Divine

Promise from Krishna. This Marga is also known as PRAPATTHI marga.


ways to reach HIM -through Bakthi marga (involving unknown time

factor) or through PRAPATTHI marga also known as Saranagathi ( I am

incapable of redeeming myself and I lay this burden also on YOUR

shoulders and only your shoulders alone). Thus this Sloka 66 is the

quintessence of Gita.


The above does not mean that once you have surrendered, you can do

anything in life that is not permitted by sastras. We must remember

that Arjuna was gradually taken through this process of Karma, Jnana

and Bakthi yogas by Krishna Himself and finally Krishna delivered

this all important message when Arjuna's mind had become cleansed

and fine-tuned to receive this message. Therefore, if we have

reached this state of enlightenment to seek salvation through

Prapatthi, then our minds would never sway from the paths of virtue.

We would continue to do the duties until the end of life.


Now to Sloka 44 of Ch 18: Hopefully the above would have removed the

doubt regarding " duties " as used in this Sloka and the word Dharma

used in Sloka used in Sloka 66. What is stated in 66 is to abandon

all other methods to reach HIM and instead only resort to Prapatthi

alone. This would not imply that we are asked to abandon all our

duties. If a person has reached this level mental maturity already

to resort to Prapatthi marga, he would never abandon his daily

duties that are enjoined on him by scriptures. He would continue to

perform them in the unshakeable faith that he has done his bit to

attain salvation and it would be upto HIM to fulfil the promise. You

are only a tool in the process. What he abandons is the fruits of

his action and not the action itself-karma yogi (the first step in

his pursuit).


Hence in my mind the two slokas 44 and 66 are not opposed to one



I have merely shared my understanding and Sadaks would pardon me if

I have stated anything incorrectly.


Radhe Shyam

Humble pranams

G Rangarajan




Dear Sadak,

I reply to mails but Mediators rejects it. I reply as Bagvan speaks

through me. But the same Bagavan as Mediator rejects and never asks

clarification of my mail.So it does not bother me.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


We are really sorry, Sathyanarayanji and many others. Mails not

processed within 14 days are automatically rejected. To limit the

number of emails we sent you, we often wait till there are number of

responses. Your mails were not rejected due to content, but mostly

they were isolated responses, which never got processes. Once again

our sincere apologies to all who recently received " Rejected " mail

notice. We will try to do a better job in the future.


From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


Jai Shree Krishna

I think God is taking exam of tolerance. If one is true

and honest he will surely not leave his path of honesty because he

knows God is with him and he has to be strong in such situations and

keep on hardworking. As said by Lord Krishna " karma karo fruit ka

desire mat rakho " . I thing spirituality fruit ripes to its best only

in negative situations because in these situations alone a person

needs to follow Gitaji's updesh. In good situations everyone feels

that yes God has given us everything. But there are very few who

feel that god has given me this situation for my good to see that

how much my spiritual level has risen to face even in this opposing

situation. Do you remember Lord Krishna's aunt KuntiMa too asked for

sorrow filled circumstances from Lord because in those circumstance

a spiritual minded person feels more attachment with the Lord than

in the happy days where he has no time

for lord except saying thankyou.

ram ram






Hari Om


Swamiji has said categorically in Sadhak Sanjeevani - that after

surrender , (i) Never worry (ii) Never doubt (iii) Never test as to

actually you have surrendered or not (iv) Never Fear and (v) Never

grieve ! These 5 in fact are your real functions , after you

surrender ! What real tests they are- Believe me !!


Renouncing the mind, makes you worriless! All worries originate from

there!! So does assurance given by Him in 9:31.It is responsibility

of God to remove your doubts (BG 7:21). Strong Faith and belief in

Him, destroys the fear so does assurance under 9:31 ( My Bhakta shall

Never fall ). Reading of Scriptures also makes you fearless. That

you are immortal , this knowledge kills the worst fears.


To be griefless- This is the toughest test. Because after surrender,

an avalanche of His Kripa comes into your life. Your sins have to

start getting destroyed in a super fast manner- as promised by God-

isn't it ??


Your aeons old chains of " me " and " mine " start getting broken,

ruthlessly. A serious dent takes place in that almost everyday-

creating pain in you.. Worldly relations break abruptly-creating

pain in you. The " mineness " ruthlessly starts getting destroyed-

creating pain in you. Sometimes you feel that each and every

happenning in your life is only to hurt your " ego " . Both " me "

and " mine " take a severe beating.


Silverlining -


In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first time

prayed. We " surrendered " on that day itself- we do not know. It

is " habit " of God- even if someone " talks " of surrender, His laws

quickly start operating to make that guy surrender totally/ really.

Hence Saints and Sages sing praises of adversity/ sorrow in your

life. Hence whatever so far has taken place - be thankful for the

same. Cleaning over upto that, at least !!


" Ma suchah " ( worry/grieve not) is, according to my personal view,

biggest duty of a sadhak under 18:66 ! He must abandon grief/worry.

A real challenge !


Arjuna " talked " only in 2nd Chapter regarding Surrender- he did not

surrender " actually " . The " real " surrender was when he said - "

karishye vachanam tav " . (BG 18:73). ( Here the " dependence on duty "

was thrown by Arjuna not the " duty " itself - He did not say " I

shall fight " , as against what he said in 2nd Chapter - " I shall not

fight " , instead he decided to depend on Krishna- I shall do what

you say and not on duty )


Mike - Note how ruthlessly Krishna after Arjuna merely " talked "

about surrender in BG 2nd Chapter, destroyed the authenticity/

wisdom/ utterings/ ideology/notions/ dharma/ principles -whatever

Arjuna's mind/intellect/ego delivered in Chapter 1 and 2 upto 2:10,

and even upto 18:59 ???


Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of Arjuna. Tell me

which of his argument was upheld in toto by Krishna? Think

academically about it- except one small agreement in Chapter 6.

That is how things move after surrender, " automatically " . Your

ego/intellect/mind is destroyed by Krishna ruthlessly, mercilessly !!


Feel that destruction, enjoy that beating, with the protection,

love and guarantees of our Eternal Father. Be ready for that. Be

assured that with every hit a purity shall emerge in you. Love that.

Adore that, Wait for that , Hope for that ! Marvel at that! Pray

for that. (Kunti did that). Never forget 5 principles given by

Swamiji- they are your warriors in the war.They are your weapons !!!


Believe in His immortal words - na me bhaktah pransyati ( BG 9:31).


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Hanuman


Mike Bhaiyya !


On this subject of surrender, Jee - Let me sing the song which

Swamiji so sweetly sang and which was played whole day on His

Nirvaan Day ( 3/07/2005) uninterruptedly on a TV channel across the

Globe -





O God! I have surrendered to you. Now you are free to make me

dance / play at your tunes/ wish!





All the weight on my person has gone away, and I have forgotten all

the sorrows! I have now become worryless /sorrowless , as I have

taken refuge into your powerful lotus feet !!





All worries/ anxieties (of me) are now yours only ! I have now

become worry less/fear less and my soul has indeed become blissful !!





My fame and ill fame - all is now yours as I am now known as your

servant(surrendered) ! My mind has now become a Black Bee and it

has indeed got immersed into your Lotus feet !!.


So that is what is your duty regarding 18:66, Jee - Bhaiyya Jee ! Is

it difficult, Brother, Jee ?


This was sung by Swamiji. I will also sing next time another song

also sung by Swamiji only- on the same subject, Jee !


Namaste Jee.


Jee Jee






Hari Om


Mike. In BG 18:66 , " abandoning all duties " means , renouncing

the " shelter of all duties " , not the abandoning physically the

performance of the duties. You can even afford to leave the decision

making itself with reference to the duty, as to whether something is

your duty or not, also to Paramatma under this verse.

But under no circumstance, the duties should be renounced/abandoned

physically ! You can simply offer all karmas made by you to Him ,

under this verse.


If we take the stand that " duty " physically should be abandoned,

then neither the specific reference under 18:66 gets satisfactorily

explained, nor the prior references nor the post reaction of Arjuna

justifies that interpretation. Entire Chapter 3 of BG then will

prove to be futile. Arjuna, too, after hearing this, did not

relinquish his duty, viz fighting . He said in 18:73- " karishye

vachanam tav " - I shall do what you say. We also in 18:66 should keep

doing our duties but should not get entangled in deciding what is

our duty and we should not depend on the duty. We should offer our

karmas to Paramatma. You cant abandon karma even if you want to. It

is a law. You can, however, convert those karmas into " akarmas " (

non binding karmas) by either renouncing the " doership " ( Jnana

Yoga), or renouncing the results thereof ( Karma Yoga) or offering

them to Parasmatma (Bhakti Yoga). The karma should not bind you, it

should not result in repeated birth-that is all is needed. The

shelter of duty is does produce a binding for yout . You may also

fall then under BG 9:21. Hence under no circumstance, you should

renounce your duties. You should not depend upon them.

You should depend upon God instead.


As regards 18:48, please note it is related with Karma Yoga. Entire

Chapter 3 talks in unison regarding performing one's duty to the

best of one's ability. What is duty? Duty is – " WHAT YOU CAN DO AND

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO " . That is all the duty is. This is the best

definition of duty for sadhaks - coming straight from Swamiji. In

Jnana Yoga there is no such question arising, because there the

sadhak starts with a determination- I don't do anything. In Karma

Yoga only this question can arise. BG 18:48 is guiding principle for

a Karma Yogi. In Bhakti Yoga , particularly, in surrender such a

question does not again arise. You are no more there. You have

surrendered yourself to God. Now where is the question of any right,

duty, obligation, righteousness? When such question arises in your

life after surrender, Paramatma shall take care of you- MAA SUCHAH .

Only He is there and you are a toy in His hand. There is neither

doership, nor renouncership, nor consumption (enjoyment or

suffering) of results. In fact what has gone to the winds, is entire

concept of duty for a sadhak - MAA SUCHAH.



SUCHAH – Don't worry. Simply throw all cautions, all dependences,

all cares, all worries, all fears, all apprehensions, all anxieties-

simply throw them away. You have no duty. All get transferred to

Paramatma. You remain- Worriless, griefless, fearless, doubtless-

just observing the Divine playing through you, your mind, your body,

your actions, and your surroundings - you should simply then enjoy

that bliss of Paramatma playing in you. Simple !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




In English


Serving the world and God Realization (Love with God)



in Hindi






Jai Hanuman


Once you surrender yourself to God under 18:66, you can only do

duties - Jee ! What else you can do Jee !! Hence you can only give

relying on

that duty.!!! Neither Arjuna gave up doing His duties after hearing

Gita, nor we

should. Our aim/bhava then should not be to get into decision

making. We have to

depend upon God not upon duty. That is all 18:66 means. After you


surrendered yourself

to God - prohibited actions CANNOT be done by body/mind etc. NOT

POSSIBLE ! Only sometimes a dilemma may arise – should I do /Should

I not do /

What should I do type! Leave that to Him-put aside all confusion

regarding duty,

Jee ! Keep doing as per your " bhava " (inner sentiments / expression)


bothering whether it was right or wrong. Along with you, your mind,


ego, body

all get surrendered ! Nothing then needs to be done/thought/relied

upon. Rely upon God and upon your " conscience " while taking

decisions. Leave

everything else to Daddy. No worry. No thinking. Become " MAST "

(blissful). Allow

God to operate through you. Where are you then? It is Daddy all

along Jee !





Whatever heart ( conscience) told me, I did that. Only when I am

free , I shall think whether I did good or bad !!


Become free, Bhaiyya !

Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Ram Ram,


In Gita 18-48, Krishna says to those who are beginners, do your

regular routine work. In Gita 18-66 Krishna says, you take refuge in

me, you work only for me. Doing that (working for Him) if you do any

sin, I will take care of it. Nowhere He has denied for work, he

denies to work for the benefit of self. This is advance stage.

Please read all verses between 48th and 66th very carefully. Don't

get confused. the message is very clear.


Ashok Goenka



Bhagwat Gita says about swabhaav (self nature) or state of

subconscious mind which one should not ignore. Any one is more at

ease and is efficient in its unique way of self-realization. For

example, a great artist in India Amitabh Bacchan decided to launch a

commecial enterprise and he failed in it miserably. His choice of

work ruined him. After he came back to art and acting in film, he

was again OK.


This means, every one has to follow his/her unique self-nature

during period of the journey of life. A seed of lemon cannot produce

tree of mango irrespective of the soil or water or fertilizer poured

in it. Each one of us are unique and born in complete from the day

1, and hence, it stands no competition or comparison to influence

it. This understanding nature of self is called DUTY.


For me, Krishna is humanities, for a artist, Krishna is a dancer,

for a warrior, Krishna is a warrior. So the teacher is one but

students have different subjects of study depending on their self-

development of mind. The duty or swabhaav thus changes and students

carry out the education of life within its limitation.


best regards


(Krishna Gopal)


Hari Om


The duty in this life is to unite with God within and in the world.

In this unity one has to perform his duties as if not attached to it.




Chris Duindam



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

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8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

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9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Hari Om


Let me now take up Piyushji's views. In the last para he stated :-


" If someone prematurely gives up his duties without purifying ones's

heart, then he will fall down and will be a big disturbance to the

society as a whole. "


At the outset the question of giving up duties does not arise at all

under 18:66 . Hence this entire para becomes redundant. What is

renounced under 18:66 - is not the actual/physical performance of

duty, but the refuge/shelter of that duty.


Take another view point:


Once you have taken shelter of God, you simply cannot do prohibited

actions. Why will you do that once you have resolved- " I am of the

God, only God is mine , nothing else is mine " ?- there the very cause

of your indulging into prohibited action gets wiped out. When nothing

is yours except God, greed/anger/ attachment/ desire/jeolosy for what?

Why? Hence either you shall do duty only or you shall not do anything.

Duty is - " What you can do and what you should do " . If such situation

arises why shall you not do your duty ? Otherwise you shall be " karma

less " . Since you are already in surrendered mode , you shall not

incur any sin in any case. Clear ?


Let me by passing reference touch upon insistence on

" Purifying one's heart " - made by Piyushji. Is heart yours, once you

have surrendered it? No ! Then, Why you should worry ? If you worry ,

then why you should not worry for another person's heart also? Neither

this heart is yours not that heart is yours ! It is duty of God to do

what is necessary thereafter. Why you should worry. Does not God tell

you - I will destroy you sins? Does not God tell you " worry/ grieve

not " - in 18:66 ?


Do You know what is real " impurity " ? " To assume, that " antahkarana " .

( " heart " as referred- mind/intellect/ego/body/

vritties/tendencies/habits ) is mine is " real impurity " !! Once it is

not yours, once it is surrendered where is the question as to how it

actually is- good/bad/pure/impure/white/black/ big/small ??? Tell Me !!


Where is the question of falling down then ? Read Gita 9:22/9:31 !

Guaranteed you shall not fall down !


I shall address your para first in next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Har Om,

In Sri Vyas message--- " He said in the night from 11 pm to 2 am, sit

facing north east and recite " Om Namah Shivay " for 120x108 times

(12960 times) every night for six months " . says these lines. Could you

please clarify or explain in detail what is 120 times and 108 times.

If it is 12960 times then why it is split into 120X108. Eager to know




Ram Ram


Piyushji says, " then at that platform one can abandon his material

duties and take completely to the service of the transcendental lord. "

I want to know the meaning of " service of the transcendental lord " . If

it means sitting in front of an idol and chanting few mantras then I

strongly disagree with him. If it is helping the mankind or any living

being without any selfish motive, then I agree with him.


Ashok Goenka




Jai Hanuman


Very good Q Jee! Moderatorji! Piyush Bhaiyya's views , Jee!


" My understanding - (1) When one is sufficiently purified (2) by

performing nishkama karma yoga (selfless service) and (3) has gained

inner wisdom and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's

duty, then at that platform one can abandon his material duties and

(4) take completely to the service of the transcendental lord, (5)

and that is why, to abandon all varieties of dharma and to completely

surrender to lord krishna is (6) the final instruction of gita and

not the first. (7) If someone prematurely gives up his duties (8)

without purifying ones's heart, (9) then he will fall down and (10)

will be a big disturbance to the society as a whole. "


Brief Answers - Jee! Bhaiyya don't hesitate if you want detailed

views. Hope these are sufficient !


(1) One is always pure - Chetan (consciousness), Amal (without any

impurities or flaws), Sahaj Sukhrashi (eternally blissful) - Ramayana.

How the Q arose, Jee ?


(2)/(3) There is no " nishkaam karma yoga " existing in the world !

Either it is " nishkaam karma " or it is " karma yoga " - Hence use "

Karma Yoga " or " Nishkaam Karma " in future. " Yoga " essentially means

" nishkaam " Jee !!. Once you have perfected or reached to " Yoga " - the

path has ended. What has then remained to be done/known/attained ?

Where is the need of surrender, thereafter ?


(4) Surrender does not mean " taking completely to the service of

transcendal Lord " - Where it has been written, Jee !


(5) Who told you Bhaiyya to abandon duties? Read again the verse. If

somebody tells you - " Leave all and take money from me " ( Renounce

all duties and take refuge unto Me) - does that mean, disconnect with

all and take money from me? or does that mean, take money from me and

don't depend on others? Decide Yourself !


(6) Where it is written that it is " first " or " second " or " final " ?

The summary /the best always comes in the end- does whatever is stated

in the end , necessarily imply that there is a sequence or a process

involved, Jee ?


(7) Where is the Q of giving up duties?


(8) Whose heart Jee? Where is that once surrendered? Even otherwise

was it ever yours? You only presumed that to be yours! If it was yours

how it can stop functioning without your express approval?


(9) Don't scare me Bhaiyya! Read Gita . " Na me Bhaktah pranasyati " (

My Devotee shall never fall down)


(10) " Disturbance to society " or " crown jewel/ pride of society "

Jee? Reconfirm !


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




One should do his/her duty. There is no second opinion on that.

When you simply do the duty, it is only 'Karma'. Karma will get you

only Papam/Punyam.

When you do your duty in the name of God, it becomes 'Karma Yoga'.

Here you will get " Shreyas " , which will gradually lead you to Bhakti

and Jnana Yoga. Without Jnana Yoga there is no Mukti.


With Best Regards,


N.S. Parasuraman


Here is clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Text 48 and Text 66 and By by His Divine Grace A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (Srila Prabhupada) in Bhagavad-gita As

It Is


Text 48

saha-jam karma kaunteya

sa-dosam api na tyajet

sarvarambha hi dosena

dhumenagnir ivavrtah


saha-jam--born simultaneously; karma--work; kaunteya--O son of Kunti;

sa-dosam--with fault; api--although; na--never; tyajet--one should

give up; sarva-arambhah--all ventures; hi--certainly; dosena--with

fault; dhumena--with smoke; agnih--fire; iva--as; avrtah--covered.



Every endeavor is covered by some fault, just as fire is covered by

smoke. Therefore one should not give up the work born of his nature, O

son of Kunti, even if such work is full of fault.



In conditioned life, all work is contaminated by the material modes of

nature. Even if one is a brahmana, he has to perform sacrifices in

which animal killing is necessary. Similarly, a ksatriya, however

pious he may be, has to fight enemies. He cannot avoid it. Similarly,

a merchant, however pious he may be, must sometimes hide his profit to

stay in business, or he may sometimes have to do business on the black

market. These things are necessary; one cannot avoid them. Similarly,

even though a man is a sudra serving a bad master, he has to carry out

the order of the master, even though it should not be done. Despite

these flaws, one should continue to carry out his prescribed duties,

for they are born out of his own nature.


A very nice example is given herein. Although fire is pure, still

there is smoke. Yet smoke does not make the fire impure. Even though

there is smoke in the fire, fire is still considered to be the purest

of all elements. If one prefers to give up the work of a ksatriya and

take up the occupation of a brahmana, he is not assured that in the

occupation of a brahmana there are no unpleasant duties. One may then

conclude that in the material world no one can be completely free from

the contamination of material nature. This example of fire and smoke

is very appropriate in this connection. When in wintertime one takes a

stone from the fire, sometimes smoke disturbs the eyes and other parts

of the body, but still one must make use of the fire despite

disturbing conditions. Similarly, one should not give up his natural

occupation because there are some disturbing elements. Rather, one

should be determined to serve the Supreme Lord by his occupational

duty in Krsna consciousness. That is the perfectional point. When a

particular type of occupation is performed for the satisfaction of the

Supreme Lord, all the defects in that particular occupation are

purified. When the results of work are purified, when connected with

devotional service, one becomes perfect in seeing the self within, and

that is self-realization.


Text 66

sarva-dharman parityajya

mam ekam saranam vraja

aham tvam sarva-papebhyo

moksayisyami ma sucah


sarva-dharman--all varieties of religion; parityajya--abandoning;

mam--unto Me; ekam--only; saranam--for surrender; vraja--go; aham--I;

tvam--you; sarva--all; papebhyah--from sinful reactions;

moksayisyami--will deliver; ma--do not; sucah--worry.


Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall

deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.


The Lord has described various kinds of knowledge and processes of

religion--knowledge of the Supreme Brahman, knowledge of the

Supersoul, knowledge of the different types of orders and statuses of

social life, knowledge of the renounced order of life, knowledge of

nonattachment, sense and mind control, meditation, etc. He has

described in so many ways different types of religion. Now, in

summarizing Bhagavad-gita, the Lord says that Arjuna should give up

all the processes that have been explained to him; he should simply

surrender to Krsna. That surrender will save him from all kinds of

sinful reactions, for the Lord personally promises to protect him.


In the Seventh Chapter it was said that only one who has become free

from all sinful reactions can take to the worship of Lord Krsna. Thus

one may think that unless he is free from all sinful reactions he

cannot take to the surrendering process. To such doubts it is here

said that even if one is not free from all sinful reactions, simply by

the process of surrendering to Sri Krsna he is automatically freed.

There is no need of strenuous effort to free oneself from sinful

reactions. One should unhesitatingly accept Krsna as the supreme

savior of all living entities. With faith and love, one should

surrender unto Him. The process of surrender to Krsna is described in

the Hari-bhakti vilasa (11.676):


anukulyasya sankalpah

pratikulyasya varjanam

raksisyatiti visvaso

goptrtve varanam tatha



sad-vidha saranagatih


According to the devotional process, one should simply accept such

religious principles that will lead ultimately to the devotional

service of the Lord. One may perform a particular occupational duty

according to his position in the social order, but if by executing his

duty one does not come to the point of Krsna consciousness, all his

activities are in vain. Anything that does not lead to the

perfectional stage of Krsna consciousness should be avoided. One

should be confident that in all circumstances Krsna will protect him

from all difficulties. There is no need of thinking how one should

keep the body and soul together. Krsna will see to that. One should

always think himself helpless and should consider Krsna the only basis

for his progress in life. As soon as one seriously engages himself in

devotional service to the Lord in full Krsna consciousness, at once he

becomes freed from all contamination of material nature. There are

different processes of religion and purificatory processes by

cultivation of knowledge, meditation in the mystic yoga system, etc.,

but one who surrenders unto Krsna does not have to execute so many

methods. That simple surrender unto Krsna will save him from

unnecessarily wasting time. One can thus make all progress at once and

be freed from all sinful reactions.


One should be attracted by the beautiful vision of Krsna. His name is

Krsna because He is all-attractive. One who becomes attracted by the

beautiful, all-powerful, omnipotent vision of Krsna is fortunate.

There are different kinds of transcendentalists--some of them are

attached to the impersonal Brahman vision, some of them are attracted

by the Supersoul feature, etc., but one who is attracted to the

personal feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and, above

all, one who is attracted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead as

Krsna Himself, is the most perfect transcendentalist. In other words,

devotional service to Krsna, in full consciousness, is the most

confidential part of knowledge, and this is the essence of the whole

Bhagavad-gita. Karma-yogis, empiric philosophers, mystics and devotees

are all called transcendentalists, but one who is a pure devotee is

the best of all. The particular words used here, ma sucah, " Don't

fear, don't hesitate, don't worry, " are very significant. One may be

perplexed as to how one can give up all kinds of religious forms and

simply surrender unto Krsna, but such worry is useless.


Bhailal Patel





Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Friends, In spite of being immersed (marmagya?) in Gita, it will

not be possible to be freed from the traps of mind – intellect.

Shraddhey Swamiji has instructed that do not accept the mind as

yours at all. It will become quiet. When there is no relation with

the mind, than there will be no relation with the intellect. What

is to be done, and what is not to be done, both these are in mind

and intellect, not in the Self (swayam). When mind – intellect, are

removed from the scene, then Self itself will be engaged in

Paramaatmaa (God). So be it.

Ram Ram




Bandhuvar, Aap Gita marmagya banker bhi mana – buddhi ke is

dhanchakker se mukti paa sakenge aisaa hogaa nahin. Shraddhey

Swamiji ne nirdesh diyaa thaa mana ko apnaa maano hi mat. Chup ho

jaayegaa. Jab man se sambandh nahin rahaa toh buddhi se bhi nahin

rahaa. Kartavya – akartavya ye dono mana – buddhi mein hote hai,

swayam mein nahin. Mana – buddhi hattate hi swayam hi jaa lagegaa

Paramaatmaa mein. Astu.

Ram Ram



Hari Om


Gita Talk Moderator has raised a question for the first time. Thanks.


No ! Piyushji's views can't be substantiated from Gita, or from


Shruti ( history), Yukti ( logic/rationale) and Anubhuti ( experience)

- all three pillars of determining truth- are not supporting his

views. However, it is a beautiful subject to deliberate upon.


First of all there is no difference between " duty " and " dharma " as far

as our Scriptures and particularly Gita is concerned. Your dharma is

your duty only, nothing else except that. Hence " duty " referred in

18:48 and " dharma " referred in Gita 18:66 are one and the same.


Secondly, you have not been asked to renounce the duties in Gita 18:66

physically. You have to renounce only " shelter of duty " under 18:66.

(Elaborate reasons have been given in my postings to support this-

Piyushji is welcome to draw attention of Sadhaks , if he does not

agree ). Arjuna did that only. He did not renounce " fight " , which his

" dharma " . He did not rely on fighting. He relied on Krishna and said

" karishye vachanam tav " and not " I shall not fight " in 18:73 !


Question of Gita telling you that after surrender you can do whatever

you want and particularly improper deeds is unthinkable.


Sadhaks may give their fresh views on the above. In the next edition

we will address Piyushji's specific views. Piyushji may also support

his views further, if he wants to.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Shri Krishnah sharanam mama.


Mike ji's translation of the verse 18.66 could be better, as it is

basically a literal translation. When Bhagwan says `dharmaan', not

only it means duties or righteousness, it also implies `adharmas' or

unrighteousness, etc. or for that matter- all ACTIONS. Elsewhere in

Gita it is amply revealed that these actions are not free from

bondage. In the next line of the verse where the word `paap' or sin

is mentioned, again it does not mean sin alone, but also implies

punya or `virtuous', `righteous', `good deeds'. Both the good as

well as the bad deeds (paap and punya) have the `same result' when

we talk of `absolute freedom' from the bondage, the `moksha', i.e.,

both of them are deterrents. Thus, in order to achieve liberation,

absolute surrender (sharanaagati, atma samarpana) to Bhagwan is the

only way out and that has been revealed as the most profound

(profoundest) words by Bhagwan (Gita 18.64).


The meaning of verse 18.48 becomes quite clear when one reads the

next verse 18.49 where Bhagwan mentions `asaktabuddhih' or one whose

intellect is unattached. Thus, doing a duty with detachment or

rather unattachment is like `freedom from action', which is

absolutely necessary to attain the supreme state. Bound by and

living in the realm of the three inherent `gunas', the Jiva can not

remain without doing any `action' even for a fraction of a second

(Gita 3.5) and thus keeps pushing himself towards bondage, except

when totally surrendering all his intellect to Bhagwan and

converting the `actions' into `freedom from action' with

his `unattached action'.


K.N. Sharma




I feel god Narayan is telling that every one comes to this earth with

baggage(that is purpose ) this purpose has been pre ordained so its

our duty to fulfil that even though sometimes it may look like you

are doing wrong thing (like Arjuna felt about engaging in war and

killing his kith and kin) but if it is our Karthavya (duty) we need

to do it






Hare Krishna Prabhu


My understanding - When one is sufficiently purified by performing

nishkama karma yoga (selfless service) and has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then at

that platform one can abandon his material duties and take completely

to the service of the transcendental lord, and that is why, to

abandon all varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to lord

krishna is the final instruction of gita and not the first.


If someone prematurely gives up his duties without purifying ones's

heart, then he will fall down and will be a big disturbance to the

society as a whole.


i hope this is clear.


piyush gupta



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


In N.B. Vyasji's write-up he has said - in BG 18:66 , " abandoning all

duties " means, renouncing the " shelter of all duties " , not

abandoning physically the performance of the duties. In Piyush

Gupta's posting it is indicated - When one has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then

one can abandon his material duties and take completely to the

service of the transcendental Lord, and that is why, to abandon all

varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to Lord Krishna is

the final instruction of Gita and not the first. Which explanation

is correct?

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram




When the life of the individual is still governed by his mind then

he needs to mind his duties.when the person has surrendered himself

to god,then he has become one with the universe and he cant do

anything which harms someone or goes against the laws of

universe. then he need not to be conscious about his duties as

everything will be taken care by universe means god, as krishan

says, yogkshem vahamyam.


" M Vivek "





Your final thoughts on surrender are truely touching! Let it be our

initial actions to practice.




Naga Narayana.



Jai Hanuman


I was so happy to note Mike Bhaiyya's response to all sadhaks.

Bhaiyya, you have made all of us proud of you. Sure, taking shelter

of God can never... never result in your ever looking back. After

all He is the ocean of Love - only Love , nothing else except pure

Love !! Why we have received this human birth, Bhaiyya? Swamiji said

in this human birth we have enough time to realise God - and many

times over.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Narayan Narayan



God did not say in essence, to entirely abandon all dharmas


If He said to abandon, by very nature, then minimally at least Arjun

would not engage in fighting the war. Because fighting and

protection, are the duties of a Kshatriya, but in actuality, Arjun

did fight the war.

Therefore meaning of Bhagwaan's message, that one must not take

refuge even in Dharma (righteousness / duties). One must only take

refuge in Bhagwaan. When man realizes his weakness and experiences

Bhagwaan's total power, capabilities and competence, then he





Bhagwan nein sampuran dharamo ka swaroop se tyag nahi bataya


Agar swaroop se bata te tho kum se kum arjun tho yudh na karte

Kyoki yudh karna chatriya ka dharam hein parantu arjun nein yudh kiya

Hein. Bhagwan ke kathan ka tatpriya hein dharam ki bhi saran nahi

honi chahiye. Keval meri hi saran honi chahiye. Jab manushya aapni

kamjori or bhagwan Ki sarv-samartha ka anubhav ho jata hein tab wo

sarnagat ho ja ta Hein,




Hari Om


Yes Brother Mike !


Indeed Swamiji IS special. Such Saints are rare particularly in

Kaliyuga. He rarely talked. But I recall two statements 1) He did

not have to learn Gita. Gita was already " kanthastha " (already

remembered by heart, without repeated practice again and again) as a

child. He could recite it from beginning !! 2) He started his

formal Gita study at the age of 12 -with Gita 15:6 - " Na tad

bhasyate suryo, na shashanko na paavakah! Yad gatva na nivartante,

tad dhamam paramam mamam " !! " Neither does the Sun illume that

(eternal goal), nor the moon, nor the fire; having gone thither,

they (they who reach there), return not; that is my Supreme Abode.

(Gita 15:6)


In the beginning I used to search from his writings some quick

formulas (mantras). Never found from hundreds of his books. I

laughed freely when I read one formula in Sadhak Sanjeevani for

throwing away from mind the thoughts which involuntarily come and

disturb our concentration. It was a mantra - " adang badang

svaahaa " !! After his nirvana, his one book was published by the

name " Sant Samagam " . In that book, he gave another way for pleasing

Lord Shiva. He said in the night from 11 pm to 2 am, sit facing

north east and recite " Om Namah Shivay " for 120x108 times (12960

times) every night for six months. You will get blessings of Lord

Shiva. Only these two instances-to my knowledge ! His standard

mantra - Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin ! " Oh Father, My Master,

Let me Never Forget You. "


Indeed He lived that goal, that object and reached there only - even

while being amongst us. Humanity at large, will forever be proud of



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


FROM MODERATOR: Please clarify what " adang badang svaahaa " !! means

in English... thank you ! Ram Ram



Dear Sadaks,

Bhagavan said this for Kshatriya Dharma----Gita 18:48. One should

not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born, though faulty;

for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire by smoke! (Gita


This is for Sanyasa Dharma or for Sadhaks---Gita 18:66. Abandoning

attachment to all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)

There was one man Darma Vyajar. He was slaughter but exceptionaly

devoted to his parents. He had occult powers. He never abondened

duty to which he was born. But he also never failed his duty towards

parents. These 2 are 2 differant dharmas.

The birth taken by one is by his previous birth karma.

For Arjuna, Bhagavan taught his Dharma as a Kshatriya by birth.

For Yudhava, Bagavan tought his to surrender in HIM as Sanyanas





-Shree Hari-


Looking further into the beginning of B.G. 18.66 ' sarva-dharman

parityajya...', I found three translations all different, but placing

them as it were upon each other in my mind, the penny dropped.

And yes I have read from B.G. 18: 48 to 66, I have done some

thinking, but most of all I bow in respect to all, and all your

words have been of assistance. I think it is clear to all that there

is divine work going on here.

Swamiji was very special was he not? Song and dance can touch the

soul, there are songs around that are reborn, to fit the times, some

are so ancient and sacred they can take ones breath away, I

understand what song can do Jee Jee Shashikalaji.

Vyasji I understand what you are writing about, as I am no stranger

to anguish of the soul, that comes from suffering at all levels. Also

your statement: 'Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of

Arjuna', is true, and Lord Krishna can, and does do such things still

to this day across all cultures, God has many names.

Most of all Sir, you answered a question I never asked but had been

puzzling me for some time.

You wrote, 'In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first

time prayed'. To me prayer can be without words, beyond words .


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)



Hari Om


Final thoughts on surrender.


After you surrender , you indeed start feeling presence of God more

eloquently than earlier- no doubt on that !.


Reason is that while the same body, mind, intellect , ego etc are

working, but " you " (Self) have changed position from a " doer " to

a " non doer " ! From a " seen " to a " seer " ! From a Principal to an

agent! From " Swamiji " to a " Das " and you have started

getting " Ram " naam " sukh " !


You indeed become then a " drishta " ( a seer, a witness-BG 13: 23).

Now " BEFORE YOU ONLY " - your beloved Divine's actions/

circumstances/ karmas/incidences/states will take place

(rather " by/through " you).


BEFORE YOU ONLY your sins will get destroyed (BG 18:73).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your " moha " . (nashto moha-18:73) will extinguish.

BEFORE YOU ONLY your faith and belief in your Beloved will

strengthen (BG 7:21).

BEFORE YOU ONLY equanimity shall enter you (BG 10:10).

BEFORE YOU ONLY viveka (conscience) will awaken (BG 2:53).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " knowledge " will dawn upon you (BG 10:11).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your mind shall change ( BG 10:9,9:34).

BEFORE YOU ONLY disconnection with inert will take place( BG 3:9).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " sat " (real) will prevail and. " asat " . (unreal) will

vanish (BG 2:16) !

BEFORE YOU ONLY " Divine Properties " shall manifest in you (BG

16:1/3) in abundance ! ! AUTOMATICALLY and EFFORTLESSLY !!


How then can you remain not " feeling " direct presence of Paramatma

around/inside you (BG 7:19) ? Why then He should not become easy for

you to get (BG 8:14) ? What prevents you then from not reaching to

the level stated in BG 6:30 ?


You can after " surrender " only experience as to how God meets

with His promises made by Him in BG 7:21/ 9:22/ 9:31/10:10/10:11/

12:7/13:32/ etc etc.


How can one then not " feel " Him operating clearly and directly

through himself !!


You will also " experience " as to how meticulously God " picks "

faults (sins) in you. How precisely He addresses/cures/destroys your

sins(BG 18:66) ! You will feel as if the situations etc arising

before you were really " tailor made " -for you only- Precise,

accurate and on the dot !! You will find very quickly as to how you

have really changed ! You will feel as to how you were time and

again saved from otherwise rather " impossible to survive

situations " ( na Me bhaktah pranasyati- 9:31 ). You will feel then

only as to how this world /people/given circumstances etc have

changed from an otherwise absolutely " dukhalayam " into an

unbelievable but so obvious and natural " Bhagvat Svaroopam " (BG

7:19) for you !


You will understand as to why you suffered in the past and how

needlessly ? And as to why Saints and Sages/Gita recommend you to

get detached from the inert !


As your ego/mind etc will quieten and as equanimity will start

arising in you - your bliss can only multiply !. Your devotion can

only be more intense - as if it was quite natural ! Your Love for

God can only increase geometrically - obvious and unquestionable !

Your Faith in Him can only strengthen- and become immovable

literally ! The sorrows can only eliminate- as if they never

existed ! Peace in you can only acquire permanence- as if it was

ever there - sahaj sukhrashi - naturally !


Darkness/ignorance/stupidity/ Maya - you will wonder as to how could

they exist in the past ?


Can the experience of " Vasudevah Sarvam " ( BG 7:19) then remain rare

for you ? Never !


This is the power of surrender ! That is why Saints and Sages call

this verse BG 18:66 to be the " essence " of Gita.


Vasudevah Sarvam !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


Shree Hari


Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaka, thank you for a good question


Gitaji Verse 18-48


As it has been pointed out eloquently by Mr. Vyas, this verse

relates to Karma Yoga. Even though all actions are afflicted with

some defects, Gitaji declares that one must not abandon one's duty.

In Gitaji, Chap. 2, Verses 31-38 declare the importance of doing our

duty (Swa-dharma) as prescribed in our scriptures (Ref: Gita 16-24).

One incurs sin if he/she does not perform the ordained duty.


Swamiji Maharaj says in Gita Probhidini (page 533), while performing

one's prescribed duty, it is given that there are some inherent

defects but they DO NOT affect the doer of actions if these actions

are done with an attitude of Karma Yoga. In Karma Yoga, the actions

are performed with the sense of equanimity, neither for a desire for

expectation of a specific fruit nor for seeking pleasure (Bhoga



The effect of inherent defects in performance of actions is much

more connected with the motivation behind the actions on doer's part

and not on actions themselves. Just like a doctor while treating a

patient, cuts his limb for the purpose of making him healthy, he

does not incur any sin. Also, Gitaji Verse 18-17, states:


" He whose is free from the notion of egoism and whose understanding

is free from attachment, though slaying all these people, he slays

not, nor is he bound. "


Gitaji Verse 18-66


This verse is in the context of Bhakti Yoga, specifically, complete

surrender (Sharnagatih). The verse is declaring not to abandon all

Dharmas (or Karmas) physically but not having any dependence on

these Dharmas (or Karmas). By adopting this attitude, the devotee

while performing all prescribed actions, he is free from bondage of

actions because he relinquishes the ownership of actions, good and

bad fruits do not affect him.


There is an assurance from the Lord that by solely depending on Him

the devotee does not have to worry about anything. In the process of

surrendering to God the devotee has changed his identity and

accepted a sole relationship with God, " I am God's only and no one

else's " .

(Arjuna says in Gitaji 18-73, " karisye vacanam tava " ).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Dear Sadaks,

Bagavan said " Do your duty but with Samarpana Bavana to ME " . Bagavan

meant do not think of fruit of action. Actually with the Kripa of

Bagavan alone that everything happens. But we humans think that we

are doing. That thought gives us misery or happiness.



Dear Sadhaks and Bhagavatas


This poser from Sri Mike Keenor illustrates how difficult it is to

understand the underlying philosophy of GITA without the guidance of

a proper and qualified Guru or Acharya. I recall that somewhere

along the line, some had even questioned the need for a Guru at all.

I would like to share my thoughts and understanding obtained from

illustrious Acharyas and by my reading of the holy scripture. These

are set out below in a most humble fashion.


The purpose of this life is to get redemption from this SAMSARA - a

cycle of birth, death and rebirth in an endless chain with no origin

and no end - brought about by our actions, inactions - our Karmas.

Vedas and other Scriptures deal with this aspect in an elaborate

manner in the BRAHAMA KANDAS. These are not easily understandable

for various reasons. Therefore our Lord expounded the substance of

these scriptures in the form of GITA for the benefit of humanity.

ARJUNA was only an excuse and a medium to impart this knowledge to

the whole of humanity.


Gita deals with three basic Yogas -Karma, Jnana & Bakthi and

emphasises that these three are not independent of one another but

neatly intertwined in such a way that practice of Karma Yoga will

lead one to Jnana Yoga and this finally to Bakthi yoga. It is a

gradual transition.

Karma Yoga if practised correctly as per Gita will eliminate from

our minds all attachments, me and you concepts, develop a sense of

equanimity and prepares the mind to understand the difference

between our Atma and body, the attributes of Atma that becomes the

centre of our meditation pondering over our relationship with

PARAMATMA and how we are actually so subordinate to HIM - Jnana

Yoga. This creates a longing to be with HIM and culminates in Bakthi.


It is only through Bakthi alone that one could reach the lotus feet

of our Lord (Moksha) from where there is no return to Samsara. No

getting back to the wombs. The Bakthi marga is long and strenuous

and might take many many births before the goal is attained.


It in this context that Sloka 66 of Ch 18 was born. when Arjuna

stood perplexed by the complexity of Yogs and the difficult nature

of practising them. The word used here is " Dharma " and this will

not translate into " duties " as is commonly understood. To my mind

and taking the whole context of Gita (we should not lose sight of

this), this means that instead of practising Karma or Jnana and

Bakthi yogas (that would take many, many innumerable births) Krishna

offered a simpler solution to reach HIM. It is " you surrender to me

body and soul as the ONLY REFUGE abandoning all other YOGA pursuits

to reach me " . I will redeem you from the Samsara and let there be no

doubt on this. This will happen at the end of this lifetime and

there will not be anymore involvement in samsara. That is a Divine

Promise from Krishna. This Marga is also known as PRAPATTHI marga.


ways to reach HIM -through Bakthi marga (involving unknown time

factor) or through PRAPATTHI marga also known as Saranagathi ( I am

incapable of redeeming myself and I lay this burden also on YOUR

shoulders and only your shoulders alone). Thus this Sloka 66 is the

quintessence of Gita.


The above does not mean that once you have surrendered, you can do

anything in life that is not permitted by sastras. We must remember

that Arjuna was gradually taken through this process of Karma, Jnana

and Bakthi yogas by Krishna Himself and finally Krishna delivered

this all important message when Arjuna's mind had become cleansed

and fine-tuned to receive this message. Therefore, if we have

reached this state of enlightenment to seek salvation through

Prapatthi, then our minds would never sway from the paths of virtue.

We would continue to do the duties until the end of life.


Now to Sloka 44 of Ch 18: Hopefully the above would have removed the

doubt regarding " duties " as used in this Sloka and the word Dharma

used in Sloka used in Sloka 66. What is stated in 66 is to abandon

all other methods to reach HIM and instead only resort to Prapatthi

alone. This would not imply that we are asked to abandon all our

duties. If a person has reached this level mental maturity already

to resort to Prapatthi marga, he would never abandon his daily

duties that are enjoined on him by scriptures. He would continue to

perform them in the unshakeable faith that he has done his bit to

attain salvation and it would be upto HIM to fulfil the promise. You

are only a tool in the process. What he abandons is the fruits of

his action and not the action itself-karma yogi (the first step in

his pursuit).


Hence in my mind the two slokas 44 and 66 are not opposed to one



I have merely shared my understanding and Sadaks would pardon me if

I have stated anything incorrectly.


Radhe Shyam

Humble pranams

G Rangarajan




Dear Sadak,

I reply to mails but Mediators rejects it. I reply as Bagvan speaks

through me. But the same Bagavan as Mediator rejects and never asks

clarification of my mail.So it does not bother me.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


We are really sorry, Sathyanarayanji and many others. Mails not

processed within 14 days are automatically rejected. To limit the

number of emails we sent you, we often wait till there are number of

responses. Your mails were not rejected due to content, but mostly

they were isolated responses, which never got processes. Once again

our sincere apologies to all who recently received " Rejected " mail

notice. We will try to do a better job in the future.


From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


Jai Shree Krishna

I think God is taking exam of tolerance. If one is true

and honest he will surely not leave his path of honesty because he

knows God is with him and he has to be strong in such situations and

keep on hardworking. As said by Lord Krishna " karma karo fruit ka

desire mat rakho " . I thing spirituality fruit ripes to its best only

in negative situations because in these situations alone a person

needs to follow Gitaji's updesh. In good situations everyone feels

that yes God has given us everything. But there are very few who

feel that god has given me this situation for my good to see that

how much my spiritual level has risen to face even in this opposing

situation. Do you remember Lord Krishna's aunt KuntiMa too asked for

sorrow filled circumstances from Lord because in those circumstance

a spiritual minded person feels more attachment with the Lord than

in the happy days where he has no time

for lord except saying thankyou.

ram ram






Hari Om


Swamiji has said categorically in Sadhak Sanjeevani - that after

surrender , (i) Never worry (ii) Never doubt (iii) Never test as to

actually you have surrendered or not (iv) Never Fear and (v) Never

grieve ! These 5 in fact are your real functions , after you

surrender ! What real tests they are- Believe me !!


Renouncing the mind, makes you worriless! All worries originate from

there!! So does assurance given by Him in 9:31.It is responsibility

of God to remove your doubts (BG 7:21). Strong Faith and belief in

Him, destroys the fear so does assurance under 9:31 ( My Bhakta shall

Never fall ). Reading of Scriptures also makes you fearless. That

you are immortal , this knowledge kills the worst fears.


To be griefless- This is the toughest test. Because after surrender,

an avalanche of His Kripa comes into your life. Your sins have to

start getting destroyed in a super fast manner- as promised by God-

isn't it ??


Your aeons old chains of " me " and " mine " start getting broken,

ruthlessly. A serious dent takes place in that almost everyday-

creating pain in you.. Worldly relations break abruptly-creating

pain in you. The " mineness " ruthlessly starts getting destroyed-

creating pain in you. Sometimes you feel that each and every

happenning in your life is only to hurt your " ego " . Both " me "

and " mine " take a severe beating.


Silverlining -


In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first time

prayed. We " surrendered " on that day itself- we do not know. It

is " habit " of God- even if someone " talks " of surrender, His laws

quickly start operating to make that guy surrender totally/ really.

Hence Saints and Sages sing praises of adversity/ sorrow in your

life. Hence whatever so far has taken place - be thankful for the

same. Cleaning over upto that, at least !!


" Ma suchah " ( worry/grieve not) is, according to my personal view,

biggest duty of a sadhak under 18:66 ! He must abandon grief/worry.

A real challenge !


Arjuna " talked " only in 2nd Chapter regarding Surrender- he did not

surrender " actually " . The " real " surrender was when he said - "

karishye vachanam tav " . (BG 18:73). ( Here the " dependence on duty "

was thrown by Arjuna not the " duty " itself - He did not say " I

shall fight " , as against what he said in 2nd Chapter - " I shall not

fight " , instead he decided to depend on Krishna- I shall do what

you say and not on duty )


Mike - Note how ruthlessly Krishna after Arjuna merely " talked "

about surrender in BG 2nd Chapter, destroyed the authenticity/

wisdom/ utterings/ ideology/notions/ dharma/ principles -whatever

Arjuna's mind/intellect/ego delivered in Chapter 1 and 2 upto 2:10,

and even upto 18:59 ???


Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of Arjuna. Tell me

which of his argument was upheld in toto by Krishna? Think

academically about it- except one small agreement in Chapter 6.

That is how things move after surrender, " automatically " . Your

ego/intellect/mind is destroyed by Krishna ruthlessly, mercilessly !!


Feel that destruction, enjoy that beating, with the protection,

love and guarantees of our Eternal Father. Be ready for that. Be

assured that with every hit a purity shall emerge in you. Love that.

Adore that, Wait for that , Hope for that ! Marvel at that! Pray

for that. (Kunti did that). Never forget 5 principles given by

Swamiji- they are your warriors in the war.They are your weapons !!!


Believe in His immortal words - na me bhaktah pransyati ( BG 9:31).


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Hanuman


Mike Bhaiyya !


On this subject of surrender, Jee - Let me sing the song which

Swamiji so sweetly sang and which was played whole day on His

Nirvaan Day ( 3/07/2005) uninterruptedly on a TV channel across the

Globe -





O God! I have surrendered to you. Now you are free to make me

dance / play at your tunes/ wish!





All the weight on my person has gone away, and I have forgotten all

the sorrows! I have now become worryless /sorrowless , as I have

taken refuge into your powerful lotus feet !!





All worries/ anxieties (of me) are now yours only ! I have now

become worry less/fear less and my soul has indeed become blissful !!





My fame and ill fame - all is now yours as I am now known as your

servant(surrendered) ! My mind has now become a Black Bee and it

has indeed got immersed into your Lotus feet !!.


So that is what is your duty regarding 18:66, Jee - Bhaiyya Jee ! Is

it difficult, Brother, Jee ?


This was sung by Swamiji. I will also sing next time another song

also sung by Swamiji only- on the same subject, Jee !


Namaste Jee.


Jee Jee






Hari Om


Mike. In BG 18:66 , " abandoning all duties " means , renouncing

the " shelter of all duties " , not the abandoning physically the

performance of the duties. You can even afford to leave the decision

making itself with reference to the duty, as to whether something is

your duty or not, also to Paramatma under this verse.

But under no circumstance, the duties should be renounced/abandoned

physically ! You can simply offer all karmas made by you to Him ,

under this verse.


If we take the stand that " duty " physically should be abandoned,

then neither the specific reference under 18:66 gets satisfactorily

explained, nor the prior references nor the post reaction of Arjuna

justifies that interpretation. Entire Chapter 3 of BG then will

prove to be futile. Arjuna, too, after hearing this, did not

relinquish his duty, viz fighting . He said in 18:73- " karishye

vachanam tav " - I shall do what you say. We also in 18:66 should keep

doing our duties but should not get entangled in deciding what is

our duty and we should not depend on the duty. We should offer our

karmas to Paramatma. You cant abandon karma even if you want to. It

is a law. You can, however, convert those karmas into " akarmas " (

non binding karmas) by either renouncing the " doership " ( Jnana

Yoga), or renouncing the results thereof ( Karma Yoga) or offering

them to Parasmatma (Bhakti Yoga). The karma should not bind you, it

should not result in repeated birth-that is all is needed. The

shelter of duty is does produce a binding for yout . You may also

fall then under BG 9:21. Hence under no circumstance, you should

renounce your duties. You should not depend upon them.

You should depend upon God instead.


As regards 18:48, please note it is related with Karma Yoga. Entire

Chapter 3 talks in unison regarding performing one's duty to the

best of one's ability. What is duty? Duty is – " WHAT YOU CAN DO AND

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO " . That is all the duty is. This is the best

definition of duty for sadhaks - coming straight from Swamiji. In

Jnana Yoga there is no such question arising, because there the

sadhak starts with a determination- I don't do anything. In Karma

Yoga only this question can arise. BG 18:48 is guiding principle for

a Karma Yogi. In Bhakti Yoga , particularly, in surrender such a

question does not again arise. You are no more there. You have

surrendered yourself to God. Now where is the question of any right,

duty, obligation, righteousness? When such question arises in your

life after surrender, Paramatma shall take care of you- MAA SUCHAH .

Only He is there and you are a toy in His hand. There is neither

doership, nor renouncership, nor consumption (enjoyment or

suffering) of results. In fact what has gone to the winds, is entire

concept of duty for a sadhak - MAA SUCHAH.



SUCHAH – Don't worry. Simply throw all cautions, all dependences,

all cares, all worries, all fears, all apprehensions, all anxieties-

simply throw them away. You have no duty. All get transferred to

Paramatma. You remain- Worriless, griefless, fearless, doubtless-

just observing the Divine playing through you, your mind, your body,

your actions, and your surroundings - you should simply then enjoy

that bliss of Paramatma playing in you. Simple !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




In English


Serving the world and God Realization (Love with God)



in Hindi






Jai Hanuman


Once you surrender yourself to God under 18:66, you can only do

duties - Jee ! What else you can do Jee !! Hence you can only give

relying on

that duty.!!! Neither Arjuna gave up doing His duties after hearing

Gita, nor we

should. Our aim/bhava then should not be to get into decision

making. We have to

depend upon God not upon duty. That is all 18:66 means. After you


surrendered yourself

to God - prohibited actions CANNOT be done by body/mind etc. NOT

POSSIBLE ! Only sometimes a dilemma may arise – should I do /Should

I not do /

What should I do type! Leave that to Him-put aside all confusion

regarding duty,

Jee ! Keep doing as per your " bhava " (inner sentiments / expression)


bothering whether it was right or wrong. Along with you, your mind,


ego, body

all get surrendered ! Nothing then needs to be done/thought/relied

upon. Rely upon God and upon your " conscience " while taking

decisions. Leave

everything else to Daddy. No worry. No thinking. Become " MAST "

(blissful). Allow

God to operate through you. Where are you then? It is Daddy all

along Jee !





Whatever heart ( conscience) told me, I did that. Only when I am

free , I shall think whether I did good or bad !!


Become free, Bhaiyya !

Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Ram Ram,


In Gita 18-48, Krishna says to those who are beginners, do your

regular routine work. In Gita 18-66 Krishna says, you take refuge in

me, you work only for me. Doing that (working for Him) if you do any

sin, I will take care of it. Nowhere He has denied for work, he

denies to work for the benefit of self. This is advance stage.

Please read all verses between 48th and 66th very carefully. Don't

get confused. the message is very clear.


Ashok Goenka



Bhagwat Gita says about swabhaav (self nature) or state of

subconscious mind which one should not ignore. Any one is more at

ease and is efficient in its unique way of self-realization. For

example, a great artist in India Amitabh Bacchan decided to launch a

commecial enterprise and he failed in it miserably. His choice of

work ruined him. After he came back to art and acting in film, he

was again OK.


This means, every one has to follow his/her unique self-nature

during period of the journey of life. A seed of lemon cannot produce

tree of mango irrespective of the soil or water or fertilizer poured

in it. Each one of us are unique and born in complete from the day

1, and hence, it stands no competition or comparison to influence

it. This understanding nature of self is called DUTY.


For me, Krishna is humanities, for a artist, Krishna is a dancer,

for a warrior, Krishna is a warrior. So the teacher is one but

students have different subjects of study depending on their self-

development of mind. The duty or swabhaav thus changes and students

carry out the education of life within its limitation.


best regards


(Krishna Gopal)


Hari Om


The duty in this life is to unite with God within and in the world.

In this unity one has to perform his duties as if not attached to it.




Chris Duindam



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Hari Om


Piyushji, once as stated by you , you have perfected Karma Yoga ,

your sins have already destroyed , thereafter any question of

surrender does not arise.


Surrender under 18:66 is an independent method which can be persued

at any time by any body in any circumstance . There is no order or

prequalification for the same. That at the time of surrendering

there remain sins in you is clear from the very text of 18:66. That

in itself removes any pre qualification criteria.


Shashikalajee has indeed replied beautifully with reference to your

views . I must endorse her views in toto- to be fair. There is no

question of renouncing duties (dharma) at any stage of life. Look at

Arjuna's conduct. Did he renounce fighting, which was his dharma

(duty) as per Gita? No ! Shashikalaji has indeed given beautiful

example of money. Think over that. If some body tells you - " Leave

all, come to me, I shall give you money " - that means leave

dependence over others for money. That does not mean leave

physically others/ sever relations with others. Similarly 18:66 is

to be interpreted. When Krishna says - Renounce all duties, take

refuge in me. That means " depend upon me and not on duties " for

destruction of your sins. Simple! That is what is the view of

Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj also. That is logical also. Once you

take that view , everything stated in Gita prior to 18:66 falls in

place. Arjuna's conduct after hearing Gita also proves that.


I entirely agree with views of Ashokji Goenka and K N Sharmaji.

Surrender does not necessarily mean " devoted to the service of Lord "

only. You can surrender at any time, in any phase of life. You can

remain engrossed in household duties after surrender. As a student

you can surrender. In midst of a war you can surrender. You can

surrender any time, anywhere. There is no need to physically

" abandon his material duties and take completely to the service of

the transcendental Lord " . In reality everything will automatically

become God's work only because of change in ego as the " karta "

(doer) has become of God.


If we take view of Piyushji to be correct then it will be construed

as if surrender means taking " sanyaas " ! No! It is not so. It can

not be so !


Hope you are perfectly clear. Do revert in case of doubt.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N.B.


A humble clarification of Gita Ch. 18 - Sl.48 and Sl.66


The juxtaposed verses are complimentary. Bhagavan suggested an

advanced easy approach in 66 to fulfill 48.


'Sarvadharman parityajya' means 'Resigning all duties to Me' ,

not 'Abandoning all duties'.

By Resigning all duties to Him, the duties can be performed with

more skill and without attachment.


This ' Parityajya' is like 'Pariprasna' with a higher

metaphysical Bhakti and Sraddha.

It is an opportunity to read this 'Charama' sloka ,the final words

for excellence in life from the Lord.





Hari Om


Response to Sathyanarainji's query. Swamiji referred to

120 " malas " . Each " mala " has 108 beads. Hence 108x120.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Let me now take up Piyushji's views. In the last para he stated :-


" If someone prematurely gives up his duties without purifying ones's

heart, then he will fall down and will be a big disturbance to the

society as a whole. "


At the outset the question of giving up duties does not arise at all

under 18:66 . Hence this entire para becomes redundant. What is

renounced under 18:66 - is not the actual/physical performance of

duty, but the refuge/shelter of that duty.


Take another view point:


Once you have taken shelter of God, you simply cannot do prohibited

actions. Why will you do that once you have resolved- " I am of the

God, only God is mine , nothing else is mine " ?- there the very cause

of your indulging into prohibited action gets wiped out. When nothing

is yours except God, greed/anger/ attachment/ desire/jeolosy for

what? Why? Hence either you shall do duty only or you shall not do


Duty is - " What you can do and what you should do " . If such situation

arises why shall you not do your duty ? Otherwise you shall be " karma

less " . Since you are already in surrendered mode , you shall not

incur any sin in any case. Clear ?


Let me by passing reference touch upon insistence on

" Purifying one's heart " - made by Piyushji. Is heart yours, once you

have surrendered it? No ! Then, Why you should worry ? If you worry ,

then why you should not worry for another person's heart also?

Neither this heart is yours not that heart is yours ! It is duty of

God to do what is necessary thereafter. Why you should worry. Does

not God tell you - I will destroy you sins? Does not God tell you "

worry/ grieve not " - in 18:66 ?


Do You know what is real " impurity " ? " To assume, that

" antahkarana " . ( " heart " as referred - mind/intellect/ego/body/

vritties/tendencies/habits ) is mine is " real impurity " !! Once it is

not yours, once it is surrendered where is the question as to how it

actually is- good/bad/pure/impure/white/black/ big/small ??? Tell Me!


Where is the question of falling down then ? Read Gita 9:22/9:31 !

Guaranteed you shall not fall down !


I shall address your para first in next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Har Om,

In Sri Vyas message--- " He said in the night from 11 pm to 2 am, sit

facing north east and recite " Om Namah Shivay " for 120x108 times

(12960 times) every night for six months " . says these lines. Could


please clarify or explain in detail what is 120 times and 108 times.

If it is 12960 times then why it is split into 120X108. Eager to know




Ram Ram


Piyushji says, " then at that platform one can abandon his material

duties and take completely to the service of the transcendental

lord. "

I want to know the meaning of " service of the transcendental lord " .

If it means sitting in front of an idol and chanting few mantras

then I strongly disagree with him. If it is helping the mankind or

any living

being without any selfish motive, then I agree with him.


Ashok Goenka




Jai Hanuman


Very good Q Jee! Moderatorji! Piyush Bhaiyya's views , Jee!


" My understanding - (1) When one is sufficiently purified (2) by

performing nishkama karma yoga (selfless service) and (3) has gained

inner wisdom and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's

duty, then at that platform one can abandon his material duties and

(4) take completely to the service of the transcendental lord, (5)

and that is why, to abandon all varieties of dharma and to completely

surrender to lord krishna is (6) the final instruction of gita and

not the first. (7) If someone prematurely gives up his duties (8)

without purifying ones's heart, (9) then he will fall down and (10)

will be a big disturbance to the society as a whole. "


Brief Answers - Jee! Bhaiyya don't hesitate if you want detailed

views. Hope these are sufficient !


(1) One is always pure - Chetan (consciousness), Amal (without any

impurities or flaws), Sahaj Sukhrashi (eternally blissful) -


How the Q arose, Jee ?


(2)/(3) There is no " nishkaam karma yoga " existing in the world !

Either it is " nishkaam karma " or it is " karma yoga " - Hence use "

Karma Yoga " or " Nishkaam Karma " in future. " Yoga " essentially means

" nishkaam " Jee !!. Once you have perfected or reached to " Yoga " - the

path has ended. What has then remained to be done/known/attained ?

Where is the need of surrender, thereafter ?


(4) Surrender does not mean " taking completely to the service of

transcendal Lord " - Where it has been written, Jee !


(5) Who told you Bhaiyya to abandon duties? Read again the verse. If

somebody tells you - " Leave all and take money from me " ( Renounce

all duties and take refuge unto Me) - does that mean, disconnect with

all and take money from me? or does that mean, take money from me and

don't depend on others? Decide Yourself !


(6) Where it is written that it is " first " or " second " or " final " ?

The summary /the best always comes in the end- does whatever is


in the end , necessarily imply that there is a sequence or a process

involved, Jee ?


(7) Where is the Q of giving up duties?


(8) Whose heart Jee? Where is that once surrendered? Even otherwise

was it ever yours? You only presumed that to be yours! If it was


how it can stop functioning without your express approval?


(9) Don't scare me Bhaiyya! Read Gita . " Na me Bhaktah pranasyati " (

My Devotee shall never fall down)


(10) " Disturbance to society " or " crown jewel/ pride of society "

Jee? Reconfirm !


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




One should do his/her duty. There is no second opinion on that.

When you simply do the duty, it is only 'Karma'. Karma will get you

only Papam/Punyam.

When you do your duty in the name of God, it becomes 'Karma Yoga'.

Here you will get " Shreyas " , which will gradually lead you to Bhakti

and Jnana Yoga. Without Jnana Yoga there is no Mukti.


With Best Regards,


N.S. Parasuraman


Here is clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Text 48 and Text 66 and By by His Divine Grace A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (Srila Prabhupada) in Bhagavad-gita As

It Is


Text 48

saha-jam karma kaunteya

sa-dosam api na tyajet

sarvarambha hi dosena

dhumenagnir ivavrtah


saha-jam--born simultaneously; karma--work; kaunteya--O son of Kunti;

sa-dosam--with fault; api--although; na--never; tyajet--one should

give up; sarva-arambhah--all ventures; hi--certainly; dosena--with

fault; dhumena--with smoke; agnih--fire; iva--as; avrtah--covered.



Every endeavor is covered by some fault, just as fire is covered by

smoke. Therefore one should not give up the work born of his nature,


son of Kunti, even if such work is full of fault.



In conditioned life, all work is contaminated by the material modes


nature. Even if one is a brahmana, he has to perform sacrifices in

which animal killing is necessary. Similarly, a ksatriya, however

pious he may be, has to fight enemies. He cannot avoid it. Similarly,

a merchant, however pious he may be, must sometimes hide his profit

to stay in business, or he may sometimes have to do business on the

black market. These things are necessary; one cannot avoid them.

Similarly, even though a man is a sudra serving a bad master, he has

to carry out the order of the master, even though it should not be

done. Despite these flaws, one should continue to carry out his

prescribed duties, for they are born out of his own nature.


A very nice example is given herein. Although fire is pure, still

there is smoke. Yet smoke does not make the fire impure. Even though

there is smoke in the fire, fire is still considered to be the purest

of all elements. If one prefers to give up the work of a ksatriya and

take up the occupation of a brahmana, he is not assured that in the

occupation of a brahmana there are no unpleasant duties. One may then

conclude that in the material world no one can be completely free

from the contamination of material nature. This example of fire and

smoke is very appropriate in this connection. When in wintertime one

takes a stone from the fire, sometimes smoke disturbs the eyes and

other parts of the body, but still one must make use of the fire

despite disturbing conditions. Similarly, one should not give up his

natural occupation because there are some disturbing elements.

Rather, one should be determined to serve the Supreme Lord by his

occupational duty in Krsna consciousness. That is the perfectional

point. When a particular type of occupation is performed for the

satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, all the defects in that particular

occupation are purified. When the results of work are purified, when

connected with devotional service, one becomes perfect in seeing the

self within, and that is self-realization.


Text 66

sarva-dharman parityajya

mam ekam saranam vraja

aham tvam sarva-papebhyo

moksayisyami ma sucah


sarva-dharman--all varieties of religion; parityajya--abandoning;

mam--unto Me; ekam--only; saranam--for surrender; vraja--go; aham--I;

tvam--you; sarva--all; papebhyah--from sinful reactions;

moksayisyami--will deliver; ma--do not; sucah--worry.


Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall

deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.


The Lord has described various kinds of knowledge and processes of

religion--knowledge of the Supreme Brahman, knowledge of the

Supersoul, knowledge of the different types of orders and statuses of

social life, knowledge of the renounced order of life, knowledge of

nonattachment, sense and mind control, meditation, etc. He has

described in so many ways different types of religion. Now, in

summarizing Bhagavad-gita, the Lord says that Arjuna should give up

all the processes that have been explained to him; he should simply

surrender to Krsna. That surrender will save him from all kinds of

sinful reactions, for the Lord personally promises to protect him.


In the Seventh Chapter it was said that only one who has become free

from all sinful reactions can take to the worship of Lord Krsna. Thus

one may think that unless he is free from all sinful reactions he

cannot take to the surrendering process. To such doubts it is here

said that even if one is not free from all sinful reactions, simply

by the process of surrendering to Sri Krsna he is automatically

freed. There is no need of strenuous effort to free oneself from

sinful reactions. One should unhesitatingly accept Krsna as the

supreme savior of all living entities. With faith and love, one

should surrender unto Him. The process of surrender to Krsna is

described in the Hari-bhakti vilasa (11.676):


anukulyasya sankalpah

pratikulyasya varjanam

raksisyatiti visvaso

goptrtve varanam tatha



sad-vidha saranagatih


According to the devotional process, one should simply accept such

religious principles that will lead ultimately to the devotional

service of the Lord. One may perform a particular occupational duty

according to his position in the social order, but if by executing

his duty one does not come to the point of Krsna consciousness, all

his activities are in vain. Anything that does not lead to the

perfectional stage of Krsna consciousness should be avoided. One

should be confident that in all circumstances Krsna will protect him

from all difficulties. There is no need of thinking how one should

keep the body and soul together. Krsna will see to that. One should

always think himself helpless and should consider Krsna the only

basis for his progress in life. As soon as one seriously engages

himself in devotional service to the Lord in full Krsna

consciousness, at once he becomes freed from all contamination of

material nature. There are different processes of religion and

purificatory processes by cultivation of knowledge, meditation in

the mystic yoga system, etc., but one who surrenders unto Krsna does

not have to execute so many methods. That simple surrender unto

Krsna will save him from unnecessarily wasting time. One can thus

make all progress at once and be freed from all sinful reactions.


One should be attracted by the beautiful vision of Krsna. His name is

Krsna because He is all-attractive. One who becomes attracted by the

beautiful, all-powerful, omnipotent vision of Krsna is fortunate.

There are different kinds of transcendentalists--some of them are

attached to the impersonal Brahman vision, some of them are attracted

by the Supersoul feature, etc., but one who is attracted to the

personal feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and, above

all, one who is attracted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead as

Krsna Himself, is the most perfect transcendentalist. In other words,

devotional service to Krsna, in full consciousness, is the most

confidential part of knowledge, and this is the essence of the whole

Bhagavad-gita. Karma-yogis, empiric philosophers, mystics and

devotees are all called transcendentalists, but one who is a pure

devotee is the best of all. The particular words used here, ma

sucah, " Don't fear, don't hesitate, don't worry, " are very

significant. One may be perplexed as to how one can give up all

kinds of religious forms and simply surrender unto Krsna, but such

worry is useless.


Bhailal Patel





Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Friends, In spite of being immersed (marmagya?) in Gita, it will

not be possible to be freed from the traps of mind – intellect.

Shraddhey Swamiji has instructed that do not accept the mind as

yours at all. It will become quiet. When there is no relation with

the mind, than there will be no relation with the intellect. What

is to be done, and what is not to be done, both these are in mind

and intellect, not in the Self (swayam). When mind – intellect, are

removed from the scene, then Self itself will be engaged in

Paramaatmaa (God). So be it.

Ram Ram




Bandhuvar, Aap Gita marmagya banker bhi mana – buddhi ke is

dhanchakker se mukti paa sakenge aisaa hogaa nahin. Shraddhey

Swamiji ne nirdesh diyaa thaa mana ko apnaa maano hi mat. Chup ho

jaayegaa. Jab man se sambandh nahin rahaa toh buddhi se bhi nahin

rahaa. Kartavya – akartavya ye dono mana – buddhi mein hote hai,

swayam mein nahin. Mana – buddhi hattate hi swayam hi jaa lagegaa

Paramaatmaa mein. Astu.

Ram Ram



Hari Om


Gita Talk Moderator has raised a question for the first time. Thanks.


No ! Piyushji's views can't be substantiated from Gita, or from

Scriptures. Shruti ( history), Yukti ( logic/rationale) and Anubhuti

( experience) - all three pillars of determining truth- are not

supporting his views. However, it is a beautiful subject to

deliberate upon.


First of all there is no difference between " duty " and " dharma " as

far as our Scriptures and particularly Gita is concerned. Your

dharma is your duty only, nothing else except that. Hence " duty "

referred in 18:48 and " dharma " referred in Gita 18:66 are one and

the same.


Secondly, you have not been asked to renounce the duties in Gita

18:66 physically. You have to renounce only " shelter of duty " under

18:66. (Elaborate reasons have been given in my postings to support

this- Piyushji is welcome to draw attention of Sadhaks , if he does

not agree ). Arjuna did that only. He did not renounce " fight " ,

which his " dharma " . He did not rely on fighting. He relied on

Krishna and said " karishye vachanam tav " and not " I shall not

fight " in 18:73 !


Question of Gita telling you that after surrender you can do whatever

you want and particularly improper deeds is unthinkable.


Sadhaks may give their fresh views on the above. In the next edition

we will address Piyushji's specific views. Piyushji may also support

his views further, if he wants to.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Shri Krishnah sharanam mama.


Mike ji's translation of the verse 18.66 could be better, as it is

basically a literal translation. When Bhagwan says `dharmaan', not

only it means duties or righteousness, it also implies `adharmas' or

unrighteousness, etc. or for that matter- all ACTIONS. Elsewhere in

Gita it is amply revealed that these actions are not free from

bondage. In the next line of the verse where the word `paap' or sin

is mentioned, again it does not mean sin alone, but also implies

punya or `virtuous', `righteous', `good deeds'. Both the good as

well as the bad deeds (paap and punya) have the `same result' when

we talk of `absolute freedom' from the bondage, the `moksha', i.e.,

both of them are deterrents. Thus, in order to achieve liberation,

absolute surrender (sharanaagati, atma samarpana) to Bhagwan is the

only way out and that has been revealed as the most profound

(profoundest) words by Bhagwan (Gita 18.64).


The meaning of verse 18.48 becomes quite clear when one reads the

next verse 18.49 where Bhagwan mentions `asaktabuddhih' or one whose

intellect is unattached. Thus, doing a duty with detachment or

rather unattachment is like `freedom from action', which is

absolutely necessary to attain the supreme state. Bound by and

living in the realm of the three inherent `gunas', the Jiva can not

remain without doing any `action' even for a fraction of a second

(Gita 3.5) and thus keeps pushing himself towards bondage, except

when totally surrendering all his intellect to Bhagwan and

converting the `actions' into `freedom from action' with

his `unattached action'.


K.N. Sharma




I feel god Narayan is telling that every one comes to this earth with

baggage(that is purpose ) this purpose has been pre ordained so its

our duty to fulfil that even though sometimes it may look like you

are doing wrong thing (like Arjuna felt about engaging in war and

killing his kith and kin) but if it is our Karthavya (duty) we need

to do it






Hare Krishna Prabhu


My understanding - When one is sufficiently purified by performing

nishkama karma yoga (selfless service) and has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then at

that platform one can abandon his material duties and take completely

to the service of the transcendental lord, and that is why, to

abandon all varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to lord

krishna is the final instruction of gita and not the first.


If someone prematurely gives up his duties without purifying ones's

heart, then he will fall down and will be a big disturbance to the

society as a whole.


i hope this is clear.


piyush gupta



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


In N.B. Vyasji's write-up he has said - in BG 18:66 , " abandoning all

duties " means, renouncing the " shelter of all duties " , not

abandoning physically the performance of the duties. In Piyush

Gupta's posting it is indicated - When one has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then

one can abandon his material duties and take completely to the

service of the transcendental Lord, and that is why, to abandon all

varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to Lord Krishna is

the final instruction of Gita and not the first. Which explanation

is correct?

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram




When the life of the individual is still governed by his mind then

he needs to mind his duties.when the person has surrendered himself

to god,then he has become one with the universe and he cant do

anything which harms someone or goes against the laws of

universe. then he need not to be conscious about his duties as

everything will be taken care by universe means god, as krishan

says, yogkshem vahamyam.


" M Vivek "





Your final thoughts on surrender are truely touching! Let it be our

initial actions to practice.




Naga Narayana.



Jai Hanuman


I was so happy to note Mike Bhaiyya's response to all sadhaks.

Bhaiyya, you have made all of us proud of you. Sure, taking shelter

of God can never... never result in your ever looking back. After

all He is the ocean of Love - only Love , nothing else except pure

Love !! Why we have received this human birth, Bhaiyya? Swamiji said

in this human birth we have enough time to realise God - and many

times over.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Narayan Narayan



God did not say in essence, to entirely abandon all dharmas


If He said to abandon, by very nature, then minimally at least Arjun

would not engage in fighting the war. Because fighting and

protection, are the duties of a Kshatriya, but in actuality, Arjun

did fight the war.

Therefore meaning of Bhagwaan's message, that one must not take

refuge even in Dharma (righteousness / duties). One must only take

refuge in Bhagwaan. When man realizes his weakness and experiences

Bhagwaan's total power, capabilities and competence, then he





Bhagwan nein sampuran dharamo ka swaroop se tyag nahi bataya


Agar swaroop se bata te tho kum se kum arjun tho yudh na karte

Kyoki yudh karna chatriya ka dharam hein parantu arjun nein yudh kiya

Hein. Bhagwan ke kathan ka tatpriya hein dharam ki bhi saran nahi

honi chahiye. Keval meri hi saran honi chahiye. Jab manushya aapni

kamjori or bhagwan Ki sarv-samartha ka anubhav ho jata hein tab wo

sarnagat ho ja ta Hein,




Hari Om


Yes Brother Mike !


Indeed Swamiji IS special. Such Saints are rare particularly in

Kaliyuga. He rarely talked. But I recall two statements 1) He did

not have to learn Gita. Gita was already " kanthastha " (already

remembered by heart, without repeated practice again and again) as a

child. He could recite it from beginning !! 2) He started his

formal Gita study at the age of 12 -with Gita 15:6 - " Na tad

bhasyate suryo, na shashanko na paavakah! Yad gatva na nivartante,

tad dhamam paramam mamam " !! " Neither does the Sun illume that

(eternal goal), nor the moon, nor the fire; having gone thither,

they (they who reach there), return not; that is my Supreme Abode.

(Gita 15:6)


In the beginning I used to search from his writings some quick

formulas (mantras). Never found from hundreds of his books. I

laughed freely when I read one formula in Sadhak Sanjeevani for

throwing away from mind the thoughts which involuntarily come and

disturb our concentration. It was a mantra - " adang badang

svaahaa " !! After his nirvana, his one book was published by the

name " Sant Samagam " . In that book, he gave another way for pleasing

Lord Shiva. He said in the night from 11 pm to 2 am, sit facing

north east and recite " Om Namah Shivay " for 120x108 times (12960

times) every night for six months. You will get blessings of Lord

Shiva. Only these two instances-to my knowledge ! His standard

mantra - Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin ! " Oh Father, My Master,

Let me Never Forget You. "


Indeed He lived that goal, that object and reached there only - even

while being amongst us. Humanity at large, will forever be proud of



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


FROM MODERATOR: Please clarify what " adang badang svaahaa " !! means

in English... thank you ! Ram Ram



Dear Sadaks,

Bhagavan said this for Kshatriya Dharma----Gita 18:48. One should

not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born, though faulty;

for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire by smoke! (Gita


This is for Sanyasa Dharma or for Sadhaks---Gita 18:66. Abandoning

attachment to all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)

There was one man Darma Vyajar. He was slaughter but exceptionaly

devoted to his parents. He had occult powers. He never abondened

duty to which he was born. But he also never failed his duty towards

parents. These 2 are 2 differant dharmas.

The birth taken by one is by his previous birth karma.

For Arjuna, Bhagavan taught his Dharma as a Kshatriya by birth.

For Yudhava, Bagavan tought his to surrender in HIM as Sanyanas





-Shree Hari-


Looking further into the beginning of B.G. 18.66 ' sarva-dharman

parityajya...', I found three translations all different, but placing

them as it were upon each other in my mind, the penny dropped.

And yes I have read from B.G. 18: 48 to 66, I have done some

thinking, but most of all I bow in respect to all, and all your

words have been of assistance. I think it is clear to all that there

is divine work going on here.

Swamiji was very special was he not? Song and dance can touch the

soul, there are songs around that are reborn, to fit the times, some

are so ancient and sacred they can take ones breath away, I

understand what song can do Jee Jee Shashikalaji.

Vyasji I understand what you are writing about, as I am no stranger

to anguish of the soul, that comes from suffering at all levels. Also

your statement: 'Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of

Arjuna', is true, and Lord Krishna can, and does do such things still

to this day across all cultures, God has many names.

Most of all Sir, you answered a question I never asked but had been

puzzling me for some time.

You wrote, 'In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first

time prayed'. To me prayer can be without words, beyond words .


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)



Hari Om


Final thoughts on surrender.


After you surrender , you indeed start feeling presence of God more

eloquently than earlier- no doubt on that !.


Reason is that while the same body, mind, intellect , ego etc are

working, but " you " (Self) have changed position from a " doer " to

a " non doer " ! From a " seen " to a " seer " ! From a Principal to an

agent! From " Swamiji " to a " Das " and you have started

getting " Ram " naam " sukh " !


You indeed become then a " drishta " ( a seer, a witness-BG 13: 23).

Now " BEFORE YOU ONLY " - your beloved Divine's actions/

circumstances/ karmas/incidences/states will take place

(rather " by/through " you).


BEFORE YOU ONLY your sins will get destroyed (BG 18:73).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your " moha " . (nashto moha-18:73) will extinguish.

BEFORE YOU ONLY your faith and belief in your Beloved will

strengthen (BG 7:21).

BEFORE YOU ONLY equanimity shall enter you (BG 10:10).

BEFORE YOU ONLY viveka (conscience) will awaken (BG 2:53).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " knowledge " will dawn upon you (BG 10:11).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your mind shall change ( BG 10:9,9:34).

BEFORE YOU ONLY disconnection with inert will take place( BG 3:9).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " sat " (real) will prevail and. " asat " . (unreal) will

vanish (BG 2:16) !

BEFORE YOU ONLY " Divine Properties " shall manifest in you (BG

16:1/3) in abundance ! ! AUTOMATICALLY and EFFORTLESSLY !!


How then can you remain not " feeling " direct presence of Paramatma

around/inside you (BG 7:19) ? Why then He should not become easy for

you to get (BG 8:14) ? What prevents you then from not reaching to

the level stated in BG 6:30 ?


You can after " surrender " only experience as to how God meets

with His promises made by Him in BG 7:21/ 9:22/ 9:31/10:10/10:11/

12:7/13:32/ etc etc.


How can one then not " feel " Him operating clearly and directly

through himself !!


You will also " experience " as to how meticulously God " picks "

faults (sins) in you. How precisely He addresses/cures/destroys your

sins(BG 18:66) ! You will feel as if the situations etc arising

before you were really " tailor made " -for you only- Precise,

accurate and on the dot !! You will find very quickly as to how you

have really changed ! You will feel as to how you were time and

again saved from otherwise rather " impossible to survive

situations " ( na Me bhaktah pranasyati- 9:31 ). You will feel then

only as to how this world /people/given circumstances etc have

changed from an otherwise absolutely " dukhalayam " into an

unbelievable but so obvious and natural " Bhagvat Svaroopam " (BG

7:19) for you !


You will understand as to why you suffered in the past and how

needlessly ? And as to why Saints and Sages/Gita recommend you to

get detached from the inert !


As your ego/mind etc will quieten and as equanimity will start

arising in you - your bliss can only multiply !. Your devotion can

only be more intense - as if it was quite natural ! Your Love for

God can only increase geometrically - obvious and unquestionable !

Your Faith in Him can only strengthen- and become immovable

literally ! The sorrows can only eliminate- as if they never

existed ! Peace in you can only acquire permanence- as if it was

ever there - sahaj sukhrashi - naturally !


Darkness/ignorance/stupidity/ Maya - you will wonder as to how could

they exist in the past ?


Can the experience of " Vasudevah Sarvam " ( BG 7:19) then remain rare

for you ? Never !


This is the power of surrender ! That is why Saints and Sages call

this verse BG 18:66 to be the " essence " of Gita.


Vasudevah Sarvam !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


Shree Hari


Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaka, thank you for a good question


Gitaji Verse 18-48


As it has been pointed out eloquently by Mr. Vyas, this verse

relates to Karma Yoga. Even though all actions are afflicted with

some defects, Gitaji declares that one must not abandon one's duty.

In Gitaji, Chap. 2, Verses 31-38 declare the importance of doing our

duty (Swa-dharma) as prescribed in our scriptures (Ref: Gita 16-24).

One incurs sin if he/she does not perform the ordained duty.


Swamiji Maharaj says in Gita Probhidini (page 533), while performing

one's prescribed duty, it is given that there are some inherent

defects but they DO NOT affect the doer of actions if these actions

are done with an attitude of Karma Yoga. In Karma Yoga, the actions

are performed with the sense of equanimity, neither for a desire for

expectation of a specific fruit nor for seeking pleasure (Bhoga



The effect of inherent defects in performance of actions is much

more connected with the motivation behind the actions on doer's part

and not on actions themselves. Just like a doctor while treating a

patient, cuts his limb for the purpose of making him healthy, he

does not incur any sin. Also, Gitaji Verse 18-17, states:


" He whose is free from the notion of egoism and whose understanding

is free from attachment, though slaying all these people, he slays

not, nor is he bound. "


Gitaji Verse 18-66


This verse is in the context of Bhakti Yoga, specifically, complete

surrender (Sharnagatih). The verse is declaring not to abandon all

Dharmas (or Karmas) physically but not having any dependence on

these Dharmas (or Karmas). By adopting this attitude, the devotee

while performing all prescribed actions, he is free from bondage of

actions because he relinquishes the ownership of actions, good and

bad fruits do not affect him.


There is an assurance from the Lord that by solely depending on Him

the devotee does not have to worry about anything. In the process of

surrendering to God the devotee has changed his identity and

accepted a sole relationship with God, " I am God's only and no one

else's " .

(Arjuna says in Gitaji 18-73, " karisye vacanam tava " ).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Dear Sadaks,

Bagavan said " Do your duty but with Samarpana Bavana to ME " . Bagavan

meant do not think of fruit of action. Actually with the Kripa of

Bagavan alone that everything happens. But we humans think that we

are doing. That thought gives us misery or happiness.



Dear Sadhaks and Bhagavatas


This poser from Sri Mike Keenor illustrates how difficult it is to

understand the underlying philosophy of GITA without the guidance of

a proper and qualified Guru or Acharya. I recall that somewhere

along the line, some had even questioned the need for a Guru at all.

I would like to share my thoughts and understanding obtained from

illustrious Acharyas and by my reading of the holy scripture. These

are set out below in a most humble fashion.


The purpose of this life is to get redemption from this SAMSARA - a

cycle of birth, death and rebirth in an endless chain with no origin

and no end - brought about by our actions, inactions - our Karmas.

Vedas and other Scriptures deal with this aspect in an elaborate

manner in the BRAHAMA KANDAS. These are not easily understandable

for various reasons. Therefore our Lord expounded the substance of

these scriptures in the form of GITA for the benefit of humanity.

ARJUNA was only an excuse and a medium to impart this knowledge to

the whole of humanity.


Gita deals with three basic Yogas -Karma, Jnana & Bakthi and

emphasises that these three are not independent of one another but

neatly intertwined in such a way that practice of Karma Yoga will

lead one to Jnana Yoga and this finally to Bakthi yoga. It is a

gradual transition.

Karma Yoga if practised correctly as per Gita will eliminate from

our minds all attachments, me and you concepts, develop a sense of

equanimity and prepares the mind to understand the difference

between our Atma and body, the attributes of Atma that becomes the

centre of our meditation pondering over our relationship with

PARAMATMA and how we are actually so subordinate to HIM - Jnana

Yoga. This creates a longing to be with HIM and culminates in Bakthi.


It is only through Bakthi alone that one could reach the lotus feet

of our Lord (Moksha) from where there is no return to Samsara. No

getting back to the wombs. The Bakthi marga is long and strenuous

and might take many many births before the goal is attained.


It in this context that Sloka 66 of Ch 18 was born. when Arjuna

stood perplexed by the complexity of Yogs and the difficult nature

of practising them. The word used here is " Dharma " and this will

not translate into " duties " as is commonly understood. To my mind

and taking the whole context of Gita (we should not lose sight of

this), this means that instead of practising Karma or Jnana and

Bakthi yogas (that would take many, many innumerable births) Krishna

offered a simpler solution to reach HIM. It is " you surrender to me

body and soul as the ONLY REFUGE abandoning all other YOGA pursuits

to reach me " . I will redeem you from the Samsara and let there be no

doubt on this. This will happen at the end of this lifetime and

there will not be anymore involvement in samsara. That is a Divine

Promise from Krishna. This Marga is also known as PRAPATTHI marga.


ways to reach HIM -through Bakthi marga (involving unknown time

factor) or through PRAPATTHI marga also known as Saranagathi ( I am

incapable of redeeming myself and I lay this burden also on YOUR

shoulders and only your shoulders alone). Thus this Sloka 66 is the

quintessence of Gita.


The above does not mean that once you have surrendered, you can do

anything in life that is not permitted by sastras. We must remember

that Arjuna was gradually taken through this process of Karma, Jnana

and Bakthi yogas by Krishna Himself and finally Krishna delivered

this all important message when Arjuna's mind had become cleansed

and fine-tuned to receive this message. Therefore, if we have

reached this state of enlightenment to seek salvation through

Prapatthi, then our minds would never sway from the paths of virtue.

We would continue to do the duties until the end of life.


Now to Sloka 44 of Ch 18: Hopefully the above would have removed the

doubt regarding " duties " as used in this Sloka and the word Dharma

used in Sloka used in Sloka 66. What is stated in 66 is to abandon

all other methods to reach HIM and instead only resort to Prapatthi

alone. This would not imply that we are asked to abandon all our

duties. If a person has reached this level mental maturity already

to resort to Prapatthi marga, he would never abandon his daily

duties that are enjoined on him by scriptures. He would continue to

perform them in the unshakeable faith that he has done his bit to

attain salvation and it would be upto HIM to fulfil the promise. You

are only a tool in the process. What he abandons is the fruits of

his action and not the action itself-karma yogi (the first step in

his pursuit).


Hence in my mind the two slokas 44 and 66 are not opposed to one



I have merely shared my understanding and Sadaks would pardon me if

I have stated anything incorrectly.


Radhe Shyam

Humble pranams

G Rangarajan




Dear Sadak,

I reply to mails but Mediators rejects it. I reply as Bagvan speaks

through me. But the same Bagavan as Mediator rejects and never asks

clarification of my mail.So it does not bother me.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


We are really sorry, Sathyanarayanji and many others. Mails not

processed within 14 days are automatically rejected. To limit the

number of emails we sent you, we often wait till there are number of

responses. Your mails were not rejected due to content, but mostly

they were isolated responses, which never got processes. Once again

our sincere apologies to all who recently received " Rejected " mail

notice. We will try to do a better job in the future.


From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


Jai Shree Krishna

I think God is taking exam of tolerance. If one is true

and honest he will surely not leave his path of honesty because he

knows God is with him and he has to be strong in such situations and

keep on hardworking. As said by Lord Krishna " karma karo fruit ka

desire mat rakho " . I thing spirituality fruit ripes to its best only

in negative situations because in these situations alone a person

needs to follow Gitaji's updesh. In good situations everyone feels

that yes God has given us everything. But there are very few who

feel that god has given me this situation for my good to see that

how much my spiritual level has risen to face even in this opposing

situation. Do you remember Lord Krishna's aunt KuntiMa too asked for

sorrow filled circumstances from Lord because in those circumstance

a spiritual minded person feels more attachment with the Lord than

in the happy days where he has no time

for lord except saying thankyou.

ram ram






Hari Om


Swamiji has said categorically in Sadhak Sanjeevani - that after

surrender , (i) Never worry (ii) Never doubt (iii) Never test as to

actually you have surrendered or not (iv) Never Fear and (v) Never

grieve ! These 5 in fact are your real functions , after you

surrender ! What real tests they are- Believe me !!


Renouncing the mind, makes you worriless! All worries originate from

there!! So does assurance given by Him in 9:31.It is responsibility

of God to remove your doubts (BG 7:21). Strong Faith and belief in

Him, destroys the fear so does assurance under 9:31 ( My Bhakta shall

Never fall ). Reading of Scriptures also makes you fearless. That

you are immortal , this knowledge kills the worst fears.


To be griefless- This is the toughest test. Because after surrender,

an avalanche of His Kripa comes into your life. Your sins have to

start getting destroyed in a super fast manner- as promised by God-

isn't it ??


Your aeons old chains of " me " and " mine " start getting broken,

ruthlessly. A serious dent takes place in that almost everyday-

creating pain in you.. Worldly relations break abruptly-creating

pain in you. The " mineness " ruthlessly starts getting destroyed-

creating pain in you. Sometimes you feel that each and every

happenning in your life is only to hurt your " ego " . Both " me "

and " mine " take a severe beating.


Silverlining -


In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first time

prayed. We " surrendered " on that day itself- we do not know. It

is " habit " of God- even if someone " talks " of surrender, His laws

quickly start operating to make that guy surrender totally/ really.

Hence Saints and Sages sing praises of adversity/ sorrow in your

life. Hence whatever so far has taken place - be thankful for the

same. Cleaning over upto that, at least !!


" Ma suchah " ( worry/grieve not) is, according to my personal view,

biggest duty of a sadhak under 18:66 ! He must abandon grief/worry.

A real challenge !


Arjuna " talked " only in 2nd Chapter regarding Surrender- he did not

surrender " actually " . The " real " surrender was when he said - "

karishye vachanam tav " . (BG 18:73). ( Here the " dependence on duty "

was thrown by Arjuna not the " duty " itself - He did not say " I

shall fight " , as against what he said in 2nd Chapter - " I shall not

fight " , instead he decided to depend on Krishna- I shall do what

you say and not on duty )


Mike - Note how ruthlessly Krishna after Arjuna merely " talked "

about surrender in BG 2nd Chapter, destroyed the authenticity/

wisdom/ utterings/ ideology/notions/ dharma/ principles -whatever

Arjuna's mind/intellect/ego delivered in Chapter 1 and 2 upto 2:10,

and even upto 18:59 ???


Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of Arjuna. Tell me

which of his argument was upheld in toto by Krishna? Think

academically about it- except one small agreement in Chapter 6.

That is how things move after surrender, " automatically " . Your

ego/intellect/mind is destroyed by Krishna ruthlessly, mercilessly !!


Feel that destruction, enjoy that beating, with the protection,

love and guarantees of our Eternal Father. Be ready for that. Be

assured that with every hit a purity shall emerge in you. Love that.

Adore that, Wait for that , Hope for that ! Marvel at that! Pray

for that. (Kunti did that). Never forget 5 principles given by

Swamiji- they are your warriors in the war.They are your weapons !!!


Believe in His immortal words - na me bhaktah pransyati ( BG 9:31).


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Hanuman


Mike Bhaiyya !


On this subject of surrender, Jee - Let me sing the song which

Swamiji so sweetly sang and which was played whole day on His

Nirvaan Day ( 3/07/2005) uninterruptedly on a TV channel across the

Globe -





O God! I have surrendered to you. Now you are free to make me

dance / play at your tunes/ wish!





All the weight on my person has gone away, and I have forgotten all

the sorrows! I have now become worryless /sorrowless , as I have

taken refuge into your powerful lotus feet !!





All worries/ anxieties (of me) are now yours only ! I have now

become worry less/fear less and my soul has indeed become blissful !!





My fame and ill fame - all is now yours as I am now known as your

servant(surrendered) ! My mind has now become a Black Bee and it

has indeed got immersed into your Lotus feet !!.


So that is what is your duty regarding 18:66, Jee - Bhaiyya Jee ! Is

it difficult, Brother, Jee ?


This was sung by Swamiji. I will also sing next time another song

also sung by Swamiji only- on the same subject, Jee !


Namaste Jee.


Jee Jee






Hari Om


Mike. In BG 18:66 , " abandoning all duties " means , renouncing

the " shelter of all duties " , not the abandoning physically the

performance of the duties. You can even afford to leave the decision

making itself with reference to the duty, as to whether something is

your duty or not, also to Paramatma under this verse.

But under no circumstance, the duties should be renounced/abandoned

physically ! You can simply offer all karmas made by you to Him ,

under this verse.


If we take the stand that " duty " physically should be abandoned,

then neither the specific reference under 18:66 gets satisfactorily

explained, nor the prior references nor the post reaction of Arjuna

justifies that interpretation. Entire Chapter 3 of BG then will

prove to be futile. Arjuna, too, after hearing this, did not

relinquish his duty, viz fighting . He said in 18:73- " karishye

vachanam tav " - I shall do what you say. We also in 18:66 should keep

doing our duties but should not get entangled in deciding what is

our duty and we should not depend on the duty. We should offer our

karmas to Paramatma. You cant abandon karma even if you want to. It

is a law. You can, however, convert those karmas into " akarmas " (

non binding karmas) by either renouncing the " doership " ( Jnana

Yoga), or renouncing the results thereof ( Karma Yoga) or offering

them to Parasmatma (Bhakti Yoga). The karma should not bind you, it

should not result in repeated birth-that is all is needed. The

shelter of duty is does produce a binding for yout . You may also

fall then under BG 9:21. Hence under no circumstance, you should

renounce your duties. You should not depend upon them.

You should depend upon God instead.


As regards 18:48, please note it is related with Karma Yoga. Entire

Chapter 3 talks in unison regarding performing one's duty to the

best of one's ability. What is duty? Duty is – " WHAT YOU CAN DO AND

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO " . That is all the duty is. This is the best

definition of duty for sadhaks - coming straight from Swamiji. In

Jnana Yoga there is no such question arising, because there the

sadhak starts with a determination- I don't do anything. In Karma

Yoga only this question can arise. BG 18:48 is guiding principle for

a Karma Yogi. In Bhakti Yoga , particularly, in surrender such a

question does not again arise. You are no more there. You have

surrendered yourself to God. Now where is the question of any right,

duty, obligation, righteousness? When such question arises in your

life after surrender, Paramatma shall take care of you- MAA SUCHAH .

Only He is there and you are a toy in His hand. There is neither

doership, nor renouncership, nor consumption (enjoyment or

suffering) of results. In fact what has gone to the winds, is entire

concept of duty for a sadhak - MAA SUCHAH.



SUCHAH – Don't worry. Simply throw all cautions, all dependences,

all cares, all worries, all fears, all apprehensions, all anxieties-

simply throw them away. You have no duty. All get transferred to

Paramatma. You remain- Worriless, griefless, fearless, doubtless-

just observing the Divine playing through you, your mind, your body,

your actions, and your surroundings - you should simply then enjoy

that bliss of Paramatma playing in you. Simple !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




In English


Serving the world and God Realization (Love with God)



in Hindi






Jai Hanuman


Once you surrender yourself to God under 18:66, you can only do

duties - Jee ! What else you can do Jee !! Hence you can only give

relying on

that duty.!!! Neither Arjuna gave up doing His duties after hearing

Gita, nor we

should. Our aim/bhava then should not be to get into decision

making. We have to

depend upon God not upon duty. That is all 18:66 means. After you


surrendered yourself

to God - prohibited actions CANNOT be done by body/mind etc. NOT

POSSIBLE ! Only sometimes a dilemma may arise – should I do /Should

I not do /

What should I do type! Leave that to Him-put aside all confusion

regarding duty,

Jee ! Keep doing as per your " bhava " (inner sentiments / expression)


bothering whether it was right or wrong. Along with you, your mind,


ego, body

all get surrendered ! Nothing then needs to be done/thought/relied

upon. Rely upon God and upon your " conscience " while taking

decisions. Leave

everything else to Daddy. No worry. No thinking. Become " MAST "

(blissful). Allow

God to operate through you. Where are you then? It is Daddy all

along Jee !





Whatever heart ( conscience) told me, I did that. Only when I am

free , I shall think whether I did good or bad !!


Become free, Bhaiyya !

Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Ram Ram,


In Gita 18-48, Krishna says to those who are beginners, do your

regular routine work. In Gita 18-66 Krishna says, you take refuge in

me, you work only for me. Doing that (working for Him) if you do any

sin, I will take care of it. Nowhere He has denied for work, he

denies to work for the benefit of self. This is advance stage.

Please read all verses between 48th and 66th very carefully. Don't

get confused. the message is very clear.


Ashok Goenka



Bhagwat Gita says about swabhaav (self nature) or state of

subconscious mind which one should not ignore. Any one is more at

ease and is efficient in its unique way of self-realization. For

example, a great artist in India Amitabh Bacchan decided to launch a

commecial enterprise and he failed in it miserably. His choice of

work ruined him. After he came back to art and acting in film, he

was again OK.


This means, every one has to follow his/her unique self-nature

during period of the journey of life. A seed of lemon cannot produce

tree of mango irrespective of the soil or water or fertilizer poured

in it. Each one of us are unique and born in complete from the day

1, and hence, it stands no competition or comparison to influence

it. This understanding nature of self is called DUTY.


For me, Krishna is humanities, for a artist, Krishna is a dancer,

for a warrior, Krishna is a warrior. So the teacher is one but

students have different subjects of study depending on their self-

development of mind. The duty or swabhaav thus changes and students

carry out the education of life within its limitation.


best regards


(Krishna Gopal)


Hari Om


The duty in this life is to unite with God within and in the world.

In this unity one has to perform his duties as if not attached to it.




Chris Duindam



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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-Shree Hari-


Dear Sadhaks, I am seeking clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Juxtaposed.


48. One should not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born,

Though faulty; for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire

by smoke! (Gita 18:48)


66. Abandoning all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)


I seem to recall else where in B.G. That one should do ones duty.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Hari Om


Yes! when " resigned " (samarpan) to Paramatma the same karmas become

" divya karmas " (divine karmas). Already under Gita 18:48 due to Karma

Yoga they had become " akarmas " (non binding) within the meaning of Gita.


Gita 18:66 makes them divine.


Indeed that is the " charam " limit (ultimate / 24 carat) of purity.


Thanks Doc.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadak,

A known guest comes to your house while you leaving just for few

minutes. You will say please look after the house I will be back in a

minute. The guest looks after the house as Karma and does not do it to

get any benifit or praises. So also abandon the action in mind level

leaving it to Bagavan but do action (Karma) only bodily.

There were 2 saints One Baktha Gora Vaishvite second Neelakanda

Nayanaar Shivite. Both had similar incident of misunderstanding with

their wives. The wives said in anger not to touch them there after.

Both saints lived with their wives for years without any contact, BUT

the husbands were doing all regular duties for family along with their

wives. For Baktha Gora Panduranga (Sri Krishna) appeared and

Neelakanta Nayanaar Bagavan Shiva appered.

They surrendered their all metal activity to Bagavan but bodily was

performing their regular Karmas WITHOUT any grumbling. If fact they

were more happier. Please contemplate on this. Here both men was doing

Karmas but abandoning (Aham Na Boktha) their Karmas to Bagavan.




It is my understanding of the meaning of this, that in this world

everything is an illusion. So we should work wholeheartedly towards

non-attatchment towards material things and right conduct so that we

avoid the vicious cycle of birth and death. That is my understanding.


Hari Shanker Deo


Dear Sadaks,

" When nothing is yours except God, greed/anger/ attachment/

desire/jeolosy for what? "

When God is in you you canot see greed anger etc. When anger/greed in

you you cannot see GOD within you.

When one becomes Karmaless his body ceases to function. As long

previous birth Karmas remain in account, the body function even if the

body in very chrocnic stage.

Sri Vishnu is giver of Karma Pala. Even Bagavath Geetha daily read to

one, he can never follow the princples due to his bad Karma. All of us

are Bagavan` s children. I may reach HIM in this same birth, but one

may take few births to reach HIM. This Bagavan has said in BG.

Questioning others is like questioning Bagavan. Besides such

questioning may lead to ego which is not recognisable by the same

person. Let there be love and affection.

Narayana Battar Saint of Guruvayur who wrote 2000 slokas of

Narayaniyam was affected by one side paralises. Bagavan appeared and

said one day to him, that his disease will go.

Battar asked bagavan, " Oh Sri Krishna, after so many days now YOU took

care of my disease, why not earlier? " Bagavan said, " you had in you

ego which you could not recognise but now that has gone. I (Bagavan)

could only read that. "

Tukaram after seeing Bagavan wrote Abangs. A learned Sastri told

Tukaram that his Abangs are useless and has to be thrown in a river.

Tukaram without hesitation thought that he must be still impure even

after seeing Bagavan and throw the Abangs in river. Here Tukaram or

Sastri are the same Bagavan within them making them to act. Sastri

suffered for his ego, but Tukaram Abangs came to him floting in the river.

Please note I am not pointing out anyone. I want all to be pure in mind.






Hari Om


Piyushji, once as stated by you , you have perfected Karma Yoga ,

your sins have already destroyed , thereafter any question of

surrender does not arise.


Surrender under 18:66 is an independent method which can be persued

at any time by any body in any circumstance . There is no order or

prequalification for the same. That at the time of surrendering

there remain sins in you is clear from the very text of 18:66. That

in itself removes any pre qualification criteria.


Shashikalajee has indeed replied beautifully with reference to your

views . I must endorse her views in toto- to be fair. There is no

question of renouncing duties (dharma) at any stage of life. Look at

Arjuna's conduct. Did he renounce fighting, which was his dharma

(duty) as per Gita? No ! Shashikalaji has indeed given beautiful

example of money. Think over that. If some body tells you - " Leave

all, come to me, I shall give you money " - that means leave

dependence over others for money. That does not mean leave

physically others/ sever relations with others. Similarly 18:66 is

to be interpreted. When Krishna says - Renounce all duties, take

refuge in me. That means " depend upon me and not on duties " for

destruction of your sins. Simple! That is what is the view of

Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj also. That is logical also. Once you

take that view , everything stated in Gita prior to 18:66 falls in

place. Arjuna's conduct after hearing Gita also proves that.


I entirely agree with views of Ashokji Goenka and K N Sharmaji.

Surrender does not necessarily mean " devoted to the service of Lord "

only. You can surrender at any time, in any phase of life. You can

remain engrossed in household duties after surrender. As a student

you can surrender. In midst of a war you can surrender. You can

surrender any time, anywhere. There is no need to physically

" abandon his material duties and take completely to the service of

the transcendental Lord " . In reality everything will automatically

become God's work only because of change in ego as the " karta "

(doer) has become of God.


If we take view of Piyushji to be correct then it will be construed

as if surrender means taking " sanyaas " ! No! It is not so. It can

not be so !


Hope you are perfectly clear. Do revert in case of doubt.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N.B.


A humble clarification of Gita Ch. 18 - Sl.48 and Sl.66


The juxtaposed verses are complimentary. Bhagavan suggested an

advanced easy approach in 66 to fulfill 48.


'Sarvadharman parityajya' means 'Resigning all duties to Me' ,

not 'Abandoning all duties'.

By Resigning all duties to Him, the duties can be performed with

more skill and without attachment.


This ' Parityajya' is like 'Pariprasna' with a higher

metaphysical Bhakti and Sraddha.

It is an opportunity to read this 'Charama' sloka ,the final words

for excellence in life from the Lord.





Hari Om


Response to Sathyanarainji's query. Swamiji referred to

120 " malas " . Each " mala " has 108 beads. Hence 108x120.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Let me now take up Piyushji's views. In the last para he stated :-


" If someone prematurely gives up his duties without purifying ones's

heart, then he will fall down and will be a big disturbance to the

society as a whole. "


At the outset the question of giving up duties does not arise at all

under 18:66 . Hence this entire para becomes redundant. What is

renounced under 18:66 - is not the actual/physical performance of

duty, but the refuge/shelter of that duty.


Take another view point:


Once you have taken shelter of God, you simply cannot do prohibited

actions. Why will you do that once you have resolved- " I am of the

God, only God is mine , nothing else is mine " ?- there the very cause

of your indulging into prohibited action gets wiped out. When nothing

is yours except God, greed/anger/ attachment/ desire/jeolosy for

what? Why? Hence either you shall do duty only or you shall not do


Duty is - " What you can do and what you should do " . If such situation

arises why shall you not do your duty ? Otherwise you shall be " karma

less " . Since you are already in surrendered mode , you shall not

incur any sin in any case. Clear ?


Let me by passing reference touch upon insistence on

" Purifying one's heart " - made by Piyushji. Is heart yours, once you

have surrendered it? No ! Then, Why you should worry ? If you worry ,

then why you should not worry for another person's heart also?

Neither this heart is yours not that heart is yours ! It is duty of

God to do what is necessary thereafter. Why you should worry. Does

not God tell you - I will destroy you sins? Does not God tell you "

worry/ grieve not " - in 18:66 ?


Do You know what is real " impurity " ? " To assume, that

" antahkarana " . ( " heart " as referred - mind/intellect/ego/body/

vritties/tendencies/habits ) is mine is " real impurity " !! Once it is

not yours, once it is surrendered where is the question as to how it

actually is- good/bad/pure/impure/white/black/ big/small ??? Tell Me!


Where is the question of falling down then ? Read Gita 9:22/9:31 !

Guaranteed you shall not fall down !


I shall address your para first in next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Har Om,

In Sri Vyas message--- " He said in the night from 11 pm to 2 am, sit

facing north east and recite " Om Namah Shivay " for 120x108 times

(12960 times) every night for six months " . says these lines. Could


please clarify or explain in detail what is 120 times and 108 times.

If it is 12960 times then why it is split into 120X108. Eager to know




Ram Ram


Piyushji says, " then at that platform one can abandon his material

duties and take completely to the service of the transcendental

lord. "

I want to know the meaning of " service of the transcendental lord " .

If it means sitting in front of an idol and chanting few mantras

then I strongly disagree with him. If it is helping the mankind or

any living

being without any selfish motive, then I agree with him.


Ashok Goenka




Jai Hanuman


Very good Q Jee! Moderatorji! Piyush Bhaiyya's views , Jee!


" My understanding - (1) When one is sufficiently purified (2) by

performing nishkama karma yoga (selfless service) and (3) has gained

inner wisdom and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's

duty, then at that platform one can abandon his material duties and

(4) take completely to the service of the transcendental lord, (5)

and that is why, to abandon all varieties of dharma and to completely

surrender to lord krishna is (6) the final instruction of gita and

not the first. (7) If someone prematurely gives up his duties (8)

without purifying ones's heart, (9) then he will fall down and (10)

will be a big disturbance to the society as a whole. "


Brief Answers - Jee! Bhaiyya don't hesitate if you want detailed

views. Hope these are sufficient !


(1) One is always pure - Chetan (consciousness), Amal (without any

impurities or flaws), Sahaj Sukhrashi (eternally blissful) -


How the Q arose, Jee ?


(2)/(3) There is no " nishkaam karma yoga " existing in the world !

Either it is " nishkaam karma " or it is " karma yoga " - Hence use "

Karma Yoga " or " Nishkaam Karma " in future. " Yoga " essentially means

" nishkaam " Jee !!. Once you have perfected or reached to " Yoga " - the

path has ended. What has then remained to be done/known/attained ?

Where is the need of surrender, thereafter ?


(4) Surrender does not mean " taking completely to the service of

transcendal Lord " - Where it has been written, Jee !


(5) Who told you Bhaiyya to abandon duties? Read again the verse. If

somebody tells you - " Leave all and take money from me " ( Renounce

all duties and take refuge unto Me) - does that mean, disconnect with

all and take money from me? or does that mean, take money from me and

don't depend on others? Decide Yourself !


(6) Where it is written that it is " first " or " second " or " final " ?

The summary /the best always comes in the end- does whatever is


in the end , necessarily imply that there is a sequence or a process

involved, Jee ?


(7) Where is the Q of giving up duties?


(8) Whose heart Jee? Where is that once surrendered? Even otherwise

was it ever yours? You only presumed that to be yours! If it was


how it can stop functioning without your express approval?


(9) Don't scare me Bhaiyya! Read Gita . " Na me Bhaktah pranasyati " (

My Devotee shall never fall down)


(10) " Disturbance to society " or " crown jewel/ pride of society "

Jee? Reconfirm !


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




One should do his/her duty. There is no second opinion on that.

When you simply do the duty, it is only 'Karma'. Karma will get you

only Papam/Punyam.

When you do your duty in the name of God, it becomes 'Karma Yoga'.

Here you will get " Shreyas " , which will gradually lead you to Bhakti

and Jnana Yoga. Without Jnana Yoga there is no Mukti.


With Best Regards,


N.S. Parasuraman


Here is clarification of the following verses in

Gitaji Chapt. 18. Text 48 and Text 66 and By by His Divine Grace A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (Srila Prabhupada) in Bhagavad-gita As

It Is


Text 48

saha-jam karma kaunteya

sa-dosam api na tyajet

sarvarambha hi dosena

dhumenagnir ivavrtah


saha-jam--born simultaneously; karma--work; kaunteya--O son of Kunti;

sa-dosam--with fault; api--although; na--never; tyajet--one should

give up; sarva-arambhah--all ventures; hi--certainly; dosena--with

fault; dhumena--with smoke; agnih--fire; iva--as; avrtah--covered.



Every endeavor is covered by some fault, just as fire is covered by

smoke. Therefore one should not give up the work born of his nature,


son of Kunti, even if such work is full of fault.



In conditioned life, all work is contaminated by the material modes


nature. Even if one is a brahmana, he has to perform sacrifices in

which animal killing is necessary. Similarly, a ksatriya, however

pious he may be, has to fight enemies. He cannot avoid it. Similarly,

a merchant, however pious he may be, must sometimes hide his profit

to stay in business, or he may sometimes have to do business on the

black market. These things are necessary; one cannot avoid them.

Similarly, even though a man is a sudra serving a bad master, he has

to carry out the order of the master, even though it should not be

done. Despite these flaws, one should continue to carry out his

prescribed duties, for they are born out of his own nature.


A very nice example is given herein. Although fire is pure, still

there is smoke. Yet smoke does not make the fire impure. Even though

there is smoke in the fire, fire is still considered to be the purest

of all elements. If one prefers to give up the work of a ksatriya and

take up the occupation of a brahmana, he is not assured that in the

occupation of a brahmana there are no unpleasant duties. One may then

conclude that in the material world no one can be completely free

from the contamination of material nature. This example of fire and

smoke is very appropriate in this connection. When in wintertime one

takes a stone from the fire, sometimes smoke disturbs the eyes and

other parts of the body, but still one must make use of the fire

despite disturbing conditions. Similarly, one should not give up his

natural occupation because there are some disturbing elements.

Rather, one should be determined to serve the Supreme Lord by his

occupational duty in Krsna consciousness. That is the perfectional

point. When a particular type of occupation is performed for the

satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, all the defects in that particular

occupation are purified. When the results of work are purified, when

connected with devotional service, one becomes perfect in seeing the

self within, and that is self-realization.


Text 66

sarva-dharman parityajya

mam ekam saranam vraja

aham tvam sarva-papebhyo

moksayisyami ma sucah


sarva-dharman--all varieties of religion; parityajya--abandoning;

mam--unto Me; ekam--only; saranam--for surrender; vraja--go; aham--I;

tvam--you; sarva--all; papebhyah--from sinful reactions;

moksayisyami--will deliver; ma--do not; sucah--worry.


Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall

deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.


The Lord has described various kinds of knowledge and processes of

religion--knowledge of the Supreme Brahman, knowledge of the

Supersoul, knowledge of the different types of orders and statuses of

social life, knowledge of the renounced order of life, knowledge of

nonattachment, sense and mind control, meditation, etc. He has

described in so many ways different types of religion. Now, in

summarizing Bhagavad-gita, the Lord says that Arjuna should give up

all the processes that have been explained to him; he should simply

surrender to Krsna. That surrender will save him from all kinds of

sinful reactions, for the Lord personally promises to protect him.


In the Seventh Chapter it was said that only one who has become free

from all sinful reactions can take to the worship of Lord Krsna. Thus

one may think that unless he is free from all sinful reactions he

cannot take to the surrendering process. To such doubts it is here

said that even if one is not free from all sinful reactions, simply

by the process of surrendering to Sri Krsna he is automatically

freed. There is no need of strenuous effort to free oneself from

sinful reactions. One should unhesitatingly accept Krsna as the

supreme savior of all living entities. With faith and love, one

should surrender unto Him. The process of surrender to Krsna is

described in the Hari-bhakti vilasa (11.676):


anukulyasya sankalpah

pratikulyasya varjanam

raksisyatiti visvaso

goptrtve varanam tatha



sad-vidha saranagatih


According to the devotional process, one should simply accept such

religious principles that will lead ultimately to the devotional

service of the Lord. One may perform a particular occupational duty

according to his position in the social order, but if by executing

his duty one does not come to the point of Krsna consciousness, all

his activities are in vain. Anything that does not lead to the

perfectional stage of Krsna consciousness should be avoided. One

should be confident that in all circumstances Krsna will protect him

from all difficulties. There is no need of thinking how one should

keep the body and soul together. Krsna will see to that. One should

always think himself helpless and should consider Krsna the only

basis for his progress in life. As soon as one seriously engages

himself in devotional service to the Lord in full Krsna

consciousness, at once he becomes freed from all contamination of

material nature. There are different processes of religion and

purificatory processes by cultivation of knowledge, meditation in

the mystic yoga system, etc., but one who surrenders unto Krsna does

not have to execute so many methods. That simple surrender unto

Krsna will save him from unnecessarily wasting time. One can thus

make all progress at once and be freed from all sinful reactions.


One should be attracted by the beautiful vision of Krsna. His name is

Krsna because He is all-attractive. One who becomes attracted by the

beautiful, all-powerful, omnipotent vision of Krsna is fortunate.

There are different kinds of transcendentalists--some of them are

attached to the impersonal Brahman vision, some of them are attracted

by the Supersoul feature, etc., but one who is attracted to the

personal feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and, above

all, one who is attracted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead as

Krsna Himself, is the most perfect transcendentalist. In other words,

devotional service to Krsna, in full consciousness, is the most

confidential part of knowledge, and this is the essence of the whole

Bhagavad-gita. Karma-yogis, empiric philosophers, mystics and

devotees are all called transcendentalists, but one who is a pure

devotee is the best of all. The particular words used here, ma

sucah, " Don't fear, don't hesitate, don't worry, " are very

significant. One may be perplexed as to how one can give up all

kinds of religious forms and simply surrender unto Krsna, but such

worry is useless.


Bhailal Patel





Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Friends, In spite of being immersed (marmagya?) in Gita, it will

not be possible to be freed from the traps of mind – intellect.

Shraddhey Swamiji has instructed that do not accept the mind as

yours at all. It will become quiet. When there is no relation with

the mind, than there will be no relation with the intellect. What

is to be done, and what is not to be done, both these are in mind

and intellect, not in the Self (swayam). When mind – intellect, are

removed from the scene, then Self itself will be engaged in

Paramaatmaa (God). So be it.

Ram Ram




Bandhuvar, Aap Gita marmagya banker bhi mana – buddhi ke is

dhanchakker se mukti paa sakenge aisaa hogaa nahin. Shraddhey

Swamiji ne nirdesh diyaa thaa mana ko apnaa maano hi mat. Chup ho

jaayegaa. Jab man se sambandh nahin rahaa toh buddhi se bhi nahin

rahaa. Kartavya – akartavya ye dono mana – buddhi mein hote hai,

swayam mein nahin. Mana – buddhi hattate hi swayam hi jaa lagegaa

Paramaatmaa mein. Astu.

Ram Ram



Hari Om


Gita Talk Moderator has raised a question for the first time. Thanks.


No ! Piyushji's views can't be substantiated from Gita, or from

Scriptures. Shruti ( history), Yukti ( logic/rationale) and Anubhuti

( experience) - all three pillars of determining truth- are not

supporting his views. However, it is a beautiful subject to

deliberate upon.


First of all there is no difference between " duty " and " dharma " as

far as our Scriptures and particularly Gita is concerned. Your

dharma is your duty only, nothing else except that. Hence " duty "

referred in 18:48 and " dharma " referred in Gita 18:66 are one and

the same.


Secondly, you have not been asked to renounce the duties in Gita

18:66 physically. You have to renounce only " shelter of duty " under

18:66. (Elaborate reasons have been given in my postings to support

this- Piyushji is welcome to draw attention of Sadhaks , if he does

not agree ). Arjuna did that only. He did not renounce " fight " ,

which his " dharma " . He did not rely on fighting. He relied on

Krishna and said " karishye vachanam tav " and not " I shall not

fight " in 18:73 !


Question of Gita telling you that after surrender you can do whatever

you want and particularly improper deeds is unthinkable.


Sadhaks may give their fresh views on the above. In the next edition

we will address Piyushji's specific views. Piyushji may also support

his views further, if he wants to.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Shri Krishnah sharanam mama.


Mike ji's translation of the verse 18.66 could be better, as it is

basically a literal translation. When Bhagwan says `dharmaan', not

only it means duties or righteousness, it also implies `adharmas' or

unrighteousness, etc. or for that matter- all ACTIONS. Elsewhere in

Gita it is amply revealed that these actions are not free from

bondage. In the next line of the verse where the word `paap' or sin

is mentioned, again it does not mean sin alone, but also implies

punya or `virtuous', `righteous', `good deeds'. Both the good as

well as the bad deeds (paap and punya) have the `same result' when

we talk of `absolute freedom' from the bondage, the `moksha', i.e.,

both of them are deterrents. Thus, in order to achieve liberation,

absolute surrender (sharanaagati, atma samarpana) to Bhagwan is the

only way out and that has been revealed as the most profound

(profoundest) words by Bhagwan (Gita 18.64).


The meaning of verse 18.48 becomes quite clear when one reads the

next verse 18.49 where Bhagwan mentions `asaktabuddhih' or one whose

intellect is unattached. Thus, doing a duty with detachment or

rather unattachment is like `freedom from action', which is

absolutely necessary to attain the supreme state. Bound by and

living in the realm of the three inherent `gunas', the Jiva can not

remain without doing any `action' even for a fraction of a second

(Gita 3.5) and thus keeps pushing himself towards bondage, except

when totally surrendering all his intellect to Bhagwan and

converting the `actions' into `freedom from action' with

his `unattached action'.


K.N. Sharma




I feel god Narayan is telling that every one comes to this earth with

baggage(that is purpose ) this purpose has been pre ordained so its

our duty to fulfil that even though sometimes it may look like you

are doing wrong thing (like Arjuna felt about engaging in war and

killing his kith and kin) but if it is our Karthavya (duty) we need

to do it






Hare Krishna Prabhu


My understanding - When one is sufficiently purified by performing

nishkama karma yoga (selfless service) and has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then at

that platform one can abandon his material duties and take completely

to the service of the transcendental lord, and that is why, to

abandon all varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to lord

krishna is the final instruction of gita and not the first.


If someone prematurely gives up his duties without purifying ones's

heart, then he will fall down and will be a big disturbance to the

society as a whole.


i hope this is clear.


piyush gupta



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


In N.B. Vyasji's write-up he has said - in BG 18:66 , " abandoning all

duties " means, renouncing the " shelter of all duties " , not

abandoning physically the performance of the duties. In Piyush

Gupta's posting it is indicated - When one has gained inner wisdom

and knowledge as a result of dutifully performing one's duty, then

one can abandon his material duties and take completely to the

service of the transcendental Lord, and that is why, to abandon all

varieties of dharma and to completely surrender to Lord Krishna is

the final instruction of Gita and not the first. Which explanation

is correct?

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram




When the life of the individual is still governed by his mind then

he needs to mind his duties.when the person has surrendered himself

to god,then he has become one with the universe and he cant do

anything which harms someone or goes against the laws of

universe. then he need not to be conscious about his duties as

everything will be taken care by universe means god, as krishan

says, yogkshem vahamyam.


" M Vivek "





Your final thoughts on surrender are truely touching! Let it be our

initial actions to practice.




Naga Narayana.



Jai Hanuman


I was so happy to note Mike Bhaiyya's response to all sadhaks.

Bhaiyya, you have made all of us proud of you. Sure, taking shelter

of God can never... never result in your ever looking back. After

all He is the ocean of Love - only Love , nothing else except pure

Love !! Why we have received this human birth, Bhaiyya? Swamiji said

in this human birth we have enough time to realise God - and many

times over.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Narayan Narayan



God did not say in essence, to entirely abandon all dharmas


If He said to abandon, by very nature, then minimally at least Arjun

would not engage in fighting the war. Because fighting and

protection, are the duties of a Kshatriya, but in actuality, Arjun

did fight the war.

Therefore meaning of Bhagwaan's message, that one must not take

refuge even in Dharma (righteousness / duties). One must only take

refuge in Bhagwaan. When man realizes his weakness and experiences

Bhagwaan's total power, capabilities and competence, then he





Bhagwan nein sampuran dharamo ka swaroop se tyag nahi bataya


Agar swaroop se bata te tho kum se kum arjun tho yudh na karte

Kyoki yudh karna chatriya ka dharam hein parantu arjun nein yudh kiya

Hein. Bhagwan ke kathan ka tatpriya hein dharam ki bhi saran nahi

honi chahiye. Keval meri hi saran honi chahiye. Jab manushya aapni

kamjori or bhagwan Ki sarv-samartha ka anubhav ho jata hein tab wo

sarnagat ho ja ta Hein,




Hari Om


Yes Brother Mike !


Indeed Swamiji IS special. Such Saints are rare particularly in

Kaliyuga. He rarely talked. But I recall two statements 1) He did

not have to learn Gita. Gita was already " kanthastha " (already

remembered by heart, without repeated practice again and again) as a

child. He could recite it from beginning !! 2) He started his

formal Gita study at the age of 12 -with Gita 15:6 - " Na tad

bhasyate suryo, na shashanko na paavakah! Yad gatva na nivartante,

tad dhamam paramam mamam " !! " Neither does the Sun illume that

(eternal goal), nor the moon, nor the fire; having gone thither,

they (they who reach there), return not; that is my Supreme Abode.

(Gita 15:6)


In the beginning I used to search from his writings some quick

formulas (mantras). Never found from hundreds of his books. I

laughed freely when I read one formula in Sadhak Sanjeevani for

throwing away from mind the thoughts which involuntarily come and

disturb our concentration. It was a mantra - " adang badang

svaahaa " !! After his nirvana, his one book was published by the

name " Sant Samagam " . In that book, he gave another way for pleasing

Lord Shiva. He said in the night from 11 pm to 2 am, sit facing

north east and recite " Om Namah Shivay " for 120x108 times (12960

times) every night for six months. You will get blessings of Lord

Shiva. Only these two instances-to my knowledge ! His standard

mantra - Hey Naath main apko bhoolun nahin ! " Oh Father, My Master,

Let me Never Forget You. "


Indeed He lived that goal, that object and reached there only - even

while being amongst us. Humanity at large, will forever be proud of



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


FROM MODERATOR: Please clarify what " adang badang svaahaa " !! means

in English... thank you ! Ram Ram



Dear Sadaks,

Bhagavan said this for Kshatriya Dharma----Gita 18:48. One should

not abandon, Arjuna, the duty to which one is born, though faulty;

for, all undertakings are enveloped by evil, as fire by smoke! (Gita


This is for Sanyasa Dharma or for Sadhaks---Gita 18:66. Abandoning

attachment to all duties, take refuge in me alone; I will free you

from all sins; so do not grieve. (Gita 18:66)

There was one man Darma Vyajar. He was slaughter but exceptionaly

devoted to his parents. He had occult powers. He never abondened

duty to which he was born. But he also never failed his duty towards

parents. These 2 are 2 differant dharmas.

The birth taken by one is by his previous birth karma.

For Arjuna, Bhagavan taught his Dharma as a Kshatriya by birth.

For Yudhava, Bagavan tought his to surrender in HIM as Sanyanas





-Shree Hari-


Looking further into the beginning of B.G. 18.66 ' sarva-dharman

parityajya...', I found three translations all different, but placing

them as it were upon each other in my mind, the penny dropped.

And yes I have read from B.G. 18: 48 to 66, I have done some

thinking, but most of all I bow in respect to all, and all your

words have been of assistance. I think it is clear to all that there

is divine work going on here.

Swamiji was very special was he not? Song and dance can touch the

soul, there are songs around that are reborn, to fit the times, some

are so ancient and sacred they can take ones breath away, I

understand what song can do Jee Jee Shashikalaji.

Vyasji I understand what you are writing about, as I am no stranger

to anguish of the soul, that comes from suffering at all levels. Also

your statement: 'Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of

Arjuna', is true, and Lord Krishna can, and does do such things still

to this day across all cultures, God has many names.

Most of all Sir, you answered a question I never asked but had been

puzzling me for some time.

You wrote, 'In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first

time prayed'. To me prayer can be without words, beyond words .


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)



Hari Om


Final thoughts on surrender.


After you surrender , you indeed start feeling presence of God more

eloquently than earlier- no doubt on that !.


Reason is that while the same body, mind, intellect , ego etc are

working, but " you " (Self) have changed position from a " doer " to

a " non doer " ! From a " seen " to a " seer " ! From a Principal to an

agent! From " Swamiji " to a " Das " and you have started

getting " Ram " naam " sukh " !


You indeed become then a " drishta " ( a seer, a witness-BG 13: 23).

Now " BEFORE YOU ONLY " - your beloved Divine's actions/

circumstances/ karmas/incidences/states will take place

(rather " by/through " you).


BEFORE YOU ONLY your sins will get destroyed (BG 18:73).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your " moha " . (nashto moha-18:73) will extinguish.

BEFORE YOU ONLY your faith and belief in your Beloved will

strengthen (BG 7:21).

BEFORE YOU ONLY equanimity shall enter you (BG 10:10).

BEFORE YOU ONLY viveka (conscience) will awaken (BG 2:53).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " knowledge " will dawn upon you (BG 10:11).

BEFORE YOU ONLY your mind shall change ( BG 10:9,9:34).

BEFORE YOU ONLY disconnection with inert will take place( BG 3:9).

BEFORE YOU ONLY " sat " (real) will prevail and. " asat " . (unreal) will

vanish (BG 2:16) !

BEFORE YOU ONLY " Divine Properties " shall manifest in you (BG

16:1/3) in abundance ! ! AUTOMATICALLY and EFFORTLESSLY !!


How then can you remain not " feeling " direct presence of Paramatma

around/inside you (BG 7:19) ? Why then He should not become easy for

you to get (BG 8:14) ? What prevents you then from not reaching to

the level stated in BG 6:30 ?


You can after " surrender " only experience as to how God meets

with His promises made by Him in BG 7:21/ 9:22/ 9:31/10:10/10:11/

12:7/13:32/ etc etc.


How can one then not " feel " Him operating clearly and directly

through himself !!


You will also " experience " as to how meticulously God " picks "

faults (sins) in you. How precisely He addresses/cures/destroys your

sins(BG 18:66) ! You will feel as if the situations etc arising

before you were really " tailor made " -for you only- Precise,

accurate and on the dot !! You will find very quickly as to how you

have really changed ! You will feel as to how you were time and

again saved from otherwise rather " impossible to survive

situations " ( na Me bhaktah pranasyati- 9:31 ). You will feel then

only as to how this world /people/given circumstances etc have

changed from an otherwise absolutely " dukhalayam " into an

unbelievable but so obvious and natural " Bhagvat Svaroopam " (BG

7:19) for you !


You will understand as to why you suffered in the past and how

needlessly ? And as to why Saints and Sages/Gita recommend you to

get detached from the inert !


As your ego/mind etc will quieten and as equanimity will start

arising in you - your bliss can only multiply !. Your devotion can

only be more intense - as if it was quite natural ! Your Love for

God can only increase geometrically - obvious and unquestionable !

Your Faith in Him can only strengthen- and become immovable

literally ! The sorrows can only eliminate- as if they never

existed ! Peace in you can only acquire permanence- as if it was

ever there - sahaj sukhrashi - naturally !


Darkness/ignorance/stupidity/ Maya - you will wonder as to how could

they exist in the past ?


Can the experience of " Vasudevah Sarvam " ( BG 7:19) then remain rare

for you ? Never !


This is the power of surrender ! That is why Saints and Sages call

this verse BG 18:66 to be the " essence " of Gita.


Vasudevah Sarvam !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


Shree Hari


Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaka, thank you for a good question


Gitaji Verse 18-48


As it has been pointed out eloquently by Mr. Vyas, this verse

relates to Karma Yoga. Even though all actions are afflicted with

some defects, Gitaji declares that one must not abandon one's duty.

In Gitaji, Chap. 2, Verses 31-38 declare the importance of doing our

duty (Swa-dharma) as prescribed in our scriptures (Ref: Gita 16-24).

One incurs sin if he/she does not perform the ordained duty.


Swamiji Maharaj says in Gita Probhidini (page 533), while performing

one's prescribed duty, it is given that there are some inherent

defects but they DO NOT affect the doer of actions if these actions

are done with an attitude of Karma Yoga. In Karma Yoga, the actions

are performed with the sense of equanimity, neither for a desire for

expectation of a specific fruit nor for seeking pleasure (Bhoga



The effect of inherent defects in performance of actions is much

more connected with the motivation behind the actions on doer's part

and not on actions themselves. Just like a doctor while treating a

patient, cuts his limb for the purpose of making him healthy, he

does not incur any sin. Also, Gitaji Verse 18-17, states:


" He whose is free from the notion of egoism and whose understanding

is free from attachment, though slaying all these people, he slays

not, nor is he bound. "


Gitaji Verse 18-66


This verse is in the context of Bhakti Yoga, specifically, complete

surrender (Sharnagatih). The verse is declaring not to abandon all

Dharmas (or Karmas) physically but not having any dependence on

these Dharmas (or Karmas). By adopting this attitude, the devotee

while performing all prescribed actions, he is free from bondage of

actions because he relinquishes the ownership of actions, good and

bad fruits do not affect him.


There is an assurance from the Lord that by solely depending on Him

the devotee does not have to worry about anything. In the process of

surrendering to God the devotee has changed his identity and

accepted a sole relationship with God, " I am God's only and no one

else's " .

(Arjuna says in Gitaji 18-73, " karisye vacanam tava " ).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Dear Sadaks,

Bagavan said " Do your duty but with Samarpana Bavana to ME " . Bagavan

meant do not think of fruit of action. Actually with the Kripa of

Bagavan alone that everything happens. But we humans think that we

are doing. That thought gives us misery or happiness.



Dear Sadhaks and Bhagavatas


This poser from Sri Mike Keenor illustrates how difficult it is to

understand the underlying philosophy of GITA without the guidance of

a proper and qualified Guru or Acharya. I recall that somewhere

along the line, some had even questioned the need for a Guru at all.

I would like to share my thoughts and understanding obtained from

illustrious Acharyas and by my reading of the holy scripture. These

are set out below in a most humble fashion.


The purpose of this life is to get redemption from this SAMSARA - a

cycle of birth, death and rebirth in an endless chain with no origin

and no end - brought about by our actions, inactions - our Karmas.

Vedas and other Scriptures deal with this aspect in an elaborate

manner in the BRAHAMA KANDAS. These are not easily understandable

for various reasons. Therefore our Lord expounded the substance of

these scriptures in the form of GITA for the benefit of humanity.

ARJUNA was only an excuse and a medium to impart this knowledge to

the whole of humanity.


Gita deals with three basic Yogas -Karma, Jnana & Bakthi and

emphasises that these three are not independent of one another but

neatly intertwined in such a way that practice of Karma Yoga will

lead one to Jnana Yoga and this finally to Bakthi yoga. It is a

gradual transition.

Karma Yoga if practised correctly as per Gita will eliminate from

our minds all attachments, me and you concepts, develop a sense of

equanimity and prepares the mind to understand the difference

between our Atma and body, the attributes of Atma that becomes the

centre of our meditation pondering over our relationship with

PARAMATMA and how we are actually so subordinate to HIM - Jnana

Yoga. This creates a longing to be with HIM and culminates in Bakthi.


It is only through Bakthi alone that one could reach the lotus feet

of our Lord (Moksha) from where there is no return to Samsara. No

getting back to the wombs. The Bakthi marga is long and strenuous

and might take many many births before the goal is attained.


It in this context that Sloka 66 of Ch 18 was born. when Arjuna

stood perplexed by the complexity of Yogs and the difficult nature

of practising them. The word used here is " Dharma " and this will

not translate into " duties " as is commonly understood. To my mind

and taking the whole context of Gita (we should not lose sight of

this), this means that instead of practising Karma or Jnana and

Bakthi yogas (that would take many, many innumerable births) Krishna

offered a simpler solution to reach HIM. It is " you surrender to me

body and soul as the ONLY REFUGE abandoning all other YOGA pursuits

to reach me " . I will redeem you from the Samsara and let there be no

doubt on this. This will happen at the end of this lifetime and

there will not be anymore involvement in samsara. That is a Divine

Promise from Krishna. This Marga is also known as PRAPATTHI marga.


ways to reach HIM -through Bakthi marga (involving unknown time

factor) or through PRAPATTHI marga also known as Saranagathi ( I am

incapable of redeeming myself and I lay this burden also on YOUR

shoulders and only your shoulders alone). Thus this Sloka 66 is the

quintessence of Gita.


The above does not mean that once you have surrendered, you can do

anything in life that is not permitted by sastras. We must remember

that Arjuna was gradually taken through this process of Karma, Jnana

and Bakthi yogas by Krishna Himself and finally Krishna delivered

this all important message when Arjuna's mind had become cleansed

and fine-tuned to receive this message. Therefore, if we have

reached this state of enlightenment to seek salvation through

Prapatthi, then our minds would never sway from the paths of virtue.

We would continue to do the duties until the end of life.


Now to Sloka 44 of Ch 18: Hopefully the above would have removed the

doubt regarding " duties " as used in this Sloka and the word Dharma

used in Sloka used in Sloka 66. What is stated in 66 is to abandon

all other methods to reach HIM and instead only resort to Prapatthi

alone. This would not imply that we are asked to abandon all our

duties. If a person has reached this level mental maturity already

to resort to Prapatthi marga, he would never abandon his daily

duties that are enjoined on him by scriptures. He would continue to

perform them in the unshakeable faith that he has done his bit to

attain salvation and it would be upto HIM to fulfil the promise. You

are only a tool in the process. What he abandons is the fruits of

his action and not the action itself-karma yogi (the first step in

his pursuit).


Hence in my mind the two slokas 44 and 66 are not opposed to one



I have merely shared my understanding and Sadaks would pardon me if

I have stated anything incorrectly.


Radhe Shyam

Humble pranams

G Rangarajan




Dear Sadak,

I reply to mails but Mediators rejects it. I reply as Bagvan speaks

through me. But the same Bagavan as Mediator rejects and never asks

clarification of my mail.So it does not bother me.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


We are really sorry, Sathyanarayanji and many others. Mails not

processed within 14 days are automatically rejected. To limit the

number of emails we sent you, we often wait till there are number of

responses. Your mails were not rejected due to content, but mostly

they were isolated responses, which never got processes. Once again

our sincere apologies to all who recently received " Rejected " mail

notice. We will try to do a better job in the future.


From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


Jai Shree Krishna

I think God is taking exam of tolerance. If one is true

and honest he will surely not leave his path of honesty because he

knows God is with him and he has to be strong in such situations and

keep on hardworking. As said by Lord Krishna " karma karo fruit ka

desire mat rakho " . I thing spirituality fruit ripes to its best only

in negative situations because in these situations alone a person

needs to follow Gitaji's updesh. In good situations everyone feels

that yes God has given us everything. But there are very few who

feel that god has given me this situation for my good to see that

how much my spiritual level has risen to face even in this opposing

situation. Do you remember Lord Krishna's aunt KuntiMa too asked for

sorrow filled circumstances from Lord because in those circumstance

a spiritual minded person feels more attachment with the Lord than

in the happy days where he has no time

for lord except saying thankyou.

ram ram






Hari Om


Swamiji has said categorically in Sadhak Sanjeevani - that after

surrender , (i) Never worry (ii) Never doubt (iii) Never test as to

actually you have surrendered or not (iv) Never Fear and (v) Never

grieve ! These 5 in fact are your real functions , after you

surrender ! What real tests they are- Believe me !!


Renouncing the mind, makes you worriless! All worries originate from

there!! So does assurance given by Him in 9:31.It is responsibility

of God to remove your doubts (BG 7:21). Strong Faith and belief in

Him, destroys the fear so does assurance under 9:31 ( My Bhakta shall

Never fall ). Reading of Scriptures also makes you fearless. That

you are immortal , this knowledge kills the worst fears.


To be griefless- This is the toughest test. Because after surrender,

an avalanche of His Kripa comes into your life. Your sins have to

start getting destroyed in a super fast manner- as promised by God-

isn't it ??


Your aeons old chains of " me " and " mine " start getting broken,

ruthlessly. A serious dent takes place in that almost everyday-

creating pain in you.. Worldly relations break abruptly-creating

pain in you. The " mineness " ruthlessly starts getting destroyed-

creating pain in you. Sometimes you feel that each and every

happenning in your life is only to hurt your " ego " . Both " me "

and " mine " take a severe beating.


Silverlining -


In fact we were in a " surrendered " mode the day we first time

prayed. We " surrendered " on that day itself- we do not know. It

is " habit " of God- even if someone " talks " of surrender, His laws

quickly start operating to make that guy surrender totally/ really.

Hence Saints and Sages sing praises of adversity/ sorrow in your

life. Hence whatever so far has taken place - be thankful for the

same. Cleaning over upto that, at least !!


" Ma suchah " ( worry/grieve not) is, according to my personal view,

biggest duty of a sadhak under 18:66 ! He must abandon grief/worry.

A real challenge !


Arjuna " talked " only in 2nd Chapter regarding Surrender- he did not

surrender " actually " . The " real " surrender was when he said - "

karishye vachanam tav " . (BG 18:73). ( Here the " dependence on duty "

was thrown by Arjuna not the " duty " itself - He did not say " I

shall fight " , as against what he said in 2nd Chapter - " I shall not

fight " , instead he decided to depend on Krishna- I shall do what

you say and not on duty )


Mike - Note how ruthlessly Krishna after Arjuna merely " talked "

about surrender in BG 2nd Chapter, destroyed the authenticity/

wisdom/ utterings/ ideology/notions/ dharma/ principles -whatever

Arjuna's mind/intellect/ego delivered in Chapter 1 and 2 upto 2:10,

and even upto 18:59 ???


Krishna ruthlessly demolished every argument of Arjuna. Tell me

which of his argument was upheld in toto by Krishna? Think

academically about it- except one small agreement in Chapter 6.

That is how things move after surrender, " automatically " . Your

ego/intellect/mind is destroyed by Krishna ruthlessly, mercilessly !!


Feel that destruction, enjoy that beating, with the protection,

love and guarantees of our Eternal Father. Be ready for that. Be

assured that with every hit a purity shall emerge in you. Love that.

Adore that, Wait for that , Hope for that ! Marvel at that! Pray

for that. (Kunti did that). Never forget 5 principles given by

Swamiji- they are your warriors in the war.They are your weapons !!!


Believe in His immortal words - na me bhaktah pransyati ( BG 9:31).


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Hanuman


Mike Bhaiyya !


On this subject of surrender, Jee - Let me sing the song which

Swamiji so sweetly sang and which was played whole day on His

Nirvaan Day ( 3/07/2005) uninterruptedly on a TV channel across the

Globe -





O God! I have surrendered to you. Now you are free to make me

dance / play at your tunes/ wish!





All the weight on my person has gone away, and I have forgotten all

the sorrows! I have now become worryless /sorrowless , as I have

taken refuge into your powerful lotus feet !!





All worries/ anxieties (of me) are now yours only ! I have now

become worry less/fear less and my soul has indeed become blissful !!





My fame and ill fame - all is now yours as I am now known as your

servant(surrendered) ! My mind has now become a Black Bee and it

has indeed got immersed into your Lotus feet !!.


So that is what is your duty regarding 18:66, Jee - Bhaiyya Jee ! Is

it difficult, Brother, Jee ?


This was sung by Swamiji. I will also sing next time another song

also sung by Swamiji only- on the same subject, Jee !


Namaste Jee.


Jee Jee






Hari Om


Mike. In BG 18:66 , " abandoning all duties " means , renouncing

the " shelter of all duties " , not the abandoning physically the

performance of the duties. You can even afford to leave the decision

making itself with reference to the duty, as to whether something is

your duty or not, also to Paramatma under this verse.

But under no circumstance, the duties should be renounced/abandoned

physically ! You can simply offer all karmas made by you to Him ,

under this verse.


If we take the stand that " duty " physically should be abandoned,

then neither the specific reference under 18:66 gets satisfactorily

explained, nor the prior references nor the post reaction of Arjuna

justifies that interpretation. Entire Chapter 3 of BG then will

prove to be futile. Arjuna, too, after hearing this, did not

relinquish his duty, viz fighting . He said in 18:73- " karishye

vachanam tav " - I shall do what you say. We also in 18:66 should keep

doing our duties but should not get entangled in deciding what is

our duty and we should not depend on the duty. We should offer our

karmas to Paramatma. You cant abandon karma even if you want to. It

is a law. You can, however, convert those karmas into " akarmas " (

non binding karmas) by either renouncing the " doership " ( Jnana

Yoga), or renouncing the results thereof ( Karma Yoga) or offering

them to Parasmatma (Bhakti Yoga). The karma should not bind you, it

should not result in repeated birth-that is all is needed. The

shelter of duty is does produce a binding for yout . You may also

fall then under BG 9:21. Hence under no circumstance, you should

renounce your duties. You should not depend upon them.

You should depend upon God instead.


As regards 18:48, please note it is related with Karma Yoga. Entire

Chapter 3 talks in unison regarding performing one's duty to the

best of one's ability. What is duty? Duty is – " WHAT YOU CAN DO AND

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO " . That is all the duty is. This is the best

definition of duty for sadhaks - coming straight from Swamiji. In

Jnana Yoga there is no such question arising, because there the

sadhak starts with a determination- I don't do anything. In Karma

Yoga only this question can arise. BG 18:48 is guiding principle for

a Karma Yogi. In Bhakti Yoga , particularly, in surrender such a

question does not again arise. You are no more there. You have

surrendered yourself to God. Now where is the question of any right,

duty, obligation, righteousness? When such question arises in your

life after surrender, Paramatma shall take care of you- MAA SUCHAH .

Only He is there and you are a toy in His hand. There is neither

doership, nor renouncership, nor consumption (enjoyment or

suffering) of results. In fact what has gone to the winds, is entire

concept of duty for a sadhak - MAA SUCHAH.



SUCHAH – Don't worry. Simply throw all cautions, all dependences,

all cares, all worries, all fears, all apprehensions, all anxieties-

simply throw them away. You have no duty. All get transferred to

Paramatma. You remain- Worriless, griefless, fearless, doubtless-

just observing the Divine playing through you, your mind, your body,

your actions, and your surroundings - you should simply then enjoy

that bliss of Paramatma playing in you. Simple !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




In English


Serving the world and God Realization (Love with God)



in Hindi






Jai Hanuman


Once you surrender yourself to God under 18:66, you can only do

duties - Jee ! What else you can do Jee !! Hence you can only give

relying on

that duty.!!! Neither Arjuna gave up doing His duties after hearing

Gita, nor we

should. Our aim/bhava then should not be to get into decision

making. We have to

depend upon God not upon duty. That is all 18:66 means. After you


surrendered yourself

to God - prohibited actions CANNOT be done by body/mind etc. NOT

POSSIBLE ! Only sometimes a dilemma may arise – should I do /Should

I not do /

What should I do type! Leave that to Him-put aside all confusion

regarding duty,

Jee ! Keep doing as per your " bhava " (inner sentiments / expression)


bothering whether it was right or wrong. Along with you, your mind,


ego, body

all get surrendered ! Nothing then needs to be done/thought/relied

upon. Rely upon God and upon your " conscience " while taking

decisions. Leave

everything else to Daddy. No worry. No thinking. Become " MAST "

(blissful). Allow

God to operate through you. Where are you then? It is Daddy all

along Jee !





Whatever heart ( conscience) told me, I did that. Only when I am

free , I shall think whether I did good or bad !!


Become free, Bhaiyya !

Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Ram Ram,


In Gita 18-48, Krishna says to those who are beginners, do your

regular routine work. In Gita 18-66 Krishna says, you take refuge in

me, you work only for me. Doing that (working for Him) if you do any

sin, I will take care of it. Nowhere He has denied for work, he

denies to work for the benefit of self. This is advance stage.

Please read all verses between 48th and 66th very carefully. Don't

get confused. the message is very clear.


Ashok Goenka



Bhagwat Gita says about swabhaav (self nature) or state of

subconscious mind which one should not ignore. Any one is more at

ease and is efficient in its unique way of self-realization. For

example, a great artist in India Amitabh Bacchan decided to launch a

commecial enterprise and he failed in it miserably. His choice of

work ruined him. After he came back to art and acting in film, he

was again OK.


This means, every one has to follow his/her unique self-nature

during period of the journey of life. A seed of lemon cannot produce

tree of mango irrespective of the soil or water or fertilizer poured

in it. Each one of us are unique and born in complete from the day

1, and hence, it stands no competition or comparison to influence

it. This understanding nature of self is called DUTY.


For me, Krishna is humanities, for a artist, Krishna is a dancer,

for a warrior, Krishna is a warrior. So the teacher is one but

students have different subjects of study depending on their self-

development of mind. The duty or swabhaav thus changes and students

carry out the education of life within its limitation.


best regards


(Krishna Gopal)


Hari Om


The duty in this life is to unite with God within and in the world.

In this unity one has to perform his duties as if not attached to it.




Chris Duindam



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Please also read the following somewhat related prior discussions:


TOPIC: Definition of Duty and Some Clarifications (Click Link below)



TOPIC: Do we have choice of Action? - (Click link below)



TOPIC: What is Our Duty ? How to Decide ?



TOPIC: How to be detached: Duty and Knowledge?



If someone has the time and would like to take the lead to summarize

the prior discussions that are pertinent to the current question,

and to share with group, it will be invaluable help to all.

Thank you !

Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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