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What should be Our Attitude towards Birds, Animals and Other Creatures ?

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According to the Gita, what should be our attitude to the birds,

animals and other creatures we share this planet with?


" BWC Editor "




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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According to the Gita, what should be our attitude to the birds,

animals and other creatures we share this planet with?


" BWC Editor "


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

As much Gita as has been understood from Shraddhey Swamiji, and

reflecting on it, we must not do to birds, animals and all other

beings, what we do not wish for ourselves. Ram Ram, Sarvottam




Jitni Gita Shraddhey Swamiji se samjhi usske anusheelan mein hame

sabhi pashu pakshi praani maatre ke prati wah nahin karnaa chaahiye

jo hum apne prati nahin chaahete

Ram Ram




Hari Om


Our attitude towards them should be 1- compassionate, 2- student

like, learning from them and 3- full of gratitude and service to



Except prevalence of " conscience " in us - there is nothing in us

which can make us proud vis a vis birds, animals , fish, trees etc.

Absolutely nothing- from every conceivable view point. Be it

utility, beauty, physique, capacity,ability, virtue,

power,tolerance, punctuality, longevity, carefulness, service, duty,

adaptability, sense organs, mind, intellect, ego, body, conduct -

on any count.


Only one thing distinguishes us from them- " conscience " .

They have that too but only with reference to what is eatable and

what is not.( Alas! We fail miserably here also). We have much more

discrimination power than them. Whatever they have, in that they are

always superior to us. What they don't have, ( conscience), in that

only we are superior.


It is another matter that they are north bound- in the process of

becoming human beings again, while majority of us is south bound, in

the process of becoming animals. Otherwise, why we should eat them



It is due to their presence that we can survive. Books and books can

be written as to what we can learn from them.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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According to the Gita, what should be our attitude to the birds,

animals and other creatures we share this planet with?


" BWC Editor "




Narayan Narayan


Whatever you have, this body, these senses, this mind, this

intellect etc. it is all for the service of others. It is not for

us. Therefore we must serve all. Let there be only one thought in

the mind - Let ALL BEINGS be SERVED (ALL beings – in form of

birds, animals, insects, humans etc.) Srimaan Vyasji, in a very

straight and simple language shared the essence with us.




Aap ke pas sharir indriya man,budhi,aadi jo kuch hein

Who sab ka sab dhoshroo ke seva ke liye hein, aapne liye

Nahi. Is ke liye sab ki seva karo. Man mein ek hi vichar

Rahe prani maatre(sabhi jeev jantu pashu pakshi)

Shreeman vyasji ne aapni saral bhasha mein saar bhata diya




" Sarvabhoot hite rata " (BG 12:4)- this should be attitude of humans

towards every creature. Help them, love them, serve them, respect

them, learn from them.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas NB



The present question is about our attitude towards birds, animals

and other creatures -- according to Gita.


Gopal -- Bhagavan Krishna's name itself is with an animal - Cow.

O Arjuna , 'Eswarah sarvabhutanam hruddesarjuna tishtati' know that

God abides in the hearts of all creatures causing them to revolve

according to their karma.


'Sarvabhutasthmaatmanam sarvabhutanichatmani' - a Yogi sees unity

everywhere, beholds the Self present in all beings.


The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships me as

residing ' Sarvabhutastitamyomam bhajastamekatvamastitah' in all

beings abides in Me.


'Sarvabhutani Kounteya prakrutimyantimamikam' O Kounteya during the

final dissolution all beings enter My Prakrti.


Know that the knowledge to be Sattvika' Sarvabhuteshuyenaikam

bhavamavyayameekshyate' when man perceives one imperishable divine

existence in all beings.


He who is free from malice towards all beings ' Advestha

sarvabhutanam maitraha karunaevacha' -- that devotee of Mine is

dear to Me.


" Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non violence, compassion towards all

creatures are Divine qualities.


The Esavasya Upanishad 'Yastusarvanibhutani Atmanyevanupasyati' -

whoever see all beings in Himself, for him there is no moham

(attachment) and dukham (sorrow).

Dr. Goli

(Dr.Anjaneyulu Goli)



Dear Sadaks,

First one should know that many of us have taken births as

birds/animals Etc Bagavan in GEetha said, " I am in everything, but I

am not that " . So one should see Bagavan in birds/animals. Bagavan is

Chaitaniya in them and us, but HE is not the body of bird/animal.

Feeding birds, satvik animals (cow, goat etc) is human Dharma, as

one has been in that form earlier, so they are brothers & sisters.Sibi

Raja gave his flesh to Eagle to protect it`s pray (bird). Valmiki

cursed a hunter for killing a bird which was mating. There are

numerous instances where saints protected and fed animals/birds.

Mother Seetha said once when was walking carefully, looking down

towards the earth, that she wants no ants to be killed by her feet.

Kakasura in the form of bird bit mother Seetha` s breast. Sri Rama

was angry and took bow and arrow. Mother said it is only a bird. But

demon (Asura) was born as a bird for his action during Sri Krishna's

period. Sri Krishna tore the bird apart holding the beaks. The Asura

attained salvation (Moksha) a blessing by Bhagavan. Since we take

water from nature we are supposed to pour water to plants. Since we

get foods from nature, we should protect nature. Since birds/animals

maintain ecology we should protect them. One important message:

Never get attached to any bird/animal. Do help them as Bagavan

wanted. We should be instrument (tool) in this matter to serve

Bagavan WHO is chaitaniya in them. If attachment takes us over, then

it is like Jada Bharatha case, where we might take birth as that to

which we are attached.





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

As much Gita as has been understood from Shraddhey Swamiji, and

reflecting on it, we must not do to birds, animals and all other

beings, what we do not wish for ourselves. Ram Ram, Sarvottam




Jitni Gita Shraddhey Swamiji se samjhi usske anusheelan mein hame

sabhi pashu pakshi praani maatre ke prati wah nahin karnaa chaahiye

jo hum apne prati nahin chaahete

Ram Ram




Hari Om


Our attitude towards them should be 1- compassionate, 2- student

like, learning from them and 3- full of gratitude and service to



Except prevalence of " conscience " in us - there is nothing in us

which can make us proud vis a vis birds, animals , fish, trees etc.

Absolutely nothing- from every conceivable view point. Be it

utility, beauty, physique, capacity,ability, virtue,

power,tolerance, punctuality, longevity, carefulness, service, duty,

adaptability, sense organs, mind, intellect, ego, body, conduct -

on any count.


Only one thing distinguishes us from them- " conscience " .

They have that too but only with reference to what is eatable and

what is not.( Alas! We fail miserably here also). We have much more

discrimination power than them. Whatever they have, in that they are

always superior to us. What they don't have, ( conscience), in that

only we are superior.


It is another matter that they are north bound- in the process of

becoming human beings again, while majority of us is south bound, in

the process of becoming animals. Otherwise, why we should eat them



It is due to their presence that we can survive. Books and books can

be written as to what we can learn from them.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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According to the Gita, what should be our attitude to the birds,

animals and other creatures we share this planet with?


" BWC Editor "


Shree Hari

Ram Ram



We must not do to birds, animals and all other beings, what we do

not wish for ourselves

" Sarvabhoot hite rata " (BG 12:4) " Those engrossed in the welfare of

all beings also come to Me " . Let ALL BEINGS be SERVED. Serve ALL.

Gopal -- Bhagavan Krishna's name itself is with an animal - Cow

Be 1- compassionate, 2- student like, learn from them and 3- be full

of gratitude and serve them.

'Eswarah sarvabhutanam hruddesarjuna tishtati' know that God abides

in the hearts of all creatures

He who is free from malice towards all beings 'Advestha sarva

bhutanam maitraha karunaevacha' - that devotee of Mine is dear to Me.

Study " Avadhuta Gita " or " Uddhava Gita " - Krishna enlightens thru'

nature and it's components.

Protect all beings (birds/animals etc)in nature, be an instrument in

serving them as Bhagwaan wanted, but do not get attached to them.

Majority humans are in the process of becoming animals. Otherwise,

why we should eat them away?

Creatures die so that we may live. It is sad but true. At least

with our food we have some control. It is due to their presence

that we can survive.

- By Gita Talk Moderators (Please add if you believe an important

summary point has been overlooked).

Ram Ram





what should be our attitude to the birds,

animals and other creatures we share this planet with?


Truely excellent intent ... Thank You for having concerns outside

the human pride.


Please study " Avadhuta Gita " or " Uddhava Gita " . This is ascribed to

Bhagavata as Bhagavad Gita is ascribed to Mahabharata and Rama Gita

is ascribed to Ramayana. Here, Krishna enlightens his dearest friend

Uddhava beautifully through the nature and its components. If you

recollect from Krishna's childhood stories, Uddhava is an ardent

nature lover. His Love for nature was only next to his Love for his

friend Krishna.




Naga Narayana



-Shree Hari-


When I first noted this question, I decided to sit back and watch the

flow of thoughts.

OK, I grow a lot of my own vegetables, and fruit, I am blessed with a

wonderful climate and conditions to do so.

Before you brothers and sisters I will tell you what I do.

To keep birds at bay from the fruit, netting. Fruit fly, mosquitoes

netting, and also bagging, unfortunately I am forced to use fly traps

for some fruits.

For vegetable pests I mostly live with them, but I will target slugs/

snails with a harmless bait that harms only these. And a bacteria

that destroys only caterpillars, all this is done only when I see

destruction of the crop as inevitable. I dig with a fork, less

likely to kill worms.Where I live there are poisonous spiders and

snakes, I never kill them, I eject the spiders into the yard, if the

snakes are too big, I get a professional snake catcher in, in both

cases they are released away from the populous.

Even vegans are responsible for the death and mutilation of millions

of creatures, to feed and clothe them. Creatures die that we may live

it is sad but true.(In the past it may not have been true).

Being a gardener I am aware of this conundrum, I hate killing, the

only thing is in my case, at least with my food I have some control.

I thought I would give a gardeners point of view.


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Narayan Narayan


Whatever you have, this body, these senses, this mind, this

intellect etc. it is all for the service of others. It is not for

us. Therefore we must serve all. Let there be only one thought in

the mind - Let ALL BEINGS be SERVED (ALL beings – in form of

birds, animals, insects, humans etc.) Srimaan Vyasji, in a very

straight and simple language shared the essence with us.




Aap ke pas sharir indriya man,budhi,aadi jo kuch hein

Who sab ka sab dhoshroo ke seva ke liye hein, aapne liye

Nahi. Is ke liye sab ki seva karo. Man mein ek hi vichar

Rahe prani maatre(sabhi jeev jantu pashu pakshi)

Shreeman vyasji ne aapni saral bhasha mein saar bhata diya




" Sarvabhoot hite rata " (BG 12:4)- this should be attitude of humans

towards every creature. Help them, love them, serve them, respect

them, learn from them.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas NB



The present question is about our attitude towards birds, animals

and other creatures -- according to Gita.


Gopal -- Bhagavan Krishna's name itself is with an animal - Cow.

O Arjuna , 'Eswarah sarvabhutanam hruddesarjuna tishtati' know that

God abides in the hearts of all creatures causing them to revolve

according to their karma.


'Sarvabhutasthmaatmanam sarvabhutanichatmani' - a Yogi sees unity

everywhere, beholds the Self present in all beings.


The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships me as

residing ' Sarvabhutastitamyomam bhajastamekatvamastitah' in all

beings abides in Me.


'Sarvabhutani Kounteya prakrutimyantimamikam' O Kounteya during the

final dissolution all beings enter My Prakrti.


Know that the knowledge to be Sattvika' Sarvabhuteshuyenaikam

bhavamavyayameekshyate' when man perceives one imperishable divine

existence in all beings.


He who is free from malice towards all beings ' Advestha

sarvabhutanam maitraha karunaevacha' -- that devotee of Mine is

dear to Me.


" Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non violence, compassion towards all

creatures are Divine qualities.


The Esavasya Upanishad 'Yastusarvanibhutani Atmanyevanupasyati' -

whoever see all beings in Himself, for him there is no moham

(attachment) and dukham (sorrow).

Dr. Goli

(Dr.Anjaneyulu Goli)



Dear Sadaks,

First one should know that many of us have taken births as

birds/animals Etc Bagavan in GEetha said, " I am in everything, but I

am not that " . So one should see Bagavan in birds/animals. Bagavan is

Chaitaniya in them and us, but HE is not the body of bird/animal.

Feeding birds, satvik animals (cow, goat etc) is human Dharma, as

one has been in that form earlier, so they are brothers & sisters.Sibi

Raja gave his flesh to Eagle to protect it`s pray (bird). Valmiki

cursed a hunter for killing a bird which was mating. There are

numerous instances where saints protected and fed animals/birds.

Mother Seetha said once when she was walking carefully, looking down

towards the earth, that she wanted no ants to be killed by her feet.

Kakasura in the form of bird bit mother Seetha` s breast. Sri Rama

was angry and took bow and arrow. Mother said it is only a bird. But

demon (Asura) was born as a bird for his action during Sri Krishna's

period. Sri Krishna tore the bird apart holding the beaks. The Asura

attained salvation (Moksha) a blessing by Bhagavan. Since we take

water from nature we are supposed to pour water to plants. Since we

get foods from nature, we should protect nature. Since birds/animals

maintain ecology we should protect them. One important message:

Never get attached to any bird/animal. Do help them as Bagavan

wanted. We should be instrument (tool) in this matter to serve

Bagavan WHO is chaitaniya in them. If attachment takes us over, then

it is like Jada Bharatha case, where we might take birth as that to

which we are attached.





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

As much Gita as has been understood from Shraddhey Swamiji, and

reflecting on it, we must not do to birds, animals and all other

beings, what we do not wish for ourselves. Ram Ram, Sarvottam




Jitni Gita Shraddhey Swamiji se samjhi usske anusheelan mein hame

sabhi pashu pakshi praani maatre ke prati wah nahin karnaa chaahiye

jo hum apne prati nahin chaahete

Ram Ram




Hari Om


Our attitude towards them should be 1- compassionate, 2- student

like, learning from them and 3- full of gratitude and service to



Except prevalence of " conscience " in us - there is nothing in us

which can make us proud vis a vis birds, animals , fish, trees etc.

Absolutely nothing- from every conceivable view point. Be it

utility, beauty, physique, capacity,ability, virtue,

power,tolerance, punctuality, longevity, carefulness, service, duty,

adaptability, sense organs, mind, intellect, ego, body, conduct -

on any count.


Only one thing distinguishes us from them- " conscience " .

They have that too but only with reference to what is eatable and

what is not.( Alas! We fail miserably here also). We have much more

discrimination power than them. Whatever they have, in that they are

always superior to us. What they don't have, ( conscience), in that

only we are superior.


It is another matter that they are north bound- in the process of

becoming human beings again, while majority of us is south bound, in

the process of becoming animals. Otherwise, why we should eat them



It is due to their presence that we can survive. Books and books can

be written as to what we can learn from them.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Re: What should be Our Attitude towards Birds, Animals and Other

Creatures ?


According to the Gita, what should be our attitude to the birds,

animals and other creatures we share this planet with?


" BWC Editor "




If one were to visit the various temples, both Vaishnavaite and

Shaivite, he or she would see plants and trees peculiar to a

particular deity existing in the compounds. Nearly every other deity

has a mascot in the form of an animal eg. mouse for Lord Ganesha; lion

for Eashwari; bull for Lord Shiva; peacock for Lord Muruga; garuda for

Lord Vishnu etc. etc. Shri Hanumanji is worshipped as the Lord of

Monkeys. What does that teach us? To live in harmony with both plants

and animals in an environmentally friendly planet.


Mahendra Raj


Narayan Narayan


India is such a country, where there is love and compassion towards

all beings. Where even rivers are given the status of Mother " Maa " ,

and stones are worshipped. Where in Man (Ram) is seen and in woman

(Sita) is seen. Then, what to speak of other things? Ramchandra



Bharatvarsh hi ek aisha desh hein jhaha jeev maatre ko prem daaya

melti Hai.

Jaaha nadiyo ko bhi maa ka darja de te hai ,pattaro ko bhi pujte hai

Or nar mai(ram)or nari mai(sheeta) ko dekhte hai .

Phir aanya ki baat hi kya kare?



II Shri Hari II


Dear spritual friends, please take a few minutes to watch this.. only

a few minutes, simply out of compassion... please make the time:




Please forward to your friends / family to increase awareness and

encourage minimizing violence. As beautifully stated by sadhaks in

this forum - " Sarvabhoot hite rata " (BG 12:4) - Help, Love, Serve,

Respect and Learn from all beings. " Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non

violence, compassion towards all creatures are Divine qualities.

Swamiji's teachings - We must not do to others, what we do not wish

for ourselves. Clearly per Gita and Hindu scriptures our role is to

serve and protect all beings.


If the slides / video has touched you, please visit and sign this


http://www.petitiononline.com/prtst12d/petition.html. This is a

special request from our team as two minutes can make a difference to

thousands of innocent helpless lives. Let ALL BEINGS be SERVED. It is

due to their presence that we can survive.


We are deeply grateful.





If you have thoughts or any ideas around animal protection /

minimizing violence or related issues, please post your ideas at:






(www.karmayog.org is a unique free platform since June 2004 for

concerned citizens - for social causes in India and civic issues in

Mumbai. Karmayog is Convenor of the NGO Council, which has a MoU with

BMC to collaborate on civic issues.)




Narayan Narayan


Whatever you have, this body, these senses, this mind, this

intellect etc. it is all for the service of others. It is not for

us. Therefore we must serve all. Let there be only one thought in

the mind - Let ALL BEINGS be SERVED (ALL beings – in form of

birds, animals, insects, humans etc.) Srimaan Vyasji, in a very

straight and simple language shared the essence with us.




Aap ke pas sharir indriya man, buddhi, aadi jo kuch hein

Who sab ka sab dhoshroo ke seva ke liye hein, aapne liye

Nahi. Is ke liye sab ki seva karo. Man mein ek hi vichar

Rahe prani maatre(sabhi jeev jantu pashu pakshi)

Shreeman vyasji ne aapni saral bhasha mein saar bhata diya




" Sarvabhoot hite rata " (BG 12:4)- this should be attitude of humans

towards every creature. Help them, love them, serve them, respect

them, learn from them.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas NB



The present question is about our attitude towards birds, animals

and other creatures -- according to Gita.


Gopal -- Bhagavan Krishna's name itself is with an animal - Cow.

O Arjuna , 'Eswarah sarvabhutanam hruddesarjuna tishtati' know that

God abides in the hearts of all creatures causing them to revolve

according to their karma.


'Sarvabhutasthmaatmanam sarvabhutanichatmani' - a Yogi sees unity

everywhere, beholds the Self present in all beings.


The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships me as

residing ' Sarvabhutastitamyomam bhajastamekatvamastitah' in all

beings abides in Me.


'Sarvabhutani Kounteya prakrutimyantimamikam' O Kounteya during the

final dissolution all beings enter My Prakrti.


Know that the knowledge to be Sattvika' Sarvabhuteshuyenaikam

bhavamavyayameekshyate' when man perceives one imperishable divine

existence in all beings.


He who is free from malice towards all beings ' Advestha

sarvabhutanam maitraha karunaevacha' -- that devotee of Mine is

dear to Me.


" Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non violence, compassion towards all

creatures are Divine qualities.


The Esavasya Upanishad 'Yastusarvanibhutani Atmanyevanupasyati' -

whoever see all beings in Himself, for him there is no moham

(attachment) and dukham (sorrow).

Dr. Goli

(Dr.Anjaneyulu Goli)



Dear Sadaks,

First one should know that many of us have taken births as

birds/animals Etc Bagavan in GEetha said, " I am in everything, but I

am not that " . So one should see Bagavan in birds/animals. Bagavan is

Chaitaniya in them and us, but HE is not the body of bird/animal.

Feeding birds, satvik animals (cow, goat etc) is human Dharma, as

one has been in that form earlier, so they are brothers & sisters.Sibi

Raja gave his flesh to Eagle to protect it`s pray (bird). Valmiki

cursed a hunter for killing a bird which was mating. There are

numerous instances where saints protected and fed animals/birds.

Mother Seetha said once when was walking carefully, looking down

towards the earth, that she wants no ants to be killed by her feet.

Kakasura in the form of bird bit mother Seetha` s breast. Sri Rama

was angry and took bow and arrow. Mother said it is only a bird. But

demon (Asura) was born as a bird for his action during Sri Krishna's

period. Sri Krishna tore the bird apart holding the beaks. The Asura

attained salvation (Moksha) a blessing by Bhagavan. Since we take

water from nature we are supposed to pour water to plants. Since we

get foods from nature, we should protect nature. Since birds/animals

maintain ecology we should protect them. One important message:

Never get attached to any bird/animal. Do help them as Bagavan

wanted. We should be instrument (tool) in this matter to serve

Bagavan WHO is chaitaniya in them. If attachment takes us over, then

it is like Jada Bharatha case, where we might take birth as that to

which we are attached.





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

As much Gita as has been understood from Shraddhey Swamiji, and

reflecting on it, we must not do to birds, animals and all other

beings, what we do not wish for ourselves. Ram Ram, Sarvottam




Jitni Gita Shraddhey Swamiji se samjhi usske anusheelan mein hame

sabhi pashu pakshi praani maatre ke prati wah nahin karnaa chaahiye

jo hum apne prati nahin chaahete

Ram Ram




Hari Om


Our attitude towards them should be 1- compassionate, 2- student

like, learning from them and 3- full of gratitude and service to



Except prevalence of " conscience " in us - there is nothing in us

which can make us proud vis a vis birds, animals , fish, trees etc.

Absolutely nothing- from every conceivable view point. Be it

utility, beauty, physique, capacity,ability, virtue,

power,tolerance, punctuality, longevity, carefulness, service, duty,

adaptability, sense organs, mind, intellect, ego, body, conduct -

on any count.


Only one thing distinguishes us from them- " conscience " .

They have that too but only with reference to what is eatable and

what is not.( Alas! We fail miserably here also). We have much more

discrimination power than them. Whatever they have, in that they are

always superior to us. What they don't have, ( conscience), in that

only we are superior.


It is another matter that they are north bound- in the process of

becoming human beings again, while majority of us is south bound, in

the process of becoming animals. Otherwise, why we should eat them



It is due to their presence that we can survive. Books and books can

be written as to what we can learn from them.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

Link to comment
Share on other sites

shree hari

ram ram

ONLY ONE ADDITIONAL POSTING TODAY, as part of monthly house-keeping.



QUESTION 1: Re: What should our Attitude be towards Birds, Animals

and Other Creatures that we share this planet with, according to the


" BWC Editor "


QUESTION 2: There was a question recently on our attitude towards

animals. I would like to know further whether killing those little

insects cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats, lizards for the purpose of

keeping our house healthy and clean is wrong. OR It is right under

the pretext that this is the law of nature that stronger creature

wins and since we cannot allow our houses to be full of these little






II Shri Hari II


Dear spritual friends, I have seen the slides and been deeply


to share with friends and family in an effort to increase awareness

and minimize violence wherever possible.




As beautifully stated by sadhaks in this forum - " Sarvabhoot hite

rata " (BG 12:4) - Help, Love, Serve, Respect and Learn from all

beings. " Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non Violence, compassion

towards all. We must not do to others, what we do not wish for

ourselves. Clearly per Gita and Hindu scriptures our role is to

serve and protect all beings. MAY ALL BEINGS be SERVED. It is due to

their presence that we can survive.

Meera Das


Hari Om


Mike's narration as to how he adheres to non violence in agriculture

is touching and worth following. Swamiji stated in his purport on

18:48 that some violence in agricultural activity is imminent. But

since it is " sahaj duty " of a vaishya (gardner/farmer) he does not

become sinful -if his intention and inner sentiments are towards non-

violence. In every Karma there is some defect (flaws), but the

inner sentiments makes the act sinful. If a doctor as a matter of

duty and service, even cuts the limbs of a patient, he doesn't incur

sin, rather he gets virtues " punya " because his intention was to

cure the patient. One must have compassion towards all creatures,

but for Sri Krishna in particular, the love, protection, and care of

cows, the mother of all of us, was immense. It is the most pious

karma - to protect the Cows. More to follow at a later time.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



-Shree Hari-

Born out of the original question, I have a question.

Out of the responses I have read, and my horror of world


A point emerged in my mind, which I have wrestled with for many

years. Looking to the Ancient Gitaji, against the backdrop of the

modern world, I beg wise council .

You see, most crop farming methods are aggressive, pesticides,

fungicides, herbicides and so on. Vermin control in food storage

systems. Natures death toll of these things is staggering, if one

works up through the food chain. And there are such creatures such

as the mosquito, ( I believe the biggest killer of humanity on

earth). Taking into account these points, when looking at souls with

severe malnutrition, or racked with a parasite born fever, I see a



With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor


We should be compassionate towards all animals and birds because

they are all God's creatures like us.

Hari Shanker Deo





The principle: " ... we must not do to birds, animals and all other

beings, what we do not wish for ourselves " is really GREAT. I fully

believer in it and respect it with utmost devotion.


In this context I could not understand the practice followed in many

of the temples, especially in Kerala, where Elephants are kept in

captivity - life imprisonment - for use in various rituals and

celebrations. Is it not against the principle taught by Gita.


What should be done to bring an end to widely practiced crime

against our fellow beings?

Yours Sincerely,

NB Nair




If one were to visit the various temples, both Vaishnavaite and

Shaivite, he or she would see plants and trees peculiar to a

particular deity existing in the compounds. Nearly every other deity

has a mascot in the form of an animal eg. mouse for Lord Ganesha;

lion for Eashwari; bull for Lord Shiva; peacock for Lord Muruga;

garuda for

Lord Vishnu etc. etc. Shri Hanumanji is worshipped as the Lord of

Monkeys. What does that teach us? To live in harmony with both plants

and animals in an environmentally friendly planet.


Mahendra Raj


Narayan Narayan


India is such a country, where there was love and compassion towards

all beings. Where even rivers are given the status of Mother " Maa " ,

and stones are worshipped as Ram and Sita. Then, what to speak of

other things? Ramchandra



Bharatvarsh hi ek aisha desh hein jhaha jeev maatre ko prem daaya

melti Hai.

Jaaha nadiyo ko bhi maa ka darja de te hai ,pattaro ko bhi pujte hai

Or nar mai(ram)or nari mai(sheeta) ko dekhte hai .

Phir aanya ki baat hi kya kare?



II Shri Hari II


Dear spritual friends, I have seen the slides and been deeply


to share with friends and family in an effort to increase awareness

and minimize violence wherever possible.




As beautifully stated by sadhaks in this forum - " Sarvabhoot hite

rata " (BG 12:4) - Help, Love, Serve, Respect and Learn from all

beings. " Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non Violence, compassion

towards all. We must not do to others, what we do not wish for

ourselves. Clearly per Gita and Hindu scriptures our role is to

serve and protect all beings. MAY ALL BEINGS be SERVED. It is due to

their presence that we can survive.

Meera Das



If you have thoughts or any ideas around animal protection /

minimizing violence or related issues, please post your ideas at:



www.karmayog.com (www.karmayog.org is a unique free platform

since June 2004 for concerned citizens - for social causes in India

and civic issues in Mumbai. Karmayog is Convenor of the NGO Council,

which has a MoU with BMC to collaborate on civic issues.)




Narayan Narayan


Whatever you have, this body, these senses, this mind, this

intellect etc. it is all for the service of others. It is not for

us. Therefore we must serve all. Let there be only one thought in

the mind - Let ALL BEINGS be SERVED (ALL beings – in form of

birds, animals, insects, humans etc.) Srimaan Vyasji, in a very

straight and simple language shared the essence with us.




Aap ke pas sharir indriya man, buddhi, aadi jo kuch hein

Who sab ka sab dhoshroo ke seva ke liye hein, aapne liye

Nahi. Is ke liye sab ki seva karo. Man mein ek hi vichar

Rahe prani maatre(sabhi jeev jantu pashu pakshi)

Shreeman vyasji ne aapni saral bhasha mein saar bhata diya




" Sarvabhoot hite rata " (BG 12:4)- this should be attitude of humans

towards every creature. Help them, love them, serve them, respect

them, learn from them.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas NB



The present question is about our attitude towards birds, animals

and other creatures -- according to Gita.


Gopal -- Bhagavan Krishna's name itself is with an animal - Cow.

O Arjuna , 'Eswarah sarvabhutanam hruddesarjuna tishtati' know that

God abides in the hearts of all creatures causing them to revolve

according to their karma.


'Sarvabhutasthmaatmanam sarvabhutanichatmani' - a Yogi sees unity

everywhere, beholds the Self present in all beings.


The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships me as

residing ' Sarvabhutastitamyomam bhajastamekatvamastitah' in all

beings abides in Me.


'Sarvabhutani Kounteya prakrutimyantimamikam' O Kounteya during the

final dissolution all beings enter My Prakrti.


Know that the knowledge to be Sattvika' Sarvabhuteshuyenaikam

bhavamavyayameekshyate' when man perceives one imperishable divine

existence in all beings.


He who is free from malice towards all beings ' Advestha

sarvabhutanam maitraha karunaevacha' -- that devotee of Mine is

dear to Me.


" Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non violence, compassion towards all

creatures are Divine qualities.


The Esavasya Upanishad 'Yastusarvanibhutani Atmanyevanupasyati' -

whoever see all beings in Himself, for him there is no moham

(attachment) and dukham (sorrow).

Dr. Goli

(Dr.Anjaneyulu Goli)



Dear Sadaks,

First one should know that many of us have taken births as

birds/animals Etc Bagavan in GEetha said, " I am in everything, but I

am not that " . So one should see Bagavan in birds/animals. Bagavan is

Chaitaniya in them and us, but HE is not the body of bird/animal.

Feeding birds, satvik animals (cow, goat etc) is human Dharma, as

one has been in that form earlier, so they are brothers & sisters.Sibi

Raja gave his flesh to Eagle to protect it`s pray (bird). Valmiki

cursed a hunter for killing a bird which was mating. There are

numerous instances where saints protected and fed animals/birds.

Mother Seetha said once when was walking carefully, looking down

towards the earth, that she wants no ants to be killed by her feet.

Kakasura in the form of bird bit mother Seetha` s breast. Sri Rama

was angry and took bow and arrow. Mother said it is only a bird. But

demon (Asura) was born as a bird for his action during Sri Krishna's

period. Sri Krishna tore the bird apart holding the beaks. The Asura

attained salvation (Moksha) a blessing by Bhagavan. Since we take

water from nature we are supposed to pour water to plants. Since we

get foods from nature, we should protect nature. Since birds/animals

maintain ecology we should protect them. One important message:

Never get attached to any bird/animal. Do help them as Bagavan

wanted. We should be instrument (tool) in this matter to serve

Bagavan WHO is chaitaniya in them. If attachment takes us over, then

it is like Jada Bharatha case, where we might take birth as that to

which we are attached.





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

As much Gita as has been understood from Shraddhey Swamiji, and

reflecting on it, we must not do to birds, animals and all other

beings, what we do not wish for ourselves. Ram Ram, Sarvottam




Jitni Gita Shraddhey Swamiji se samjhi usske anusheelan mein hame

sabhi pashu pakshi praani maatre ke prati wah nahin karnaa chaahiye

jo hum apne prati nahin chaahete

Ram Ram




Hari Om


Our attitude towards them should be 1- compassionate, 2- student

like, learning from them and 3- full of gratitude and service to



Except prevalence of " conscience " in us - there is nothing in us

which can make us proud vis a vis birds, animals , fish, trees etc.

Absolutely nothing- from every conceivable view point. Be it

utility, beauty, physique, capacity,ability, virtue,

power,tolerance, punctuality, longevity, carefulness, service, duty,

adaptability, sense organs, mind, intellect, ego, body, conduct -

on any count.


Only one thing distinguishes us from them- " conscience " .

They have that too but only with reference to what is eatable and

what is not.( Alas! We fail miserably here also). We have much more

discrimination power than them. Whatever they have, in that they are

always superior to us. What they don't have, ( conscience), in that

only we are superior.


It is another matter that they are north bound- in the process of

becoming human beings again, while majority of us is south bound, in

the process of becoming animals. Otherwise, why we should eat them



It is due to their presence that we can survive. Books and books can

be written as to what we can learn from them.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

Link to comment
Share on other sites

QUESTION 1: Re: What should our Attitude be towards Birds, Animals

and Other Creatures that we share this planet with, according to the


" BWC Editor "


QUESTION 2: There was a question recently on our attitude towards

animals. I would like to know further whether killing those little

insects cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats, lizards for the purpose of

keeping our house healthy and clean is wrong. OR It is right under

the pretext that this is the law of nature that stronger creature

wins and since we cannot allow our houses to be full of these little






Hari Om


This refers to the question of Vandanaji. If one otherwise keeps

house clean, certain creatures described will not be there in the

house at the outset. By not keeping house clean they take birth/

make your house their house too. Just as you make your house, are

they not entitled to make their house also? . Emphasis should be on

prevention rather than on cure. Rats, lizards etc come into house

from outside. You can always identify holes/ their entry points and

block them rather than killing them.


Cockroaches, mosquitoes get created by lack of hygeine. There are

non violent homely methods of control- ask elders/old ladies, they

will tell you. If even after maintaining purity and cleanliness,

such creatures remain , then let them remain. What is wrong in

considering them to be part of household ? Don't kill them so that

you don't become like them in future lives and don't get killed.

Simple !


A human being is entitled to protect himself only and not to kill

any other.


There is no law of strong killing weak for human beings. Such laws

are there in the jungles mostly applicable for animals- among

animals. Animals and human beings are different species/form of

life. Laws applicable in their lives are not applicable in human

form of life !! Reasonable and logical ? Isn't it ?


Please note no one is capable of killing anyone or getting killed.

Soul is immortal- and that soul is existing in all creatures-same

soul. In this Divine play ground of Paramatma- your bhavas (inner

expressions) are the main propellents. If you feel that strong has

right to kill weak, then you should also think as to why strong is

strong and how? Who made them strong? Why weak is weak and how? Can

strong not become weak and weak not become strong? Does not

Paramatma have that capacity of turning the tables? Doesn't He quite

frequently do so? If that happens then whether on that day, the

strong will spare us ? Will Law of Karma not operate for us at that

time ?


Hence prevention is always better than cure.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Hari Om


This refers to Mike's question. For crop storage excellent methods

of prevention are available from times immemorial. For example if

you put just a handful of ash in the sacks containing the whole

grains- there will be no other control necessary. Rely more on

nature taking its course. Parasite born fevers, starvation syndrome

etc are nature's ways of ruthlessly operating Law of Karma. You can

always fill your heart with compassion and please Krishna and own

your soul. Beyond that it is beyond us.


Farmers also many times sweep all the garbage at one place and burn

it. This destroys many creatures. Better way is to throw garbage in

forest. For controlling menace of ants in the farms, the best way is

to put thorn bushes outside the holes of ants - when the ants are

inside the hole due to severe hot or cold climate and then to place

a stone on those thorn bushes- so that birds, foxes, crows are not

able to eat them. There are methods of diverting their paths also to

save crop without destroying them.


Dear Mike-Mosquitoes kill more humans or humans kill more

mosquitoes? Any idea about numbers? If humans kill more mosquitoes

than what is wrong in mosquitoes also killing some humans? Are they

not entitled to do that, if humans are entitled to kill them ? Are

they not children of same Krishna ? Can they also not become strong-

some time for a change ?


This food chain is for animals/other creatures, among animals/other

creatures - other than humans.

Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Hari Om


This refers to Nair's Query. Lucky indeed are those elephants who

live in the temples. Are they kept hungry? What will they do if they

are left in jungles- except eating ? Here in temples , do not humans

attend to them ? How beautiful they look when decorated ! It is not

captivity. It is caring. If any cruelty is inflicted upon them ,then

it is another matter. Otherwise what is wrong?


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



II Shri Hari II


Dear spritual friends, I have seen the slides and been deeply


to share with friends and family in an effort to increase awareness

and minimize violence wherever possible.




As beautifully stated by sadhaks in this forum - " Sarvabhoot hite

rata " (BG 12:4) - Help, Love, Serve, Respect and Learn from all

beings. " Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non Violence, compassion

towards all. We must not do to others, what we do not wish for

ourselves. Clearly per Gita and Hindu scriptures our role is to

serve and protect all beings. MAY ALL BEINGS be SERVED. It is due to

their presence that we can survive.

Meera Das


Hari Om


Mike's narration as to how he adheres to non violence in agriculture

is touching and worth following. Swamiji stated in his purport on

18:48 that some violence in agricultural activity is imminent. But

since it is " sahaj duty " of a vaishya (gardner/farmer) he does not

become sinful -if his intention and inner sentiments are towards non-

violence. In every Karma there is some defect (flaws), but the

inner sentiments makes the act sinful. If a doctor as a matter of

duty and service, even cuts the limbs of a patient, he doesn't incur

sin, rather he gets virtues " punya " because his intention was to

cure the patient. One must have compassion towards all creatures,

but for Sri Krishna in particular, the love, protection, and care of

cows, the mother of all of us, was immense. It is the most pious

karma - to protect the Cows. More to follow at a later time.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



-Shree Hari-

Born out of the original question, I have a question.

Out of the responses I have read, and my horror of world


A point emerged in my mind, which I have wrestled with for many

years. Looking to the Ancient Gitaji, against the backdrop of the

modern world, I beg wise council .

You see, most crop farming methods are aggressive, pesticides,

fungicides, herbicides and so on. Vermin control in food storage

systems. Natures death toll of these things is staggering, if one

works up through the food chain. And there are such creatures such

as the mosquito, ( I believe the biggest killer of humanity on

earth). Taking into account these points, when looking at souls with

severe malnutrition, or racked with a parasite born fever, I see a



With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor


We should be compassionate towards all animals and birds because

they are all God's creatures like us.

Hari Shanker Deo





The principle: " ... we must not do to birds, animals and all other

beings, what we do not wish for ourselves " is really GREAT. I fully

believer in it and respect it with utmost devotion.


In this context I could not understand the practice followed in many

of the temples, especially in Kerala, where Elephants are kept in

captivity - life imprisonment - for use in various rituals and

celebrations. Is it not against the principle taught by Gita.


What should be done to bring an end to widely practiced crime

against our fellow beings?

Yours Sincerely,

NB Nair




If one were to visit the various temples, both Vaishnavaite and

Shaivite, he or she would see plants and trees peculiar to a

particular deity existing in the compounds. Nearly every other deity

has a mascot in the form of an animal eg. mouse for Lord Ganesha;

lion for Eashwari; bull for Lord Shiva; peacock for Lord Muruga;

garuda for

Lord Vishnu etc. etc. Shri Hanumanji is worshipped as the Lord of

Monkeys. What does that teach us? To live in harmony with both plants

and animals in an environmentally friendly planet.


Mahendra Raj


Narayan Narayan


India is such a country, where there was love and compassion towards

all beings. Where even rivers are given the status of Mother " Maa " ,

and stones are worshipped as Ram and Sita. Then, what to speak of

other things? Ramchandra



Bharatvarsh hi ek aisha desh hein jhaha jeev maatre ko prem daaya

melti Hai.

Jaaha nadiyo ko bhi maa ka darja de te hai ,pattaro ko bhi pujte hai

Or nar mai(ram)or nari mai(sheeta) ko dekhte hai .

Phir aanya ki baat hi kya kare?



II Shri Hari II


Dear spritual friends, I have seen the slides and been deeply


to share with friends and family in an effort to increase awareness

and minimize violence wherever possible.




As beautifully stated by sadhaks in this forum - " Sarvabhoot hite

rata " (BG 12:4) - Help, Love, Serve, Respect and Learn from all

beings. " Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non Violence, compassion

towards all. We must not do to others, what we do not wish for

ourselves. Clearly per Gita and Hindu scriptures our role is to

serve and protect all beings. MAY ALL BEINGS be SERVED. It is due to

their presence that we can survive.

Meera Das



If you have thoughts or any ideas around animal protection /

minimizing violence or related issues, please post your ideas at:



www.karmayog.com (www.karmayog.org is a unique free platform

since June 2004 for concerned citizens - for social causes in India

and civic issues in Mumbai. Karmayog is Convenor of the NGO Council,

which has a MoU with BMC to collaborate on civic issues.)




Narayan Narayan


Whatever you have, this body, these senses, this mind, this

intellect etc. it is all for the service of others. It is not for

us. Therefore we must serve all. Let there be only one thought in

the mind - Let ALL BEINGS be SERVED (ALL beings – in form of

birds, animals, insects, humans etc.) Srimaan Vyasji, in a very

straight and simple language shared the essence with us.




Aap ke pas sharir indriya man, buddhi, aadi jo kuch hein

Who sab ka sab dhoshroo ke seva ke liye hein, aapne liye

Nahi. Is ke liye sab ki seva karo. Man mein ek hi vichar

Rahe prani maatre(sabhi jeev jantu pashu pakshi)

Shreeman vyasji ne aapni saral bhasha mein saar bhata diya




" Sarvabhoot hite rata " (BG 12:4)- this should be attitude of humans

towards every creature. Help them, love them, serve them, respect

them, learn from them.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas NB



The present question is about our attitude towards birds, animals

and other creatures -- according to Gita.


Gopal -- Bhagavan Krishna's name itself is with an animal - Cow.

O Arjuna , 'Eswarah sarvabhutanam hruddesarjuna tishtati' know that

God abides in the hearts of all creatures causing them to revolve

according to their karma.


'Sarvabhutasthmaatmanam sarvabhutanichatmani' - a Yogi sees unity

everywhere, beholds the Self present in all beings.


The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships me as

residing ' Sarvabhutastitamyomam bhajastamekatvamastitah' in all

beings abides in Me.


'Sarvabhutani Kounteya prakrutimyantimamikam' O Kounteya during the

final dissolution all beings enter My Prakrti.


Know that the knowledge to be Sattvika' Sarvabhuteshuyenaikam

bhavamavyayameekshyate' when man perceives one imperishable divine

existence in all beings.


He who is free from malice towards all beings ' Advestha

sarvabhutanam maitraha karunaevacha' -- that devotee of Mine is

dear to Me.


" Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non violence, compassion towards all

creatures are Divine qualities.


The Esavasya Upanishad 'Yastusarvanibhutani Atmanyevanupasyati' -

whoever see all beings in Himself, for him there is no moham

(attachment) and dukham (sorrow).

Dr. Goli

(Dr.Anjaneyulu Goli)



Dear Sadaks,

First one should know that many of us have taken births as

birds/animals Etc Bagavan in GEetha said, " I am in everything, but I

am not that " . So one should see Bagavan in birds/animals. Bagavan is

Chaitaniya in them and us, but HE is not the body of bird/animal.

Feeding birds, satvik animals (cow, goat etc) is human Dharma, as

one has been in that form earlier, so they are brothers & sisters.Sibi

Raja gave his flesh to Eagle to protect it`s pray (bird). Valmiki

cursed a hunter for killing a bird which was mating. There are

numerous instances where saints protected and fed animals/birds.

Mother Seetha said once when was walking carefully, looking down

towards the earth, that she wants no ants to be killed by her feet.

Kakasura in the form of bird bit mother Seetha` s breast. Sri Rama

was angry and took bow and arrow. Mother said it is only a bird. But

demon (Asura) was born as a bird for his action during Sri Krishna's

period. Sri Krishna tore the bird apart holding the beaks. The Asura

attained salvation (Moksha) a blessing by Bhagavan. Since we take

water from nature we are supposed to pour water to plants. Since we

get foods from nature, we should protect nature. Since birds/animals

maintain ecology we should protect them. One important message:

Never get attached to any bird/animal. Do help them as Bagavan

wanted. We should be instrument (tool) in this matter to serve

Bagavan WHO is chaitaniya in them. If attachment takes us over, then

it is like Jada Bharatha case, where we might take birth as that to

which we are attached.





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

As much Gita as has been understood from Shraddhey Swamiji, and

reflecting on it, we must not do to birds, animals and all other

beings, what we do not wish for ourselves. Ram Ram, Sarvottam




Jitni Gita Shraddhey Swamiji se samjhi usske anusheelan mein hame

sabhi pashu pakshi praani maatre ke prati wah nahin karnaa chaahiye

jo hum apne prati nahin chaahete

Ram Ram




Hari Om


Our attitude towards them should be 1- compassionate, 2- student

like, learning from them and 3- full of gratitude and service to



Except prevalence of " conscience " in us - there is nothing in us

which can make us proud vis a vis birds, animals , fish, trees etc.

Absolutely nothing- from every conceivable view point. Be it

utility, beauty, physique, capacity,ability, virtue,

power,tolerance, punctuality, longevity, carefulness, service, duty,

adaptability, sense organs, mind, intellect, ego, body, conduct -

on any count.


Only one thing distinguishes us from them- " conscience " .

They have that too but only with reference to what is eatable and

what is not.( Alas! We fail miserably here also). We have much more

discrimination power than them. Whatever they have, in that they are

always superior to us. What they don't have, ( conscience), in that

only we are superior.


It is another matter that they are north bound- in the process of

becoming human beings again, while majority of us is south bound, in

the process of becoming animals. Otherwise, why we should eat them



It is due to their presence that we can survive. Books and books can

be written as to what we can learn from them.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

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12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

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bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

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there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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  • 1 year later...

What Gita says about this -

QUESTION 1: Re: What should our Attitude be towards Birds, Animalsand Other Creatures that we share this planet with, according to the Gita?"BWC Editor"QUESTION 2: There was a question recently on our attitude towardsanimals. I would like to know further whether killing those littleinsects cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats, lizards for the purpose ofkeeping our house healthy and clean is wrong. OR It is right underthe pretext that this is the law of nature that stronger creaturewins and since we cannot allow our houses to be full of these littlecreatures.Vandana


Dear Sahakas,

1.Neem,Calotrophis, Aloe vera ,Cleodendrum inermi (Peenarichangu n Tamil ) ,Vitex negundo (Nochi in Tamil ) are in combination or alone will repel most of the pests or prevent disease in plants if the extract is prayed at 1- 2 percent concentration. This is non violent herbal pesticide tested in many farmers field . We also use this mixture as herbal dewormer ( internal parasites ) for animals instead of using poisonous chemicals such as Albendazole or Fenbendazole. We give training to farmers on herbal treatment for plants,animals . We have tested so far in more than 30,000 animals over the last 10 years .


With kind regards, Sincerely,P.Vivekanandan,


-Shree Hari-Namaste!I touched on the effects of various insecticides for agricultural /gardening reference Global warming.As I am a keen organic gardener, I have developed zero toxic methods of pest control.Last night I had 5 vegetables on my plate, 4 of which I grew. And for breakfast I had 6 freshly picked different fruits , so you can see I am serious. I did mention in an earlier post some methods I use. Does any one know just what sprays etc. are used when they go and buy vegetables?I use nothing toxic, barriers over fruit e.g . bird/mosquito netting.Iron based snail pellets, that turns into fertilizer when it breaks down, completely harmless to mammals.That's it really , be prepared to offer some of your garden to Mother Nature, I mean tolerate imperfection!Fertilizers, organic, NOT BLOOD AND BONE, or FISH, minimize death and suffering in the production of plant life. (May have to use trace elements)I used to use neem products but see no use for that any more.

'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of Neem (Azadirachta indica), an evergreen tree which is endemic to the Indian subcontinent and has been introduced to many other areas in the tropics. It is perhaps the most important of the commercially available products of neem for organic farming and medicines.'

Check for natural insecticides, plant based.If one decides one has no choice but to spray.Then take these point into consideration.I hope you find these gardening tips useful pointers!OM...Shanti...Mike. (K).


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Q 1 - Regarding birds, animals and various creatures, there is nothing specifically written about them that you desire to know.


Q2 - To keep our environment clean, it is not essential to kill rodents, mosquitoes and other bugs. If you understood the meaning of the word "atataayi" (one intent on violence) then it is written in Manusmriti 8/350 - 351 "Those intent on harming us that come into the house with intent on violence, they should be killed without much thought, and the one who kills will not incur any sin."

So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam


-----------------Tips avoid use of products that involve cruelty or killing. Silks, Furs, Leather products, Health and Beauty Products and Foods. Let us be alert in our Entertainment and Recreation activities. Knowledge is Power. Be informed about the laws, and be proactive in putting these into action. from "Beauty without Crueltly"


In recent posting, someone mentioned about tree / lawn pesticides. Can you share about natural alternatives and where to find more information on them. In a lecture by Swamiji, in Vishesh pravachan he talks about the importance of not using pesticides and strongly urges learning about natural / other alternatives. He talks about destroying both mother earth and the clean water resources that affects all of us. Moderators, could someone translate some of these lectures / books for the benefit of all? Bala


QUESTION 1: Re: What should our Attitude be towards Birds, Animalsand Other Creatures that we share this planet with, according to theGita?"BWC Editor"QUESTION 2: There was a question recently on our attitude towardsanimals. I would like to know further whether killing those littleinsects cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats, lizards for the purpose ofkeeping our house healthy and clean is wrong. OR It is right underthe pretext that this is the law of nature that stronger creaturewins and since we cannot allow our houses to be full of these littlecreatures.Vandana----------------------------NEW POSTINGHari OmThis refers to the question of Vandanaji. If one otherwise keepshouse clean, certain creatures described will not be there in thehouse at the outset. By not keeping house clean they take birth/make your house their house too. Just as you make your house, arethey not entitled to make their house also? . Emphasis should be onprevention rather than on cure. Rats, lizards etc come into housefrom outside. You can always identify holes/ their entry points andblock them rather than killing them.Cockroaches, mosquitoes get created by lack of hygeine. There arenon violent homely methods of control- ask elders/old ladies, theywill tell you. If even after maintaining purity and cleanliness,such creatures remain , then let them remain. What is wrong inconsidering them to be part of household ? Don't kill them so thatyou don't become like them in future lives and don't get killed.Simple !A human being is entitled to protect himself only and not to killany other.There is no law of strong killing weak for human beings. Such lawsare there in the jungles mostly applicable for animals- amonganimals. Animals and human beings are different species/form oflife. Laws applicable in their lives are not applicable in humanform of life !! Reasonable and logical ? Isn't it ?Please note no one is capable of killing anyone or getting killed.Soul is immortal- and that soul is existing in all creatures-samesoul. In this Divine play ground of Paramatma- your bhavas (innerexpressions) are the main propellents. If you feel that strong hasright to kill weak, then you should also think as to why strong isstrong and how? Who made them strong? Why weak is weak and how? Canstrong not become weak and weak not become strong? Does notParamatma have that capacity of turning the tables? Doesn't He quitefrequently do so? If that happens then whether on that day, thestrong will spare us ? Will Law of Karma not operate for us at thattime ?Hence prevention is always better than cure.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B---------------------------Hari OmThis refers to Mike's question. For crop storage excellent methodsof prevention are available from times immemorial. For example ifyou put just a handful of ash in the sacks containing the wholegrains- there will be no other control necessary. Rely more onnature taking its course. Parasite born fevers, starvation syndromeetc are nature's ways of ruthlessly operating Law of Karma. You canalways fill your heart with compassion and please Krishna and ownyour soul. Beyond that it is beyond us.Farmers also many times sweep all the garbage at one place and burnit. This destroys many creatures. Better way is to throw garbage inforest. For controlling menace of ants in the farms, the best way isto put thorn bushes outside the holes of ants - when the ants areinside the hole due to severe hot or cold climate and then to placea stone on those thorn bushes- so that birds, foxes, crows are notable to eat them. There are methods of diverting their paths also tosave crop without destroying them.Dear Mike-Mosquitoes kill more humans or humans kill moremosquitoes? Any idea about numbers? If humans kill more mosquitoesthan what is wrong in mosquitoes also killing some humans? Are theynot entitled to do that, if humans are entitled to kill them ? Arethey not children of same Krishna ? Can they also not become strong-some time for a change ?This food chain is for animals/other creatures, among animals/othercreatures - other than humans.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B----------------------Hari OmThis refers to Nair's Query. Lucky indeed are those elephants wholive in the temples. Are they kept hungry? What will they do if theyare left in jungles- except eating ? Here in temples , do not humansattend to them ? How beautiful they look when decorated ! It is notcaptivity. It is caring. If any cruelty is inflicted upon them ,thenit is another matter. Otherwise what is wrong?Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B----------------------------II Shri Hari IIDear spritual friends, I have seen the slides and been deeplytouched by it. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO WATCH THESE SLIDES andto share with friends and family in an effort to increase awarenessand minimize violence wherever possible.http://www.jivdaya.net/devnar_hell.phpAs beautifully stated by sadhaks in this forum - "Sarvabhoot hiterata" (BG 12:4) - Help, Love, Serve, Respect and Learn from allbeings. "Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non Violence, compassiontowards all. We must not do to others, what we do not wish forourselves. Clearly per Gita and Hindu scriptures our role is toserve and protect all beings. MAY ALL BEINGS be SERVED. It is due totheir presence that we can survive.Meera Das--------------------------------Hari OmMike's narration as to how he adheres to non violence in agricultureis touching and worth following. Swamiji stated in his purport on18:48 that some violence in agricultural activity is imminent. Butsince it is "sahaj duty" of a vaishya (gardner/farmer) he does notbecome sinful -if his intention and inner sentiments are towards non-violence. In every Karma there is some defect (flaws), but theinner sentiments makes the act sinful. If a doctor as a matter ofduty and service, even cuts the limbs of a patient, he doesn't incursin, rather he gets virtues "punya" because his intention was tocure the patient. One must have compassion towards all creatures,but for Sri Krishna in particular, the love, protection, and care ofcows, the mother of all of us, was immense. It is the most piouskarma - to protect the Cows. More to follow at a later time.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B----------------------------Shree Hari-Born out of the original question, I have a question.Out of the responses I have read, and my horror of worldstarvation.A point emerged in my mind, which I have wrestled with for manyyears. Looking to the Ancient Gitaji, against the backdrop of themodern world, I beg wise council .You see, most crop farming methods are aggressive, pesticides,fungicides, herbicides and so on. Vermin control in food storagesystems. Natures death toll of these things is staggering, if oneworks up through the food chain. And there are such creatures suchas the mosquito, ( I believe the biggest killer of humanity onearth). Taking into account these points, when looking at souls withsevere malnutrition, or racked with a parasite born fever, I see aconundrum.With Respect and Divine Love,Mike Keenor-----------------------------We should be compassionate towards all animals and birds becausethey are all God's creatures like us.Hari Shanker Deo-----------------------------HARI AUMThe principle: "... we must not do to birds, animals and all otherbeings, what we do not wish for ourselves" is really GREAT. I fullybeliever in it and respect it with utmost devotion.In this context I could not understand the practice followed in manyof the temples, especially in Kerala, where Elephants are kept incaptivity - life imprisonment - for use in various rituals andcelebrations. Is it not against the principle taught by Gita.What should be done to bring an end to widely practiced crimeagainst our fellow beings?Yours Sincerely,NB Nair----------------------------PRIOR POSTINGIf one were to visit the various temples, both Vaishnavaite andShaivite, he or she would see plants and trees peculiar to aparticular deity existing in the compounds. Nearly every other deityhas a mascot in the form of an animal eg. mouse for Lord Ganesha;lion for Eashwari; bull for Lord Shiva; peacock for Lord Muruga;garuda forLord Vishnu etc. etc. Shri Hanumanji is worshipped as the Lord ofMonkeys. What does that teach us? To live in harmony with both plantsand animals in an environmentally friendly planet.Mahendra Raj-------------------------------Narayan NarayanIN ENGLISHIndia is such a country, where there was love and compassion towardsall beings. Where even rivers are given the status of Mother "Maa",and stones are worshipped as Ram and Sita. Then, what to speak ofother things? RamchandraIN HINDIBharatvarsh hi ek aisha desh hein jhaha jeev maatre ko prem daayamelti Hai.Jaaha nadiyo ko bhi maa ka darja de te hai ,pattaro ko bhi pujte haiOr nar mai(ram)or nari mai(sheeta) ko dekhte hai .Phir aanya ki baat hi kya kare?(ramchandra)--------------------------------II Shri Hari IIDear spritual friends, I have seen the slides and been deeplytouched by it. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO WATCH THESE SLIDES andto share with friends and family in an effort to increase awarenessand minimize violence wherever possible.http://www.jivdaya.net/devnar_hell.phpAs beautifully stated by sadhaks in this forum - "Sarvabhoot hiterata" (BG 12:4) - Help, Love, Serve, Respect and Learn from allbeings. "Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non Violence, compassiontowards all. We must not do to others, what we do not wish forourselves. Clearly per Gita and Hindu scriptures our role is toserve and protect all beings. MAY ALL BEINGS be SERVED. It is due totheir presence that we can survive.Meera Das-----------------------------If you have thoughts or any ideas around animal protection /minimizing violence or related issues, please post your ideas at:karmayog/message/41339 www.karmayog.com (www.karmayog.org is a unique free platformsince June 2004 for concerned citizens - for social causes in Indiaand civic issues in Mumbai. Karmayog is Convenor of the NGO Council,which has a MoU with BMC to collaborate on civic issues.)-----------------------------PRIOR POSTINGNarayan NarayanIN ENGLISHWhatever you have, this body, these senses, this mind, thisintellect etc. it is all for the service of others. It is not forus. Therefore we must serve all. Let there be only one thought inthe mind - Let ALL BEINGS be SERVED (ALL beings – in form ofbirds, animals, insects, humans etc.) Srimaan Vyasji, in a verystraight and simple language shared the essence with us.RamchandraIN HINDIAap ke pas sharir indriya man, buddhi, aadi jo kuch heinWho sab ka sab dhoshroo ke seva ke liye hein, aapne liyeNahi. Is ke liye sab ki seva karo. Man mein ek hi vicharRahe prani maatre(sabhi jeev jantu pashu pakshi)Shreeman vyasji ne aapni saral bhasha mein saar bhata diya(ramchandra)"Sarvabhoot hite rata" (BG 12:4)- this should be attitude of humanstowards every creature. Help them, love them, serve them, respectthem, learn from them.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas NBThe present question is about our attitude towards birds, animalsand other creatures -- according to Gita.Gopal -- Bhagavan Krishna's name itself is with an animal - Cow.O Arjuna , 'Eswarah sarvabhutanam hruddesarjuna tishtati' know thatGod abides in the hearts of all creatures causing them to revolveaccording to their karma.'Sarvabhutasthmaatmanam sarvabhutanichatmani' - a Yogi sees unityeverywhere, beholds the Self present in all beings.The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships me asresiding ' Sarvabhutastitamyomam bhajastamekatvamastitah' in allbeings abides in Me.'Sarvabhutani Kounteya prakrutimyantimamikam' O Kounteya during thefinal dissolution all beings enter My Prakrti.Know that the knowledge to be Sattvika' Sarvabhuteshuyenaikambhavamavyayameekshyate' when man perceives one imperishable divineexistence in all beings.He who is free from malice towards all beings ' Advesthasarvabhutanam maitraha karunaevacha' -- that devotee of Mine isdear to Me."Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non violence, compassion towards allcreatures are Divine qualities.The Esavasya Upanishad 'Yastusarvanibhutani Atmanyevanupasyati' -whoever see all beings in Himself, for him there is no moham(attachment) and dukham (sorrow).Dr. Goli(Dr.Anjaneyulu Goli)Dear Sadaks,First one should know that many of us have taken births asbirds/animals Etc Bagavan in GEetha said, "I am in everything, but Iam not that". So one should see Bagavan in birds/animals. Bagavan isChaitaniya in them and us, but HE is not the body of bird/animal.Feeding birds, satvik animals (cow, goat etc) is human Dharma, asone has been in that form earlier, so they are brothers & sisters.SibiRaja gave his flesh to Eagle to protect it`s pray (bird). Valmikicursed a hunter for killing a bird which was mating. There arenumerous instances where saints protected and fed animals/birds.Mother Seetha said once when was walking carefully, looking downtowards the earth, that she wants no ants to be killed by her feet.Kakasura in the form of bird bit mother Seetha` s breast. Sri Ramawas angry and took bow and arrow. Mother said it is only a bird. Butdemon (Asura) was born as a bird for his action during Sri Krishna'speriod. Sri Krishna tore the bird apart holding the beaks. The Asuraattained salvation (Moksha) a blessing by Bhagavan. Since we takewater from nature we are supposed to pour water to plants. Since weget foods from nature, we should protect nature. Since birds/animalsmaintain ecology we should protect them. One important message:Never get attached to any bird/animal. Do help them as Bagavanwanted. We should be instrument (tool) in this matter to serveBagavan WHO is chaitaniya in them. If attachment takes us over, thenit is like Jada Bharatha case, where we might take birth as that towhich we are attached.B.Sathyanarayan----------------------------PREVIOUS POSTINGShree HariRam RamAs much Gita as has been understood from Shraddhey Swamiji, andreflecting on it, we must not do to birds, animals and all otherbeings, what we do not wish for ourselves. Ram Ram, SarvottamIN HINDIJitni Gita Shraddhey Swamiji se samjhi usske anusheelan mein hamesabhi pashu pakshi praani maatre ke prati wah nahin karnaa chaahiyejo hum apne prati nahin chaaheteRam RamSarvottam------------------------------Hari OmOur attitude towards them should be 1- compassionate, 2- studentlike, learning from them and 3- full of gratitude and service tothem.Except prevalence of "conscience" in us - there is nothing in uswhich can make us proud vis a vis birds, animals , fish, trees etc.Absolutely nothing- from every conceivable view point. Be itutility, beauty, physique, capacity,ability, virtue,power,tolerance, punctuality, longevity, carefulness, service, duty,adaptability, sense organs, mind, intellect, ego, body, conduct -on any count.Only one thing distinguishes us from them-"conscience".They have that too but only with reference to what is eatable andwhat is not.( Alas! We fail miserably here also). We have much morediscrimination power than them. Whatever they have, in that they arealways superior to us. What they don't have, ( conscience), in thatonly we are superior.It is another matter that they are north bound- in the process ofbecoming human beings again, while majority of us is south bound, inthe process of becoming animals. Otherwise, why we should eat themaway?It is due to their presence that we can survive. Books and books canbe written as to what we can learn from them.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas NB

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  • 4 weeks later...

What Gita says about this -

QUESTION 1: Re: What should our Attitude be towards Birds, Animalsand Other Creatures that we share this planet with, according to the Gita?"BWC Editor"QUESTION 2: There was a question recently on our attitude towardsanimals. I would like to know further whether killing those littleinsects cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats, lizards for the purpose ofkeeping our house healthy and clean is wrong. OR It is right underthe pretext that this is the law of nature that stronger creaturewins and since we cannot allow our houses to be full of these littlecreatures.Vandana







Consider animals,birds and every specie of life as part of creation by almighty God and hence take care of them and even help them in all ways.Lord Buddha taught the same treatments towards birds and creations of the world


This is my understanding of my life.


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt


Dear SadhakasSeeing God in everything and being aware every moment sometimes seem different but sre not separate. If we are aware and keep our living space including earth and air clean the space will not be infested by pests. We should always remember that we would have built house pushing away the living beings that already existed there.. This helps us to be grateful to them always. As a reward we will not be afraid to the extent of killing them if we come across them in our houses.When we do not store raw or processed food unnecessarily no worms will happen. If by chance they do happen, we need to realize that we are affluent enough to let them have that particular food. Or at least expose the food to such a condition that they themselves vanish.I discovred that in one of the meditation camps, it is forbidden to kill mosquitoes. I stopped killing them the day I read the info. It has been over two years. I have been healthier than before! I am grateful for all of you allowing me to share this.Pranaams.Veena Hassan



Dear Sadhakas,Hare Krishna. This is in response to a question from a Sadhaka, regarding our attitude towards animals, birds, other creatures. Every life in this world is created by Him and hence it must be treated with love and respect. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita,"Sarva bhuta stham atmanam,Sarva bhutani catmani,Ikshate yoga yuktatma,Sarvatra sama darshanah. "( Gitaji 6,29)Which means,'A true yogi sees Me in all beings and also sees every being in Me. The self realized person sees Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, every where. 'Once we train ourselves to see the Lord in every creature, then naturally we treat them with compassion. A sage or learned person sees every living being with an equal vision as stated in the following Sloka,"Vidya vinaya sampanne,Brahmane gavi hastani,Suni caiva sva pake ca,Panditah sama darshanah. "(Gitaji 5,18)Which means,'Panditas, by virtue of their true knowledge, see with equal vision, a learned brahmana,a cow, an elephant or a dog. 'For a person with spiritual wisdom, every creature is a reflection of God's creation and hence treats every life with love and respect. Thank YouHare Krishna. Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D






As per Bhagavad Gita and several Upanishats like Eesaavaasya (for example) all life forms are of equal significance to Parama Atma. (cf. 9.29 of BG). Further Parama Atma exists in each being as Anumanta (impartial observer) as said in 13.23 and 28. It is the utter folloy of human to think or presume human is a superior and favored species. This is utter nonsense. Let me ask those who advocate human superiority one rather vulgar sounding but relevant question: Have you ever heard of a dog raping even a bitch?


Birds, animals and trees and plants are all beings. One being depends on anothe rfor survival. All those who denounce meat eating as sin would better realize that eating a bhendi (Okra in Us, Lady finger in Indian English) is consuming alife form and hence is as good or bad as eating a fish or poultry bird. Eating as a body necessity is Dharma Aviruddha Kama. Lord says "bhootaanaam Dharma Aviruddho kamo asmi"


Per my understadning, Kautily's Artha Saastra (written 300 years before Christ and under the influence of Buddha) details quite elaborately how edible meat should be acquired, stored and eaten. The important point in this analysis is the meat should be acquired through a process which gives fair chance for the animal to escape. When you pluck a fruit from a tree, just question yourself how much of a chance you are giving the fruit to survive.


Sarva Bhootastham Atmaanam, sarva bhootaani ca Atmani eekshate yoga yukta Atma, sarvatra Sama Darsanh


Sarva bhootah sthitam yo maam bhajati ekatvam asthitah Sarvadhaa vartmaano api sa yogee mayi vartate (Ch. 6, BG)


With this idea firmly planted in Mana, Buddhi and Atma, eatng a fowl or a fish or a brinjal hardly makes difference.


Regarding insects like cockroaches and roaches, they are born out of cleanlilessness. If you and the premises are clean, there are no roaches and insecticides etc are not necessary. Once they are born, you are duty bound to get rid of them just like Law (Police) arrests human cockroaches. While maintaining cleanliness one should be with clear concience that a spray or bait is not being done due to any personal enimity but as a part of the duty. Just like a hangman before hanging a criminal declares that he is killing the person as part of his duty and not out of enimty. Do not split the hairs.


Krishna Samudrala










1. Gita says that one should realize that God is in every creature and everycreature exists in God. So animals, birds, and other beings whether small ortiny or big, whether peaceful or violent / ferocuous, are all transformation ofGpd. They should be viewed as the same as anything else including any humanbeing. One should practice equanamity - every thing is the same - no difference.

2. If one realizes that in the true sense and therefore become ego-free,desire-free, fear-free and attachment-free, one does not bother at all beingkilled or adversely affected by other humans, wild animals or insect bites.Corres[pondingly, all beings tend to love such a person.

3. Till such time, one has reached the stage, Gita says that one needs torealize that one cannot kill or destroy or hurt any creature because the Atmanin any creature is indestructible and unaffected by any external event/ force.Thus the question really does not arise of killing someone. Gita also says thatone must realise that whatever happens to a particular creature is determinedindependently of decisions/ actios of other creatures or human beings.Therefore, one need to worry if one were to kill or hurt another creature forreasons of safety, food or other reasons . Please note that Gita is not pleadingagainst what you refer to Natural Law. Gits preaches Divine Laws of whichNatural Laws are consistent parts.

4. How one interprets Gita and follows Gita are also part of the same Divine Lawand Gita's God says that the behaviour and actions of different creatures aregoing to be different in accordance with the Guna-combinations each creature isendowed with. Only those creatures who have realized souls in them at somestage (as referred to in 2 above) may behave similarly witl love and equanimityand with out desire, attachment, anger, fear, and ego.

5. Gita is the ultimate science: it analyses what and how things happen in thisWorld: it does not prescribe any medicine or solution to suit guna-imparted individual beings under delusion. It says that those who have overcome the Gunas and the Illusion successfully and completely are the ideal of human endeavour.Basudeb Sen


Dear Sahakas,

1.Neem,Calotrophis, Aloe vera ,Cleodendrum inermi (Peenarichangu n Tamil ) ,Vitex negundo (Nochi in Tamil ) are in combination or alone will repel most of the pests or prevent disease in plants if the extract is prayed at 1- 2 percent concentration. This is non violent herbal pesticide tested in many farmers field . We also use this mixture as herbal dewormer ( internal parasites ) for animals instead of using poisonous chemicals such as Albendazole or Fenbendazole. We give training to farmers on herbal treatment for plants,animals . We have tested so far in more than 30,000 animals over the last 10 years .


With kind regards, Sincerely,P.Vivekanandan,


-Shree Hari-Namaste!I touched on the effects of various insecticides for agricultural /gardening reference Global warming.As I am a keen organic gardener, I have developed zero toxic methods of pest control.Last night I had 5 vegetables on my plate, 4 of which I grew. And for breakfast I had 6 freshly picked different fruits , so you can see I am serious. I did mention in an earlier post some methods I use. Does any one know just what sprays etc. are used when they go and buy vegetables?I use nothing toxic, barriers over fruit e.g . bird/mosquito netting.Iron based snail pellets, that turns into fertilizer when it breaks down, completely harmless to mammals.That's it really , be prepared to offer some of your garden to Mother Nature, I mean tolerate imperfection!Fertilizers, organic, NOT BLOOD AND BONE, or FISH, minimize death and suffering in the production of plant life. (May have to use trace elements)I used to use neem products but see no use for that any more.

'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of Neem (Azadirachta indica), an evergreen tree which is endemic to the Indian subcontinent and has been introduced to many other areas in the tropics. It is perhaps the most important of the commercially available products of neem for organic farming and medicines.'

Check for natural insecticides, plant based.If one decides one has no choice but to spray.Then take these point into consideration.I hope you find these gardening tips useful pointers!OM...Shanti...Mike. (K).


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Q 1 - Regarding birds, animals and various creatures, there is nothing specifically written about them that you desire to know.


Q2 - To keep our environment clean, it is not essential to kill rodents, mosquitoes and other bugs. If you understood the meaning of the word "atataayi" (one intent on violence) then it is written in Manusmriti 8/350 - 351 "Those intent on harming us that come into the house with intent on violence, they should be killed without much thought, and the one who kills will not incur any sin."

So be it.

Vineet Sarvottam


-----------------Tips avoid use of products that involve cruelty or killing. Silks, Furs, Leather products, Health and Beauty Products and Foods. Let us be alert in our Entertainment and Recreation activities. Knowledge is Power. Be informed about the laws, and be proactive in putting these into action. from "Beauty without Crueltly"


In recent posting, someone mentioned about tree / lawn pesticides. Can you share about natural alternatives and where to find more information on them. In a lecture by Swamiji, in Vishesh pravachan he talks about the importance of not using pesticides and strongly urges learning about natural / other alternatives. He talks about destroying both mother earth and the clean water resources that affects all of us. Moderators, could someone translate some of these lectures / books for the benefit of all? Bala


QUESTION 1: Re: What should our Attitude be towards Birds, Animalsand Other Creatures that we share this planet with, according to theGita?"BWC Editor"QUESTION 2: There was a question recently on our attitude towardsanimals. I would like to know further whether killing those littleinsects cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats, lizards for the purpose ofkeeping our house healthy and clean is wrong. OR It is right underthe pretext that this is the law of nature that stronger creaturewins and since we cannot allow our houses to be full of these littlecreatures.Vandana----------------------------NEW POSTINGHari OmThis refers to the question of Vandanaji. If one otherwise keepshouse clean, certain creatures described will not be there in thehouse at the outset. By not keeping house clean they take birth/make your house their house too. Just as you make your house, arethey not entitled to make their house also? . Emphasis should be onprevention rather than on cure. Rats, lizards etc come into housefrom outside. You can always identify holes/ their entry points andblock them rather than killing them.Cockroaches, mosquitoes get created by lack of hygeine. There arenon violent homely methods of control- ask elders/old ladies, theywill tell you. If even after maintaining purity and cleanliness,such creatures remain , then let them remain. What is wrong inconsidering them to be part of household ? Don't kill them so thatyou don't become like them in future lives and don't get killed.Simple !A human being is entitled to protect himself only and not to killany other.There is no law of strong killing weak for human beings. Such lawsare there in the jungles mostly applicable for animals- amonganimals. Animals and human beings are different species/form oflife. Laws applicable in their lives are not applicable in humanform of life !! Reasonable and logical ? Isn't it ?Please note no one is capable of killing anyone or getting killed.Soul is immortal- and that soul is existing in all creatures-samesoul. In this Divine play ground of Paramatma- your bhavas (innerexpressions) are the main propellents. If you feel that strong hasright to kill weak, then you should also think as to why strong isstrong and how? Who made them strong? Why weak is weak and how? Canstrong not become weak and weak not become strong? Does notParamatma have that capacity of turning the tables? Doesn't He quitefrequently do so? If that happens then whether on that day, thestrong will spare us ? Will Law of Karma not operate for us at thattime ?Hence prevention is always better than cure.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B---------------------------Hari OmThis refers to Mike's question. For crop storage excellent methodsof prevention are available from times immemorial. For example ifyou put just a handful of ash in the sacks containing the wholegrains- there will be no other control necessary. Rely more onnature taking its course. Parasite born fevers, starvation syndromeetc are nature's ways of ruthlessly operating Law of Karma. You canalways fill your heart with compassion and please Krishna and ownyour soul. Beyond that it is beyond us.Farmers also many times sweep all the garbage at one place and burnit. This destroys many creatures. Better way is to throw garbage inforest. For controlling menace of ants in the farms, the best way isto put thorn bushes outside the holes of ants - when the ants areinside the hole due to severe hot or cold climate and then to placea stone on those thorn bushes- so that birds, foxes, crows are notable to eat them. There are methods of diverting their paths also tosave crop without destroying them.Dear Mike-Mosquitoes kill more humans or humans kill moremosquitoes? Any idea about numbers? If humans kill more mosquitoesthan what is wrong in mosquitoes also killing some humans? Are theynot entitled to do that, if humans are entitled to kill them ? Arethey not children of same Krishna ? Can they also not become strong-some time for a change ?This food chain is for animals/other creatures, among animals/othercreatures - other than humans.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B----------------------Hari OmThis refers to Nair's Query. Lucky indeed are those elephants wholive in the temples. Are they kept hungry? What will they do if theyare left in jungles- except eating ? Here in temples , do not humansattend to them ? How beautiful they look when decorated ! It is notcaptivity. It is caring. If any cruelty is inflicted upon them ,thenit is another matter. Otherwise what is wrong?Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B----------------------------II Shri Hari IIDear spritual friends, I have seen the slides and been deeplytouched by it. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO WATCH THESE SLIDES andto share with friends and family in an effort to increase awarenessand minimize violence wherever possible.http://www.jivdaya.net/devnar_hell.phpAs beautifully stated by sadhaks in this forum - "Sarvabhoot hiterata" (BG 12:4) - Help, Love, Serve, Respect and Learn from allbeings. "Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non Violence, compassiontowards all. We must not do to others, what we do not wish forourselves. Clearly per Gita and Hindu scriptures our role is toserve and protect all beings. MAY ALL BEINGS be SERVED. It is due totheir presence that we can survive.Meera Das--------------------------------Hari OmMike's narration as to how he adheres to non violence in agricultureis touching and worth following. Swamiji stated in his purport on18:48 that some violence in agricultural activity is imminent. Butsince it is "sahaj duty" of a vaishya (gardner/farmer) he does notbecome sinful -if his intention and inner sentiments are towards non-violence. In every Karma there is some defect (flaws), but theinner sentiments makes the act sinful. If a doctor as a matter ofduty and service, even cuts the limbs of a patient, he doesn't incursin, rather he gets virtues "punya" because his intention was tocure the patient. One must have compassion towards all creatures,but for Sri Krishna in particular, the love, protection, and care ofcows, the mother of all of us, was immense. It is the most piouskarma - to protect the Cows. More to follow at a later time.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B----------------------------Shree Hari-Born out of the original question, I have a question.Out of the responses I have read, and my horror of worldstarvation.A point emerged in my mind, which I have wrestled with for manyyears. Looking to the Ancient Gitaji, against the backdrop of themodern world, I beg wise council .You see, most crop farming methods are aggressive, pesticides,fungicides, herbicides and so on. Vermin control in food storagesystems. Natures death toll of these things is staggering, if oneworks up through the food chain. And there are such creatures suchas the mosquito, ( I believe the biggest killer of humanity onearth). Taking into account these points, when looking at souls withsevere malnutrition, or racked with a parasite born fever, I see aconundrum.With Respect and Divine Love,Mike Keenor-----------------------------We should be compassionate towards all animals and birds becausethey are all God's creatures like us.Hari Shanker Deo-----------------------------HARI AUMThe principle: "... we must not do to birds, animals and all otherbeings, what we do not wish for ourselves" is really GREAT. I fullybeliever in it and respect it with utmost devotion.In this context I could not understand the practice followed in manyof the temples, especially in Kerala, where Elephants are kept incaptivity - life imprisonment - for use in various rituals andcelebrations. Is it not against the principle taught by Gita.What should be done to bring an end to widely practiced crimeagainst our fellow beings?Yours Sincerely,NB Nair----------------------------PRIOR POSTINGIf one were to visit the various temples, both Vaishnavaite andShaivite, he or she would see plants and trees peculiar to aparticular deity existing in the compounds. Nearly every other deityhas a mascot in the form of an animal eg. mouse for Lord Ganesha;lion for Eashwari; bull for Lord Shiva; peacock for Lord Muruga;garuda forLord Vishnu etc. etc. Shri Hanumanji is worshipped as the Lord ofMonkeys. What does that teach us? To live in harmony with both plantsand animals in an environmentally friendly planet.Mahendra Raj-------------------------------Narayan NarayanIN ENGLISHIndia is such a country, where there was love and compassion towardsall beings. Where even rivers are given the status of Mother "Maa",and stones are worshipped as Ram and Sita. Then, what to speak ofother things? RamchandraIN HINDIBharatvarsh hi ek aisha desh hein jhaha jeev maatre ko prem daayamelti Hai.Jaaha nadiyo ko bhi maa ka darja de te hai ,pattaro ko bhi pujte haiOr nar mai(ram)or nari mai(sheeta) ko dekhte hai .Phir aanya ki baat hi kya kare?(ramchandra)--------------------------------II Shri Hari IIDear spritual friends, I have seen the slides and been deeplytouched by it. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO WATCH THESE SLIDES andto share with friends and family in an effort to increase awarenessand minimize violence wherever possible.http://www.jivdaya.net/devnar_hell.phpAs beautifully stated by sadhaks in this forum - "Sarvabhoot hiterata" (BG 12:4) - Help, Love, Serve, Respect and Learn from allbeings. "Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non Violence, compassiontowards all. We must not do to others, what we do not wish forourselves. Clearly per Gita and Hindu scriptures our role is toserve and protect all beings. MAY ALL BEINGS be SERVED. It is due totheir presence that we can survive.Meera Das-----------------------------If you have thoughts or any ideas around animal protection /minimizing violence or related issues, please post your ideas at:karmayog/message/41339 www.karmayog.com (www.karmayog.org is a unique free platformsince June 2004 for concerned citizens - for social causes in Indiaand civic issues in Mumbai. Karmayog is Convenor of the NGO Council,which has a MoU with BMC to collaborate on civic issues.)-----------------------------PRIOR POSTINGNarayan NarayanIN ENGLISHWhatever you have, this body, these senses, this mind, thisintellect etc. it is all for the service of others. It is not forus. Therefore we must serve all. Let there be only one thought inthe mind - Let ALL BEINGS be SERVED (ALL beings – in form ofbirds, animals, insects, humans etc.) Srimaan Vyasji, in a verystraight and simple language shared the essence with us.RamchandraIN HINDIAap ke pas sharir indriya man, buddhi, aadi jo kuch heinWho sab ka sab dhoshroo ke seva ke liye hein, aapne liyeNahi. Is ke liye sab ki seva karo. Man mein ek hi vicharRahe prani maatre(sabhi jeev jantu pashu pakshi)Shreeman vyasji ne aapni saral bhasha mein saar bhata diya(ramchandra)"Sarvabhoot hite rata" (BG 12:4)- this should be attitude of humanstowards every creature. Help them, love them, serve them, respectthem, learn from them.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas NBThe present question is about our attitude towards birds, animalsand other creatures -- according to Gita.Gopal -- Bhagavan Krishna's name itself is with an animal - Cow.O Arjuna , 'Eswarah sarvabhutanam hruddesarjuna tishtati' know thatGod abides in the hearts of all creatures causing them to revolveaccording to their karma.'Sarvabhutasthmaatmanam sarvabhutanichatmani' - a Yogi sees unityeverywhere, beholds the Self present in all beings.The Yogi who is established in union with Me, and worships me asresiding ' Sarvabhutastitamyomam bhajastamekatvamastitah' in allbeings abides in Me.'Sarvabhutani Kounteya prakrutimyantimamikam' O Kounteya during thefinal dissolution all beings enter My Prakrti.Know that the knowledge to be Sattvika' Sarvabhuteshuyenaikambhavamavyayameekshyate' when man perceives one imperishable divineexistence in all beings.He who is free from malice towards all beings ' Advesthasarvabhutanam maitraha karunaevacha' -- that devotee of Mine isdear to Me."Ahimsa --- Dayabhuteshu' -- Non violence, compassion towards allcreatures are Divine qualities.The Esavasya Upanishad 'Yastusarvanibhutani Atmanyevanupasyati' -whoever see all beings in Himself, for him there is no moham(attachment) and dukham (sorrow).Dr. Goli(Dr.Anjaneyulu Goli)Dear Sadaks,First one should know that many of us have taken births asbirds/animals Etc Bagavan in GEetha said, "I am in everything, but Iam not that". So one should see Bagavan in birds/animals. Bagavan isChaitaniya in them and us, but HE is not the body of bird/animal.Feeding birds, satvik animals (cow, goat etc) is human Dharma, asone has been in that form earlier, so they are brothers & sisters.SibiRaja gave his flesh to Eagle to protect it`s pray (bird). Valmikicursed a hunter for killing a bird which was mating. There arenumerous instances where saints protected and fed animals/birds.Mother Seetha said once when was walking carefully, looking downtowards the earth, that she wants no ants to be killed by her feet.Kakasura in the form of bird bit mother Seetha` s breast. Sri Ramawas angry and took bow and arrow. Mother said it is only a bird. Butdemon (Asura) was born as a bird for his action during Sri Krishna'speriod. Sri Krishna tore the bird apart holding the beaks. The Asuraattained salvation (Moksha) a blessing by Bhagavan. Since we takewater from nature we are supposed to pour water to plants. Since weget foods from nature, we should protect nature. Since birds/animalsmaintain ecology we should protect them. One important message:Never get attached to any bird/animal. Do help them as Bagavanwanted. We should be instrument (tool) in this matter to serveBagavan WHO is chaitaniya in them. If attachment takes us over, thenit is like Jada Bharatha case, where we might take birth as that towhich we are attached.B.Sathyanarayan----------------------------PREVIOUS POSTINGShree HariRam RamAs much Gita as has been understood from Shraddhey Swamiji, andreflecting on it, we must not do to birds, animals and all otherbeings, what we do not wish for ourselves. Ram Ram, SarvottamIN HINDIJitni Gita Shraddhey Swamiji se samjhi usske anusheelan mein hamesabhi pashu pakshi praani maatre ke prati wah nahin karnaa chaahiyejo hum apne prati nahin chaaheteRam RamSarvottam------------------------------Hari OmOur attitude towards them should be 1- compassionate, 2- studentlike, learning from them and 3- full of gratitude and service tothem.Except prevalence of "conscience" in us - there is nothing in uswhich can make us proud vis a vis birds, animals , fish, trees etc.Absolutely nothing- from every conceivable view point. Be itutility, beauty, physique, capacity,ability, virtue,power,tolerance, punctuality, longevity, carefulness, service, duty,adaptability, sense organs, mind, intellect, ego, body, conduct -on any count.Only one thing distinguishes us from them-"conscience".They have that too but only with reference to what is eatable andwhat is not.( Alas! We fail miserably here also). We have much morediscrimination power than them. Whatever they have, in that they arealways superior to us. What they don't have, ( conscience), in thatonly we are superior.It is another matter that they are north bound- in the process ofbecoming human beings again, while majority of us is south bound, inthe process of becoming animals. Otherwise, why we should eat themaway?It is due to their presence that we can survive. Books and books canbe written as to what we can learn from them.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas NB

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