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A Question in regards to Nothingness

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I have a question, in regard to various suggestions that are

continually made in this forum. I hear repeatedly a theme in regard

to the goal of meditation, upasanas, etc, being " nothing " .


Also postings telling persons that once they go beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . I may be insignificant, but by the mere

fact that I am saying " I " , that indicates that I, or we, have

significance. However small any of our influence or existence may

be, we ARE. I challenge those who truly believe that we are



Mahalakshmi dasi



Mahalakshmiji, it will be helpful if you also included the actual

statements that sadhaks made around nothingness, insignificant etc.

along with name of sadhak, so one can look at the context in which

these points were discussed.


From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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I have a question, in regard to various suggestions that are

continually made in this forum. I hear repeatedly a theme in regard

to the goal of meditation, upasanas, etc, being " nothing " .


Also postings telling persons that once they go beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . I may be insignificant, but by the mere

fact that I am saying " I " , that indicates that I, or we, have

significance. However small any of our influence or existence may

be, we ARE. I challenge those who truly believe that we are

nothing. if you truly believe that YOU ARE NOTHING, then how can

you have any truth to convey? NOTHINGNESS indicates you have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others?


Mahalakshmi dasi



Mahalakshmiji, it will be helpful if you also included the actual

statements that sadhaks made around nothingness, insignificant etc.

along with name of sadhak, so one can look at the context in which

these points were discussed.


From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram




Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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FROM EMAIL ID: Sadhak_insight. Any emails received from other email

ids or individuals are strictly not coming from the moderated site. Please

therefore do not inadvertently UNSUBSCRIBE to Gita-talk, if you have received

inappropriate discussions threads from other sources. Thank you!

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram



I have a question, in regards to various suggestions that are

continually made in this forum. I hear repeatedly a theme in regard

to the goal of meditation, upasanas, etc, being " nothing " .


Also postings telling persons that once they go beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . I may be insignificant, but by the mere

fact that I am saying " I " , that indicates that I, or we, have

significance. However small any of our influence or existence may

be, we ARE. I challenge those who truly believe that we are

nothing. if you truly believe that YOU ARE NOTHING, then how can

you have any truth to convey? NOTHINGNESS indicates you have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others?


Mahalakshmi dasi




The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing' is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind or the

intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of these. In other words,

we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists. Having

realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body, Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the soul. It is

like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so far as it has not

merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with the ocean, there is no more

separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his separate

identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak' of his God. His

identity then changes from his wordly identity to his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question by asking

another question or challenging the questioner, it would be better if we think

from the point of view of the questioner and appreciate her point of view before

we embark upon obsessively answering the question. We will never be able to do

justice to the question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have asked the





For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under discussion,

one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a vacant look, though at

the same time trying to very deeply perceive what is happening there,within

minutes it will be seen that there are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which

appear from nowhere and disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What

are these bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go? Perhaps they

do not at all originate and also do not at all disintegrate. This close and

continuous observation may lead to further realization which we go on hunting in

our mind for birth after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted, had it been

properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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POSTED ONLY FROM EMAIL ID: Sadhak_insight. Any emails

received from other email ids or individuals are strictly not coming

from the moderated site. Please therefore do not inadvertently

UNSUBSCRIBE to Gita-talk, if you have received inappropriate

discussions threads from other sources. Thank you!

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram



I have a question, in regards to various suggestions that are

continually made in this forum. I hear repeatedly a theme in regard

to the goal of meditation, upasanas, etc, being " nothing " .


Also postings telling persons that once they go beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . I may be insignificant, but by the mere

fact that I am saying " I " , that indicates that I, or we, have

significance. However small any of our influence or existence may

be, we ARE. I challenge those who truly believe that we are

nothing. if you truly believe that YOU ARE NOTHING, then how can

you have any truth to convey? NOTHINGNESS indicates you have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others?


Mahalakshmi dasi




Narayan Narayan

Mateshwari jee


That which changes, is unreal (non-existent, perishable, moving

towards destruction) and

That which does not change, is real (existent,imperishable)(Gita




Jho bhadalta hai uski saata naahi hoti or

Jho naahi bhadalta usi ki saata hoti hai(Gita 2:16)






Dear Sadhaks,

I was comtemplating on Vivekachudami of Adi Sankara`s. My friend not

intereseted in spiritual matters asked me, " What are you


as you could not recognise my presence " . I said, " NOTHING " . Does it

mean real. I was contemplating on SOMETHING. Going beyond conscience

level (without Pragniya) is Samadhi state, that which like Sadashiva

Bramendral/yogi Raj could do. But these saints came back to normal

state after many days. How? They were with Paramatma but though their

functioning they were beyond senses. During Maha Pralaya (final

destruction) it says everything gets destroyed with souls abiding in

Paramatma. Again when creation commences these souls take forms. This

is said in Upanishads. So there is NO stage called " Nothing " exists.

But the word " nothing " is misunderstood. Nothing more to discuss

rather than keep saying " Om Namo Narayana " .



My dandavats to all in this forum,

In response to Dr. Anjaneyuyu Goli, I would like to respond

from a point of view of one who has certainly studied the Vedas, but

not with the ability to translate, or even to know the various

different meanings which can be attributed to any given word, which

causes the scenario of, depending on who is translating,, a totally

different meaning being gleaned depending on the mood/interpretation

of the translator.

So, my response to you, Dr, is, if you truly believe that

nothingness is the ultimate, why do you put the title " Dr " in front

of your name? Why not go by Anjaneyuyu Nothing? Indeed, with no

disrespect intended, I ask you honestly, isn't it a bit of hypocrisy

to use a title which sets you just a niche or two above others,

while presenting that nothingness, which has no social distinctions,

is your belief system? Truly, it may appeal to some (I am not saying

anyone in particular, it is a question more than an accusation)

that they can hide behind a convenient philosophy of nothingness,

which allows no sense of impending guilt if one behaves in a

misdirected or selfish, or just plain sinful fashion. But if an

individual truly is in touch with Supersoul, I believe that he or

she will not accept a translation of the holy scriptures which

guides one to nothingness. Because no one can live this path in

this life. No one can sit down on the sidewalk, stop eating,

drinking, interacting, striving for recognition amongst one's fellow

human beings, etc. So, when I hear presentations which are

concluding with this idea, my only thought is that it is not an

honest path. Those who choose it do not live it. It is virtually

impossible in the west, even to remain seated as an Avadhut, such as

Rsabhadeva did in the Bhagavatam.....(He lay on the ground, like a

python, and if food entered his mouth, He ate....if nothing came to

Him, He fasted.....but He also was able to make His stool smell like

roses, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

incarnated). Anyway, if someone were on such a detached level in

this country, he would be subject to being thrown in jail. A truly

realized person would not allow himself to be the object of such

offensive actions, knowing the offenders would suffer horrible

reactions. He would not put himself in such a position.....but in

India, certainly one could live in the streets, waiting for whatever

mercy of the Lord came to him, and be left alone. Personally, I do

not accept that even this conduct, of the avadhut's, is a state

of " nothingness " . I have understood from my teachers, and my

studying of the Vedas, that those whose activities in this world are

minimal, but are either absorbed in chanting the Lord's names, or

in trance, are still absorbed within in a realm of total activity, a

state of samadhi where the soul has left this encagement and is

interacting in a transcendental world, beyond time and space. In

this transcendental world, described in the Brahma Samhita, there is

no time.Not even the passing of one moment; it remains in the

eternal, undivided present. Brahma Samhita gives detailed

description of this transcendental world, which is full of Surabhi

cows, which fulfill all desires, where unlimited wish-fulfilling

trees fulfill any aspiration of the devotee (who's only desires are

to continue engaging in loving devotional exchanges with the Lord

and other sadhaks) where light is full of knowledge and bliss, and

where the supreme spiritual substance which comprises all things is

relishable (cintamani). This is a world which is not " nothing " . It

may sound like a " fairy tale " to some, but I truly believe that

fairies are real. If you or others don't believe in fairies, or in

Goloka Vrndavana, which is presented in the Brahma Samhita, then

you may have to keep trying to believe in nothing. Personally, I

feel that " nothingness " philosophy is a trap, and I pray that any

sadhaks reading this kindly bless me that I may have the strength to

always resist the temptation of " nothingness " . I feel it is an

excuse for giving up loving devotional activites, such as sravanam,

kirtanam, visnoh smaranam (hearing, chanting, and remembering the


My respects to all,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Respected Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli

Jay Shri Krushn


Pl. refer to foll. text in your reply. Can you pl. help me to know


source of the same.


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha - NOTHING

Jay Shri Krushn





The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing'

is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind

or the intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of

these. In other words, we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely

do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists.

Having realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body,

Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the

soul. It is like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so

far as it has not merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with

the ocean, there is no more separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his

separate identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak'

of his God. His identity then changes from his wordly identity to

his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question

by asking another question or challenging the questioner, it would

be better if we think from the point of view of the questioner and

appreciate her point of view before we embark upon obsessively

answering the question. We will never be able to do justice to the

question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have

asked the question.




For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under

discussion, one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a

vacant look, though at the same time trying to very deeply perceive

what is happening there,within minutes it will be seen that there

are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which appear from nowhere and

disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What are these

bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go?

Perhaps they do not at all originate and also do not at all

disintegrate. This close and continuous observation may lead to

further realization which we go on hunting in our mind for birth

after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted,

had it been properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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POSTED ONLY FROM EMAIL ID: Sadhak_insight. Any emails

received from other email ids or individuals are strictly not coming

from the moderated site. Thank you!

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram



I have a question, in regards to various suggestions that are

continually made in this forum. I hear repeatedly a theme in regard

to the goal of meditation, upasanas, etc, being " nothing " .


Also postings telling persons that once they go beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . I may be insignificant, but by the mere

fact that I am saying " I " , that indicates that I, or we, have

significance. However small any of our influence or existence may

be, we ARE. I challenge those who truly believe that we are

nothing. if you truly believe that YOU ARE NOTHING, then how can

you have any truth to convey? NOTHINGNESS indicates you have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others?


Mahalakshmi dasi




Hari Om

Neither this web site has advocated any " nothingness " nor any

" somethingness " nor has any Sadhak talked about any nothingness or

any somethingness- without any context.. We are here to discuss about

Gita and religious way of living life.


It is in my humble view that you have raised a topic out of " nothing "

and used that topic for passing improper personal comments upon

contributors to the deliberations. This site is definitely not meant

for exhibition of such behavior where we can injudiciously call any

person to be hypocrite or question as to how he is using title " Dr "

before his name or throwing mud at any person's way of living. None is

entitled to exhibit such conduct. Dr is part of a name. Does not the

other party also has a name after a divine person of Sanatan Dharma?

What right then he/she has to use that name?


In the recent past also similar absurd, comments were passed even for

a Saint of the class of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. He was called as

a hypocrite, dishonest, false and what not. Due to continued similar

conduct, I must state my views. I hope the Moderators will be as kind

to me as they were with this particular sadhak- in publishing this

note.. Is such conduct proper? Is it fair? If some one does not agree

to any view point, he/she has choice /option of humbly disagreeing and

withdrawing from deliberations. Which religion or Preceptor teaches us

to humiliate in such a brazen manner any contributors ? This has so

far been for genuine sadhaks, has it not? Who asked a comparison

between two countries? Did the discussion warrant that?


It must be understood that such person not only lowers himself/herself

before such an elite family type satsanga forum, but he/she also

brings to disrepute his/her siksha/ diksha Gurus and the very

organisation to which she/he claims to be belonging. One must never

forget that if you raise one accusing finger towards any one, 3

fingers of the same hand get directed towards you- automatically.

Sanatan Dharma/Vedas never teach such conduct.


Dr Anjaneya and Mr. Naga Narayana are entitled to get an apology.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

Putting Dr in front of name is identification of the body. More over

Dr means profession not the soul. Sri Krishnah mean anadham. Sri is

respect to our Bagavan. Plain Krishna may mean somebody by name

Krishna. Dr.Anjeneyalu put Dr prefix before his name by habbit. Dr

profession has nothing to do with spritual matters. Dear Sadaks please

avoid finding fault with one an another. See Bagavan in everybody.

There is NOTHING wrong Right in identification. Bagavan in Geetha says

in many places Partha or Arjuna. It is only identification to who

Bagavan speaking to. For Bagavan Partha or Duryodana are equal to HIM.




Narayan Narayan

Mateshwari jee


That which changes, is unreal (non-existent, perishable, moving

towards destruction) and

That which does not change, is real (existent,imperishable)(Gita




Jho bhadalta hai uski saata naahi hoti or

Jho naahi bhadalta usi ki saata hoti hai(Gita 2:16)





Dear Sadhaks,

I was comtemplating on Vivekachudami of Adi Sankara`s. My friend not

intereseted in spiritual matters asked me, " What are you


as you could not recognise my presence " . I said, " NOTHING " . Does it

mean real. I was contemplating on SOMETHING. Going beyond conscience

level (without Pragniya) is Samadhi state, that which like Sadashiva

Bramendral/yogi Raj could do. But these saints came back to normal

state after many days. How? They were with Paramatma but though their

functioning they were beyond senses. During Maha Pralaya (final

destruction) it says everything gets destroyed with souls abiding in

Paramatma. Again when creation commences these souls take forms. This

is said in Upanishads. So there is NO stage called " Nothing " exists.

But the word " nothing " is misunderstood. Nothing more to discuss

rather than keep saying " Om Namo Narayana " .



My dandavats to all in this forum,

In response to Dr. Anjaneyuyu Goli, I would like to respond

from a point of view of one who has certainly studied the Vedas, but

not with the ability to translate, or even to know the various

different meanings which can be attributed to any given word, which

causes the scenario of, depending on who is translating,, a totally

different meaning being gleaned depending on the mood/interpretation

of the translator.

So, my response to you, Dr, is, if you truly believe that

nothingness is the ultimate, why do you put the title " Dr " in front

of your name? Why not go by Anjaneyuyu Nothing? Indeed, with no

disrespect intended, I ask you honestly, isn't it a bit of hypocrisy

to use a title which sets you just a niche or two above others,

while presenting that nothingness, which has no social distinctions,

is your belief system? Truly, it may appeal to some (I am not saying

anyone in particular, it is a question more than an accusation)

that they can hide behind a convenient philosophy of nothingness,

which allows no sense of impending guilt if one behaves in a

misdirected or selfish, or just plain sinful fashion. But if an

individual truly is in touch with Supersoul, I believe that he or

she will not accept a translation of the holy scriptures which

guides one to nothingness. Because no one can live this path in

this life. No one can sit down on the sidewalk, stop eating,

drinking, interacting, striving for recognition amongst one's fellow

human beings, etc. So, when I hear presentations which are

concluding with this idea, my only thought is that it is not an

honest path. Those who choose it do not live it. It is virtually

impossible in the west, even to remain seated as an Avadhut, such as

Rsabhadeva did in the Bhagavatam.....(He lay on the ground, like a

python, and if food entered his mouth, He ate....if nothing came to

Him, He fasted.....but He also was able to make His stool smell like

roses, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

incarnated). Anyway, if someone were on such a detached level in

this country, he would be subject to being thrown in jail. A truly

realized person would not allow himself to be the object of such

offensive actions, knowing the offenders would suffer horrible

reactions. He would not put himself in such a position.....but in

India, certainly one could live in the streets, waiting for whatever

mercy of the Lord came to him, and be left alone. Personally, I do

not accept that even this conduct, of the avadhut's, is a state

of " nothingness " . I have understood from my teachers, and my

studying of the Vedas, that those whose activities in this world are

minimal, but are either absorbed in chanting the Lord's names, or

in trance, are still absorbed within in a realm of total activity, a

state of samadhi where the soul has left this encagement and is

interacting in a transcendental world, beyond time and space. In

this transcendental world, described in the Brahma Samhita, there is

no time.Not even the passing of one moment; it remains in the

eternal, undivided present. Brahma Samhita gives detailed

description of this transcendental world, which is full of Surabhi

cows, which fulfill all desires, where unlimited wish-fulfilling

trees fulfill any aspiration of the devotee (who's only desires are

to continue engaging in loving devotional exchanges with the Lord

and other sadhaks) where light is full of knowledge and bliss, and

where the supreme spiritual substance which comprises all things is

relishable (cintamani). This is a world which is not " nothing " . It

may sound like a " fairy tale " to some, but I truly believe that

fairies are real. If you or others don't believe in fairies, or in

Goloka Vrndavana, which is presented in the Brahma Samhita, then

you may have to keep trying to believe in nothing. Personally, I

feel that " nothingness " philosophy is a trap, and I pray that any

sadhaks reading this kindly bless me that I may have the strength to

always resist the temptation of " nothingness " . I feel it is an

excuse for giving up loving devotional activites, such as sravanam,

kirtanam, visnoh smaranam (hearing, chanting, and remembering the


My respects to all,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Respected Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli

Jay Shri Krushn


Pl. refer to foll. text in your reply. Can you pl. help me to know


source of the same.


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha - NOTHING

Jay Shri Krushn





The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing'

is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind

or the intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of

these. In other words, we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely

do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists.

Having realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body,

Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the

soul. It is like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so

far as it has not merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with

the ocean, there is no more separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his

separate identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak'

of his God. His identity then changes from his wordly identity to

his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question

by asking another question or challenging the questioner, it would

be better if we think from the point of view of the questioner and

appreciate her point of view before we embark upon obsessively

answering the question. We will never be able to do justice to the

question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have

asked the question.




For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under

discussion, one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a

vacant look, though at the same time trying to very deeply perceive

what is happening there,within minutes it will be seen that there

are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which appear from nowhere and

disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What are these

bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go?

Perhaps they do not at all originate and also do not at all

disintegrate. This close and continuous observation may lead to

further realization which we go on hunting in our mind for birth

after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted,

had it been properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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POSTED ONLY FROM EMAIL ID: Sadhak_insight. Any emails

received from other email ids or individuals are strictly not coming

from the moderated site. Thank you!

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram



I have a question, in regards to various suggestions that are

continually made in this forum. I hear repeatedly a theme in regard

to the goal of meditation, upasanas, etc, being " nothing " .


Also postings telling persons that once they go beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . I may be insignificant, but by the mere

fact that I am saying " I " , that indicates that I, or we, have

significance. However small any of our influence or existence may

be, we ARE. I challenge those who truly believe that we are

nothing. if you truly believe that YOU ARE NOTHING, then how can

you have any truth to convey? NOTHINGNESS indicates you have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others?


Mahalakshmi dasi




Jay Shree Krishna



I cannot clearly understand everyone's inner sentiments in English.

But it appears that from your discussion, it is not going according to

the group's intent. Moderator must be careful about this. One must

remain alert that without engaging in too much discussion, to grab

hold of the essence, and deeply understand it. In Saint's words it is

therefore said that " Brother, now leave listening / reading /

learning, and instead know, believe and accept it. The thing to know

is the world, the thing to believe is God. Beyond those talks a

sadhak has not much concern, that who said what? How they said it?

Falling into this hassle, a sadhak must remain ever alert not to waste

their own time, as well as, other's time. You all are intelligent, and

educated.. in few words, one must understand more.





Mai English me Aap sabke pure bhav samjta nahi hu.Lekin lagta hai ki

Aapki charch..es group ke udeshy ke anurup nahi lag rahi hai.Modretor

ko yeh khyal rakhna chahiye.Jyada vad-vivad badhakar..sar bat ko

grahan karne ke liye sajag rahana chahiye.Sant Vaani me esiliye kaha

hoga ki " Bhai Aab sunana-sikhana chhodo...Aur Janana aur Manana swikar

kar lo. Janana hai es jagat ke bare me,Manana hai Prabhu ko...jyada

bato se sadhak ko matlab nahi ki kisne kya kaha?kaise kaha.Es

panchayati me padkar apana aur dusaro ka samy kharab na ho yeh harek

sadhak ko savdhani rakhani chahiye.Aap sab samjdar,Padhe-likhe log

ho..thode me jyada samaj lena.





Hari Om


The Kathopanishad state - Chapter 1, Valli 3 , verses 10 and 11 -

" There is " nothing " beyond Purusha " .


The Upanishads are said to be the summary of Vedas. Shrimad Bhagvad

Gita is considered as the " essence " of the Upanishads.


Purusha is defined as Paramatma in Gita/Upanishads/Vedas. Purusha is

also used for pure soul part in Jeeva. God is also known as

Purushottam in Gita.(Gita 15:18).


Gita also confirms the same vide Gita 2:16 ,3:42, 9:4, 15:18 and 7:19.

(Combined reading) - there may be more verses confirming this..


" Naham prakashah sarvasyam " is in Gita 7:25. Reference reg " avyaktam "

is in Gita 9:4 . Refer also " udasinvadasino " term used in BG 14:23

(Like an udasin- when there is nothing except God how can only

" udasin " word be used- it has to be " like " an udasin !)


This reply is pursuant to Vimalji's query to Dr Goli.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



My dandavats to all in this forum,

My sincere apologies to anyone who may have felt my inquiries were out of

line in my last posting......I was trying with extreme caution to present my

question in a non-personal, general way, but as I am often a tactless person, I

can understand that I have failed again. My question was meant to highlight the

point that if we believe truly that everything is ultimately nothing, (as

indicated in this quotation, " --- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtin a' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -


I certainly hope that Anjaneyulu Goli felt no offense, indeed, I am certain

that he has the depth of understanding to know that he is not the material body,

nor any designation applied to it.....hence, I sincerely doubt if he was

offended. A man in knowledge is not disturbed by any reference to the body

being significant or not. Still, I thank Vyasaji for pointing out to me that I

should be more sensitive. My point was not meant to denigrate anyone, so again,

if there was appearance of such, my profuse apologies.

On the vein of the same discussion, in his presentation the good Dr. has

said, final word, " nothing " ....after the statement, " He is beyond Purusha " .

Please kindly explain to me, Vyasa, what this means. I have no problem with the

point that we are here trying to understand a religious path, how to live life

according to Gita, however, you must accept that it disturbs me greatly to have

it presented that the Supreme Absolute Truth, Sri Krsna, who has an eternal form

composed of bliss and knowledge, who has a home known as Goloka Vrndavan, who is

beyond the Purusa, can be equated with nothingness. If you think that perhaps

the doctor was offended by referring to him with the title " nothing " , think

about how it must hurt the Supreme Person to be thought of as such.

Sincerely, with best wishes,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Vimalji - Namaste


I present the following source you are pleased to know:


' Naaham prakashha ' Gita Ch 7 Sl 25


Veiled by My Yogamaya, I am not manifest to all. Hence these ignorant folk fail

to recognise Me, the unborn and imperishable Supreme Deity


'Jagadavyaktamoorthina' Gita Ch 9 Sl 4


The whole of this universe is permeated by Me as unmanifest Divinity, and all

beings rest on the idea within Me. Therefore, really speaking, I am not present

in them.

Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear readers,


Well, I am going to add something to this discussion. It is not wrong to share

a dream, is it? I can't tell you who I really am, because I don't know who I

am....I think I am this body.....but this dream is really interesting.

I was in a room with lots of other sadhaks. I like the word devotees. My

guru was sitting up front, only I don't think my guru knew about this dream. I

think it was Krsna, appearing as guru. Anyway, he asked me, " What is more

dangerous, the poison in the hand of the rabbit, or Nothing? " (Krsna knows all

about Alice in Wonderland)

I replied, quickly, " Why of course, the poison in the hand of the rabbit,

because " nothing " does not exist. " The entire room of devotees responded back

to me, " No, " Nothing " is more powerful " .

I turned to Krsna-disguised-as-guru....and I gave an inquiring look. To

which the response came back, " Nothing is more powerful. Because Alice

believed in it. "

I think Krsna was challenging me.....do I want to believe in " Nothing " ? I

can if I want. It is a powerful, powerful state of mind.......I ask myself many

times......what could cause me to believe that there is no longer any point to

living? What type of offenses would I commit, that my consciousness would lose

track of trying to attain a level of purity, lose track of trying to aspire for

being Godly, forget about entering into a realm of eternal lila with Sri Sri

Radha and Krsna? etc etc. And lose track of all the times I have seen Krsna in

my dreams, inviting me to be near to Him? These are questions I ask often.

Thank you for listening to me.

Sri Radhe

Shirley May


It is only our ego which makes us important. Otherwise we are nothing. We are

hollow inside. We are nothing and we dissolve into nothingness, when we

die.Unless we realise it we will keep on making mistakes, which will result in

endless births and deaths. The spiritual path is only to save our souls.


Hari Shanker Deo




Hari Om

Neither this web site has advocated any " nothingness " nor any

" somethingness " nor has any Sadhak talked about any nothingness or

any somethingness- without any context.. We are here to discuss about

Gita and religious way of living life.


It is in my humble view that you have raised a topic out of " nothing "

and used that topic for passing improper personal comments upon

contributors to the deliberations. This site is definitely not meant

for exhibition of such behavior where we can injudiciously call any

person to be hypocrite or question as to how he is using title " Dr "

before his name or throwing mud at any person's way of living. None is

entitled to exhibit such conduct. Dr is part of a name. Does not the

other party also has a name after a divine person of Sanatan Dharma?

What right then he/she has to use that name?


In the recent past also similar absurd, comments were passed even for

a Saint of the class of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. He was called as

a hypocrite, dishonest, false and what not. Due to continued similar

conduct, I must state my views. I hope the Moderators will be as kind

to me as they were with this particular sadhak- in publishing this

note.. Is such conduct proper? Is it fair? If some one does not agree

to any view point, he/she has choice /option of humbly disagreeing and

withdrawing from deliberations. Which religion or Preceptor teaches us

to humiliate in such a brazen manner any contributors ? This has so

far been for genuine sadhaks, has it not? Who asked a comparison

between two countries? Did the discussion warrant that?


It must be understood that such person not only lowers himself/herself

before such an elite family type satsanga forum, but he/she also

brings to disrepute his/her siksha/ diksha Gurus and the very

organisation to which she/he claims to be belonging. One must never

forget that if you raise one accusing finger towards any one, 3

fingers of the same hand get directed towards you- automatically.

Sanatan Dharma/Vedas never teach such conduct.


Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli and Naga Narayanaji are entitled to an apology.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

Putting Dr in front of name is identification of the body. More over

Dr means profession not the soul. Sri Krishnah mean anadham. Sri is

respect to our Bagavan. Plain Krishna may mean somebody by name

Krishna. Dr.Anjeneyalu put Dr prefix before his name by habbit. Dr

profession has nothing to do with spritual matters. Dear Sadaks please

avoid finding fault with one an another. See Bagavan in everybody.

There is NOTHING wrong Right in identification. Bagavan in Geetha says

in many places Partha or Arjuna. It is only identification to who

Bagavan speaking to. For Bagavan Partha or Duryodana are equal to HIM.




Narayan Narayan

Mateshwari jee


That which changes, is unreal (non-existent, perishable, moving

towards destruction) and

That which does not change, is real (existent,imperishable)(Gita




Jho bhadalta hai uski saata naahi hoti or

Jho naahi bhadalta usi ki saata hoti hai(Gita 2:16)





Dear Sadhaks,

I was comtemplating on Vivekachudami of Adi Sankara`s. My friend not

intereseted in spiritual matters asked me, " What are you


as you could not recognise my presence " . I said, " NOTHING " . Does it

mean real. I was contemplating on SOMETHING. Going beyond conscience

level (without Pragniya) is Samadhi state, that which like Sadashiva

Bramendral/yogi Raj could do. But these saints came back to normal

state after many days. How? They were with Paramatma but though their

functioning they were beyond senses. During Maha Pralaya (final

destruction) it says everything gets destroyed with souls abiding in

Paramatma. Again when creation commences these souls take forms. This

is said in Upanishads. So there is NO stage called " Nothing " exists.

But the word " nothing " is misunderstood. Nothing more to discuss

rather than keep saying " Om Namo Narayana " .



My dandavats to all in this forum,

In response to Dr. Anjaneyuyu Goli, I would like to respond

from a point of view of one who has certainly studied the Vedas, but

not with the ability to translate, or even to know the various

different meanings which can be attributed to any given word, which

causes the scenario of, depending on who is translating,, a totally

different meaning being gleaned depending on the mood/interpretation

of the translator.

So, my response to you, Dr, is, if you truly believe that

nothingness is the ultimate, why do you put the title " Dr " in front

of your name? Why not go by Anjaneyuyu Nothing? Indeed, with no

disrespect intended, I ask you honestly, isn't it a bit of hypocrisy

to use a title which sets you just a niche or two above others,

while presenting that nothingness, which has no social distinctions,

is your belief system? Truly, it may appeal to some (I am not saying

anyone in particular, it is a question more than an accusation)

that they can hide behind a convenient philosophy of nothingness,

which allows no sense of impending guilt if one behaves in a

misdirected or selfish, or just plain sinful fashion. But if an

individual truly is in touch with Supersoul, I believe that he or

she will not accept a translation of the holy scriptures which

guides one to nothingness. Because no one can live this path in

this life. No one can sit down on the sidewalk, stop eating,

drinking, interacting, striving for recognition amongst one's fellow

human beings, etc. So, when I hear presentations which are

concluding with this idea, my only thought is that it is not an

honest path. Those who choose it do not live it. It is virtually

impossible in the west, even to remain seated as an Avadhut, such as

Rsabhadeva did in the Bhagavatam.....(He lay on the ground, like a

python, and if food entered his mouth, He ate....if nothing came to

Him, He fasted.....but He also was able to make His stool smell like

roses, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

incarnated). Anyway, if someone were on such a detached level in

this country, he would be subject to being thrown in jail. A truly

realized person would not allow himself to be the object of such

offensive actions, knowing the offenders would suffer horrible

reactions. He would not put himself in such a position.....but in

India, certainly one could live in the streets, waiting for whatever

mercy of the Lord came to him, and be left alone. Personally, I do

not accept that even this conduct, of the avadhut's, is a state

of " nothingness " . I have understood from my teachers, and my

studying of the Vedas, that those whose activities in this world are

minimal, but are either absorbed in chanting the Lord's names, or

in trance, are still absorbed within in a realm of total activity, a

state of samadhi where the soul has left this encagement and is

interacting in a transcendental world, beyond time and space. In

this transcendental world, described in the Brahma Samhita, there is

no time.Not even the passing of one moment; it remains in the

eternal, undivided present. Brahma Samhita gives detailed

description of this transcendental world, which is full of Surabhi

cows, which fulfill all desires, where unlimited wish-fulfilling

trees fulfill any aspiration of the devotee (who's only desires are

to continue engaging in loving devotional exchanges with the Lord

and other sadhaks) where light is full of knowledge and bliss, and

where the supreme spiritual substance which comprises all things is

relishable (cintamani). This is a world which is not " nothing " . It

may sound like a " fairy tale " to some, but I truly believe that

fairies are real. If you or others don't believe in fairies, or in

Goloka Vrndavana, which is presented in the Brahma Samhita, then

you may have to keep trying to believe in nothing. Personally, I

feel that " nothingness " philosophy is a trap, and I pray that any

sadhaks reading this kindly bless me that I may have the strength to

always resist the temptation of " nothingness " . I feel it is an

excuse for giving up loving devotional activites, such as sravanam,

kirtanam, visnoh smaranam (hearing, chanting, and remembering the


My respects to all,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Respected Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli

Jay Shri Krushn


Pl. refer to foll. text in your reply. Can you pl. help me to know

the source of the same.


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha - NOTHING

Jay Shri Krushn





The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing'

is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind

or the intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of

these. In other words, we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely

do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists.

Having realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body,

Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the

soul. It is like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so

far as it has not merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with

the ocean, there is no more separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his

separate identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak'

of his God. His identity then changes from his wordly identity to

his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question

by asking another question or challenging the questioner, it would

be better if we think from the point of view of the questioner and

appreciate her point of view before we embark upon obsessively

answering the question. We will never be able to do justice to the

question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have

asked the question.




For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under

discussion, one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a

vacant look, though at the same time trying to very deeply perceive

what is happening there,within minutes it will be seen that there

are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which appear from nowhere and

disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What are these

bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go?

Perhaps they do not at all originate and also do not at all

disintegrate. This close and continuous observation may lead to

further realization which we go on hunting in our mind for birth

after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted,

had it been properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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POSTED ONLY FROM EMAIL ID: Sadhak_insight. Any emails

received from other email ids or individuals are strictly not coming

from the moderated site. Thank you!

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram



I have a question, in regards to various suggestions that are

continually made in this forum. I hear repeatedly a theme in regard

to the goal of meditation, upasanas, etc, being " nothing " .


Also postings telling persons that once they go beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . I may be insignificant, but by the mere

fact that I am saying " I " , that indicates that I, or we, have

significance. However small any of our influence or existence may

be, we ARE. I challenge those who truly believe that we are

nothing. if you truly believe that YOU ARE NOTHING, then how can

you have any truth to convey? NOTHINGNESS indicates you have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others?


Mahalakshmi dasi





A light has gone on in my heart!!!! There is a different angle

to the explanation of " nothing " beyond Purusha. I did not understand

the words previously presented....it is here understood that

" nothing " beyond indicates that the Supreme Person is Supreme, there

is no more to be said, nothing beyond Him. My gratitude to you,

Vyasaji, for getting through this murky intelligence.

Mahalaksmi Dasi




What you saw was a dream. What you are seeing now in your waking

state, is also a dream. Brahm is illusion, you yourself had that

dream (unreal), and that this is real. The Alice who was in your

dream, that same Alice is now as well. This wonderland itself is this

life, this world and this Alice is you. Even in dream it was an

illusion and even now too you are in illusion. This is the truth and

solid thing.


Stop believing this body to be yours. Immediately. You will receive

benediction. Or else, this Alice may have to even see horrific

dreams. Therefore get out of this illusion.


You are already established in illusion right now. Even in dream it

is only nothing. You simply don't know. This itself is called Maya.

This itself is called ignorance, baseness.







Jo dekha thaa vah dream tha. Jo jagrat avastha main abhi dekh rahe ho

vah bhi in fact dream hi hai. Bhram, illusion hai apko ki vah dream

(unreal) tha aur yeh real hai. Jo Alice dream main tha vahi Alice

abhi bhi hai. Wonderland yeh sansaar hi hai aur Alice aap hain. Dream

main bhi bhram main the, abhibhi aap bhram main hi hain. Pucci baat

hai yeh.


Sareer ko apna maanana band kar dijiye. Immediately. Apka kalyaan ho

jayega. Varana bhayankar dreams bhi is wonderland main Alice ko

dekhane pad sakte hain. Bhram se baahar nikaliye,


Nothing main hi to aap abhi viraajmaan hain. Dream main bhi nothing

main hi the. Maloom nahin hai apko. Isi ko maya kaha jata hai. Yehi

moodhata kahlaati hai.





An ardent appeal to everyone:


This form has retained its sanctity by promoting the very meaning of

Sadhana in its true sense. I appeal to everyone to treat it the same

way. In my opinion, Sadhana should always be focused on one's inherent

ignorance and inertia with a sole resolve of reducing the same to

eventually remove the same. I am sure all share this view.

Unfortunately, we have no way but to communicate within and with the

fellow like-minded seekers to achieve the same. Communication is the

only way of removal of ignorance as it was gained in the same way.


There are three types of communications - Pravada, Vivada and Sumvada.


Pravada is a single sided instruction from an authority, a Pravadi.

Only an authority such as Lord Krishna can do this. Neither of us can

be that. I am sure everyone realizes this.


Vivada is all of us are too familiar with. Sticking to what we think

we know and to attack anything that seems to disturb it in an effort

to safeguard what we think we know. The premise for vivada is to

promote one's own ego through information and hence it inevitably

provocates and injures others inviting a conflict. Such an act is

called " Aatmahatya " - self-slaying act because the very act promotes

the very same ego which is the most opaque hurdle in one's spiritual

progress. It is verily aatmahatya because the gloating or injured ego

will never rest removing any chance for anybody to be oneself, one's

most natural state of bliss. We have been accumulating our ignorance

in such communications all our lives ... I appeal one should not

continue this, at least in the name of Sadhana.


Sumvada is the one that is necessary wherein the premise is that I may

be necessarily wrong since I am the one who is feeling miserable and

that somebody may help me reveal my ignorance for my observation and

renunciation. Finding wrong in others can only boost one's ignorance.

Respecting contradictory views on the contrary may have a chance break

one's opaque shell of ignorance. Open mindedness is a must for

spiritual practice in my experience. I appeal to everyone to observe

this with an open mind. Please ... let us not sacrilege the sanctity

of such a forum ...


Coming to " Nothing " , Something " , " Everything " etc. I always treat any

term or any concept as one belonging to one's perception only. If

somebody declares on The God - The Absolute that is beyond all

explanations and hence remains mostly unknown within anybody's

perception - in any way, I consider it as a childish prank ... nothing

more. The very reason that an unknown is unknown is that I do not know

that! When I do not know, how can I ever say that is this or that? be

it nothing or everything? be that " it exists " or " it does not exist " .

All the Upanishads univocaly try to educate our ego to stop its habit

of attempting to bring everything into the realm of its " known " .

Therefore, I do not want to attempt to make any statements regarding

anything that is not known to me - Soul, Self, God, etc. As everybody

in this forum understand, they do not belong to the domain of one's

ego or its colleagues mind and body!


The idea of Nothing is the nothingness in one's perception ... Yada

panchaavatishthante Gnyaanaani manasaa saha | Buddhishcha na

vicheshatate taamaahuh paramaam gatim || The answer to a seeker's

quest to appreciate THAT, the suggestion is to become nothing within -

no images, no pretensions, no tendencies, no emotions, no relations,

.... nothing but THAT. THAT remains nothing to one's perception as

every unknown is nothing bu the nothing in one's perception.


The idea of The Everything is that anything and everything including

the nothing is based in THAT which makes everything possible being

inherent in everything as THAT which can never be known and hence

remain nothing within one's perception. Emptying myself to nothing by

vomiting all my filth smeared in my desires, fears and all other

emotions rooted in these two is what I mean by becoming The Nothing.

Only when all the faculties have stopped their childish pranks of

attempting to know anything, one attains THAT ... when all the

faculties are paused, what is left in one's cognition? The Nothing.





Therefore, any authoritative statement that " THAT exists " is as

sacrilegious as the claim that " THAT does not exist " . Existence is

another concept confined in our perceptional limit ... then how can

that be extended beyond? PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE.


Andhantamam pravishanti ye asmbhutimupasate - One who rejects the

idea of The Supreme as it remains unknown is verily ignorant having no

clue of how his belief in his knowledge is misleading him. But at

least he has a chance that he may see the limits of his understanding

ability one day and leave the unknown alone.


Tato bhuaya iva te tamo ye u sambhutyaam rataah - But, one who insists

that The Supreme exists is a bigger fool with very little chance to

appreciate his limitations because he believes even the unknown is

known to him!!


THEREFORE, my appeal to all is to not sacrilege the Yagnya that is

going on in this auspicious forum ... the only thing that should be

sacrificed into this fire is our egos, our ignorance ... NEVER our

Shraddha. Vivada directly attacks our collective Shraddha. PLEASE do

not entertain vivada.


With Deep Respects to all.


Naga Narayana.




Jay Shree Krishna



I cannot clearly understand everyone's inner sentiments in English.

But it appears that from your discussion, it is not going according to

the group's intent. Moderator must be careful about this. One must

remain alert that without engaging in too much discussion, to grab

hold of the essence, and deeply understand it. In Saint's words it is

therefore said that " Brother, now leave listening / reading /

learning, and instead know, believe and accept it. The thing to know

is the world, the thing to believe is God. Beyond those talks a

sadhak has not much concern, that who said what? How they said it?

Falling into this hassle, a sadhak must remain ever alert not to waste

their own time, as well as, other's time. You all are intelligent, and

educated.. in few words, one must understand more.





Mai English me Aap sabke pure bhav samjta nahi hu.Lekin lagta hai ki

Aapki charch..es group ke udeshy ke anurup nahi lag rahi hai.Modretor

ko yeh khyal rakhna chahiye.Jyada vad-vivad badhakar..sar bat ko

grahan karne ke liye sajag rahana chahiye.Sant Vaani me esiliye kaha

hoga ki " Bhai Aab sunana-sikhana chhodo...Aur Janana aur Manana swikar

kar lo. Janana hai es jagat ke bare me,Manana hai Prabhu ko...jyada

bato se sadhak ko matlab nahi ki kisne kya kaha?kaise kaha.Es

panchayati me padkar apana aur dusaro ka samy kharab na ho yeh harek

sadhak ko savdhani rakhani chahiye.Aap sab samjdar,Padhe-likhe log

ho..thode me jyada samaj lena.





Hari Om


The Kathopanishad state - Chapter 1, Valli 3 , verses 10 and 11 -

" There is " nothing " beyond Purusha " .


The Upanishads are said to be the summary of Vedas. Shrimad Bhagvad

Gita is considered as the " essence " of the Upanishads.


Purusha is defined as Paramatma in Gita/Upanishads/Vedas. Purusha is

also used for pure soul part in Jeeva. God is also known as

Purushottam in Gita.(Gita 15:18).


Gita also confirms the same vide Gita 2:16 ,3:42, 9:4, 15:18 and 7:19.

(Combined reading) - there may be more verses confirming this..


" Naham prakashah sarvasyam " is in Gita 7:25. Reference reg " avyaktam "

is in Gita 9:4 . Refer also " udasinvadasino " term used in BG 14:23

(Like an udasin- when there is nothing except God how can only

" udasin " word be used- it has to be " like " an udasin !)


This reply is pursuant to Vimalji's query to Dr Goli.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



My dandavats to all in this forum,

My sincere apologies to anyone who may have felt my inquiries were out

of line in my last posting......I was trying with extreme caution to

present my question in a non-personal, general way, but as I am often

a tactless person, can understand that I have failed again. My

question was meant to highlight the point that if we believe truly

that everything is ultimately nothing, (as indicated in this

quotation, " --- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtin a' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -


I certainly hope that Anjaneyulu Goli felt no offense, indeed, I am

certain that he has the depth of understanding to know that he is not

the material body, nor any designation applied to it.....hence, I

sincerely doubt if he was offended. A man in knowledge is not

disturbed by any reference to the body being significant or not.

Still, I thank Vyasaji for pointing out to me that I should be more

sensitive. My point was not meant to denigrate anyone, so again,

if there was appearance of such, my profuse apologies.

On the vein of the same discussion, in his presentation the good Dr.

has said, final word, " nothing " ....after the statement, " He is beyond

Purusha " .

Please kindly explain to me, Vyasa, what this means. I have no problem

with the point that we are here trying to understand a religious path,

how to live life according to Gita, however, you must accept that it

disturbs me greatly to have it presented that the Supreme Absolute

Truth, Sri Krsna, who has an eternal form composed of bliss and

knowledge, who has a home known as Goloka Vrndavan, who is

beyond the Purusa, can be equated with nothingness. If you think that

perhaps the doctor was offended by referring to him with the title

" nothing " , think about how it must hurt the Supreme Person to be

thought of as such.

Sincerely, with best wishes,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Vimalji - Namaste


I present the following source you are pleased to know:


' Naaham prakashha ' Gita Ch 7 Sl 25


Veiled by My Yogamaya, I am not manifest to all. Hence these ignorant

folk fail to recognise Me, the unborn and imperishable Supreme Deity


'Jagadavyaktamoorthina' Gita Ch 9 Sl 4


The whole of this universe is permeated by Me as unmanifest Divinity,

and all beings rest on the idea within Me. Therefore, really speaking,

I am not present in them.

Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear readers,


Well, I am going to add something to this discussion. It is not wrong

to share a dream, is it? I can't tell you who I really am, because I

don't know who I am....I think I am this body.....but this dream is

really interesting.

I was in a room with lots of other sadhaks. I like the word devotees.

My guru was sitting up front, only I don't think my guru knew about

this dream. I

think it was Krsna, appearing as guru. Anyway, he asked me, " What is

more dangerous, the poison in the hand of the rabbit, or Nothing? "

(Krsna knows all about Alice in Wonderland)

I replied, quickly, " Why of course, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, because " nothing " does not exist. " The entire room of devotees

responded back to me, " No, " Nothing " is more powerful " .

I turned to Krsna-disguised-as-guru....and I gave an inquiring look.

To which the response came back, " Nothing is more powerful. Because

Alice believed in it. "

I think Krsna was challenging me.....do I want to believe in

" Nothing " ? I can if I want. It is a powerful, powerful state of

mind.......I ask myself many times......what could cause me to believe

that there is no longer any point to living? What type of offenses

would I commit, that my consciousness would lose track of trying to

attain a level of purity, lose track of trying to aspire for being

Godly, forget about entering into a realm of eternal lila with Sri Sri

Radha and Krsna? etc etc. And lose track of all the times I have seen

Krsna in my dreams, inviting me to be near to Him? These are questions

I ask often. Thank you for listening to me.

Sri Radhe

Shirley May


It is only our ego which makes us important. Otherwise we are nothing.

We are hollow inside. We are nothing and we dissolve into nothingness,

when we die.Unless we realise it we will keep on making mistakes,

which will result in endless births and deaths. The spiritual path is

only to save our souls.


Hari Shanker Deo




Hari Om

Neither this web site has advocated any " nothingness " nor any

" somethingness " nor has any Sadhak talked about any nothingness or

any somethingness- without any context.. We are here to discuss about

Gita and religious way of living life.


It is in my humble view that you have raised a topic out of " nothing "

and used that topic for passing improper personal comments upon

contributors to the deliberations. This site is definitely not meant

for exhibition of such behavior where we can injudiciously call any

person to be hypocrite or question as to how he is using title " Dr "

before his name or throwing mud at any person's way of living. None is

entitled to exhibit such conduct. Dr is part of a name. Does not the

other party also has a name after a divine person of Sanatan Dharma?

What right then he/she has to use that name?


In the recent past also similar absurd, comments were passed even for

a Saint of the class of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. He was called as

a hypocrite, dishonest, false and what not. Due to continued similar

conduct, I must state my views. I hope the Moderators will be as kind

to me as they were with this particular sadhak- in publishing this

note.. Is such conduct proper? Is it fair? If some one does not agree

to any view point, he/she has choice /option of humbly disagreeing and

withdrawing from deliberations. Which religion or Preceptor teaches us

to humiliate in such a brazen manner any contributors ? This has so

far been for genuine sadhaks, has it not? Who asked a comparison

between two countries? Did the discussion warrant that?


It must be understood that such person not only lowers himself/herself

before such an elite family type satsanga forum, but he/she also

brings to disrepute his/her siksha/ diksha Gurus and the very

organisation to which she/he claims to be belonging. One must never

forget that if you raise one accusing finger towards any one, 3

fingers of the same hand get directed towards you- automatically.

Sanatan Dharma/Vedas never teach such conduct.


Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli and Naga Narayanaji are entitled to an apology.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

Putting Dr in front of name is identification of the body. More over

Dr means profession not the soul. Sri Krishnah mean anadham. Sri is

respect to our Bagavan. Plain Krishna may mean somebody by name

Krishna. Dr.Anjeneyalu put Dr prefix before his name by habbit. Dr

profession has nothing to do with spritual matters. Dear Sadaks please

avoid finding fault with one an another. See Bagavan in everybody.

There is NOTHING wrong Right in identification. Bagavan in Geetha says

in many places Partha or Arjuna. It is only identification to who

Bagavan speaking to. For Bagavan Partha or Duryodana are equal to HIM.




Narayan Narayan

Mateshwari jee


That which changes, is unreal (non-existent, perishable, moving

towards destruction) and

That which does not change, is real (existent,imperishable)(Gita




Jho bhadalta hai uski saata naahi hoti or

Jho naahi bhadalta usi ki saata hoti hai(Gita 2:16)





Dear Sadhaks,

I was comtemplating on Vivekachudami of Adi Sankara`s. My friend not

intereseted in spiritual matters asked me, " What are you


as you could not recognise my presence " . I said, " NOTHING " . Does it

mean real. I was contemplating on SOMETHING. Going beyond conscience

level (without Pragniya) is Samadhi state, that which like Sadashiva

Bramendral/yogi Raj could do. But these saints came back to normal

state after many days. How? They were with Paramatma but though their

functioning they were beyond senses. During Maha Pralaya (final

destruction) it says everything gets destroyed with souls abiding in

Paramatma. Again when creation commences these souls take forms. This

is said in Upanishads. So there is NO stage called " Nothing " exists.

But the word " nothing " is misunderstood. Nothing more to discuss

rather than keep saying " Om Namo Narayana " .



My dandavats to all in this forum,

In response to Dr. Anjaneyuyu Goli, I would like to respond

from a point of view of one who has certainly studied the Vedas, but

not with the ability to translate, or even to know the various

different meanings which can be attributed to any given word, which

causes the scenario of, depending on who is translating,, a totally

different meaning being gleaned depending on the mood/interpretation

of the translator.

So, my response to you, Dr, is, if you truly believe that

nothingness is the ultimate, why do you put the title " Dr " in front

of your name? Why not go by Anjaneyuyu Nothing? Indeed, with no

disrespect intended, I ask you honestly, isn't it a bit of hypocrisy

to use a title which sets you just a niche or two above others,

while presenting that nothingness, which has no social distinctions,

is your belief system? Truly, it may appeal to some (I am not saying

anyone in particular, it is a question more than an accusation)

that they can hide behind a convenient philosophy of nothingness,

which allows no sense of impending guilt if one behaves in a

misdirected or selfish, or just plain sinful fashion. But if an

individual truly is in touch with Supersoul, I believe that he or

she will not accept a translation of the holy scriptures which

guides one to nothingness. Because no one can live this path in

this life. No one can sit down on the sidewalk, stop eating,

drinking, interacting, striving for recognition amongst one's fellow

human beings, etc. So, when I hear presentations which are

concluding with this idea, my only thought is that it is not an

honest path. Those who choose it do not live it. It is virtually

impossible in the west, even to remain seated as an Avadhut, such as

Rsabhadeva did in the Bhagavatam.....(He lay on the ground, like a

python, and if food entered his mouth, He ate....if nothing came to

Him, He fasted.....but He also was able to make His stool smell like

roses, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

incarnated). Anyway, if someone were on such a detached level in

this country, he would be subject to being thrown in jail. A truly

realized person would not allow himself to be the object of such

offensive actions, knowing the offenders would suffer horrible

reactions. He would not put himself in such a position.....but in

India, certainly one could live in the streets, waiting for whatever

mercy of the Lord came to him, and be left alone. Personally, I do

not accept that even this conduct, of the avadhut's, is a state

of " nothingness " . I have understood from my teachers, and my

studying of the Vedas, that those whose activities in this world are

minimal, but are either absorbed in chanting the Lord's names, or

in trance, are still absorbed within in a realm of total activity, a

state of samadhi where the soul has left this encagement and is

interacting in a transcendental world, beyond time and space. In

this transcendental world, described in the Brahma Samhita, there is

no time.Not even the passing of one moment; it remains in the

eternal, undivided present. Brahma Samhita gives detailed

description of this transcendental world, which is full of Surabhi

cows, which fulfill all desires, where unlimited wish-fulfilling

trees fulfill any aspiration of the devotee (who's only desires are

to continue engaging in loving devotional exchanges with the Lord

and other sadhaks) where light is full of knowledge and bliss, and

where the supreme spiritual substance which comprises all things is

relishable (cintamani). This is a world which is not " nothing " . It

may sound like a " fairy tale " to some, but I truly believe that

fairies are real. If you or others don't believe in fairies, or in

Goloka Vrndavana, which is presented in the Brahma Samhita, then

you may have to keep trying to believe in nothing. Personally, I

feel that " nothingness " philosophy is a trap, and I pray that any

sadhaks reading this kindly bless me that I may have the strength to

always resist the temptation of " nothingness " . I feel it is an

excuse for giving up loving devotional activites, such as sravanam,

kirtanam, visnoh smaranam (hearing, chanting, and remembering the


My respects to all,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Respected Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli

Jay Shri Krushn


Pl. refer to foll. text in your reply. Can you pl. help me to know

the source of the same.


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha - NOTHING

Jay Shri Krushn





The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing'

is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind

or the intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of

these. In other words, we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely

do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists.

Having realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body,

Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the

soul. It is like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so

far as it has not merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with

the ocean, there is no more separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his

separate identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak'

of his God. His identity then changes from his wordly identity to

his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question

by asking another question or challenging the questioner, it would

be better if we think from the point of view of the questioner and

appreciate her point of view before we embark upon obsessively

answering the question. We will never be able to do justice to the

question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have

asked the question.




For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under

discussion, one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a

vacant look, though at the same time trying to very deeply perceive

what is happening there,within minutes it will be seen that there

are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which appear from nowhere and

disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What are these

bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go?

Perhaps they do not at all originate and also do not at all

disintegrate. This close and continuous observation may lead to

further realization which we go on hunting in our mind for birth

after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted,

had it been properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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POSTED ONLY FROM EMAIL ID: Sadhak_insight. Any emails

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from the moderated site. Thank you!

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


I have a question, in regards to the goal of meditation, upasanas,

etc, being " nothing " . Once a person goes beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . NOTHINGNESS indicates we have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others? If you truly believe that YOU ARE

NOTHING, then how can you have any truth to convey? Respectfully,

Mahalakshmi dasi




Jai Hanuman


This refers to dream seen by Shirley and narrated for deliberations.


Shirleyji. Why in dream only.? In day time also we dream only-

whenever we use this mechanical animal known as mind - we dream

only. Because our mind can only remain in ignorance zone. It can

either travel in " past " or in " future " . Both do not exist !! It

remains in " nothing only " . In the dream also there was nothing

only. In the wakeful state also , we are dreaming only. Time, order

and continuity is bit larger and different in waking state.

Otherwise character/nature/element/seer/seen/ seeing wise both are

exactly same. Mind is perceiving differently because of illusion,

darkness and inherent capacity limitations.


Does not our childhood today appear to us as a dream? ( If we are no

more child. I can't guess. Because Alice in Wonderland is taught and

understood at Sr KG level- I really don't know about maturity ) .


That Alice is we. That wonderland is this world. So long as we

consider this body and this world to be me and mine, such

hallucinations are natural and occur at all times- except in deep



There is no difference in " nothingness " prevailing at all times in

us. Whether awake or dreaming. Difference is since that night dream

has ended, hence we can call that as " dream " and this day time

awakened state dreaming is continuing.


To come out of this dream-


-First let us put our mind , which is suggesting that " I am body " in

a deep freezer - not to be used till deliberations are continuing.


- Secondly, Let us use " self " . Ever heard this expression " self " ?

Tell honestly if not heard.


If we know what " Self " is, then use that instead of mind. We will

then grasp the discussion and pick gems out of this Satsanga, and "

Nothingness " which is around us at present, will immediately

become " Everything " .


We are already aware about the names " Radha " , " Krishna " etc. Hence

it will be fast process.


How to put this mind in deep freezer? Feel we are watcher of this

mind. A witness. It is easy. Because. We really are that only. See

how it changes. If we are able to feel how our mind is changing

every fraction of second, we are through. Come back as soon as we

reach to that level.


Do revert in case of any problem in dealing with mind or using

self/conscience or regarding any other perceptions arising out of

mind etc.


Jee Jee




Dear Sadaks,

The supreme becomes humble before his Baktha. Beyond Supreme is HIS

bakthas. Bagavan has said in BG that HIS baktha and HE are one and

the same. So many instances, Bagavan was quiet, inspite of being

abused/misused/ robbed off (temple jewellary). But even the

smallest affect (hurting, passing comments, causing inconvenience)

to HIS true baktha, the punishment is immediate. (will quote, if

needed). So Bagavan keeps HIS bakthas a step higher than Himself








A light has gone on in my heart!!!! There is a different angle

to the explanation of " nothing " beyond Purusha. I did not understand

the words previously presented....it is here understood that

" nothing " beyond indicates that the Supreme Person is Supreme, there

is no more to be said, nothing beyond Him. My gratitude to you,

Vyasaji, for getting through this murky intelligence.


My apologies for not responding yet to Sashikala's challenge and

agree with her presentation that, as per the Bhagavad Gita, the

nature of this material world, being ever changing, is certainly on

one level considered to be non-existent; however, it is a very

delicate topic. If one says it is " nothing " , then there is room for

the mind to say, (at least my mind does on occasion) " If it is all

nothing, then why do I have to try so hard to be dutiful? " So, I

personally do not like to describe the temporary material creation

as nothing....I prefer to consider it as a dream.....a dream IS a

dream, it may give some insight into a different realm, if in

connection with the Absolute.....or it may have no

significance.....but still, it IS. So, I am not so quick to

describe this temporary manifestation as nothing. I appreciate

your time, pointing out that sadhaks are not interested in

activities other than devotional service. I pray that I may not be

stuck in this dream forever; may all bless me that I may wake up to

my true spiritual nature.


Mahalaksmi Dasi




What you saw was a dream. What you are seeing now in your waking

state, is also a dream. Brahm is illusion, you yourself had that

dream (unreal), and that this is real. The Alice who was in your

dream, that same Alice is now as well. This wonderland itself is this

life, this world and this Alice is you. Even in dream it was an

illusion and even now too you are in illusion. This is the truth and

solid thing.


Stop believing this body to be yours. Immediately. You will receive

benediction. Or else, this Alice may have to even see horrific

dreams. Therefore get out of this illusion.


You are already established in illusion right now. Even in dream it

is only nothing. You simply don't know. This itself is called Maya.

This itself is called ignorance, baseness.







Jo dekha thaa vah dream tha. Jo jagrat avastha main abhi dekh rahe ho

vah bhi in fact dream hi hai. Bhram, illusion hai apko ki vah dream

(unreal) tha aur yeh real hai. Jo Alice dream main tha vahi Alice

abhi bhi hai. Wonderland yeh sansaar hi hai aur Alice aap hain. Dream

main bhi bhram main the, abhibhi aap bhram main hi hain. Pucci baat

hai yeh.


Sareer ko apna maanana band kar dijiye. Immediately. Apka kalyaan ho

jayega. Varana bhayankar dreams bhi is wonderland main Alice ko

dekhane pad sakte hain. Bhram se baahar nikaliye,


Nothing main hi to aap abhi viraajmaan hain. Dream main bhi nothing

main hi the. Maloom nahin hai apko. Isi ko maya kaha jata hai. Yehi

moodhata kahlaati hai.





An ardent appeal to everyone:


This form has retained its sanctity by promoting the very meaning of

Sadhana in its true sense. I appeal to everyone to treat it the same

way. In my opinion, Sadhana should always be focused on one's


ignorance and inertia with a sole resolve of reducing the same to

eventually remove the same. I am sure all share this view.

Unfortunately, we have no way but to communicate within and with the

fellow like-minded seekers to achieve the same. Communication is the

only way of removal of ignorance as it was gained in the same way.


There are three types of communications - Pravada, Vivada and



Pravada is a single sided instruction from an authority, a Pravadi.

Only an authority such as Lord Krishna can do this. Neither of us can

be that. I am sure everyone realizes this.


Vivada is all of us are too familiar with. Sticking to what we think

we know and to attack anything that seems to disturb it in an effort

to safeguard what we think we know. The premise for vivada is to

promote one's own ego through information and hence it inevitably

provocates and injures others inviting a conflict. Such an act is

called " Aatmahatya " - self-slaying act because the very act promotes

the very same ego which is the most opaque hurdle in one's spiritual

progress. It is verily aatmahatya because the gloating or injured ego

will never rest removing any chance for anybody to be oneself, one's

most natural state of bliss. We have been accumulating our ignorance

in such communications all our lives ... I appeal one should not

continue this, at least in the name of Sadhana.


Sumvada is the one that is necessary wherein the premise is that I


be necessarily wrong since I am the one who is feeling miserable and

that somebody may help me reveal my ignorance for my observation and

renunciation. Finding wrong in others can only boost one's ignorance.

Respecting contradictory views on the contrary may have a chance


one's opaque shell of ignorance. Open mindedness is a must for

spiritual practice in my experience. I appeal to everyone to observe

this with an open mind. Please ... let us not sacrilege the sanctity

of such a forum ...


Coming to " Nothing " , Something " , " Everything " etc. I always treat any

term or any concept as one belonging to one's perception only. If

somebody declares on The God - The Absolute that is beyond all

explanations and hence remains mostly unknown within anybody's

perception - in any way, I consider it as a childish prank ...


more. The very reason that an unknown is unknown is that I do not


that! When I do not know, how can I ever say that is this or that? be

it nothing or everything? be that " it exists " or " it does not exist " .

All the Upanishads univocaly try to educate our ego to stop its habit

of attempting to bring everything into the realm of its " known " .

Therefore, I do not want to attempt to make any statements regarding

anything that is not known to me - Soul, Self, God, etc. As everybody

in this forum understand, they do not belong to the domain of one's

ego or its colleagues mind and body!


The idea of Nothing is the nothingness in one's perception ... Yada

panchaavatishthante Gnyaanaani manasaa saha | Buddhishcha na

vicheshatate taamaahuh paramaam gatim || The answer to a seeker's

quest to appreciate THAT, the suggestion is to become nothing

within -

no images, no pretensions, no tendencies, no emotions, no relations,

.... nothing but THAT. THAT remains nothing to one's perception as

every unknown is nothing bu the nothing in one's perception.


The idea of The Everything is that anything and everything including

the nothing is based in THAT which makes everything possible being

inherent in everything as THAT which can never be known and hence

remain nothing within one's perception. Emptying myself to nothing by

vomiting all my filth smeared in my desires, fears and all other

emotions rooted in these two is what I mean by becoming The Nothing.

Only when all the faculties have stopped their childish pranks of

attempting to know anything, one attains THAT ... when all the

faculties are paused, what is left in one's cognition? The Nothing.





Therefore, any authoritative statement that " THAT exists " is as

sacrilegious as the claim that " THAT does not exist " . Existence is

another concept confined in our perceptional limit ... then how can

that be extended beyond? PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE.


Andhantamam pravishanti ye asmbhutimupasate - One who rejects the

idea of The Supreme as it remains unknown is verily ignorant having

no clue of how his belief in his knowledge is misleading him. But at

least he has a chance that he may see the limits of his understanding

ability one day and leave the unknown alone.


Tato bhuaya iva te tamo ye u sambhutyaam rataah - But, one who

insists that The Supreme exists is a bigger fool with very little

chance to appreciate his limitations because he believes even the

unknown is known to him!!


THEREFORE, my appeal to all is to not sacrilege the Yagnya that is

going on in this auspicious forum ... the only thing that should be

sacrificed into this fire is our egos, our ignorance ... NEVER our

Shraddha. Vivada directly attacks our collective Shraddha. PLEASE do

not entertain vivada.


With Deep Respects to all.


Naga Narayana.




Jay Shree Krishna



I cannot clearly understand everyone's inner sentiments in English.

But it appears that from your discussion, it is not going according


the group's intent. Moderator must be careful about this. One must

remain alert that without engaging in too much discussion, to grab

hold of the essence, and deeply understand it. In Saint's words it is

therefore said that " Brother, now leave listening / reading /

learning, and instead know, believe and accept it. The thing to know

is the world, the thing to believe is God. Beyond those talks a

sadhak has not much concern, that who said what? How they said it?

Falling into this hassle, a sadhak must remain ever alert not to

waste their own time, as well as, other's time. You all are

intelligent, and educated.. in few words, one must understand more.





Mai English me Aap sabke pure bhav samjta nahi hu.Lekin lagta hai ki

Aapki charch..es group ke udeshy ke anurup nahi lag rahi hai.Modretor

ko yeh khyal rakhna chahiye.Jyada vad-vivad badhakar..sar bat ko

grahan karne ke liye sajag rahana chahiye.Sant Vaani me esiliye kaha

hoga ki " Bhai Aab sunana-sikhana chhodo...Aur Janana aur Manana

swikar kar lo. Janana hai es jagat ke bare me,Manana hai Prabhu

ko...jyada bato se sadhak ko matlab nahi ki kisne kya kaha?kaise

kaha. Es panchayati me padkar apana aur dusaro ka samy kharab na ho

yeh harek sadhak ko savdhani rakhani chahiye.Aap sab samjdar,Padhe-

likhe log ho..thode me jyada samaj lena.





Hari Om


The Kathopanishad state - Chapter 1, Valli 3 , verses 10 and 11 -

" There is " nothing " beyond Purusha " .


The Upanishads are said to be the summary of Vedas. Shrimad Bhagvad

Gita is considered as the " essence " of the Upanishads.


Purusha is defined as Paramatma in Gita/Upanishads/Vedas. Purusha is

also used for pure soul part in Jeeva. God is also known as

Purushottam in Gita.(Gita 15:18).


Gita also confirms the same vide Gita 2:16 ,3:42, 9:4, 15:18 and


(Combined reading) - there may be more verses confirming this..


" Naham prakashah sarvasyam " is in Gita 7:25. Reference reg " avyaktam "

is in Gita 9:4 . Refer also " udasinvadasino " term used in BG 14:23

(Like an udasin- when there is nothing except God how can only

" udasin " word be used- it has to be " like " an udasin !)


This reply is pursuant to Vimalji's query to Dr Goli.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



My dandavats to all in this forum,

My sincere apologies to anyone who may have felt my inquiries were


of line in my last posting......I was trying with extreme caution to

present my question in a non-personal, general way, but as I am often

a tactless person, can understand that I have failed again. My

question was meant to highlight the point that if we believe truly

that everything is ultimately nothing, (as indicated in this

quotation, " --- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtin a' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -


I certainly hope that Anjaneyulu Goli felt no offense, indeed, I am

certain that he has the depth of understanding to know that he is not

the material body, nor any designation applied to it.....hence, I

sincerely doubt if he was offended. A man in knowledge is not

disturbed by any reference to the body being significant or not.

Still, I thank Vyasaji for pointing out to me that I should be more

sensitive. My point was not meant to denigrate anyone, so again,

if there was appearance of such, my profuse apologies.

On the vein of the same discussion, in his presentation the good Dr.

has said, final word, " nothing " ....after the statement, " He is beyond

Purusha " .

Please kindly explain to me, Vyasa, what this means. I have no

problem with the point that we are here trying to understand a

religious path, how to live life according to Gita, however, you

must accept that it disturbs me greatly to have it presented that

the Supreme Absolute Truth, Sri Krsna, who has an eternal form

composed of bliss and knowledge, who has a home known as Goloka

Vrndavan, who is beyond the Purusa, can be equated with nothingness.

If you think that perhaps the doctor was offended by referring to

him with the title " nothing " , think about how it must hurt the

Supreme Person to be thought of as such.

Sincerely, with best wishes,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Vimalji - Namaste


I present the following source you are pleased to know:


' Naaham prakashha ' Gita Ch 7 Sl 25


Veiled by My Yogamaya, I am not manifest to all. Hence these ignorant

folk fail to recognise Me, the unborn and imperishable Supreme Deity


'Jagadavyaktamoorthina' Gita Ch 9 Sl 4


The whole of this universe is permeated by Me as unmanifest Divinity,

and all beings rest on the idea within Me. Therefore, really

speaking, I am not present in them.

Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear readers,


Well, I am going to add something to this discussion. It is not wrong

to share a dream, is it? I can't tell you who I really am, because I

don't know who I am....I think I am this body.....but this dream is

really interesting.

I was in a room with lots of other sadhaks. I like the word devotees.

My guru was sitting up front, only I don't think my guru knew about

this dream. I think it was Krsna, appearing as guru. Anyway, he

asked me, " What is more dangerous, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, or Nothing? "

(Krsna knows all about Alice in Wonderland)

I replied, quickly, " Why of course, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, because " nothing " does not exist. " The entire room of

devotees responded back to me, " No, " Nothing " is more powerful " .

I turned to Krsna-disguised-as-guru....and I gave an inquiring look.

To which the response came back, " Nothing is more powerful. Because

Alice believed in it. "

I think Krsna was challenging me.....do I want to believe in

" Nothing " ? I can if I want. It is a powerful, powerful state of

mind.......I ask myself many times......what could cause me to

believe that there is no longer any point to living? What type of

offenses would I commit, that my consciousness would lose track of

trying to attain a level of purity, lose track of trying to aspire

for being Godly, forget about entering into a realm of eternal lila

with Sri Sri Radha and Krsna? etc etc. And lose track of all the

times I have seen Krsna in my dreams, inviting me to be near to Him?

These are questions I ask often. Thank you for listening to me.

Sri Radhe

Shirley May


It is only our ego which makes us important. Otherwise we are

nothing. We are hollow inside. We are nothing and we dissolve into

nothingness, when we die.Unless we realise it we will keep on making

mistakes, which will result in endless births and deaths. The

spiritual path is only to save our souls.


Hari Shanker Deo




Hari Om

Neither this web site has advocated any " nothingness " nor any

" somethingness " nor has any Sadhak talked about any nothingness or

any somethingness- without any context.. We are here to discuss about

Gita and religious way of living life.


It is in my humble view that you have raised a topic out of " nothing "

and used that topic for passing improper personal comments upon

contributors to the deliberations. This site is definitely not meant

for exhibition of such behavior where we can injudiciously call any

person to be hypocrite or question as to how he is using title " Dr "

before his name or throwing mud at any person's way of living. None

is entitled to exhibit such conduct. Dr is part of a name. Does not

the other party also has a name after a divine person of Sanatan


What right then he/she has to use that name?


In the recent past also similar absurd, comments were passed even for

a Saint of the class of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. He was called

as a hypocrite, dishonest, false and what not. Due to continued

similar conduct, I must state my views. I hope the Moderators will

be as kind to me as they were with this particular sadhak- in

publishing this note.. Is such conduct proper? Is it fair? If some

one does not agree to any view point, he/she has choice /option of

humbly disagreeing and withdrawing from deliberations. Which

religion or Preceptor teaches us to humiliate in such a brazen

manner any contributors ? This has so far been for genuine sadhaks,

has it not? Who asked a comparison between two countries? Did the

discussion warrant that?


It must be understood that such person not only lowers

himself/herself before such an elite family type satsanga forum, but

he/she also brings to disrepute his/her siksha/ diksha Gurus and the

very organisation to which she/he claims to be belonging. One must

never forget that if you raise one accusing finger towards any one, 3

fingers of the same hand get directed towards you- automatically.

Sanatan Dharma/Vedas never teach such conduct.


Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli and Naga Narayanaji are entitled to an apology.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

Putting Dr in front of name is identification of the body. More over

Dr means profession not the soul. Sri Krishnah mean anadham. Sri is

respect to our Bagavan. Plain Krishna may mean somebody by name

Krishna. Dr.Anjeneyalu put Dr prefix before his name by habbit. Dr

profession has nothing to do with spritual matters. Dear Sadaks

please avoid finding fault with one an another. See Bagavan in

everybody. There is NOTHING wrong Right in identification. Bagavan

in Geetha says in many places Partha or Arjuna. It is only

identification to who Bagavan speaking to. For Bagavan Partha or

Duryodana are equal to HIM.




Narayan Narayan

Mateshwari jee


That which changes, is unreal (non-existent, perishable, moving

towards destruction) and

That which does not change, is real (existent,imperishable)(Gita




Jho bhadalta hai uski saata naahi hoti or

Jho naahi bhadalta usi ki saata hoti hai(Gita 2:16)





Dear Sadhaks,

I was comtemplating on Vivekachudami of Adi Sankara`s. My friend not

intereseted in spiritual matters asked me, " What are you

contemplating as you could not recognise my presence " . I

said, " NOTHING " . Does it mean real. I was contemplating on SOMETHING.

Going beyond conscience level (without Pragniya) is Samadhi state,

that which like Sadashiva Bramendral/yogi Raj could do. But these

saints came back to normal state after many days. How? They were

with Paramatma but though their functioning they were beyond senses.

During Maha Pralaya (final destruction) it says everything gets

destroyed with souls abiding in Paramatma. Again when creation

commences these souls take forms. This is said in Upanishads. So

there is NO stage called " Nothing " exists. But the word " nothing "

is misunderstood. Nothing more to discuss rather than keep

saying " Om Namo Narayana " .



My dandavats to all in this forum,

In response to Dr. Anjaneyuyu Goli, I would like to respond

from a point of view of one who has certainly studied the Vedas, but

not with the ability to translate, or even to know the various

different meanings which can be attributed to any given word, which

causes the scenario of, depending on who is translating,, a totally

different meaning being gleaned depending on the mood/interpretation

of the translator.

So, my response to you, Dr, is, if you truly believe that

nothingness is the ultimate, why do you put the title " Dr " in front

of your name? Why not go by Anjaneyuyu Nothing? Indeed, with no

disrespect intended, I ask you honestly, isn't it a bit of hypocrisy

to use a title which sets you just a niche or two above others,

while presenting that nothingness, which has no social distinctions,

is your belief system? Truly, it may appeal to some (I am not saying

anyone in particular, it is a question more than an accusation)

that they can hide behind a convenient philosophy of nothingness,

which allows no sense of impending guilt if one behaves in a

misdirected or selfish, or just plain sinful fashion. But if an

individual truly is in touch with Supersoul, I believe that he or

she will not accept a translation of the holy scriptures which

guides one to nothingness. Because no one can live this path in

this life. No one can sit down on the sidewalk, stop eating,

drinking, interacting, striving for recognition amongst one's fellow

human beings, etc. So, when I hear presentations which are

concluding with this idea, my only thought is that it is not an

honest path. Those who choose it do not live it. It is virtually

impossible in the west, even to remain seated as an Avadhut, such as

Rsabhadeva did in the Bhagavatam.....(He lay on the ground, like a

python, and if food entered his mouth, He ate....if nothing came to

Him, He fasted.....but He also was able to make His stool smell like

roses, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

incarnated). Anyway, if someone were on such a detached level in

this country, he would be subject to being thrown in jail. A truly

realized person would not allow himself to be the object of such

offensive actions, knowing the offenders would suffer horrible

reactions. He would not put himself in such a position.....but in

India, certainly one could live in the streets, waiting for whatever

mercy of the Lord came to him, and be left alone. Personally, I do

not accept that even this conduct, of the avadhut's, is a state

of " nothingness " . I have understood from my teachers, and my

studying of the Vedas, that those whose activities in this world are

minimal, but are either absorbed in chanting the Lord's names, or

in trance, are still absorbed within in a realm of total activity, a

state of samadhi where the soul has left this encagement and is

interacting in a transcendental world, beyond time and space. In

this transcendental world, described in the Brahma Samhita, there is

no time.Not even the passing of one moment; it remains in the

eternal, undivided present. Brahma Samhita gives detailed

description of this transcendental world, which is full of Surabhi

cows, which fulfill all desires, where unlimited wish-fulfilling

trees fulfill any aspiration of the devotee (who's only desires are

to continue engaging in loving devotional exchanges with the Lord

and other sadhaks) where light is full of knowledge and bliss, and

where the supreme spiritual substance which comprises all things is

relishable (cintamani). This is a world which is not " nothing " . It

may sound like a " fairy tale " to some, but I truly believe that

fairies are real. If you or others don't believe in fairies, or in

Goloka Vrndavana, which is presented in the Brahma Samhita, then

you may have to keep trying to believe in nothing. Personally, I

feel that " nothingness " philosophy is a trap, and I pray that any

sadhaks reading this kindly bless me that I may have the strength to

always resist the temptation of " nothingness " . I feel it is an

excuse for giving up loving devotional activites, such as sravanam,

kirtanam, visnoh smaranam (hearing, chanting, and remembering the


My respects to all,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Respected Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli

Jay Shri Krushn


Pl. refer to foll. text in your reply. Can you pl. help me to know

the source of the same.


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha - NOTHING

Jay Shri Krushn





The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing'

is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind

or the intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of

these. In other words, we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely

do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists.

Having realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body,

Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the

soul. It is like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so

far as it has not merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with

the ocean, there is no more separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his

separate identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak'

of his God. His identity then changes from his wordly identity to

his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question

by asking another question or challenging the questioner, it would

be better if we think from the point of view of the questioner and

appreciate her point of view before we embark upon obsessively

answering the question. We will never be able to do justice to the

question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have

asked the question.




For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under

discussion, one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a

vacant look, though at the same time trying to very deeply perceive

what is happening there,within minutes it will be seen that there

are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which appear from nowhere and

disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What are these

bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go?

Perhaps they do not at all originate and also do not at all

disintegrate. This close and continuous observation may lead to

further realization which we go on hunting in our mind for birth

after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted,

had it been properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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I have a question, in regards to the goal of meditation, upasanas,

etc, being " nothing " . Once a person goes beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . NOTHINGNESS indicates we have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others? If you truly believe that YOU ARE

NOTHING, then how can you have any truth to convey? Respectfully,

Mahalakshmi dasi



Nothingness is a different expression of everythingness, we can

quantify neither.


The anxiety expressed here is a projection of anxiety felt from the

immanent end to us all, anhilation of the personal I.

That the soul has existence is a hope that the individual ego will

continue existing in some form or fashion, thereby escaping its

ultimate cessation.


The important thing here is to practice the meditation protocols

regardless of your personal beliefs and understandings and find out

for yourself. Isn't that the beauty of Hinduism?

To investigate and find out for yourself? Does it really matter if

one says nothing (Buddhist) and the other (Vedantist) everything?

Who cares what people say? find out for your self. you are so lucky

you have been given these tools so you can stop believing and start

growing up. Grow up.


Further, to say that, mindlessness, egolessness is totally

insignificant exposes a gross nonunderstanding of nature of mind,

its conscious and unconscious parts and their relationship to ego

and self.


This can be modelled. If we take the ocean as our model, the

individual ego, its expression as I and the conscious mind would be

the wave. Different waves different individuals, all linked and

connected by the substratum of the ocean, the unconscious or Self,


Atmanyeva akhilam drishyam . then the self is seen everywhere,

Nirmal akasha vat sadaha, as pure sky, eternally

Adi Shankara, Atma Bodha


you said " NOTHINGNESS indicates we have no knowledge, no sense of

truth or untruth, no existence. "

Knowledge, nonknowledge, truth and untruth are ultimately relative

and rely upon the existence of each other. They are only given

value and meaning by the individual ego, the unconscious recognises

no such distinction or prejudice. Why should all encompassing

nature of being be equated with non existence? It is the non

existence of the individual ego.


You can read CG Jung. Memories dreams and reflections and other

works, His 'Complete Works' of course make very good light bedtime

reading and are highly recommended to insomniacs.


Ravi Bakhsi



My dandavats to all in this forum,

A very simple question......in the explanation Naga Narayan has

given, the statement is there describing Pravada.... " Pravada is a

single-sided instruction from an authority, a Pravadi " . You are

asking those of us in this forum not to take the position

of " pravadi " . But aren't you yourself doing that in the following

statement, " Again, pl. Do not make an attempt to expand this to

anything beyond the cognition. We have no business to talk about

that and have no rights to display any authority over it. "


We are here to learn from one another; hence each one of us at

times takes the mood of student, and at other times teacher......it

is a forum of respect, but also challenging if anyone sadhak sees a

defect in another's presentation. Personally, I will always feel

total grief, sadness and a sense of " combatting " , for loss of a

better word, if I hear expressions that the goal of our existence is

nothing. Simultaneously, I am striving to respect those who have

this goal, and present what I have understood to be the truth in a

logical, realistic way. I have that right as an individual to feel a

sense of defending the Personality of my Supreme Friend. I feel it

is what this forum is for, and we should not take the stand of

telling others, " Don't comment on this " . To do so is a

contradiction to the entire point of your submission.

Respectfully, Mahalaksmi Dasi


Jai Hanuman


This refers to dream seen by Shirley and narrated for deliberations.


Shirleyji. Why in dream only.? In day time also we dream only-

whenever we use this mechanical animal known as mind - we dream

only. Because our mind can only remain in ignorance zone. It can

either travel in " past " or in " future " . Both do not exist !! It

remains in " nothing only " . In the dream also there was nothing

only. In the wakeful state also , we are dreaming only. Time, order

and continuity is bit larger and different in waking state.

Otherwise character/nature/element/seer/seen/ seeing wise both are

exactly same. Mind is perceiving differently because of illusion,

darkness and inherent capacity limitations.


Does not our childhood today appear to us as a dream? ( If we are no

more child. I can't guess. Because Alice in Wonderland is taught and

understood at Sr KG level- I really don't know about maturity ) .


That Alice is we. That wonderland is this world. So long as we

consider this body and this world to be me and mine, such

hallucinations are natural and occur at all times- except in deep



There is no difference in " nothingness " prevailing at all times in

us. Whether awake or dreaming. Difference is since that night dream

has ended, hence we can call that as " dream " and this day time

awakened state dreaming is continuing.


To come out of this dream-


-First let us put our mind , which is suggesting that " I am body " in

a deep freezer - not to be used till deliberations are continuing.


- Secondly, Let us use " self " . Ever heard this expression " self " ?

Tell honestly if not heard.


If we know what " Self " is, then use that instead of mind. We will

then grasp the discussion and pick gems out of this Satsanga, and "

Nothingness " which is around us at present, will immediately

become " Everything " .


We are already aware about the names " Radha " , " Krishna " etc. Hence

it will be fast process.


How to put this mind in deep freezer? Feel we are watcher of this

mind. A witness. It is easy. Because. We really are that only. See

how it changes. If we are able to feel how our mind is changing

every fraction of second, we are through. Come back as soon as we

reach to that level.


Do revert in case of any problem in dealing with mind or using

self/conscience or regarding any other perceptions arising out of

mind etc.


Jee Jee




Dear Sadaks,

The supreme becomes humble before his Baktha. Beyond Supreme is HIS

bakthas. Bagavan has said in BG that HIS baktha and HE are one and

the same. So many instances, Bagavan was quiet, inspite of being

abused/misused/ robbed off (temple jewellary). But even the

smallest affect (hurting, passing comments, causing inconvenience)

to HIS true baktha, the punishment is immediate. (will quote, if

needed). So Bagavan keeps HIS bakthas a step higher than Himself








A light has gone on in my heart!!!! There is a different angle

to the explanation of " nothing " beyond Purusha. I did not understand

the words previously presented....it is here understood that

" nothing " beyond indicates that the Supreme Person is Supreme, there

is no more to be said, nothing beyond Him. My gratitude to you,

Vyasaji, for getting through this murky intelligence.


My apologies for not responding yet to Sashikala's challenge and

agree with her presentation that, as per the Bhagavad Gita, the

nature of this material world, being ever changing, is certainly on

one level considered to be non-existent; however, it is a very

delicate topic. If one says it is " nothing " , then there is room for

the mind to say, (at least my mind does on occasion) " If it is all

nothing, then why do I have to try so hard to be dutiful? " So, I

personally do not like to describe the temporary material creation

as nothing....I prefer to consider it as a dream.....a dream IS a

dream, it may give some insight into a different realm, if in

connection with the Absolute.....or it may have no

significance.....but still, it IS. So, I am not so quick to

describe this temporary manifestation as nothing. I appreciate

your time, pointing out that sadhaks are not interested in

activities other than devotional service. I pray that I may not be

stuck in this dream forever; may all bless me that I may wake up to

my true spiritual nature.


Mahalaksmi Dasi




What you saw was a dream. What you are seeing now in your waking

state, is also a dream. Brahm is illusion, you yourself had that

dream (unreal), and that this is real. The Alice who was in your

dream, that same Alice is now as well. This wonderland itself is this

life, this world and this Alice is you. Even in dream it was an

illusion and even now too you are in illusion. This is the truth and

solid thing.


Stop believing this body to be yours. Immediately. You will receive

benediction. Or else, this Alice may have to even see horrific

dreams. Therefore get out of this illusion.


You are already established in illusion right now. Even in dream it

is only nothing. You simply don't know. This itself is called Maya.

This itself is called ignorance, baseness.







Jo dekha thaa vah dream tha. Jo jagrat avastha main abhi dekh rahe ho

vah bhi in fact dream hi hai. Bhram, illusion hai apko ki vah dream

(unreal) tha aur yeh real hai. Jo Alice dream main tha vahi Alice

abhi bhi hai. Wonderland yeh sansaar hi hai aur Alice aap hain. Dream

main bhi bhram main the, abhibhi aap bhram main hi hain. Pucci baat

hai yeh.


Sareer ko apna maanana band kar dijiye. Immediately. Apka kalyaan ho

jayega. Varana bhayankar dreams bhi is wonderland main Alice ko

dekhane pad sakte hain. Bhram se baahar nikaliye,


Nothing main hi to aap abhi viraajmaan hain. Dream main bhi nothing

main hi the. Maloom nahin hai apko. Isi ko maya kaha jata hai. Yehi

moodhata kahlaati hai.





An ardent appeal to everyone:


This form has retained its sanctity by promoting the very meaning of

Sadhana in its true sense. I appeal to everyone to treat it the same

way. In my opinion, Sadhana should always be focused on one's


ignorance and inertia with a sole resolve of reducing the same to

eventually remove the same. I am sure all share this view.

Unfortunately, we have no way but to communicate within and with the

fellow like-minded seekers to achieve the same. Communication is the

only way of removal of ignorance as it was gained in the same way.


There are three types of communications - Pravada, Vivada and



Pravada is a single sided instruction from an authority, a Pravadi.

Only an authority such as Lord Krishna can do this. Neither of us can

be that. I am sure everyone realizes this.


Vivada is all of us are too familiar with. Sticking to what we think

we know and to attack anything that seems to disturb it in an effort

to safeguard what we think we know. The premise for vivada is to

promote one's own ego through information and hence it inevitably

provocates and injures others inviting a conflict. Such an act is

called " Aatmahatya " - self-slaying act because the very act promotes

the very same ego which is the most opaque hurdle in one's spiritual

progress. It is verily aatmahatya because the gloating or injured ego

will never rest removing any chance for anybody to be oneself, one's

most natural state of bliss. We have been accumulating our ignorance

in such communications all our lives ... I appeal one should not

continue this, at least in the name of Sadhana.


Sumvada is the one that is necessary wherein the premise is that I


be necessarily wrong since I am the one who is feeling miserable and

that somebody may help me reveal my ignorance for my observation and

renunciation. Finding wrong in others can only boost one's ignorance.

Respecting contradictory views on the contrary may have a chance


one's opaque shell of ignorance. Open mindedness is a must for

spiritual practice in my experience. I appeal to everyone to observe

this with an open mind. Please ... let us not sacrilege the sanctity

of such a forum ...


Coming to " Nothing " , Something " , " Everything " etc. I always treat any

term or any concept as one belonging to one's perception only. If

somebody declares on The God - The Absolute that is beyond all

explanations and hence remains mostly unknown within anybody's

perception - in any way, I consider it as a childish prank ...


more. The very reason that an unknown is unknown is that I do not


that! When I do not know, how can I ever say that is this or that? be

it nothing or everything? be that " it exists " or " it does not exist " .

All the Upanishads univocaly try to educate our ego to stop its habit

of attempting to bring everything into the realm of its " known " .

Therefore, I do not want to attempt to make any statements regarding

anything that is not known to me - Soul, Self, God, etc. As everybody

in this forum understand, they do not belong to the domain of one's

ego or its colleagues mind and body!


The idea of Nothing is the nothingness in one's perception ... Yada

panchaavatishthante Gnyaanaani manasaa saha | Buddhishcha na

vicheshatate taamaahuh paramaam gatim || The answer to a seeker's

quest to appreciate THAT, the suggestion is to become nothing

within -

no images, no pretensions, no tendencies, no emotions, no relations,

.... nothing but THAT. THAT remains nothing to one's perception as

every unknown is nothing bu the nothing in one's perception.


The idea of The Everything is that anything and everything including

the nothing is based in THAT which makes everything possible being

inherent in everything as THAT which can never be known and hence

remain nothing within one's perception. Emptying myself to nothing by

vomiting all my filth smeared in my desires, fears and all other

emotions rooted in these two is what I mean by becoming The Nothing.

Only when all the faculties have stopped their childish pranks of

attempting to know anything, one attains THAT ... when all the

faculties are paused, what is left in one's cognition? The Nothing.





Therefore, any authoritative statement that " THAT exists " is as

sacrilegious as the claim that " THAT does not exist " . Existence is

another concept confined in our perceptional limit ... then how can

that be extended beyond? PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE.


Andhantamam pravishanti ye asmbhutimupasate - One who rejects the

idea of The Supreme as it remains unknown is verily ignorant having

no clue of how his belief in his knowledge is misleading him. But at

least he has a chance that he may see the limits of his understanding

ability one day and leave the unknown alone.


Tato bhuaya iva te tamo ye u sambhutyaam rataah - But, one who

insists that The Supreme exists is a bigger fool with very little

chance to appreciate his limitations because he believes even the

unknown is known to him!!


THEREFORE, my appeal to all is to not sacrilege the Yagnya that is

going on in this auspicious forum ... the only thing that should be

sacrificed into this fire is our egos, our ignorance ... NEVER our

Shraddha. Vivada directly attacks our collective Shraddha. PLEASE do

not entertain vivada.


With Deep Respects to all.


Naga Narayana.




Jay Shree Krishna



I cannot clearly understand everyone's inner sentiments in English.

But it appears that from your discussion, it is not going according


the group's intent. Moderator must be careful about this. One must

remain alert that without engaging in too much discussion, to grab

hold of the essence, and deeply understand it. In Saint's words it is

therefore said that " Brother, now leave listening / reading /

learning, and instead know, believe and accept it. The thing to know

is the world, the thing to believe is God. Beyond those talks a

sadhak has not much concern, that who said what? How they said it?

Falling into this hassle, a sadhak must remain ever alert not to

waste their own time, as well as, other's time. You all are

intelligent, and educated.. in few words, one must understand more.





Mai English me Aap sabke pure bhav samjta nahi hu.Lekin lagta hai ki

Aapki charch..es group ke udeshy ke anurup nahi lag rahi hai.Modretor

ko yeh khyal rakhna chahiye.Jyada vad-vivad badhakar..sar bat ko

grahan karne ke liye sajag rahana chahiye.Sant Vaani me esiliye kaha

hoga ki " Bhai Aab sunana-sikhana chhodo...Aur Janana aur Manana

swikar kar lo. Janana hai es jagat ke bare me,Manana hai Prabhu

ko...jyada bato se sadhak ko matlab nahi ki kisne kya kaha?kaise

kaha. Es panchayati me padkar apana aur dusaro ka samy kharab na ho

yeh harek sadhak ko savdhani rakhani chahiye.Aap sab samjdar,Padhe-

likhe log ho..thode me jyada samaj lena.





Hari Om


The Kathopanishad state - Chapter 1, Valli 3 , verses 10 and 11 -

" There is " nothing " beyond Purusha " .


The Upanishads are said to be the summary of Vedas. Shrimad Bhagvad

Gita is considered as the " essence " of the Upanishads.


Purusha is defined as Paramatma in Gita/Upanishads/Vedas. Purusha is

also used for pure soul part in Jeeva. God is also known as

Purushottam in Gita.(Gita 15:18).


Gita also confirms the same vide Gita 2:16 ,3:42, 9:4, 15:18 and


(Combined reading) - there may be more verses confirming this..


" Naham prakashah sarvasyam " is in Gita 7:25. Reference reg " avyaktam "

is in Gita 9:4 . Refer also " udasinvadasino " term used in BG 14:23

(Like an udasin- when there is nothing except God how can only

" udasin " word be used- it has to be " like " an udasin !)


This reply is pursuant to Vimalji's query to Dr Goli.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



My dandavats to all in this forum,

My sincere apologies to anyone who may have felt my inquiries were


of line in my last posting......I was trying with extreme caution to

present my question in a non-personal, general way, but as I am often

a tactless person, can understand that I have failed again. My

question was meant to highlight the point that if we believe truly

that everything is ultimately nothing, (as indicated in this

quotation, " --- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtin a' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -


I certainly hope that Anjaneyulu Goli felt no offense, indeed, I am

certain that he has the depth of understanding to know that he is not

the material body, nor any designation applied to it.....hence, I

sincerely doubt if he was offended. A man in knowledge is not

disturbed by any reference to the body being significant or not.

Still, I thank Vyasaji for pointing out to me that I should be more

sensitive. My point was not meant to denigrate anyone, so again,

if there was appearance of such, my profuse apologies.

On the vein of the same discussion, in his presentation the good Dr.

has said, final word, " nothing " ....after the statement, " He is beyond

Purusha " .

Please kindly explain to me, Vyasa, what this means. I have no

problem with the point that we are here trying to understand a

religious path, how to live life according to Gita, however, you

must accept that it disturbs me greatly to have it presented that

the Supreme Absolute Truth, Sri Krsna, who has an eternal form

composed of bliss and knowledge, who has a home known as Goloka

Vrndavan, who is beyond the Purusa, can be equated with nothingness.

If you think that perhaps the doctor was offended by referring to

him with the title " nothing " , think about how it must hurt the

Supreme Person to be thought of as such.

Sincerely, with best wishes,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Vimalji - Namaste


I present the following source you are pleased to know:


' Naaham prakashha ' Gita Ch 7 Sl 25


Veiled by My Yogamaya, I am not manifest to all. Hence these ignorant

folk fail to recognise Me, the unborn and imperishable Supreme Deity


'Jagadavyaktamoorthina' Gita Ch 9 Sl 4


The whole of this universe is permeated by Me as unmanifest Divinity,

and all beings rest on the idea within Me. Therefore, really

speaking, I am not present in them.

Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear readers,


Well, I am going to add something to this discussion. It is not wrong

to share a dream, is it? I can't tell you who I really am, because I

don't know who I am....I think I am this body.....but this dream is

really interesting.

I was in a room with lots of other sadhaks. I like the word devotees.

My guru was sitting up front, only I don't think my guru knew about

this dream. I think it was Krsna, appearing as guru. Anyway, he

asked me, " What is more dangerous, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, or Nothing? "

(Krsna knows all about Alice in Wonderland)

I replied, quickly, " Why of course, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, because " nothing " does not exist. " The entire room of

devotees responded back to me, " No, " Nothing " is more powerful " .

I turned to Krsna-disguised-as-guru....and I gave an inquiring look.

To which the response came back, " Nothing is more powerful. Because

Alice believed in it. "

I think Krsna was challenging me.....do I want to believe in

" Nothing " ? I can if I want. It is a powerful, powerful state of

mind.......I ask myself many times......what could cause me to

believe that there is no longer any point to living? What type of

offenses would I commit, that my consciousness would lose track of

trying to attain a level of purity, lose track of trying to aspire

for being Godly, forget about entering into a realm of eternal lila

with Sri Sri Radha and Krsna? etc etc. And lose track of all the

times I have seen Krsna in my dreams, inviting me to be near to Him?

These are questions I ask often. Thank you for listening to me.

Sri Radhe

Shirley May


It is only our ego which makes us important. Otherwise we are

nothing. We are hollow inside. We are nothing and we dissolve into

nothingness, when we die.Unless we realise it we will keep on making

mistakes, which will result in endless births and deaths. The

spiritual path is only to save our souls.


Hari Shanker Deo




Hari Om

Neither this web site has advocated any " nothingness " nor any

" somethingness " nor has any Sadhak talked about any nothingness or

any somethingness- without any context.. We are here to discuss about

Gita and religious way of living life.


It is in my humble view that you have raised a topic out of " nothing "

and used that topic for passing improper personal comments upon

contributors to the deliberations. This site is definitely not meant

for exhibition of such behavior where we can injudiciously call any

person to be hypocrite or question as to how he is using title " Dr "

before his name or throwing mud at any person's way of living. None

is entitled to exhibit such conduct. Dr is part of a name. Does not

the other party also has a name after a divine person of Sanatan


What right then he/she has to use that name?


In the recent past also similar absurd, comments were passed even for

a Saint of the class of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. He was called

as a hypocrite, dishonest, false and what not. Due to continued

similar conduct, I must state my views. I hope the Moderators will

be as kind to me as they were with this particular sadhak- in

publishing this note.. Is such conduct proper? Is it fair? If some

one does not agree to any view point, he/she has choice /option of

humbly disagreeing and withdrawing from deliberations. Which

religion or Preceptor teaches us to humiliate in such a brazen

manner any contributors ? This has so far been for genuine sadhaks,

has it not? Who asked a comparison between two countries? Did the

discussion warrant that?


It must be understood that such person not only lowers

himself/herself before such an elite family type satsanga forum, but

he/she also brings to disrepute his/her siksha/ diksha Gurus and the

very organisation to which she/he claims to be belonging. One must

never forget that if you raise one accusing finger towards any one, 3

fingers of the same hand get directed towards you- automatically.

Sanatan Dharma/Vedas never teach such conduct.


Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli and Naga Narayanaji are entitled to an apology.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

Putting Dr in front of name is identification of the body. More over

Dr means profession not the soul. Sri Krishnah mean anadham. Sri is

respect to our Bagavan. Plain Krishna may mean somebody by name

Krishna. Dr.Anjeneyalu put Dr prefix before his name by habbit. Dr

profession has nothing to do with spritual matters. Dear Sadaks

please avoid finding fault with one an another. See Bagavan in

everybody. There is NOTHING wrong Right in identification. Bagavan

in Geetha says in many places Partha or Arjuna. It is only

identification to who Bagavan speaking to. For Bagavan Partha or

Duryodana are equal to HIM.




Narayan Narayan

Mateshwari jee


That which changes, is unreal (non-existent, perishable, moving

towards destruction) and

That which does not change, is real (existent,imperishable)(Gita




Jho bhadalta hai uski saata naahi hoti or

Jho naahi bhadalta usi ki saata hoti hai(Gita 2:16)





Dear Sadhaks,

I was comtemplating on Vivekachudami of Adi Sankara`s. My friend not

intereseted in spiritual matters asked me, " What are you

contemplating as you could not recognise my presence " . I

said, " NOTHING " . Does it mean real. I was contemplating on SOMETHING.

Going beyond conscience level (without Pragniya) is Samadhi state,

that which like Sadashiva Bramendral/yogi Raj could do. But these

saints came back to normal state after many days. How? They were

with Paramatma but though their functioning they were beyond senses.

During Maha Pralaya (final destruction) it says everything gets

destroyed with souls abiding in Paramatma. Again when creation

commences these souls take forms. This is said in Upanishads. So

there is NO stage called " Nothing " exists. But the word " nothing "

is misunderstood. Nothing more to discuss rather than keep

saying " Om Namo Narayana " .



My dandavats to all in this forum,

In response to Dr. Anjaneyuyu Goli, I would like to respond

from a point of view of one who has certainly studied the Vedas, but

not with the ability to translate, or even to know the various

different meanings which can be attributed to any given word, which

causes the scenario of, depending on who is translating,, a totally

different meaning being gleaned depending on the mood/interpretation

of the translator.

So, my response to you, Dr, is, if you truly believe that

nothingness is the ultimate, why do you put the title " Dr " in front

of your name? Why not go by Anjaneyuyu Nothing? Indeed, with no

disrespect intended, I ask you honestly, isn't it a bit of hypocrisy

to use a title which sets you just a niche or two above others,

while presenting that nothingness, which has no social distinctions,

is your belief system? Truly, it may appeal to some (I am not saying

anyone in particular, it is a question more than an accusation)

that they can hide behind a convenient philosophy of nothingness,

which allows no sense of impending guilt if one behaves in a

misdirected or selfish, or just plain sinful fashion. But if an

individual truly is in touch with Supersoul, I believe that he or

she will not accept a translation of the holy scriptures which

guides one to nothingness. Because no one can live this path in

this life. No one can sit down on the sidewalk, stop eating,

drinking, interacting, striving for recognition amongst one's fellow

human beings, etc. So, when I hear presentations which are

concluding with this idea, my only thought is that it is not an

honest path. Those who choose it do not live it. It is virtually

impossible in the west, even to remain seated as an Avadhut, such as

Rsabhadeva did in the Bhagavatam.....(He lay on the ground, like a

python, and if food entered his mouth, He ate....if nothing came to

Him, He fasted.....but He also was able to make His stool smell like

roses, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

incarnated). Anyway, if someone were on such a detached level in

this country, he would be subject to being thrown in jail. A truly

realized person would not allow himself to be the object of such

offensive actions, knowing the offenders would suffer horrible

reactions. He would not put himself in such a position.....but in

India, certainly one could live in the streets, waiting for whatever

mercy of the Lord came to him, and be left alone. Personally, I do

not accept that even this conduct, of the avadhut's, is a state

of " nothingness " . I have understood from my teachers, and my

studying of the Vedas, that those whose activities in this world are

minimal, but are either absorbed in chanting the Lord's names, or

in trance, are still absorbed within in a realm of total activity, a

state of samadhi where the soul has left this encagement and is

interacting in a transcendental world, beyond time and space. In

this transcendental world, described in the Brahma Samhita, there is

no time.Not even the passing of one moment; it remains in the

eternal, undivided present. Brahma Samhita gives detailed

description of this transcendental world, which is full of Surabhi

cows, which fulfill all desires, where unlimited wish-fulfilling

trees fulfill any aspiration of the devotee (who's only desires are

to continue engaging in loving devotional exchanges with the Lord

and other sadhaks) where light is full of knowledge and bliss, and

where the supreme spiritual substance which comprises all things is

relishable (cintamani). This is a world which is not " nothing " . It

may sound like a " fairy tale " to some, but I truly believe that

fairies are real. If you or others don't believe in fairies, or in

Goloka Vrndavana, which is presented in the Brahma Samhita, then

you may have to keep trying to believe in nothing. Personally, I

feel that " nothingness " philosophy is a trap, and I pray that any

sadhaks reading this kindly bless me that I may have the strength to

always resist the temptation of " nothingness " . I feel it is an

excuse for giving up loving devotional activites, such as sravanam,

kirtanam, visnoh smaranam (hearing, chanting, and remembering the


My respects to all,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Respected Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli

Jay Shri Krushn


Pl. refer to foll. text in your reply. Can you pl. help me to know

the source of the same.


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha - NOTHING

Jay Shri Krushn





The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing'

is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind

or the intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of

these. In other words, we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely

do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists.

Having realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body,

Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the

soul. It is like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so

far as it has not merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with

the ocean, there is no more separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his

separate identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak'

of his God. His identity then changes from his wordly identity to

his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question

by asking another question or challenging the questioner, it would

be better if we think from the point of view of the questioner and

appreciate her point of view before we embark upon obsessively

answering the question. We will never be able to do justice to the

question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have

asked the question.




For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under

discussion, one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a

vacant look, though at the same time trying to very deeply perceive

what is happening there,within minutes it will be seen that there

are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which appear from nowhere and

disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What are these

bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go?

Perhaps they do not at all originate and also do not at all

disintegrate. This close and continuous observation may lead to

further realization which we go on hunting in our mind for birth

after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted,

had it been properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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I have a question, in regards to the goal of meditation, upasanas,

etc, being " nothing " . Once a person goes beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . NOTHINGNESS indicates we have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others? If you truly believe that YOU ARE

NOTHING, then how can you have any truth to convey? Respectfully,

Mahalakshmi dasi



The existence of every individual is relative. If you look at a

human being from the plane flying at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the

person looks about the size of an ant. If you look from a space

shuttle, you cannot locate him even. Similarly, if you elevate

yourself to the great heights of philosophy, you will find that you

are an insignificant particle of dust. The concept of ego plays a

very important part in deciding your importance. If your ego level

is high, you consider yourself all important and above everything

else in this world. I you shed the ego, you will consider

yourself as " nothing " .


All said and done, although we consider that we are not the body

(Kshetra), but the part of Jeevatman (Kshetraja) present in that

body, one cannot afford to neglect the body and invite sickness.

A " sound " mind requires a " sound " body to exist and perform

meditation. If the body is sick, one cannot concentrate on any

topic, including " God " .


It happened to me that once when I was hospitalised with a bladder

problem and my bladder had to be punctured to get rid of the

contents, I kept on telling myself, " This body doesn't belong to

me " , and I didn't experience the severity of the pain.



K.V. Gopalakrishna



I personally appreciate Dear Dasiji's response revealing a potential

arrogance on my side. Thank you very much for your courtesy and

concern on your fellow seeker. By the way, I am not surprised to

hear about it either … I am quite familiar with that within and

often struggle to keep it in its place. The slaps I receive from the

fellow seekers are of great assistance in my efforts to pulverize

this fellow. Thank you very much.


Sincerely, I do not mean any insitentce or compulsion in any of my

utterances any time. My experience correlates with the the following

that Dasiji has referred to:


" The idea of The Everything is that anything and everything

including the nothing is based in THAT which makes everything

possible being inherent in everything as THAT which can never be

known and hence remain nothing within one's perception. Emptying

myself to nothing by vomiting all my filth smeared in my desires,

fears and all other emotions rooted in these two is what I mean by

becoming The Nothing. Only when all the faculties have stopped their

childish pranks of attempting to know anything, one attains THAT ...

when all the faculties are paused, what is left in one's cognition?





My experience correlates with the above. I get glimpses of The

Absolute ONLY WHEN all my claims of ownership in desires, knowledge

and actions – Bhoktritva, Gnyatritva and Kartritva – becomes

nonexistent, in other words, NOTHING.


Yada panchaavatisthante gnyaanaani manasa saha |

Buddhishcha na vicheshtate taamaahuh paramaam gatim ||


Since in my awareness, I cannot achieve it yet … I attempt the above

suggested Upasana seriously … to stop all crabbiness I wield amongst

the body, senses, mind and intellect to let THAT reveal itself … to

empty all my relativities to The Nothing to make myself worthy to

receive THE ABSOLUTE. Once the perception looses its pedestal at

such a state, all its vocabulary including something, everything,

nothing, etc. loose their meaning altogether … anything thought of

or uttered or done is too limited to describe The Unlimitted … no

need to worry too much on any utterances from that perspective.


… yet this is the way I see. Too much importance need not be

showered on such opinions.


Therefore, I still plead you not to extend my utterances to anything

beyond percievable. Though often there may be references to The

Absolute here and there, I am calrifying again that " I CANNOT REALLY



not have used the word " WE " in the original paragraph which might

have offended some fellow seekers. Let me repeat it correctly




If it still sounds " Pravada " to anybody … I apologize … I know only

few ways that stem out of my limited experience … I don't know other

ways to communicate the same properly. I agree totally, I AM

IGNORANT and whatever uttered through me need not be of any

significance to any one. One can just drop the unworthy opinion.

Therefore, I plead again, " Just drop the unworthy utterances! "

Please do not be offended by my ignorance.


Thank You.


Naga Narayana


-Shree Hari-


The word inhalation used by Ravi Bakhsi echoes a term I have used on

several threads of this most divine of site.

Fana " annihilation " a Sufi term. Vyasji explained recently of how

Lord Krishna set about, (these are my words) destroying Arjunas

intellectual mind, until of course Arjuna surrendered to the Divine


I did sense this idea when I first read Gitaji, (it was read,I regret

in haste ), I felt however an immediate affection for Arjuna, maybe I

saw humanity in him, I am not sure. I saw in Krishna that Lord of the

Universe I had no name for. (Maybe Logos).


Freedom to search for the Divine has no religious/cultural/racial

prerequisite and is born within us, we are human, Bhagwan really is

at work, rationalization is the opposite to embracing what one finds

in the Divine search. I am joyously a 'Child of The Universe', God

can touch me in whatever way he deems fit, I am blind to dogmas. The

Divine works according to his will not mine or yours.


May I say this with absolute certainty, One is never what one thinks

one is , the further one enters , 'The Dark Night of The Soul' , the

brighter glow the sparks of truth. Never let the ego turn you back.


Mahalakshmiji you seem to have fire within your soul, let that fire

within illuminate the truth.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor


Please explain, the Nothing ness between Sun & Earth!

Thimaiya Somaiya Pulianda





Nothingness is a different expression of everythingness, we can

quantify neither.


The anxiety expressed here is a projection of anxiety felt from the

immanent end to us all, anhilation of the personal I.

That the soul has existence is a hope that the individual ego will

continue existing in some form or fashion, thereby escaping its

ultimate cessation.


The important thing here is to practice the meditation protocols

regardless of your personal beliefs and understandings and find out

for yourself. Isn't that the beauty of Hinduism?

To investigate and find out for yourself? Does it really matter if

one says nothing (Buddhist) and the other (Vedantist) everything?

Who cares what people say? find out for your self. you are so lucky

you have been given these tools so you can stop believing and start

growing up. Grow up.


Further, to say that, mindlessness, egolessness is totally

insignificant exposes a gross nonunderstanding of nature of mind,

its conscious and unconscious parts and their relationship to ego

and self.


This can be modelled. If we take the ocean as our model, the

individual ego, its expression as I and the conscious mind would be

the wave. Different waves different individuals, all linked and

connected by the substratum of the ocean, the unconscious or Self,


Atmanyeva akhilam drishyam . then the self is seen everywhere,

Nirmal akasha vat sadaha, as pure sky, eternally

Adi Shankara, Atma Bodha


you said " NOTHINGNESS indicates we have no knowledge, no sense of

truth or untruth, no existence. "

Knowledge, nonknowledge, truth and untruth are ultimately relative

and rely upon the existence of each other. They are only given

value and meaning by the individual ego, the unconscious recognises

no such distinction or prejudice. Why should all encompassing

nature of being be equated with non existence? It is the non

existence of the individual ego.


You can read CG Jung. Memories dreams and reflections and other

works, His 'Complete Works' of course make very good light bedtime

reading and are highly recommended to insomniacs.


Ravi Bakhsi



My dandavats to all in this forum,

A very simple question......in the explanation Naga Narayan has

given, the statement is there describing Pravada.... " Pravada is a

single-sided instruction from an authority, a Pravadi " . You are

asking those of us in this forum not to take the position

of " pravadi " . But aren't you yourself doing that in the following

statement, " Again, pl. Do not make an attempt to expand this to

anything beyond the cognition. We have no business to talk about

that and have no rights to display any authority over it. "


We are here to learn from one another; hence each one of us at

times takes the mood of student, and at other times teacher......it

is a forum of respect, but also challenging if anyone sadhak sees a

defect in another's presentation. Personally, I will always feel

total grief, sadness and a sense of " combatting " , for loss of a

better word, if I hear expressions that the goal of our existence is

nothing. Simultaneously, I am striving to respect those who have

this goal, and present what I have understood to be the truth in a

logical, realistic way. I have that right as an individual to feel a

sense of defending the Personality of my Supreme Friend. I feel it

is what this forum is for, and we should not take the stand of

telling others, " Don't comment on this " . To do so is a

contradiction to the entire point of your submission.

Respectfully, Mahalaksmi Dasi


Jai Hanuman


This refers to dream seen by Shirley and narrated for deliberations.


Shirleyji. Why in dream only.? In day time also we dream only-

whenever we use this mechanical animal known as mind - we dream

only. Because our mind can only remain in ignorance zone. It can

either travel in " past " or in " future " . Both do not exist !! It

remains in " nothing only " . In the dream also there was nothing

only. In the wakeful state also , we are dreaming only. Time, order

and continuity is bit larger and different in waking state.

Otherwise character/nature/element/seer/seen/ seeing wise both are

exactly same. Mind is perceiving differently because of illusion,

darkness and inherent capacity limitations.


Does not our childhood today appear to us as a dream? ( If we are no

more child. I can't guess. Because Alice in Wonderland is taught and

understood at Sr KG level- I really don't know about maturity ) .


That Alice is we. That wonderland is this world. So long as we

consider this body and this world to be me and mine, such

hallucinations are natural and occur at all times- except in deep



There is no difference in " nothingness " prevailing at all times in

us. Whether awake or dreaming. Difference is since that night dream

has ended, hence we can call that as " dream " and this day time

awakened state dreaming is continuing.


To come out of this dream-


-First let us put our mind , which is suggesting that " I am body " in

a deep freezer - not to be used till deliberations are continuing.


- Secondly, Let us use " self " . Ever heard this expression " self " ?

Tell honestly if not heard.


If we know what " Self " is, then use that instead of mind. We will

then grasp the discussion and pick gems out of this Satsanga, and "

Nothingness " which is around us at present, will immediately

become " Everything " .


We are already aware about the names " Radha " , " Krishna " etc. Hence

it will be fast process.


How to put this mind in deep freezer? Feel we are watcher of this

mind. A witness. It is easy. Because. We really are that only. See

how it changes. If we are able to feel how our mind is changing

every fraction of second, we are through. Come back as soon as we

reach to that level.


Do revert in case of any problem in dealing with mind or using

self/conscience or regarding any other perceptions arising out of

mind etc.


Jee Jee




Dear Sadaks,

The supreme becomes humble before his Baktha. Beyond Supreme is HIS

bakthas. Bagavan has said in BG that HIS baktha and HE are one and

the same. So many instances, Bagavan was quiet, inspite of being

abused/misused/ robbed off (temple jewellary). But even the

smallest affect (hurting, passing comments, causing inconvenience)

to HIS true baktha, the punishment is immediate. (will quote, if

needed). So Bagavan keeps HIS bakthas a step higher than Himself








A light has gone on in my heart!!!! There is a different angle

to the explanation of " nothing " beyond Purusha. I did not understand

the words previously presented....it is here understood that

" nothing " beyond indicates that the Supreme Person is Supreme, there

is no more to be said, nothing beyond Him. My gratitude to you,

Vyasaji, for getting through this murky intelligence.


My apologies for not responding yet to Sashikala's challenge and

agree with her presentation that, as per the Bhagavad Gita, the

nature of this material world, being ever changing, is certainly on

one level considered to be non-existent; however, it is a very

delicate topic. If one says it is " nothing " , then there is room for

the mind to say, (at least my mind does on occasion) " If it is all

nothing, then why do I have to try so hard to be dutiful? " So, I

personally do not like to describe the temporary material creation

as nothing....I prefer to consider it as a dream.....a dream IS a

dream, it may give some insight into a different realm, if in

connection with the Absolute.....or it may have no

significance.....but still, it IS. So, I am not so quick to

describe this temporary manifestation as nothing. I appreciate

your time, pointing out that sadhaks are not interested in

activities other than devotional service. I pray that I may not be

stuck in this dream forever; may all bless me that I may wake up to

my true spiritual nature.


Mahalaksmi Dasi




What you saw was a dream. What you are seeing now in your waking

state, is also a dream. Brahm is illusion, you yourself had that

dream (unreal), and that this is real. The Alice who was in your

dream, that same Alice is now as well. This wonderland itself is this

life, this world and this Alice is you. Even in dream it was an

illusion and even now too you are in illusion. This is the truth and

solid thing.


Stop believing this body to be yours. Immediately. You will receive

benediction. Or else, this Alice may have to even see horrific

dreams. Therefore get out of this illusion.


You are already established in illusion right now. Even in dream it

is only nothing. You simply don't know. This itself is called Maya.

This itself is called ignorance, baseness.







Jo dekha thaa vah dream tha. Jo jagrat avastha main abhi dekh rahe ho

vah bhi in fact dream hi hai. Bhram, illusion hai apko ki vah dream

(unreal) tha aur yeh real hai. Jo Alice dream main tha vahi Alice

abhi bhi hai. Wonderland yeh sansaar hi hai aur Alice aap hain. Dream

main bhi bhram main the, abhibhi aap bhram main hi hain. Pucci baat

hai yeh.


Sareer ko apna maanana band kar dijiye. Immediately. Apka kalyaan ho

jayega. Varana bhayankar dreams bhi is wonderland main Alice ko

dekhane pad sakte hain. Bhram se baahar nikaliye,


Nothing main hi to aap abhi viraajmaan hain. Dream main bhi nothing

main hi the. Maloom nahin hai apko. Isi ko maya kaha jata hai. Yehi

moodhata kahlaati hai.





An ardent appeal to everyone:


This form has retained its sanctity by promoting the very meaning of

Sadhana in its true sense. I appeal to everyone to treat it the same

way. In my opinion, Sadhana should always be focused on one's


ignorance and inertia with a sole resolve of reducing the same to

eventually remove the same. I am sure all share this view.

Unfortunately, we have no way but to communicate within and with the

fellow like-minded seekers to achieve the same. Communication is the

only way of removal of ignorance as it was gained in the same way.


There are three types of communications - Pravada, Vivada and



Pravada is a single sided instruction from an authority, a Pravadi.

Only an authority such as Lord Krishna can do this. Neither of us can

be that. I am sure everyone realizes this.


Vivada is all of us are too familiar with. Sticking to what we think

we know and to attack anything that seems to disturb it in an effort

to safeguard what we think we know. The premise for vivada is to

promote one's own ego through information and hence it inevitably

provocates and injures others inviting a conflict. Such an act is

called " Aatmahatya " - self-slaying act because the very act promotes

the very same ego which is the most opaque hurdle in one's spiritual

progress. It is verily aatmahatya because the gloating or injured ego

will never rest removing any chance for anybody to be oneself, one's

most natural state of bliss. We have been accumulating our ignorance

in such communications all our lives ... I appeal one should not

continue this, at least in the name of Sadhana.


Sumvada is the one that is necessary wherein the premise is that I


be necessarily wrong since I am the one who is feeling miserable and

that somebody may help me reveal my ignorance for my observation and

renunciation. Finding wrong in others can only boost one's ignorance.

Respecting contradictory views on the contrary may have a chance


one's opaque shell of ignorance. Open mindedness is a must for

spiritual practice in my experience. I appeal to everyone to observe

this with an open mind. Please ... let us not sacrilege the sanctity

of such a forum ...


Coming to " Nothing " , Something " , " Everything " etc. I always treat any

term or any concept as one belonging to one's perception only. If

somebody declares on The God - The Absolute that is beyond all

explanations and hence remains mostly unknown within anybody's

perception - in any way, I consider it as a childish prank ...


more. The very reason that an unknown is unknown is that I do not


that! When I do not know, how can I ever say that is this or that? be

it nothing or everything? be that " it exists " or " it does not exist " .

All the Upanishads univocaly try to educate our ego to stop its habit

of attempting to bring everything into the realm of its " known " .

Therefore, I do not want to attempt to make any statements regarding

anything that is not known to me - Soul, Self, God, etc. As everybody

in this forum understand, they do not belong to the domain of one's

ego or its colleagues mind and body!


The idea of Nothing is the nothingness in one's perception ... Yada

panchaavatishthante Gnyaanaani manasaa saha | Buddhishcha na

vicheshatate taamaahuh paramaam gatim || The answer to a seeker's

quest to appreciate THAT, the suggestion is to become nothing

within -

no images, no pretensions, no tendencies, no emotions, no relations,

.... nothing but THAT. THAT remains nothing to one's perception as

every unknown is nothing bu the nothing in one's perception.


The idea of The Everything is that anything and everything including

the nothing is based in THAT which makes everything possible being

inherent in everything as THAT which can never be known and hence

remain nothing within one's perception. Emptying myself to nothing by

vomiting all my filth smeared in my desires, fears and all other

emotions rooted in these two is what I mean by becoming The Nothing.

Only when all the faculties have stopped their childish pranks of

attempting to know anything, one attains THAT ... when all the

faculties are paused, what is left in one's cognition? The Nothing.





Therefore, any authoritative statement that " THAT exists " is as

sacrilegious as the claim that " THAT does not exist " . Existence is

another concept confined in our perceptional limit ... then how can

that be extended beyond? PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE.


Andhantamam pravishanti ye asmbhutimupasate - One who rejects the

idea of The Supreme as it remains unknown is verily ignorant having

no clue of how his belief in his knowledge is misleading him. But at

least he has a chance that he may see the limits of his understanding

ability one day and leave the unknown alone.


Tato bhuaya iva te tamo ye u sambhutyaam rataah - But, one who

insists that The Supreme exists is a bigger fool with very little

chance to appreciate his limitations because he believes even the

unknown is known to him!!


THEREFORE, my appeal to all is to not sacrilege the Yagnya that is

going on in this auspicious forum ... the only thing that should be

sacrificed into this fire is our egos, our ignorance ... NEVER our

Shraddha. Vivada directly attacks our collective Shraddha. PLEASE do

not entertain vivada.


With Deep Respects to all.


Naga Narayana.




Jay Shree Krishna



I cannot clearly understand everyone's inner sentiments in English.

But it appears that from your discussion, it is not going according


the group's intent. Moderator must be careful about this. One must

remain alert that without engaging in too much discussion, to grab

hold of the essence, and deeply understand it. In Saint's words it is

therefore said that " Brother, now leave listening / reading /

learning, and instead know, believe and accept it. The thing to know

is the world, the thing to believe is God. Beyond those talks a

sadhak has not much concern, that who said what? How they said it?

Falling into this hassle, a sadhak must remain ever alert not to

waste their own time, as well as, other's time. You all are

intelligent, and educated.. in few words, one must understand more.





Mai English me Aap sabke pure bhav samjta nahi hu.Lekin lagta hai ki

Aapki charch..es group ke udeshy ke anurup nahi lag rahi hai.Modretor

ko yeh khyal rakhna chahiye.Jyada vad-vivad badhakar..sar bat ko

grahan karne ke liye sajag rahana chahiye.Sant Vaani me esiliye kaha

hoga ki " Bhai Aab sunana-sikhana chhodo...Aur Janana aur Manana

swikar kar lo. Janana hai es jagat ke bare me,Manana hai Prabhu

ko...jyada bato se sadhak ko matlab nahi ki kisne kya kaha?kaise

kaha. Es panchayati me padkar apana aur dusaro ka samy kharab na ho

yeh harek sadhak ko savdhani rakhani chahiye.Aap sab samjdar,Padhe-

likhe log ho..thode me jyada samaj lena.





Hari Om


The Kathopanishad state - Chapter 1, Valli 3 , verses 10 and 11 -

" There is " nothing " beyond Purusha " .


The Upanishads are said to be the summary of Vedas. Shrimad Bhagvad

Gita is considered as the " essence " of the Upanishads.


Purusha is defined as Paramatma in Gita/Upanishads/Vedas. Purusha is

also used for pure soul part in Jeeva. God is also known as

Purushottam in Gita.(Gita 15:18).


Gita also confirms the same vide Gita 2:16 ,3:42, 9:4, 15:18 and


(Combined reading) - there may be more verses confirming this..


" Naham prakashah sarvasyam " is in Gita 7:25. Reference reg " avyaktam "

is in Gita 9:4 . Refer also " udasinvadasino " term used in BG 14:23

(Like an udasin- when there is nothing except God how can only

" udasin " word be used- it has to be " like " an udasin !)


This reply is pursuant to Vimalji's query to Dr Goli.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



My dandavats to all in this forum,

My sincere apologies to anyone who may have felt my inquiries were


of line in my last posting......I was trying with extreme caution to

present my question in a non-personal, general way, but as I am often

a tactless person, can understand that I have failed again. My

question was meant to highlight the point that if we believe truly

that everything is ultimately nothing, (as indicated in this

quotation, " --- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtin a' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -


I certainly hope that Anjaneyulu Goli felt no offense, indeed, I am

certain that he has the depth of understanding to know that he is not

the material body, nor any designation applied to it.....hence, I

sincerely doubt if he was offended. A man in knowledge is not

disturbed by any reference to the body being significant or not.

Still, I thank Vyasaji for pointing out to me that I should be more

sensitive. My point was not meant to denigrate anyone, so again,

if there was appearance of such, my profuse apologies.

On the vein of the same discussion, in his presentation the good Dr.

has said, final word, " nothing " ....after the statement, " He is beyond

Purusha " .

Please kindly explain to me, Vyasa, what this means. I have no

problem with the point that we are here trying to understand a

religious path, how to live life according to Gita, however, you

must accept that it disturbs me greatly to have it presented that

the Supreme Absolute Truth, Sri Krsna, who has an eternal form

composed of bliss and knowledge, who has a home known as Goloka

Vrndavan, who is beyond the Purusa, can be equated with nothingness.

If you think that perhaps the doctor was offended by referring to

him with the title " nothing " , think about how it must hurt the

Supreme Person to be thought of as such.

Sincerely, with best wishes,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Vimalji - Namaste


I present the following source you are pleased to know:


' Naaham prakashha ' Gita Ch 7 Sl 25


Veiled by My Yogamaya, I am not manifest to all. Hence these ignorant

folk fail to recognise Me, the unborn and imperishable Supreme Deity


'Jagadavyaktamoorthina' Gita Ch 9 Sl 4


The whole of this universe is permeated by Me as unmanifest Divinity,

and all beings rest on the idea within Me. Therefore, really

speaking, I am not present in them.

Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear readers,


Well, I am going to add something to this discussion. It is not wrong

to share a dream, is it? I can't tell you who I really am, because I

don't know who I am....I think I am this body.....but this dream is

really interesting.

I was in a room with lots of other sadhaks. I like the word devotees.

My guru was sitting up front, only I don't think my guru knew about

this dream. I think it was Krsna, appearing as guru. Anyway, he

asked me, " What is more dangerous, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, or Nothing? "

(Krsna knows all about Alice in Wonderland)

I replied, quickly, " Why of course, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, because " nothing " does not exist. " The entire room of

devotees responded back to me, " No, " Nothing " is more powerful " .

I turned to Krsna-disguised-as-guru....and I gave an inquiring look.

To which the response came back, " Nothing is more powerful. Because

Alice believed in it. "

I think Krsna was challenging me.....do I want to believe in

" Nothing " ? I can if I want. It is a powerful, powerful state of

mind.......I ask myself many times......what could cause me to

believe that there is no longer any point to living? What type of

offenses would I commit, that my consciousness would lose track of

trying to attain a level of purity, lose track of trying to aspire

for being Godly, forget about entering into a realm of eternal lila

with Sri Sri Radha and Krsna? etc etc. And lose track of all the

times I have seen Krsna in my dreams, inviting me to be near to Him?

These are questions I ask often. Thank you for listening to me.

Sri Radhe

Shirley May


It is only our ego which makes us important. Otherwise we are

nothing. We are hollow inside. We are nothing and we dissolve into

nothingness, when we die.Unless we realise it we will keep on making

mistakes, which will result in endless births and deaths. The

spiritual path is only to save our souls.


Hari Shanker Deo




Hari Om

Neither this web site has advocated any " nothingness " nor any

" somethingness " nor has any Sadhak talked about any nothingness or

any somethingness- without any context.. We are here to discuss about

Gita and religious way of living life.


It is in my humble view that you have raised a topic out of " nothing "

and used that topic for passing improper personal comments upon

contributors to the deliberations. This site is definitely not meant

for exhibition of such behavior where we can injudiciously call any

person to be hypocrite or question as to how he is using title " Dr "

before his name or throwing mud at any person's way of living. None

is entitled to exhibit such conduct. Dr is part of a name. Does not

the other party also has a name after a divine person of Sanatan


What right then he/she has to use that name?


In the recent past also similar absurd, comments were passed even for

a Saint of the class of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. He was called

as a hypocrite, dishonest, false and what not. Due to continued

similar conduct, I must state my views. I hope the Moderators will

be as kind to me as they were with this particular sadhak- in

publishing this note.. Is such conduct proper? Is it fair? If some

one does not agree to any view point, he/she has choice /option of

humbly disagreeing and withdrawing from deliberations. Which

religion or Preceptor teaches us to humiliate in such a brazen

manner any contributors ? This has so far been for genuine sadhaks,

has it not? Who asked a comparison between two countries? Did the

discussion warrant that?


It must be understood that such person not only lowers

himself/herself before such an elite family type satsanga forum, but

he/she also brings to disrepute his/her siksha/ diksha Gurus and the

very organisation to which she/he claims to be belonging. One must

never forget that if you raise one accusing finger towards any one, 3

fingers of the same hand get directed towards you- automatically.

Sanatan Dharma/Vedas never teach such conduct.


Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli and Naga Narayanaji are entitled to an apology.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

Putting Dr in front of name is identification of the body. More over

Dr means profession not the soul. Sri Krishnah mean anadham. Sri is

respect to our Bagavan. Plain Krishna may mean somebody by name

Krishna. Dr.Anjeneyalu put Dr prefix before his name by habbit. Dr

profession has nothing to do with spritual matters. Dear Sadaks

please avoid finding fault with one an another. See Bagavan in

everybody. There is NOTHING wrong Right in identification. Bagavan

in Geetha says in many places Partha or Arjuna. It is only

identification to who Bagavan speaking to. For Bagavan Partha or

Duryodana are equal to HIM.




Narayan Narayan

Mateshwari jee


That which changes, is unreal (non-existent, perishable, moving

towards destruction) and

That which does not change, is real (existent,imperishable)(Gita




Jho bhadalta hai uski saata naahi hoti or

Jho naahi bhadalta usi ki saata hoti hai(Gita 2:16)





Dear Sadhaks,

I was comtemplating on Vivekachudami of Adi Sankara`s. My friend not

intereseted in spiritual matters asked me, " What are you

contemplating as you could not recognise my presence " . I

said, " NOTHING " . Does it mean real. I was contemplating on SOMETHING.

Going beyond conscience level (without Pragniya) is Samadhi state,

that which like Sadashiva Bramendral/yogi Raj could do. But these

saints came back to normal state after many days. How? They were

with Paramatma but though their functioning they were beyond senses.

During Maha Pralaya (final destruction) it says everything gets

destroyed with souls abiding in Paramatma. Again when creation

commences these souls take forms. This is said in Upanishads. So

there is NO stage called " Nothing " exists. But the word " nothing "

is misunderstood. Nothing more to discuss rather than keep

saying " Om Namo Narayana " .



My dandavats to all in this forum,

In response to Dr. Anjaneyuyu Goli, I would like to respond

from a point of view of one who has certainly studied the Vedas, but

not with the ability to translate, or even to know the various

different meanings which can be attributed to any given word, which

causes the scenario of, depending on who is translating,, a totally

different meaning being gleaned depending on the mood/interpretation

of the translator.

So, my response to you, Dr, is, if you truly believe that

nothingness is the ultimate, why do you put the title " Dr " in front

of your name? Why not go by Anjaneyuyu Nothing? Indeed, with no

disrespect intended, I ask you honestly, isn't it a bit of hypocrisy

to use a title which sets you just a niche or two above others,

while presenting that nothingness, which has no social distinctions,

is your belief system? Truly, it may appeal to some (I am not saying

anyone in particular, it is a question more than an accusation)

that they can hide behind a convenient philosophy of nothingness,

which allows no sense of impending guilt if one behaves in a

misdirected or selfish, or just plain sinful fashion. But if an

individual truly is in touch with Supersoul, I believe that he or

she will not accept a translation of the holy scriptures which

guides one to nothingness. Because no one can live this path in

this life. No one can sit down on the sidewalk, stop eating,

drinking, interacting, striving for recognition amongst one's fellow

human beings, etc. So, when I hear presentations which are

concluding with this idea, my only thought is that it is not an

honest path. Those who choose it do not live it. It is virtually

impossible in the west, even to remain seated as an Avadhut, such as

Rsabhadeva did in the Bhagavatam.....(He lay on the ground, like a

python, and if food entered his mouth, He ate....if nothing came to

Him, He fasted.....but He also was able to make His stool smell like

roses, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

incarnated). Anyway, if someone were on such a detached level in

this country, he would be subject to being thrown in jail. A truly

realized person would not allow himself to be the object of such

offensive actions, knowing the offenders would suffer horrible

reactions. He would not put himself in such a position.....but in

India, certainly one could live in the streets, waiting for whatever

mercy of the Lord came to him, and be left alone. Personally, I do

not accept that even this conduct, of the avadhut's, is a state

of " nothingness " . I have understood from my teachers, and my

studying of the Vedas, that those whose activities in this world are

minimal, but are either absorbed in chanting the Lord's names, or

in trance, are still absorbed within in a realm of total activity, a

state of samadhi where the soul has left this encagement and is

interacting in a transcendental world, beyond time and space. In

this transcendental world, described in the Brahma Samhita, there is

no time.Not even the passing of one moment; it remains in the

eternal, undivided present. Brahma Samhita gives detailed

description of this transcendental world, which is full of Surabhi

cows, which fulfill all desires, where unlimited wish-fulfilling

trees fulfill any aspiration of the devotee (who's only desires are

to continue engaging in loving devotional exchanges with the Lord

and other sadhaks) where light is full of knowledge and bliss, and

where the supreme spiritual substance which comprises all things is

relishable (cintamani). This is a world which is not " nothing " . It

may sound like a " fairy tale " to some, but I truly believe that

fairies are real. If you or others don't believe in fairies, or in

Goloka Vrndavana, which is presented in the Brahma Samhita, then

you may have to keep trying to believe in nothing. Personally, I

feel that " nothingness " philosophy is a trap, and I pray that any

sadhaks reading this kindly bless me that I may have the strength to

always resist the temptation of " nothingness " . I feel it is an

excuse for giving up loving devotional activites, such as sravanam,

kirtanam, visnoh smaranam (hearing, chanting, and remembering the


My respects to all,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Respected Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli

Jay Shri Krushn


Pl. refer to foll. text in your reply. Can you pl. help me to know

the source of the same.


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha - NOTHING

Jay Shri Krushn





The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing'

is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind

or the intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of

these. In other words, we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely

do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists.

Having realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body,

Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the

soul. It is like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so

far as it has not merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with

the ocean, there is no more separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his

separate identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak'

of his God. His identity then changes from his wordly identity to

his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question

by asking another question or challenging the questioner, it would

be better if we think from the point of view of the questioner and

appreciate her point of view before we embark upon obsessively

answering the question. We will never be able to do justice to the

question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have

asked the question.




For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under

discussion, one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a

vacant look, though at the same time trying to very deeply perceive

what is happening there,within minutes it will be seen that there

are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which appear from nowhere and

disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What are these

bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go?

Perhaps they do not at all originate and also do not at all

disintegrate. This close and continuous observation may lead to

further realization which we go on hunting in our mind for birth

after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted,

had it been properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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I have a question, in regards to the goal of meditation, upasanas,

etc, being " nothing " . Once a person goes beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . NOTHINGNESS indicates we have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others? If you truly believe that YOU ARE

NOTHING, then how can you have any truth to convey? Respectfully,

Mahalakshmi dasi




Hari Om


Sure ! O Joyous Child of Universe ! But God will touch you not of

His will or in His way but in accordance with your will and in that

way which you like. That is His promise made in Gita. That shape

which is so familiar to you , which takes shape in meditation - He,

according to Gita, is most likely to manifest in that form only.

Just start decorating that shape. Just keep perfecting as a sculptor

gives finishing touches to his creation. Fill in colours as a

painter does. Make up the shape as precise as you want it to be.

Search every nook and corner of that shape so that you may make it

the most perfect .Those eyes. That smile on the lips. That flute.

Peacock feather? Behind a cow . Just keep sculpting and get immersed

in imparting Him the perfection. He is bound to appear the way you


There is also bliss in wait than in union. In disconnection with Him

also there is connection. Where is disconnection , in fact? The

moment you disconnect from " nothing " , you realise eternal

connection with " the only thing " which exists.


Nothing in fact exists except Him.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Jai Shree Krishna

he who understands the importance of time (as stated by Swamiji in

today's sadhak posting), he who understand God's immense grace, he

who is alert and willing and brave to accept good points, will he

ever tell God, that you make me to attain salvation? will he

continue to waste his time in attainment of perishable things ? And

even if he does, for how long will he continue to do so? Has some

limit been set? How much of our life has gone by? Will he be happy

on celebrating his birthday? or will be be sad and cry that Oh

Lord, how much have to graced me already. And where am I going?


This discussion on " nothingness " it is my belief that for our own

upliftment and benediction, we think about our own issues and ask

our selves, are we discussing as " siddha " (perfected one) or as

a " sadhak " (spiritual aspirant). Prabhu (God) is Existence,

Consciousness and Bliss, and what we know about Him, He is beyond

all that. Swamiji has explained this in a write up in Sadhan,

Sudhaa, Sindhu... it is title " Varnatit ka Varnan " (Description of

the Undescribable). May All be Happy !!!






Jay Shree Krishna


Jo samay ki mahatta janta hai, Prabhu ki ahaituki kripa ho janta

hai...savdhan aur sachhi bat svikar karneki himmat rakhanevala kya

vah kabhi Prabhu ko kahega ki prabhu mere kalyan kar do?? kya vah

Aapna samay naswar samgri ki prapti me lagata rahega?? Aur yadi

lagata hai to bhi kab-tak lagayega?? koi limit bana rakhi hai??

Aapni kitani umar nikal gai?? kya vah aapna Janmadin manakar khush

hoga?? ki dukhi hokar royega ki Prabhu kitani kripa kar rahe hai?

Aur mai kanha jaa raha hu???


Aap logo ko charcha mai english nahi janta hone se purnatah samaj

nahi sakta hu .


Jo notingness ki charcha ho rahi hai, us vishay me mera manana hai

ki hamare hit ke liye yahi jyada labhkar hoga ki ham aapni samsya ke

bare me vichar kare.ham kanhi SIDHHA hoke charcha kar rahe hai ki

SADHAK ho ke?Prabhu sat-chit -Aanad rup hai aur unke bare me ham

jitna jante-mante hai unse bhi pare hai.Swamiji ka ek lekh SAdhan

Sudh Sindhu me hai 'Varnatit ka Varnan'.


Sarve bhavtuh Sukhinah.....





There are two things to understand.

1. individual (God says I become many from ONE. Ekoham bahusyam)

2. individuality (Personal Ego)

For all kinds of actions individual has to keep individuality in

mind. Then how can Nothingness (Egoless) indicates we have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. Coz

individual is essence (ANSH) of individuality, the gods will.

That makes things straight.


Raja Gurdasani


My dandavats to all in this forum....

I would like to express deep appreciation for the recent

submission of Naga Narayana....each and every one of us can only

express/relate/describe according to our experiences and

understanding. We cannot do any more. I appreciate your accepting

my point of correction; may I be so bold and arrogant as to

articulate a furthur elaboration of why it is that I cannot tolerate

nothingness as attributed to the Absolute Person.

I saw Him in a dream, ONCE, only once, after I had burned some

stories I had written, which were based on some very traumatic

events in my life, after a visit to India, in the year 2000. In

the dream, that Supreme Person stood before me, with a mask on His

face, the type the ancient Greeks would wear in their dramas.....and

then removed the mask. Underneath, He, was completely burnt. It

wasn't until three or four days later that I made the connection, of

His being burnt having anything to do with my stories I had

burned. But regardless of my offense, of my cruelty, of my

ignorance......He made it very clear to me that He is a Person. He

very much had a form of a male human being, clothed, with hands,

feet, eyes, mouth.... a Person. Though my heart aches that He would

have felt the need to show Himself in a manifestation of being

burnt. Based on my personal experience, I am without doubt

completely unable to ever tolerate hearing Him refered to

as " nothing " . My experience says - He is everything in

existence.......He is everyone....simulteneously, He is separate

from us all.

Sincerely, Mahalaksmi Dasi



The existence of every individual is relative. If you look at a

human being from the plane flying at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the

person looks about the size of an ant. If you look from a space

shuttle, you cannot locate him even. Similarly, if you elevate

yourself to the great heights of philosophy, you will find that you

are an insignificant particle of dust. The concept of ego plays a

very important part in deciding your importance. If your ego level

is high, you consider yourself all important and above everything

else in this world. I you shed the ego, you will consider

yourself as " nothing " .


All said and done, although we consider that we are not the body

(Kshetra), but the part of Jeevatman (Kshetraja) present in that

body, one cannot afford to neglect the body and invite sickness.

A " sound " mind requires a " sound " body to exist and perform

meditation. If the body is sick, one cannot concentrate on any

topic, including " God " .


It happened to me that once when I was hospitalised with a bladder

problem and my bladder had to be punctured to get rid of the

contents, I kept on telling myself, " This body doesn't belong to

me " , and I didn't experience the severity of the pain.



K.V. Gopalakrishna



I personally appreciate Dear Dasiji's response revealing a potential

arrogance on my side. Thank you very much for your courtesy and

concern on your fellow seeker. By the way, I am not surprised to

hear about it either … I am quite familiar with that within and

often struggle to keep it in its place. The slaps I receive from the

fellow seekers are of great assistance in my efforts to pulverize

this fellow. Thank you very much.


Sincerely, I do not mean any insitentce or compulsion in any of my

utterances any time. My experience correlates with the the following

that Dasiji has referred to:


" The idea of The Everything is that anything and everything

including the nothing is based in THAT which makes everything

possible being inherent in everything as THAT which can never be

known and hence remain nothing within one's perception. Emptying

myself to nothing by vomiting all my filth smeared in my desires,

fears and all other emotions rooted in these two is what I mean by

becoming The Nothing. Only when all the faculties have stopped their

childish pranks of attempting to know anything, one attains THAT ...

when all the faculties are paused, what is left in one's cognition?





My experience correlates with the above. I get glimpses of The

Absolute ONLY WHEN all my claims of ownership in desires, knowledge

and actions – Bhoktritva, Gnyatritva and Kartritva – becomes

nonexistent, in other words, NOTHING.


Yada panchaavatisthante gnyaanaani manasa saha |

Buddhishcha na vicheshtate taamaahuh paramaam gatim ||


Since in my awareness, I cannot achieve it yet … I attempt the above

suggested Upasana seriously … to stop all crabbiness I wield amongst

the body, senses, mind and intellect to let THAT reveal itself … to

empty all my relativities to The Nothing to make myself worthy to

receive THE ABSOLUTE. Once the perception looses its pedestal at

such a state, all its vocabulary including something, everything,

nothing, etc. loose their meaning altogether … anything thought of

or uttered or done is too limited to describe The Unlimitted … no

need to worry too much on any utterances from that perspective.


… yet this is the way I see. Too much importance need not be

showered on such opinions.


Therefore, I still plead you not to extend my utterances to anything

beyond percievable. Though often there may be references to The

Absolute here and there, I am calrifying again that " I CANNOT REALLY



not have used the word " WE " in the original paragraph which might

have offended some fellow seekers. Let me repeat it correctly




If it still sounds " Pravada " to anybody … I apologize … I know only

few ways that stem out of my limited experience … I don't know other

ways to communicate the same properly. I agree totally, I AM

IGNORANT and whatever uttered through me need not be of any

significance to any one. One can just drop the unworthy opinion.

Therefore, I plead again, " Just drop the unworthy utterances! "

Please do not be offended by my ignorance.


Thank You.


Naga Narayana


-Shree Hari-


The word inhalation used by Ravi Bakhsi echoes a term I have used on

several threads of this most divine of site.

Fana " annihilation " a Sufi term. Vyasji explained recently of how

Lord Krishna set about, (these are my words) destroying Arjunas

intellectual mind, until of course Arjuna surrendered to the Divine


I did sense this idea when I first read Gitaji, (it was read,I regret

in haste ), I felt however an immediate affection for Arjuna, maybe I

saw humanity in him, I am not sure. I saw in Krishna that Lord of the

Universe I had no name for. (Maybe Logos).


Freedom to search for the Divine has no religious/cultural/racial

prerequisite and is born within us, we are human, Bhagwan really is

at work, rationalization is the opposite to embracing what one finds

in the Divine search. I am joyously a 'Child of The Universe', God

can touch me in whatever way he deems fit, I am blind to dogmas. The

Divine works according to his will not mine or yours.


May I say this with absolute certainty, One is never what one thinks

one is , the further one enters , 'The Dark Night of The Soul' , the

brighter glow the sparks of truth. Never let the ego turn you back.


Mahalakshmiji you seem to have fire within your soul, let that fire

within illuminate the truth.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor


Please explain, the Nothing ness between Sun & Earth!

Thimaiya Somaiya Pulianda





Nothingness is a different expression of everythingness, we can

quantify neither.


The anxiety expressed here is a projection of anxiety felt from the

immanent end to us all, anhilation of the personal I.

That the soul has existence is a hope that the individual ego will

continue existing in some form or fashion, thereby escaping its

ultimate cessation.


The important thing here is to practice the meditation protocols

regardless of your personal beliefs and understandings and find out

for yourself. Isn't that the beauty of Hinduism?

To investigate and find out for yourself? Does it really matter if

one says nothing (Buddhist) and the other (Vedantist) everything?

Who cares what people say? find out for your self. you are so lucky

you have been given these tools so you can stop believing and start

growing up. Grow up.


Further, to say that, mindlessness, egolessness is totally

insignificant exposes a gross nonunderstanding of nature of mind,

its conscious and unconscious parts and their relationship to ego

and self.


This can be modelled. If we take the ocean as our model, the

individual ego, its expression as I and the conscious mind would be

the wave. Different waves different individuals, all linked and

connected by the substratum of the ocean, the unconscious or Self,


Atmanyeva akhilam drishyam . then the self is seen everywhere,

Nirmal akasha vat sadaha, as pure sky, eternally

Adi Shankara, Atma Bodha


you said " NOTHINGNESS indicates we have no knowledge, no sense of

truth or untruth, no existence. "

Knowledge, nonknowledge, truth and untruth are ultimately relative

and rely upon the existence of each other. They are only given

value and meaning by the individual ego, the unconscious recognises

no such distinction or prejudice. Why should all encompassing

nature of being be equated with non existence? It is the non

existence of the individual ego.


You can read CG Jung. Memories dreams and reflections and other

works, His 'Complete Works' of course make very good light bedtime

reading and are highly recommended to insomniacs.


Ravi Bakhsi



My dandavats to all in this forum,

A very simple question......in the explanation Naga Narayan has

given, the statement is there describing Pravada.... " Pravada is a

single-sided instruction from an authority, a Pravadi " . You are

asking those of us in this forum not to take the position

of " pravadi " . But aren't you yourself doing that in the following

statement, " Again, pl. Do not make an attempt to expand this to

anything beyond the cognition. We have no business to talk about

that and have no rights to display any authority over it. "


We are here to learn from one another; hence each one of us at

times takes the mood of student, and at other times teacher......it

is a forum of respect, but also challenging if anyone sadhak sees a

defect in another's presentation. Personally, I will always feel

total grief, sadness and a sense of " combatting " , for loss of a

better word, if I hear expressions that the goal of our existence is

nothing. Simultaneously, I am striving to respect those who have

this goal, and present what I have understood to be the truth in a

logical, realistic way. I have that right as an individual to feel a

sense of defending the Personality of my Supreme Friend. I feel it

is what this forum is for, and we should not take the stand of

telling others, " Don't comment on this " . To do so is a

contradiction to the entire point of your submission.

Respectfully, Mahalaksmi Dasi


Jai Hanuman


This refers to dream seen by Shirley and narrated for deliberations.


Shirleyji. Why in dream only.? In day time also we dream only-

whenever we use this mechanical animal known as mind - we dream

only. Because our mind can only remain in ignorance zone. It can

either travel in " past " or in " future " . Both do not exist !! It

remains in " nothing only " . In the dream also there was nothing

only. In the wakeful state also , we are dreaming only. Time, order

and continuity is bit larger and different in waking state.

Otherwise character/nature/element/seer/seen/ seeing wise both are

exactly same. Mind is perceiving differently because of illusion,

darkness and inherent capacity limitations.


Does not our childhood today appear to us as a dream? ( If we are no

more child. I can't guess. Because Alice in Wonderland is taught and

understood at Sr KG level- I really don't know about maturity ) .


That Alice is we. That wonderland is this world. So long as we

consider this body and this world to be me and mine, such

hallucinations are natural and occur at all times- except in deep



There is no difference in " nothingness " prevailing at all times in

us. Whether awake or dreaming. Difference is since that night dream

has ended, hence we can call that as " dream " and this day time

awakened state dreaming is continuing.


To come out of this dream-


-First let us put our mind , which is suggesting that " I am body " in

a deep freezer - not to be used till deliberations are continuing.


- Secondly, Let us use " self " . Ever heard this expression " self " ?

Tell honestly if not heard.


If we know what " Self " is, then use that instead of mind. We will

then grasp the discussion and pick gems out of this Satsanga, and "

Nothingness " which is around us at present, will immediately

become " Everything " .


We are already aware about the names " Radha " , " Krishna " etc. Hence

it will be fast process.


How to put this mind in deep freezer? Feel we are watcher of this

mind. A witness. It is easy. Because. We really are that only. See

how it changes. If we are able to feel how our mind is changing

every fraction of second, we are through. Come back as soon as we

reach to that level.


Do revert in case of any problem in dealing with mind or using

self/conscience or regarding any other perceptions arising out of

mind etc.


Jee Jee




Dear Sadaks,

The supreme becomes humble before his Baktha. Beyond Supreme is HIS

bakthas. Bagavan has said in BG that HIS baktha and HE are one and

the same. So many instances, Bagavan was quiet, inspite of being

abused/misused/ robbed off (temple jewellary). But even the

smallest affect (hurting, passing comments, causing inconvenience)

to HIS true baktha, the punishment is immediate. (will quote, if

needed). So Bagavan keeps HIS bakthas a step higher than Himself








A light has gone on in my heart!!!! There is a different angle

to the explanation of " nothing " beyond Purusha. I did not understand

the words previously presented....it is here understood that

" nothing " beyond indicates that the Supreme Person is Supreme, there

is no more to be said, nothing beyond Him. My gratitude to you,

Vyasaji, for getting through this murky intelligence.


My apologies for not responding yet to Sashikala's challenge and

agree with her presentation that, as per the Bhagavad Gita, the

nature of this material world, being ever changing, is certainly on

one level considered to be non-existent; however, it is a very

delicate topic. If one says it is " nothing " , then there is room for

the mind to say, (at least my mind does on occasion) " If it is all

nothing, then why do I have to try so hard to be dutiful? " So, I

personally do not like to describe the temporary material creation

as nothing....I prefer to consider it as a dream.....a dream IS a

dream, it may give some insight into a different realm, if in

connection with the Absolute.....or it may have no

significance.....but still, it IS. So, I am not so quick to

describe this temporary manifestation as nothing. I appreciate

your time, pointing out that sadhaks are not interested in

activities other than devotional service. I pray that I may not be

stuck in this dream forever; may all bless me that I may wake up to

my true spiritual nature.


Mahalaksmi Dasi




What you saw was a dream. What you are seeing now in your waking

state, is also a dream. Brahm is illusion, you yourself had that

dream (unreal), and that this is real. The Alice who was in your

dream, that same Alice is now as well. This wonderland itself is this

life, this world and this Alice is you. Even in dream it was an

illusion and even now too you are in illusion. This is the truth and

solid thing.


Stop believing this body to be yours. Immediately. You will receive

benediction. Or else, this Alice may have to even see horrific

dreams. Therefore get out of this illusion.


You are already established in illusion right now. Even in dream it

is only nothing. You simply don't know. This itself is called Maya.

This itself is called ignorance, baseness.







Jo dekha thaa vah dream tha. Jo jagrat avastha main abhi dekh rahe ho

vah bhi in fact dream hi hai. Bhram, illusion hai apko ki vah dream

(unreal) tha aur yeh real hai. Jo Alice dream main tha vahi Alice

abhi bhi hai. Wonderland yeh sansaar hi hai aur Alice aap hain. Dream

main bhi bhram main the, abhibhi aap bhram main hi hain. Pucci baat

hai yeh.


Sareer ko apna maanana band kar dijiye. Immediately. Apka kalyaan ho

jayega. Varana bhayankar dreams bhi is wonderland main Alice ko

dekhane pad sakte hain. Bhram se baahar nikaliye,


Nothing main hi to aap abhi viraajmaan hain. Dream main bhi nothing

main hi the. Maloom nahin hai apko. Isi ko maya kaha jata hai. Yehi

moodhata kahlaati hai.





An ardent appeal to everyone:


This form has retained its sanctity by promoting the very meaning of

Sadhana in its true sense. I appeal to everyone to treat it the same

way. In my opinion, Sadhana should always be focused on one's


ignorance and inertia with a sole resolve of reducing the same to

eventually remove the same. I am sure all share this view.

Unfortunately, we have no way but to communicate within and with the

fellow like-minded seekers to achieve the same. Communication is the

only way of removal of ignorance as it was gained in the same way.


There are three types of communications - Pravada, Vivada and



Pravada is a single sided instruction from an authority, a Pravadi.

Only an authority such as Lord Krishna can do this. Neither of us can

be that. I am sure everyone realizes this.


Vivada is all of us are too familiar with. Sticking to what we think

we know and to attack anything that seems to disturb it in an effort

to safeguard what we think we know. The premise for vivada is to

promote one's own ego through information and hence it inevitably

provocates and injures others inviting a conflict. Such an act is

called " Aatmahatya " - self-slaying act because the very act promotes

the very same ego which is the most opaque hurdle in one's spiritual

progress. It is verily aatmahatya because the gloating or injured ego

will never rest removing any chance for anybody to be oneself, one's

most natural state of bliss. We have been accumulating our ignorance

in such communications all our lives ... I appeal one should not

continue this, at least in the name of Sadhana.


Sumvada is the one that is necessary wherein the premise is that I


be necessarily wrong since I am the one who is feeling miserable and

that somebody may help me reveal my ignorance for my observation and

renunciation. Finding wrong in others can only boost one's ignorance.

Respecting contradictory views on the contrary may have a chance


one's opaque shell of ignorance. Open mindedness is a must for

spiritual practice in my experience. I appeal to everyone to observe

this with an open mind. Please ... let us not sacrilege the sanctity

of such a forum ...


Coming to " Nothing " , Something " , " Everything " etc. I always treat any

term or any concept as one belonging to one's perception only. If

somebody declares on The God - The Absolute that is beyond all

explanations and hence remains mostly unknown within anybody's

perception - in any way, I consider it as a childish prank ...


more. The very reason that an unknown is unknown is that I do not


that! When I do not know, how can I ever say that is this or that? be

it nothing or everything? be that " it exists " or " it does not exist " .

All the Upanishads univocaly try to educate our ego to stop its habit

of attempting to bring everything into the realm of its " known " .

Therefore, I do not want to attempt to make any statements regarding

anything that is not known to me - Soul, Self, God, etc. As everybody

in this forum understand, they do not belong to the domain of one's

ego or its colleagues mind and body!


The idea of Nothing is the nothingness in one's perception ... Yada

panchaavatishthante Gnyaanaani manasaa saha | Buddhishcha na

vicheshatate taamaahuh paramaam gatim || The answer to a seeker's

quest to appreciate THAT, the suggestion is to become nothing

within -

no images, no pretensions, no tendencies, no emotions, no relations,

.... nothing but THAT. THAT remains nothing to one's perception as

every unknown is nothing bu the nothing in one's perception.


The idea of The Everything is that anything and everything including

the nothing is based in THAT which makes everything possible being

inherent in everything as THAT which can never be known and hence

remain nothing within one's perception. Emptying myself to nothing by

vomiting all my filth smeared in my desires, fears and all other

emotions rooted in these two is what I mean by becoming The Nothing.

Only when all the faculties have stopped their childish pranks of

attempting to know anything, one attains THAT ... when all the

faculties are paused, what is left in one's cognition? The Nothing.





Therefore, any authoritative statement that " THAT exists " is as

sacrilegious as the claim that " THAT does not exist " . Existence is

another concept confined in our perceptional limit ... then how can

that be extended beyond? PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE.


Andhantamam pravishanti ye asmbhutimupasate - One who rejects the

idea of The Supreme as it remains unknown is verily ignorant having

no clue of how his belief in his knowledge is misleading him. But at

least he has a chance that he may see the limits of his understanding

ability one day and leave the unknown alone.


Tato bhuaya iva te tamo ye u sambhutyaam rataah - But, one who

insists that The Supreme exists is a bigger fool with very little

chance to appreciate his limitations because he believes even the

unknown is known to him!!


THEREFORE, my appeal to all is to not sacrilege the Yagnya that is

going on in this auspicious forum ... the only thing that should be

sacrificed into this fire is our egos, our ignorance ... NEVER our

Shraddha. Vivada directly attacks our collective Shraddha. PLEASE do

not entertain vivada.


With Deep Respects to all.


Naga Narayana.




Jay Shree Krishna



I cannot clearly understand everyone's inner sentiments in English.

But it appears that from your discussion, it is not going according


the group's intent. Moderator must be careful about this. One must

remain alert that without engaging in too much discussion, to grab

hold of the essence, and deeply understand it. In Saint's words it is

therefore said that " Brother, now leave listening / reading /

learning, and instead know, believe and accept it. The thing to know

is the world, the thing to believe is God. Beyond those talks a

sadhak has not much concern, that who said what? How they said it?

Falling into this hassle, a sadhak must remain ever alert not to

waste their own time, as well as, other's time. You all are

intelligent, and educated.. in few words, one must understand more.





Mai English me Aap sabke pure bhav samjta nahi hu.Lekin lagta hai ki

Aapki charch..es group ke udeshy ke anurup nahi lag rahi hai.Modretor

ko yeh khyal rakhna chahiye.Jyada vad-vivad badhakar..sar bat ko

grahan karne ke liye sajag rahana chahiye.Sant Vaani me esiliye kaha

hoga ki " Bhai Aab sunana-sikhana chhodo...Aur Janana aur Manana

swikar kar lo. Janana hai es jagat ke bare me,Manana hai Prabhu

ko...jyada bato se sadhak ko matlab nahi ki kisne kya kaha?kaise

kaha. Es panchayati me padkar apana aur dusaro ka samy kharab na ho

yeh harek sadhak ko savdhani rakhani chahiye.Aap sab samjdar,Padhe-

likhe log ho..thode me jyada samaj lena.





Hari Om


The Kathopanishad state - Chapter 1, Valli 3 , verses 10 and 11 -

" There is " nothing " beyond Purusha " .


The Upanishads are said to be the summary of Vedas. Shrimad Bhagvad

Gita is considered as the " essence " of the Upanishads.


Purusha is defined as Paramatma in Gita/Upanishads/Vedas. Purusha is

also used for pure soul part in Jeeva. God is also known as

Purushottam in Gita.(Gita 15:18).


Gita also confirms the same vide Gita 2:16 ,3:42, 9:4, 15:18 and


(Combined reading) - there may be more verses confirming this..


" Naham prakashah sarvasyam " is in Gita 7:25. Reference reg " avyaktam "

is in Gita 9:4 . Refer also " udasinvadasino " term used in BG 14:23

(Like an udasin- when there is nothing except God how can only

" udasin " word be used- it has to be " like " an udasin !)


This reply is pursuant to Vimalji's query to Dr Goli.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



My dandavats to all in this forum,

My sincere apologies to anyone who may have felt my inquiries were


of line in my last posting......I was trying with extreme caution to

present my question in a non-personal, general way, but as I am often

a tactless person, can understand that I have failed again. My

question was meant to highlight the point that if we believe truly

that everything is ultimately nothing, (as indicated in this

quotation, " --- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtin a' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -


I certainly hope that Anjaneyulu Goli felt no offense, indeed, I am

certain that he has the depth of understanding to know that he is not

the material body, nor any designation applied to it.....hence, I

sincerely doubt if he was offended. A man in knowledge is not

disturbed by any reference to the body being significant or not.

Still, I thank Vyasaji for pointing out to me that I should be more

sensitive. My point was not meant to denigrate anyone, so again,

if there was appearance of such, my profuse apologies.

On the vein of the same discussion, in his presentation the good Dr.

has said, final word, " nothing " ....after the statement, " He is beyond

Purusha " .

Please kindly explain to me, Vyasa, what this means. I have no

problem with the point that we are here trying to understand a

religious path, how to live life according to Gita, however, you

must accept that it disturbs me greatly to have it presented that

the Supreme Absolute Truth, Sri Krsna, who has an eternal form

composed of bliss and knowledge, who has a home known as Goloka

Vrndavan, who is beyond the Purusa, can be equated with nothingness.

If you think that perhaps the doctor was offended by referring to

him with the title " nothing " , think about how it must hurt the

Supreme Person to be thought of as such.

Sincerely, with best wishes,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Vimalji - Namaste


I present the following source you are pleased to know:


' Naaham prakashha ' Gita Ch 7 Sl 25


Veiled by My Yogamaya, I am not manifest to all. Hence these ignorant

folk fail to recognise Me, the unborn and imperishable Supreme Deity


'Jagadavyaktamoorthina' Gita Ch 9 Sl 4


The whole of this universe is permeated by Me as unmanifest Divinity,

and all beings rest on the idea within Me. Therefore, really

speaking, I am not present in them.

Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear readers,


Well, I am going to add something to this discussion. It is not wrong

to share a dream, is it? I can't tell you who I really am, because I

don't know who I am....I think I am this body.....but this dream is

really interesting.

I was in a room with lots of other sadhaks. I like the word devotees.

My guru was sitting up front, only I don't think my guru knew about

this dream. I think it was Krsna, appearing as guru. Anyway, he

asked me, " What is more dangerous, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, or Nothing? "

(Krsna knows all about Alice in Wonderland)

I replied, quickly, " Why of course, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, because " nothing " does not exist. " The entire room of

devotees responded back to me, " No, " Nothing " is more powerful " .

I turned to Krsna-disguised-as-guru....and I gave an inquiring look.

To which the response came back, " Nothing is more powerful. Because

Alice believed in it. "

I think Krsna was challenging me.....do I want to believe in

" Nothing " ? I can if I want. It is a powerful, powerful state of

mind.......I ask myself many times......what could cause me to

believe that there is no longer any point to living? What type of

offenses would I commit, that my consciousness would lose track of

trying to attain a level of purity, lose track of trying to aspire

for being Godly, forget about entering into a realm of eternal lila

with Sri Sri Radha and Krsna? etc etc. And lose track of all the

times I have seen Krsna in my dreams, inviting me to be near to Him?

These are questions I ask often. Thank you for listening to me.

Sri Radhe

Shirley May


It is only our ego which makes us important. Otherwise we are

nothing. We are hollow inside. We are nothing and we dissolve into

nothingness, when we die.Unless we realise it we will keep on making

mistakes, which will result in endless births and deaths. The

spiritual path is only to save our souls.


Hari Shanker Deo




Hari Om

Neither this web site has advocated any " nothingness " nor any

" somethingness " nor has any Sadhak talked about any nothingness or

any somethingness- without any context.. We are here to discuss about

Gita and religious way of living life.


It is in my humble view that you have raised a topic out of " nothing "

and used that topic for passing improper personal comments upon

contributors to the deliberations. This site is definitely not meant

for exhibition of such behavior where we can injudiciously call any

person to be hypocrite or question as to how he is using title " Dr "

before his name or throwing mud at any person's way of living. None

is entitled to exhibit such conduct. Dr is part of a name. Does not

the other party also has a name after a divine person of Sanatan


What right then he/she has to use that name?


In the recent past also similar absurd, comments were passed even for

a Saint of the class of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. He was called

as a hypocrite, dishonest, false and what not. Due to continued

similar conduct, I must state my views. I hope the Moderators will

be as kind to me as they were with this particular sadhak- in

publishing this note.. Is such conduct proper? Is it fair? If some

one does not agree to any view point, he/she has choice /option of

humbly disagreeing and withdrawing from deliberations. Which

religion or Preceptor teaches us to humiliate in such a brazen

manner any contributors ? This has so far been for genuine sadhaks,

has it not? Who asked a comparison between two countries? Did the

discussion warrant that?


It must be understood that such person not only lowers

himself/herself before such an elite family type satsanga forum, but

he/she also brings to disrepute his/her siksha/ diksha Gurus and the

very organisation to which she/he claims to be belonging. One must

never forget that if you raise one accusing finger towards any one, 3

fingers of the same hand get directed towards you- automatically.

Sanatan Dharma/Vedas never teach such conduct.


Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli and Naga Narayanaji are entitled to an apology.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

Putting Dr in front of name is identification of the body. More over

Dr means profession not the soul. Sri Krishnah mean anadham. Sri is

respect to our Bagavan. Plain Krishna may mean somebody by name

Krishna. Dr.Anjeneyalu put Dr prefix before his name by habbit. Dr

profession has nothing to do with spritual matters. Dear Sadaks

please avoid finding fault with one an another. See Bagavan in

everybody. There is NOTHING wrong Right in identification. Bagavan

in Geetha says in many places Partha or Arjuna. It is only

identification to who Bagavan speaking to. For Bagavan Partha or

Duryodana are equal to HIM.




Narayan Narayan

Mateshwari jee


That which changes, is unreal (non-existent, perishable, moving

towards destruction) and

That which does not change, is real (existent,imperishable)(Gita




Jho bhadalta hai uski saata naahi hoti or

Jho naahi bhadalta usi ki saata hoti hai(Gita 2:16)





Dear Sadhaks,

I was comtemplating on Vivekachudami of Adi Sankara`s. My friend not

intereseted in spiritual matters asked me, " What are you

contemplating as you could not recognise my presence " . I

said, " NOTHING " . Does it mean real. I was contemplating on SOMETHING.

Going beyond conscience level (without Pragniya) is Samadhi state,

that which like Sadashiva Bramendral/yogi Raj could do. But these

saints came back to normal state after many days. How? They were

with Paramatma but though their functioning they were beyond senses.

During Maha Pralaya (final destruction) it says everything gets

destroyed with souls abiding in Paramatma. Again when creation

commences these souls take forms. This is said in Upanishads. So

there is NO stage called " Nothing " exists. But the word " nothing "

is misunderstood. Nothing more to discuss rather than keep

saying " Om Namo Narayana " .



My dandavats to all in this forum,

In response to Dr. Anjaneyuyu Goli, I would like to respond

from a point of view of one who has certainly studied the Vedas, but

not with the ability to translate, or even to know the various

different meanings which can be attributed to any given word, which

causes the scenario of, depending on who is translating,, a totally

different meaning being gleaned depending on the mood/interpretation

of the translator.

So, my response to you, Dr, is, if you truly believe that

nothingness is the ultimate, why do you put the title " Dr " in front

of your name? Why not go by Anjaneyuyu Nothing? Indeed, with no

disrespect intended, I ask you honestly, isn't it a bit of hypocrisy

to use a title which sets you just a niche or two above others,

while presenting that nothingness, which has no social distinctions,

is your belief system? Truly, it may appeal to some (I am not saying

anyone in particular, it is a question more than an accusation)

that they can hide behind a convenient philosophy of nothingness,

which allows no sense of impending guilt if one behaves in a

misdirected or selfish, or just plain sinful fashion. But if an

individual truly is in touch with Supersoul, I believe that he or

she will not accept a translation of the holy scriptures which

guides one to nothingness. Because no one can live this path in

this life. No one can sit down on the sidewalk, stop eating,

drinking, interacting, striving for recognition amongst one's fellow

human beings, etc. So, when I hear presentations which are

concluding with this idea, my only thought is that it is not an

honest path. Those who choose it do not live it. It is virtually

impossible in the west, even to remain seated as an Avadhut, such as

Rsabhadeva did in the Bhagavatam.....(He lay on the ground, like a

python, and if food entered his mouth, He ate....if nothing came to

Him, He fasted.....but He also was able to make His stool smell like

roses, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

incarnated). Anyway, if someone were on such a detached level in

this country, he would be subject to being thrown in jail. A truly

realized person would not allow himself to be the object of such

offensive actions, knowing the offenders would suffer horrible

reactions. He would not put himself in such a position.....but in

India, certainly one could live in the streets, waiting for whatever

mercy of the Lord came to him, and be left alone. Personally, I do

not accept that even this conduct, of the avadhut's, is a state

of " nothingness " . I have understood from my teachers, and my

studying of the Vedas, that those whose activities in this world are

minimal, but are either absorbed in chanting the Lord's names, or

in trance, are still absorbed within in a realm of total activity, a

state of samadhi where the soul has left this encagement and is

interacting in a transcendental world, beyond time and space. In

this transcendental world, described in the Brahma Samhita, there is

no time.Not even the passing of one moment; it remains in the

eternal, undivided present. Brahma Samhita gives detailed

description of this transcendental world, which is full of Surabhi

cows, which fulfill all desires, where unlimited wish-fulfilling

trees fulfill any aspiration of the devotee (who's only desires are

to continue engaging in loving devotional exchanges with the Lord

and other sadhaks) where light is full of knowledge and bliss, and

where the supreme spiritual substance which comprises all things is

relishable (cintamani). This is a world which is not " nothing " . It

may sound like a " fairy tale " to some, but I truly believe that

fairies are real. If you or others don't believe in fairies, or in

Goloka Vrndavana, which is presented in the Brahma Samhita, then

you may have to keep trying to believe in nothing. Personally, I

feel that " nothingness " philosophy is a trap, and I pray that any

sadhaks reading this kindly bless me that I may have the strength to

always resist the temptation of " nothingness " . I feel it is an

excuse for giving up loving devotional activites, such as sravanam,

kirtanam, visnoh smaranam (hearing, chanting, and remembering the


My respects to all,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Respected Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli

Jay Shri Krushn


Pl. refer to foll. text in your reply. Can you pl. help me to know

the source of the same.


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha - NOTHING

Jay Shri Krushn





The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing'

is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind

or the intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of

these. In other words, we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely

do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists.

Having realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body,

Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the

soul. It is like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so

far as it has not merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with

the ocean, there is no more separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his

separate identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak'

of his God. His identity then changes from his wordly identity to

his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question

by asking another question or challenging the questioner, it would

be better if we think from the point of view of the questioner and

appreciate her point of view before we embark upon obsessively

answering the question. We will never be able to do justice to the

question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have

asked the question.




For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under

discussion, one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a

vacant look, though at the same time trying to very deeply perceive

what is happening there,within minutes it will be seen that there

are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which appear from nowhere and

disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What are these

bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go?

Perhaps they do not at all originate and also do not at all

disintegrate. This close and continuous observation may lead to

further realization which we go on hunting in our mind for birth

after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted,

had it been properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Ram Ram





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

We are clearing pending queue today... few additional emails... only

today. Gita Talk Moderators. Ram Ram




Well i am not an EDUCATED person on this topic - probably


As education prejudices about truth :)


But I think, even the words and language becomes quite insufficient

to describe such states (of mind) And only similies or rupakas that

the acclaimed saints describe may be the only way. We only recognize

these rupakas meanings as WE travel the path on our own.


But my simple theory is - the TRUTH and ETERNITY should be accessible

to anyone irrespctive of where he/she/it is or where he/she/it

started. It is just a journey.


Many a times I have a feeling that quantum mechanices may describe

lot of mind related things. (note : describe e.g. answer how and not

why? - ref Feynman)


Hope this bakbak was something of a help, interesting to read.


atul kumthekar


-Shree Hari-


Quick note of thanks to Brother Vyas.

The way of expressing spiritual matters is often difficult.

By nature I am be sombre, but always loving and I believe


God has metered out to me, as the Orientals would say 'Interesting


I actually have written about my experiences and thoughts, and have

helped some with them.

A line I wrote in a projection of myself upon a pilgrim, went

something like this " ....... every icy river every blooded step was

your desire ...... "

We have all existed before , and those rivers of pain, icy blizzards

and so on, were of my choosing, a tool to obtain Divine love, God


me my wish.

I bow to you Sir for reminding me.

Time to greet the " Morning Sun "


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor


The goal of meditation is meditation

now, meditation in itself is a meaningless english word which does

not convey what is being done here. The Sanskrit Dhyan, means



A cultivation of the attitude of relaxed awareness.


Let us practice Dhyan and report back as to what experience one gets

when we went beyond ego? was it nothing or what?


Why speculate, deduce, infer, imagine,dream? Have we not been told

not to in Yoga sutras 5 ?

Often, there is time to argue but no time to find out.

Ego likes argument, it makes it important; So, Find out !!!

Time is precious

Find out


Thankyou for reading, sorry for offending, but these are my



Ravi Bakhshi





I have a question, in regards to various suggestions that are

continually made in this forum. I hear repeatedly a theme in regard

to the goal of meditation, upasanas, etc, being " nothing " .


Also postings telling persons that once they go beyond ego, they

become completely mindless, egoless, totally insignificant. It is my

understanding that the soul has an existence.....an existence

means, " I am not nothing " . I may be insignificant, but by the mere

fact that I am saying " I " , that indicates that I, or we, have

significance. However small any of our influence or existence may

be, we ARE. I challenge those who truly believe that we are

nothing. if you truly believe that YOU ARE NOTHING, then how can

you have any truth to convey? NOTHINGNESS indicates you have no

knowledge, no sense of truth or untruth, no existence. So, why are

you trying to give this to others?


Mahalakshmi dasi




A light has gone on in my heart!!!! There is a different angle

to the explanation of " nothing " beyond Purusha. I did not understand

the words previously presented....it is here understood that

" nothing " beyond indicates that the Supreme Person is Supreme, there

is no more to be said, nothing beyond Him. My gratitude to you,

Vyasaji, for getting through this murky intelligence.

Mahalaksmi Dasi




What you saw was a dream. What you are seeing now in your waking

state, is also a dream. Brahm is illusion, you yourself had that

dream (unreal), and that this is real. The Alice who was in your

dream, that same Alice is now as well. This wonderland itself is this

life, this world and this Alice is you. Even in dream it was an

illusion and even now too you are in illusion. This is the truth and

solid thing.


Stop believing this body to be yours. Immediately. You will receive

benediction. Or else, this Alice may have to even see horrific

dreams. Therefore get out of this illusion.


You are already established in illusion right now. Even in dream it

is only nothing. You simply don't know. This itself is called Maya.

This itself is called ignorance, baseness.







Jo dekha thaa vah dream tha. Jo jagrat avastha main abhi dekh rahe ho

vah bhi in fact dream hi hai. Bhram, illusion hai apko ki vah dream

(unreal) tha aur yeh real hai. Jo Alice dream main tha vahi Alice

abhi bhi hai. Wonderland yeh sansaar hi hai aur Alice aap hain. Dream

main bhi bhram main the, abhibhi aap bhram main hi hain. Pucci baat

hai yeh.


Sareer ko apna maanana band kar dijiye. Immediately. Apka kalyaan ho

jayega. Varana bhayankar dreams bhi is wonderland main Alice ko

dekhane pad sakte hain. Bhram se baahar nikaliye,


Nothing main hi to aap abhi viraajmaan hain. Dream main bhi nothing

main hi the. Maloom nahin hai apko. Isi ko maya kaha jata hai. Yehi

moodhata kahlaati hai.





An ardent appeal to everyone:


This form has retained its sanctity by promoting the very meaning of

Sadhana in its true sense. I appeal to everyone to treat it the same

way. In my opinion, Sadhana should always be focused on one's


ignorance and inertia with a sole resolve of reducing the same to

eventually remove the same. I am sure all share this view.

Unfortunately, we have no way but to communicate within and with the

fellow like-minded seekers to achieve the same. Communication is the

only way of removal of ignorance as it was gained in the same way.


There are three types of communications - Pravada, Vivada and



Pravada is a single sided instruction from an authority, a Pravadi.

Only an authority such as Lord Krishna can do this. Neither of us can

be that. I am sure everyone realizes this.


Vivada is all of us are too familiar with. Sticking to what we think

we know and to attack anything that seems to disturb it in an effort

to safeguard what we think we know. The premise for vivada is to

promote one's own ego through information and hence it inevitably

provocates and injures others inviting a conflict. Such an act is

called " Aatmahatya " - self-slaying act because the very act promotes

the very same ego which is the most opaque hurdle in one's spiritual

progress. It is verily aatmahatya because the gloating or injured ego

will never rest removing any chance for anybody to be oneself, one's

most natural state of bliss. We have been accumulating our ignorance

in such communications all our lives ... I appeal one should not

continue this, at least in the name of Sadhana.


Sumvada is the one that is necessary wherein the premise is that I


be necessarily wrong since I am the one who is feeling miserable and

that somebody may help me reveal my ignorance for my observation and

renunciation. Finding wrong in others can only boost one's ignorance.

Respecting contradictory views on the contrary may have a chance


one's opaque shell of ignorance. Open mindedness is a must for

spiritual practice in my experience. I appeal to everyone to observe

this with an open mind. Please ... let us not sacrilege the sanctity

of such a forum ...


Coming to " Nothing " , Something " , " Everything " etc. I always treat any

term or any concept as one belonging to one's perception only. If

somebody declares on The God - The Absolute that is beyond all

explanations and hence remains mostly unknown within anybody's

perception - in any way, I consider it as a childish prank ...


more. The very reason that an unknown is unknown is that I do not


that! When I do not know, how can I ever say that is this or that? be

it nothing or everything? be that " it exists " or " it does not exist " .

All the Upanishads univocaly try to educate our ego to stop its habit

of attempting to bring everything into the realm of its " known " .

Therefore, I do not want to attempt to make any statements regarding

anything that is not known to me - Soul, Self, God, etc. As everybody

in this forum understand, they do not belong to the domain of one's

ego or its colleagues mind and body!


The idea of Nothing is the nothingness in one's perception ... Yada

panchaavatishthante Gnyaanaani manasaa saha | Buddhishcha na

vicheshatate taamaahuh paramaam gatim || The answer to a seeker's

quest to appreciate THAT, the suggestion is to become nothing

within -

no images, no pretensions, no tendencies, no emotions, no relations,

.... nothing but THAT. THAT remains nothing to one's perception as

every unknown is nothing bu the nothing in one's perception.


The idea of The Everything is that anything and everything including

the nothing is based in THAT which makes everything possible being

inherent in everything as THAT which can never be known and hence

remain nothing within one's perception. Emptying myself to nothing by

vomiting all my filth smeared in my desires, fears and all other

emotions rooted in these two is what I mean by becoming The Nothing.

Only when all the faculties have stopped their childish pranks of

attempting to know anything, one attains THAT ... when all the

faculties are paused, what is left in one's cognition? The Nothing.





Therefore, any authoritative statement that " THAT exists " is as

sacrilegious as the claim that " THAT does not exist " . Existence is

another concept confined in our perceptional limit ... then how can

that be extended beyond? PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE.


Andhantamam pravishanti ye asmbhutimupasate - One who rejects the

idea of The Supreme as it remains unknown is verily ignorant having


clue of how his belief in his knowledge is misleading him. But at

least he has a chance that he may see the limits of his understanding

ability one day and leave the unknown alone.


Tato bhuaya iva te tamo ye u sambhutyaam rataah - But, one who


that The Supreme exists is a bigger fool with very little chance to

appreciate his limitations because he believes even the unknown is

known to him!!


THEREFORE, my appeal to all is to not sacrilege the Yagnya that is

going on in this auspicious forum ... the only thing that should be

sacrificed into this fire is our egos, our ignorance ... NEVER our

Shraddha. Vivada directly attacks our collective Shraddha. PLEASE do

not entertain vivada.


With Deep Respects to all.


Naga Narayana.




Jay Shree Krishna



I cannot clearly understand everyone's inner sentiments in English.

But it appears that from your discussion, it is not going according


the group's intent. Moderator must be careful about this. One must

remain alert that without engaging in too much discussion, to grab

hold of the essence, and deeply understand it. In Saint's words it is

therefore said that " Brother, now leave listening / reading /

learning, and instead know, believe and accept it. The thing to know

is the world, the thing to believe is God. Beyond those talks a

sadhak has not much concern, that who said what? How they said it?

Falling into this hassle, a sadhak must remain ever alert not to


their own time, as well as, other's time. You all are intelligent,


educated.. in few words, one must understand more.





Mai English me Aap sabke pure bhav samjta nahi hu.Lekin lagta hai ki

Aapki charch..es group ke udeshy ke anurup nahi lag rahi hai.Modretor

ko yeh khyal rakhna chahiye.Jyada vad-vivad badhakar..sar bat ko

grahan karne ke liye sajag rahana chahiye.Sant Vaani me esiliye kaha

hoga ki " Bhai Aab sunana-sikhana chhodo...Aur Janana aur Manana


kar lo. Janana hai es jagat ke bare me,Manana hai Prabhu ko...jyada

bato se sadhak ko matlab nahi ki kisne kya kaha?kaise kaha.Es

panchayati me padkar apana aur dusaro ka samy kharab na ho yeh harek

sadhak ko savdhani rakhani chahiye.Aap sab samjdar,Padhe-likhe log

ho..thode me jyada samaj lena.





Hari Om


The Kathopanishad state - Chapter 1, Valli 3 , verses 10 and 11 -

" There is " nothing " beyond Purusha " .


The Upanishads are said to be the summary of Vedas. Shrimad Bhagvad

Gita is considered as the " essence " of the Upanishads.


Purusha is defined as Paramatma in Gita/Upanishads/Vedas. Purusha is

also used for pure soul part in Jeeva. God is also known as

Purushottam in Gita.(Gita 15:18).


Gita also confirms the same vide Gita 2:16 ,3:42, 9:4, 15:18 and


(Combined reading) - there may be more verses confirming this..


" Naham prakashah sarvasyam " is in Gita 7:25. Reference reg " avyaktam "

is in Gita 9:4 . Refer also " udasinvadasino " term used in BG 14:23

(Like an udasin- when there is nothing except God how can only

" udasin " word be used- it has to be " like " an udasin !)


This reply is pursuant to Vimalji's query to Dr Goli.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



My dandavats to all in this forum,

My sincere apologies to anyone who may have felt my inquiries were


of line in my last posting......I was trying with extreme caution to

present my question in a non-personal, general way, but as I am often

a tactless person, can understand that I have failed again. My

question was meant to highlight the point that if we believe truly

that everything is ultimately nothing, (as indicated in this

quotation, " --- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtin a' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -


I certainly hope that Anjaneyulu Goli felt no offense, indeed, I am

certain that he has the depth of understanding to know that he is not

the material body, nor any designation applied to it.....hence, I

sincerely doubt if he was offended. A man in knowledge is not

disturbed by any reference to the body being significant or not.

Still, I thank Vyasaji for pointing out to me that I should be more

sensitive. My point was not meant to denigrate anyone, so again,

if there was appearance of such, my profuse apologies.

On the vein of the same discussion, in his presentation the good Dr.

has said, final word, " nothing " ....after the statement, " He is beyond

Purusha " .

Please kindly explain to me, Vyasa, what this means. I have no


with the point that we are here trying to understand a religious


how to live life according to Gita, however, you must accept that it

disturbs me greatly to have it presented that the Supreme Absolute

Truth, Sri Krsna, who has an eternal form composed of bliss and

knowledge, who has a home known as Goloka Vrndavan, who is

beyond the Purusa, can be equated with nothingness. If you think that

perhaps the doctor was offended by referring to him with the title

" nothing " , think about how it must hurt the Supreme Person to be

thought of as such.

Sincerely, with best wishes,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Vimalji - Namaste


I present the following source you are pleased to know:


' Naaham prakashha ' Gita Ch 7 Sl 25


Veiled by My Yogamaya, I am not manifest to all. Hence these ignorant

folk fail to recognise Me, the unborn and imperishable Supreme Deity


'Jagadavyaktamoorthina' Gita Ch 9 Sl 4


The whole of this universe is permeated by Me as unmanifest Divinity,

and all beings rest on the idea within Me. Therefore, really


I am not present in them.

Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear readers,


Well, I am going to add something to this discussion. It is not wrong

to share a dream, is it? I can't tell you who I really am, because I

don't know who I am....I think I am this body.....but this dream is

really interesting.

I was in a room with lots of other sadhaks. I like the word devotees.

My guru was sitting up front, only I don't think my guru knew about

this dream. I

think it was Krsna, appearing as guru. Anyway, he asked me, " What is

more dangerous, the poison in the hand of the rabbit, or Nothing? "

(Krsna knows all about Alice in Wonderland)

I replied, quickly, " Why of course, the poison in the hand of the

rabbit, because " nothing " does not exist. " The entire room of


responded back to me, " No, " Nothing " is more powerful " .

I turned to Krsna-disguised-as-guru....and I gave an inquiring look.

To which the response came back, " Nothing is more powerful. Because

Alice believed in it. "

I think Krsna was challenging me.....do I want to believe in

" Nothing " ? I can if I want. It is a powerful, powerful state of

mind.......I ask myself many times......what could cause me to


that there is no longer any point to living? What type of offenses

would I commit, that my consciousness would lose track of trying to

attain a level of purity, lose track of trying to aspire for being

Godly, forget about entering into a realm of eternal lila with Sri


Radha and Krsna? etc etc. And lose track of all the times I have seen

Krsna in my dreams, inviting me to be near to Him? These are


I ask often. Thank you for listening to me.

Sri Radhe

Shirley May


It is only our ego which makes us important. Otherwise we are


We are hollow inside. We are nothing and we dissolve into


when we die.Unless we realise it we will keep on making mistakes,

which will result in endless births and deaths. The spiritual path is

only to save our souls.


Hari Shanker Deo




Hari Om

Neither this web site has advocated any " nothingness " nor any

" somethingness " nor has any Sadhak talked about any nothingness or

any somethingness- without any context.. We are here to discuss about

Gita and religious way of living life.


It is in my humble view that you have raised a topic out of " nothing "

and used that topic for passing improper personal comments upon

contributors to the deliberations. This site is definitely not meant

for exhibition of such behavior where we can injudiciously call any

person to be hypocrite or question as to how he is using title " Dr "

before his name or throwing mud at any person's way of living. None


entitled to exhibit such conduct. Dr is part of a name. Does not the

other party also has a name after a divine person of Sanatan Dharma?

What right then he/she has to use that name?


In the recent past also similar absurd, comments were passed even for

a Saint of the class of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. He was called


a hypocrite, dishonest, false and what not. Due to continued similar

conduct, I must state my views. I hope the Moderators will be as kind

to me as they were with this particular sadhak- in publishing this

note.. Is such conduct proper? Is it fair? If some one does not agree

to any view point, he/she has choice /option of humbly disagreeing


withdrawing from deliberations. Which religion or Preceptor teaches


to humiliate in such a brazen manner any contributors ? This has so

far been for genuine sadhaks, has it not? Who asked a comparison

between two countries? Did the discussion warrant that?


It must be understood that such person not only lowers


before such an elite family type satsanga forum, but he/she also

brings to disrepute his/her siksha/ diksha Gurus and the very

organisation to which she/he claims to be belonging. One must never

forget that if you raise one accusing finger towards any one, 3

fingers of the same hand get directed towards you- automatically.

Sanatan Dharma/Vedas never teach such conduct.


Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli and Naga Narayanaji are entitled to an apology.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

Putting Dr in front of name is identification of the body. More over

Dr means profession not the soul. Sri Krishnah mean anadham. Sri is

respect to our Bagavan. Plain Krishna may mean somebody by name

Krishna. Dr.Anjeneyalu put Dr prefix before his name by habbit. Dr

profession has nothing to do with spritual matters. Dear Sadaks


avoid finding fault with one an another. See Bagavan in everybody.

There is NOTHING wrong Right in identification. Bagavan in Geetha


in many places Partha or Arjuna. It is only identification to who

Bagavan speaking to. For Bagavan Partha or Duryodana are equal to





Narayan Narayan

Mateshwari jee


That which changes, is unreal (non-existent, perishable, moving

towards destruction) and

That which does not change, is real (existent,imperishable)(Gita




Jho bhadalta hai uski saata naahi hoti or

Jho naahi bhadalta usi ki saata hoti hai(Gita 2:16)





Dear Sadhaks,

I was comtemplating on Vivekachudami of Adi Sankara`s. My friend not

intereseted in spiritual matters asked me, " What are you


as you could not recognise my presence " . I said, " NOTHING " . Does it

mean real. I was contemplating on SOMETHING. Going beyond conscience

level (without Pragniya) is Samadhi state, that which like Sadashiva

Bramendral/yogi Raj could do. But these saints came back to normal

state after many days. How? They were with Paramatma but though their

functioning they were beyond senses. During Maha Pralaya (final

destruction) it says everything gets destroyed with souls abiding in

Paramatma. Again when creation commences these souls take forms. This

is said in Upanishads. So there is NO stage called " Nothing " exists.

But the word " nothing " is misunderstood. Nothing more to discuss

rather than keep saying " Om Namo Narayana " .



My dandavats to all in this forum,

In response to Dr. Anjaneyuyu Goli, I would like to respond

from a point of view of one who has certainly studied the Vedas, but

not with the ability to translate, or even to know the various

different meanings which can be attributed to any given word, which

causes the scenario of, depending on who is translating,, a totally

different meaning being gleaned depending on the mood/interpretation

of the translator.

So, my response to you, Dr, is, if you truly believe that

nothingness is the ultimate, why do you put the title " Dr " in front

of your name? Why not go by Anjaneyuyu Nothing? Indeed, with no

disrespect intended, I ask you honestly, isn't it a bit of hypocrisy

to use a title which sets you just a niche or two above others,

while presenting that nothingness, which has no social distinctions,

is your belief system? Truly, it may appeal to some (I am not saying

anyone in particular, it is a question more than an accusation)

that they can hide behind a convenient philosophy of nothingness,

which allows no sense of impending guilt if one behaves in a

misdirected or selfish, or just plain sinful fashion. But if an

individual truly is in touch with Supersoul, I believe that he or

she will not accept a translation of the holy scriptures which

guides one to nothingness. Because no one can live this path in

this life. No one can sit down on the sidewalk, stop eating,

drinking, interacting, striving for recognition amongst one's fellow

human beings, etc. So, when I hear presentations which are

concluding with this idea, my only thought is that it is not an

honest path. Those who choose it do not live it. It is virtually

impossible in the west, even to remain seated as an Avadhut, such as

Rsabhadeva did in the Bhagavatam.....(He lay on the ground, like a

python, and if food entered his mouth, He ate....if nothing came to

Him, He fasted.....but He also was able to make His stool smell like

roses, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead

incarnated). Anyway, if someone were on such a detached level in

this country, he would be subject to being thrown in jail. A truly

realized person would not allow himself to be the object of such

offensive actions, knowing the offenders would suffer horrible

reactions. He would not put himself in such a position.....but in

India, certainly one could live in the streets, waiting for whatever

mercy of the Lord came to him, and be left alone. Personally, I do

not accept that even this conduct, of the avadhut's, is a state

of " nothingness " . I have understood from my teachers, and my

studying of the Vedas, that those whose activities in this world are

minimal, but are either absorbed in chanting the Lord's names, or

in trance, are still absorbed within in a realm of total activity, a

state of samadhi where the soul has left this encagement and is

interacting in a transcendental world, beyond time and space. In

this transcendental world, described in the Brahma Samhita, there is

no time.Not even the passing of one moment; it remains in the

eternal, undivided present. Brahma Samhita gives detailed

description of this transcendental world, which is full of Surabhi

cows, which fulfill all desires, where unlimited wish-fulfilling

trees fulfill any aspiration of the devotee (who's only desires are

to continue engaging in loving devotional exchanges with the Lord

and other sadhaks) where light is full of knowledge and bliss, and

where the supreme spiritual substance which comprises all things is

relishable (cintamani). This is a world which is not " nothing " . It

may sound like a " fairy tale " to some, but I truly believe that

fairies are real. If you or others don't believe in fairies, or in

Goloka Vrndavana, which is presented in the Brahma Samhita, then

you may have to keep trying to believe in nothing. Personally, I

feel that " nothingness " philosophy is a trap, and I pray that any

sadhaks reading this kindly bless me that I may have the strength to

always resist the temptation of " nothingness " . I feel it is an

excuse for giving up loving devotional activites, such as sravanam,

kirtanam, visnoh smaranam (hearing, chanting, and remembering the


My respects to all,

Mahalaksmi Dasi


Respected Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli

Jay Shri Krushn


Pl. refer to foll. text in your reply. Can you pl. help me to know

the source of the same.


Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha - NOTHING

Jay Shri Krushn





The 'Challenge' is the best question " Pariprasna " .


The Answer is - This philosophical precept of 'Nothing'

is 'Everything' ,

beyond the Purusha. The Kathopanishad answers the challenge


Beyond the senses are the objects

beyond the objects is the mind

beyond the mind is the intellect

beyond the intellect the great Atman

beyond the Atman the unmanifest

beyond the unmanifest - the Purusha

beyond the Purusha - there is Nothing

this is the end, the Supreme goal


---- thus Nothing is Everything, even beyond Purusha.

Our Krishna said 'Jagadavyaktamurtina' I am unmanifest Divinity.

'Naaham Prakasaha' I am not manifest. He is beyond Purusha -



Dr. Anjaneyulu Goli


Dear Mahalakshmi Dasiji,


When ever we use the word ' I ' mostly we mean the body or the mind

or the intellect. This is because we accept ourselves as one of

these. In other words, we identify ourselves as one of these. Rarely

do we mean 'Atma' being the ' I '.

In that sense, one may say that as distinct from soul ' I ' exists.

Having realised God, there is no ' I ' as earlier percieved (Body,

Mind or Intellect).

Now, the identity of this ' I ' in case of a 'Gyani' merges with the

soul. It is like a drop of water is different from the ocean only so

far as it has not merged with it. Having fallen in and merging with

the ocean, there is no more separate identity of the drop of water.


As distict from this, in 'Bhakti', the Bhakta wants to retain his

separate identity not as this body, mind or intellect but as 'Sevak'

of his God. His identity then changes from his wordly identity to

his 'Adhyatmic' identity.


I wonder if I have been able to clarify your thoughts.


My request to fellow Sadhaks is that instead of answering a question

by asking another question or challenging the questioner, it would

be better if we think from the point of view of the questioner and

appreciate her point of view before we embark upon obsessively

answering the question. We will never be able to do justice to the

question unless we try to put ourselves into the shoe of the

questioner and think from his point of view as to why he may have

asked the question.




For directly viewing and realizing this sort of " Nothingness " under

discussion, one has to look towards the clear sky with absolutely a

vacant look, though at the same time trying to very deeply perceive

what is happening there,within minutes it will be seen that there

are streams of infinitisimal bubbles which appear from nowhere and

disappear to nowhere moving with tremendous speed. What are these

bubbles? wherefrom these originate and where do they go?

Perhaps they do not at all originate and also do not at all

disintegrate. This close and continuous observation may lead to

further realization which we go on hunting in our mind for birth

after birth to remind at the end " amon manab jonom roilo

potit, abad korle folto shona " (such a human birth has been wasted,

had it been properly nourished gold could have been ripped).


Barin Chatterjee



Dear Sadaks,

The conscience level of Ego, desire, Anger etc completely vanishes

for a person who meditated/introgated and found that everything

around is temporary and that which is Sat- Chit- Anandam is

permanent.That person remains silent (even does not meditate) and

wittnesses everything around with smile on his face. He has very

clearly understood he is not the body but Athuman and NOTHING

important to him, even his death.

Examples: 1)Jada Bharatha was to beheaded as human sacrifice.

Bagavath says-He face became like just bloomed lotus. For him

NOTHING matters.

2)Tukaram had vision of Sri Vishnu inviting him to Vaikunt. He had 2

small kids and wife. NOTHING was important to him than Bagavan call.

There was no feeling about his family as he knew that his family

belongs to Jaganath` s and not his. Total surrender. As long as he

was with his family he never failed in his Karma. But when call came

from Divineess NOTHING was important to him.

3)Ramana Rishi in Thiruvanaamalai left home at age of 12 reached

Arunachalleswarar Temple. NOTHING was important to him other than

self realization.

4) Valmiki left his family and sat in meditation. NOTHING was

important to him than Rama NAAM.

5) Puranderdoss was a king of himself with 9 Crore wealth at that

time and was called Nava Koti Narayanan. A vision of Sri Vishnu made

him to leave everything behind and go as Bikshu. NOTHING was

important to him, as he knew very well that everything around has to

left one day on Anthim Yatra. Why wait till that day, do it today,

use the body equipment for realization. He did not know whether he

will get next meal. But NOTHING around was important to him.

6) In Neveli near chennai, there lived a person by name Vallalar

very recently during British rule. He disappeared in presence of so

many Govt official. NOTHING was important to him.

7) Eknath Maharaj used to say that to day is the day for Nama

Sankeethan, tomorrow is not in my hands. So there was glory in his

face that everyone saw. For him NOTHING was interesting around him.

Sadaks might be knowing about a muslim who spitted on Ekanath

several time same day but Ekanath did not unter a word, but said it

is Bagavan Leela. NOTHING disturbed him or NOTHING was there for him

to get angry.


There is Paramathuma- Easwar (Shiva)- Brama Lok- Ganderva Lok etc 14

worlds, beyond is Sri Chakra (Refer Sounderiya Lehari) and Vaikunt


For an ant the knowledge is limited only to area it lives. So also

for ignorant persons. For the realized one knowledge is limitless,

he can converse in any language, he sees Bhraman in everything, he

undergoes any torcher silently with smile as he knows NOTHING can

trouble him. E.g. Prahalad






Dear Maha Dasi,


I am watching you to learn the great qualities in your name as well

as your outlook ... You are already there ... that is why you could

call yourself as a Dasi (a Maha Dasi for me to practice) ... The

Nothing is the state of Bhakti as such ... I know I use this term a

lot in my responses ...


Your doubt is an excellent since that wields the power of

annihilating all other doubts categorically. I will make an attempt

to address it in a series of limitted appreciations that I could

make on The Avadhuta Gita ...




Naga Narayana


Jai Hanuman


Mahalakshmi Mata Jee ! You have ended your question by a

challenge ! Unnecessarily !! Hence I must challenge you Jee -

necessarily- Jee !!!


I challenge you Mahalakshmi Mata Jee to find out(please search,

search and search !!! Jee Jee !) and present before sadhaks a

single statement made by any sadhak at any point of time where

he/she has stated that " soul has no existence " . Sadhaks are not mad

and insane people who can write so - none has written so in my view,

then what to talk of Sadhaks of this esteemed Gita Talk Group Jee ??


Tamma Bhaiyya (My Dear Brother Naga Narayanaji) once or twice

referred regarding " Nothingness " but never with reference to

soul/self/Paramatma. Tamma Bhaiyya was 100 percent right there.

How can a learned man like Tamma Bhaiyya say " soul/self does not

exist? " . From his writings his deep knowledge of Upanishads is

abundantly clear Jee!


By the way, Jee ! All others except individual soul-self/God

are " nothing " Jee!!


Jee, My second challenge to you, Mahalakshmi Jee, is to prove that

everything except Self/Paramatma is not " nothing " . I say for the

first time it is " nothing " . Now I say, Jee, that all balance

(except individual soul and God ) including mind, ego, intellect,

body, world (inert) is nothing-nothing-nothing Jee. I dare you to

prove me wrong. I challenge you on that. Come On ! I wait for your




" The Unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be; the

truth of both these, has been perceived by seers of truth. " (Gita



Come On ! Let us here from you Jee !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



dear fellow sadhaks namaskaram .,


even i was having questions on nothingness , and in due course the

answer i got for myself is , our existence is not small , even in

nothingness it cannot be expressed as small ,






( kindly forgive if anything is wrong in my quote )

" aravanan karan "


Let us put it this way. What shall be nothingness? Let us call it as

something akin to the state, devoid of everything. No thing, every

thing. I would suggest a perspecrive, which shall say that devoid of

all emperical aspects, contents. This could further mean that,

devoid of all involvement, or attachement to and of, mundane world,

emperical world. In other words, it is a state of complete

detachment, and even when one goes on living mundane life, it shall

be a life without atttachment, living unattached, as in the case of

the 'Jivan Mukta'. Precisely this shall be the concept of

a " nishkama karma " . With this, one goes into the state of " Tyena

Tyaktena Punjita " also.


Adi Sankara also speaks in the same line. Jagat is mithya, illusory,

which is so because of changing matter. Buddha says the same

too, 'Kshanika Vada'.


Now the very property of soul is 'Pure Consciousness' and the idea

of pure consciousness is minus and mundane contents. it is a

consciousness minus any emperical content. perhaps this could be the

state of nothing.


Visharad Sharma


(deleted some paragraphs, to stay aligned with current discussion -

from Gita Talk moderator)



I totally agree with Mahalaxmi Dasi. Every soul is significant.


If any one hurts that significane, in the future, he himself

have to suffer. This is called ATTITUDE of life - it ought to



Brahma Mehrotra



Let us please stick to Mahalaksmi Dasi ji's Hinduism as below.


Nothingness is a Buddhist concept not Hindu, nor it is the illusion

philosophy of Adi Shankra, surely.


This email thread is about Gita Talk and there is nothing in the

Gita about nothingness, rather it is about everything - everything

that is glorious and great - but only with a condition for Karma

that it is done for God so that the Grace of God would absorb it and

make it nothing. This is the HINDU concept and from the beginning of

creation per the Hindu scripture we have the same concept, for

instance, Lord Shiva absorbed the poison from the ocean churning and

so on to save mankind ----

anil bhanot






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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