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What makes a Man Perfect ?

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May I know what makes a man perfect? I was told that experience

hardly ever makes a person perfect.




H.K. Sudhakara





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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May I know what makes a man perfect? I was told that experience

hardly ever makes a person perfect.




H.K. Sudhakara


Hari Om


What makes a man perfect? Just as seeking wealth makes a man wealthy

or seeking education makes a man educated, similarly, Seeking the

perfect makes the man perfect. If you seek perfection , you will

become perfect. What is that " perfect " which we should seek?

Paramatma is that " perfect " which we should seek ! Seek God

Realisation..Another element where perfection lies is " self " - you

your " self " ! Seek Self Realisation.. Another element where lies

this " perfection " is Equanimity. Seek to become " equanimous " and you

shall be perfect- in your conduct, in your karma, in your pursuits,

in your life !.


Experience is one thing and drawing lessons from your direct

experiences and putting them in practice is another thing. If there

is a desire in you to become perfect, then there must be an element

existing in this universe , which is indeed perfect. It is your

direct experience that unless the element to fulfil desire is

present, there can not arise desire in you. If you are thirsty, that

necessarily implies there is water existing. Hence when there is a

desire in you to become perfect that means there is a perfect

element existing. That " perfect " element is God / Self /Equanimity.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan



There is no end to worldly enjoyments and sense pleasures for that

matter. Giving up desires, and hoarding is best of all. In whom

there is equanimity, he alone will be a perfected man. In Gita,

samtaah has been spoken of in depth. Keep these two things in mind

1) Serve the world

2) Love God

There is nothing more you need to do.





Sansaarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein vese hi kamna,sangrah,

In sab ka tyag ker ke asang ho jao sab yogo mai samta hi

Servsresth hai. jis mai samtaa aagai vahi puran aadmi hogaya

(geeta mai samta ki bhahut gahrai se bathai hai.

Do bhato ka dhyan rahe 1.sansar ki seva 2.prabhu mai prem

Aapko kuch karne ki jarurat nahi hein.



Ram Ram

Only One is perfect and that is Krishna. Except Him everything has

some or the other flaws. It's His mercy that He accepts us with

those flaws if we surrender to him. Instead of trying to be perfect,

we should try to do what Krishna has instructed in Gita.

Ashok Goenka




Experience never makes a man perfect; it only guides a man to right



RK Nair


Dear Sadak,

There is a line from ancient scripts, " Pragyanam Bhramam " . Man fully

conscience of what he is doing, will do, planning to do is a perfect

man. Experience is lesson from mistakes. Experience does not

prevent from doing same mistake. But Gyana prevent from doing


No one on earth said to be perfect. Only GOD is said

as " PURUSHOTHAMA " (Perfect) and also said Poornathuvam (Complete


Many saints such as Adi Sankara, Goutham Buddha, Christ, 12 Alwars

(Vaishnavites), 63 Nayanmars (Shivites), scroesof bakthas, Brama

Gyanies such as Vasister, Viswamithra, Doovasa, saints such as

Tapovan Maharaj, Shidhi Sai Baba, Tukaram, Annamaiya, 18 Siddhars

all of them have said in one place or other that they had

flaws /mistakes as such " Oh Bagavan Karuniya Roopa I have done

mistakes knowingly or unknowing, please pardon me " . Example: Most

Suprabathams /scripts /slokas end like that.

But once a man becomes perfect, he lives no more on this earth.


B. Sathyanarayan.


Jai Latiyal


Instilling good values, makes a man perfect human being.

Just like if a child from his very childhood is instilled with pure

values, then as he grows up, he will be a perfect man. If you

instill knowledge of wealth, then he will become engaged in worldly

enjoyments and hoarding, and will waste away this precious human

birth. It is only when one becomes a loving devotee of God, that

one's life is a success

Shivkumar Naravat



Sanskar man (aadmi)ko perfact ya insan banata hein

Jai se bhache ko aap bhachpan se he sanskar sudh denge tho aage

chalkar. Who perfct aadmi banega agar sampati ke bare mai he gyan de

ge tho Sansaarik bhog or sangrah mai lag jayega or aapna janam

vyarth mai gava Dega. (prabhu ka pyara ho jai,janam shafal ho jayega

(shivkumar naravat)


Narayan Narayan


Narayan Narayan

In Gita a very important point has been shared- Equanimity is best

of all the Yogas. There is no end to worldly enjoyments. In the

endless Universes, and desires are also endless, but giving them up

and becoming detached, become desireless. In this world there are

two things, Hoarding and taking refuge. He who take refuge in God,

becomes a perfect man.




Gita mai ek mahatvpuran baat aaei hein(samta)shabi yog mai uttam


Kyoki shansarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein aanant bharmand hein aanant,

Kamnaye bhi aanant hein kintu in sab ka tyag karke asang hojao niskam

Hojao shansar mai do chije hein sangharash or shamrpan

Samrpan jes nai kar diya who shreshth(paripuran man)ho gaya



In Gita a very important point has been shared- Equanimity is best

of all the Yogas. There is no end to worldly enjoyments. In the

endless Universes, and desires are also endless, but giving them up

and becoming detached, become desireless. In this world there are

two things, Hoarding and taking refuge. He who take refuge in God,

becomes a perfect man.




Gita mai ek mahatvpuran baat aaei hein(samta)shabi yog mai uttam


Kyoki shansarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein aanant bharmand hein aanant,

Kamnaye bhi aanant hein kintu in sab ka tyag karke asang hojao niskam

Hojao shansar mai do chije hein sangharash or shamrpan

Samrpan jes nai kar diya who shreshth(paripuran man)ho gaya




A perfect man realises that everything in this world is an illusion

and that the reality can only be seen through meditation. Therefore

he acts in such a way so that he is forever saved from the endless

cycle of births and deaths.

Hari Shanker Deo





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



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May I know what makes a man perfect? I was told that experience

hardly ever makes a person perfect.




H.K. Sudhakara





In English

Ma'sn perfection is through his own effort or through the grace of a

great soul, or through the grace of God.



In Hindi

Manushya ka kalyan aapne purusharth se ya mahapurush ki kirpa se

Ya bhagwan ki kirpa se ho tha hein




My respects to all in this forum....

In regard to perfection, I would say from my limited

observations, that a part of perfection is when the individual

acknowledges that no matter how far he/she has gone on the path,

they are still a beginner. This humility I would consider to be a

part of what we are calling " perfection " ....which is indeed a very

broad word. Without this sense that " yes " , I am always a beginner,

always subject to new and amazing awareness of my own ignorance,

then certainly pride can easily find it's way into one's heart.

Written without much realization.......

Mahalaksmi Dasi


In Tretayuga sage Valmiki asked Naradamaharshi 'Konvasmin

sampratamloke -- evamvidham Naram'. Please let me know about the

perfect man and what made him 'Perfect man'?


In Dwaaparayuga Arjuna asked Bhagavan ' Stitapragnasya ka

bhasha' 'What is the definition of a man with perfect tranquility?

How does that man speak,how does he sit,how does he walk?'


The reply to Valmiki's enquiry is Ramayanam and the reply to

Arjuna's query is Bhagavadgita. The way how Sri Rama lived as man

and by living as the suggestions of Sri Krishna makes a man perfect.


'Siddhim vindati manavah' - man attains the highest perfection by

worshipping Him through his own natural duties. All our scriptures

and Bhagavadgita give us a plan to make ourselves mature and strong

so that we grow to our full stature i.e perfect man. The real

lessons of experience and consequent change in attitude and life

style always makes a person perfect.


Generally speaking, in life we may have two aspirations; abhyudaya,

or worldly prosperity; and nishreyasa, or spiritual illumination.

To attain worldly prosperity we have to fight with external nature

and compete with our fellow human beings. To attain spiritual

illumination we have to fight our inner nature,our lower

Propensities, and to conquer them. Doing these two makes a man




jai shree ram


though it is said that practise makes a man perfect,but the question

is practise of what?Practise of sadhna,practise of taking his name

regularly so that we can remember his name when time comes to leave

this world.Its not like that we spend our whole life in earning

materials and think that it is only about taking his name at that

moment ,nothing big in this!But it is not that easy.For this we have

to practise otherwise we will only rember those things in which we

were indulged whole life .Not for a moment we can remember him

without practise.


A beginner





Hari Om


What makes a man perfect? Just as seeking wealth makes a man wealthy

or seeking education makes a man educated, similarly, Seeking the

perfect makes the man perfect. If you seek perfection , you will

become perfect. What is that " perfect " which we should seek?

Paramatma is that " perfect " which we should seek ! Seek God

Realisation..Another element where perfection lies is " self " - you

your " self " ! Seek Self Realisation.. Another element where lies

this " perfection " is Equanimity. Seek to become " equanimous " and you

shall be perfect- in your conduct, in your karma, in your pursuits,

in your life !.


Experience is one thing and drawing lessons from your direct

experiences and putting them in practice is another thing. If there

is a desire in you to become perfect, then there must be an element

existing in this universe , which is indeed perfect. It is your

direct experience that unless the element to fulfil desire is

present, there can not arise desire in you. If you are thirsty, that

necessarily implies there is water existing. Hence when there is a

desire in you to become perfect that means there is a perfect

element existing. That " perfect " element is God / Self /Equanimity.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan



There is no end to worldly enjoyments and sense pleasures for that

matter. Giving up desires, and hoarding is best of all. In whom

there is equanimity, he alone will be a perfected man. In Gita,

samtaah has been spoken of in depth. Keep these two things in mind

1) Serve the world

2) Love God

There is nothing more you need to do.





Sansaarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein vese hi kamna,sangrah,

In sab ka tyag ker ke asang ho jao sab yogo mai samta hi

Servsresth hai. jis mai samtaa aagai vahi puran aadmi hogaya

(geeta mai samta ki bhahut gahrai se bathai hai.

Do bhato ka dhyan rahe 1.sansar ki seva 2.prabhu mai prem

Aapko kuch karne ki jarurat nahi hein.



Ram Ram

Only One is perfect and that is Krishna. Except Him everything has

some or the other flaws. It's His mercy that He accepts us with

those flaws if we surrender to him. Instead of trying to be perfect,

we should try to do what Krishna has instructed in Gita.

Ashok Goenka




Experience never makes a man perfect; it only guides a man to right



RK Nair


Dear Sadak,

There is a line from ancient scripts, " Pragyanam Bhramam " . Man fully

conscience of what he is doing, will do, planning to do is a perfect

man. Experience is lesson from mistakes. Experience does not

prevent from doing same mistake. But Gyana prevent from doing


No one on earth said to be perfect. Only GOD is said

as " PURUSHOTHAMA " (Perfect) and also said Poornathuvam (Complete


Many saints such as Adi Sankara, Goutham Buddha, Christ, 12 Alwars

(Vaishnavites), 63 Nayanmars (Shivites), scroesof bakthas, Brama

Gyanies such as Vasister, Viswamithra, Doovasa, saints such as

Tapovan Maharaj, Shidhi Sai Baba, Tukaram, Annamaiya, 18 Siddhars

all of them have said in one place or other that they had

flaws /mistakes as such " Oh Bagavan Karuniya Roopa I have done

mistakes knowingly or unknowing, please pardon me " . Example: Most

Suprabathams /scripts /slokas end like that.

But once a man becomes perfect, he lives no more on this earth.


B. Sathyanarayan.


Jai Latiyal


Instilling good values, makes a man perfect human being.

Just like if a child from his very childhood is instilled with pure

values, then as he grows up, he will be a perfect man. If you

instill knowledge of wealth, then he will become engaged in worldly

enjoyments and hoarding, and will waste away this precious human

birth. It is only when one becomes a loving devotee of God, that

one's life is a success

Shivkumar Naravat



Sanskar man (aadmi)ko perfact ya insan banata hein

Jai se bhache ko aap bhachpan se he sanskar sudh denge tho aage

chalkar. Who perfct aadmi banega agar sampati ke bare mai he gyan de

ge tho Sansaarik bhog or sangrah mai lag jayega or aapna janam

vyarth mai gava Dega. (prabhu ka pyara ho jai,janam shafal ho jayega

(shivkumar naravat)


Narayan Narayan


Narayan Narayan

In Gita a very important point has been shared- Equanimity is best

of all the Yogas. There is no end to worldly enjoyments. In the

endless Universes, and desires are also endless, but giving them up

and becoming detached, become desireless. In this world there are

two things, Hoarding and taking refuge. He who take refuge in God,

becomes a perfect man.




Gita mai ek mahatvpuran baat aaei hein(samta)shabi yog mai uttam


Kyoki shansarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein aanant bharmand hein aanant,

Kamnaye bhi aanant hein kintu in sab ka tyag karke asang hojao niskam

Hojao shansar mai do chije hein sangharash or shamrpan

Samrpan jes nai kar diya who shreshth(paripuran man)ho gaya



In Gita a very important point has been shared- Equanimity is best

of all the Yogas. There is no end to worldly enjoyments. In the

endless Universes, and desires are also endless, but giving them up

and becoming detached, become desireless. In this world there are

two things, Hoarding and taking refuge. He who take refuge in God,

becomes a perfect man.




Gita mai ek mahatvpuran baat aaei hein(samta)shabi yog mai uttam


Kyoki shansarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein aanant bharmand hein aanant,

Kamnaye bhi aanant hein kintu in sab ka tyag karke asang hojao niskam

Hojao shansar mai do chije hein sangharash or shamrpan

Samrpan jes nai kar diya who shreshth(paripuran man)ho gaya




A perfect man realises that everything in this world is an illusion

and that the reality can only be seen through meditation. Therefore

he acts in such a way so that he is forever saved from the endless

cycle of births and deaths.

Hari Shanker Deo





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



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May I know what makes a man perfect? I was told that experience

hardly ever makes a person perfect.




H.K. Sudhakara





Hari Om


Can there be a more perfect thing than the state of being - Chetan (

sentient), Amal (absolutely flaw/error less) and Shahaj Sukhraashi (

naturally and permanently blissful) ? In fact you , your SELF are

that only. You are already - PERFECT.


You are not realising/experiencing that natural perfection in you ,

because you have associated/connected yourself with that thing which

is eternally " imperfect " viz with the world. How can constantly

changing element ever attain " perfection " ? The moment

you " mentally " disconnect with your body , by not considering this

body to be " me " / mine and for me and with the world, with the

temporary, with the inert- by resorting to Equanimity




the moment you connect yourself exclusively with Paramatma you

will at once realise " perfection " in you - as you are already

perfect. You have simply forgotten your perfection and now you are

searching the perfection in the imperfect/ ever changing world !


To be perfect - either disconnect yourself with the imperfect , ever

changing world OR connect yourself with always Perfect never

changing God. Seek Equanimty. Seek Self Realisation. Seek God

Realisation. Heed to your Conscience - perfection will reveal itself

in you only !


Stop searching perfection in the world. Perfection lies only in

Self/ God/ Equanimity and NO WHERE ELSE ! Desire in you " to become

perfect " will never get satiated unless in seek God/Self/Equanimity.

Be certain on that !!!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


What makes a Man Perfect ?


Mahalakshmi Dasi has put it rightly – being a student, a seeker of

perfection with awareful humility is the perfect stand for anyone

who wants to excel. A student wields all the freedom to learn with

an open mind.


Becoming perfect is a myth in reality because everything is already

perfect as they are. We have acquired imperfections in our beliefs

in our independent existence, dependent relations, notional ideas,

etc. Only a student has an open mind to acknowledge all the

superficial imperfections one is compelling on one's own individual

existence in this world. On the removal of all imperfections,

perfection alone persists.


Angushthamaatrah purusho jyotirivaadhumakah |

Eeshaanam bhutabhavyasya sa evaadya sa u shvah ||


Irrespective of whether the smoke camouflages it or not, the fire is

as pure as it is. So is The Perfection … IT remains as is

irrespective of one's notions and beliefs. As always the fire

reveals its purity as the smoke is cleared, The Perfection is

revealed in everything as the cloud of imperfections rooted in our

notions are cleared. The perfection overlords everything everywhere

everywhen transcending individuals, space and even time. IT is what

is there as well as what is here … IT is whatever was, whatever is

as well and whetever will be. Therefore, " becoming perfect " is a

superstition. Perpetual awareness of being imperfect is the

existential reality that helps a seeker to establish in the ever-

present perfection of the eternal reality.


" A man " can never become perfect as far as he is insisting for an

individual perfection. As far as one insists for an individual

existence, how can one overcome the need for relational dependence

on the other individuals around without whom the very individual

identity drifts to oblivion? How can anything be perfect when it is

ever-vulnerable to the existential variance in the individual who

has to perpetually adapt to the circumstantial variance in one's

environment to keep this individual identity alive amongst the rest

perceived? Therefore, an individual seeking to " become perfect " is

nothing but an ambitious ignorance.


Every man and every other things in the universe is perfect as is

when the individual claim of independent existence vanishes. Only an

eternal student can wield this power of identifying the ignorance

within and drop the same to dissolve into The Perfection to be THAT.




Naga Narayana.


Experiences contain sensory bias and it is therefore said as

VISHAY. Any knowledge entering through the holes in body or called

senses is contaminated and gets poisonous VISH - VISHAY. For

example, eyes desire something to see but legs refuse to walk, and

the desire is suppressed. Toung wants a particular food but there is

no money to buy, and intellect and toung have uneasy relationship.

In general, any learning/reaction in physical space is biased by one

or another, and perfect knowledge which satisfies the intellect,

manah, and atman is nearly impossible.

Knowledge obtained from scriptures and by intellectual contemplation

without any sensory interest or uneasiness is pure and also perfect.


In Mahabharat, Sri Krishna requested Bhisma to teach Yudhisthir the

administration. Bhishm then politely requested Sri Krishna to answer

him why He (Sri Krishna) thinks that this lecture on the subject of

administration is delegated to (Bhishm). At then Sri Krishna told

His inability that He has had no 'experience' and has never ever

gone through the sensory bias or worldly or physical compromises. He

always stayed in truth, and His thoughts are knowledge, and no

experience. Bhism was then very pleased that Sri Krishna deserved

him the chances of education of BHRAM or illusion and how can one

gets relieved. This illusion or experience of bias is Bhism.


Best regards


(Krishna Gopal)




All respected members,


I can say with confidence that " Perfection " - the topic is vague.


Right from the beginning no body could achieve it - not even Bhagwan

Sri Krishna. IN the end he also saw a bad fate.


Here, 3rd Law of Newton is applicable. And on the otherhand if one

tries to get it - he will remain dissatisfied which brings disturbed


of mind.


Brahm Mehrotra




In English

Ma'sn perfection is through his own effort or through the grace of a

great soul, or through the grace of God.



In Hindi

Manushya ka kalyan aapne purusharth se ya mahapurush ki kirpa se

Ya bhagwan ki kirpa se ho tha hein




My respects to all in this forum....

In regard to perfection, I would say from my limited

observations, that a part of perfection is when the individual

acknowledges that no matter how far he/she has gone on the path,

they are still a beginner. This humility I would consider to be a

part of what we are calling " perfection " ....which is indeed a very

broad word. Without this sense that " yes " , I am always a beginner,

always subject to new and amazing awareness of my own ignorance,

then certainly pride can easily find it's way into one's heart.

Written without much realization.......

Mahalaksmi Dasi


In Tretayuga sage Valmiki asked Naradamaharshi 'Konvasmin

sampratamloke -- evamvidham Naram'. Please let me know about the

perfect man and what made him 'Perfect man'?


In Dwaaparayuga Arjuna asked Bhagavan ' Stitapragnasya ka

bhasha' 'What is the definition of a man with perfect tranquility?

How does that man speak,how does he sit,how does he walk?'


The reply to Valmiki's enquiry is Ramayanam and the reply to

Arjuna's query is Bhagavadgita. The way how Sri Rama lived as man

and by living as the suggestions of Sri Krishna makes a man perfect.


'Siddhim vindati manavah' - man attains the highest perfection by

worshipping Him through his own natural duties. All our scriptures

and Bhagavadgita give us a plan to make ourselves mature and strong

so that we grow to our full stature i.e perfect man. The real

lessons of experience and consequent change in attitude and life

style always makes a person perfect.


Generally speaking, in life we may have two aspirations; abhyudaya,

or worldly prosperity; and nishreyasa, or spiritual illumination.

To attain worldly prosperity we have to fight with external nature

and compete with our fellow human beings. To attain spiritual

illumination we have to fight our inner nature,our lower

Propensities, and to conquer them. Doing these two makes a man




jai shree ram


though it is said that practise makes a man perfect,but the question

is practise of what?Practise of sadhna,practise of taking his name

regularly so that we can remember his name when time comes to leave

this world.Its not like that we spend our whole life in earning

materials and think that it is only about taking his name at that

moment ,nothing big in this!But it is not that easy.For this we have

to practise otherwise we will only rember those things in which we

were indulged whole life .Not for a moment we can remember him

without practise.


A beginner





Hari Om


What makes a man perfect? Just as seeking wealth makes a man wealthy

or seeking education makes a man educated, similarly, Seeking the

perfect makes the man perfect. If you seek perfection , you will

become perfect. What is that " perfect " which we should seek?

Paramatma is that " perfect " which we should seek ! Seek God

Realisation..Another element where perfection lies is " self " - you

your " self " ! Seek Self Realisation.. Another element where lies

this " perfection " is Equanimity. Seek to become " equanimous " and you

shall be perfect- in your conduct, in your karma, in your pursuits,

in your life !.


Experience is one thing and drawing lessons from your direct

experiences and putting them in practice is another thing. If there

is a desire in you to become perfect, then there must be an element

existing in this universe , which is indeed perfect. It is your

direct experience that unless the element to fulfil desire is

present, there can not arise desire in you. If you are thirsty, that

necessarily implies there is water existing. Hence when there is a

desire in you to become perfect that means there is a perfect

element existing. That " perfect " element is God / Self /Equanimity.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan



There is no end to worldly enjoyments and sense pleasures for that

matter. Giving up desires, and hoarding is best of all. In whom

there is equanimity, he alone will be a perfected man. In Gita,

samtaah has been spoken of in depth. Keep these two things in mind

1) Serve the world

2) Love God

There is nothing more you need to do.





Sansaarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein vese hi kamna,sangrah,

In sab ka tyag ker ke asang ho jao sab yogo mai samta hi

Servsresth hai. jis mai samtaa aagai vahi puran aadmi hogaya

(geeta mai samta ki bhahut gahrai se bathai hai.

Do bhato ka dhyan rahe 1.sansar ki seva 2.prabhu mai prem

Aapko kuch karne ki jarurat nahi hein.



Ram Ram

Only One is perfect and that is Krishna. Except Him everything has

some or the other flaws. It's His mercy that He accepts us with

those flaws if we surrender to him. Instead of trying to be perfect,

we should try to do what Krishna has instructed in Gita.

Ashok Goenka




Experience never makes a man perfect; it only guides a man to right



RK Nair


Dear Sadak,

There is a line from ancient scripts, " Pragyanam Bhramam " . Man fully

conscience of what he is doing, will do, planning to do is a perfect

man. Experience is lesson from mistakes. Experience does not

prevent from doing same mistake. But Gyana prevent from doing


No one on earth said to be perfect. Only GOD is said

as " PURUSHOTHAMA " (Perfect) and also said Poornathuvam (Complete


Many saints such as Adi Sankara, Goutham Buddha, Christ, 12 Alwars

(Vaishnavites), 63 Nayanmars (Shivites), scroesof bakthas, Brama

Gyanies such as Vasister, Viswamithra, Doovasa, saints such as

Tapovan Maharaj, Shidhi Sai Baba, Tukaram, Annamaiya, 18 Siddhars

all of them have said in one place or other that they had

flaws /mistakes as such " Oh Bagavan Karuniya Roopa I have done

mistakes knowingly or unknowing, please pardon me " . Example: Most

Suprabathams /scripts /slokas end like that.

But once a man becomes perfect, he lives no more on this earth.


B. Sathyanarayan.


Jai Latiyal


Instilling good values, makes a man perfect human being.

Just like if a child from his very childhood is instilled with pure

values, then as he grows up, he will be a perfect man. If you

instill knowledge of wealth, then he will become engaged in worldly

enjoyments and hoarding, and will waste away this precious human

birth. It is only when one becomes a loving devotee of God, that

one's life is a success

Shivkumar Naravat



Sanskar man (aadmi)ko perfact ya insan banata hein

Jai se bhache ko aap bhachpan se he sanskar sudh denge tho aage

chalkar. Who perfct aadmi banega agar sampati ke bare mai he gyan de

ge tho Sansaarik bhog or sangrah mai lag jayega or aapna janam

vyarth mai gava Dega. (prabhu ka pyara ho jai,janam shafal ho jayega

(shivkumar naravat)


Narayan Narayan


Narayan Narayan

In Gita a very important point has been shared- Equanimity is best

of all the Yogas. There is no end to worldly enjoyments. In the

endless Universes, and desires are also endless, but giving them up

and becoming detached, become desireless. In this world there are

two things, Hoarding and taking refuge. He who take refuge in God,

becomes a perfect man.




Gita mai ek mahatvpuran baat aaei hein(samta)shabi yog mai uttam


Kyoki shansarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein aanant bharmand hein aanant,

Kamnaye bhi aanant hein kintu in sab ka tyag karke asang hojao niskam

Hojao shansar mai do chije hein sangharash or shamrpan

Samrpan jes nai kar diya who shreshth(paripuran man)ho gaya



In Gita a very important point has been shared- Equanimity is best

of all the Yogas. There is no end to worldly enjoyments. In the

endless Universes, and desires are also endless, but giving them up

and becoming detached, become desireless. In this world there are

two things, Hoarding and taking refuge. He who take refuge in God,

becomes a perfect man.




Gita mai ek mahatvpuran baat aaei hein(samta)shabi yog mai uttam


Kyoki shansarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein aanant bharmand hein aanant,

Kamnaye bhi aanant hein kintu in sab ka tyag karke asang hojao niskam

Hojao shansar mai do chije hein sangharash or shamrpan

Samrpan jes nai kar diya who shreshth(paripuran man)ho gaya




A perfect man realises that everything in this world is an illusion

and that the reality can only be seen through meditation. Therefore

he acts in such a way so that he is forever saved from the endless

cycle of births and deaths.

Hari Shanker Deo





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



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May I know what makes a man perfect? I was told that experience

hardly ever makes a person perfect.




H.K. Sudhakara





Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

What makes a man perfect may be best answered by inquiring into what

makes a man imperfect. Truth about us is the deepest and the most

certain feeling of knowingness in us that " I am or I know I exist " .

I cannot say what or how I know I am, but nothing is more certain

than I am. That is why Sruti calls it " THAT "

whatever that I am! This Existence doesn't depend on any worldly

objects, any belief, any religion at all. It is always here and now

in all changing circumstances, waking, dreaming or sleeping. It is

not mind's experience and hence is not limited in nature!

As we all know perfection is unconditional joy or bliss, or peace or

feeling complete as one is. In other words Happiness is not

dependent on any objects which are all but limited. Limited objects

bring limited joys only! There is no desires in this state of being.

Such perfection of being gets disturbed due to identification of " I

am " with body-mind complex taken as one's real self. Body is not at

fault, however mind sees the body as anchor and identifies itself as

if separate person from childhood onward.


Then on the top of it mind superimposes many subtle separations such

as castes, belief systems, religions, nationalities etc etc. So our

separations as individuals are all perceived and conceived notions

about us, superimposed on pure " I am " , Consciousness,

limitlessness " . This gives rise to notions such as " I am Indian, I

am man, I am son, daughter or this or that someone " ! THis create

insufficiency and therefore, desires in us. Desires can never fulfil

us completely as we all know and result in further imperfections!

These are imperfections on Perfection, Wholeness!.

This is the anatomy of our imperfections!


Imperfection is inherent in separation. Isn't this why we aspire to

be perfect?

One can see there is a natural pull to break open this separation to

be united with perfection just as streched rubber in disequilibrium

wants to get back to orginal state of equilibrium.

If we look at this as our own freedom to be: " our imperfections " are

our perfections too " , mind becomes still, desire to be perfect drops

away and feeling of relief arises! We feel we are perfection ITSELF,

not perfect person(contradiction in itself)! If we keep at it, we

may discover us as THAT Impersonal Being in which everything and

nothing appears, Supreme CONSCIOUSNESS!

We have never experienced " separate things " in all our experiencing,

nor can we! For Divine play Mind is given ability to perceive

apparant separations and deal with them properly!

" WE " as Consciousness are experiencing only our own Knowingness,

Perfect Wholeness, one without a second!

So everything here is just " Ishwara " experiencing " Ishwara " in the

guise of individuals.

Namaskaras......Pratap Bhatt


Ram Ram


State of God-realization

" ...Where he holds no other gain greater than that which he has

gained; and where, securely seated, he is not shaken by any calamity

however great " (Gita 6:22)


This verse is the thermometer to measure our perfection.


When one has not started earning money, till then the thought

prevails that if there is a regular income, a beautiful wife and 2

obedient children then there will be peace. Most of the people world

over assume this to be a perfect, complete and peaceful life. But

even after gaining this and even lot more he falls short of the

perfection held by this verse.

Everyone knows that the more we run after worldly things them more

we get entangled in them. If one is attentive towards this

experience then he can surely make progress and attain perfection.



Varun P. Paprunia


Only the BRAHMGYAN CAN MAKE A MAN PERFECT but then man looses his

individuality. as quoted in Ramcharitmanas " SO JAANAI JEHI DEHU


One can know absolute by dissolving individuality.


Raja Gurdasani


In simple words : Think good, Talk good and Do good.

The above three things in life will make a man perfect, the time

line for this depends on how you are involved yourself to it.


Prakash Nair




Hari Om


Can there be a more perfect thing than the state of being - Chetan (

sentient), Amal (absolutely flaw/error less) and Shahaj Sukhraashi (

naturally and permanently blissful) ? In fact you , your SELF are

that only. You are already - PERFECT.


You are not realising/experiencing that natural perfection in you ,

because you have associated/connected yourself with that thing which

is eternally " imperfect " viz with the world. How can constantly

changing element ever attain " perfection " ? The moment

you " mentally " disconnect with your body , by not considering this

body to be " me " / mine and for me and with the world, with the

temporary, with the inert- by resorting to Equanimity




the moment you connect yourself exclusively with Paramatma you

will at once realise " perfection " in you - as you are already

perfect. You have simply forgotten your perfection and now you are

searching the perfection in the imperfect/ ever changing world !


To be perfect - either disconnect yourself with the imperfect , ever

changing world OR connect yourself with always Perfect never

changing God. Seek Equanimty. Seek Self Realisation. Seek God

Realisation. Heed to your Conscience - perfection will reveal itself

in you only !


Stop searching perfection in the world. Perfection lies only in

Self/ God/ Equanimity and NO WHERE ELSE ! Desire in you " to become

perfect " will never get satiated unless in seek God/Self/Equanimity.

Be certain on that !!!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


What makes a Man Perfect ?


Mahalakshmi Dasi has put it rightly – being a student, a seeker of

perfection with awareful humility is the perfect stand for anyone

who wants to excel. A student wields all the freedom to learn with

an open mind.


Becoming perfect is a myth in reality because everything is already

perfect as they are. We have acquired imperfections in our beliefs

in our independent existence, dependent relations, notional ideas,

etc. Only a student has an open mind to acknowledge all the

superficial imperfections one is compelling on one's own individual

existence in this world. On the removal of all imperfections,

perfection alone persists.


Angushthamaatrah purusho jyotirivaadhumakah |

Eeshaanam bhutabhavyasya sa evaadya sa u shvah ||


Irrespective of whether the smoke camouflages it or not, the fire is

as pure as it is. So is The Perfection … IT remains as is

irrespective of one's notions and beliefs. As always the fire

reveals its purity as the smoke is cleared, The Perfection is

revealed in everything as the cloud of imperfections rooted in our

notions are cleared. The perfection overlords everything everywhere

everywhen transcending individuals, space and even time. IT is what

is there as well as what is here … IT is whatever was, whatever is

as well and whetever will be. Therefore, " becoming perfect " is a

superstition. Perpetual awareness of being imperfect is the

existential reality that helps a seeker to establish in the ever-

present perfection of the eternal reality.


" A man " can never become perfect as far as he is insisting for an

individual perfection. As far as one insists for an individual

existence, how can one overcome the need for relational dependence

on the other individuals around without whom the very individual

identity drifts to oblivion? How can anything be perfect when it is

ever-vulnerable to the existential variance in the individual who

has to perpetually adapt to the circumstantial variance in one's

environment to keep this individual identity alive amongst the rest

perceived? Therefore, an individual seeking to " become perfect " is

nothing but an ambitious ignorance.


Every man and every other things in the universe is perfect as is

when the individual claim of independent existence vanishes. Only an

eternal student can wield this power of identifying the ignorance

within and drop the same to dissolve into The Perfection to be THAT.




Naga Narayana.


Experiences contain sensory bias and it is therefore said as

VISHAY. Any knowledge entering through the holes in body or called

senses is contaminated and gets poisonous VISH - VISHAY. For

example, eyes desire something to see but legs refuse to walk, and

the desire is suppressed. Toung wants a particular food but there is

no money to buy, and intellect and toung have uneasy relationship.

In general, any learning/reaction in physical space is biased by one

or another, and perfect knowledge which satisfies the intellect,

manah, and atman is nearly impossible.

Knowledge obtained from scriptures and by intellectual contemplation

without any sensory interest or uneasiness is pure and also perfect.


In Mahabharat, Sri Krishna requested Bhisma to teach Yudhisthir the

administration. Bhishm then politely requested Sri Krishna to answer

him why He (Sri Krishna) thinks that this lecture on the subject of

administration is delegated to (Bhishm). At then Sri Krishna told

His inability that He has had no 'experience' and has never ever

gone through the sensory bias or worldly or physical compromises. He

always stayed in truth, and His thoughts are knowledge, and no

experience. Bhism was then very pleased that Sri Krishna deserved

him the chances of education of BHRAM or illusion and how can one

gets relieved. This illusion or experience of bias is Bhism.


Best regards


(Krishna Gopal)




All respected members,


I can say with confidence that " Perfection " - the topic is vague.


Right from the beginning no body could achieve it - not even Bhagwan

Sri Krishna. IN the end he also saw a bad fate.


Here, 3rd Law of Newton is applicable. And on the otherhand if one

tries to get it - he will remain dissatisfied which brings disturbed


of mind.


Brahm Mehrotra




In English

Ma'sn perfection is through his own effort or through the grace of a

great soul, or through the grace of God.



In Hindi

Manushya ka kalyan aapne purusharth se ya mahapurush ki kirpa se

Ya bhagwan ki kirpa se ho tha hein




My respects to all in this forum....

In regard to perfection, I would say from my limited

observations, that a part of perfection is when the individual

acknowledges that no matter how far he/she has gone on the path,

they are still a beginner. This humility I would consider to be a

part of what we are calling " perfection " ....which is indeed a very

broad word. Without this sense that " yes " , I am always a beginner,

always subject to new and amazing awareness of my own ignorance,

then certainly pride can easily find it's way into one's heart.

Written without much realization.......

Mahalaksmi Dasi


In Tretayuga sage Valmiki asked Naradamaharshi 'Konvasmin

sampratamloke -- evamvidham Naram'. Please let me know about the

perfect man and what made him 'Perfect man'?


In Dwaaparayuga Arjuna asked Bhagavan ' Stitapragnasya ka

bhasha' 'What is the definition of a man with perfect tranquility?

How does that man speak,how does he sit,how does he walk?'


The reply to Valmiki's enquiry is Ramayanam and the reply to

Arjuna's query is Bhagavadgita. The way how Sri Rama lived as man

and by living as the suggestions of Sri Krishna makes a man perfect.


'Siddhim vindati manavah' - man attains the highest perfection by

worshipping Him through his own natural duties. All our scriptures

and Bhagavadgita give us a plan to make ourselves mature and strong

so that we grow to our full stature i.e perfect man. The real

lessons of experience and consequent change in attitude and life

style always makes a person perfect.


Generally speaking, in life we may have two aspirations; abhyudaya,

or worldly prosperity; and nishreyasa, or spiritual illumination.

To attain worldly prosperity we have to fight with external nature

and compete with our fellow human beings. To attain spiritual

illumination we have to fight our inner nature,our lower

Propensities, and to conquer them. Doing these two makes a man




jai shree ram


though it is said that practise makes a man perfect,but the question

is practise of what?Practise of sadhna,practise of taking his name

regularly so that we can remember his name when time comes to leave

this world.Its not like that we spend our whole life in earning

materials and think that it is only about taking his name at that

moment ,nothing big in this!But it is not that easy.For this we have

to practise otherwise we will only rember those things in which we

were indulged whole life .Not for a moment we can remember him

without practise.


A beginner





Hari Om


What makes a man perfect? Just as seeking wealth makes a man wealthy

or seeking education makes a man educated, similarly, Seeking the

perfect makes the man perfect. If you seek perfection , you will

become perfect. What is that " perfect " which we should seek?

Paramatma is that " perfect " which we should seek ! Seek God

Realisation..Another element where perfection lies is " self " - you

your " self " ! Seek Self Realisation.. Another element where lies

this " perfection " is Equanimity. Seek to become " equanimous " and you

shall be perfect- in your conduct, in your karma, in your pursuits,

in your life !.


Experience is one thing and drawing lessons from your direct

experiences and putting them in practice is another thing. If there

is a desire in you to become perfect, then there must be an element

existing in this universe , which is indeed perfect. It is your

direct experience that unless the element to fulfil desire is

present, there can not arise desire in you. If you are thirsty, that

necessarily implies there is water existing. Hence when there is a

desire in you to become perfect that means there is a perfect

element existing. That " perfect " element is God / Self /Equanimity.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan



There is no end to worldly enjoyments and sense pleasures for that

matter. Giving up desires, and hoarding is best of all. In whom

there is equanimity, he alone will be a perfected man. In Gita,

samtaah has been spoken of in depth. Keep these two things in mind

1) Serve the world

2) Love God

There is nothing more you need to do.





Sansaarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein vese hi kamna,sangrah,

In sab ka tyag ker ke asang ho jao sab yogo mai samta hi

Servsresth hai. jis mai samtaa aagai vahi puran aadmi hogaya

(geeta mai samta ki bhahut gahrai se bathai hai.

Do bhato ka dhyan rahe 1.sansar ki seva 2.prabhu mai prem

Aapko kuch karne ki jarurat nahi hein.



Ram Ram

Only One is perfect and that is Krishna. Except Him everything has

some or the other flaws. It's His mercy that He accepts us with

those flaws if we surrender to him. Instead of trying to be perfect,

we should try to do what Krishna has instructed in Gita.

Ashok Goenka




Experience never makes a man perfect; it only guides a man to right



RK Nair


Dear Sadak,

There is a line from ancient scripts, " Pragyanam Bhramam " . Man fully

conscience of what he is doing, will do, planning to do is a perfect

man. Experience is lesson from mistakes. Experience does not

prevent from doing same mistake. But Gyana prevent from doing


No one on earth said to be perfect. Only GOD is said

as " PURUSHOTHAMA " (Perfect) and also said Poornathuvam (Complete


Many saints such as Adi Sankara, Goutham Buddha, Christ, 12 Alwars

(Vaishnavites), 63 Nayanmars (Shivites), scroesof bakthas, Brama

Gyanies such as Vasister, Viswamithra, Doovasa, saints such as

Tapovan Maharaj, Shidhi Sai Baba, Tukaram, Annamaiya, 18 Siddhars

all of them have said in one place or other that they had

flaws /mistakes as such " Oh Bagavan Karuniya Roopa I have done

mistakes knowingly or unknowing, please pardon me " . Example: Most

Suprabathams /scripts /slokas end like that.

But once a man becomes perfect, he lives no more on this earth.


B. Sathyanarayan.


Jai Latiyal


Instilling good values, makes a man perfect human being.

Just like if a child from his very childhood is instilled with pure

values, then as he grows up, he will be a perfect man. If you

instill knowledge of wealth, then he will become engaged in worldly

enjoyments and hoarding, and will waste away this precious human

birth. It is only when one becomes a loving devotee of God, that

one's life is a success

Shivkumar Naravat



Sanskar man (aadmi)ko perfact ya insan banata hein

Jai se bhache ko aap bhachpan se he sanskar sudh denge tho aage

chalkar. Who perfct aadmi banega agar sampati ke bare mai he gyan de

ge tho Sansaarik bhog or sangrah mai lag jayega or aapna janam

vyarth mai gava Dega. (prabhu ka pyara ho jai,janam shafal ho jayega

(shivkumar naravat)


Narayan Narayan


Narayan Narayan

In Gita a very important point has been shared- Equanimity is best

of all the Yogas. There is no end to worldly enjoyments. In the

endless Universes, and desires are also endless, but giving them up

and becoming detached, become desireless. In this world there are

two things, Hoarding and taking refuge. He who take refuge in God,

becomes a perfect man.




Gita mai ek mahatvpuran baat aaei hein(samta)shabi yog mai uttam


Kyoki shansarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein aanant bharmand hein aanant,

Kamnaye bhi aanant hein kintu in sab ka tyag karke asang hojao niskam

Hojao shansar mai do chije hein sangharash or shamrpan

Samrpan jes nai kar diya who shreshth(paripuran man)ho gaya



In Gita a very important point has been shared- Equanimity is best

of all the Yogas. There is no end to worldly enjoyments. In the

endless Universes, and desires are also endless, but giving them up

and becoming detached, become desireless. In this world there are

two things, Hoarding and taking refuge. He who take refuge in God,

becomes a perfect man.




Gita mai ek mahatvpuran baat aaei hein(samta)shabi yog mai uttam


Kyoki shansarik bhogo ka aant nahi hein aanant bharmand hein aanant,

Kamnaye bhi aanant hein kintu in sab ka tyag karke asang hojao niskam

Hojao shansar mai do chije hein sangharash or shamrpan

Samrpan jes nai kar diya who shreshth(paripuran man)ho gaya




A perfect man realises that everything in this world is an illusion

and that the reality can only be seen through meditation. Therefore

he acts in such a way so that he is forever saved from the endless

cycle of births and deaths.

Hari Shanker Deo





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



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