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This Body is Not Mine

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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too; access to this

body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this stand in respect to societal

norms of monogamy?


Malika S





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


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number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

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Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this

body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this stand in respect

to societal

norms of monogamy?


Malika S


-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be yours is a

grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for doing duties.

Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even though they are not yours,

having considered these to be your own, what kind of justice is that? That

which is yours, you do not consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake



As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to even think

about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This body is a factory for

producing sewage and dirt, what else is it besides that? Even if you drink

nectar, it turns into sewage, and even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns

into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti hai.


Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai.

Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es ke siway or kya hai.

Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega or mulywan vastu khaloo

Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S


Hari Om




Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.




Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a

grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for doing


Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even though they are

not yours,

having considered these to be your own, what kind of justice is

that? That

which is yours, you do not consider it to be yours. This is where

the mistake



As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think

about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This body is a

factory for

producing sewage and dirt, what else is it besides that? Even if you


nectar, it turns into sewage, and even if you eat the silkiest

foods, it turns

into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai.

Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es ke siway or kya hai.

Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega or mulywan vastu khaloo

Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need to make your

mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:

1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO drishti hain).

One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul (spirit), In this view, one

sees that one consciousness (soul) in every one (Ek Aatm drishti jiske anusaar

tume sabh mein ek aatma hee dikhai dega), And the other is seeing from the

worldly perspective, in this field of sensory perceptions where one sees

separate entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin jeev drishti

gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one for societal living

and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do drishti rakhna,. Ek Lok vyavhaar

ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in Samdarshinah &

samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal behavior with all cannot &

should not be done (in relationships and customary practices) but Samdarshan

means seeing God in every body must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave equally with

all parts of our body, we discriminate according to their function. So when we

discriminate with our body parts how can we allow equal behavior with other



4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self experience), this

cant be bound in any particular rule, formula, Does & donts. All pervading God

is in your heart & will show you right path. He will send divinity when you are

right & will send condemnation when you go for wrong.

Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh








Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your

mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:

1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain).

One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul (spirit), In this

view, one

sees that one consciousness (soul) in every one (Ek Aatm drishti

jiske anusaar

tume sabh mein ek aatma hee dikhai dega), And the other is seeing

from the

worldly perspective, in this field of sensory perceptions where one


separate entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin

jeev drishti

gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one for

societal living

and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do drishti rakhna,. Ek

Lok vyavhaar

ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah &

samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal behavior with all

cannot &

should not be done (in relationships and customary practices) but


means seeing God in every body must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with

all parts of our body, we discriminate according to their function.

So when we

discriminate with our body parts how can we allow equal behavior

with other



4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this

cant be bound in any particular rule, formula, Does & donts. All

pervading God

is in your heart & will show you right path. He will send divinity

when you are

right & will send condemnation when you go for wrong.

Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Hari Om


This refers to Q of MM Purohitji.


Shruti ,Yukti and Anubhuti are three golden divine principles to

determine truth, duty and ideal karma for human beings. These

principles have emanated out of Scriptures and are believed to made

by God Himself. They are universal in application and have a single

exception only. That exception is - God Realisation . These 3

principles do not apply on determining the time required for God

Realisation- as Laws made by God naturally do not apply on God

Himself Just As Laws made by a Parliament do not apply on

Parliament itself. ( Else how it can change it ? )


These three principles require you to first enquire about any

question by referring to Scriptures/views derived out of history or

historical facts pertaining to the subject/ views of learned or

elderly persons / views of Saints and Sages - What SHRUTI/ experts/

history says.


Then deliberate regarding the logic and rationale of the proposed

decision. See if that is logical conclusion. Reasons,

appropriateness etc should be established. The decision should not

defy logic. What your mind/intellect says.

That is Yukti.


Then comes your past experience on the subject. If there is no past

experience with you , check with people you believe in etc. Also

check up with your conscience , if it meets with it. What your

heart/ gut feeling/ experience says- Anubhuti..


If all three establish in affirmative- you can fearlessly decide in

favour of proposed decision. That is truthful. That is right and

correct decision.


To be concluded in the next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Priya Sadhaks


This refers to observations of Dr Thomas stating that standards for

human conduct etc should be different for ordinary people and for

non ordinary people. He also observed that monogamy is not supported

by most of the scriptures/religions.


You have desired a more enlightened discussion on the subject.


In order to do that, and before getting deeper into the subject -

Can you elaborate further regarding your views on the subject Dr

Thomas? Can you pin point some religions or some holy texts where

this distinction between ordinary humans and other humans in respect

of such matters of standard conduct has been provided for and has

been recommended ? Can you further let us know as to how and why in

your view monogamy is not supported by most of the scriptures /

religions ? Who qualifies in your view to fall in the category of

ordinary people and other than ordinary people? Why ? Can you

support further this with some reference to some religions and some

holy texts?


M M Purohit






Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh








Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your

mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:

1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain).

One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul (spirit), In this

view, one

sees that one consciousness (soul) in every one (Ek Aatm drishti

jiske anusaar

tume sabh mein ek aatma hee dikhai dega), And the other is seeing

from the

worldly perspective, in this field of sensory perceptions where one


separate entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin

jeev drishti

gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one for

societal living

and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do drishti rakhna,. Ek

Lok vyavhaar

ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah &

samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal behavior with all

cannot &

should not be done (in relationships and customary practices) but


means seeing God in every body must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with

all parts of our body, we discriminate according to their function.

So when we

discriminate with our body parts how can we allow equal behavior

with other



4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this

cant be bound in any particular rule, formula, Does & donts. All

pervading God

is in your heart & will show you right path. He will send divinity

when you are

right & will send condemnation when you go for wrong.

Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


According to Swamiji, at present there are no obstacles, to fulfill

a husband / wife's dharma (which includes monogamy) i.e.

righteousness. Each one is entirely and forever independent in

following righteousness. It is only when actions are done against

the scriptural injunctions, that scriptures, dharma, societal

obligations etc. are an obstacle.


Regarding the issue of abortion, as Vyasji has said, the lesser

spoken the better. Even Swamiji was often strictly instructed not

to speak much on this subject. he said he did not know how to

explain these things, who would listen, who to tell these to? There

is nothing that pained him more than destroying one that is

completely helpless and at your mercy (i.e. abortion) and killing of

cows and other beings. What to do? Who to tell? Yet, it

pained him deeply, the atrocities, that are taking place today, that

did not even take place in the kingdom of Ravana. As already

clearly stated by other sadhaks, Swamiji gave a simple ruling - DO


statement, says it all. Nothing remains to be said after this.


Swamiji said that any action, that becomes an obstacle in the

upliftment, in the betterment, in salvation of another being, is

SINFUL action. Now what to speak of not giving another soul an

opportunity to be born as a human, the rarest form of birth, and the

only form of birth where salvation, benediction, freedom from birth

and death is possible? He has clearly stated to stay away from

such " GHOR PAAP " . This ignorance must be wiped out. And we must

proactively work towards this awareness, as most of these types of

sins are purely from lack of awareness, and the two desires - 1)

sense enjoyments (BHOG) and 2) desire for more - i.e. greed



Hope this helps, thank you for raising this point,


Meera Das

Ram Ram




I am saddened by this query. Let it be clarified that this body is

made of panch tatva---prithvi, jal, agni, akash and vayu and belongs

to Ishwar---who is the lord of prakriti (nature) which consists of

these five tatvas or elements. Correct knowledge of metaphysical

truths should be accompnied by correct code of action which is

dharma. Dharma encompasses morality and duties. I am the soul , not

the body or the mind or the intellect. The body or mind or intellect

are only means or contrivances available to me to perform karma. I

should perform karma which is morally sound or according to

principles of dharma. Bhagwan Manu has prescribed monogamy under

normal circumstances for human beings and that should be followed as

a code of action.


Let incomplete knowledge or semi-truths not take us into the realm

of perversion.


Atul Sehgal



Hari Om


This refers to Q of MM Purohitji.


Shruti ,Yukti and Anubhuti are three golden divine principles to

determine truth, duty and ideal karma for human beings. These

principles have emanated out of Scriptures and are believed to made

by God Himself. They are universal in application and have a single

exception only. That exception is - God Realisation . These 3

principles do not apply on determining the time required for God

Realisation- as Laws made by God naturally do not apply on God

Himself Just As Laws made by a Parliament do not apply on

Parliament itself. ( Else how it can change it ? )


These three principles require you to first enquire about any

question by referring to Scriptures/views derived out of history or

historical facts pertaining to the subject/ views of learned or

elderly persons / views of Saints and Sages - What SHRUTI/ experts/

history says.


Then deliberate regarding the logic and rationale of the proposed

decision. See if that is logical conclusion. Reasons,

appropriateness etc should be established. The decision should not

defy logic. What your mind/intellect says.

That is Yukti.


Then comes your past experience on the subject. If there is no past

experience with you , check with people you believe in etc. Also

check up with your conscience , if it meets with it. What your

heart/ gut feeling/ experience says- Anubhuti..


If all three establish in affirmative- you can fearlessly decide in

favour of proposed decision. That is truthful. That is right and

correct decision.


To be concluded in the next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Priya Sadhaks


This refers to observations of Dr Thomas stating that standards for

human conduct etc should be different for ordinary people and for

non ordinary people. He also observed that monogamy is not supported

by most of the scriptures/religions.


You have desired a more enlightened discussion on the subject.


In order to do that, and before getting deeper into the subject -

Can you elaborate further regarding your views on the subject Dr

Thomas? Can you pin point some religions or some holy texts where

this distinction between ordinary humans and other humans in respect

of such matters of standard conduct has been provided for and has

been recommended ? Can you further let us know as to how and why in

your view monogamy is not supported by most of the scriptures /

religions ? Who qualifies in your view to fall in the category of

ordinary people and other than ordinary people? Why ? Can you

support further this with some reference to some religions and some

holy texts?


M M Purohit






Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh








Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your

mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:

1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain).

One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul (spirit), In this

view, one

sees that one consciousness (soul) in every one (Ek Aatm drishti

jiske anusaar

tume sabh mein ek aatma hee dikhai dega), And the other is seeing

from the

worldly perspective, in this field of sensory perceptions where one


separate entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin

jeev drishti

gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one for

societal living

and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do drishti rakhna,. Ek

Lok vyavhaar

ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah &

samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal behavior with all

cannot &

should not be done (in relationships and customary practices) but


means seeing God in every body must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with

all parts of our body, we discriminate according to their function.

So when we

discriminate with our body parts how can we allow equal behavior

with other



4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this

cant be bound in any particular rule, formula, Does & donts. All

pervading God

is in your heart & will show you right path. He will send divinity

when you are

right & will send condemnation when you go for wrong.

Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Hari Om


In God Realisation - these principles do not give accurate results.

Scriptures are full of describing how so and so person did " tapasya "

for so many centuries or birth times. We don't find much references

of " quick realisation " except in some verses of Gitaji etc. Stress

is on the purification of Antahkarana. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

alone and Lord Krishna in Gita have stated it is easier and quicker

than normally presumed. There are cases like of Prahlad, Dhruva etc

but majority suggest " long drawn " process. Hence if some one applies

principle of SHRUTI in determining truth reg timing required for God

Realisation the answer will be " very very long time "


This answer obviously is not correct.


Yukti principle basically involves mind and intellect. It is clear

from Scriptures and experience that element called God is beyond

mind and intellect . No amount of logic and rationale can help one

in the same. God is a matter of " belief " and not

of " logic/rationale/mind " . Mind will always suggest God Realisation

is difficult, long drawn process.


Answer obviously is not correct.


On " Anubhuti " yardstick again, none of us has any direct experience.

Conscience is God Himself but respect to it is necessary. Alone

voice of conscience , even if you respect it - does not make all

three determine the truth regarding the time required for God

Realisation. Still " anubhuti " gives better results in this area than

Shruti and Yukti- because of conscience.


Main obstacle is Yukti.


This according to me is the sole exception to the divine principles

of Shruti/Yukti/Anubhuti . Though a deliberation in this regard by

fellow followers of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj - like Mira Dasji,

Sarvottamji, Rajendraji, Mike Keenor, even Shashikalaji, Raja

Gurudasaniji, Papruniaji and other die hard believers of many many

Gita verses like 9:31 etc may by arguments in this regard prove this

exception too to be wrong. This time I am on the other side of

table. But I will be very happy to get proved wrong on this count.


Apart from above, in my humble opinion these 3 principles have

universal application in determining truth/duty/ ideal karmas and

helping us all in taking correct decisions in day to day life.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Friends,


I have been reading this correspondence for some time. May I attempt

to respond to this particular query!


In philosophy, there are two levels - Vyavaharik & Parmarthik.

Practical & Spiritual may be some where near the real Hindi/ Sanskrit



At the spiritual level, we are all one, body does not belong to us,

we are atma & not body, etc. This has a particular field or scope.


At practical level, we live in this body, we have to eat, drink &

support this body. At practical level, we have to follow some

restrictions/Samyam etc.


While total celibacy is not meant for Gruhasthas, restricting sex

within the married life /monogamy is necessary for good spiritual



Hope, this answers the query.


For details, Adi Shankaracharya had given illustration of the

difference between practical & spiritual.


If a mad elephant is charging towards you, you have to run & save

yourself. You can't say that under Advaita philosophy, me & elephant

are one & I need not be afraid of the elephant.

If we mix up spiritual understanding in such practical matters,

disasters may be caused.



Rashmin Sanghvi


Even though this question was quite interesting, all the answers

sound very mundane and a bit preachy.


I don't think the Gita is so much about morals but more about

enlightenment through thinking. Unlike other religious documents it

does not talk down to people. It makes them think.


The question that Malika has, cannot be answered so easily. Given

the right circumstances, this would not be wrong. Draupadi was

married to 5 men, Krishna had so many wives including Radha who was

purportedly married.


If Gita was a moralistic document, it wouldn't have much value. It

would become like any other religious document.


The right and wrong of a situation has to be decided by the person.


The mind has to be capable of separating yourself from your own body

and making an objective judgment in a situation, the same that you

would if you were not the person making the decision.


Chetan Temkar


shree Hari

ram ram

Chetanji, it will be helpful, in future to point out speicific

elements that you consider mundane and preachy, as opposed to a

generalized statement. Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


According to Swamiji, at present there are no obstacles, to fulfill

a husband / wife's dharma (which includes monogamy) i.e.

righteousness. Each one is entirely and forever independent in

following righteousness. It is only when actions are done against

the scriptural injunctions, that scriptures, dharma, societal

obligations etc. are an obstacle.


Regarding the issue of abortion, as Vyasji has said, the lesser

spoken the better. Even Swamiji was often strictly instructed not

to speak much on this subject. he said he did not know how to

explain these things, who would listen, who to tell these to? There

is nothing that pained him more than destroying one that is

completely helpless and at your mercy (i.e. abortion) and killing of

cows and other beings. What to do? Who to tell? Yet, it

pained him deeply, the atrocities, that are taking place today, that

did not even take place in the kingdom of Ravana. As already

clearly stated by other sadhaks, Swamiji gave a simple ruling - DO


statement, says it all. Nothing remains to be said after this.


Swamiji said that any action, that becomes an obstacle in the

upliftment, in the betterment, in salvation of another being, is

SINFUL action. Now what to speak of not giving another soul an

opportunity to be born as a human, the rarest form of birth, and the

only form of birth where salvation, benediction, freedom from birth

and death is possible? He has clearly stated to stay away from

such " GHOR PAAP " . This ignorance must be wiped out. And we must

proactively work towards this awareness, as most of these types of

sins are purely from lack of awareness, and the two desires - 1)

sense enjoyments (BHOG) and 2) desire for more - i.e. greed



Hope this helps, thank you for raising this point,


Meera Das

Ram Ram




I am saddened by this query. Let it be clarified that this body is

made of panch tatva---prithvi, jal, agni, akash and vayu and belongs

to Ishwar---who is the lord of prakriti (nature) which consists of

these five tatvas or elements. Correct knowledge of metaphysical

truths should be accompnied by correct code of action which is

dharma. Dharma encompasses morality and duties. I am the soul , not

the body or the mind or the intellect. The body or mind or intellect

are only means or contrivances available to me to perform karma. I

should perform karma which is morally sound or according to

principles of dharma. Bhagwan Manu has prescribed monogamy under

normal circumstances for human beings and that should be followed as

a code of action.


Let incomplete knowledge or semi-truths not take us into the realm

of perversion.


Atul Sehgal



Hari Om


This refers to Q of MM Purohitji.


Shruti ,Yukti and Anubhuti are three golden divine principles to

determine truth, duty and ideal karma for human beings. These

principles have emanated out of Scriptures and are believed to made

by God Himself. They are universal in application and have a single

exception only. That exception is - God Realisation . These 3

principles do not apply on determining the time required for God

Realisation- as Laws made by God naturally do not apply on God

Himself Just As Laws made by a Parliament do not apply on

Parliament itself. ( Else how it can change it ? )


These three principles require you to first enquire about any

question by referring to Scriptures/views derived out of history or

historical facts pertaining to the subject/ views of learned or

elderly persons / views of Saints and Sages - What SHRUTI/ experts/

history says.


Then deliberate regarding the logic and rationale of the proposed

decision. See if that is logical conclusion. Reasons,

appropriateness etc should be established. The decision should not

defy logic. What your mind/intellect says.

That is Yukti.


Then comes your past experience on the subject. If there is no past

experience with you , check with people you believe in etc. Also

check up with your conscience , if it meets with it. What your

heart/ gut feeling/ experience says- Anubhuti..


If all three establish in affirmative- you can fearlessly decide in

favour of proposed decision. That is truthful. That is right and

correct decision.


To be concluded in the next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Priya Sadhaks


This refers to observations of Dr Thomas stating that standards for

human conduct etc should be different for ordinary people and for

non ordinary people. He also observed that monogamy is not supported

by most of the scriptures/religions.


You have desired a more enlightened discussion on the subject.


In order to do that, and before getting deeper into the subject -

Can you elaborate further regarding your views on the subject Dr

Thomas? Can you pin point some religions or some holy texts where

this distinction between ordinary humans and other humans in respect

of such matters of standard conduct has been provided for and has

been recommended ? Can you further let us know as to how and why in

your view monogamy is not supported by most of the scriptures /

religions ? Who qualifies in your view to fall in the category of

ordinary people and other than ordinary people? Why ? Can you

support further this with some reference to some religions and some

holy texts?


M M Purohit






Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh








Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your

mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:

1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain).

One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul (spirit), In this

view, one

sees that one consciousness (soul) in every one (Ek Aatm drishti

jiske anusaar

tume sabh mein ek aatma hee dikhai dega), And the other is seeing

from the

worldly perspective, in this field of sensory perceptions where one


separate entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin

jeev drishti

gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one for

societal living

and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do drishti rakhna,. Ek

Lok vyavhaar

ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah &

samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal behavior with all

cannot &

should not be done (in relationships and customary practices) but


means seeing God in every body must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with

all parts of our body, we discriminate according to their function.

So when we

discriminate with our body parts how can we allow equal behavior

with other



4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this

cant be bound in any particular rule, formula, Does & donts. All

pervading God

is in your heart & will show you right path. He will send divinity

when you are

right & will send condemnation when you go for wrong.

Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Some messages related to this posting were lost today due to power

failure. Sorry! From Gita Talk Moderator. Ram Ram


Hari Om


This human body has been described in scriptures in contrasting

manner. In Ramayana on one hand it has been described as " adham

sarira " ( worst of all other bodies), on other hand it has also been

described as " badi hi durlabh maanush dehi, det eesh binu hetu

sanehu " ( Human body is VERY VERY rare, given without any selfless

motive by God out of affection). The question of Mallika also

requires us to comment reg line of demarcation. Answer is " if you

consider this body to be mine , for me and me, then it is worst of

your enemies. There cant be a dirtier thing than this. But if you

don't consider it to be mine/me/for me " then it is a temple, a gift

of God to you. I will present to Dear Sadhaks both sides of the

coin. First let us take why it is a temple. It is indeed a temple,

because, in its functioning all principles of Karma Yoga, Jnana

Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Equanimity are visible clearly. But you can

understand them and make use of them, only when you don't consider

this body to be me/mine/for me. Consider the following:



JUST AS : Parts of the body are indivisible with the body as a

whole. They are not separate from the body. SIMILARLY: For a Karma

Yogi all bodies in the world, including, of course his own body, are

part of one SINGLE body. He considers all as part of one indivisible

world and then behaves as parts of body behave with each other!


JUST AS : Parts of your body never distinguish between a good and

bad act. For example, your hands never show a preference to plucking

of flowers as against washing the dirty parts of body. There is

no " ME " or " MINE " in the body parts. There is no ego. Each part

helps the other so that there is no imbalance. Each part is for the

entire body. That is how body survives. If parts of body start

distinguishing and start comparing " right " and " duties " then what

will happen- except disintegration, disease and death ? They are

always " Dutiful " to the body as a whole. No rights. SIMILARLY: When

you get selfish ( me/mine) , you in fact create an imbalance in the

world. Like your body if you stop distinguishing/ correlating rights

and duties , the world will become better and healthy. In karma

yoga, the sadhak renounces his " rights " and does his duty. There is

no good act or bad act for a sadhak. Everything is duty. Just as it

is for different parts of body.


JUST AS : Inspite of the parts of your body being separate from each

other but in essence they are one. If any part is hurt, you consider

the body has been hurt. SIMILARLY: All bodies/creatures in this

world are in essence ONE only. A Karma Yogi does not distinguish

between two bodies. For all he has one motto- SERVE, SERVE, and

SERVE- selflessly, without expecting anything in return.


JUST AS : There are different parts in your body . Head, nose, ears,

toungue, hands, legs, eyes etc. While our " affection " with each part

is SAME but our " conduct " with each part is different. For example,

if we touch any other person by legs, we beg his pardon but not when

we touch him by hands. We salute other by head or hands and not by

legs. When a hand touches say face , we donot wash it, but if it

touches anus , we wash it. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi, deals with

different people/bodies/ creatures in different manner but

his " Affection " with all is SAME.


JUST AS : Sometimes your teeth cut/chew your tongue while eating.

Then there is excruciating pain . But you never get angry with

teeth. You never think in terms of punishing them. Why? Because both

are part of the same body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi never considers

any one to be bad, because he knows that both good and bad are part

of one world only, and he has to serve the world- as a sadhak.


JUST AS : Difference between eye and leg is immense-

size/nature/character/function/positioning etc wise. Eye is a sense

organ. Leg is an organ of action. Still if a thorn enters the leg,

there are tears in your eyes. If any dust particle enters your eyes,

there is trembling in your legs ! SIMILARLY: We cant separate our

own body with the other bodies of this world. Either we should

ignore both or we should consider both as one. A Karma Yogi deals

with both in a similar manner. That is honesty. A Jnana Yogi,

ignores the both. For a Bhakti Yogi- THERE is only ONE , there iare

no two.


JUST AS : When any part of the body is hurt, the other parts,

without any summoning automatically come in action to help the hurt

part. No request is necessary. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi forms a

“unity†with the world and all the bodies of the world. He

automatically, without any pride, naturally, serves the hurt.


JUST AS : When you wash your face by hands, there is no pride

generated in hands. Hands never give signals- Look how great we are!

They never ask special favour for themselves ! SIMILARLY: A karma

yogi never gets proudy and seeks reciprocation for what he does for

the world.


JUST AS : Parts of a female body give pleasure to opposite sex , not

to the female herself. Parts of male body give pleasure to female

body , not to male himself. Milk of mother is not for herself, but

for child. Gestures of child give pleasure to mother, not to child

itself. Everything in body has been designed for others. For body as

a whole. Injection pain is to the skin, but benefit is to whole

body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi knows that whatever he has got , is

for service to " others " not for himself.


JUST AS : If any hurt portion of body heals, there is benefit to

entire body. SIMILARLY: A karma yogi reaches to the world at large,

by his service, bhaav and sentiments. He helps one and all.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

On Anubhuti one sant has given full text. His name is Thirumoolar.

He wrote 3000 verses known as Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram

(Thrirumoolar Sacred text). He lived for 3000 years on hills near

Salam Tamilnadu hills knows as " Shidhar Malai " (Shidhar Hills). To

day his temple stand there with 7 well with water at anytime remains

at 7 ft. Bathing there removes many diseases. I have seen poeople

cured and experienced myself. He was great Shiva Baktha among 63

sant of Shivites. One rich gentle man fron Delhi affected with Blood

cancer with eminent doctors from Appollo, AIMs gave dead line as 6

months life. He stayed in these hills and took medicines of leaves

given by wandering sant. He got cured completely. Doctors was in

Dismay. Indian Express team was sent to Siddhar Hills and report was

published in paper with photos.








Hari Om


In God Realisation - these principles do not give accurate results.

Scriptures are full of describing how so and so person did " tapasya "

for so many centuries or birth times. We don't find much references

of " quick realisation " except in some verses of Gitaji etc. Stress

is on the purification of Antahkarana. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

alone and Lord Krishna in Gita have stated it is easier and quicker

than normally presumed. There are cases like of Prahlad, Dhruva etc

but majority suggest " long drawn " process. Hence if some one applies

principle of SHRUTI in determining truth reg timing required for God

Realisation the answer will be " very very long time "


This answer obviously is not correct.


Yukti principle basically involves mind and intellect. It is clear

from Scriptures and experience that element called God is beyond

mind and intellect . No amount of logic and rationale can help one

in the same. God is a matter of " belief " and not

of " logic/rationale/mind " . Mind will always suggest God Realisation

is difficult, long drawn process.


Answer obviously is not correct.


On " Anubhuti " yardstick again, none of us has any direct experience.

Conscience is God Himself but respect to it is necessary. Alone

voice of conscience , even if you respect it - does not make all

three determine the truth regarding the time required for God

Realisation. Still " anubhuti " gives better results in this area than

Shruti and Yukti- because of conscience.


Main obstacle is Yukti.


This according to me is the sole exception to the divine principles

of Shruti/Yukti/Anubhuti . Though a deliberation in this regard by

fellow followers of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj - like Mira Dasji,

Sarvottamji, Rajendraji, Mike Keenor, even Shashikalaji, Raja

Gurudasaniji, Papruniaji and other die hard believers of many many

Gita verses like 9:31 etc may by arguments in this regard prove this

exception too to be wrong. This time I am on the other side of

table. But I will be very happy to get proved wrong on this count.


Apart from above, in my humble opinion these 3 principles have

universal application in determining truth/duty/ ideal karmas and

helping us all in taking correct decisions in day to day life.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Friends,


I have been reading this correspondence for some time. May I attempt

to respond to this particular query!


In philosophy, there are two levels - Vyavaharik & Parmarthik.

Practical & Spiritual may be some where near the real Hindi/ Sanskrit



At the spiritual level, we are all one, body does not belong to us,

we are atma & not body, etc. This has a particular field or scope.


At practical level, we live in this body, we have to eat, drink &

support this body. At practical level, we have to follow some

restrictions/Samyam etc.


While total celibacy is not meant for Gruhasthas, restricting sex

within the married life /monogamy is necessary for good spiritual



Hope, this answers the query.


For details, Adi Shankaracharya had given illustration of the

difference between practical & spiritual.


If a mad elephant is charging towards you, you have to run & save

yourself. You can't say that under Advaita philosophy, me & elephant

are one & I need not be afraid of the elephant.

If we mix up spiritual understanding in such practical matters,

disasters may be caused.



Rashmin Sanghvi


Even though this question was quite interesting, all the answers

sound very mundane and a bit preachy.


I don't think the Gita is so much about morals but more about

enlightenment through thinking. Unlike other religious documents it

does not talk down to people. It makes them think.


The question that Malika has, cannot be answered so easily. Given

the right circumstances, this would not be wrong. Draupadi was

married to 5 men, Krishna had so many wives including Radha who was

purportedly married.


If Gita was a moralistic document, it wouldn't have much value. It

would become like any other religious document.


The right and wrong of a situation has to be decided by the person.


The mind has to be capable of separating yourself from your own body

and making an objective judgment in a situation, the same that you

would if you were not the person making the decision.


Chetan Temkar


shree Hari

ram ram

Chetanji, it will be helpful, in future to point out speicific

elements that you consider mundane and preachy, as opposed to a

generalized statement. Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


According to Swamiji, at present there are no obstacles, to fulfill

a husband / wife's dharma (which includes monogamy) i.e.

righteousness. Each one is entirely and forever independent in

following righteousness. It is only when actions are done against

the scriptural injunctions, that scriptures, dharma, societal

obligations etc. are an obstacle.


Regarding the issue of abortion, as Vyasji has said, the lesser

spoken the better. Even Swamiji was often strictly instructed not

to speak much on this subject. he said he did not know how to

explain these things, who would listen, who to tell these to? There

is nothing that pained him more than destroying one that is

completely helpless and at your mercy (i.e. abortion) and killing of

cows and other beings. What to do? Who to tell? Yet, it

pained him deeply, the atrocities, that are taking place today, that

did not even take place in the kingdom of Ravana. As already

clearly stated by other sadhaks, Swamiji gave a simple ruling - DO


statement, says it all. Nothing remains to be said after this.


Swamiji said that any action, that becomes an obstacle in the

upliftment, in the betterment, in salvation of another being, is

SINFUL action. Now what to speak of not giving another soul an

opportunity to be born as a human, the rarest form of birth, and the

only form of birth where salvation, benediction, freedom from birth

and death is possible? He has clearly stated to stay away from

such " GHOR PAAP " . This ignorance must be wiped out. And we must

proactively work towards this awareness, as most of these types of

sins are purely from lack of awareness, and the two desires - 1)

sense enjoyments (BHOG) and 2) desire for more - i.e. greed



Hope this helps, thank you for raising this point,


Meera Das

Ram Ram




I am saddened by this query. Let it be clarified that this body is

made of panch tatva---prithvi, jal, agni, akash and vayu and belongs

to Ishwar---who is the lord of prakriti (nature) which consists of

these five tatvas or elements. Correct knowledge of metaphysical

truths should be accompnied by correct code of action which is

dharma. Dharma encompasses morality and duties. I am the soul , not

the body or the mind or the intellect. The body or mind or intellect

are only means or contrivances available to me to perform karma. I

should perform karma which is morally sound or according to

principles of dharma. Bhagwan Manu has prescribed monogamy under

normal circumstances for human beings and that should be followed as

a code of action.


Let incomplete knowledge or semi-truths not take us into the realm

of perversion.


Atul Sehgal



Hari Om


This refers to Q of MM Purohitji.


Shruti ,Yukti and Anubhuti are three golden divine principles to

determine truth, duty and ideal karma for human beings. These

principles have emanated out of Scriptures and are believed to made

by God Himself. They are universal in application and have a single

exception only. That exception is - God Realisation . These 3

principles do not apply on determining the time required for God

Realisation- as Laws made by God naturally do not apply on God

Himself Just As Laws made by a Parliament do not apply on

Parliament itself. ( Else how it can change it ? )


These three principles require you to first enquire about any

question by referring to Scriptures/views derived out of history or

historical facts pertaining to the subject/ views of learned or

elderly persons / views of Saints and Sages - What SHRUTI/ experts/

history says.


Then deliberate regarding the logic and rationale of the proposed

decision. See if that is logical conclusion. Reasons,

appropriateness etc should be established. The decision should not

defy logic. What your mind/intellect says.

That is Yukti.


Then comes your past experience on the subject. If there is no past

experience with you , check with people you believe in etc. Also

check up with your conscience , if it meets with it. What your

heart/ gut feeling/ experience says- Anubhuti..


If all three establish in affirmative- you can fearlessly decide in

favour of proposed decision. That is truthful. That is right and

correct decision.


To be concluded in the next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Priya Sadhaks


This refers to observations of Dr Thomas stating that standards for

human conduct etc should be different for ordinary people and for

non ordinary people. He also observed that monogamy is not supported

by most of the scriptures/religions.


You have desired a more enlightened discussion on the subject.


In order to do that, and before getting deeper into the subject -

Can you elaborate further regarding your views on the subject Dr

Thomas? Can you pin point some religions or some holy texts where

this distinction between ordinary humans and other humans in respect

of such matters of standard conduct has been provided for and has

been recommended ? Can you further let us know as to how and why in

your view monogamy is not supported by most of the scriptures /

religions ? Who qualifies in your view to fall in the category of

ordinary people and other than ordinary people? Why ? Can you

support further this with some reference to some religions and some

holy texts?


M M Purohit






Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh








Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your

mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:

1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain).

One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul (spirit), In this

view, one

sees that one consciousness (soul) in every one (Ek Aatm drishti

jiske anusaar

tume sabh mein ek aatma hee dikhai dega), And the other is seeing

from the

worldly perspective, in this field of sensory perceptions where one


separate entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin

jeev drishti

gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one for

societal living

and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do drishti rakhna,. Ek

Lok vyavhaar

ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah &

samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal behavior with all

cannot &

should not be done (in relationships and customary practices) but


means seeing God in every body must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with

all parts of our body, we discriminate according to their function.

So when we

discriminate with our body parts how can we allow equal behavior

with other



4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this

cant be bound in any particular rule, formula, Does & donts. All

pervading God

is in your heart & will show you right path. He will send divinity

when you are

right & will send condemnation when you go for wrong.

Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu to our gifted group.


Confusion in mind is the first step for diffusion.Our intellect interferes and

clarifies the



'Antavantaime dehaa nityasyoktaaha saririnaha' all the bodies pertaining to the

imperishable eternal soul are spoken of as perishable. This postulation is when


from the higher dimension of soul.

'Vasaamsijeernaani' shedding worn out garments, one will be with clarity at this



Norms of monogamy,polygamy are related with individual needs,social


sanctions,and spiritual insight. Mono'kamy' or 'poly'kamy' is individual choice.

When mono

is not happy, why many?.Nowhere in the world, either monogamy or polygamy are

compulsory. It is the choice of pleasure and pain.


After telling so much to Arjuna, Krishna asked ' Yadhechhasitadhakuru' choice is


think carefully and do whatever is your free will. Mandodari questioned Ravana'

why you

go for Sita? What extra is there more over me.


Adi Sankara in Anaatma Sri Vigarhanam 'tatahkim ? tatahkim ? so what if you can


some more bodies.

Sareeramaadyam khalu dharma saadhanam - remembering this, one can draw lines on

physical body, lines of joy or worry.




Dear Sadaks,

One has differant types of worms living in stomach. One gets Asthma, cancer, TB

etc. If

one considers body and he are one, then where these worms, virus, bactiria are

all living

him or his body. Besides these worms/virus are differant bodies eleminated by


How does one recognise in deep sleep as who is he or she or animal. Only when

conscience illuminated by Athuman (soul) on awakening, all thoughts manifest.

One saint

by name Annamaiya in Thirupathi sang that in deep sleep you are with para


Regarding Sri Vyasji, the parts of body has indipendant roles doing its own

Karma nothing

to do with SELF. One can survive without legs, hands, eyes, dumb mouth, deaf

ears or

even without one kidney. Body is only equipment with Athuman in it. Many


work on electricity which is common for all of them. Athuman is same for all

living, while

shapes are differant. Shapes serves one to Extinguish Karmas.

Human body is worst of all bodies when it is doing all the acts of animals.

Human body is

rare chance, as it can serve to realization. Human body, mind & intellect are

blessed with

freedom. This freedom misused one goes back to lower births, if freedom is


introgation takes place. The body which is filth becomes Amirth and becomes so


to even control Panch Boothas when it is temple. Introgation leads to Sadana,

to Bakthi to


Sri Vyas has described body elaborately taking so much time dealing with body


The same Vyasji tought me to not to waste time, but to say Nama Shivaya facing







Some messages related to this posting were lost today due to power

failure. Sorry! From Gita Talk Moderator. Ram Ram


Hari Om


This human body has been described in scriptures in contrasting

manner. In Ramayana on one hand it has been described as " adham

sarira " ( worst of all other bodies), on other hand it has also been

described as " badi hi durlabh maanush dehi, det eesh binu hetu

sanehu " ( Human body is VERY VERY rare, given without any selfless

motive by God out of affection). The question of Mallika also

requires us to comment reg line of demarcation. Answer is " if you

consider this body to be mine , for me and me, then it is worst of

your enemies. There cant be a dirtier thing than this. But if you

don't consider it to be mine/me/for me " then it is a temple, a gift

of God to you. I will present to Dear Sadhaks both sides of the

coin. First let us take why it is a temple. It is indeed a temple,

because, in its functioning all principles of Karma Yoga, Jnana

Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Equanimity are visible clearly. But you can

understand them and make use of them, only when you don't consider

this body to be me/mine/for me. Consider the following:



JUST AS : Parts of the body are indivisible with the body as a

whole. They are not separate from the body. SIMILARLY: For a Karma

Yogi all bodies in the world, including, of course his own body, are

part of one SINGLE body. He considers all as part of one indivisible

world and then behaves as parts of body behave with each other!


JUST AS : Parts of your body never distinguish between a good and

bad act. For example, your hands never show a preference to plucking

of flowers as against washing the dirty parts of body. There is

no " ME " or " MINE " in the body parts. There is no ego. Each part

helps the other so that there is no imbalance. Each part is for the

entire body. That is how body survives. If parts of body start

distinguishing and start comparing " right " and " duties " then what

will happen- except disintegration, disease and death ? They are

always " Dutiful " to the body as a whole. No rights. SIMILARLY: When

you get selfish ( me/mine) , you in fact create an imbalance in the

world. Like your body if you stop distinguishing/ correlating rights

and duties , the world will become better and healthy. In karma

yoga, the sadhak renounces his " rights " and does his duty. There is

no good act or bad act for a sadhak. Everything is duty. Just as it

is for different parts of body.


JUST AS : Inspite of the parts of your body being separate from each

other but in essence they are one. If any part is hurt, you consider

the body has been hurt. SIMILARLY: All bodies/creatures in this

world are in essence ONE only. A Karma Yogi does not distinguish

between two bodies. For all he has one motto- SERVE, SERVE, and

SERVE- selflessly, without expecting anything in return.


JUST AS : There are different parts in your body . Head, nose, ears,

toungue, hands, legs, eyes etc. While our " affection " with each part

is SAME but our " conduct " with each part is different. For example,

if we touch any other person by legs, we beg his pardon but not when

we touch him by hands. We salute other by head or hands and not by

legs. When a hand touches say face , we donot wash it, but if it

touches anus , we wash it. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi, deals with

different people/bodies/ creatures in different manner but

his " Affection " with all is SAME.


JUST AS : Sometimes your teeth cut/chew your tongue while eating.

Then there is excruciating pain . But you never get angry with

teeth. You never think in terms of punishing them. Why? Because both

are part of the same body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi never considers

any one to be bad, because he knows that both good and bad are part

of one world only, and he has to serve the world- as a sadhak.


JUST AS : Difference between eye and leg is immense-

size/nature/character/function/positioning etc wise. Eye is a sense

organ. Leg is an organ of action. Still if a thorn enters the leg,

there are tears in your eyes. If any dust particle enters your eyes,

there is trembling in your legs ! SIMILARLY: We cant separate our

own body with the other bodies of this world. Either we should

ignore both or we should consider both as one. A Karma Yogi deals

with both in a similar manner. That is honesty. A Jnana Yogi,

ignores the both. For a Bhakti Yogi- THERE is only ONE , there iare

no two.


JUST AS : When any part of the body is hurt, the other parts,

without any summoning automatically come in action to help the hurt

part. No request is necessary. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi forms a

“unity†with the world and all the bodies of the world. He

automatically, without any pride, naturally, serves the hurt.


JUST AS : When you wash your face by hands, there is no pride

generated in hands. Hands never give signals- Look how great we are!

They never ask special favour for themselves ! SIMILARLY: A karma

yogi never gets proudy and seeks reciprocation for what he does for

the world.


JUST AS : Parts of a female body give pleasure to opposite sex , not

to the female herself. Parts of male body give pleasure to female

body , not to male himself. Milk of mother is not for herself, but

for child. Gestures of child give pleasure to mother, not to child

itself. Everything in body has been designed for others. For body as

a whole. Injection pain is to the skin, but benefit is to whole

body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi knows that whatever he has got , is

for service to " others " not for himself.


JUST AS : If any hurt portion of body heals, there is benefit to

entire body. SIMILARLY: A karma yogi reaches to the world at large,

by his service, bhaav and sentiments. He helps one and all.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

On Anubhuti one sant has given full text. His name is Thirumoolar.

He wrote 3000 verses known as Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram

(Thrirumoolar Sacred text). He lived for 3000 years on hills near

Salam Tamilnadu hills knows as " Shidhar Malai " (Shidhar Hills). To

day his temple stand there with 7 well with water at anytime remains

at 7 ft. Bathing there removes many diseases. I have seen poeople

cured and experienced myself. He was great Shiva Baktha among 63

sant of Shivites. One rich gentle man fron Delhi affected with Blood

cancer with eminent doctors from Appollo, AIMs gave dead line as 6

months life. He stayed in these hills and took medicines of leaves

given by wandering sant. He got cured completely. Doctors was in

Dismay. Indian Express team was sent to Siddhar Hills and report was

published in paper with photos.








Hari Om


In God Realisation - these principles do not give accurate results.

Scriptures are full of describing how so and so person did " tapasya "

for so many centuries or birth times. We don't find much references

of " quick realisation " except in some verses of Gitaji etc. Stress

is on the purification of Antahkarana. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

alone and Lord Krishna in Gita have stated it is easier and quicker

than normally presumed. There are cases like of Prahlad, Dhruva etc

but majority suggest " long drawn " process. Hence if some one applies

principle of SHRUTI in determining truth reg timing required for God

Realisation the answer will be " very very long time "


This answer obviously is not correct.


Yukti principle basically involves mind and intellect. It is clear

from Scriptures and experience that element called God is beyond

mind and intellect . No amount of logic and rationale can help one

in the same. God is a matter of " belief " and not

of " logic/rationale/mind " . Mind will always suggest God Realisation

is difficult, long drawn process.


Answer obviously is not correct.


On " Anubhuti " yardstick again, none of us has any direct experience.

Conscience is God Himself but respect to it is necessary. Alone

voice of conscience , even if you respect it - does not make all

three determine the truth regarding the time required for God

Realisation. Still " anubhuti " gives better results in this area than

Shruti and Yukti- because of conscience.


Main obstacle is Yukti.


This according to me is the sole exception to the divine principles

of Shruti/Yukti/Anubhuti . Though a deliberation in this regard by

fellow followers of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj - like Mira Dasji,

Sarvottamji, Rajendraji, Mike Keenor, even Shashikalaji, Raja

Gurudasaniji, Papruniaji and other die hard believers of many many

Gita verses like 9:31 etc may by arguments in this regard prove this

exception too to be wrong. This time I am on the other side of

table. But I will be very happy to get proved wrong on this count.


Apart from above, in my humble opinion these 3 principles have

universal application in determining truth/duty/ ideal karmas and

helping us all in taking correct decisions in day to day life.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Friends,


I have been reading this correspondence for some time. May I attempt

to respond to this particular query!


In philosophy, there are two levels - Vyavaharik & Parmarthik.

Practical & Spiritual may be some where near the real Hindi/ Sanskrit



At the spiritual level, we are all one, body does not belong to us,

we are atma & not body, etc. This has a particular field or scope.


At practical level, we live in this body, we have to eat, drink &

support this body. At practical level, we have to follow some

restrictions/Samyam etc.


While total celibacy is not meant for Gruhasthas, restricting sex

within the married life /monogamy is necessary for good spiritual



Hope, this answers the query.


For details, Adi Shankaracharya had given illustration of the

difference between practical & spiritual.


If a mad elephant is charging towards you, you have to run & save

yourself. You can't say that under Advaita philosophy, me & elephant

are one & I need not be afraid of the elephant.

If we mix up spiritual understanding in such practical matters,

disasters may be caused.



Rashmin Sanghvi


Even though this question was quite interesting, all the answers

sound very mundane and a bit preachy.


I don't think the Gita is so much about morals but more about

enlightenment through thinking. Unlike other religious documents it

does not talk down to people. It makes them think.


The question that Malika has, cannot be answered so easily. Given

the right circumstances, this would not be wrong. Draupadi was

married to 5 men, Krishna had so many wives including Radha who was

purportedly married.


If Gita was a moralistic document, it wouldn't have much value. It

would become like any other religious document.


The right and wrong of a situation has to be decided by the person.


The mind has to be capable of separating yourself from your own body

and making an objective judgment in a situation, the same that you

would if you were not the person making the decision.


Chetan Temkar


shree Hari

ram ram

Chetanji, it will be helpful, in future to point out speicific

elements that you consider mundane and preachy, as opposed to a

generalized statement. Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


According to Swamiji, at present there are no obstacles, to fulfill

a husband / wife's dharma (which includes monogamy) i.e.

righteousness. Each one is entirely and forever independent in

following righteousness. It is only when actions are done against

the scriptural injunctions, that scriptures, dharma, societal

obligations etc. are an obstacle.


Regarding the issue of abortion, as Vyasji has said, the lesser

spoken the better. Even Swamiji was often strictly instructed not

to speak much on this subject. he said he did not know how to

explain these things, who would listen, who to tell these to? There

is nothing that pained him more than destroying one that is

completely helpless and at your mercy (i.e. abortion) and killing of

cows and other beings. What to do? Who to tell? Yet, it

pained him deeply, the atrocities, that are taking place today, that

did not even take place in the kingdom of Ravana. As already

clearly stated by other sadhaks, Swamiji gave a simple ruling - DO


statement, says it all. Nothing remains to be said after this.


Swamiji said that any action, that becomes an obstacle in the

upliftment, in the betterment, in salvation of another being, is

SINFUL action. Now what to speak of not giving another soul an

opportunity to be born as a human, the rarest form of birth, and the

only form of birth where salvation, benediction, freedom from birth

and death is possible? He has clearly stated to stay away from

such " GHOR PAAP " . This ignorance must be wiped out. And we must

proactively work towards this awareness, as most of these types of

sins are purely from lack of awareness, and the two desires - 1)

sense enjoyments (BHOG) and 2) desire for more - i.e. greed



Hope this helps, thank you for raising this point,


Meera Das

Ram Ram




I am saddened by this query. Let it be clarified that this body is

made of panch tatva---prithvi, jal, agni, akash and vayu and belongs

to Ishwar---who is the lord of prakriti (nature) which consists of

these five tatvas or elements. Correct knowledge of metaphysical

truths should be accompnied by correct code of action which is

dharma. Dharma encompasses morality and duties. I am the soul , not

the body or the mind or the intellect. The body or mind or intellect

are only means or contrivances available to me to perform karma. I

should perform karma which is morally sound or according to

principles of dharma. Bhagwan Manu has prescribed monogamy under

normal circumstances for human beings and that should be followed as

a code of action.


Let incomplete knowledge or semi-truths not take us into the realm

of perversion.


Atul Sehgal



Hari Om


This refers to Q of MM Purohitji.


Shruti ,Yukti and Anubhuti are three golden divine principles to

determine truth, duty and ideal karma for human beings. These

principles have emanated out of Scriptures and are believed to made

by God Himself. They are universal in application and have a single

exception only. That exception is - God Realisation . These 3

principles do not apply on determining the time required for God

Realisation- as Laws made by God naturally do not apply on God

Himself Just As Laws made by a Parliament do not apply on

Parliament itself. ( Else how it can change it ? )


These three principles require you to first enquire about any

question by referring to Scriptures/views derived out of history or

historical facts pertaining to the subject/ views of learned or

elderly persons / views of Saints and Sages - What SHRUTI/ experts/

history says.


Then deliberate regarding the logic and rationale of the proposed

decision. See if that is logical conclusion. Reasons,

appropriateness etc should be established. The decision should not

defy logic. What your mind/intellect says.

That is Yukti.


Then comes your past experience on the subject. If there is no past

experience with you , check with people you believe in etc. Also

check up with your conscience , if it meets with it. What your

heart/ gut feeling/ experience says- Anubhuti..


If all three establish in affirmative- you can fearlessly decide in

favour of proposed decision. That is truthful. That is right and

correct decision.


To be concluded in the next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Priya Sadhaks


This refers to observations of Dr Thomas stating that standards for

human conduct etc should be different for ordinary people and for

non ordinary people. He also observed that monogamy is not supported

by most of the scriptures/religions.


You have desired a more enlightened discussion on the subject.


In order to do that, and before getting deeper into the subject -

Can you elaborate further regarding your views on the subject Dr

Thomas? Can you pin point some religions or some holy texts where

this distinction between ordinary humans and other humans in respect

of such matters of standard conduct has been provided for and has

been recommended ? Can you further let us know as to how and why in

your view monogamy is not supported by most of the scriptures /

religions ? Who qualifies in your view to fall in the category of

ordinary people and other than ordinary people? Why ? Can you

support further this with some reference to some religions and some

holy texts?


M M Purohit






Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh








Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your

mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:

1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain).

One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul (spirit), In this

view, one

sees that one consciousness (soul) in every one (Ek Aatm drishti

jiske anusaar

tume sabh mein ek aatma hee dikhai dega), And the other is seeing

from the

worldly perspective, in this field of sensory perceptions where one


separate entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin

jeev drishti

gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one for

societal living

and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do drishti rakhna,. Ek

Lok vyavhaar

ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah &

samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal behavior with all

cannot &

should not be done (in relationships and customary practices) but


means seeing God in every body must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with

all parts of our body, we discriminate according to their function.

So when we

discriminate with our body parts how can we allow equal behavior

with other



4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this

cant be bound in any particular rule, formula, Does & donts. All

pervading God

is in your heart & will show you right path. He will send divinity

when you are

right & will send condemnation when you go for wrong.

Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Hare Krishna


This is in reference to the topic raised " Body is a temple "


Many sadhaks have termed this body as a temple if the only intention

is to walk on the path of God-Realization and not deriving any

pleasure from it. From the postings I have drawn a conclusion

that " This body is very important for God-Realization " . Below I am

putting my perspective in this regard. If I have misunderstood the

essence of those postings then please forgive me.

(Sir Vyasji's last message was about drawing lessons from this body,

not giving importance to it. So my conclusions are based on previous



If sadhak gives importance to the body for God-Realization then his

sadhan(spiritual practice) will become action-oriented(kriya-

pradhan). He will be more dependent on jap and meditation and other

spiriutual practices rather than Sentiment and Discriminating Faculty

(Bhav & Vivek). This will cause delay and sadhak might also get

frustrated that after doing so much I have not attained anything.


Scriptres has praised the human body, but the praise is not for the

making of this body but the discriminating faculty. With this a human

can distingush sat-asat, duty-nonduty, jad-chetan etc. This vivek is

very important in Bhakti. A truee devotee has faith only in that

thing which will stay with him forever and never leave him. " I am

God's and God is mine " - this is Bhav/Faith. " This world is not mine

and I do not belong to this world " - this is vivek. Worldly man

says " How can one have faith in that thing(God) which cannot be

seen? " But devotee says " Who else is there that I put my faith in

because whatever I see will not stay with me? They are all

preishable. "

Even if a sadhak does not have faith in God then he should retract

his faith from world then he will eventually and automatically turn

towards God. That means a sadhak's faith should be in the light

(prakash) of his vivek.


When the sadhak's body is ill then he won't be able to do hi sadhan

because he has made it dependent on body. But vivek and bhav are

always there.


What I want to say is that a sadhak should give more importance to

his vivek and bhav rather than the body. If anyone wants to consider

this body as a temple then why restrict it to only one body. Look for

God in each and every body. If you are looking for God in only one

body then indeed you are giving it importance.


I did not find any mention of body as a temple in any of Swamiji's

books. If anyone knows about it then please let me know.



Varun P. Paprunia





I would like to take this mind-body thing to analogy of idividual Vs


again this is just an analogy and one can get some POINT OF VIEW.

(After all is there anything like truth? its just point of

views ... :) )


We all agree (assumption) that how i behave individually and hope to

behave in

samaj/society/masses is not the same - when u are not u but just

part of the

masses, your actions and even thoughts have to grow in a limited

sphere else

they are meanigless and u may even be termed a mad fellow!


So i would like to compare Or put forth the analogy that

body == love thee == individual

mind == interaction at social level.


Reason out for truth and u expect to match it with others.

reason out with body and u expect to match with probably one other



well... just jotted down what i thought.


atul kumthekar




Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu to our gifted group.


Confusion in mind is the first step for diffusion.Our intellect

interferes and clarifies the confused.


'Antavantaime dehaa nityasyoktaaha saririnaha' all the bodies

pertaining to the

imperishable eternal soul are spoken of as perishable. This

postulation is when


from the higher dimension of soul.

'Vasaamsijeernaani' shedding worn out garments, one will be with

clarity at this



Norms of monogamy,polygamy are related with individual needs,social


sanctions,and spiritual insight. Mono'kamy' or 'poly'kamy' is

individual choice.

When mono

is not happy, why many?.Nowhere in the world, either monogamy or

polygamy are

compulsory. It is the choice of pleasure and pain.


After telling so much to Arjuna, Krishna asked '

Yadhechhasitadhakuru' choice is


think carefully and do whatever is your free will. Mandodari

questioned Ravana'

why you

go for Sita? What extra is there more over me.


Adi Sankara in Anaatma Sri Vigarhanam 'tatahkim ? tatahkim ? so what

if you can


some more bodies.

Sareeramaadyam khalu dharma saadhanam - remembering this, one can

draw lines on

physical body, lines of joy or worry.




Dear Sadaks,

One has differant types of worms living in stomach. One gets Asthma,

cancer, TB

etc. If

one considers body and he are one, then where these worms, virus,

bactiria are

all living

him or his body. Besides these worms/virus are differant bodies

eleminated by


How does one recognise in deep sleep as who is he or she or animal.

Only when

conscience illuminated by Athuman (soul) on awakening, all thoughts


One saint

by name Annamaiya in Thirupathi sang that in deep sleep you are with



Regarding Sri Vyasji, the parts of body has indipendant roles doing

its own

Karma nothing

to do with SELF. One can survive without legs, hands, eyes, dumb

mouth, deaf

ears or

even without one kidney. Body is only equipment with Athuman in it.



work on electricity which is common for all of them. Athuman is same

for all

living, while

shapes are differant. Shapes serves one to Extinguish Karmas.

Human body is worst of all bodies when it is doing all the acts of


Human body is

rare chance, as it can serve to realization. Human body, mind &

intellect are

blessed with

freedom. This freedom misused one goes back to lower births, if

freedom is


introgation takes place. The body which is filth becomes Amirth and

becomes so


to even control Panch Boothas when it is temple. Introgation leads to


to Bakthi to


Sri Vyas has described body elaborately taking so much time dealing

with body


The same Vyasji tought me to not to waste time, but to say Nama

Shivaya facing







Some messages related to this posting were lost today due to power

failure. Sorry! From Gita Talk Moderator. Ram Ram


Hari Om


This human body has been described in scriptures in contrasting

manner. In Ramayana on one hand it has been described as " adham

sarira " ( worst of all other bodies), on other hand it has also been

described as " badi hi durlabh maanush dehi, det eesh binu hetu

sanehu " ( Human body is VERY VERY rare, given without any selfless

motive by God out of affection). The question of Mallika also

requires us to comment reg line of demarcation. Answer is " if you

consider this body to be mine , for me and me, then it is worst of

your enemies. There cant be a dirtier thing than this. But if you

don't consider it to be mine/me/for me " then it is a temple, a gift

of God to you. I will present to Dear Sadhaks both sides of the

coin. First let us take why it is a temple. It is indeed a temple,

because, in its functioning all principles of Karma Yoga, Jnana

Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Equanimity are visible clearly. But you can

understand them and make use of them, only when you don't consider

this body to be me/mine/for me. Consider the following:



JUST AS : Parts of the body are indivisible with the body as a

whole. They are not separate from the body. SIMILARLY: For a Karma

Yogi all bodies in the world, including, of course his own body, are

part of one SINGLE body. He considers all as part of one indivisible

world and then behaves as parts of body behave with each other!


JUST AS : Parts of your body never distinguish between a good and

bad act. For example, your hands never show a preference to plucking

of flowers as against washing the dirty parts of body. There is

no " ME " or " MINE " in the body parts. There is no ego. Each part

helps the other so that there is no imbalance. Each part is for the

entire body. That is how body survives. If parts of body start

distinguishing and start comparing " right " and " duties " then what

will happen- except disintegration, disease and death ? They are

always " Dutiful " to the body as a whole. No rights. SIMILARLY: When

you get selfish ( me/mine) , you in fact create an imbalance in the

world. Like your body if you stop distinguishing/ correlating rights

and duties , the world will become better and healthy. In karma

yoga, the sadhak renounces his " rights " and does his duty. There is

no good act or bad act for a sadhak. Everything is duty. Just as it

is for different parts of body.


JUST AS : Inspite of the parts of your body being separate from each

other but in essence they are one. If any part is hurt, you consider

the body has been hurt. SIMILARLY: All bodies/creatures in this

world are in essence ONE only. A Karma Yogi does not distinguish

between two bodies. For all he has one motto- SERVE, SERVE, and

SERVE- selflessly, without expecting anything in return.


JUST AS : There are different parts in your body . Head, nose, ears,

toungue, hands, legs, eyes etc. While our " affection " with each part

is SAME but our " conduct " with each part is different. For example,

if we touch any other person by legs, we beg his pardon but not when

we touch him by hands. We salute other by head or hands and not by

legs. When a hand touches say face , we donot wash it, but if it

touches anus , we wash it. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi, deals with

different people/bodies/ creatures in different manner but

his " Affection " with all is SAME.


JUST AS : Sometimes your teeth cut/chew your tongue while eating.

Then there is excruciating pain . But you never get angry with

teeth. You never think in terms of punishing them. Why? Because both

are part of the same body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi never considers

any one to be bad, because he knows that both good and bad are part

of one world only, and he has to serve the world- as a sadhak.


JUST AS : Difference between eye and leg is immense-

size/nature/character/function/positioning etc wise. Eye is a sense

organ. Leg is an organ of action. Still if a thorn enters the leg,

there are tears in your eyes. If any dust particle enters your eyes,

there is trembling in your legs ! SIMILARLY: We cant separate our

own body with the other bodies of this world. Either we should

ignore both or we should consider both as one. A Karma Yogi deals

with both in a similar manner. That is honesty. A Jnana Yogi,

ignores the both. For a Bhakti Yogi- THERE is only ONE , there iare

no two.


JUST AS : When any part of the body is hurt, the other parts,

without any summoning automatically come in action to help the hurt

part. No request is necessary. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi forms a

“unity†with the world and all the bodies of the world. He

automatically, without any pride, naturally, serves the hurt.


JUST AS : When you wash your face by hands, there is no pride

generated in hands. Hands never give signals- Look how great we are!

They never ask special favour for themselves ! SIMILARLY: A karma

yogi never gets proudy and seeks reciprocation for what he does for

the world.


JUST AS : Parts of a female body give pleasure to opposite sex , not

to the female herself. Parts of male body give pleasure to female

body , not to male himself. Milk of mother is not for herself, but

for child. Gestures of child give pleasure to mother, not to child

itself. Everything in body has been designed for others. For body as

a whole. Injection pain is to the skin, but benefit is to whole

body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi knows that whatever he has got , is

for service to " others " not for himself.


JUST AS : If any hurt portion of body heals, there is benefit to

entire body. SIMILARLY: A karma yogi reaches to the world at large,

by his service, bhaav and sentiments. He helps one and all.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

On Anubhuti one sant has given full text. His name is Thirumoolar.

He wrote 3000 verses known as Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram

(Thrirumoolar Sacred text). He lived for 3000 years on hills near

Salam Tamilnadu hills knows as " Shidhar Malai " (Shidhar Hills). To

day his temple stand there with 7 well with water at anytime remains

at 7 ft. Bathing there removes many diseases. I have seen poeople

cured and experienced myself. He was great Shiva Baktha among 63

sant of Shivites. One rich gentle man fron Delhi affected with Blood

cancer with eminent doctors from Appollo, AIMs gave dead line as 6

months life. He stayed in these hills and took medicines of leaves

given by wandering sant. He got cured completely. Doctors was in

Dismay. Indian Express team was sent to Siddhar Hills and report was

published in paper with photos.








Hari Om


In God Realisation - these principles do not give accurate results.

Scriptures are full of describing how so and so person did " tapasya "

for so many centuries or birth times. We don't find much references

of " quick realisation " except in some verses of Gitaji etc. Stress

is on the purification of Antahkarana. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

alone and Lord Krishna in Gita have stated it is easier and quicker

than normally presumed. There are cases like of Prahlad, Dhruva etc

but majority suggest " long drawn " process. Hence if some one applies

principle of SHRUTI in determining truth reg timing required for God

Realisation the answer will be " very very long time "


This answer obviously is not correct.


Yukti principle basically involves mind and intellect. It is clear

from Scriptures and experience that element called God is beyond

mind and intellect . No amount of logic and rationale can help one

in the same. God is a matter of " belief " and not

of " logic/rationale/mind " . Mind will always suggest God Realisation

is difficult, long drawn process.


Answer obviously is not correct.


On " Anubhuti " yardstick again, none of us has any direct experience.

Conscience is God Himself but respect to it is necessary. Alone

voice of conscience , even if you respect it - does not make all

three determine the truth regarding the time required for God

Realisation. Still " anubhuti " gives better results in this area than

Shruti and Yukti- because of conscience.


Main obstacle is Yukti.


This according to me is the sole exception to the divine principles

of Shruti/Yukti/Anubhuti . Though a deliberation in this regard by

fellow followers of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj - like Mira Dasji,

Sarvottamji, Rajendraji, Mike Keenor, even Shashikalaji, Raja

Gurudasaniji, Papruniaji and other die hard believers of many many

Gita verses like 9:31 etc may by arguments in this regard prove this

exception too to be wrong. This time I am on the other side of

table. But I will be very happy to get proved wrong on this count.


Apart from above, in my humble opinion these 3 principles have

universal application in determining truth/duty/ ideal karmas and

helping us all in taking correct decisions in day to day life.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Friends,


I have been reading this correspondence for some time. May I attempt

to respond to this particular query!


In philosophy, there are two levels - Vyavaharik & Parmarthik.

Practical & Spiritual may be some where near the real Hindi/ Sanskrit



At the spiritual level, we are all one, body does not belong to us,

we are atma & not body, etc. This has a particular field or scope.


At practical level, we live in this body, we have to eat, drink &

support this body. At practical level, we have to follow some

restrictions/Samyam etc.


While total celibacy is not meant for Gruhasthas, restricting sex

within the married life /monogamy is necessary for good spiritual



Hope, this answers the query.


For details, Adi Shankaracharya had given illustration of the

difference between practical & spiritual.


If a mad elephant is charging towards you, you have to run & save

yourself. You can't say that under Advaita philosophy, me & elephant

are one & I need not be afraid of the elephant.

If we mix up spiritual understanding in such practical matters,

disasters may be caused.



Rashmin Sanghvi


Even though this question was quite interesting, all the answers

sound very mundane and a bit preachy.


I don't think the Gita is so much about morals but more about

enlightenment through thinking. Unlike other religious documents it

does not talk down to people. It makes them think.


The question that Malika has, cannot be answered so easily. Given

the right circumstances, this would not be wrong. Draupadi was

married to 5 men, Krishna had so many wives including Radha who was

purportedly married.


If Gita was a moralistic document, it wouldn't have much value. It

would become like any other religious document.


The right and wrong of a situation has to be decided by the person.


The mind has to be capable of separating yourself from your own body

and making an objective judgment in a situation, the same that you

would if you were not the person making the decision.


Chetan Temkar


shree Hari

ram ram

Chetanji, it will be helpful, in future to point out speicific

elements that you consider mundane and preachy, as opposed to a

generalized statement. Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


According to Swamiji, at present there are no obstacles, to fulfill

a husband / wife's dharma (which includes monogamy) i.e.

righteousness. Each one is entirely and forever independent in

following righteousness. It is only when actions are done against

the scriptural injunctions, that scriptures, dharma, societal

obligations etc. are an obstacle.


Regarding the issue of abortion, as Vyasji has said, the lesser

spoken the better. Even Swamiji was often strictly instructed not

to speak much on this subject. he said he did not know how to

explain these things, who would listen, who to tell these to? There

is nothing that pained him more than destroying one that is

completely helpless and at your mercy (i.e. abortion) and killing of

cows and other beings. What to do? Who to tell? Yet, it

pained him deeply, the atrocities, that are taking place today, that

did not even take place in the kingdom of Ravana. As already

clearly stated by other sadhaks, Swamiji gave a simple ruling - DO


statement, says it all. Nothing remains to be said after this.


Swamiji said that any action, that becomes an obstacle in the

upliftment, in the betterment, in salvation of another being, is

SINFUL action. Now what to speak of not giving another soul an

opportunity to be born as a human, the rarest form of birth, and the

only form of birth where salvation, benediction, freedom from birth

and death is possible? He has clearly stated to stay away from

such " GHOR PAAP " . This ignorance must be wiped out. And we must

proactively work towards this awareness, as most of these types of

sins are purely from lack of awareness, and the two desires - 1)

sense enjoyments (BHOG) and 2) desire for more - i.e. greed



Hope this helps, thank you for raising this point,


Meera Das

Ram Ram




I am saddened by this query. Let it be clarified that this body is

made of panch tatva---prithvi, jal, agni, akash and vayu and belongs

to Ishwar---who is the lord of prakriti (nature) which consists of

these five tatvas or elements. Correct knowledge of metaphysical

truths should be accompnied by correct code of action which is

dharma. Dharma encompasses morality and duties. I am the soul , not

the body or the mind or the intellect. The body or mind or intellect

are only means or contrivances available to me to perform karma. I

should perform karma which is morally sound or according to

principles of dharma. Bhagwan Manu has prescribed monogamy under

normal circumstances for human beings and that should be followed as

a code of action.


Let incomplete knowledge or semi-truths not take us into the realm

of perversion.


Atul Sehgal



Hari Om


This refers to Q of MM Purohitji.


Shruti ,Yukti and Anubhuti are three golden divine principles to

determine truth, duty and ideal karma for human beings. These

principles have emanated out of Scriptures and are believed to made

by God Himself. They are universal in application and have a single

exception only. That exception is - God Realisation . These 3

principles do not apply on determining the time required for God

Realisation- as Laws made by God naturally do not apply on God

Himself Just As Laws made by a Parliament do not apply on

Parliament itself. ( Else how it can change it ? )


These three principles require you to first enquire about any

question by referring to Scriptures/views derived out of history or

historical facts pertaining to the subject/ views of learned or

elderly persons / views of Saints and Sages - What SHRUTI/ experts/

history says.


Then deliberate regarding the logic and rationale of the proposed

decision. See if that is logical conclusion. Reasons,

appropriateness etc should be established. The decision should not

defy logic. What your mind/intellect says.

That is Yukti.


Then comes your past experience on the subject. If there is no past

experience with you , check with people you believe in etc. Also

check up with your conscience , if it meets with it. What your

heart/ gut feeling/ experience says- Anubhuti..


If all three establish in affirmative- you can fearlessly decide in

favour of proposed decision. That is truthful. That is right and

correct decision.


To be concluded in the next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Priya Sadhaks


This refers to observations of Dr Thomas stating that standards for

human conduct etc should be different for ordinary people and for

non ordinary people. He also observed that monogamy is not supported

by most of the scriptures/religions.


You have desired a more enlightened discussion on the subject.


In order to do that, and before getting deeper into the subject -

Can you elaborate further regarding your views on the subject Dr

Thomas? Can you pin point some religions or some holy texts where

this distinction between ordinary humans and other humans in respect

of such matters of standard conduct has been provided for and has

been recommended ? Can you further let us know as to how and why in

your view monogamy is not supported by most of the scriptures /

religions ? Who qualifies in your view to fall in the category of

ordinary people and other than ordinary people? Why ? Can you

support further this with some reference to some religions and some

holy texts?


M M Purohit






Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh








Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your

mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:

1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain).

One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul (spirit), In this

view, one

sees that one consciousness (soul) in every one (Ek Aatm drishti

jiske anusaar

tume sabh mein ek aatma hee dikhai dega), And the other is seeing

from the

worldly perspective, in this field of sensory perceptions where one


separate entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin

jeev drishti

gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one for

societal living

and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do drishti rakhna,. Ek

Lok vyavhaar

ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah &

samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal behavior with all

cannot &

should not be done (in relationships and customary practices) but


means seeing God in every body must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with

all parts of our body, we discriminate according to their function.

So when we

discriminate with our body parts how can we allow equal behavior

with other



4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this

cant be bound in any particular rule, formula, Does & donts. All

pervading God

is in your heart & will show you right path. He will send divinity

when you are

right & will send condemnation when you go for wrong.

Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Hari Om


The other side of the coin is equally interesting for sadhaks. When you attach


to body , when you consider it to be " me and mine " , then this body shows its

true colors

to you. In that case it becomes very powerful and you become literally its

slave. All the

ingredients of " world " then start reflecting powerfully before you. This body

gives bad

odour to Devatas. (Demi Gods). It then becomes a liability for you and it

becomes an

unending source of worries, anxieties, fears, apprehensions for you.


quite often. At the time of death, there is unbearable pain. Once you believe it

is mine,

then all hell breaks loose for you. I have yet to come across a more

ingratitude element

than this body, if you consider it to be mine. It then invariably cheats you.

Consider the



JUST AS : Your body is selfish and ingrateful. However carefully you may keep

it, it still

behaves in its own way. Ladies take so much care in cutting vegetables, but if

on some day

the knife hits fingers, this body instantly starts bleeding. This body does not

take into

account the fact that in the past , the lady had taken so much of care to keep

finger ok !! It

gets sick without your desire. It dies too, any time, anywhere, in any situation


circumstance. No notice period also served before death/disease ! Too Much-

isn't it Dear

Sadhaks ? . Simply goes- leaving your self aghast with unfulfilled desires. Dies

! ! What was

the error of self? Self loved the body- that's all. See in comparison the

conduct of Body

and love of that body by us ! How dearly we love it ? SIMILARLY : This world is

full of

selfishness and ingratitude. You do so much of good or bad efforts to accumulate


health, wealth, fame, rights, power and when they leave you, how ruthlessly they


you. The money does not feel any shame that here is the “self†who did every

compromise to accumulate me, how can money be that ingrate. No notice period.


leaves you !!




Just AS : Your body tends to make you as its slave. More

love/affection/enjoyment you give

to it, more lazy, flabby, demanding and painful it becomes for you. In the

computer called

BODY, there is a VIRUS called HABITS , which virus activates fully, when you


considers this body to be Me and mine. This virus makes all your body parts â

€œaddicted†. You get enslavened automatically and WITHOUT FAIL when you


this body to be ME and MINE. Then Likings and dislikings of your tongue, mind,


intellect,, lower portions of body, ego, skin ets †" they become your likings


dislikings. You start feeling death , inspite of being immortal , because of

mineness with

this body. You start feeling that you are sick while in fact your body is

sick. THIS IS


SIMILARLY : This world tends to make you slave if you consider worldly people


possessions to be me/mine. If you are a " big man " due to


etc, then who is more powerful ? You or your money/wealth etc? Who has become

slave ?

The Master (self) has become slave ! Isnt it? These “ Lakhpatis/ crorepatis

are in fact

lakhdasses / croredasses ! This is called BONDAGE !!


JUST AS : You try to give best food to your body ( Afterall it is YOUR body ) .

Input may be-

kheer, halwa, sweets, juices, best cookies, best fruits, Holy Ganges†water,

tulsi leaves,

Prasad of Tirupati temple, BUT THE OUTPUT IS WHAT ?............ urine and stool

! What else

is the output ? Your body is the factory which produces garbage only. Whatever

be the the

input the output is always urine, stool, cough, mucus, tears, saliva, odour,

spit, dandruff,

vomit, hairs, nails, warts, moles ! Then there is some deposit which gets

accumulated in

your ears. Then there is something which gets deposited under your finger nails.

There are

gases and smells which come out of your body holes ! Then there is something

which the

body of every young fertile female releases every month. All garbage, none to be

proud of.

Inside also there are bones, flesh and blood. THANK GOD FOR MAKING DEATH OF THIS

BODY A CERTAINTY. SIMILARLY: Whenever you consider “world to be me/mine†and

whenever you DO something for yourself …… output is all garbage ! Tension,


frustration, anxieties, fears, apprehensions, turbulences, inner storms, hatred,


insecurity, deficiencies, agitations, dissatisfaction, disease …..treachery,


frauds, scams, bombs, terrorism, death these are the outputs ! Isnt it Dear

Sadhaks ? What

else can come out od DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATHAM ? World produces garbage ONLY.





JUST AS : Your body keeps giving you signals †" I AM NOT YOURS , I AM NOT YOURS


The body is SAMPLE of this world given to you by your Genius Father- God- . It

is a

computer toy. The fact that this body is not yours is fed permanently in the

hard disc of

this computer. You may be stupid/ignorant- but this computer is never stupid or

ignorant. It is part of nature/world, it is born in the world, remains

positioned always in

the world and disintegrates in the world only. You like a fool keep believing "

Mind is

beautiful instrument, body is beautiful, body is mine, Don't you know who I am

/, my

mind, my wisdom, my intelligence, my body ! When your body said so/conducted

so/behaved so ? You, your SELF are supposed to deal with/view the SAMPLE as


only. You are demanding more and more of sample- without unravelling the

characteristics of whatever is available to you. More money, more fame, more

weath, more

health, more youth, . You have forgotten to DISCRIMINATE ! You have forgotten to


understand and unravel the mysteries of this wonderful toy given to you by your


father. When shall we stop playing and go into the loving arms of our father ?

You cry if

something wrong happens to the toy. By yourself you have created BONDAGE for


Your CONNECTION with body is responsible for this Bondage. World is not bad¦.

You are


YOU/YOURS/FOR YOU. The moment you do so, you will be on the path of " FREEDOM


BONDAGE " ! Be LIBERATED. BE JEEVAN MUKTA. Realise your SELF. Realise God. Realise


eternal connection with God and eternal disconnection with this Body.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B.


Dear Malika S.


May I , please give my humble simple views to you, which are as under:

Body not mine as I understand means it is given by God to you, who created you

in the

first place as per your karmas. We have not personally created our physical or

atmic body,

it is loaned to you as a house to use it solely for purpose of realising God

within in this life

span and not merely for wordly pursuits.


Regarding second half I am not doer- If you accept that you are doer then in


sense accept good or bad karmas as destined. If you feel and are sure that you

are merely

performing action as instrument of God, thern there is no sense of doership


attached as a result neither the fruits or karmas of those actions affect you,

neither good

or bad.Here it is meant in spiritual sense about actions performed by us not

others. There

is no connection to physical aspect. Obviously this body (outer covering has to


preserved and cherished as we have been given this sacred duty by God and


hgithest level of morality, obvsiously it would not be correct to think in

wordly sense that

is body is not mine, as it would be a grave error on our part, as obviously God

does not

want women to be treated in the way mentioned.by you. Women are mothers and

daughters and should never be seen in such light. Even if some looks in ways

other than

correct, pray to Lord Krushna for Suraksha kavaj and pray that Lord Krushna's


chakra destroys the evil energy in the opposite person


Gratitude at the holy charan of Gurudev


Shirin C.


Hari Om


Papruniaji has indeed given good and thought provoking inputs on the subject.To

be fair

and honest- I also carried same thoughts for a long time.


Please note ultimately everything is God ( BG 7:19). Here equating body with

temple was to

discriminate ( function of viveka only) reg use of body and allowing access to

it by others

under the pretext that " it is not mine. " - refer basis question. Question was as

to why not

allow this body and mind to be used by any lover of this body and mind- if this

is " not

ours " ?


Swamiji also never disrespected body. How else He could have lived for 103 years

? How

else His mind and sense organs and voice would have that sharp/powerful at 100+

? He

also advocated proper care for body, exercise etc. In Gita -saucham ( purity of


austerities relating to body, mind , speech, purification of antahkarana, etc

are glorified.


Yes ! It is not yours. Definitely . But this body has capacity to become

" chinmay " ( sentient,

divine) . Mira Baai's body became " chinmay " . She went to Krishna's regime along

with her

human body ! Here the question was absolutely different. Irrespective of the


When God is there in stone, pillars , can He not be there in this human body?


" Sadsachahamarjuna " ( I am sentient and inert -real and unreal-Sat and Asat

both- BG

9:19 )


There is nothing wrong in getting engrossed in Naam Japa and meditation. Once

you use

your viveka and don't consider body to be yours- your body becomes the most

pure. Both

Swamiji and Goswami Tulsidasji have stated that real impurity lies in " mineness


body " .


Naam Japa and meditation help you immensely in all the cases. If you have NOT

established exclusive mineness with God , then these are great saatwik karmas-

undoubtedly. If you have established mineness with Paramatma ( Mere to Girdhar


Doosaro na koi) then Naam Japa and meditation lead you to God Realisation. Hence


profit, no loss !


Presence of Viveka ( Conscience ) indeed makes this otherwise worst of all

bodies- human

body a temple. You get entitled for use of viveka only in human birth. Hence

human body

is the seed of viveka (in one limited way- for argument in favour ).


Papruniaji - the ultimate goal for us has to be " Vasudevah Sarvam " (BG 7:19).


Hope this clarifies.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Dear Malika S. - Sadhak jee !! Jai Shree Krishna !!

With your question I think, you have created a great discussion with

our Friend Sadhaks. I shall tell you what I believe in.

Of course there are different interpretations of our great Hinduism -

unfortunately like in some other religions there are also wrong


Your BODY is only yours and your Great God has given it to you. You

are the only doer for your Body. You are responsible for every right and

wrong deed - with this Body of yours. Your body is the temple in which

your God resides. It is something very holy. You have to keep it properly

because the Manushya Jeevan (body) is something unique and you have

to honour this GIFT OF GOD to you. Your Atma lives in it and your mind

lives in it and every one gets only one body in one lifetime. Think it over -

there is no construction that is more complicated than a human body.

It also functions in such a perfect manner. Thanks to our GOD.

Now we talk about the second part of your question.

You are answerable to yourself for all your deeds - all your life.

In your life you will always have people who fancy the coat=2 0

you are wearing - the shoes - the dress etc. and would like

you to lend it to them for some time. Some persons you would

not even allow to touch your things, at the same time there may

be some others, who you would gladly lend. Your body is coupled

through billions of cells to your Mind and your Soul. It is your

Temple. In your place, I would allow only, some one very

special to me, to touch my body, which is much more

valuable to me than some dress etc..

It has been thoroughly researched and accepted by nearly all that

our Gods - Who have created us all wished us to live as Monogams.

If there is some one who chooses to live in a different way, then it is

his or her decision and is answerable for his or her deeds. The entire

world would come to a stand still, if polygamy was legalised in our

todays societal norms. Examples given here, out of our Holy Books by

some of the Sadhaks (one wife and many husbands etc.) have been

unfortunately misunderstood and wrongly quoted. With due respect.


Om Sen Datta





Hare Krishna


This is in reference to the topic raised " Body is a temple "


Many sadhaks have termed this body as a temple if the only intention

is to walk on the path of God-Realization and not deriving any

pleasure from it. From the postings I have drawn a conclusion

that " This body is very important for God-Realization " . Below I am

putting my perspective in this regard. If I have misunderstood the

essence of those postings then please forgive me.

(Sir Vyasji's last message was about drawing lessons from this body,

not giving importance to it. So my conclusions are based on previous



If sadhak gives importance to the body for God-Realization then his

sadhan(spiritual practice) will become action-oriented(kriya-

pradhan). He will be more dependent on jap and meditation and other

spiriutual practices rather than Sentiment and Discriminating Faculty

(Bhav & Vivek). This will cause delay and sadhak might also get

frustrated that after doing so much I have not attained anything.


Scriptres has praised the human body, but the praise is not for the

making of this body but the discriminating faculty. With this a human

can distingush sat-asat, duty-nonduty, jad-chetan etc. This vivek is

very important in Bhakti. A truee devotee has faith only in that

thing which will stay with him forever and never leave him. " I am

God's and God is mine " - this is Bhav/Faith. " This world is not mine

and I do not belong to this world " - this is vivek. Worldly man

says " How can one have faith in that thing(God) which cannot be

seen? " But devotee says " Who else is there that I put my faith in

because whatever I see will not stay with me? They are all

preishable. "

Even if a sadhak does not have faith in God then he should retract

his faith from world then he will eventually and automatically turn

towards God. That means a sadhak's faith should be in the light

(prakash) of his vivek.


When the sadhak's body is ill then he won't be able to do hi sadhan

because he has made it dependent on body. But vivek and bhav are

always there.


What I want to say is that a sadhak should give more importance to

his vivek and bhav rather than the body. If anyone wants to consider

this body as a temple then why restrict it to only one body. Look for

God in each and every body. If you are looking for God in only one

body then indeed you are giving it importance.


I did not find any mention of body as a temple in any of Swamiji's

books. If anyone knows about it then please let me know.



Varun P. Paprunia





I would like to take this mind-body thing to analogy of idividual Vs


again this is just an analogy and one can get some POINT OF VIEW.

(After all is there anything like truth? its just point of

views ... :) )


We all agree (assumption) that how i behave individually and hope to

behave in

samaj/society/masses is not the same - when u are not u but just

part of the

masses, your actions and even thoughts have to grow in a limited

sphere else

they are meanigless and u may even be termed a mad fellow!


So i would like to compare Or put forth the analogy that

body == love thee == individual

mind == interaction at social level.


Reason out for truth and u expect to match it with others.

reason out with body and u expect to match with probably one other



well... just jotted down what i thought.


atul kumthekar




Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu to our gifted group.


Confusion in mind is the first step for diffusion.Our intellect

interferes and clarifies the confused.


'Antavantaime dehaa nityasyoktaaha saririnaha' all the bodies

pertaining to the

imperishable eternal soul are spoken of as perishable. This

postulation is when


from the higher dimension of soul.

'Vasaamsijeernaani' shedding worn out garments, one will be with

clarity at this



Norms of monogamy,polygamy are related with individual needs,social


sanctions,and spiritual insight. Mono'kamy' or 'poly'kamy' is

individual choice.

When mono

is not happy, why many?.Nowhere in the world, either monogamy or

polygamy are

compulsory. It is the choice of pleasure and pain.


After telling so much to Arjuna, Krishna asked '

Yadhechhasitadhakuru' choice is


think carefully and do whatever is your free will. Mandodari

questioned Ravana'

why you

go for Sita? What extra is there more over me.


Adi Sankara in Anaatma Sri Vigarhanam 'tatahkim ? tatahkim ? so what

if you can


some more bodies.

Sareeramaadyam khalu dharma saadhanam - remembering this, one can

draw lines on

physical body, lines of joy or worry.




Dear Sadaks,

One has differant types of worms living in stomach. One gets Asthma,

cancer, TB

etc. If

one considers body and he are one, then where these worms, virus,

bactiria are

all living

him or his body. Besides these worms/virus are differant bodies

eleminated by


How does one recognise in deep sleep as who is he or she or animal.

Only when

conscience illuminated by Athuman (soul) on awakening, all thoughts


One saint

by name Annamaiya in Thirupathi sang that in deep sleep you are with



Regarding Sri Vyasji, the parts of body has indipendant roles doing

its own

Karma nothing

to do with SELF. One can survive without legs, hands, eyes, dumb

mouth, deaf

ears or

even without one kidney. Body is only equipment with Athuman in it.



work on electricity which is common for all of them. Athuman is same

for all

living, while

shapes are differant. Shapes serves one to Extinguish Karmas.

Human body is worst of all bodies when it is doing all the acts of


Human body is

rare chance, as it can serve to realization. Human body, mind &

intellect are

blessed with

freedom. This freedom misused one goes back to lower births, if

freedom is


introgation takes place. The body which is filth becomes Amirth and

becomes so


to even control Panch Boothas when it is temple. Introgation leads to


to Bakthi to


Sri Vyas has described body elaborately taking so much time dealing

with body


The same Vyasji tought me to not to waste time, but to say Nama

Shivaya facing







Some messages related to this posting were lost today due to power

failure. Sorry! From Gita Talk Moderator. Ram Ram


Hari Om


This human body has been described in scriptures in contrasting

manner. In Ramayana on one hand it has been described as " adham

sarira " ( worst of all other bodies), on other hand it has also been

described as " badi hi durlabh maanush dehi, det eesh binu hetu

sanehu " ( Human body is VERY VERY rare, given without any selfless

motive by God out of affection). The question of Mallika also

requires us to comment reg line of demarcation. Answer is " if you

consider this body to be mine , for me and me, then it is worst of

your enemies. There cant be a dirtier thing than this. But if you

don't consider it to be mine/me/for me " then it is a temple, a gift

of God to you. I will present to Dear Sadhaks both sides of the

coin. First let us take why it is a temple. It is indeed a temple,

because, in its functioning all principles of Karma Yoga, Jnana

Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Equanimity are visible clearly. But you can

understand them and make use of them, only when you don't consider

this body to be me/mine/for me. Consider the following:



JUST AS : Parts of the body are indivisible with the body as a

whole. They are not separate from the body. SIMILARLY: For a Karma

Yogi all bodies in the world, including, of course his own body, are

part of one SINGLE body. He considers all as part of one indivisible

world and then behaves as parts of body behave with each other!


JUST AS : Parts of your body never distinguish between a good and

bad act. For example, your hands never show a preference to plucking

of flowers as against washing the dirty parts of body. There is

no " ME " or " MINE " in the body parts. There is no ego. Each part

helps the other so that there is no imbalance. Each part is for the

entire body. That is how body survives. If parts of body start

distinguishing and start comparing " right " and " duties " then what

will happen- except disintegration, disease and death ? They are

always " Dutiful " to the body as a whole. No rights. SIMILARLY: When

you get selfish ( me/mine) , you in fact create an imbalance in the

world. Like your body if you stop distinguishing/ correlating rights

and duties , the world will become better and healthy. In karma

yoga, the sadhak renounces his " rights " and does his duty. There is

no good act or bad act for a sadhak. Everything is duty. Just as it

is for different parts of body.


JUST AS : Inspite of the parts of your body being separate from each

other but in essence they are one. If any part is hurt, you consider

the body has been hurt. SIMILARLY: All bodies/creatures in this

world are in essence ONE only. A Karma Yogi does not distinguish

between two bodies. For all he has one motto- SERVE, SERVE, and

SERVE- selflessly, without expecting anything in return.


JUST AS : There are different parts in your body . Head, nose, ears,

toungue, hands, legs, eyes etc. While our " affection " with each part

is SAME but our " conduct " with each part is different. For example,

if we touch any other person by legs, we beg his pardon but not when

we touch him by hands. We salute other by head or hands and not by

legs. When a hand touches say face , we donot wash it, but if it

touches anus , we wash it. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi, deals with

different people/bodies/ creatures in different manner but

his " Affection " with all is SAME.


JUST AS : Sometimes your teeth cut/chew your tongue while eating.

Then there is excruciating pain . But you never get angry with

teeth. You never think in terms of punishing them. Why? Because both

are part of the same body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi never considers

any one to be bad, because he knows that both good and bad are part

of one world only, and he has to serve the world- as a sadhak.


JUST AS : Difference between eye and leg is immense-

size/nature/character/function/positioning etc wise. Eye is a sense

organ. Leg is an organ of action. Still if a thorn enters the leg,

there are tears in your eyes. If any dust particle enters your eyes,

there is trembling in your legs ! SIMILARLY: We cant separate our

own body with the other bodies of this world. Either we should

ignore both or we should consider both as one. A Karma Yogi deals

with both in a similar manner. That is honesty. A Jnana Yogi,

ignores the both. For a Bhakti Yogi- THERE is only ONE , there iare

no two.


JUST AS : When any part of the body is hurt, the other parts,

without any summoning automatically come in action to help the hurt

part. No request is necessary. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi forms a

“unity†with the world and all the bodies of the world. He

automatically, without any pride, naturally, serves the hurt.


JUST AS : When you wash your face by hands, there is no pride

generated in hands. Hands never give signals- Look how great we are!

They never ask special favour for themselves ! SIMILARLY: A karma

yogi never gets proudy and seeks reciprocation for what he does for

the world.


JUST AS : Parts of a female body give pleasure to opposite sex , not

to the female herself. Parts of male body give pleasure to female

body , not to male himself. Milk of mother is not for herself, but

for child. Gestures of child give pleasure to mother, not to child

itself. Everything in body has been designed for others. For body as

a whole. Injection pain is to the skin, but benefit is to whole

body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi knows that whatever he has got , is

for service to " others " not for himself.


JUST AS : If any hurt portion of body heals, there is benefit to

entire body. SIMILARLY: A karma yogi reaches to the world at large,

by his service, bhaav and sentiments. He helps one and all.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

On Anubhuti one sant has given full text. His name is Thirumoolar.

He wrote 3000 verses known as Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram

(Thrirumoolar Sacred text). He lived for 3000 years on hills near

Salam Tamilnadu hills knows as " Shidhar Malai " (Shidhar Hills). To

day his temple stand there with 7 well with water at anytime remains

at 7 ft. Bathing there removes many diseases. I have seen poeople

cured and experienced myself. He was great Shiva Baktha among 63

sant of Shivites. One rich gentle man fron Delhi affected with Blood

cancer with eminent doctors from Appollo, AIMs gave dead line as 6

months life. He stayed in these hills and took medicines of leaves

given by wandering sant. He got cured completely. Doctors was in

Dismay. Indian Express team was sent to Siddhar Hills and report was

published in paper with photos.








Hari Om


In God Realisation - these principles do not give accurate results.

Scriptures are full of describing how so and so person did " tapasya "

for so many centuries or birth times. We don't find much references

of " quick realisation " except in some verses of Gitaji etc. Stress

is on the purification of Antahkarana. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

alone and Lord Krishna in Gita have stated it is easier and quicker

than normally presumed. There are cases like of Prahlad, Dhruva etc

but majority suggest " long drawn " process. Hence if some one applies

principle of SHRUTI in determining truth reg timing required for God

Realisation the answer will be " very very long time "


This answer obviously is not correct.


Yukti principle basically involves mind and intellect. It is clear

from Scriptures and experience that element called God is beyond

mind and intellect . No amount of logic and rationale can help one

in the same. God is a matter of " belief " and not

of " logic/rationale/mind " . Mind will always suggest God Realisation

is difficult, long drawn process.


Answer obviously is not correct.


On " Anubhuti " yardstick again, none of us has any direct experience.

Conscience is God Himself but respect to it is necessary. Alone

voice of conscience , even if you respect it - does not make all

three determine the truth regarding the time required for God

Realisation. Still " anubhuti " gives better results in this area than

Shruti and Yukti- because of conscience.


Main obstacle is Yukti.


This according to me is the sole exception to the divine principles

of Shruti/Yukti/Anubhuti . Though a deliberation in this regard by

fellow followers of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj - like Mira Dasji,

Sarvottamji, Rajendraji, Mike Keenor, even Shashikalaji, Raja

Gurudasaniji, Papruniaji and other die hard believers of many many

Gita verses like 9:31 etc may by arguments in this regard prove this

exception too to be wrong. This time I am on the other side of

table. But I will be very happy to get proved wrong on this count.


Apart from above, in my humble opinion these 3 principles have

universal application in determining truth/duty/ ideal karmas and

helping us all in taking correct decisions in day to day life.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Friends,


I have been reading this correspondence for some time. May I attempt

to respond to this particular query!


In philosophy, there are two levels - Vyavaharik & Parmarthik.

Practical & Spiritual may be some where near the real Hindi/ Sanskrit



At the spiritual level, we are all one, body does not belong to us,

we are atma & not body, etc. This has a particular field or scope.


At practical level, we live in this body, we have to eat, drink &

support this body. At practical level, we have to follow some

restrictions/Samyam etc.


While total celibacy is not meant for Gruhasthas, restricting sex

within the married life /monogamy is necessary for good spiritual



Hope, this answers the query.


For details, Adi Shankaracharya had given illustration of the

difference between practical & spiritual.


If a mad elephant is charging towards you, you have to run & save

yourself. You can't say that under Advaita philosophy, me & elephant

are one & I need not be afraid of the elephant.

If we mix up spiritual understanding in such practical matters,

disasters may be caused.



Rashmin Sanghvi


Even though this question was quite interesting, all the answers

sound very mundane and a bit preachy.


I don't think the Gita is so much about morals but more about

enlightenment through thinking. Unlike other religious documents it

does not talk down to people. It makes them think.


The question that Malika has, cannot be answered so easily. Given

the right circumstances, this would not be wrong. Draupadi was

married to 5 men, Krishna had so many wives including Radha who was

purportedly married.


If Gita was a moralistic document, it wouldn't have much value. It

would become like any other religious document.


The right and wrong of a situation has to be decided by the person.


The mind has to be capable of separating yourself from your own body

and making an objective judgment in a situation, the same that you

would if you were not the person making the decision.


Chetan Temkar


shree Hari

ram ram

Chetanji, it will be helpful, in future to point out speicific

elements that you consider mundane and preachy, as opposed to a

generalized statement. Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


According to Swamiji, at present there are no obstacles, to fulfill

a husband / wife's dharma (which includes monogamy) i.e.

righteousness. Each one is entirely and forever independent in

following righteousness. It is only when actions are done against

the scriptural injunctions, that scriptures, dharma, societal

obligations etc. are an obstacle.


Regarding the issue of abortion, as Vyasji has said, the lesser

spoken the better. Even Swamiji was often strictly instructed not

to speak much on this subject. he said he did not know how to

explain these things, who would listen, who to tell these to? There

is nothing that pained him more than destroying one that is

completely helpless and at your mercy (i.e. abortion) and killing of

cows and other beings. What to do? Who to tell? Yet, it

pained him deeply, the atrocities, that are taking place today, that

did not even take place in the kingdom of Ravana. As already

clearly stated by other sadhaks, Swamiji gave a simple ruling - DO


statement, says it all. Nothing remains to be said after this.


Swamiji said that any action, that becomes an obstacle in the

upliftment, in the betterment, in salvation of another being, is

SINFUL action. Now what to speak of not giving another soul an

opportunity to be born as a human, the rarest form of birth, and the

only form of birth where salvation, benediction, freedom from birth

and death is possible? He has clearly stated to stay away from

such " GHOR PAAP " . This ignorance must be wiped out. And we must

proactively work towards this awareness, as most of these types of

sins are purely from lack of awareness, and the two desires - 1)

sense enjoyments (BHOG) and 2) desire for more - i.e. greed



Hope this helps, thank you for raising this point,


Meera Das

Ram Ram




I am saddened by this query. Let it be clarified that this body is

made of panch tatva---prithvi, jal, agni, akash and vayu and belongs

to Ishwar---who is the lord of prakriti (nature) which consists of

these five tatvas or elements. Correct knowledge of metaphysical

truths should be accompnied by correct code of action which is

dharma. Dharma encompasses morality and duties. I am the soul , not

the body or the mind or the intellect. The body or mind or intellect

are only means or contrivances available to me to perform karma. I

should perform karma which is morally sound or according to

principles of dharma. Bhagwan Manu has prescribed monogamy under

normal circumstances for human beings and that should be followed as

a code of action.


Let incomplete knowledge or semi-truths not take us into the realm

of perversion.


Atul Sehgal



Hari Om


This refers to Q of MM Purohitji.


Shruti ,Yukti and Anubhuti are three golden divine principles to

determine truth, duty and ideal karma for human beings. These

principles have emanated out of Scriptures and are believed to made

by God Himself. They are universal in application and have a single

exception only. That exception is - God Realisation . These 3

principles do not apply on determining the time required for God

Realisation- as Laws made by God naturally do not apply on God

Himself Just As Laws made by a Parliament do not apply on

Parliament itself. ( Else how it can change it ? )


These three principles require you to first enquire about any

question by referring to Scriptures/views derived out of history or

historical facts pertaining to the subject/ views of learned or

elderly persons / views of Saints and Sages - What SHRUTI/ experts/

history says.


Then deliberate regarding the logic and rationale of the proposed

decision. See if that is logical conclusion. Reasons,

appropriateness etc should be established. The decision should not

defy logic. What your mind/intellect says.

That is Yukti.


Then comes your past experience on the subject. If there is no past

experience with you , check with people you believe in etc. Also

check up with your conscience , if it meets with it. What your

heart/ gut feeling/ experience says- Anubhuti..


If all three establish in affirmative- you can fearlessly decide in

favour of proposed decision. That is truthful. That is right and

correct decision.


To be concluded in the next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Priya Sadhaks


This refers to observations of Dr Thomas stating that standards for

human conduct etc should be different for ordinary people and for

non ordinary people. He also observed that monogamy is not supported

by most of the scriptures/religions.


You have desired a more enlightened discussion on the subject.


In order to do that, and before getting deeper into the subject -

Can you elaborate further regarding your views on the subject Dr

Thomas? Can you pin point some religions or some holy texts where

this distinction between ordinary humans and other humans in respect

of such matters of standard conduct has been provided for and has

been recommended ? Can you further let us know as to how and why in

your view monogamy is not supported by most of the scriptures /

religions ? Who qualifies in your view to fall in the category of

ordinary people and other than ordinary people? Why ? Can you

support further this with some reference to some religions and some

holy texts?


M M Purohit






Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh








Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your

mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:

1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain).

One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul (spirit), In this

view, one

sees that one consciousness (soul) in every one (Ek Aatm drishti

jiske anusaar

tume sabh mein ek aatma hee dikhai dega), And the other is seeing

from the

worldly perspective, in this field of sensory perceptions where one


separate entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin

jeev drishti

gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one for

societal living

and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do drishti rakhna,. Ek

Lok vyavhaar

ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah &

samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal behavior with all

cannot &

should not be done (in relationships and customary practices) but


means seeing God in every body must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with

all parts of our body, we discriminate according to their function.

So when we

discriminate with our body parts how can we allow equal behavior

with other



4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this

cant be bound in any particular rule, formula, Does & donts. All

pervading God

is in your heart & will show you right path. He will send divinity

when you are

right & will send condemnation when you go for wrong.

Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


This body and this mind are not our, the meaning of that is that

they both belong to someone else. If they are someone else's then

why are they with us? They are with us is because, who ever they

belong to, they have made us their trustee. This means that if some

man wants to do something thing to your body or mind in an

unauthorized way, then we must not allow his inappropriate impulses

and gestures to succeed. That is it !


Ram Ram




Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Yeh tana, mana apne nahin hai. Iskaa arth yeh hai ki ye dono kisi

aur ke hai. Kisi aur ke hai toh apne paas kyon hai? Apne paas

isliye hai, ki jiske bhi hai usne hame inkaa Trustee banaayaa hai.

Iskaa arth yeh hai ki yadi koyi purush aapke tana yaa mana per

andhikrt kuch karnaa chaahetaa hai toh hame iski kuceshtaa nishfal

karni chaahiye. Bas.

Ram Ram



-Shree Hari-



Taking up on the more recent points in this satsang, I have pasted

some verses from Gitaji, now dear sadhaks I know this is a light

translation, but I now cross refer to a interlinear translation for

inconsistencies, (can't paste that source as it is in image form,


much trouble),


BG 6:16. Verily Yoga is not possible for him who eats too much, nor

for him who does not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps too much, nor

for him who is (always) awake, Arjuna! 17. Yoga becomes the destroyer

of pain for him who is always moderate in eating and recreation (such

as walking, etc.), who is moderate in exertion in actions, who is

moderate in sleep and wakefulness.


BG 17: 5. Those men who practice terrific austerities not enjoined by

the scriptures, given to hypocrisy and egoism, impelled by the force

of lust and attachment, 6. senseless, torturing all the elements in

the body and me also, who dwells in the body,—know you these to be of

demoniacal resolves.


What I find delightful is the common sense advice, (eternal in its

wisdom ), in B.G. 6: 16-17

And note that in B.G. 17: 5-6 dealing with the negative aspects of

human behavior , Bhagavan places himself within the body.


In my past work, to unravel a problem, I used an old technique,

plugging in values like zero unity and infinity, to highlight a


Looking at B.G. 17: 6 and considering the curse of addiction, people

who are addicted to horrific drugs, no longer function with any

respect for the body entrusted to them. Yes,Vyasji the body is out of

control, it is controlling the person. (The tail now wags the dog).

That person will do whatever it takes to feed that desire for drugs.

That is demonic !

I can't think of a more 'ghastly practice' than this form of

addiction, that's, 'infinity', and notice how ego lust and

attachment, are regarded as the same darkness.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor


Dear Sadak,

My wife (baiya sathyanarayana's wife as identified by my body) asks


If one does not excercise or do yoga the body gets sickness which

you do not want. Then Who are You?



Dear Sadaks,

If some one stamps your feet, you say, " Oh my feet " . Sometimes we

hear, My eye sight is weak, my heart had an attack, my liver not

functioning properly so Dialysis, my skin has rashes Etc and also we

hear, I lost my watch, mobile, my purse, my wealth Etc. So what is

meant by ignorance is, your feet, your purse. Atleast feet is part

of body, but what is purse?

Any organ in the body seems to listen to you only when the destined

Karma is to that effect. The same organ gives adverse effect later.

Sweet once liked becomes poison when diabetic. But another person

even at age of 70 can be seen eating sweet. This is Karma Pala. So

body IS NOT PART OF YOU. You are the pure sprit called Bramasmi

(Part of God)

Now consider a saint: He never suffers though his body gets

sickness. Saint walks over water or fire with his body. Ramana Rishi

was operated to remove a tumour on his leg without any anesthesia in

presence of public. He took no any tablets. HOW?

Man as long as he has all attachments on his body and world, he

suffers. Saint leaves them and realizes the great power within him.




Sadaks do not become body minded and go on writing more about body.

By reading the replies about body in full text about anotomy, I feel

my conscience is dealing more about body rather than Nama Sankeethan

Sadaks, Bagavan Sri Krishna told Bagavath Geetha 5000 years ago. To

day we can hardly count our fingers as how many stricktly followed

BG. So is it right on our part to read and follow BG rather than

discussing such a long statement on body.

Can we have new topic about Bagavan teachings as to how one can be

loved by Bagavan like many bakthas did.



You said:

Input may be- kheer, halwa, sweets, juices, best cookies, best

fruits, Holy Ganges' water, tulsi leaves,

Prasad of Tirupati temple, BUT THE OUTPUT IS WHAT ?............

urine and stool !


The first verse of Ishavasya upanishad states " The creator resides

in all this! " Therefore why the ignominious representation to our

bodies!! There is no shame for what the creator has made.


Every day you probably recite 'om purnamadha, purnam idam purnat

purnam udachyate, purnamasya purnamadaya purnameva vashisyate.'

That is perfect, this is perfect, from the perfect the perfect

arises. What do these prayers mean to you ?


As hindus we celebrate our bodies, we gave the Kamasutra to the

world, the temples of khajuraho we worship the the yoni lingum in

embrace, we celebrate male and female sexuality in our gods

goddesses Yantras. We worship the divine Lolita, Lalita , her

majesty of majesties shri Rajarajeshwari.


I am seriously disappointed in this group,


ravi bakshi





Hari Om


The other side of the coin is equally interesting for sadhaks. When

you attach importance to body , when you consider it to be " me and

mine " , then this body shows its true colors to you. In that case it

becomes very powerful and you become literally its slave. All the

ingredients of " world " then start reflecting powerfully before you.

This body gives bad odour to Devatas. (Demi Gods). It then becomes a

liability for you and it becomes an unending source of worries,

anxieties, fears, apprehensions for you.

Insurmountable- quite often. At the time of death, there is

unbearable pain. Once you believe it is mine, then all hell breaks

loose for you. I have yet to come across a more ingratitude element

than this body, if you consider it to be mine. It then invariably

cheats you. Consider the following:


JUST AS : Your body is selfish and ungrateful. However carefully you

may keep it, it still behaves in its own way. Ladies take so much

care in cutting vegetables, but if on some day the knife slits the

fingers, this body instantly starts bleeding. This body does not

take into account the fact that in the past, the lady had taken so

much of care of the finger ok !! It gets sick without your desire.

It dies too, any time, anywhere, in any situation or circumstance.

No notice period also served before death/disease ! Too Much -

isn't it Dear Sadhaks ? . Simply goes- leaving your self aghast with

unfulfilled desires. Dies ! ! What was the error of self? Self loved

the body- that's all. See in comparison the conduct of Body and love

of that body by us ! How dearly we love it ? SIMILARLY : This world

is full of selfishness and ingratitude. You do so much of good or

bad efforts to accumulate money, health, wealth, fame, rights, power

and when they leave you, how ruthlessly they leave you. The money

does not feel any shame that here is the " self " who did every

compromise to accumulate me, how can money be that ingrate. No

notice period. Simply leaves you !!


Just AS : Your body tends to make you as its slave. More love /

affection / enjoyment you give to it, more lazy, flabby, demanding

and painful it becomes for you. In the computer called BODY, there

is a VIRUS called HABITS , which virus activates fully, when you

firmly considers this body to be Me and mine. This virus makes all

your body parts " addicted " . You get enslavened automatically and

WITHOUT FAIL when you consider this body to be ME and MINE. Then

Likings and dislikings of your tongue, mind, mood, intellect, lower

portions of body, ego, skin ets " they become your likings

and dislikings. You start feeling death, inspite of being immortal,

because of mineness with this body. You start feeling that you are

sick, while in fact, your body is sick. THIS IS CALLED , IN


SIMILARLY : This world tends to make you slave if you consider

worldly people and possessions to be me/mine. If you are a " big man "

due to money/power/wealth/beauty etc, then who is more powerful ?

You or your money/wealth etc? Who has become slave ?

The Master (self) has become slave ! Isnt it? These " Lakhpatis " /

crorepatis are in fact lakhdasses / croredasses ! This is called



JUST AS : You try to give best food to your body ( Afterall it is

YOUR body ).

Input may be- kheer, halwa, sweets, juices, best cookies, best

fruits, Holy Ganges water, tulsi leaves, Prasad of Tirupati temple,

BUT THE OUTPUT IS WHAT ?............ urine and stool ! What else

is the output ? Your body is the factory which produces garbage

only. Whatever be the the input the output is always urine, stool,

cough, mucus, tears, saliva, odour, spit, dandruff, vomit, hairs,

nails, warts, moles ! Then there is some deposit which gets

accumulated in your ears. Then there is something which gets

deposited under your finger nails. There are gases and smells which

come out of your body openings ! Then there is something which the

body of every young fertile female releases every month. All

garbage, none to be proud of.

Inside also there are bones, flesh and blood. THANK GOD FOR MAKING


consider " world to be me/mine " and whenever you DO something for

yourself output is all garbage ! Tension, sorrow, frustration,

anxieties, fears, apprehensions, turbulences, inner storms, hatred,

violence, insecurity, deficiencies, agitations, dissatisfaction,

disease ..treachery, dishonesty, frauds, scams, bombs, terrorism,

death these are the outputs ! Isnt it Dear Sadhaks ? What else can

come out od DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATHAM ? World produces garbage ONLY.



JUST AS : Your body keeps giving you signals " I AM NOT YOURS , I AM


The body is SAMPLE of this world given to you by your Genius Father-

God- . It is a computer toy. The fact that this body is not yours is

fed permanently in the hard disc of this computer. You may be

stupid/ignorant- but this computer is never stupid or ignorant. It

is part of nature/world, it is born in the world, remains positioned

always in the world and disintegrates in the world only. You like a

fool keep believing "

Mind is beautiful instrument, body is beautiful, body is mine, Don't

you know who I am /, my mind, my wisdom, my intelligence, my body !

When your body said so/conducted so/behaved so ? You, your SELF are

supposed to deal with/view the SAMPLE as SAMPLE only. You are

demanding more and more of sample- without unravelling the

characteristics of whatever is available to you. More money, more

fame, more weath, more health, more youth. You have forgotten to

DISCRIMINATE ! You have forgotten to analyse, understand and unravel

the mysteries of this wonderful toy given to you by your loving

father. When shall we stop playing and go into the loving arms of

our father ?

You cry if something wrong happens to the toy. By yourself you have

created BONDAGE for yourself.

Your CONNECTION with body is responsible for this Bondage. World is

not bad¦.

You are stupid. SIMILARLY: Disconnect mentally. STOP BELIVING THAT

THIS BODY IS YOU/YOURS/FOR YOU. The moment you do so, you will be on


Realise your SELF. Realise God. Realise your eternal connection with

God and eternal disconnection with this Body.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B.


Dear Malika S.


May I , please give my humble simple views to you, which are as


Body not mine as I understand means it is given by God to you, who

created you in the first place as per your karmas. We have not

personally created our physical or atmic body, it is loaned to you

as a house to use it solely for purpose of realising God within in

this life span and not merely for wordly pursuits.


Regarding second half I am not doer- If you accept that you are doer

then in worldly sense accept good or bad karmas as destined. If you

feel and are sure that you are merely performing action as

instrument of God, thern there is no sense of doership attitude

attached as a result neither the fruits or karmas of those actions

affect you, neither good or bad.Here it is meant in spiritual sense

about actions performed by us not others. There is no connection to

physical aspect. Obviously this body (outer covering has to be

preserved and cherished as we have been given this sacred duty by

God and preserve highest level of morality, obvsiously it would not

be correct to think in wordly sense that is body is not mine, as it

would be a grave error on our part, as obviously God does not

want women to be treated in the way mentioned.by you. Women are

mothers and daughters and should never be seen in such light. Even

if some looks in ways other than correct, pray to Lord Krushna for

Suraksha kavaj and pray that Lord Krushna's sudarshan chakra

destroys the evil energy in the opposite person


Gratitude at the holy charan of Gurudev


Shirin C.


Hari Om


Papruniaji has indeed given good and thought provoking inputs on the

subject. To be fair and honest- I also carried same thoughts for a

long time.


Please note ultimately everything is God ( BG 7:19). Here equating

body with temple was to discriminate ( function of viveka only) reg

use of body and allowing access to it by others under the pretext

that " it is not mine. " - refer basis question. Question was as to why

not allow this body and mind to be used by any lover of this body

and mind- if this is " not ours " ?


Swamiji also never disrespected body. How else He could have lived

for 103 years ? How else His mind and sense organs and voice would

have that sharp/powerful at 100+ ? He also advocated proper care for

body, exercise etc. In Gita -saucham ( purity of body), austerities

relating to body, mind , speech, purification of antahkarana, etc

are glorified.


Yes ! It is not yours. Definitely . But this body has capacity to

become " chinmay " ( sentient, divine). Mira Baai's body

became " chinmay " . She went to Krishna's regime along with her

human body ! Here the question was absolutely different.

Irrespective of the question- When God is there in stone, pillars ,

can He not be there in this human body?


" Sadsachahamarjuna " ( I am sentient and inert -real and unreal-Sat

and Asat both- BG 9:19 ) There is nothing wrong in getting engrossed

in Naam Japa and meditation. Once you use your viveka and don't

consider body to be yours- your body becomes the most pure. Both

Swamiji and Goswami Tulsidasji have stated that real impurity lies

in " mineness with body " .


Naam Japa and meditation help you immensely in all the cases. If you

have NOT established exclusive mineness with God , then these are

great saatwik karmas- undoubtedly. If you have established mineness

with Paramatma ( Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi) then Naam

Japa and meditation lead you to God Realisation. Hence all profit,

no loss !


Presence of Viveka ( Conscience ) indeed makes this otherwise worst

of all bodies- human body a temple. You get entitled for use of

viveka only in human birth. Hence human body is the seed of viveka

(in one limited way- for argument in favour ).


Papruniaji - the ultimate goal for us has to be " Vasudevah Sarvam "

(BG 7:19).


Hope this clarifies.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Dear Malika S. - Sadhak jee !! Jai Shree Krishna !!

With your question I think, you have created a great discussion with

our Friend Sadhaks. I shall tell you what I believe in.

Of course there are different interpretations of our great Hinduism -

unfortunately like in some other religions there are also wrong


Your BODY is only yours and your Great God has given it to you. You

are the only doer for your Body. You are responsible for every right

and wrong deed - with this Body of yours. Your body is the temple in

which your God resides. It is something very holy. You have to keep

it properly because the Manushya Jeevan (body) is something unique

and you have to honour this GIFT OF GOD to you. Your Atma lives in

it and your mind lives in it and every one gets only one body in one

lifetime. Think it over - there is no construction that is more

complicated than a human body.

It also functions in such a perfect manner. Thanks to our GOD.

Now we talk about the second part of your question.

You are answerable to yourself for all your deeds - all your life.

In your life you will always have people who fancy the coat=2 0

you are wearing - the shoes - the dress etc. and would like

you to lend it to them for some time. Some persons you would

not even allow to touch your things, at the same time there may

be some others, who you would gladly lend. Your body is coupled

through billions of cells to your Mind and your Soul. It is your

Temple. In your place, I would allow only, some one very

special to me, to touch my body, which is much more

valuable to me than some dress etc..

It has been thoroughly researched and accepted by nearly all that

our Gods - Who have created us all wished us to live as Monogams.

If there is some one who chooses to live in a different way, then it

is his or her decision and is answerable for his or her deeds. The

entire world would come to a stand still, if polygamy was legalised

in our todays societal norms. Examples given here, out of our Holy

Books by some of the Sadhaks (one wife and many husbands etc.) have

been unfortunately misunderstood and wrongly quoted. With due



Om Sen Datta





Hare Krishna


This is in reference to the topic raised " Body is a temple "


Many sadhaks have termed this body as a temple if the only intention

is to walk on the path of God-Realization and not deriving any

pleasure from it. From the postings I have drawn a conclusion

that " This body is very important for God-Realization " . Below I am

putting my perspective in this regard. If I have misunderstood the

essence of those postings then please forgive me.

(Sir Vyasji's last message was about drawing lessons from this body,

not giving importance to it. So my conclusions are based on previous



If sadhak gives importance to the body for God-Realization then his

sadhan(spiritual practice) will become action-oriented(kriya-

pradhan). He will be more dependent on jap and meditation and other

spiriutual practices rather than Sentiment and Discriminating Faculty

(Bhav & Vivek). This will cause delay and sadhak might also get

frustrated that after doing so much I have not attained anything.


Scriptres has praised the human body, but the praise is not for the

making of this body but the discriminating faculty. With this a human

can distingush sat-asat, duty-nonduty, jad-chetan etc. This vivek is

very important in Bhakti. A truee devotee has faith only in that

thing which will stay with him forever and never leave him. " I am

God's and God is mine " - this is Bhav/Faith. " This world is not mine

and I do not belong to this world " - this is vivek. Worldly man

says " How can one have faith in that thing(God) which cannot be

seen? " But devotee says " Who else is there that I put my faith in

because whatever I see will not stay with me? They are all

preishable. "

Even if a sadhak does not have faith in God then he should retract

his faith from world then he will eventually and automatically turn

towards God. That means a sadhak's faith should be in the light

(prakash) of his vivek.


When the sadhak's body is ill then he won't be able to do hi sadhan

because he has made it dependent on body. But vivek and bhav are

always there.


What I want to say is that a sadhak should give more importance to

his vivek and bhav rather than the body. If anyone wants to consider

this body as a temple then why restrict it to only one body. Look for

God in each and every body. If you are looking for God in only one

body then indeed you are giving it importance.


I did not find any mention of body as a temple in any of Swamiji's

books. If anyone knows about it then please let me know.



Varun P. Paprunia





I would like to take this mind-body thing to analogy of idividual Vs


again this is just an analogy and one can get some POINT OF VIEW.

(After all is there anything like truth? its just point of

views ... :) )


We all agree (assumption) that how i behave individually and hope to

behave in

samaj/society/masses is not the same - when u are not u but just

part of the

masses, your actions and even thoughts have to grow in a limited

sphere else

they are meanigless and u may even be termed a mad fellow!


So i would like to compare Or put forth the analogy that

body == love thee == individual

mind == interaction at social level.


Reason out for truth and u expect to match it with others.

reason out with body and u expect to match with probably one other



well... just jotted down what i thought.


atul kumthekar




Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu to our gifted group.


Confusion in mind is the first step for diffusion.Our intellect

interferes and clarifies the confused.


'Antavantaime dehaa nityasyoktaaha saririnaha' all the bodies

pertaining to the

imperishable eternal soul are spoken of as perishable. This

postulation is when


from the higher dimension of soul.

'Vasaamsijeernaani' shedding worn out garments, one will be with

clarity at this



Norms of monogamy,polygamy are related with individual needs,social


sanctions,and spiritual insight. Mono'kamy' or 'poly'kamy' is

individual choice.

When mono

is not happy, why many?.Nowhere in the world, either monogamy or

polygamy are

compulsory. It is the choice of pleasure and pain.


After telling so much to Arjuna, Krishna asked '

Yadhechhasitadhakuru' choice is


think carefully and do whatever is your free will. Mandodari

questioned Ravana'

why you

go for Sita? What extra is there more over me.


Adi Sankara in Anaatma Sri Vigarhanam 'tatahkim ? tatahkim ? so what

if you can


some more bodies.

Sareeramaadyam khalu dharma saadhanam - remembering this, one can

draw lines on

physical body, lines of joy or worry.




Dear Sadaks,

One has differant types of worms living in stomach. One gets Asthma,

cancer, TB

etc. If

one considers body and he are one, then where these worms, virus,

bactiria are

all living

him or his body. Besides these worms/virus are differant bodies

eleminated by


How does one recognise in deep sleep as who is he or she or animal.

Only when

conscience illuminated by Athuman (soul) on awakening, all thoughts


One saint

by name Annamaiya in Thirupathi sang that in deep sleep you are with



Regarding Sri Vyasji, the parts of body has indipendant roles doing

its own

Karma nothing

to do with SELF. One can survive without legs, hands, eyes, dumb

mouth, deaf

ears or

even without one kidney. Body is only equipment with Athuman in it.



work on electricity which is common for all of them. Athuman is same

for all

living, while

shapes are differant. Shapes serves one to Extinguish Karmas.

Human body is worst of all bodies when it is doing all the acts of


Human body is

rare chance, as it can serve to realization. Human body, mind &

intellect are

blessed with

freedom. This freedom misused one goes back to lower births, if

freedom is


introgation takes place. The body which is filth becomes Amirth and

becomes so


to even control Panch Boothas when it is temple. Introgation leads to


to Bakthi to


Sri Vyas has described body elaborately taking so much time dealing

with body


The same Vyasji tought me to not to waste time, but to say Nama

Shivaya facing






Some messages related to this posting were lost today due to power

failure. Sorry! From Gita Talk Moderator. Ram Ram


Hari Om


This human body has been described in scriptures in contrasting

manner. In Ramayana on one hand it has been described as " adham

sarira " ( worst of all other bodies), on other hand it has also been

described as " badi hi durlabh maanush dehi, det eesh binu hetu

sanehu " ( Human body is VERY VERY rare, given without any selfless

motive by God out of affection). The question of Mallika also

requires us to comment reg line of demarcation. Answer is " if you

consider this body to be mine , for me and me, then it is worst of

your enemies. There cant be a dirtier thing than this. But if you

don't consider it to be mine/me/for me " then it is a temple, a gift

of God to you. I will present to Dear Sadhaks both sides of the

coin. First let us take why it is a temple. It is indeed a temple,

because, in its functioning all principles of Karma Yoga, Jnana

Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Equanimity are visible clearly. But you can

understand them and make use of them, only when you don't consider

this body to be me/mine/for me. Consider the following:



JUST AS : Parts of the body are indivisible with the body as a

whole. They are not separate from the body. SIMILARLY: For a Karma

Yogi all bodies in the world, including, of course his own body, are

part of one SINGLE body. He considers all as part of one indivisible

world and then behaves as parts of body behave with each other!


JUST AS : Parts of your body never distinguish between a good and

bad act. For example, your hands never show a preference to plucking

of flowers as against washing the dirty parts of body. There is

no " ME " or " MINE " in the body parts. There is no ego. Each part

helps the other so that there is no imbalance. Each part is for the

entire body. That is how body survives. If parts of body start

distinguishing and start comparing " right " and " duties " then what

will happen- except disintegration, disease and death ? They are

always " Dutiful " to the body as a whole. No rights. SIMILARLY: When

you get selfish ( me/mine) , you in fact create an imbalance in the

world. Like your body if you stop distinguishing/ correlating rights

and duties , the world will become better and healthy. In karma

yoga, the sadhak renounces his " rights " and does his duty. There is

no good act or bad act for a sadhak. Everything is duty. Just as it

is for different parts of body.


JUST AS : Inspite of the parts of your body being separate from each

other but in essence they are one. If any part is hurt, you consider

the body has been hurt. SIMILARLY: All bodies/creatures in this

world are in essence ONE only. A Karma Yogi does not distinguish

between two bodies. For all he has one motto- SERVE, SERVE, and

SERVE- selflessly, without expecting anything in return.


JUST AS : There are different parts in your body . Head, nose, ears,

toungue, hands, legs, eyes etc. While our " affection " with each part

is SAME but our " conduct " with each part is different. For example,

if we touch any other person by legs, we beg his pardon but not when

we touch him by hands. We salute other by head or hands and not by

legs. When a hand touches say face , we donot wash it, but if it

touches anus , we wash it. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi, deals with

different people/bodies/ creatures in different manner but

his " Affection " with all is SAME.


JUST AS : Sometimes your teeth cut/chew your tongue while eating.

Then there is excruciating pain . But you never get angry with

teeth. You never think in terms of punishing them. Why? Because both

are part of the same body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi never considers

any one to be bad, because he knows that both good and bad are part

of one world only, and he has to serve the world- as a sadhak.


JUST AS : Difference between eye and leg is immense-

size/nature/character/function/positioning etc wise. Eye is a sense

organ. Leg is an organ of action. Still if a thorn enters the leg,

there are tears in your eyes. If any dust particle enters your eyes,

there is trembling in your legs ! SIMILARLY: We cant separate our

own body with the other bodies of this world. Either we should

ignore both or we should consider both as one. A Karma Yogi deals

with both in a similar manner. That is honesty. A Jnana Yogi,

ignores the both. For a Bhakti Yogi- THERE is only ONE , there iare

no two.


JUST AS : When any part of the body is hurt, the other parts,

without any summoning automatically come in action to help the hurt

part. No request is necessary. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi forms a

“unity†with the world and all the bodies of the world. He

automatically, without any pride, naturally, serves the hurt.


JUST AS : When you wash your face by hands, there is no pride

generated in hands. Hands never give signals- Look how great we are!

They never ask special favour for themselves ! SIMILARLY: A karma

yogi never gets proudy and seeks reciprocation for what he does for

the world.


JUST AS : Parts of a female body give pleasure to opposite sex , not

to the female herself. Parts of male body give pleasure to female

body , not to male himself. Milk of mother is not for herself, but

for child. Gestures of child give pleasure to mother, not to child

itself. Everything in body has been designed for others. For body as

a whole. Injection pain is to the skin, but benefit is to whole

body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi knows that whatever he has got , is

for service to " others " not for himself.


JUST AS : If any hurt portion of body heals, there is benefit to

entire body. SIMILARLY: A karma yogi reaches to the world at large,

by his service, bhaav and sentiments. He helps one and all.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

On Anubhuti one sant has given full text. His name is Thirumoolar.

He wrote 3000 verses known as Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram

(Thrirumoolar Sacred text). He lived for 3000 years on hills near

Salam Tamilnadu hills knows as " Shidhar Malai " (Shidhar Hills). To

day his temple stand there with 7 well with water at anytime remains

at 7 ft. Bathing there removes many diseases. I have seen poeople

cured and experienced myself. He was great Shiva Baktha among 63

sant of Shivites. One rich gentle man fron Delhi affected with Blood

cancer with eminent doctors from Appollo, AIMs gave dead line as 6

months life. He stayed in these hills and took medicines of leaves

given by wandering sant. He got cured completely. Doctors was in

Dismay. Indian Express team was sent to Siddhar Hills and report was

published in paper with photos.






Hari Om


In God Realisation - these principles do not give accurate results.

Scriptures are full of describing how so and so person did " tapasya "

for so many centuries or birth times. We don't find much references

of " quick realisation " except in some verses of Gitaji etc. Stress

is on the purification of Antahkarana. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

alone and Lord Krishna in Gita have stated it is easier and quicker

than normally presumed. There are cases like of Prahlad, Dhruva etc

but majority suggest " long drawn " process. Hence if some one applies

principle of SHRUTI in determining truth reg timing required for God

Realisation the answer will be " very very long time "


This answer obviously is not correct.


Yukti principle basically involves mind and intellect. It is clear

from Scriptures and experience that element called God is beyond

mind and intellect . No amount of logic and rationale can help one

in the same. God is a matter of " belief " and not

of " logic/rationale/mind " . Mind will always suggest God Realisation

is difficult, long drawn process.


Answer obviously is not correct.


On " Anubhuti " yardstick again, none of us has any direct experience.

Conscience is God Himself but respect to it is necessary. Alone

voice of conscience , even if you respect it - does not make all

three determine the truth regarding the time required for God

Realisation. Still " anubhuti " gives better results in this area than

Shruti and Yukti- because of conscience.


Main obstacle is Yukti.


This according to me is the sole exception to the divine principles

of Shruti/Yukti/Anubhuti . Though a deliberation in this regard by

fellow followers of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj - like Mira Dasji,

Sarvottamji, Rajendraji, Mike Keenor, even Shashikalaji, Raja

Gurudasaniji, Papruniaji and other die hard believers of many many

Gita verses like 9:31 etc may by arguments in this regard prove this

exception too to be wrong. This time I am on the other side of

table. But I will be very happy to get proved wrong on this count.


Apart from above, in my humble opinion these 3 principles have

universal application in determining truth/duty/ ideal karmas and

helping us all in taking correct decisions in day to day life.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Friends,


I have been reading this correspondence for some time. May I attempt

to respond to this particular query!


In philosophy, there are two levels - Vyavaharik & Parmarthik.

Practical & Spiritual may be some where near the real Hindi/ Sanskrit



At the spiritual level, we are all one, body does not belong to us,

we are atma & not body, etc. This has a particular field or scope.


At practical level, we live in this body, we have to eat, drink &

support this body. At practical level, we have to follow some

restrictions/Samyam etc.


While total celibacy is not meant for Gruhasthas, restricting sex

within the married life /monogamy is necessary for good spiritual



Hope, this answers the query.


For details, Adi Shankaracharya had given illustration of the

difference between practical & spiritual.


If a mad elephant is charging towards you, you have to run & save

yourself. You can't say that under Advaita philosophy, me & elephant

are one & I need not be afraid of the elephant.

If we mix up spiritual understanding in such practical matters,

disasters may be caused.



Rashmin Sanghvi


Even though this question was quite interesting, all the answers

sound very mundane and a bit preachy.


I don't think the Gita is so much about morals but more about

enlightenment through thinking. Unlike other religious documents it

does not talk down to people. It makes them think.


The question that Malika has, cannot be answered so easily. Given

the right circumstances, this would not be wrong. Draupadi was

married to 5 men, Krishna had so many wives including Radha who was

purportedly married.


If Gita was a moralistic document, it wouldn't have much value. It

would become like any other religious document.


The right and wrong of a situation has to be decided by the person.


The mind has to be capable of separating yourself from your own body

and making an objective judgment in a situation, the same that you

would if you were not the person making the decision.


Chetan Temkar


shree Hari

ram ram

Chetanji, it will be helpful, in future to point out speicific

elements that you consider mundane and preachy, as opposed to a

generalized statement. Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


According to Swamiji, at present there are no obstacles, to fulfill

a husband / wife's dharma (which includes monogamy) i.e.

righteousness. Each one is entirely and forever independent in

following righteousness. It is only when actions are done against

the scriptural injunctions, that scriptures, dharma, societal

obligations etc. are an obstacle.


Regarding the issue of abortion, as Vyasji has said, the lesser

spoken the better. Even Swamiji was often strictly instructed not

to speak much on this subject. he said he did not know how to

explain these things, who would listen, who to tell these to? There

is nothing that pained him more than destroying one that is

completely helpless and at your mercy (i.e. abortion) and killing of

cows and other beings. What to do? Who to tell? Yet, it

pained him deeply, the atrocities, that are taking place today, that

did not even take place in the kingdom of Ravana. As already

clearly stated by other sadhaks, Swamiji gave a simple ruling - DO


statement, says it all. Nothing remains to be said after this.


Swamiji said that any action, that becomes an obstacle in the

upliftment, in the betterment, in salvation of another being, is

SINFUL action. Now what to speak of not giving another soul an

opportunity to be born as a human, the rarest form of birth, and the

only form of birth where salvation, benediction, freedom from birth

and death is possible? He has clearly stated to stay away from

such " GHOR PAAP " . This ignorance must be wiped out. And we must

proactively work towards this awareness, as most of these types of

sins are purely from lack of awareness, and the two desires - 1)

sense enjoyments (BHOG) and 2) desire for more - i.e. greed



Hope this helps, thank you for raising this point,


Meera Das

Ram Ram




I am saddened by this query. Let it be clarified that this body is

made of panch tatva---prithvi, jal, agni, akash and vayu and belongs

to Ishwar---who is the lord of prakriti (nature) which consists of

these five tatvas or elements. Correct knowledge of metaphysical

truths should be accompnied by correct code of action which is

dharma. Dharma encompasses morality and duties. I am the soul , not

the body or the mind or the intellect. The body or mind or intellect

are only means or contrivances available to me to perform karma. I

should perform karma which is morally sound or according to

principles of dharma. Bhagwan Manu has prescribed monogamy under

normal circumstances for human beings and that should be followed as

a code of action.


Let incomplete knowledge or semi-truths not take us into the realm

of perversion.


Atul Sehgal



Hari Om


This refers to Q of MM Purohitji.


Shruti ,Yukti and Anubhuti are three golden divine principles to

determine truth, duty and ideal karma for human beings. These

principles have emanated out of Scriptures and are believed to made

by God Himself. They are universal in application and have a single

exception only. That exception is - God Realisation . These 3

principles do not apply on determining the time required for God

Realisation- as Laws made by God naturally do not apply on God

Himself Just As Laws made by a Parliament do not apply on

Parliament itself. ( Else how it can change it ? )


These three principles require you to first enquire about any

question by referring to Scriptures/views derived out of history or

historical facts pertaining to the subject/ views of learned or

elderly persons / views of Saints and Sages - What SHRUTI/ experts/

history says.


Then deliberate regarding the logic and rationale of the proposed

decision. See if that is logical conclusion. Reasons,

appropriateness etc should be established. The decision should not

defy logic. What your mind/intellect says.

That is Yukti.


Then comes your past experience on the subject. If there is no past

experience with you , check with people you believe in etc. Also

check up with your conscience , if it meets with it. What your

heart/ gut feeling/ experience says- Anubhuti..


If all three establish in affirmative- you can fearlessly decide in

favour of proposed decision. That is truthful. That is right and

correct decision.


To be concluded in the next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Priya Sadhaks


This refers to observations of Dr Thomas stating that standards for

human conduct etc should be different for ordinary people and for

non ordinary people. He also observed that monogamy is not supported

by most of the scriptures/religions.


You have desired a more enlightened discussion on the subject.


In order to do that, and before getting deeper into the subject -

Can you elaborate further regarding your views on the subject Dr

Thomas? Can you pin point some religions or some holy texts where

this distinction between ordinary humans and other humans in respect

of such matters of standard conduct has been provided for and has

been recommended ? Can you further let us know as to how and why in

your view monogamy is not supported by most of the scriptures /

religions ? Who qualifies in your view to fall in the category of

ordinary people and other than ordinary people? Why ? Can you

support further this with some reference to some religions and some

holy texts?


M M Purohit






Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh





Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:


1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain). One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul

(spirit), In this view, one sees that one consciousness (soul) in

every one (Ek Aatm drishti jiske anusaar tume sabh mein ek aatma hee

dikhai dega), And the other is seeing from the worldly perspective,

in this field of sensory perceptions where one sees separate

entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin jeev

drishti gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one

for societal living and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do

drishti rakhna,. Ek Lok vyavhaar ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah & samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal

behavior with all cannot & should not be done (in relationships and

customary practices) but Samdarshan means seeing God in every body

must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with all parts of our body, we discriminate according to

their function. So when we discriminate with our body parts how can

we allow equal behavior with other people.


4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this cant be bound in any particular rule, formula,

Does & donts. All pervading God is in your heart & will show you

right path. He will send divinity when you are right & will send

condemnation when you go for wrong. Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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Shree Hari

Ram Ram

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From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram



There is confusion in this mind regarding " my body is not mine and i

am not the doer " . How far can/should one stretch the idea? At one

level this seems appropriate and I try to identify with it. On the

other extreme, if this body is not mine then does it mean that it is

ok to allow a man who fancies this body, may be this mind too;

access to this body? Where does one draw the line? Where does this

stand in respect to societal norms of monogamy?


Malika S





Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti. Anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ?

Pls elaborate .

M M Purohit


Hari Om


Referring to posting of Sathyanarainji. I gave both sides of the

coin to Sadhaks rather elaborately because - ATTACHMENT AND MINENESS

WITH BODY is SOLE REASON/MODE/METHOD which has been used by " self "

for " adopting the world -apara prakrati- BG 7:5 " . If a sadhak

understands thoroughly the body , its functioning, its

characteristics, its utility etc , it helps him immensely.


I agree with Mike and have also understood his remarks to mean that

this body is a perfect example of testing " zero unity and infinity "

values. Yes - these are two sides of coin. Swamiji said that a

single most important step for any sadhak is discrimination between

Self and Body. Gita started with that discrimination only. Hence I

gave little elaborate attention to this.


Ravi Bakshiji - can you precisely let me know what disappointed

you ? The relevance of references to Khajuraho temple etc is not

clear to me.


To support you I will give you better examples-

The worship of Shiv Lingam is indeed divine and is practiced by

Hindus from aeons. We all do that. In Gita 7:11 - God has stated

that " I am that " kaam " ( here kaam means union of two bodies)which

is not against Dharma " . Hence sexuality must be indulged into as per

Dharma ( Duty) in order to become divine.


So where is contradiction? Poison has also been made by God only, so

is every flith. So what ? Do we consume that?


Yes from " perfect/complete " ( God) , the " perfect/complete " ( Self)

arises. (Purnat purna mudachyate) This " world " has God in essence

but like " self " it has not been made out " Him " ONLY by God. It has

been made by Prakrati ( a power of God) under superintendence of God

(BG 9 : 10). The world is " gunamayi " ( with attributes), the

God/Self are " Gunateet " ( attributeless). The world has been made

imperfect/incomplete.But the incompleteness of the world is

complete/perfect ( It never ceases to change, it never forms unity

with self-purnamidam- hence " idam " is also complete ) If you take

world out of focus( purnasya purnamaday) , what remains behind

is " God/Self " (purnameva vishishyate). This is how verse of

Ishavashyopanishad should be read.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Mallika,

Our soul has taken root in this human body. As such it is our

responsibility to take good care of it. 'Our body is not mine' means


does not belong to the ego self but to the soul. And our soul or atma

is part of the paramatma, the infinite. So in that sense nothing

belongs to the ego or what we term as our personality, but to our


self, that is our atma.

I hope this clears your doubt.


yours in service

Prashanth Konda




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


This body and this mind are not our, the meaning of that is that

they both belong to someone else. If they are someone else's then

why are they with us? They are with us is because, who ever they

belong to, they have made us their trustee. This means that if some

man wants to do something thing to your body or mind in an

unauthorized way, then we must not allow his inappropriate impulses

and gestures to succeed. That is it !


Ram Ram




Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Yeh tana, mana apne nahin hai. Iskaa arth yeh hai ki ye dono kisi

aur ke hai. Kisi aur ke hai toh apne paas kyon hai? Apne paas

isliye hai, ki jiske bhi hai usne hame inkaa Trustee banaayaa hai.

Iskaa arth yeh hai ki yadi koyi purush aapke tana yaa mana per

andhikrt kuch karnaa chaahetaa hai toh hame iski kuceshtaa nishfal

karni chaahiye. Bas.

Ram Ram



-Shree Hari-



Taking up on the more recent points in this satsang, I have pasted

some verses from Gitaji, now dear sadhaks I know this is a light

translation, but I now cross refer to a interlinear translation for

inconsistencies, (can't paste that source as it is in image form,


much trouble),


BG 6:16. Verily Yoga is not possible for him who eats too much, nor

for him who does not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps too much, nor

for him who is (always) awake, Arjuna! 17. Yoga becomes the destroyer

of pain for him who is always moderate in eating and recreation (such

as walking, etc.), who is moderate in exertion in actions, who is

moderate in sleep and wakefulness.


BG 17: 5. Those men who practice terrific austerities not enjoined by

the scriptures, given to hypocrisy and egoism, impelled by the force

of lust and attachment, 6. senseless, torturing all the elements in

the body and me also, who dwells in the body,—know you these to be of

demoniacal resolves.


What I find delightful is the common sense advice, (eternal in its

wisdom ), in B.G. 6: 16-17

And note that in B.G. 17: 5-6 dealing with the negative aspects of

human behavior , Bhagavan places himself within the body.


In my past work, to unravel a problem, I used an old technique,

plugging in values like zero unity and infinity, to highlight a


Looking at B.G. 17: 6 and considering the curse of addiction, people

who are addicted to horrific drugs, no longer function with any

respect for the body entrusted to them. Yes,Vyasji the body is out of

control, it is controlling the person. (The tail now wags the dog).

That person will do whatever it takes to feed that desire for drugs.

That is demonic !

I can't think of a more 'ghastly practice' than this form of

addiction, that's, 'infinity', and notice how ego lust and

attachment, are regarded as the same darkness.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor


Dear Sadak,

My wife (baiya sathyanarayana's wife as identified by my body) asks


If one does not excercise or do yoga the body gets sickness which

you do not want. Then Who are You?



Dear Sadaks,

If some one stamps your feet, you say, " Oh my feet " . Sometimes we

hear, My eye sight is weak, my heart had an attack, my liver not

functioning properly so Dialysis, my skin has rashes Etc and also we

hear, I lost my watch, mobile, my purse, my wealth Etc. So what is

meant by ignorance is, your feet, your purse. Atleast feet is part

of body, but what is purse?

Any organ in the body seems to listen to you only when the destined

Karma is to that effect. The same organ gives adverse effect later.

Sweet once liked becomes poison when diabetic. But another person

even at age of 70 can be seen eating sweet. This is Karma Pala. So

body IS NOT PART OF YOU. You are the pure sprit called Bramasmi

(Part of God)

Now consider a saint: He never suffers though his body gets

sickness. Saint walks over water or fire with his body. Ramana Rishi

was operated to remove a tumour on his leg without any anesthesia in

presence of public. He took no any tablets. HOW?

Man as long as he has all attachments on his body and world, he

suffers. Saint leaves them and realizes the great power within him.




Sadaks do not become body minded and go on writing more about body.

By reading the replies about body in full text about anotomy, I feel

my conscience is dealing more about body rather than Nama Sankeethan

Sadaks, Bagavan Sri Krishna told Bagavath Geetha 5000 years ago. To

day we can hardly count our fingers as how many stricktly followed

BG. So is it right on our part to read and follow BG rather than

discussing such a long statement on body.

Can we have new topic about Bagavan teachings as to how one can be

loved by Bagavan like many bakthas did.



You said:

Input may be- kheer, halwa, sweets, juices, best cookies, best

fruits, Holy Ganges' water, tulsi leaves,

Prasad of Tirupati temple, BUT THE OUTPUT IS WHAT ?............

urine and stool !


The first verse of Ishavasya upanishad states " The creator resides

in all this! " Therefore why the ignominious representation to our

bodies!! There is no shame for what the creator has made.


Every day you probably recite 'om purnamadha, purnam idam purnat

purnam udachyate, purnamasya purnamadaya purnameva vashisyate.'

That is perfect, this is perfect, from the perfect the perfect

arises. What do these prayers mean to you ?


As hindus we celebrate our bodies, we gave the Kamasutra to the

world, the temples of khajuraho we worship the the yoni lingum in

embrace, we celebrate male and female sexuality in our gods

goddesses Yantras. We worship the divine Lolita, Lalita , her

majesty of majesties shri Rajarajeshwari.


I am seriously disappointed in this group,


ravi bakshi





Hari Om


The other side of the coin is equally interesting for sadhaks. When

you attach importance to body , when you consider it to be " me and

mine " , then this body shows its true colors to you. In that case it

becomes very powerful and you become literally its slave. All the

ingredients of " world " then start reflecting powerfully before you.

This body gives bad odour to Devatas. (Demi Gods). It then becomes a

liability for you and it becomes an unending source of worries,

anxieties, fears, apprehensions for you.

Insurmountable- quite often. At the time of death, there is

unbearable pain. Once you believe it is mine, then all hell breaks

loose for you. I have yet to come across a more ingratitude element

than this body, if you consider it to be mine. It then invariably

cheats you. Consider the following:


JUST AS : Your body is selfish and ungrateful. However carefully you

may keep it, it still behaves in its own way. Ladies take so much

care in cutting vegetables, but if on some day the knife slits the

fingers, this body instantly starts bleeding. This body does not

take into account the fact that in the past, the lady had taken so

much of care of the finger ok !! It gets sick without your desire.

It dies too, any time, anywhere, in any situation or circumstance.

No notice period also served before death/disease ! Too Much -

isn't it Dear Sadhaks ? . Simply goes- leaving your self aghast with

unfulfilled desires. Dies ! ! What was the error of self? Self loved

the body- that's all. See in comparison the conduct of Body and love

of that body by us ! How dearly we love it ? SIMILARLY : This world

is full of selfishness and ingratitude. You do so much of good or

bad efforts to accumulate money, health, wealth, fame, rights, power

and when they leave you, how ruthlessly they leave you. The money

does not feel any shame that here is the " self " who did every

compromise to accumulate me, how can money be that ingrate. No

notice period. Simply leaves you !!


Just AS : Your body tends to make you as its slave. More love /

affection / enjoyment you give to it, more lazy, flabby, demanding

and painful it becomes for you. In the computer called BODY, there

is a VIRUS called HABITS , which virus activates fully, when you

firmly considers this body to be Me and mine. This virus makes all

your body parts " addicted " . You get enslavened automatically and

WITHOUT FAIL when you consider this body to be ME and MINE. Then

Likings and dislikings of your tongue, mind, mood, intellect, lower

portions of body, ego, skin ets " they become your likings

and dislikings. You start feeling death, inspite of being immortal,

because of mineness with this body. You start feeling that you are

sick, while in fact, your body is sick. THIS IS CALLED , IN


SIMILARLY : This world tends to make you slave if you consider

worldly people and possessions to be me/mine. If you are a " big man "

due to money/power/wealth/beauty etc, then who is more powerful ?

You or your money/wealth etc? Who has become slave ?

The Master (self) has become slave ! Isnt it? These " Lakhpatis " /

crorepatis are in fact lakhdasses / croredasses ! This is called



JUST AS : You try to give best food to your body ( Afterall it is

YOUR body ).

Input may be- kheer, halwa, sweets, juices, best cookies, best

fruits, Holy Ganges water, tulsi leaves, Prasad of Tirupati temple,

BUT THE OUTPUT IS WHAT ?............ urine and stool ! What else

is the output ? Your body is the factory which produces garbage

only. Whatever be the the input the output is always urine, stool,

cough, mucus, tears, saliva, odour, spit, dandruff, vomit, hairs,

nails, warts, moles ! Then there is some deposit which gets

accumulated in your ears. Then there is something which gets

deposited under your finger nails. There are gases and smells which

come out of your body openings ! Then there is something which the

body of every young fertile female releases every month. All

garbage, none to be proud of.

Inside also there are bones, flesh and blood. THANK GOD FOR MAKING


consider " world to be me/mine " and whenever you DO something for

yourself output is all garbage ! Tension, sorrow, frustration,

anxieties, fears, apprehensions, turbulences, inner storms, hatred,

violence, insecurity, deficiencies, agitations, dissatisfaction,

disease ..treachery, dishonesty, frauds, scams, bombs, terrorism,

death these are the outputs ! Isnt it Dear Sadhaks ? What else can

come out od DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATHAM ? World produces garbage ONLY.



JUST AS : Your body keeps giving you signals " I AM NOT YOURS , I AM


The body is SAMPLE of this world given to you by your Genius Father-

God- . It is a computer toy. The fact that this body is not yours is

fed permanently in the hard disc of this computer. You may be

stupid/ignorant- but this computer is never stupid or ignorant. It

is part of nature/world, it is born in the world, remains positioned

always in the world and disintegrates in the world only. You like a

fool keep believing "

Mind is beautiful instrument, body is beautiful, body is mine, Don't

you know who I am /, my mind, my wisdom, my intelligence, my body !

When your body said so/conducted so/behaved so ? You, your SELF are

supposed to deal with/view the SAMPLE as SAMPLE only. You are

demanding more and more of sample- without unravelling the

characteristics of whatever is available to you. More money, more

fame, more weath, more health, more youth. You have forgotten to

DISCRIMINATE ! You have forgotten to analyse, understand and unravel

the mysteries of this wonderful toy given to you by your loving

father. When shall we stop playing and go into the loving arms of

our father ?

You cry if something wrong happens to the toy. By yourself you have

created BONDAGE for yourself.

Your CONNECTION with body is responsible for this Bondage. World is

not bad¦.

You are stupid. SIMILARLY: Disconnect mentally. STOP BELIVING THAT

THIS BODY IS YOU/YOURS/FOR YOU. The moment you do so, you will be on


Realise your SELF. Realise God. Realise your eternal connection with

God and eternal disconnection with this Body.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B.


Dear Malika S.


May I , please give my humble simple views to you, which are as


Body not mine as I understand means it is given by God to you, who

created you in the first place as per your karmas. We have not

personally created our physical or atmic body, it is loaned to you

as a house to use it solely for purpose of realising God within in

this life span and not merely for wordly pursuits.


Regarding second half I am not doer- If you accept that you are doer

then in worldly sense accept good or bad karmas as destined. If you

feel and are sure that you are merely performing action as

instrument of God, thern there is no sense of doership attitude

attached as a result neither the fruits or karmas of those actions

affect you, neither good or bad.Here it is meant in spiritual sense

about actions performed by us not others. There is no connection to

physical aspect. Obviously this body (outer covering has to be

preserved and cherished as we have been given this sacred duty by

God and preserve highest level of morality, obvsiously it would not

be correct to think in wordly sense that is body is not mine, as it

would be a grave error on our part, as obviously God does not

want women to be treated in the way mentioned.by you. Women are

mothers and daughters and should never be seen in such light. Even

if some looks in ways other than correct, pray to Lord Krushna for

Suraksha kavaj and pray that Lord Krushna's sudarshan chakra

destroys the evil energy in the opposite person


Gratitude at the holy charan of Gurudev


Shirin C.


Hari Om


Papruniaji has indeed given good and thought provoking inputs on the

subject. To be fair and honest- I also carried same thoughts for a

long time.


Please note ultimately everything is God ( BG 7:19). Here equating

body with temple was to discriminate ( function of viveka only) reg

use of body and allowing access to it by others under the pretext

that " it is not mine. " - refer basis question. Question was as to why

not allow this body and mind to be used by any lover of this body

and mind- if this is " not ours " ?


Swamiji also never disrespected body. How else He could have lived

for 103 years ? How else His mind and sense organs and voice would

have that sharp/powerful at 100+ ? He also advocated proper care for

body, exercise etc. In Gita -saucham ( purity of body), austerities

relating to body, mind , speech, purification of antahkarana, etc

are glorified.


Yes ! It is not yours. Definitely . But this body has capacity to

become " chinmay " ( sentient, divine). Mira Baai's body

became " chinmay " . She went to Krishna's regime along with her

human body ! Here the question was absolutely different.

Irrespective of the question- When God is there in stone, pillars ,

can He not be there in this human body?


" Sadsachahamarjuna " ( I am sentient and inert -real and unreal-Sat

and Asat both- BG 9:19 ) There is nothing wrong in getting engrossed

in Naam Japa and meditation. Once you use your viveka and don't

consider body to be yours- your body becomes the most pure. Both

Swamiji and Goswami Tulsidasji have stated that real impurity lies

in " mineness with body " .


Naam Japa and meditation help you immensely in all the cases. If you

have NOT established exclusive mineness with God , then these are

great saatwik karmas- undoubtedly. If you have established mineness

with Paramatma ( Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi) then Naam

Japa and meditation lead you to God Realisation. Hence all profit,

no loss !


Presence of Viveka ( Conscience ) indeed makes this otherwise worst

of all bodies- human body a temple. You get entitled for use of

viveka only in human birth. Hence human body is the seed of viveka

(in one limited way- for argument in favour ).


Papruniaji - the ultimate goal for us has to be " Vasudevah Sarvam "

(BG 7:19).


Hope this clarifies.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Dear Malika S. - Sadhak jee !! Jai Shree Krishna !!

With your question I think, you have created a great discussion with

our Friend Sadhaks. I shall tell you what I believe in.

Of course there are different interpretations of our great Hinduism -

unfortunately like in some other religions there are also wrong


Your BODY is only yours and your Great God has given it to you. You

are the only doer for your Body. You are responsible for every right

and wrong deed - with this Body of yours. Your body is the temple in

which your God resides. It is something very holy. You have to keep

it properly because the Manushya Jeevan (body) is something unique

and you have to honour this GIFT OF GOD to you. Your Atma lives in

it and your mind lives in it and every one gets only one body in one

lifetime. Think it over - there is no construction that is more

complicated than a human body.

It also functions in such a perfect manner. Thanks to our GOD.

Now we talk about the second part of your question.

You are answerable to yourself for all your deeds - all your life.

In your life you will always have people who fancy the coat=2 0

you are wearing - the shoes - the dress etc. and would like

you to lend it to them for some time. Some persons you would

not even allow to touch your things, at the same time there may

be some others, who you would gladly lend. Your body is coupled

through billions of cells to your Mind and your Soul. It is your

Temple. In your place, I would allow only, some one very

special to me, to touch my body, which is much more

valuable to me than some dress etc..

It has been thoroughly researched and accepted by nearly all that

our Gods - Who have created us all wished us to live as Monogams.

If there is some one who chooses to live in a different way, then it

is his or her decision and is answerable for his or her deeds. The

entire world would come to a stand still, if polygamy was legalised

in our todays societal norms. Examples given here, out of our Holy

Books by some of the Sadhaks (one wife and many husbands etc.) have

been unfortunately misunderstood and wrongly quoted. With due



Om Sen Datta





Hare Krishna


This is in reference to the topic raised " Body is a temple "


Many sadhaks have termed this body as a temple if the only intention

is to walk on the path of God-Realization and not deriving any

pleasure from it. From the postings I have drawn a conclusion

that " This body is very important for God-Realization " . Below I am

putting my perspective in this regard. If I have misunderstood the

essence of those postings then please forgive me.

(Sir Vyasji's last message was about drawing lessons from this body,

not giving importance to it. So my conclusions are based on previous



If sadhak gives importance to the body for God-Realization then his

sadhan(spiritual practice) will become action-oriented(kriya-

pradhan). He will be more dependent on jap and meditation and other

spiriutual practices rather than Sentiment and Discriminating Faculty

(Bhav & Vivek). This will cause delay and sadhak might also get

frustrated that after doing so much I have not attained anything.


Scriptres has praised the human body, but the praise is not for the

making of this body but the discriminating faculty. With this a human

can distingush sat-asat, duty-nonduty, jad-chetan etc. This vivek is

very important in Bhakti. A truee devotee has faith only in that

thing which will stay with him forever and never leave him. " I am

God's and God is mine " - this is Bhav/Faith. " This world is not mine

and I do not belong to this world " - this is vivek. Worldly man

says " How can one have faith in that thing(God) which cannot be

seen? " But devotee says " Who else is there that I put my faith in

because whatever I see will not stay with me? They are all

preishable. "

Even if a sadhak does not have faith in God then he should retract

his faith from world then he will eventually and automatically turn

towards God. That means a sadhak's faith should be in the light

(prakash) of his vivek.


When the sadhak's body is ill then he won't be able to do hi sadhan

because he has made it dependent on body. But vivek and bhav are

always there.


What I want to say is that a sadhak should give more importance to

his vivek and bhav rather than the body. If anyone wants to consider

this body as a temple then why restrict it to only one body. Look for

God in each and every body. If you are looking for God in only one

body then indeed you are giving it importance.


I did not find any mention of body as a temple in any of Swamiji's

books. If anyone knows about it then please let me know.



Varun P. Paprunia





I would like to take this mind-body thing to analogy of idividual Vs


again this is just an analogy and one can get some POINT OF VIEW.

(After all is there anything like truth? its just point of

views ... :) )


We all agree (assumption) that how i behave individually and hope to

behave in

samaj/society/masses is not the same - when u are not u but just

part of the

masses, your actions and even thoughts have to grow in a limited

sphere else

they are meanigless and u may even be termed a mad fellow!


So i would like to compare Or put forth the analogy that

body == love thee == individual

mind == interaction at social level.


Reason out for truth and u expect to match it with others.

reason out with body and u expect to match with probably one other



well... just jotted down what i thought.


atul kumthekar




Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu to our gifted group.


Confusion in mind is the first step for diffusion.Our intellect

interferes and clarifies the confused.


'Antavantaime dehaa nityasyoktaaha saririnaha' all the bodies

pertaining to the

imperishable eternal soul are spoken of as perishable. This

postulation is when


from the higher dimension of soul.

'Vasaamsijeernaani' shedding worn out garments, one will be with

clarity at this



Norms of monogamy,polygamy are related with individual needs,social


sanctions,and spiritual insight. Mono'kamy' or 'poly'kamy' is

individual choice.

When mono

is not happy, why many?.Nowhere in the world, either monogamy or

polygamy are

compulsory. It is the choice of pleasure and pain.


After telling so much to Arjuna, Krishna asked '

Yadhechhasitadhakuru' choice is


think carefully and do whatever is your free will. Mandodari

questioned Ravana'

why you

go for Sita? What extra is there more over me.


Adi Sankara in Anaatma Sri Vigarhanam 'tatahkim ? tatahkim ? so what

if you can


some more bodies.

Sareeramaadyam khalu dharma saadhanam - remembering this, one can

draw lines on

physical body, lines of joy or worry.




Dear Sadaks,

One has differant types of worms living in stomach. One gets Asthma,

cancer, TB

etc. If

one considers body and he are one, then where these worms, virus,

bactiria are

all living

him or his body. Besides these worms/virus are differant bodies

eleminated by


How does one recognise in deep sleep as who is he or she or animal.

Only when

conscience illuminated by Athuman (soul) on awakening, all thoughts


One saint

by name Annamaiya in Thirupathi sang that in deep sleep you are with



Regarding Sri Vyasji, the parts of body has indipendant roles doing

its own

Karma nothing

to do with SELF. One can survive without legs, hands, eyes, dumb

mouth, deaf

ears or

even without one kidney. Body is only equipment with Athuman in it.



work on electricity which is common for all of them. Athuman is same

for all

living, while

shapes are differant. Shapes serves one to Extinguish Karmas.

Human body is worst of all bodies when it is doing all the acts of


Human body is

rare chance, as it can serve to realization. Human body, mind &

intellect are

blessed with

freedom. This freedom misused one goes back to lower births, if

freedom is


introgation takes place. The body which is filth becomes Amirth and

becomes so


to even control Panch Boothas when it is temple. Introgation leads to


to Bakthi to


Sri Vyas has described body elaborately taking so much time dealing

with body


The same Vyasji tought me to not to waste time, but to say Nama

Shivaya facing






Some messages related to this posting were lost today due to power

failure. Sorry! From Gita Talk Moderator. Ram Ram


Hari Om


This human body has been described in scriptures in contrasting

manner. In Ramayana on one hand it has been described as " adham

sarira " ( worst of all other bodies), on other hand it has also been

described as " badi hi durlabh maanush dehi, det eesh binu hetu

sanehu " ( Human body is VERY VERY rare, given without any selfless

motive by God out of affection). The question of Mallika also

requires us to comment reg line of demarcation. Answer is " if you

consider this body to be mine , for me and me, then it is worst of

your enemies. There cant be a dirtier thing than this. But if you

don't consider it to be mine/me/for me " then it is a temple, a gift

of God to you. I will present to Dear Sadhaks both sides of the

coin. First let us take why it is a temple. It is indeed a temple,

because, in its functioning all principles of Karma Yoga, Jnana

Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Equanimity are visible clearly. But you can

understand them and make use of them, only when you don't consider

this body to be me/mine/for me. Consider the following:



JUST AS : Parts of the body are indivisible with the body as a

whole. They are not separate from the body. SIMILARLY: For a Karma

Yogi all bodies in the world, including, of course his own body, are

part of one SINGLE body. He considers all as part of one indivisible

world and then behaves as parts of body behave with each other!


JUST AS : Parts of your body never distinguish between a good and

bad act. For example, your hands never show a preference to plucking

of flowers as against washing the dirty parts of body. There is

no " ME " or " MINE " in the body parts. There is no ego. Each part

helps the other so that there is no imbalance. Each part is for the

entire body. That is how body survives. If parts of body start

distinguishing and start comparing " right " and " duties " then what

will happen- except disintegration, disease and death ? They are

always " Dutiful " to the body as a whole. No rights. SIMILARLY: When

you get selfish ( me/mine) , you in fact create an imbalance in the

world. Like your body if you stop distinguishing/ correlating rights

and duties , the world will become better and healthy. In karma

yoga, the sadhak renounces his " rights " and does his duty. There is

no good act or bad act for a sadhak. Everything is duty. Just as it

is for different parts of body.


JUST AS : Inspite of the parts of your body being separate from each

other but in essence they are one. If any part is hurt, you consider

the body has been hurt. SIMILARLY: All bodies/creatures in this

world are in essence ONE only. A Karma Yogi does not distinguish

between two bodies. For all he has one motto- SERVE, SERVE, and

SERVE- selflessly, without expecting anything in return.


JUST AS : There are different parts in your body . Head, nose, ears,

toungue, hands, legs, eyes etc. While our " affection " with each part

is SAME but our " conduct " with each part is different. For example,

if we touch any other person by legs, we beg his pardon but not when

we touch him by hands. We salute other by head or hands and not by

legs. When a hand touches say face , we donot wash it, but if it

touches anus , we wash it. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi, deals with

different people/bodies/ creatures in different manner but

his " Affection " with all is SAME.


JUST AS : Sometimes your teeth cut/chew your tongue while eating.

Then there is excruciating pain . But you never get angry with

teeth. You never think in terms of punishing them. Why? Because both

are part of the same body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi never considers

any one to be bad, because he knows that both good and bad are part

of one world only, and he has to serve the world- as a sadhak.


JUST AS : Difference between eye and leg is immense-

size/nature/character/function/positioning etc wise. Eye is a sense

organ. Leg is an organ of action. Still if a thorn enters the leg,

there are tears in your eyes. If any dust particle enters your eyes,

there is trembling in your legs ! SIMILARLY: We cant separate our

own body with the other bodies of this world. Either we should

ignore both or we should consider both as one. A Karma Yogi deals

with both in a similar manner. That is honesty. A Jnana Yogi,

ignores the both. For a Bhakti Yogi- THERE is only ONE , there iare

no two.


JUST AS : When any part of the body is hurt, the other parts,

without any summoning automatically come in action to help the hurt

part. No request is necessary. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi forms a

“unity†with the world and all the bodies of the world. He

automatically, without any pride, naturally, serves the hurt.


JUST AS : When you wash your face by hands, there is no pride

generated in hands. Hands never give signals- Look how great we are!

They never ask special favour for themselves ! SIMILARLY: A karma

yogi never gets proudy and seeks reciprocation for what he does for

the world.


JUST AS : Parts of a female body give pleasure to opposite sex , not

to the female herself. Parts of male body give pleasure to female

body , not to male himself. Milk of mother is not for herself, but

for child. Gestures of child give pleasure to mother, not to child

itself. Everything in body has been designed for others. For body as

a whole. Injection pain is to the skin, but benefit is to whole

body. SIMILARLY: A Karma Yogi knows that whatever he has got , is

for service to " others " not for himself.


JUST AS : If any hurt portion of body heals, there is benefit to

entire body. SIMILARLY: A karma yogi reaches to the world at large,

by his service, bhaav and sentiments. He helps one and all.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

On Anubhuti one sant has given full text. His name is Thirumoolar.

He wrote 3000 verses known as Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram

(Thrirumoolar Sacred text). He lived for 3000 years on hills near

Salam Tamilnadu hills knows as " Shidhar Malai " (Shidhar Hills). To

day his temple stand there with 7 well with water at anytime remains

at 7 ft. Bathing there removes many diseases. I have seen poeople

cured and experienced myself. He was great Shiva Baktha among 63

sant of Shivites. One rich gentle man fron Delhi affected with Blood

cancer with eminent doctors from Appollo, AIMs gave dead line as 6

months life. He stayed in these hills and took medicines of leaves

given by wandering sant. He got cured completely. Doctors was in

Dismay. Indian Express team was sent to Siddhar Hills and report was

published in paper with photos.






Hari Om


In God Realisation - these principles do not give accurate results.

Scriptures are full of describing how so and so person did " tapasya "

for so many centuries or birth times. We don't find much references

of " quick realisation " except in some verses of Gitaji etc. Stress

is on the purification of Antahkarana. Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

alone and Lord Krishna in Gita have stated it is easier and quicker

than normally presumed. There are cases like of Prahlad, Dhruva etc

but majority suggest " long drawn " process. Hence if some one applies

principle of SHRUTI in determining truth reg timing required for God

Realisation the answer will be " very very long time "


This answer obviously is not correct.


Yukti principle basically involves mind and intellect. It is clear

from Scriptures and experience that element called God is beyond

mind and intellect . No amount of logic and rationale can help one

in the same. God is a matter of " belief " and not

of " logic/rationale/mind " . Mind will always suggest God Realisation

is difficult, long drawn process.


Answer obviously is not correct.


On " Anubhuti " yardstick again, none of us has any direct experience.

Conscience is God Himself but respect to it is necessary. Alone

voice of conscience , even if you respect it - does not make all

three determine the truth regarding the time required for God

Realisation. Still " anubhuti " gives better results in this area than

Shruti and Yukti- because of conscience.


Main obstacle is Yukti.


This according to me is the sole exception to the divine principles

of Shruti/Yukti/Anubhuti . Though a deliberation in this regard by

fellow followers of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj - like Mira Dasji,

Sarvottamji, Rajendraji, Mike Keenor, even Shashikalaji, Raja

Gurudasaniji, Papruniaji and other die hard believers of many many

Gita verses like 9:31 etc may by arguments in this regard prove this

exception too to be wrong. This time I am on the other side of

table. But I will be very happy to get proved wrong on this count.


Apart from above, in my humble opinion these 3 principles have

universal application in determining truth/duty/ ideal karmas and

helping us all in taking correct decisions in day to day life.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Friends,


I have been reading this correspondence for some time. May I attempt

to respond to this particular query!


In philosophy, there are two levels - Vyavaharik & Parmarthik.

Practical & Spiritual may be some where near the real Hindi/ Sanskrit



At the spiritual level, we are all one, body does not belong to us,

we are atma & not body, etc. This has a particular field or scope.


At practical level, we live in this body, we have to eat, drink &

support this body. At practical level, we have to follow some

restrictions/Samyam etc.


While total celibacy is not meant for Gruhasthas, restricting sex

within the married life /monogamy is necessary for good spiritual



Hope, this answers the query.


For details, Adi Shankaracharya had given illustration of the

difference between practical & spiritual.


If a mad elephant is charging towards you, you have to run & save

yourself. You can't say that under Advaita philosophy, me & elephant

are one & I need not be afraid of the elephant.

If we mix up spiritual understanding in such practical matters,

disasters may be caused.



Rashmin Sanghvi


Even though this question was quite interesting, all the answers

sound very mundane and a bit preachy.


I don't think the Gita is so much about morals but more about

enlightenment through thinking. Unlike other religious documents it

does not talk down to people. It makes them think.


The question that Malika has, cannot be answered so easily. Given

the right circumstances, this would not be wrong. Draupadi was

married to 5 men, Krishna had so many wives including Radha who was

purportedly married.


If Gita was a moralistic document, it wouldn't have much value. It

would become like any other religious document.


The right and wrong of a situation has to be decided by the person.


The mind has to be capable of separating yourself from your own body

and making an objective judgment in a situation, the same that you

would if you were not the person making the decision.


Chetan Temkar


shree Hari

ram ram

Chetanji, it will be helpful, in future to point out speicific

elements that you consider mundane and preachy, as opposed to a

generalized statement. Ram Ram

Gita Talk Moderator




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


According to Swamiji, at present there are no obstacles, to fulfill

a husband / wife's dharma (which includes monogamy) i.e.

righteousness. Each one is entirely and forever independent in

following righteousness. It is only when actions are done against

the scriptural injunctions, that scriptures, dharma, societal

obligations etc. are an obstacle.


Regarding the issue of abortion, as Vyasji has said, the lesser

spoken the better. Even Swamiji was often strictly instructed not

to speak much on this subject. he said he did not know how to

explain these things, who would listen, who to tell these to? There

is nothing that pained him more than destroying one that is

completely helpless and at your mercy (i.e. abortion) and killing of

cows and other beings. What to do? Who to tell? Yet, it

pained him deeply, the atrocities, that are taking place today, that

did not even take place in the kingdom of Ravana. As already

clearly stated by other sadhaks, Swamiji gave a simple ruling - DO


statement, says it all. Nothing remains to be said after this.


Swamiji said that any action, that becomes an obstacle in the

upliftment, in the betterment, in salvation of another being, is

SINFUL action. Now what to speak of not giving another soul an

opportunity to be born as a human, the rarest form of birth, and the

only form of birth where salvation, benediction, freedom from birth

and death is possible? He has clearly stated to stay away from

such " GHOR PAAP " . This ignorance must be wiped out. And we must

proactively work towards this awareness, as most of these types of

sins are purely from lack of awareness, and the two desires - 1)

sense enjoyments (BHOG) and 2) desire for more - i.e. greed



Hope this helps, thank you for raising this point,


Meera Das

Ram Ram




I am saddened by this query. Let it be clarified that this body is

made of panch tatva---prithvi, jal, agni, akash and vayu and belongs

to Ishwar---who is the lord of prakriti (nature) which consists of

these five tatvas or elements. Correct knowledge of metaphysical

truths should be accompnied by correct code of action which is

dharma. Dharma encompasses morality and duties. I am the soul , not

the body or the mind or the intellect. The body or mind or intellect

are only means or contrivances available to me to perform karma. I

should perform karma which is morally sound or according to

principles of dharma. Bhagwan Manu has prescribed monogamy under

normal circumstances for human beings and that should be followed as

a code of action.


Let incomplete knowledge or semi-truths not take us into the realm

of perversion.


Atul Sehgal



Hari Om


This refers to Q of MM Purohitji.


Shruti ,Yukti and Anubhuti are three golden divine principles to

determine truth, duty and ideal karma for human beings. These

principles have emanated out of Scriptures and are believed to made

by God Himself. They are universal in application and have a single

exception only. That exception is - God Realisation . These 3

principles do not apply on determining the time required for God

Realisation- as Laws made by God naturally do not apply on God

Himself Just As Laws made by a Parliament do not apply on

Parliament itself. ( Else how it can change it ? )


These three principles require you to first enquire about any

question by referring to Scriptures/views derived out of history or

historical facts pertaining to the subject/ views of learned or

elderly persons / views of Saints and Sages - What SHRUTI/ experts/

history says.


Then deliberate regarding the logic and rationale of the proposed

decision. See if that is logical conclusion. Reasons,

appropriateness etc should be established. The decision should not

defy logic. What your mind/intellect says.

That is Yukti.


Then comes your past experience on the subject. If there is no past

experience with you , check with people you believe in etc. Also

check up with your conscience , if it meets with it. What your

heart/ gut feeling/ experience says- Anubhuti..


If all three establish in affirmative- you can fearlessly decide in

favour of proposed decision. That is truthful. That is right and

correct decision.


To be concluded in the next posting.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Priya Sadhaks


This refers to observations of Dr Thomas stating that standards for

human conduct etc should be different for ordinary people and for

non ordinary people. He also observed that monogamy is not supported

by most of the scriptures/religions.


You have desired a more enlightened discussion on the subject.


In order to do that, and before getting deeper into the subject -

Can you elaborate further regarding your views on the subject Dr

Thomas? Can you pin point some religions or some holy texts where

this distinction between ordinary humans and other humans in respect

of such matters of standard conduct has been provided for and has

been recommended ? Can you further let us know as to how and why in

your view monogamy is not supported by most of the scriptures /

religions ? Who qualifies in your view to fall in the category of

ordinary people and other than ordinary people? Why ? Can you

support further this with some reference to some religions and some

holy texts?


M M Purohit






Jai Hanuman


To me Monogamy is religion.





HO !!


O Dear Hubby ! You alone are my temple, you alone are my worship,

you alone are my God ! I am a small doll made of dust , you are the

life force in it , you are the soul in it.







O Dear Husband ! You are the glitter of my Bindiyaa. You are the

goal of my bangles. If some body looks into my eyes, one will

understand as to who you are for me.








Where ever I see , I find you there only. Today you appear to be

lost in some thoughts. Please smile at me or else I will presume

you are annoyed with me.








O Darling ! A lot of the night has come to pass. Please

sleep while air is rhythmically flowing and I am singing for you.

When I see you peacefully sleeping, a thought comes in my mind that

an Angel is sleeping.


Of course, Murali Bhaiyya this body is temple. Mike Bhaiyya, Madanji

Kaura , Sathyanarainji, Sarvottamji are absolutely right. No doubts

on that.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om


Before I continue with my compilation from Swamiji's books

of " direct life personal experiences " let me devote today's posting

in replying to Papruniaji and Muraliji. To my mind, this body is

indeed a temple. How can such a gift which has been so lovingly

given by Paramatma to His children for such a pious cause of " God

Realisation " – be anything less than a temple? Where is the doubt in

that.? It is not mine, Sure. But it is a ladder for me to reach to

my Father. How can I throw " prasaad " of Paramatma into gutter?


As regards, abortion etc , least said the better. This abortion

type of sins were not practiced even in the worst regimes of

Raavana, Hiranyakashyap, Kansaa etc in the past . We have lost the

very concept of human birth. Who are we to stop some soul from

coming to this earth - As a human being? If we take such stand how

Saints and Sages will come into this earth ?. We have ceased to be

mothers and fathers. Even animals are far far better than us.If

Mothers and Fathers do such crimes, where shall we land ultimately?.

I understand a mother is known to be safeguarding her children even

at the cost of her life. Here times have changed. Same mothers- so

that they may continue to look beautiful or so that there may not

be any discomfort, they kill the child in the womb itself. They

call themselves to be mothers ! Does any mother or father kill own

children ? Even vampires do not do that ! Child can not even cry !

Child can not even complain ! Cut to pieces – with consent of

mother – MOTHER ! Even shame itself gets ashamed ! Read Swamiji's

latest message on Sadhak site.


Coming back to the original question , here is some direct life



JUST AS : Every female has a power of being mother. Every female

essentially reflects motherhood. But a husband or lover can not see

mother in his wife or in his beloved. He has made his brains limited

and sees the female only as wife and likes to enjoy her as wife. A

husband considers wife as a " bhogya " – an object of making " majaa "

and enjoyment. So does every seeker of worldly pleasure, every

luster , every " yaar " of a female sees the female as " bhogya " only.

How can then " mother " be visible by them in a female ?


SIMILARLY : Every person, every creature, every circumstance, every

incidence, every situation, everybody , everything in this world has

at its base/roots/essence – Paramatma residing. One cannot see God

everywhere because we have made our brains limited. We like to

enjoy, derive pleasure out of every person/body/situation etc. They

are " bhogya " for us. They are objects of making " majaa " for us. How

then can God be visible to us – in all/ everywhere? Can a husband

see mother in his wife?


Raam Raam Raam


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


On that which we have no power or control, to consider that thing

our own, is foolishness. We are unable to change this body

according to our wishes. We are not able to change it from old, to

young, nor from sick to being well, nor are we able to change it

from weak to strong, nor from dark color to fair, nor from ugly to

pretty. Nor are we able to save it from death and have it be

immortal. In spite of many (million) attempts, this body falls

sick; it becomes weak; it becomes old; it dies. This body is

perishable, and our true Self is imperishable. For this

imperishable essence, there can only be imperishable thing. This

body is only a vehicle to perform actions and these actions are

performed only for the world. Attachment is not the name of man,

rather discrimination is the name of man. This body is of this

world, and believing it to be your own is dishonesty, resulting in

punishment in the form of birth-death and great sorrow.





Jes per apna vash nahin chale usko apna man lena murakhta hein

Hum apni iccha ke anushar shareer ko badal nahin sakte. bhude se

Jawaan nahin ho sakte, rogi se nirogi nahin ho sakte ,kamgor se

balwan Nahin ba na sakte kale se goora nahin ba na sakte ku-roop se

sunder Nahin ba na sakte martuyu se bachaker amar nahin ba na sakte

hamare Na chahte hu -a bhi lakh kosish karne per bhi sareer bhimar

ho ja ta Hain.

Kamjor ho ja ta hein bhudha ho ja ta hein mar ja ta hein

Sareer naswan hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein.

Avinashi tatav ke li ye avinashi vastu hi ho sakti hein

Naswan vashtu avinashi ke li ye kai se ho sakti hein

Sareer keval karam karne ka shadhan hein or karam keval sanshar ke

li ye. Ho ta hein.(aakkarti ka name manushya nahin hein balki

vevikshakti ka Name manushya hein). Sareer sansar ki vashtu hein

jesko apna man na bai-e-mani ka dand hein Janam -maran ka mahan dukh





Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Daughter Malika, this body and this mind, are both not ours, by

saying this the point is that neither should we remain strongly

attached to this body, nor should we be engrossed with this mind.


Now the point that remains is, while fulfilling the duties of a

chaste wife, how is one to deal with a situation, where some other

man is filled with passion and attraction for this body and possibly

this mind? You must absolutely not allow this other man to play

with your body or mind. Immediately move away from him, however

much he feels loving and adorable to you. Gita teaches us this

practical application.


Very well,





Malika Beti, yeh tana aur yeh mana dono hi apne nahin hai, yeh

kahenekaa taatparya yeh hai ki hum ne toh is tana mein aasakta rahe,

aurn na hi is mana mein aasakt rahe.


Ab rahi yeh baat ki ekpativratkaa nirvahen karte huye us paristhiti

se kaise nipataa jaaye, jab koyi per purush is tana per aur shaayad

is mana per anuraag se bhar uthaa ho? Aap us per purushko katiyee

apne is tana aur mana ke saath khelne mat deejiye. Ekdum usse hat

jaayiye, chaahe who aapko kitnaa bhi priye kyon ne ho. Gita yahin

vyaavahaariktaa hame sikhaatee hai.






Priya Sadhaks


It is always a pleasure to read detailed answers of Vyasji and arrow

like brief responses of Mike Keenor on this real divine site. Jee

Jee Shashikala is missing on this really deep question.


My question is to Vyasji. Your repeated reference to this shruti,

yukti, anubhuti thing - is it a universal law or there are some

exceptions to it? Can we test this always. I liked Mike Keenor

equating this " body " as temple. What do you say Vyasji and other

sadhaks? It is not ours and still as good as temple ? Pls elaborate .


M M Purohit


Societal Norms Of Monogamy


Today's societal norms of monogamy are not in alliance with our

scriptures. The family planning initiatives of abortion etc. are a

straight road to hell.


I would request Sir Vyasji, Rajendraji, Meeraji etc. to give their

view points on this. They have seen Swamiji and done Satsang with

Him on a one-to-one basis so they would be in a better position to

opine on this.



Varun P. Paprunia


Priy Aatman,

Thats very fine or we may say refined Question.

The answer to this is also very subtle / micro (Sookshm). You need

to make your mind subtle / sookshm to conceive the idea.

As mentioned by GURU Vashishthji to Lord RAMJI. It goes like this:


1. Ramji, There are two views in this life (Is sansaar mein DO

drishti hain). One is viewing the world through the eyes of Soul

(spirit), In this view, one sees that one consciousness (soul) in

every one (Ek Aatm drishti jiske anusaar tume sabh mein ek aatma hee

dikhai dega), And the other is seeing from the worldly perspective,

in this field of sensory perceptions where one sees separate

entities (Aur ek srishti drishti hai jis mein tumhe vibhin jeev

drishti gochar honge). Oh Ram, in this world, kee both sights, one

for societal living and one for the Self (He ram tum sansar mein do

drishti rakhna,. Ek Lok vyavhaar ke liye aur ek swayam ke liye).


2. In Bhagwad Geetaji - Swami Ramsukhdasji elaborated in

Samdarshinah & samvartanah. Swamiji said samvartan means equal

behavior with all cannot & should not be done (in relationships and

customary practices) but Samdarshan means seeing God in every body

must be done because that the truth.


3. If we watch our day to day actions we feel that we dont behave

equally with all parts of our body, we discriminate according to

their function. So when we discriminate with our body parts how can

we allow equal behavior with other people.


4.Adhyatm or Paramatm is a purest bhavana (Feeling, ones self

experience), this cant be bound in any particular rule, formula,

Does & donts. All pervading God is in your heart & will show you

right path. He will send divinity when you are right & will send

condemnation when you go for wrong. Follow his inspirations.


Hope it helps

Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadaks,

Hare Ramachandra Ram Ram. The body is sewage, filth, flesh, bones,

etc is true for people who indulge in drinks, eating nonveg,

pleasures, and going behind woman other than one` wife.

The body is an excellent tool/equipment for me to sing names of

Bagavan, to clap my hands in bajans and fold hands before bagavan,

feet to visit temples, eyes to see Neel Mega Shyamam- peocock

feather, HIS golden crown, His graceful eyes Etc.

Now how some saints used their bodies:

1) Peria Alwar one of the 12 Vaishavite, sang the greatness and

benevolence of Vishnu, daily maintained a garden of flowers and made

garland to put it on Sri Ranganathar in Sri Rangam. He had a

daughter by name Andal to whom he used to tell stories about Sri

Krishna the whole day. Andal is nobody other than mother Maha

Lakshmi desired to work along with Peria Alwar, desired to listen

the praises of Sri Narayana, took BODY in Srivalliputtur south

India. Her deep love for Bagavan ended with marrying Bagavan. Even

today one can see where Andal sat as bride in Sri Rangam Temple. In

the presence of 1000 of people she disappeared and appeared in the

sky along with Sri Narayana. Those days’ people witnessed that



2) In Tirumala Hills a person by name Thirukachi Nambi toiled

months to make a pond for Sri Venkateswara and the Bagavan came in

the form of a boy to bless him. To day one can see that pond named

as Alwar tank. His body was a tool.


3) One shivite saint by name Pattinathar of recent years,

happen to see his friend in a prostitute house. Saint said, “Why

you are indulging in bodily pleasures- Say Nama Shivaya- Don’t

waste your timeâ€. The friend said look at the eyes so beautiful.

Saint said look at it in the early morning the eyes give nasty

paste. Friend said look at her structure. Saint said don’t you

smell filthy next day morning. Friend got irritated and gave a slap

on saint cheek. Saint walking said, “Oh Shiva this your leelaâ€.

Within hours the friend got stroke on right hand and leg.. Here the

body of his friend for saint was sewrage as the body use is such.

The same saint` s body is divine with Nava Sidhis. One can use body

to become divine or sewrage.


Now from scripts: Gandarvas, Indra Lok people, Kinkanars etc from

other higher worlds have to take a BODY to perform penance to

eradicate their sins. Example. Nala and Maniguppa the 2 Gandervas

had to be born as trees in garden where Sri Krishna was playing. The

trees were set apart by Bagavan going in between the trees with

grinder tied to HIS hip.


Veda Vyas used the body to write scared scripts, Vasista used his

body training Sri Rama, Jatayu bird gave it` s wings fighting with

Ravana. Jatayu got Mukthi. Ravana got disgrace. Sridi Sai Baba body

became highly sacred with occult powers. So many saints and Bakthas

used their body for Bagavan


One cannot escape misuse of the body is due to his very bad karmas.

So also one cannot misuse the body for good Karmas. For Bagavan both

are same, as HE is witnessing both.


Without body for good Karmas one cannot elevate. Without body for

bad Karmas one cannot wash his Vasanas. Human body is blessed with

supreme powers without which we could not have had 108 Upanashids,

puranas, etc. But to discover that supreme power the body can be

used as DURVA did when Sri Vishnu took him on HIS lap. Prahalad said

to his father, “you may have conquered worlds, but you failed to

conquer the six enemies within you Kama, Krodha, Mada etc. Without

conquering these 6 enemies Oh father you are useless.†The same

lesson is for us. Let loose the 6 enemies and take several births or

control them to reach Bagavan. If one is millionaire NO use, if one

is Baktha he is priceless.







Hari Om


Your question regarding " body being mine or not " , where to draw a

line of demarcation is being addressed by various sadhaks including

by me also in detail. Reg : " I am doer or not " - we shall address

along with this. As regards your question- On the other extreme , if

this body is not mine then does it mean it is ok to allow a man who

fancies this body , may be this mind too access to this body “ and

your question reg " societal norm of monogamy " please note, you have

a RIGHT TO UTILISE THIS BODY ONLY. That utilisation of this body has

to be as per norms of society/scriptures/ religion/ duty/ etc ( GITA

16: 24) . You have to there more rely on your CONSCIENCE , on your

wisdom and on the preachings of Scriptures etc. If utilisation of

this body is for self gratification, for getting worldly pleasures,

to feed the dictates of ego/mind etc then you are not sticking to

basic principle that this " BODY IS NOT MINE, NOT FOR ME, AND NOT

ME " . Because then it is for YOU or for that person who you consider

to be mine. Basically you should utilise this body for doing " duty "

only. What is your duty ? What you CAN do, and what you SHOULD do is

your duty. On this SHOULD part, your conscience, religion, societal

norms, Scriptures etc are relevant. Both CAN and SHOULD must be

there in affirmative to constitute your doing a DUTY.


In deciding your duty , the golden principles of relying on

1- Shruti ( History, teachings of Scriptures, norms of

society/religion, advice of elders/Saints and Sages) ;

2 - Yukti ( logic/ rationale / appropriateness) and

3 - Anubhuti ( the voice of your Conscience and your direct

experiences , if any in the matter ) are extremely useful/

relevant . Results derived out of these three golden principles

while taking a decision establish truth / duty - always correctly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Hari Om


Who is your THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " yourself " ? Believe it or not ….. it is your daily experience of

sleep. Who is you're THE best teacher on the matters pertaining

to " world " ? It is your own body. Sleep tells you what is the real

nature of " YOU " – the Self. Body tells you " How you should behave

with the world " . Sleep is the SAMPLE of your ultimate goal- Peace

and Happiness. A part of sleep – dreams- also tell you the real

nature of world. Your Body is SAMPLE of world with which world you

are required to deal with every day in your human life. " You " are

SAMPLE of God. Nothing exists in this world except YOU ( Jeeva) ,

World ( Jagat) and God ( Jagdish) . Disconnection by the Jeeva with

Jagat, leaves only Jeeva and Jagat behind – and that is the ultimate

goal of getting this human life and human birth. Body functioning ,

if you observe it keenly, after stopping to identify yourself with

it , teaches you beautifully the fundamental principles of Karma

Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga !!! Your Body also teaches you

beautifully the practical aspects of some of the very FUNDAMENTAL



Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had in his repertoire innumerable ways

to explain the truth. One of them was drawing lessons from " direct

life experiences " of all of us. On this topic of Body also he gave

many practical examples > I am pleased to present those central

themes in my own way for the benefit of Sadhaks – all of which are

also relevant to the question raised by Malika S.


Here is first part on " FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF GITA: "


JUST AS : As a law- An eye can not see itself. SIMILARLY : As a law-

you can not understand your body ( and world as body is part of

world only) unless you stop identifying your " SELF " with the body.


JUST AS : When given a bitter syrup by a Doctor , an ailing patient

drinks that syrup though quite unhappily. SIMILARLY : Inspite of

your not liking/knowing/understanding/experiencing/realising the

fact that you are separate from your body – you should " accept " this

fact . Be sure realisation/ experience of this truth shall follow



JUST AS : What ever flows out of body is not part of body- be it

urine/stool/ sweat/cough/spit etc. Whatever does not flow out of

body is part of body like hands, legs, ears etc. SIMILARLY: Whatever

flows out of you, whatever changes is not part of YOU- your SELF. It

is our direct experience that this body is flowing. Childhood

flowed. Youth is flowing. Sensations/emotions/thoughts in the mind

flow continuously. Ego changes. Intelecct changes. Capacity of

organs of action and sense organs is flowing. Inside our body,

blood/gases/germs/bacteria etc keep flowing continuously. Air flows

in the body. Hence the body as a whole along with mind, intellect ,

ego etc is not part of us because they/it flows/changes. (BG 2:13)


JUST AS : In your body earlier there was childhood. It changed. Now

there is youth. It will change. Sometimes disease comes and goes.

Good health comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. States of waking,

dream, sleep keep coming and going , keep changing continuously.

Moods of subtle body, stabilities, states such as Samadhi etc keep

changing. But who ever is witnessing these changes in the

body/mind/moods/states , one who is counting the changes- does that

SELF changes. NO ! SIMILARLY: One who is changing and one who is

witnessing the changes, these two are separate entities. The former

is body, the latter is You, your SELF !


JUST AS : Whenever you throw anything out of your body, there is

instant relief. Be it urine/stool/vomit/cough/tears/sweat etc.

SIMILARLY: Whenever you disconnect with anything, there is immediate

relief/peace in you. ( BG 12:12)


JUST AS : In the skin disease of " eczema " ( daad) there is itching

on the skin. When you rub the skin, there is pleasure on one hand,

while there is pain of burning on the other hand. In fact both

pleasure and pain are " pain " only , because they arise out of a

disease of skin. SIMILARLY: In the disease of " connection with the

world " , both happiness and sorrow are ultimately " sorrow " only.

Because as a law every happiness ends, and at the end of every

happiness sorrow must emerge. ( BG – DUKHALAYAM ASHASHWATAM)


JUST AS : Hairs and nails are lifeless ( Jad- inert) and they are

not separate from your body which is lively, has a life. SIMILARLY:

Both Jad ( inert/Asat) and Chetan ( Sentient/ Sat) emerge out of

God. ( Sadsachhahamarjun- Gita 9 : 19/ 7:19 – Vasudevah Sarvam).


JUST AS : If you drink water in dream, your thirst is not quenched.

SIMILARLY: whatever worldly things/pleasures you can

accumulate/consume your basic desires of " to know " / " to get?to do

shall not get quenched/satiated.


JUST AS : Your eyes can clearly see a circle created by costant

running of a fan- but the circle does not exist. Your eyes clearly

see you in a mirror, but the fact is that you are not positioned in

the mirror. Your eyes clearly see a horizon, where sky and earth

meet, but the fact is they do not. You clearly see an elephant in

your dream, but the fact is that there was no elephant who came to

your bed room while you were sleeping.SIMILARLY: You clearly see the

world but the fact is that it DOES NOT EXIST. ( BG 2:16).


In the next posting we will understand how the body teaches you the

principles of KARMA YOGA. Believe me almost each and every major

principle of Karma Yoga is hidden in the functioning of your body.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om


Your question starts with " Confusion in THIS mind " . " THIS " ( Idam –

BG 13:1) as a rule can not be " YOU " . Hence fundamentally first be

crystal clear that " I am not this body, this body is not mine and

it is not for me " . Lord Krishna started His teachings in Gita at the

outset itself by distinguishing between " YOU " and " Body " – is not

it.? All the three pillars of determining any TRUTH-,viz Shruti (

History, Scriptures), Yukti ( Logic/ Rationale) and Anubhuti ( Your

direct personal experiences) also establish this fact categorically.

Body is neither You, nor for you and not yours- This is TRUTH . Be

certain, you can NEVER NEVER find peace without accepting and

experiencing this fact. NEVER. Aeons have passed already because of

this " Confusion in THIS mind " - aeons will pass if you do not accept

this truth- in this human life. Be certain on that. Nothing will

result if you consider this body to be me or mine or for me because

fundamentally this body is part of nothing only. Hence

fearlessly " accept " this fact that you are not this body, it is not

yours and it is not for you.


Now the Question comes as to the line of demarcation. Once it is

clear that I am not Body ( Including Ego, mind, intellect, sense

organs, gross body) , it is NOT FOR ME and it is not Mine, then what

can you do with this body? This is the question. Answer is that it

has been given to you and it will be taken back from you. YOU HAVE A

RIGHT OF UTILISATION.( It is yours to that extent ONLY) Utilise

this body for service to the world. Utilise this body to serve the

nature. Utilise this body to serve the Lord. SERVE, SERVE and SERVE.

Serve this body also by not allowing it to become lazy. Keep it

healthy- so that you may serve the world better. Learn from this

body. Watch as a witness its functioning. Nothing teaches the " self "

more than the functioning of this marvellous creation of God. ( I

will touch upon the same in next posting). See what a beautiful Gift

you have got from your Loving Father. Your Special Father- God – has

given this special body to His special children for a special

purpose- for a limited time. UTILISE IT PROPERLY.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Narayan Narayan


In our sight we only see two things - 1) that which is perishable

(inert) and 2) that which is imperishable (sentient). The

departments of both are separate. This itself has been called in

the Gita as " the body " and the " one dwelling in the body " , Akshara

(imperishable), kshar (perishable), " field " and the " knower of the

field. " Saint have also called it " that which IS NOT " and " that

which IS " .


Our true Self, is dweller in this body, consciousness,

imperishable, the knower of the field. That form which we see,

which is not our true Self, that is this body, which is inert, which

is perishable, and IS NOT. That which IS is ever attained, and that

which is NOT, it comes and later departs.


First and the foremost, we must understand this point very well,

that I am consciousness and existence. I am not in the form of this

body . Since childhood, so much has changed with this body, but we

have remained the same. We are the same ones. We first see this

body and then we see the Soul (Self). First we see the action and

then we see the inner sentiments. This polish / shine that we apply

on the surface, how long will it last? If we think deeply the it

become evident that Soul (Self, Spirit) is first and then is the

body, the sentiments are first and then come the actions.

Therefore our sight should first go towards the Self (Soul) and the

inner sentiments, not towards this body.





hamaray dekh ne mai dho he chije aathi hein-one,naswan(jadh) two,

avinashi (chetan) dho no ka vibhag aalag aalag hein

isi ko geeta mai sharir or shariri,kshar or akshar, kshetra,

kshetragya or santho ne nahi or hein kaha hai.

Hamara swaroop shariri hein chetan hein avinashi hein akshara hein

kshaitragya hein or roop hein jo hamara swaroop nahi hein vah

sharir hein jadh hein nasvan hein khar hein kshaitra hein or nahi

hein roop hein jo hein roop hein vah nitya prapat hein or jo nahi

roop hein vah miltha hein or bhichud jata hein sharv pratham hamko

ye bhat achi tharah samaz le ni chaheye ki mai chinmay sattaroop hu

sharir roop nahi hu hum khate thai mai bhachpan me tha vahi mai aaj

hu sharir ko dekhe tho bhachpan se lekar aajtak hamara sharir ethna

bhadal gaya ki ush ko phehchan nahi sakte phir bhi hum vahi hein hum

sharir ko pahle dekh kar phir ushme aatma ko dekhte hein phale

akarti ko dekhkar phir bhav ko dekhte hein uper se lagaye polish kab

tak tekigee.vichar karne per sidh ho ta hein ki aatma phahle hein

or sharir piche hein bhav phahle hein or aakruti phiche hein tho

hamari najar phahle bhavroop aatma (swaroop)ki tharaf jani chaheye

sharir ki tharaf nahi.




Ram-Ram, This body is like a vehicle given to us (our soul) to

travel in this world and in the process to get liberation (God

Realization). When we have a car (vehicle), we use it to reach our

destination or any other similar purpose. Once that is done, we

don't remain inside it, we come out of it. Then we think of some

thing else. Also, we don't let any body misuse the car or spoil it.

Same is with this body, Krishna has given us (our soul) this

beautiful car (body). Now its our duty to take care of it, because

it is the vehicle, which will take us to the door of liberation. We

all do take care of it, The problem is that we are not ready to come

out of it, we consider our-self as the car itself. That's the

mistake we have to realize Yes realize, and once we realize it, then

no power can make us do the same mistake, which we have been making

since thousand of years, Janam-Janam. (life after life)


Ashok Goenka



Actually when we understand things [body, mind, matter, time,

energyetc..] in a deeper level then we understand that many of the

social norms are for just ordinary man, not for specially



A fence is for an on ordinary law-keeping person, not for a robber.

fence is nothing for a robber. just like that the social norms are

for an ordinary man for his/her journey, not for an enlightened

being. that is why in the holy texts of most of the religions, you

wont find teachings supporting monogamy.


This subject needs more enlightenment



Dr A Thomas


Where does one draw the line?


For everything, given the personal and environmental constraints, we

draw a line where we are most comfortable with knowingly or

unknowingly. We all are gifted with that ability. Monogamy,

sexuality, human partnership, etc. are purely societal norms as

correctly mentioned here. Monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, etc. are

social conventions subjected to change and hence cannot determine

the spiritual quality in any sense. As far as one is dependent on

the society for living, it is better one conforms with its

restraints to be at peace. On the other hand, to give is fair when

we receive. As far as our worldly interactions are considered we

need to keep redrawing lines of understanding as the world keeps

changing. We become incompatible with the dynamic world around if we

let our notions freeze to their past. The survival instincts we are

borne with is to adapt ourselves to the circumstantial demands as

far as we depend on the world.


The sexuality is neither good nor bad in itself just like any bodily

function (except for its additional physiological implications

particularly with the women folks) it provides perceivable happiness

while dragging us into its enslaving trap binding us with crave and

lust. But, …


Yena rupam rasam gandham shabdaan sparshaanshcha maithunaan |

Etenaiva vijaanaati kimatra parishishyate ||


All the perceivable happiness we extract through vision, taste,

smell, sound, touch and sex are all momentary in themselves and are

non-existent without the support from something that runs the show –

the existential vitality that ensures bodily life. The very

cognition is rooted in one's vitality without which all the

experiences vanish to oblivion.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kinchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasmaadyetou upashritou ||


The very vitality is not just the existential vitality rooted in

involuntary functions of this body such as breathing, heart beats,

etc., but something on which all these functionalities are

dependent. All the pleasures and pains that we experience are

facilated only by this force which cannot be perceived as such.


Swapnaantam jaagaritaantam cho'bhou yenaanupashyati |

Mahaantam vibhumaatmaanam tato na vijugupsate ||


But the fact is, we attain that very tranquility that we seek at the

end of our wakeful activities as we enter sleep and at the end of

our sleepful inactivity as we enter activities all the time through

all our activities. We fail in our missions and get trapped into

frustration as we digress in our activites loosing awareness of this

ever-present tranquility within. One who acknowledges THAT would not

digress from the tranquility in spite of action as well as inaction.


As far as one is on the digression … one has to keep drawing lines

of checks and balances to keep oneself in existential equilibrium

which is vulnerable to the ever-changing paramaters – both

individual as well as social – of the relative world. One who is

established in the tranquility attains the eternal equilibrium of

The Absolute which cannot be disturbed by anything because nothing

can exist beyond that to attempt modifying THAT. As far as we are

shifting our existential equilibrium toward the eternal equilibrium

it is OK – we are converging. If the opposite is happening … the

divergence insists us to draw more and more lines as we grow pushing

us into more and more painful quarters … nothing can help except

oneself … one has to learn how to draw a line so that no more lines

need to be drawn again at least in that respect … That is Sadhana to





Naga Narayana.




jai latiyal




In this entire infinite Universes, not even a minute thing such as a

splinter is ours, then how can this body be ours. Keep that which

remains carefully with you, do not get flow with that which is

flowing. Just like neither the gross, subtle or causal body are

ours; similarly, the actions performed by the gross body, nor the

contemplation by the subtle body, nor the meditation and stillness /

samadhi by the causal body, none of these are ours. Because all

activities have a beginning and an end, also every thought /

contemplation has a beginning and an end, and does not remain

forever. This is everyone's experience,


But no one has experience of their own Self coming and going, the

Self ever remains constant. Just like in a drama, one acts like a

king, then it is only for the purpose of the play, it is not real.

But that which is real, we have forgotten it (paramaatma)and that

which is not ours, we have believed it to be ours (body). It is

everyone's experience that we have no control over this body. We

are unable to change this body according to our wishes. That which

we have no control over, to consider that thing as ours is

foolishness. This body is perishable, whereas this self is


(shivkumar naravat)



aanat bhrahmand mai aannat vastiye hein per unme tenke jithni

vastu hamari nahi hein.phir sharir hamara ke se hu-aa (rahta roop

sahi ker rakho bhahta sang na bhaheje) je se shatul,sukhsam ,or

karan-ye teeno sharir aapne nahi hein e-se he shathul sharir se ho

ne wali kirya shuksam sharir seho ne wala chintan or karan sharir se

ho ne wali shthirta t-tha shamadhi bhi aapni nahi hein. kyoki pertek

kirya ka aarambh or aant aata hein pertik chintan aata or ja ta hein

koi bhi avhstha nirnter nahi rahti in sab ka aane jane ka anubhav

hame hi tha hien.


per aapne aane jane ka(parivertan) anubhav ki si ko nahi hota hein

hamara hina pan niranter rahtha hein. je se natak mai koi raja

bantha tho vho shiraf natak kerne ke liye mane hu-aa hote hein

ashali nahi ho te hein.jo vashtav mai aapna hein us ko bhula diya

(permatma) or jo aapna na hi hein us ko apna man liya (sharir)yeh

hum sab ka anubhav hein ki sharir per aapna vash chalta nahi hum

aapni incha ke anushar sharir ko bhadal nahi sakhte jis per aapna

vash nahi na chale usko aapna manna murakhta hein sharir nashvan

hein or hamara swaroop avinashi hein

(shivkumar naravat)



Nothing in this world is ours because everything is an illusion. The

only thing real is our soul which we cannot even see. To connect

with the soul we have to meditate. but that does not mean that we

should harm our body or let others harm it. After all it is the

place where our soul resides.


Hari Shanker Deo


It depends on what's your mind set.


My body is not mine - If this body & mind is not your's, why do you

need access to others body & mind? If you are in a state where you

are not owning your body, why do you try to own others body? Also,

try to keep the body & mind as perfect as you can as its not your's

and you need to give it back sometime!!


My body is mine - If the body & mind is your's, try to keep it

always perfect and clean. Do not allow any anonymous access to it.

Depends on the person who try to access it, it may get dirty. Your

body & mind is your vehicle to go. So keep it

Prakash Nair




-Shree Hari-


This paste is from the latest post of Sadhaka, quoting Swamiji,

'This human body has been received for God Realization...'. I think

that says a lot.


The body is in ones care, you have stewardship over it, you or no

other human owns it.

Gitaji 13:22 through 35, deals a lot, regarding your questions.


In my humble form of expression; the body is the temple of: 'The Most

High', so why would one want to damage it?


After all how would you feel, if some persons defiled your favorite

shrine or temple?


With Respect and Divine Love,



(Mike Keenor)




Shree Hari


Dear Sadhaka, thanks for a good question.


As Swamiji Maharaj has explained it - The body is not mine and I am

not the body. Truly, I am only a ray of consciousness of the Supreme

(Gitaji: 15-7). Like this world, the body is made of the five

elements. This body does not belong to us, it is gifted to us by God

because of He is compassion for us to grant us a golden opportunity

to accomplish the single purpose of realizing God. The body is like

a chariot, given to us to complete this journey. We have a duty to

take good care of this body to keep it fit & able in order to be

able to serve the mankind, His wonderful creation.


The body is not ours but the karmas we do are ours, i.e.,

consequences of the Karmas we will have to deal with. But when the

actions are done as a dedication to God then we do not have to be

concerned with good and bad fruits of our actions (Gita 9-27 & 28).

Also, when we are doing actions as an offering to Him, we will be

doing only good actions.


We should not claim the doer of actions, because the actions are

done with the help of many other things and people of the world, to

claim ownership would be being dishonest. By claiming ownership we

will be bound (Gitaji: 3-9 & 3-27).


If the body was ours we should have a total control over the body

which we do not have. Everything happening to the body is not

happening with our permission, i.e., aging, falling sick and death

etc. When we consider the body to be ours, all the actions we do

with it become our responsibility, the result of all those fruit of

actions would be to keep us in the loop of birth and death cycle.


The body is a sacred temple and it has to be treated as such. Doing

actions without consideration to what is right or wrong will prove

to be a big mistake. Our Dharma does not allow us to do prohibited

actions, which would cause a chaos in the society. We have a social

responsibility to the society we live in. The holy sages and

scriptures are the guide in discerning what is right and wrong

(Gitaji: 16-24).


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura


Narayan Narayan




This body was not yours, will not remain yours, to believe it to be

yours is a grave mistake. Our relationship with the body is only for

doing duties. Embodied soul, this body and this world, which even

though they are not yours, having considered these to be your own,

what kind of justice is that? That which is yours, you do not

consider it to be yours. This is where the mistake lies.


As long as you consider this body to be your own, till that time, to

even think about your upliftment, your salvation is stupidity. This

body is a factory for producing sewage and dirt, what else is it

besides that? Even if you drink nectar, it turns into sewage, and

even if you eat the silkiest foods, it turns into dirt and come out.





Sharir aapna tha nein apna rahega nahi es ko aapna man na bhari bhool

Hai sharir ke sath aapna sambadh keval karam kar ne ke liye hai

Jeev jagat or sharir(jo aapna nahi hai ushko aapna manna kaha ka

nayay Hai.jo aapna hai us ko aap aapna mante nahi yaha galti hoti



Jab tak sharir ko aapna man te rahoge tab tak kalyan ki bhat

Bhi souchna murakhta hai. Sharir (mal mutra banane ki machin hai es

ke siway or kya hai. Aap amrit piloo tho mutra banker nikal jayega

or mulywan vastu khaloo Tho mal banker nikal jayegi





Dear sadaks,

Sometimes one has a high fever, but wants to attend a wedding. Body

is unabled, mind is abled. Here you and the body are different,

because the body does not listen to you.


Allowing the body to be fancied is wrong. Here one is

distinuguishing that the body is fancied. That thought is doership.

A man fancies a mad woman's body and uses her. The woman nethier

allowed him, nor felt the man used her. Here her mind has non-

doership, as that act was in no way fancied, enjoyed or even



A prostitute by her beauty wanted to distort the name of Sant

Tukaram. But when Sant sang a Abang about how the beauty fades,

shrinks, becomes ackward and the Asti. She became another saint.



Dear sadak,

We do not know when, how, why, this body came into existence. As a

child will not know about body or soul. When mind introgates deep

within or when some one says, then thinking process starts about

body and soul. If body was our we can control aging, diseases etc.

Often we here someone saying , " look after your health " . Means you

are differant from body and you have to take care of your health. I

am 65 and I was there before beeing in my mother womb. Where was I ?

Now after 80 I may die, then where am I ? Before and after I

existed, since i never came from Nothing. " Karmayesu Jalma, Jalma

Yeshu Karma " . Doing karma birth comes and birth takes place for

Karma. This is the cycle of birth and death as per " Bajagovindam "

Now cought in cycle, by chance one does one of these

pooja/bakthi/namasankeethana/hears lecture on diviness, helps a

sadhu, thinks of Bagavan. That gives a Pala in next birth that you

be born in right place to good parents of divinity, get friends of

Sat Sangh, gets a guru and elevate to Bakthi. Once TRUE Bakthi gets

into mind, you are taken care of by Bagavan and you will surely get

Mukthi. This is there in BG. Raja Bali was in his previous birth a

rat in a temple. Due to Smurithies, the rat in nights licked the

wick of oil lamp to keep light for Bagavan. Rat was Raja Bali who

sent to Patalalok by Vishnu( As Vamana). But Sri Vishnu is the

protector of Bali in Patalalok.

Now about senses/mind/objects. These play a vital role in life

pattern based on your Karmas. Namadev was speeking Sri Krishna and

practically feeding Panduranga. What a gift one can have. But his

karma lead to another birth as Tukaram who went bodily to heaven by

a flying (puspaka Vimam) from Vaikunt Stal (To day one see that

place) Once Namadev was in bakthi, it was Bagavan Sankalp to give

him Gyna and Bakthi and take him to his abode in 1645. So control of

senses (Indriyas) bagavan has said in BG All senses are to obey

Dharma. Many of us can recollect that 20/40 years of life gone like

yesterday. So in this short period one should controls senses, he

becomes GOD loved.

Conscience is beeing illuminated by Bagavan and it says right or

wrong. Draw the line there srticktly. For one to go into Nothing

(where senses are not felt), still that stage of nothing Bagavan

illuminates. Like Valmiki was covered with ants/worms while in

meditating Ram Nam. But when GOD appeared his senses came back. Who

took care of him for years?

In Gujarat a old lady was recovered from debris of earth quake after

80 days alive. Who gave long lease of life. Ram Nam.

For social norms, attend but be wittness never get indulge. See all

that as Maya.






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