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Gita's View on Death

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Namaste and Jai Seeta Ram!


I have been a recipient of your in depth information for a long time

and gained considerably knowledge from it topics and contents.


Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if you could

elaborate in details? Lots of information on the living, let's hear

your katha on death with specific emphasis on Bhagavad Gita's



Thanks, Dhaniram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

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7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Namaste and Jai Seeta Ram!


I have been a recipient of your in depth information for a long time

and gained considerably knowledge from it topics and contents.


Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if you could

elaborate in details? Lots of information on the living, let's hear

your katha on death with specific emphasis on Bhagavad Gita's



Thanks, Dhaniram





Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Death is of the body, not of the Self. When we do not ever die, then

what to speak and what to listen?

Thank you very much, Ram Ram, Sarvottam



Mrutyu sharir ki hoti hai, swayam ki nahin. Jab apni mrutyu hoti hi

nahin, toh kyaa kahe, kyaa sune ? Sahadhanyavaad,


Ram Ram




Hari Om


Death is indeed the disappearance of body and that death is the

greatest joy. Death is not at any time , of the nature of complete

destruction. The dead one is spoken of as lost. I consider that as

untrue and improper. So does Gita and Sanatan Dharma in unison.

Being born repeatedly , he is perceived , separated by space and

time. Continuance in different wishes or imaginations of oneself is

called death. The individual soul, remaining with its desires,

departs leaving the body and dwells in a different body, as a monkey

leaving a forest tree betakes itself to another tree. The individual

souls are led here and there by their own individual desire or

mental impressions in a different extended place and a different

point of time. As the seer of a dream , who met death in his dream

world, is again born to see a different dream consisting of waking

state, so, that seer of the waking state , who met with death in the

world of the waking state, is again born to see a different dream

consisting of waking state !


The man who is dead in this world is declared as awakened

elsewhere . After the loss of consciousness in death, all the worlds

quickly become manifest completely to an individual soul, as visible

objects appear by the opening of eyes. After death, the wealth of

creation consisting of the visible objects of three worlds , arrives

at perception just in a moment.


Death does not lead to fear or danger. If death is complete

annihilation, then there is the destruction of the disease of

worldly existence. Being dead , if he is not born again , in this

respect also, there is great prosperity and elevation !


Hence death always is a pleasant thing.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

It is not Khatha as Dhaniram says. The forum is giving facts.

The death is predecided based on ones previous birth Karmas. The

fact of birth is because one has Karmas to his account. Karmas are

destined to undergo. The period to undergo such Karmas, the place of

birth, environment, parents, education, type of job, wife, brothers

and sisterts, friends, etc are predecided by 27 stars which is

computerised by virusless system. Once Karma effect of previous

birth completes even if one is 16 years or 70 years old death takes

place. Since it is destined if one lives as he likes, he is adding

Karmas to his account of this birth to be passed over to next birth.

Mr. Birla died in plane crash just before minutes of landing. Many

are very well just before few hours of death. Death and birth are

same side of one coin.

The 6 children of Sri Devaki (mother of krishna) were destined to be

killed by Kans. Ravana was destined to be killed by Sri Rama as such

Sri Rama who had vknowledge of past, present and future crowned

Vibushan as King of Sri Lanka much before war started.

Death is certain but time is uncertain. But there are saints like

Poodhanam, Tukaram went to heaven with body defiying death.

Hanuman, Vibushan and few other were blessed as " Sriranjeevi " (alway








1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Namaste and Jai Seeta Ram!


I have been a recipient of your in depth information for a long time

and gained considerably knowledge from it topics and contents.


Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if you could

elaborate in details? Lots of information on the living, let's hear

your katha on death with specific emphasis on Bhagavad Gita's



Thanks, Dhaniram





Jai Hanuman


Very good Jee. What a beautiful subject is this - Death ! " Tata "

forever to this ever changing world and finding solace in the

affectionate and loving eveready arms of Daddy, the Great.


Dhaniram Bhaiyya ! Leave Dhan and become of Ram !


Jee Jee



Hari Om


When the channels of bio energy receive the nourishment with their

contractions and expansions on account of disease, then, the

breathing abandons its own natural state in the body.


When the airs or breaths that have gone in do not go out and vice

versa on account of improper state of the channels of bio energy (

nadi-s) , then, due to the absence of movement of senses, there can

be only memory and not sensory knowledge.


When the air does not enter at all or go out, on account of

agitation in the channels of bio energy in the body, then, he is

declared as dead.


When that body has become a corpse and the life force has gone to

the state of external wind , the consciousness which is liberated

from desires/mental impressions dwells in the own

natural /obvious/sahaj state of one's true self.


The name of that minute or subtle entity possessed of desires is

declared as JEEVA.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu


" Art of Dieing "


I started journey to reach my destination - took auto, then a

bus ,next a train, then an aeroplane, and again a train, an auto and

reached 'Destination'. All this journey is to reach my destination.

The art of living is a comfort journey to reach final destination -

a comfortable death, which blesses one without a need for another



It is said that the highest goal of human life to be blessed with

Kaivalyam or Moksham or Mukti or Liberation .


" What is the most wonderful thing on earth? " asked Yaksha to



'Aharnahanibhutani gachhantiha Yamalayam Seshahasthavaramichhanti

kimaascharyamatahparam' " Everyday there go into the abode of Yama

countless creatures. However, the living believe themselves to be

immortal. Is it not the strangest thing on earth? " replied

Dharmaraju. People don't want to die. All the rakshasaas like

Ravanasura, Mahishaasura, Mushikaasura, Madhukaitabha, Bhasmaasura

asked for boons of no death.


Adi Sankaracharya, in Prasnottararatnamaalika 'Kim maranam - What is

death? " Moorghatvam " " Ignoraance and foolishness " answered.

" Kim Jeevitham - What is living ? " Anavadyam " " Living a faultless

life " answered.

" What is ignorance? " asked Yaksha and Yudhishthira replied " Not

taking cognisance of one's duties is ignorance "


Lord Krishna clarified us on death. ' Dehinosminyadhaadehe' just as

boyhood, youth and old age are attributed to the soul through this

body even so the death.

'Jaatasyahidhruvo mrutyuhu' for in that case death is certain for

the born.


The art of living is prescribed for learning the art of dieing.

Then how to live artistically?.

'Yasmaannodvijateloko' , he who is not a source of annoyance to his

fellow creatures, and who in his turn does not feel vexed with his

fellow creatures and who is free from delight and envy, perturbation

and fear.


There is one thing worse than death to an

individual. 'Akeertichapibhutani' infamy or ill will brought on a

man enjoying popular esteem is worse than death.

While living righteously and doing one's prescribed duties is

desirable. 'Hatovaapraapsyasesvargam' , die and you will win heaven,

asserted Bhagavad Gita.


C.P.Gilman summarised philosophy of death. " Death? Why this fuss

about death. Use your imagination,try to visualise a world without

death - Death is an essential condition of life,not an evil " .


All should learn art of living to die artistically with no another

birth so that one need not worry about death again.



Namaskar. Jai Shri Ram.

Regarding Death, Bhagavad Gita Ch 2 shlokaas 22 & 27 lay down

crisply and precisely what we should know about and accept with


Our scriptures clearly state that Death is but a comma, a passing

shower in the journey of life. As we do so we get the result and to

enjoy or suffer that karma-phala, we take birth. Once a quota of

Karma-phala is undergone in a life, that chapter closes and a new

chapter opens as a new life, with the change-over being marked by

what we call as Death. There is really nothing to be scared of

Death; rather there is no meaning in getting scared, for Death is

inevitable, just as Birth is. Our efforts should be to be good, do

good, say good and see good, so that a new good life dawns!


Major Ramanujam.


Respected Sadhakas.




Gita has said so much about death of a body. Refer (2/11-30) And

said the truth and 100% truth. When a child is born, you do not

know where it will live; what it will study, what profession it will

follow. But it is known that one day it will die. Birth & death is

a cycle of nature. The body cannot be alive for ever.


Imagine a deathless world; wherein all generations of humans,

plants, birds & all other species are alive. Some of them may be as

old as you can imagine. What will be the condition on the earth ?

Shall we have enough food for all? Shall we have enough space for

all? Will the oxygen & ozone cover be adequate? The list can go on.


Today we find people complaining of ill health from the age of 35 or

so. The eyes need spectacles at 30 yrs; knees start rattling at 50

yrs. One can not see at 60 due to cataract; hearing loss starts at

60 yrs. So if there is deathless society, what will be our condition

of those at an age of 200 or 300 or above ? But mother nature has

made things easy.


Do not be afraid of death. It is only a change of dress.


People sing " Tum jio hajaron saal ... " at birthdays. Please

remember it is a curse to wish so & not a blessing if it comes true.




With best wishes and pranam to all.


Suhas Govind Gogate


-Shree Hari-


I have pasted in some sound points from the Gitaji dealing with death

rebirth and so on.


Just as a person puts on new garments after discarding the old


similarly, the living entity or the individual soul acquires new

bodies after casting away the old bodies. (2.22)


All beings are unmanifest, or invisible to our physical eyes, before

birth and af­ter death. They manifest between the birth and the death

only. What is there to grieve about? (2.28)


(B.G. 25-30 is worth reading in giving a rounded view.)


After many births, the enlightened one resorts to Me by realiz­ing

that everything is, indeed, My manifestation. Such a great soul is

very rare. (7.19)


I like to take these thoughts a step further. I read an account that

happened in India ,(many sadhaks could give name and place to this

event better than myself, for sure).

There was a holy man living near a town/village, his custom was to

come down from his abode daily, to perform his sacred duties, in

return the people of the town would offer sustenance to this man .

One day the people of the town were surprised by this holy ones,

appearance he was surrounded by a brilliant aura that all could see;

that was his last day in body.

A similar thing happened in the USA when a visiting swami, appeared


similar manner before a large audience of devotees. Again he passed

from this physical world.


Now I will now come to Qi or better known to most sadhaks as Prana.

This is one time I will speak with true knowledge. In the arena as


were of the Martial Arts and Quigong, energy can be experienced,

moving through the body, radiating from it and so on. It seems to be

associated with those who are spiritual, it is coaxed not driven. (I

will leave as thus).

So the point I am making is, that which we may consider as the


body, is far more than just that, and remember energy is

indestructible, it can only change. After all, all is from the source



With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Death is of the body, not of the Self. When we do not ever die, then

what to speak and what to listen?

Thank you very much, Ram Ram, Sarvottam



Mrutyu sharir ki hoti hai, swayam ki nahin. Jab apni mrutyu hoti hi

nahin, toh kyaa kahe, kyaa sune ? Sahadhanyavaad,


Ram Ram




Hari Om


Death is indeed the disappearance of body and that death is the

greatest joy. Death is not at any time , of the nature of complete

destruction. The dead one is spoken of as lost. I consider that as

untrue and improper. So does Gita and Sanatan Dharma in unison.

Being born repeatedly , he is perceived , separated by space and

time. Continuance in different wishes or imaginations of oneself is

called death. The individual soul, remaining with its desires,

departs leaving the body and dwells in a different body, as a monkey

leaving a forest tree betakes itself to another tree. The individual

souls are led here and there by their own individual desire or

mental impressions in a different extended place and a different

point of time. As the seer of a dream , who met death in his dream

world, is again born to see a different dream consisting of waking

state, so, that seer of the waking state , who met with death in the

world of the waking state, is again born to see a different dream

consisting of waking state !


The man who is dead in this world is declared as awakened

elsewhere . After the loss of consciousness in death, all the worlds

quickly become manifest completely to an individual soul, as visible

objects appear by the opening of eyes. After death, the wealth of

creation consisting of the visible objects of three worlds , arrives

at perception just in a moment.


Death does not lead to fear or danger. If death is complete

annihilation, then there is the destruction of the disease of

worldly existence. Being dead , if he is not born again , in this

respect also, there is great prosperity and elevation !


Hence death always is a pleasant thing.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

It is not Khatha as Dhaniram says. The forum is giving facts.

The death is predecided based on ones previous birth Karmas. The

fact of birth is because one has Karmas to his account. Karmas are

destined to undergo. The period to undergo such Karmas, the place of

birth, environment, parents, education, type of job, wife, brothers

and sisterts, friends, etc are predecided by 27 stars which is

computerised by virusless system. Once Karma effect of previous

birth completes even if one is 16 years or 70 years old death takes

place. Since it is destined if one lives as he likes, he is adding

Karmas to his account of this birth to be passed over to next birth.

Mr. Birla died in plane crash just before minutes of landing. Many

are very well just before few hours of death. Death and birth are

same side of one coin.

The 6 children of Sri Devaki (mother of krishna) were destined to be

killed by Kans. Ravana was destined to be killed by Sri Rama as such

Sri Rama who had vknowledge of past, present and future crowned

Vibushan as King of Sri Lanka much before war started.

Death is certain but time is uncertain. But there are saints like

Poodhanam, Tukaram went to heaven with body defiying death.

Hanuman, Vibushan and few other were blessed as " Sriranjeevi " (alway








1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Namaste and Jai Seeta Ram!


I have been a recipient of your in depth information for a long time

and gained considerably knowledge from it topics and contents.


Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if you could

elaborate in details? Lots of information on the living, let's hear

your katha on death with specific emphasis on Bhagavad Gita's



Thanks, Dhaniram





Jai Hanuman


Who dies Jee! Who takes birth ! The self neither dies nor is born

anywhere. It only perceives this mistakenly like the confusion

arising in a dream. The soul is mere consciousness. When and where

possibly does it perish? In the case of its being distinct from

consciousness , say, what else can a man be?


Say, who has seen consciousness dead till this day- whose, which and

how? Hundreds of thousands of bodies die. Consciousness is remaining



The names of life and death were invented only for that diversity of

mere desires which the individual soul may experience in itself, Jee.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Hare Krishna


" Sab Jag Darte Maran Se Mere Maran Anand

Kab Mariye Kab Bhetiye Pooran Parmanand "


" The whole world is afraid of death, but my joy lies in death

When shall I die and attain that Supreme Bliss "


In his discourses, when speaking on topic 'Afraid of death' Swamiji

would ask sadhaks to contemplate on whether they are prepared for

the inevitable death.


He would say - " If death comes today then are you ready to face it?

If you are afraid of it then this means you have not completed your

work. You might remember that in school days when teacher throws

questions on a topic and if you have not studied it then you would

try to hide yourself from the eyes of teacher. But if you have

completed your homework then you would confidently raise the hand.

Similarly if you are fearing death then it means you have not

completed your work. The most important work of this human body is

God-Realization. Just think over your life. The path which you have

taken will that make you intrepid to death? If not then what are you

planning to do in this human life.... " He would often say the above

doha of Saint Kabir.


From the book 'Ek Mahatma Ka Prasad' published by Gitapress,Gorakhpur

" Sadhak's present spiritual practice can make his future a

success. If one is steadfast in his spiritual practice then he won't

have to fear death. Infact he will pleasantly wait for it. He is not

afraid of death because he has completed the work of this human

body. Then what would be the cause of worry?

But one who is not utilizing his present and has left everything

on future, one who is not prepared for his departure then he will

have to fear death. On arrival of death he is dreaded and guilty.

But at that moment he is unable to do anyting.

A man's biggest helplessness and weakness is that whatever he

knows he is not able to do that. "

(Page 254 - 255)

" A man is born crying and if he dies crying then what has he

attained? What have you gained from human body? The greatness of

this body is that we invite death with a smile " (Page 256)


Every sadhak has experienced that the more he progresses on

spiritual path the more fearless he becomes from death. Our

Scriptures and Saints have said that on God-Realization even death

comes to death. So true!!



Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Just as good night sleep puts a temporary end to all " my " desires,

fears, attachments, pleasures and pains, all of which are parading

as " me-mine during waking hours " , the so called death puts an end

to them permanently. I ask myself: Can I put an end to this " me "

while living daily? If I can do it, then, Death is the greatest

teacher I can have! For most of us living means relating to the

world while engaging in Karmas. Here Gita's message is relevant in

doing karmas without the false sense of " me-doer " . Thus real death

is death of " me " , a false sense of separate existence based on my

ignorance, and the only source of my suffering.

Fortunately we can die while living only. So living is dying and

dying is living. Every night one can die by examining hurts, selfish

desires, fears, etc., obtained during the day and dying to them,

making psyche like a clean slate for next day's freash start.

Another point: in the death body disintegrates back into Universal

Elements from which it was integrated at birth- space, air, fire,

water, earth. Body is universal in nature, not personal, as it

cannot survive in isolation. Mind is subset of human conditioning

based on time and place of one's upbringing, on the substratum of

Atman-Consciousness which is the only reality of " me " ! To me, thus

inherited mind is same as one's karmas, impressions ridden Atman

(sanskaras), due to identification with body-mind, which merges back

upon death and is recycled back to new body.

If one dispells the ignorance of believing to be an individual, by

realizing the truth that one is only put together by such an

Intelligent Universal Being(GOD-Brahman) for Divine play only and is

not one's reality, one is free in this life! Nothing dies in all our


Thus one is Immortal Conscious Being, inspite of having physical

body! One is never was/is/will be limited by birth-death of a body!

This is what I learn from the so called Death!

Namaskaras! .............Pratap Bhatt




Hari Om


Then, infinite things spring up all round , such as the apprehension

of space and time , the sky, things full of characteristic

properties and actions and objects having stability till the end of

the world.


At the end of death , quite at once, one perceives the body in youth

and also , space , time , activity , objects, the mind, the

intellect, the senses and the like.


When the flow of bio-energy in the channels of bio-energy is

adverse or deprived and the creature indeed reaches the improper

state of the vital airs or energy , then, his consciousness becomes,

as it were, extinguished.


Merely on account of the complete obstruction to the flow of bio-

energy , when activity is extinguished , the body is declared as

dead. Then, that person is named inert or senseless.


When the man is dead , the vital airs are united with the

atmospheric airs.


All the directions are just filled with winds accompanied by vital

airs pregnant with throbbing minds or thoughts.


Within the atomospheric air, the vital airs of the dead exist.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Very good Jee. What a beautiful subject is this - Death ! " Tata "

forever to this ever changing world and finding solace in the

affectionate and loving eveready arms of Daddy, the Great.


Dhaniram Bhaiyya ! Leave Dhan and become of Ram !


Jee Jee



Hari Om


When the channels of bio energy receive the nourishment with their

contractions and expansions on account of disease, then, the

breathing abandons its own natural state in the body.


When the airs or breaths that have gone in do not go out and vice

versa on account of improper state of the channels of bio energy (

nadi-s) , then, due to the absence of movement of senses, there can

be only memory and not sensory knowledge.


When the air does not enter at all or go out, on account of

agitation in the channels of bio energy in the body, then, he is

declared as dead.


When that body has become a corpse and the life force has gone to

the state of external wind , the consciousness which is liberated

from desires/mental impressions dwells in the own

natural /obvious/sahaj state of one's true self.


The name of that minute or subtle entity possessed of desires is

declared as JEEVA.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu


" Art of Dieing "


I started journey to reach my destination - took auto, then a

bus ,next a train, then an aeroplane, and again a train, an auto and

reached 'Destination'. All this journey is to reach my destination.

The art of living is a comfort journey to reach final destination -

a comfortable death, which blesses one without a need for another



It is said that the highest goal of human life to be blessed with

Kaivalyam or Moksham or Mukti or Liberation .


" What is the most wonderful thing on earth? " asked Yaksha to



'Aharnahanibhutani gachhantiha Yamalayam Seshahasthavaramichhanti

kimaascharyamatahparam' " Everyday there go into the abode of Yama

countless creatures. However, the living believe themselves to be

immortal. Is it not the strangest thing on earth? " replied

Dharmaraju. People don't want to die. All the rakshasaas like

Ravanasura, Mahishaasura, Mushikaasura, Madhukaitabha, Bhasmaasura

asked for boons of no death.


Adi Sankaracharya, in Prasnottararatnamaalika 'Kim maranam - What is

death? " Moorghatvam " " Ignoraance and foolishness " answered.

" Kim Jeevitham - What is living ? " Anavadyam " " Living a faultless

life " answered.

" What is ignorance? " asked Yaksha and Yudhishthira replied " Not

taking cognisance of one's duties is ignorance "


Lord Krishna clarified us on death. ' Dehinosminyadhaadehe' just as

boyhood, youth and old age are attributed to the soul through this

body even so the death.

'Jaatasyahidhruvo mrutyuhu' for in that case death is certain for

the born.


The art of living is prescribed for learning the art of dieing.

Then how to live artistically?.

'Yasmaannodvijateloko' , he who is not a source of annoyance to his

fellow creatures, and who in his turn does not feel vexed with his

fellow creatures and who is free from delight and envy, perturbation

and fear.


There is one thing worse than death to an

individual. 'Akeertichapibhutani' infamy or ill will brought on a

man enjoying popular esteem is worse than death.

While living righteously and doing one's prescribed duties is

desirable. 'Hatovaapraapsyasesvargam' , die and you will win heaven,

asserted Bhagavad Gita.


C.P.Gilman summarised philosophy of death. " Death? Why this fuss

about death. Use your imagination,try to visualise a world without

death - Death is an essential condition of life,not an evil " .


All should learn art of living to die artistically with no another

birth so that one need not worry about death again.



Namaskar. Jai Shri Ram.

Regarding Death, Bhagavad Gita Ch 2 shlokaas 22 & 27 lay down

crisply and precisely what we should know about and accept with


Our scriptures clearly state that Death is but a comma, a passing

shower in the journey of life. As we do so we get the result and to

enjoy or suffer that karma-phala, we take birth. Once a quota of

Karma-phala is undergone in a life, that chapter closes and a new

chapter opens as a new life, with the change-over being marked by

what we call as Death. There is really nothing to be scared of

Death; rather there is no meaning in getting scared, for Death is

inevitable, just as Birth is. Our efforts should be to be good, do

good, say good and see good, so that a new good life dawns!


Major Ramanujam.


Respected Sadhakas.




Gita has said so much about death of a body. Refer (2/11-30) And

said the truth and 100% truth. When a child is born, you do not

know where it will live; what it will study, what profession it will

follow. But it is known that one day it will die. Birth & death is

a cycle of nature. The body cannot be alive for ever.


Imagine a deathless world; wherein all generations of humans,

plants, birds & all other species are alive. Some of them may be as

old as you can imagine. What will be the condition on the earth ?

Shall we have enough food for all? Shall we have enough space for

all? Will the oxygen & ozone cover be adequate? The list can go on.


Today we find people complaining of ill health from the age of 35 or

so. The eyes need spectacles at 30 yrs; knees start rattling at 50

yrs. One can not see at 60 due to cataract; hearing loss starts at

60 yrs. So if there is deathless society, what will be our condition

of those at an age of 200 or 300 or above ? But mother nature has

made things easy.


Do not be afraid of death. It is only a change of dress.


People sing " Tum jio hajaron saal ... " at birthdays. Please

remember it is a curse to wish so & not a blessing if it comes true.




With best wishes and pranam to all.


Suhas Govind Gogate


-Shree Hari-


I have pasted in some sound points from the Gitaji dealing with death

rebirth and so on.


Just as a person puts on new garments after discarding the old


similarly, the living entity or the individual soul acquires new

bodies after casting away the old bodies. (2.22)


All beings are unmanifest, or invisible to our physical eyes, before

birth and af­ter death. They manifest between the birth and the death

only. What is there to grieve about? (2.28)


(B.G. 25-30 is worth reading in giving a rounded view.)


After many births, the enlightened one resorts to Me by realiz­ing

that everything is, indeed, My manifestation. Such a great soul is

very rare. (7.19)


I like to take these thoughts a step further. I read an account that

happened in India ,(many sadhaks could give name and place to this

event better than myself, for sure).

There was a holy man living near a town/village, his custom was to

come down from his abode daily, to perform his sacred duties, in

return the people of the town would offer sustenance to this man .

One day the people of the town were surprised by this holy ones,

appearance he was surrounded by a brilliant aura that all could see;

that was his last day in body.

A similar thing happened in the USA when a visiting swami, appeared


similar manner before a large audience of devotees. Again he passed

from this physical world.


Now I will now come to Qi or better known to most sadhaks as Prana.

This is one time I will speak with true knowledge. In the arena as


were of the Martial Arts and Quigong, energy can be experienced,

moving through the body, radiating from it and so on. It seems to be

associated with those who are spiritual, it is coaxed not driven. (I

will leave as thus).

So the point I am making is, that which we may consider as the


body, is far more than just that, and remember energy is

indestructible, it can only change. After all, all is from the source



With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Death is of the body, not of the Self. When we do not ever die, then

what to speak and what to listen?

Thank you very much, Ram Ram, Sarvottam



Mrutyu sharir ki hoti hai, swayam ki nahin. Jab apni mrutyu hoti hi

nahin, toh kyaa kahe, kyaa sune ? Sahadhanyavaad,


Ram Ram




Hari Om


Death is indeed the disappearance of body and that death is the

greatest joy. Death is not at any time , of the nature of complete

destruction. The dead one is spoken of as lost. I consider that as

untrue and improper. So does Gita and Sanatan Dharma in unison.

Being born repeatedly , he is perceived , separated by space and

time. Continuance in different wishes or imaginations of oneself is

called death. The individual soul, remaining with its desires,

departs leaving the body and dwells in a different body, as a monkey

leaving a forest tree betakes itself to another tree. The individual

souls are led here and there by their own individual desire or

mental impressions in a different extended place and a different

point of time. As the seer of a dream , who met death in his dream

world, is again born to see a different dream consisting of waking

state, so, that seer of the waking state , who met with death in the

world of the waking state, is again born to see a different dream

consisting of waking state !


The man who is dead in this world is declared as awakened

elsewhere . After the loss of consciousness in death, all the worlds

quickly become manifest completely to an individual soul, as visible

objects appear by the opening of eyes. After death, the wealth of

creation consisting of the visible objects of three worlds , arrives

at perception just in a moment.


Death does not lead to fear or danger. If death is complete

annihilation, then there is the destruction of the disease of

worldly existence. Being dead , if he is not born again , in this

respect also, there is great prosperity and elevation !


Hence death always is a pleasant thing.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

It is not Khatha as Dhaniram says. The forum is giving facts.

The death is predecided based on ones previous birth Karmas. The

fact of birth is because one has Karmas to his account. Karmas are

destined to undergo. The period to undergo such Karmas, the place of

birth, environment, parents, education, type of job, wife, brothers

and sisterts, friends, etc are predecided by 27 stars which is

computerised by virusless system. Once Karma effect of previous

birth completes even if one is 16 years or 70 years old death takes

place. Since it is destined if one lives as he likes, he is adding

Karmas to his account of this birth to be passed over to next birth.

Mr. Birla died in plane crash just before minutes of landing. Many

are very well just before few hours of death. Death and birth are

same side of one coin.

The 6 children of Sri Devaki (mother of krishna) were destined to be

killed by Kans. Ravana was destined to be killed by Sri Rama as such

Sri Rama who had vknowledge of past, present and future crowned

Vibushan as King of Sri Lanka much before war started.

Death is certain but time is uncertain. But there are saints like

Poodhanam, Tukaram went to heaven with body defiying death.

Hanuman, Vibushan and few other were blessed as " Sriranjeevi " (alway








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Ram Ram

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Namaste and Jai Seeta Ram!


I have been a recipient of your in depth information for a long time

and gained considerably knowledge from it topics and contents.


Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if you could

elaborate in details? Lots of information on the living, let's hear

your katha on death with specific emphasis on Bhagavad Gita's



Thanks, Dhaniram





Jai Hanuman


Very Good Varun Bhaiyya! Death of the death. Wow ! Yes ! Dr Goli-

here is how what you wished in last para of your very good message

can be achieved ! Vyasji Maharaj - Tu daal daal to main paat

paat !!


Death does not wish to kill that person on whose bosom the series of

strings of desires passed through pearls that are sins or defects,

is not fastened !


Mike Bhaiyya ! Any views on the below?


Death does not wish to kill him whom mental agonies, which are

insects for the creeper constituting the entire body and saws for

the body tree in the form of sighs, do not cut.


Death does not wish to kill him whom hopes or desires , which are

multitudes of snakes on the body tree, with anxieties set as

expanded hoods on the head, do not burn within.


And to whom the serpent of avarice, filled with the poison of

attachment and aversion and having its habitation in the cavity of

one's own mind, does not eat.


And to whom anger, which is the sub marine fire in the body-ocean ,

that has drunk the entire waters of DISCRIMINATION (viveka) , does

not burn.


And to whom Cupid does not torment intensely like a hard grinding

machine which is filled, squeezing the mass of sesamum-seeds within.


Death does not wish to kill him, by whom the repose of the mind is

resorted to in the in the Supreme Self.


Death does not wish to kill him whose mind, risen like a monkey

which has fallen upon the chasm that is the body, is not trembling.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



What is Death?


Death in itself is beyond one's cognition for the very reason that

tha cognitive mechanism is completely broken at its very onset!

Obviously, there are two apparently opposed views on it: Death is a

myth and the death is the ultimate reality. Bhagavadgita and other

scriptures provide the repurcussions of both views rather than

generating any new view as such.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kashchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasminnetou upaashritou ||


One does not live because of breathing or any other activity such as

heart beats etc. They are just symptoms of life. The life is based

in SOMETHING ELSE on which all such life-supporting activities

depend upon. Once THAT is apperciated, the death is a myth.


Manasevaidamaaptavyam neha naanaasti kinchana |

Mrityossa mrityum gacchati ya iha naaneva pashyati ||


One can attain THAT UNISON through one's mind alone which otherwise

keeps distracting itself and all its fellow elements to the variety

in this world as per its perception. One who insists on variety is

bound to chase the (notion of) birth being chased by the (notion of)

death perpetually because the very basis of sustenance of any

variance is the perpetual procession of birth-death cycles.


Sasyamiva pachyate martyah sasyamivaajaayate punah |


One whose mind insists the life to be bound by the space and time in

terms of matter and energy has no choice but to follow the recycling

of the same in terms of one's birth(s) and death(s).


On the other hand, one whose mind has appreciated THAT SOMETHING

ELSE which is the basis for all the life-supporting activities

within which everything is established will remain intact as they

are forever can utter,


Na mrityurna shankaa na me jaatibhedah |

Pitaa naiva me naiva maataa na janma ||


There is no birth to experience the death and hence all other

relations including all doubts and beliefs such as the fatherhood

and motherhood whither away in such case.


Death is a myth churned out in one's cognition that is bound by time

and space. One who respects such notion or understanding has no

choice but to chase its opposite called birth being chased by the

self-generated fear of the same.


Jaatasya hi dhruvam mrithyuh dhruvam janma mritasya cha |

Tasmaadaparihaaryerthe na tvam shochitumarhasi ||


One who believes that one has " gained " life through birth is bound

to be afraid of " loosing " the same through death. One who doubts

that one may loose one's life is helpless but to crave for a renewal

of life through another birth. If the perceptions of birth and death

are to be construed upon as true, one cannot help but to go through

such cycles as such … in that case, what is the point in worrying

about it?! There is no point in generating a new worry that we could

not resolve it … because, (1) it cannot be resolved as such; (2)

there is no need to establish the resolution as we can be happy

without such resolution as such; and (3) even if we could get a

resolution, what is the guarantee that we will be happy when we are

not ready to be happy?!


Whether death is certain or not, we can never know for sure. But,

the fear of death is very certain in our cognition. Our scriptures

always focus on what is certain in our cogniotion and prove beyond

doubt that there is no reason to be afraid of death whether the

death is a myth or not in one's appreciation. That is the view I

greatly value in our scriptures.



Naga Narayana.


Hari Om


Within the atmospheric air, the vital airs of dead exist. In the

interior of the vital airs, the mind exists. Know the world as

existing within the mind like oil in the sesamum seed. Then - after

death- that individual is described by the word " preta " by those

with established custom. Consciuosness , associated with mental

impressions , exists like wind and fragrance carried by it.


When the individual soul dwells in a different vision having

abandoned this visible world, then he is of various forms or deeds

as in a dream or as in a fancy , suited to such experiences.


In that very place WHERE ONE DIES , one would become possessed of

memory or understanding within, as in his earlier incarnation. Then

only, at the end of insensibility of death, he perceives another



Whosoever and as many individual souls or creatures as are dead,

deprived of liberation , exist there in space, so many are those

worlds or worldly illusions , severally and seemingly imperishable.


NEXT : Experiences at the time of death !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Who dies Jee! Who takes birth ! The self neither dies nor is born

anywhere. It only perceives this mistakenly like the confusion

arising in a dream. The soul is mere consciousness. When and where

possibly does it perish? In the case of its being distinct from

consciousness , say, what else can a man be?


Say, who has seen consciousness dead till this day- whose, which and

how? Hundreds of thousands of bodies die. Consciousness is remaining



The names of life and death were invented only for that diversity of

mere desires which the individual soul may experience in itself, Jee.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Hare Krishna


" Sab Jag Darte Maran Se Mere Maran Anand

Kab Mariye Kab Bhetiye Pooran Parmanand "


" The whole world is afraid of death, but my joy lies in death

When shall I die and attain that Supreme Bliss "


In his discourses, when speaking on topic 'Afraid of death' Swamiji

would ask sadhaks to contemplate on whether they are prepared for

the inevitable death.


He would say - " If death comes today then are you ready to face it?

If you are afraid of it then this means you have not completed your

work. You might remember that in school days when teacher throws

questions on a topic and if you have not studied it then you would

try to hide yourself from the eyes of teacher. But if you have

completed your homework then you would confidently raise the hand.

Similarly if you are fearing death then it means you have not

completed your work. The most important work of this human body is

God-Realization. Just think over your life. The path which you have

taken will that make you intrepid to death? If not then what are you

planning to do in this human life.... " He would often say the above

doha of Saint Kabir.


From the book 'Ek Mahatma Ka Prasad' published by Gitapress,Gorakhpur

" Sadhak's present spiritual practice can make his future a

success. If one is steadfast in his spiritual practice then he won't

have to fear death. Infact he will pleasantly wait for it. He is not

afraid of death because he has completed the work of this human

body. Then what would be the cause of worry?

But one who is not utilizing his present and has left everything

on future, one who is not prepared for his departure then he will

have to fear death. On arrival of death he is dreaded and guilty.

But at that moment he is unable to do anyting.

A man's biggest helplessness and weakness is that whatever he

knows he is not able to do that. "

(Page 254 - 255)

" A man is born crying and if he dies crying then what has he

attained? What have you gained from human body? The greatness of

this body is that we invite death with a smile " (Page 256)


Every sadhak has experienced that the more he progresses on

spiritual path the more fearless he becomes from death. Our

Scriptures and Saints have said that on God-Realization even death

comes to death. So true!!



Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Just as good night sleep puts a temporary end to all " my " desires,

fears, attachments, pleasures and pains, all of which are parading

as " me-mine during waking hours " , the so called death puts an end

to them permanently. I ask myself: Can I put an end to this " me "

while living daily? If I can do it, then, Death is the greatest

teacher I can have! For most of us living means relating to the

world while engaging in Karmas. Here Gita's message is relevant in

doing karmas without the false sense of " me-doer " . Thus real death

is death of " me " , a false sense of separate existence based on my

ignorance, and the only source of my suffering.

Fortunately we can die while living only. So living is dying and

dying is living. Every night one can die by examining hurts, selfish

desires, fears, etc., obtained during the day and dying to them,

making psyche like a clean slate for next day's freash start.

Another point: in the death body disintegrates back into Universal

Elements from which it was integrated at birth- space, air, fire,

water, earth. Body is universal in nature, not personal, as it

cannot survive in isolation. Mind is subset of human conditioning

based on time and place of one's upbringing, on the substratum of

Atman-Consciousness which is the only reality of " me " ! To me, thus

inherited mind is same as one's karmas, impressions ridden Atman

(sanskaras), due to identification with body-mind, which merges back

upon death and is recycled back to new body.

If one dispells the ignorance of believing to be an individual, by

realizing the truth that one is only put together by such an

Intelligent Universal Being(GOD-Brahman) for Divine play only and is

not one's reality, one is free in this life! Nothing dies in all our


Thus one is Immortal Conscious Being, inspite of having physical

body! One is never was/is/will be limited by birth-death of a body!

This is what I learn from the so called Death!

Namaskaras! .............Pratap Bhatt




Hari Om


Then, infinite things spring up all round , such as the apprehension

of space and time , the sky, things full of characteristic

properties and actions and objects having stability till the end of

the world.


At the end of death , quite at once, one perceives the body in youth

and also , space , time , activity , objects, the mind, the

intellect, the senses and the like.


When the flow of bio-energy in the channels of bio-energy is

adverse or deprived and the creature indeed reaches the improper

state of the vital airs or energy , then, his consciousness becomes,

as it were, extinguished.


Merely on account of the complete obstruction to the flow of bio-

energy , when activity is extinguished , the body is declared as

dead. Then, that person is named inert or senseless.


When the man is dead , the vital airs are united with the

atmospheric airs.


All the directions are just filled with winds accompanied by vital

airs pregnant with throbbing minds or thoughts.


Within the atomospheric air, the vital airs of the dead exist.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Very good Jee. What a beautiful subject is this - Death ! " Tata "

forever to this ever changing world and finding solace in the

affectionate and loving eveready arms of Daddy, the Great.


Dhaniram Bhaiyya ! Leave Dhan and become of Ram !


Jee Jee



Hari Om


When the channels of bio energy receive the nourishment with their

contractions and expansions on account of disease, then, the

breathing abandons its own natural state in the body.


When the airs or breaths that have gone in do not go out and vice

versa on account of improper state of the channels of bio energy (

nadi-s) , then, due to the absence of movement of senses, there can

be only memory and not sensory knowledge.


When the air does not enter at all or go out, on account of

agitation in the channels of bio energy in the body, then, he is

declared as dead.


When that body has become a corpse and the life force has gone to

the state of external wind , the consciousness which is liberated

from desires/mental impressions dwells in the own

natural /obvious/sahaj state of one's true self.


The name of that minute or subtle entity possessed of desires is

declared as JEEVA.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu


" Art of Dieing "


I started journey to reach my destination - took auto, then a

bus ,next a train, then an aeroplane, and again a train, an auto and

reached 'Destination'. All this journey is to reach my destination.

The art of living is a comfort journey to reach final destination -

a comfortable death, which blesses one without a need for another



It is said that the highest goal of human life to be blessed with

Kaivalyam or Moksham or Mukti or Liberation .


" What is the most wonderful thing on earth? " asked Yaksha to



'Aharnahanibhutani gachhantiha Yamalayam Seshahasthavaramichhanti

kimaascharyamatahparam' " Everyday there go into the abode of Yama

countless creatures. However, the living believe themselves to be

immortal. Is it not the strangest thing on earth? " replied

Dharmaraju. People don't want to die. All the rakshasaas like

Ravanasura, Mahishaasura, Mushikaasura, Madhukaitabha, Bhasmaasura

asked for boons of no death.


Adi Sankaracharya, in Prasnottararatnamaalika 'Kim maranam - What is

death? " Moorghatvam " " Ignoraance and foolishness " answered.

" Kim Jeevitham - What is living ? " Anavadyam " " Living a faultless

life " answered.

" What is ignorance? " asked Yaksha and Yudhishthira replied " Not

taking cognisance of one's duties is ignorance "


Lord Krishna clarified us on death. ' Dehinosminyadhaadehe' just as

boyhood, youth and old age are attributed to the soul through this

body even so the death.

'Jaatasyahidhruvo mrutyuhu' for in that case death is certain for

the born.


The art of living is prescribed for learning the art of dieing.

Then how to live artistically?.

'Yasmaannodvijateloko' , he who is not a source of annoyance to his

fellow creatures, and who in his turn does not feel vexed with his

fellow creatures and who is free from delight and envy, perturbation

and fear.


There is one thing worse than death to an

individual. 'Akeertichapibhutani' infamy or ill will brought on a

man enjoying popular esteem is worse than death.

While living righteously and doing one's prescribed duties is

desirable. 'Hatovaapraapsyasesvargam' , die and you will win heaven,

asserted Bhagavad Gita.


C.P.Gilman summarised philosophy of death. " Death? Why this fuss

about death. Use your imagination,try to visualise a world without

death - Death is an essential condition of life,not an evil " .


All should learn art of living to die artistically with no another

birth so that one need not worry about death again.



Namaskar. Jai Shri Ram.

Regarding Death, Bhagavad Gita Ch 2 shlokaas 22 & 27 lay down

crisply and precisely what we should know about and accept with


Our scriptures clearly state that Death is but a comma, a passing

shower in the journey of life. As we do so we get the result and to

enjoy or suffer that karma-phala, we take birth. Once a quota of

Karma-phala is undergone in a life, that chapter closes and a new

chapter opens as a new life, with the change-over being marked by

what we call as Death. There is really nothing to be scared of

Death; rather there is no meaning in getting scared, for Death is

inevitable, just as Birth is. Our efforts should be to be good, do

good, say good and see good, so that a new good life dawns!


Major Ramanujam.


Respected Sadhakas.




Gita has said so much about death of a body. Refer (2/11-30) And

said the truth and 100% truth. When a child is born, you do not

know where it will live; what it will study, what profession it will

follow. But it is known that one day it will die. Birth & death is

a cycle of nature. The body cannot be alive for ever.


Imagine a deathless world; wherein all generations of humans,

plants, birds & all other species are alive. Some of them may be as

old as you can imagine. What will be the condition on the earth ?

Shall we have enough food for all? Shall we have enough space for

all? Will the oxygen & ozone cover be adequate? The list can go on.


Today we find people complaining of ill health from the age of 35 or

so. The eyes need spectacles at 30 yrs; knees start rattling at 50

yrs. One can not see at 60 due to cataract; hearing loss starts at

60 yrs. So if there is deathless society, what will be our condition

of those at an age of 200 or 300 or above ? But mother nature has

made things easy.


Do not be afraid of death. It is only a change of dress.


People sing " Tum jio hajaron saal ... " at birthdays. Please

remember it is a curse to wish so & not a blessing if it comes true.




With best wishes and pranam to all.


Suhas Govind Gogate


-Shree Hari-


I have pasted in some sound points from the Gitaji dealing with death

rebirth and so on.


Just as a person puts on new garments after discarding the old


similarly, the living entity or the individual soul acquires new

bodies after casting away the old bodies. (2.22)


All beings are unmanifest, or invisible to our physical eyes, before

birth and af­ter death. They manifest between the birth and the death

only. What is there to grieve about? (2.28)


(B.G. 25-30 is worth reading in giving a rounded view.)


After many births, the enlightened one resorts to Me by realiz­ing

that everything is, indeed, My manifestation. Such a great soul is

very rare. (7.19)


I like to take these thoughts a step further. I read an account that

happened in India ,(many sadhaks could give name and place to this

event better than myself, for sure).

There was a holy man living near a town/village, his custom was to

come down from his abode daily, to perform his sacred duties, in

return the people of the town would offer sustenance to this man .

One day the people of the town were surprised by this holy ones,

appearance he was surrounded by a brilliant aura that all could see;

that was his last day in body.

A similar thing happened in the USA when a visiting swami, appeared


similar manner before a large audience of devotees. Again he passed

from this physical world.


Now I will now come to Qi or better known to most sadhaks as Prana.

This is one time I will speak with true knowledge. In the arena as


were of the Martial Arts and Quigong, energy can be experienced,

moving through the body, radiating from it and so on. It seems to be

associated with those who are spiritual, it is coaxed not driven. (I

will leave as thus).

So the point I am making is, that which we may consider as the


body, is far more than just that, and remember energy is

indestructible, it can only change. After all, all is from the source



With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Death is of the body, not of the Self. When we do not ever die, then

what to speak and what to listen?

Thank you very much, Ram Ram, Sarvottam



Mrutyu sharir ki hoti hai, swayam ki nahin. Jab apni mrutyu hoti hi

nahin, toh kyaa kahe, kyaa sune ? Sahadhanyavaad,


Ram Ram




Hari Om


Death is indeed the disappearance of body and that death is the

greatest joy. Death is not at any time , of the nature of complete

destruction. The dead one is spoken of as lost. I consider that as

untrue and improper. So does Gita and Sanatan Dharma in unison.

Being born repeatedly , he is perceived , separated by space and

time. Continuance in different wishes or imaginations of oneself is

called death. The individual soul, remaining with its desires,

departs leaving the body and dwells in a different body, as a monkey

leaving a forest tree betakes itself to another tree. The individual

souls are led here and there by their own individual desire or

mental impressions in a different extended place and a different

point of time. As the seer of a dream , who met death in his dream

world, is again born to see a different dream consisting of waking

state, so, that seer of the waking state , who met with death in the

world of the waking state, is again born to see a different dream

consisting of waking state !


The man who is dead in this world is declared as awakened

elsewhere . After the loss of consciousness in death, all the worlds

quickly become manifest completely to an individual soul, as visible

objects appear by the opening of eyes. After death, the wealth of

creation consisting of the visible objects of three worlds , arrives

at perception just in a moment.


Death does not lead to fear or danger. If death is complete

annihilation, then there is the destruction of the disease of

worldly existence. Being dead , if he is not born again , in this

respect also, there is great prosperity and elevation !


Hence death always is a pleasant thing.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

It is not Khatha as Dhaniram says. The forum is giving facts.

The death is predecided based on ones previous birth Karmas. The

fact of birth is because one has Karmas to his account. Karmas are

destined to undergo. The period to undergo such Karmas, the place of

birth, environment, parents, education, type of job, wife, brothers

and sisterts, friends, etc are predecided by 27 stars which is

computerised by virusless system. Once Karma effect of previous

birth completes even if one is 16 years or 70 years old death takes

place. Since it is destined if one lives as he likes, he is adding

Karmas to his account of this birth to be passed over to next birth.

Mr. Birla died in plane crash just before minutes of landing. Many

are very well just before few hours of death. Death and birth are

same side of one coin.

The 6 children of Sri Devaki (mother of krishna) were destined to be

killed by Kans. Ravana was destined to be killed by Sri Rama as such

Sri Rama who had vknowledge of past, present and future crowned

Vibushan as King of Sri Lanka much before war started.

Death is certain but time is uncertain. But there are saints like

Poodhanam, Tukaram went to heaven with body defiying death.

Hanuman, Vibushan and few other were blessed as " Sriranjeevi " (alway








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Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram

A couple of additional emails today ONLY, to clean out pending

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From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram



Namaste and Jai Seeta Ram!


I have been a recipient of your in depth information for a long time

and gained considerably knowledge from it topics and contents.


Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if you could

elaborate in details? Lots of information on the living, let's hear

your katha on death with specific emphasis on Bhagavad Gita's



Thanks, Dhaniram





-Shree Hari-

Jeje Shashikalaji,

You are inviting me out of my comfort zone, and since this form of

verse is out of my common reference, I will let the feel of it guide

my response. For no other reason, but to be of service to our

brethren.(If possible).


I will first talk of death, Shashikalaji. I am sure you know that a

person can die and can suffer a painful death, and yet remain in

body, to be re-born from the spiritual womb as it were.

Thus at the death of the body, in such grace, what is there to die?


The terrible imagery of the serpent, that portrays the dark forces of

humanity, can be transmuted by the Divine Grace within, such a

primordial symbol, (the serpent), can thus become a thing of great

beauty, translucent, radiating a brilliant light, pulsating colors

not of this world, you understand.


Ah the fire that burns so deep can refine the soul and burn away the

dross, all impurities and blemishes, leaving the Self standing like

the purist spiritual gold bathed naked before the rising sun. Where

then is death?


With Respect and Divine ove,


Mike Keenor


The soul is immortal. So we should avoid the endless cycle of birth

and death through meditation and good karmas in this birth.

Hari Shanker Deo


Hari Hari

Dear bhagavatas,

Could you please enlighten me of the following question?

I want to know what is the end (gati) met by a good person who

commits suicide per our shasthra (scriptures)? Also is there any

parisharams (pains) associated? What are Gita's Views on this?

Please provide Shloka (Verse) in Gita.


Sridharan Kadambi



Responses to above question will be a new TOPIC. Kindly

substantiate with associated verses in Scriptures and not just

opinions / beliefs.

Ram Ram



Jai Hanuman


Very Good Varun Bhaiyya! Death of the death. Wow ! Yes ! Dr Goli-

here is how what you wished in last para of your very good message

can be achieved ! Vyasji Maharaj - Tu daal daal to main paat

paat !!


Death does not wish to kill that person on whose bosom the series of

strings of desires passed through pearls that are sins or defects,

is not fastened !


Mike Bhaiyya ! Any views on the below?


Death does not wish to kill him whom mental agonies, which are

insects for the creeper constituting the entire body and saws for

the body tree in the form of sighs, do not cut.


Death does not wish to kill him whom hopes or desires , which are

multitudes of snakes on the body tree, with anxieties set as

expanded hoods on the head, do not burn within.


And to whom the serpent of avarice, filled with the poison of

attachment and aversion and having its habitation in the cavity of

one's own mind, does not eat.


And to whom anger, which is the sub marine fire in the body-ocean ,

that has drunk the entire waters of DISCRIMINATION (viveka) , does

not burn.


And to whom Cupid does not torment intensely like a hard grinding

machine which is filled, squeezing the mass of sesamum-seeds within.


Death does not wish to kill him, by whom the repose of the mind is

resorted to in the in the Supreme Self.


Death does not wish to kill him whose mind, risen like a monkey

which has fallen upon the chasm that is the body, is not trembling.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



What is Death?


Death in itself is beyond one's cognition for the very reason that

tha cognitive mechanism is completely broken at its very onset!

Obviously, there are two apparently opposed views on it: Death is a

myth and the death is the ultimate reality. Bhagavadgita and other

scriptures provide the repurcussions of both views rather than

generating any new view as such.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kashchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasminnetou upaashritou ||


One does not live because of breathing or any other activity such as

heart beats etc. They are just symptoms of life. The life is based

in SOMETHING ELSE on which all such life-supporting activities

depend upon. Once THAT is apperciated, the death is a myth.


Manasevaidamaaptavyam neha naanaasti kinchana |

Mrityossa mrityum gacchati ya iha naaneva pashyati ||


One can attain THAT UNISON through one's mind alone which otherwise

keeps distracting itself and all its fellow elements to the variety

in this world as per its perception. One who insists on variety is

bound to chase the (notion of) birth being chased by the (notion of)

death perpetually because the very basis of sustenance of any

variance is the perpetual procession of birth-death cycles.


Sasyamiva pachyate martyah sasyamivaajaayate punah |


One whose mind insists the life to be bound by the space and time in

terms of matter and energy has no choice but to follow the recycling

of the same in terms of one's birth(s) and death(s).


On the other hand, one whose mind has appreciated THAT SOMETHING

ELSE which is the basis for all the life-supporting activities

within which everything is established will remain intact as they

are forever can utter,


Na mrityurna shankaa na me jaatibhedah |

Pitaa naiva me naiva maataa na janma ||


There is no birth to experience the death and hence all other

relations including all doubts and beliefs such as the fatherhood

and motherhood whither away in such case.


Death is a myth churned out in one's cognition that is bound by time

and space. One who respects such notion or understanding has no

choice but to chase its opposite called birth being chased by the

self-generated fear of the same.


Jaatasya hi dhruvam mrithyuh dhruvam janma mritasya cha |

Tasmaadaparihaaryerthe na tvam shochitumarhasi ||


One who believes that one has " gained " life through birth is bound

to be afraid of " loosing " the same through death. One who doubts

that one may loose one's life is helpless but to crave for a renewal

of life through another birth. If the perceptions of birth and death

are to be construed upon as true, one cannot help but to go through

such cycles as such … in that case, what is the point in worrying

about it?! There is no point in generating a new worry that we could

not resolve it … because, (1) it cannot be resolved as such; (2)

there is no need to establish the resolution as we can be happy

without such resolution as such; and (3) even if we could get a

resolution, what is the guarantee that we will be happy when we are

not ready to be happy?!


Whether death is certain or not, we can never know for sure. But,

the fear of death is very certain in our cognition. Our scriptures

always focus on what is certain in our cogniotion and prove beyond

doubt that there is no reason to be afraid of death whether the

death is a myth or not in one's appreciation. That is the view I

greatly value in our scriptures.



Naga Narayana.


Hari Om


Within the atmospheric air, the vital airs of dead exist. In the

interior of the vital airs, the mind exists. Know the world as

existing within the mind like oil in the sesamum seed. Then - after

death- that individual is described by the word " preta " by those

with established custom. Consciuosness , associated with mental

impressions , exists like wind and fragrance carried by it.


When the individual soul dwells in a different vision having

abandoned this visible world, then he is of various forms or deeds

as in a dream or as in a fancy , suited to such experiences.


In that very place WHERE ONE DIES , one would become possessed of

memory or understanding within, as in his earlier incarnation. Then

only, at the end of insensibility of death, he perceives another



Whosoever and as many individual souls or creatures as are dead,

deprived of liberation , exist there in space, so many are those

worlds or worldly illusions , severally and seemingly imperishable.


NEXT : Experiences at the time of death !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Who dies Jee! Who takes birth ! The self neither dies nor is born

anywhere. It only perceives this mistakenly like the confusion

arising in a dream. The soul is mere consciousness. When and where

possibly does it perish? In the case of its being distinct from

consciousness , say, what else can a man be?


Say, who has seen consciousness dead till this day- whose, which and

how? Hundreds of thousands of bodies die. Consciousness is remaining



The names of life and death were invented only for that diversity of

mere desires which the individual soul may experience in itself, Jee.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Hare Krishna


" Sab Jag Darte Maran Se Mere Maran Anand

Kab Mariye Kab Bhetiye Pooran Parmanand "


" The whole world is afraid of death, but my joy lies in death

When shall I die and attain that Supreme Bliss "


In his discourses, when speaking on topic 'Afraid of death' Swamiji

would ask sadhaks to contemplate on whether they are prepared for

the inevitable death.


He would say - " If death comes today then are you ready to face it?

If you are afraid of it then this means you have not completed your

work. You might remember that in school days when teacher throws

questions on a topic and if you have not studied it then you would

try to hide yourself from the eyes of teacher. But if you have

completed your homework then you would confidently raise the hand.

Similarly if you are fearing death then it means you have not

completed your work. The most important work of this human body is

God-Realization. Just think over your life. The path which you have

taken will that make you intrepid to death? If not then what are you

planning to do in this human life.... " He would often say the above

doha of Saint Kabir.


From the book 'Ek Mahatma Ka Prasad' published by Gitapress,Gorakhpur

" Sadhak's present spiritual practice can make his future a

success. If one is steadfast in his spiritual practice then he won't

have to fear death. Infact he will pleasantly wait for it. He is not

afraid of death because he has completed the work of this human

body. Then what would be the cause of worry?

But one who is not utilizing his present and has left everything

on future, one who is not prepared for his departure then he will

have to fear death. On arrival of death he is dreaded and guilty.

But at that moment he is unable to do anyting.

A man's biggest helplessness and weakness is that whatever he

knows he is not able to do that. "

(Page 254 - 255)

" A man is born crying and if he dies crying then what has he

attained? What have you gained from human body? The greatness of

this body is that we invite death with a smile " (Page 256)


Every sadhak has experienced that the more he progresses on

spiritual path the more fearless he becomes from death. Our

Scriptures and Saints have said that on God-Realization even death

comes to death. So true!!



Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Just as good night sleep puts a temporary end to all " my " desires,

fears, attachments, pleasures and pains, all of which are parading

as " me-mine during waking hours " , the so called death puts an end

to them permanently. I ask myself: Can I put an end to this " me "

while living daily? If I can do it, then, Death is the greatest

teacher I can have! For most of us living means relating to the

world while engaging in Karmas. Here Gita's message is relevant in

doing karmas without the false sense of " me-doer " . Thus real death

is death of " me " , a false sense of separate existence based on my

ignorance, and the only source of my suffering.

Fortunately we can die while living only. So living is dying and

dying is living. Every night one can die by examining hurts, selfish

desires, fears, etc., obtained during the day and dying to them,

making psyche like a clean slate for next day's freash start.

Another point: in the death body disintegrates back into Universal

Elements from which it was integrated at birth- space, air, fire,

water, earth. Body is universal in nature, not personal, as it

cannot survive in isolation. Mind is subset of human conditioning

based on time and place of one's upbringing, on the substratum of

Atman-Consciousness which is the only reality of " me " ! To me, thus

inherited mind is same as one's karmas, impressions ridden Atman

(sanskaras), due to identification with body-mind, which merges back

upon death and is recycled back to new body.

If one dispells the ignorance of believing to be an individual, by

realizing the truth that one is only put together by such an

Intelligent Universal Being(GOD-Brahman) for Divine play only and is

not one's reality, one is free in this life! Nothing dies in all our


Thus one is Immortal Conscious Being, inspite of having physical

body! One is never was/is/will be limited by birth-death of a body!

This is what I learn from the so called Death!

Namaskaras! .............Pratap Bhatt




Hari Om


Then, infinite things spring up all round , such as the apprehension

of space and time , the sky, things full of characteristic

properties and actions and objects having stability till the end of

the world.


At the end of death , quite at once, one perceives the body in youth

and also , space , time , activity , objects, the mind, the

intellect, the senses and the like.


When the flow of bio-energy in the channels of bio-energy is

adverse or deprived and the creature indeed reaches the improper

state of the vital airs or energy , then, his consciousness becomes,

as it were, extinguished.


Merely on account of the complete obstruction to the flow of bio-

energy , when activity is extinguished , the body is declared as

dead. Then, that person is named inert or senseless.


When the man is dead , the vital airs are united with the

atmospheric airs.


All the directions are just filled with winds accompanied by vital

airs pregnant with throbbing minds or thoughts.


Within the atomospheric air, the vital airs of the dead exist.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Very good Jee. What a beautiful subject is this - Death ! " Tata "

forever to this ever changing world and finding solace in the

affectionate and loving eveready arms of Daddy, the Great.


Dhaniram Bhaiyya ! Leave Dhan and become of Ram !


Jee Jee



Hari Om


When the channels of bio energy receive the nourishment with their

contractions and expansions on account of disease, then, the

breathing abandons its own natural state in the body.


When the airs or breaths that have gone in do not go out and vice

versa on account of improper state of the channels of bio energy (

nadi-s) , then, due to the absence of movement of senses, there can

be only memory and not sensory knowledge.


When the air does not enter at all or go out, on account of

agitation in the channels of bio energy in the body, then, he is

declared as dead.


When that body has become a corpse and the life force has gone to

the state of external wind , the consciousness which is liberated

from desires/mental impressions dwells in the own

natural /obvious/sahaj state of one's true self.


The name of that minute or subtle entity possessed of desires is

declared as JEEVA.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu


" Art of Dieing "


I started journey to reach my destination - took auto, then a

bus ,next a train, then an aeroplane, and again a train, an auto and

reached 'Destination'. All this journey is to reach my destination.

The art of living is a comfort journey to reach final destination -

a comfortable death, which blesses one without a need for another



It is said that the highest goal of human life to be blessed with

Kaivalyam or Moksham or Mukti or Liberation .


" What is the most wonderful thing on earth? " asked Yaksha to



'Aharnahanibhutani gachhantiha Yamalayam Seshahasthavaramichhanti

kimaascharyamatahparam' " Everyday there go into the abode of Yama

countless creatures. However, the living believe themselves to be

immortal. Is it not the strangest thing on earth? " replied

Dharmaraju. People don't want to die. All the rakshasaas like

Ravanasura, Mahishaasura, Mushikaasura, Madhukaitabha, Bhasmaasura

asked for boons of no death.


Adi Sankaracharya, in Prasnottararatnamaalika 'Kim maranam - What is

death? " Moorghatvam " " Ignoraance and foolishness " answered.

" Kim Jeevitham - What is living ? " Anavadyam " " Living a faultless

life " answered.

" What is ignorance? " asked Yaksha and Yudhishthira replied " Not

taking cognisance of one's duties is ignorance "


Lord Krishna clarified us on death. ' Dehinosminyadhaadehe' just as

boyhood, youth and old age are attributed to the soul through this

body even so the death.

'Jaatasyahidhruvo mrutyuhu' for in that case death is certain for

the born.


The art of living is prescribed for learning the art of dieing.

Then how to live artistically?.

'Yasmaannodvijateloko' , he who is not a source of annoyance to his

fellow creatures, and who in his turn does not feel vexed with his

fellow creatures and who is free from delight and envy, perturbation

and fear.


There is one thing worse than death to an

individual. 'Akeertichapibhutani' infamy or ill will brought on a

man enjoying popular esteem is worse than death.

While living righteously and doing one's prescribed duties is

desirable. 'Hatovaapraapsyasesvargam' , die and you will win heaven,

asserted Bhagavad Gita.


C.P.Gilman summarised philosophy of death. " Death? Why this fuss

about death. Use your imagination,try to visualise a world without

death - Death is an essential condition of life,not an evil " .


All should learn art of living to die artistically with no another

birth so that one need not worry about death again.



Namaskar. Jai Shri Ram.

Regarding Death, Bhagavad Gita Ch 2 shlokaas 22 & 27 lay down

crisply and precisely what we should know about and accept with


Our scriptures clearly state that Death is but a comma, a passing

shower in the journey of life. As we do so we get the result and to

enjoy or suffer that karma-phala, we take birth. Once a quota of

Karma-phala is undergone in a life, that chapter closes and a new

chapter opens as a new life, with the change-over being marked by

what we call as Death. There is really nothing to be scared of

Death; rather there is no meaning in getting scared, for Death is

inevitable, just as Birth is. Our efforts should be to be good, do

good, say good and see good, so that a new good life dawns!


Major Ramanujam.


Respected Sadhakas.




Gita has said so much about death of a body. Refer (2/11-30) And

said the truth and 100% truth. When a child is born, you do not

know where it will live; what it will study, what profession it will

follow. But it is known that one day it will die. Birth & death is

a cycle of nature. The body cannot be alive for ever.


Imagine a deathless world; wherein all generations of humans,

plants, birds & all other species are alive. Some of them may be as

old as you can imagine. What will be the condition on the earth ?

Shall we have enough food for all? Shall we have enough space for

all? Will the oxygen & ozone cover be adequate? The list can go on.


Today we find people complaining of ill health from the age of 35 or

so. The eyes need spectacles at 30 yrs; knees start rattling at 50

yrs. One can not see at 60 due to cataract; hearing loss starts at

60 yrs. So if there is deathless society, what will be our condition

of those at an age of 200 or 300 or above ? But mother nature has

made things easy.


Do not be afraid of death. It is only a change of dress.


People sing " Tum jio hajaron saal ... " at birthdays. Please

remember it is a curse to wish so & not a blessing if it comes true.




With best wishes and pranam to all.


Suhas Govind Gogate


-Shree Hari-


I have pasted in some sound points from the Gitaji dealing with death

rebirth and so on.


Just as a person puts on new garments after discarding the old


similarly, the living entity or the individual soul acquires new

bodies after casting away the old bodies. (2.22)


All beings are unmanifest, or invisible to our physical eyes, before

birth and af­ter death. They manifest between the birth and the death

only. What is there to grieve about? (2.28)


(B.G. 25-30 is worth reading in giving a rounded view.)


After many births, the enlightened one resorts to Me by realiz­ing

that everything is, indeed, My manifestation. Such a great soul is

very rare. (7.19)


I like to take these thoughts a step further. I read an account that

happened in India ,(many sadhaks could give name and place to this

event better than myself, for sure).

There was a holy man living near a town/village, his custom was to

come down from his abode daily, to perform his sacred duties, in

return the people of the town would offer sustenance to this man .

One day the people of the town were surprised by this holy ones,

appearance he was surrounded by a brilliant aura that all could see;

that was his last day in body.

A similar thing happened in the USA when a visiting swami, appeared


similar manner before a large audience of devotees. Again he passed

from this physical world.


Now I will now come to Qi or better known to most sadhaks as Prana.

This is one time I will speak with true knowledge. In the arena as


were of the Martial Arts and Quigong, energy can be experienced,

moving through the body, radiating from it and so on. It seems to be

associated with those who are spiritual, it is coaxed not driven. (I

will leave as thus).

So the point I am making is, that which we may consider as the


body, is far more than just that, and remember energy is

indestructible, it can only change. After all, all is from the source



With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Death is of the body, not of the Self. When we do not ever die, then

what to speak and what to listen?

Thank you very much, Ram Ram, Sarvottam



Mrutyu sharir ki hoti hai, swayam ki nahin. Jab apni mrutyu hoti hi

nahin, toh kyaa kahe, kyaa sune ? Sahadhanyavaad,


Ram Ram




Hari Om


Death is indeed the disappearance of body and that death is the

greatest joy. Death is not at any time , of the nature of complete

destruction. The dead one is spoken of as lost. I consider that as

untrue and improper. So does Gita and Sanatan Dharma in unison.

Being born repeatedly , he is perceived , separated by space and

time. Continuance in different wishes or imaginations of oneself is

called death. The individual soul, remaining with its desires,

departs leaving the body and dwells in a different body, as a monkey

leaving a forest tree betakes itself to another tree. The individual

souls are led here and there by their own individual desire or

mental impressions in a different extended place and a different

point of time. As the seer of a dream , who met death in his dream

world, is again born to see a different dream consisting of waking

state, so, that seer of the waking state , who met with death in the

world of the waking state, is again born to see a different dream

consisting of waking state !


The man who is dead in this world is declared as awakened

elsewhere . After the loss of consciousness in death, all the worlds

quickly become manifest completely to an individual soul, as visible

objects appear by the opening of eyes. After death, the wealth of

creation consisting of the visible objects of three worlds , arrives

at perception just in a moment.


Death does not lead to fear or danger. If death is complete

annihilation, then there is the destruction of the disease of

worldly existence. Being dead , if he is not born again , in this

respect also, there is great prosperity and elevation !


Hence death always is a pleasant thing.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadaks,

It is not Khatha as Dhaniram says. The forum is giving facts.

The death is predecided based on ones previous birth Karmas. The

fact of birth is because one has Karmas to his account. Karmas are

destined to undergo. The period to undergo such Karmas, the place of

birth, environment, parents, education, type of job, wife, brothers

and sisterts, friends, etc are predecided by 27 stars which is

computerised by virusless system. Once Karma effect of previous

birth completes even if one is 16 years or 70 years old death takes

place. Since it is destined if one lives as he likes, he is adding

Karmas to his account of this birth to be passed over to next birth.

Mr. Birla died in plane crash just before minutes of landing. Many

are very well just before few hours of death. Death and birth are

same side of one coin.

The 6 children of Sri Devaki (mother of krishna) were destined to be

killed by Kans. Ravana was destined to be killed by Sri Rama as such

Sri Rama who had vknowledge of past, present and future crowned

Vibushan as King of Sri Lanka much before war started.

Death is certain but time is uncertain. But there are saints like

Poodhanam, Tukaram went to heaven with body defiying death.

Hanuman, Vibushan and few other were blessed as " Sriranjeevi " (alway








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Ram Ram

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QUESTION: Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if

you could elaborate in details? with specific emphasis on Bhagavad

Gita's views? Dhaniram





Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Here are some verses in the Gita that talk about death related

matters. The focus of Shri Krishna is more on attaining Him

(Realization), than death itself. This write-up is from Swamiji's -

Gita Madhurya


Attainment of the God at time of Death


Question: How are you to be attained at the time of death by those

who have controlled their mind?

Bhagwaan: He who departs from the body, thinking of Me alone at the

time of death, attains My being, there is no doubt about it - this

is my ordinance. (Gita 8:1-5)


Question: What becomes of those who don't think of You?

Bhagwaan: Oh Arjuna, thinking of whatever being one leaves this body

at the time of death, that alone he attains, being absorbed in the

thought thereof. (Gita 8:6)


Question: What is it that I should do at the time of death to think

of You?

Bhagwaan: You should think of Me at all times and perfrom your duty,

with mind and reason surrendered to Me. (Gita 8:7)


Question: What will be the result of doing that?

Bhagwaan: You will surely attain Me. (Gita 8:7)


Question: What is Your Form by thinking which a self-controlled man

attains You?

Bhagwaan: There are three forms - one with attributes and formless,

second attributeless and formless and third endowed with attributes

and form. Now I tell you the first form by meditating on which a man

attains Me. (Gita 8:7)


Oh Arjuna, he who with his mind established in Yoga in the form of

practice of meditation, thinking of nothing else, is constantly

engaged in contemplation of the Supreme Divine Purusa (God) attains

Him. (Gita 8:7)


Question: What is the form of the Supreme Divine One?

Bhagwaan: He is Omniscient, Ancient One, Ruler of All, Subtler than

the Subtle, the Sustainer of all, possessing a form beyond

comprehension, shining like the Sun and beyond the darkness of

ignorance. He who meditates on this Supreme One at the time of

death, by Yogic power firmly holding the life breath in the space

between the eyebrows with a steady mind, full of devotion, reaches

verily that Supreme Divine One. (Gita 8:9-10).


From " Gita Madhurya " In Hindi - page 78 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


Meera Das

Ram Ram



Jai Hanuman


O Brother Mike! Indeed I value your sentiments ! Did not I draw you

out of your shell ? Right you are ! Dear Brother!! Right you are !!

Did not I precisely know that where that serpent itself will become

an ornament ?


That serpent indeed becomes an ornament in the neck of Lord Shiva !

Glorious! Beautiful !! No where brother is Death ! only Love !! How

can it wish to kill you ? No way !


You are already gold , Dear Brother. I am your proud Jee Jee !!

Proud of you !


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



-Shree Hari-


Dear Moderator,


I believe that someone queried about suicide. Can't locate it, is it

current ? A curse of the modern age, especially among the young.

With Respects and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The topic of Suicide was discussed - see link:


from May 31 - June 20, 2008. Hope this helps.

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Please see additional Q & A with Swamiji related to Death that were

posted in Sadhak group -


Question: Just like one's time of death is inevitable, similarly the

pain that one experiences at time of death is that also inevitable ?


Answer: No! each one is experiencing the fruits of their good and

evil actions. If someone has to undergo the consequences of past

actions, then they will experience more difficulty at time of death.

But sorrow only comes to he who within has desire for any particular



Question: Those who are holy and doing good only, they are deeply

engaged in spiritual practices and worship of God, if they undergo

suffering at time of death, then what is the reason ?


Answer: God desires to wipe out the sins of all their past birth's

and make them entirely pure, so that they are benefited and attain



Questions: It has been said that at time of death the pain and

difficulties experienced are as intense, almost as if thousands of

scorpions are biting, but saints have spoken that death is not what

is painful, it is the desire to live that results in the pain. In

reality, what is correct ?


Answer: Just like from child to youth and from youth to old age, one

experiences no difficulty, similarly at time of death in reality

there is no difficulty. The difficulties are only experienced by he

who within desires to continue to live. The point is that he who is

attached to the body, only he has the sensation and difficulty like

that of thousands of scorpions biting. The greater the attachment,

proprietary feeling (mine-ness), desire, liking that one has for the

body, that much more pain and difficulty one will experience at time

of death.


From " Prashnouttermanimaala " in in Hindi page 92 by Swami



Question: At the last moment of one's life, if there is no

remembrance of God nor of the world, what will be the outcome ?


Answer: This is not possible. Something or the other will definitely

be remembered - " na hi kaschitkshanamapi jaatu tishthatyakarmakrt "

(Gita 3:5)


Questions: For there to be remembrance of God at the final moment,

for such a thing to happen, what must one do ?


Answer: Remember God at all times, because each moment it self is

the final moment. One does not know when death will arrive, !

Therefore God has said in the Gita - " tastmaatsarveshu kaaaleshu

maamnusmar " (Gita 8:7). " Therefore at all times, you be in

rememberance of Me and also engage in war "


Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of

leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to

even those that commit suicide ?


Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well.

But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in

rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are

committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire

remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them,

they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything

about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience

terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure,

if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they

will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is

because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing

suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall.

Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for

several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never

ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake.


From " Prashnouttermanimaala " in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami



Meera Das

Ram Ram



-Shree Hari-

Jeje Shashikalaji,

You are inviting me out of my comfort zone, and since this form of

verse is out of my common reference, I will let the feel of it guide

my response. For no other reason, but to be of service to our

brethren.(If possible).


I will first talk of death, Shashikalaji. I am sure you know that a

person can die and can suffer a painful death, and yet remain in

body, to be re-born from the spiritual womb as it were.

Thus at the death of the body, in such grace, what is there to die?


The terrible imagery of the serpent, that portrays the dark forces of

humanity, can be transmuted by the Divine Grace within, such a

primordial symbol, (the serpent), can thus become a thing of great

beauty, translucent, radiating a brilliant light, pulsating colors

not of this world, you understand.


Ah the fire that burns so deep can refine the soul and burn away the

dross, all impurities and blemishes, leaving the Self standing like

the purist spiritual gold bathed naked before the rising sun. Where

then is death?


With Respect and Divine ove,


Mike Keenor


The soul is immortal. So we should avoid the endless cycle of birth

and death through meditation and good karmas in this birth.

Hari Shanker Deo


Hari Hari

Dear bhagavatas,

Could you please enlighten me of the following question?

I want to know what is the end (gati) met by a good person who

commits suicide per our shasthra (scriptures)? Also is there any

parisharams (pains) associated? What are Gita's Views on this?

Please provide Shloka (Verse) in Gita.


Sridharan Kadambi



Responses to above question will be a new TOPIC. Kindly

substantiate with associated verses in Scriptures and not just

opinions / beliefs.

Ram Ram



Jai Hanuman


Very Good Varun Bhaiyya! Death of the death. Wow ! Yes ! Dr Goli-

here is how what you wished in last para of your very good message

can be achieved ! Vyasji Maharaj - Tu daal daal to main paat

paat !!


Death does not wish to kill that person on whose bosom the series of

strings of desires passed through pearls that are sins or defects,

is not fastened !


Mike Bhaiyya ! Any views on the below?


Death does not wish to kill him whom mental agonies, which are

insects for the creeper constituting the entire body and saws for

the body tree in the form of sighs, do not cut.


Death does not wish to kill him whom hopes or desires , which are

multitudes of snakes on the body tree, with anxieties set as

expanded hoods on the head, do not burn within.


And to whom the serpent of avarice, filled with the poison of

attachment and aversion and having its habitation in the cavity of

one's own mind, does not eat.


And to whom anger, which is the sub marine fire in the body-ocean ,

that has drunk the entire waters of DISCRIMINATION (viveka) , does

not burn.


And to whom Cupid does not torment intensely like a hard grinding

machine which is filled, squeezing the mass of sesamum-seeds within.


Death does not wish to kill him, by whom the repose of the mind is

resorted to in the in the Supreme Self.


Death does not wish to kill him whose mind, risen like a monkey

which has fallen upon the chasm that is the body, is not trembling.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



What is Death?


Death in itself is beyond one's cognition for the very reason that

tha cognitive mechanism is completely broken at its very onset!

Obviously, there are two apparently opposed views on it: Death is a

myth and the death is the ultimate reality. Bhagavadgita and other

scriptures provide the repurcussions of both views rather than

generating any new view as such.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kashchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasminnetou upaashritou ||


One does not live because of breathing or any other activity such as

heart beats etc. They are just symptoms of life. The life is based

in SOMETHING ELSE on which all such life-supporting activities

depend upon. Once THAT is apperciated, the death is a myth.


Manasevaidamaaptavyam neha naanaasti kinchana |

Mrityossa mrityum gacchati ya iha naaneva pashyati ||


One can attain THAT UNISON through one's mind alone which otherwise

keeps distracting itself and all its fellow elements to the variety

in this world as per its perception. One who insists on variety is

bound to chase the (notion of) birth being chased by the (notion of)

death perpetually because the very basis of sustenance of any

variance is the perpetual procession of birth-death cycles.


Sasyamiva pachyate martyah sasyamivaajaayate punah |


One whose mind insists the life to be bound by the space and time in

terms of matter and energy has no choice but to follow the recycling

of the same in terms of one's birth(s) and death(s).


On the other hand, one whose mind has appreciated THAT SOMETHING

ELSE which is the basis for all the life-supporting activities

within which everything is established will remain intact as they

are forever can utter,


Na mrityurna shankaa na me jaatibhedah |

Pitaa naiva me naiva maataa na janma ||


There is no birth to experience the death and hence all other

relations including all doubts and beliefs such as the fatherhood

and motherhood whither away in such case.


Death is a myth churned out in one's cognition that is bound by time

and space. One who respects such notion or understanding has no

choice but to chase its opposite called birth being chased by the

self-generated fear of the same.


Jaatasya hi dhruvam mrithyuh dhruvam janma mritasya cha |

Tasmaadaparihaaryerthe na tvam shochitumarhasi ||


One who believes that one has " gained " life through birth is bound

to be afraid of " loosing " the same through death. One who doubts

that one may loose one's life is helpless but to crave for a renewal

of life through another birth. If the perceptions of birth and death

are to be construed upon as true, one cannot help but to go through

such cycles as such … in that case, what is the point in worrying

about it?! There is no point in generating a new worry that we could

not resolve it … because, (1) it cannot be resolved as such; (2)

there is no need to establish the resolution as we can be happy

without such resolution as such; and (3) even if we could get a

resolution, what is the guarantee that we will be happy when we are

not ready to be happy?!


Whether death is certain or not, we can never know for sure. But,

the fear of death is very certain in our cognition. Our scriptures

always focus on what is certain in our cogniotion and prove beyond

doubt that there is no reason to be afraid of death whether the

death is a myth or not in one's appreciation. That is the view I

greatly value in our scriptures.



Naga Narayana.


Hari Om


Within the atmospheric air, the vital airs of dead exist. In the

interior of the vital airs, the mind exists. Know the world as

existing within the mind like oil in the sesamum seed. Then - after

death- that individual is described by the word " preta " by those

with established custom. Consciuosness , associated with mental

impressions , exists like wind and fragrance carried by it.


When the individual soul dwells in a different vision having

abandoned this visible world, then he is of various forms or deeds

as in a dream or as in a fancy , suited to such experiences.


In that very place WHERE ONE DIES , one would become possessed of

memory or understanding within, as in his earlier incarnation. Then

only, at the end of insensibility of death, he perceives another



Whosoever and as many individual souls or creatures as are dead,

deprived of liberation , exist there in space, so many are those

worlds or worldly illusions , severally and seemingly imperishable.


NEXT : Experiences at the time of death !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Who dies Jee! Who takes birth ! The self neither dies nor is born

anywhere. It only perceives this mistakenly like the confusion

arising in a dream. The soul is mere consciousness. When and where

possibly does it perish? In the case of its being distinct from

consciousness , say, what else can a man be?


Say, who has seen consciousness dead till this day- whose, which and

how? Hundreds of thousands of bodies die. Consciousness is remaining



The names of life and death were invented only for that diversity of

mere desires which the individual soul may experience in itself, Jee.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Hare Krishna


" Sab Jag Darte Maran Se Mere Maran Anand

Kab Mariye Kab Bhetiye Pooran Parmanand "


" The whole world is afraid of death, but my joy lies in death

When shall I die and attain that Supreme Bliss "


In his discourses, when speaking on topic 'Afraid of death' Swamiji

would ask sadhaks to contemplate on whether they are prepared for

the inevitable death.


He would say - " If death comes today then are you ready to face it?

If you are afraid of it then this means you have not completed your

work. You might remember that in school days when teacher throws

questions on a topic and if you have not studied it then you would

try to hide yourself from the eyes of teacher. But if you have

completed your homework then you would confidently raise the hand.

Similarly if you are fearing death then it means you have not

completed your work. The most important work of this human body is

God-Realization. Just think over your life. The path which you have

taken will that make you intrepid to death? If not then what are you

planning to do in this human life.... " He would often say the above

doha of Saint Kabir.


From the book 'Ek Mahatma Ka Prasad' published by Gitapress,Gorakhpur

" Sadhak's present spiritual practice can make his future a

success. If one is steadfast in his spiritual practice then he won't

have to fear death. Infact he will pleasantly wait for it. He is not

afraid of death because he has completed the work of this human

body. Then what would be the cause of worry?

But one who is not utilizing his present and has left everything

on future, one who is not prepared for his departure then he will

have to fear death. On arrival of death he is dreaded and guilty.

But at that moment he is unable to do anyting.

A man's biggest helplessness and weakness is that whatever he

knows he is not able to do that. "

(Page 254 - 255)

" A man is born crying and if he dies crying then what has he

attained? What have you gained from human body? The greatness of

this body is that we invite death with a smile " (Page 256)


Every sadhak has experienced that the more he progresses on

spiritual path the more fearless he becomes from death. Our

Scriptures and Saints have said that on God-Realization even death

comes to death. So true!!



Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Just as good night sleep puts a temporary end to all " my " desires,

fears, attachments, pleasures and pains, all of which are parading

as " me-mine during waking hours " , the so called death puts an end

to them permanently. I ask myself: Can I put an end to this " me "

while living daily? If I can do it, then, Death is the greatest

teacher I can have! For most of us living means relating to the

world while engaging in Karmas. Here Gita's message is relevant in

doing karmas without the false sense of " me-doer " . Thus real death

is death of " me " , a false sense of separate existence based on my

ignorance, and the only source of my suffering.

Fortunately we can die while living only. So living is dying and

dying is living. Every night one can die by examining hurts, selfish

desires, fears, etc., obtained during the day and dying to them,

making psyche like a clean slate for next day's freash start.

Another point: in the death body disintegrates back into Universal

Elements from which it was integrated at birth- space, air, fire,

water, earth. Body is universal in nature, not personal, as it

cannot survive in isolation. Mind is subset of human conditioning

based on time and place of one's upbringing, on the substratum of

Atman-Consciousness which is the only reality of " me " ! To me, thus

inherited mind is same as one's karmas, impressions ridden Atman

(sanskaras), due to identification with body-mind, which merges back

upon death and is recycled back to new body.

If one dispells the ignorance of believing to be an individual, by

realizing the truth that one is only put together by such an

Intelligent Universal Being(GOD-Brahman) for Divine play only and is

not one's reality, one is free in this life! Nothing dies in all our


Thus one is Immortal Conscious Being, inspite of having physical

body! One is never was/is/will be limited by birth-death of a body!

This is what I learn from the so called Death!

Namaskaras! .............Pratap Bhatt




Hari Om


Then, infinite things spring up all round , such as the apprehension

of space and time , the sky, things full of characteristic

properties and actions and objects having stability till the end of

the world.


At the end of death , quite at once, one perceives the body in youth

and also , space , time , activity , objects, the mind, the

intellect, the senses and the like.


When the flow of bio-energy in the channels of bio-energy is

adverse or deprived and the creature indeed reaches the improper

state of the vital airs or energy , then, his consciousness becomes,

as it were, extinguished.


Merely on account of the complete obstruction to the flow of bio-

energy , when activity is extinguished , the body is declared as

dead. Then, that person is named inert or senseless.


When the man is dead , the vital airs are united with the

atmospheric airs.


All the directions are just filled with winds accompanied by vital

airs pregnant with throbbing minds or thoughts.


Within the atomospheric air, the vital airs of the dead exist.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Very good Jee. What a beautiful subject is this - Death ! " Tata "

forever to this ever changing world and finding solace in the

affectionate and loving eveready arms of Daddy, the Great.


Dhaniram Bhaiyya ! Leave Dhan and become of Ram !


Jee Jee



Hari Om


When the channels of bio energy receive the nourishment with their

contractions and expansions on account of disease, then, the

breathing abandons its own natural state in the body.


When the airs or breaths that have gone in do not go out and vice

versa on account of improper state of the channels of bio energy (

nadi-s) , then, due to the absence of movement of senses, there can

be only memory and not sensory knowledge.


When the air does not enter at all or go out, on account of

agitation in the channels of bio energy in the body, then, he is

declared as dead.


When that body has become a corpse and the life force has gone to

the state of external wind , the consciousness which is liberated

from desires/mental impressions dwells in the own

natural /obvious/sahaj state of one's true self.


The name of that minute or subtle entity possessed of desires is

declared as JEEVA.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu


" Art of Dieing "


I started journey to reach my destination - took auto, then a

bus ,next a train, then an aeroplane, and again a train, an auto and

reached 'Destination'. All this journey is to reach my destination.

The art of living is a comfort journey to reach final destination -

a comfortable death, which blesses one without a need for another



It is said that the highest goal of human life to be blessed with

Kaivalyam or Moksham or Mukti or Liberation .


" What is the most wonderful thing on earth? " asked Yaksha to



'Aharnahanibhutani gachhantiha Yamalayam Seshahasthavaramichhanti

kimaascharyamatahparam' " Everyday there go into the abode of Yama

countless creatures. However, the living believe themselves to be

immortal. Is it not the strangest thing on earth? " replied

Dharmaraju. People don't want to die. All the rakshasaas like

Ravanasura, Mahishaasura, Mushikaasura, Madhukaitabha, Bhasmaasura

asked for boons of no death.


Adi Sankaracharya, in Prasnottararatnamaalika 'Kim maranam - What is

death? " Moorghatvam " " Ignoraance and foolishness " answered.

" Kim Jeevitham - What is living ? " Anavadyam " " Living a faultless

life " answered.

" What is ignorance? " asked Yaksha and Yudhishthira replied " Not

taking cognisance of one's duties is ignorance "


Lord Krishna clarified us on death. ' Dehinosminyadhaadehe' just as

boyhood, youth and old age are attributed to the soul through this

body even so the death.

'Jaatasyahidhruvo mrutyuhu' for in that case death is certain for

the born.


The art of living is prescribed for learning the art of dieing.

Then how to live artistically?.

'Yasmaannodvijateloko' , he who is not a source of annoyance to his

fellow creatures, and who in his turn does not feel vexed with his

fellow creatures and who is free from delight and envy, perturbation

and fear.


There is one thing worse than death to an

individual. 'Akeertichapibhutani' infamy or ill will brought on a

man enjoying popular esteem is worse than death.

While living righteously and doing one's prescribed duties is

desirable. 'Hatovaapraapsyasesvargam' , die and you will win heaven,

asserted Bhagavad Gita.


C.P.Gilman summarised philosophy of death. " Death? Why this fuss

about death. Use your imagination,try to visualise a world without

death - Death is an essential condition of life,not an evil " .


All should learn art of living to die artistically with no another

birth so that one need not worry about death again.



Namaskar. Jai Shri Ram.

Regarding Death, Bhagavad Gita Ch 2 shlokaas 22 & 27 lay down

crisply and precisely what we should know about and accept with


Our scriptures clearly state that Death is but a comma, a passing

shower in the journey of life. As we do so we get the result and to

enjoy or suffer that karma-phala, we take birth. Once a quota of

Karma-phala is undergone in a life, that chapter closes and a new

chapter opens as a new life, with the change-over being marked by

what we call as Death. There is really nothing to be scared of

Death; rather there is no meaning in getting scared, for Death is

inevitable, just as Birth is. Our efforts should be to be good, do

good, say good and see good, so that a new good life dawns!


Major Ramanujam.


Respected Sadhakas.




Gita has said so much about death of a body. Refer (2/11-30) And

said the truth and 100% truth. When a child is born, you do not

know where it will live; what it will study, what profession it will

follow. But it is known that one day it will die. Birth & death is

a cycle of nature. The body cannot be alive for ever.


Imagine a deathless world; wherein all generations of humans,

plants, birds & all other species are alive. Some of them may be as

old as you can imagine. What will be the condition on the earth ?

Shall we have enough food for all? Shall we have enough space for

all? Will the oxygen & ozone cover be adequate? The list can go on.


Today we find people complaining of ill health from the age of 35 or

so. The eyes need spectacles at 30 yrs; knees start rattling at 50

yrs. One can not see at 60 due to cataract; hearing loss starts at

60 yrs. So if there is deathless society, what will be our condition

of those at an age of 200 or 300 or above ? But mother nature has

made things easy.


Do not be afraid of death. It is only a change of dress.


People sing " Tum jio hajaron saal ... " at birthdays. Please

remember it is a curse to wish so & not a blessing if it comes true.




With best wishes and pranam to all.


Suhas Govind Gogate


-Shree Hari-


I have pasted in some sound points from the Gitaji dealing with death

rebirth and so on.


Just as a person puts on new garments after discarding the old


similarly, the living entity or the individual soul acquires new

bodies after casting away the old bodies. (2.22)


All beings are unmanifest, or invisible to our physical eyes, before

birth and af­ter death. They manifest between the birth and the death

only. What is there to grieve about? (2.28)


(B.G. 25-30 is worth reading in giving a rounded view.)


After many births, the enlightened one resorts to Me by realiz­ing

that everything is, indeed, My manifestation. Such a great soul is

very rare. (7.19)


I like to take these thoughts a step further. I read an account that

happened in India ,(many sadhaks could give name and place to this

event better than myself, for sure).

There was a holy man living near a town/village, his custom was to

come down from his abode daily, to perform his sacred duties, in

return the people of the town would offer sustenance to this man .

One day the people of the town were surprised by this holy ones,

appearance he was surrounded by a brilliant aura that all could see;

that was his last day in body.

A similar thing happened in the USA when a visiting swami, appeared


similar manner before a large audience of devotees. Again he passed

from this physical world.


Now I will now come to Qi or better known to most sadhaks as Prana.

This is one time I will speak with true knowledge. In the arena as


were of the Martial Arts and Quigong, energy can be experienced,

moving through the body, radiating from it and so on. It seems to be

associated with those who are spiritual, it is coaxed not driven. (I

will leave as thus).

So the point I am making is, that which we may consider as the


body, is far more than just that, and remember energy is

indestructible, it can only change. After all, all is from the source



With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Death is of the body, not of the Self. When we do not ever die, then

what to speak and what to listen?

Thank you very much, Ram Ram, Sarvottam



Mrutyu sharir ki hoti hai, swayam ki nahin. Jab apni mrutyu hoti hi

nahin, toh kyaa kahe, kyaa sune ? Sahadhanyavaad,


Ram Ram




Hari Om


Death is indeed the disappearance of body and that death is the

greatest joy. Death is not at any time , of the nature of complete

destruction. The dead one is spoken of as lost. I consider that as

untrue and improper. So does Gita and Sanatan Dharma in unison.

Being born repeatedly , he is perceived , separated by space and

time. Continuance in different wishes or imaginations of oneself is

called death. The individual soul, remaining with its desires,

departs leaving the body and dwells in a different body, as a monkey

leaving a forest tree betakes itself to another tree. The individual

souls are led here and there by their own individual desire or

mental impressions in a different extended place and a different

point of time. As the seer of a dream , who met death in his dream

world, is again born to see a different dream consisting of waking

state, so, that seer of the waking state , who met with death in the

world of the waking state, is again born to see a different dream

consisting of waking state !


The man who is dead in this world is declared as awakened

elsewhere . After the loss of consciousness in death, all the worlds

quickly become manifest completely to an individual soul, as visible

objects appear by the opening of eyes. After death, the wealth of

creation consisting of the visible objects of three worlds , arrives

at perception just in a moment.


Death does not lead to fear or danger. If death is complete

annihilation, then there is the destruction of the disease of

worldly existence. Being dead , if he is not born again , in this

respect also, there is great prosperity and elevation !


Hence death always is a pleasant thing.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B





Dear Sadaks,

It is not Khatha as Dhaniram says. The forum is giving facts.

The death is predecided based on ones previous birth Karmas. The

fact of birth is because one has Karmas to his account. Karmas are

destined to undergo. The period to undergo such Karmas, the place of

birth, environment, parents, education, type of job, wife, brothers

and sisterts, friends, etc are predecided by 27 stars which is

computerised by virusless system. Once Karma effect of previous

birth completes even if one is 16 years or 70 years old death takes

place. Since it is destined if one lives as he likes, he is adding

Karmas to his account of this birth to be passed over to next birth.

Mr. Birla died in plane crash just before minutes of landing. Many

are very well just before few hours of death. Death and birth are

same side of one coin.

The 6 children of Sri Devaki (mother of krishna) were destined to be

killed by Kans. Ravana was destined to be killed by Sri Rama as such

Sri Rama who had vknowledge of past, present and future crowned

Vibushan as King of Sri Lanka much before war started.

Death is certain but time is uncertain. But there are saints like

Poodhanam, Tukaram went to heaven with body defiying death.

Hanuman, Vibushan and few other were blessed as " Sriranjeevi " (alway



Namaste and Jai Seeta Ram!


I have been a recipient of your in depth information for a long time

and gained considerably knowledge from it topics and contents.


Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if you could

elaborate in details? Lots of information on the living, let's hear

your katha on death with specific emphasis on Bhagavad Gita's



Thanks, Dhaniram








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Ram Ram

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QUESTION: Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if

you could elaborate in details? with specific emphasis on Bhagavad

Gita's views? Dhaniram





-Shree Hari-


Dear sadhaks,

Suicide is such a terrible thing that it does need attention.

I have been in situations where people were close to suicide, two

told me out rite, (what a burden to have someone place their lives


ones hands as it were).

The other situation was far more imminent, I will keep it brief:

A colleague who was working for me, I noticed was getting more and

more withdrawn. Finally he was crouched on the floor, definitely

putting his life at risk. My superiors had backed off, I took on the


He had an answer to all my logic, I was concerned for his and my own


I knew that this situation was really bad. Suddenly I looked into his

eyes and said " You are precious! " , and quietly said " We all are

precious " . His eyes filled with tears the crisis was over.

So I will repeat to all who read this, We are all precious !

So if one can save a soul from all the terrors that can await him/her

as a result of suicide. Then it is a precious gift for both of you.

So never, never hesitate, to help such a soul !

Divine love will guide you.

That which I have written above is not about me, it's about divine



I think these sad souls I mentioned had fallen into a trap,

something to do with ego born of ignorance.



4: 22. Content with what comes to him without effort, free from the

pairs of opposites and envy, even-minded in success and failure,

Though acting, he is not bound.


4: 42. Therefore, with the sword of knowledge (of the Self) cut

asunder the doubt of the self born of ignorance, residing in your

heart, and take refuge in Yoga; arise, Arjuna!


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor



Hari Om,


What about those who die suddenly, like in vehicle accidents? Or

even a sudden death due to massive heart failure? It is an accepted

fact that only a few seconds prevail before the onset of death

proper in these cases. Under these circumstances death appears as a

flash and will leave little time to think of the Lord, or for that

matter anything else. Of course, not everyone can utter ' Hey Ram'

like Mahaatma Gandhi did when they are ill-prepared for such sudden

deaths. What has the Gita got say on this?


Another point of contention by some astrologers is that people who

die suddenly before completing their 120 year life span are re-born

to serve out their karmas. In other words are we given this fixed

period in the human birth and if that be the case what will be like

for those who still do not achieve God realisation? Will they be

given another lease of cycle in the human race or in other creature

forms? Does the Gita mention anything on this also, especially on



Your valued explanations are anticipated. With warm regards,


R. Mahendra Raj




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Here are some verses in the Gita that talk about death related

matters. The focus of Shri Krishna is more on attaining Him

(Realization), than death itself. This write-up is from Swamiji's -

Gita Madhurya


Attainment of the God at time of Death


Question: How are you to be attained at the time of death by those

who have controlled their mind?

Bhagwaan: He who departs from the body, thinking of Me alone at the

time of death, attains My being, there is no doubt about it - this

is my ordinance. (Gita 8:1-5)


Question: What becomes of those who don't think of You?

Bhagwaan: Oh Arjuna, thinking of whatever being one leaves this body

at the time of death, that alone he attains, being absorbed in the

thought thereof. (Gita 8:6)


Question: What is it that I should do at the time of death to think

of You?

Bhagwaan: You should think of Me at all times and perfrom your duty,

with mind and reason surrendered to Me. (Gita 8:7)


Question: What will be the result of doing that?

Bhagwaan: You will surely attain Me. (Gita 8:7)


Question: What is Your Form by thinking which a self-controlled man

attains You?

Bhagwaan: There are three forms - one with attributes and formless,

second attributeless and formless and third endowed with attributes

and form. Now I tell you the first form by meditating on which a man

attains Me. (Gita 8:7)


Oh Arjuna, he who with his mind established in Yoga in the form of

practice of meditation, thinking of nothing else, is constantly

engaged in contemplation of the Supreme Divine Purusa (God) attains

Him. (Gita 8:7)


Question: What is the form of the Supreme Divine One?

Bhagwaan: He is Omniscient, Ancient One, Ruler of All, Subtler than

the Subtle, the Sustainer of all, possessing a form beyond

comprehension, shining like the Sun and beyond the darkness of

ignorance. He who meditates on this Supreme One at the time of

death, by Yogic power firmly holding the life breath in the space

between the eyebrows with a steady mind, full of devotion, reaches

verily that Supreme Divine One. (Gita 8:9-10).


From " Gita Madhurya " In Hindi - page 78 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


Meera Das

Ram Ram



Jai Hanuman


O Brother Mike! Indeed I value your sentiments ! Did not I draw you

out of your shell ? Right you are ! Dear Brother!! Right you are !!

Did not I precisely know that where that serpent itself will become

an ornament ?


That serpent indeed becomes an ornament in the neck of Lord Shiva !

Glorious! Beautiful !! No where brother is Death ! only Love !! How

can it wish to kill you ? No way !


You are already gold , Dear Brother. I am your proud Jee Jee !!

Proud of you !


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



-Shree Hari-


Dear Moderator,


I believe that someone queried about suicide. Can't locate it, is it

current ? A curse of the modern age, especially among the young.

With Respects and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The topic of Suicide was discussed - see link:


from May 31 - June 20, 2008. Hope this helps.

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Please see additional Q & A with Swamiji related to Death that were

posted in Sadhak group -


Question: Just like one's time of death is inevitable, similarly the

pain that one experiences at time of death is that also inevitable ?


Answer: No! each one is experiencing the fruits of their good and

evil actions. If someone has to undergo the consequences of past

actions, then they will experience more difficulty at time of death.

But sorrow only comes to he who within has desire for any particular



Question: Those who are holy and doing good only, they are deeply

engaged in spiritual practices and worship of God, if they undergo

suffering at time of death, then what is the reason ?


Answer: God desires to wipe out the sins of all their past birth's

and make them entirely pure, so that they are benefited and attain



Questions: It has been said that at time of death the pain and

difficulties experienced are as intense, almost as if thousands of

scorpions are biting, but saints have spoken that death is not what

is painful, it is the desire to live that results in the pain. In

reality, what is correct ?


Answer: Just like from child to youth and from youth to old age, one

experiences no difficulty, similarly at time of death in reality

there is no difficulty. The difficulties are only experienced by he

who within desires to continue to live. The point is that he who is

attached to the body, only he has the sensation and difficulty like

that of thousands of scorpions biting. The greater the attachment,

proprietary feeling (mine-ness), desire, liking that one has for the

body, that much more pain and difficulty one will experience at time

of death.


From " Prashnouttermanimaala " in in Hindi page 92 by Swami



Question: At the last moment of one's life, if there is no

remembrance of God nor of the world, what will be the outcome ?


Answer: This is not possible. Something or the other will definitely

be remembered - " na hi kaschitkshanamapi jaatu tishthatyakarmakrt "

(Gita 3:5)


Questions: For there to be remembrance of God at the final moment,

for such a thing to happen, what must one do ?


Answer: Remember God at all times, because each moment it self is

the final moment. One does not know when death will arrive, !

Therefore God has said in the Gita - " tastmaatsarveshu kaaaleshu

maamnusmar " (Gita 8:7). " Therefore at all times, you be in

rememberance of Me and also engage in war "


Question: Whatever the man remembers at the time of death (at time of

leaving his body), that he will attain, does this ruling apply to

even those that commit suicide ?


Answer: Yes! it applies to those who are commiting suicide as well.

But for those individuals it is very difficult for them to be in

rememberance of God (auspiciousness). This is because they are

committing suicide out of deep pain and sorrow, but their desire

remains to be happy. Secondly, when the life force is leaving them,

they are repenting of their act, but they are unable to do anything

about it. Thirdly, while life force is leaving them, they experience

terrible and immense difficulties. If their inner feelings are pure,

if they have faith in God, if they desire to remember God, then they

will not do this terrible crime of committing suicide. Lastly, it is

because the inner intellect is impure, that one thinks of committing

suicide. Therefore those that commit suicide have a major downfall.

Skanda Purana says that such persons do not attain salvation for

several lives to come. Therefore intelligent persons, must never

ever think of suicide even out of forgetfulness or mistake.


From " Prashnouttermanimaala " in in Hindi page 94-95 by Swami



Meera Das

Ram Ram



-Shree Hari-

Jeje Shashikalaji,

You are inviting me out of my comfort zone, and since this form of

verse is out of my common reference, I will let the feel of it guide

my response. For no other reason, but to be of service to our

brethren.(If possible).


I will first talk of death, Shashikalaji. I am sure you know that a

person can die and can suffer a painful death, and yet remain in

body, to be re-born from the spiritual womb as it were.

Thus at the death of the body, in such grace, what is there to die?


The terrible imagery of the serpent, that portrays the dark forces of

humanity, can be transmuted by the Divine Grace within, such a

primordial symbol, (the serpent), can thus become a thing of great

beauty, translucent, radiating a brilliant light, pulsating colors

not of this world, you understand.


Ah the fire that burns so deep can refine the soul and burn away the

dross, all impurities and blemishes, leaving the Self standing like

the purist spiritual gold bathed naked before the rising sun. Where

then is death?


With Respect and Divine ove,


Mike Keenor


The soul is immortal. So we should avoid the endless cycle of birth

and death through meditation and good karmas in this birth.

Hari Shanker Deo


Hari Hari

Dear bhagavatas,

Could you please enlighten me of the following question?

I want to know what is the end (gati) met by a good person who

commits suicide per our shasthra (scriptures)? Also is there any

parisharams (pains) associated? What are Gita's Views on this?

Please provide Shloka (Verse) in Gita.


Sridharan Kadambi



Responses to above question will be a new TOPIC. Kindly

substantiate with associated verses in Scriptures and not just

opinions / beliefs.

Ram Ram



Jai Hanuman


Very Good Varun Bhaiyya! Death of the death. Wow ! Yes ! Dr Goli-

here is how what you wished in last para of your very good message

can be achieved ! Vyasji Maharaj - Tu daal daal to main paat

paat !!


Death does not wish to kill that person on whose bosom the series of

strings of desires passed through pearls that are sins or defects,

is not fastened !


Mike Bhaiyya ! Any views on the below?


Death does not wish to kill him whom mental agonies, which are

insects for the creeper constituting the entire body and saws for

the body tree in the form of sighs, do not cut.


Death does not wish to kill him whom hopes or desires , which are

multitudes of snakes on the body tree, with anxieties set as

expanded hoods on the head, do not burn within.


And to whom the serpent of avarice, filled with the poison of

attachment and aversion and having its habitation in the cavity of

one's own mind, does not eat.


And to whom anger, which is the sub marine fire in the body-ocean ,

that has drunk the entire waters of DISCRIMINATION (viveka) , does

not burn.


And to whom Cupid does not torment intensely like a hard grinding

machine which is filled, squeezing the mass of sesamum-seeds within.


Death does not wish to kill him, by whom the repose of the mind is

resorted to in the in the Supreme Self.


Death does not wish to kill him whose mind, risen like a monkey

which has fallen upon the chasm that is the body, is not trembling.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



What is Death?


Death in itself is beyond one's cognition for the very reason that

tha cognitive mechanism is completely broken at its very onset!

Obviously, there are two apparently opposed views on it: Death is a

myth and the death is the ultimate reality. Bhagavadgita and other

scriptures provide the repurcussions of both views rather than

generating any new view as such.


Na praanena naapaanena martyo jeevati kashchana |

Itarena tu jeevanti yasminnetou upaashritou ||


One does not live because of breathing or any other activity such as

heart beats etc. They are just symptoms of life. The life is based

in SOMETHING ELSE on which all such life-supporting activities

depend upon. Once THAT is apperciated, the death is a myth.


Manasevaidamaaptavyam neha naanaasti kinchana |

Mrityossa mrityum gacchati ya iha naaneva pashyati ||


One can attain THAT UNISON through one's mind alone which otherwise

keeps distracting itself and all its fellow elements to the variety

in this world as per its perception. One who insists on variety is

bound to chase the (notion of) birth being chased by the (notion of)

death perpetually because the very basis of sustenance of any

variance is the perpetual procession of birth-death cycles.


Sasyamiva pachyate martyah sasyamivaajaayate punah |


One whose mind insists the life to be bound by the space and time in

terms of matter and energy has no choice but to follow the recycling

of the same in terms of one's birth(s) and death(s).


On the other hand, one whose mind has appreciated THAT SOMETHING

ELSE which is the basis for all the life-supporting activities

within which everything is established will remain intact as they

are forever can utter,


Na mrityurna shankaa na me jaatibhedah |

Pitaa naiva me naiva maataa na janma ||


There is no birth to experience the death and hence all other

relations including all doubts and beliefs such as the fatherhood

and motherhood whither away in such case.


Death is a myth churned out in one's cognition that is bound by time

and space. One who respects such notion or understanding has no

choice but to chase its opposite called birth being chased by the

self-generated fear of the same.


Jaatasya hi dhruvam mrithyuh dhruvam janma mritasya cha |

Tasmaadaparihaaryerthe na tvam shochitumarhasi ||


One who believes that one has " gained " life through birth is bound

to be afraid of " loosing " the same through death. One who doubts

that one may loose one's life is helpless but to crave for a renewal

of life through another birth. If the perceptions of birth and death

are to be construed upon as true, one cannot help but to go through

such cycles as such … in that case, what is the point in worrying

about it?! There is no point in generating a new worry that we could

not resolve it … because, (1) it cannot be resolved as such; (2)

there is no need to establish the resolution as we can be happy

without such resolution as such; and (3) even if we could get a

resolution, what is the guarantee that we will be happy when we are

not ready to be happy?!


Whether death is certain or not, we can never know for sure. But,

the fear of death is very certain in our cognition. Our scriptures

always focus on what is certain in our cogniotion and prove beyond

doubt that there is no reason to be afraid of death whether the

death is a myth or not in one's appreciation. That is the view I

greatly value in our scriptures.



Naga Narayana.


Hari Om


Within the atmospheric air, the vital airs of dead exist. In the

interior of the vital airs, the mind exists. Know the world as

existing within the mind like oil in the sesamum seed. Then - after

death- that individual is described by the word " preta " by those

with established custom. Consciuosness , associated with mental

impressions , exists like wind and fragrance carried by it.


When the individual soul dwells in a different vision having

abandoned this visible world, then he is of various forms or deeds

as in a dream or as in a fancy , suited to such experiences.


In that very place WHERE ONE DIES , one would become possessed of

memory or understanding within, as in his earlier incarnation. Then

only, at the end of insensibility of death, he perceives another



Whosoever and as many individual souls or creatures as are dead,

deprived of liberation , exist there in space, so many are those

worlds or worldly illusions , severally and seemingly imperishable.


NEXT : Experiences at the time of death !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Who dies Jee! Who takes birth ! The self neither dies nor is born

anywhere. It only perceives this mistakenly like the confusion

arising in a dream. The soul is mere consciousness. When and where

possibly does it perish? In the case of its being distinct from

consciousness , say, what else can a man be?


Say, who has seen consciousness dead till this day- whose, which and

how? Hundreds of thousands of bodies die. Consciousness is remaining



The names of life and death were invented only for that diversity of

mere desires which the individual soul may experience in itself, Jee.


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Hare Krishna


" Sab Jag Darte Maran Se Mere Maran Anand

Kab Mariye Kab Bhetiye Pooran Parmanand "


" The whole world is afraid of death, but my joy lies in death

When shall I die and attain that Supreme Bliss "


In his discourses, when speaking on topic 'Afraid of death' Swamiji

would ask sadhaks to contemplate on whether they are prepared for

the inevitable death.


He would say - " If death comes today then are you ready to face it?

If you are afraid of it then this means you have not completed your

work. You might remember that in school days when teacher throws

questions on a topic and if you have not studied it then you would

try to hide yourself from the eyes of teacher. But if you have

completed your homework then you would confidently raise the hand.

Similarly if you are fearing death then it means you have not

completed your work. The most important work of this human body is

God-Realization. Just think over your life. The path which you have

taken will that make you intrepid to death? If not then what are you

planning to do in this human life.... " He would often say the above

doha of Saint Kabir.


From the book 'Ek Mahatma Ka Prasad' published by Gitapress,Gorakhpur

" Sadhak's present spiritual practice can make his future a

success. If one is steadfast in his spiritual practice then he won't

have to fear death. Infact he will pleasantly wait for it. He is not

afraid of death because he has completed the work of this human

body. Then what would be the cause of worry?

But one who is not utilizing his present and has left everything

on future, one who is not prepared for his departure then he will

have to fear death. On arrival of death he is dreaded and guilty.

But at that moment he is unable to do anyting.

A man's biggest helplessness and weakness is that whatever he

knows he is not able to do that. "

(Page 254 - 255)

" A man is born crying and if he dies crying then what has he

attained? What have you gained from human body? The greatness of

this body is that we invite death with a smile " (Page 256)


Every sadhak has experienced that the more he progresses on

spiritual path the more fearless he becomes from death. Our

Scriptures and Saints have said that on God-Realization even death

comes to death. So true!!



Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Just as good night sleep puts a temporary end to all " my " desires,

fears, attachments, pleasures and pains, all of which are parading

as " me-mine during waking hours " , the so called death puts an end

to them permanently. I ask myself: Can I put an end to this " me "

while living daily? If I can do it, then, Death is the greatest

teacher I can have! For most of us living means relating to the

world while engaging in Karmas. Here Gita's message is relevant in

doing karmas without the false sense of " me-doer " . Thus real death

is death of " me " , a false sense of separate existence based on my

ignorance, and the only source of my suffering.

Fortunately we can die while living only. So living is dying and

dying is living. Every night one can die by examining hurts, selfish

desires, fears, etc., obtained during the day and dying to them,

making psyche like a clean slate for next day's freash start.

Another point: in the death body disintegrates back into Universal

Elements from which it was integrated at birth- space, air, fire,

water, earth. Body is universal in nature, not personal, as it

cannot survive in isolation. Mind is subset of human conditioning

based on time and place of one's upbringing, on the substratum of

Atman-Consciousness which is the only reality of " me " ! To me, thus

inherited mind is same as one's karmas, impressions ridden Atman

(sanskaras), due to identification with body-mind, which merges back

upon death and is recycled back to new body.

If one dispells the ignorance of believing to be an individual, by

realizing the truth that one is only put together by such an

Intelligent Universal Being(GOD-Brahman) for Divine play only and is

not one's reality, one is free in this life! Nothing dies in all our


Thus one is Immortal Conscious Being, inspite of having physical

body! One is never was/is/will be limited by birth-death of a body!

This is what I learn from the so called Death!

Namaskaras! .............Pratap Bhatt




Hari Om


Then, infinite things spring up all round , such as the apprehension

of space and time , the sky, things full of characteristic

properties and actions and objects having stability till the end of

the world.


At the end of death , quite at once, one perceives the body in youth

and also , space , time , activity , objects, the mind, the

intellect, the senses and the like.


When the flow of bio-energy in the channels of bio-energy is

adverse or deprived and the creature indeed reaches the improper

state of the vital airs or energy , then, his consciousness becomes,

as it were, extinguished.


Merely on account of the complete obstruction to the flow of bio-

energy , when activity is extinguished , the body is declared as

dead. Then, that person is named inert or senseless.


When the man is dead , the vital airs are united with the

atmospheric airs.


All the directions are just filled with winds accompanied by vital

airs pregnant with throbbing minds or thoughts.


Within the atomospheric air, the vital airs of the dead exist.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Very good Jee. What a beautiful subject is this - Death ! " Tata "

forever to this ever changing world and finding solace in the

affectionate and loving eveready arms of Daddy, the Great.


Dhaniram Bhaiyya ! Leave Dhan and become of Ram !


Jee Jee



Hari Om


When the channels of bio energy receive the nourishment with their

contractions and expansions on account of disease, then, the

breathing abandons its own natural state in the body.


When the airs or breaths that have gone in do not go out and vice

versa on account of improper state of the channels of bio energy (

nadi-s) , then, due to the absence of movement of senses, there can

be only memory and not sensory knowledge.


When the air does not enter at all or go out, on account of

agitation in the channels of bio energy in the body, then, he is

declared as dead.


When that body has become a corpse and the life force has gone to

the state of external wind , the consciousness which is liberated

from desires/mental impressions dwells in the own

natural /obvious/sahaj state of one's true self.


The name of that minute or subtle entity possessed of desires is

declared as JEEVA.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dasara Navaratri Subhakankshalu


" Art of Dieing "


I started journey to reach my destination - took auto, then a

bus ,next a train, then an aeroplane, and again a train, an auto and

reached 'Destination'. All this journey is to reach my destination.

The art of living is a comfort journey to reach final destination -

a comfortable death, which blesses one without a need for another



It is said that the highest goal of human life to be blessed with

Kaivalyam or Moksham or Mukti or Liberation .


" What is the most wonderful thing on earth? " asked Yaksha to



'Aharnahanibhutani gachhantiha Yamalayam Seshahasthavaramichhanti

kimaascharyamatahparam' " Everyday there go into the abode of Yama

countless creatures. However, the living believe themselves to be

immortal. Is it not the strangest thing on earth? " replied

Dharmaraju. People don't want to die. All the rakshasaas like

Ravanasura, Mahishaasura, Mushikaasura, Madhukaitabha, Bhasmaasura

asked for boons of no death.


Adi Sankaracharya, in Prasnottararatnamaalika 'Kim maranam - What is

death? " Moorghatvam " " Ignoraance and foolishness " answered.

" Kim Jeevitham - What is living ? " Anavadyam " " Living a faultless

life " answered.

" What is ignorance? " asked Yaksha and Yudhishthira replied " Not

taking cognisance of one's duties is ignorance "


Lord Krishna clarified us on death. ' Dehinosminyadhaadehe' just as

boyhood, youth and old age are attributed to the soul through this

body even so the death.

'Jaatasyahidhruvo mrutyuhu' for in that case death is certain for

the born.


The art of living is prescribed for learning the art of dieing.

Then how to live artistically?.

'Yasmaannodvijateloko' , he who is not a source of annoyance to his

fellow creatures, and who in his turn does not feel vexed with his

fellow creatures and who is free from delight and envy, perturbation

and fear.


There is one thing worse than death to an

individual. 'Akeertichapibhutani' infamy or ill will brought on a

man enjoying popular esteem is worse than death.

While living righteously and doing one's prescribed duties is

desirable. 'Hatovaapraapsyasesvargam' , die and you will win heaven,

asserted Bhagavad Gita.


C.P.Gilman summarised philosophy of death. " Death? Why this fuss

about death. Use your imagination,try to visualise a world without

death - Death is an essential condition of life,not an evil " .


All should learn art of living to die artistically with no another

birth so that one need not worry about death again.



Namaskar. Jai Shri Ram.

Regarding Death, Bhagavad Gita Ch 2 shlokaas 22 & 27 lay down

crisply and precisely what we should know about and accept with


Our scriptures clearly state that Death is but a comma, a passing

shower in the journey of life. As we do so we get the result and to

enjoy or suffer that karma-phala, we take birth. Once a quota of

Karma-phala is undergone in a life, that chapter closes and a new

chapter opens as a new life, with the change-over being marked by

what we call as Death. There is really nothing to be scared of

Death; rather there is no meaning in getting scared, for Death is

inevitable, just as Birth is. Our efforts should be to be good, do

good, say good and see good, so that a new good life dawns!


Major Ramanujam.


Respected Sadhakas.




Gita has said so much about death of a body. Refer (2/11-30) And

said the truth and 100% truth. When a child is born, you do not

know where it will live; what it will study, what profession it will

follow. But it is known that one day it will die. Birth & death is

a cycle of nature. The body cannot be alive for ever.


Imagine a deathless world; wherein all generations of humans,

plants, birds & all other species are alive. Some of them may be as

old as you can imagine. What will be the condition on the earth ?

Shall we have enough food for all? Shall we have enough space for

all? Will the oxygen & ozone cover be adequate? The list can go on.


Today we find people complaining of ill health from the age of 35 or

so. The eyes need spectacles at 30 yrs; knees start rattling at 50

yrs. One can not see at 60 due to cataract; hearing loss starts at

60 yrs. So if there is deathless society, what will be our condition

of those at an age of 200 or 300 or above ? But mother nature has

made things easy.


Do not be afraid of death. It is only a change of dress.


People sing " Tum jio hajaron saal ... " at birthdays. Please

remember it is a curse to wish so & not a blessing if it comes true.




With best wishes and pranam to all.


Suhas Govind Gogate


-Shree Hari-


I have pasted in some sound points from the Gitaji dealing with death

rebirth and so on.


Just as a person puts on new garments after discarding the old


similarly, the living entity or the individual soul acquires new

bodies after casting away the old bodies. (2.22)


All beings are unmanifest, or invisible to our physical eyes, before

birth and af­ter death. They manifest between the birth and the death

only. What is there to grieve about? (2.28)


(B.G. 25-30 is worth reading in giving a rounded view.)


After many births, the enlightened one resorts to Me by realiz­ing

that everything is, indeed, My manifestation. Such a great soul is

very rare. (7.19)


I like to take these thoughts a step further. I read an account that

happened in India ,(many sadhaks could give name and place to this

event better than myself, for sure).

There was a holy man living near a town/village, his custom was to

come down from his abode daily, to perform his sacred duties, in

return the people of the town would offer sustenance to this man .

One day the people of the town were surprised by this holy ones,

appearance he was surrounded by a brilliant aura that all could see;

that was his last day in body.

A similar thing happened in the USA when a visiting swami, appeared


similar manner before a large audience of devotees. Again he passed

from this physical world.


Now I will now come to Qi or better known to most sadhaks as Prana.

This is one time I will speak with true knowledge. In the arena as


were of the Martial Arts and Quigong, energy can be experienced,

moving through the body, radiating from it and so on. It seems to be

associated with those who are spiritual, it is coaxed not driven. (I

will leave as thus).

So the point I am making is, that which we may consider as the


body, is far more than just that, and remember energy is

indestructible, it can only change. After all, all is from the source



With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor








Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Death is of the body, not of the Self. When we do not ever die, then

what to speak and what to listen?

Thank you very much, Ram Ram, Sarvottam



Mrutyu sharir ki hoti hai, swayam ki nahin. Jab apni mrutyu hoti hi

nahin, toh kyaa kahe, kyaa sune ? Sahadhanyavaad,


Ram Ram




Hari Om


Death is indeed the disappearance of body and that death is the

greatest joy. Death is not at any time , of the nature of complete

destruction. The dead one is spoken of as lost. I consider that as

untrue and improper. So does Gita and Sanatan Dharma in unison.

Being born repeatedly , he is perceived , separated by space and

time. Continuance in different wishes or imaginations of oneself is

called death. The individual soul, remaining with its desires,

departs leaving the body and dwells in a different body, as a monkey

leaving a forest tree betakes itself to another tree. The individual

souls are led here and there by their own individual desire or

mental impressions in a different extended place and a different

point of time. As the seer of a dream , who met death in his dream

world, is again born to see a different dream consisting of waking

state, so, that seer of the waking state , who met with death in the

world of the waking state, is again born to see a different dream

consisting of waking state !


The man who is dead in this world is declared as awakened

elsewhere . After the loss of consciousness in death, all the worlds

quickly become manifest completely to an individual soul, as visible

objects appear by the opening of eyes. After death, the wealth of

creation consisting of the visible objects of three worlds , arrives

at perception just in a moment.


Death does not lead to fear or danger. If death is complete

annihilation, then there is the destruction of the disease of

worldly existence. Being dead , if he is not born again , in this

respect also, there is great prosperity and elevation !


Hence death always is a pleasant thing.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B





Dear Sadaks,

It is not Khatha as Dhaniram says. The forum is giving facts.

The death is predecided based on ones previous birth Karmas. The

fact of birth is because one has Karmas to his account. Karmas are

destined to undergo. The period to undergo such Karmas, the place of

birth, environment, parents, education, type of job, wife, brothers

and sisterts, friends, etc are predecided by 27 stars which is

computerised by virusless system. Once Karma effect of previous

birth completes even if one is 16 years or 70 years old death takes

place. Since it is destined if one lives as he likes, he is adding

Karmas to his account of this birth to be passed over to next birth.

Mr. Birla died in plane crash just before minutes of landing. Many

are very well just before few hours of death. Death and birth are

same side of one coin.

The 6 children of Sri Devaki (mother of krishna) were destined to be

killed by Kans. Ravana was destined to be killed by Sri Rama as such

Sri Rama who had vknowledge of past, present and future crowned

Vibushan as King of Sri Lanka much before war started.

Death is certain but time is uncertain. But there are saints like

Poodhanam, Tukaram went to heaven with body defiying death.

Hanuman, Vibushan and few other were blessed as " Sriranjeevi " (alway



Namaste and Jai Seeta Ram!


I have been a recipient of your in depth information for a long time

and gained considerably knowledge from it topics and contents.


Can I ask if you can share your views on 'death' and if you could

elaborate in details? Lots of information on the living, let's hear

your katha on death with specific emphasis on Bhagavad Gita's



Thanks, Dhaniram








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Ram Ram

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