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Is Everything Pre-destined?

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Is destiny pre-planned. In Gita, God says, he gives human beings the

freedom to act, the choice is man's and he does according to his

character or nature(swabhav). If it is true why it has been

said " bhaagya se pehle, aur bhaagya se hatkar kuch nahin

hotaa " " beyond one's fortune and misfortune, nothing happens "

(translation may be incorrect). Is our every step pre-planned

(destined) ?


Saagar Kadam


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

A couple of very lengthy similiar discussions took place earlier

this year.


1) Why disturb God's plans?



2) Do we have a choice of actions?



Saagarji, either you or any other Sadhak that has time could please

help summarize these discussions, as they will be very helpful to

the rest of us, for a deeper understanding of topic / responses.

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

3. Please be as concise and to the point, addressing only the

subject at hand, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit

response to half a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

10. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting deemed irrelevant to the core

discussion (e.g. personal information, opinions / feelings etc.)

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Question 1: Is destiny pre-planned. In Gita, God says, he gives

human beings the

freedom to act, the choice is man's and he does according to his

character or nature(swabhav). If it is true why it has been

said " bhaagya se pehle, aur bhaagya se hatkar kuch nahin

hotaa " " beyond one's fortune and misfortune, nothing happens "

(translation may be incorrect). Is our every step pre-planned

(destined) ?


Saagar Kadam


Question 2 - Added

What is Gita's view on destiny?

Suresh Goel






Hari Om


It is written in scriptures as rightly stated by you - " kuchh nahin

HOTAA " ( nothing " happens " ) not " kuchh nahin " karata " (nothing

is " done " ).


These are two separate things. One- what we " do " and two-

what " happens " . You have control/independence regarding " doing "

(karma) but not regarding " happening " (result).


Hence a human being has complete independence and control over what

he " does " in life time. Your fresh karmas are not pre destined. No

step of yours (doing) is pre destined/planned.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



What we are undergoing today is the result of our past karmas but

what we will undergo in future will be the result of our present

karmas. So we do have a choice.

Hari Shanker Deo


The conecpts of predestination and free will are mutually

reconcilable. While God has given us freedom to choose, He knows in

advance how we will choose!




Shree Hari

Ram Ram

A couple of very lengthy similiar discussions took place earlier

this year.


1) Why disturb God's plans?



2) Do we have a choice of actions?



Saagarji, either you or any other Sadhak that has time could please

help summarize these discussions, as they will be very helpful to

the rest of us, for a deeper understanding of topic / responses.

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

3. Please be as concise and to the point, addressing only the

subject at hand, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit

response to half a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

10. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting deemed irrelevant to the core

discussion (e.g. personal information, opinions / feelings etc.)

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.

12. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.


Ram Ram

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Question 1: Is destiny pre-planned. In Gita, God says, he gives

human beings the

freedom to act, the choice is man's and he does according to his

character or nature(swabhav). If it is true why it has been

said " bhaagya se pehle, aur bhaagya se hatkar kuch nahin

hotaa " " beyond one's fortune and misfortune, nothing happens "

(translation may be incorrect). Is our every step pre-planned

(destined) ?


Saagar Kadam


Question 2 - Added

What is Gita's view on destiny?

Suresh Goel






Jai Hanuman


A human being comes in this world for fulfulling four desires Jee!


1. Artha (money, wealth, health, ownership of material objects,

house, properties, assets, cattle, horses, beauty, virtue, right,

power, ability, affluence etc )


2. Kaam (consumption of eight-fold worldly pleasures Jee, arising

from smell, touch, form, taste, sound, and consumption of pleasure

arising from respect, praise and peaceful leisure)


3. Dharma (Righteousness, Duty, Truth, being good) and


4. Moksha (Liberation, Freedom from bondage, God Realisation)


So there are four desires Jee. As against these four desires - there

are two things available to him.


1. Prarabdha (destiny) - At present he has no control over it.

2. Purushartha (Current karmas / deeds - he has independent control

over the same)


Now out of four desires - first two viz Artha and Kama are directly

and exclusively dependent on Prarabdha (Destiny) ONLY.. They are

indeed subject matter of fate only Jee! Your present actions have no

correlation with the same ! Clear Jee ?


Balance two viz Dharma and Moksha are subject matter dependent upon

your present actions (Purushartha - present deeds) only. There is no

role of destiny here ! Absolutely no role Jee!


Since a lot of humanity falls within the ambit of BG 18:32 -


What is subject matter of Destiny by religiously following BG 18:32 -

we have employed Purushartha there !!


What is subject matter of Purushartha, by religiously following BG

18:32, we have employed Destiny there !!


That is what Taat Shree (Swamiji) is explaining in the latest Sadhak

message by giving example of two patients having disease of eye and

stomach !!!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Life is Destiny vs. Life is Free Will


Everything is destiny. Even the way you think about, the reason you

breath, the incidences that you blink, the purpose you act for, is

pre-destined. If you think you did something in certain way, one can

always say that that is what you were pre-destined for. Where is the

free will here?


Everything is free will. If I do not push myself into an act nothing

will happen from my side. If anything happens related to me, my

presence is the reason for that. I can always change my ways to

adapt the way I want. I have always been doing it. Therefore, I am

the reason for whatever I am. Every entity is the sole reason for

whatever it is.


Basically, there are two factors for any action to occur. One is me

who wants to participate in an action. The other is a set of

environmental factors that seem to govern my actions. One who

insists that oneself is the sole responsibility for anything that

has happened to him/her would pledge his/her life to protect their

belief as the truth. One who insists that the environmental factors

govern everything in ones life (they would argue that whatever you

think you are wanting was also fed to you from the environment once

upon a time, with a good reason) would stake their lives to protect

their belief as the truth. Both are basically protecting themselves

because they believe that they are their beliefs.


One can argue that all free wills are nothing but the inertial

residue of the environmental stimuli on the corresponding

individuals. At the same time, one can counter the argument that

every environmental stimulus is nothing but the free will in its own

sense. One can never have a dispute between these two ideologies

because they are both correct.


Next comes, how can two mutually exclusive opposites can be both

correct? Look at the above argument closely. Are they really

opposites? They are actually exclusively inclusive of each other in

the very argument. Destiny is the Free Will of The Universal

Reality. Free will is the destiny every variance is blessed with to

execute itself in its variations. Therefore, the destiny is free

will and free will is destiny:


|| Yadeveha tadamutra yadamutra tadanviha ||


" Here " is free will and " there " is destiny. Whatever is there is

here and whatever is here is verily there. They are nothing but the

same sprouting as different in our perception in a singular fashion.

But, with a closer look, we can observe that they feed each other

and they feed on each other for their own sustenance. Just because I

cannot visualize my back it does not mean it does not exist. If I

turn, my previous front becomes my back. The front, the back, the

known, the unknown, the free will, the destiny … and all the

relatives that I perceive … they are all just illusions of the

restless mind that I have!




Naga Narayana


Dear Sadaks,

You are given the freedom to act. This freedom and action makes

cause and effect. Suppose you steal someone money (there is freedom

to do so) but your cause is recorded by your Aura and you loose much

more in same birth or next birth. Similarly your action such as

pooja/meditation is also paid as Karuniya from GOD. So you have the

freedom to do anything you in this birth, but at the same time you

are destined to undergo something that you have done earlier. So one

is in cycle of death and birth.


Example: So many saints who were divine and were in permanant

contact with GOD and NO interest in living, had to live on this

earth until their Karma of previous birth was exhausted.

Saint Thyagaraja in south was not interested his life cried for Sri

Rama. Sri Rama appeared and gave him the date and time of departure

of his soul to liberation. Tukaram was given date to fly to Vaikunt.

While ordinary man also lives beyond doctor hope or dies even when

doctor has hope.




i would like to mention - yes just mention two

scientific concepts that may be related


Geodesic - is a natural path of a particle

Gravitation in Einsteinian general relativistic concept

is described as a trajectory destined by gravitational



atul kumthekar




Hari Om


It is written in scriptures as rightly stated by you - " kuchh nahin

HOTAA " ( nothing " happens " ) not " kuchh nahin " karata " (nothing

is " done " ).


These are two separate things. One- what we " do " and two-

what " happens " . You have control/independence regarding " doing "

(karma) but not regarding " happening " (result).


Hence a human being has complete independence and control over what

he " does " in life time. Your fresh karmas are not pre destined. No

step of yours (doing) is pre destined/planned.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



What we are undergoing today is the result of our past karmas but

what we will undergo in future will be the result of our present

karmas. So we do have a choice.

Hari Shanker Deo


The conecpts of predestination and free will are mutually

reconcilable. While God has given us freedom to choose, He knows in

advance how we will choose!




Shree Hari

Ram Ram

A couple of very lengthy similiar discussions took place earlier

this year.


1) Why disturb God's plans?



2) Do we have a choice of actions?



Saagarji, either you or any other Sadhak that has time could please

help summarize these discussions, as they will be very helpful to

the rest of us, for a deeper understanding of topic / responses.

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

3. Please be as concise and to the point, addressing only the

subject at hand, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit

response to half a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

10. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting deemed irrelevant to the core

discussion (e.g. personal information, opinions / feelings etc.)

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.

12. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.


Ram Ram

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Question 1: Is destiny pre-planned. In Gita, God says, he gives

human beings the

freedom to act, the choice is man's and he does according to his

character or nature(swabhav). If it is true why it has been

said " bhaagya se pehle, aur bhaagya se hatkar kuch nahin

hotaa " " beyond one's fortune and misfortune, nothing happens "

(translation may be incorrect). Is our every step pre-planned

(destined) ?


Saagar Kadam


Question 2 - Added

What is Gita's view on destiny?

Suresh Goel






Hari Om


In fact as per Yoga Vaashishtha , there is no element as " destiny "

or " fate " existing. All are results of deeds only. There is a gap of

time between your actions (karmas) and reactions ( results). Since

we can't comprehend and precisely co relate particular karma and

particular result , therefore, the result is termed as output

of " destiny " . We also don't recall all of our karmas. A person

should always be certain that he deserved the result. Belief in

destiny then acts as pain reliever.


Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had extensively and with amazing

clarity explained the Karma theory. I have never come across a

better explanation on this otherwise very deep subject. Says Lord

Krishna even in Gita - Gahana Karmano gatih ( Very deep is the

theory of karma) !


Sadhaks are welcome to ask any questions on the subject.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Restless Ego … Osccillations between Destiny and Free Will


There are three variables on both sides of an action – subject and

environment (objects) – known, knowable and unknowable. The known is

what I insist to have a knowledge upon with my sensory approval. The

knowable is the one which is still within my sensory spectrum that I

have not cared to or equipped to acknowledge. The unknowable is the

one that can never be perceived within my sensory spectrum that I

possess or I am blessed with.


Some acknowledge the futility of chasing an unknowable for it is not

explorable by definition and hence is not manipulatable for one's

benefits. Their opinion is, some thing that is of no benefit to me

need not be acknowledged … after all, what is the use?! They

obviously have to advocate that the life is run by free will. Such

people are driven by desires as all their actions and beliefs hover

around their desires. Their very individual identity is the set of

their desires.


Others acknowledge the futility of praising the known for many

reasons (1) all the miseries are brought in through these knowns –

ignorance is bliss – knowledge brings anticipation and fear; (2)

these knowns elude us by their continuously changing attributes; and

(3) after all, these knowns are useless because we are still unhappy

in-spite of knowing them, in-spite of how many knowns are known; (4)

No known can ever change or stop what is going to happen; (5) no

known can bring us whatever we want … They obviously have to

advocate that the life is run by destiny – the unknowns, The

Unknowable. Such people are driven by fears as all their actions and

beliefs hover around their fears. Their very individual identity is

the set of their fears. To take shelter from their own fears they

start believing that some unknown force protects them.


We often mix up a set of known factors to define what we are and

what our environment is and insist that the universe is that. One

who insists that the world is governed by ONLY KNOWNS and refuse to

care about the unknowns (for a good reason, anyway they are unknown

and what can I do with them?!) will tend to insist that life is made

of Free Will. It all depends on who I think I am. If I can define

whatever I am, all such definitions depend on so many experiences I

have accumulated from the environment over my life. Then where is

the free will since the very definition of my very identity is

nothing but a bunch of environmental stimuli?


We often get carried away by the fears of uncertainties in life and

declare in frustration that we are just pawns in the hands of life.

One who insists that the unknowns overwhelm the knowns in all

respects jump to conclude that the unknowns run the show and refuse

to respect the knowns. One who insists that the world is governed by

ONLY UNKNOWNS and refuses to respect the knowns (for a good reason,

what great things could I achieve with them anyway?!) will tend to

insist that life is made of Destiny. It all depends on who I think I

am. For every expression that I am, I have to act up. I become what

I am only through my free will. If I can define whatever I am, all

such definitions depend on so many perceptions created within my

cognition. Though they seem to have been triggered by the

environmental stimuli through the senses, they are received and

generated uniquely by the individual – no two individual can have

identical perception and experience in any event with identical

characteristics. After all, the " stimuli " are generated internally

based on my personality to serve my desires. It is my desire that

brings in the stimuli; it is me who interpret these stimuli to make

sense out of them; and it is me who manipulate them and enjoy the

result. I know what I am and what I do – I am my motifs and

acceptances and I do what I want and what I accept. Then where is

the destiny dictating me what I am and what to do when the very

definition of my identity is my motifs and acceptances?




Naga Narayana.


To be contd.


I do not know who sends me the messages, thanks to who-so-

ever is sending it.


I too have a little query on one of the shloka of my interest.... it



" Annat Bhavanti bhootani, Parjanyaat Anna Sambhava

Yadnyaat Bhavati parjanyaah, Yadnya Karma Samarabhet "


While the first line is easily understood,


How to understand the 2nd line?


..... can one verify .... by experimentation ....Yadnyaat Bhavati

Parjnyaah ?


Has any one tried it? what is the sample size? what is the result?


Which type of yadnaah will have to be performed and what would be

cost of it? who can perform it?


Please let me know


Ajit Gokhale




Jai Hanuman


A human being comes in this world for fulfulling four desires Jee!


1. Artha (money, wealth, health, ownership of material objects,

house, properties, assets, cattle, horses, beauty, virtue, right,

power, ability, affluence etc )


2. Kaam (consumption of eight-fold worldly pleasures Jee, arising

from smell, touch, form, taste, sound, and consumption of pleasure

arising from respect, praise and peaceful leisure)


3. Dharma (Righteousness, Duty, Truth, being good) and


4. Moksha (Liberation, Freedom from bondage, God Realisation)


So there are four desires Jee. As against these four desires - there

are two things available to him.


1. Prarabdha (destiny) - At present he has no control over it.

2. Purushartha (Current karmas / deeds - he has independent control

over the same)


Now out of four desires - first two viz Artha and Kama are directly

and exclusively dependent on Prarabdha (Destiny) ONLY.. They are

indeed subject matter of fate only Jee! Your present actions have no

correlation with the same ! Clear Jee ?


Balance two viz Dharma and Moksha are subject matter dependent upon

your present actions (Purushartha - present deeds) only. There is no

role of destiny here ! Absolutely no role Jee!


Since a lot of humanity falls within the ambit of BG 18:32 -


What is subject matter of Destiny by religiously following BG 18:32 -

we have employed Purushartha there !!


What is subject matter of Purushartha, by religiously following BG

18:32, we have employed Destiny there !!


That is what Taat Shree (Swamiji) is explaining in the latest Sadhak

message by giving example of two patients having disease of eye and

stomach !!!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Life is Destiny vs. Life is Free Will


Everything is destiny. Even the way you think about, the reason you

breath, the incidences that you blink, the purpose you act for, is

pre-destined. If you think you did something in certain way, one can

always say that that is what you were pre-destined for. Where is the

free will here?


Everything is free will. If I do not push myself into an act nothing

will happen from my side. If anything happens related to me, my

presence is the reason for that. I can always change my ways to

adapt the way I want. I have always been doing it. Therefore, I am

the reason for whatever I am. Every entity is the sole reason for

whatever it is.


Basically, there are two factors for any action to occur. One is me

who wants to participate in an action. The other is a set of

environmental factors that seem to govern my actions. One who

insists that oneself is the sole responsibility for anything that

has happened to him/her would pledge his/her life to protect their

belief as the truth. One who insists that the environmental factors

govern everything in ones life (they would argue that whatever you

think you are wanting was also fed to you from the environment once

upon a time, with a good reason) would stake their lives to protect

their belief as the truth. Both are basically protecting themselves

because they believe that they are their beliefs.


One can argue that all free wills are nothing but the inertial

residue of the environmental stimuli on the corresponding

individuals. At the same time, one can counter the argument that

every environmental stimulus is nothing but the free will in its own

sense. One can never have a dispute between these two ideologies

because they are both correct.


Next comes, how can two mutually exclusive opposites can be both

correct? Look at the above argument closely. Are they really

opposites? They are actually exclusively inclusive of each other in

the very argument. Destiny is the Free Will of The Universal

Reality. Free will is the destiny every variance is blessed with to

execute itself in its variations. Therefore, the destiny is free

will and free will is destiny:


|| Yadeveha tadamutra yadamutra tadanviha ||


" Here " is free will and " there " is destiny. Whatever is there is

here and whatever is here is verily there. They are nothing but the

same sprouting as different in our perception in a singular fashion.

But, with a closer look, we can observe that they feed each other

and they feed on each other for their own sustenance. Just because I

cannot visualize my back it does not mean it does not exist. If I

turn, my previous front becomes my back. The front, the back, the

known, the unknown, the free will, the destiny … and all the

relatives that I perceive … they are all just illusions of the

restless mind that I have!




Naga Narayana


Dear Sadaks,

You are given the freedom to act. This freedom and action makes

cause and effect. Suppose you steal someone money (there is freedom

to do so) but your cause is recorded by your Aura and you loose much

more in same birth or next birth. Similarly your action such as

pooja/meditation is also paid as Karuniya from GOD. So you have the

freedom to do anything you in this birth, but at the same time you

are destined to undergo something that you have done earlier. So one

is in cycle of death and birth.


Example: So many saints who were divine and were in permanant

contact with GOD and NO interest in living, had to live on this

earth until their Karma of previous birth was exhausted.

Saint Thyagaraja in south was not interested his life cried for Sri

Rama. Sri Rama appeared and gave him the date and time of departure

of his soul to liberation. Tukaram was given date to fly to Vaikunt.

While ordinary man also lives beyond doctor hope or dies even when

doctor has hope.




i would like to mention - yes just mention two

scientific concepts that may be related


Geodesic - is a natural path of a particle

Gravitation in Einsteinian general relativistic concept

is described as a trajectory destined by gravitational



atul kumthekar




Hari Om


It is written in scriptures as rightly stated by you - " kuchh nahin

HOTAA " ( nothing " happens " ) not " kuchh nahin " karata " (nothing

is " done " ).


These are two separate things. One- what we " do " and two-

what " happens " . You have control/independence regarding " doing "

(karma) but not regarding " happening " (result).


Hence a human being has complete independence and control over what

he " does " in life time. Your fresh karmas are not pre destined. No

step of yours (doing) is pre destined/planned.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



What we are undergoing today is the result of our past karmas but

what we will undergo in future will be the result of our present

karmas. So we do have a choice.

Hari Shanker Deo


The conecpts of predestination and free will are mutually

reconcilable. While God has given us freedom to choose, He knows in

advance how we will choose!




Shree Hari

Ram Ram

A couple of very lengthy similiar discussions took place earlier

this year.


1) Why disturb God's plans?



2) Do we have a choice of actions?



Saagarji, either you or any other Sadhak that has time could please

help summarize these discussions, as they will be very helpful to

the rest of us, for a deeper understanding of topic / responses.

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

3. Please be as concise and to the point, addressing only the

subject at hand, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit

response to half a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

10. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting deemed irrelevant to the core

discussion (e.g. personal information, opinions / feelings etc.)

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.

12. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.


Ram Ram

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Question 1: Is destiny pre-planned. In Gita, God says, he gives

human beings the

freedom to act, the choice is man's and he does according to his

character or nature(swabhav). If it is true why it has been said

" bhaagya se pehle, aur bhaagya se hatkar kuch nahin hotaa " " beyond one's fortune

and misfortune, nothing happens " (translation may be incorrect). Is our every

step pre-planned (destined) ?


Saagar Kadam


Question 2: What is Gita's view on destiny?

Suresh Goel






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Brother Kadam ! In Shri Gitaji, Paramatma Himself has said (Believe

it to be the final words) - To perform actions, you have the rights

(which you are capable of doing) and regarding the fruit (i.e. the

outcome), it is in My hands (not in yours) - Gita 2:47. Now that

which will happen (i.e. Destiny), in the meaning of this word,

whatever actions you perform, it is definite that at that very

moment the fruit is inevitably determined. Now whatever actions you

desire, you do. Your give and take is with the actions, not with

Paramatma. Therefore with great care and understanding perform


Ram Ram


Bhaiyyaa Kadam !


Shree Gitaji mein swayam Paramatama ne kaha diyaa (uskiko antim

maan lo). Karma karnaa toh tere adhikaar mein hai (jo tu ker saktaa

hai) aur karma kaa phal (kyaa hogaa) mere haath mein hai (tere haath

mein nahin). Gita 2:47. Ab honi (jisse angreji mein Destiny kaha

rahe hai) is arth mein nischit (poorva nirdhaarit) hai ki jis shun

jo bhi karma hogaa, usi kshan uskaa phal bhi nischit ho jaayegaa.

Ab aap jo karma chaahe wah kare, Karma se Paramatmaa ka nahin,

aapkaa lena-dena hua, sauch –samajhker kijiye.


Ram Ram



This is the most interesting topic ever to be posted here and the various

explanations are somewhat interesting too.


Assuming we take this birth to fulfil our karmic past there obviously must have

been an origin. If we have evolved from the various species to this human birth

the first one must have been sin-free or rather the freshest of the fresh human

race member. Along the line we may have commited various sins and or good deeds

and subsequently re-born many a times to enjoy the fruits or to pay back until

we blend with the Lord.


The question is how is the first ever birth of the human form determined? Were

we originally good souls in heaven's bode with the Lord and banished to this

earth as human beings for some sins committed there? Or were we evolved from the

various living species as in Darwin's theory, and if that be the case, from

which point (animals/birds/plants etc.) do we take this human birth?.Since

animals do not commit sins how are they involved in the cycle going upwards

towards the human race? Is there anything to this effect in the Gita? I am

sincerely hoping that readers who are well versed with the Gita could throw some

light towards these nagging questions. Thank you very much.


Mahendra Raj



" Free will and destiny are like two wheels of a cart running

together to make this life happen. "


There is a danger in the perpetual entertainment opposite polarities

in one's life … the two opposites perpetually try to corrupt each

other bringing themselves to momentary agreement – letting one or

the other " win " – in which both take rest and are ever ready to jump

for the next conflict. Natural to our ignorant tendencies, we would

hang on to each on the wrong side – praising oneself at success and

blaming some destiny at failure – to attain such illusory and

transitory gratification. In our perception, they are distinctly

different from each other – rather alien to each other. Then how can

they ever cooperate to make this balance occur? Obviously, at any

conflict, they both claim their stakes to own the positive side of

all the events since they are identified with their positivity in

the first place – one who is identified with positivity can never

accept any suggestion of negativity on oneself. The ego entertains

such debates so that it can jump in to take the altar of superiority

to judge the two. The ego jumps to the judgment that promotes its

own positivity – tendencies. It claims itself to be the reason for

what it likes; and blames the destiny for what it does not like.

Either side it is clueless. It thinks it itself is the free will –

but when was it free and has it ever exercised its freedom?! It

blames destiny – but what is it and has the ego ever faced it to

know what it is?! A clever ego actually blames the destiny

sugarcoated with apparent praise – don't be fooled by that – if one

does not hesitate to take the credit for " good " , he/she is not

submitting to destiny even though he/she believes to be surrendering

to destiny in certain situations of desperation. This tussle between

praising and blaming will strengthen its ignorance further for

stronger arguments in the next event. Stronger the arguments, bitter

the fight, more diverge the sense of likes and dislikes, more

intense the feelings in one's experience, more vehement the debating

parties are, … thicker and wider the ignorance one is eclipsed with.


Two wheels are not synchronized without an axle … the above argument

lacks this third element – the element of unification unifying the

two opposites to one. Our lives are mixtures of both polarities in

different intensities and proportions. One who seeks the conflicts

between the polarities (Preya) in every event is bound to be

consumed by the very conflict as explained above. However, one who

sees the unity in the apparent conflict (Shreya) in every event is

bound to be with the unity, The Bliss. Preya's focus is always on

one of the wheels constantly drifting from one to another. Shreya's

focus is always on the balance of the wheels and therefore has a

chance to shift the focus to the axle. The Preya expands these

wheels – sometimes unevenly to our torture – increasing the

intensity of our conflicting tendencies by increasing their inertia.

Shreya shrinks these wheels evenly in a balanced way to maintain our

balance as well as to reduce our emotional intensity by reducing the

inertia of our tendencies. Preya runs the two wheels in opposite

directions promoting one and demoting the other ... relegating one

while delegating the other. Preya instigates internal racism by

letting one wheel (favored by the ego) to outpace the other letting

the system swirl in its self-generated whirlpool. Shreya balances

the wheel motion to be in equilibrium to start with, reduces their

pace gradually, and reduces the wheels leading the system to become

one with the axle eventually.


At limits both theories are right …


|| Yadeveha tadamutra yadamutra tadanviha ||


If I can absolutely establish myself in what I think, every pole is

absolute as such! If I stick to pure Free Will, I have no room for

miseries – after all, I am the reason for everything. If I stick to

pure Destiny, I again have no room for miseries – after all THAT is

the reason for everything. Since the result is the same – I cannot

be miserable – both are correct … of course, ONLY IF I can stick to

either one absolutely. If I can't, …


|| Mrityossa mritumaapnoti ya iha naaneva pashyati ||


One who entertains the self-conflicting and self-contradicting

polarities in one's notions is bound to be chased by the fear of

negative being pulled by the desire of positive … torn apart in





Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …







Hari Om


In fact as per Yoga Vaashishtha , there is no element as " destiny "

or " fate " existing. All are results of deeds only. There is a gap of

time between your actions (karmas) and reactions ( results). Since

we can't comprehend and precisely co relate particular karma and

particular result , therefore, the result is termed as output

of " destiny " . We also don't recall all of our karmas. A person

should always be certain that he deserved the result. Belief in

destiny then acts as pain reliever.


Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had extensively and with amazing

clarity explained the Karma theory. I have never come across a

better explanation on this otherwise very deep subject. Says Lord

Krishna even in Gita - Gahana Karmano gatih ( Very deep is the

theory of karma) !


Sadhaks are welcome to ask any questions on the subject.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Restless Ego … Osccillations between Destiny and Free Will


There are three variables on both sides of an action – subject and

environment (objects) – known, knowable and unknowable. The known is

what I insist to have a knowledge upon with my sensory approval. The

knowable is the one which is still within my sensory spectrum that I

have not cared to or equipped to acknowledge. The unknowable is the

one that can never be perceived within my sensory spectrum that I

possess or I am blessed with.


Some acknowledge the futility of chasing an unknowable for it is not

explorable by definition and hence is not manipulatable for one's

benefits. Their opinion is, some thing that is of no benefit to me

need not be acknowledged … after all, what is the use?! They

obviously have to advocate that the life is run by free will. Such

people are driven by desires as all their actions and beliefs hover

around their desires. Their very individual identity is the set of

their desires.


Others acknowledge the futility of praising the known for many

reasons (1) all the miseries are brought in through these knowns –

ignorance is bliss – knowledge brings anticipation and fear; (2)

these knowns elude us by their continuously changing attributes; and

(3) after all, these knowns are useless because we are still unhappy

in-spite of knowing them, in-spite of how many knowns are known; (4)

No known can ever change or stop what is going to happen; (5) no

known can bring us whatever we want … They obviously have to

advocate that the life is run by destiny – the unknowns, The

Unknowable. Such people are driven by fears as all their actions and

beliefs hover around their fears. Their very individual identity is

the set of their fears. To take shelter from their own fears they

start believing that some unknown force protects them.


We often mix up a set of known factors to define what we are and

what our environment is and insist that the universe is that. One

who insists that the world is governed by ONLY KNOWNS and refuse to

care about the unknowns (for a good reason, anyway they are unknown

and what can I do with them?!) will tend to insist that life is made

of Free Will. It all depends on who I think I am. If I can define

whatever I am, all such definitions depend on so many experiences I

have accumulated from the environment over my life. Then where is

the free will since the very definition of my very identity is

nothing but a bunch of environmental stimuli?


We often get carried away by the fears of uncertainties in life and

declare in frustration that we are just pawns in the hands of life.

One who insists that the unknowns overwhelm the knowns in all

respects jump to conclude that the unknowns run the show and refuse

to respect the knowns. One who insists that the world is governed by

ONLY UNKNOWNS and refuses to respect the knowns (for a good reason,

what great things could I achieve with them anyway?!) will tend to

insist that life is made of Destiny. It all depends on who I think I

am. For every expression that I am, I have to act up. I become what

I am only through my free will. If I can define whatever I am, all

such definitions depend on so many perceptions created within my

cognition. Though they seem to have been triggered by the

environmental stimuli through the senses, they are received and

generated uniquely by the individual – no two individual can have

identical perception and experience in any event with identical

characteristics. After all, the " stimuli " are generated internally

based on my personality to serve my desires. It is my desire that

brings in the stimuli; it is me who interpret these stimuli to make

sense out of them; and it is me who manipulate them and enjoy the

result. I know what I am and what I do – I am my motifs and

acceptances and I do what I want and what I accept. Then where is

the destiny dictating me what I am and what to do when the very

definition of my identity is my motifs and acceptances?




Naga Narayana.


To be contd.


I do not know who sends me the messages, thanks to who-so-

ever is sending it.


I too have a little query on one of the shloka of my interest.... it



" Annat Bhavanti bhootani, Parjanyaat Anna Sambhava

Yadnyaat Bhavati parjanyaah, Yadnya Karma Samarabhet "


While the first line is easily understood,


How to understand the 2nd line?


..... can one verify .... by experimentation ....Yadnyaat Bhavati

Parjnyaah ?


Has any one tried it? what is the sample size? what is the result?


Which type of yadnaah will have to be performed and what would be

cost of it? who can perform it?


Please let me know


Ajit Gokhale




Jai Hanuman


A human being comes in this world for fulfulling four desires Jee!


1. Artha (money, wealth, health, ownership of material objects,

house, properties, assets, cattle, horses, beauty, virtue, right,

power, ability, affluence etc )


2. Kaam (consumption of eight-fold worldly pleasures Jee, arising

from smell, touch, form, taste, sound, and consumption of pleasure

arising from respect, praise and peaceful leisure)


3. Dharma (Righteousness, Duty, Truth, being good) and


4. Moksha (Liberation, Freedom from bondage, God Realisation)


So there are four desires Jee. As against these four desires - there

are two things available to him.


1. Prarabdha (destiny) - At present he has no control over it.

2. Purushartha (Current karmas / deeds - he has independent control

over the same)


Now out of four desires - first two viz Artha and Kama are directly

and exclusively dependent on Prarabdha (Destiny) ONLY.. They are

indeed subject matter of fate only Jee! Your present actions have no

correlation with the same ! Clear Jee ?


Balance two viz Dharma and Moksha are subject matter dependent upon

your present actions (Purushartha - present deeds) only. There is no

role of destiny here ! Absolutely no role Jee!


Since a lot of humanity falls within the ambit of BG 18:32 -


What is subject matter of Destiny by religiously following BG 18:32 -

we have employed Purushartha there !!


What is subject matter of Purushartha, by religiously following BG

18:32, we have employed Destiny there !!


That is what Taat Shree (Swamiji) is explaining in the latest Sadhak

message by giving example of two patients having disease of eye and

stomach !!!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Life is Destiny vs. Life is Free Will


Everything is destiny. Even the way you think about, the reason you

breath, the incidences that you blink, the purpose you act for, is

pre-destined. If you think you did something in certain way, one can

always say that that is what you were pre-destined for. Where is the

free will here?


Everything is free will. If I do not push myself into an act nothing

will happen from my side. If anything happens related to me, my

presence is the reason for that. I can always change my ways to

adapt the way I want. I have always been doing it. Therefore, I am

the reason for whatever I am. Every entity is the sole reason for

whatever it is.


Basically, there are two factors for any action to occur. One is me

who wants to participate in an action. The other is a set of

environmental factors that seem to govern my actions. One who

insists that oneself is the sole responsibility for anything that

has happened to him/her would pledge his/her life to protect their

belief as the truth. One who insists that the environmental factors

govern everything in ones life (they would argue that whatever you

think you are wanting was also fed to you from the environment once

upon a time, with a good reason) would stake their lives to protect

their belief as the truth. Both are basically protecting themselves

because they believe that they are their beliefs.


One can argue that all free wills are nothing but the inertial

residue of the environmental stimuli on the corresponding

individuals. At the same time, one can counter the argument that

every environmental stimulus is nothing but the free will in its own

sense. One can never have a dispute between these two ideologies

because they are both correct.


Next comes, how can two mutually exclusive opposites can be both

correct? Look at the above argument closely. Are they really

opposites? They are actually exclusively inclusive of each other in

the very argument. Destiny is the Free Will of The Universal

Reality. Free will is the destiny every variance is blessed with to

execute itself in its variations. Therefore, the destiny is free

will and free will is destiny:


|| Yadeveha tadamutra yadamutra tadanviha ||


" Here " is free will and " there " is destiny. Whatever is there is

here and whatever is here is verily there. They are nothing but the

same sprouting as different in our perception in a singular fashion.

But, with a closer look, we can observe that they feed each other

and they feed on each other for their own sustenance. Just because I

cannot visualize my back it does not mean it does not exist. If I

turn, my previous front becomes my back. The front, the back, the

known, the unknown, the free will, the destiny … and all the

relatives that I perceive … they are all just illusions of the

restless mind that I have!




Naga Narayana


Dear Sadaks,

You are given the freedom to act. This freedom and action makes

cause and effect. Suppose you steal someone money (there is freedom

to do so) but your cause is recorded by your Aura and you loose much

more in same birth or next birth. Similarly your action such as

pooja/meditation is also paid as Karuniya from GOD. So you have the

freedom to do anything you in this birth, but at the same time you

are destined to undergo something that you have done earlier. So one

is in cycle of death and birth.


Example: So many saints who were divine and were in permanant

contact with GOD and NO interest in living, had to live on this

earth until their Karma of previous birth was exhausted.

Saint Thyagaraja in south was not interested his life cried for Sri

Rama. Sri Rama appeared and gave him the date and time of departure

of his soul to liberation. Tukaram was given date to fly to Vaikunt.

While ordinary man also lives beyond doctor hope or dies even when

doctor has hope.




i would like to mention - yes just mention two

scientific concepts that may be related


Geodesic - is a natural path of a particle

Gravitation in Einsteinian general relativistic concept

is described as a trajectory destined by gravitational



atul kumthekar




Hari Om


It is written in scriptures as rightly stated by you - " kuchh nahin

HOTAA " ( nothing " happens " ) not " kuchh nahin " karata " (nothing

is " done " ).


These are two separate things. One- what we " do " and two-

what " happens " . You have control/independence regarding " doing "

(karma) but not regarding " happening " (result).


Hence a human being has complete independence and control over what

he " does " in life time. Your fresh karmas are not pre destined. No

step of yours (doing) is pre destined/planned.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



What we are undergoing today is the result of our past karmas but

what we will undergo in future will be the result of our present

karmas. So we do have a choice.

Hari Shanker Deo


The conecpts of predestination and free will are mutually

reconcilable. While God has given us freedom to choose, He knows in

advance how we will choose!




Shree Hari

Ram Ram

A couple of very lengthy similiar discussions took place earlier

this year.


1) Why disturb God's plans?



2) Do we have a choice of actions?



Saagarji, either you or any other Sadhak that has time could please

help summarize these discussions, as they will be very helpful to

the rest of us, for a deeper understanding of topic / responses.

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

3. Please be as concise and to the point, addressing only the

subject at hand, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit

response to half a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

10. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting deemed irrelevant to the core

discussion (e.g. personal information, opinions / feelings etc.)

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.

12. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.


Ram Ram

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Question 1: Is destiny pre-planned. In Gita, God says, he gives

human beings the

freedom to act, the choice is man's and he does according to his

character or nature(swabhav). If it is true why it has been said

" bhaagya se pehle, aur bhaagya se hatkar kuch nahin hotaa " " beyond

one's fortune

and misfortune, nothing happens " (translation may be incorrect). Is

our every

step pre-planned (destined) ?


Saagar Kadam


Question 2: What is Gita's view on destiny?

Suresh Goel






Duality and Illusions


Free will and destiny are mutually exclusive domains in a Venn

Diagram! If one is TRUE, the other is bound to be FALSE!! How can

both be correct?


No! At their absolute limits, both are exclusively inclusive of each

other i.e. they are NOT DIFFERENT, they are the same. The Venn

Diagram is the ignorance which perpetually insists for its own

approval for all our perceptions to establish itself, to sustain

itself, and to breed itself. The ignorance keeps arguing (believing

itself to be the knowledge) until it faces itself (as ignorance).


This duality occurs due to our partial vision. The two opposites are

the illusions created in our mind. I cannot say that they are

created by the mind – then they should always serve for mind's

benefits! Most often, they serve the opposite!! They are not created

by the objects perceived as well. Why do the objects care how I

acknowledge them? They can never have a clue regarding the

impressions created in my mind! Even if they could, there is no

apparent benefit for them from the impressions I carry!! But the

illusion persists. The mind chases this illusion in terms of desires

desperately since it looses its own cognition without that. At the

same time, it is being chased by the same illusion in terms of

fears. It can neither outpace the illusion to satisfy its desires

completely. Nor can it stop to face the fears to understand them and

eradicate them. It runs away from its fears pretending that it is

hunting its game to feed upon eventually. Who is the game? And, who

is the predator? Ignorance believes that the mind is the predator

and desire is the game. Knowledge knows that the mind is the victim

of the illusion – the " predator " is the game and the " game " is the



The mind's chase is like the chase of a donkey running relentlessly

with a stiff long stick tied tight along its back with a carrot

dangling in the front and fire on the rear end. One can never judge

whether it is running because of the fear of the fire on the rear or

for the crave of the carrot in the front. For sure it neither

captures its desires, nor does it understand its fears, but remains

captive between its fears and desires thanks to its ignorance on its

desires (carrot), fears (fire) as well as its tendencies (stick).

The donkey never appreciates the strong pact between the carrot and

the fire to boost each other right under its nose. The chase



It is like a mouse running inside a stagnant spinner wheel … mind

never knows why it is running, but it cannot help stop due to

inertia constantly fueled by fears and desires. When it is tired, it

may go to sleep … but the wheel of tendencies it has built continues

to spin as time passes. Every step the mouse jumps on the wheel rim,

the wheel collects more momentum to sustain its own motion. The

mouse never understands that it is chasing the same thing in terms

of its desires that it is running away from in terms of fears. The

same desire becomes fear to show itself again and again … the same

fear becomes desire to show itself again and again. The game



|| Manasaivedamaaptavyam neha naanaasti kinchana ||


How can I ever have absolute desire without any fear or absolute

fear without any desire?! Then how can I ever be convinced with the

Free Will and Destiny in isolation??!! Then how can I argue for any

one of them when my very argument is a mixture of the two???!!! The

dilemma continues tormenting one to continue the suffering in life

in spite of appreciating the fact that one could be just happy by

absolutely being at a pole of appreciation. Therefore, a deeper

appreciation of the opposite polarities is required to examine their

potential unity. Because, I can reduce and eventually stop

oscillating between two notional poles of contradictory interests if

I realize that the very existence of the polarities is my

imagination, illusion, hallucination ... Unfortunately my only way

of expression is through this mind and body … and, have no other

means to purge my delusions.


|| Mrityossa mritum gacchati ya iha naaneva pashyati ||


I need to appreciate my apparition of stretched and fragmented

existence to experience the harmony and unison in the same … if I

really want to cut this cycle of ignorance and inertia entertaining

the self-tearing polarities.




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …




Gita is outcome of sincere , enthusiastic and persistent effort of

Arjuna and Bhagwan Krishna. The intimate dialogue continued for 18

chapters and neither gave up saying that it is not in destiny. Gita

is all about action and choosing amongst Sattwik, Rajsik and

Tamsik,( from verse 2 of chapter 17 to verse 40 of 18th chapter).


Having studied and practiced astrology for few years, I am sharing

my views about fate/destiny with the hope that it may be useful to

some friends.


1)According to me destiny can be changed by anyone to the extent and

in proportion to his exercising right of free choice.


2)God's greatest gift to Human being is that he has given them power

to choose between good and bad, anger and forgiveness and so on.


3)God has provided 3 things same/equal to every one:-


a)Time of 24 hours in a day

b)Potential to move up or down to any extent and at any time in

any field.

c)Right of choice- choosing between a or b


If one has not read and understood Gita till now,he can choose to

continue to say that it is in his destiny not to study Gita or he

can start study of Gita from today.The life will not remain same if

one starts reading Gita.


Destiny is created every moment by our opting for either'A' or 'B'

consciously or unconsciously.You have the power to choose how you

utilise your 24 hours.


Being aware of God's greatest gift i.e Free Choice and utlising that

gift frequently will certainly change course of life.


regards and best wishes


Ashok Jain


Hari Om


Mahendraji's query is indeed worth deliberating. First all it is

pretty clear from Scriptures that Darwin theory is not correct(

that we evolved from animals to humans). That answers many of

related questions.


Human birth is origin of all other births . Human birth is the first

birth of all of us and can be last birth of all of us ( Refer 7:19-

words " Bahunaa janmaanante " refer to human birth - last birth).

The cycle started, when as per Shruti ( Upnishads), God was alone

and He felt like playing. He created humans for His Lila - out of

Him only. He created Shree Jee also.


While Shree Jee never wavered her concentration from God, always

remained with Him, the others started considering the toys/apparatus

of play as me/mine( like body/mind/intellect/world ) and there

started chain of karma and karma phal (action/reaction).


The game being played is " HIDE and SEEK " . ( Irrespective of

caste,creed, country - every child across the globe plays this game

in the beginning invariably- direct experience ). In this eternal

play God is hidden and we have to search Him.


Now ask questions - Mahendraji and other sadhaks. Indeed this the

topic of all topics.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Brother Kadam ! In Shri Gitaji, Paramatma Himself has said (Believe

it to be the final words) - To perform actions, you have the rights

(which you are capable of doing) and regarding the fruit (i.e. the

outcome), it is in My hands (not in yours) - Gita 2:47. Now that

which will happen (i.e. Destiny), in the meaning of this word,

whatever actions you perform, it is definite that at that very

moment the fruit is inevitably determined. Now whatever actions you

desire, you do. Your give and take is with the actions, not with

Paramatma. Therefore with great care and understanding perform


Ram Ram


Bhaiyyaa Kadam !


Shree Gitaji mein swayam Paramatama ne kaha diyaa (uskiko antim

maan lo). Karma karnaa toh tere adhikaar mein hai (jo tu ker saktaa

hai) aur karma kaa phal (kyaa hogaa) mere haath mein hai (tere haath

mein nahin). Gita 2:47. Ab honi (jisse angreji mein Destiny kaha

rahe hai) is arth mein nischit (poorva nirdhaarit) hai ki jis shun

jo bhi karma hogaa, usi kshan uskaa phal bhi nischit ho jaayegaa.

Ab aap jo karma chaahe wah kare, Karma se Paramatmaa ka nahin,

aapkaa lena-dena hua, sauch –samajhker kijiye.


Ram Ram



This is the most interesting topic ever to be posted here and the


explanations are somewhat interesting too.


Assuming we take this birth to fulfil our karmic past there

obviously must have

been an origin. If we have evolved from the various species to this

human birth

the first one must have been sin-free or rather the freshest of the

fresh human

race member. Along the line we may have commited various sins and or

good deeds

and subsequently re-born many a times to enjoy the fruits or to pay

back until

we blend with the Lord.


The question is how is the first ever birth of the human form

determined? Were

we originally good souls in heaven's bode with the Lord and banished

to this

earth as human beings for some sins committed there? Or were we

evolved from the

various living species as in Darwin's theory, and if that be the

case, from

which point (animals/birds/plants etc.) do we take this human


animals do not commit sins how are they involved in the cycle going


towards the human race? Is there anything to this effect in the

Gita? I am

sincerely hoping that readers who are well versed with the Gita

could throw some

light towards these nagging questions. Thank you very much.


Mahendra Raj



" Free will and destiny are like two wheels of a cart running

together to make this life happen. "


There is a danger in the perpetual entertainment opposite polarities

in one's life … the two opposites perpetually try to corrupt each

other bringing themselves to momentary agreement – letting one or

the other " win " – in which both take rest and are ever ready to jump

for the next conflict. Natural to our ignorant tendencies, we would

hang on to each on the wrong side – praising oneself at success and

blaming some destiny at failure – to attain such illusory and

transitory gratification. In our perception, they are distinctly

different from each other – rather alien to each other. Then how can

they ever cooperate to make this balance occur? Obviously, at any

conflict, they both claim their stakes to own the positive side of

all the events since they are identified with their positivity in

the first place – one who is identified with positivity can never

accept any suggestion of negativity on oneself. The ego entertains

such debates so that it can jump in to take the altar of superiority

to judge the two. The ego jumps to the judgment that promotes its

own positivity – tendencies. It claims itself to be the reason for

what it likes; and blames the destiny for what it does not like.

Either side it is clueless. It thinks it itself is the free will –

but when was it free and has it ever exercised its freedom?! It

blames destiny – but what is it and has the ego ever faced it to

know what it is?! A clever ego actually blames the destiny

sugarcoated with apparent praise – don't be fooled by that – if one

does not hesitate to take the credit for " good " , he/she is not

submitting to destiny even though he/she believes to be surrendering

to destiny in certain situations of desperation. This tussle between

praising and blaming will strengthen its ignorance further for

stronger arguments in the next event. Stronger the arguments, bitter

the fight, more diverge the sense of likes and dislikes, more

intense the feelings in one's experience, more vehement the debating

parties are, … thicker and wider the ignorance one is eclipsed with.


Two wheels are not synchronized without an axle … the above argument

lacks this third element – the element of unification unifying the

two opposites to one. Our lives are mixtures of both polarities in

different intensities and proportions. One who seeks the conflicts

between the polarities (Preya) in every event is bound to be

consumed by the very conflict as explained above. However, one who

sees the unity in the apparent conflict (Shreya) in every event is

bound to be with the unity, The Bliss. Preya's focus is always on

one of the wheels constantly drifting from one to another. Shreya's

focus is always on the balance of the wheels and therefore has a

chance to shift the focus to the axle. The Preya expands these

wheels – sometimes unevenly to our torture – increasing the

intensity of our conflicting tendencies by increasing their inertia.

Shreya shrinks these wheels evenly in a balanced way to maintain our

balance as well as to reduce our emotional intensity by reducing the

inertia of our tendencies. Preya runs the two wheels in opposite

directions promoting one and demoting the other ... relegating one

while delegating the other. Preya instigates internal racism by

letting one wheel (favored by the ego) to outpace the other letting

the system swirl in its self-generated whirlpool. Shreya balances

the wheel motion to be in equilibrium to start with, reduces their

pace gradually, and reduces the wheels leading the system to become

one with the axle eventually.


At limits both theories are right …


|| Yadeveha tadamutra yadamutra tadanviha ||


If I can absolutely establish myself in what I think, every pole is

absolute as such! If I stick to pure Free Will, I have no room for

miseries – after all, I am the reason for everything. If I stick to

pure Destiny, I again have no room for miseries – after all THAT is

the reason for everything. Since the result is the same – I cannot

be miserable – both are correct … of course, ONLY IF I can stick to

either one absolutely. If I can't, …


|| Mrityossa mritumaapnoti ya iha naaneva pashyati ||


One who entertains the self-conflicting and self-contradicting

polarities in one's notions is bound to be chased by the fear of

negative being pulled by the desire of positive … torn apart in





Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …







Hari Om


In fact as per Yoga Vaashishtha , there is no element as " destiny "

or " fate " existing. All are results of deeds only. There is a gap of

time between your actions (karmas) and reactions ( results). Since

we can't comprehend and precisely co relate particular karma and

particular result , therefore, the result is termed as output

of " destiny " . We also don't recall all of our karmas. A person

should always be certain that he deserved the result. Belief in

destiny then acts as pain reliever.


Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had extensively and with amazing

clarity explained the Karma theory. I have never come across a

better explanation on this otherwise very deep subject. Says Lord

Krishna even in Gita - Gahana Karmano gatih ( Very deep is the

theory of karma) !


Sadhaks are welcome to ask any questions on the subject.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Restless Ego … Osccillations between Destiny and Free Will


There are three variables on both sides of an action – subject and

environment (objects) – known, knowable and unknowable. The known is

what I insist to have a knowledge upon with my sensory approval. The

knowable is the one which is still within my sensory spectrum that I

have not cared to or equipped to acknowledge. The unknowable is the

one that can never be perceived within my sensory spectrum that I

possess or I am blessed with.


Some acknowledge the futility of chasing an unknowable for it is not

explorable by definition and hence is not manipulatable for one's

benefits. Their opinion is, some thing that is of no benefit to me

need not be acknowledged … after all, what is the use?! They

obviously have to advocate that the life is run by free will. Such

people are driven by desires as all their actions and beliefs hover

around their desires. Their very individual identity is the set of

their desires.


Others acknowledge the futility of praising the known for many

reasons (1) all the miseries are brought in through these knowns –

ignorance is bliss – knowledge brings anticipation and fear; (2)

these knowns elude us by their continuously changing attributes; and

(3) after all, these knowns are useless because we are still unhappy

in-spite of knowing them, in-spite of how many knowns are known; (4)

No known can ever change or stop what is going to happen; (5) no

known can bring us whatever we want … They obviously have to

advocate that the life is run by destiny – the unknowns, The

Unknowable. Such people are driven by fears as all their actions and

beliefs hover around their fears. Their very individual identity is

the set of their fears. To take shelter from their own fears they

start believing that some unknown force protects them.


We often mix up a set of known factors to define what we are and

what our environment is and insist that the universe is that. One

who insists that the world is governed by ONLY KNOWNS and refuse to

care about the unknowns (for a good reason, anyway they are unknown

and what can I do with them?!) will tend to insist that life is made

of Free Will. It all depends on who I think I am. If I can define

whatever I am, all such definitions depend on so many experiences I

have accumulated from the environment over my life. Then where is

the free will since the very definition of my very identity is

nothing but a bunch of environmental stimuli?


We often get carried away by the fears of uncertainties in life and

declare in frustration that we are just pawns in the hands of life.

One who insists that the unknowns overwhelm the knowns in all

respects jump to conclude that the unknowns run the show and refuse

to respect the knowns. One who insists that the world is governed by

ONLY UNKNOWNS and refuses to respect the knowns (for a good reason,

what great things could I achieve with them anyway?!) will tend to

insist that life is made of Destiny. It all depends on who I think I

am. For every expression that I am, I have to act up. I become what

I am only through my free will. If I can define whatever I am, all

such definitions depend on so many perceptions created within my

cognition. Though they seem to have been triggered by the

environmental stimuli through the senses, they are received and

generated uniquely by the individual – no two individual can have

identical perception and experience in any event with identical

characteristics. After all, the " stimuli " are generated internally

based on my personality to serve my desires. It is my desire that

brings in the stimuli; it is me who interpret these stimuli to make

sense out of them; and it is me who manipulate them and enjoy the

result. I know what I am and what I do – I am my motifs and

acceptances and I do what I want and what I accept. Then where is

the destiny dictating me what I am and what to do when the very

definition of my identity is my motifs and acceptances?




Naga Narayana.


To be contd.


I do not know who sends me the messages, thanks to who-so-

ever is sending it.


I too have a little query on one of the shloka of my interest.... it



" Annat Bhavanti bhootani, Parjanyaat Anna Sambhava

Yadnyaat Bhavati parjanyaah, Yadnya Karma Samarabhet "


While the first line is easily understood,


How to understand the 2nd line?


..... can one verify .... by experimentation ....Yadnyaat Bhavati

Parjnyaah ?


Has any one tried it? what is the sample size? what is the result?


Which type of yadnaah will have to be performed and what would be

cost of it? who can perform it?


Please let me know


Ajit Gokhale




Jai Hanuman


A human being comes in this world for fulfulling four desires Jee!


1. Artha (money, wealth, health, ownership of material objects,

house, properties, assets, cattle, horses, beauty, virtue, right,

power, ability, affluence etc )


2. Kaam (consumption of eight-fold worldly pleasures Jee, arising

from smell, touch, form, taste, sound, and consumption of pleasure

arising from respect, praise and peaceful leisure)


3. Dharma (Righteousness, Duty, Truth, being good) and


4. Moksha (Liberation, Freedom from bondage, God Realisation)


So there are four desires Jee. As against these four desires - there

are two things available to him.


1. Prarabdha (destiny) - At present he has no control over it.

2. Purushartha (Current karmas / deeds - he has independent control

over the same)


Now out of four desires - first two viz Artha and Kama are directly

and exclusively dependent on Prarabdha (Destiny) ONLY.. They are

indeed subject matter of fate only Jee! Your present actions have no

correlation with the same ! Clear Jee ?


Balance two viz Dharma and Moksha are subject matter dependent upon

your present actions (Purushartha - present deeds) only. There is no

role of destiny here ! Absolutely no role Jee!


Since a lot of humanity falls within the ambit of BG 18:32 -


What is subject matter of Destiny by religiously following BG 18:32 -

we have employed Purushartha there !!


What is subject matter of Purushartha, by religiously following BG

18:32, we have employed Destiny there !!


That is what Taat Shree (Swamiji) is explaining in the latest Sadhak

message by giving example of two patients having disease of eye and

stomach !!!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Life is Destiny vs. Life is Free Will


Everything is destiny. Even the way you think about, the reason you

breath, the incidences that you blink, the purpose you act for, is

pre-destined. If you think you did something in certain way, one can

always say that that is what you were pre-destined for. Where is the

free will here?


Everything is free will. If I do not push myself into an act nothing

will happen from my side. If anything happens related to me, my

presence is the reason for that. I can always change my ways to

adapt the way I want. I have always been doing it. Therefore, I am

the reason for whatever I am. Every entity is the sole reason for

whatever it is.


Basically, there are two factors for any action to occur. One is me

who wants to participate in an action. The other is a set of

environmental factors that seem to govern my actions. One who

insists that oneself is the sole responsibility for anything that

has happened to him/her would pledge his/her life to protect their

belief as the truth. One who insists that the environmental factors

govern everything in ones life (they would argue that whatever you

think you are wanting was also fed to you from the environment once

upon a time, with a good reason) would stake their lives to protect

their belief as the truth. Both are basically protecting themselves

because they believe that they are their beliefs.


One can argue that all free wills are nothing but the inertial

residue of the environmental stimuli on the corresponding

individuals. At the same time, one can counter the argument that

every environmental stimulus is nothing but the free will in its own

sense. One can never have a dispute between these two ideologies

because they are both correct.


Next comes, how can two mutually exclusive opposites can be both

correct? Look at the above argument closely. Are they really

opposites? They are actually exclusively inclusive of each other in

the very argument. Destiny is the Free Will of The Universal

Reality. Free will is the destiny every variance is blessed with to

execute itself in its variations. Therefore, the destiny is free

will and free will is destiny:


|| Yadeveha tadamutra yadamutra tadanviha ||


" Here " is free will and " there " is destiny. Whatever is there is

here and whatever is here is verily there. They are nothing but the

same sprouting as different in our perception in a singular fashion.

But, with a closer look, we can observe that they feed each other

and they feed on each other for their own sustenance. Just because I

cannot visualize my back it does not mean it does not exist. If I

turn, my previous front becomes my back. The front, the back, the

known, the unknown, the free will, the destiny … and all the

relatives that I perceive … they are all just illusions of the

restless mind that I have!




Naga Narayana


Dear Sadaks,

You are given the freedom to act. This freedom and action makes

cause and effect. Suppose you steal someone money (there is freedom

to do so) but your cause is recorded by your Aura and you loose much

more in same birth or next birth. Similarly your action such as

pooja/meditation is also paid as Karuniya from GOD. So you have the

freedom to do anything you in this birth, but at the same time you

are destined to undergo something that you have done earlier. So one

is in cycle of death and birth.


Example: So many saints who were divine and were in permanant

contact with GOD and NO interest in living, had to live on this

earth until their Karma of previous birth was exhausted.

Saint Thyagaraja in south was not interested his life cried for Sri

Rama. Sri Rama appeared and gave him the date and time of departure

of his soul to liberation. Tukaram was given date to fly to Vaikunt.

While ordinary man also lives beyond doctor hope or dies even when

doctor has hope.




i would like to mention - yes just mention two

scientific concepts that may be related


Geodesic - is a natural path of a particle

Gravitation in Einsteinian general relativistic concept

is described as a trajectory destined by gravitational



atul kumthekar




Hari Om


It is written in scriptures as rightly stated by you - " kuchh nahin

HOTAA " ( nothing " happens " ) not " kuchh nahin " karata " (nothing

is " done " ).


These are two separate things. One- what we " do " and two-

what " happens " . You have control/independence regarding " doing "

(karma) but not regarding " happening " (result).


Hence a human being has complete independence and control over what

he " does " in life time. Your fresh karmas are not pre destined. No

step of yours (doing) is pre destined/planned.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



What we are undergoing today is the result of our past karmas but

what we will undergo in future will be the result of our present

karmas. So we do have a choice.

Hari Shanker Deo


The conecpts of predestination and free will are mutually

reconcilable. While God has given us freedom to choose, He knows in

advance how we will choose!




Shree Hari

Ram Ram

A couple of very lengthy similiar discussions took place earlier

this year.


1) Why disturb God's plans?



2) Do we have a choice of actions?



Saagarji, either you or any other Sadhak that has time could please

help summarize these discussions, as they will be very helpful to

the rest of us, for a deeper understanding of topic / responses.

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

3. Please be as concise and to the point, addressing only the

subject at hand, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit

response to half a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

10. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting deemed irrelevant to the core

discussion (e.g. personal information, opinions / feelings etc.)

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.

12. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.


Ram Ram

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shree Hari

Ram Ram


A couple of extra postings today, due to administration

Gita Talk Moderators



Question 1: Is destiny pre-planned. In Gita, God says, he gives

human beings the

freedom to act, the choice is man's and he does according to his

character or nature(swabhav). If it is true why it has been said

" bhaagya se pehle, aur bhaagya se hatkar kuch nahin hotaa " " beyond

one's fortune

and misfortune, nothing happens " (translation may be incorrect). Is

our every

step pre-planned (destined) ?


Saagar Kadam


Question 2: What is Gita's view on destiny?

Suresh Goel






Unison in Free Will and Destiny (conclusion)


The Venn Diagram is the ignorance that keeps our notions discrete

instigating existential fracture in our otherwise integral presence.


Did all the elements and forces of the universe resonated for the

generation of an individual body-mind cluster? Or, did it just

happened? I wish that the first one was true. But unfortunately I do

not receive such grand reception in my environment. I suffer. Since

I cannot support the singular instance that I am, I try to

generalize that there should be a purpose – may be greater – for all

this creation wishing beneath that one day I may achieve my end –

the purpose of this creation is me. Again I fail and remain

disappointed. But, seasoned fool that I am, I pretend as if I have

never been proved wrong in my life. Shouldn't I question this idiocy

of mine – the myth of my destiny?


Does any indvidual have any authority over everything? Anything at

all? At least itself?


Free will is not an authority to do something or to say something or

to perceive something or to experience something as any one of these

are constrained in themselves as perceived by an individual. As soon

as I say " I do " , I am attached by the very doing imbibing the very

constraints within which the doing is established. Therefore, a

statement like " I have free will since I can do something " is self-

contradictory in itself. No one can " have " free will since

everything becomes constrained as soon as they are held by

something. Also, no one can ever do anything with free will since

doing involves many circumstantial elements other than the doer

himself posing constraints on the doer to result in a finite

perception of doing. Again, anything dependent on the doing can not

be free will. Shouldn't I question this folly of mine – the allegory

of my free will?


Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |

Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||


Whether nature is created or just present, every particle, atom,

quark, photon, pulse is just present as is in spite of the

apparently perpetual cosmic re-alignement, re-orientation and re-

association amongst them. Really speaking, nothing specific is kept

in mind in this creation … it just so happened that a universe, a

galaxy, a stellar system, a planetary system, the planet earth and

its resources, earthly life, humans, etc. took an appearance.

Neither a particular action was kept in mind in this creation. It

just so happened the matter particles and energy packets dwell in

each other as they appear in any form as they become. Nor any

specific purpose is behind this creation. It just so happens the

matter-energy conjugation continues to churn out variance amongst

themselves. Is the cuase-effect relation pre-conceived by nature?

Obviously no! The fire just burns. It does not matter whether the

fuel in my car or in my kitchen or the stack wood or this body or

the forest or the whole universe … it just burns. That is its

nature. Everything – I may call it variantly as cause, action,

effect, etc. – is just what it is. That is nature.


Naadatte kasyachitpaapam na chaiva sukritam vibhuh |

Agnyaanenaavritam gnyaanam tena muhyanti jantavah ||


There is nothing right or wrong in anything – free will or destiny

or in any other seemingly opposite facts and factors that we nurture

in our perception – as far as one observes the nature as is … The

nature has not created anything with anything in mind. Everything is

built from the same matter and energy released at once as they are

with a built-in knowledge of presence of each other in each other:


|| Prajaakaamo vai prajaapatih tapastaptvaa mithunamutpaadayate |

Rayim cha praanam chetyetou me bahudhaa prajaah karishyata iti ||


Such that the matter, energy and knowledge would remain in unison as



|| Praane shareeram pratishthitam | Shareere praanah pratishthitah |

Tadetadannamanne pratishthitam ||


Then, how can there be opposites amongst any? Then how can destiny

and free will be opposite? If there are no opposites, how can there

be any threat for anything?? If there is no alienation between

anything how can I ever desire anything??? When there are no

opposites, no fears and no desires at all, why should I be worried?!

What can I be worried about?!


No polarities … no exclusions … no interferences … no opposites … no

Venn diagram … no ignorance … no worries … everything is just THAT

which is both free will as well as destiny as well as everything





Naga Narayana






Duality and Illusions


Free will and destiny are mutually exclusive domains in a Venn

Diagram! If one is TRUE, the other is bound to be FALSE!! How can

both be correct?


No! At their absolute limits, both are exclusively inclusive of each

other i.e. they are NOT DIFFERENT, they are the same. The Venn

Diagram is the ignorance which perpetually insists for its own

approval for all our perceptions to establish itself, to sustain

itself, and to breed itself. The ignorance keeps arguing (believing

itself to be the knowledge) until it faces itself (as ignorance).


This duality occurs due to our partial vision. The two opposites are

the illusions created in our mind. I cannot say that they are

created by the mind – then they should always serve for mind's

benefits! Most often, they serve the opposite!! They are not created

by the objects perceived as well. Why do the objects care how I

acknowledge them? They can never have a clue regarding the

impressions created in my mind! Even if they could, there is no

apparent benefit for them from the impressions I carry!! But the

illusion persists. The mind chases this illusion in terms of desires

desperately since it looses its own cognition without that. At the

same time, it is being chased by the same illusion in terms of

fears. It can neither outpace the illusion to satisfy its desires

completely. Nor can it stop to face the fears to understand them and

eradicate them. It runs away from its fears pretending that it is

hunting its game to feed upon eventually. Who is the game? And, who

is the predator? Ignorance believes that the mind is the predator

and desire is the game. Knowledge knows that the mind is the victim

of the illusion – the " predator " is the game and the " game " is the



The mind's chase is like the chase of a donkey running relentlessly

with a stiff long stick tied tight along its back with a carrot

dangling in the front and fire on the rear end. One can never judge

whether it is running because of the fear of the fire on the rear or

for the crave of the carrot in the front. For sure it neither

captures its desires, nor does it understand its fears, but remains

captive between its fears and desires thanks to its ignorance on its

desires (carrot), fears (fire) as well as its tendencies (stick).

The donkey never appreciates the strong pact between the carrot and

the fire to boost each other right under its nose. The chase



It is like a mouse running inside a stagnant spinner wheel … mind

never knows why it is running, but it cannot help stop due to

inertia constantly fueled by fears and desires. When it is tired, it

may go to sleep … but the wheel of tendencies it has built continues

to spin as time passes. Every step the mouse jumps on the wheel rim,

the wheel collects more momentum to sustain its own motion. The

mouse never understands that it is chasing the same thing in terms

of its desires that it is running away from in terms of fears. The

same desire becomes fear to show itself again and again … the same

fear becomes desire to show itself again and again. The game



|| Manasaivedamaaptavyam neha naanaasti kinchana ||


How can I ever have absolute desire without any fear or absolute

fear without any desire?! Then how can I ever be convinced with the

Free Will and Destiny in isolation??!! Then how can I argue for any

one of them when my very argument is a mixture of the two???!!! The

dilemma continues tormenting one to continue the suffering in life

in spite of appreciating the fact that one could be just happy by

absolutely being at a pole of appreciation. Therefore, a deeper

appreciation of the opposite polarities is required to examine their

potential unity. Because, I can reduce and eventually stop

oscillating between two notional poles of contradictory interests if

I realize that the very existence of the polarities is my

imagination, illusion, hallucination ... Unfortunately my only way

of expression is through this mind and body … and, have no other

means to purge my delusions.


|| Mrityossa mritum gacchati ya iha naaneva pashyati ||


I need to appreciate my apparition of stretched and fragmented

existence to experience the harmony and unison in the same … if I

really want to cut this cycle of ignorance and inertia entertaining

the self-tearing polarities.




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …




Gita is outcome of sincere , enthusiastic and persistent effort of

Arjuna and Bhagwan Krishna. The intimate dialogue continued for 18

chapters and neither gave up saying that it is not in destiny. Gita

is all about action and choosing amongst Sattwik, Rajsik and

Tamsik,( from verse 2 of chapter 17 to verse 40 of 18th chapter).


Having studied and practiced astrology for few years, I am sharing

my views about fate/destiny with the hope that it may be useful to

some friends.


1)According to me destiny can be changed by anyone to the extent and

in proportion to his exercising right of free choice.


2)God's greatest gift to Human being is that he has given them power

to choose between good and bad, anger and forgiveness and so on.


3)God has provided 3 things same/equal to every one:-


a)Time of 24 hours in a day

b)Potential to move up or down to any extent and at any time in

any field.

c)Right of choice- choosing between a or b


If one has not read and understood Gita till now,he can choose to

continue to say that it is in his destiny not to study Gita or he

can start study of Gita from today.The life will not remain same if

one starts reading Gita.


Destiny is created every moment by our opting for either'A' or 'B'

consciously or unconsciously.You have the power to choose how you

utilise your 24 hours.


Being aware of God's greatest gift i.e Free Choice and utlising that

gift frequently will certainly change course of life.


regards and best wishes


Ashok Jain


Hari Om


Mahendraji's query is indeed worth deliberating. First all it is

pretty clear from Scriptures that Darwin theory is not correct(

that we evolved from animals to humans). That answers many of

related questions.


Human birth is origin of all other births . Human birth is the first

birth of all of us and can be last birth of all of us ( Refer 7:19-

words " Bahunaa janmaanante " refer to human birth - last birth).

The cycle started, when as per Shruti ( Upnishads), God was alone

and He felt like playing. He created humans for His Lila - out of

Him only. He created Shree Jee also.


While Shree Jee never wavered her concentration from God, always

remained with Him, the others started considering the toys/apparatus

of play as me/mine( like body/mind/intellect/world ) and there

started chain of karma and karma phal (action/reaction).


The game being played is " HIDE and SEEK " . ( Irrespective of

caste,creed, country - every child across the globe plays this game

in the beginning invariably- direct experience ). In this eternal

play God is hidden and we have to search Him.


Now ask questions - Mahendraji and other sadhaks. Indeed this the

topic of all topics.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Brother Kadam ! In Shri Gitaji, Paramatma Himself has said (Believe

it to be the final words) - To perform actions, you have the rights

(which you are capable of doing) and regarding the fruit (i.e. the

outcome), it is in My hands (not in yours) - Gita 2:47. Now that

which will happen (i.e. Destiny), in the meaning of this word,

whatever actions you perform, it is definite that at that very

moment the fruit is inevitably determined. Now whatever actions you

desire, you do. Your give and take is with the actions, not with

Paramatma. Therefore with great care and understanding perform


Ram Ram


Bhaiyyaa Kadam !


Shree Gitaji mein swayam Paramatama ne kaha diyaa (uskiko antim

maan lo). Karma karnaa toh tere adhikaar mein hai (jo tu ker saktaa

hai) aur karma kaa phal (kyaa hogaa) mere haath mein hai (tere haath

mein nahin). Gita 2:47. Ab honi (jisse angreji mein Destiny kaha

rahe hai) is arth mein nischit (poorva nirdhaarit) hai ki jis shun

jo bhi karma hogaa, usi kshan uskaa phal bhi nischit ho jaayegaa.

Ab aap jo karma chaahe wah kare, Karma se Paramatmaa ka nahin,

aapkaa lena-dena hua, sauch –samajhker kijiye.


Ram Ram



This is the most interesting topic ever to be posted here and the


explanations are somewhat interesting too.


Assuming we take this birth to fulfil our karmic past there

obviously must have

been an origin. If we have evolved from the various species to this

human birth

the first one must have been sin-free or rather the freshest of the

fresh human

race member. Along the line we may have commited various sins and or

good deeds

and subsequently re-born many a times to enjoy the fruits or to pay

back until

we blend with the Lord.


The question is how is the first ever birth of the human form

determined? Were

we originally good souls in heaven's bode with the Lord and banished

to this

earth as human beings for some sins committed there? Or were we

evolved from the

various living species as in Darwin's theory, and if that be the

case, from

which point (animals/birds/plants etc.) do we take this human


animals do not commit sins how are they involved in the cycle going


towards the human race? Is there anything to this effect in the

Gita? I am

sincerely hoping that readers who are well versed with the Gita

could throw some

light towards these nagging questions. Thank you very much.


Mahendra Raj



" Free will and destiny are like two wheels of a cart running

together to make this life happen. "


There is a danger in the perpetual entertainment opposite polarities

in one's life … the two opposites perpetually try to corrupt each

other bringing themselves to momentary agreement – letting one or

the other " win " – in which both take rest and are ever ready to jump

for the next conflict. Natural to our ignorant tendencies, we would

hang on to each on the wrong side – praising oneself at success and

blaming some destiny at failure – to attain such illusory and

transitory gratification. In our perception, they are distinctly

different from each other – rather alien to each other. Then how can

they ever cooperate to make this balance occur? Obviously, at any

conflict, they both claim their stakes to own the positive side of

all the events since they are identified with their positivity in

the first place – one who is identified with positivity can never

accept any suggestion of negativity on oneself. The ego entertains

such debates so that it can jump in to take the altar of superiority

to judge the two. The ego jumps to the judgment that promotes its

own positivity – tendencies. It claims itself to be the reason for

what it likes; and blames the destiny for what it does not like.

Either side it is clueless. It thinks it itself is the free will –

but when was it free and has it ever exercised its freedom?! It

blames destiny – but what is it and has the ego ever faced it to

know what it is?! A clever ego actually blames the destiny

sugarcoated with apparent praise – don't be fooled by that – if one

does not hesitate to take the credit for " good " , he/she is not

submitting to destiny even though he/she believes to be surrendering

to destiny in certain situations of desperation. This tussle between

praising and blaming will strengthen its ignorance further for

stronger arguments in the next event. Stronger the arguments, bitter

the fight, more diverge the sense of likes and dislikes, more

intense the feelings in one's experience, more vehement the debating

parties are, … thicker and wider the ignorance one is eclipsed with.


Two wheels are not synchronized without an axle … the above argument

lacks this third element – the element of unification unifying the

two opposites to one. Our lives are mixtures of both polarities in

different intensities and proportions. One who seeks the conflicts

between the polarities (Preya) in every event is bound to be

consumed by the very conflict as explained above. However, one who

sees the unity in the apparent conflict (Shreya) in every event is

bound to be with the unity, The Bliss. Preya's focus is always on

one of the wheels constantly drifting from one to another. Shreya's

focus is always on the balance of the wheels and therefore has a

chance to shift the focus to the axle. The Preya expands these

wheels – sometimes unevenly to our torture – increasing the

intensity of our conflicting tendencies by increasing their inertia.

Shreya shrinks these wheels evenly in a balanced way to maintain our

balance as well as to reduce our emotional intensity by reducing the

inertia of our tendencies. Preya runs the two wheels in opposite

directions promoting one and demoting the other ... relegating one

while delegating the other. Preya instigates internal racism by

letting one wheel (favored by the ego) to outpace the other letting

the system swirl in its self-generated whirlpool. Shreya balances

the wheel motion to be in equilibrium to start with, reduces their

pace gradually, and reduces the wheels leading the system to become

one with the axle eventually.


At limits both theories are right …


|| Yadeveha tadamutra yadamutra tadanviha ||


If I can absolutely establish myself in what I think, every pole is

absolute as such! If I stick to pure Free Will, I have no room for

miseries – after all, I am the reason for everything. If I stick to

pure Destiny, I again have no room for miseries – after all THAT is

the reason for everything. Since the result is the same – I cannot

be miserable – both are correct … of course, ONLY IF I can stick to

either one absolutely. If I can't, …


|| Mrityossa mritumaapnoti ya iha naaneva pashyati ||


One who entertains the self-conflicting and self-contradicting

polarities in one's notions is bound to be chased by the fear of

negative being pulled by the desire of positive … torn apart in





Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …







Hari Om


In fact as per Yoga Vaashishtha , there is no element as " destiny "

or " fate " existing. All are results of deeds only. There is a gap of

time between your actions (karmas) and reactions ( results). Since

we can't comprehend and precisely co relate particular karma and

particular result , therefore, the result is termed as output

of " destiny " . We also don't recall all of our karmas. A person

should always be certain that he deserved the result. Belief in

destiny then acts as pain reliever.


Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj had extensively and with amazing

clarity explained the Karma theory. I have never come across a

better explanation on this otherwise very deep subject. Says Lord

Krishna even in Gita - Gahana Karmano gatih ( Very deep is the

theory of karma) !


Sadhaks are welcome to ask any questions on the subject.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Restless Ego … Osccillations between Destiny and Free Will


There are three variables on both sides of an action – subject and

environment (objects) – known, knowable and unknowable. The known is

what I insist to have a knowledge upon with my sensory approval. The

knowable is the one which is still within my sensory spectrum that I

have not cared to or equipped to acknowledge. The unknowable is the

one that can never be perceived within my sensory spectrum that I

possess or I am blessed with.


Some acknowledge the futility of chasing an unknowable for it is not

explorable by definition and hence is not manipulatable for one's

benefits. Their opinion is, some thing that is of no benefit to me

need not be acknowledged … after all, what is the use?! They

obviously have to advocate that the life is run by free will. Such

people are driven by desires as all their actions and beliefs hover

around their desires. Their very individual identity is the set of

their desires.


Others acknowledge the futility of praising the known for many

reasons (1) all the miseries are brought in through these knowns –

ignorance is bliss – knowledge brings anticipation and fear; (2)

these knowns elude us by their continuously changing attributes; and

(3) after all, these knowns are useless because we are still unhappy

in-spite of knowing them, in-spite of how many knowns are known; (4)

No known can ever change or stop what is going to happen; (5) no

known can bring us whatever we want … They obviously have to

advocate that the life is run by destiny – the unknowns, The

Unknowable. Such people are driven by fears as all their actions and

beliefs hover around their fears. Their very individual identity is

the set of their fears. To take shelter from their own fears they

start believing that some unknown force protects them.


We often mix up a set of known factors to define what we are and

what our environment is and insist that the universe is that. One

who insists that the world is governed by ONLY KNOWNS and refuse to

care about the unknowns (for a good reason, anyway they are unknown

and what can I do with them?!) will tend to insist that life is made

of Free Will. It all depends on who I think I am. If I can define

whatever I am, all such definitions depend on so many experiences I

have accumulated from the environment over my life. Then where is

the free will since the very definition of my very identity is

nothing but a bunch of environmental stimuli?


We often get carried away by the fears of uncertainties in life and

declare in frustration that we are just pawns in the hands of life.

One who insists that the unknowns overwhelm the knowns in all

respects jump to conclude that the unknowns run the show and refuse

to respect the knowns. One who insists that the world is governed by

ONLY UNKNOWNS and refuses to respect the knowns (for a good reason,

what great things could I achieve with them anyway?!) will tend to

insist that life is made of Destiny. It all depends on who I think I

am. For every expression that I am, I have to act up. I become what

I am only through my free will. If I can define whatever I am, all

such definitions depend on so many perceptions created within my

cognition. Though they seem to have been triggered by the

environmental stimuli through the senses, they are received and

generated uniquely by the individual – no two individual can have

identical perception and experience in any event with identical

characteristics. After all, the " stimuli " are generated internally

based on my personality to serve my desires. It is my desire that

brings in the stimuli; it is me who interpret these stimuli to make

sense out of them; and it is me who manipulate them and enjoy the

result. I know what I am and what I do – I am my motifs and

acceptances and I do what I want and what I accept. Then where is

the destiny dictating me what I am and what to do when the very

definition of my identity is my motifs and acceptances?




Naga Narayana.


To be contd.


I do not know who sends me the messages, thanks to who-so-

ever is sending it.


I too have a little query on one of the shloka of my interest.... it



" Annat Bhavanti bhootani, Parjanyaat Anna Sambhava

Yadnyaat Bhavati parjanyaah, Yadnya Karma Samarabhet "


While the first line is easily understood,


How to understand the 2nd line?


..... can one verify .... by experimentation ....Yadnyaat Bhavati

Parjnyaah ?


Has any one tried it? what is the sample size? what is the result?


Which type of yadnaah will have to be performed and what would be

cost of it? who can perform it?


Please let me know


Ajit Gokhale




Jai Hanuman


A human being comes in this world for fulfulling four desires Jee!


1. Artha (money, wealth, health, ownership of material objects,

house, properties, assets, cattle, horses, beauty, virtue, right,

power, ability, affluence etc )


2. Kaam (consumption of eight-fold worldly pleasures Jee, arising

from smell, touch, form, taste, sound, and consumption of pleasure

arising from respect, praise and peaceful leisure)


3. Dharma (Righteousness, Duty, Truth, being good) and


4. Moksha (Liberation, Freedom from bondage, God Realisation)


So there are four desires Jee. As against these four desires - there

are two things available to him.


1. Prarabdha (destiny) - At present he has no control over it.

2. Purushartha (Current karmas / deeds - he has independent control

over the same)


Now out of four desires - first two viz Artha and Kama are directly

and exclusively dependent on Prarabdha (Destiny) ONLY.. They are

indeed subject matter of fate only Jee! Your present actions have no

correlation with the same ! Clear Jee ?


Balance two viz Dharma and Moksha are subject matter dependent upon

your present actions (Purushartha - present deeds) only. There is no

role of destiny here ! Absolutely no role Jee!


Since a lot of humanity falls within the ambit of BG 18:32 -


What is subject matter of Destiny by religiously following BG 18:32 -

we have employed Purushartha there !!


What is subject matter of Purushartha, by religiously following BG

18:32, we have employed Destiny there !!


That is what Taat Shree (Swamiji) is explaining in the latest Sadhak

message by giving example of two patients having disease of eye and

stomach !!!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee



Life is Destiny vs. Life is Free Will


Everything is destiny. Even the way you think about, the reason you

breath, the incidences that you blink, the purpose you act for, is

pre-destined. If you think you did something in certain way, one can

always say that that is what you were pre-destined for. Where is the

free will here?


Everything is free will. If I do not push myself into an act nothing

will happen from my side. If anything happens related to me, my

presence is the reason for that. I can always change my ways to

adapt the way I want. I have always been doing it. Therefore, I am

the reason for whatever I am. Every entity is the sole reason for

whatever it is.


Basically, there are two factors for any action to occur. One is me

who wants to participate in an action. The other is a set of

environmental factors that seem to govern my actions. One who

insists that oneself is the sole responsibility for anything that

has happened to him/her would pledge his/her life to protect their

belief as the truth. One who insists that the environmental factors

govern everything in ones life (they would argue that whatever you

think you are wanting was also fed to you from the environment once

upon a time, with a good reason) would stake their lives to protect

their belief as the truth. Both are basically protecting themselves

because they believe that they are their beliefs.


One can argue that all free wills are nothing but the inertial

residue of the environmental stimuli on the corresponding

individuals. At the same time, one can counter the argument that

every environmental stimulus is nothing but the free will in its own

sense. One can never have a dispute between these two ideologies

because they are both correct.


Next comes, how can two mutually exclusive opposites can be both

correct? Look at the above argument closely. Are they really

opposites? They are actually exclusively inclusive of each other in

the very argument. Destiny is the Free Will of The Universal

Reality. Free will is the destiny every variance is blessed with to

execute itself in its variations. Therefore, the destiny is free

will and free will is destiny:


|| Yadeveha tadamutra yadamutra tadanviha ||


" Here " is free will and " there " is destiny. Whatever is there is

here and whatever is here is verily there. They are nothing but the

same sprouting as different in our perception in a singular fashion.

But, with a closer look, we can observe that they feed each other

and they feed on each other for their own sustenance. Just because I

cannot visualize my back it does not mean it does not exist. If I

turn, my previous front becomes my back. The front, the back, the

known, the unknown, the free will, the destiny … and all the

relatives that I perceive … they are all just illusions of the

restless mind that I have!




Naga Narayana


Dear Sadaks,

You are given the freedom to act. This freedom and action makes

cause and effect. Suppose you steal someone money (there is freedom

to do so) but your cause is recorded by your Aura and you loose much

more in same birth or next birth. Similarly your action such as

pooja/meditation is also paid as Karuniya from GOD. So you have the

freedom to do anything you in this birth, but at the same time you

are destined to undergo something that you have done earlier. So one

is in cycle of death and birth.


Example: So many saints who were divine and were in permanant

contact with GOD and NO interest in living, had to live on this

earth until their Karma of previous birth was exhausted.

Saint Thyagaraja in south was not interested his life cried for Sri

Rama. Sri Rama appeared and gave him the date and time of departure

of his soul to liberation. Tukaram was given date to fly to Vaikunt.

While ordinary man also lives beyond doctor hope or dies even when

doctor has hope.




i would like to mention - yes just mention two

scientific concepts that may be related


Geodesic - is a natural path of a particle

Gravitation in Einsteinian general relativistic concept

is described as a trajectory destined by gravitational



atul kumthekar




Hari Om


It is written in scriptures as rightly stated by you - " kuchh nahin

HOTAA " ( nothing " happens " ) not " kuchh nahin " karata " (nothing

is " done " ).


These are two separate things. One- what we " do " and two-

what " happens " . You have control/independence regarding " doing "

(karma) but not regarding " happening " (result).


Hence a human being has complete independence and control over what

he " does " in life time. Your fresh karmas are not pre destined. No

step of yours (doing) is pre destined/planned.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



What we are undergoing today is the result of our past karmas but

what we will undergo in future will be the result of our present

karmas. So we do have a choice.

Hari Shanker Deo


The conecpts of predestination and free will are mutually

reconcilable. While God has given us freedom to choose, He knows in

advance how we will choose!




Shree Hari

Ram Ram

A couple of very lengthy similiar discussions took place earlier

this year.


1) Why disturb God's plans?



2) Do we have a choice of actions?



Saagarji, either you or any other Sadhak that has time could please

help summarize these discussions, as they will be very helpful to

the rest of us, for a deeper understanding of topic / responses.

From Gita Talk Moderator

Ram Ram





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

3. Please be as concise and to the point, addressing only the

subject at hand, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit

response to half a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

10. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting deemed irrelevant to the core

discussion (e.g. personal information, opinions / feelings etc.)

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.

12. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.


Ram Ram

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