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How to Cope when Continuously Positivity Turns to Negative

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question - i am a complete positive thinker in every situation

of life. I always think that these situations are created by god for

me to make me more stronger to face life. But in recent days the

more i think positive about the happenings of situations, the more

it turns negative.


I am completely blank. Though I know the great teaching of lord

Krishna - Do your karma without aiming for fruit. Plz guide me.


R M (Anonymous)





HAND, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit response to half

a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

2. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

3. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

10. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting deemed irrelevant to the core

discussion (e.g. personal information, opinions / feelings etc.)

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.

12. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram


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question - i am a complete positive thinker in every situation

of life. I always think that these situations are created by god for

me to make me more stronger to face life. But in recent days the

more i think positive about the happenings of situations, the more

it turns negative.


I am completely blank. Though I know the great teaching of lord

Krishna - Do your karma without aiming for fruit. Plz guide me.


R M (Anonymous)




Hari Om


That is what is " felt " quite often. But tell me, once you stated

that you try not to see results while doing karmas, then how the

very distinction of negative or positive arose?


I understand your agony ! One turns towards God mostly when he finds

himself clueless ! I too did feel the same way and I have reasons to

believe that I or you are not alone or rare ! In fact, I have so

strong reasons to believe that I can easily say, that entire

humanity with no exception, encounters once at least what you are

encountering now ! Good enough reason for you to be happy?


The fault is in " assessing " the " results " and in believing that " I

am the doer " and thus relating the " doership " with the " results " !.

Leave that forever ! !


The moment you do that, you shall have peace and bliss flowing into

you - INSTANTLY. Believe this statement. Try it . Please !! Nothing

more need to be done !


Please believe in the justice or injustice, appropriateness or

otherwise, goodness or evilness, kindness or cruelty, presence or

absence, of ONLY ONLY God and God ONLY ! Do it !


Tell Him - as YOUR father/son/friend/husband /wife/mother/mistress/


Guru/ Disciple/student , etc, etc (Choose freely and unhesitantly

ANY relationship with Him-best is of friend)-


Tell Him - " Come On, I have not erred in my approach, my duties , as

I understood, but still I am not happy-you have to be ashamed of

that, not me " !


Establish mineness / any relationship with Him. CONNECT WITH HIM IN

WHATEVER WAY AND HOWSOEVER ! Say thereafter what ever you like to

say to Him but only to Him and to no body else ! He would listen to

you !! He won't be able to disown you !! It is beyond His control or

powers to disown you ! Fire Him, shout at Him, nag Him, criticise

Him, praise Him, love Him, hate Him, fight with Him, surrender to

Him, give to Him, expect from Him, take from Him, but Him only and

no body else !


Blame only Him! Cry only before Him !. Hate Him only ! Love Him

only ! Request to Him only ! Demand only from Him! Renounce only to

Him! Accept only from Him! Complain only to Him! Rejoice only

before Him! Act only for Him! Do only for Him! Do not only for

Him! Eat only for Him! Live only for Him ! Work only for Him !


Conduct on His behalf only ! Care for His children only! Live in His

home only ! Eat His prasad only ! Serve His creation only ! Serve by

things and body given by Him only ! Bathe His body only ! Earn for

His cause only ! Spend for His creation only ! Save for Him only !

Write for Him only! Read for Him only! Play roles on His behalf

only ! Fight for Him only! Speak for Him only! Be silent for Him

only! Live for Him only ! Die for Him only!


Believe Him only and no one else ! Trust Him only and no one else !

Only He is yours and no one else !


What is difficulty in doing that ? It is one of the easiest tasks to

do ! Come back should you feel it is difficult! Do it ! Decide to

do it! Every thing gets over in a fraction of second, the moment you

decide to do that ! Mere decision !


Your question thus gets answered for ever ! Without any doubt !

Forever means forever !


Once you do that where is the duality of negative/positive,

happiness/sorrow, good/bad etc etc ?? Where is pain? Where is

dilemma? Where is any question ?


So easy ! So simple! So quick! So practical ! So lovely ! So

soothing ! So astonishing! So kind ! So beautiful ! So sudden ! So

independent ! So hassle free !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Namaste Anonymous Bhaiyya/Bahenji


Worry not Jee! In the life of good people the kind of circumstances

you mentioned arrive at more frequently ! Why ? Because Krishna has

taken over the charge !! But you can be certain that no

situation/state is permanent. That day is not far when even if you

do something negative, inadvertently, the result will be positive. (

Feeling wise).




The darkness is the guest only for a night. Who could ever succeed

in stopping Sun from rising ?





The more brutal and frightening is night, the more lovely and

beautiful shall be the day! Don't worry if the clouds are dense and






Come O Dear ! Let us (Sadhaks) get united and find a way out (of

this misery of worldly life) and way of achieving Peace and Bliss.

What is your pain is mine too!!





( O Sahaj Sukhraasi ) No ! You are not supposed to come into this

world and shed tears and depart ! You are entitled for smiles and

happiness !!


Keep reading. You have reached at right forum.


Jee Jee






Please look into your assumptions:-

1. that " these situations are created by god for me to make me more

stronger to face life "

2.I know the great teaching of lord Krishna - Do your karma without

aiming for fruit.


A)As per verse 14 of 5th Chapter ,God or Bhagwan Krishna does not

do ,or motivate us to do or create coincidences for anything.Every

event occurs in one's life according to his nature (swabhaw).


In other place In Gita ,Bhagwan has said that Human beings act or are

forced to act according to their Sattwik,Rajsik or Tamasik nature.


Situations are created by us only according to our past actions or

karmas.God will never create any unpleasent situation for anyone but

he has made some laws/rules/priciples which are consistently applied

to everyone without exception.


That requires us to look into our Karmas or actions.


B)Gita says " do your karma without expectation of result.The focus is

on doing Karma and not thinking/expecting/aiming for fruit.Only

Sattwik nature people are able to do this type of action.


In business/profession/service we certainly will expect income/profit

or salary.But in helping unknown persons we may not expect or get any

fruit.So please look into " what fruitless actions are being taken by



C)Somewhere deep inside, expectation of positive happenings or

situations is there whereas the actual happenings or situations are

negative. To change the tide , through understanding of past

actions/plan/strategy and change in the same is required. But your

two assumptions will not allow you to do the same.


Make it a daily practice to study Gita (at least two pages in the

morning and two pages in the evening) and do some meditation ( as per

verse 27 & 28 of 5th chapter) for 10 minutes in morning and 10

minutes in evening.


While it is easy to provide advise I feel your problem and send you

my best wishes.




Ashok Jain


Dear Sadhakas, Namste!

Dear Anonymouseji you say you are positive thinker in all situations

of life, that means even if they are negative, right? You also say

that you know God is making you stronger to face the life by these

seemingly negative situations.

You seem to also know the great Gita's teaching " do your karmas

without aiming for fruits " . If this is your true conviction, then

there should not be any problem arising from apparantly negative

situations. Since it is not the case, there may/must be some

lingering doubts.


See that the situations are neither positive or negatives, they just

are what they are! Our perceptions, however, of them are " good for

me or not good for me " . It is because we think always from " me/mine "

point of view, which we are not. It is very important to see this

clearly. God doesn't create anything personal.

Doing karmas selflessly means we do aim/plan for results, and

appropriate actions, then doing it without being personal doer, and

with the best of ability(Yogeshu karma kaushalam). When result is

obtained, accept, rather, welcome whatever it is. This is because

God knows what is best for all involved including doer, in

situation, nothing personal!



Pratap Bhatt



Nothing in this world can make you happy. It is because of this that

our Gurus renounced the world from childhood and became bal-

brahmacharis. Look at it this way. Everything in this world is an

illusion. So don't let anything pull you down. Do your karmas and

keep your positive attitude no matter what. Meditate and soon things

will change for the better. What we undergo are a result of past

karmas. By good karmas, we can escape the painful cycle of birth and


Hari Shanker Deo


Dear sadak,

When you thinking was positive and succeeded, your stars were

favourable in giving results over your past Karma. When you got you

quota of goodness done, next your quota of bad karmas come in. How

it acts?. You could have shifted to new house or shifting in your

house. You could have abused a sanyasin or a good man. Your Karma

will give thoughts that you think right but it will be wrong. Only

way out is Visit Puniya Chetras, do namasankeerthan, certain slokas

like " Vasu devam Sutam devam---- " removes Koti jalma Papas. Besides

it is important that your mind set is made that equally calm about

the past and present has no differances and these are Maya. When

things went right you were happy, so when things go wrong your are

unhappy. Mind should not rejoice over happiness and the mind should

not get distrubed over sorrow. But mind can be calm in self


This is your words-- " Though I know the great teaching of lord

Krishna - Do your karma without aiming for fruit. " You did your

Karmas in the past and enjoyed the fruits without your knowledge. If

you would not have enjoyed those fruits, you will be not knowing the

differances of the past and present.








HAND, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit response to half

a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

2. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

3. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

10. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting deemed irrelevant to the core

discussion (e.g. personal information, opinions / feelings etc.)

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.

12. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram


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Re: How to Cope when Continuously Positivity Turns to Negative



question - i am a complete positive thinker in every situation

of life. I always think that these situations are created by god for

me to make me more stronger to face life. But in recent days the

more i think positive about the happenings of situations, the more

it turns negative.


I am completely blank. Though I know the great teaching of lord

Krishna - Do your karma without aiming for fruit. Plz guide me.


R M (Anonymous)




Hare Krishna


If the situations are turning out negative, don't worry !!!


Lord Krishna's words will pacify you

" O son of Kunti, bodily sense-objects, which give rise to the

feelings of heat and cold, pleasure and pain etc. are transitory and

fleeting, therefore, Arjuna bear these patiently viz., remain

unaffected by them or ignore them. " (Gita 2.14)


You are absolutely correct in stating that God wants to make you

stronger. He wants you to endure these so that you can rise above

them and experience immortality. He continues

" O the best of men, a person to whom pain and pleasure are alike, and

who is not tormented by these sense-objects, becomes eligible, for

immortality. " (Gita 2.15)


There are 2 benefits of unfavourable circumstances,

1. Sins committed to get pleasure are getting destroyed and this

thought is a kind of repentance for the sins committed.

2. It is a fore-warning to us that we shall have to face adverse

consequences if we commit sins again.


So, consider yourself very lucky that God has given you unfavourable

circunstances. Kunti knew this secret . She prayed to Lord Krishna

that " O Lord, please give me unfavourable circumstances. In these

situations, I never forget you. "


Hanumanji also said

" Kaha Hanumant Bipati Prabhu Soi. Jab Tab Sumiran Bhajan Nahi Hoi "

" O Lord, that situation is unfavourable when one does not worship and

remember you. "


Guru Nanakji said

" Dukh mein Simran Sab Koi Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koi

Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare To Dukh Kahe Ko Hoye "

" Everyone remembers Lord in unfavourable situation. No one remembers

him in pleasant situations.

Those who remember Him in favourable circumstances, why would they

feel sorrowful "


If many children are playing and one mother has got some sweets then

she will give it to every child. But if all the children are creating

havoc then she will not scold each and everyone, but only her own

child. Why ? Because that child is her very own. Similarly, God sends

unfavourable circumstance to those whom He considers as his very own.

A mother does not like to see a mucked up child, she cleanses her but

the child cries that why are you giving me so much pain!!! " Arre. why

are you crying, your mother is cleaning you. " .... But can he

understand the heart of that mother? Similarly, God does not like our

impurities. To clean it He sends such circumstances. But we start

crying !!! This mother is only of one life but God is mother of our

billions of life. Mother cleans the child so that she can take him in

her lap. After taking in her lap she will look at her, caress her.

Similarly God also wants to take us in His lap. He wants to play with

us. He wants to hear from us 'I am yours'. God is craving for us.

That is why He says


" Hear, again, to My supremely profound words, the esoteric of all

truths; as you are extremely dear to Me. Therefore, I shall give you

this salutary advice for your own good.

Fix your mind to Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me and prostrate

yourself before Me. By doing this, you will come to Me alone. I

promise you, for you are exceptionally dear to Me.

Abandoning dependence on all duties (dharma), take refuge in Me,

alone. I shall liberate you from all your sins; therefore grieve

not. " (Gita 18.64 - 66)


But we never look at Him. We are busy playing with these toys - mind,

body and senses. (Gita 15.7)

Even after playing with these these toys, we don't feel complete.

Why? Because we are imperishable and the perishable can never satiate

the imperishable. And the biggest blunder is even after knowing this

we still don't turn our face towards God.


You said " .......i think positive about the happenings of

situations...... " . Why are you thinking about any situation? God has

already taken this onus on His head. You just need to bother about

whatever you are doing is in accordance with scriptures or not. (Gita



Occurrence of any situation is a fruit of your karmas. So expecting a

situation to turn out in a particular manner, is a desire. If you

would have done your karma without any desire of a fruit, then you

wouldn't have been so dejected.




Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia



well...firs of all thanks for bringing this topic.


It is so obvious a case in today's scenario if you just open up

the newspaper. Or so was it with me.


But then i found a solution to that - i read letters from readers

which tell me there is a good conscience still around.

Most of the bad things go away if you remove money from your mind

and focus on inner good, that is what i experience.


I never posed this as a framed question, but now i do, now that you

have asked specifically. Then i wondered what answer would i give.

And here it came:


- go back in past. Say preindependence era. It must be really

depressing. Then i think about great Rev Tilak. how that good

dealt with so much bad around. And per Khalil Gibran, I look

at Mr Tialk as a plain person, not with awe or anything.


then i get most of my answers!


atul kumthekar




Hari Om


That is what is " felt " quite often. But tell me, once you stated

that you try not to see results while doing karmas, then how the

very distinction of negative or positive arose?


I understand your agony ! One turns towards God mostly when he finds

himself clueless ! I too did feel the same way and I have reasons to

believe that I or you are not alone or rare ! In fact, I have so

strong reasons to believe that I can easily say, that entire

humanity with no exception, encounters once at least what you are

encountering now ! Good enough reason for you to be happy?


The fault is in " assessing " the " results " and in believing that " I

am the doer " and thus relating the " doership " with the " results " !.

Leave that forever ! !


The moment you do that, you shall have peace and bliss flowing into

you - INSTANTLY. Believe this statement. Try it . Please !! Nothing

more need to be done !


Please believe in the justice or injustice, appropriateness or

otherwise, goodness or evilness, kindness or cruelty, presence or

absence, of ONLY ONLY God and God ONLY ! Do it !


Tell Him - as YOUR father/son/friend/husband /wife/mother/mistress/


Guru/ Disciple/student , etc, etc (Choose freely and unhesitantly

ANY relationship with Him-best is of friend)-


Tell Him - " Come On, I have not erred in my approach, my duties , as

I understood, but still I am not happy-you have to be ashamed of

that, not me " !


Establish mineness / any relationship with Him. CONNECT WITH HIM IN

WHATEVER WAY AND HOWSOEVER ! Say thereafter what ever you like to

say to Him but only to Him and to no body else ! He would listen to

you !! He won't be able to disown you !! It is beyond His control or

powers to disown you ! Fire Him, shout at Him, nag Him, criticise

Him, praise Him, love Him, hate Him, fight with Him, surrender to

Him, give to Him, expect from Him, take from Him, but Him only and

no body else !


Blame only Him! Cry only before Him !. Hate Him only ! Love Him

only ! Request to Him only ! Demand only from Him! Renounce only to

Him! Accept only from Him! Complain only to Him! Rejoice only

before Him! Act only for Him! Do only for Him! Do not only for

Him! Eat only for Him! Live only for Him ! Work only for Him !


Conduct on His behalf only ! Care for His children only! Live in His

home only ! Eat His prasad only ! Serve His creation only ! Serve by

things and body given by Him only ! Bathe His body only ! Earn for

His cause only ! Spend for His creation only ! Save for Him only !

Write for Him only! Read for Him only! Play roles on His behalf

only ! Fight for Him only! Speak for Him only! Be silent for Him

only! Live for Him only ! Die for Him only!


Believe Him only and no one else ! Trust Him only and no one else !

Only He is yours and no one else !


What is difficulty in doing that ? It is one of the easiest tasks to

do ! Come back should you feel it is difficult! Do it ! Decide to

do it! Every thing gets over in a fraction of second, the moment you

decide to do that ! Mere decision !


Your question thus gets answered for ever ! Without any doubt !

Forever means forever !


Once you do that where is the duality of negative/positive,

happiness/sorrow, good/bad etc etc ?? Where is pain? Where is

dilemma? Where is any question ?


So easy ! So simple! So quick! So practical ! So lovely ! So

soothing ! So astonishing! So kind ! So beautiful ! So sudden ! So

independent ! So hassle free !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Namaste Anonymous Bhaiyya/Bahenji


Worry not Jee! In the life of good people the kind of circumstances

you mentioned arrive at more frequently ! Why ? Because Krishna has

taken over the charge !! But you can be certain that no

situation/state is permanent. That day is not far when even if you

do something negative, inadvertently, the result will be positive. (

Feeling wise).




The darkness is the guest only for a night. Who could ever succeed

in stopping Sun from rising ?





The more brutal and frightening is night, the more lovely and

beautiful shall be the day! Don't worry if the clouds are dense and






Come O Dear ! Let us (Sadhaks) get united and find a way out (of

this misery of worldly life) and way of achieving Peace and Bliss.

What is your pain is mine too!!





( O Sahaj Sukhraasi ) No ! You are not supposed to come into this

world and shed tears and depart ! You are entitled for smiles and

happiness !!


Keep reading. You have reached at right forum.


Jee Jee






Please look into your assumptions:-

1. that " these situations are created by god for me to make me more

stronger to face life "

2.I know the great teaching of lord Krishna - Do your karma without

aiming for fruit.


A)As per verse 14 of 5th Chapter ,God or Bhagwan Krishna does not

do ,or motivate us to do or create coincidences for anything.Every

event occurs in one's life according to his nature (swabhaw).


In other place In Gita ,Bhagwan has said that Human beings act or are

forced to act according to their Sattwik,Rajsik or Tamasik nature.


Situations are created by us only according to our past actions or

karmas.God will never create any unpleasent situation for anyone but

he has made some laws/rules/priciples which are consistently applied

to everyone without exception.


That requires us to look into our Karmas or actions.


B)Gita says " do your karma without expectation of result.The focus is

on doing Karma and not thinking/expecting/aiming for fruit.Only

Sattwik nature people are able to do this type of action.


In business/profession/service we certainly will expect income/profit

or salary.But in helping unknown persons we may not expect or get any

fruit.So please look into " what fruitless actions are being taken by



C)Somewhere deep inside, expectation of positive happenings or

situations is there whereas the actual happenings or situations are

negative. To change the tide , through understanding of past

actions/plan/strategy and change in the same is required. But your

two assumptions will not allow you to do the same.


Make it a daily practice to study Gita (at least two pages in the

morning and two pages in the evening) and do some meditation ( as per

verse 27 & 28 of 5th chapter) for 10 minutes in morning and 10

minutes in evening.


While it is easy to provide advise I feel your problem and send you

my best wishes.




Ashok Jain


Dear Sadhakas, Namste!

Dear Anonymouseji you say you are positive thinker in all situations

of life, that means even if they are negative, right? You also say

that you know God is making you stronger to face the life by these

seemingly negative situations.

You seem to also know the great Gita's teaching " do your karmas

without aiming for fruits " . If this is your true conviction, then

there should not be any problem arising from apparantly negative

situations. Since it is not the case, there may/must be some

lingering doubts.


See that the situations are neither positive or negatives, they just

are what they are! Our perceptions, however, of them are " good for

me or not good for me " . It is because we think always from " me/mine "

point of view, which we are not. It is very important to see this

clearly. God doesn't create anything personal.

Doing karmas selflessly means we do aim/plan for results, and

appropriate actions, then doing it without being personal doer, and

with the best of ability(Yogeshu karma kaushalam). When result is

obtained, accept, rather, welcome whatever it is. This is because

God knows what is best for all involved including doer, in

situation, nothing personal!



Pratap Bhatt



Nothing in this world can make you happy. It is because of this that

our Gurus renounced the world from childhood and became bal-

brahmacharis. Look at it this way. Everything in this world is an

illusion. So don't let anything pull you down. Do your karmas and

keep your positive attitude no matter what. Meditate and soon things

will change for the better. What we undergo are a result of past

karmas. By good karmas, we can escape the painful cycle of birth and


Hari Shanker Deo


Dear sadak,

When you thinking was positive and succeeded, your stars were

favourable in giving results over your past Karma. When you got you

quota of goodness done, next your quota of bad karmas come in. How

it acts?. You could have shifted to new house or shifting in your

house. You could have abused a sanyasin or a good man. Your Karma

will give thoughts that you think right but it will be wrong. Only

way out is Visit Puniya Chetras, do namasankeerthan, certain slokas

like " Vasu devam Sutam devam---- " removes Koti jalma Papas. Besides

it is important that your mind set is made that equally calm about

the past and present has no differances and these are Maya. When

things went right you were happy, so when things go wrong your are

unhappy. Mind should not rejoice over happiness and the mind should

not get distrubed over sorrow. But mind can be calm in self


This is your words-- " Though I know the great teaching of lord

Krishna - Do your karma without aiming for fruit. " You did your

Karmas in the past and enjoyed the fruits without your knowledge. If

you would not have enjoyed those fruits, you will be not knowing the

differances of the past and present.








HAND, thus respecting sadhaka's time. Please limit response to half

a book page (3-4 paragraphs).

2. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be

the area of focus.

3. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged. Wherever

possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures.

4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

5. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).

6. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to sites).

7. Kindly do not include personal information - phone #, address etc.

8. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.

9. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

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12. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

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Ram Ram


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Re: How to Cope when Continuously Positivity Turns to Negative



question - i am a complete positive thinker in every situation

of life. I always think that these situations are created by god for

me to make me more stronger to face life. But in recent days the

more i think positive about the happenings of situations, the more

it turns negative.


I am completely blank. Though I know the great teaching of lord

Krishna - Do your karma without aiming for fruit. Plz guide me.


R M (Anonymous)





-Shre Hari-


Dear, Anon. (May you find divine comfort)


I wonder if you can understand that agony can be turned into joy.

And the greatest agony is the agony of the soul, (spiritual agony).

I have been touched by both.

During that very 'Dark Time', when all my senses were reeling, a

truly beautiful soul said to me, " Mike, God will only give you what you can

take " . How right she was.

As Vyasji pointed out, we are just part of a legion of those who know


It is so hard to understand, but I do pray that you will. Then pain

will not be wasted, then you will be at one with all of mankind.(No


Je Je Shashikalaji, comments brought to mind my favorite lines from

'Dark Night of The Soul'


5. O guiding night!

O night more lovely than the dawn!


When I think of those agonies, I have tears in my eyes, tears of love

for 'The Beloved'.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Dear Sadhak/Sadhika,

According to me yr situations are pointing you towards one direction

only-Could you see that ? They are telling you that " Donot THINK

anything-neither positive, nor negative. " Get rid of yr thinking

MIND and accept every moment AS IT IS.

" Sarva Dharmanparitjya, Mamekam sharanam Vrija " Gita Ch18.

Pray to Krishna and tell Him " Ab main nachyo bahut Gopala... " ( I had

enough now, please take me into yr refuse) Leave all yr thoughts,

and surrender to Him completely & unconditionally.

With lots of love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar




Hare Krishna


If the situations are turning out negative, don't worry !!!


Lord Krishna's words will pacify you

" O son of Kunti, bodily sense-objects, which give rise to the

feelings of heat and cold, pleasure and pain etc. are transitory and

fleeting, therefore, Arjuna bear these patiently viz., remain

unaffected by them or ignore them. " (Gita 2.14)


You are absolutely correct in stating that God wants to make you

stronger. He wants you to endure these so that you can rise above

them and experience immortality. He continues

" O the best of men, a person to whom pain and pleasure are alike, and

who is not tormented by these sense-objects, becomes eligible, for

immortality. " (Gita 2.15)


There are 2 benefits of unfavourable circumstances,

1. Sins committed to get pleasure are getting destroyed and this

thought is a kind of repentance for the sins committed.

2. It is a fore-warning to us that we shall have to face adverse

consequences if we commit sins again.


So, consider yourself very lucky that God has given you unfavourable

circunstances. Kunti knew this secret . She prayed to Lord Krishna

that " O Lord, please give me unfavourable circumstances. In these

situations, I never forget you. "


Hanumanji also said

" Kaha Hanumant Bipati Prabhu Soi. Jab Tab Sumiran Bhajan Nahi Hoi "

" O Lord, that situation is unfavourable when one does not worship and

remember you. "


Guru Nanakji said

" Dukh mein Simran Sab Koi Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koi

Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare To Dukh Kahe Ko Hoye "

" Everyone remembers Lord in unfavourable situation. No one remembers

him in pleasant situations.

Those who remember Him in favourable circumstances, why would they

feel sorrowful "


If many children are playing and one mother has got some sweets then

she will give it to every child. But if all the children are creating

havoc then she will not scold each and everyone, but only her own

child. Why ? Because that child is her very own. Similarly, God sends

unfavourable circumstance to those whom He considers as his very own.

A mother does not like to see a mucked up child, she cleanses her but

the child cries that why are you giving me so much pain!!! " Arre. why

are you crying, your mother is cleaning you. " .... But can he

understand the heart of that mother? Similarly, God does not like our

impurities. To clean it He sends such circumstances. But we start

crying !!! This mother is only of one life but God is mother of our

billions of life. Mother cleans the child so that she can take him in

her lap. After taking in her lap she will look at her, caress her.

Similarly God also wants to take us in His lap. He wants to play with

us. He wants to hear from us 'I am yours'. God is craving for us.

That is why He says


" Hear, again, to My supremely profound words, the esoteric of all

truths; as you are extremely dear to Me. Therefore, I shall give you

this salutary advice for your own good.

Fix your mind to Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me and prostrate

yourself before Me. By doing this, you will come to Me alone. I

promise you, for you are exceptionally dear to Me.

Abandoning dependence on all duties (dharma), take refuge in Me,

alone. I shall liberate you from all your sins; therefore grieve

not. " (Gita 18.64 - 66)


But we never look at Him. We are busy playing with these toys - mind,

body and senses. (Gita 15.7)

Even after playing with these these toys, we don't feel complete.

Why? Because we are imperishable and the perishable can never satiate

the imperishable. And the biggest blunder is even after knowing this

we still don't turn our face towards God.


You said " .......i think positive about the happenings of

situations...... " . Why are you thinking about any situation? God has

already taken this onus on His head. You just need to bother about

whatever you are doing is in accordance with scriptures or not. (Gita



Occurrence of any situation is a fruit of your karmas. So expecting a

situation to turn out in a particular manner, is a desire. If you

would have done your karma without any desire of a fruit, then you

wouldn't have been so dejected.




Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia



well...firs of all thanks for bringing this topic.


It is so obvious a case in today's scenario if you just open up

the newspaper. Or so was it with me.


But then i found a solution to that - i read letters from readers

which tell me there is a good conscience still around.

Most of the bad things go away if you remove money from your mind

and focus on inner good, that is what i experience.


I never posed this as a framed question, but now i do, now that you

have asked specifically. Then i wondered what answer would i give.

And here it came:


- go back in past. Say preindependence era. It must be really

depressing. Then i think about great Rev Tilak. how that good

dealt with so much bad around. And per Khalil Gibran, I look

at Mr Tialk as a plain person, not with awe or anything.


then i get most of my answers!


atul kumthekar




Hari Om


That is what is " felt " quite often. But tell me, once you stated

that you try not to see results while doing karmas, then how the

very distinction of negative or positive arose?


I understand your agony ! One turns towards God mostly when he finds

himself clueless ! I too did feel the same way and I have reasons to

believe that I or you are not alone or rare ! In fact, I have so

strong reasons to believe that I can easily say, that entire

humanity with no exception, encounters once at least what you are

encountering now ! Good enough reason for you to be happy?


The fault is in " assessing " the " results " and in believing that " I

am the doer " and thus relating the " doership " with the " results " !.

Leave that forever ! !


The moment you do that, you shall have peace and bliss flowing into

you - INSTANTLY. Believe this statement. Try it . Please !! Nothing

more need to be done !


Please believe in the justice or injustice, appropriateness or

otherwise, goodness or evilness, kindness or cruelty, presence or

absence, of ONLY ONLY God and God ONLY ! Do it !


Tell Him - as YOUR father/son/friend/husband /wife/mother/mistress/


Guru/ Disciple/student , etc, etc (Choose freely and unhesitantly

ANY relationship with Him-best is of friend)-


Tell Him - " Come On, I have not erred in my approach, my duties , as

I understood, but still I am not happy-you have to be ashamed of

that, not me " !


Establish mineness / any relationship with Him. CONNECT WITH HIM IN

WHATEVER WAY AND HOWSOEVER ! Say thereafter what ever you like to

say to Him but only to Him and to no body else ! He would listen to

you !! He won't be able to disown you !! It is beyond His control or

powers to disown you ! Fire Him, shout at Him, nag Him, criticise

Him, praise Him, love Him, hate Him, fight with Him, surrender to

Him, give to Him, expect from Him, take from Him, but Him only and

no body else !


Blame only Him! Cry only before Him !. Hate Him only ! Love Him

only ! Request to Him only ! Demand only from Him! Renounce only to

Him! Accept only from Him! Complain only to Him! Rejoice only

before Him! Act only for Him! Do only for Him! Do not only for

Him! Eat only for Him! Live only for Him ! Work only for Him !


Conduct on His behalf only ! Care for His children only! Live in His

home only ! Eat His prasad only ! Serve His creation only ! Serve by

things and body given by Him only ! Bathe His body only ! Earn for

His cause only ! Spend for His creation only ! Save for Him only !

Write for Him only! Read for Him only! Play roles on His behalf

only ! Fight for Him only! Speak for Him only! Be silent for Him

only! Live for Him only ! Die for Him only!


Believe Him only and no one else ! Trust Him only and no one else !

Only He is yours and no one else !


What is difficulty in doing that ? It is one of the easiest tasks to

do ! Come back should you feel it is difficult! Do it ! Decide to

do it! Every thing gets over in a fraction of second, the moment you

decide to do that ! Mere decision !


Your question thus gets answered for ever ! Without any doubt !

Forever means forever !


Once you do that where is the duality of negative/positive,

happiness/sorrow, good/bad etc etc ?? Where is pain? Where is

dilemma? Where is any question ?


So easy ! So simple! So quick! So practical ! So lovely ! So

soothing ! So astonishing! So kind ! So beautiful ! So sudden ! So

independent ! So hassle free !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Namaste Anonymous Bhaiyya/Bahenji


Worry not Jee! In the life of good people the kind of circumstances

you mentioned arrive at more frequently ! Why ? Because Krishna has

taken over the charge !! But you can be certain that no

situation/state is permanent. That day is not far when even if you

do something negative, inadvertently, the result will be positive. (

Feeling wise).




The darkness is the guest only for a night. Who could ever succeed

in stopping Sun from rising ?





The more brutal and frightening is night, the more lovely and

beautiful shall be the day! Don't worry if the clouds are dense and






Come O Dear ! Let us (Sadhaks) get united and find a way out (of

this misery of worldly life) and way of achieving Peace and Bliss.

What is your pain is mine too!!





( O Sahaj Sukhraasi ) No ! You are not supposed to come into this

world and shed tears and depart ! You are entitled for smiles and

happiness !!


Keep reading. You have reached at right forum.


Jee Jee






Please look into your assumptions:-

1. that " these situations are created by god for me to make me more

stronger to face life "

2.I know the great teaching of lord Krishna - Do your karma without

aiming for fruit.


A)As per verse 14 of 5th Chapter ,God or Bhagwan Krishna does not

do ,or motivate us to do or create coincidences for anything.Every

event occurs in one's life according to his nature (swabhaw).


In other place In Gita ,Bhagwan has said that Human beings act or are

forced to act according to their Sattwik,Rajsik or Tamasik nature.


Situations are created by us only according to our past actions or

karmas.God will never create any unpleasent situation for anyone but

he has made some laws/rules/priciples which are consistently applied

to everyone without exception.


That requires us to look into our Karmas or actions.


B)Gita says " do your karma without expectation of result.The focus is

on doing Karma and not thinking/expecting/aiming for fruit.Only

Sattwik nature people are able to do this type of action.


In business/profession/service we certainly will expect income/profit

or salary.But in helping unknown persons we may not expect or get any

fruit.So please look into " what fruitless actions are being taken by



C)Somewhere deep inside, expectation of positive happenings or

situations is there whereas the actual happenings or situations are

negative. To change the tide , through understanding of past

actions/plan/strategy and change in the same is required. But your

two assumptions will not allow you to do the same.


Make it a daily practice to study Gita (at least two pages in the

morning and two pages in the evening) and do some meditation ( as per

verse 27 & 28 of 5th chapter) for 10 minutes in morning and 10

minutes in evening.


While it is easy to provide advise I feel your problem and send you

my best wishes.




Ashok Jain


Dear Sadhakas, Namste!

Dear Anonymouseji you say you are positive thinker in all situations

of life, that means even if they are negative, right? You also say

that you know God is making you stronger to face the life by these

seemingly negative situations.

You seem to also know the great Gita's teaching " do your karmas

without aiming for fruits " . If this is your true conviction, then

there should not be any problem arising from apparantly negative

situations. Since it is not the case, there may/must be some

lingering doubts.


See that the situations are neither positive or negatives, they just

are what they are! Our perceptions, however, of them are " good for

me or not good for me " . It is because we think always from " me/mine "

point of view, which we are not. It is very important to see this

clearly. God doesn't create anything personal.

Doing karmas selflessly means we do aim/plan for results, and

appropriate actions, then doing it without being personal doer, and

with the best of ability(Yogeshu karma kaushalam). When result is

obtained, accept, rather, welcome whatever it is. This is because

God knows what is best for all involved including doer, in

situation, nothing personal!



Pratap Bhatt



Nothing in this world can make you happy. It is because of this that

our Gurus renounced the world from childhood and became bal-

brahmacharis. Look at it this way. Everything in this world is an

illusion. So don't let anything pull you down. Do your karmas and

keep your positive attitude no matter what. Meditate and soon things

will change for the better. What we undergo are a result of past

karmas. By good karmas, we can escape the painful cycle of birth and


Hari Shanker Deo


Dear sadak,

When you thinking was positive and succeeded, your stars were

favourable in giving results over your past Karma. When you got you

quota of goodness done, next your quota of bad karmas come in. How

it acts?. You could have shifted to new house or shifting in your

house. You could have abused a sanyasin or a good man. Your Karma

will give thoughts that you think right but it will be wrong. Only

way out is Visit Puniya Chetras, do namasankeerthan, certain slokas

like " Vasu devam Sutam devam---- " removes Koti jalma Papas. Besides

it is important that your mind set is made that equally calm about

the past and present has no differances and these are Maya. When

things went right you were happy, so when things go wrong your are

unhappy. Mind should not rejoice over happiness and the mind should

not get distrubed over sorrow. But mind can be calm in self


This is your words-- " Though I know the great teaching of lord

Krishna - Do your karma without aiming for fruit. " You did your

Karmas in the past and enjoyed the fruits without your knowledge. If

you would not have enjoyed those fruits, you will be not knowing the

differances of the past and present.








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Re: How to Cope when Continuously Positivity Turns to Negative



question - i am a complete positive thinker in every situation

of life. I always think that these situations are created by god for

me to make me more stronger to face life. But in recent days the

more i think positive about the happenings of situations, the more

it turns negative.


I am completely blank. Though I know the great teaching of lord

Krishna - Do your karma without aiming for fruit. Plz guide me.


R M (Anonymous)







Jai Hanuman


Namaste Jee! I totally agree with Sadhanaji. Anonji - simply ignore

the thinking mind. You can do that. Either keep that in deep freezer

or throw in a dust bin or laugh it out ! Are you aware, Anonji, that

the root cause of all sorrows is mind ? This Fellow travels only in

non existence- either in past or in future !! Big Cipher !! It

changes too - Anonji- it never remains static !! Believe me on that

Jee !!


Anonji- read what Mike Bhaiyya told. You are not alone. Certainly

you are not alone! 'Agony of the soul' - so common , so usual, so

automatic - when mind is driver !!




You say it has happened only with you ! But the fact is that it (

adversity) happens with everybody - AT LEAST (minimum) once !!


No exceptions Jee!


Lord washes our eyes with tears till they are clean enough to behold

the reality! What is reality - nothing is permanent, except " YOU -

your SELF " and " GOD " ! How can negativity be permanent, when the

very perceiver of that negativity, the very mind changes every

fraction of a second ?? How can positive remain in oblivion when you

are , by very your nature, " Sahaj sukh raasi " ( naturally blissful) ?


Jee Jee






How to Cope when Continuously Positivity Turns to Negative?


Digestion of desires (positivity) excrete the fears (negativity) and

the injestion of fears churn out the desires. Recycling the living

beings between the desires and fears is the fundamental program

embedded in every living being's survival cycle.


As we feel empty within, as we feel thirsty and hungry, the world

around reveals the food to fill ourselves, our bowls. As we engross

ourselves in filling our bowls, the world within steals it away for

its own sustenance digesting the essence of the precious food and

excreting the toxic waste forcing one to empty oneself again. The

empty one waits like a Chataka bird to fill one's bowl again and

again … only to empty it again and again.


The emptyness within pushes oneself to look out for positivity

around to grace oneself with food to fill-in the emptiness within.

But, the negativity hidden in the very positive food is revealed as

the bowl, as it is being filled, is being emptied by the ever-hungry

world within. Well, that is what we call life that we think we



We cherish the bowl filling fiction … but, we never realize how we

perish with the bowl clearing reality. We never realize that the

hunger is the only hope for our very perception of the positivity as

such. We never realize that the world around can never apear

positive unless the bowl is empty within. We never remember the fact

that we can never even look at the food – whatsoever delicacy it

could be – if we are really full within. On the other hand we also

believe that our positivity is embedded in experiencing the

delicacy – the more hungry we are the more delicious the food

becomes! We hate the pangs of hunger and at the same time we love

the satisfaction it brings through the food we cherish. We never

acknowledge the fact that the so-called positivity is established

only within the so-called negativity within.


On the other hand, we never notice the same hunger around hunting us

perpetually that turns into the unknown haunts within. We never

understand that our attempt of extracting the positivity from around

is perceived as the negativity by the world around. We never realize

that the very negativity created around thanks to our hunt for

positivity is the very culprit that keeps emptying our bowls

irrespective of our perpetual effort to keep it full.


The world around and the world within keep befooling us between the

two polarities of positivity and negativity, tossing us between the

apparently opposite beliefs of existence, and tearing us between

their apparently hostile but mutually conducive fearsome jaws. We

believe that the two perceptions negativity and positivity are each

others foes … but we never understand their pact behind the screen

to nurture each other at our cost … we never realize that we are the

ones who are chewed away by these jaws perpetually as we delude

ourselves to be chewing on them.


The root cause for this self-generated hide-and-seek game between

the fears and desires is the hunger and thirst within. Till we learn

how to quench this hunger and thirst within, we cannot escape from

the jaws of the death – fatigue and ageing. Untill then, the fear

drives us to chase the desires … till then, we wander aimlessly like

a headless chicken not knowing what is fear and what is dear, not

understanding what is positive and what is negative … but running

away from fears and chasing the desires perpetually. We do not

understand who is causing this conflict and hence conveniently blame

the environment around. We never realize that the root cause for all

such conflicts could be within since we cannot perceive that. We

have to suffer till we learn to perceive within in clarity. The

death hunts us down and its fear haunts us ever till we learn to

dive into the abyss within to experience it in its absolute form

where in both desires and fears dissolve away to the oblivion. The

very ABYSS reveals our True Self as we seek not to hallucinate the

possibilities of negativities and positivities anymore as ITSELF.

Being one with that ABYSS, one could see the same around leaving no

room for either positivity or negativity around and within. Then …

where is the question of this recycling – positivity turning into

negativity and vice versa?!


Till we learn to dive into the abyss within to learn experiencing

everything as is … we are lured by the negativity turning into

positivity which in turn haunts us back with positivity turning into

negativity. Till then … we are helpless but to recycle ourselves …




Naga Narayana.






Jai Hanuman


Namaste Jee! I totally agree with Sadhanaji. Anonji - simply ignore

the thinking mind. You can do that. Either keep that in deep freezer

or throw in a dust bin or laugh it out ! Are you aware, Anonji, that

the root cause of all sorrows is mind ? This Fellow travels only in

non existence- either in past or in future !! Big Cipher !! It

changes too - Anonji- it never remains static !! Believe me on that

Jee !!


Anonji- read what Mike Bhaiyya told. You are not alone. Certainly

you are not alone! 'Agony of the soul' - so common , so usual, so

automatic - when mind is driver !!




You say it has happened only with you ! But the fact is that it (

adversity) happens with everybody - AT LEAST (minimum) once !!


No exceptions Jee!


Lord washes our eyes with tears till they are clean enough to behold

the reality! What is reality - nothing is permanent, except " YOU -

your SELF " and " GOD " ! How can negativity be permanent, when the

very perceiver of that negativity, the very mind changes every

fraction of a second ?? How can positive remain in oblivion when you

are , by very your nature, " Sahaj sukh raasi " ( naturally blissful) ?


Jee Jee






How to Cope when Continuously Positivity Turns to Negative?


Digestion of desires (positivity) excrete the fears (negativity) and

the injestion of fears churn out the desires. Recycling the living

beings between the desires and fears is the fundamental program

embedded in every living being's survival cycle.


As we feel empty within, as we feel thirsty and hungry, the world

around reveals the food to fill ourselves, our bowls. As we engross

ourselves in filling our bowls, the world within steals it away for

its own sustenance digesting the essence of the precious food and

excreting the toxic waste forcing one to empty oneself again. The

empty one waits like a Chataka bird to fill one's bowl again and

again … only to empty it again and again.


The emptyness within pushes oneself to look out for positivity

around to grace oneself with food to fill-in the emptiness within.

But, the negativity hidden in the very positive food is revealed as

the bowl, as it is being filled, is being emptied by the ever-hungry

world within. Well, that is what we call life that we think we



We cherish the bowl filling fiction … but, we never realize how we

perish with the bowl clearing reality. We never realize that the

hunger is the only hope for our very perception of the positivity as

such. We never realize that the world around can never apear

positive unless the bowl is empty within. We never remember the fact

that we can never even look at the food – whatsoever delicacy it

could be – if we are really full within. On the other hand we also

believe that our positivity is embedded in experiencing the

delicacy – the more hungry we are the more delicious the food

becomes! We hate the pangs of hunger and at the same time we love

the satisfaction it brings through the food we cherish. We never

acknowledge the fact that the so-called positivity is established

only within the so-called negativity within.


On the other hand, we never notice the same hunger around hunting us

perpetually that turns into the unknown haunts within. We never

understand that our attempt of extracting the positivity from around

is perceived as the negativity by the world around. We never realize

that the very negativity created around thanks to our hunt for

positivity is the very culprit that keeps emptying our bowls

irrespective of our perpetual effort to keep it full.


The world around and the world within keep befooling us between the

two polarities of positivity and negativity, tossing us between the

apparently opposite beliefs of existence, and tearing us between

their apparently hostile but mutually conducive fearsome jaws. We

believe that the two perceptions negativity and positivity are each

others foes … but we never understand their pact behind the screen

to nurture each other at our cost … we never realize that we are the

ones who are chewed away by these jaws perpetually as we delude

ourselves to be chewing on them.


The root cause for this self-generated hide-and-seek game between

the fears and desires is the hunger and thirst within. Till we learn

how to quench this hunger and thirst within, we cannot escape from

the jaws of the death – fatigue and ageing. Untill then, the fear

drives us to chase the desires … till then, we wander aimlessly like

a headless chicken not knowing what is fear and what is dear, not

understanding what is positive and what is negative … but running

away from fears and chasing the desires perpetually. We do not

understand who is causing this conflict and hence conveniently blame

the environment around. We never realize that the root cause for all

such conflicts could be within since we cannot perceive that. We

have to suffer till we learn to perceive within in clarity. The

death hunts us down and its fear haunts us ever till we learn to

dive into the abyss within to experience it in its absolute form

where in both desires and fears dissolve away to the oblivion. The

very ABYSS reveals our True Self as we seek not to hallucinate the

possibilities of negativities and positivities anymore as ITSELF.

Being one with that ABYSS, one could see the same around leaving no

room for either positivity or negativity around and within. Then …

where is the question of this recycling – positivity turning into

negativity and vice versa?!


Till we learn to dive into the abyss within to learn experiencing

everything as is … we are lured by the negativity turning into

positivity which in turn haunts us back with positivity turning into

negativity. Till then … we are helpless but to recycle ourselves …




Naga Narayana.






-Shre Hari-


Dear, Anon. (May you find divine comfort)


I wonder if you can understand that agony can be turned into joy.

And the greatest agony is the agony of the soul, (spiritual agony).

I have been touched by both.

During that very 'Dark Time', when all my senses were reeling, a

truly beautiful soul said to me, " Mike, God will only give you what

you can

take " . How right she was.

As Vyasji pointed out, we are just part of a legion of those who know


It is so hard to understand, but I do pray that you will. Then pain

will not be wasted, then you will be at one with all of mankind.(No


Je Je Shashikalaji, comments brought to mind my favorite lines from

'Dark Night of The Soul'


5. O guiding night!

O night more lovely than the dawn!


When I think of those agonies, I have tears in my eyes, tears of love

for 'The Beloved'.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Dear Sadhak/Sadhika,

According to me yr situations are pointing you towards one direction

only-Could you see that ? They are telling you that " Donot THINK

anything-neither positive, nor negative. " Get rid of yr thinking

MIND and accept every moment AS IT IS.

" Sarva Dharmanparitjya, Mamekam sharanam Vrija " Gita Ch18.

Pray to Krishna and tell Him " Ab main nachyo bahut Gopala... " ( I had

enough now, please take me into yr refuse) Leave all yr thoughts,

and surrender to Him completely & unconditionally.

With lots of love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar




Hare Krishna


If the situations are turning out negative, don't worry !!!


Lord Krishna's words will pacify you

" O son of Kunti, bodily sense-objects, which give rise to the

feelings of heat and cold, pleasure and pain etc. are transitory and

fleeting, therefore, Arjuna bear these patiently viz., remain

unaffected by them or ignore them. " (Gita 2.14)


You are absolutely correct in stating that God wants to make you

stronger. He wants you to endure these so that you can rise above

them and experience immortality. He continues

" O the best of men, a person to whom pain and pleasure are alike, and

who is not tormented by these sense-objects, becomes eligible, for

immortality. " (Gita 2.15)


There are 2 benefits of unfavourable circumstances,

1. Sins committed to get pleasure are getting destroyed and this

thought is a kind of repentance for the sins committed.

2. It is a fore-warning to us that we shall have to face adverse

consequences if we commit sins again.


So, consider yourself very lucky that God has given you unfavourable

circunstances. Kunti knew this secret . She prayed to Lord Krishna

that " O Lord, please give me unfavourable circumstances. In these

situations, I never forget you. "


Hanumanji also said

" Kaha Hanumant Bipati Prabhu Soi. Jab Tab Sumiran Bhajan Nahi Hoi "

" O Lord, that situation is unfavourable when one does not worship and

remember you. "


Guru Nanakji said

" Dukh mein Simran Sab Koi Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koi

Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare To Dukh Kahe Ko Hoye "

" Everyone remembers Lord in unfavourable situation. No one remembers

him in pleasant situations.

Those who remember Him in favourable circumstances, why would they

feel sorrowful "


If many children are playing and one mother has got some sweets then

she will give it to every child. But if all the children are creating

havoc then she will not scold each and everyone, but only her own

child. Why ? Because that child is her very own. Similarly, God sends

unfavourable circumstance to those whom He considers as his very own.

A mother does not like to see a mucked up child, she cleanses her but

the child cries that why are you giving me so much pain!!! " Arre. why

are you crying, your mother is cleaning you. " .... But can he

understand the heart of that mother? Similarly, God does not like our

impurities. To clean it He sends such circumstances. But we start

crying !!! This mother is only of one life but God is mother of our

billions of life. Mother cleans the child so that she can take him in

her lap. After taking in her lap she will look at her, caress her.

Similarly God also wants to take us in His lap. He wants to play with

us. He wants to hear from us 'I am yours'. God is craving for us.

That is why He says


" Hear, again, to My supremely profound words, the esoteric of all

truths; as you are extremely dear to Me. Therefore, I shall give you

this salutary advice for your own good.

Fix your mind to Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me and prostrate

yourself before Me. By doing this, you will come to Me alone. I

promise you, for you are exceptionally dear to Me.

Abandoning dependence on all duties (dharma), take refuge in Me,

alone. I shall liberate you from all your sins; therefore grieve

not. " (Gita 18.64 - 66)


But we never look at Him. We are busy playing with these toys - mind,

body and senses. (Gita 15.7)

Even after playing with these these toys, we don't feel complete.

Why? Because we are imperishable and the perishable can never satiate

the imperishable. And the biggest blunder is even after knowing this

we still don't turn our face towards God.


You said " .......i think positive about the happenings of

situations...... " . Why are you thinking about any situation? God has

already taken this onus on His head. You just need to bother about

whatever you are doing is in accordance with scriptures or not. (Gita



Occurrence of any situation is a fruit of your karmas. So expecting a

situation to turn out in a particular manner, is a desire. If you

would have done your karma without any desire of a fruit, then you

wouldn't have been so dejected.




Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia



well...firs of all thanks for bringing this topic.


It is so obvious a case in today's scenario if you just open up

the newspaper. Or so was it with me.


But then i found a solution to that - i read letters from readers

which tell me there is a good conscience still around.

Most of the bad things go away if you remove money from your mind

and focus on inner good, that is what i experience.


I never posed this as a framed question, but now i do, now that you

have asked specifically. Then i wondered what answer would i give.

And here it came:


- go back in past. Say preindependence era. It must be really

depressing. Then i think about great Rev Tilak. how that good

dealt with so much bad around. And per Khalil Gibran, I look

at Mr Tialk as a plain person, not with awe or anything.


then i get most of my answers!


atul kumthekar




Hari Om


That is what is " felt " quite often. But tell me, once you stated

that you try not to see results while doing karmas, then how the

very distinction of negative or positive arose?


I understand your agony ! One turns towards God mostly when he finds

himself clueless ! I too did feel the same way and I have reasons to

believe that I or you are not alone or rare ! In fact, I have so

strong reasons to believe that I can easily say, that entire

humanity with no exception, encounters once at least what you are

encountering now ! Good enough reason for you to be happy?


The fault is in " assessing " the " results " and in believing that " I

am the doer " and thus relating the " doership " with the " results " !.

Leave that forever ! !


The moment you do that, you shall have peace and bliss flowing into

you - INSTANTLY. Believe this statement. Try it . Please !! Nothing

more need to be done !


Please believe in the justice or injustice, appropriateness or

otherwise, goodness or evilness, kindness or cruelty, presence or

absence, of ONLY ONLY God and God ONLY ! Do it !


Tell Him - as YOUR father/son/friend/husband /wife/mother/mistress/


Guru/ Disciple/student , etc, etc (Choose freely and unhesitantly

ANY relationship with Him-best is of friend)-


Tell Him - " Come On, I have not erred in my approach, my duties , as

I understood, but still I am not happy-you have to be ashamed of

that, not me " !


Establish mineness / any relationship with Him. CONNECT WITH HIM IN

WHATEVER WAY AND HOWSOEVER ! Say thereafter what ever you like to

say to Him but only to Him and to no body else ! He would listen to

you !! He won't be able to disown you !! It is beyond His control or

powers to disown you ! Fire Him, shout at Him, nag Him, criticise

Him, praise Him, love Him, hate Him, fight with Him, surrender to

Him, give to Him, expect from Him, take from Him, but Him only and

no body else !


Blame only Him! Cry only before Him !. Hate Him only ! Love Him

only ! Request to Him only ! Demand only from Him! Renounce only to

Him! Accept only from Him! Complain only to Him! Rejoice only

before Him! Act only for Him! Do only for Him! Do not only for

Him! Eat only for Him! Live only for Him ! Work only for Him !


Conduct on His behalf only ! Care for His children only! Live in His

home only ! Eat His prasad only ! Serve His creation only ! Serve by

things and body given by Him only ! Bathe His body only ! Earn for

His cause only ! Spend for His creation only ! Save for Him only !

Write for Him only! Read for Him only! Play roles on His behalf

only ! Fight for Him only! Speak for Him only! Be silent for Him

only! Live for Him only ! Die for Him only!


Believe Him only and no one else ! Trust Him only and no one else !

Only He is yours and no one else !


What is difficulty in doing that ? It is one of the easiest tasks to

do ! Come back should you feel it is difficult! Do it ! Decide to

do it! Every thing gets over in a fraction of second, the moment you

decide to do that ! Mere decision !


Your question thus gets answered for ever ! Without any doubt !

Forever means forever !


Once you do that where is the duality of negative/positive,

happiness/sorrow, good/bad etc etc ?? Where is pain? Where is

dilemma? Where is any question ?


So easy ! So simple! So quick! So practical ! So lovely ! So

soothing ! So astonishing! So kind ! So beautiful ! So sudden ! So

independent ! So hassle free !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Jai Hanuman


Namaste Anonymous Bhaiyya/Bahenji


Worry not Jee! In the life of good people the kind of circumstances

you mentioned arrive at more frequently ! Why ? Because Krishna has

taken over the charge !! But you can be certain that no

situation/state is permanent. That day is not far when even if you

do something negative, inadvertently, the result will be positive. (

Feeling wise).




The darkness is the guest only for a night. Who could ever succeed

in stopping Sun from rising ?





The more brutal and frightening is night, the more lovely and

beautiful shall be the day! Don't worry if the clouds are dense and






Come O Dear ! Let us (Sadhaks) get united and find a way out (of

this misery of worldly life) and way of achieving Peace and Bliss.

What is your pain is mine too!!





( O Sahaj Sukhraasi ) No ! You are not supposed to come into this

world and shed tears and depart ! You are entitled for smiles and

happiness !!


Keep reading. You have reached at right forum.


Jee Jee






Please look into your assumptions:-

1. that " these situations are created by god for me to make me more

stronger to face life "

2.I know the great teaching of lord Krishna - Do your karma without

aiming for fruit.


A)As per verse 14 of 5th Chapter ,God or Bhagwan Krishna does not

do ,or motivate us to do or create coincidences for anything.Every

event occurs in one's life according to his nature (swabhaw).


In other place In Gita ,Bhagwan has said that Human beings act or are

forced to act according to their Sattwik,Rajsik or Tamasik nature.


Situations are created by us only according to our past actions or

karmas.God will never create any unpleasent situation for anyone but

he has made some laws/rules/priciples which are consistently applied

to everyone without exception.


That requires us to look into our Karmas or actions.


B)Gita says " do your karma without expectation of result.The focus is

on doing Karma and not thinking/expecting/aiming for fruit.Only

Sattwik nature people are able to do this type of action.


In business/profession/service we certainly will expect income/profit

or salary.But in helping unknown persons we may not expect or get any

fruit.So please look into " what fruitless actions are being taken by



C)Somewhere deep inside, expectation of positive happenings or

situations is there whereas the actual happenings or situations are

negative. To change the tide , through understanding of past

actions/plan/strategy and change in the same is required. But your

two assumptions will not allow you to do the same.


Make it a daily practice to study Gita (at least two pages in the

morning and two pages in the evening) and do some meditation ( as per

verse 27 & 28 of 5th chapter) for 10 minutes in morning and 10

minutes in evening.


While it is easy to provide advise I feel your problem and send you

my best wishes.




Ashok Jain


Dear Sadhakas, Namste!

Dear Anonymouseji you say you are positive thinker in all situations

of life, that means even if they are negative, right? You also say

that you know God is making you stronger to face the life by these

seemingly negative situations.

You seem to also know the great Gita's teaching " do your karmas

without aiming for fruits " . If this is your true conviction, then

there should not be any problem arising from apparantly negative

situations. Since it is not the case, there may/must be some

lingering doubts.


See that the situations are neither positive or negatives, they just

are what they are! Our perceptions, however, of them are " good for

me or not good for me " . It is because we think always from " me/mine "

point of view, which we are not. It is very important to see this

clearly. God doesn't create anything personal.

Doing karmas selflessly means we do aim/plan for results, and

appropriate actions, then doing it without being personal doer, and

with the best of ability(Yogeshu karma kaushalam). When result is

obtained, accept, rather, welcome whatever it is. This is because

God knows what is best for all involved including doer, in

situation, nothing personal!



Pratap Bhatt



Nothing in this world can make you happy. It is because of this that

our Gurus renounced the world from childhood and became bal-

brahmacharis. Look at it this way. Everything in this world is an

illusion. So don't let anything pull you down. Do your karmas and

keep your positive attitude no matter what. Meditate and soon things

will change for the better. What we undergo are a result of past

karmas. By good karmas, we can escape the painful cycle of birth and


Hari Shanker Deo


Dear sadak,

When you thinking was positive and succeeded, your stars were

favourable in giving results over your past Karma. When you got you

quota of goodness done, next your quota of bad karmas come in. How

it acts?. You could have shifted to new house or shifting in your

house. You could have abused a sanyasin or a good man. Your Karma

will give thoughts that you think right but it will be wrong. Only

way out is Visit Puniya Chetras, do namasankeerthan, certain slokas

like " Vasu devam Sutam devam---- " removes Koti jalma Papas. Besides

it is important that your mind set is made that equally calm about

the past and present has no differances and these are Maya. When

things went right you were happy, so when things go wrong your are

unhappy. Mind should not rejoice over happiness and the mind should

not get distrubed over sorrow. But mind can be calm in self


This is your words-- " Though I know the great teaching of lord

Krishna - Do your karma without aiming for fruit. " You did your

Karmas in the past and enjoyed the fruits without your knowledge. If

you would not have enjoyed those fruits, you will be not knowing the

differances of the past and present.








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Ram Ram


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