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Who is Suffering ?

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Loving Divine,


In the following email I read...

" But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer... "

I have a question - can jeeva, being an atom of pramaatma, can ever


Mind, body, intellect, being inert, can any of them suffer?

Then truly, who is suffering?

humble regards,

always at Thy Holy Feet



On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:25 PM, sadhak_insight

<sadhak_insight wrote:



jai latiyal


IN ENGLISH: In this world, what is the greatest wonderment /

astonishment of all? What does Gita say about it?


IN HINDI: Duniya ka sab se badha aaschariya kya hein. Is per, Gita

kaa kyaa abhipraay hai?


[shivkumar naravat]




Hari Om



Jeeva, like a traveller is never at peace, till destination is

reached. Having spent considerable time in the hell,




He went to the hell with his subtle body viz with his " svabhav " -

habits, individual nature , his attitude towards the world. He comes

back improved but the old " svabhav " is hard to be conquered, can be

substantially conquered only in human life. In the hell majority of

past deeds get redeemed. Now he shall have lesser obstacles of








Again, in the fresh human life, he could not leave desires. He

still makes efforts, toils hard, he comes back purer from hell , but

decides to run, to chase, to show, to follow to compete, to prove,

to establish, to set trends.... To get something, to do something,

to know something. He makes more efforts in a focussed manner, to

get worldly things. He tolerates pains in the hope of more and more

worldly pleasures. But all worldly .


He however forgets that the real cause of his pain , is not lack of

efforts, vision, focus, capacity or knowledge, ..... But the

desires! Pains continue.But he acquires by his vision, capacity, a

decent quantum of good karmas to his credit- as past karmas do not

haunt him badly.




But efforts and karma have their own positive temporary results too.

Focus, desire, destiny, efforts, grace of God makes him rich in

conduct and wisdom, and happiness of worldly achievements start

coming to him as naturally as after night day comes. He enjoys

labour. And goes after death to heaven which in this story has been

described as











Worldly pleasures spoil the habit. Most of the good deeds got

exchanged in the heavens. From heavens again to the earth, Jeeva is

back to square one. Same desires, same habits, same attitude and

same hell again ! Because desires continue.


Alas ! How a man degrades himself by desiring. Cycle continues of

pleasure and pain, heaven and hell, gloom and gaity, ...... And

continues, and continues .... And so continue the desires, the

attitude towards the world, the likings, the dislikings, the

connection with the body, with mind, with ego, with intellect

because Jeeva never leaves the shelter of subtle body and causal

body even in heavens or in hell- he cannot do so there, he can only

do so in human life, because he acquired them in human life only at

the first time !!


Any views Shashikalaji ?


Jai Shree Krishna.




Jai Hanuman


Having been caught in the circle of pleasure and pain and having

complete reliance on ever changing mind and intellect and having not

been able to distinguish the self with the ego - the Jeeva suffers

immense pains and only pains arising out of desires. The mind keeps

cheating Jeeva continuously both in temporary pleasures and

permanent pain.


Mind makes Jeeva believe that pleasure is generated by " fulfillment

of desires " - in which effort mind was on the driver's seat. It is

cheating in fact ! In reality, the " fulfillment of desires " do not

bring pleasure to Jeeva , the giving up of desire by the mind ,

brings relative pleasure !! You get pleasure because the desire is

no more! For example, we desire getting say 10000 dollars, and we

get it. We get pleased. Now the pleasure is not because we got 10000

dollars, but because there is no pain of desire. Giving up of desire

has generated pleasure by operation of law stated in BG 12:12 ! Had

receipt of dollars generated happiness we would not have felt sorrow

till money remained in tact with us!! We get cheated by the mind,

and there arise instantly more desires !! What a Maya !!


Evil is dead upon fulfillment of desire but gets awakened by more

desires! We never learn from our mistakes, Jee! In happiness, as

well as in sorrow,mind cheats us.


But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer! What is our

fault? We think our ego, mind, intellect to be " me/mine " ! They

continue always, however, neither " you " nor " yours " !! Always ! They

are different altogether by nature wise, element wise, every

wise !!! They belong to the world, you belong to the God !


When defeat/failure comes , " your " mind/intellect/ego shamelessly

suggest to you that ....... " It happens " . They will pamper you by

telling that either the God was responsible for failure, or the

time, or kaliyuga, or world or that person/this circumstance/ that

happenning/ this incidence ....... Or destiny/fate/luck is

responsible ! We , mind/intellect/ego , are not responsible Mr

Self ! ( So you sometimes say " I was right but the time/luck was

bad " ) !


But do your mind/intellect/ego ever say so when you succeed ? No !

They then say " me " " me " - you also join the chorus - " my mind " , " my

vision " , " my capacity " , " my intelligence " , " me .... me .....

mine .... mine " , " I " , " I did it " ..... " Me mine me " ......

Non sense !!


What a cheating Jee ? What a treachery, Jee ? What an illusion, Dear

Sadhaks ?. How shabbily you mind, intellect, ego treat you, Dear ?

Are they worth being proud of ? How easily they convert you from "

sahaj sukhrasi " , avinashi ( imperishable and naturally blissful) ,

part of God, and a Master to a deficient, ever sorrowful , a slave

and a simpleton, a stupid, a damn fool !!


This is Maya , Jee !



Namaste Jee


Jee Jee





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Loving Divine,


In the following email I read...

" But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer... "

I have a question - can jeeva, being an atom of pramaatma, can ever


Mind, body, intellect, being inert, can any of them suffer?

Then truly, who is suffering?

humble regards,

always at Thy Holy Feet




Hari Om,


The sufferer is the 'ego' identified with the mind equipment, will

be released when identified continuously with the Brahman , the Light

that lights even the ego.






Hari Om


An excellent question indeed! Questions like this in fact help a

sadhak gathering momentum. I shall have to really gather more from

Taat Shree's pravachans ( discourses of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji

Maharaj). I will come back.


This question haunted me too for a long time, because of 2

apparantly contradictory verses in the same 13th Chapter of Gitaji -

13:20 and. 13:29 . In the meantime, please note that as a law only "

Karta " (doer) suffers ! The doer can't be mind/intellect/body

because they are " inert " / they are " non existent " (BG 2:16) . Karta

can't be SELF ( pure self) because for pure soul Gita at many places

confirms that it can't be doer ( One such verse is 13:31) - na

karoti na lipyate- neither does nor gets attached ! So who suffers ?

Machine called mind certainly does not ! Pure soul certainly does

not ! Who remained then - Jeeva ! Who else ? Jeeva. One who believes

that " I am the doer " ! One who " adopts the world " ( BG 7:5) !


Of course, there is a distinction between " pure individual soul "

and " Jeeva " - the latter term is in respect of " embodied soul " - the

former only, however since it " adopts the world " (BG 7:5) it is

called Jeeva !




Mike ! What do you say Sir?


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Shri Krishna!

Who is Suffering ?


Whoever has raised this question has really touched a deep thought

provoking issue. Chapter 13 of Bhagavad Gita deals with this in

exclusive detail.

Human body contains 23 tathwaas and Athma. The 5 basic elements, 5

Organs of Knowledge, 5 Organs of Action, 5 Tanmaatraas, ego,

intellect and mind make the 23. These 23 coming under the spell of

the 3 gunaas of Maaya, experience the attributes of the body, i.e.,

desire, aversion, pleasure, pain, consciousness, firmness. Combined

these are known as Kshetra. The individual Soul is the Kshetrajna.

Wisdom or Knowledge is awareness of Kshetra and Kshetrajna. Soul is

essentially the Paramaathman existing within the human being as

Jivaathman and witnessing the play within the Kshetra illuminating


Now go to Shloka 32, which puts the cap to this teaching: " As the

all pervading ether is not tainted by the reason of its subtlety, so

seated every where in the body, the Self is not affected by the

attributes of the body due to Its attributeless character. "

The Soul is neither the Kartha (Doer) nor the Bhoktha (Enjoyer).

This is not abstract theory. When Sri Ramana Maharishi had to be

operated upon for a tumour, he refused anesthesia, for he said " the

pain will be experienced by the body, not me! " When King Janaka was

told that his capital city Mithila was on fire, he asked " what about

that for me? "


Regards. Prof Ramanujam



Dear Sadaks,

Whole body suffers as one thinks that body and soul are 2 differant.

Mind suffers due to unstability. Intellect suffers when doing wrong

action against it. But all these do not suffer when one attains

divinity. Ex: Samarpa Ramadoss fever. Ramana Rishi tumour on leg.

Hanuman tail when troched. Ramakrishna Parama Hamsa with throat

cancer. Jada Bharatha head was to be slained, but his face looked

like just flowered lotus says Srimath Bagavath. Kunthi asked Boon

with Bagavan to give her more sufferings as it sent divine thoughts

on Bagavan. Many more can be said. But for lay man sufferings are

felt, as he does not know what is inert. Very clear in BG that Jeeva

is a wittness to all cause and effect. But what stands between Jeeva

and Paramathuma is desires. BG says Kama Yeshu, Krodha Yeshu Etc

Script say even desiring for Mukthi is not Good. Matha Uma Maheswari

saw Samba the son of Sri Krishna and said to Bagavan Shiva, " How

beautiful Samba looks " . Samba was her son Sri Muruga later. King

Bali daughter looking at Vamana deeply thought that Vamana looks

great to be her child. A little later when Bali was sent to Patala

by Vamana, She thought deeply that a child of that nature should be

breast fed with poison. She was Poothana during Sri Krishna Avathar,

gave milk and got herself killed but went to Vaikunt. Fire dharma is

to burn anything. Bagavan Dharma is take anyone to HIS abode whether

he remains in enimity or bakthi. Naradha Bakthi Sustra says, Bagavan

gives mukthi to the one always abusing HIM. The theme is that

Anniyachitayayome by what ever means. In abusing and having krodh

against Bagavan the thoughts are deeper than bakthi. In bakthi may

be sometimes one forgets. But thoughts against Bagavan are so strong

that even in sleep one trembles fearing Bagavan.




Dear Sadhak/Sadhika,

This is a wonderful group of real seekers.Can I ask you something ?

Our body is made up of Jad tatva like water, fire, earth, akaash, and air. These

elements donot feel pain. And as Gitaji says soul also does not feel pain too.

Then who always complain that " I am suffering ? " or " I have pain " etc ??? Who

is that sufferer ???

It could not be anyone else other then our MIND ?Am I right ? What is the

connection between our mind and jeevatma ?

Sorry to ask so many questions in one e-mail....

Please share yr knowledge


With lots of love,

A sadhika

Sadhana Karigar




Respected Sadhakas,


I would like to know that besides the .1 % of enlightened Krishna

conscious souls who seem to be content, the rest are always

suffering.You can say that it is because of their desires,but I ask

why and where was the need to create all this disease,old age,death

for beings ,why would a just God just sit back and see so many

people keep falling in the trap of his very own maya and ultimately



Why did Lord Krishna have to do this ,to create the world just

because he so desired,didnt he know that we were going to suffer.

I have heard that he did not intend,its just our ignorance,but that

ignorance is common to 99.9% souls,didnt he know that would be the




I know that I am short of understanding but I cant love God when I


old people,when I see disease and when I realize that I have to go

through death,and when I realize that I am in a trap in which there

is no escape.



Vishal SRK






On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:25 PM, sadhak_insight

<sadhak_insight wrote:



jai latiyal


IN ENGLISH: In this world, what is the greatest wonderment /

astonishment of all? What does Gita say about it?


IN HINDI: Duniya ka sab se badha aaschariya kya hein. Is per, Gita

kaa kyaa abhipraay hai?


[shivkumar naravat]




Hari Om



Jeeva, like a traveller is never at peace, till destination is

reached. Having spent considerable time in the hell,




He went to the hell with his subtle body viz with his " svabhav " -

habits, individual nature , his attitude towards the world. He comes

back improved but the old " svabhav " is hard to be conquered, can be

substantially conquered only in human life. In the hell majority of

past deeds get redeemed. Now he shall have lesser obstacles of








Again, in the fresh human life, he could not leave desires. He

still makes efforts, toils hard, he comes back purer from hell , but

decides to run, to chase, to show, to follow to compete, to prove,

to establish, to set trends.... To get something, to do something,

to know something. He makes more efforts in a focussed manner, to

get worldly things. He tolerates pains in the hope of more and more

worldly pleasures. But all worldly .


He however forgets that the real cause of his pain , is not lack of

efforts, vision, focus, capacity or knowledge, ..... But the

desires! Pains continue.But he acquires by his vision, capacity, a

decent quantum of good karmas to his credit- as past karmas do not

haunt him badly.




But efforts and karma have their own positive temporary results too.

Focus, desire, destiny, efforts, grace of God makes him rich in

conduct and wisdom, and happiness of worldly achievements start

coming to him as naturally as after night day comes. He enjoys

labour. And goes after death to heaven which in this story has been

described as











Worldly pleasures spoil the habit. Most of the good deeds got

exchanged in the heavens. From heavens again to the earth, Jeeva is

back to square one. Same desires, same habits, same attitude and

same hell again ! Because desires continue.


Alas ! How a man degrades himself by desiring. Cycle continues of

pleasure and pain, heaven and hell, gloom and gaity, ...... And

continues, and continues .... And so continue the desires, the

attitude towards the world, the likings, the dislikings, the

connection with the body, with mind, with ego, with intellect

because Jeeva never leaves the shelter of subtle body and causal

body even in heavens or in hell- he cannot do so there, he can only

do so in human life, because he acquired them in human life only at

the first time !!


Any views Shashikalaji ?


Jai Shree Krishna.




Jai Hanuman


Having been caught in the circle of pleasure and pain and having

complete reliance on ever changing mind and intellect and having not

been able to distinguish the self with the ego - the Jeeva suffers

immense pains and only pains arising out of desires. The mind keeps

cheating Jeeva continuously both in temporary pleasures and

permanent pain.


Mind makes Jeeva believe that pleasure is generated by " fulfillment

of desires " - in which effort mind was on the driver's seat. It is

cheating in fact ! In reality, the " fulfillment of desires " do not

bring pleasure to Jeeva , the giving up of desire by the mind ,

brings relative pleasure !! You get pleasure because the desire is

no more! For example, we desire getting say 10000 dollars, and we

get it. We get pleased. Now the pleasure is not because we got 10000

dollars, but because there is no pain of desire. Giving up of desire

has generated pleasure by operation of law stated in BG 12:12 ! Had

receipt of dollars generated happiness we would not have felt sorrow

till money remained in tact with us!! We get cheated by the mind,

and there arise instantly more desires !! What a Maya !!


Evil is dead upon fulfillment of desire but gets awakened by more

desires! We never learn from our mistakes, Jee! In happiness, as

well as in sorrow,mind cheats us.


But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer! What is our

fault? We think our ego, mind, intellect to be " me/mine " ! They

continue always, however, neither " you " nor " yours " !! Always ! They

are different altogether by nature wise, element wise, every

wise !!! They belong to the world, you belong to the God !


When defeat/failure comes , " your " mind/intellect/ego shamelessly

suggest to you that ....... " It happens " . They will pamper you by

telling that either the God was responsible for failure, or the

time, or kaliyuga, or world or that person/this circumstance/ that

happenning/ this incidence ....... Or destiny/fate/luck is

responsible ! We , mind/intellect/ego , are not responsible Mr

Self ! ( So you sometimes say " I was right but the time/luck was

bad " ) !


But do your mind/intellect/ego ever say so when you succeed ? No !

They then say " me " " me " - you also join the chorus - " my mind " , " my

vision " , " my capacity " , " my intelligence " , " me .... me .....

mine .... mine " , " I " , " I did it " ..... " Me mine me " ......

Non sense !!


What a cheating Jee ? What a treachery, Jee ? What an illusion, Dear

Sadhaks ?. How shabbily you mind, intellect, ego treat you, Dear ?

Are they worth being proud of ? How easily they convert you from "

sahaj sukhrasi " , avinashi ( imperishable and naturally blissful) ,

part of God, and a Master to a deficient, ever sorrowful , a slave

and a simpleton, a stupid, a damn fool !!


This is Maya , Jee !



Namaste Jee


Jee Jee





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Loving Divine,


In the following email I read...

" But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer... "

I have a question - can jeeva, being an atom of pramaatma, can ever


Mind, body, intellect, being inert, can any of them suffer?

Then truly, who is suffering?

humble regards,

always at Thy Holy Feet




Jai Hanuman


Gita is very clear Jee ! It is only " Purushah prakritoshthohi

bhunkte prakratijaan gunan " ( BG 13:21) – The Purusha ( The pure

soul) when it is postioned in Nature ( i.e. When it has become

Jeeva – Read BG 7:5)-, suffers/enjoys the pleasures and pains. Hence

answer is Jeeva ! It is Jeeva who presumes that I am Doer ( BG

3:27) . It is a law that only " doer " – suffers ! The moment Jeeva

leaves the shelter of " prakriti " , he ceases to be Jeeva and he

ceases to suffer, having gone back to its original position of "

Chetan, Amal, Sahajsukhraashi " ( Sentient, faultless and naturally

blissful). He is neither doing nor is tainted at any point of time.

It is only " assumption " that " I am doer " makes him " feel " pleasures

and pains. Thus it is PURUSHA in pure form which is fragment of

Lord. Same Purusha when he " adopts the world " is called Jeeva. It is

that Jeeva which suffers. ( BG 13:20). Jeeva thus has two parts. One

Chetan (sentient, ray of Paramatma) , and Two – inert part (jad)

due to association with inert or due to presumption that I am inert-

I am this body/mind etc. These two parts combinedly are called

Jeeva. The question of mental equipment ( Chitta- consisting of Mind, Intellect

and Ego) and body suffering does not arise at all, because the are “inert” and

because they do not exist at any point of time ( BG 2:16). When the “sentient”

element viz Purusha gives respect to them, then only they become alive. The

truth/stability of sentient provides support/truth/stability to inert elements

like ego, mind, intellect , body etc. In themselves, they are dust. Therefore

the moment sentient part leaves the body, it becomes what it actually is- INERT.


To understand it practically, you can equate mind/body/ego/intellect with a wire

and individual soul with an electricity. When electricity is flowing, then only

the wire activates. If there is no electricity , then there is no current, the

body becomes as good as dead wire! If there is no support of sentient soul to

the body, then it is as good as dead . Hence the question of mind suffering does

not arise. This answers also Sadhanaji’s Question also.


Hope this clarifies Jee. There are many ways in which the aforesaid

can be explained and grasped. Next time, I will explain it by

another method. Basically, it should be understood that JEEVA is

distinct from PURE SOUL/ PARA PRAKRITI/ PURUSHA . It is only when

pure soul " connects " with inert nature that it is called Jeeva. It

is only because of this connection of soul with the world that

results in your feeling pains and pleasures. Jee


Jee Jee









Hari Om,


The sufferer is the 'ego' identified with the mind equipment, will

be released when identified continuously with the Brahman , the Light

that lights even the ego.






Hari Om


An excellent question indeed! Questions like this in fact help a

sadhak gathering momentum. I shall have to really gather more from

Taat Shree's pravachans ( discourses of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji

Maharaj). I will come back.


This question haunted me too for a long time, because of 2

apparantly contradictory verses in the same 13th Chapter of Gitaji -

13:20 and. 13:29 . In the meantime, please note that as a law only "

Karta " (doer) suffers ! The doer can't be mind/intellect/body

because they are " inert " / they are " non existent " (BG 2:16) . Karta

can't be SELF ( pure self) because for pure soul Gita at many places

confirms that it can't be doer ( One such verse is 13:31) - na

karoti na lipyate- neither does nor gets attached ! So who suffers ?

Machine called mind certainly does not ! Pure soul certainly does

not ! Who remained then - Jeeva ! Who else ? Jeeva. One who believes

that " I am the doer " ! One who " adopts the world " ( BG 7:5) !


Of course, there is a distinction between " pure individual soul "

and " Jeeva " - the latter term is in respect of " embodied soul " - the

former only, however since it " adopts the world " (BG 7:5) it is

called Jeeva !




Mike ! What do you say Sir?


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Shri Krishna!

Who is Suffering ?


Whoever has raised this question has really touched a deep thought

provoking issue. Chapter 13 of Bhagavad Gita deals with this in

exclusive detail.

Human body contains 23 tathwaas and Athma. The 5 basic elements, 5

Organs of Knowledge, 5 Organs of Action, 5 Tanmaatraas, ego,

intellect and mind make the 23. These 23 coming under the spell of

the 3 gunaas of Maaya, experience the attributes of the body, i.e.,

desire, aversion, pleasure, pain, consciousness, firmness. Combined

these are known as Kshetra. The individual Soul is the Kshetrajna.

Wisdom or Knowledge is awareness of Kshetra and Kshetrajna. Soul is

essentially the Paramaathman existing within the human being as

Jivaathman and witnessing the play within the Kshetra illuminating


Now go to Shloka 32, which puts the cap to this teaching: " As the

all pervading ether is not tainted by the reason of its subtlety, so

seated every where in the body, the Self is not affected by the

attributes of the body due to Its attributeless character. "

The Soul is neither the Kartha (Doer) nor the Bhoktha (Enjoyer).

This is not abstract theory. When Sri Ramana Maharishi had to be

operated upon for a tumour, he refused anesthesia, for he said " the

pain will be experienced by the body, not me! " When King Janaka was

told that his capital city Mithila was on fire, he asked " what about

that for me? "


Regards. Prof Ramanujam



Dear Sadaks,

Whole body suffers as one thinks that body and soul are 2 differant.

Mind suffers due to unstability. Intellect suffers when doing wrong

action against it. But all these do not suffer when one attains

divinity. Ex: Samarpa Ramadoss fever. Ramana Rishi tumour on leg.

Hanuman tail when troched. Ramakrishna Parama Hamsa with throat

cancer. Jada Bharatha head was to be slained, but his face looked

like just flowered lotus says Srimath Bagavath. Kunthi asked Boon

with Bagavan to give her more sufferings as it sent divine thoughts

on Bagavan. Many more can be said. But for lay man sufferings are

felt, as he does not know what is inert. Very clear in BG that Jeeva

is a wittness to all cause and effect. But what stands between Jeeva

and Paramathuma is desires. BG says Kama Yeshu, Krodha Yeshu Etc

Script say even desiring for Mukthi is not Good. Matha Uma Maheswari

saw Samba the son of Sri Krishna and said to Bagavan Shiva, " How

beautiful Samba looks " . Samba was her son Sri Muruga later. King

Bali daughter looking at Vamana deeply thought that Vamana looks

great to be her child. A little later when Bali was sent to Patala

by Vamana, She thought deeply that a child of that nature should be

breast fed with poison. She was Poothana during Sri Krishna Avathar,

gave milk and got herself killed but went to Vaikunt. Fire dharma is

to burn anything. Bagavan Dharma is take anyone to HIS abode whether

he remains in enimity or bakthi. Naradha Bakthi Sustra says, Bagavan

gives mukthi to the one always abusing HIM. The theme is that

Anniyachitayayome by what ever means. In abusing and having krodh

against Bagavan the thoughts are deeper than bakthi. In bakthi may

be sometimes one forgets. But thoughts against Bagavan are so strong

that even in sleep one trembles fearing Bagavan.




Dear Sadhak/Sadhika,

This is a wonderful group of real seekers.Can I ask you something ?

Our body is made up of Jad tatva like water, fire, earth, akaash,

and air. These

elements donot feel pain. And as Gitaji says soul also does not feel

pain too.

Then who always complain that " I am suffering ? " or " I have pain "

etc ??? Who

is that sufferer ???

It could not be anyone else other then our MIND ?Am I right ? What

is the

connection between our mind and jeevatma ?

Sorry to ask so many questions in one e-mail....

Please share yr knowledge


With lots of love,

A sadhika

Sadhana Karigar




Respected Sadhakas,


I would like to know that besides the .1 % of enlightened Krishna

conscious souls who seem to be content, the rest are always

suffering.You can say that it is because of their desires,but I ask

why and where was the need to create all this disease,old age,death

for beings ,why would a just God just sit back and see so many

people keep falling in the trap of his very own maya and ultimately



Why did Lord Krishna have to do this ,to create the world just

because he so desired,didnt he know that we were going to suffer.

I have heard that he did not intend,its just our ignorance,but that

ignorance is common to 99.9% souls,didnt he know that would be the




I know that I am short of understanding but I cant love God when I


old people,when I see disease and when I realize that I have to go

through death,and when I realize that I am in a trap in which there

is no escape.



Vishal SRK






On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:25 PM, sadhak_insight

<sadhak_insight wrote:



jai latiyal


IN ENGLISH: In this world, what is the greatest wonderment /

astonishment of all? What does Gita say about it?


IN HINDI: Duniya ka sab se badha aaschariya kya hein. Is per, Gita

kaa kyaa abhipraay hai?


[shivkumar naravat]




Hari Om



Jeeva, like a traveller is never at peace, till destination is

reached. Having spent considerable time in the hell,




He went to the hell with his subtle body viz with his " svabhav " -

habits, individual nature , his attitude towards the world. He comes

back improved but the old " svabhav " is hard to be conquered, can be

substantially conquered only in human life. In the hell majority of

past deeds get redeemed. Now he shall have lesser obstacles of








Again, in the fresh human life, he could not leave desires. He

still makes efforts, toils hard, he comes back purer from hell , but

decides to run, to chase, to show, to follow to compete, to prove,

to establish, to set trends.... To get something, to do something,

to know something. He makes more efforts in a focussed manner, to

get worldly things. He tolerates pains in the hope of more and more

worldly pleasures. But all worldly .


He however forgets that the real cause of his pain , is not lack of

efforts, vision, focus, capacity or knowledge, ..... But the

desires! Pains continue.But he acquires by his vision, capacity, a

decent quantum of good karmas to his credit- as past karmas do not

haunt him badly.




But efforts and karma have their own positive temporary results too.

Focus, desire, destiny, efforts, grace of God makes him rich in

conduct and wisdom, and happiness of worldly achievements start

coming to him as naturally as after night day comes. He enjoys

labour. And goes after death to heaven which in this story has been

described as











Worldly pleasures spoil the habit. Most of the good deeds got

exchanged in the heavens. From heavens again to the earth, Jeeva is

back to square one. Same desires, same habits, same attitude and

same hell again ! Because desires continue.


Alas ! How a man degrades himself by desiring. Cycle continues of

pleasure and pain, heaven and hell, gloom and gaity, ...... And

continues, and continues .... And so continue the desires, the

attitude towards the world, the likings, the dislikings, the

connection with the body, with mind, with ego, with intellect

because Jeeva never leaves the shelter of subtle body and causal

body even in heavens or in hell- he cannot do so there, he can only

do so in human life, because he acquired them in human life only at

the first time !!


Any views Shashikalaji ?


Jai Shree Krishna.




Jai Hanuman


Having been caught in the circle of pleasure and pain and having

complete reliance on ever changing mind and intellect and having not

been able to distinguish the self with the ego - the Jeeva suffers

immense pains and only pains arising out of desires. The mind keeps

cheating Jeeva continuously both in temporary pleasures and

permanent pain.


Mind makes Jeeva believe that pleasure is generated by " fulfillment

of desires " - in which effort mind was on the driver's seat. It is

cheating in fact ! In reality, the " fulfillment of desires " do not

bring pleasure to Jeeva , the giving up of desire by the mind ,

brings relative pleasure !! You get pleasure because the desire is

no more! For example, we desire getting say 10000 dollars, and we

get it. We get pleased. Now the pleasure is not because we got 10000

dollars, but because there is no pain of desire. Giving up of desire

has generated pleasure by operation of law stated in BG 12:12 ! Had

receipt of dollars generated happiness we would not have felt sorrow

till money remained in tact with us!! We get cheated by the mind,

and there arise instantly more desires !! What a Maya !!


Evil is dead upon fulfillment of desire but gets awakened by more

desires! We never learn from our mistakes, Jee! In happiness, as

well as in sorrow,mind cheats us.


But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer! What is our

fault? We think our ego, mind, intellect to be " me/mine " ! They

continue always, however, neither " you " nor " yours " !! Always ! They

are different altogether by nature wise, element wise, every

wise !!! They belong to the world, you belong to the God !


When defeat/failure comes , " your " mind/intellect/ego shamelessly

suggest to you that ....... " It happens " . They will pamper you by

telling that either the God was responsible for failure, or the

time, or kaliyuga, or world or that person/this circumstance/ that

happenning/ this incidence ....... Or destiny/fate/luck is

responsible ! We , mind/intellect/ego , are not responsible Mr

Self ! ( So you sometimes say " I was right but the time/luck was

bad " ) !


But do your mind/intellect/ego ever say so when you succeed ? No !

They then say " me " " me " - you also join the chorus - " my mind " , " my

vision " , " my capacity " , " my intelligence " , " me .... me .....

mine .... mine " , " I " , " I did it " ..... " Me mine me " ......

Non sense !!


What a cheating Jee ? What a treachery, Jee ? What an illusion, Dear

Sadhaks ?. How shabbily you mind, intellect, ego treat you, Dear ?

Are they worth being proud of ? How easily they convert you from "

sahaj sukhrasi " , avinashi ( imperishable and naturally blissful) ,

part of God, and a Master to a deficient, ever sorrowful , a slave

and a simpleton, a stupid, a damn fool !!


This is Maya , Jee !



Namaste Jee


Jee Jee





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Loving Divine,


In the following email I read...

" But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer... "

I have a question - can jeeva, being an atom of pramaatma, can ever


Mind, body, intellect, being inert, can any of them suffer?

Then truly, who is suffering?

humble regards,

always at Thy Holy Feet





Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Just as ONE Sun shines and lights all objects upon reflections, the

Atman which is ONE Being, shines all beings by reflecting from

within and without. Jeeva is said to be one such reflection, who

identifies with body, resulting in a sense of separate appearance

believed to be true. This reflection being of Atman has power,

though limited, to think itself as independent entity-Jeeva, endowed

with Ichha-shakti(power to desire), Gyan-shakti(power to know-

consciousness), and Kria-shakti(power to act).

This makes Jeeva the doer and enjoyer! Jeeva is Brahman, says

Upanishadas, but due to ignorance of self imposed limitations(body-

mind), it acts as if it is limited entity, rather than limitless

Atman-Consciousness. Suffering is inherent/intrinsic to being

limited, part, feeling of lack, as is against the Reality of

Fullness of Being lacking nothing!

Experientially, suffering(pain and pleasure) itself is Jeeva and

Jeeva is this ignorance, they are not three entities, just one

experience. We experience pains and pleasures only we don't

experience ignorance, or jeevahood! So we end up conceptualizing the

experience as due to ignorance, ignorant being is the Jeeva, for

communicating purpose, good reason.

Thus we can see suffering is on the part of ignorant, non-existing

entity considering whatever happens to body-mind-sense complex is

happening to him/her. If you will contemplate, you may see, nothing

personal ever happens to anyone, because nothing personal exists in

the entire cosmos from the Reality point of view which is WHOLE.

Then we can say it happens to Jeeva or mind or whatever as


It is not that there is no false, or illusion, but to consider false

as truth is the ultimate suffering!

Jeeva has to know it is not an atom, or part, or limited, but the

WHOLENESS Itself which is Paramatman! One can say atom or part, only

to feel surrender, humility but ultimately separation existing in

mind and nowhere, has to dissolve to end suffering!



Pratap Bhatt


-Shree Hari-


Brother Vyas you've caught me on the hop, and at the moment I have


a lot spare time, so I will come onto the question of the cuff.

I have read several times of people being brutally treated, and they

often say they are the observer and felt no pain. In fact I am


a book by an extraordinary Afro American, who was brutalised by the

police again became the observer.

It is fully documented that novice Tibetan Buddhist Monks can raise

and lower their body core temperature, and surface temperature at

will, (I observed a test on TV myself). By simply imagining they had

a fire or ice block within.

I was once on a train on a stinking hot day, with my beloved wife, we

had obtained a seat, but the carriage was like a sardine can, the


is an asthmatic , and has claustrophobia, I could sense her


I leaned across to her and quietly said, " I am going to that beach,

come and join me " , we both closed our eyes and went inwardly to


beach . No claustrophobia no heat.

Actually we have been trained to overcome discomfort, and have

meditated in appalling conditions.

Controlling the mind, if you wish, changing what the machine


Maybe something that happened to me , and my reaction may contain the

answer to this conundrum.

I had been meditating for about forty minutes, and I kept seeing in


mind, a newsreel I thought I had, forgotten about'; a terrible famine

in Africa. I kept thinking " Why Father why my God how can you let


happen " . Suddenly I felt absolute love, I was that love, the

understanding of that scene changed in my understanding, this

experience is beyond my ability to explain.

It took me a while to understand that this loving soul was really me.

I think what I am saying is, the one that suffers is not any of the

above, is Not That.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor





Jai Hanuman


Gita is very clear Jee ! It is only " Purushah prakritoshthohi

bhunkte prakratijaan gunan " ( BG 13:21) – The Purusha ( The pure

soul) when it is postioned in Nature ( i.e. When it has become

Jeeva – Read BG 7:5)-, suffers/enjoys the pleasures and pains. Hence

answer is Jeeva ! It is Jeeva who presumes that I am Doer ( BG

3:27) . It is a law that only " doer " – suffers ! The moment Jeeva

leaves the shelter of " prakriti " , he ceases to be Jeeva and he

ceases to suffer, having gone back to its original position of "

Chetan, Amal, Sahajsukhraashi " ( Sentient, faultless and naturally

blissful). He is neither doing nor is tainted at any point of time.

It is only " assumption " that " I am doer " makes him " feel " pleasures

and pains. Thus it is PURUSHA in pure form which is fragment of

Lord. Same Purusha when he " adopts the world " is called Jeeva. It is

that Jeeva which suffers. ( BG 13:20). Jeeva thus has two parts. One

Chetan (sentient, ray of Paramatma) , and Two – inert part (jad)

due to association with inert or due to presumption that I am inert-

I am this body/mind etc. These two parts combinedly are called

Jeeva. The question of mental equipment ( Chitta- consisting of

Mind, Intellect

and Ego) and body suffering does not arise at all, because the

are " inert " and

because they do not exist at any point of time ( BG 2:16). When

the " sentient "

element viz Purusha gives respect to them, then only they become

alive. The

truth/stability of sentient provides support/truth/stability to

inert elements

like ego, mind, intellect , body etc. In themselves, they are dust.


the moment sentient part leaves the body, it becomes what it

actually is- INERT.


To understand it practically, you can equate mind/body/ego/intellect

with a wire

and individual soul with an electricity. When electricity is

flowing, then only

the wire activates. If there is no electricity , then there is no

current, the

body becomes as good as dead wire! If there is no support of

sentient soul to

the body, then it is as good as dead . Hence the question of mind

suffering does

not arise. This answers also Sadhanaji's Question also.


Hope this clarifies Jee. There are many ways in which the aforesaid

can be explained and grasped. Next time, I will explain it by

another method. Basically, it should be understood that JEEVA is

distinct from PURE SOUL/ PARA PRAKRITI/ PURUSHA . It is only when

pure soul " connects " with inert nature that it is called Jeeva. It

is only because of this connection of soul with the world that

results in your feeling pains and pleasures. Jee


Jee Jee









Hari Om,


The sufferer is the 'ego' identified with the mind equipment, will

be released when identified continuously with the Brahman , the Light

that lights even the ego.






Hari Om


An excellent question indeed! Questions like this in fact help a

sadhak gathering momentum. I shall have to really gather more from

Taat Shree's pravachans ( discourses of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji

Maharaj). I will come back.


This question haunted me too for a long time, because of 2

apparantly contradictory verses in the same 13th Chapter of Gitaji -

13:20 and. 13:29 . In the meantime, please note that as a law only "

Karta " (doer) suffers ! The doer can't be mind/intellect/body

because they are " inert " / they are " non existent " (BG 2:16) . Karta

can't be SELF ( pure self) because for pure soul Gita at many places

confirms that it can't be doer ( One such verse is 13:31) - na

karoti na lipyate- neither does nor gets attached ! So who suffers ?

Machine called mind certainly does not ! Pure soul certainly does

not ! Who remained then - Jeeva ! Who else ? Jeeva. One who believes

that " I am the doer " ! One who " adopts the world " ( BG 7:5) !


Of course, there is a distinction between " pure individual soul "

and " Jeeva " - the latter term is in respect of " embodied soul " - the

former only, however since it " adopts the world " (BG 7:5) it is

called Jeeva !




Mike ! What do you say Sir?


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Shri Krishna!

Who is Suffering ?


Whoever has raised this question has really touched a deep thought

provoking issue. Chapter 13 of Bhagavad Gita deals with this in

exclusive detail.

Human body contains 23 tathwaas and Athma. The 5 basic elements, 5

Organs of Knowledge, 5 Organs of Action, 5 Tanmaatraas, ego,

intellect and mind make the 23. These 23 coming under the spell of

the 3 gunaas of Maaya, experience the attributes of the body, i.e.,

desire, aversion, pleasure, pain, consciousness, firmness. Combined

these are known as Kshetra. The individual Soul is the Kshetrajna.

Wisdom or Knowledge is awareness of Kshetra and Kshetrajna. Soul is

essentially the Paramaathman existing within the human being as

Jivaathman and witnessing the play within the Kshetra illuminating


Now go to Shloka 32, which puts the cap to this teaching: " As the

all pervading ether is not tainted by the reason of its subtlety, so

seated every where in the body, the Self is not affected by the

attributes of the body due to Its attributeless character. "

The Soul is neither the Kartha (Doer) nor the Bhoktha (Enjoyer).

This is not abstract theory. When Sri Ramana Maharishi had to be

operated upon for a tumour, he refused anesthesia, for he said " the

pain will be experienced by the body, not me! " When King Janaka was

told that his capital city Mithila was on fire, he asked " what about

that for me? "


Regards. Prof Ramanujam



Dear Sadaks,

Whole body suffers as one thinks that body and soul are 2 differant.

Mind suffers due to unstability. Intellect suffers when doing wrong

action against it. But all these do not suffer when one attains

divinity. Ex: Samarpa Ramadoss fever. Ramana Rishi tumour on leg.

Hanuman tail when troched. Ramakrishna Parama Hamsa with throat

cancer. Jada Bharatha head was to be slained, but his face looked

like just flowered lotus says Srimath Bagavath. Kunthi asked Boon

with Bagavan to give her more sufferings as it sent divine thoughts

on Bagavan. Many more can be said. But for lay man sufferings are

felt, as he does not know what is inert. Very clear in BG that Jeeva

is a wittness to all cause and effect. But what stands between Jeeva

and Paramathuma is desires. BG says Kama Yeshu, Krodha Yeshu Etc

Script say even desiring for Mukthi is not Good. Matha Uma Maheswari

saw Samba the son of Sri Krishna and said to Bagavan Shiva, " How

beautiful Samba looks " . Samba was her son Sri Muruga later. King

Bali daughter looking at Vamana deeply thought that Vamana looks

great to be her child. A little later when Bali was sent to Patala

by Vamana, She thought deeply that a child of that nature should be

breast fed with poison. She was Poothana during Sri Krishna Avathar,

gave milk and got herself killed but went to Vaikunt. Fire dharma is

to burn anything. Bagavan Dharma is take anyone to HIS abode whether

he remains in enimity or bakthi. Naradha Bakthi Sustra says, Bagavan

gives mukthi to the one always abusing HIM. The theme is that

Anniyachitayayome by what ever means. In abusing and having krodh

against Bagavan the thoughts are deeper than bakthi. In bakthi may

be sometimes one forgets. But thoughts against Bagavan are so strong

that even in sleep one trembles fearing Bagavan.




Dear Sadhak/Sadhika,

This is a wonderful group of real seekers.Can I ask you something ?

Our body is made up of Jad tatva like water, fire, earth, akaash,

and air. These

elements donot feel pain. And as Gitaji says soul also does not feel

pain too.

Then who always complain that " I am suffering ? " or " I have pain "

etc ??? Who

is that sufferer ???

It could not be anyone else other then our MIND ?Am I right ? What

is the

connection between our mind and jeevatma ?

Sorry to ask so many questions in one e-mail....

Please share yr knowledge


With lots of love,

A sadhika

Sadhana Karigar




Respected Sadhakas,


I would like to know that besides the .1 % of enlightened Krishna

conscious souls who seem to be content, the rest are always

suffering.You can say that it is because of their desires,but I ask

why and where was the need to create all this disease,old age,death

for beings ,why would a just God just sit back and see so many

people keep falling in the trap of his very own maya and ultimately



Why did Lord Krishna have to do this ,to create the world just

because he so desired,didnt he know that we were going to suffer.

I have heard that he did not intend,its just our ignorance,but that

ignorance is common to 99.9% souls,didnt he know that would be the




I know that I am short of understanding but I cant love God when I


old people,when I see disease and when I realize that I have to go

through death,and when I realize that I am in a trap in which there

is no escape.



Vishal SRK






On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:25 PM, sadhak_insight

<sadhak_insight wrote:



jai latiyal


IN ENGLISH: In this world, what is the greatest wonderment /

astonishment of all? What does Gita say about it?


IN HINDI: Duniya ka sab se badha aaschariya kya hein. Is per, Gita

kaa kyaa abhipraay hai?


[shivkumar naravat]




Hari Om



Jeeva, like a traveller is never at peace, till destination is

reached. Having spent considerable time in the hell,




He went to the hell with his subtle body viz with his " svabhav " -

habits, individual nature , his attitude towards the world. He comes

back improved but the old " svabhav " is hard to be conquered, can be

substantially conquered only in human life. In the hell majority of

past deeds get redeemed. Now he shall have lesser obstacles of








Again, in the fresh human life, he could not leave desires. He

still makes efforts, toils hard, he comes back purer from hell , but

decides to run, to chase, to show, to follow to compete, to prove,

to establish, to set trends.... To get something, to do something,

to know something. He makes more efforts in a focussed manner, to

get worldly things. He tolerates pains in the hope of more and more

worldly pleasures. But all worldly .


He however forgets that the real cause of his pain , is not lack of

efforts, vision, focus, capacity or knowledge, ..... But the

desires! Pains continue.But he acquires by his vision, capacity, a

decent quantum of good karmas to his credit- as past karmas do not

haunt him badly.




But efforts and karma have their own positive temporary results too.

Focus, desire, destiny, efforts, grace of God makes him rich in

conduct and wisdom, and happiness of worldly achievements start

coming to him as naturally as after night day comes. He enjoys

labour. And goes after death to heaven which in this story has been

described as











Worldly pleasures spoil the habit. Most of the good deeds got

exchanged in the heavens. From heavens again to the earth, Jeeva is

back to square one. Same desires, same habits, same attitude and

same hell again ! Because desires continue.


Alas ! How a man degrades himself by desiring. Cycle continues of

pleasure and pain, heaven and hell, gloom and gaity, ...... And

continues, and continues .... And so continue the desires, the

attitude towards the world, the likings, the dislikings, the

connection with the body, with mind, with ego, with intellect

because Jeeva never leaves the shelter of subtle body and causal

body even in heavens or in hell- he cannot do so there, he can only

do so in human life, because he acquired them in human life only at

the first time !!


Any views Shashikalaji ?


Jai Shree Krishna.




Jai Hanuman


Having been caught in the circle of pleasure and pain and having

complete reliance on ever changing mind and intellect and having not

been able to distinguish the self with the ego - the Jeeva suffers

immense pains and only pains arising out of desires. The mind keeps

cheating Jeeva continuously both in temporary pleasures and

permanent pain.


Mind makes Jeeva believe that pleasure is generated by " fulfillment

of desires " - in which effort mind was on the driver's seat. It is

cheating in fact ! In reality, the " fulfillment of desires " do not

bring pleasure to Jeeva , the giving up of desire by the mind ,

brings relative pleasure !! You get pleasure because the desire is

no more! For example, we desire getting say 10000 dollars, and we

get it. We get pleased. Now the pleasure is not because we got 10000

dollars, but because there is no pain of desire. Giving up of desire

has generated pleasure by operation of law stated in BG 12:12 ! Had

receipt of dollars generated happiness we would not have felt sorrow

till money remained in tact with us!! We get cheated by the mind,

and there arise instantly more desires !! What a Maya !!


Evil is dead upon fulfillment of desire but gets awakened by more

desires! We never learn from our mistakes, Jee! In happiness, as

well as in sorrow,mind cheats us.


But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer! What is our

fault? We think our ego, mind, intellect to be " me/mine " ! They

continue always, however, neither " you " nor " yours " !! Always ! They

are different altogether by nature wise, element wise, every

wise !!! They belong to the world, you belong to the God !


When defeat/failure comes , " your " mind/intellect/ego shamelessly

suggest to you that ....... " It happens " . They will pamper you by

telling that either the God was responsible for failure, or the

time, or kaliyuga, or world or that person/this circumstance/ that

happenning/ this incidence ....... Or destiny/fate/luck is

responsible ! We , mind/intellect/ego , are not responsible Mr

Self ! ( So you sometimes say " I was right but the time/luck was

bad " ) !


But do your mind/intellect/ego ever say so when you succeed ? No !

They then say " me " " me " - you also join the chorus - " my mind " , " my

vision " , " my capacity " , " my intelligence " , " me .... me .....

mine .... mine " , " I " , " I did it " ..... " Me mine me " ......

Non sense !!


What a cheating Jee ? What a treachery, Jee ? What an illusion, Dear

Sadhaks ?. How shabbily you mind, intellect, ego treat you, Dear ?

Are they worth being proud of ? How easily they convert you from "

sahaj sukhrasi " , avinashi ( imperishable and naturally blissful) ,

part of God, and a Master to a deficient, ever sorrowful , a slave

and a simpleton, a stupid, a damn fool !!


This is Maya , Jee !



Namaste Jee


Jee Jee





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Loving Divine,


In the following email I read...

" But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer... "

I have a question - can jeeva, being an atom of pramaatma, can ever


Mind, body, intellect, being inert, can any of them suffer?

Then truly, who is suffering?

humble regards,

always at Thy Holy Feet




Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

I want to build on my previous post below, so both together can

answer Sadhanaji's questions and also point explicitly as to " who is

suffering " ? This has the support of Swamiji's statement in his

book " Sadhan Aur Sadhya " in Hindi*.

Actually 'No one " really suffers in all one's suffering. In

otherwords, there is an experience/consciousness/awareness of

suffering taking place within, but there is no one, no thing, no

entity of any kind that suffers. We just say Jeeva, or Mind or " I "

am suffering. Can you see clearly " suffering experience " is

taken/named as Jeeva, " I " or mind?

Let us see further! We experience wisdom or gyan and then we say the

person is wise or Gyani, but we don't ever experience being gyani or

wise. We make adjectives/conceptualizations to communicate the

experience. It is only relative to wisdom one is Gyani. Similarly

there is enlightenment but no enlightened person, there is

ignorance, but no ignorant, and so on and on. We can never find an

entity in the entire cosmos!

Even if we ask " Who am I " , the answer " I am Atman " is not

experiential, so to speak.

Experientially it is always " Self-evident Cosncious Existence " which

we call Atman!


This also answers Sadhanji's question " who is that sufferer???.....,

implying it couldn't be anyone other than our mind " . In this

context, mind, Jivatma and " me " can be said to be same as both are

concepts to describe the experiences arising out of ignorance of

identification with body-mind indiduality.


*Page 9 footnote explains that Self(Swayam) is Witness(Sakshi) w.r.t

witnessed(sakshya) but in reality It is nameless experience




Pratap Bhatt



Jai Hanuman


Mike Bhaiyya ! Great Jee ! Swamiji also, in His discourses and

books, gave many examples of the type , you experienced and

narrated, so selflessly, for benefit of all sadhaks. Many examples,

Brother ! Similar !! I remember in one of the discourses He said

that a " sadhu " (a holy man, a colleague of Taat Shree) was bitten by

a snake. His body was sufferring . When some follower suggested

medical help, he refused. He said. " Pain is not in me. If it

reaches " me " , then only I will think about seeking any help " !

Varun Paprunia Bhaiyya can give many such examples from His

books/discourses ! (I love his compilation and timely presentation

to sadhaks - AS IT IS, Jee) Thanks indeed, Mike Bhaiyya, Jee, for

being part of this GT group ! O Child of the Universe !!


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee





Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Just as ONE Sun shines and lights all objects upon reflections, the

Atman which is ONE Being, shines all beings by reflecting from

within and without. Jeeva is said to be one such reflection, who

identifies with body, resulting in a sense of separate appearance

believed to be true. This reflection being of Atman has power,

though limited, to think itself as independent entity-Jeeva, endowed

with Ichha-shakti(power to desire), Gyan-shakti(power to know-

consciousness), and Kria-shakti(power to act).

This makes Jeeva the doer and enjoyer! Jeeva is Brahman, says

Upanishadas, but due to ignorance of self imposed limitations(body-

mind), it acts as if it is limited entity, rather than limitless

Atman-Consciousness. Suffering is inherent/intrinsic to being

limited, part, feeling of lack, as is against the Reality of

Fullness of Being lacking nothing!

Experientially, suffering(pain and pleasure) itself is Jeeva and

Jeeva is this ignorance, they are not three entities, just one

experience. We experience pains and pleasures only we don't

experience ignorance, or jeevahood! So we end up conceptualizing the

experience as due to ignorance, ignorant being is the Jeeva, for

communicating purpose, good reason.

Thus we can see suffering is on the part of ignorant, non-existing

entity considering whatever happens to body-mind-sense complex is

happening to him/her. If you will contemplate, you may see, nothing

personal ever happens to anyone, because nothing personal exists in

the entire cosmos from the Reality point of view which is WHOLE.

Then we can say it happens to Jeeva or mind or whatever as


It is not that there is no false, or illusion, but to consider false

as truth is the ultimate suffering!

Jeeva has to know it is not an atom, or part, or limited, but the

WHOLENESS Itself which is Paramatman! One can say atom or part, only

to feel surrender, humility but ultimately separation existing in

mind and nowhere, has to dissolve to end suffering!



Pratap Bhatt


-Shree Hari-


Brother Vyas you've caught me on the hop, and at the moment I have


a lot spare time, so I will come onto the question of the cuff.

I have read several times of people being brutally treated, and they

often say they are the observer and felt no pain. In fact I am


a book by an extraordinary Afro American, who was brutalised by the

police again became the observer.

It is fully documented that novice Tibetan Buddhist Monks can raise

and lower their body core temperature, and surface temperature at

will, (I observed a test on TV myself). By simply imagining they had

a fire or ice block within.

I was once on a train on a stinking hot day, with my beloved wife, we

had obtained a seat, but the carriage was like a sardine can, the


is an asthmatic , and has claustrophobia, I could sense her


I leaned across to her and quietly said, " I am going to that beach,

come and join me " , we both closed our eyes and went inwardly to


beach . No claustrophobia no heat.

Actually we have been trained to overcome discomfort, and have

meditated in appalling conditions.

Controlling the mind, if you wish, changing what the machine


Maybe something that happened to me , and my reaction may contain the

answer to this conundrum.

I had been meditating for about forty minutes, and I kept seeing in


mind, a newsreel I thought I had, forgotten about'; a terrible famine

in Africa. I kept thinking " Why Father why my God how can you let


happen " . Suddenly I felt absolute love, I was that love, the

understanding of that scene changed in my understanding, this

experience is beyond my ability to explain.

It took me a while to understand that this loving soul was really me.

I think what I am saying is, the one that suffers is not any of the

above, is Not That.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor





Jai Hanuman


Gita is very clear Jee ! It is only " Purushah prakritoshthohi

bhunkte prakratijaan gunan " ( BG 13:21) – The Purusha ( The pure

soul) when it is postioned in Nature ( i.e. When it has become

Jeeva – Read BG 7:5)-, suffers/enjoys the pleasures and pains. Hence

answer is Jeeva ! It is Jeeva who presumes that I am Doer ( BG

3:27) . It is a law that only " doer " – suffers ! The moment Jeeva

leaves the shelter of " prakriti " , he ceases to be Jeeva and he

ceases to suffer, having gone back to its original position of "

Chetan, Amal, Sahajsukhraashi " ( Sentient, faultless and naturally

blissful). He is neither doing nor is tainted at any point of time.

It is only " assumption " that " I am doer " makes him " feel " pleasures

and pains. Thus it is PURUSHA in pure form which is fragment of

Lord. Same Purusha when he " adopts the world " is called Jeeva. It is

that Jeeva which suffers. ( BG 13:20). Jeeva thus has two parts. One

Chetan (sentient, ray of Paramatma) , and Two – inert part (jad)

due to association with inert or due to presumption that I am inert-

I am this body/mind etc. These two parts combinedly are called

Jeeva. The question of mental equipment ( Chitta- consisting of

Mind, Intellect

and Ego) and body suffering does not arise at all, because the

are " inert " and

because they do not exist at any point of time ( BG 2:16). When

the " sentient "

element viz Purusha gives respect to them, then only they become

alive. The

truth/stability of sentient provides support/truth/stability to

inert elements

like ego, mind, intellect , body etc. In themselves, they are dust.


the moment sentient part leaves the body, it becomes what it

actually is- INERT.


To understand it practically, you can equate mind/body/ego/intellect

with a wire

and individual soul with an electricity. When electricity is

flowing, then only

the wire activates. If there is no electricity , then there is no

current, the

body becomes as good as dead wire! If there is no support of

sentient soul to

the body, then it is as good as dead . Hence the question of mind

suffering does

not arise. This answers also Sadhanaji's Question also.


Hope this clarifies Jee. There are many ways in which the aforesaid

can be explained and grasped. Next time, I will explain it by

another method. Basically, it should be understood that JEEVA is

distinct from PURE SOUL/ PARA PRAKRITI/ PURUSHA . It is only when

pure soul " connects " with inert nature that it is called Jeeva. It

is only because of this connection of soul with the world that

results in your feeling pains and pleasures. Jee


Jee Jee









Hari Om,


The sufferer is the 'ego' identified with the mind equipment, will

be released when identified continuously with the Brahman , the Light

that lights even the ego.






Hari Om


An excellent question indeed! Questions like this in fact help a

sadhak gathering momentum. I shall have to really gather more from

Taat Shree's pravachans ( discourses of Swamiji Ramsukhdasji

Maharaj). I will come back.


This question haunted me too for a long time, because of 2

apparantly contradictory verses in the same 13th Chapter of Gitaji -

13:20 and. 13:29 . In the meantime, please note that as a law only "

Karta " (doer) suffers ! The doer can't be mind/intellect/body

because they are " inert " / they are " non existent " (BG 2:16) . Karta

can't be SELF ( pure self) because for pure soul Gita at many places

confirms that it can't be doer ( One such verse is 13:31) - na

karoti na lipyate- neither does nor gets attached ! So who suffers ?

Machine called mind certainly does not ! Pure soul certainly does

not ! Who remained then - Jeeva ! Who else ? Jeeva. One who believes

that " I am the doer " ! One who " adopts the world " ( BG 7:5) !


Of course, there is a distinction between " pure individual soul "

and " Jeeva " - the latter term is in respect of " embodied soul " - the

former only, however since it " adopts the world " (BG 7:5) it is

called Jeeva !




Mike ! What do you say Sir?


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Jai Shri Krishna!

Who is Suffering ?


Whoever has raised this question has really touched a deep thought

provoking issue. Chapter 13 of Bhagavad Gita deals with this in

exclusive detail.

Human body contains 23 tathwaas and Athma. The 5 basic elements, 5

Organs of Knowledge, 5 Organs of Action, 5 Tanmaatraas, ego,

intellect and mind make the 23. These 23 coming under the spell of

the 3 gunaas of Maaya, experience the attributes of the body, i.e.,

desire, aversion, pleasure, pain, consciousness, firmness. Combined

these are known as Kshetra. The individual Soul is the Kshetrajna.

Wisdom or Knowledge is awareness of Kshetra and Kshetrajna. Soul is

essentially the Paramaathman existing within the human being as

Jivaathman and witnessing the play within the Kshetra illuminating


Now go to Shloka 32, which puts the cap to this teaching: " As the

all pervading ether is not tainted by the reason of its subtlety, so

seated every where in the body, the Self is not affected by the

attributes of the body due to Its attributeless character. "

The Soul is neither the Kartha (Doer) nor the Bhoktha (Enjoyer).

This is not abstract theory. When Sri Ramana Maharishi had to be

operated upon for a tumour, he refused anesthesia, for he said " the

pain will be experienced by the body, not me! " When King Janaka was

told that his capital city Mithila was on fire, he asked " what about

that for me? "


Regards. Prof Ramanujam



Dear Sadaks,

Whole body suffers as one thinks that body and soul are 2 differant.

Mind suffers due to unstability. Intellect suffers when doing wrong

action against it. But all these do not suffer when one attains

divinity. Ex: Samarpa Ramadoss fever. Ramana Rishi tumour on leg.

Hanuman tail when troched. Ramakrishna Parama Hamsa with throat

cancer. Jada Bharatha head was to be slained, but his face looked

like just flowered lotus says Srimath Bagavath. Kunthi asked Boon

with Bagavan to give her more sufferings as it sent divine thoughts

on Bagavan. Many more can be said. But for lay man sufferings are

felt, as he does not know what is inert. Very clear in BG that Jeeva

is a wittness to all cause and effect. But what stands between Jeeva

and Paramathuma is desires. BG says Kama Yeshu, Krodha Yeshu Etc

Script say even desiring for Mukthi is not Good. Matha Uma Maheswari

saw Samba the son of Sri Krishna and said to Bagavan Shiva, " How

beautiful Samba looks " . Samba was her son Sri Muruga later. King

Bali daughter looking at Vamana deeply thought that Vamana looks

great to be her child. A little later when Bali was sent to Patala

by Vamana, She thought deeply that a child of that nature should be

breast fed with poison. She was Poothana during Sri Krishna Avathar,

gave milk and got herself killed but went to Vaikunt. Fire dharma is

to burn anything. Bagavan Dharma is take anyone to HIS abode whether

he remains in enimity or bakthi. Naradha Bakthi Sustra says, Bagavan

gives mukthi to the one always abusing HIM. The theme is that

Anniyachitayayome by what ever means. In abusing and having krodh

against Bagavan the thoughts are deeper than bakthi. In bakthi may

be sometimes one forgets. But thoughts against Bagavan are so strong

that even in sleep one trembles fearing Bagavan.




Dear Sadhak/Sadhika,

This is a wonderful group of real seekers.Can I ask you something ?

Our body is made up of Jad tatva like water, fire, earth, akaash,

and air. These

elements donot feel pain. And as Gitaji says soul also does not feel

pain too.

Then who always complain that " I am suffering ? " or " I have pain "

etc ??? Who

is that sufferer ???

It could not be anyone else other then our MIND ?Am I right ? What

is the

connection between our mind and jeevatma ?

Sorry to ask so many questions in one e-mail....

Please share yr knowledge


With lots of love,

A sadhika

Sadhana Karigar




Respected Sadhakas,


I would like to know that besides the .1 % of enlightened Krishna

conscious souls who seem to be content, the rest are always

suffering.You can say that it is because of their desires,but I ask

why and where was the need to create all this disease,old age,death

for beings ,why would a just God just sit back and see so many

people keep falling in the trap of his very own maya and ultimately



Why did Lord Krishna have to do this ,to create the world just

because he so desired,didnt he know that we were going to suffer.

I have heard that he did not intend,its just our ignorance,but that

ignorance is common to 99.9% souls,didnt he know that would be the




I know that I am short of understanding but I cant love God when I


old people,when I see disease and when I realize that I have to go

through death,and when I realize that I am in a trap in which there

is no escape.



Vishal SRK






On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:25 PM, sadhak_insight

<sadhak_insight wrote:



jai latiyal


IN ENGLISH: In this world, what is the greatest wonderment /

astonishment of all? What does Gita say about it?


IN HINDI: Duniya ka sab se badha aaschariya kya hein. Is per, Gita

kaa kyaa abhipraay hai?


[shivkumar naravat]




Hari Om



Jeeva, like a traveller is never at peace, till destination is

reached. Having spent considerable time in the hell,




He went to the hell with his subtle body viz with his " svabhav " -

habits, individual nature , his attitude towards the world. He comes

back improved but the old " svabhav " is hard to be conquered, can be

substantially conquered only in human life. In the hell majority of

past deeds get redeemed. Now he shall have lesser obstacles of








Again, in the fresh human life, he could not leave desires. He

still makes efforts, toils hard, he comes back purer from hell , but

decides to run, to chase, to show, to follow to compete, to prove,

to establish, to set trends.... To get something, to do something,

to know something. He makes more efforts in a focussed manner, to

get worldly things. He tolerates pains in the hope of more and more

worldly pleasures. But all worldly .


He however forgets that the real cause of his pain , is not lack of

efforts, vision, focus, capacity or knowledge, ..... But the

desires! Pains continue.But he acquires by his vision, capacity, a

decent quantum of good karmas to his credit- as past karmas do not

haunt him badly.




But efforts and karma have their own positive temporary results too.

Focus, desire, destiny, efforts, grace of God makes him rich in

conduct and wisdom, and happiness of worldly achievements start

coming to him as naturally as after night day comes. He enjoys

labour. And goes after death to heaven which in this story has been

described as











Worldly pleasures spoil the habit. Most of the good deeds got

exchanged in the heavens. From heavens again to the earth, Jeeva is

back to square one. Same desires, same habits, same attitude and

same hell again ! Because desires continue.


Alas ! How a man degrades himself by desiring. Cycle continues of

pleasure and pain, heaven and hell, gloom and gaity, ...... And

continues, and continues .... And so continue the desires, the

attitude towards the world, the likings, the dislikings, the

connection with the body, with mind, with ego, with intellect

because Jeeva never leaves the shelter of subtle body and causal

body even in heavens or in hell- he cannot do so there, he can only

do so in human life, because he acquired them in human life only at

the first time !!


Any views Shashikalaji ?


Jai Shree Krishna.




Jai Hanuman


Having been caught in the circle of pleasure and pain and having

complete reliance on ever changing mind and intellect and having not

been able to distinguish the self with the ego - the Jeeva suffers

immense pains and only pains arising out of desires. The mind keeps

cheating Jeeva continuously both in temporary pleasures and

permanent pain.


Mind makes Jeeva believe that pleasure is generated by " fulfillment

of desires " - in which effort mind was on the driver's seat. It is

cheating in fact ! In reality, the " fulfillment of desires " do not

bring pleasure to Jeeva , the giving up of desire by the mind ,

brings relative pleasure !! You get pleasure because the desire is

no more! For example, we desire getting say 10000 dollars, and we

get it. We get pleased. Now the pleasure is not because we got 10000

dollars, but because there is no pain of desire. Giving up of desire

has generated pleasure by operation of law stated in BG 12:12 ! Had

receipt of dollars generated happiness we would not have felt sorrow

till money remained in tact with us!! We get cheated by the mind,

and there arise instantly more desires !! What a Maya !!


Evil is dead upon fulfillment of desire but gets awakened by more

desires! We never learn from our mistakes, Jee! In happiness, as

well as in sorrow,mind cheats us.


But who in fact is suffering? Certainly not the mental equipment

being inert itself. It is Jeeva , we ourselves suffer! What is our

fault? We think our ego, mind, intellect to be " me/mine " ! They

continue always, however, neither " you " nor " yours " !! Always ! They

are different altogether by nature wise, element wise, every

wise !!! They belong to the world, you belong to the God !


When defeat/failure comes , " your " mind/intellect/ego shamelessly

suggest to you that ....... " It happens " . They will pamper you by

telling that either the God was responsible for failure, or the

time, or kaliyuga, or world or that person/this circumstance/ that

happenning/ this incidence ....... Or destiny/fate/luck is

responsible ! We , mind/intellect/ego , are not responsible Mr

Self ! ( So you sometimes say " I was right but the time/luck was

bad " ) !


But do your mind/intellect/ego ever say so when you succeed ? No !

They then say " me " " me " - you also join the chorus - " my mind " , " my

vision " , " my capacity " , " my intelligence " , " me .... me .....

mine .... mine " , " I " , " I did it " ..... " Me mine me " ......

Non sense !!


What a cheating Jee ? What a treachery, Jee ? What an illusion, Dear

Sadhaks ?. How shabbily you mind, intellect, ego treat you, Dear ?

Are they worth being proud of ? How easily they convert you from "

sahaj sukhrasi " , avinashi ( imperishable and naturally blissful) ,

part of God, and a Master to a deficient, ever sorrowful , a slave

and a simpleton, a stupid, a damn fool !!


This is Maya , Jee !



Namaste Jee


Jee Jee





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Ram Ram



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