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On Food Habits and Forbidden Foods

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Dear swamiji of the group, Bagavan has said Mitha Agaram ( half

stomach). Also HE has said that over night left food gives Rajo

Gunam (qualities of Passion). Nowadays all of us are eating food

untimely. Is taking food after dusk, forbidden? Eating grain (Rice)

on Ekadasi day causes sickness as on Ekadasi day the Saturn power

(Sani Bagavan) seats in rice according to Ekadasi Mahathiyam. Is

that true? Also I would like to know the food forbidden for

Sadhaks. Please be kind enough to enlighten more deeply on this





--- On Wed, 5/11/08, sadhak_insight <sadhak_insight wrote:


sadhak_insight <sadhak_insight

[sadhaka] About Food and Prayer


Wednesday, 5 November, 2008, 10:15 AM


: Shree Hari :

Ram Ram


5th November, 2008, Wednesday

Kaartik Shukla Saptami, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


In the Upanishads, it is mentioned " As is the food, so is the mind " .

So a man should eat pure food, because it purifies his mind. The

place, seat, scene and atmosphere where he eats the food should also

be pure and holy, as these also affect the mind. Moreover, feelings

and thoughts of the person cooking the food should also be pure and



Before having a meal, a person should wash both his hands, and feet

and mouth. Sitting on a clean and pure seat, facing the East or


offering food first to the Lord, by reciting verses - " Whosoever

offers to Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water that

offering of love, of the pure of heart I accept " Gita 9:26.


After this he should take a little water in his palm and recite the

following verse " The act of offering is God, the oblation is God. It

is offered by God, into the Fire of God. God is verily to be attained

by him who always sees God in action " (Gita 4:24).


Then he should drink the water. While putting his first morsel into

his mouth, he should recite the sacred mantra (hymn) of sixteen words

" Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare Krishna, Hare Krisna,

Kirshna Krisna hare Hare " or chant his favorite mantra (two times).

Thus he chews a morsel 32 times, as there are sixteen words in the

sacred mantra. This food then becomes digestible, nourishing and

purified at the same time one remains absorbed in adoration of the

Lord by reciting His name.


If while having your meal, the mind is dwelling on evil propensities

such as hatred, envy, jealousy, fear and greed, the food will not be

digested well, and person will suffer indigestion. Therefore while

eating food, one should be free from all evil propensities, and


remain calm.


From " The Bhagavad Gita - Sadhak Sanjivani " book in Hindi pg 1786 by

Swami Ramsukhdasji


Ram Ram

Radhe Radhe


For full online discourses in Hindi, please visit Swami

Ramsukhdasji' s website.





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Dear swamiji of the group, Bagavan has said Mitha Agaram ( half

stomach). Also HE has said that over night left food gives Rajo

Gunam (qualities of Passion). Nowadays all of us are eating food

untimely. Is taking food after dusk, forbidden? Eating grain (Rice)

on Ekadasi day causes sickness as on Ekadasi day the Saturn power

(Sani Bagavan) seats in rice according to Ekadasi Mahathiyam. Is

that true? Also I would like to know the food forbidden for

Sadhaks. Please be kind enough to enlighten more deeply on this







Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Swamiji has explained in the Sadhak Sanjivani regarding food and

food habits. He has said - Those human beings who predominantly

believe in the theory - " eat, drink and be merry " , do not realize

what they should do and what they should refrain from. In them the

divinity remains concealed. Bhagwaan has called such persons as

" Janaah " , as divine nature can reveal itself in them.


This is explained in Gita 16:7 - " The demoniac do not know what to

do and what to refrain from. Neither purity, nor good conduct, nor

truth is found in them. " Swamiji says that that in the present day

self-willed and unrestained environment, and due to the influence of

modern education and food etc, people do not know what to do and

what to refrain from. Gita addresses about food preferences of

persons with qualities of purity (sattvic), passion (rajasic) and

ignorance (tamasic).


In Sadhak Sanjivani - English pg 1783 and Hindi pg 1048 Swamiji

explains the Gita 17:10 as follows - " That which is half-cooked or

half-ripe, insipid, putrid, stale, polluted and impure is the food

that is dear to the Tamasa. " (Gita 17:10). " Yaatayaamam gatarasam

pooti paryusitam ca yat ucchistamapi caamedhyam bhojanam

taamasapriyam. " (Gita 17:10)


Yaatayamam - refers to half-cooked, or half-ripe, or overcooked, or

overripe foods and off-season fruit and vegetables kept usable

through refrigeration.


Gatarasam refers to fruits etc which lose their juice due to

exposure, or fruits etc whose essence has been taken out through

some processing or equipment.


Pooti - refers to putrid foods that smell offensive such as onions

and garlic, and wines which are rendered foul through a fermentation



Paryusitam - refers to cooked foods which are kept over-night and

includes things like chapati (indian bread) dough prepared and kept

overnight for later preparation. It does not include sweets prepared

from milk, butter, ghee and sugar as these do not get stale or

spoiled if allowed to stay overnight.


Ucchistam - refers to foods left over on a plate after a meal or

food which is either seen or smelt or partly eaten or touched by

some animal are made impure or considered previously used and unfit

for another's use.


Amedhyam - refers to meat, fish and eggs etc are very impure items.

Lord does not even wish to call out the names of these impure foods,

as they are considered as good as corpses that even on touching one

needs to take a bath / shower.


Api ca is the expression used to convey that besides the above

mentioned foods, all other foods forbidden by the scriptures

according to one's stage in life or social order, such as certain

lentils (masoor), turnips and carrots that are prohibited are also

included in tamasika food.


Bhojanam taamaspriyam - Such food are dear to an ignorant

(taamasika) person. Thus a man's aim, direction and faith become

known by the food which is dear to him.


Even if pure (sattvik) food is eaten having attachment for it, it

becomes rajasika (from mode of passion). If eaten in excess, it

becomes tamasik (inertia filled, leading to darkness).


Often the inner intent (bhava) determine the outcome, as even

stale / dry food when offered to God, eaten in moderation by

chanting God's name becomes pure (sattvik).


Please refer to Sadhak Sanjivani for more details.


Meera Das


Ram Ram



Friends, Food is what created for all creatures..Think universally;

and tolrate other peoples' choices; and remember..all of us have a

right to not eat what we don't want to eat, but have no right to

enforce this ,on others..by religious persuation or spiritual

knowledge vishnudada

(Vishnu Patel)


We should avoid alcohol, non-veg., stale food and have plenty of

fresh vegetables and fruits. We should also drink plenty of water.

Beyond that to each according to his own but one must not be a food



Hari Shanker Deo





--- On Wed, 5/11/08, sadhak_insight <sadhak_insight wrote:


sadhak_insight <sadhak_insight

[sadhaka] About Food and Prayer


Wednesday, 5 November, 2008, 10:15 AM


: Shree Hari :

Ram Ram


5th November, 2008, Wednesday

Kaartik Shukla Saptami, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


In the Upanishads, it is mentioned " As is the food, so is the mind " .

So a man should eat pure food, because it purifies his mind. The

place, seat, scene and atmosphere where he eats the food should also

be pure and holy, as these also affect the mind. Moreover, feelings

and thoughts of the person cooking the food should also be pure and



Before having a meal, a person should wash both his hands, and feet

and mouth. Sitting on a clean and pure seat, facing the East or


offering food first to the Lord, by reciting verses - " Whosoever

offers to Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water that

offering of love, of the pure of heart I accept " Gita 9:26.


After this he should take a little water in his palm and recite the

following verse " The act of offering is God, the oblation is God. It

is offered by God, into the Fire of God. God is verily to be attained

by him who always sees God in action " (Gita 4:24).


Then he should drink the water. While putting his first morsel into

his mouth, he should recite the sacred mantra (hymn) of sixteen words

" Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare Krishna, Hare Krisna,

Kirshna Krisna hare Hare " or chant his favorite mantra (two times).

Thus he chews a morsel 32 times, as there are sixteen words in the

sacred mantra. This food then becomes digestible, nourishing and

purified at the same time one remains absorbed in adoration of the

Lord by reciting His name.


If while having your meal, the mind is dwelling on evil propensities

such as hatred, envy, jealousy, fear and greed, the food will not be

digested well, and person will suffer indigestion. Therefore while

eating food, one should be free from all evil propensities, and


remain calm.


From " The Bhagavad Gita - Sadhak Sanjivani " book in Hindi pg 1786 by

Swami Ramsukhdasji


Ram Ram

Radhe Radhe


For full online discourses in Hindi, please visit Swami

Ramsukhdasji' s website.





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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