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Why Hindu Gods Resort to Violence?

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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

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2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

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3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

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4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

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5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

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wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

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2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

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3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


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10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

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words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Shri Iyer Bhaiyya, Tell your son simply that to eradicate evil, one

has to engage in violence. If your son understands about a scorpion

and his sting, then ask him that if a scorpion comes into the house

and is running around to sting someone, what would he do? Sometimes,

a question posed against a question, can be a better clarifier, than

an answer. So be it !


Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Sadhak,


According to the Yajnavalkya Samhita, ahimsa or non-violence is the

awareness and practice of non-violence in thought, speech and

action. Do we practice Non-violence at that lavel ???

Do we not kill mosquitoes, cockroches and so many other so

called " harmful being " according to us? What do you say about - Hang

till death, cutting hands of a thief and so many other such so

called justice orders?


All our Puranas have symbolic meaning, they want us to look deep

inside us. The war between good and evil is going on inside us only.

Do we not need to " kill " our bad thoughts ? Do we call killing of

our bad thoughts/demonic qualities as the act of violence ? Who

gives power to kill those bad qualities within ?


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti rupen sansthita

Namstasye, namstasye, Namstasye namo Nama

" I bow to the Divine Mother Who resides within me as Power/Strength "


Thus MaaDurga-Goddess of Motherly Love, Mother of sur (Demigods/our

good qualities) and Asura(Devils/our bad qualities) alike, cannot be

blamed as performing violence. She is washing away the evils of Her

sons by purifying them through Her divine weapons, and ultimately

merging them all in Her own Divine Love.


Similarly Lord Shiva, who drank vemon for the welfare of the entire

universe, whose another name is Bhole Baba(Innocent God who pleases

easily and bless us without considering our good/bad karmas) can not

even think of violence. Read more about Him and you will know how

merciful is He.


We cannot know about our Gods until we know our own self. The

Supreme is seated right into our own Heart. Look within, meditate

deeply and know Thy Self. Surrender to Gitaji and go beyond the

duality of this world.


Krishna says- " I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the

witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the

creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting

place and the eternal seed. " Gitaji Ch 9:18


He is All then who is killing whom ?


We are not the body, and suffering is all illusion arising from the

Nature. If we want to see peace, love and bliss in the world, we

have to " BE " peace, love and bliss. There is no other way.


There is no Hindu GOD or Christian God. There is only ONE, and that

ONE GOD cannot be understood by debate as He is beyond duality,

beyond mind, intellect. God can only be experienced. If your son

wants to understand Sanatan Dharma, present him with a Gitaji. Read

Gitaji over and over again, contemplate on each stanza. Come back

and answer your own question.


With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar





Dear Sir,


We all need to better understand the Hindu philosophy and its

message. First of all we need to understand the meaning of non-

violence. Does it mean only physical act of killing or harming? No.

any act leading to harm or hurt others through thought, word or deed

is Non-violence. A physical act of killing in a war with a pure

intension of good of the mankind is again not classified as

violence. Unfortunately, this thought also is misunderstood,

misinterpreted and misused now a days.


When a mother slaps a child it is not called violence. because the

act originates out of Love.

The stories which you are referring to are from an era when evil

could be identified as a person. who in many cases knew what is evil

or wrong but could not help act in that influence.. that time to

remove the evil was to destroy them. Even if you look at the story

of Gods killing... you would find that it was the last resort. Even

those 'evil' people were given all the possible chances and

opportunities to change. Only when they refused to comply and the

suffering of good become unbearable the physical act of annihilation

was performed, to reinstate the faith, to restore righteousness. It

is high time we realize that spirituality is not for weak. it

requires Will of Shankra, courage of Vivekanand.

Today good and evil have become seen in every person. hence to

destroy the evil path of annihilation of the person is not

resorted. In todays time the solution is - Transformation of heart.

for this the divine beings use various methods. even allowing

themselves to suffer. Lets not misinterpret their divine pure act of



We are such people who would not hesistate to crucify Jesus and do

nothing to stop and fight against but will be first to feel pity

after the act is done. we dont want to self introspect why he was

crucified. we are just contented to know that he was crucified for

our sins. As if the godly people have the obligation to be crucified

while we continue on our unjust ways. if you love Jesus then share

his pain by being good and just. be open and understanding, be

loving towards all. God has given each one enough strength to fight

our own battles. be willing to suffer the punishments for the

mistake committed, dont pass it on to god or godly people and expect

them to suffer for you.


I request you to not use such words " hindu gods lose patience " . this

thought itself is full of ignorance. First of all know - There is

only one GOD and he is omnipresent, omniscience, and omni-potent.

What ever God does is for good of all. Even the physical act of so

called violence is for the good. it is for us to understand how,

when and why he does what he does. Even to qualify to question god

we must first become a humble student. then may be the divine wisdom

would fall on us to understand and enjoy the bliss of his grace.


sai ram

Abhimanyu Kaul




With birth comes death. Mahatma Gandhi fought with weapons he had

i.e. none, but you cannot run a country on that philosophy

as India found out with China.


We must all defend Dharma. This is the best. A persons duty is to

live according to Dharma and to defend it. From Ahimsa paramo

dharmaha, Dharma himsa tathaiva cha. This Is the full proper

statement. Each person has to follow the work according to his caste

and station in life. Kshatriyas job is to defend and fight for

dharma. This is amply show in Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, in FACT THE


is the best Dharma, but to attain it HIMSA (violence) is required to

defend this is the message.


Jayesh A Patel





dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


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8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

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9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

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11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

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words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




There is only one God. No Hindu God or Muslim God or Christian God.

They are all one and the same. Besides all human beings,

irrespective of religion have souls whose ultimate destiny is to

merge with God or the Parmatma. So to say this God is violent and

the other is not is an exercise in futility.


Hari Shanker Deo



Dear Mr. Iyer,


Gods created all creatures on earth. A few of them tried to

supercede GOD and also tried to destabilise the world. GOD had to

ensure that these creatures do not wreak havoc. hence the

destruction of evil.


Anil Jain



Jai Hanuman


Where is the question of some one " killing " another, when everyone

is " immortal/imperishable " as a law ?


Can any sadhak enlighten me, Jee ? So that I may address this

question !! Kindly help, Jee ! Jee !!


'Violence' by 'Gods' ! Raam, Raam, Raam !!


Mike Bhaiyya ! Pratap Bhaiyya! Sathyanarainji !! Adrien !! Any one

Jee ! But quickly Jee !! Will you come to my rescue with reference

to 'self' and 'Gitaji' - Jee! Jee ! ! Your sister is too stunned

and anxious by the question, Jee !


Who can kill whom Jee ! What do you say Adrien ?


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee






1. Hindu gods are to be understood in the same way as the judaic /

greek gods.

they are manifestations of the self and relate to our own

psychological processes. this has been understtood recently in the

west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG jungs analytical


2. though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being non-

violent and gandhi is one example of this.


Majority of the international violence and acts of terrorism these

days are related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity

and islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or

any other pagan tradition.

please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins for great



Ravi Bakhsi


Dear Mr Iyer,

Violence is something that you cannot avoid. Tell me when you eat

vegetarian food do you not think that those vegetables and rice and

dal and other such food also grew which means they had a life. Which

means that the vegetables and rice were alive and were killed for

your ultimate consumption. That is violence to a lesser degree. What

makes you think that violence does not occur everyday? Even when you

breathe you kill millions of bacteria that enter your nose and mouth.

Let me put it to you that without a section of the population

taking the initiative of killing bad elements in any society,

others do not have the luxury of being non-violent.


hope this helps

Prashanth Thirukkonda


Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

Vedas do not advise just non violence but lay emphasis on Non

Violence of the strong. Prakrti- the divine subtle Nature which is

our Supreme Mother according to Vedas is extremely strong and

powerful but largely peaceful and non violent. She provides a Book

of Nature which even blind people and even animals/fishes/birds can

read and wants us to follow Rts- Her cosmic laws of necessity for

our social, moral and physical order. Like any benevolent and loving

mother she remains peaceful and affectioante most of the time but

gets extremly violent when we flout her Cosmic Laws of Nature and

start spreading social, moral and physical evils.


Hindu gods (Ishwaras) are Not God- as there is only One universal

God for the entire mankind wise men describe Him with different

names. All the Hindu gods/goddesses (Ishwaras/devas/devis) are

extremely powerful and strong but like Prakrti merciful, benevolent

and always keen to ensure that cosmic Laws of nature (Rta) are

observed by all her children who are noble people. Thus Hindu

Ishwaras/devas/devis are the greatest followers of Non violence of

the Strong but get violent if evil is spread in society, environment

is polluted and hydra headed CORRUPTION with Nine Heads over takes

virtue, ethics, divine thoughts and social nobilty.


Incidentally Mahatma Gandhi never talked of Non Violence in a

general way but always talked of Non Violence of the Strong. He

wanted people of India to become morally, spiritually and physically

strong and then non violent. Non violence of the Weak is self

destruction. He has greatly emphasised this point in his

Biography " My Experiment With Truth " .


None of our gods/godesses become violent for the sake of violence

but give a very long rope to evil people to change and behave

conforming to Vedic Rta but those non divine people

(Avarnas/Vritras) who encourage all actions against Laws of Nature

and create social, moral and physics pollution strict action is

taken by Hindu Ishwras/devas/devis.


with kind regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Shri Iyer Bhaiyya, Tell your son simply that to eradicate evil, one

has to engage in violence. If your son understands about a scorpion

and his sting, then ask him that if a scorpion comes into the house

and is running around to sting someone, what would he do? Sometimes,

a question posed against a question, can be a better clarifier, than

an answer. So be it !


Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Sadhak,


According to the Yajnavalkya Samhita, ahimsa or non-violence is the

awareness and practice of non-violence in thought, speech and

action. Do we practice Non-violence at that lavel ???

Do we not kill mosquitoes, cockroches and so many other so

called " harmful being " according to us? What do you say about - Hang

till death, cutting hands of a thief and so many other such so

called justice orders?


All our Puranas have symbolic meaning, they want us to look deep

inside us. The war between good and evil is going on inside us only.

Do we not need to " kill " our bad thoughts ? Do we call killing of

our bad thoughts/demonic qualities as the act of violence ? Who

gives power to kill those bad qualities within ?


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti rupen sansthita

Namstasye, namstasye, Namstasye namo Nama

" I bow to the Divine Mother Who resides within me as Power/Strength "


Thus MaaDurga-Goddess of Motherly Love, Mother of sur (Demigods/our

good qualities) and Asura(Devils/our bad qualities) alike, cannot be

blamed as performing violence. She is washing away the evils of Her

sons by purifying them through Her divine weapons, and ultimately

merging them all in Her own Divine Love.


Similarly Lord Shiva, who drank vemon for the welfare of the entire

universe, whose another name is Bhole Baba(Innocent God who pleases

easily and bless us without considering our good/bad karmas) can not

even think of violence. Read more about Him and you will know how

merciful is He.


We cannot know about our Gods until we know our own self. The

Supreme is seated right into our own Heart. Look within, meditate

deeply and know Thy Self. Surrender to Gitaji and go beyond the

duality of this world.


Krishna says- " I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the

witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the

creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting

place and the eternal seed. " Gitaji Ch 9:18


He is All then who is killing whom ?


We are not the body, and suffering is all illusion arising from the

Nature. If we want to see peace, love and bliss in the world, we

have to " BE " peace, love and bliss. There is no other way.


There is no Hindu GOD or Christian God. There is only ONE, and that

ONE GOD cannot be understood by debate as He is beyond duality,

beyond mind, intellect. God can only be experienced. If your son

wants to understand Sanatan Dharma, present him with a Gitaji. Read

Gitaji over and over again, contemplate on each stanza. Come back

and answer your own question.


With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar





Dear Sir,


We all need to better understand the Hindu philosophy and its

message. First of all we need to understand the meaning of non-

violence. Does it mean only physical act of killing or harming? No.

any act leading to harm or hurt others through thought, word or deed

is Non-violence. A physical act of killing in a war with a pure

intension of good of the mankind is again not classified as

violence. Unfortunately, this thought also is misunderstood,

misinterpreted and misused now a days.


When a mother slaps a child it is not called violence. because the

act originates out of Love.

The stories which you are referring to are from an era when evil

could be identified as a person. who in many cases knew what is evil

or wrong but could not help act in that influence.. that time to

remove the evil was to destroy them. Even if you look at the story

of Gods killing... you would find that it was the last resort. Even

those 'evil' people were given all the possible chances and

opportunities to change. Only when they refused to comply and the

suffering of good become unbearable the physical act of annihilation

was performed, to reinstate the faith, to restore righteousness. It

is high time we realize that spirituality is not for weak. it

requires Will of Shankra, courage of Vivekanand.

Today good and evil have become seen in every person. hence to

destroy the evil path of annihilation of the person is not

resorted. In todays time the solution is - Transformation of heart.

for this the divine beings use various methods. even allowing

themselves to suffer. Lets not misinterpret their divine pure act of



We are such people who would not hesistate to crucify Jesus and do

nothing to stop and fight against but will be first to feel pity

after the act is done. we dont want to self introspect why he was

crucified. we are just contented to know that he was crucified for

our sins. As if the godly people have the obligation to be crucified

while we continue on our unjust ways. if you love Jesus then share

his pain by being good and just. be open and understanding, be

loving towards all. God has given each one enough strength to fight

our own battles. be willing to suffer the punishments for the

mistake committed, dont pass it on to god or godly people and expect

them to suffer for you.


I request you to not use such words " hindu gods lose patience " . this

thought itself is full of ignorance. First of all know - There is

only one GOD and he is omnipresent, omniscience, and omni-potent.

What ever God does is for good of all. Even the physical act of so

called violence is for the good. it is for us to understand how,

when and why he does what he does. Even to qualify to question god

we must first become a humble student. then may be the divine wisdom

would fall on us to understand and enjoy the bliss of his grace.


sai ram

Abhimanyu Kaul




With birth comes death. Mahatma Gandhi fought with weapons he had

i.e. none, but you cannot run a country on that philosophy

as India found out with China.


We must all defend Dharma. This is the best. A persons duty is to

live according to Dharma and to defend it. From Ahimsa paramo

dharmaha, Dharma himsa tathaiva cha. This Is the full proper

statement. Each person has to follow the work according to his caste

and station in life. Kshatriyas job is to defend and fight for

dharma. This is amply show in Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, in FACT THE


is the best Dharma, but to attain it HIMSA (violence) is required to

defend this is the message.


Jayesh A Patel





dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

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2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

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3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

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4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

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5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

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Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




If you have some problem in any part of your body, first you try to

cure it, but when it becomes incurable it has to be cut off to

prevent rest of the body.

World is viraat swaroop (Universal Form) of God. All creatures are

parts of it.

Things become clear when you think from God's point of view.


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Shashikala Bahenji, right you are: " who can kill who " , as all is


I guess Sadhakas are answering in the best possible ways they know,

because it is to be explained by a father to a son who is asking

such questions as he should. Perhaps it is a giant leap to grasp

such concept as immortality, which may not be appreciated at this

stage in son's life!

My short answer is: " when one inquires into deeper meanings of God,

Life, Death, Incarnations, (non)Violence, being Hindu, Hindu Gods

etc, one may come upon understanding that many questions like this

get answered in the satisfactory way " . Now I would teach my son

these things, but I didn't know myself when they were growing up!

In my experience the best answer to one's question is the

disappearance of question itself in the light of understanding

question, as J Krishnamurti used to say " Please see that the answer

is in the question " .


Pratap Bhatt



Hari Om


'Violence' is a relative term.


Basically in the divine play of God, humans enjoy certain liberties

of conduct. There are laws governing the entire creation. Humans

have immense powers but identification with the mind and body makes

them 'desire' for worldly temporary pleasures. Here they come in

conflict with another law- desires can never be fulfilled, you can

only renounce them. In order to fulfill the desires, one indulges

into violence. 'Gods' in order to keep the creation going 'mete out'

the results of deeds in an equally violent manner- as you sow, so

shall you reap..


In fact, when they do so, they are liberating the souls from

darkness. Hence, it is all 'play' , there is no violence, there is

only 'mercy', there is only 'love' emanating from the top.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Sanatana Dharma is not a simplistic/moralistic philosophy where

things/ acts are categorised as eternally good or bad. It is the

context that determines whether an act is good or bad. consequently

when adharma prevails - the destruction/ killing of the 'asuras' is

necessary for greater good. To give you an analogy - a knife might

be considered as an instrument for violence but it is also necessary

for cutting vegetables etc.

The oft quoted verse 'ahimsa paramo dharmah' from the Gita is only

half of the entire line which concludes with 'dharma himsa tathaiva

cha' - himsa is equally valid when used for dharma.

Gods in our tradition perpetrated violence against those forces that

prevented Truth / dharma from prevailing and therefore cannot be

judged in the same tone as those who commit senseless violence.


Hope this helps.


Anuradha Choudry



Many Rishis such as 'Balmiki' were masters of weaponry and yet they

opted not to fight because they are Brahmins, not authorized to slay

but authorized to teach.


The TriDev Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar are in-charge of this

universe and they have to do whatever is good for mankind.


Manoj Padhi


fellow sadhakaas,


namasteji..There is no escape from birth and death cycles..all our

prayers wish peace and happiness..three times...But..if you can't

defend yourself with vachaa, love..etc..you have to kill by Mantra

or sahastra..even God had to exterminate terror by bad elements.


Hari Om

Vishnu Dada

(Vishnu Patel)




There is only one God. No Hindu God or Muslim God or Christian God.

They are all one and the same. Besides all human beings,

irrespective of religion have souls whose ultimate destiny is to

merge with God or the Parmatma. So to say this God is violent and

the other is not is an exercise in futility.


Hari Shanker Deo



Dear Mr. Iyer,


Gods created all creatures on earth. A few of them tried to

supercede GOD and also tried to destabilise the world. GOD had to

ensure that these creatures do not wreak havoc. hence the

destruction of evil.


Anil Jain



Jai Hanuman


Where is the question of some one " killing " another, when everyone

is " immortal/imperishable " as a law ?


Can any sadhak enlighten me, Jee ? So that I may address this

question !! Kindly help, Jee ! Jee !!


'Violence' by 'Gods' ! Raam, Raam, Raam !!


Mike Bhaiyya ! Pratap Bhaiyya! Sathyanarainji !! Adrien !! Any one

Jee ! But quickly Jee !! Will you come to my rescue with reference

to 'self' and 'Gitaji' - Jee! Jee ! ! Your sister is too stunned

and anxious by the question, Jee !


Who can kill whom Jee ! What do you say Adrien ?


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee






1. Hindu gods are to be understood in the same way as the judaic /

greek gods.

they are manifestations of the self and relate to our own

psychological processes. this has been understtood recently in the

west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG jungs analytical


2. though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being non-

violent and gandhi is one example of this.


Majority of the international violence and acts of terrorism these

days are related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity

and islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or

any other pagan tradition.

please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins for great



Ravi Bakhsi


Dear Mr Iyer,

Violence is something that you cannot avoid. Tell me when you eat

vegetarian food do you not think that those vegetables and rice and

dal and other such food also grew which means they had a life. Which

means that the vegetables and rice were alive and were killed for

your ultimate consumption. That is violence to a lesser degree. What

makes you think that violence does not occur everyday? Even when you

breathe you kill millions of bacteria that enter your nose and mouth.

Let me put it to you that without a section of the population

taking the initiative of killing bad elements in any society,

others do not have the luxury of being non-violent.


hope this helps

Prashanth Thirukkonda


Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

Vedas do not advise just non violence but lay emphasis on Non

Violence of the strong. Prakrti- the divine subtle Nature which is

our Supreme Mother according to Vedas is extremely strong and

powerful but largely peaceful and non violent. She provides a Book

of Nature which even blind people and even animals/fishes/birds can

read and wants us to follow Rts- Her cosmic laws of necessity for

our social, moral and physical order. Like any benevolent and loving

mother she remains peaceful and affectioante most of the time but

gets extremly violent when we flout her Cosmic Laws of Nature and

start spreading social, moral and physical evils.


Hindu gods (Ishwaras) are Not God- as there is only One universal

God for the entire mankind wise men describe Him with different

names. All the Hindu gods/goddesses (Ishwaras/devas/devis) are

extremely powerful and strong but like Prakrti merciful, benevolent

and always keen to ensure that cosmic Laws of nature (Rta) are

observed by all her children who are noble people. Thus Hindu

Ishwaras/devas/devis are the greatest followers of Non violence of

the Strong but get violent if evil is spread in society, environment

is polluted and hydra headed CORRUPTION with Nine Heads over takes

virtue, ethics, divine thoughts and social nobilty.


Incidentally Mahatma Gandhi never talked of Non Violence in a

general way but always talked of Non Violence of the Strong. He

wanted people of India to become morally, spiritually and physically

strong and then non violent. Non violence of the Weak is self

destruction. He has greatly emphasised this point in his

Biography " My Experiment With Truth " .


None of our gods/godesses become violent for the sake of violence

but give a very long rope to evil people to change and behave

conforming to Vedic Rta but those non divine people

(Avarnas/Vritras) who encourage all actions against Laws of Nature

and create social, moral and physics pollution strict action is

taken by Hindu Ishwras/devas/devis.


with kind regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Shri Iyer Bhaiyya, Tell your son simply that to eradicate evil, one

has to engage in violence. If your son understands about a scorpion

and his sting, then ask him that if a scorpion comes into the house

and is running around to sting someone, what would he do? Sometimes,

a question posed against a question, can be a better clarifier, than

an answer. So be it !


Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Sadhak,


According to the Yajnavalkya Samhita, ahimsa or non-violence is the

awareness and practice of non-violence in thought, speech and

action. Do we practice Non-violence at that lavel ???

Do we not kill mosquitoes, cockroches and so many other so

called " harmful being " according to us? What do you say about - Hang

till death, cutting hands of a thief and so many other such so

called justice orders?


All our Puranas have symbolic meaning, they want us to look deep

inside us. The war between good and evil is going on inside us only.

Do we not need to " kill " our bad thoughts ? Do we call killing of

our bad thoughts/demonic qualities as the act of violence ? Who

gives power to kill those bad qualities within ?


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti rupen sansthita

Namstasye, namstasye, Namstasye namo Nama

" I bow to the Divine Mother Who resides within me as Power/Strength "


Thus MaaDurga-Goddess of Motherly Love, Mother of sur (Demigods/our

good qualities) and Asura(Devils/our bad qualities) alike, cannot be

blamed as performing violence. She is washing away the evils of Her

sons by purifying them through Her divine weapons, and ultimately

merging them all in Her own Divine Love.


Similarly Lord Shiva, who drank vemon for the welfare of the entire

universe, whose another name is Bhole Baba(Innocent God who pleases

easily and bless us without considering our good/bad karmas) can not

even think of violence. Read more about Him and you will know how

merciful is He.


We cannot know about our Gods until we know our own self. The

Supreme is seated right into our own Heart. Look within, meditate

deeply and know Thy Self. Surrender to Gitaji and go beyond the

duality of this world.


Krishna says- " I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the

witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the

creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting

place and the eternal seed. " Gitaji Ch 9:18


He is All then who is killing whom ?


We are not the body, and suffering is all illusion arising from the

Nature. If we want to see peace, love and bliss in the world, we

have to " BE " peace, love and bliss. There is no other way.


There is no Hindu GOD or Christian God. There is only ONE, and that

ONE GOD cannot be understood by debate as He is beyond duality,

beyond mind, intellect. God can only be experienced. If your son

wants to understand Sanatan Dharma, present him with a Gitaji. Read

Gitaji over and over again, contemplate on each stanza. Come back

and answer your own question.


With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar





Dear Sir,


We all need to better understand the Hindu philosophy and its

message. First of all we need to understand the meaning of non-

violence. Does it mean only physical act of killing or harming? No.

any act leading to harm or hurt others through thought, word or deed

is Non-violence. A physical act of killing in a war with a pure

intension of good of the mankind is again not classified as

violence. Unfortunately, this thought also is misunderstood,

misinterpreted and misused now a days.


When a mother slaps a child it is not called violence. because the

act originates out of Love.

The stories which you are referring to are from an era when evil

could be identified as a person. who in many cases knew what is evil

or wrong but could not help act in that influence.. that time to

remove the evil was to destroy them. Even if you look at the story

of Gods killing... you would find that it was the last resort. Even

those 'evil' people were given all the possible chances and

opportunities to change. Only when they refused to comply and the

suffering of good become unbearable the physical act of annihilation

was performed, to reinstate the faith, to restore righteousness. It

is high time we realize that spirituality is not for weak. it

requires Will of Shankra, courage of Vivekanand.

Today good and evil have become seen in every person. hence to

destroy the evil path of annihilation of the person is not

resorted. In todays time the solution is - Transformation of heart.

for this the divine beings use various methods. even allowing

themselves to suffer. Lets not misinterpret their divine pure act of



We are such people who would not hesistate to crucify Jesus and do

nothing to stop and fight against but will be first to feel pity

after the act is done. we dont want to self introspect why he was

crucified. we are just contented to know that he was crucified for

our sins. As if the godly people have the obligation to be crucified

while we continue on our unjust ways. if you love Jesus then share

his pain by being good and just. be open and understanding, be

loving towards all. God has given each one enough strength to fight

our own battles. be willing to suffer the punishments for the

mistake committed, dont pass it on to god or godly people and expect

them to suffer for you.


I request you to not use such words " hindu gods lose patience " . this

thought itself is full of ignorance. First of all know - There is

only one GOD and he is omnipresent, omniscience, and omni-potent.

What ever God does is for good of all. Even the physical act of so

called violence is for the good. it is for us to understand how,

when and why he does what he does. Even to qualify to question god

we must first become a humble student. then may be the divine wisdom

would fall on us to understand and enjoy the bliss of his grace.


sai ram

Abhimanyu Kaul




With birth comes death. Mahatma Gandhi fought with weapons he had

i.e. none, but you cannot run a country on that philosophy

as India found out with China.


We must all defend Dharma. This is the best. A persons duty is to

live according to Dharma and to defend it. From Ahimsa paramo

dharmaha, Dharma himsa tathaiva cha. This Is the full proper

statement. Each person has to follow the work according to his caste

and station in life. Kshatriyas job is to defend and fight for

dharma. This is amply show in Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, in FACT THE


is the best Dharma, but to attain it HIMSA (violence) is required to

defend this is the message.


Jayesh A Patel





dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

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2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

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8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

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9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

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11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

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words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




Dear Shri Iyer:


Namaskaram with respects.


Hindu concept of Dharma, according to my feeble understanding, makes

a distinction between violence required by one's duties, and

violence done mindlessly or to seek pleasure. When a king punishes a

criminal, it is done to prevent further crime, and is therefore not

himsa. The distinction between himsa and ahimsa is very nicely

explained in Mahabharat at several places.


To my mind, the present confusion is due to advocacy of extreme

ahimsa by Gandhi ji. This led to a mixing of personal dharma of an

ordinary citizen with that of raj dharma of the state and the king.

Gandhi ji's interpretation of ahimsa is valid only in satyuga. How

would you deal with Somalian pirates by using ahimsa? Gandhiji's

ahimsa itself succeeded perhaps only once – against the British. It

failed against others.


Further, while Hindu gods are shown armed to the teeth, Hindus

themselves have remained relatively peace oriented. In other

systems, the Gods have been depicted as peaceful, but the followers

have been very violent. Therefore, my view is that the symbolic

arming of Hindu gods is aspirational (as is the peaceful depiction

in other systems), as a means to encourage Hindus to be a little

more war-like. Secondly, the violence by the Hindu deities has

almost always been in response to the needs of the people, and not

out of spite or anger.


Hope this is useful,


Sanjay Agarawal



Here in the UK, we have been considering this issue for some time.

During the last 2 to 3 years, we have had Christian priests telling

us that Hindu faith and its gods are violent and preach violence –

`look at the pictures of your gods!', they say.


The letter from Shree G A Iyer thus rang de ja vu-bells for me.


1. The paintings and other depictions of Hindu divinities are the

work of artists who have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, the freedom

of artistic expression their faith community has traditionally

granted them.


Nowhere in the scriptures is it decreed that we have to paint

pictures of gods/goddesses nor that we have to show gods/goddesses

carrying weapons.


But to-date no one has questioned why we undertake such depictions.




2. Islam forbids artistic expressions of anything divine, or of



Christians actively depict Christ, but only in a peaceful/suffering





3. If we bear in mind that what we are being told today through

revised editions and mis-translations of scriptures of faiths is

somewhat different from the original scriptures, the artistic

stereotyping may not necessarily correspond to the actual `life-

history' of the concerned figures and their teachings.




4. Christians believe that Christ was the son of God, but he was

unable to stop injustice and cruelty and gave his life in the

process. That is their belief.


Hindus believe in incarnation of the divine who uses supernatural

powers as a last resort to destroy evil. This is not to be equated

with the concept of `violence' in the ordinary human terms.


Once the order is restored and the righteous victims of evil are

liberated from the tyranny of the evil-doer, the avatar no longer

resorts to the so-called `violence' and returns to the normal

benevolent peaceful form.


Our scriptures describe God as the source of bliss and

auspiciousness, the avatar coming to protect devotees, to restore

righteousness, and order to nature and cosmos when such is



5. Faiths should be judged i) on the basis not of propaganda but on

what is actually written in their scriptures, and ii) on the actions

of the faith communities. Contrast Hindus [and their record of non-

aggression against other countries and against other faiths – even

of giving sanctuary to those faiths fleeing persecution elsewhere –

Jews, Parsees, Assyrian Christians], with the followers of other

faiths who have acted to decimate other faith-based civilisations

and committed genocides in India, Americas, Australia, etc. etc.,

almost succeeding in wiping out various civilisations and races.


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


Unfortunately this is easier said than done. How do you persuade

those who make money out of this industry to cease such activities?


Time to reflect.





Namaste Sadhakas..


Sumangal Suprabhat...


As per my belief in our hindu religion, there is only one

God " Parmatma " .

All the names you noted like Shri Rama, Krishna, Durga etc. are

its " Ansha " who took birth as Human being to taught us

about " Dharma " & to spread " Peace & Love " .


Param Parmatma created this beautiful Earth/Shrushti for us. He is

controlling us. If someone is not following his 'Rules of life' and

troubling others. He / she must get punished for others well-being &

to keep Peace in the world.


Example :

If you have a box of fruits & one of them get spoiled what you will


You will remove that spoiled fruit so that other fruits will remain

good otherwise that one fruit will spoil others.




Satish Pawaskar

Keep Smiling Always ;-)




God is suddha, buddha, muktha swaroopa. For killing somebody, one

has to get angry. (krodha) God does not get krodha. (If it becomes

angry, none of us will be thre.) To kill somebody, you have to get

angry. Only, we become angry and therefore we cannot be God.

Krodha is the resultant of Kaama (Aasakthi).


When you slap your son, does he start praising you...? does he get



Rama never killed Ravana. Ravana is described as Moha (Aasakthi).

Rama killed only the Aasakthi which was there in Ravana. The

praisings of Ravana is well clearly written. Once some body goes

thru it, one can understand that Rama never killed Ranava but the

God gave him the Moksha.



vijayan kiliyil



Hindu Gods demonstrate ;- Nip the evil in the bud.


They never lose patience.the annhilation of the evil is done after

many many chances for abondoning the violence against innocent are

provided to the asuras (demons), who usually ignore these.


Shiban Raina




Dear Shri Iyer,


Please refer to your mail of November 10/11.


You say that you are a senior citizen and also a staunch Hindu, but

in my eyers, you seem to be utterly confused about the basic Hindu

faith. Unfortunately, most of the modern educated Hindus suffer from

this confusion according to me. Resultantly, the upcoming Hindu

generation is alsmost uprooted from their Hindu base.


Your question as to why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing

violence (killing or annihilating evil physically), betrays

ignorance of the basic Hindu tenet that Parameshwara or Paramatma

(God) is one. Only Devatas and Devis, who have a positive effect on

human beings are many. Parents and Gurus too are counted among

Devatas, (Matridevo bhava, Pitridevo bhava). Paramatma's creative

faculty personified as Brahma has no armament or weapon. Vishnu

representing His executive faculty and Rudra (Shiva) representing

the assimilation or dissolution faculty alone bear a weapon in one

hand whereas the other hand bears a protective gesture. It only

symbolises punishment to the evil doer and protection to the

righteous ones. The message is concretized in the

Geeta, " Paritranayaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam/ Dharma

sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge, " (From time to time, I

appear on earth in order to protect the righteous ones, destroy the

evil doers and to establish the rule of Dharma, i.e., righteousness

or rule of law).


In the Mahabharatha, (Shanti-parva, chap. 57), Bhishma Pitamah tells

Yudhishthir, " The greatest sin of a king is his failure to protect

his subjects. He should protect the dharma of all his Varnas. (It

means that every citizen should be able to pursue his or her chosen

vocation/occupation, education, trade, business, farming, lending

services, doing government or private job, without let or

hindrance). The king should act like Yamaraj in administering

justice and like Kuber in collection of revenue. He should make

provision for those who cannot support themselves and should take

good care of those who help the destitute " Such lessons of Hindu

scriptures have been ignored . Resultantly, they have brought the

country to a breaking point. In Raj dharma, the question of violence

and non-violence is irrelevant.


Yours sincerely,

Ram Gopal


-Shree Hari-


There has been a lot of mention of various gods killing, in conflict,

the Divine Feminine has been mentioned also on this thread.

Now, I do not know these ancient Vedic literatures, but have some

insights to other bronze age traditions.

Emmanuel Vilakovski considered that the various ancient Greek stories

of waring gods, was actually the remembrance of ancient astronomic


I have seen on this thread, Sadhaks inferring that these ancient


of warring gods, was the primordial forces at work.

Other Sadhaks have in my opinion, correctly pointed out that the

Abrahamic traditions are the most warlike, I have an explanation as

to why.

Here is a quote from the book, 'A shewing of God's Love', (written


an Christian medieval female mystic ).

" The mother may fold her child tenderly to her breast , but our


Mother Jesus, He may homely lead into His blessed Breast....... "

(Notice the Feminine/Masculine aspects here ).

When I first read this, I thought of, (hard to believe I know),

Shakti , Quan Yin , Mother Mary,

and Asherah, known also as Elat , the feminine aspect of El, ( The

supreme GOD).

You see, She has been factored out of the world, (perhaps She is

retuning, I pray She is).

I ask you. Would She desire her children to kill each other.?

The point is Asherah was forced out of the traditions of Israel and

Judah, leaving in the minds of those people, Yahweh, without his

consort, thus the Divine Feminine, the Nurturer ,was no longer in

their hearts, the growth of the Patriarch religion had started.

So the god of their tradition became a god of war and and male

dominance. The great Swami Vivekananda pointed out the horror of the

millions that were killed in the name of that (unbalanced) god . Bede

Griffiths regarded a religion without balance as demonic.

Sri Krishna pointed out to Arjuna that, he (Arjuna) had no memory of

his past lives.

Now consider this. If a swami, a doctor, maybe a Sister of Mercy, or

any sweet soul., suddenly remembered with great clarity , being a

warrior, raising the battle- ax, or sword in brutal warfare , what

would they think.

A soul can weary of war, did not Lord Krishna point out it was only

the flesh and blood that was being destroyed in warfare.

Many have said that the external world is a reflection of mankind's

inner self.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor


Respected Sir,

It is not the question of God or human being, the central theme is

that " a woman is most often linked and the cause of fights / wars "

as well as, down fall ! It may appear to be crude, but still there

seems to be a connection, am I not correct?


Barin Chatterjee



In Short, Hindus believe in the principle so nonviolence that is

practical and can be practiced in day to day life. Christians

believe in a Utopian nonviolence theory that neither they nor anyone

else can practice.


To elaborate, I suppose your son is not old enough to introspect and

understand. First of all there are no Hindu Gods and Christian god.

There is just ONE power that is omnipresent in all the

things/beings. And it (I will not call it he or she) is not really

non-violence per our definition, else no one ever died, no one

got killed and there was no war ever etc.


I understand that your son is really referring to the incarnations /

perceptions of Gods that Hindus and Christians respectively believe

in. First thing that you need to know is per Christians Jesus is not

a God. He is the " Son of God " or the Messiah. Per Christians God

never incarnated but Hindus do believe that God incarnates and so

there is no point in comparing their perception of God to Hindu



Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolence was predominantly adopted from

Christianity to fight them back on their own turf and with their own

weapon. Persecution of nonviolent people by British brought back the

memories of persecution of Jesus and his disciples and received

extensive coverage and support from rest of the Christian world,

forcing British out of India.


In India Buddha preached and followed non violence, however, his

disciples when they went to China to teach Buddhism they first

learned martial arts to protect themselves during the journey. This

is how martial art first reached China which they later expanded



Nonviolence shouldn't be confused with cowardice. Nonviolence means

not hurting others for pleasure and self-fulfillment. However,

fighting (and if needed killing) for protecting self and others can

not be categorized as Violence. Nonviolence also means giving peace

a chance before waging a war. That is why both Ram and Krishna sent

a last peace message to Ravan and Duryodhan so the war could be


Anand Awasthi





If you have some problem in any part of your body, first you try to

cure it, but when it becomes incurable it has to be cut off to

prevent rest of the body.

World is viraat swaroop (Universal Form) of God. All creatures are

parts of it.

Things become clear when you think from God's point of view.


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Shashikala Bahenji, right you are: " who can kill who " , as all is


I guess Sadhakas are answering in the best possible ways they know,

because it is to be explained by a father to a son who is asking

such questions as he should. Perhaps it is a giant leap to grasp

such concept as immortality, which may not be appreciated at this

stage in son's life!

My short answer is: " when one inquires into deeper meanings of God,

Life, Death, Incarnations, (non)Violence, being Hindu, Hindu Gods

etc, one may come upon understanding that many questions like this

get answered in the satisfactory way " . Now I would teach my son

these things, but I didn't know myself when they were growing up!

In my experience the best answer to one's question is the

disappearance of question itself in the light of understanding

question, as J Krishnamurti used to say " Please see that the answer

is in the question " .


Pratap Bhatt



Hari Om


'Violence' is a relative term.


Basically in the divine play of God, humans enjoy certain liberties

of conduct. There are laws governing the entire creation. Humans

have immense powers but identification with the mind and body makes

them 'desire' for worldly temporary pleasures. Here they come in

conflict with another law- desires can never be fulfilled, you can

only renounce them. In order to fulfill the desires, one indulges

into violence. 'Gods' in order to keep the creation going 'mete out'

the results of deeds in an equally violent manner- as you sow, so

shall you reap..


In fact, when they do so, they are liberating the souls from

darkness. Hence, it is all 'play' , there is no violence, there is

only 'mercy', there is only 'love' emanating from the top.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Sanatana Dharma is not a simplistic/moralistic philosophy where

things/ acts are categorised as eternally good or bad. It is the

context that determines whether an act is good or bad. consequently

when adharma prevails - the destruction/ killing of the 'asuras' is

necessary for greater good. To give you an analogy - a knife might

be considered as an instrument for violence but it is also necessary

for cutting vegetables etc.

The oft quoted verse 'ahimsa paramo dharmah' from the Gita is only

half of the entire line which concludes with 'dharma himsa tathaiva

cha' - himsa is equally valid when used for dharma.

Gods in our tradition perpetrated violence against those forces that

prevented Truth / dharma from prevailing and therefore cannot be

judged in the same tone as those who commit senseless violence.


Hope this helps.


Anuradha Choudry



Many Rishis such as 'Balmiki' were masters of weaponry and yet they

opted not to fight because they are Brahmins, not authorized to slay

but authorized to teach.


The TriDev Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar are in-charge of this

universe and they have to do whatever is good for mankind.


Manoj Padhi


fellow sadhakaas,


namasteji..There is no escape from birth and death cycles..all our

prayers wish peace and happiness..three times...But..if you can't

defend yourself with vachaa, love..etc..you have to kill by Mantra

or sahastra..even God had to exterminate terror by bad elements.


Hari Om

Vishnu Dada

(Vishnu Patel)




There is only one God. No Hindu God or Muslim God or Christian God.

They are all one and the same. Besides all human beings,

irrespective of religion have souls whose ultimate destiny is to

merge with God or the Parmatma. So to say this God is violent and

the other is not is an exercise in futility.


Hari Shanker Deo



Dear Mr. Iyer,


Gods created all creatures on earth. A few of them tried to

supercede GOD and also tried to destabilise the world. GOD had to

ensure that these creatures do not wreak havoc. hence the

destruction of evil.


Anil Jain



Jai Hanuman


Where is the question of some one " killing " another, when everyone

is " immortal/imperishable " as a law ?


Can any sadhak enlighten me, Jee ? So that I may address this

question !! Kindly help, Jee ! Jee !!


'Violence' by 'Gods' ! Raam, Raam, Raam !!


Mike Bhaiyya ! Pratap Bhaiyya! Sathyanarainji !! Adrien !! Any one

Jee ! But quickly Jee !! Will you come to my rescue with reference

to 'self' and 'Gitaji' - Jee! Jee ! ! Your sister is too stunned

and anxious by the question, Jee !


Who can kill whom Jee ! What do you say Adrien ?


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee






1. Hindu gods are to be understood in the same way as the judaic /

greek gods.

they are manifestations of the self and relate to our own

psychological processes. this has been understtood recently in the

west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG jungs analytical


2. though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being non-

violent and gandhi is one example of this.


Majority of the international violence and acts of terrorism these

days are related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity

and islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or

any other pagan tradition.

please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins for great



Ravi Bakhsi


Dear Mr Iyer,

Violence is something that you cannot avoid. Tell me when you eat

vegetarian food do you not think that those vegetables and rice and

dal and other such food also grew which means they had a life. Which

means that the vegetables and rice were alive and were killed for

your ultimate consumption. That is violence to a lesser degree. What

makes you think that violence does not occur everyday? Even when you

breathe you kill millions of bacteria that enter your nose and mouth.

Let me put it to you that without a section of the population

taking the initiative of killing bad elements in any society,

others do not have the luxury of being non-violent.


hope this helps

Prashanth Thirukkonda


Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

Vedas do not advise just non violence but lay emphasis on Non

Violence of the strong. Prakrti- the divine subtle Nature which is

our Supreme Mother according to Vedas is extremely strong and

powerful but largely peaceful and non violent. She provides a Book

of Nature which even blind people and even animals/fishes/birds can

read and wants us to follow Rts- Her cosmic laws of necessity for

our social, moral and physical order. Like any benevolent and loving

mother she remains peaceful and affectioante most of the time but

gets extremly violent when we flout her Cosmic Laws of Nature and

start spreading social, moral and physical evils.


Hindu gods (Ishwaras) are Not God- as there is only One universal

God for the entire mankind wise men describe Him with different

names. All the Hindu gods/goddesses (Ishwaras/devas/devis) are

extremely powerful and strong but like Prakrti merciful, benevolent

and always keen to ensure that cosmic Laws of nature (Rta) are

observed by all her children who are noble people. Thus Hindu

Ishwaras/devas/devis are the greatest followers of Non violence of

the Strong but get violent if evil is spread in society, environment

is polluted and hydra headed CORRUPTION with Nine Heads over takes

virtue, ethics, divine thoughts and social nobilty.


Incidentally Mahatma Gandhi never talked of Non Violence in a

general way but always talked of Non Violence of the Strong. He

wanted people of India to become morally, spiritually and physically

strong and then non violent. Non violence of the Weak is self

destruction. He has greatly emphasised this point in his

Biography " My Experiment With Truth " .


None of our gods/godesses become violent for the sake of violence

but give a very long rope to evil people to change and behave

conforming to Vedic Rta but those non divine people

(Avarnas/Vritras) who encourage all actions against Laws of Nature

and create social, moral and physics pollution strict action is

taken by Hindu Ishwras/devas/devis.


with kind regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Shri Iyer Bhaiyya, Tell your son simply that to eradicate evil, one

has to engage in violence. If your son understands about a scorpion

and his sting, then ask him that if a scorpion comes into the house

and is running around to sting someone, what would he do? Sometimes,

a question posed against a question, can be a better clarifier, than

an answer. So be it !


Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Sadhak,


According to the Yajnavalkya Samhita, ahimsa or non-violence is the

awareness and practice of non-violence in thought, speech and

action. Do we practice Non-violence at that lavel ???

Do we not kill mosquitoes, cockroches and so many other so

called " harmful being " according to us? What do you say about - Hang

till death, cutting hands of a thief and so many other such so

called justice orders?


All our Puranas have symbolic meaning, they want us to look deep

inside us. The war between good and evil is going on inside us only.

Do we not need to " kill " our bad thoughts ? Do we call killing of

our bad thoughts/demonic qualities as the act of violence ? Who

gives power to kill those bad qualities within ?


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti rupen sansthita

Namstasye, namstasye, Namstasye namo Nama

" I bow to the Divine Mother Who resides within me as Power/Strength "


Thus MaaDurga-Goddess of Motherly Love, Mother of sur (Demigods/our

good qualities) and Asura(Devils/our bad qualities) alike, cannot be

blamed as performing violence. She is washing away the evils of Her

sons by purifying them through Her divine weapons, and ultimately

merging them all in Her own Divine Love.


Similarly Lord Shiva, who drank vemon for the welfare of the entire

universe, whose another name is Bhole Baba(Innocent God who pleases

easily and bless us without considering our good/bad karmas) can not

even think of violence. Read more about Him and you will know how

merciful is He.


We cannot know about our Gods until we know our own self. The

Supreme is seated right into our own Heart. Look within, meditate

deeply and know Thy Self. Surrender to Gitaji and go beyond the

duality of this world.


Krishna says- " I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the

witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the

creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting

place and the eternal seed. " Gitaji Ch 9:18


He is All then who is killing whom ?


We are not the body, and suffering is all illusion arising from the

Nature. If we want to see peace, love and bliss in the world, we

have to " BE " peace, love and bliss. There is no other way.


There is no Hindu GOD or Christian God. There is only ONE, and that

ONE GOD cannot be understood by debate as He is beyond duality,

beyond mind, intellect. God can only be experienced. If your son

wants to understand Sanatan Dharma, present him with a Gitaji. Read

Gitaji over and over again, contemplate on each stanza. Come back

and answer your own question.


With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar





Dear Sir,


We all need to better understand the Hindu philosophy and its

message. First of all we need to understand the meaning of non-

violence. Does it mean only physical act of killing or harming? No.

any act leading to harm or hurt others through thought, word or deed

is Non-violence. A physical act of killing in a war with a pure

intension of good of the mankind is again not classified as

violence. Unfortunately, this thought also is misunderstood,

misinterpreted and misused now a days.


When a mother slaps a child it is not called violence. because the

act originates out of Love.

The stories which you are referring to are from an era when evil

could be identified as a person. who in many cases knew what is evil

or wrong but could not help act in that influence.. that time to

remove the evil was to destroy them. Even if you look at the story

of Gods killing... you would find that it was the last resort. Even

those 'evil' people were given all the possible chances and

opportunities to change. Only when they refused to comply and the

suffering of good become unbearable the physical act of annihilation

was performed, to reinstate the faith, to restore righteousness. It

is high time we realize that spirituality is not for weak. it

requires Will of Shankra, courage of Vivekanand.

Today good and evil have become seen in every person. hence to

destroy the evil path of annihilation of the person is not

resorted. In todays time the solution is - Transformation of heart.

for this the divine beings use various methods. even allowing

themselves to suffer. Lets not misinterpret their divine pure act of



We are such people who would not hesistate to crucify Jesus and do

nothing to stop and fight against but will be first to feel pity

after the act is done. we dont want to self introspect why he was

crucified. we are just contented to know that he was crucified for

our sins. As if the godly people have the obligation to be crucified

while we continue on our unjust ways. if you love Jesus then share

his pain by being good and just. be open and understanding, be

loving towards all. God has given each one enough strength to fight

our own battles. be willing to suffer the punishments for the

mistake committed, dont pass it on to god or godly people and expect

them to suffer for you.


I request you to not use such words " hindu gods lose patience " . this

thought itself is full of ignorance. First of all know - There is

only one GOD and he is omnipresent, omniscience, and omni-potent.

What ever God does is for good of all. Even the physical act of so

called violence is for the good. it is for us to understand how,

when and why he does what he does. Even to qualify to question god

we must first become a humble student. then may be the divine wisdom

would fall on us to understand and enjoy the bliss of his grace.


sai ram

Abhimanyu Kaul




With birth comes death. Mahatma Gandhi fought with weapons he had

i.e. none, but you cannot run a country on that philosophy

as India found out with China.


We must all defend Dharma. This is the best. A persons duty is to

live according to Dharma and to defend it. From Ahimsa paramo

dharmaha, Dharma himsa tathaiva cha. This Is the full proper

statement. Each person has to follow the work according to his caste

and station in life. Kshatriyas job is to defend and fight for

dharma. This is amply show in Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, in FACT THE


is the best Dharma, but to attain it HIMSA (violence) is required to

defend this is the message.


Jayesh A Patel





dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



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3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

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4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

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5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

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Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




PS: This is a burning question that has been misused from centuries

against Indian Faiths. I would like to address this in detail. I

request the moderators to allow me to do so. Thanks. Naga.


Violence in Epics


Any scripture can be studied from social perspective or from

spiritual perspective. Once, a scripture is examined from social

perspective, all characters ought to be human be it Rama or Krishna

or Abraham or Zeus or Achilles. After all, these characters are

visualized by humans, may be enlightened, yet humans. Therefore, the

actions performed by these characters need to be obsorbed with an

acute circumstantial social awareness without jumping into

conclusions out of context. Hanuman tells Bhima when requested to

help Pandavas in the anticipated Mahabharata war, " I belong to an

erstwhile value system. Hence, I am not entitled to wage your war. "

The author, Veda Vyasa, emphasises on many occasions the social

boundaries within which every social norm has to be examined



I suggest you to read the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana again

carefully before answering your son. It is a better idea to

encourage him to study the same himself before criticizing them.


Ravana has abducted Sita, wife of Rama. A common man would boil in

rage to kill such a person instantly. Rama had the capability to

destroy Ravan. Yet, Rama sends his representation to Ravana till the

last moment to avert the war and to avoid killing of anyone. On the

other hand, Ravana never regrets his actions. He interprets Rama's

good will as weakness and believes that the weak ones are born only

to suffer from the wrath of the strong ones like himself. The

goodness is often misunderstood with weakness. He shows no interest

in saving any lives as such!


Also, when Rama sends Hanuman to find Sita, he requests Hanuman to

understand first what Sita wants. Sita was already about to suicide

notwithstanding the violence attempted against her. Thanks to

Vedavati's curse and Mandodari's wisdom, Ravana could not dare

violating her physically. Yet, she was literally tortured

psychologically. When Hanuman reveals his identity, the first thing

she reminds Rama is to liberate her from the situation at the

earliest. She even puts a timeline for the action lest she would

kill herself.


A husband is violated and wants his wife back. He is wise enough to

ensure that his wife wants the same. He is human enough to request

and warn the violator. The violator is insensitive to honor others

in the first place and refuses to do so even after a series of

reminders and warnings even from his own brothers and wife. Is it

not obvious that such characters should be removed from the society

for the sake of social welfare?


Same case in Mahabharata. The peace-loving Yudhishthira wages

everything - kingdom, his brothers, his wife and himself - to evade

a war. They accept banishment. Krishna himself pleads the Kauravas

for peace. He even offers on his own that he will convince the

Pandavas even if they are given just five villages - not an empire,

not a kingdom, not even a province ... just five villages. Again,

the violators refuse to acknowledge and honor the requests made. On

contrary, they mock the peace mongers as impotents. Did they leave

any choice but to be removed?


Kamsa, Krishna's uncle, had murdered many new borns driven by his

baseless paranoia. He had imprisoned his own sister and her husband

for life. He had thrown his own father into dungeons for power. He

unleashed wrath on poor villagers just for a fear of a child killing

him. He drew his death nearer and nearer thanks to his own paranoia.

If people were happy, why would they send Akrura to plead Krishna

and Balarama to kill their own king? If they were not convinced, why

would Krishna and Balarama consider killing their own uncle? If you

read Bhagavata carefully, the brothers never strike on Kamsa on

their own. Attempts were made to murder them at every step. Did

Kamsa leave any room for his own survival? Did he leave any other

way other than killing him to rescue the people?


In all cases, who killed whom. Even from social perspective, Ravana,

Kamsa, Duryodhana etc. had already killed themselves with their

deeds by violating every human around who just wanted them dead.

They just needed a power to depend upon. Rama and Krishna happened

to be those.




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …



Dear Sadaks,

If a doctor does operation and patient dies for some reason. Do you

blame the doctor? If a judge setences a criminal to be hanged until

death, do you tell judge commited murder? Here the doctor intention

to save the patient. judge intention was to punish, not to murder.

But if a man kills another man for gains/vengence is called murder.

But if Hindu Gods kills very bad person after giving long rope, it

is called in Hinduism " Vadham " , may mean termination. Like one`s leg

gets affected by diabetes, the leg is cut off. Here Asuras (Very bad

people) are affected by total mind corruption. There are warned now

and then which can also be known from puranas. Only ultimately God


In Christianity- there is a thing known as Judgement Day. Please ask

Christians what it is.

When Moses went 40 days on hills for prayer, leaving hundreds of

peoples at the foothills, the people lost faith in GOD and they

started drinking wine, made forms of eagle/animals as Gods, behaving

like animals, any woman with any man, Moses came down with 10

Commandments. But all laughed at him. Result Gods in heaven says

Bible, killed almost all.

Even now due imbalance of Dharma, earthquake/Tsunami (Pralaya) takes

place killing people.

Jai Sri Krishna


baiya sathyanarayan


Narain Narain


My question is to Vineet Sarvottam.


Sir, if that scorpion comes into your house, then what will you do ?

Pls check up with Papa and come back. It is important question. I

love this father/son relationship/asking questions and wise



Lallubhai Chirimar


dear mr iyer


First we have to study the Vedas, then Upanishads, Brahmanas,

Aranyakas, Siksha, Nirukta, Chhandas, then the 18 Mahapuranas, 18

upa-puranas, then the Ithihaasaas Mahabharat and Ramayana etc. This

is the series of study prescribed.


From this it is clear that Vedas are the first to study, i.e. Lower

primary, then the next upper primary, then high school, then plus 2,

then degree and finally the ithihaasaas which are to be studied for



Our problem is what is to be studied in PG, we study in KG or lower

primary. The root of man is his head and his leg portion is the

head actually. The growth starts from the head portion once it is

formed as a unicellular organ in the uterus.

(Oordhwamoolamadhassakha...... bhagawat gita). This means now we

are standing upward down position (on the reverse.) Therefore all

our actions are on the reverse.


So to hear something from other Dharmas like Christian or Islam or

any other and think in that direction, is not of Sanathana Dharma.

It has no equivalence in the world, rather, all other dharmas are

born out of it only.


The modern education system is teaching only of the Drishyas, means,

object based (Dravyaadhishtita). Shabda, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa,

Gandha, these are only taught and studied. There is no teaching of

the tought. Means, before I start studying a matter or an object

which is outside me, I should first study about myself.


Dear Mr Iyer, you may kindly start studying yourself. Do not think

of Devataas. Devataas and men are having equally good and bad

qualities. The one who is able to do MANANA he is man. No that

those having two legs fitted on the stomac are men.... No never.


Start asking yourself, who 'am I ? From where I came., Where I

have to go/reach... What for I am sent here.. Who has sent me ?

With whose ability my eyes are able to see, with whose inspiration

I am being led to do the innumerable doings (karmaas), with whose

wish my ears are able to hear...


Just because I have two eyes, I cannot see. Just because I have two

ears, I cannot hear. Just because I have tongue I cannot talk...


Then what is that power which orders my these senses (INDRIYAAS) to

do karma.


That chaitanya swaroopa is within you covered by all the (bad)

smskaaraas bought forward throug out the innumerable birth and

death. This cover one has to remove or (dis- cover) then the

original will shine. One reaches a stage of no.... nothing.



vijayan kiliyil




Dear Iyer ji namaskar


Without assessing the powers of the opponent the survival is not

possible. It is upto an individual which path to lead. For the

benifit of mankind if voilence is utilised is a sin too but there

are methods of prayashchitas too. For the welfare of mankind you

have to access whom you are dealing with a most powerful demon or an

ordinary person. If you have to deal with a terrorist you need to

use arms and even kill him if he is a dire problem.

You should explain your son simply the role of a police man/ army

gaurding the nations use voilence to combat terror. In sprtuality

there are various types of dealing with sinners for some the killing

of demons like Ravana, Kansa and other mighty powerful ones God has

to create a counter programme that could eliminate the EVIL

intensions of Adharmi individuls and on the other hand where you

have to deal with the common man you have to guide vast population

to follow a faith and bring people on a common platform to attain

harmony and peace.


No incarnation can be compared with each other. Jesus the son of God

fufiled a mission and blessed the world with his guidance and a

noble thought but people got stuck in Churchanity instead. Mulsims

received Holy Koran but today fanaticism knew no limits through its

powerful followers. Hindus have a vast tresure of knowledge but most

of them are busy in caste based practices and the entire world is on

one side struglling for everything to achieve things through easy



There is no easy way to attain goals. One who has created a room for

voilence gets voilence and one who deservs to be dealt with a non

voilent ways get the same way and let this to be decided by the

almighty and let humans do not decide on this as we lack that

supreme vision that decides everything for every being present in

this world. It is so upto you to follow a path that God deals

accordingly for you. So simple if a terrorist bothers a nation

authorities counter his actions through like agencies. If there is a

person approaching or bothering authorities is dealt through

dialogue and pecefully things are settled.


To get convinced for the actions of incarnations you have to study

the related scriptures to realise the truth. One can not be greater

than other just by making a foolish assesment that one has used

voilence and another has used non voilent tactic to attain

something. You need to know the missions of each incarnation and at

the end you will find that all had a different missions and people

with different powers to deal with.


If we are dealing with a rustler we must know that one is to be

defeated with same trade. IF one us a poor man one has to deal with

him in the simple fashion. A poor man can not be dealt with

voilence. Judge the situations of both the eras you will and can

satisfy your curious son. Even study voilence and non voilence in

real terms. When you eat something you fulfil your need to support/

maintain your physical state. Will you stop eating just because one

day you came to know that eating too in a way leads one to act via

voilent means. Do not you cut plants, kill animals and while eating

eat several unseen things? All the incarnations acted as per their

respective TIME and requirements. One who had to use weapons used

them perfectly and one who had to use compassion and love used it

the brilliant way. It is upto the people for whom these greats are

born as to how they deal with them. That is why incarnations acted

differently but all established superiority of Dharma the truth over

Evil on this globe.



With regards

Love and knowledge!

Dalip Langoo



1. Hindu gods are not to be understood in the same way as the

judaic / greek gods. they are manifestations of the self and relate

to our own psychological processes. this has been understood

recently in the west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG

jungs analytical psychology.

2. Though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being

non-violent and gandhi is one example of this.


most international violence and acts of terrorism these days are

related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity and

islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or any

other pagan tradition


please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins


Ravi Bakhsi


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


It is defensive and slavish mentality that Hindus are falling prey

to the mechanisations of others.


When one believe in one god, can there be different ones ? How

Hindus or somebody else want to depict their Gods is their choice.

Hindus dont have to feel sorry about making pictures of their Gods.

It is none one else's concern.


Sampuran sINGH





Dear Shri Iyer:


Namaskaram with respects.


Hindu concept of Dharma, according to my feeble understanding, makes

a distinction between violence required by one's duties, and

violence done mindlessly or to seek pleasure. When a king punishes a

criminal, it is done to prevent further crime, and is therefore not

himsa. The distinction between himsa and ahimsa is very nicely

explained in Mahabharat at several places.


To my mind, the present confusion is due to advocacy of extreme

ahimsa by Gandhi ji. This led to a mixing of personal dharma of an

ordinary citizen with that of raj dharma of the state and the king.

Gandhi ji's interpretation of ahimsa is valid only in satyuga. How

would you deal with Somalian pirates by using ahimsa? Gandhiji's

ahimsa itself succeeded perhaps only once – against the British. It

failed against others.


Further, while Hindu gods are shown armed to the teeth, Hindus

themselves have remained relatively peace oriented. In other

systems, the Gods have been depicted as peaceful, but the followers

have been very violent. Therefore, my view is that the symbolic

arming of Hindu gods is aspirational (as is the peaceful depiction

in other systems), as a means to encourage Hindus to be a little

more war-like. Secondly, the violence by the Hindu deities has

almost always been in response to the needs of the people, and not

out of spite or anger.


Hope this is useful,


Sanjay Agarawal



Here in the UK, we have been considering this issue for some time.

During the last 2 to 3 years, we have had Christian priests telling

us that Hindu faith and its gods are violent and preach violence –

`look at the pictures of your gods!', they say.


The letter from Shree G A Iyer thus rang de ja vu-bells for me.


1. The paintings and other depictions of Hindu divinities are the

work of artists who have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, the freedom

of artistic expression their faith community has traditionally

granted them.


Nowhere in the scriptures is it decreed that we have to paint

pictures of gods/goddesses nor that we have to show gods/goddesses

carrying weapons.


But to-date no one has questioned why we undertake such depictions.




2. Islam forbids artistic expressions of anything divine, or of



Christians actively depict Christ, but only in a peaceful/suffering





3. If we bear in mind that what we are being told today through

revised editions and mis-translations of scriptures of faiths is

somewhat different from the original scriptures, the artistic

stereotyping may not necessarily correspond to the actual `life-

history' of the concerned figures and their teachings.




4. Christians believe that Christ was the son of God, but he was

unable to stop injustice and cruelty and gave his life in the

process. That is their belief.


Hindus believe in incarnation of the divine who uses supernatural

powers as a last resort to destroy evil. This is not to be equated

with the concept of `violence' in the ordinary human terms.


Once the order is restored and the righteous victims of evil are

liberated from the tyranny of the evil-doer, the avatar no longer

resorts to the so-called `violence' and returns to the normal

benevolent peaceful form.


Our scriptures describe God as the source of bliss and

auspiciousness, the avatar coming to protect devotees, to restore

righteousness, and order to nature and cosmos when such is



5. Faiths should be judged i) on the basis not of propaganda but on

what is actually written in their scriptures, and ii) on the actions

of the faith communities. Contrast Hindus [and their record of non-

aggression against other countries and against other faiths – even

of giving sanctuary to those faiths fleeing persecution elsewhere –

Jews, Parsees, Assyrian Christians], with the followers of other

faiths who have acted to decimate other faith-based civilisations

and committed genocides in India, Americas, Australia, etc. etc.,

almost succeeding in wiping out various civilisations and races.


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


Unfortunately this is easier said than done. How do you persuade

those who make money out of this industry to cease such activities?


Time to reflect.





Namaste Sadhakas..


Sumangal Suprabhat...


As per my belief in our hindu religion, there is only one

God " Parmatma " .

All the names you noted like Shri Rama, Krishna, Durga etc. are

its " Ansha " who took birth as Human being to taught us

about " Dharma " & to spread " Peace & Love " .


Param Parmatma created this beautiful Earth/Shrushti for us. He is

controlling us. If someone is not following his 'Rules of life' and

troubling others. He / she must get punished for others well-being &

to keep Peace in the world.


Example :

If you have a box of fruits & one of them get spoiled what you will


You will remove that spoiled fruit so that other fruits will remain

good otherwise that one fruit will spoil others.




Satish Pawaskar

Keep Smiling Always ;-)




God is suddha, buddha, muktha swaroopa. For killing somebody, one

has to get angry. (krodha) God does not get krodha. (If it becomes

angry, none of us will be thre.) To kill somebody, you have to get

angry. Only, we become angry and therefore we cannot be God.

Krodha is the resultant of Kaama (Aasakthi).


When you slap your son, does he start praising you...? does he get



Rama never killed Ravana. Ravana is described as Moha (Aasakthi).

Rama killed only the Aasakthi which was there in Ravana. The

praisings of Ravana is well clearly written. Once some body goes

thru it, one can understand that Rama never killed Ranava but the

God gave him the Moksha.



vijayan kiliyil



Hindu Gods demonstrate ;- Nip the evil in the bud.


They never lose patience.the annhilation of the evil is done after

many many chances for abondoning the violence against innocent are

provided to the asuras (demons), who usually ignore these.


Shiban Raina




Dear Shri Iyer,


Please refer to your mail of November 10/11.


You say that you are a senior citizen and also a staunch Hindu, but

in my eyers, you seem to be utterly confused about the basic Hindu

faith. Unfortunately, most of the modern educated Hindus suffer from

this confusion according to me. Resultantly, the upcoming Hindu

generation is alsmost uprooted from their Hindu base.


Your question as to why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing

violence (killing or annihilating evil physically), betrays

ignorance of the basic Hindu tenet that Parameshwara or Paramatma

(God) is one. Only Devatas and Devis, who have a positive effect on

human beings are many. Parents and Gurus too are counted among

Devatas, (Matridevo bhava, Pitridevo bhava). Paramatma's creative

faculty personified as Brahma has no armament or weapon. Vishnu

representing His executive faculty and Rudra (Shiva) representing

the assimilation or dissolution faculty alone bear a weapon in one

hand whereas the other hand bears a protective gesture. It only

symbolises punishment to the evil doer and protection to the

righteous ones. The message is concretized in the

Geeta, " Paritranayaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam/ Dharma

sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge, " (From time to time, I

appear on earth in order to protect the righteous ones, destroy the

evil doers and to establish the rule of Dharma, i.e., righteousness

or rule of law).


In the Mahabharatha, (Shanti-parva, chap. 57), Bhishma Pitamah tells

Yudhishthir, " The greatest sin of a king is his failure to protect

his subjects. He should protect the dharma of all his Varnas. (It

means that every citizen should be able to pursue his or her chosen

vocation/occupation, education, trade, business, farming, lending

services, doing government or private job, without let or

hindrance). The king should act like Yamaraj in administering

justice and like Kuber in collection of revenue. He should make

provision for those who cannot support themselves and should take

good care of those who help the destitute " Such lessons of Hindu

scriptures have been ignored . Resultantly, they have brought the

country to a breaking point. In Raj dharma, the question of violence

and non-violence is irrelevant.


Yours sincerely,

Ram Gopal


-Shree Hari-


There has been a lot of mention of various gods killing, in conflict,

the Divine Feminine has been mentioned also on this thread.

Now, I do not know these ancient Vedic literatures, but have some

insights to other bronze age traditions.

Emmanuel Vilakovski considered that the various ancient Greek stories

of waring gods, was actually the remembrance of ancient astronomic


I have seen on this thread, Sadhaks inferring that these ancient


of warring gods, was the primordial forces at work.

Other Sadhaks have in my opinion, correctly pointed out that the

Abrahamic traditions are the most warlike, I have an explanation as

to why.

Here is a quote from the book, 'A shewing of God's Love', (written


an Christian medieval female mystic ).

" The mother may fold her child tenderly to her breast , but our


Mother Jesus, He may homely lead into His blessed Breast....... "

(Notice the Feminine/Masculine aspects here ).

When I first read this, I thought of, (hard to believe I know),

Shakti , Quan Yin , Mother Mary,

and Asherah, known also as Elat , the feminine aspect of El, ( The

supreme GOD).

You see, She has been factored out of the world, (perhaps She is

retuning, I pray She is).

I ask you. Would She desire her children to kill each other.?

The point is Asherah was forced out of the traditions of Israel and

Judah, leaving in the minds of those people, Yahweh, without his

consort, thus the Divine Feminine, the Nurturer ,was no longer in

their hearts, the growth of the Patriarch religion had started.

So the god of their tradition became a god of war and and male

dominance. The great Swami Vivekananda pointed out the horror of the

millions that were killed in the name of that (unbalanced) god . Bede

Griffiths regarded a religion without balance as demonic.

Sri Krishna pointed out to Arjuna that, he (Arjuna) had no memory of

his past lives.

Now consider this. If a swami, a doctor, maybe a Sister of Mercy, or

any sweet soul., suddenly remembered with great clarity , being a

warrior, raising the battle- ax, or sword in brutal warfare , what

would they think.

A soul can weary of war, did not Lord Krishna point out it was only

the flesh and blood that was being destroyed in warfare.

Many have said that the external world is a reflection of mankind's

inner self.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor


Respected Sir,

It is not the question of God or human being, the central theme is

that " a woman is most often linked and the cause of fights / wars "

as well as, down fall ! It may appear to be crude, but still there

seems to be a connection, am I not correct?


Barin Chatterjee



In Short, Hindus believe in the principle so nonviolence that is

practical and can be practiced in day to day life. Christians

believe in a Utopian nonviolence theory that neither they nor anyone

else can practice.


To elaborate, I suppose your son is not old enough to introspect and

understand. First of all there are no Hindu Gods and Christian god.

There is just ONE power that is omnipresent in all the

things/beings. And it (I will not call it he or she) is not really

non-violence per our definition, else no one ever died, no one

got killed and there was no war ever etc.


I understand that your son is really referring to the incarnations /

perceptions of Gods that Hindus and Christians respectively believe

in. First thing that you need to know is per Christians Jesus is not

a God. He is the " Son of God " or the Messiah. Per Christians God

never incarnated but Hindus do believe that God incarnates and so

there is no point in comparing their perception of God to Hindu



Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolence was predominantly adopted from

Christianity to fight them back on their own turf and with their own

weapon. Persecution of nonviolent people by British brought back the

memories of persecution of Jesus and his disciples and received

extensive coverage and support from rest of the Christian world,

forcing British out of India.


In India Buddha preached and followed non violence, however, his

disciples when they went to China to teach Buddhism they first

learned martial arts to protect themselves during the journey. This

is how martial art first reached China which they later expanded



Nonviolence shouldn't be confused with cowardice. Nonviolence means

not hurting others for pleasure and self-fulfillment. However,

fighting (and if needed killing) for protecting self and others can

not be categorized as Violence. Nonviolence also means giving peace

a chance before waging a war. That is why both Ram and Krishna sent

a last peace message to Ravan and Duryodhan so the war could be


Anand Awasthi





If you have some problem in any part of your body, first you try to

cure it, but when it becomes incurable it has to be cut off to

prevent rest of the body.

World is viraat swaroop (Universal Form) of God. All creatures are

parts of it.

Things become clear when you think from God's point of view.


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Shashikala Bahenji, right you are: " who can kill who " , as all is


I guess Sadhakas are answering in the best possible ways they know,

because it is to be explained by a father to a son who is asking

such questions as he should. Perhaps it is a giant leap to grasp

such concept as immortality, which may not be appreciated at this

stage in son's life!

My short answer is: " when one inquires into deeper meanings of God,

Life, Death, Incarnations, (non)Violence, being Hindu, Hindu Gods

etc, one may come upon understanding that many questions like this

get answered in the satisfactory way " . Now I would teach my son

these things, but I didn't know myself when they were growing up!

In my experience the best answer to one's question is the

disappearance of question itself in the light of understanding

question, as J Krishnamurti used to say " Please see that the answer

is in the question " .


Pratap Bhatt



Hari Om


'Violence' is a relative term.


Basically in the divine play of God, humans enjoy certain liberties

of conduct. There are laws governing the entire creation. Humans

have immense powers but identification with the mind and body makes

them 'desire' for worldly temporary pleasures. Here they come in

conflict with another law- desires can never be fulfilled, you can

only renounce them. In order to fulfill the desires, one indulges

into violence. 'Gods' in order to keep the creation going 'mete out'

the results of deeds in an equally violent manner- as you sow, so

shall you reap..


In fact, when they do so, they are liberating the souls from

darkness. Hence, it is all 'play' , there is no violence, there is

only 'mercy', there is only 'love' emanating from the top.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Sanatana Dharma is not a simplistic/moralistic philosophy where

things/ acts are categorised as eternally good or bad. It is the

context that determines whether an act is good or bad. consequently

when adharma prevails - the destruction/ killing of the 'asuras' is

necessary for greater good. To give you an analogy - a knife might

be considered as an instrument for violence but it is also necessary

for cutting vegetables etc.

The oft quoted verse 'ahimsa paramo dharmah' from the Gita is only

half of the entire line which concludes with 'dharma himsa tathaiva

cha' - himsa is equally valid when used for dharma.

Gods in our tradition perpetrated violence against those forces that

prevented Truth / dharma from prevailing and therefore cannot be

judged in the same tone as those who commit senseless violence.


Hope this helps.


Anuradha Choudry



Many Rishis such as 'Balmiki' were masters of weaponry and yet they

opted not to fight because they are Brahmins, not authorized to slay

but authorized to teach.


The TriDev Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar are in-charge of this

universe and they have to do whatever is good for mankind.


Manoj Padhi


fellow sadhakaas,


namasteji..There is no escape from birth and death cycles..all our

prayers wish peace and happiness..three times...But..if you can't

defend yourself with vachaa, love..etc..you have to kill by Mantra

or sahastra..even God had to exterminate terror by bad elements.


Hari Om

Vishnu Dada

(Vishnu Patel)




There is only one God. No Hindu God or Muslim God or Christian God.

They are all one and the same. Besides all human beings,

irrespective of religion have souls whose ultimate destiny is to

merge with God or the Parmatma. So to say this God is violent and

the other is not is an exercise in futility.


Hari Shanker Deo



Dear Mr. Iyer,


Gods created all creatures on earth. A few of them tried to

supercede GOD and also tried to destabilise the world. GOD had to

ensure that these creatures do not wreak havoc. hence the

destruction of evil.


Anil Jain



Jai Hanuman


Where is the question of some one " killing " another, when everyone

is " immortal/imperishable " as a law ?


Can any sadhak enlighten me, Jee ? So that I may address this

question !! Kindly help, Jee ! Jee !!


'Violence' by 'Gods' ! Raam, Raam, Raam !!


Mike Bhaiyya ! Pratap Bhaiyya! Sathyanarainji !! Adrien !! Any one

Jee ! But quickly Jee !! Will you come to my rescue with reference

to 'self' and 'Gitaji' - Jee! Jee ! ! Your sister is too stunned

and anxious by the question, Jee !


Who can kill whom Jee ! What do you say Adrien ?


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee






1. Hindu gods are to be understood in the same way as the judaic /

greek gods.

they are manifestations of the self and relate to our own

psychological processes. this has been understtood recently in the

west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG jungs analytical


2. though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being non-

violent and gandhi is one example of this.


Majority of the international violence and acts of terrorism these

days are related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity

and islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or

any other pagan tradition.

please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins for great



Ravi Bakhsi


Dear Mr Iyer,

Violence is something that you cannot avoid. Tell me when you eat

vegetarian food do you not think that those vegetables and rice and

dal and other such food also grew which means they had a life. Which

means that the vegetables and rice were alive and were killed for

your ultimate consumption. That is violence to a lesser degree. What

makes you think that violence does not occur everyday? Even when you

breathe you kill millions of bacteria that enter your nose and mouth.

Let me put it to you that without a section of the population

taking the initiative of killing bad elements in any society,

others do not have the luxury of being non-violent.


hope this helps

Prashanth Thirukkonda


Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

Vedas do not advise just non violence but lay emphasis on Non

Violence of the strong. Prakrti- the divine subtle Nature which is

our Supreme Mother according to Vedas is extremely strong and

powerful but largely peaceful and non violent. She provides a Book

of Nature which even blind people and even animals/fishes/birds can

read and wants us to follow Rts- Her cosmic laws of necessity for

our social, moral and physical order. Like any benevolent and loving

mother she remains peaceful and affectioante most of the time but

gets extremly violent when we flout her Cosmic Laws of Nature and

start spreading social, moral and physical evils.


Hindu gods (Ishwaras) are Not God- as there is only One universal

God for the entire mankind wise men describe Him with different

names. All the Hindu gods/goddesses (Ishwaras/devas/devis) are

extremely powerful and strong but like Prakrti merciful, benevolent

and always keen to ensure that cosmic Laws of nature (Rta) are

observed by all her children who are noble people. Thus Hindu

Ishwaras/devas/devis are the greatest followers of Non violence of

the Strong but get violent if evil is spread in society, environment

is polluted and hydra headed CORRUPTION with Nine Heads over takes

virtue, ethics, divine thoughts and social nobilty.


Incidentally Mahatma Gandhi never talked of Non Violence in a

general way but always talked of Non Violence of the Strong. He

wanted people of India to become morally, spiritually and physically

strong and then non violent. Non violence of the Weak is self

destruction. He has greatly emphasised this point in his

Biography " My Experiment With Truth " .


None of our gods/godesses become violent for the sake of violence

but give a very long rope to evil people to change and behave

conforming to Vedic Rta but those non divine people

(Avarnas/Vritras) who encourage all actions against Laws of Nature

and create social, moral and physics pollution strict action is

taken by Hindu Ishwras/devas/devis.


with kind regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Shri Iyer Bhaiyya, Tell your son simply that to eradicate evil, one

has to engage in violence. If your son understands about a scorpion

and his sting, then ask him that if a scorpion comes into the house

and is running around to sting someone, what would he do? Sometimes,

a question posed against a question, can be a better clarifier, than

an answer. So be it !


Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Sadhak,


According to the Yajnavalkya Samhita, ahimsa or non-violence is the

awareness and practice of non-violence in thought, speech and

action. Do we practice Non-violence at that lavel ???

Do we not kill mosquitoes, cockroches and so many other so

called " harmful being " according to us? What do you say about - Hang

till death, cutting hands of a thief and so many other such so

called justice orders?


All our Puranas have symbolic meaning, they want us to look deep

inside us. The war between good and evil is going on inside us only.

Do we not need to " kill " our bad thoughts ? Do we call killing of

our bad thoughts/demonic qualities as the act of violence ? Who

gives power to kill those bad qualities within ?


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti rupen sansthita

Namstasye, namstasye, Namstasye namo Nama

" I bow to the Divine Mother Who resides within me as Power/Strength "


Thus MaaDurga-Goddess of Motherly Love, Mother of sur (Demigods/our

good qualities) and Asura(Devils/our bad qualities) alike, cannot be

blamed as performing violence. She is washing away the evils of Her

sons by purifying them through Her divine weapons, and ultimately

merging them all in Her own Divine Love.


Similarly Lord Shiva, who drank vemon for the welfare of the entire

universe, whose another name is Bhole Baba(Innocent God who pleases

easily and bless us without considering our good/bad karmas) can not

even think of violence. Read more about Him and you will know how

merciful is He.


We cannot know about our Gods until we know our own self. The

Supreme is seated right into our own Heart. Look within, meditate

deeply and know Thy Self. Surrender to Gitaji and go beyond the

duality of this world.


Krishna says- " I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the

witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the

creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting

place and the eternal seed. " Gitaji Ch 9:18


He is All then who is killing whom ?


We are not the body, and suffering is all illusion arising from the

Nature. If we want to see peace, love and bliss in the world, we

have to " BE " peace, love and bliss. There is no other way.


There is no Hindu GOD or Christian God. There is only ONE, and that

ONE GOD cannot be understood by debate as He is beyond duality,

beyond mind, intellect. God can only be experienced. If your son

wants to understand Sanatan Dharma, present him with a Gitaji. Read

Gitaji over and over again, contemplate on each stanza. Come back

and answer your own question.


With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar





Dear Sir,


We all need to better understand the Hindu philosophy and its

message. First of all we need to understand the meaning of non-

violence. Does it mean only physical act of killing or harming? No.

any act leading to harm or hurt others through thought, word or deed

is Non-violence. A physical act of killing in a war with a pure

intension of good of the mankind is again not classified as

violence. Unfortunately, this thought also is misunderstood,

misinterpreted and misused now a days.


When a mother slaps a child it is not called violence. because the

act originates out of Love.

The stories which you are referring to are from an era when evil

could be identified as a person. who in many cases knew what is evil

or wrong but could not help act in that influence.. that time to

remove the evil was to destroy them. Even if you look at the story

of Gods killing... you would find that it was the last resort. Even

those 'evil' people were given all the possible chances and

opportunities to change. Only when they refused to comply and the

suffering of good become unbearable the physical act of annihilation

was performed, to reinstate the faith, to restore righteousness. It

is high time we realize that spirituality is not for weak. it

requires Will of Shankra, courage of Vivekanand.

Today good and evil have become seen in every person. hence to

destroy the evil path of annihilation of the person is not

resorted. In todays time the solution is - Transformation of heart.

for this the divine beings use various methods. even allowing

themselves to suffer. Lets not misinterpret their divine pure act of



We are such people who would not hesistate to crucify Jesus and do

nothing to stop and fight against but will be first to feel pity

after the act is done. we dont want to self introspect why he was

crucified. we are just contented to know that he was crucified for

our sins. As if the godly people have the obligation to be crucified

while we continue on our unjust ways. if you love Jesus then share

his pain by being good and just. be open and understanding, be

loving towards all. God has given each one enough strength to fight

our own battles. be willing to suffer the punishments for the

mistake committed, dont pass it on to god or godly people and expect

them to suffer for you.


I request you to not use such words " hindu gods lose patience " . this

thought itself is full of ignorance. First of all know - There is

only one GOD and he is omnipresent, omniscience, and omni-potent.

What ever God does is for good of all. Even the physical act of so

called violence is for the good. it is for us to understand how,

when and why he does what he does. Even to qualify to question god

we must first become a humble student. then may be the divine wisdom

would fall on us to understand and enjoy the bliss of his grace.


sai ram

Abhimanyu Kaul




With birth comes death. Mahatma Gandhi fought with weapons he had

i.e. none, but you cannot run a country on that philosophy

as India found out with China.


We must all defend Dharma. This is the best. A persons duty is to

live according to Dharma and to defend it. From Ahimsa paramo

dharmaha, Dharma himsa tathaiva cha. This Is the full proper

statement. Each person has to follow the work according to his caste

and station in life. Kshatriyas job is to defend and fight for

dharma. This is amply show in Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, in FACT THE


is the best Dharma, but to attain it HIMSA (violence) is required to

defend this is the message.


Jayesh A Patel





dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



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5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

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Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




Dear Sadhak,

" Whenever and wherever there is a decline in Dharma, O descendant of

Bharata, and a predominant rise of adharma--at that time I descend

Myself.In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the

miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of dharma, I

advent Myself millennium after millennium " .GitaCh4:7-8

This means the reason behind formless taking form(incarnations) are-

1. to reestablish Dharma in society when there is acute decline in

Dharma and rise of adharma

3.To Protect the people of right conduct, who follow Dharma


4. To punish/remove the evil doers

Based on this I am writing few points which can help you explain yr

CHILD why our God/Goddess are depicted so strong and powerful-



1.God is Almighty----Hindu deities are depicted powerful and

extremely strong. If my God is not strong enough to punish and kill

the evil doers then how He/She would be able to protect me from

dangers, evil doers ?

Bhoot pichas nikat nahin avein , Mahaveer jab naam sunavein...

(evil doers and ghost etc cannot come near you if they hear the name

of Hanumaan)

Why? because we all know that Hanumaan is so strong and

powerful.When we chant Hanumaan chalisa our fear releases, but can

we chant Gandhiji gandhiji to remove our fear ?


2. God is Just---- When I see my God punishing and killing the evil

doers, I know He/She will perform justice to me also if I am

following the right conduct, my Dharma.


3.God is all Protective/Supreme power- Even a child can believe that

my God is able to protect me because they see them so brave, strong,

power full equipped with all weapons...

And my mind also feel that nothing is impossible when my God is with

me, it gives me courage to follow the right conduct even midst of

many wrong doers.



4, God is Loving, Kind and forgiving --All Hindu God/Goddess are

strong, powerful and kind. Even the sinners can take refuge in them

as they all are kind enough to forgive the worst of the sinner. Once

someone surrender, they forgive.(remember forgiveness is ornament of

brave, strong and powerful. A weak, coward forgiving strong powerful

enemy make no sense as the weak has no power to punish the wrong




5.Establish Dharma---All Hindu deities kill the devils( someone who

follow the path of cruelty and adharma) only, so all deities

actually removing adharma and establishing dharma only.


6.Characteristic of incarnated God/Goddess is Ideal - when we read

the characteristic of any Hindu God/Goddess we come to know that we

can learn how to lead our life by following their instructions.If we

can pick up just one preaching our entire attitude change, our

entire life change.


If parents want to prohibit their son from involving into violence,

or any kind of adharma, then they must teach them Gita because Gita

encourage the kids to follow their own Dharma, Gita teaches them why

this anger arise, and why people are so different. Gita teaches them

how to concentrate on MY DUTY instead of running behind the

whimsical mind.


Comparision is certainly not a right approach to teach Dharma to the

kids. We need positive approach when we talk to kids specially



With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar


We all are fighting with so many things from morning till evening

daily, right from birth to end of life, it is a struggle and part of

life. Hindu Gods are visualised to fight the same way during their

course of action, nothing is new , try to understand the same. We

are all aspirants of truth, struggling throughout our life for

attaining smaller to bigger truth and purifying our actions, if it

is not so we shall remain glorifying our outer not the inner self.

God Bless and illumine our hearts with love and nobility.

Hari Motwani


Hare Krishna,


All glories to Srila Prabhupada & Vaishnavas. Pranams to you and

all readers in this forum.


The question presented here by Shri Iyer G. A. " Why Hindu Gods are

depicted to be showing violence (killing or annihilating evil



It's a very good and a logical question from the mundane

perspective. In order to understand the answer I would like to

present an explanation based on Bhakti Vedantic philosophy. Arjuna

also propagated the philosophy of non-violence on the battle field

of Kurukshetra. We find a very interesting, convincing and

logical dialogue from the mundane perspective in the first chapter

of the Bhagvat Gita. (Verses 29 to 46). In the above context I

would like to draw attention verses 36, 37, 38 quoted below:


papam eva´srayed asman hatvaitan atatayinaḠtasman narha vayam



dhartaraá¹sá¹­ran sa-bandhavan sva-janam hi katham hatva sukhinaá¸

syama madhava


yady apy ete na pa´syanti lobhopahata-cetasaáh¸

kula-ká¹saya-krá¹tam doá¹sam


mitra-drohe ca patakam katham na jñeyam asmabhiḠpapad asman



kula-ká¹£aya-ká¹›tam doá¹£am prapa´syadbhir janardana


Sin will overcome us if we slay such aggressors. Therefore it is

not proper for us to kill the sons of Dhṛtaraṣṭra and our

friends. What should we gain, O Kṛṣṇa, husband of the goddess

of fortune, and how could we be happy by killing our own kinsmen? O

Janardana, although these men, overtaken by greed, see no fault in

killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we, with

knowledge of the sin, engage in these acts?


After Arjuna presents such logical statements for not fighting and

resigns, he surrenders to Krishna for His guidance, and thus Krishna

spoke the Bhagavat Gita starting with straightforward talk:


a´socyan anva´socas tvam prajña-vadam´s ca bhaá¹£ase


gatasun agatasum´s ca nanu´socanti paṇá¸itaḥ


The Blessed Lord said: While speaking learned words, you are

mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament

neither for the living nor the dead.


Basically He was indicating that Arjuna you are talking like a

learned man or a wise man but you are not; because your logic is

based on the `bodily' or material concept of Life. The essence of

Bhagvat Gita is that you and others that you see are not this

material body, but are spirit souls and as far is the soul is

concerned it is eternal. The individual soul obtains a material

body according to its past karma and in order to get out of the mire

of or catch 22 cycle of karma when one must transcend the modes of

material nature. This can only be done if one completely surrenders

to God/Krishna. Surrendering to Him (God) means following the will

of God, His instructions. We can do that by hearing `as it is' from

realized Sadhu, Guru & Shastra /Scripture. (The word He spoke and

the words spoken about Him).


Sometimes even after repeated negotiations with the wrong doers if

the path of peace fails then war is eminent. The war in Kurukshetra

was a last resort. After more than fair negotiations……..Duryodhana

said " I will not give the Pandavas even little space as that would

fit on a pin head " . The Supreme Lord Himself negotiated…now is war

or violence induced by such a war unfair? It was the desire and the

will of God that His devotees the Pandavas get back what rightfully

belonged to them; and when ever the will if God is opposed that is

`adharma'. Here God specifically indicated His desire.


Of course on has to be very careful and not become a radical,

fanatical and endanger the society o man kind or creation by either

whimsically thinking or interrupting the will of God by self

proclamation. That is demoniac. That is why it is imperative to

follow the `word' of God `as it is' without interpretations that

suits one's sense gratification. And this possible by hearing from

realized souls in, a bonafide spiritual master or Guru in

disciplic succession/parmapara.


A true devotee of the Lord never propagates violence when it comes

to insults or injustice upon the self. Lord Jesus Christ tolerated

all that was inflicted on him but for the good of others was not

afraid to be what appears to be act of violence in the Temple of

Jerusalem, Herod's Temple, at which the courtyard is described as

being filled with livestock and the tables of the money changers,

who changed the standard Greek and Roman money for Jewish and Tyrian

money, which were the only coinage that could be used in Temple

ceremonies. According to the Gospels, Jesus took offense to this

(extorting profit from the exchange of monies), and so, creating a

whip from some cords, drives out the livestock, scatters the coins

of the money changers, and turns over their tables, and those of the

people selling doves. So what to talk about God Himself, who takes

great offense when His devotees or innocent are tortured by the

injustice of the demoniac.


This material world is described by the Vedic scriptures as `kuntha

jagat'. Kuntha means anxiety, the part of His creation where there

is `NO ANXIETY' is known as Vaikunth. The spiritual world, where

there is no anxiety. No anxiety caused by birth, death old age or



Krishna says that this world is `dukhalayam ashahvatam' meaning this

material world is temporary and full of miseries. One of the

categories of miseries is the Adhibhautika klesh miseries that

inflicted by others (violence). We cannot find or expect Utopia in

this material world. There always exists atheistic class of

`demoniac beings' that will inflict pain on even the religious,

pious, faithful devotees of the Lord. In order to check that, God

either makes someone an instrument (example Arjuna) or He Himself

descends in various forms, incarnations Avtaras to

Mitigate /eradicate/ annihilate the miscreants according to time,

place and circumstances. Bhagvat Gita Chapter 4:7-8 yada yada hi

dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam

sá¹›jamy ahamparitraṇaya sadhunam vina´saya ca duá¹£ká¹›tam dharma-

samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O

descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that

time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and to

annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles

of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.


Now there are many categories of the incarnations of God. The

Brahma Samhita says `Advaitam Achutam, anandi rupam' meaning there

is none second to the Lord (Advaitam), He is infallible- never

influenced by the illusory energy or Maya (Achutam), and He has

unlimited forms /incarnations (anadi rupam). When the Lord creates

He has incarnates as `Guna avatars', when he descends Himself for

annihilating the demoniac, for pleasure of devotees and leaves

mankind His Deity form, sends his Messengers, and Holy scriptures it

is His `Kripa Lila' or Merciful pastimes.


So depending on time, place and circumstances during this endless

cycle of material creation He descends in different forms to enact

transcendental pastimes whether it is the killing of Kamsa, Ravana,

Hairanyakashipu or propagating non-violence in His incarnation of

Lord Buddha or as a devotee of the Lord opening the reservoir of

Love for God as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


Whether the Lord embraces someone, kicks someone or even kills

someone it is all on TRANSCENDENTAL PLATFORM. For example all

demons killed by the Lord (regardless of which demon he killed in

which incarnation), and those killed in His presence in battle of

Kurukshetra attained a spiritual destination. So there is benefit

for those killed by the Lord. One great Vaishnava Acharya Srila

Bhakti Vinode Thakore in poem compiled by him writes " asura shakala

pailo charana vinode thalilo boshi……Gopinath mama nivedana shuno "

meaning: O Lord Gopinath [please here my fervent prayer, so many

demons have wound up getting your mercy by the touch of Your lotus

feet (example: Krishna kicked Kamsa again and again before killing

him, Krishna danced on the hood of Kaliya Naag until Kaliya spat

blood) but Vinode (Thakur Bhakti Vinode) is still is tired and

waiting for your mercy.


The Supreme Lord is a Transcendental Autocrat. Whatever He does it

is for the supreme benefit of all and it gives Him Pleasure too

weather stealing (stealing butter from gopis for the pleasure of

gopis) or even when He brakes His promise. (He promised he would

never participate in the battle of Kurukshetra....but He broke His

promise by charging towards Bhisma with a chariot wheel when Bhishma

almost killed Arjuna. Krishna says in the Bhagavat Gita "

Pratijanati kaunteya, na me bhakta pranashyat' ` O Son of Kunti

(Arjuna) please declare that My devotee will never perish'. He asks

His devotee to declare, He could have very well said: " I declare

that My devotee will never perish " , but instead He asks Arjuna to do

so ……..why is that? The Acharyas comment that sometimes the Lord is

known to break His promises for the sake of His devotees but He will

never break a promise that His devotee has made! Such Love is the

pinnacle of the loving exchange and reciprocation of the Lord & His

devotee. This is something that we should never forget.


No society can exist with Law and order. We have the Police

department, jails courts etc that punish or even induce killing

(capital punishment) on criminals who are a danger to the society.

So it should not be surprising that Lord who descends in His various

incarnations kills various demons. His instruments are powerful

enough to do His will, but when He personally descends he also gives

immense pleasure to His devotees and that is the main reason for

enacting many different lilas or pastimes.


I must express my gratitude to Srila Prabhupada and all devotees for

imparting these transcendental teachings to whom I am eternally

indebted towards. I hope I was able to answer your question. One

excellent reference book that I strongly recommend is : `BHAGAVAT

GITA AS IT IS, by A.C. Bhativedanta Swami Prabhupada. It will make

your life sublime.




Satchitananda Dasa






PS: This is a burning question that has been misused from centuries

against Indian Faiths. I would like to address this in detail. I

request the moderators to allow me to do so. Thanks. Naga.


Violence in Epics


Any scripture can be studied from social perspective or from

spiritual perspective. Once, a scripture is examined from social

perspective, all characters ought to be human be it Rama or Krishna

or Abraham or Zeus or Achilles. After all, these characters are

visualized by humans, may be enlightened, yet humans. Therefore, the

actions performed by these characters need to be obsorbed with an

acute circumstantial social awareness without jumping into

conclusions out of context. Hanuman tells Bhima when requested to

help Pandavas in the anticipated Mahabharata war, " I belong to an

erstwhile value system. Hence, I am not entitled to wage your war. "

The author, Veda Vyasa, emphasises on many occasions the social

boundaries within which every social norm has to be examined



I suggest you to read the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana again

carefully before answering your son. It is a better idea to

encourage him to study the same himself before criticizing them.


Ravana has abducted Sita, wife of Rama. A common man would boil in

rage to kill such a person instantly. Rama had the capability to

destroy Ravan. Yet, Rama sends his representation to Ravana till the

last moment to avert the war and to avoid killing of anyone. On the

other hand, Ravana never regrets his actions. He interprets Rama's

good will as weakness and believes that the weak ones are born only

to suffer from the wrath of the strong ones like himself. The

goodness is often misunderstood with weakness. He shows no interest

in saving any lives as such!


Also, when Rama sends Hanuman to find Sita, he requests Hanuman to

understand first what Sita wants. Sita was already about to suicide

notwithstanding the violence attempted against her. Thanks to

Vedavati's curse and Mandodari's wisdom, Ravana could not dare

violating her physically. Yet, she was literally tortured

psychologically. When Hanuman reveals his identity, the first thing

she reminds Rama is to liberate her from the situation at the

earliest. She even puts a timeline for the action lest she would

kill herself.


A husband is violated and wants his wife back. He is wise enough to

ensure that his wife wants the same. He is human enough to request

and warn the violator. The violator is insensitive to honor others

in the first place and refuses to do so even after a series of

reminders and warnings even from his own brothers and wife. Is it

not obvious that such characters should be removed from the society

for the sake of social welfare?


Same case in Mahabharata. The peace-loving Yudhishthira wages

everything - kingdom, his brothers, his wife and himself - to evade

a war. They accept banishment. Krishna himself pleads the Kauravas

for peace. He even offers on his own that he will convince the

Pandavas even if they are given just five villages - not an empire,

not a kingdom, not even a province ... just five villages. Again,

the violators refuse to acknowledge and honor the requests made. On

contrary, they mock the peace mongers as impotents. Did they leave

any choice but to be removed?


Kamsa, Krishna's uncle, had murdered many new borns driven by his

baseless paranoia. He had imprisoned his own sister and her husband

for life. He had thrown his own father into dungeons for power. He

unleashed wrath on poor villagers just for a fear of a child killing

him. He drew his death nearer and nearer thanks to his own paranoia.

If people were happy, why would they send Akrura to plead Krishna

and Balarama to kill their own king? If they were not convinced, why

would Krishna and Balarama consider killing their own uncle? If you

read Bhagavata carefully, the brothers never strike on Kamsa on

their own. Attempts were made to murder them at every step. Did

Kamsa leave any room for his own survival? Did he leave any other

way other than killing him to rescue the people?


In all cases, who killed whom. Even from social perspective, Ravana,

Kamsa, Duryodhana etc. had already killed themselves with their

deeds by violating every human around who just wanted them dead.

They just needed a power to depend upon. Rama and Krishna happened

to be those.




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …



Dear Sadaks,

If a doctor does operation and patient dies for some reason. Do you

blame the doctor? If a judge setences a criminal to be hanged until

death, do you tell judge commited murder? Here the doctor intention

to save the patient. judge intention was to punish, not to murder.

But if a man kills another man for gains/vengence is called murder.

But if Hindu Gods kills very bad person after giving long rope, it

is called in Hinduism " Vadham " , may mean termination. Like one`s leg

gets affected by diabetes, the leg is cut off. Here Asuras (Very bad

people) are affected by total mind corruption. There are warned now

and then which can also be known from puranas. Only ultimately God


In Christianity- there is a thing known as Judgement Day. Please ask

Christians what it is.

When Moses went 40 days on hills for prayer, leaving hundreds of

peoples at the foothills, the people lost faith in GOD and they

started drinking wine, made forms of eagle/animals as Gods, behaving

like animals, any woman with any man, Moses came down with 10

Commandments. But all laughed at him. Result Gods in heaven says

Bible, killed almost all.

Even now due imbalance of Dharma, earthquake/Tsunami (Pralaya) takes

place killing people.

Jai Sri Krishna


baiya sathyanarayan


Narain Narain


My question is to Vineet Sarvottam.


Sir, if that scorpion comes into your house, then what will you do ?

Pls check up with Papa and come back. It is important question. I

love this father/son relationship/asking questions and wise



Lallubhai Chirimar


dear mr iyer


First we have to study the Vedas, then Upanishads, Brahmanas,

Aranyakas, Siksha, Nirukta, Chhandas, then the 18 Mahapuranas, 18

upa-puranas, then the Ithihaasaas Mahabharat and Ramayana etc. This

is the series of study prescribed.


From this it is clear that Vedas are the first to study, i.e. Lower

primary, then the next upper primary, then high school, then plus 2,

then degree and finally the ithihaasaas which are to be studied for



Our problem is what is to be studied in PG, we study in KG or lower

primary. The root of man is his head and his leg portion is the

head actually. The growth starts from the head portion once it is

formed as a unicellular organ in the uterus.

(Oordhwamoolamadhassakha...... bhagawat gita). This means now we

are standing upward down position (on the reverse.) Therefore all

our actions are on the reverse.


So to hear something from other Dharmas like Christian or Islam or

any other and think in that direction, is not of Sanathana Dharma.

It has no equivalence in the world, rather, all other dharmas are

born out of it only.


The modern education system is teaching only of the Drishyas, means,

object based (Dravyaadhishtita). Shabda, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa,

Gandha, these are only taught and studied. There is no teaching of

the tought. Means, before I start studying a matter or an object

which is outside me, I should first study about myself.


Dear Mr Iyer, you may kindly start studying yourself. Do not think

of Devataas. Devataas and men are having equally good and bad

qualities. The one who is able to do MANANA he is man. No that

those having two legs fitted on the stomac are men.... No never.


Start asking yourself, who 'am I ? From where I came., Where I

have to go/reach... What for I am sent here.. Who has sent me ?

With whose ability my eyes are able to see, with whose inspiration

I am being led to do the innumerable doings (karmaas), with whose

wish my ears are able to hear...


Just because I have two eyes, I cannot see. Just because I have two

ears, I cannot hear. Just because I have tongue I cannot talk...


Then what is that power which orders my these senses (INDRIYAAS) to

do karma.


That chaitanya swaroopa is within you covered by all the (bad)

smskaaraas bought forward throug out the innumerable birth and

death. This cover one has to remove or (dis- cover) then the

original will shine. One reaches a stage of no.... nothing.



vijayan kiliyil




Dear Iyer ji namaskar


Without assessing the powers of the opponent the survival is not

possible. It is upto an individual which path to lead. For the

benifit of mankind if voilence is utilised is a sin too but there

are methods of prayashchitas too. For the welfare of mankind you

have to access whom you are dealing with a most powerful demon or an

ordinary person. If you have to deal with a terrorist you need to

use arms and even kill him if he is a dire problem.

You should explain your son simply the role of a police man/ army

gaurding the nations use voilence to combat terror. In sprtuality

there are various types of dealing with sinners for some the killing

of demons like Ravana, Kansa and other mighty powerful ones God has

to create a counter programme that could eliminate the EVIL

intensions of Adharmi individuls and on the other hand where you

have to deal with the common man you have to guide vast population

to follow a faith and bring people on a common platform to attain

harmony and peace.


No incarnation can be compared with each other. Jesus the son of God

fufiled a mission and blessed the world with his guidance and a

noble thought but people got stuck in Churchanity instead. Mulsims

received Holy Koran but today fanaticism knew no limits through its

powerful followers. Hindus have a vast tresure of knowledge but most

of them are busy in caste based practices and the entire world is on

one side struglling for everything to achieve things through easy



There is no easy way to attain goals. One who has created a room for

voilence gets voilence and one who deservs to be dealt with a non

voilent ways get the same way and let this to be decided by the

almighty and let humans do not decide on this as we lack that

supreme vision that decides everything for every being present in

this world. It is so upto you to follow a path that God deals

accordingly for you. So simple if a terrorist bothers a nation

authorities counter his actions through like agencies. If there is a

person approaching or bothering authorities is dealt through

dialogue and pecefully things are settled.


To get convinced for the actions of incarnations you have to study

the related scriptures to realise the truth. One can not be greater

than other just by making a foolish assesment that one has used

voilence and another has used non voilent tactic to attain

something. You need to know the missions of each incarnation and at

the end you will find that all had a different missions and people

with different powers to deal with.


If we are dealing with a rustler we must know that one is to be

defeated with same trade. IF one us a poor man one has to deal with

him in the simple fashion. A poor man can not be dealt with

voilence. Judge the situations of both the eras you will and can

satisfy your curious son. Even study voilence and non voilence in

real terms. When you eat something you fulfil your need to support/

maintain your physical state. Will you stop eating just because one

day you came to know that eating too in a way leads one to act via

voilent means. Do not you cut plants, kill animals and while eating

eat several unseen things? All the incarnations acted as per their

respective TIME and requirements. One who had to use weapons used

them perfectly and one who had to use compassion and love used it

the brilliant way. It is upto the people for whom these greats are

born as to how they deal with them. That is why incarnations acted

differently but all established superiority of Dharma the truth over

Evil on this globe.



With regards

Love and knowledge!

Dalip Langoo



1. Hindu gods are not to be understood in the same way as the

judaic / greek gods. they are manifestations of the self and relate

to our own psychological processes. this has been understood

recently in the west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG

jungs analytical psychology.

2. Though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being

non-violent and gandhi is one example of this.


most international violence and acts of terrorism these days are

related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity and

islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or any

other pagan tradition


please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins


Ravi Bakhsi


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


It is defensive and slavish mentality that Hindus are falling prey

to the mechanisations of others.


When one believe in one god, can there be different ones ? How

Hindus or somebody else want to depict their Gods is their choice.

Hindus dont have to feel sorry about making pictures of their Gods.

It is none one else's concern.


Sampuran sINGH





Dear Shri Iyer:


Namaskaram with respects.


Hindu concept of Dharma, according to my feeble understanding, makes

a distinction between violence required by one's duties, and

violence done mindlessly or to seek pleasure. When a king punishes a

criminal, it is done to prevent further crime, and is therefore not

himsa. The distinction between himsa and ahimsa is very nicely

explained in Mahabharat at several places.


To my mind, the present confusion is due to advocacy of extreme

ahimsa by Gandhi ji. This led to a mixing of personal dharma of an

ordinary citizen with that of raj dharma of the state and the king.

Gandhi ji's interpretation of ahimsa is valid only in satyuga. How

would you deal with Somalian pirates by using ahimsa? Gandhiji's

ahimsa itself succeeded perhaps only once – against the British. It

failed against others.


Further, while Hindu gods are shown armed to the teeth, Hindus

themselves have remained relatively peace oriented. In other

systems, the Gods have been depicted as peaceful, but the followers

have been very violent. Therefore, my view is that the symbolic

arming of Hindu gods is aspirational (as is the peaceful depiction

in other systems), as a means to encourage Hindus to be a little

more war-like. Secondly, the violence by the Hindu deities has

almost always been in response to the needs of the people, and not

out of spite or anger.


Hope this is useful,


Sanjay Agarawal



Here in the UK, we have been considering this issue for some time.

During the last 2 to 3 years, we have had Christian priests telling

us that Hindu faith and its gods are violent and preach violence –

`look at the pictures of your gods!', they say.


The letter from Shree G A Iyer thus rang de ja vu-bells for me.


1. The paintings and other depictions of Hindu divinities are the

work of artists who have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, the freedom

of artistic expression their faith community has traditionally

granted them.


Nowhere in the scriptures is it decreed that we have to paint

pictures of gods/goddesses nor that we have to show gods/goddesses

carrying weapons.


But to-date no one has questioned why we undertake such depictions.




2. Islam forbids artistic expressions of anything divine, or of



Christians actively depict Christ, but only in a peaceful/suffering





3. If we bear in mind that what we are being told today through

revised editions and mis-translations of scriptures of faiths is

somewhat different from the original scriptures, the artistic

stereotyping may not necessarily correspond to the actual `life-

history' of the concerned figures and their teachings.




4. Christians believe that Christ was the son of God, but he was

unable to stop injustice and cruelty and gave his life in the

process. That is their belief.


Hindus believe in incarnation of the divine who uses supernatural

powers as a last resort to destroy evil. This is not to be equated

with the concept of `violence' in the ordinary human terms.


Once the order is restored and the righteous victims of evil are

liberated from the tyranny of the evil-doer, the avatar no longer

resorts to the so-called `violence' and returns to the normal

benevolent peaceful form.


Our scriptures describe God as the source of bliss and

auspiciousness, the avatar coming to protect devotees, to restore

righteousness, and order to nature and cosmos when such is



5. Faiths should be judged i) on the basis not of propaganda but on

what is actually written in their scriptures, and ii) on the actions

of the faith communities. Contrast Hindus [and their record of non-

aggression against other countries and against other faiths – even

of giving sanctuary to those faiths fleeing persecution elsewhere –

Jews, Parsees, Assyrian Christians], with the followers of other

faiths who have acted to decimate other faith-based civilisations

and committed genocides in India, Americas, Australia, etc. etc.,

almost succeeding in wiping out various civilisations and races.


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


Unfortunately this is easier said than done. How do you persuade

those who make money out of this industry to cease such activities?


Time to reflect.





Namaste Sadhakas..


Sumangal Suprabhat...


As per my belief in our hindu religion, there is only one

God " Parmatma " .

All the names you noted like Shri Rama, Krishna, Durga etc. are

its " Ansha " who took birth as Human being to taught us

about " Dharma " & to spread " Peace & Love " .


Param Parmatma created this beautiful Earth/Shrushti for us. He is

controlling us. If someone is not following his 'Rules of life' and

troubling others. He / she must get punished for others well-being &

to keep Peace in the world.


Example :

If you have a box of fruits & one of them get spoiled what you will


You will remove that spoiled fruit so that other fruits will remain

good otherwise that one fruit will spoil others.




Satish Pawaskar

Keep Smiling Always ;-)




God is suddha, buddha, muktha swaroopa. For killing somebody, one

has to get angry. (krodha) God does not get krodha. (If it becomes

angry, none of us will be thre.) To kill somebody, you have to get

angry. Only, we become angry and therefore we cannot be God.

Krodha is the resultant of Kaama (Aasakthi).


When you slap your son, does he start praising you...? does he get



Rama never killed Ravana. Ravana is described as Moha (Aasakthi).

Rama killed only the Aasakthi which was there in Ravana. The

praisings of Ravana is well clearly written. Once some body goes

thru it, one can understand that Rama never killed Ranava but the

God gave him the Moksha.



vijayan kiliyil



Hindu Gods demonstrate ;- Nip the evil in the bud.


They never lose patience.the annhilation of the evil is done after

many many chances for abondoning the violence against innocent are

provided to the asuras (demons), who usually ignore these.


Shiban Raina




Dear Shri Iyer,


Please refer to your mail of November 10/11.


You say that you are a senior citizen and also a staunch Hindu, but

in my eyers, you seem to be utterly confused about the basic Hindu

faith. Unfortunately, most of the modern educated Hindus suffer from

this confusion according to me. Resultantly, the upcoming Hindu

generation is alsmost uprooted from their Hindu base.


Your question as to why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing

violence (killing or annihilating evil physically), betrays

ignorance of the basic Hindu tenet that Parameshwara or Paramatma

(God) is one. Only Devatas and Devis, who have a positive effect on

human beings are many. Parents and Gurus too are counted among

Devatas, (Matridevo bhava, Pitridevo bhava). Paramatma's creative

faculty personified as Brahma has no armament or weapon. Vishnu

representing His executive faculty and Rudra (Shiva) representing

the assimilation or dissolution faculty alone bear a weapon in one

hand whereas the other hand bears a protective gesture. It only

symbolises punishment to the evil doer and protection to the

righteous ones. The message is concretized in the

Geeta, " Paritranayaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam/ Dharma

sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge, " (From time to time, I

appear on earth in order to protect the righteous ones, destroy the

evil doers and to establish the rule of Dharma, i.e., righteousness

or rule of law).


In the Mahabharatha, (Shanti-parva, chap. 57), Bhishma Pitamah tells

Yudhishthir, " The greatest sin of a king is his failure to protect

his subjects. He should protect the dharma of all his Varnas. (It

means that every citizen should be able to pursue his or her chosen

vocation/occupation, education, trade, business, farming, lending

services, doing government or private job, without let or

hindrance). The king should act like Yamaraj in administering

justice and like Kuber in collection of revenue. He should make

provision for those who cannot support themselves and should take

good care of those who help the destitute " Such lessons of Hindu

scriptures have been ignored . Resultantly, they have brought the

country to a breaking point. In Raj dharma, the question of violence

and non-violence is irrelevant.


Yours sincerely,

Ram Gopal


-Shree Hari-


There has been a lot of mention of various gods killing, in conflict,

the Divine Feminine has been mentioned also on this thread.

Now, I do not know these ancient Vedic literatures, but have some

insights to other bronze age traditions.

Emmanuel Vilakovski considered that the various ancient Greek stories

of waring gods, was actually the remembrance of ancient astronomic


I have seen on this thread, Sadhaks inferring that these ancient


of warring gods, was the primordial forces at work.

Other Sadhaks have in my opinion, correctly pointed out that the

Abrahamic traditions are the most warlike, I have an explanation as

to why.

Here is a quote from the book, 'A shewing of God's Love', (written


an Christian medieval female mystic ).

" The mother may fold her child tenderly to her breast , but our


Mother Jesus, He may homely lead into His blessed Breast....... "

(Notice the Feminine/Masculine aspects here ).

When I first read this, I thought of, (hard to believe I know),

Shakti , Quan Yin , Mother Mary,

and Asherah, known also as Elat , the feminine aspect of El, ( The

supreme GOD).

You see, She has been factored out of the world, (perhaps She is

retuning, I pray She is).

I ask you. Would She desire her children to kill each other.?

The point is Asherah was forced out of the traditions of Israel and

Judah, leaving in the minds of those people, Yahweh, without his

consort, thus the Divine Feminine, the Nurturer ,was no longer in

their hearts, the growth of the Patriarch religion had started.

So the god of their tradition became a god of war and and male

dominance. The great Swami Vivekananda pointed out the horror of the

millions that were killed in the name of that (unbalanced) god . Bede

Griffiths regarded a religion without balance as demonic.

Sri Krishna pointed out to Arjuna that, he (Arjuna) had no memory of

his past lives.

Now consider this. If a swami, a doctor, maybe a Sister of Mercy, or

any sweet soul., suddenly remembered with great clarity , being a

warrior, raising the battle- ax, or sword in brutal warfare , what

would they think.

A soul can weary of war, did not Lord Krishna point out it was only

the flesh and blood that was being destroyed in warfare.

Many have said that the external world is a reflection of mankind's

inner self.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor


Respected Sir,

It is not the question of God or human being, the central theme is

that " a woman is most often linked and the cause of fights / wars "

as well as, down fall ! It may appear to be crude, but still there

seems to be a connection, am I not correct?


Barin Chatterjee



In Short, Hindus believe in the principle so nonviolence that is

practical and can be practiced in day to day life. Christians

believe in a Utopian nonviolence theory that neither they nor anyone

else can practice.


To elaborate, I suppose your son is not old enough to introspect and

understand. First of all there are no Hindu Gods and Christian god.

There is just ONE power that is omnipresent in all the

things/beings. And it (I will not call it he or she) is not really

non-violence per our definition, else no one ever died, no one

got killed and there was no war ever etc.


I understand that your son is really referring to the incarnations /

perceptions of Gods that Hindus and Christians respectively believe

in. First thing that you need to know is per Christians Jesus is not

a God. He is the " Son of God " or the Messiah. Per Christians God

never incarnated but Hindus do believe that God incarnates and so

there is no point in comparing their perception of God to Hindu



Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolence was predominantly adopted from

Christianity to fight them back on their own turf and with their own

weapon. Persecution of nonviolent people by British brought back the

memories of persecution of Jesus and his disciples and received

extensive coverage and support from rest of the Christian world,

forcing British out of India.


In India Buddha preached and followed non violence, however, his

disciples when they went to China to teach Buddhism they first

learned martial arts to protect themselves during the journey. This

is how martial art first reached China which they later expanded



Nonviolence shouldn't be confused with cowardice. Nonviolence means

not hurting others for pleasure and self-fulfillment. However,

fighting (and if needed killing) for protecting self and others can

not be categorized as Violence. Nonviolence also means giving peace

a chance before waging a war. That is why both Ram and Krishna sent

a last peace message to Ravan and Duryodhan so the war could be


Anand Awasthi





If you have some problem in any part of your body, first you try to

cure it, but when it becomes incurable it has to be cut off to

prevent rest of the body.

World is viraat swaroop (Universal Form) of God. All creatures are

parts of it.

Things become clear when you think from God's point of view.


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Shashikala Bahenji, right you are: " who can kill who " , as all is


I guess Sadhakas are answering in the best possible ways they know,

because it is to be explained by a father to a son who is asking

such questions as he should. Perhaps it is a giant leap to grasp

such concept as immortality, which may not be appreciated at this

stage in son's life!

My short answer is: " when one inquires into deeper meanings of God,

Life, Death, Incarnations, (non)Violence, being Hindu, Hindu Gods

etc, one may come upon understanding that many questions like this

get answered in the satisfactory way " . Now I would teach my son

these things, but I didn't know myself when they were growing up!

In my experience the best answer to one's question is the

disappearance of question itself in the light of understanding

question, as J Krishnamurti used to say " Please see that the answer

is in the question " .


Pratap Bhatt



Hari Om


'Violence' is a relative term.


Basically in the divine play of God, humans enjoy certain liberties

of conduct. There are laws governing the entire creation. Humans

have immense powers but identification with the mind and body makes

them 'desire' for worldly temporary pleasures. Here they come in

conflict with another law- desires can never be fulfilled, you can

only renounce them. In order to fulfill the desires, one indulges

into violence. 'Gods' in order to keep the creation going 'mete out'

the results of deeds in an equally violent manner- as you sow, so

shall you reap..


In fact, when they do so, they are liberating the souls from

darkness. Hence, it is all 'play' , there is no violence, there is

only 'mercy', there is only 'love' emanating from the top.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Sanatana Dharma is not a simplistic/moralistic philosophy where

things/ acts are categorised as eternally good or bad. It is the

context that determines whether an act is good or bad. consequently

when adharma prevails - the destruction/ killing of the 'asuras' is

necessary for greater good. To give you an analogy - a knife might

be considered as an instrument for violence but it is also necessary

for cutting vegetables etc.

The oft quoted verse 'ahimsa paramo dharmah' from the Gita is only

half of the entire line which concludes with 'dharma himsa tathaiva

cha' - himsa is equally valid when used for dharma.

Gods in our tradition perpetrated violence against those forces that

prevented Truth / dharma from prevailing and therefore cannot be

judged in the same tone as those who commit senseless violence.


Hope this helps.


Anuradha Choudry



Many Rishis such as 'Balmiki' were masters of weaponry and yet they

opted not to fight because they are Brahmins, not authorized to slay

but authorized to teach.


The TriDev Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar are in-charge of this

universe and they have to do whatever is good for mankind.


Manoj Padhi


fellow sadhakaas,


namasteji..There is no escape from birth and death cycles..all our

prayers wish peace and happiness..three times...But..if you can't

defend yourself with vachaa, love..etc..you have to kill by Mantra

or sahastra..even God had to exterminate terror by bad elements.


Hari Om

Vishnu Dada

(Vishnu Patel)




There is only one God. No Hindu God or Muslim God or Christian God.

They are all one and the same. Besides all human beings,

irrespective of religion have souls whose ultimate destiny is to

merge with God or the Parmatma. So to say this God is violent and

the other is not is an exercise in futility.


Hari Shanker Deo



Dear Mr. Iyer,


Gods created all creatures on earth. A few of them tried to

supercede GOD and also tried to destabilise the world. GOD had to

ensure that these creatures do not wreak havoc. hence the

destruction of evil.


Anil Jain



Jai Hanuman


Where is the question of some one " killing " another, when everyone

is " immortal/imperishable " as a law ?


Can any sadhak enlighten me, Jee ? So that I may address this

question !! Kindly help, Jee ! Jee !!


'Violence' by 'Gods' ! Raam, Raam, Raam !!


Mike Bhaiyya ! Pratap Bhaiyya! Sathyanarainji !! Adrien !! Any one

Jee ! But quickly Jee !! Will you come to my rescue with reference

to 'self' and 'Gitaji' - Jee! Jee ! ! Your sister is too stunned

and anxious by the question, Jee !


Who can kill whom Jee ! What do you say Adrien ?


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee






1. Hindu gods are to be understood in the same way as the judaic /

greek gods.

they are manifestations of the self and relate to our own

psychological processes. this has been understtood recently in the

west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG jungs analytical


2. though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being non-

violent and gandhi is one example of this.


Majority of the international violence and acts of terrorism these

days are related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity

and islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or

any other pagan tradition.

please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins for great



Ravi Bakhsi


Dear Mr Iyer,

Violence is something that you cannot avoid. Tell me when you eat

vegetarian food do you not think that those vegetables and rice and

dal and other such food also grew which means they had a life. Which

means that the vegetables and rice were alive and were killed for

your ultimate consumption. That is violence to a lesser degree. What

makes you think that violence does not occur everyday? Even when you

breathe you kill millions of bacteria that enter your nose and mouth.

Let me put it to you that without a section of the population

taking the initiative of killing bad elements in any society,

others do not have the luxury of being non-violent.


hope this helps

Prashanth Thirukkonda


Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

Vedas do not advise just non violence but lay emphasis on Non

Violence of the strong. Prakrti- the divine subtle Nature which is

our Supreme Mother according to Vedas is extremely strong and

powerful but largely peaceful and non violent. She provides a Book

of Nature which even blind people and even animals/fishes/birds can

read and wants us to follow Rts- Her cosmic laws of necessity for

our social, moral and physical order. Like any benevolent and loving

mother she remains peaceful and affectioante most of the time but

gets extremly violent when we flout her Cosmic Laws of Nature and

start spreading social, moral and physical evils.


Hindu gods (Ishwaras) are Not God- as there is only One universal

God for the entire mankind wise men describe Him with different

names. All the Hindu gods/goddesses (Ishwaras/devas/devis) are

extremely powerful and strong but like Prakrti merciful, benevolent

and always keen to ensure that cosmic Laws of nature (Rta) are

observed by all her children who are noble people. Thus Hindu

Ishwaras/devas/devis are the greatest followers of Non violence of

the Strong but get violent if evil is spread in society, environment

is polluted and hydra headed CORRUPTION with Nine Heads over takes

virtue, ethics, divine thoughts and social nobilty.


Incidentally Mahatma Gandhi never talked of Non Violence in a

general way but always talked of Non Violence of the Strong. He

wanted people of India to become morally, spiritually and physically

strong and then non violent. Non violence of the Weak is self

destruction. He has greatly emphasised this point in his

Biography " My Experiment With Truth " .


None of our gods/godesses become violent for the sake of violence

but give a very long rope to evil people to change and behave

conforming to Vedic Rta but those non divine people

(Avarnas/Vritras) who encourage all actions against Laws of Nature

and create social, moral and physics pollution strict action is

taken by Hindu Ishwras/devas/devis.


with kind regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Shri Iyer Bhaiyya, Tell your son simply that to eradicate evil, one

has to engage in violence. If your son understands about a scorpion

and his sting, then ask him that if a scorpion comes into the house

and is running around to sting someone, what would he do? Sometimes,

a question posed against a question, can be a better clarifier, than

an answer. So be it !


Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Sadhak,


According to the Yajnavalkya Samhita, ahimsa or non-violence is the

awareness and practice of non-violence in thought, speech and

action. Do we practice Non-violence at that lavel ???

Do we not kill mosquitoes, cockroches and so many other so

called " harmful being " according to us? What do you say about - Hang

till death, cutting hands of a thief and so many other such so

called justice orders?


All our Puranas have symbolic meaning, they want us to look deep

inside us. The war between good and evil is going on inside us only.

Do we not need to " kill " our bad thoughts ? Do we call killing of

our bad thoughts/demonic qualities as the act of violence ? Who

gives power to kill those bad qualities within ?


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti rupen sansthita

Namstasye, namstasye, Namstasye namo Nama

" I bow to the Divine Mother Who resides within me as Power/Strength "


Thus MaaDurga-Goddess of Motherly Love, Mother of sur (Demigods/our

good qualities) and Asura(Devils/our bad qualities) alike, cannot be

blamed as performing violence. She is washing away the evils of Her

sons by purifying them through Her divine weapons, and ultimately

merging them all in Her own Divine Love.


Similarly Lord Shiva, who drank vemon for the welfare of the entire

universe, whose another name is Bhole Baba(Innocent God who pleases

easily and bless us without considering our good/bad karmas) can not

even think of violence. Read more about Him and you will know how

merciful is He.


We cannot know about our Gods until we know our own self. The

Supreme is seated right into our own Heart. Look within, meditate

deeply and know Thy Self. Surrender to Gitaji and go beyond the

duality of this world.


Krishna says- " I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the

witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the

creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting

place and the eternal seed. " Gitaji Ch 9:18


He is All then who is killing whom ?


We are not the body, and suffering is all illusion arising from the

Nature. If we want to see peace, love and bliss in the world, we

have to " BE " peace, love and bliss. There is no other way.


There is no Hindu GOD or Christian God. There is only ONE, and that

ONE GOD cannot be understood by debate as He is beyond duality,

beyond mind, intellect. God can only be experienced. If your son

wants to understand Sanatan Dharma, present him with a Gitaji. Read

Gitaji over and over again, contemplate on each stanza. Come back

and answer your own question.


With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar





Dear Sir,


We all need to better understand the Hindu philosophy and its

message. First of all we need to understand the meaning of non-

violence. Does it mean only physical act of killing or harming? No.

any act leading to harm or hurt others through thought, word or deed

is Non-violence. A physical act of killing in a war with a pure

intension of good of the mankind is again not classified as

violence. Unfortunately, this thought also is misunderstood,

misinterpreted and misused now a days.


When a mother slaps a child it is not called violence. because the

act originates out of Love.

The stories which you are referring to are from an era when evil

could be identified as a person. who in many cases knew what is evil

or wrong but could not help act in that influence.. that time to

remove the evil was to destroy them. Even if you look at the story

of Gods killing... you would find that it was the last resort. Even

those 'evil' people were given all the possible chances and

opportunities to change. Only when they refused to comply and the

suffering of good become unbearable the physical act of annihilation

was performed, to reinstate the faith, to restore righteousness. It

is high time we realize that spirituality is not for weak. it

requires Will of Shankra, courage of Vivekanand.

Today good and evil have become seen in every person. hence to

destroy the evil path of annihilation of the person is not

resorted. In todays time the solution is - Transformation of heart.

for this the divine beings use various methods. even allowing

themselves to suffer. Lets not misinterpret their divine pure act of



We are such people who would not hesistate to crucify Jesus and do

nothing to stop and fight against but will be first to feel pity

after the act is done. we dont want to self introspect why he was

crucified. we are just contented to know that he was crucified for

our sins. As if the godly people have the obligation to be crucified

while we continue on our unjust ways. if you love Jesus then share

his pain by being good and just. be open and understanding, be

loving towards all. God has given each one enough strength to fight

our own battles. be willing to suffer the punishments for the

mistake committed, dont pass it on to god or godly people and expect

them to suffer for you.


I request you to not use such words " hindu gods lose patience " . this

thought itself is full of ignorance. First of all know - There is

only one GOD and he is omnipresent, omniscience, and omni-potent.

What ever God does is for good of all. Even the physical act of so

called violence is for the good. it is for us to understand how,

when and why he does what he does. Even to qualify to question god

we must first become a humble student. then may be the divine wisdom

would fall on us to understand and enjoy the bliss of his grace.


sai ram

Abhimanyu Kaul




With birth comes death. Mahatma Gandhi fought with weapons he had

i.e. none, but you cannot run a country on that philosophy

as India found out with China.


We must all defend Dharma. This is the best. A persons duty is to

live according to Dharma and to defend it. From Ahimsa paramo

dharmaha, Dharma himsa tathaiva cha. This Is the full proper

statement. Each person has to follow the work according to his caste

and station in life. Kshatriyas job is to defend and fight for

dharma. This is amply show in Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, in FACT THE


is the best Dharma, but to attain it HIMSA (violence) is required to

defend this is the message.


Jayesh A Patel





dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

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8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

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9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

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11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

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words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




Namaskar to all,


We have talked of Dharma to defend and punish after peaceful

efforts. Shatriya dharma also seems to be pointing to anger, fear

and weakness. Good over bad and GOD over Rakshas, fight is going on

for ever. We could not control our selfish desire. Example of

Duryodhana as the Eldest and Ravan fulfilling his Rakshah dharma

shows their being true to their Dharma. Killing of Bali, Ravan,

Duryodhana and other ashura predominantly show misbehaiviour towards

Women the Mother.

In this world of patriachial society Mother is related to Birth and

Death. Out great Mother Earth, Motherland and our own Mother are

object of selfless service and we can't repay back. We have always

used and enjoyed the benevolence but could not return back, which is

also a form of Violence. Due to this violence we are destroying

ourselves as Earth will by the global warming.

Mahabharat & Ramayan are examples of increasing negativeness which

ended in perishing of their Family. The Yadav and Sita here and

middle west showed the relatives of Mohammed eliminted. The apostles

of Jesus spread the word of Love. But christianity again has

continued the act of punishing without waiting for the Day of


'Violence in any form results in more violence which eats ourself',

this is to be told to our children. Humans as Intellectual leaders

should be settled by debate and not follow the jungle rule to prove

their maturity and superiority among the living creatures.






Soceity – Individual – Non-Violence


Any soceity always faces two problems – (1) the invaders looking for

opportunites like hawks and vultures to feed upon a weak society;

and (2) the schemers within a society to promote their causes beyond

their rights geopardising the social integrity. That is the fact.

The social health and prosperity depends on the society's integrity

and strength.


So is for a person – the external invaders in terms of objective

attractions and the internal schemers in terms of desires and fears

perpetually feed on a gullible individual. They join hands to

geopardise internal strength and fracture personal integrity of the

individual in the game of survival.


One should not mislead a soceity (and an individual) in the name

of " non-violence " or any other high-sounding phrases that may weaken

it to become vulnerable to its own doom. It is the primary

responsibility of every individual – personally as well as socially.

In my opinion, one of the root cause for the milleniums of

subjugation of Indian population is the superficially preached,

wrongly understood and illusively adapted extra-ordinary concepts

such as non-violence.


One can disguise under " non-violence " and let the whole population

including oneself suffer the violence under a tyrant insider or

invader – one may call it non-violence or tolerance; but I call it

indifference and even cowardice. Or one may gather strength to face

and terminate the tyrant to let the whole population and oneself

live in peace – one may call it violence or aggression; but I call

it self-assertion and progression. Whenever the body is infested it

should be disinfected and whenever it is under attack it should be

quarantined off the infectors ... so is a house, and a village, as

well as a nation.

We can treat the epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata as either

personal saga or social saga or both toward establishing and

maintaining social/individual balance of presence against the odds

around as well as within. The human characters battling for

sustanence of social balance in terms of morale, prosperity and

stability would become the variance in natural elements that stirr

an individual pcyche in terms of experiences and their traces

recorded by the psyche in terms of memories, constantly nurturing

clones of desires and fears in the individual in infinitude,

battling for sustanance of psychological balance in terms of esteem,

fulfillment and confidence.


True violence is within an individual (or a soceity) rooted in one's

treatment to one's own nature. Suffering is the indicator of the

violence. One would feel injured only when one's nature is violated

knowingly or unknowingly. Developing desires contrary to one's

nature is the root cause for all the fears harbored within.

Borrowing an alien nature, even though it sounds noble (e.g. non-

violence), cannot resolve this problem. It will add new conflicts

generated from the ignorance regarding the newly solicited value. It

is like taking a well-named medicine for a problem that is never

diagnosed in the first place. Imbibing non-violence without

appreciating the violence within can be the most violent act one

could possibly turn into … violence suppressed within by force ticks

like a time bomb … erodes the individual from within … increasing

one's suffering exponentially within. Suffering within for

whatsoever reason is THE ONLY SIN that is accounted in our

scriptures. Symptomatic treatment for superficial suppression of the

miseries is not an acceptable remedy as the seeds of miseries are

left healthy which would ensure the miseries to eventually resurface

stronger. The epics depict the removal of the root causes of the

suffering as such.


The wars of Ramayana and Mahabharata are the nerve-wracking

conflicts an individual is engaged within to establish oneself in

the peace within. All the violators – be it intrinsic or extrinsic

or both – have to be faced, fought with and eliminated with an

absolute resolve to establish in the non-violence within. Once

established within, it exuberates on its own – no additional

practice is required. One can never " acquire " non-violence by

preaching – who-so-ever preaches and who-so-ever listens. It is

revealed only in those who take initiative to seek the same within

with clarity and resolve.


If you want to see The God in the characters of Rama, Krishna, etc.

… my friend, you have to change your outlook completely and

understand what is meant by violence, non-violence, and the god ...

also you will have to re-read our epics in a totally different

perspective to see its relevance to your self-cleansing and god-

realization process. Let me just throw a stone at you from this

perspective ... " Non-Violenece " IS THE ONLY REASON why " The God " had

to " kill " the so-called " evil elements " in our stories! ... All the

words/phrases under quotes need to be examined at their roots …

Please think about it.




Naga Narayana.


(to be contd.)



3. Violence – Religion – Non-Violence


I saw a video clip by a Scandinavian doctoral scholar on the current

rage of conversion in India. A school bus with children is made to

stop. The children from " Hindu " background are asked to chant names

of " Hindu " gods. The driver would not move the bus. Then the

children are asked to chant Jesus. The driver moves the bus. The

preacher elates to the innocent children how Jesus is great! He

would not stop there ... he insists how Hindu gods are useless!!


Monotheism is often promoted as the greatest path to God Realization

because, it is. But the problem with the preachers is they do not

realize that the population is not ready for God Realization when

they have no clue what this ONE GOD means. Ignorant acceptance or

fearful imposition or greedy marketing of notions of ONE GOD brings

in the violence in human mind. Having no clue of what ONE GOD means

and unable to drop the idea that what I believe is the greatest, the

stubborn mind wages war against anything that questions its

identity, its " god " . The very belief of god remains superstition and

explodes out as fanatism to prove its non-existent sanity within.

Intolerance to anything other than what I believe is the first signs

of such fanatism. Then, the preaching mind starts blurting

meaningless phrases such as " my god " , " other gods " etc. while

actually talking about ONE GOD!


Hinduism is not a religion, but a federation of religions with

mutual respect – Polytheist for beginners and monotheist for the

seekers. Traditionally, The Dharma has three wings – Jaata

(personal), Samaaja (social) and Sanaatana (eternal). All " Hindu "

religions – be it Aindrism, Aagnism, Praanism, Braamhsim,

Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaaktism, or any other faith – are based on

single agenda: Minimal Violence. Every individual is free to

choose " a god " personally. The element of nature that appeals to a

person the most is divinized so that a person would not violate his

nature as far as possible. Every family will have a family deity

that represents the consensus amongst the family members to minimize

the mutual violations within the family. Every community would have

a community deity representing the communal consensus – again, to

minimize the communal violations. Every village would have a deity

representing the population's consensus – again to minimize the

violations and conflicts within a population. Therefore, every

Indian religion is also a consensual federation of beleifs and

values. As every individual enjoys the freedom, every other

individual is automatically respected – mutual tolerance of beleifs

becomes a necessity in such a federation. Thus confrontation and

contradiction of beleifs and values are minmized on the very onset

of the so called religions in such a system. Having diverse nature

is natural amongst the population … so is the polytheism. If an

individual has ardent interest in the education, he/she should be

free to pursue education worshipping the very process of education.

An individual has a chance to attain the ONE GOD only when the

personal god (in this case, Saraswati) is appreciated thoroughly.

The life has to be appreciated at its depth before one opens mouth

on Monotheism. Awareful transcendence of the Jaata and Samaaja

Dharmas is a necessity to enter the Sanaatana Dharma – Monotheism.

Preaching Monotheism with little or no appreciation of life in depth

can only lead to fanatism and violence that we see around the world



Violence has been adapted against the polytheism in India from ages

not understanding its greatness – UNITY IN DIVERSITY through FREEDOM

AND TOLERANCE – to propagand the greatness of monotheism(s). The

very propoganda becomes a mockery of the monotheism. Please see the

paradox in the preaching of monotheism – ONE GOD is the greatest of

all. Plurality is already believed before promoting Singularity. The

very preaching is violence – violation of the preacher's belief as

well as the listners' beliefs! Anything followed with blind belief

becomes an identity to an ego that it cannot just let go!!


Removal of all violations within is the fundamental purpose of a

religion. It is just a stepping stone toward God Realization. It can

never be a medium for God Realization in itself. A religion can

serve its purpose only when it acknowledges the variance in the

levels of appreciation in an individual … only when it understands

the diversity in people's understanding of life … only when it

attempts to eliminate violations within and across individuals to

promote tolerance, harmony and non-violence. Removal of hurdles to

such harmony is essential as ignorance always remains the driving

force of any soceity in spite of all efforts one could possibly put

forward! No preaching could change it. Buddha could not … Mahaaveer

could not … Jesus could not … Mohammed could not … Gandhi could not!

Working with the inevitable – the ignorance – is the concept of

polytheism, The Federation of Values and Beliefs. That is the only

way to reduce the violations and hence the violence.


The wars of Ramayana and Mahabharata are the wars against all the

threats to social and individual harmony, the violators of

natural/social/individual balance, and the agressors promoting

intolerence and conflicts. These wars have to be kept alive to

maintain natural/social/individual balance as such as the threats,

violators and aggressors will never stop being around!!!




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …



4. Violence, Non-Violence and God


What is violation? Any event that seem to break the boundaries of

one's beliefs against one's desire. What is violence? Any violation

that injures an individual physically and/or mentally. Violation

requires two parties - violator and violatee. A violater has to see

an alien entity and its boundary to break the same. A violatee

should see an alien entity as well with an exclusive boundary of its

own to perceive that the alien is breaking in.


The God cannot have any boundary – if one attempts to imagine " a

god " with boundaries, the very belief is debatable since (1) the

very notion is captive within one's imagination; and (2) there

exists an infinitude outside such a captivity! If The God has no

boundary how can there be a violater or a violatee? Then, how can

there be any violation? What is violence then when no one can

tresspass nobody?! All the emotional qualities – positive as well as

negative – drop out automatically as an individual starts converging

toward The God. If there is not such convergence, the very spiritual

process should be treated with suspicion.


The very suspicion that Rama or Krishna could be The God on one hand

and also to be violent on the other hand is self-contradictory. The

relative emotions of a typical human perception of violence and non-

violence on an absolute entity is paradoxical. If one perceives the

god through projection of any human (or otherwise) perception, it

remains a mere notion just like the very perception. Violence and

non-violence is in one's perception. As Krishna says in Bhagavad



Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |

Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||


Whether nature is created or just present, every particle, atom,

quark, photon, pulse is just present as is in spite of the

apparently perpetual cosmic re-alignement, re-orientation and re-

association amongst them. Really speaking, nothing can even modify,

let alone violate, anything as such. Therefore, the very notion of

violation and hence violence remains oblivious and baseless.


Growing out of the perceived violence and transcendence of the

notion of non-violence to attain the state of no violence and no non-

violence is THE WAR waged in Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Acknowledging, appreciating, understanding and realising the

life " as is " is the only target of a spiritual seeker. Removal of

all the hurdles toward attainment of the same perpetually is all the

wars are about. The sacrifice in which the seeker hunts down his

possessive, relational and emotional hurdles to drop the same as

oblations is all these wars are about. Removal of the core violators

within at their roots so that they can never raise again to bring in

a preception of violence is all these wars are about. When the

characters help the seeker to initiate, sustain and complete the

Bramha Yagnya they reveal The God as such.


Brahmaarpanam brahmahavih brahmaagnou brahmanaahutam |

Brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahmakarma samaadhinam ||

The violator, the violatee, as well as the violation remain one with

The Absolute loosing their distinction as well as presence in the

same. The war is to fight all the perceptional hurdles to mitigate

the very perceptional insistance to keep the notions of violation,

violator and violatee alive.




Naga Narayana


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Nagaji, it would be helpful to further clarify, Hinduism and your usage of the

word Polytheistic with regards to it, to avoid any misunderstanding/confusion.


Gita talk Moderator


Thanks for the sincere concern. I understand that. This is the basis

of this writing. Many of my " non-Hindu " friends raise this same

question with a conviction that Hinduism is Polytheist. Infact, by

observing we practice the " religion " gives the same picture frankly.


The ultimate God is the same - HAPPINESS. But THAT remains

aloof to the intellect that is not ready to attain. There is no point

in confusing the intellect when it is not ready. Looking at diversity

is its nature. Let it ... let it freely and openly. Then, it is

possible that it may one day see the light ... The Absolute nature in

the very deity it is worshipping. Once it sees The Absolute there, it

can see nothing but The Absolute everywhere. The Absolute is not for

everybody, at least to start with.


That is the importance of Sagunopaaaana (worship of God with qualities and

attributes). Nirgunopaasana (worship of the Absolute/without qualities and

attributes) an eventuality. When Sagunopaasana is practiced right, IT WILL TAKE



Polytheism - Saguna Saapeksha Saakaara Daiva - is most natural for any to

perceive to start with. If somebody is happy with Nirguna

Nirapeksha Niraakaara Brahman ... of course, that is good! Seeking

THAT through either " the knowns " or " the unknown " beyond both known

and unknown is the primary agenda of either of the Upaasanas.


Direct answer to your statement " Hinduism is monotheist " ... I

personally agree as my nature is to seek Nirgunopaasana. But, The

World also harbors the others ... Dwaitins, Yogins, etc. where there

exists a heirarchy even amongst the divinities. I see polytheism

everywhere for the simple reason that the perception of every

individual is unique and never be the same as anybody else's. Even the very

appreciation of the Monotheism will remain diverse in one's mind and speech.

Monotheism is a concept to win over our scattered

appreciation of life. It looses its very context as soon as a seeker

attains The Absolute just like Polytheism drops its context. If you

really want me to refer to our Sanaatana Dharma, IT IS THAT which

includes Gunas as well as Nirguna as well as everything beyond. We

perceive Nirguna as a notion since we perceive Gunas. If we stop

perceiving the Gunas as such where can the notion of Nirguna stand?!


Thank you very much for the requested clarification.




Naga Narayana





Dear Sadhak,

" Whenever and wherever there is a decline in Dharma, O descendant of

Bharata, and a predominant rise of adharma--at that time I descend

Myself.In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the

miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of dharma, I

advent Myself millennium after millennium " .GitaCh4:7-8

This means the reason behind formless taking form(incarnations) are-

1. to reestablish Dharma in society when there is acute decline in

Dharma and rise of adharma

3.To Protect the people of right conduct, who follow Dharma


4. To punish/remove the evil doers

Based on this I am writing few points which can help you explain yr

CHILD why our God/Goddess are depicted so strong and powerful-



1.God is Almighty----Hindu deities are depicted powerful and

extremely strong. If my God is not strong enough to punish and kill

the evil doers then how He/She would be able to protect me from

dangers, evil doers ?

Bhoot pichas nikat nahin avein , Mahaveer jab naam sunavein...

(evil doers and ghost etc cannot come near you if they hear the name

of Hanumaan)

Why? because we all know that Hanumaan is so strong and

powerful.When we chant Hanumaan chalisa our fear releases, but can

we chant Gandhiji gandhiji to remove our fear ?


2. God is Just---- When I see my God punishing and killing the evil

doers, I know He/She will perform justice to me also if I am

following the right conduct, my Dharma.


3.God is all Protective/Supreme power- Even a child can believe that

my God is able to protect me because they see them so brave, strong,

power full equipped with all weapons...

And my mind also feel that nothing is impossible when my God is with

me, it gives me courage to follow the right conduct even midst of

many wrong doers.



4, God is Loving, Kind and forgiving --All Hindu God/Goddess are

strong, powerful and kind. Even the sinners can take refuge in them

as they all are kind enough to forgive the worst of the sinner. Once

someone surrender, they forgive.(remember forgiveness is ornament of

brave, strong and powerful. A weak, coward forgiving strong powerful

enemy make no sense as the weak has no power to punish the wrong




5.Establish Dharma---All Hindu deities kill the devils( someone who

follow the path of cruelty and adharma) only, so all deities

actually removing adharma and establishing dharma only.


6.Characteristic of incarnated God/Goddess is Ideal - when we read

the characteristic of any Hindu God/Goddess we come to know that we

can learn how to lead our life by following their instructions.If we

can pick up just one preaching our entire attitude change, our

entire life change.


If parents want to prohibit their son from involving into violence,

or any kind of adharma, then they must teach them Gita because Gita

encourage the kids to follow their own Dharma, Gita teaches them why

this anger arise, and why people are so different. Gita teaches them

how to concentrate on MY DUTY instead of running behind the

whimsical mind.


Comparision is certainly not a right approach to teach Dharma to the

kids. We need positive approach when we talk to kids specially



With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar


We all are fighting with so many things from morning till evening

daily, right from birth to end of life, it is a struggle and part of

life. Hindu Gods are visualised to fight the same way during their

course of action, nothing is new , try to understand the same. We

are all aspirants of truth, struggling throughout our life for

attaining smaller to bigger truth and purifying our actions, if it

is not so we shall remain glorifying our outer not the inner self.

God Bless and illumine our hearts with love and nobility.

Hari Motwani


Hare Krishna,


All glories to Srila Prabhupada & Vaishnavas. Pranams to you and

all readers in this forum.


The question presented here by Shri Iyer G. A. " Why Hindu Gods are

depicted to be showing violence (killing or annihilating evil



It's a very good and a logical question from the mundane

perspective. In order to understand the answer I would like to

present an explanation based on Bhakti Vedantic philosophy. Arjuna

also propagated the philosophy of non-violence on the battle field

of Kurukshetra. We find a very interesting, convincing and

logical dialogue from the mundane perspective in the first chapter

of the Bhagvat Gita. (Verses 29 to 46). In the above context I

would like to draw attention verses 36, 37, 38 quoted below:


papam eva´srayed asman hatvaitan atatayinaḠtasman narha vayam



dhartaraá¹sá¹­ran sa-bandhavan sva-janam hi katham hatva sukhinaá¸

syama madhava


yady apy ete na pa´syanti lobhopahata-cetasaáh¸

kula-ká¹saya-krá¹tam doá¹sam


mitra-drohe ca patakam katham na jñeyam asmabhiḠpapad asman



kula-ká¹£aya-ká¹›tam doá¹£am prapa´syadbhir janardana


Sin will overcome us if we slay such aggressors. Therefore it is

not proper for us to kill the sons of Dhṛtaraṣṭra and our

friends. What should we gain, O Kṛṣṇa, husband of the goddess

of fortune, and how could we be happy by killing our own kinsmen? O

Janardana, although these men, overtaken by greed, see no fault in

killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we, with

knowledge of the sin, engage in these acts?


After Arjuna presents such logical statements for not fighting and

resigns, he surrenders to Krishna for His guidance, and thus Krishna

spoke the Bhagavat Gita starting with straightforward talk:


a´socyan anva´socas tvam prajña-vadam´s ca bhaá¹£ase


gatasun agatasum´s ca nanu´socanti paṇá¸itaḥ


The Blessed Lord said: While speaking learned words, you are

mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament

neither for the living nor the dead.


Basically He was indicating that Arjuna you are talking like a

learned man or a wise man but you are not; because your logic is

based on the `bodily' or material concept of Life. The essence of

Bhagvat Gita is that you and others that you see are not this

material body, but are spirit souls and as far is the soul is

concerned it is eternal. The individual soul obtains a material

body according to its past karma and in order to get out of the mire

of or catch 22 cycle of karma when one must transcend the modes of

material nature. This can only be done if one completely surrenders

to God/Krishna. Surrendering to Him (God) means following the will

of God, His instructions. We can do that by hearing `as it is' from

realized Sadhu, Guru & Shastra /Scripture. (The word He spoke and

the words spoken about Him).


Sometimes even after repeated negotiations with the wrong doers if

the path of peace fails then war is eminent. The war in Kurukshetra

was a last resort. After more than fair negotiations……..Duryodhana

said " I will not give the Pandavas even little space as that would

fit on a pin head " . The Supreme Lord Himself negotiated…now is war

or violence induced by such a war unfair? It was the desire and the

will of God that His devotees the Pandavas get back what rightfully

belonged to them; and when ever the will if God is opposed that is

`adharma'. Here God specifically indicated His desire.


Of course on has to be very careful and not become a radical,

fanatical and endanger the society o man kind or creation by either

whimsically thinking or interrupting the will of God by self

proclamation. That is demoniac. That is why it is imperative to

follow the `word' of God `as it is' without interpretations that

suits one's sense gratification. And this possible by hearing from

realized souls in, a bonafide spiritual master or Guru in

disciplic succession/parmapara.


A true devotee of the Lord never propagates violence when it comes

to insults or injustice upon the self. Lord Jesus Christ tolerated

all that was inflicted on him but for the good of others was not

afraid to be what appears to be act of violence in the Temple of

Jerusalem, Herod's Temple, at which the courtyard is described as

being filled with livestock and the tables of the money changers,

who changed the standard Greek and Roman money for Jewish and Tyrian

money, which were the only coinage that could be used in Temple

ceremonies. According to the Gospels, Jesus took offense to this

(extorting profit from the exchange of monies), and so, creating a

whip from some cords, drives out the livestock, scatters the coins

of the money changers, and turns over their tables, and those of the

people selling doves. So what to talk about God Himself, who takes

great offense when His devotees or innocent are tortured by the

injustice of the demoniac.


This material world is described by the Vedic scriptures as `kuntha

jagat'. Kuntha means anxiety, the part of His creation where there

is `NO ANXIETY' is known as Vaikunth. The spiritual world, where

there is no anxiety. No anxiety caused by birth, death old age or



Krishna says that this world is `dukhalayam ashahvatam' meaning this

material world is temporary and full of miseries. One of the

categories of miseries is the Adhibhautika klesh miseries that

inflicted by others (violence). We cannot find or expect Utopia in

this material world. There always exists atheistic class of

`demoniac beings' that will inflict pain on even the religious,

pious, faithful devotees of the Lord. In order to check that, God

either makes someone an instrument (example Arjuna) or He Himself

descends in various forms, incarnations Avtaras to

Mitigate /eradicate/ annihilate the miscreants according to time,

place and circumstances. Bhagvat Gita Chapter 4:7-8 yada yada hi

dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam

sá¹›jamy ahamparitraṇaya sadhunam vina´saya ca duá¹£ká¹›tam dharma-

samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O

descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that

time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and to

annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles

of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.


Now there are many categories of the incarnations of God. The

Brahma Samhita says `Advaitam Achutam, anandi rupam' meaning there

is none second to the Lord (Advaitam), He is infallible- never

influenced by the illusory energy or Maya (Achutam), and He has

unlimited forms /incarnations (anadi rupam). When the Lord creates

He has incarnates as `Guna avatars', when he descends Himself for

annihilating the demoniac, for pleasure of devotees and leaves

mankind His Deity form, sends his Messengers, and Holy scriptures it

is His `Kripa Lila' or Merciful pastimes.


So depending on time, place and circumstances during this endless

cycle of material creation He descends in different forms to enact

transcendental pastimes whether it is the killing of Kamsa, Ravana,

Hairanyakashipu or propagating non-violence in His incarnation of

Lord Buddha or as a devotee of the Lord opening the reservoir of

Love for God as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


Whether the Lord embraces someone, kicks someone or even kills

someone it is all on TRANSCENDENTAL PLATFORM. For example all

demons killed by the Lord (regardless of which demon he killed in

which incarnation), and those killed in His presence in battle of

Kurukshetra attained a spiritual destination. So there is benefit

for those killed by the Lord. One great Vaishnava Acharya Srila

Bhakti Vinode Thakore in poem compiled by him writes " asura shakala

pailo charana vinode thalilo boshi……Gopinath mama nivedana shuno "

meaning: O Lord Gopinath [please here my fervent prayer, so many

demons have wound up getting your mercy by the touch of Your lotus

feet (example: Krishna kicked Kamsa again and again before killing

him, Krishna danced on the hood of Kaliya Naag until Kaliya spat

blood) but Vinode (Thakur Bhakti Vinode) is still is tired and

waiting for your mercy.


The Supreme Lord is a Transcendental Autocrat. Whatever He does it

is for the supreme benefit of all and it gives Him Pleasure too

weather stealing (stealing butter from gopis for the pleasure of

gopis) or even when He brakes His promise. (He promised he would

never participate in the battle of Kurukshetra....but He broke His

promise by charging towards Bhisma with a chariot wheel when Bhishma

almost killed Arjuna. Krishna says in the Bhagavat Gita "

Pratijanati kaunteya, na me bhakta pranashyat' ` O Son of Kunti

(Arjuna) please declare that My devotee will never perish'. He asks

His devotee to declare, He could have very well said: " I declare

that My devotee will never perish " , but instead He asks Arjuna to do

so ……..why is that? The Acharyas comment that sometimes the Lord is

known to break His promises for the sake of His devotees but He will

never break a promise that His devotee has made! Such Love is the

pinnacle of the loving exchange and reciprocation of the Lord & His

devotee. This is something that we should never forget.


No society can exist with Law and order. We have the Police

department, jails courts etc that punish or even induce killing

(capital punishment) on criminals who are a danger to the society.

So it should not be surprising that Lord who descends in His various

incarnations kills various demons. His instruments are powerful

enough to do His will, but when He personally descends he also gives

immense pleasure to His devotees and that is the main reason for

enacting many different lilas or pastimes.


I must express my gratitude to Srila Prabhupada and all devotees for

imparting these transcendental teachings to whom I am eternally

indebted towards. I hope I was able to answer your question. One

excellent reference book that I strongly recommend is : `BHAGAVAT

GITA AS IT IS, by A.C. Bhativedanta Swami Prabhupada. It will make

your life sublime.




Satchitananda Dasa






PS: This is a burning question that has been misused from centuries

against Indian Faiths. I would like to address this in detail. I

request the moderators to allow me to do so. Thanks. Naga.


Violence in Epics


Any scripture can be studied from social perspective or from

spiritual perspective. Once, a scripture is examined from social

perspective, all characters ought to be human be it Rama or Krishna

or Abraham or Zeus or Achilles. After all, these characters are

visualized by humans, may be enlightened, yet humans. Therefore, the

actions performed by these characters need to be obsorbed with an

acute circumstantial social awareness without jumping into

conclusions out of context. Hanuman tells Bhima when requested to

help Pandavas in the anticipated Mahabharata war, " I belong to an

erstwhile value system. Hence, I am not entitled to wage your war. "

The author, Veda Vyasa, emphasises on many occasions the social

boundaries within which every social norm has to be examined



I suggest you to read the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana again

carefully before answering your son. It is a better idea to

encourage him to study the same himself before criticizing them.


Ravana has abducted Sita, wife of Rama. A common man would boil in

rage to kill such a person instantly. Rama had the capability to

destroy Ravan. Yet, Rama sends his representation to Ravana till the

last moment to avert the war and to avoid killing of anyone. On the

other hand, Ravana never regrets his actions. He interprets Rama's

good will as weakness and believes that the weak ones are born only

to suffer from the wrath of the strong ones like himself. The

goodness is often misunderstood with weakness. He shows no interest

in saving any lives as such!


Also, when Rama sends Hanuman to find Sita, he requests Hanuman to

understand first what Sita wants. Sita was already about to suicide

notwithstanding the violence attempted against her. Thanks to

Vedavati's curse and Mandodari's wisdom, Ravana could not dare

violating her physically. Yet, she was literally tortured

psychologically. When Hanuman reveals his identity, the first thing

she reminds Rama is to liberate her from the situation at the

earliest. She even puts a timeline for the action lest she would

kill herself.


A husband is violated and wants his wife back. He is wise enough to

ensure that his wife wants the same. He is human enough to request

and warn the violator. The violator is insensitive to honor others

in the first place and refuses to do so even after a series of

reminders and warnings even from his own brothers and wife. Is it

not obvious that such characters should be removed from the society

for the sake of social welfare?


Same case in Mahabharata. The peace-loving Yudhishthira wages

everything - kingdom, his brothers, his wife and himself - to evade

a war. They accept banishment. Krishna himself pleads the Kauravas

for peace. He even offers on his own that he will convince the

Pandavas even if they are given just five villages - not an empire,

not a kingdom, not even a province ... just five villages. Again,

the violators refuse to acknowledge and honor the requests made. On

contrary, they mock the peace mongers as impotents. Did they leave

any choice but to be removed?


Kamsa, Krishna's uncle, had murdered many new borns driven by his

baseless paranoia. He had imprisoned his own sister and her husband

for life. He had thrown his own father into dungeons for power. He

unleashed wrath on poor villagers just for a fear of a child killing

him. He drew his death nearer and nearer thanks to his own paranoia.

If people were happy, why would they send Akrura to plead Krishna

and Balarama to kill their own king? If they were not convinced, why

would Krishna and Balarama consider killing their own uncle? If you

read Bhagavata carefully, the brothers never strike on Kamsa on

their own. Attempts were made to murder them at every step. Did

Kamsa leave any room for his own survival? Did he leave any other

way other than killing him to rescue the people?


In all cases, who killed whom. Even from social perspective, Ravana,

Kamsa, Duryodhana etc. had already killed themselves with their

deeds by violating every human around who just wanted them dead.

They just needed a power to depend upon. Rama and Krishna happened

to be those.




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …



Dear Sadaks,

If a doctor does operation and patient dies for some reason. Do you

blame the doctor? If a judge setences a criminal to be hanged until

death, do you tell judge commited murder? Here the doctor intention

to save the patient. judge intention was to punish, not to murder.

But if a man kills another man for gains/vengence is called murder.

But if Hindu Gods kills very bad person after giving long rope, it

is called in Hinduism " Vadham " , may mean termination. Like one`s leg

gets affected by diabetes, the leg is cut off. Here Asuras (Very bad

people) are affected by total mind corruption. There are warned now

and then which can also be known from puranas. Only ultimately God


In Christianity- there is a thing known as Judgement Day. Please ask

Christians what it is.

When Moses went 40 days on hills for prayer, leaving hundreds of

peoples at the foothills, the people lost faith in GOD and they

started drinking wine, made forms of eagle/animals as Gods, behaving

like animals, any woman with any man, Moses came down with 10

Commandments. But all laughed at him. Result Gods in heaven says

Bible, killed almost all.

Even now due imbalance of Dharma, earthquake/Tsunami (Pralaya) takes

place killing people.

Jai Sri Krishna


baiya sathyanarayan


Narain Narain


My question is to Vineet Sarvottam.


Sir, if that scorpion comes into your house, then what will you do ?

Pls check up with Papa and come back. It is important question. I

love this father/son relationship/asking questions and wise



Lallubhai Chirimar


dear mr iyer


First we have to study the Vedas, then Upanishads, Brahmanas,

Aranyakas, Siksha, Nirukta, Chhandas, then the 18 Mahapuranas, 18

upa-puranas, then the Ithihaasaas Mahabharat and Ramayana etc. This

is the series of study prescribed.


From this it is clear that Vedas are the first to study, i.e. Lower

primary, then the next upper primary, then high school, then plus 2,

then degree and finally the ithihaasaas which are to be studied for



Our problem is what is to be studied in PG, we study in KG or lower

primary. The root of man is his head and his leg portion is the

head actually. The growth starts from the head portion once it is

formed as a unicellular organ in the uterus.

(Oordhwamoolamadhassakha...... bhagawat gita). This means now we

are standing upward down position (on the reverse.) Therefore all

our actions are on the reverse.


So to hear something from other Dharmas like Christian or Islam or

any other and think in that direction, is not of Sanathana Dharma.

It has no equivalence in the world, rather, all other dharmas are

born out of it only.


The modern education system is teaching only of the Drishyas, means,

object based (Dravyaadhishtita). Shabda, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa,

Gandha, these are only taught and studied. There is no teaching of

the tought. Means, before I start studying a matter or an object

which is outside me, I should first study about myself.


Dear Mr Iyer, you may kindly start studying yourself. Do not think

of Devataas. Devataas and men are having equally good and bad

qualities. The one who is able to do MANANA he is man. No that

those having two legs fitted on the stomac are men.... No never.


Start asking yourself, who 'am I ? From where I came., Where I

have to go/reach... What for I am sent here.. Who has sent me ?

With whose ability my eyes are able to see, with whose inspiration

I am being led to do the innumerable doings (karmaas), with whose

wish my ears are able to hear...


Just because I have two eyes, I cannot see. Just because I have two

ears, I cannot hear. Just because I have tongue I cannot talk...


Then what is that power which orders my these senses (INDRIYAAS) to

do karma.


That chaitanya swaroopa is within you covered by all the (bad)

smskaaraas bought forward throug out the innumerable birth and

death. This cover one has to remove or (dis- cover) then the

original will shine. One reaches a stage of no.... nothing.



vijayan kiliyil




Dear Iyer ji namaskar


Without assessing the powers of the opponent the survival is not

possible. It is upto an individual which path to lead. For the

benifit of mankind if voilence is utilised is a sin too but there

are methods of prayashchitas too. For the welfare of mankind you

have to access whom you are dealing with a most powerful demon or an

ordinary person. If you have to deal with a terrorist you need to

use arms and even kill him if he is a dire problem.

You should explain your son simply the role of a police man/ army

gaurding the nations use voilence to combat terror. In sprtuality

there are various types of dealing with sinners for some the killing

of demons like Ravana, Kansa and other mighty powerful ones God has

to create a counter programme that could eliminate the EVIL

intensions of Adharmi individuls and on the other hand where you

have to deal with the common man you have to guide vast population

to follow a faith and bring people on a common platform to attain

harmony and peace.


No incarnation can be compared with each other. Jesus the son of God

fufiled a mission and blessed the world with his guidance and a

noble thought but people got stuck in Churchanity instead. Mulsims

received Holy Koran but today fanaticism knew no limits through its

powerful followers. Hindus have a vast tresure of knowledge but most

of them are busy in caste based practices and the entire world is on

one side struglling for everything to achieve things through easy



There is no easy way to attain goals. One who has created a room for

voilence gets voilence and one who deservs to be dealt with a non

voilent ways get the same way and let this to be decided by the

almighty and let humans do not decide on this as we lack that

supreme vision that decides everything for every being present in

this world. It is so upto you to follow a path that God deals

accordingly for you. So simple if a terrorist bothers a nation

authorities counter his actions through like agencies. If there is a

person approaching or bothering authorities is dealt through

dialogue and pecefully things are settled.


To get convinced for the actions of incarnations you have to study

the related scriptures to realise the truth. One can not be greater

than other just by making a foolish assesment that one has used

voilence and another has used non voilent tactic to attain

something. You need to know the missions of each incarnation and at

the end you will find that all had a different missions and people

with different powers to deal with.


If we are dealing with a rustler we must know that one is to be

defeated with same trade. IF one us a poor man one has to deal with

him in the simple fashion. A poor man can not be dealt with

voilence. Judge the situations of both the eras you will and can

satisfy your curious son. Even study voilence and non voilence in

real terms. When you eat something you fulfil your need to support/

maintain your physical state. Will you stop eating just because one

day you came to know that eating too in a way leads one to act via

voilent means. Do not you cut plants, kill animals and while eating

eat several unseen things? All the incarnations acted as per their

respective TIME and requirements. One who had to use weapons used

them perfectly and one who had to use compassion and love used it

the brilliant way. It is upto the people for whom these greats are

born as to how they deal with them. That is why incarnations acted

differently but all established superiority of Dharma the truth over

Evil on this globe.



With regards

Love and knowledge!

Dalip Langoo



1. Hindu gods are not to be understood in the same way as the

judaic / greek gods. they are manifestations of the self and relate

to our own psychological processes. this has been understood

recently in the west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG

jungs analytical psychology.

2. Though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being

non-violent and gandhi is one example of this.


most international violence and acts of terrorism these days are

related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity and

islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or any

other pagan tradition


please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins


Ravi Bakhsi


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


It is defensive and slavish mentality that Hindus are falling prey

to the mechanisations of others.


When one believe in one god, can there be different ones ? How

Hindus or somebody else want to depict their Gods is their choice.

Hindus dont have to feel sorry about making pictures of their Gods.

It is none one else's concern.


Sampuran sINGH





Dear Shri Iyer:


Namaskaram with respects.


Hindu concept of Dharma, according to my feeble understanding, makes

a distinction between violence required by one's duties, and

violence done mindlessly or to seek pleasure. When a king punishes a

criminal, it is done to prevent further crime, and is therefore not

himsa. The distinction between himsa and ahimsa is very nicely

explained in Mahabharat at several places.


To my mind, the present confusion is due to advocacy of extreme

ahimsa by Gandhi ji. This led to a mixing of personal dharma of an

ordinary citizen with that of raj dharma of the state and the king.

Gandhi ji's interpretation of ahimsa is valid only in satyuga. How

would you deal with Somalian pirates by using ahimsa? Gandhiji's

ahimsa itself succeeded perhaps only once – against the British. It

failed against others.


Further, while Hindu gods are shown armed to the teeth, Hindus

themselves have remained relatively peace oriented. In other

systems, the Gods have been depicted as peaceful, but the followers

have been very violent. Therefore, my view is that the symbolic

arming of Hindu gods is aspirational (as is the peaceful depiction

in other systems), as a means to encourage Hindus to be a little

more war-like. Secondly, the violence by the Hindu deities has

almost always been in response to the needs of the people, and not

out of spite or anger.


Hope this is useful,


Sanjay Agarawal



Here in the UK, we have been considering this issue for some time.

During the last 2 to 3 years, we have had Christian priests telling

us that Hindu faith and its gods are violent and preach violence –

`look at the pictures of your gods!', they say.


The letter from Shree G A Iyer thus rang de ja vu-bells for me.


1. The paintings and other depictions of Hindu divinities are the

work of artists who have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, the freedom

of artistic expression their faith community has traditionally

granted them.


Nowhere in the scriptures is it decreed that we have to paint

pictures of gods/goddesses nor that we have to show gods/goddesses

carrying weapons.


But to-date no one has questioned why we undertake such depictions.




2. Islam forbids artistic expressions of anything divine, or of



Christians actively depict Christ, but only in a peaceful/suffering





3. If we bear in mind that what we are being told today through

revised editions and mis-translations of scriptures of faiths is

somewhat different from the original scriptures, the artistic

stereotyping may not necessarily correspond to the actual `life-

history' of the concerned figures and their teachings.




4. Christians believe that Christ was the son of God, but he was

unable to stop injustice and cruelty and gave his life in the

process. That is their belief.


Hindus believe in incarnation of the divine who uses supernatural

powers as a last resort to destroy evil. This is not to be equated

with the concept of `violence' in the ordinary human terms.


Once the order is restored and the righteous victims of evil are

liberated from the tyranny of the evil-doer, the avatar no longer

resorts to the so-called `violence' and returns to the normal

benevolent peaceful form.


Our scriptures describe God as the source of bliss and

auspiciousness, the avatar coming to protect devotees, to restore

righteousness, and order to nature and cosmos when such is



5. Faiths should be judged i) on the basis not of propaganda but on

what is actually written in their scriptures, and ii) on the actions

of the faith communities. Contrast Hindus [and their record of non-

aggression against other countries and against other faiths – even

of giving sanctuary to those faiths fleeing persecution elsewhere –

Jews, Parsees, Assyrian Christians], with the followers of other

faiths who have acted to decimate other faith-based civilisations

and committed genocides in India, Americas, Australia, etc. etc.,

almost succeeding in wiping out various civilisations and races.


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


Unfortunately this is easier said than done. How do you persuade

those who make money out of this industry to cease such activities?


Time to reflect.





Namaste Sadhakas..


Sumangal Suprabhat...


As per my belief in our hindu religion, there is only one

God " Parmatma " .

All the names you noted like Shri Rama, Krishna, Durga etc. are

its " Ansha " who took birth as Human being to taught us

about " Dharma " & to spread " Peace & Love " .


Param Parmatma created this beautiful Earth/Shrushti for us. He is

controlling us. If someone is not following his 'Rules of life' and

troubling others. He / she must get punished for others well-being &

to keep Peace in the world.


Example :

If you have a box of fruits & one of them get spoiled what you will


You will remove that spoiled fruit so that other fruits will remain

good otherwise that one fruit will spoil others.




Satish Pawaskar

Keep Smiling Always ;-)




God is suddha, buddha, muktha swaroopa. For killing somebody, one

has to get angry. (krodha) God does not get krodha. (If it becomes

angry, none of us will be thre.) To kill somebody, you have to get

angry. Only, we become angry and therefore we cannot be God.

Krodha is the resultant of Kaama (Aasakthi).


When you slap your son, does he start praising you...? does he get



Rama never killed Ravana. Ravana is described as Moha (Aasakthi).

Rama killed only the Aasakthi which was there in Ravana. The

praisings of Ravana is well clearly written. Once some body goes

thru it, one can understand that Rama never killed Ranava but the

God gave him the Moksha.



vijayan kiliyil



Hindu Gods demonstrate ;- Nip the evil in the bud.


They never lose patience.the annhilation of the evil is done after

many many chances for abondoning the violence against innocent are

provided to the asuras (demons), who usually ignore these.


Shiban Raina




Dear Shri Iyer,


Please refer to your mail of November 10/11.


You say that you are a senior citizen and also a staunch Hindu, but

in my eyers, you seem to be utterly confused about the basic Hindu

faith. Unfortunately, most of the modern educated Hindus suffer from

this confusion according to me. Resultantly, the upcoming Hindu

generation is alsmost uprooted from their Hindu base.


Your question as to why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing

violence (killing or annihilating evil physically), betrays

ignorance of the basic Hindu tenet that Parameshwara or Paramatma

(God) is one. Only Devatas and Devis, who have a positive effect on

human beings are many. Parents and Gurus too are counted among

Devatas, (Matridevo bhava, Pitridevo bhava). Paramatma's creative

faculty personified as Brahma has no armament or weapon. Vishnu

representing His executive faculty and Rudra (Shiva) representing

the assimilation or dissolution faculty alone bear a weapon in one

hand whereas the other hand bears a protective gesture. It only

symbolises punishment to the evil doer and protection to the

righteous ones. The message is concretized in the

Geeta, " Paritranayaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam/ Dharma

sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge, " (From time to time, I

appear on earth in order to protect the righteous ones, destroy the

evil doers and to establish the rule of Dharma, i.e., righteousness

or rule of law).


In the Mahabharatha, (Shanti-parva, chap. 57), Bhishma Pitamah tells

Yudhishthir, " The greatest sin of a king is his failure to protect

his subjects. He should protect the dharma of all his Varnas. (It

means that every citizen should be able to pursue his or her chosen

vocation/occupation, education, trade, business, farming, lending

services, doing government or private job, without let or

hindrance). The king should act like Yamaraj in administering

justice and like Kuber in collection of revenue. He should make

provision for those who cannot support themselves and should take

good care of those who help the destitute " Such lessons of Hindu

scriptures have been ignored . Resultantly, they have brought the

country to a breaking point. In Raj dharma, the question of violence

and non-violence is irrelevant.


Yours sincerely,

Ram Gopal


-Shree Hari-


There has been a lot of mention of various gods killing, in conflict,

the Divine Feminine has been mentioned also on this thread.

Now, I do not know these ancient Vedic literatures, but have some

insights to other bronze age traditions.

Emmanuel Vilakovski considered that the various ancient Greek stories

of waring gods, was actually the remembrance of ancient astronomic


I have seen on this thread, Sadhaks inferring that these ancient


of warring gods, was the primordial forces at work.

Other Sadhaks have in my opinion, correctly pointed out that the

Abrahamic traditions are the most warlike, I have an explanation as

to why.

Here is a quote from the book, 'A shewing of God's Love', (written


an Christian medieval female mystic ).

" The mother may fold her child tenderly to her breast , but our


Mother Jesus, He may homely lead into His blessed Breast....... "

(Notice the Feminine/Masculine aspects here ).

When I first read this, I thought of, (hard to believe I know),

Shakti , Quan Yin , Mother Mary,

and Asherah, known also as Elat , the feminine aspect of El, ( The

supreme GOD).

You see, She has been factored out of the world, (perhaps She is

retuning, I pray She is).

I ask you. Would She desire her children to kill each other.?

The point is Asherah was forced out of the traditions of Israel and

Judah, leaving in the minds of those people, Yahweh, without his

consort, thus the Divine Feminine, the Nurturer ,was no longer in

their hearts, the growth of the Patriarch religion had started.

So the god of their tradition became a god of war and and male

dominance. The great Swami Vivekananda pointed out the horror of the

millions that were killed in the name of that (unbalanced) god . Bede

Griffiths regarded a religion without balance as demonic.

Sri Krishna pointed out to Arjuna that, he (Arjuna) had no memory of

his past lives.

Now consider this. If a swami, a doctor, maybe a Sister of Mercy, or

any sweet soul., suddenly remembered with great clarity , being a

warrior, raising the battle- ax, or sword in brutal warfare , what

would they think.

A soul can weary of war, did not Lord Krishna point out it was only

the flesh and blood that was being destroyed in warfare.

Many have said that the external world is a reflection of mankind's

inner self.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor


Respected Sir,

It is not the question of God or human being, the central theme is

that " a woman is most often linked and the cause of fights / wars "

as well as, down fall ! It may appear to be crude, but still there

seems to be a connection, am I not correct?


Barin Chatterjee



In Short, Hindus believe in the principle so nonviolence that is

practical and can be practiced in day to day life. Christians

believe in a Utopian nonviolence theory that neither they nor anyone

else can practice.


To elaborate, I suppose your son is not old enough to introspect and

understand. First of all there are no Hindu Gods and Christian god.

There is just ONE power that is omnipresent in all the

things/beings. And it (I will not call it he or she) is not really

non-violence per our definition, else no one ever died, no one

got killed and there was no war ever etc.


I understand that your son is really referring to the incarnations /

perceptions of Gods that Hindus and Christians respectively believe

in. First thing that you need to know is per Christians Jesus is not

a God. He is the " Son of God " or the Messiah. Per Christians God

never incarnated but Hindus do believe that God incarnates and so

there is no point in comparing their perception of God to Hindu



Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolence was predominantly adopted from

Christianity to fight them back on their own turf and with their own

weapon. Persecution of nonviolent people by British brought back the

memories of persecution of Jesus and his disciples and received

extensive coverage and support from rest of the Christian world,

forcing British out of India.


In India Buddha preached and followed non violence, however, his

disciples when they went to China to teach Buddhism they first

learned martial arts to protect themselves during the journey. This

is how martial art first reached China which they later expanded



Nonviolence shouldn't be confused with cowardice. Nonviolence means

not hurting others for pleasure and self-fulfillment. However,

fighting (and if needed killing) for protecting self and others can

not be categorized as Violence. Nonviolence also means giving peace

a chance before waging a war. That is why both Ram and Krishna sent

a last peace message to Ravan and Duryodhan so the war could be


Anand Awasthi





If you have some problem in any part of your body, first you try to

cure it, but when it becomes incurable it has to be cut off to

prevent rest of the body.

World is viraat swaroop (Universal Form) of God. All creatures are

parts of it.

Things become clear when you think from God's point of view.


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Shashikala Bahenji, right you are: " who can kill who " , as all is


I guess Sadhakas are answering in the best possible ways they know,

because it is to be explained by a father to a son who is asking

such questions as he should. Perhaps it is a giant leap to grasp

such concept as immortality, which may not be appreciated at this

stage in son's life!

My short answer is: " when one inquires into deeper meanings of God,

Life, Death, Incarnations, (non)Violence, being Hindu, Hindu Gods

etc, one may come upon understanding that many questions like this

get answered in the satisfactory way " . Now I would teach my son

these things, but I didn't know myself when they were growing up!

In my experience the best answer to one's question is the

disappearance of question itself in the light of understanding

question, as J Krishnamurti used to say " Please see that the answer

is in the question " .


Pratap Bhatt



Hari Om


'Violence' is a relative term.


Basically in the divine play of God, humans enjoy certain liberties

of conduct. There are laws governing the entire creation. Humans

have immense powers but identification with the mind and body makes

them 'desire' for worldly temporary pleasures. Here they come in

conflict with another law- desires can never be fulfilled, you can

only renounce them. In order to fulfill the desires, one indulges

into violence. 'Gods' in order to keep the creation going 'mete out'

the results of deeds in an equally violent manner- as you sow, so

shall you reap..


In fact, when they do so, they are liberating the souls from

darkness. Hence, it is all 'play' , there is no violence, there is

only 'mercy', there is only 'love' emanating from the top.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Sanatana Dharma is not a simplistic/moralistic philosophy where

things/ acts are categorised as eternally good or bad. It is the

context that determines whether an act is good or bad. consequently

when adharma prevails - the destruction/ killing of the 'asuras' is

necessary for greater good. To give you an analogy - a knife might

be considered as an instrument for violence but it is also necessary

for cutting vegetables etc.

The oft quoted verse 'ahimsa paramo dharmah' from the Gita is only

half of the entire line which concludes with 'dharma himsa tathaiva

cha' - himsa is equally valid when used for dharma.

Gods in our tradition perpetrated violence against those forces that

prevented Truth / dharma from prevailing and therefore cannot be

judged in the same tone as those who commit senseless violence.


Hope this helps.


Anuradha Choudry



Many Rishis such as 'Balmiki' were masters of weaponry and yet they

opted not to fight because they are Brahmins, not authorized to slay

but authorized to teach.


The TriDev Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar are in-charge of this

universe and they have to do whatever is good for mankind.


Manoj Padhi


fellow sadhakaas,


namasteji..There is no escape from birth and death cycles..all our

prayers wish peace and happiness..three times...But..if you can't

defend yourself with vachaa, love..etc..you have to kill by Mantra

or sahastra..even God had to exterminate terror by bad elements.


Hari Om

Vishnu Dada

(Vishnu Patel)




There is only one God. No Hindu God or Muslim God or Christian God.

They are all one and the same. Besides all human beings,

irrespective of religion have souls whose ultimate destiny is to

merge with God or the Parmatma. So to say this God is violent and

the other is not is an exercise in futility.


Hari Shanker Deo



Dear Mr. Iyer,


Gods created all creatures on earth. A few of them tried to

supercede GOD and also tried to destabilise the world. GOD had to

ensure that these creatures do not wreak havoc. hence the

destruction of evil.


Anil Jain



Jai Hanuman


Where is the question of some one " killing " another, when everyone

is " immortal/imperishable " as a law ?


Can any sadhak enlighten me, Jee ? So that I may address this

question !! Kindly help, Jee ! Jee !!


'Violence' by 'Gods' ! Raam, Raam, Raam !!


Mike Bhaiyya ! Pratap Bhaiyya! Sathyanarainji !! Adrien !! Any one

Jee ! But quickly Jee !! Will you come to my rescue with reference

to 'self' and 'Gitaji' - Jee! Jee ! ! Your sister is too stunned

and anxious by the question, Jee !


Who can kill whom Jee ! What do you say Adrien ?


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee






1. Hindu gods are to be understood in the same way as the judaic /

greek gods.

they are manifestations of the self and relate to our own

psychological processes. this has been understtood recently in the

west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG jungs analytical


2. though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being non-

violent and gandhi is one example of this.


Majority of the international violence and acts of terrorism these

days are related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity

and islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or

any other pagan tradition.

please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins for great



Ravi Bakhsi


Dear Mr Iyer,

Violence is something that you cannot avoid. Tell me when you eat

vegetarian food do you not think that those vegetables and rice and

dal and other such food also grew which means they had a life. Which

means that the vegetables and rice were alive and were killed for

your ultimate consumption. That is violence to a lesser degree. What

makes you think that violence does not occur everyday? Even when you

breathe you kill millions of bacteria that enter your nose and mouth.

Let me put it to you that without a section of the population

taking the initiative of killing bad elements in any society,

others do not have the luxury of being non-violent.


hope this helps

Prashanth Thirukkonda


Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

Vedas do not advise just non violence but lay emphasis on Non

Violence of the strong. Prakrti- the divine subtle Nature which is

our Supreme Mother according to Vedas is extremely strong and

powerful but largely peaceful and non violent. She provides a Book

of Nature which even blind people and even animals/fishes/birds can

read and wants us to follow Rts- Her cosmic laws of necessity for

our social, moral and physical order. Like any benevolent and loving

mother she remains peaceful and affectioante most of the time but

gets extremly violent when we flout her Cosmic Laws of Nature and

start spreading social, moral and physical evils.


Hindu gods (Ishwaras) are Not God- as there is only One universal

God for the entire mankind wise men describe Him with different

names. All the Hindu gods/goddesses (Ishwaras/devas/devis) are

extremely powerful and strong but like Prakrti merciful, benevolent

and always keen to ensure that cosmic Laws of nature (Rta) are

observed by all her children who are noble people. Thus Hindu

Ishwaras/devas/devis are the greatest followers of Non violence of

the Strong but get violent if evil is spread in society, environment

is polluted and hydra headed CORRUPTION with Nine Heads over takes

virtue, ethics, divine thoughts and social nobilty.


Incidentally Mahatma Gandhi never talked of Non Violence in a

general way but always talked of Non Violence of the Strong. He

wanted people of India to become morally, spiritually and physically

strong and then non violent. Non violence of the Weak is self

destruction. He has greatly emphasised this point in his

Biography " My Experiment With Truth " .


None of our gods/godesses become violent for the sake of violence

but give a very long rope to evil people to change and behave

conforming to Vedic Rta but those non divine people

(Avarnas/Vritras) who encourage all actions against Laws of Nature

and create social, moral and physics pollution strict action is

taken by Hindu Ishwras/devas/devis.


with kind regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Shri Iyer Bhaiyya, Tell your son simply that to eradicate evil, one

has to engage in violence. If your son understands about a scorpion

and his sting, then ask him that if a scorpion comes into the house

and is running around to sting someone, what would he do? Sometimes,

a question posed against a question, can be a better clarifier, than

an answer. So be it !


Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Sadhak,


According to the Yajnavalkya Samhita, ahimsa or non-violence is the

awareness and practice of non-violence in thought, speech and

action. Do we practice Non-violence at that lavel ???

Do we not kill mosquitoes, cockroches and so many other so

called " harmful being " according to us? What do you say about - Hang

till death, cutting hands of a thief and so many other such so

called justice orders?


All our Puranas have symbolic meaning, they want us to look deep

inside us. The war between good and evil is going on inside us only.

Do we not need to " kill " our bad thoughts ? Do we call killing of

our bad thoughts/demonic qualities as the act of violence ? Who

gives power to kill those bad qualities within ?


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti rupen sansthita

Namstasye, namstasye, Namstasye namo Nama

" I bow to the Divine Mother Who resides within me as Power/Strength "


Thus MaaDurga-Goddess of Motherly Love, Mother of sur (Demigods/our

good qualities) and Asura(Devils/our bad qualities) alike, cannot be

blamed as performing violence. She is washing away the evils of Her

sons by purifying them through Her divine weapons, and ultimately

merging them all in Her own Divine Love.


Similarly Lord Shiva, who drank vemon for the welfare of the entire

universe, whose another name is Bhole Baba(Innocent God who pleases

easily and bless us without considering our good/bad karmas) can not

even think of violence. Read more about Him and you will know how

merciful is He.


We cannot know about our Gods until we know our own self. The

Supreme is seated right into our own Heart. Look within, meditate

deeply and know Thy Self. Surrender to Gitaji and go beyond the

duality of this world.


Krishna says- " I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the

witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the

creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting

place and the eternal seed. " Gitaji Ch 9:18


He is All then who is killing whom ?


We are not the body, and suffering is all illusion arising from the

Nature. If we want to see peace, love and bliss in the world, we

have to " BE " peace, love and bliss. There is no other way.


There is no Hindu GOD or Christian God. There is only ONE, and that

ONE GOD cannot be understood by debate as He is beyond duality,

beyond mind, intellect. God can only be experienced. If your son

wants to understand Sanatan Dharma, present him with a Gitaji. Read

Gitaji over and over again, contemplate on each stanza. Come back

and answer your own question.


With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar





Dear Sir,


We all need to better understand the Hindu philosophy and its

message. First of all we need to understand the meaning of non-

violence. Does it mean only physical act of killing or harming? No.

any act leading to harm or hurt others through thought, word or deed

is Non-violence. A physical act of killing in a war with a pure

intension of good of the mankind is again not classified as

violence. Unfortunately, this thought also is misunderstood,

misinterpreted and misused now a days.


When a mother slaps a child it is not called violence. because the

act originates out of Love.

The stories which you are referring to are from an era when evil

could be identified as a person. who in many cases knew what is evil

or wrong but could not help act in that influence.. that time to

remove the evil was to destroy them. Even if you look at the story

of Gods killing... you would find that it was the last resort. Even

those 'evil' people were given all the possible chances and

opportunities to change. Only when they refused to comply and the

suffering of good become unbearable the physical act of annihilation

was performed, to reinstate the faith, to restore righteousness. It

is high time we realize that spirituality is not for weak. it

requires Will of Shankra, courage of Vivekanand.

Today good and evil have become seen in every person. hence to

destroy the evil path of annihilation of the person is not

resorted. In todays time the solution is - Transformation of heart.

for this the divine beings use various methods. even allowing

themselves to suffer. Lets not misinterpret their divine pure act of



We are such people who would not hesistate to crucify Jesus and do

nothing to stop and fight against but will be first to feel pity

after the act is done. we dont want to self introspect why he was

crucified. we are just contented to know that he was crucified for

our sins. As if the godly people have the obligation to be crucified

while we continue on our unjust ways. if you love Jesus then share

his pain by being good and just. be open and understanding, be

loving towards all. God has given each one enough strength to fight

our own battles. be willing to suffer the punishments for the

mistake committed, dont pass it on to god or godly people and expect

them to suffer for you.


I request you to not use such words " hindu gods lose patience " . this

thought itself is full of ignorance. First of all know - There is

only one GOD and he is omnipresent, omniscience, and omni-potent.

What ever God does is for good of all. Even the physical act of so

called violence is for the good. it is for us to understand how,

when and why he does what he does. Even to qualify to question god

we must first become a humble student. then may be the divine wisdom

would fall on us to understand and enjoy the bliss of his grace.


sai ram

Abhimanyu Kaul




With birth comes death. Mahatma Gandhi fought with weapons he had

i.e. none, but you cannot run a country on that philosophy

as India found out with China.


We must all defend Dharma. This is the best. A persons duty is to

live according to Dharma and to defend it. From Ahimsa paramo

dharmaha, Dharma himsa tathaiva cha. This Is the full proper

statement. Each person has to follow the work according to his caste

and station in life. Kshatriyas job is to defend and fight for

dharma. This is amply show in Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, in FACT THE


is the best Dharma, but to attain it HIMSA (violence) is required to

defend this is the message.


Jayesh A Patel





dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



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3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

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4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

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5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

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Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




2. Soceity – Individual – Non-Violence


Any soceity always faces two problems – (1) the invaders looking for

opportunites like hawks and vultures to feed upon a weak society; and

(2) the schemers within a society to promote their causes beyond


rights geopardising the social integrity. That is the fact. The


health and prosperity depends on the society's integrity and



So is for a person – the external invaders in terms of objective

attractions and the internal schemers in terms of desires and fears

perpetually feed on a gullible individual. They join hands to

geopardise internal strength and fracture personal integrity of the

individual in the game of survival.


One should not mislead a soceity (and an individual) in the name of

" non-violence " or any other high-sounding phrases that may weaken it

to become vulnerable to its own doom. It is the primary

responsibility of every individual – personally as well as socially.

In my opinion, one of the root cause for the milleniums of

subjugation of Indian population is the superficially preached,

wrongly understood and illusively adapted extra-ordinary concepts

such as non-violence.


One can disguise under " non-violence " and let the whole population

including oneself suffer the violence under a tyrant insider or

invader – one may call it non-violence or tolerance; but I call it

indifference and even cowardice. Or one may gather strength to face

and terminate the tyrant to let the whole population and oneself live

in peace – one may call it violence or aggression; but I call it

self-assertion and progression. Whenever the body is infested it

should be disinfected and whenever it is under attack it should be

quarantined off the infectors ... so is a house, and a village, as

well as a nation.


We can treat the epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata as either

personal saga or social saga or both toward establishing and

maintaining social/individual balance of presence against the odds

around as well as within. The human characters battling for

sustanence of social balance in terms of morale, prosperity and

stability would become the variance in natural elements that stirr

an individual pcyche in terms of experiences and their traces

recorded by the psyche in terms of memories, constantly nurturing

clones of desires and fears in the individual in infinitude,

battling for sustanance of psychological balance in terms of esteem,

fulfillment and confidence.


True violence is within an individual (or a soceity) rooted in one's

treatment to one's own nature. Suffering is the indicator of the

violence. One would feel injured only when one's nature is violated

knowingly or unknowingly. Developing desires contrary to one's nature

is the root cause for all the fears harbored within. Borrowing an

alien nature, even though it sounds noble (e.g. non-violence), cannot

resolve this problem. It will add new conflicts generated from the

ignorance regarding the newly solicited value. It is like taking a

well-named medicine for a problem that is never diagnosed in the

first place. Imbibing non-violence without appreciating the violence

within can be the most violent act one could possibly turn into …

violence suppressed within by force ticks like a time bomb … erodes

the individual from within … increasing one's suffering exponentially

within. Suffering within for whatsoever reason is THE ONLY SIN that

is accounted in our scriptures. Symptomatic treatment for superficial

suppression of the miseries is not an acceptable remedy as the seeds

of miseries are left healthy which would ensure the miseries to

eventually resurface stronger. The epics depict the removal of the

root causes of the suffering as such.


The wars of Ramayana and Mahabharata are the nerve-wracking conflicts

an individual is engaged within to establish oneself in the peace

within. All the violators – be it intrinsic or extrinsic or both –

have to be faced, fought with and eliminated with an absolute resolve

to establish in the non-violence within. Once established within, it

exuberates on its own – no additional practice is required. One can

never " acquire " non-violence by preaching – who-so-ever preaches and

who-so-ever listens. It is revealed only in those who take initiative

to seek the same within with clarity and resolve.


If you want to see The God in the characters of Rama, Krishna, etc. …

my friend, you have to change your outlook completely and understand

what is meant by violence, non-violence, and the god ... also you

will have to re-read our epics in a totally different perspective to

see its relevance to your self-cleansing and god-realization

process. Let me just throw a stone at you from this

perspective ... " Non-Violenece "


IS THE ONLY REASON why " The God " had to " kill " the so-called " evil

elements " in our stories! ... All the words/phrases under quotes need

to be examined at their roots … Please think about it.




Naga Narayana.



Dear Iyer saheb

If rats could invent God, it'd be a super rat. If cats could invent

one, it'd be a super cat.

We humans created our own Gods.


Now, the difference between Indian religionists and the rest of the

religions is that our ancestors, particularly the Gurus and saints,

endowed the Gods with human failings. Others created Gods...the

revealed person! Like the Marxists believe, they truly believe that

Marx was revealed, perhaps the only one after Muhammad.


That is why their language, diction, imagery, perception,

consciousness, the very being is so devoted to that icon. Wish they

could create a Mecca...if not in a deserted, palm fringed island, at

least in the North Pole.



Arun Shrivastava




Namaskar to all,


We have talked of Dharma to defend and punish after peaceful

efforts. Shatriya dharma also seems to be pointing to anger, fear

and weakness. Good over bad and GOD over Rakshas, fight is going on

for ever. We could not control our selfish desire. Example of

Duryodhana as the Eldest and Ravan fulfilling his Rakshah dharma

shows their being true to their Dharma. Killing of Bali, Ravan,

Duryodhana and other ashura predominantly show misbehaiviour towards

Women the Mother.

In this world of patriachial society Mother is related to Birth and

Death. Out great Mother Earth, Motherland and our own Mother are

object of selfless service and we can't repay back. We have always

used and enjoyed the benevolence but could not return back, which is

also a form of Violence. Due to this violence we are destroying

ourselves as Earth will by the global warming.

Mahabharat & Ramayan are examples of increasing negativeness which

ended in perishing of their Family. The Yadav and Sita here and

middle west showed the relatives of Mohammed eliminted. The apostles

of Jesus spread the word of Love. But christianity again has

continued the act of punishing without waiting for the Day of


'Violence in any form results in more violence which eats ourself',

this is to be told to our children. Humans as Intellectual leaders

should be settled by debate and not follow the jungle rule to prove

their maturity and superiority among the living creatures.






Soceity – Individual – Non-Violence


Any soceity always faces two problems – (1) the invaders looking for

opportunites like hawks and vultures to feed upon a weak society;

and (2) the schemers within a society to promote their causes beyond

their rights geopardising the social integrity. That is the fact.

The social health and prosperity depends on the society's integrity

and strength.


So is for a person – the external invaders in terms of objective

attractions and the internal schemers in terms of desires and fears

perpetually feed on a gullible individual. They join hands to

geopardise internal strength and fracture personal integrity of the

individual in the game of survival.


One should not mislead a soceity (and an individual) in the name

of " non-violence " or any other high-sounding phrases that may weaken

it to become vulnerable to its own doom. It is the primary

responsibility of every individual – personally as well as socially.

In my opinion, one of the root cause for the milleniums of

subjugation of Indian population is the superficially preached,

wrongly understood and illusively adapted extra-ordinary concepts

such as non-violence.


One can disguise under " non-violence " and let the whole population

including oneself suffer the violence under a tyrant insider or

invader – one may call it non-violence or tolerance; but I call it

indifference and even cowardice. Or one may gather strength to face

and terminate the tyrant to let the whole population and oneself

live in peace – one may call it violence or aggression; but I call

it self-assertion and progression. Whenever the body is infested it

should be disinfected and whenever it is under attack it should be

quarantined off the infectors ... so is a house, and a village, as

well as a nation.

We can treat the epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata as either

personal saga or social saga or both toward establishing and

maintaining social/individual balance of presence against the odds

around as well as within. The human characters battling for

sustanence of social balance in terms of morale, prosperity and

stability would become the variance in natural elements that stirr

an individual pcyche in terms of experiences and their traces

recorded by the psyche in terms of memories, constantly nurturing

clones of desires and fears in the individual in infinitude,

battling for sustanance of psychological balance in terms of esteem,

fulfillment and confidence.


True violence is within an individual (or a soceity) rooted in one's

treatment to one's own nature. Suffering is the indicator of the

violence. One would feel injured only when one's nature is violated

knowingly or unknowingly. Developing desires contrary to one's

nature is the root cause for all the fears harbored within.

Borrowing an alien nature, even though it sounds noble (e.g. non-

violence), cannot resolve this problem. It will add new conflicts

generated from the ignorance regarding the newly solicited value. It

is like taking a well-named medicine for a problem that is never

diagnosed in the first place. Imbibing non-violence without

appreciating the violence within can be the most violent act one

could possibly turn into … violence suppressed within by force ticks

like a time bomb … erodes the individual from within … increasing

one's suffering exponentially within. Suffering within for

whatsoever reason is THE ONLY SIN that is accounted in our

scriptures. Symptomatic treatment for superficial suppression of the

miseries is not an acceptable remedy as the seeds of miseries are

left healthy which would ensure the miseries to eventually resurface

stronger. The epics depict the removal of the root causes of the

suffering as such.


The wars of Ramayana and Mahabharata are the nerve-wracking

conflicts an individual is engaged within to establish oneself in

the peace within. All the violators – be it intrinsic or extrinsic

or both – have to be faced, fought with and eliminated with an

absolute resolve to establish in the non-violence within. Once

established within, it exuberates on its own – no additional

practice is required. One can never " acquire " non-violence by

preaching – who-so-ever preaches and who-so-ever listens. It is

revealed only in those who take initiative to seek the same within

with clarity and resolve.


If you want to see The God in the characters of Rama, Krishna, etc.

… my friend, you have to change your outlook completely and

understand what is meant by violence, non-violence, and the god ...

also you will have to re-read our epics in a totally different

perspective to see its relevance to your self-cleansing and god-

realization process. Let me just throw a stone at you from this

perspective ... " Non-Violenece " IS THE ONLY REASON why " The God " had

to " kill " the so-called " evil elements " in our stories! ... All the

words/phrases under quotes need to be examined at their roots …

Please think about it.




Naga Narayana.


(to be contd.)



3. Violence – Religion – Non-Violence


I saw a video clip by a Scandinavian doctoral scholar on the current

rage of conversion in India. A school bus with children is made to

stop. The children from " Hindu " background are asked to chant names

of " Hindu " gods. The driver would not move the bus. Then the

children are asked to chant Jesus. The driver moves the bus. The

preacher elates to the innocent children how Jesus is great! He

would not stop there ... he insists how Hindu gods are useless!!


Monotheism is often promoted as the greatest path to God Realization

because, it is. But the problem with the preachers is they do not

realize that the population is not ready for God Realization when

they have no clue what this ONE GOD means. Ignorant acceptance or

fearful imposition or greedy marketing of notions of ONE GOD brings

in the violence in human mind. Having no clue of what ONE GOD means

and unable to drop the idea that what I believe is the greatest, the

stubborn mind wages war against anything that questions its

identity, its " god " . The very belief of god remains superstition and

explodes out as fanatism to prove its non-existent sanity within.

Intolerance to anything other than what I believe is the first signs

of such fanatism. Then, the preaching mind starts blurting

meaningless phrases such as " my god " , " other gods " etc. while

actually talking about ONE GOD!


Hinduism is not a religion, but a federation of religions with

mutual respect – Polytheist for beginners and monotheist for the

seekers. Traditionally, The Dharma has three wings – Jaata

(personal), Samaaja (social) and Sanaatana (eternal). All " Hindu "

religions – be it Aindrism, Aagnism, Praanism, Braamhsim,

Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaaktism, or any other faith – are based on

single agenda: Minimal Violence. Every individual is free to

choose " a god " personally. The element of nature that appeals to a

person the most is divinized so that a person would not violate his

nature as far as possible. Every family will have a family deity

that represents the consensus amongst the family members to minimize

the mutual violations within the family. Every community would have

a community deity representing the communal consensus – again, to

minimize the communal violations. Every village would have a deity

representing the population's consensus – again to minimize the

violations and conflicts within a population. Therefore, every

Indian religion is also a consensual federation of beleifs and

values. As every individual enjoys the freedom, every other

individual is automatically respected – mutual tolerance of beleifs

becomes a necessity in such a federation. Thus confrontation and

contradiction of beleifs and values are minmized on the very onset

of the so called religions in such a system. Having diverse nature

is natural amongst the population … so is the polytheism. If an

individual has ardent interest in the education, he/she should be

free to pursue education worshipping the very process of education.

An individual has a chance to attain the ONE GOD only when the

personal god (in this case, Saraswati) is appreciated thoroughly.

The life has to be appreciated at its depth before one opens mouth

on Monotheism. Awareful transcendence of the Jaata and Samaaja

Dharmas is a necessity to enter the Sanaatana Dharma – Monotheism.

Preaching Monotheism with little or no appreciation of life in depth

can only lead to fanatism and violence that we see around the world



Violence has been adapted against the polytheism in India from ages

not understanding its greatness – UNITY IN DIVERSITY through FREEDOM

AND TOLERANCE – to propagand the greatness of monotheism(s). The

very propoganda becomes a mockery of the monotheism. Please see the

paradox in the preaching of monotheism – ONE GOD is the greatest of

all. Plurality is already believed before promoting Singularity. The

very preaching is violence – violation of the preacher's belief as

well as the listners' beliefs! Anything followed with blind belief

becomes an identity to an ego that it cannot just let go!!


Removal of all violations within is the fundamental purpose of a

religion. It is just a stepping stone toward God Realization. It can

never be a medium for God Realization in itself. A religion can

serve its purpose only when it acknowledges the variance in the

levels of appreciation in an individual … only when it understands

the diversity in people's understanding of life … only when it

attempts to eliminate violations within and across individuals to

promote tolerance, harmony and non-violence. Removal of hurdles to

such harmony is essential as ignorance always remains the driving

force of any soceity in spite of all efforts one could possibly put

forward! No preaching could change it. Buddha could not … Mahaaveer

could not … Jesus could not … Mohammed could not … Gandhi could not!

Working with the inevitable – the ignorance – is the concept of

polytheism, The Federation of Values and Beliefs. That is the only

way to reduce the violations and hence the violence.


The wars of Ramayana and Mahabharata are the wars against all the

threats to social and individual harmony, the violators of

natural/social/individual balance, and the agressors promoting

intolerence and conflicts. These wars have to be kept alive to

maintain natural/social/individual balance as such as the threats,

violators and aggressors will never stop being around!!!




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …



4. Violence, Non-Violence and God


What is violation? Any event that seem to break the boundaries of

one's beliefs against one's desire. What is violence? Any violation

that injures an individual physically and/or mentally. Violation

requires two parties - violator and violatee. A violater has to see

an alien entity and its boundary to break the same. A violatee

should see an alien entity as well with an exclusive boundary of its

own to perceive that the alien is breaking in.


The God cannot have any boundary – if one attempts to imagine " a

god " with boundaries, the very belief is debatable since (1) the

very notion is captive within one's imagination; and (2) there

exists an infinitude outside such a captivity! If The God has no

boundary how can there be a violater or a violatee? Then, how can

there be any violation? What is violence then when no one can

tresspass nobody?! All the emotional qualities – positive as well as

negative – drop out automatically as an individual starts converging

toward The God. If there is not such convergence, the very spiritual

process should be treated with suspicion.


The very suspicion that Rama or Krishna could be The God on one hand

and also to be violent on the other hand is self-contradictory. The

relative emotions of a typical human perception of violence and non-

violence on an absolute entity is paradoxical. If one perceives the

god through projection of any human (or otherwise) perception, it

remains a mere notion just like the very perception. Violence and

non-violence is in one's perception. As Krishna says in Bhagavad



Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |

Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||


Whether nature is created or just present, every particle, atom,

quark, photon, pulse is just present as is in spite of the

apparently perpetual cosmic re-alignement, re-orientation and re-

association amongst them. Really speaking, nothing can even modify,

let alone violate, anything as such. Therefore, the very notion of

violation and hence violence remains oblivious and baseless.


Growing out of the perceived violence and transcendence of the

notion of non-violence to attain the state of no violence and no non-

violence is THE WAR waged in Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Acknowledging, appreciating, understanding and realising the

life " as is " is the only target of a spiritual seeker. Removal of

all the hurdles toward attainment of the same perpetually is all the

wars are about. The sacrifice in which the seeker hunts down his

possessive, relational and emotional hurdles to drop the same as

oblations is all these wars are about. Removal of the core violators

within at their roots so that they can never raise again to bring in

a preception of violence is all these wars are about. When the

characters help the seeker to initiate, sustain and complete the

Bramha Yagnya they reveal The God as such.


Brahmaarpanam brahmahavih brahmaagnou brahmanaahutam |

Brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahmakarma samaadhinam ||

The violator, the violatee, as well as the violation remain one with

The Absolute loosing their distinction as well as presence in the

same. The war is to fight all the perceptional hurdles to mitigate

the very perceptional insistance to keep the notions of violation,

violator and violatee alive.




Naga Narayana


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Nagaji, it would be helpful to further clarify, Hinduism and your

usage of the

word Polytheistic with regards to it, to avoid any



Gita talk Moderator


Thanks for the sincere concern. I understand that. This is the basis

of this writing. Many of my " non-Hindu " friends raise this same

question with a conviction that Hinduism is Polytheist. Infact, by

observing we practice the " religion " gives the same picture frankly.


The ultimate God is the same - HAPPINESS. But THAT remains

aloof to the intellect that is not ready to attain. There is no point

in confusing the intellect when it is not ready. Looking at diversity

is its nature. Let it ... let it freely and openly. Then, it is

possible that it may one day see the light ... The Absolute nature in

the very deity it is worshipping. Once it sees The Absolute there, it

can see nothing but The Absolute everywhere. The Absolute is not for

everybody, at least to start with.


That is the importance of Sagunopaaaana (worship of God with

qualities and

attributes). Nirgunopaasana (worship of the Absolute/without

qualities and

attributes) an eventuality. When Sagunopaasana is practiced right,




Polytheism - Saguna Saapeksha Saakaara Daiva - is most natural for

any to

perceive to start with. If somebody is happy with Nirguna

Nirapeksha Niraakaara Brahman ... of course, that is good! Seeking

THAT through either " the knowns " or " the unknown " beyond both known

and unknown is the primary agenda of either of the Upaasanas.


Direct answer to your statement " Hinduism is monotheist " ... I

personally agree as my nature is to seek Nirgunopaasana. But, The

World also harbors the others ... Dwaitins, Yogins, etc. where there

exists a heirarchy even amongst the divinities. I see polytheism

everywhere for the simple reason that the perception of every

individual is unique and never be the same as anybody else's. Even

the very

appreciation of the Monotheism will remain diverse in one's mind and


Monotheism is a concept to win over our scattered

appreciation of life. It looses its very context as soon as a seeker

attains The Absolute just like Polytheism drops its context. If you

really want me to refer to our Sanaatana Dharma, IT IS THAT which

includes Gunas as well as Nirguna as well as everything beyond. We

perceive Nirguna as a notion since we perceive Gunas. If we stop

perceiving the Gunas as such where can the notion of Nirguna stand?!


Thank you very much for the requested clarification.




Naga Narayana





Dear Sadhak,

" Whenever and wherever there is a decline in Dharma, O descendant of

Bharata, and a predominant rise of adharma--at that time I descend

Myself.In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the

miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of dharma, I

advent Myself millennium after millennium " .GitaCh4:7-8

This means the reason behind formless taking form(incarnations) are-

1. to reestablish Dharma in society when there is acute decline in

Dharma and rise of adharma

3.To Protect the people of right conduct, who follow Dharma


4. To punish/remove the evil doers

Based on this I am writing few points which can help you explain yr

CHILD why our God/Goddess are depicted so strong and powerful-



1.God is Almighty----Hindu deities are depicted powerful and

extremely strong. If my God is not strong enough to punish and kill

the evil doers then how He/She would be able to protect me from

dangers, evil doers ?

Bhoot pichas nikat nahin avein , Mahaveer jab naam sunavein...

(evil doers and ghost etc cannot come near you if they hear the name

of Hanumaan)

Why? because we all know that Hanumaan is so strong and

powerful.When we chant Hanumaan chalisa our fear releases, but can

we chant Gandhiji gandhiji to remove our fear ?


2. God is Just---- When I see my God punishing and killing the evil

doers, I know He/She will perform justice to me also if I am

following the right conduct, my Dharma.


3.God is all Protective/Supreme power- Even a child can believe that

my God is able to protect me because they see them so brave, strong,

power full equipped with all weapons...

And my mind also feel that nothing is impossible when my God is with

me, it gives me courage to follow the right conduct even midst of

many wrong doers.



4, God is Loving, Kind and forgiving --All Hindu God/Goddess are

strong, powerful and kind. Even the sinners can take refuge in them

as they all are kind enough to forgive the worst of the sinner. Once

someone surrender, they forgive.(remember forgiveness is ornament of

brave, strong and powerful. A weak, coward forgiving strong powerful

enemy make no sense as the weak has no power to punish the wrong




5.Establish Dharma---All Hindu deities kill the devils( someone who

follow the path of cruelty and adharma) only, so all deities

actually removing adharma and establishing dharma only.


6.Characteristic of incarnated God/Goddess is Ideal - when we read

the characteristic of any Hindu God/Goddess we come to know that we

can learn how to lead our life by following their instructions.If we

can pick up just one preaching our entire attitude change, our

entire life change.


If parents want to prohibit their son from involving into violence,

or any kind of adharma, then they must teach them Gita because Gita

encourage the kids to follow their own Dharma, Gita teaches them why

this anger arise, and why people are so different. Gita teaches them

how to concentrate on MY DUTY instead of running behind the

whimsical mind.


Comparision is certainly not a right approach to teach Dharma to the

kids. We need positive approach when we talk to kids specially



With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar


We all are fighting with so many things from morning till evening

daily, right from birth to end of life, it is a struggle and part of

life. Hindu Gods are visualised to fight the same way during their

course of action, nothing is new , try to understand the same. We

are all aspirants of truth, struggling throughout our life for

attaining smaller to bigger truth and purifying our actions, if it

is not so we shall remain glorifying our outer not the inner self.

God Bless and illumine our hearts with love and nobility.

Hari Motwani


Hare Krishna,


All glories to Srila Prabhupada & Vaishnavas. Pranams to you and

all readers in this forum.


The question presented here by Shri Iyer G. A. " Why Hindu Gods are

depicted to be showing violence (killing or annihilating evil



It's a very good and a logical question from the mundane

perspective. In order to understand the answer I would like to

present an explanation based on Bhakti Vedantic philosophy. Arjuna

also propagated the philosophy of non-violence on the battle field

of Kurukshetra. We find a very interesting, convincing and

logical dialogue from the mundane perspective in the first chapter

of the Bhagvat Gita. (Verses 29 to 46). In the above context I

would like to draw attention verses 36, 37, 38 quoted below:


papam eva´srayed asman hatvaitan atatayinaḠtasman narha vayam



dhartaraá¹sá¹­ran sa-bandhavan sva-janam hi katham hatva sukhinaá¸

syama madhava


yady apy ete na pa´syanti lobhopahata-cetasaáh¸

kula-ká¹saya-krá¹tam doá¹sam


mitra-drohe ca patakam katham na jñeyam asmabhiḠpapad asman



kula-ká¹£aya-ká¹›tam doá¹£am prapa´syadbhir janardana


Sin will overcome us if we slay such aggressors. Therefore it is

not proper for us to kill the sons of Dhṛtaraṣṭra and our

friends. What should we gain, O Kṛṣṇa, husband of the goddess

of fortune, and how could we be happy by killing our own kinsmen? O

Janardana, although these men, overtaken by greed, see no fault in

killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we, with

knowledge of the sin, engage in these acts?


After Arjuna presents such logical statements for not fighting and

resigns, he surrenders to Krishna for His guidance, and thus Krishna

spoke the Bhagavat Gita starting with straightforward talk:


a´socyan anva´socas tvam prajña-vadam´s ca bhaá¹£ase


gatasun agatasum´s ca nanu´socanti paṇá¸itaḥ


The Blessed Lord said: While speaking learned words, you are

mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament

neither for the living nor the dead.


Basically He was indicating that Arjuna you are talking like a

learned man or a wise man but you are not; because your logic is

based on the `bodily' or material concept of Life. The essence of

Bhagvat Gita is that you and others that you see are not this

material body, but are spirit souls and as far is the soul is

concerned it is eternal. The individual soul obtains a material

body according to its past karma and in order to get out of the mire

of or catch 22 cycle of karma when one must transcend the modes of

material nature. This can only be done if one completely surrenders

to God/Krishna. Surrendering to Him (God) means following the will

of God, His instructions. We can do that by hearing `as it is' from

realized Sadhu, Guru & Shastra /Scripture. (The word He spoke and

the words spoken about Him).


Sometimes even after repeated negotiations with the wrong doers if

the path of peace fails then war is eminent. The war in Kurukshetra

was a last resort. After more than fair negotiations……..Duryodhana

said " I will not give the Pandavas even little space as that would

fit on a pin head " . The Supreme Lord Himself negotiated…now is war

or violence induced by such a war unfair? It was the desire and the

will of God that His devotees the Pandavas get back what rightfully

belonged to them; and when ever the will if God is opposed that is

`adharma'. Here God specifically indicated His desire.


Of course on has to be very careful and not become a radical,

fanatical and endanger the society o man kind or creation by either

whimsically thinking or interrupting the will of God by self

proclamation. That is demoniac. That is why it is imperative to

follow the `word' of God `as it is' without interpretations that

suits one's sense gratification. And this possible by hearing from

realized souls in, a bonafide spiritual master or Guru in

disciplic succession/parmapara.


A true devotee of the Lord never propagates violence when it comes

to insults or injustice upon the self. Lord Jesus Christ tolerated

all that was inflicted on him but for the good of others was not

afraid to be what appears to be act of violence in the Temple of

Jerusalem, Herod's Temple, at which the courtyard is described as

being filled with livestock and the tables of the money changers,

who changed the standard Greek and Roman money for Jewish and Tyrian

money, which were the only coinage that could be used in Temple

ceremonies. According to the Gospels, Jesus took offense to this

(extorting profit from the exchange of monies), and so, creating a

whip from some cords, drives out the livestock, scatters the coins

of the money changers, and turns over their tables, and those of the

people selling doves. So what to talk about God Himself, who takes

great offense when His devotees or innocent are tortured by the

injustice of the demoniac.


This material world is described by the Vedic scriptures as `kuntha

jagat'. Kuntha means anxiety, the part of His creation where there

is `NO ANXIETY' is known as Vaikunth. The spiritual world, where

there is no anxiety. No anxiety caused by birth, death old age or



Krishna says that this world is `dukhalayam ashahvatam' meaning this

material world is temporary and full of miseries. One of the

categories of miseries is the Adhibhautika klesh miseries that

inflicted by others (violence). We cannot find or expect Utopia in

this material world. There always exists atheistic class of

`demoniac beings' that will inflict pain on even the religious,

pious, faithful devotees of the Lord. In order to check that, God

either makes someone an instrument (example Arjuna) or He Himself

descends in various forms, incarnations Avtaras to

Mitigate /eradicate/ annihilate the miscreants according to time,

place and circumstances. Bhagvat Gita Chapter 4:7-8 yada yada hi

dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam

sá¹›jamy ahamparitraṇaya sadhunam vina´saya ca duá¹£ká¹›tam dharma-

samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O

descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that

time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and to

annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles

of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.


Now there are many categories of the incarnations of God. The

Brahma Samhita says `Advaitam Achutam, anandi rupam' meaning there

is none second to the Lord (Advaitam), He is infallible- never

influenced by the illusory energy or Maya (Achutam), and He has

unlimited forms /incarnations (anadi rupam). When the Lord creates

He has incarnates as `Guna avatars', when he descends Himself for

annihilating the demoniac, for pleasure of devotees and leaves

mankind His Deity form, sends his Messengers, and Holy scriptures it

is His `Kripa Lila' or Merciful pastimes.


So depending on time, place and circumstances during this endless

cycle of material creation He descends in different forms to enact

transcendental pastimes whether it is the killing of Kamsa, Ravana,

Hairanyakashipu or propagating non-violence in His incarnation of

Lord Buddha or as a devotee of the Lord opening the reservoir of

Love for God as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


Whether the Lord embraces someone, kicks someone or even kills

someone it is all on TRANSCENDENTAL PLATFORM. For example all

demons killed by the Lord (regardless of which demon he killed in

which incarnation), and those killed in His presence in battle of

Kurukshetra attained a spiritual destination. So there is benefit

for those killed by the Lord. One great Vaishnava Acharya Srila

Bhakti Vinode Thakore in poem compiled by him writes " asura shakala

pailo charana vinode thalilo boshi……Gopinath mama nivedana shuno "

meaning: O Lord Gopinath [please here my fervent prayer, so many

demons have wound up getting your mercy by the touch of Your lotus

feet (example: Krishna kicked Kamsa again and again before killing

him, Krishna danced on the hood of Kaliya Naag until Kaliya spat

blood) but Vinode (Thakur Bhakti Vinode) is still is tired and

waiting for your mercy.


The Supreme Lord is a Transcendental Autocrat. Whatever He does it

is for the supreme benefit of all and it gives Him Pleasure too

weather stealing (stealing butter from gopis for the pleasure of

gopis) or even when He brakes His promise. (He promised he would

never participate in the battle of Kurukshetra....but He broke His

promise by charging towards Bhisma with a chariot wheel when Bhishma

almost killed Arjuna. Krishna says in the Bhagavat Gita "

Pratijanati kaunteya, na me bhakta pranashyat' ` O Son of Kunti

(Arjuna) please declare that My devotee will never perish'. He asks

His devotee to declare, He could have very well said: " I declare

that My devotee will never perish " , but instead He asks Arjuna to do

so ……..why is that? The Acharyas comment that sometimes the Lord is

known to break His promises for the sake of His devotees but He will

never break a promise that His devotee has made! Such Love is the

pinnacle of the loving exchange and reciprocation of the Lord & His

devotee. This is something that we should never forget.


No society can exist with Law and order. We have the Police

department, jails courts etc that punish or even induce killing

(capital punishment) on criminals who are a danger to the society.

So it should not be surprising that Lord who descends in His various

incarnations kills various demons. His instruments are powerful

enough to do His will, but when He personally descends he also gives

immense pleasure to His devotees and that is the main reason for

enacting many different lilas or pastimes.


I must express my gratitude to Srila Prabhupada and all devotees for

imparting these transcendental teachings to whom I am eternally

indebted towards. I hope I was able to answer your question. One

excellent reference book that I strongly recommend is : `BHAGAVAT

GITA AS IT IS, by A.C. Bhativedanta Swami Prabhupada. It will make

your life sublime.




Satchitananda Dasa






PS: This is a burning question that has been misused from centuries

against Indian Faiths. I would like to address this in detail. I

request the moderators to allow me to do so. Thanks. Naga.


Violence in Epics


Any scripture can be studied from social perspective or from

spiritual perspective. Once, a scripture is examined from social

perspective, all characters ought to be human be it Rama or Krishna

or Abraham or Zeus or Achilles. After all, these characters are

visualized by humans, may be enlightened, yet humans. Therefore, the

actions performed by these characters need to be obsorbed with an

acute circumstantial social awareness without jumping into

conclusions out of context. Hanuman tells Bhima when requested to

help Pandavas in the anticipated Mahabharata war, " I belong to an

erstwhile value system. Hence, I am not entitled to wage your war. "

The author, Veda Vyasa, emphasises on many occasions the social

boundaries within which every social norm has to be examined



I suggest you to read the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana again

carefully before answering your son. It is a better idea to

encourage him to study the same himself before criticizing them.


Ravana has abducted Sita, wife of Rama. A common man would boil in

rage to kill such a person instantly. Rama had the capability to

destroy Ravan. Yet, Rama sends his representation to Ravana till the

last moment to avert the war and to avoid killing of anyone. On the

other hand, Ravana never regrets his actions. He interprets Rama's

good will as weakness and believes that the weak ones are born only

to suffer from the wrath of the strong ones like himself. The

goodness is often misunderstood with weakness. He shows no interest

in saving any lives as such!


Also, when Rama sends Hanuman to find Sita, he requests Hanuman to

understand first what Sita wants. Sita was already about to suicide

notwithstanding the violence attempted against her. Thanks to

Vedavati's curse and Mandodari's wisdom, Ravana could not dare

violating her physically. Yet, she was literally tortured

psychologically. When Hanuman reveals his identity, the first thing

she reminds Rama is to liberate her from the situation at the

earliest. She even puts a timeline for the action lest she would

kill herself.


A husband is violated and wants his wife back. He is wise enough to

ensure that his wife wants the same. He is human enough to request

and warn the violator. The violator is insensitive to honor others

in the first place and refuses to do so even after a series of

reminders and warnings even from his own brothers and wife. Is it

not obvious that such characters should be removed from the society

for the sake of social welfare?


Same case in Mahabharata. The peace-loving Yudhishthira wages

everything - kingdom, his brothers, his wife and himself - to evade

a war. They accept banishment. Krishna himself pleads the Kauravas

for peace. He even offers on his own that he will convince the

Pandavas even if they are given just five villages - not an empire,

not a kingdom, not even a province ... just five villages. Again,

the violators refuse to acknowledge and honor the requests made. On

contrary, they mock the peace mongers as impotents. Did they leave

any choice but to be removed?


Kamsa, Krishna's uncle, had murdered many new borns driven by his

baseless paranoia. He had imprisoned his own sister and her husband

for life. He had thrown his own father into dungeons for power. He

unleashed wrath on poor villagers just for a fear of a child killing

him. He drew his death nearer and nearer thanks to his own paranoia.

If people were happy, why would they send Akrura to plead Krishna

and Balarama to kill their own king? If they were not convinced, why

would Krishna and Balarama consider killing their own uncle? If you

read Bhagavata carefully, the brothers never strike on Kamsa on

their own. Attempts were made to murder them at every step. Did

Kamsa leave any room for his own survival? Did he leave any other

way other than killing him to rescue the people?


In all cases, who killed whom. Even from social perspective, Ravana,

Kamsa, Duryodhana etc. had already killed themselves with their

deeds by violating every human around who just wanted them dead.

They just needed a power to depend upon. Rama and Krishna happened

to be those.




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …



Dear Sadaks,

If a doctor does operation and patient dies for some reason. Do you

blame the doctor? If a judge setences a criminal to be hanged until

death, do you tell judge commited murder? Here the doctor intention

to save the patient. judge intention was to punish, not to murder.

But if a man kills another man for gains/vengence is called murder.

But if Hindu Gods kills very bad person after giving long rope, it

is called in Hinduism " Vadham " , may mean termination. Like one`s leg

gets affected by diabetes, the leg is cut off. Here Asuras (Very bad

people) are affected by total mind corruption. There are warned now

and then which can also be known from puranas. Only ultimately God


In Christianity- there is a thing known as Judgement Day. Please ask

Christians what it is.

When Moses went 40 days on hills for prayer, leaving hundreds of

peoples at the foothills, the people lost faith in GOD and they

started drinking wine, made forms of eagle/animals as Gods, behaving

like animals, any woman with any man, Moses came down with 10

Commandments. But all laughed at him. Result Gods in heaven says

Bible, killed almost all.

Even now due imbalance of Dharma, earthquake/Tsunami (Pralaya) takes

place killing people.

Jai Sri Krishna


baiya sathyanarayan


Narain Narain


My question is to Vineet Sarvottam.


Sir, if that scorpion comes into your house, then what will you do ?

Pls check up with Papa and come back. It is important question. I

love this father/son relationship/asking questions and wise



Lallubhai Chirimar


dear mr iyer


First we have to study the Vedas, then Upanishads, Brahmanas,

Aranyakas, Siksha, Nirukta, Chhandas, then the 18 Mahapuranas, 18

upa-puranas, then the Ithihaasaas Mahabharat and Ramayana etc. This

is the series of study prescribed.


From this it is clear that Vedas are the first to study, i.e. Lower

primary, then the next upper primary, then high school, then plus 2,

then degree and finally the ithihaasaas which are to be studied for



Our problem is what is to be studied in PG, we study in KG or lower

primary. The root of man is his head and his leg portion is the

head actually. The growth starts from the head portion once it is

formed as a unicellular organ in the uterus.

(Oordhwamoolamadhassakha...... bhagawat gita). This means now we

are standing upward down position (on the reverse.) Therefore all

our actions are on the reverse.


So to hear something from other Dharmas like Christian or Islam or

any other and think in that direction, is not of Sanathana Dharma.

It has no equivalence in the world, rather, all other dharmas are

born out of it only.


The modern education system is teaching only of the Drishyas, means,

object based (Dravyaadhishtita). Shabda, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa,

Gandha, these are only taught and studied. There is no teaching of

the tought. Means, before I start studying a matter or an object

which is outside me, I should first study about myself.


Dear Mr Iyer, you may kindly start studying yourself. Do not think

of Devataas. Devataas and men are having equally good and bad

qualities. The one who is able to do MANANA he is man. No that

those having two legs fitted on the stomac are men.... No never.


Start asking yourself, who 'am I ? From where I came., Where I

have to go/reach... What for I am sent here.. Who has sent me ?

With whose ability my eyes are able to see, with whose inspiration

I am being led to do the innumerable doings (karmaas), with whose

wish my ears are able to hear...


Just because I have two eyes, I cannot see. Just because I have two

ears, I cannot hear. Just because I have tongue I cannot talk...


Then what is that power which orders my these senses (INDRIYAAS) to

do karma.


That chaitanya swaroopa is within you covered by all the (bad)

smskaaraas bought forward throug out the innumerable birth and

death. This cover one has to remove or (dis- cover) then the

original will shine. One reaches a stage of no.... nothing.



vijayan kiliyil




Dear Iyer ji namaskar


Without assessing the powers of the opponent the survival is not

possible. It is upto an individual which path to lead. For the

benifit of mankind if voilence is utilised is a sin too but there

are methods of prayashchitas too. For the welfare of mankind you

have to access whom you are dealing with a most powerful demon or an

ordinary person. If you have to deal with a terrorist you need to

use arms and even kill him if he is a dire problem.

You should explain your son simply the role of a police man/ army

gaurding the nations use voilence to combat terror. In sprtuality

there are various types of dealing with sinners for some the killing

of demons like Ravana, Kansa and other mighty powerful ones God has

to create a counter programme that could eliminate the EVIL

intensions of Adharmi individuls and on the other hand where you

have to deal with the common man you have to guide vast population

to follow a faith and bring people on a common platform to attain

harmony and peace.


No incarnation can be compared with each other. Jesus the son of God

fufiled a mission and blessed the world with his guidance and a

noble thought but people got stuck in Churchanity instead. Mulsims

received Holy Koran but today fanaticism knew no limits through its

powerful followers. Hindus have a vast tresure of knowledge but most

of them are busy in caste based practices and the entire world is on

one side struglling for everything to achieve things through easy



There is no easy way to attain goals. One who has created a room for

voilence gets voilence and one who deservs to be dealt with a non

voilent ways get the same way and let this to be decided by the

almighty and let humans do not decide on this as we lack that

supreme vision that decides everything for every being present in

this world. It is so upto you to follow a path that God deals

accordingly for you. So simple if a terrorist bothers a nation

authorities counter his actions through like agencies. If there is a

person approaching or bothering authorities is dealt through

dialogue and pecefully things are settled.


To get convinced for the actions of incarnations you have to study

the related scriptures to realise the truth. One can not be greater

than other just by making a foolish assesment that one has used

voilence and another has used non voilent tactic to attain

something. You need to know the missions of each incarnation and at

the end you will find that all had a different missions and people

with different powers to deal with.


If we are dealing with a rustler we must know that one is to be

defeated with same trade. IF one us a poor man one has to deal with

him in the simple fashion. A poor man can not be dealt with

voilence. Judge the situations of both the eras you will and can

satisfy your curious son. Even study voilence and non voilence in

real terms. When you eat something you fulfil your need to support/

maintain your physical state. Will you stop eating just because one

day you came to know that eating too in a way leads one to act via

voilent means. Do not you cut plants, kill animals and while eating

eat several unseen things? All the incarnations acted as per their

respective TIME and requirements. One who had to use weapons used

them perfectly and one who had to use compassion and love used it

the brilliant way. It is upto the people for whom these greats are

born as to how they deal with them. That is why incarnations acted

differently but all established superiority of Dharma the truth over

Evil on this globe.



With regards

Love and knowledge!

Dalip Langoo



1. Hindu gods are not to be understood in the same way as the

judaic / greek gods. they are manifestations of the self and relate

to our own psychological processes. this has been understood

recently in the west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG

jungs analytical psychology.

2. Though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being

non-violent and gandhi is one example of this.


most international violence and acts of terrorism these days are

related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity and

islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or any

other pagan tradition


please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins


Ravi Bakhsi


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


It is defensive and slavish mentality that Hindus are falling prey

to the mechanisations of others.


When one believe in one god, can there be different ones ? How

Hindus or somebody else want to depict their Gods is their choice.

Hindus dont have to feel sorry about making pictures of their Gods.

It is none one else's concern.


Sampuran sINGH





Dear Shri Iyer:


Namaskaram with respects.


Hindu concept of Dharma, according to my feeble understanding, makes

a distinction between violence required by one's duties, and

violence done mindlessly or to seek pleasure. When a king punishes a

criminal, it is done to prevent further crime, and is therefore not

himsa. The distinction between himsa and ahimsa is very nicely

explained in Mahabharat at several places.


To my mind, the present confusion is due to advocacy of extreme

ahimsa by Gandhi ji. This led to a mixing of personal dharma of an

ordinary citizen with that of raj dharma of the state and the king.

Gandhi ji's interpretation of ahimsa is valid only in satyuga. How

would you deal with Somalian pirates by using ahimsa? Gandhiji's

ahimsa itself succeeded perhaps only once – against the British. It

failed against others.


Further, while Hindu gods are shown armed to the teeth, Hindus

themselves have remained relatively peace oriented. In other

systems, the Gods have been depicted as peaceful, but the followers

have been very violent. Therefore, my view is that the symbolic

arming of Hindu gods is aspirational (as is the peaceful depiction

in other systems), as a means to encourage Hindus to be a little

more war-like. Secondly, the violence by the Hindu deities has

almost always been in response to the needs of the people, and not

out of spite or anger.


Hope this is useful,


Sanjay Agarawal



Here in the UK, we have been considering this issue for some time.

During the last 2 to 3 years, we have had Christian priests telling

us that Hindu faith and its gods are violent and preach violence –

`look at the pictures of your gods!', they say.


The letter from Shree G A Iyer thus rang de ja vu-bells for me.


1. The paintings and other depictions of Hindu divinities are the

work of artists who have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, the freedom

of artistic expression their faith community has traditionally

granted them.


Nowhere in the scriptures is it decreed that we have to paint

pictures of gods/goddesses nor that we have to show gods/goddesses

carrying weapons.


But to-date no one has questioned why we undertake such depictions.




2. Islam forbids artistic expressions of anything divine, or of



Christians actively depict Christ, but only in a peaceful/suffering





3. If we bear in mind that what we are being told today through

revised editions and mis-translations of scriptures of faiths is

somewhat different from the original scriptures, the artistic

stereotyping may not necessarily correspond to the actual `life-

history' of the concerned figures and their teachings.




4. Christians believe that Christ was the son of God, but he was

unable to stop injustice and cruelty and gave his life in the

process. That is their belief.


Hindus believe in incarnation of the divine who uses supernatural

powers as a last resort to destroy evil. This is not to be equated

with the concept of `violence' in the ordinary human terms.


Once the order is restored and the righteous victims of evil are

liberated from the tyranny of the evil-doer, the avatar no longer

resorts to the so-called `violence' and returns to the normal

benevolent peaceful form.


Our scriptures describe God as the source of bliss and

auspiciousness, the avatar coming to protect devotees, to restore

righteousness, and order to nature and cosmos when such is



5. Faiths should be judged i) on the basis not of propaganda but on

what is actually written in their scriptures, and ii) on the actions

of the faith communities. Contrast Hindus [and their record of non-

aggression against other countries and against other faiths – even

of giving sanctuary to those faiths fleeing persecution elsewhere –

Jews, Parsees, Assyrian Christians], with the followers of other

faiths who have acted to decimate other faith-based civilisations

and committed genocides in India, Americas, Australia, etc. etc.,

almost succeeding in wiping out various civilisations and races.


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


Unfortunately this is easier said than done. How do you persuade

those who make money out of this industry to cease such activities?


Time to reflect.





Namaste Sadhakas..


Sumangal Suprabhat...


As per my belief in our hindu religion, there is only one

God " Parmatma " .

All the names you noted like Shri Rama, Krishna, Durga etc. are

its " Ansha " who took birth as Human being to taught us

about " Dharma " & to spread " Peace & Love " .


Param Parmatma created this beautiful Earth/Shrushti for us. He is

controlling us. If someone is not following his 'Rules of life' and

troubling others. He / she must get punished for others well-being &

to keep Peace in the world.


Example :

If you have a box of fruits & one of them get spoiled what you will


You will remove that spoiled fruit so that other fruits will remain

good otherwise that one fruit will spoil others.




Satish Pawaskar

Keep Smiling Always ;-)




God is suddha, buddha, muktha swaroopa. For killing somebody, one

has to get angry. (krodha) God does not get krodha. (If it becomes

angry, none of us will be thre.) To kill somebody, you have to get

angry. Only, we become angry and therefore we cannot be God.

Krodha is the resultant of Kaama (Aasakthi).


When you slap your son, does he start praising you...? does he get



Rama never killed Ravana. Ravana is described as Moha (Aasakthi).

Rama killed only the Aasakthi which was there in Ravana. The

praisings of Ravana is well clearly written. Once some body goes

thru it, one can understand that Rama never killed Ranava but the

God gave him the Moksha.



vijayan kiliyil



Hindu Gods demonstrate ;- Nip the evil in the bud.


They never lose patience.the annhilation of the evil is done after

many many chances for abondoning the violence against innocent are

provided to the asuras (demons), who usually ignore these.


Shiban Raina




Dear Shri Iyer,


Please refer to your mail of November 10/11.


You say that you are a senior citizen and also a staunch Hindu, but

in my eyers, you seem to be utterly confused about the basic Hindu

faith. Unfortunately, most of the modern educated Hindus suffer from

this confusion according to me. Resultantly, the upcoming Hindu

generation is alsmost uprooted from their Hindu base.


Your question as to why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing

violence (killing or annihilating evil physically), betrays

ignorance of the basic Hindu tenet that Parameshwara or Paramatma

(God) is one. Only Devatas and Devis, who have a positive effect on

human beings are many. Parents and Gurus too are counted among

Devatas, (Matridevo bhava, Pitridevo bhava). Paramatma's creative

faculty personified as Brahma has no armament or weapon. Vishnu

representing His executive faculty and Rudra (Shiva) representing

the assimilation or dissolution faculty alone bear a weapon in one

hand whereas the other hand bears a protective gesture. It only

symbolises punishment to the evil doer and protection to the

righteous ones. The message is concretized in the

Geeta, " Paritranayaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam/ Dharma

sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge, " (From time to time, I

appear on earth in order to protect the righteous ones, destroy the

evil doers and to establish the rule of Dharma, i.e., righteousness

or rule of law).


In the Mahabharatha, (Shanti-parva, chap. 57), Bhishma Pitamah tells

Yudhishthir, " The greatest sin of a king is his failure to protect

his subjects. He should protect the dharma of all his Varnas. (It

means that every citizen should be able to pursue his or her chosen

vocation/occupation, education, trade, business, farming, lending

services, doing government or private job, without let or

hindrance). The king should act like Yamaraj in administering

justice and like Kuber in collection of revenue. He should make

provision for those who cannot support themselves and should take

good care of those who help the destitute " Such lessons of Hindu

scriptures have been ignored . Resultantly, they have brought the

country to a breaking point. In Raj dharma, the question of violence

and non-violence is irrelevant.


Yours sincerely,

Ram Gopal


-Shree Hari-


There has been a lot of mention of various gods killing, in conflict,

the Divine Feminine has been mentioned also on this thread.

Now, I do not know these ancient Vedic literatures, but have some

insights to other bronze age traditions.

Emmanuel Vilakovski considered that the various ancient Greek stories

of waring gods, was actually the remembrance of ancient astronomic


I have seen on this thread, Sadhaks inferring that these ancient


of warring gods, was the primordial forces at work.

Other Sadhaks have in my opinion, correctly pointed out that the

Abrahamic traditions are the most warlike, I have an explanation as

to why.

Here is a quote from the book, 'A shewing of God's Love', (written


an Christian medieval female mystic ).

" The mother may fold her child tenderly to her breast , but our


Mother Jesus, He may homely lead into His blessed Breast....... "

(Notice the Feminine/Masculine aspects here ).

When I first read this, I thought of, (hard to believe I know),

Shakti , Quan Yin , Mother Mary,

and Asherah, known also as Elat , the feminine aspect of El, ( The

supreme GOD).

You see, She has been factored out of the world, (perhaps She is

retuning, I pray She is).

I ask you. Would She desire her children to kill each other.?

The point is Asherah was forced out of the traditions of Israel and

Judah, leaving in the minds of those people, Yahweh, without his

consort, thus the Divine Feminine, the Nurturer ,was no longer in

their hearts, the growth of the Patriarch religion had started.

So the god of their tradition became a god of war and and male

dominance. The great Swami Vivekananda pointed out the horror of the

millions that were killed in the name of that (unbalanced) god . Bede

Griffiths regarded a religion without balance as demonic.

Sri Krishna pointed out to Arjuna that, he (Arjuna) had no memory of

his past lives.

Now consider this. If a swami, a doctor, maybe a Sister of Mercy, or

any sweet soul., suddenly remembered with great clarity , being a

warrior, raising the battle- ax, or sword in brutal warfare , what

would they think.

A soul can weary of war, did not Lord Krishna point out it was only

the flesh and blood that was being destroyed in warfare.

Many have said that the external world is a reflection of mankind's

inner self.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor


Respected Sir,

It is not the question of God or human being, the central theme is

that " a woman is most often linked and the cause of fights / wars "

as well as, down fall ! It may appear to be crude, but still there

seems to be a connection, am I not correct?


Barin Chatterjee



In Short, Hindus believe in the principle so nonviolence that is

practical and can be practiced in day to day life. Christians

believe in a Utopian nonviolence theory that neither they nor anyone

else can practice.


To elaborate, I suppose your son is not old enough to introspect and

understand. First of all there are no Hindu Gods and Christian god.

There is just ONE power that is omnipresent in all the

things/beings. And it (I will not call it he or she) is not really

non-violence per our definition, else no one ever died, no one

got killed and there was no war ever etc.


I understand that your son is really referring to the incarnations /

perceptions of Gods that Hindus and Christians respectively believe

in. First thing that you need to know is per Christians Jesus is not

a God. He is the " Son of God " or the Messiah. Per Christians God

never incarnated but Hindus do believe that God incarnates and so

there is no point in comparing their perception of God to Hindu



Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolence was predominantly adopted from

Christianity to fight them back on their own turf and with their own

weapon. Persecution of nonviolent people by British brought back the

memories of persecution of Jesus and his disciples and received

extensive coverage and support from rest of the Christian world,

forcing British out of India.


In India Buddha preached and followed non violence, however, his

disciples when they went to China to teach Buddhism they first

learned martial arts to protect themselves during the journey. This

is how martial art first reached China which they later expanded



Nonviolence shouldn't be confused with cowardice. Nonviolence means

not hurting others for pleasure and self-fulfillment. However,

fighting (and if needed killing) for protecting self and others can

not be categorized as Violence. Nonviolence also means giving peace

a chance before waging a war. That is why both Ram and Krishna sent

a last peace message to Ravan and Duryodhan so the war could be


Anand Awasthi





If you have some problem in any part of your body, first you try to

cure it, but when it becomes incurable it has to be cut off to

prevent rest of the body.

World is viraat swaroop (Universal Form) of God. All creatures are

parts of it.

Things become clear when you think from God's point of view.


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Shashikala Bahenji, right you are: " who can kill who " , as all is


I guess Sadhakas are answering in the best possible ways they know,

because it is to be explained by a father to a son who is asking

such questions as he should. Perhaps it is a giant leap to grasp

such concept as immortality, which may not be appreciated at this

stage in son's life!

My short answer is: " when one inquires into deeper meanings of God,

Life, Death, Incarnations, (non)Violence, being Hindu, Hindu Gods

etc, one may come upon understanding that many questions like this

get answered in the satisfactory way " . Now I would teach my son

these things, but I didn't know myself when they were growing up!

In my experience the best answer to one's question is the

disappearance of question itself in the light of understanding

question, as J Krishnamurti used to say " Please see that the answer

is in the question " .


Pratap Bhatt



Hari Om


'Violence' is a relative term.


Basically in the divine play of God, humans enjoy certain liberties

of conduct. There are laws governing the entire creation. Humans

have immense powers but identification with the mind and body makes

them 'desire' for worldly temporary pleasures. Here they come in

conflict with another law- desires can never be fulfilled, you can

only renounce them. In order to fulfill the desires, one indulges

into violence. 'Gods' in order to keep the creation going 'mete out'

the results of deeds in an equally violent manner- as you sow, so

shall you reap..


In fact, when they do so, they are liberating the souls from

darkness. Hence, it is all 'play' , there is no violence, there is

only 'mercy', there is only 'love' emanating from the top.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Sanatana Dharma is not a simplistic/moralistic philosophy where

things/ acts are categorised as eternally good or bad. It is the

context that determines whether an act is good or bad. consequently

when adharma prevails - the destruction/ killing of the 'asuras' is

necessary for greater good. To give you an analogy - a knife might

be considered as an instrument for violence but it is also necessary

for cutting vegetables etc.

The oft quoted verse 'ahimsa paramo dharmah' from the Gita is only

half of the entire line which concludes with 'dharma himsa tathaiva

cha' - himsa is equally valid when used for dharma.

Gods in our tradition perpetrated violence against those forces that

prevented Truth / dharma from prevailing and therefore cannot be

judged in the same tone as those who commit senseless violence.


Hope this helps.


Anuradha Choudry



Many Rishis such as 'Balmiki' were masters of weaponry and yet they

opted not to fight because they are Brahmins, not authorized to slay

but authorized to teach.


The TriDev Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar are in-charge of this

universe and they have to do whatever is good for mankind.


Manoj Padhi


fellow sadhakaas,


namasteji..There is no escape from birth and death cycles..all our

prayers wish peace and happiness..three times...But..if you can't

defend yourself with vachaa, love..etc..you have to kill by Mantra

or sahastra..even God had to exterminate terror by bad elements.


Hari Om

Vishnu Dada

(Vishnu Patel)




There is only one God. No Hindu God or Muslim God or Christian God.

They are all one and the same. Besides all human beings,

irrespective of religion have souls whose ultimate destiny is to

merge with God or the Parmatma. So to say this God is violent and

the other is not is an exercise in futility.


Hari Shanker Deo



Dear Mr. Iyer,


Gods created all creatures on earth. A few of them tried to

supercede GOD and also tried to destabilise the world. GOD had to

ensure that these creatures do not wreak havoc. hence the

destruction of evil.


Anil Jain



Jai Hanuman


Where is the question of some one " killing " another, when everyone

is " immortal/imperishable " as a law ?


Can any sadhak enlighten me, Jee ? So that I may address this

question !! Kindly help, Jee ! Jee !!


'Violence' by 'Gods' ! Raam, Raam, Raam !!


Mike Bhaiyya ! Pratap Bhaiyya! Sathyanarainji !! Adrien !! Any one

Jee ! But quickly Jee !! Will you come to my rescue with reference

to 'self' and 'Gitaji' - Jee! Jee ! ! Your sister is too stunned

and anxious by the question, Jee !


Who can kill whom Jee ! What do you say Adrien ?


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee






1. Hindu gods are to be understood in the same way as the judaic /

greek gods.

they are manifestations of the self and relate to our own

psychological processes. this has been understtood recently in the

west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG jungs analytical


2. though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being non-

violent and gandhi is one example of this.


Majority of the international violence and acts of terrorism these

days are related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity

and islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or

any other pagan tradition.

please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins for great



Ravi Bakhsi


Dear Mr Iyer,

Violence is something that you cannot avoid. Tell me when you eat

vegetarian food do you not think that those vegetables and rice and

dal and other such food also grew which means they had a life. Which

means that the vegetables and rice were alive and were killed for

your ultimate consumption. That is violence to a lesser degree. What

makes you think that violence does not occur everyday? Even when you

breathe you kill millions of bacteria that enter your nose and mouth.

Let me put it to you that without a section of the population

taking the initiative of killing bad elements in any society,

others do not have the luxury of being non-violent.


hope this helps

Prashanth Thirukkonda


Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

Vedas do not advise just non violence but lay emphasis on Non

Violence of the strong. Prakrti- the divine subtle Nature which is

our Supreme Mother according to Vedas is extremely strong and

powerful but largely peaceful and non violent. She provides a Book

of Nature which even blind people and even animals/fishes/birds can

read and wants us to follow Rts- Her cosmic laws of necessity for

our social, moral and physical order. Like any benevolent and loving

mother she remains peaceful and affectioante most of the time but

gets extremly violent when we flout her Cosmic Laws of Nature and

start spreading social, moral and physical evils.


Hindu gods (Ishwaras) are Not God- as there is only One universal

God for the entire mankind wise men describe Him with different

names. All the Hindu gods/goddesses (Ishwaras/devas/devis) are

extremely powerful and strong but like Prakrti merciful, benevolent

and always keen to ensure that cosmic Laws of nature (Rta) are

observed by all her children who are noble people. Thus Hindu

Ishwaras/devas/devis are the greatest followers of Non violence of

the Strong but get violent if evil is spread in society, environment

is polluted and hydra headed CORRUPTION with Nine Heads over takes

virtue, ethics, divine thoughts and social nobilty.


Incidentally Mahatma Gandhi never talked of Non Violence in a

general way but always talked of Non Violence of the Strong. He

wanted people of India to become morally, spiritually and physically

strong and then non violent. Non violence of the Weak is self

destruction. He has greatly emphasised this point in his

Biography " My Experiment With Truth " .


None of our gods/godesses become violent for the sake of violence

but give a very long rope to evil people to change and behave

conforming to Vedic Rta but those non divine people

(Avarnas/Vritras) who encourage all actions against Laws of Nature

and create social, moral and physics pollution strict action is

taken by Hindu Ishwras/devas/devis.


with kind regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Shri Iyer Bhaiyya, Tell your son simply that to eradicate evil, one

has to engage in violence. If your son understands about a scorpion

and his sting, then ask him that if a scorpion comes into the house

and is running around to sting someone, what would he do? Sometimes,

a question posed against a question, can be a better clarifier, than

an answer. So be it !


Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Sadhak,


According to the Yajnavalkya Samhita, ahimsa or non-violence is the

awareness and practice of non-violence in thought, speech and

action. Do we practice Non-violence at that lavel ???

Do we not kill mosquitoes, cockroches and so many other so

called " harmful being " according to us? What do you say about - Hang

till death, cutting hands of a thief and so many other such so

called justice orders?


All our Puranas have symbolic meaning, they want us to look deep

inside us. The war between good and evil is going on inside us only.

Do we not need to " kill " our bad thoughts ? Do we call killing of

our bad thoughts/demonic qualities as the act of violence ? Who

gives power to kill those bad qualities within ?


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti rupen sansthita

Namstasye, namstasye, Namstasye namo Nama

" I bow to the Divine Mother Who resides within me as Power/Strength "


Thus MaaDurga-Goddess of Motherly Love, Mother of sur (Demigods/our

good qualities) and Asura(Devils/our bad qualities) alike, cannot be

blamed as performing violence. She is washing away the evils of Her

sons by purifying them through Her divine weapons, and ultimately

merging them all in Her own Divine Love.


Similarly Lord Shiva, who drank vemon for the welfare of the entire

universe, whose another name is Bhole Baba(Innocent God who pleases

easily and bless us without considering our good/bad karmas) can not

even think of violence. Read more about Him and you will know how

merciful is He.


We cannot know about our Gods until we know our own self. The

Supreme is seated right into our own Heart. Look within, meditate

deeply and know Thy Self. Surrender to Gitaji and go beyond the

duality of this world.


Krishna says- " I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the

witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the

creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting

place and the eternal seed. " Gitaji Ch 9:18


He is All then who is killing whom ?


We are not the body, and suffering is all illusion arising from the

Nature. If we want to see peace, love and bliss in the world, we

have to " BE " peace, love and bliss. There is no other way.


There is no Hindu GOD or Christian God. There is only ONE, and that

ONE GOD cannot be understood by debate as He is beyond duality,

beyond mind, intellect. God can only be experienced. If your son

wants to understand Sanatan Dharma, present him with a Gitaji. Read

Gitaji over and over again, contemplate on each stanza. Come back

and answer your own question.


With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar





Dear Sir,


We all need to better understand the Hindu philosophy and its

message. First of all we need to understand the meaning of non-

violence. Does it mean only physical act of killing or harming? No.

any act leading to harm or hurt others through thought, word or deed

is Non-violence. A physical act of killing in a war with a pure

intension of good of the mankind is again not classified as

violence. Unfortunately, this thought also is misunderstood,

misinterpreted and misused now a days.


When a mother slaps a child it is not called violence. because the

act originates out of Love.

The stories which you are referring to are from an era when evil

could be identified as a person. who in many cases knew what is evil

or wrong but could not help act in that influence.. that time to

remove the evil was to destroy them. Even if you look at the story

of Gods killing... you would find that it was the last resort. Even

those 'evil' people were given all the possible chances and

opportunities to change. Only when they refused to comply and the

suffering of good become unbearable the physical act of annihilation

was performed, to reinstate the faith, to restore righteousness. It

is high time we realize that spirituality is not for weak. it

requires Will of Shankra, courage of Vivekanand.

Today good and evil have become seen in every person. hence to

destroy the evil path of annihilation of the person is not

resorted. In todays time the solution is - Transformation of heart.

for this the divine beings use various methods. even allowing

themselves to suffer. Lets not misinterpret their divine pure act of



We are such people who would not hesistate to crucify Jesus and do

nothing to stop and fight against but will be first to feel pity

after the act is done. we dont want to self introspect why he was

crucified. we are just contented to know that he was crucified for

our sins. As if the godly people have the obligation to be crucified

while we continue on our unjust ways. if you love Jesus then share

his pain by being good and just. be open and understanding, be

loving towards all. God has given each one enough strength to fight

our own battles. be willing to suffer the punishments for the

mistake committed, dont pass it on to god or godly people and expect

them to suffer for you.


I request you to not use such words " hindu gods lose patience " . this

thought itself is full of ignorance. First of all know - There is

only one GOD and he is omnipresent, omniscience, and omni-potent.

What ever God does is for good of all. Even the physical act of so

called violence is for the good. it is for us to understand how,

when and why he does what he does. Even to qualify to question god

we must first become a humble student. then may be the divine wisdom

would fall on us to understand and enjoy the bliss of his grace.


sai ram

Abhimanyu Kaul




With birth comes death. Mahatma Gandhi fought with weapons he had

i.e. none, but you cannot run a country on that philosophy

as India found out with China.


We must all defend Dharma. This is the best. A persons duty is to

live according to Dharma and to defend it. From Ahimsa paramo

dharmaha, Dharma himsa tathaiva cha. This Is the full proper

statement. Each person has to follow the work according to his caste

and station in life. Kshatriyas job is to defend and fight for

dharma. This is amply show in Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, in FACT THE


is the best Dharma, but to attain it HIMSA (violence) is required to

defend this is the message.


Jayesh A Patel





dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

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2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

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3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

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5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

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Ram Ram



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Respected Sirs,

I am hindu, a senior citizen, vegetarian and a non-violent loving

person. Mahatma Gandhi was the staunchest of non-violent human

beings. Though every one, violent and non violent alike would like

peace prevail in this world VIOLENCE is happening in this world,

knowingly or unknowingly.


My question is - Why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence

(killing or anihilating evil physically)? eg: Lord Krishna Kills

Kamsa, Goddess Durga Kills Pandasura and other Asuras, Lord Shiva

Kills Kameswar, Lord Rama Kills Ravana and Bali. Lords of other

religions do not appear to follow these paths, no matter the extent

of the sufferings one has to undergo. Jesus suffered all along,

though he too was believed to have had super natural powers. Kindly

enlighten me, in the circumstances, why Hindu Gods loose patience

and resort to violent killings to eliminate evil? I have to answer

my son who debates with me often.


Pranams !

Iyer GA




Hari Om


I think discussion on this topic is taking epic proportions. Simple

Q was why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing violence ? Answer is

that our sight is on violence only. Hindu Gods are also shown as

playing flutes, taking care of cows, being merciful, tolerating

pains, doing austerities, enduring sufferrings.


Iyerji. You may safely tell your son that both evil and good are

relative. Basically soul is immortal, imperishable and neither is

born nor is dead. There are laws governing this Creation. There is

a " Lila " going on. When one constantly plays roles which do not set

great examples of righteousness and one misutilises karma generated

powers acquired by him, and harrasses kind, tolerating souls-

sometimes God/Goddesses " remove " them from the scene, so that

humanity at large can live peacefully. That removal process depends

on the " karmas " made by the evil conducting person.


What do You call that removal process - " violence " or " justice "

or " re-establishing dharma " or " releasing innocent people from

atrocities " etc etc are terms. Fundamentally evil must be destroyed.

Soul gets evilness because of misutilisation of independence

accorded to it in this " divine lila " . When some one crosses limits

and acquires " super natural " powers and misutises those powers- in

order to continue with the creation- Gods/Goddesses mete out justice

and remove them from the scene.


As simple as that ! There is no need for any extension of this

simple. Question. Many of the terms used by fellow sadhaks go beyond

my mind also- how son of Mr Iyer will grasp them. There is no point

in putting before him pages and pages of thesis.


All religions are good. All religions seek peace only. Everywhere

both sides viz good and evil are existing. The Supreme is one only.

Or we all are that only. No body kills, no body is slain. In this

divine lila, ultimately " dharma/truth " prevails.


Jai Shree Krishna


N.B. Vyas


All the hindu epics have a deeper meaning and they have to be

thought upon seriously before the meaning gets revealed. For

example, the word Kamsa means kah means who sah means he? He is a

monster residing in every one of our hearts shouting who is He (He

for God). Its our ahamkara (egoism), Selfishness. Lord Krishna

kills that ahamkara (egoism). It has nothing to do with violence. As

killing your selfishness brings forth selflessness which is good for

the society at large. As you turn into a great man. By the way

Krishna also means the all attractiveness that is the ultimate

traction. Similarly all Gods and Demons have some other meaning and

the violence in all cases is related with killing of the demons i.e.

the bad qualities in us and to purify our heart and soul.

Think deep to teach and guide your son the right path.


Jai Bhagavad Gite!

" bbkm1969 "


Hindus was a name given by invaders to all those residing on the

other side of the Sindhu river. There is no such thing as Hindus,

it is only Sanatana Dharma (eternal laws / guiding principles). You

can believe in one God, believe in many Gods or be a non believer,

we are still following eternal laws/guiding principles. In fact,

Sanatana Dharma (in later years known as Hinduism) is not a

religion, it is a way of life. God is someone whom we have never

seen. When there is only one God how can we differentiate?


Hari Shanker Deo



Namaskar !


Dear Mr. Iyer GA


As per belief of what I have learnt that Asurs (demoniac ones) were

given many vardans (blessings) on account of them doing lot of japa

(name repetition) for long time and they had through tapas

(austerities) gained lot of powers so that none could kill them.

Ravan was a great Shiva bhakt (devotee of Shiva) , but used all his

siddhis and supernatural powers for capturing and harassing mother

Sita. Because of his intense earlier sadhana (spiritual practices),

Shri Ram killed him, there by giving Ravan moksh (liberation). Any

one killed by actual hands of an avatar (manifestation of God) gets

moksh (liberated). Parabrahma or Ishwar (God) as one calls is all

merciful, He realised this child will not change even after many

births and continue to torment others, so in His great mercy he

removes/so call kills the Asur creating problems, like Ravan by Lord

Ram. If Lord Ram had not killed Ravan he would have gone on the same

way for many others, more vengence on rishis (ascetics), munis and

holy souls. Same is the case of Mahishasur being killed by Durga at

a twilight when not day or night and no inside or outside.


Lord removes these people never out of vengence but out of mercy for

others and the tormentors adharmic (unrighteous) souls, may in

normal circumstances may have to take many hundred of births to wipe

off this multiple killing karma and be tortured for many years in

different regions of hell.


Hindu Gods are very loving and benevolent and do not lose patience

by any stretch of imagination, they are doing punya (virtues) to

very evil souls by saving their repeated few hundred births and

deaths due to his very evil karma (actions), by slaying him and

giving moksha (liberation) to his/her atma (soul). This way they

are freeing normal people and monks/rishis can carry their pooja

(prayers), meditation/sadhna (spiritual practices) uninteruptedly.

Also realise that another reason for this violence could be to

instill fear in hearts of similar evil souls, and chances are some

of them might mend their ways and move towards path of dharma

(righteousness) and back to God. Also realise an avatar (God's

manifestation on earth), takes so called birth only when

surroundings are very tamasic (filled with ignorance) to improve

worldy society by their example of selflessness. Lord Ram could have

easily saved Mother Sita, it was merely his divine play to get

Hanuman involved and to get Ravan killed by his hands. Avatars for

them just drift from one earthly garment or body to other, they are

neither born or die in our worldy sense. They are shinning examples

on how we need to be. Avatars are beyond human birth and not born

because of any past life karma account, they will to be born to save

the world, without any unselfish reasons, 100% dharmic to change the

world. If Lord was born in his natural form with so many heads and

hands, chances are greedy men may have to earn money put Him in a

circus, that is the reason bhagvan takes exactly manav roop (human

form), but one must realise just because he looks like an ordinary

person, he is not, He is very high spiritually, much more than we

can ever realise by our narrow visioned, one track mind.


Also need to realise avatars took which form most suitable to their

paricular times.


Last, but not least one must realise that all paths lead to God if

dharmic, some are short and thorny, hair pin bends, one must have

courage and talmal to be with God and others are straight but long,

depends which one you choose. Each one takes path as per his

spiritual level on earth at that point of time .


You will recall even prophet Mohamed had to flee from Mecca to

Medina for some time. Jews, troubled Jesus to extreme, though born

in that community. Zoraster too was troubled constantly by evil

persons, as a child thrown in a cave of pack of wolf's which were

killed and placed beside. so that mother wolf would attack him, in

midst of charging cows, but saved as one cow spread her four limbs

and covered the child from stampede from others and only then left.

These avtars come with a msg to teach /preach common man as Jesus

spoke to fishermen on the bank of a river and made them his

disciples, most famous being Peter. Gods dont die because of any

karma (actions) but simply merge their atmas (soul) with universal

life force at the time decided by them once again.


Gratitude at holy charan of Gurudev






The answer is simple.


There is nothing quite as miraclous as a birth. That which has lived

in water for such a long period now suddenly with an instance is

able to survive in an atmosphere. The joy it brings to the family

born into.


Yet this soul has recently just parted in a death. This seems

painful. However, this is an illusion. Death is merely an event to

bring to life and hope. This is the law of karma. The violence you

refer to is illusory, it is the vehicle by which joy arrives.


Aryan Gods are weapon clad because some are beyond reasoning. Their

weapons demonstrate the reality of life.


Veda Shakti!

Deeno Sharma





2. Soceity – Individual – Non-Violence


Any soceity always faces two problems – (1) the invaders looking for

opportunites like hawks and vultures to feed upon a weak society; and

(2) the schemers within a society to promote their causes beyond


rights geopardising the social integrity. That is the fact. The


health and prosperity depends on the society's integrity and



So is for a person – the external invaders in terms of objective

attractions and the internal schemers in terms of desires and fears

perpetually feed on a gullible individual. They join hands to

geopardise internal strength and fracture personal integrity of the

individual in the game of survival.


One should not mislead a soceity (and an individual) in the name of

" non-violence " or any other high-sounding phrases that may weaken it

to become vulnerable to its own doom. It is the primary

responsibility of every individual – personally as well as socially.

In my opinion, one of the root cause for the milleniums of

subjugation of Indian population is the superficially preached,

wrongly understood and illusively adapted extra-ordinary concepts

such as non-violence.


One can disguise under " non-violence " and let the whole population

including oneself suffer the violence under a tyrant insider or

invader – one may call it non-violence or tolerance; but I call it

indifference and even cowardice. Or one may gather strength to face

and terminate the tyrant to let the whole population and oneself live

in peace – one may call it violence or aggression; but I call it

self-assertion and progression. Whenever the body is infested it

should be disinfected and whenever it is under attack it should be

quarantined off the infectors ... so is a house, and a village, as

well as a nation.


We can treat the epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata as either

personal saga or social saga or both toward establishing and

maintaining social/individual balance of presence against the odds

around as well as within. The human characters battling for

sustanence of social balance in terms of morale, prosperity and

stability would become the variance in natural elements that stirr

an individual pcyche in terms of experiences and their traces

recorded by the psyche in terms of memories, constantly nurturing

clones of desires and fears in the individual in infinitude,

battling for sustanance of psychological balance in terms of esteem,

fulfillment and confidence.


True violence is within an individual (or a soceity) rooted in one's

treatment to one's own nature. Suffering is the indicator of the

violence. One would feel injured only when one's nature is violated

knowingly or unknowingly. Developing desires contrary to one's nature

is the root cause for all the fears harbored within. Borrowing an

alien nature, even though it sounds noble (e.g. non-violence), cannot

resolve this problem. It will add new conflicts generated from the

ignorance regarding the newly solicited value. It is like taking a

well-named medicine for a problem that is never diagnosed in the

first place. Imbibing non-violence without appreciating the violence

within can be the most violent act one could possibly turn into …

violence suppressed within by force ticks like a time bomb … erodes

the individual from within … increasing one's suffering exponentially

within. Suffering within for whatsoever reason is THE ONLY SIN that

is accounted in our scriptures. Symptomatic treatment for superficial

suppression of the miseries is not an acceptable remedy as the seeds

of miseries are left healthy which would ensure the miseries to

eventually resurface stronger. The epics depict the removal of the

root causes of the suffering as such.


The wars of Ramayana and Mahabharata are the nerve-wracking conflicts

an individual is engaged within to establish oneself in the peace

within. All the violators – be it intrinsic or extrinsic or both –

have to be faced, fought with and eliminated with an absolute resolve

to establish in the non-violence within. Once established within, it

exuberates on its own – no additional practice is required. One can

never " acquire " non-violence by preaching – who-so-ever preaches and

who-so-ever listens. It is revealed only in those who take initiative

to seek the same within with clarity and resolve.


If you want to see The God in the characters of Rama, Krishna, etc. …

my friend, you have to change your outlook completely and understand

what is meant by violence, non-violence, and the god ... also you

will have to re-read our epics in a totally different perspective to

see its relevance to your self-cleansing and god-realization

process. Let me just throw a stone at you from this

perspective ... " Non-Violenece "


IS THE ONLY REASON why " The God " had to " kill " the so-called " evil

elements " in our stories! ... All the words/phrases under quotes need

to be examined at their roots … Please think about it.




Naga Narayana.



Dear Iyer saheb

If rats could invent God, it'd be a super rat. If cats could invent

one, it'd be a super cat.

We humans created our own Gods.


Now, the difference between Indian religionists and the rest of the

religions is that our ancestors, particularly the Gurus and saints,

endowed the Gods with human failings. Others created Gods...the

revealed person! Like the Marxists believe, they truly believe that

Marx was revealed, perhaps the only one after Muhammad.


That is why their language, diction, imagery, perception,

consciousness, the very being is so devoted to that icon. Wish they

could create a Mecca...if not in a deserted, palm fringed island, at

least in the North Pole.



Arun Shrivastava




Namaskar to all,


We have talked of Dharma to defend and punish after peaceful

efforts. Shatriya dharma also seems to be pointing to anger, fear

and weakness. Good over bad and GOD over Rakshas, fight is going on

for ever. We could not control our selfish desire. Example of

Duryodhana as the Eldest and Ravan fulfilling his Rakshah dharma

shows their being true to their Dharma. Killing of Bali, Ravan,

Duryodhana and other ashura predominantly show misbehaiviour towards

Women the Mother.

In this world of patriachial society Mother is related to Birth and

Death. Out great Mother Earth, Motherland and our own Mother are

object of selfless service and we can't repay back. We have always

used and enjoyed the benevolence but could not return back, which is

also a form of Violence. Due to this violence we are destroying

ourselves as Earth will by the global warming.

Mahabharat & Ramayan are examples of increasing negativeness which

ended in perishing of their Family. The Yadav and Sita here and

middle west showed the relatives of Mohammed eliminted. The apostles

of Jesus spread the word of Love. But christianity again has

continued the act of punishing without waiting for the Day of


'Violence in any form results in more violence which eats ourself',

this is to be told to our children. Humans as Intellectual leaders

should be settled by debate and not follow the jungle rule to prove

their maturity and superiority among the living creatures.






Soceity – Individual – Non-Violence


Any soceity always faces two problems – (1) the invaders looking for

opportunites like hawks and vultures to feed upon a weak society;

and (2) the schemers within a society to promote their causes beyond

their rights geopardising the social integrity. That is the fact.

The social health and prosperity depends on the society's integrity

and strength.


So is for a person – the external invaders in terms of objective

attractions and the internal schemers in terms of desires and fears

perpetually feed on a gullible individual. They join hands to

geopardise internal strength and fracture personal integrity of the

individual in the game of survival.


One should not mislead a soceity (and an individual) in the name

of " non-violence " or any other high-sounding phrases that may weaken

it to become vulnerable to its own doom. It is the primary

responsibility of every individual – personally as well as socially.

In my opinion, one of the root cause for the milleniums of

subjugation of Indian population is the superficially preached,

wrongly understood and illusively adapted extra-ordinary concepts

such as non-violence.


One can disguise under " non-violence " and let the whole population

including oneself suffer the violence under a tyrant insider or

invader – one may call it non-violence or tolerance; but I call it

indifference and even cowardice. Or one may gather strength to face

and terminate the tyrant to let the whole population and oneself

live in peace – one may call it violence or aggression; but I call

it self-assertion and progression. Whenever the body is infested it

should be disinfected and whenever it is under attack it should be

quarantined off the infectors ... so is a house, and a village, as

well as a nation.

We can treat the epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata as either

personal saga or social saga or both toward establishing and

maintaining social/individual balance of presence against the odds

around as well as within. The human characters battling for

sustanence of social balance in terms of morale, prosperity and

stability would become the variance in natural elements that stirr

an individual pcyche in terms of experiences and their traces

recorded by the psyche in terms of memories, constantly nurturing

clones of desires and fears in the individual in infinitude,

battling for sustanance of psychological balance in terms of esteem,

fulfillment and confidence.


True violence is within an individual (or a soceity) rooted in one's

treatment to one's own nature. Suffering is the indicator of the

violence. One would feel injured only when one's nature is violated

knowingly or unknowingly. Developing desires contrary to one's

nature is the root cause for all the fears harbored within.

Borrowing an alien nature, even though it sounds noble (e.g. non-

violence), cannot resolve this problem. It will add new conflicts

generated from the ignorance regarding the newly solicited value. It

is like taking a well-named medicine for a problem that is never

diagnosed in the first place. Imbibing non-violence without

appreciating the violence within can be the most violent act one

could possibly turn into … violence suppressed within by force ticks

like a time bomb … erodes the individual from within … increasing

one's suffering exponentially within. Suffering within for

whatsoever reason is THE ONLY SIN that is accounted in our

scriptures. Symptomatic treatment for superficial suppression of the

miseries is not an acceptable remedy as the seeds of miseries are

left healthy which would ensure the miseries to eventually resurface

stronger. The epics depict the removal of the root causes of the

suffering as such.


The wars of Ramayana and Mahabharata are the nerve-wracking

conflicts an individual is engaged within to establish oneself in

the peace within. All the violators – be it intrinsic or extrinsic

or both – have to be faced, fought with and eliminated with an

absolute resolve to establish in the non-violence within. Once

established within, it exuberates on its own – no additional

practice is required. One can never " acquire " non-violence by

preaching – who-so-ever preaches and who-so-ever listens. It is

revealed only in those who take initiative to seek the same within

with clarity and resolve.


If you want to see The God in the characters of Rama, Krishna, etc.

… my friend, you have to change your outlook completely and

understand what is meant by violence, non-violence, and the god ...

also you will have to re-read our epics in a totally different

perspective to see its relevance to your self-cleansing and god-

realization process. Let me just throw a stone at you from this

perspective ... " Non-Violenece " IS THE ONLY REASON why " The God " had

to " kill " the so-called " evil elements " in our stories! ... All the

words/phrases under quotes need to be examined at their roots …

Please think about it.




Naga Narayana.


(to be contd.)



3. Violence – Religion – Non-Violence


I saw a video clip by a Scandinavian doctoral scholar on the current

rage of conversion in India. A school bus with children is made to

stop. The children from " Hindu " background are asked to chant names

of " Hindu " gods. The driver would not move the bus. Then the

children are asked to chant Jesus. The driver moves the bus. The

preacher elates to the innocent children how Jesus is great! He

would not stop there ... he insists how Hindu gods are useless!!


Monotheism is often promoted as the greatest path to God Realization

because, it is. But the problem with the preachers is they do not

realize that the population is not ready for God Realization when

they have no clue what this ONE GOD means. Ignorant acceptance or

fearful imposition or greedy marketing of notions of ONE GOD brings

in the violence in human mind. Having no clue of what ONE GOD means

and unable to drop the idea that what I believe is the greatest, the

stubborn mind wages war against anything that questions its

identity, its " god " . The very belief of god remains superstition and

explodes out as fanatism to prove its non-existent sanity within.

Intolerance to anything other than what I believe is the first signs

of such fanatism. Then, the preaching mind starts blurting

meaningless phrases such as " my god " , " other gods " etc. while

actually talking about ONE GOD!


Hinduism is not a religion, but a federation of religions with

mutual respect – Polytheist for beginners and monotheist for the

seekers. Traditionally, The Dharma has three wings – Jaata

(personal), Samaaja (social) and Sanaatana (eternal). All " Hindu "

religions – be it Aindrism, Aagnism, Praanism, Braamhsim,

Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaaktism, or any other faith – are based on

single agenda: Minimal Violence. Every individual is free to

choose " a god " personally. The element of nature that appeals to a

person the most is divinized so that a person would not violate his

nature as far as possible. Every family will have a family deity

that represents the consensus amongst the family members to minimize

the mutual violations within the family. Every community would have

a community deity representing the communal consensus – again, to

minimize the communal violations. Every village would have a deity

representing the population's consensus – again to minimize the

violations and conflicts within a population. Therefore, every

Indian religion is also a consensual federation of beleifs and

values. As every individual enjoys the freedom, every other

individual is automatically respected – mutual tolerance of beleifs

becomes a necessity in such a federation. Thus confrontation and

contradiction of beleifs and values are minmized on the very onset

of the so called religions in such a system. Having diverse nature

is natural amongst the population … so is the polytheism. If an

individual has ardent interest in the education, he/she should be

free to pursue education worshipping the very process of education.

An individual has a chance to attain the ONE GOD only when the

personal god (in this case, Saraswati) is appreciated thoroughly.

The life has to be appreciated at its depth before one opens mouth

on Monotheism. Awareful transcendence of the Jaata and Samaaja

Dharmas is a necessity to enter the Sanaatana Dharma – Monotheism.

Preaching Monotheism with little or no appreciation of life in depth

can only lead to fanatism and violence that we see around the world



Violence has been adapted against the polytheism in India from ages

not understanding its greatness – UNITY IN DIVERSITY through FREEDOM

AND TOLERANCE – to propagand the greatness of monotheism(s). The

very propoganda becomes a mockery of the monotheism. Please see the

paradox in the preaching of monotheism – ONE GOD is the greatest of

all. Plurality is already believed before promoting Singularity. The

very preaching is violence – violation of the preacher's belief as

well as the listners' beliefs! Anything followed with blind belief

becomes an identity to an ego that it cannot just let go!!


Removal of all violations within is the fundamental purpose of a

religion. It is just a stepping stone toward God Realization. It can

never be a medium for God Realization in itself. A religion can

serve its purpose only when it acknowledges the variance in the

levels of appreciation in an individual … only when it understands

the diversity in people's understanding of life … only when it

attempts to eliminate violations within and across individuals to

promote tolerance, harmony and non-violence. Removal of hurdles to

such harmony is essential as ignorance always remains the driving

force of any soceity in spite of all efforts one could possibly put

forward! No preaching could change it. Buddha could not … Mahaaveer

could not … Jesus could not … Mohammed could not … Gandhi could not!

Working with the inevitable – the ignorance – is the concept of

polytheism, The Federation of Values and Beliefs. That is the only

way to reduce the violations and hence the violence.


The wars of Ramayana and Mahabharata are the wars against all the

threats to social and individual harmony, the violators of

natural/social/individual balance, and the agressors promoting

intolerence and conflicts. These wars have to be kept alive to

maintain natural/social/individual balance as such as the threats,

violators and aggressors will never stop being around!!!




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …



4. Violence, Non-Violence and God


What is violation? Any event that seem to break the boundaries of

one's beliefs against one's desire. What is violence? Any violation

that injures an individual physically and/or mentally. Violation

requires two parties - violator and violatee. A violater has to see

an alien entity and its boundary to break the same. A violatee

should see an alien entity as well with an exclusive boundary of its

own to perceive that the alien is breaking in.


The God cannot have any boundary – if one attempts to imagine " a

god " with boundaries, the very belief is debatable since (1) the

very notion is captive within one's imagination; and (2) there

exists an infinitude outside such a captivity! If The God has no

boundary how can there be a violater or a violatee? Then, how can

there be any violation? What is violence then when no one can

tresspass nobody?! All the emotional qualities – positive as well as

negative – drop out automatically as an individual starts converging

toward The God. If there is not such convergence, the very spiritual

process should be treated with suspicion.


The very suspicion that Rama or Krishna could be The God on one hand

and also to be violent on the other hand is self-contradictory. The

relative emotions of a typical human perception of violence and non-

violence on an absolute entity is paradoxical. If one perceives the

god through projection of any human (or otherwise) perception, it

remains a mere notion just like the very perception. Violence and

non-violence is in one's perception. As Krishna says in Bhagavad



Na kartritvam na karmaani lokasya srijati prabhuh |

Na karamphalasamyogam svabhaavastu pravartate ||


Whether nature is created or just present, every particle, atom,

quark, photon, pulse is just present as is in spite of the

apparently perpetual cosmic re-alignement, re-orientation and re-

association amongst them. Really speaking, nothing can even modify,

let alone violate, anything as such. Therefore, the very notion of

violation and hence violence remains oblivious and baseless.


Growing out of the perceived violence and transcendence of the

notion of non-violence to attain the state of no violence and no non-

violence is THE WAR waged in Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Acknowledging, appreciating, understanding and realising the

life " as is " is the only target of a spiritual seeker. Removal of

all the hurdles toward attainment of the same perpetually is all the

wars are about. The sacrifice in which the seeker hunts down his

possessive, relational and emotional hurdles to drop the same as

oblations is all these wars are about. Removal of the core violators

within at their roots so that they can never raise again to bring in

a preception of violence is all these wars are about. When the

characters help the seeker to initiate, sustain and complete the

Bramha Yagnya they reveal The God as such.


Brahmaarpanam brahmahavih brahmaagnou brahmanaahutam |

Brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahmakarma samaadhinam ||

The violator, the violatee, as well as the violation remain one with

The Absolute loosing their distinction as well as presence in the

same. The war is to fight all the perceptional hurdles to mitigate

the very perceptional insistance to keep the notions of violation,

violator and violatee alive.




Naga Narayana


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Nagaji, it would be helpful to further clarify, Hinduism and your

usage of the

word Polytheistic with regards to it, to avoid any



Gita talk Moderator


Thanks for the sincere concern. I understand that. This is the basis

of this writing. Many of my " non-Hindu " friends raise this same

question with a conviction that Hinduism is Polytheist. Infact, by

observing we practice the " religion " gives the same picture frankly.


The ultimate God is the same - HAPPINESS. But THAT remains

aloof to the intellect that is not ready to attain. There is no point

in confusing the intellect when it is not ready. Looking at diversity

is its nature. Let it ... let it freely and openly. Then, it is

possible that it may one day see the light ... The Absolute nature in

the very deity it is worshipping. Once it sees The Absolute there, it

can see nothing but The Absolute everywhere. The Absolute is not for

everybody, at least to start with.


That is the importance of Sagunopaaaana (worship of God with

qualities and

attributes). Nirgunopaasana (worship of the Absolute/without

qualities and

attributes) an eventuality. When Sagunopaasana is practiced right,




Polytheism - Saguna Saapeksha Saakaara Daiva - is most natural for

any to

perceive to start with. If somebody is happy with Nirguna

Nirapeksha Niraakaara Brahman ... of course, that is good! Seeking

THAT through either " the knowns " or " the unknown " beyond both known

and unknown is the primary agenda of either of the Upaasanas.


Direct answer to your statement " Hinduism is monotheist " ... I

personally agree as my nature is to seek Nirgunopaasana. But, The

World also harbors the others ... Dwaitins, Yogins, etc. where there

exists a heirarchy even amongst the divinities. I see polytheism

everywhere for the simple reason that the perception of every

individual is unique and never be the same as anybody else's. Even

the very

appreciation of the Monotheism will remain diverse in one's mind and


Monotheism is a concept to win over our scattered

appreciation of life. It looses its very context as soon as a seeker

attains The Absolute just like Polytheism drops its context. If you

really want me to refer to our Sanaatana Dharma, IT IS THAT which

includes Gunas as well as Nirguna as well as everything beyond. We

perceive Nirguna as a notion since we perceive Gunas. If we stop

perceiving the Gunas as such where can the notion of Nirguna stand?!


Thank you very much for the requested clarification.




Naga Narayana





Dear Sadhak,

" Whenever and wherever there is a decline in Dharma, O descendant of

Bharata, and a predominant rise of adharma--at that time I descend

Myself.In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the

miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of dharma, I

advent Myself millennium after millennium " .GitaCh4:7-8

This means the reason behind formless taking form(incarnations) are-

1. to reestablish Dharma in society when there is acute decline in

Dharma and rise of adharma

3.To Protect the people of right conduct, who follow Dharma


4. To punish/remove the evil doers

Based on this I am writing few points which can help you explain yr

CHILD why our God/Goddess are depicted so strong and powerful-



1.God is Almighty----Hindu deities are depicted powerful and

extremely strong. If my God is not strong enough to punish and kill

the evil doers then how He/She would be able to protect me from

dangers, evil doers ?

Bhoot pichas nikat nahin avein , Mahaveer jab naam sunavein...

(evil doers and ghost etc cannot come near you if they hear the name

of Hanumaan)

Why? because we all know that Hanumaan is so strong and

powerful.When we chant Hanumaan chalisa our fear releases, but can

we chant Gandhiji gandhiji to remove our fear ?


2. God is Just---- When I see my God punishing and killing the evil

doers, I know He/She will perform justice to me also if I am

following the right conduct, my Dharma.


3.God is all Protective/Supreme power- Even a child can believe that

my God is able to protect me because they see them so brave, strong,

power full equipped with all weapons...

And my mind also feel that nothing is impossible when my God is with

me, it gives me courage to follow the right conduct even midst of

many wrong doers.



4, God is Loving, Kind and forgiving --All Hindu God/Goddess are

strong, powerful and kind. Even the sinners can take refuge in them

as they all are kind enough to forgive the worst of the sinner. Once

someone surrender, they forgive.(remember forgiveness is ornament of

brave, strong and powerful. A weak, coward forgiving strong powerful

enemy make no sense as the weak has no power to punish the wrong




5.Establish Dharma---All Hindu deities kill the devils( someone who

follow the path of cruelty and adharma) only, so all deities

actually removing adharma and establishing dharma only.


6.Characteristic of incarnated God/Goddess is Ideal - when we read

the characteristic of any Hindu God/Goddess we come to know that we

can learn how to lead our life by following their instructions.If we

can pick up just one preaching our entire attitude change, our

entire life change.


If parents want to prohibit their son from involving into violence,

or any kind of adharma, then they must teach them Gita because Gita

encourage the kids to follow their own Dharma, Gita teaches them why

this anger arise, and why people are so different. Gita teaches them

how to concentrate on MY DUTY instead of running behind the

whimsical mind.


Comparision is certainly not a right approach to teach Dharma to the

kids. We need positive approach when we talk to kids specially



With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar


We all are fighting with so many things from morning till evening

daily, right from birth to end of life, it is a struggle and part of

life. Hindu Gods are visualised to fight the same way during their

course of action, nothing is new , try to understand the same. We

are all aspirants of truth, struggling throughout our life for

attaining smaller to bigger truth and purifying our actions, if it

is not so we shall remain glorifying our outer not the inner self.

God Bless and illumine our hearts with love and nobility.

Hari Motwani


Hare Krishna,


All glories to Srila Prabhupada & Vaishnavas. Pranams to you and

all readers in this forum.


The question presented here by Shri Iyer G. A. " Why Hindu Gods are

depicted to be showing violence (killing or annihilating evil



It's a very good and a logical question from the mundane

perspective. In order to understand the answer I would like to

present an explanation based on Bhakti Vedantic philosophy. Arjuna

also propagated the philosophy of non-violence on the battle field

of Kurukshetra. We find a very interesting, convincing and

logical dialogue from the mundane perspective in the first chapter

of the Bhagvat Gita. (Verses 29 to 46). In the above context I

would like to draw attention verses 36, 37, 38 quoted below:


papam eva´srayed asman hatvaitan atatayinaḠtasman narha vayam



dhartaraá¹sá¹­ran sa-bandhavan sva-janam hi katham hatva sukhinaá¸

syama madhava


yady apy ete na pa´syanti lobhopahata-cetasaáh¸

kula-ká¹saya-krá¹tam doá¹sam


mitra-drohe ca patakam katham na jñeyam asmabhiḠpapad asman



kula-ká¹£aya-ká¹›tam doá¹£am prapa´syadbhir janardana


Sin will overcome us if we slay such aggressors. Therefore it is

not proper for us to kill the sons of Dhṛtaraṣṭra and our

friends. What should we gain, O Kṛṣṇa, husband of the goddess

of fortune, and how could we be happy by killing our own kinsmen? O

Janardana, although these men, overtaken by greed, see no fault in

killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we, with

knowledge of the sin, engage in these acts?


After Arjuna presents such logical statements for not fighting and

resigns, he surrenders to Krishna for His guidance, and thus Krishna

spoke the Bhagavat Gita starting with straightforward talk:


a´socyan anva´socas tvam prajña-vadam´s ca bhaá¹£ase


gatasun agatasum´s ca nanu´socanti paṇá¸itaḥ


The Blessed Lord said: While speaking learned words, you are

mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise lament

neither for the living nor the dead.


Basically He was indicating that Arjuna you are talking like a

learned man or a wise man but you are not; because your logic is

based on the `bodily' or material concept of Life. The essence of

Bhagvat Gita is that you and others that you see are not this

material body, but are spirit souls and as far is the soul is

concerned it is eternal. The individual soul obtains a material

body according to its past karma and in order to get out of the mire

of or catch 22 cycle of karma when one must transcend the modes of

material nature. This can only be done if one completely surrenders

to God/Krishna. Surrendering to Him (God) means following the will

of God, His instructions. We can do that by hearing `as it is' from

realized Sadhu, Guru & Shastra /Scripture. (The word He spoke and

the words spoken about Him).


Sometimes even after repeated negotiations with the wrong doers if

the path of peace fails then war is eminent. The war in Kurukshetra

was a last resort. After more than fair negotiations……..Duryodhana

said " I will not give the Pandavas even little space as that would

fit on a pin head " . The Supreme Lord Himself negotiated…now is war

or violence induced by such a war unfair? It was the desire and the

will of God that His devotees the Pandavas get back what rightfully

belonged to them; and when ever the will if God is opposed that is

`adharma'. Here God specifically indicated His desire.


Of course on has to be very careful and not become a radical,

fanatical and endanger the society o man kind or creation by either

whimsically thinking or interrupting the will of God by self

proclamation. That is demoniac. That is why it is imperative to

follow the `word' of God `as it is' without interpretations that

suits one's sense gratification. And this possible by hearing from

realized souls in, a bonafide spiritual master or Guru in

disciplic succession/parmapara.


A true devotee of the Lord never propagates violence when it comes

to insults or injustice upon the self. Lord Jesus Christ tolerated

all that was inflicted on him but for the good of others was not

afraid to be what appears to be act of violence in the Temple of

Jerusalem, Herod's Temple, at which the courtyard is described as

being filled with livestock and the tables of the money changers,

who changed the standard Greek and Roman money for Jewish and Tyrian

money, which were the only coinage that could be used in Temple

ceremonies. According to the Gospels, Jesus took offense to this

(extorting profit from the exchange of monies), and so, creating a

whip from some cords, drives out the livestock, scatters the coins

of the money changers, and turns over their tables, and those of the

people selling doves. So what to talk about God Himself, who takes

great offense when His devotees or innocent are tortured by the

injustice of the demoniac.


This material world is described by the Vedic scriptures as `kuntha

jagat'. Kuntha means anxiety, the part of His creation where there

is `NO ANXIETY' is known as Vaikunth. The spiritual world, where

there is no anxiety. No anxiety caused by birth, death old age or



Krishna says that this world is `dukhalayam ashahvatam' meaning this

material world is temporary and full of miseries. One of the

categories of miseries is the Adhibhautika klesh miseries that

inflicted by others (violence). We cannot find or expect Utopia in

this material world. There always exists atheistic class of

`demoniac beings' that will inflict pain on even the religious,

pious, faithful devotees of the Lord. In order to check that, God

either makes someone an instrument (example Arjuna) or He Himself

descends in various forms, incarnations Avtaras to

Mitigate /eradicate/ annihilate the miscreants according to time,

place and circumstances. Bhagvat Gita Chapter 4:7-8 yada yada hi

dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam

sá¹›jamy ahamparitraṇaya sadhunam vina´saya ca duá¹£ká¹›tam dharma-

samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O

descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that

time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and to

annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles

of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.


Now there are many categories of the incarnations of God. The

Brahma Samhita says `Advaitam Achutam, anandi rupam' meaning there

is none second to the Lord (Advaitam), He is infallible- never

influenced by the illusory energy or Maya (Achutam), and He has

unlimited forms /incarnations (anadi rupam). When the Lord creates

He has incarnates as `Guna avatars', when he descends Himself for

annihilating the demoniac, for pleasure of devotees and leaves

mankind His Deity form, sends his Messengers, and Holy scriptures it

is His `Kripa Lila' or Merciful pastimes.


So depending on time, place and circumstances during this endless

cycle of material creation He descends in different forms to enact

transcendental pastimes whether it is the killing of Kamsa, Ravana,

Hairanyakashipu or propagating non-violence in His incarnation of

Lord Buddha or as a devotee of the Lord opening the reservoir of

Love for God as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


Whether the Lord embraces someone, kicks someone or even kills

someone it is all on TRANSCENDENTAL PLATFORM. For example all

demons killed by the Lord (regardless of which demon he killed in

which incarnation), and those killed in His presence in battle of

Kurukshetra attained a spiritual destination. So there is benefit

for those killed by the Lord. One great Vaishnava Acharya Srila

Bhakti Vinode Thakore in poem compiled by him writes " asura shakala

pailo charana vinode thalilo boshi……Gopinath mama nivedana shuno "

meaning: O Lord Gopinath [please here my fervent prayer, so many

demons have wound up getting your mercy by the touch of Your lotus

feet (example: Krishna kicked Kamsa again and again before killing

him, Krishna danced on the hood of Kaliya Naag until Kaliya spat

blood) but Vinode (Thakur Bhakti Vinode) is still is tired and

waiting for your mercy.


The Supreme Lord is a Transcendental Autocrat. Whatever He does it

is for the supreme benefit of all and it gives Him Pleasure too

weather stealing (stealing butter from gopis for the pleasure of

gopis) or even when He brakes His promise. (He promised he would

never participate in the battle of Kurukshetra....but He broke His

promise by charging towards Bhisma with a chariot wheel when Bhishma

almost killed Arjuna. Krishna says in the Bhagavat Gita "

Pratijanati kaunteya, na me bhakta pranashyat' ` O Son of Kunti

(Arjuna) please declare that My devotee will never perish'. He asks

His devotee to declare, He could have very well said: " I declare

that My devotee will never perish " , but instead He asks Arjuna to do

so ……..why is that? The Acharyas comment that sometimes the Lord is

known to break His promises for the sake of His devotees but He will

never break a promise that His devotee has made! Such Love is the

pinnacle of the loving exchange and reciprocation of the Lord & His

devotee. This is something that we should never forget.


No society can exist with Law and order. We have the Police

department, jails courts etc that punish or even induce killing

(capital punishment) on criminals who are a danger to the society.

So it should not be surprising that Lord who descends in His various

incarnations kills various demons. His instruments are powerful

enough to do His will, but when He personally descends he also gives

immense pleasure to His devotees and that is the main reason for

enacting many different lilas or pastimes.


I must express my gratitude to Srila Prabhupada and all devotees for

imparting these transcendental teachings to whom I am eternally

indebted towards. I hope I was able to answer your question. One

excellent reference book that I strongly recommend is : `BHAGAVAT

GITA AS IT IS, by A.C. Bhativedanta Swami Prabhupada. It will make

your life sublime.




Satchitananda Dasa






PS: This is a burning question that has been misused from centuries

against Indian Faiths. I would like to address this in detail. I

request the moderators to allow me to do so. Thanks. Naga.


Violence in Epics


Any scripture can be studied from social perspective or from

spiritual perspective. Once, a scripture is examined from social

perspective, all characters ought to be human be it Rama or Krishna

or Abraham or Zeus or Achilles. After all, these characters are

visualized by humans, may be enlightened, yet humans. Therefore, the

actions performed by these characters need to be obsorbed with an

acute circumstantial social awareness without jumping into

conclusions out of context. Hanuman tells Bhima when requested to

help Pandavas in the anticipated Mahabharata war, " I belong to an

erstwhile value system. Hence, I am not entitled to wage your war. "

The author, Veda Vyasa, emphasises on many occasions the social

boundaries within which every social norm has to be examined



I suggest you to read the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana again

carefully before answering your son. It is a better idea to

encourage him to study the same himself before criticizing them.


Ravana has abducted Sita, wife of Rama. A common man would boil in

rage to kill such a person instantly. Rama had the capability to

destroy Ravan. Yet, Rama sends his representation to Ravana till the

last moment to avert the war and to avoid killing of anyone. On the

other hand, Ravana never regrets his actions. He interprets Rama's

good will as weakness and believes that the weak ones are born only

to suffer from the wrath of the strong ones like himself. The

goodness is often misunderstood with weakness. He shows no interest

in saving any lives as such!


Also, when Rama sends Hanuman to find Sita, he requests Hanuman to

understand first what Sita wants. Sita was already about to suicide

notwithstanding the violence attempted against her. Thanks to

Vedavati's curse and Mandodari's wisdom, Ravana could not dare

violating her physically. Yet, she was literally tortured

psychologically. When Hanuman reveals his identity, the first thing

she reminds Rama is to liberate her from the situation at the

earliest. She even puts a timeline for the action lest she would

kill herself.


A husband is violated and wants his wife back. He is wise enough to

ensure that his wife wants the same. He is human enough to request

and warn the violator. The violator is insensitive to honor others

in the first place and refuses to do so even after a series of

reminders and warnings even from his own brothers and wife. Is it

not obvious that such characters should be removed from the society

for the sake of social welfare?


Same case in Mahabharata. The peace-loving Yudhishthira wages

everything - kingdom, his brothers, his wife and himself - to evade

a war. They accept banishment. Krishna himself pleads the Kauravas

for peace. He even offers on his own that he will convince the

Pandavas even if they are given just five villages - not an empire,

not a kingdom, not even a province ... just five villages. Again,

the violators refuse to acknowledge and honor the requests made. On

contrary, they mock the peace mongers as impotents. Did they leave

any choice but to be removed?


Kamsa, Krishna's uncle, had murdered many new borns driven by his

baseless paranoia. He had imprisoned his own sister and her husband

for life. He had thrown his own father into dungeons for power. He

unleashed wrath on poor villagers just for a fear of a child killing

him. He drew his death nearer and nearer thanks to his own paranoia.

If people were happy, why would they send Akrura to plead Krishna

and Balarama to kill their own king? If they were not convinced, why

would Krishna and Balarama consider killing their own uncle? If you

read Bhagavata carefully, the brothers never strike on Kamsa on

their own. Attempts were made to murder them at every step. Did

Kamsa leave any room for his own survival? Did he leave any other

way other than killing him to rescue the people?


In all cases, who killed whom. Even from social perspective, Ravana,

Kamsa, Duryodhana etc. had already killed themselves with their

deeds by violating every human around who just wanted them dead.

They just needed a power to depend upon. Rama and Krishna happened

to be those.




Naga Narayana.


To be contd. …



Dear Sadaks,

If a doctor does operation and patient dies for some reason. Do you

blame the doctor? If a judge setences a criminal to be hanged until

death, do you tell judge commited murder? Here the doctor intention

to save the patient. judge intention was to punish, not to murder.

But if a man kills another man for gains/vengence is called murder.

But if Hindu Gods kills very bad person after giving long rope, it

is called in Hinduism " Vadham " , may mean termination. Like one`s leg

gets affected by diabetes, the leg is cut off. Here Asuras (Very bad

people) are affected by total mind corruption. There are warned now

and then which can also be known from puranas. Only ultimately God


In Christianity- there is a thing known as Judgement Day. Please ask

Christians what it is.

When Moses went 40 days on hills for prayer, leaving hundreds of

peoples at the foothills, the people lost faith in GOD and they

started drinking wine, made forms of eagle/animals as Gods, behaving

like animals, any woman with any man, Moses came down with 10

Commandments. But all laughed at him. Result Gods in heaven says

Bible, killed almost all.

Even now due imbalance of Dharma, earthquake/Tsunami (Pralaya) takes

place killing people.

Jai Sri Krishna


baiya sathyanarayan


Narain Narain


My question is to Vineet Sarvottam.


Sir, if that scorpion comes into your house, then what will you do ?

Pls check up with Papa and come back. It is important question. I

love this father/son relationship/asking questions and wise



Lallubhai Chirimar


dear mr iyer


First we have to study the Vedas, then Upanishads, Brahmanas,

Aranyakas, Siksha, Nirukta, Chhandas, then the 18 Mahapuranas, 18

upa-puranas, then the Ithihaasaas Mahabharat and Ramayana etc. This

is the series of study prescribed.


From this it is clear that Vedas are the first to study, i.e. Lower

primary, then the next upper primary, then high school, then plus 2,

then degree and finally the ithihaasaas which are to be studied for



Our problem is what is to be studied in PG, we study in KG or lower

primary. The root of man is his head and his leg portion is the

head actually. The growth starts from the head portion once it is

formed as a unicellular organ in the uterus.

(Oordhwamoolamadhassakha...... bhagawat gita). This means now we

are standing upward down position (on the reverse.) Therefore all

our actions are on the reverse.


So to hear something from other Dharmas like Christian or Islam or

any other and think in that direction, is not of Sanathana Dharma.

It has no equivalence in the world, rather, all other dharmas are

born out of it only.


The modern education system is teaching only of the Drishyas, means,

object based (Dravyaadhishtita). Shabda, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa,

Gandha, these are only taught and studied. There is no teaching of

the tought. Means, before I start studying a matter or an object

which is outside me, I should first study about myself.


Dear Mr Iyer, you may kindly start studying yourself. Do not think

of Devataas. Devataas and men are having equally good and bad

qualities. The one who is able to do MANANA he is man. No that

those having two legs fitted on the stomac are men.... No never.


Start asking yourself, who 'am I ? From where I came., Where I

have to go/reach... What for I am sent here.. Who has sent me ?

With whose ability my eyes are able to see, with whose inspiration

I am being led to do the innumerable doings (karmaas), with whose

wish my ears are able to hear...


Just because I have two eyes, I cannot see. Just because I have two

ears, I cannot hear. Just because I have tongue I cannot talk...


Then what is that power which orders my these senses (INDRIYAAS) to

do karma.


That chaitanya swaroopa is within you covered by all the (bad)

smskaaraas bought forward throug out the innumerable birth and

death. This cover one has to remove or (dis- cover) then the

original will shine. One reaches a stage of no.... nothing.



vijayan kiliyil




Dear Iyer ji namaskar


Without assessing the powers of the opponent the survival is not

possible. It is upto an individual which path to lead. For the

benifit of mankind if voilence is utilised is a sin too but there

are methods of prayashchitas too. For the welfare of mankind you

have to access whom you are dealing with a most powerful demon or an

ordinary person. If you have to deal with a terrorist you need to

use arms and even kill him if he is a dire problem.

You should explain your son simply the role of a police man/ army

gaurding the nations use voilence to combat terror. In sprtuality

there are various types of dealing with sinners for some the killing

of demons like Ravana, Kansa and other mighty powerful ones God has

to create a counter programme that could eliminate the EVIL

intensions of Adharmi individuls and on the other hand where you

have to deal with the common man you have to guide vast population

to follow a faith and bring people on a common platform to attain

harmony and peace.


No incarnation can be compared with each other. Jesus the son of God

fufiled a mission and blessed the world with his guidance and a

noble thought but people got stuck in Churchanity instead. Mulsims

received Holy Koran but today fanaticism knew no limits through its

powerful followers. Hindus have a vast tresure of knowledge but most

of them are busy in caste based practices and the entire world is on

one side struglling for everything to achieve things through easy



There is no easy way to attain goals. One who has created a room for

voilence gets voilence and one who deservs to be dealt with a non

voilent ways get the same way and let this to be decided by the

almighty and let humans do not decide on this as we lack that

supreme vision that decides everything for every being present in

this world. It is so upto you to follow a path that God deals

accordingly for you. So simple if a terrorist bothers a nation

authorities counter his actions through like agencies. If there is a

person approaching or bothering authorities is dealt through

dialogue and pecefully things are settled.


To get convinced for the actions of incarnations you have to study

the related scriptures to realise the truth. One can not be greater

than other just by making a foolish assesment that one has used

voilence and another has used non voilent tactic to attain

something. You need to know the missions of each incarnation and at

the end you will find that all had a different missions and people

with different powers to deal with.


If we are dealing with a rustler we must know that one is to be

defeated with same trade. IF one us a poor man one has to deal with

him in the simple fashion. A poor man can not be dealt with

voilence. Judge the situations of both the eras you will and can

satisfy your curious son. Even study voilence and non voilence in

real terms. When you eat something you fulfil your need to support/

maintain your physical state. Will you stop eating just because one

day you came to know that eating too in a way leads one to act via

voilent means. Do not you cut plants, kill animals and while eating

eat several unseen things? All the incarnations acted as per their

respective TIME and requirements. One who had to use weapons used

them perfectly and one who had to use compassion and love used it

the brilliant way. It is upto the people for whom these greats are

born as to how they deal with them. That is why incarnations acted

differently but all established superiority of Dharma the truth over

Evil on this globe.



With regards

Love and knowledge!

Dalip Langoo



1. Hindu gods are not to be understood in the same way as the

judaic / greek gods. they are manifestations of the self and relate

to our own psychological processes. this has been understood

recently in the west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG

jungs analytical psychology.

2. Though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being

non-violent and gandhi is one example of this.


most international violence and acts of terrorism these days are

related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity and

islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or any

other pagan tradition


please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins


Ravi Bakhsi


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


It is defensive and slavish mentality that Hindus are falling prey

to the mechanisations of others.


When one believe in one god, can there be different ones ? How

Hindus or somebody else want to depict their Gods is their choice.

Hindus dont have to feel sorry about making pictures of their Gods.

It is none one else's concern.


Sampuran sINGH





Dear Shri Iyer:


Namaskaram with respects.


Hindu concept of Dharma, according to my feeble understanding, makes

a distinction between violence required by one's duties, and

violence done mindlessly or to seek pleasure. When a king punishes a

criminal, it is done to prevent further crime, and is therefore not

himsa. The distinction between himsa and ahimsa is very nicely

explained in Mahabharat at several places.


To my mind, the present confusion is due to advocacy of extreme

ahimsa by Gandhi ji. This led to a mixing of personal dharma of an

ordinary citizen with that of raj dharma of the state and the king.

Gandhi ji's interpretation of ahimsa is valid only in satyuga. How

would you deal with Somalian pirates by using ahimsa? Gandhiji's

ahimsa itself succeeded perhaps only once – against the British. It

failed against others.


Further, while Hindu gods are shown armed to the teeth, Hindus

themselves have remained relatively peace oriented. In other

systems, the Gods have been depicted as peaceful, but the followers

have been very violent. Therefore, my view is that the symbolic

arming of Hindu gods is aspirational (as is the peaceful depiction

in other systems), as a means to encourage Hindus to be a little

more war-like. Secondly, the violence by the Hindu deities has

almost always been in response to the needs of the people, and not

out of spite or anger.


Hope this is useful,


Sanjay Agarawal



Here in the UK, we have been considering this issue for some time.

During the last 2 to 3 years, we have had Christian priests telling

us that Hindu faith and its gods are violent and preach violence –

`look at the pictures of your gods!', they say.


The letter from Shree G A Iyer thus rang de ja vu-bells for me.


1. The paintings and other depictions of Hindu divinities are the

work of artists who have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, the freedom

of artistic expression their faith community has traditionally

granted them.


Nowhere in the scriptures is it decreed that we have to paint

pictures of gods/goddesses nor that we have to show gods/goddesses

carrying weapons.


But to-date no one has questioned why we undertake such depictions.




2. Islam forbids artistic expressions of anything divine, or of



Christians actively depict Christ, but only in a peaceful/suffering





3. If we bear in mind that what we are being told today through

revised editions and mis-translations of scriptures of faiths is

somewhat different from the original scriptures, the artistic

stereotyping may not necessarily correspond to the actual `life-

history' of the concerned figures and their teachings.




4. Christians believe that Christ was the son of God, but he was

unable to stop injustice and cruelty and gave his life in the

process. That is their belief.


Hindus believe in incarnation of the divine who uses supernatural

powers as a last resort to destroy evil. This is not to be equated

with the concept of `violence' in the ordinary human terms.


Once the order is restored and the righteous victims of evil are

liberated from the tyranny of the evil-doer, the avatar no longer

resorts to the so-called `violence' and returns to the normal

benevolent peaceful form.


Our scriptures describe God as the source of bliss and

auspiciousness, the avatar coming to protect devotees, to restore

righteousness, and order to nature and cosmos when such is



5. Faiths should be judged i) on the basis not of propaganda but on

what is actually written in their scriptures, and ii) on the actions

of the faith communities. Contrast Hindus [and their record of non-

aggression against other countries and against other faiths – even

of giving sanctuary to those faiths fleeing persecution elsewhere –

Jews, Parsees, Assyrian Christians], with the followers of other

faiths who have acted to decimate other faith-based civilisations

and committed genocides in India, Americas, Australia, etc. etc.,

almost succeeding in wiping out various civilisations and races.


Nevertheless, in an age when artistic depiction is misused for anti-

Hindu propaganda as mentioned, Hindus have to reflect and ask

whether such artistic depiction is doing harm to how their

faith/culture is being perceived by others and by their youth, and

whether we should advise against such depictions.


Unfortunately this is easier said than done. How do you persuade

those who make money out of this industry to cease such activities?


Time to reflect.





Namaste Sadhakas..


Sumangal Suprabhat...


As per my belief in our hindu religion, there is only one

God " Parmatma " .

All the names you noted like Shri Rama, Krishna, Durga etc. are

its " Ansha " who took birth as Human being to taught us

about " Dharma " & to spread " Peace & Love " .


Param Parmatma created this beautiful Earth/Shrushti for us. He is

controlling us. If someone is not following his 'Rules of life' and

troubling others. He / she must get punished for others well-being &

to keep Peace in the world.


Example :

If you have a box of fruits & one of them get spoiled what you will


You will remove that spoiled fruit so that other fruits will remain

good otherwise that one fruit will spoil others.




Satish Pawaskar

Keep Smiling Always ;-)




God is suddha, buddha, muktha swaroopa. For killing somebody, one

has to get angry. (krodha) God does not get krodha. (If it becomes

angry, none of us will be thre.) To kill somebody, you have to get

angry. Only, we become angry and therefore we cannot be God.

Krodha is the resultant of Kaama (Aasakthi).


When you slap your son, does he start praising you...? does he get



Rama never killed Ravana. Ravana is described as Moha (Aasakthi).

Rama killed only the Aasakthi which was there in Ravana. The

praisings of Ravana is well clearly written. Once some body goes

thru it, one can understand that Rama never killed Ranava but the

God gave him the Moksha.



vijayan kiliyil



Hindu Gods demonstrate ;- Nip the evil in the bud.


They never lose patience.the annhilation of the evil is done after

many many chances for abondoning the violence against innocent are

provided to the asuras (demons), who usually ignore these.


Shiban Raina




Dear Shri Iyer,


Please refer to your mail of November 10/11.


You say that you are a senior citizen and also a staunch Hindu, but

in my eyers, you seem to be utterly confused about the basic Hindu

faith. Unfortunately, most of the modern educated Hindus suffer from

this confusion according to me. Resultantly, the upcoming Hindu

generation is alsmost uprooted from their Hindu base.


Your question as to why Hindu Gods are depicted to be showing

violence (killing or annihilating evil physically), betrays

ignorance of the basic Hindu tenet that Parameshwara or Paramatma

(God) is one. Only Devatas and Devis, who have a positive effect on

human beings are many. Parents and Gurus too are counted among

Devatas, (Matridevo bhava, Pitridevo bhava). Paramatma's creative

faculty personified as Brahma has no armament or weapon. Vishnu

representing His executive faculty and Rudra (Shiva) representing

the assimilation or dissolution faculty alone bear a weapon in one

hand whereas the other hand bears a protective gesture. It only

symbolises punishment to the evil doer and protection to the

righteous ones. The message is concretized in the

Geeta, " Paritranayaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam/ Dharma

sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge, " (From time to time, I

appear on earth in order to protect the righteous ones, destroy the

evil doers and to establish the rule of Dharma, i.e., righteousness

or rule of law).


In the Mahabharatha, (Shanti-parva, chap. 57), Bhishma Pitamah tells

Yudhishthir, " The greatest sin of a king is his failure to protect

his subjects. He should protect the dharma of all his Varnas. (It

means that every citizen should be able to pursue his or her chosen

vocation/occupation, education, trade, business, farming, lending

services, doing government or private job, without let or

hindrance). The king should act like Yamaraj in administering

justice and like Kuber in collection of revenue. He should make

provision for those who cannot support themselves and should take

good care of those who help the destitute " Such lessons of Hindu

scriptures have been ignored . Resultantly, they have brought the

country to a breaking point. In Raj dharma, the question of violence

and non-violence is irrelevant.


Yours sincerely,

Ram Gopal


-Shree Hari-


There has been a lot of mention of various gods killing, in conflict,

the Divine Feminine has been mentioned also on this thread.

Now, I do not know these ancient Vedic literatures, but have some

insights to other bronze age traditions.

Emmanuel Vilakovski considered that the various ancient Greek stories

of waring gods, was actually the remembrance of ancient astronomic


I have seen on this thread, Sadhaks inferring that these ancient


of warring gods, was the primordial forces at work.

Other Sadhaks have in my opinion, correctly pointed out that the

Abrahamic traditions are the most warlike, I have an explanation as

to why.

Here is a quote from the book, 'A shewing of God's Love', (written


an Christian medieval female mystic ).

" The mother may fold her child tenderly to her breast , but our


Mother Jesus, He may homely lead into His blessed Breast....... "

(Notice the Feminine/Masculine aspects here ).

When I first read this, I thought of, (hard to believe I know),

Shakti , Quan Yin , Mother Mary,

and Asherah, known also as Elat , the feminine aspect of El, ( The

supreme GOD).

You see, She has been factored out of the world, (perhaps She is

retuning, I pray She is).

I ask you. Would She desire her children to kill each other.?

The point is Asherah was forced out of the traditions of Israel and

Judah, leaving in the minds of those people, Yahweh, without his

consort, thus the Divine Feminine, the Nurturer ,was no longer in

their hearts, the growth of the Patriarch religion had started.

So the god of their tradition became a god of war and and male

dominance. The great Swami Vivekananda pointed out the horror of the

millions that were killed in the name of that (unbalanced) god . Bede

Griffiths regarded a religion without balance as demonic.

Sri Krishna pointed out to Arjuna that, he (Arjuna) had no memory of

his past lives.

Now consider this. If a swami, a doctor, maybe a Sister of Mercy, or

any sweet soul., suddenly remembered with great clarity , being a

warrior, raising the battle- ax, or sword in brutal warfare , what

would they think.

A soul can weary of war, did not Lord Krishna point out it was only

the flesh and blood that was being destroyed in warfare.

Many have said that the external world is a reflection of mankind's

inner self.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor


Respected Sir,

It is not the question of God or human being, the central theme is

that " a woman is most often linked and the cause of fights / wars "

as well as, down fall ! It may appear to be crude, but still there

seems to be a connection, am I not correct?


Barin Chatterjee



In Short, Hindus believe in the principle so nonviolence that is

practical and can be practiced in day to day life. Christians

believe in a Utopian nonviolence theory that neither they nor anyone

else can practice.


To elaborate, I suppose your son is not old enough to introspect and

understand. First of all there are no Hindu Gods and Christian god.

There is just ONE power that is omnipresent in all the

things/beings. And it (I will not call it he or she) is not really

non-violence per our definition, else no one ever died, no one

got killed and there was no war ever etc.


I understand that your son is really referring to the incarnations /

perceptions of Gods that Hindus and Christians respectively believe

in. First thing that you need to know is per Christians Jesus is not

a God. He is the " Son of God " or the Messiah. Per Christians God

never incarnated but Hindus do believe that God incarnates and so

there is no point in comparing their perception of God to Hindu



Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolence was predominantly adopted from

Christianity to fight them back on their own turf and with their own

weapon. Persecution of nonviolent people by British brought back the

memories of persecution of Jesus and his disciples and received

extensive coverage and support from rest of the Christian world,

forcing British out of India.


In India Buddha preached and followed non violence, however, his

disciples when they went to China to teach Buddhism they first

learned martial arts to protect themselves during the journey. This

is how martial art first reached China which they later expanded



Nonviolence shouldn't be confused with cowardice. Nonviolence means

not hurting others for pleasure and self-fulfillment. However,

fighting (and if needed killing) for protecting self and others can

not be categorized as Violence. Nonviolence also means giving peace

a chance before waging a war. That is why both Ram and Krishna sent

a last peace message to Ravan and Duryodhan so the war could be


Anand Awasthi





If you have some problem in any part of your body, first you try to

cure it, but when it becomes incurable it has to be cut off to

prevent rest of the body.

World is viraat swaroop (Universal Form) of God. All creatures are

parts of it.

Things become clear when you think from God's point of view.


Raja Gurdasani



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Shashikala Bahenji, right you are: " who can kill who " , as all is


I guess Sadhakas are answering in the best possible ways they know,

because it is to be explained by a father to a son who is asking

such questions as he should. Perhaps it is a giant leap to grasp

such concept as immortality, which may not be appreciated at this

stage in son's life!

My short answer is: " when one inquires into deeper meanings of God,

Life, Death, Incarnations, (non)Violence, being Hindu, Hindu Gods

etc, one may come upon understanding that many questions like this

get answered in the satisfactory way " . Now I would teach my son

these things, but I didn't know myself when they were growing up!

In my experience the best answer to one's question is the

disappearance of question itself in the light of understanding

question, as J Krishnamurti used to say " Please see that the answer

is in the question " .


Pratap Bhatt



Hari Om


'Violence' is a relative term.


Basically in the divine play of God, humans enjoy certain liberties

of conduct. There are laws governing the entire creation. Humans

have immense powers but identification with the mind and body makes

them 'desire' for worldly temporary pleasures. Here they come in

conflict with another law- desires can never be fulfilled, you can

only renounce them. In order to fulfill the desires, one indulges

into violence. 'Gods' in order to keep the creation going 'mete out'

the results of deeds in an equally violent manner- as you sow, so

shall you reap..


In fact, when they do so, they are liberating the souls from

darkness. Hence, it is all 'play' , there is no violence, there is

only 'mercy', there is only 'love' emanating from the top.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




Sanatana Dharma is not a simplistic/moralistic philosophy where

things/ acts are categorised as eternally good or bad. It is the

context that determines whether an act is good or bad. consequently

when adharma prevails - the destruction/ killing of the 'asuras' is

necessary for greater good. To give you an analogy - a knife might

be considered as an instrument for violence but it is also necessary

for cutting vegetables etc.

The oft quoted verse 'ahimsa paramo dharmah' from the Gita is only

half of the entire line which concludes with 'dharma himsa tathaiva

cha' - himsa is equally valid when used for dharma.

Gods in our tradition perpetrated violence against those forces that

prevented Truth / dharma from prevailing and therefore cannot be

judged in the same tone as those who commit senseless violence.


Hope this helps.


Anuradha Choudry



Many Rishis such as 'Balmiki' were masters of weaponry and yet they

opted not to fight because they are Brahmins, not authorized to slay

but authorized to teach.


The TriDev Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar are in-charge of this

universe and they have to do whatever is good for mankind.


Manoj Padhi


fellow sadhakaas,


namasteji..There is no escape from birth and death cycles..all our

prayers wish peace and happiness..three times...But..if you can't

defend yourself with vachaa, love..etc..you have to kill by Mantra

or sahastra..even God had to exterminate terror by bad elements.


Hari Om

Vishnu Dada

(Vishnu Patel)




There is only one God. No Hindu God or Muslim God or Christian God.

They are all one and the same. Besides all human beings,

irrespective of religion have souls whose ultimate destiny is to

merge with God or the Parmatma. So to say this God is violent and

the other is not is an exercise in futility.


Hari Shanker Deo



Dear Mr. Iyer,


Gods created all creatures on earth. A few of them tried to

supercede GOD and also tried to destabilise the world. GOD had to

ensure that these creatures do not wreak havoc. hence the

destruction of evil.


Anil Jain



Jai Hanuman


Where is the question of some one " killing " another, when everyone

is " immortal/imperishable " as a law ?


Can any sadhak enlighten me, Jee ? So that I may address this

question !! Kindly help, Jee ! Jee !!


'Violence' by 'Gods' ! Raam, Raam, Raam !!


Mike Bhaiyya ! Pratap Bhaiyya! Sathyanarainji !! Adrien !! Any one

Jee ! But quickly Jee !! Will you come to my rescue with reference

to 'self' and 'Gitaji' - Jee! Jee ! ! Your sister is too stunned

and anxious by the question, Jee !


Who can kill whom Jee ! What do you say Adrien ?


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee






1. Hindu gods are to be understood in the same way as the judaic /

greek gods.

they are manifestations of the self and relate to our own

psychological processes. this has been understtood recently in the

west as archetypes of the self and forms part of CG jungs analytical


2. though Hindu gods always seem to be involved in wars (conflict is

a better term) hindus are generally characterised as being non-

violent and gandhi is one example of this.


Majority of the international violence and acts of terrorism these

days are related to the middleeast the home of judaism, christianity

and islam, not to hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism or

any other pagan tradition.

please read 'the god delusion' by richard dawkins for great



Ravi Bakhsi


Dear Mr Iyer,

Violence is something that you cannot avoid. Tell me when you eat

vegetarian food do you not think that those vegetables and rice and

dal and other such food also grew which means they had a life. Which

means that the vegetables and rice were alive and were killed for

your ultimate consumption. That is violence to a lesser degree. What

makes you think that violence does not occur everyday? Even when you

breathe you kill millions of bacteria that enter your nose and mouth.

Let me put it to you that without a section of the population

taking the initiative of killing bad elements in any society,

others do not have the luxury of being non-violent.


hope this helps

Prashanth Thirukkonda


Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

Vedas do not advise just non violence but lay emphasis on Non

Violence of the strong. Prakrti- the divine subtle Nature which is

our Supreme Mother according to Vedas is extremely strong and

powerful but largely peaceful and non violent. She provides a Book

of Nature which even blind people and even animals/fishes/birds can

read and wants us to follow Rts- Her cosmic laws of necessity for

our social, moral and physical order. Like any benevolent and loving

mother she remains peaceful and affectioante most of the time but

gets extremly violent when we flout her Cosmic Laws of Nature and

start spreading social, moral and physical evils.


Hindu gods (Ishwaras) are Not God- as there is only One universal

God for the entire mankind wise men describe Him with different

names. All the Hindu gods/goddesses (Ishwaras/devas/devis) are

extremely powerful and strong but like Prakrti merciful, benevolent

and always keen to ensure that cosmic Laws of nature (Rta) are

observed by all her children who are noble people. Thus Hindu

Ishwaras/devas/devis are the greatest followers of Non violence of

the Strong but get violent if evil is spread in society, environment

is polluted and hydra headed CORRUPTION with Nine Heads over takes

virtue, ethics, divine thoughts and social nobilty.


Incidentally Mahatma Gandhi never talked of Non Violence in a

general way but always talked of Non Violence of the Strong. He

wanted people of India to become morally, spiritually and physically

strong and then non violent. Non violence of the Weak is self

destruction. He has greatly emphasised this point in his

Biography " My Experiment With Truth " .


None of our gods/godesses become violent for the sake of violence

but give a very long rope to evil people to change and behave

conforming to Vedic Rta but those non divine people

(Avarnas/Vritras) who encourage all actions against Laws of Nature

and create social, moral and physics pollution strict action is

taken by Hindu Ishwras/devas/devis.


with kind regards,

Prem Sabhlok






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Shri Iyer Bhaiyya, Tell your son simply that to eradicate evil, one

has to engage in violence. If your son understands about a scorpion

and his sting, then ask him that if a scorpion comes into the house

and is running around to sting someone, what would he do? Sometimes,

a question posed against a question, can be a better clarifier, than

an answer. So be it !


Vineet Sarvottam




Dear Sadhak,


According to the Yajnavalkya Samhita, ahimsa or non-violence is the

awareness and practice of non-violence in thought, speech and

action. Do we practice Non-violence at that lavel ???

Do we not kill mosquitoes, cockroches and so many other so

called " harmful being " according to us? What do you say about - Hang

till death, cutting hands of a thief and so many other such so

called justice orders?


All our Puranas have symbolic meaning, they want us to look deep

inside us. The war between good and evil is going on inside us only.

Do we not need to " kill " our bad thoughts ? Do we call killing of

our bad thoughts/demonic qualities as the act of violence ? Who

gives power to kill those bad qualities within ?


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti rupen sansthita

Namstasye, namstasye, Namstasye namo Nama

" I bow to the Divine Mother Who resides within me as Power/Strength "


Thus MaaDurga-Goddess of Motherly Love, Mother of sur (Demigods/our

good qualities) and Asura(Devils/our bad qualities) alike, cannot be

blamed as performing violence. She is washing away the evils of Her

sons by purifying them through Her divine weapons, and ultimately

merging them all in Her own Divine Love.


Similarly Lord Shiva, who drank vemon for the welfare of the entire

universe, whose another name is Bhole Baba(Innocent God who pleases

easily and bless us without considering our good/bad karmas) can not

even think of violence. Read more about Him and you will know how

merciful is He.


We cannot know about our Gods until we know our own self. The

Supreme is seated right into our own Heart. Look within, meditate

deeply and know Thy Self. Surrender to Gitaji and go beyond the

duality of this world.


Krishna says- " I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the

witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the

creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting

place and the eternal seed. " Gitaji Ch 9:18


He is All then who is killing whom ?


We are not the body, and suffering is all illusion arising from the

Nature. If we want to see peace, love and bliss in the world, we

have to " BE " peace, love and bliss. There is no other way.


There is no Hindu GOD or Christian God. There is only ONE, and that

ONE GOD cannot be understood by debate as He is beyond duality,

beyond mind, intellect. God can only be experienced. If your son

wants to understand Sanatan Dharma, present him with a Gitaji. Read

Gitaji over and over again, contemplate on each stanza. Come back

and answer your own question.


With lots of Love,

A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar





Dear Sir,


We all need to better understand the Hindu philosophy and its

message. First of all we need to understand the meaning of non-

violence. Does it mean only physical act of killing or harming? No.

any act leading to harm or hurt others through thought, word or deed

is Non-violence. A physical act of killing in a war with a pure

intension of good of the mankind is again not classified as

violence. Unfortunately, this thought also is misunderstood,

misinterpreted and misused now a days.


When a mother slaps a child it is not called violence. because the

act originates out of Love.

The stories which you are referring to are from an era when evil

could be identified as a person. who in many cases knew what is evil

or wrong but could not help act in that influence.. that time to

remove the evil was to destroy them. Even if you look at the story

of Gods killing... you would find that it was the last resort. Even

those 'evil' people were given all the possible chances and

opportunities to change. Only when they refused to comply and the

suffering of good become unbearable the physical act of annihilation

was performed, to reinstate the faith, to restore righteousness. It

is high time we realize that spirituality is not for weak. it

requires Will of Shankra, courage of Vivekanand.

Today good and evil have become seen in every person. hence to

destroy the evil path of annihilation of the person is not

resorted. In todays time the solution is - Transformation of heart.

for this the divine beings use various methods. even allowing

themselves to suffer. Lets not misinterpret their divine pure act of



We are such people who would not hesistate to crucify Jesus and do

nothing to stop and fight against but will be first to feel pity

after the act is done. we dont want to self introspect why he was

crucified. we are just contented to know that he was crucified for

our sins. As if the godly people have the obligation to be crucified

while we continue on our unjust ways. if you love Jesus then share

his pain by being good and just. be open and understanding, be

loving towards all. God has given each one enough strength to fight

our own battles. be willing to suffer the punishments for the

mistake committed, dont pass it on to god or godly people and expect

them to suffer for you.


I request you to not use such words " hindu gods lose patience " . this

thought itself is full of ignorance. First of all know - There is

only one GOD and he is omnipresent, omniscience, and omni-potent.

What ever God does is for good of all. Even the physical act of so

called violence is for the good. it is for us to understand how,

when and why he does what he does. Even to qualify to question god

we must first become a humble student. then may be the divine wisdom

would fall on us to understand and enjoy the bliss of his grace.


sai ram

Abhimanyu Kaul




With birth comes death. Mahatma Gandhi fought with weapons he had

i.e. none, but you cannot run a country on that philosophy

as India found out with China.


We must all defend Dharma. This is the best. A persons duty is to

live according to Dharma and to defend it. From Ahimsa paramo

dharmaha, Dharma himsa tathaiva cha. This Is the full proper

statement. Each person has to follow the work according to his caste

and station in life. Kshatriyas job is to defend and fight for

dharma. This is amply show in Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, in FACT THE


is the best Dharma, but to attain it HIMSA (violence) is required to

defend this is the message.


Jayesh A Patel





dear brother loves and best wishes. The creator Himself has said in

Geeta that the very purpose of His incarnation in human form is to

destroy the wicked, to save the righteous. In fact this seems to be

one of the necessary divine rule. Moreover non-violence does not

mean not to resist evil. thanks.


ck kaul





Respected Shri Iyer Ji,


One must understand God or Lord, a Prophet and Saint in their

respective capacity.


Our Gods and Hindu Dharma do not follow the principle of Violence

(Hinsa) and in fact, Violence (Hinsa) has no place in any of Hindu

scriptures and character of our Gods and Saints. Our scriptures

say " Ahinsa Param Dharmo " (Non-violence is the ultimate (basis) of

religion). Life (Leela) of our Gods and Saints show no violence

whatsoever. To understand this you must go through our scriptures

carefully under the guidance of eminent Sdhakas and participate in

the Satsang of our great Saints (Sad Gurus).


In Sanatan Dharma, there are mainly five Gods (Panch Devas) and only

these Panch Devas are worshipped. Although, there are thirty three

crore Devi Devtas and they are all the parts of only Panch Devas. In

other religions we do not find Gods but the great Saints who are

said to be Sons of Gods and sent by God to spread peace and the

teachings of Gods. Our religion spreads over infinite time, you can

count the origination and time for the others.


First of all it is important to understand Ravna, Bali, Kans and

numerous other Asur (Rakshasas). All these Asur were God's devotees

(Bhaktas) and following the path of Vair (enmity) Bhakti (devotion

for enmity). There are two type of devotees (Bhaktas) first Premi

Bhaktas (dveotees who love God) and second the Vairi Bhaktas

(devotees who keep enmity with God). Purpose of both devotees is

same i.e. attainment of God.


Ravna and his brother Kumbh Karan both were Jay and Vijay the Door

Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's Vaikuntha lok. One day Sanakadik

Rishis were going to meet God Vishnu in the Vaikunthalok and Jay and

Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord's Vaikunthalok stopped them at

the door saying that they can not enter Vaikuntha without God

Vishnu's permission, which was quite surprising as Rishis and Saints

do not require permission to enter any of Divya Lokas. Therefore,

Sanakadik Rishis got angry over the attitude of Jay and Vijay the

Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vaikuntha and passed on curse (Shraap)

to Jay and Vijay to take birth three times in Asuras (Rakshasas).

Frightened by the curse (Shraap), Jay and Vijay fell on the lotus

feet of Sanakadik Rishis for mercy (Daya) and Lord Vishnu also

requested Sanakadik Rishis to show some compassion and Sanakadik

Rishis relaxed their curse (Shraap) and told that though Jay and

Vijay will take birth in Asur Kul (Rakshasas, Demons) but Lord

Vishnu will take reincarnation (Avtaar) for their welfare (Udhar).

And Sanakadik Rishis said this will happen likewise (Tthasthu).


Accordingly, Jay and Vijay the Door Men (Dwar Pal) of Lord Vishnu's

Vekunthalok, took birth in Asur Kul in Treta Yug and Lord Ram took

incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Ravna and his

brother Kumbh Karan along with numerous Asurs (demoniac beings) were

killed and each of them went to Satlok. In Dwaapar they took birth

as Dantvakra and Shishupal, the associates of Kans, and Lord Krishna

took incarnation (Avtaar) for their well being (Udhar). Dantvakra

and Shishupal along with so many Asurs were killed by Lord Krishna

and each of these Asurs (demoniac ones) went to Lord Krishna's dham

(abode). When the Jeev gets Lord's Divya Lok on his death, he is

called Badbhagi (great in destiny) as he gets Lord's Divya Lok which

the Sadhu, saints, Rishi and sadhakas long for.


For each of the Lord's incarnation (Avtaar), there are various

reasons (Hetu) and to fulfill each of the reason (Hetu) Lord takes

incarnation (Avtaar) for the welfare of Lord's devotees (Bhaktas).


TE EKA " . You can understand these only by participating in the

Satsang and by carefully going through and understanding our holy

scriptures like Shreemad Bhagwat, Ram Charit Manas, Shiv Mha Puran,

Skand Puran, Vedas, Upnishaidas, Shruty and Samrity granthas and

even sidh Chalisa like hanuman Chalisa, Durga Chalisa, Shive Chalisa

and so on.


Perhaps you do not know about the sacrifice of our great Rishis and

Saints and that's why you are quoting the example of Jesus. Our

Dadhichi Rishi sacrificed his body to give his bones (Asthiyan) to

Indra Dev the king of Devtaas to make Vajra from the Rishi's bones

(Asthiyan) for killing Vritasur Asur to save the Srishti from



Sanatan Dharma possesses infinite knowledge of the Infinite Lord. No

other religion possesses such a large variety of Holy Scriptures.

There are four Vedas, 301 Upnishaidas, 18 Puranas, Vedant and

enormous Saint Charitar, Saint Vaani, Guru Vaani etc. It is simply

enormous! That's why it is stated in Ram Charit Manas " HARI ANANT


(Katha) of Ananat Bhagwan, the One whose birth and death is not

known to any body, the One who is unborn and do not die and the One

who is beyond birth and death is INFINITE (Aseem, Athaha)! How can

men like us who are definite, limited in life and strength can know

his Katha.


Sanatan Dharma is a non-violent religion. Do not be misconceived or

misguided. Go to Satsang, read our holy scriptures and then only you

will be able to express your true quest (Jigyas) for knowledge.


May Bhagwan Shree Hari Har satisfy your doubts!


Shubham Astu,



Thank you for forwarding this letter.

I believe Krishna never resorted to any violence - he tried to

protect non-violence.

Krishna never advised Arjuna to kill people or resort to violence.

Can you show anywhere in GITA Krishna advising a war?

Gods are to protect non-violence and to maintain dharma. They are

not Saints.


Dr.Uday Pai



Dear Sir:


Perhaps Hindu Gods resort to " violence " so that Hindu people stay

peaceful. Only Hinduism can create a Gandhi, as you pointed out,

the staunches non-violent person.


While other religion's God may not appear to be violent, the people

of other religion appear to be more violent than Hindus, as can be

observed by events today and by events of History. Viz. Followers

of a " peaceful " Jesus initiated the Crusades. So maybe there is

an inverse relationship between the behavior of Gods and their

followers ??


(Based on my understanding, the old testament of the Christians is

full of violence. " Slay the idolators, destroy the idols " , " leave

no man, woman, child, animals of the enemy alive " to paraphrase

some of the writings.)


Also, the violence of the Hindu Gods is not mindless violence.

There are some people who only listen to violence. For example, the

terrorists who are bombing innocent people in India can only be

handled thru like minded treatment. Perhaps, publicly blowing up a

terrorist in the same place he planted bombs to kill innocent people

is the only language he will listen to.


So in that sense I wish Hindus would get more aggressive to seek

justice. And Dharma requires this.


Dilip Bhagat


Hare Ram Hare Krishna


Dear Sir, Pranam


If your question has arisen out of a thirst to

understand the God, then I whole heartedly welcome it and try to put

my views as below. However if it has arisen with an intention of

malice, then it is time to quit all false books/thoughts leading you

to such confusions or debates and concentrate only on the divine

Gita - the ultimate guide to reach the one and only God.


According to the holy Gita, God is the most superior, the

ultimate power, the invincible, and is always victorious. The common

sense also confirms this, otherwise anyone can defeat God and he/she

can become God. Just as living things are created by God, it is His

duty to digest them within Himself and give life to new ones to

maintain the balance of this universe. This digestion into Himself

has happened in many ways - in the form of moksha to the Rushis who

had spent a peaceful life worshipping Him throughout their life, in

the form of death to those who approached a violent form of life and

in several ways. This had been confirmed by the existence of Lord

Krishna, who is the ONE and ONLY GOD in this world and Bhagavad Gita

is the proof for it. The portraying of victory of good over evil

have been depicted as VIOLENT for common man to understand but it is

all part of his MAYA ! And remember it was the choice Jaya and

Vijaya made to die in the hands of the God Himself three times as

evil doers than to be his devotees and wait for the MOKSHA after 6

rebirths. And why do you focus only at these depictions and see it

as a physical violence while there are plenty of instances in

puranas where God had been so merciful and loving - mokhas to

rushis, life to the dead, etc. I hope my explanation will answer you

that God doesn't lose patience and resort to violence.


Regarding your reference to Jesus, He was a messiah of

peace who suffered and died for the people. A God is there to

protect the good from evil. If God cannot protect himself in the

hands of evil, how can he protect the good from the evil? From my

perspectivie it is illogical to think that someone suffered pain in

the past for the sins which will be committed by future generations.

It should be the other way round. And the existence of Lord Krishna

is the best example of the triumph of God over evil or mere mortals.

He killed the evil and he was always victorious. He was so merciful

to end his incarnation in the hands of his beloved devotee as per

his promise in his previous incarnation as Lord Rama. I hope and

pray that you and your son will read the divine Gita with a positive

mind-set, as all of us should do, and attain Lord Krishna with our

good thoughts and deeds.



Hare Ram Hare Krishna



Dear Sadak,

The statement of Sri Iyer GA that Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar.

Dear Sir, Vayu Bagavan is wind, Varna Bagavan is Rain and so on. The

demi gods are having No specific form. They are Pancha Boothas.

Kameswar is not GOD or demi God. Kameswar is symbol of desire. Kama

+ Easwaran-- means Kama desire-- Easwaran ruler. Kameswaran is ruler

of desires. Bagavan Shiva killed Kameswar by HIS 3rd eye. We can

also kill desires by our 3rd eye Gyana located between 2 eye brows

were thilak is put upon. Again-- Kama never leaves anyone by its

nature. But it did not work out in case of Bagavan Shiva. Also

purana says that Kameswar was given back the power. This Kameswar

was sent by Indra to distrub Bagavan Vishnu while doing Yogic Tapas

in Badrinath. Kameswar failed in his attempt and Sri Vishnu gave

Menaka a very beautiful looking lady as present to Indra through

Kameswar. These puranas have hidden concepts.





Evil can not be fought with platitudes. For example if we stand

with folded hands before terrorists then they will gain the upper

hand. That is what our ancient books teach us. Our Gods fought evil

even in Satyug and we should fight evil in Kaliyug too. That is the

lesson for us. Even in Christian countries, they have armies and

give death sentences to murderers. Remember Iraq and Afghanistan?

Hari Shanker Deo


I don't think there should be so much concern about " Hindu " " Gods " .

The word Hindu itself is a misnomer, and should not be used to

characterize the Bharatyia philosphical traditions. Most linguists

will agree that it started with the " Satem/hatem " divide in the IE

languages, and the " hatem " group residing outside the geopolitical

context of the subcontinent who corrupted Sindhu into Hindu. Sindhu

was a part of the " Mahabharatm " of Krishna and not the whole. The

Arabs do mention " Hind-va-Sind " in the 7-8th century chronicles,

thereby distinguishing and extending the concept from mere " Sindhu " .

But no " Hindu " inscriptions use the term until 15th century.


There are also many " Gods " . Vishnu descends as avatar, but Shiva does

not. The Gods do not always show fairness in their treatment and this

is the reason sometimes they have to justify their actions by

introducing " past life karma " , something obviously unverifiable by


majority of the commoners. The Ramayana story as popularly rendered

omits certain crucial details from the Balmiki version relevant for

this topic, like that of why Ravana had to be invited by Rama to

perform the rites of initiation ( " Bodhana " ) of Chandi/Durga - the


rites carried out by the avatar of Vishnu to gain ultimate victory

over Ravana. Ravana was the best " Brahmin " available (what happened


" caste " - the same " caste " which has even found its way into the Gita

as something whose breakdown by the " women " and others leads to

eventual destruction of " civilization " and " dharma " - the Asura clan

Ravana, who fights and abducts women like the Kshatryias being a

Brahmin!) for even Brahma had omitted Gayatri recitation for one

" Sandhya " and was unfit as a " yagnik " (lets not go into the actual

reason as to why he could not - as it might throw some lights on

possible motivations even in this fountainhead of " Brahmanya "


The " Gods " and the " Asuras " both derived from the same " father " , and

to start with they were not even " immortal " . They had to coopt the

asura " siblings " to extract " amrita " and then needed Vishnu to cheat

them of their legitimate share. The Gods get tempted by the beauty of

mortal women, like Ahalya, and seduce or rape them. It becomes

convenient then later to invent " bad past Karma " to justify such

unfair treatment of humans. In this the common Gods do resemble (and

were perhaps in reality just deification of actual humans or modeled

on the " aristocracy " of the time) the common historical behaviour of

elite ruling class.

The real strength of Bharatyia philosophy should be sought in a


analysis and absorption of the Upanishads, the Gita, and the

Mahabharatam - the last two being essentially statements on political

society and individual's relation with that of the state and the

social group. These have little to do with the " Gods " - Gods have

minor roles in the Mahabharatam, the original source of the Gita.

Gods are just a reflection of humanity, and should not be given so

much importance.


The Upanishads give a framework very much in compliance with modern

science and logic, as to how humans should continue to explore the

world around them and continuously update their knowledge - never to

be stationary with one ossified belief without continuous

requestioning ( " Charaibeti " ). The Mahabharatam and the Gita, edited

out of their obvious later " priestly opportunistic addition " of

support of unfair and unauthentic practices like " hereditary and

for-life varna " gives the guiding principle for social interaction

and the nature of the state - a crucial vision of nationhood

embodied in this ideal of Krishna. " Gods " are not the primary

messages of these core texts - they are mere additions by interested

priests to extract benefits from society without contributing in

real terms.


" dikgajone "



To my limited mind, there are two types of powers SUR (divine) and

AASUR (demoniac). And Ishwara (God) also has to adopt the aasura

(demoniac) powers in order to destroy the aasuri (demoniac) aspects

in a aasur (demoniac) person. A Sur (Virtuous, Divine person) is

always of positive behaviour. This is simplest and easiest way to

understand. Ram Ji also killed AASURAs (demoniac men) because He is

Ishwara (God), Himself, and does not need extra powers to switch

between Sur (Divine) and AAsur (Demoniac) properties to accomplish a



" apb1942 "





Dear sadaks,

First about Human-- Man kills man-Why? Enemity, Greed Etc Etc.

Animals kill animals only for food. Hindu God never resort to

Violence but terminate extremely Bad people for the betterment of

human beings at large. Here the Gods benefit nothing, but they act

to save human beings at large. It is depicted in such a manner by

some that it looks like violence.


Kans is maternal uncle of Sri Krishna. Kans jailed his parents,

Devaki and Vasudev. Sri Krishna as child left Mathura, but Kans went

on sending asuras (demoniac people) to kill Sri Krishna. Asuras came

to Krishna from Mathura, but Krishna never went there to kill. In

defense Sri Krishna killed Asuras. The sacred truth behind this

killing is giving Mukthi (salvation) to them. When God incarnates

and kills, it is divine to die in the hands of Bhagavan. Sri Krishna

never killed Jarasand though he waged war several times. Duryodhan

was not killed though he tried to rope up Krishna who came as

messenger for Pandavas. These people were unfit to die in HIS hands.

Several warnings were given to Kans to behave himself and since he

failed he was killed. Besides Kans was door keeper at Vaikunth as

Jaya/Vijaya. Due to ego there they were cursed by Sanakadhi Munis to

be born on earth. Actually Kans after being killed went to Vaikunth.

Sri Rama was quietly living in the forest, why should Ravana abduct

and carry Mother Sita to Lanka? When Ravana lost war and became

alone without arms in his hand, Sri Rama said to Ravana Go today

think of your sins and come tomorrow. But Ravana came to wage war

again knowing that he will be killed.

So also other Gods did.

Jesus was born as human acquired Gyana between the age 14 to 30

became saint. Normally saints or Sanyasins are forbidden to any type

of killing. They allow other to kill them, as it is their knowledge

that body alone is being destroyed, but not the Soul (Athuman). When

Jesus rose from death with body of wounds it was astrial body (Non

Destructable). His disciple never believed Jesus and tested Jesus'

wound on his ribs by sending his pointing finger into the wound.

This disciple finger is still not perished and remains an exhibit.

Demons with strong powers can be killed by Gods only.


Now take Maha Lakshmi who incarnated as Sri Andal in Srivalliputtur,

was tought by her God father Sri Pria Alwar the good deeds of Sri

Krishna. She fell in love with Krishna and wanted to marry Sri

Krishna. She took to 30 days Dhanurmasa Vrath and in presence of

Chola king and people she was taken abode of Sri Vishnu who gave

Dharshan to all with Sanka, Chakra, four Arms Etc on Garuda.

Gods appear (Not Born) looks like being born. Sri Krishna was with

108 occult powers when born. To people it looks as being born.

Sri Rama or Sri Krishna opted to be kshatriya / yadava not as

Brahmin. Brahmins are forbidden to kill. Sanyasin (ascetics) are

tought to give in themselves, when someone strikes them.

Like Adi Sankara/Buddha/ Christ.



Some of the Demons / Ill-minded souls are hard to change with

preachings alone. They have to be physically removed like weeds,

because they go beyond repair and are harmful to mankind.


Also these characters and killing by GOD need not be taken in the

literal sense. To make common people like us to understand, some of

these might have been personified, otherwise it is mostly how to

control the inner evils like greed/ ego etc to attain divinity


" mvssr75 "



-Shree Hari-


Dear Iyer GA,

What a blessing you have in a son that wants to debate such things

with you and visa versa.

A respectful correction.Yahweh(Christian/Judaic God) was involved in

wholesale slaughter and genocide.

When the hard shell around ones spiritual heart is broken, the taste

for violence is lost.

I am looking forward to the wise council of the Sadhaks.

I think this is a very interesting question.


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor



(Duty) to restore DHARMA


Dear Iyer,


Lord krishna himself went to Su(Dhur)yodhana and adviced to give back

what belonged to Pandavas. Did they heed? So lord had to KILL them

to teach this world that if you try to keep that which does not

belong to you, it will be disaster.


Lord pardons who ever takes asylum in him, kills who goes against him



Gandhi policy does not apply to all cases. Can we sit in front of

afzal guru fasting like Gandhi and make him repent for his attack on



Please try it and then ask why krishna killed Kamsa. You yourself

will take a weapon to restore Dharma if your son is hurt by

any anti-social element and when they try to do again and again.


Using Shourya is kartavya (duty) and is a part of restoring Dharma

(righteousness) and shanti (peace). Violence is not a part of Hindu

Gods or any body who protects Mother Land. It is called " shourya "

Please note if our people in borders chant Om shanti, then bullets

come from other side and may hit your chest.


So a protector(God or any king/human being like soldier) has to use

force to subdue non-social element to restore the civilizaton, else

country will be weak and no place for Dharma.


Hindu gods showed this ... to be strong and rise to occasion. Save

the Dharma even if you have to kill your own brother.


Non-violence should be practised but not at all times.





shiva Kumar shapur


Dear Shri Ayer,

I too am an old man, vegetarian and certainly non-violent. But I am

a devotee of Durga. It is depicted in various forms including


Similarly other Hindu Gods too may be shown in benevolent forms like

Gyatri, Lord Vishnu or Brahma Even Shiva may be depicted in the

dance pose.

Dear friend you look inside. You will find a conflict going in all

the time. Good ultimately prevails. But it is so because of a fight

between the God and the devil.

So my suggestion is enjoy the fights and always stand by the


With best wishes.

Shridhar Pant




There is a small anamoly. You say you are a senior citizen and

haven't been able to realise the answer to your question in all

these years ?????


Is there any difference between Bhartiya (Indian/Hindu) and other

Gods ?


Read the scriptures with an open mind and NOT blind faith or

dislike. It has all got to do with human psychology. You will

discover the answer yourself.




Sampuran Singh



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Ram Ram



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