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Hinduism and Science

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Hare Krishna


Swamiji has said that `Hinduism goes from root to leaves whereas

today's science goes from leaves to root.' What does this mean?




Varun Paprunia





In Geeta 10/8 The Lord says -

aham sarvasya prabhavo - I am the origin of all.

HE is the root of all and HE is all too.(See Geeta 7/7 Mattah

parataram nanyatkinchidasti Dhananjay) The modern science tries to

search the secrets of nature

1. by physical means and 2. from outside in. This depth is

unfathomable since HE is the deepest secret of all the Creation and

cannot be found by physical means. While Hinduism has proved that by

searching HIM, the creator, the secrets of nature/science which is

HIS creation - are automatically revealed. Jai Ramjiki.


Dr. Shobha S.


A wonderful statement. I would even go further: " Vedaanta goes from

root to leaves, while science jumps from leaf to leaf " .




Naga Narayana



!! Naham Karta Harikartha !!


Hinduism & Science

From the root to the leaves and from leaves to the roots


The thought-provoking manner in which Swamiji has put forth a

comparitive perspective on how our Vedantic religious world view

contrasts with that of the modern scientific world view, using the

example of a process of understanding a tree - from the roots to

leaves or vice versa is really illuminating.


There are ample confusions on this issue even among some very

learned and devout people as much among so-called rationalists and

eminernt philosophers of science.


Generally the basis on which the approach of Hinduism and that of

modern science need to be differentiated must follow from a critique

of following polar positions:


Firstly, the error of absolute identity, which seeks to place our

religious and spiritual traditions and philosophical standpoints at

par with those of science, as if both are not really different and

that they would eventually converge (collapse??) into one another at

some point of time. This error manifests in further litany errors of

claiming that Hinduism is the most scientific of religions and that

from its very inception it has known everything that we otherwise

are now trying to know through science. There is a similar attempts

to portray some of the modern scientists and physicists like

Einstein, as the true " ÿogi " or " rishi " of our times and our own

ancient " rishis " or " seers " of yore as their " poor cousins " ,

crippled by lack of modern scientific methodology and who therfore

resorted to esoteric modes of explanation.


Secondly, there is an error of absolute contradiction, which seeks

to pit both Hinduism and modern science in exclusion and opposition

to each other and as fundementally irreconciliable. This results in

mutual exclusion, wherein those believing in Hinduism fail to

recognise the distinct validity and autonomy of scientific cognition

and think that one's own religion can indeed explain every thing.

There is a mirror image of the same kind of error among some

adherants of science, who think that science can explain everything

and that religion must therfore be consigned to museum of



Religion and science are like two faces of the same coin; they are

only different cognitive tools of realisation and of knowledge and

the subjects their substantive enquiry are different and distinct.


Both are needed to understand the roots and leaves, as much the

trunk and the branches of tree.


!!! Sri Krishnarpanamasthu !!!





Dear Sadaks,

Hinduism gives knowledge from seed to root, from root to leaves,

from leaves to fruits and flowers. Hinduism says about creation that

was earlier and destroyed and again creation came. Great Saint

Poothanam on whose lap Sri Krishna sat, wrote about 13 worlds (other

than our) in Ngyanapana that people exits there. He also sang about

human birth rare. How human raise from lower births. Upanashids

clearly give about black hole. Sri Krishna took Arjuna by Chariot

through black to reach Vaikunt and brought back a Bramin children to


But science go from evidence that exists and call discovered.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Hare Krishna


Swamiji has said that `Hinduism goes from root to leaves whereas

today's science goes from leaves to root.' What does this mean?




Varun Paprunia





Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Varunji,

Thank you for a very good question. As pointed out very eloquently by Naga

Narayanaji, that the science jumps from leaf to leaf. Surely, science is not

going from leaf to the root. it goes from inference to inference only, it makes

us believe only what it can prove. With the limited equipment (senses, mind and

intellect), how can God and His massive creation (being so unlimited) can be

understood or proved by the limited equipment of human being and the science?


Hinduism goes from root to leaves, we start with a firm belief that God pervades

the whole universe, he is the root, the leaves and whatever else which remains.

There are many verses in Gitaji relating to this topic, !0-8 and 7-7 have been

posted in a previous response, few more are:


Gita (15-1)

" urdhvamulam adhsakham, asvattham prahur avyayam

chandamsi yasya parnani, yas tam veda sa vedvit "


They speak of an imperishable Asvattha (Banyan) tree* with its root above and

branches below; Its leaves are the metres of the Vedas; he who knows this, is

the knower of the Vedas.

*Asvattha tree is in resemblance of the tree of creation


Gitaji (10-39)

" yas ca'pi sarvabhutanam, bijam tad aham Arjuna

na tad asti vina yat syan, maya bhutam caracaram "


Arjuna, I am even that which is the seed of all beings. For there is no

creature, animate or inanimate, which exists without Me.


Gitaji (14-4)

" sarvayonisu kaunteya, murtayah sambhavanti yah

tasam brahma mahad yanir, aham bijapradhah pita "


All the bodies that come into being from different wombs O son of Kunti


the Mahat Brahma (the great Prakriti) is their womb and I am the seed giving



Gitaji (9-17)

" pita 'ham asyo jagato, mata dhata pitamah

vedam pavitram aumkara, rik sama yadur eva ca "


I am the Father, the Mother, the Sustainer, the Grandfather of the world, the

knowable, the purifier, the sacred syllable AUM, and the three Vedas - Rik,

Yajus ans Sama.


Gitaji (9-18)

" gatir bharta prabhu saksi nivasah saranam suhrt

prabhavah pralayah sthanam nidhanam bijam avayam "


I am the Goal, the Supporter, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode, the Shelter, the

Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution, the Foundation, the Treasure-house and the

seed Imperishable.


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Hari Om


Hinduism and Gita analyse the creation differently than science and

right from the beginning focus on the " cause " and not the " effect " .

It is not so in case of science. Science begins the journey

from " effect " and attempts to know the " cause " . Therefore, what

science is finding out say today, Hindu Scriptures found out

millions of years ago. For example- science

Found out only in 19/20 th century that Pluto/Neptune are also

planets, but Hindu Scriptures are stating from day 1 that there are

9 planets circling the Sun. For a long time science believed earth

to be the centre of creation. Gita/Hindu Scriptures never d

to that view and called Sun to be the focal point. Hundreds of such

examples can be given.


Take for example Gita. Lord starts Gita with discrimination between

soul and body . Which science can ever begin so? A Bhakti Yogi right

from the beginning believes " I am of God " . A Jnana Yogi starts

sadhana from " I am Brahma " and never gets down from that level

throughout. A Karma Yogi believes that he doesnot have to " do "

anything for himself, from outset. All three straight away catch the

roots only- and then assess/view/ deal with the world.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Science demands proof of everything and tries to explain everything but there

are certain things that cannot be explained. Such as which came first, the

chicken or the egg? How does an inanimate object like the egg turn into a live

chick? Similarly there are so many things that science cannot explain. That is

what Swamiji meant when he said that science goes from the leaves to the root,

which is unnatural while Hinduism goes naturally from the root to the leaves.

Which means that Hinduism is more logical than science.


Hari Shanker Deo




In Geeta 10/8 The Lord says -

aham sarvasya prabhavo - I am the origin of all.

HE is the root of all and HE is all too.(See Geeta 7/7 Mattah

parataram nanyatkinchidasti Dhananjay) The modern science tries to

search the secrets of nature

1. by physical means and 2. from outside in. This depth is

unfathomable since HE is the deepest secret of all the Creation and

cannot be found by physical means. While Hinduism has proved that by

searching HIM, the creator, the secrets of nature/science which is

HIS creation - are automatically revealed. Jai Ramjiki.


Dr. Shobha S.


A wonderful statement. I would even go further: " Vedaanta goes from

root to leaves, while science jumps from leaf to leaf " .




Naga Narayana



!! Naham Karta Harikartha !!


Hinduism & Science

From the root to the leaves and from leaves to the roots


The thought-provoking manner in which Swamiji has put forth a

comparitive perspective on how our Vedantic religious world view

contrasts with that of the modern scientific world view, using the

example of a process of understanding a tree - from the roots to

leaves or vice versa is really illuminating.


There are ample confusions on this issue even among some very

learned and devout people as much among so-called rationalists and

eminernt philosophers of science.


Generally the basis on which the approach of Hinduism and that of

modern science need to be differentiated must follow from a critique

of following polar positions:


Firstly, the error of absolute identity, which seeks to place our

religious and spiritual traditions and philosophical standpoints at

par with those of science, as if both are not really different and

that they would eventually converge (collapse??) into one another at

some point of time. This error manifests in further litany errors of

claiming that Hinduism is the most scientific of religions and that

from its very inception it has known everything that we otherwise

are now trying to know through science. There is a similar attempts

to portray some of the modern scientists and physicists like

Einstein, as the true " ÿogi " or " rishi " of our times and our own

ancient " rishis " or " seers " of yore as their " poor cousins " ,

crippled by lack of modern scientific methodology and who therfore

resorted to esoteric modes of explanation.


Secondly, there is an error of absolute contradiction, which seeks

to pit both Hinduism and modern science in exclusion and opposition

to each other and as fundementally irreconciliable. This results in

mutual exclusion, wherein those believing in Hinduism fail to

recognise the distinct validity and autonomy of scientific cognition

and think that one's own religion can indeed explain every thing.

There is a mirror image of the same kind of error among some

adherants of science, who think that science can explain everything

and that religion must therfore be consigned to museum of



Religion and science are like two faces of the same coin; they are

only different cognitive tools of realisation and of knowledge and

the subjects their substantive enquiry are different and distinct.


Both are needed to understand the roots and leaves, as much the

trunk and the branches of tree.


!!! Sri Krishnarpanamasthu !!!





Dear Sadaks,

Hinduism gives knowledge from seed to root, from root to leaves,

from leaves to fruits and flowers. Hinduism says about creation that

was earlier and destroyed and again creation came. Great Saint

Poothanam on whose lap Sri Krishna sat, wrote about 13 worlds (other

than our) in Ngyanapana that people exits there. He also sang about

human birth rare. How human raise from lower births. Upanashids

clearly give about black hole. Sri Krishna took Arjuna by Chariot

through black to reach Vaikunt and brought back a Bramin children to


But science go from evidence that exists and call discovered.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hare Krishna


Swamiji has said that `Hinduism goes from root to leaves whereas

today's science goes from leaves to root.' What does this mean?




Varun Paprunia







Hare Krishna


Hinduism goes from root to leaves- I am able to understand this



Although Shobhaji, Madanji, Vyasji and others have addressed the

statement `Science goes from leaves to root', it is still not clear

to me. I mean to ask that where has today's science taken this

approach. Please explain with an example.


Thank You…


Varun P. Paprunia





Science demands proof of everything and tries to explain everything

but there are certain things that cannot be explained. Such as which

came first, the chicken or the egg? How does an inanimate object

like the egg turn into a live chick? Similarly there are so many

things that science cannot explain. That is what Swamiji meant when

he said that science goes from the leaves to the root, which is

unnatural while Hinduism goes naturally from the root to the leaves.

Which means that Hinduism is more logical than science.


Hari Shanker Deo





Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Varunji,

Thank you for a very good question. As pointed out very eloquently

by Naga

Narayanaji, that the science jumps from leaf to leaf. Surely,

science is not going from leaf to the root. it goes from inference

to inference only, it makes us believe only what it can prove. With

the limited equipment (senses, mind and intellect), how can God and

His massive creation (being so unlimited) can be understood or

proved by the limited equipment of human being and the science?


Hinduism goes from root to leaves, we start with a firm belief that

God pervades the whole universe, he is the root, the leaves and

whatever else which remains. There are many verses in Gitaji

relating to this topic, !0-8 and 7-7 have been posted in a previous

response, few more are:


Gita (15-1)

" urdhvamulam adhsakham, asvattham prahur avyayam

chandamsi yasya parnani, yas tam veda sa vedvit "


They speak of an imperishable Asvattha (Banyan) tree* with its root

above and branches below; Its leaves are the metres of the Vedas; he

who knows this, is the knower of the Vedas.

*Asvattha tree is in resemblance of the tree of creation


Gitaji (10-39)

" yas ca'pi sarvabhutanam, bijam tad aham Arjuna

na tad asti vina yat syan, maya bhutam caracaram "


Arjuna, I am even that which is the seed of all beings. For there is

no creature, animate or inanimate, which exists without Me.


Gitaji (14-4)

" sarvayonisu kaunteya, murtayah sambhavanti yah

tasam brahma mahad yanir, aham bijapradhah pita "


All the bodies that come into being from different wombs O son of

Kunti (Arjuna), the Mahat Brahma (the great Prakriti) is their womb

and I am the seed giving father.


Gitaji (9-17)

" pita 'ham asyo jagato, mata dhata pitamah

vedam pavitram aumkara, rik sama yadur eva ca "


I am the Father, the Mother, the Sustainer, the Grandfather of the

world, the knowable, the purifier, the sacred syllable AUM, and the

three Vedas - Rik, Yajus ans Sama.


Gitaji (9-18)

" gatir bharta prabhu saksi nivasah saranam suhrt

prabhavah pralayah sthanam nidhanam bijam avayam "


I am the Goal, the Supporter, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode, the

Shelter, the Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution, the Foundation,

the Treasure-house and the seed Imperishable.


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Hari Om


Hinduism and Gita analyse the creation differently than science and

right from the beginning focus on the " cause " and not the " effect " .

It is not so in case of science. Science begins the journey

from " effect " and attempts to know the " cause " . Therefore, what

science is finding out say today, Hindu Scriptures found out

millions of years ago. For example- science

Found out only in 19/20 th century that Pluto/Neptune are also

planets, but Hindu Scriptures are stating from day 1 that there are

9 planets circling the Sun. For a long time science believed earth

to be the centre of creation. Gita/Hindu Scriptures never d

to that view and called Sun to be the focal point. Hundreds of such

examples can be given.


Take for example Gita. Lord starts Gita with discrimination between

soul and body . Which science can ever begin so? A Bhakti Yogi right

from the beginning believes " I am of God " . A Jnana Yogi starts

sadhana from " I am Brahma " and never gets down from that level

throughout. A Karma Yogi believes that he doesnot have to " do "

anything for himself, from outset. All three straight away catch the

roots only- and then assess/view/ deal with the world.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Science demands proof of everything and tries to explain everything

but there

are certain things that cannot be explained. Such as which came

first, the

chicken or the egg? How does an inanimate object like the egg turn

into a live

chick? Similarly there are so many things that science cannot

explain. That is

what Swamiji meant when he said that science goes from the leaves to

the root,

which is unnatural while Hinduism goes naturally from the root to

the leaves.

Which means that Hinduism is more logical than science.


Hari Shanker Deo




In Geeta 10/8 The Lord says -

aham sarvasya prabhavo - I am the origin of all.

HE is the root of all and HE is all too.(See Geeta 7/7 Mattah

parataram nanyatkinchidasti Dhananjay) The modern science tries to

search the secrets of nature

1. by physical means and 2. from outside in. This depth is

unfathomable since HE is the deepest secret of all the Creation and

cannot be found by physical means. While Hinduism has proved that by

searching HIM, the creator, the secrets of nature/science which is

HIS creation - are automatically revealed. Jai Ramjiki.


Dr. Shobha S.


A wonderful statement. I would even go further: " Vedaanta goes from

root to leaves, while science jumps from leaf to leaf " .




Naga Narayana



!! Naham Karta Harikartha !!


Hinduism & Science

From the root to the leaves and from leaves to the roots


The thought-provoking manner in which Swamiji has put forth a

comparitive perspective on how our Vedantic religious world view

contrasts with that of the modern scientific world view, using the

example of a process of understanding a tree - from the roots to

leaves or vice versa is really illuminating.


There are ample confusions on this issue even among some very

learned and devout people as much among so-called rationalists and

eminernt philosophers of science.


Generally the basis on which the approach of Hinduism and that of

modern science need to be differentiated must follow from a critique

of following polar positions:


Firstly, the error of absolute identity, which seeks to place our

religious and spiritual traditions and philosophical standpoints at

par with those of science, as if both are not really different and

that they would eventually converge (collapse??) into one another at

some point of time. This error manifests in further litany errors of

claiming that Hinduism is the most scientific of religions and that

from its very inception it has known everything that we otherwise

are now trying to know through science. There is a similar attempts

to portray some of the modern scientists and physicists like

Einstein, as the true " ÿogi " or " rishi " of our times and our own

ancient " rishis " or " seers " of yore as their " poor cousins " ,

crippled by lack of modern scientific methodology and who therfore

resorted to esoteric modes of explanation.


Secondly, there is an error of absolute contradiction, which seeks

to pit both Hinduism and modern science in exclusion and opposition

to each other and as fundementally irreconciliable. This results in

mutual exclusion, wherein those believing in Hinduism fail to

recognise the distinct validity and autonomy of scientific cognition

and think that one's own religion can indeed explain every thing.

There is a mirror image of the same kind of error among some

adherants of science, who think that science can explain everything

and that religion must therfore be consigned to museum of



Religion and science are like two faces of the same coin; they are

only different cognitive tools of realisation and of knowledge and

the subjects their substantive enquiry are different and distinct.


Both are needed to understand the roots and leaves, as much the

trunk and the branches of tree.


!!! Sri Krishnarpanamasthu !!!





Dear Sadaks,

Hinduism gives knowledge from seed to root, from root to leaves,

from leaves to fruits and flowers. Hinduism says about creation that

was earlier and destroyed and again creation came. Great Saint

Poothanam on whose lap Sri Krishna sat, wrote about 13 worlds (other

than our) in Ngyanapana that people exits there. He also sang about

human birth rare. How human raise from lower births. Upanashids

clearly give about black hole. Sri Krishna took Arjuna by Chariot

through black to reach Vaikunt and brought back a Bramin children to


But science go from evidence that exists and call discovered.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Shree Hari

Ram Ram




Hare Krishna


Swamiji has said that `Hinduism goes from root to leaves whereas

today's science goes from leaves to root.' What does this mean?




Varun Paprunia





Hare Krishna


Hinduism goes from root to leaves- I am able to understand this



Although Shobhaji, Madanji, Vyasji and others have addressed the

statement `Science goes from leaves to root', it is still not clear

to me. I mean to ask that where has today's science taken this

approach. Please explain with an example.


Thank You…


Varun P. Paprunia





Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Your question has compelled me to ask where, in what book or what

particular discourse did Shri Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

say this, which you are quoting. Please kindly share. Swamiji did

not remain nuturing and fostering Hinduism or any particular

doctrine, religious philosphy of a particular sect. Swamiji spoke

for the welfare and upliftment of all beings of all sects and

religious groups. The spiritual truths, the exact explanations and

definitions of words, have in entireness and completeness been on

Gitaji. He has definitely spoken on Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Truths

and Spiritual Laws). The use of the words " Hindutva " or " Hinduism " ,

whether it has been said in the Gitaji and the extent of it's

description, please kindly share? If Hindus believe that Gitaji is

it's own wealth and treasure, then it is a grave mistake. Swamiji

has at all times, in all his writings and discourses, given the

understanding and made it clear that this is for " all of mankind "

(Manavmaatra). At present there seems to be an understanding of the

comparison of acquired knowledge of the world (vijnaan) and spritual

truths (dharma), however that there is any philosophical or

religious doctrine that is particularly special and criticism of

Science, can lead to nothing other than confusion and doubt. I can

say that wherever acquired knowledge from the world (vijnaan)is

incapable, from that very point, spiritual truths (not a particular

religious doctrine) begins. Kindly share the collective

understanding indicating comparisons between acquired knowledge and

spiritual knowledge without fail. Thank you very much.


Vineet, A Sadhak

Vineet Sarvottam




Aapke prashna ne baadhya kiyaa hai ki aapse puchaa jai kis Shri

Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasji Maharaj kab kahaa (kis pravachan mein,

kis lekh mein) yeh kahaa jo aap kah rahe hai. Kripayaa bataayiye?

Shraddhey Swamiji hindutattva athvaa anya kisi mat-sampradaayak ke

paushak nahin rahe. Sahdev sabhi sampradaayi aur mat ke manusyon ke

hit mein likhaa hai. Dharma ki unki paribhaashaa purnatah Gitaji

per chali hai. Sanatana Dharma ke baare mein avashya unhaun ne kahaa

hai. Hindutva athavaa Hinduism shabda ka Gitaji mein kahaa aur

kitnaa varanun hai, kripayaa bataayiye ? Hindu sampradaayi yeh

samjhe ki Gitaji unki sampatti hai toh yeh bahut badi bhool hai.

Swamiji ne sadaa sabhi pravachan aur lekh " maanav maatre " ko

sambodhit kiye hai. vartamaan vignaana aur dharma ki tulnaa toh

samajh mein aati hai kintu kisi sampradaayi vishesh aur vijnaan ki

tulnaa brahma ke atirikt kuch nahin de sakengi. Waise aapko bataa

saktaa hu ki jahaan vijnana asamarth hotaa hai, usi bindu se

adhyaatma, (ne ki koyi sampradaayi) praarambh hotaa hai. Kripayaa

vijnaan aur adhyaatma kaa tulanaatmak suchnaa-sangraha avashya

kare. Sa dhanyavaad.


Vineet, ek sadhak


Vineet Sarvottam







-Shree Hari-


O.K. Varunji,


If you are able to get a copy of 'Raja Yoga', by Swami Vivekananda,

and go to pages 50 through 52, to summarize he writes of how

vibrations set the plane, each plane, invisible to each, and people

on that plane see objects etc on that plane only, but with the use of

Yoga one can see the big picture. Now in my work I often used the

lisague technique, to locate and measure a stream of data amongst

hundreds of other streams, how? By simply synchronizing my reference

to the frequency of the stream I wanted, sounds very much like the

sought of thing the good Swami was talking about. Also remember the

modern physicists now consider all of existence is based on energy

vibration Swami Vivekananda had already said that, remember the

physicists had to travel from the macrocosm to the microcosm as the

methods improved, but the Swami was across the lot.

Now turn to page 57, he saw the coming of wireless energy transfer,

to quote: " This proves that the wire is not really necessary, but

only are inability to dispense with it compels us to use it " , he

based his accurate predictions on the basis of the most ancients of

science, he called the science of Yoga.



With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Science demands proof of everything and tries to explain everything

but there are certain things that cannot be explained. Such as which

came first, the chicken or the egg? How does an inanimate object

like the egg turn into a live chick? Similarly there are so many

things that science cannot explain. That is what Swamiji meant when

he said that science goes from the leaves to the root, which is

unnatural while Hinduism goes naturally from the root to the leaves.

Which means that Hinduism is more logical than science.


Hari Shanker Deo





Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Varunji,

Thank you for a very good question. As pointed out very eloquently

by Naga

Narayanaji, that the science jumps from leaf to leaf. Surely,

science is not going from leaf to the root. it goes from inference

to inference only, it makes us believe only what it can prove. With

the limited equipment (senses, mind and intellect), how can God and

His massive creation (being so unlimited) can be understood or

proved by the limited equipment of human being and the science?


Hinduism goes from root to leaves, we start with a firm belief that

God pervades the whole universe, he is the root, the leaves and

whatever else which remains. There are many verses in Gitaji

relating to this topic, !0-8 and 7-7 have been posted in a previous

response, few more are:


Gita (15-1)

" urdhvamulam adhsakham, asvattham prahur avyayam

chandamsi yasya parnani, yas tam veda sa vedvit "


They speak of an imperishable Asvattha (Banyan) tree* with its root

above and branches below; Its leaves are the metres of the Vedas; he

who knows this, is the knower of the Vedas.

*Asvattha tree is in resemblance of the tree of creation


Gitaji (10-39)

" yas ca'pi sarvabhutanam, bijam tad aham Arjuna

na tad asti vina yat syan, maya bhutam caracaram "


Arjuna, I am even that which is the seed of all beings. For there is

no creature, animate or inanimate, which exists without Me.


Gitaji (14-4)

" sarvayonisu kaunteya, murtayah sambhavanti yah

tasam brahma mahad yanir, aham bijapradhah pita "


All the bodies that come into being from different wombs O son of

Kunti (Arjuna), the Mahat Brahma (the great Prakriti) is their womb

and I am the seed giving father.


Gitaji (9-17)

" pita 'ham asyo jagato, mata dhata pitamah

vedam pavitram aumkara, rik sama yadur eva ca "


I am the Father, the Mother, the Sustainer, the Grandfather of the

world, the knowable, the purifier, the sacred syllable AUM, and the

three Vedas - Rik, Yajus ans Sama.


Gitaji (9-18)

" gatir bharta prabhu saksi nivasah saranam suhrt

prabhavah pralayah sthanam nidhanam bijam avayam "


I am the Goal, the Supporter, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode, the

Shelter, the Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution, the Foundation,

the Treasure-house and the seed Imperishable.


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Hari Om


Hinduism and Gita analyse the creation differently than science and

right from the beginning focus on the " cause " and not the " effect " .

It is not so in case of science. Science begins the journey

from " effect " and attempts to know the " cause " . Therefore, what

science is finding out say today, Hindu Scriptures found out

millions of years ago. For example- science

Found out only in 19/20 th century that Pluto/Neptune are also

planets, but Hindu Scriptures are stating from day 1 that there are

9 planets circling the Sun. For a long time science believed earth

to be the centre of creation. Gita/Hindu Scriptures never d

to that view and called Sun to be the focal point. Hundreds of such

examples can be given.


Take for example Gita. Lord starts Gita with discrimination between

soul and body . Which science can ever begin so? A Bhakti Yogi right

from the beginning believes " I am of God " . A Jnana Yogi starts

sadhana from " I am Brahma " and never gets down from that level

throughout. A Karma Yogi believes that he doesnot have to " do "

anything for himself, from outset. All three straight away catch the

roots only- and then assess/view/ deal with the world.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Science demands proof of everything and tries to explain everything

but there

are certain things that cannot be explained. Such as which came

first, the

chicken or the egg? How does an inanimate object like the egg turn

into a live

chick? Similarly there are so many things that science cannot

explain. That is

what Swamiji meant when he said that science goes from the leaves to

the root,

which is unnatural while Hinduism goes naturally from the root to

the leaves.

Which means that Hinduism is more logical than science.


Hari Shanker Deo




In Geeta 10/8 The Lord says -

aham sarvasya prabhavo - I am the origin of all.

HE is the root of all and HE is all too.(See Geeta 7/7 Mattah

parataram nanyatkinchidasti Dhananjay) The modern science tries to

search the secrets of nature

1. by physical means and 2. from outside in. This depth is

unfathomable since HE is the deepest secret of all the Creation and

cannot be found by physical means. While Hinduism has proved that by

searching HIM, the creator, the secrets of nature/science which is

HIS creation - are automatically revealed. Jai Ramjiki.


Dr. Shobha S.


A wonderful statement. I would even go further: " Vedaanta goes from

root to leaves, while science jumps from leaf to leaf " .




Naga Narayana



!! Naham Karta Harikartha !!


Hinduism & Science

From the root to the leaves and from leaves to the roots


The thought-provoking manner in which Swamiji has put forth a

comparitive perspective on how our Vedantic religious world view

contrasts with that of the modern scientific world view, using the

example of a process of understanding a tree - from the roots to

leaves or vice versa is really illuminating.


There are ample confusions on this issue even among some very

learned and devout people as much among so-called rationalists and

eminernt philosophers of science.


Generally the basis on which the approach of Hinduism and that of

modern science need to be differentiated must follow from a critique

of following polar positions:


Firstly, the error of absolute identity, which seeks to place our

religious and spiritual traditions and philosophical standpoints at

par with those of science, as if both are not really different and

that they would eventually converge (collapse??) into one another at

some point of time. This error manifests in further litany errors of

claiming that Hinduism is the most scientific of religions and that

from its very inception it has known everything that we otherwise

are now trying to know through science. There is a similar attempts

to portray some of the modern scientists and physicists like

Einstein, as the true " ÿogi " or " rishi " of our times and our own

ancient " rishis " or " seers " of yore as their " poor cousins " ,

crippled by lack of modern scientific methodology and who therfore

resorted to esoteric modes of explanation.


Secondly, there is an error of absolute contradiction, which seeks

to pit both Hinduism and modern science in exclusion and opposition

to each other and as fundementally irreconciliable. This results in

mutual exclusion, wherein those believing in Hinduism fail to

recognise the distinct validity and autonomy of scientific cognition

and think that one's own religion can indeed explain every thing.

There is a mirror image of the same kind of error among some

adherants of science, who think that science can explain everything

and that religion must therfore be consigned to museum of



Religion and science are like two faces of the same coin; they are

only different cognitive tools of realisation and of knowledge and

the subjects their substantive enquiry are different and distinct.


Both are needed to understand the roots and leaves, as much the

trunk and the branches of tree.


!!! Sri Krishnarpanamasthu !!!





Dear Sadaks,

Hinduism gives knowledge from seed to root, from root to leaves,

from leaves to fruits and flowers. Hinduism says about creation that

was earlier and destroyed and again creation came. Great Saint

Poothanam on whose lap Sri Krishna sat, wrote about 13 worlds (other

than our) in Ngyanapana that people exits there. He also sang about

human birth rare. How human raise from lower births. Upanashids

clearly give about black hole. Sri Krishna took Arjuna by Chariot

through black to reach Vaikunt and brought back a Bramin children to


But science go from evidence that exists and call discovered.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


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8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

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words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Hare Krishna


Swamiji has said that `Hinduism goes from root to leaves whereas

today's science goes from leaves to root.' What does this mean?




Varun Paprunia





Hare Krishna


Hinduism goes from root to leaves- I am able to understand this



Although Shobhaji, Madanji, Vyasji and others have addressed the

statement `Science goes from leaves to root', it is still not clear

to me. I mean to ask that where has today's science taken this

approach. Please explain with an example.


Thank You…


Varun P. Paprunia





Hare Krishna


Vineetji, On 27th Aug. 1995, 5.00am, in Jaipur, Swamiji has quoted

this statement. In fact Swamiji's quote was 'Hinduism goes from seed

(not roots) to leaves'. My statement was incorrect. I have heard

this quote in many other discourses and also read it in one of the

books, but not able to recollect it.


Swamiji has only nurtured and fostered Hinduism. What else has He

done? He has spent His entire life in doing so. Each and every word

of Swamiji's are from Hindu scriptures. He has himself said so.(SSS-

page 37 2nd half - left column; and page 522- first para of the

chapter 'Baar Bar ...') The Karan-Sapeksha/Karan-Nirpeksha practice,

worldly-divine (laukik-alaukik) practice etc. are all discoveries

made by Swamiji from Hindu scriptures (which includes Gita) only. He

has only found them which existed before from time immemorial.


Yes, Gita does not specifically mention the word 'Hindu' but it

certainly does give importance to Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). (Read

chapter 'Gita mein Sanatan Dharma'- page 76 of book 'Gita Darpan'.

Concentrate on the last 2 paras of the article.)


What is the problem in Hindus believing Gita to be its' own

treasure? I don't understand your statement. If we Hindus will not

treasure it then who will treasure it? Read SSS page 992- entire

chapter. In fact, you should read the entire 'Samaj Sudhar' section

of SSS. Today's SECULAR Hindu consider it a shame to read Gita,

Ramayan etc. They abhor Hinduism and make fun of its rich historical

characters. They don't even consider Mahabharata and Ramayana as a

historical event. Deep down they consider Hindu scriptures, puranas,

the gods as any poet's imagination, a folk-lore, an impractical

doctrination by some foolish people. In such dire circumstances if

we will not treasure it then who will treasure it?

Vineetji, according to Swamiji- Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism, Hinduttva

are synonyms. He has not drawn any demarcation line between any of

these terms. If He has drawn any, show me where it is?


You said- Swamiji's words are for the welfare of entire humanity.

Absolutely, no doubt about it, because Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma,

which includes Swamiji's words) spiritual truths, i.e. laws for the

smooth functioning of this universe (dharma). As said by Swamiji,

other religions are a product of Hinduism. (Read SS page 925). So

non-Hindus may equally benefit from Swamiji's words there is no need

to be surprised over it. Gita is so broad that even a practicing

Christian and Muslim can use it to follow his own religion! This is

the speciality of Gita. The biggest astonishment of Swamiji's words

is that everyone can relate to it.


Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) is a dharma (eternal laws for the smooth

functioning of this Universe) not a sect (sampraday). You can call

Vaishnaism, Shaivaism, Advaitaism etc. as sects. I don't think I

have wronged anywhere in comparing Hinduism and Science. (Swamiji

has Himself done so.) The main purpose of today's scientific

inventions are primarily- new ways to derive sensual pleasure,

comfort of body, making more and more money etc., which is not the

purpose of human body (according to Hinduism). FYI... Family-

planning initiatives and abortion are also the product of todays'

science only, which Swamiji has condemned for His entire life.


Your 2nd last statement 'Waise aapko bataa saktaa hu ki jahaan

vijnana asamarth hotaa hai, usi bindu se

adhyaatma, (ne ki koyi sampradaayi) praarambh hotaa hai.'

Agreed Vineetji, I would like to point out that the main purpose of

any religion or sect (sampradaya) is spirituality. Any sect is

formed not for fighting, but for walking towards the ultimate goal.


Your last statement 'Kripayaa vijnaan aur adhyaatma kaa tulanaatmak

suchnaa-sangraha avashya kare.' For doing this I will need to know

details of both the subjects. Honestly, I don't know much about both

of them. If you have done 'TULANAATMAK SUCHNAA-SANGRAHA' on this

then please share the conclusions of that comparison with all of us.


And yes, DRILL this down 'Sanatan-Dharma, Hinduism, Hinduttva' are

one and the same. For protecting dharma, God takes avatar. (Again

read SS page 925)


SS -> Sadhak-Sanjivani (Hindi)

SSS -> Sadhan-Sudha-Sindhu


Thank you for the response Mikeji, I will try to get that book.


Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia






Hari Om


In my opinion, it is Mike Keenor's beautiful narration which answers

satisfactorily the question of Varunji. Swamiji made this

observation many times. There is nothing wrong in this observation

and there is no purpose served in changing the course of

deliberations. It is a good question and we should concentrate on

answering the same- rather than giving it a different colour.It is

childish to presume or infer any thing about Hinduism or Hindutva

out of this innocent question. There is nothing to " carefully read "

in the message of Vineetji.. Our religion is a way of life, it is

eternal.. No body has denied the fact that the teachings of Gitaji

and Swamiji are meant for humanity at large. Mere mention of Hindu

Dharma by Varunji while posing a question cannot cause so

called " confusion " . But even Swamiji was proud of Hindu Sanatan

Dharma . So am I. So is Varunji. So should be all of us. What is

wrong in that?


By the way the term " vijnana " (science) may not be only what

Vineetji has described it to be. Every worldly or acquired knowledge

is not " science " . As stated earlier let us concentrate more on the

question rather than deviating from main theme If " Vijnana " is what

Vineetji has defined then what the " Jnana " is?


The entire world knows that Scriptures like Gitaji are for entire

humanity. It goes without saying. Who has denied that? It indeed is

essence of Upnishads. At the root there is Eternal Sanatan Dharma.

It is undeniable. Hence we should concentrate on giving Varunji

examples- if we possess adequate knowledge to do that. I am not a

science student, but even I could give examples of 9 planets etc. Of

course, science begins journey from leaves and aims at reaching to



There is " no grave mistake " of any sort whatsoever in any

statements. The question in no way can cause that conclusion. All

confusions are in individual mind only and no where else.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Science studies and discovers all that are perceived by sense organs

and subsequently conceived as objects, which are always separate

from the Scientist who is the subject of the objects thus conceived.

These objects are empirical in nature(observable and agreed upon by

majority) and are true only relative to one another, not in and of


Objects are leaves, branches, trunks and the Subject is the Root, so

to speak. So science remains at the level of leaves etc. Science

cannot and doesn't have access to that which is the ultimate and

true subject of all such conceived objects. In otherwords, the

ultimate subject, Consciousness is not available as laboratory

sample to be studied. This is the Root and as we know the root has

the access to leaves etc whereas leaves etc don't have access to the



Krishnaji say in Gita: " I " am Kshetragna, the Knower Consciousness

of all objects, and everything else is Kshetra, field of known

including body-mind-intellect etc and as such cannot know " I " . This

means Consciousness cannot be objectified as another object.

When Root is known, all else(leaves, etc) is known, as it is total

knowledge and liberation!


This is how/why Vedanta goes from Root to leaves so to speak unlike

science, as Swamiji may have meant to say.

Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt







Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Your question has compelled me to ask where, in what book or what

particular discourse did Shri Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

say this, which you are quoting. Please kindly share. Swamiji did

not remain nuturing and fostering Hinduism or any particular

doctrine, religious philosphy of a particular sect. Swamiji spoke

for the welfare and upliftment of all beings of all sects and

religious groups. The spiritual truths, the exact explanations and

definitions of words, have in entireness and completeness been on

Gitaji. He has definitely spoken on Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Truths

and Spiritual Laws). The use of the words " Hindutva " or " Hinduism " ,

whether it has been said in the Gitaji and the extent of it's

description, please kindly share? If Hindus believe that Gitaji is

it's own wealth and treasure, then it is a grave mistake. Swamiji

has at all times, in all his writings and discourses, given the

understanding and made it clear that this is for " all of mankind "

(Manavmaatra). At present there seems to be an understanding of the

comparison of acquired knowledge of the world (vijnaan) and spritual

truths (dharma), however that there is any philosophical or

religious doctrine that is particularly special and criticism of

Science, can lead to nothing other than confusion and doubt. I can

say that wherever acquired knowledge from the world (vijnaan)is

incapable, from that very point, spiritual truths (not a particular

religious doctrine) begins. Kindly share the collective

understanding indicating comparisons between acquired knowledge and

spiritual knowledge without fail. Thank you very much.


Vineet, A Sadhak

Vineet Sarvottam




Aapke prashna ne baadhya kiyaa hai ki aapse puchaa jai kis Shri

Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasji Maharaj kab kahaa (kis pravachan mein,

kis lekh mein) yeh kahaa jo aap kah rahe hai. Kripayaa bataayiye?

Shraddhey Swamiji hindutattva athvaa anya kisi mat-sampradaayak ke

paushak nahin rahe. Sahdev sabhi sampradaayi aur mat ke manusyon ke

hit mein likhaa hai. Dharma ki unki paribhaashaa purnatah Gitaji

per chali hai. Sanatana Dharma ke baare mein avashya unhaun ne kahaa

hai. Hindutva athavaa Hinduism shabda ka Gitaji mein kahaa aur

kitnaa varanun hai, kripayaa bataayiye ? Hindu sampradaayi yeh

samjhe ki Gitaji unki sampatti hai toh yeh bahut badi bhool hai.

Swamiji ne sadaa sabhi pravachan aur lekh " maanav maatre " ko

sambodhit kiye hai. vartamaan vignaana aur dharma ki tulnaa toh

samajh mein aati hai kintu kisi sampradaayi vishesh aur vijnaan ki

tulnaa brahma ke atirikt kuch nahin de sakengi. Waise aapko bataa

saktaa hu ki jahaan vijnana asamarth hotaa hai, usi bindu se

adhyaatma, (ne ki koyi sampradaayi) praarambh hotaa hai. Kripayaa

vijnaan aur adhyaatma kaa tulanaatmak suchnaa-sangraha avashya

kare. Sa dhanyavaad.


Vineet, ek sadhak


Vineet Sarvottam







-Shree Hari-


O.K. Varunji,


If you are able to get a copy of 'Raja Yoga', by Swami Vivekananda,

and go to pages 50 through 52, to summarize he writes of how

vibrations set the plane, each plane, invisible to each, and people

on that plane see objects etc on that plane only, but with the use of

Yoga one can see the big picture. Now in my work I often used the

lisague technique, to locate and measure a stream of data amongst

hundreds of other streams, how? By simply synchronizing my reference

to the frequency of the stream I wanted, sounds very much like the

sought of thing the good Swami was talking about. Also remember the

modern physicists now consider all of existence is based on energy

vibration Swami Vivekananda had already said that, remember the

physicists had to travel from the macrocosm to the microcosm as the

methods improved, but the Swami was across the lot.

Now turn to page 57, he saw the coming of wireless energy transfer,

to quote: " This proves that the wire is not really necessary, but

only are inability to dispense with it compels us to use it " , he

based his accurate predictions on the basis of the most ancients of

science, he called the science of Yoga.



With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Science demands proof of everything and tries to explain everything

but there are certain things that cannot be explained. Such as which

came first, the chicken or the egg? How does an inanimate object

like the egg turn into a live chick? Similarly there are so many

things that science cannot explain. That is what Swamiji meant when

he said that science goes from the leaves to the root, which is

unnatural while Hinduism goes naturally from the root to the leaves.

Which means that Hinduism is more logical than science.


Hari Shanker Deo





Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Varunji,

Thank you for a very good question. As pointed out very eloquently

by Naga

Narayanaji, that the science jumps from leaf to leaf. Surely,

science is not going from leaf to the root. it goes from inference

to inference only, it makes us believe only what it can prove. With

the limited equipment (senses, mind and intellect), how can God and

His massive creation (being so unlimited) can be understood or

proved by the limited equipment of human being and the science?


Hinduism goes from root to leaves, we start with a firm belief that

God pervades the whole universe, he is the root, the leaves and

whatever else which remains. There are many verses in Gitaji

relating to this topic, !0-8 and 7-7 have been posted in a previous

response, few more are:


Gita (15-1)

" urdhvamulam adhsakham, asvattham prahur avyayam

chandamsi yasya parnani, yas tam veda sa vedvit "


They speak of an imperishable Asvattha (Banyan) tree* with its root

above and branches below; Its leaves are the metres of the Vedas; he

who knows this, is the knower of the Vedas.

*Asvattha tree is in resemblance of the tree of creation


Gitaji (10-39)

" yas ca'pi sarvabhutanam, bijam tad aham Arjuna

na tad asti vina yat syan, maya bhutam caracaram "


Arjuna, I am even that which is the seed of all beings. For there is

no creature, animate or inanimate, which exists without Me.


Gitaji (14-4)

" sarvayonisu kaunteya, murtayah sambhavanti yah

tasam brahma mahad yanir, aham bijapradhah pita "


All the bodies that come into being from different wombs O son of

Kunti (Arjuna), the Mahat Brahma (the great Prakriti) is their womb

and I am the seed giving father.


Gitaji (9-17)

" pita 'ham asyo jagato, mata dhata pitamah

vedam pavitram aumkara, rik sama yadur eva ca "


I am the Father, the Mother, the Sustainer, the Grandfather of the

world, the knowable, the purifier, the sacred syllable AUM, and the

three Vedas - Rik, Yajus ans Sama.


Gitaji (9-18)

" gatir bharta prabhu saksi nivasah saranam suhrt

prabhavah pralayah sthanam nidhanam bijam avayam "


I am the Goal, the Supporter, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode, the

Shelter, the Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution, the Foundation,

the Treasure-house and the seed Imperishable.


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura



Hari Om


Hinduism and Gita analyse the creation differently than science and

right from the beginning focus on the " cause " and not the " effect " .

It is not so in case of science. Science begins the journey

from " effect " and attempts to know the " cause " . Therefore, what

science is finding out say today, Hindu Scriptures found out

millions of years ago. For example- science

Found out only in 19/20 th century that Pluto/Neptune are also

planets, but Hindu Scriptures are stating from day 1 that there are

9 planets circling the Sun. For a long time science believed earth

to be the centre of creation. Gita/Hindu Scriptures never d

to that view and called Sun to be the focal point. Hundreds of such

examples can be given.


Take for example Gita. Lord starts Gita with discrimination between

soul and body . Which science can ever begin so? A Bhakti Yogi right

from the beginning believes " I am of God " . A Jnana Yogi starts

sadhana from " I am Brahma " and never gets down from that level

throughout. A Karma Yogi believes that he doesnot have to " do "

anything for himself, from outset. All three straight away catch the

roots only- and then assess/view/ deal with the world.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Science demands proof of everything and tries to explain everything

but there

are certain things that cannot be explained. Such as which came

first, the

chicken or the egg? How does an inanimate object like the egg turn

into a live

chick? Similarly there are so many things that science cannot

explain. That is

what Swamiji meant when he said that science goes from the leaves to

the root,

which is unnatural while Hinduism goes naturally from the root to

the leaves.

Which means that Hinduism is more logical than science.


Hari Shanker Deo




In Geeta 10/8 The Lord says -

aham sarvasya prabhavo - I am the origin of all.

HE is the root of all and HE is all too.(See Geeta 7/7 Mattah

parataram nanyatkinchidasti Dhananjay) The modern science tries to

search the secrets of nature

1. by physical means and 2. from outside in. This depth is

unfathomable since HE is the deepest secret of all the Creation and

cannot be found by physical means. While Hinduism has proved that by

searching HIM, the creator, the secrets of nature/science which is

HIS creation - are automatically revealed. Jai Ramjiki.


Dr. Shobha S.


A wonderful statement. I would even go further: " Vedaanta goes from

root to leaves, while science jumps from leaf to leaf " .




Naga Narayana



!! Naham Karta Harikartha !!


Hinduism & Science

From the root to the leaves and from leaves to the roots


The thought-provoking manner in which Swamiji has put forth a

comparitive perspective on how our Vedantic religious world view

contrasts with that of the modern scientific world view, using the

example of a process of understanding a tree - from the roots to

leaves or vice versa is really illuminating.


There are ample confusions on this issue even among some very

learned and devout people as much among so-called rationalists and

eminernt philosophers of science.


Generally the basis on which the approach of Hinduism and that of

modern science need to be differentiated must follow from a critique

of following polar positions:


Firstly, the error of absolute identity, which seeks to place our

religious and spiritual traditions and philosophical standpoints at

par with those of science, as if both are not really different and

that they would eventually converge (collapse??) into one another at

some point of time. This error manifests in further litany errors of

claiming that Hinduism is the most scientific of religions and that

from its very inception it has known everything that we otherwise

are now trying to know through science. There is a similar attempts

to portray some of the modern scientists and physicists like

Einstein, as the true " ÿogi " or " rishi " of our times and our own

ancient " rishis " or " seers " of yore as their " poor cousins " ,

crippled by lack of modern scientific methodology and who therfore

resorted to esoteric modes of explanation.


Secondly, there is an error of absolute contradiction, which seeks

to pit both Hinduism and modern science in exclusion and opposition

to each other and as fundementally irreconciliable. This results in

mutual exclusion, wherein those believing in Hinduism fail to

recognise the distinct validity and autonomy of scientific cognition

and think that one's own religion can indeed explain every thing.

There is a mirror image of the same kind of error among some

adherants of science, who think that science can explain everything

and that religion must therfore be consigned to museum of



Religion and science are like two faces of the same coin; they are

only different cognitive tools of realisation and of knowledge and

the subjects their substantive enquiry are different and distinct.


Both are needed to understand the roots and leaves, as much the

trunk and the branches of tree.


!!! Sri Krishnarpanamasthu !!!





Dear Sadaks,

Hinduism gives knowledge from seed to root, from root to leaves,

from leaves to fruits and flowers. Hinduism says about creation that

was earlier and destroyed and again creation came. Great Saint

Poothanam on whose lap Sri Krishna sat, wrote about 13 worlds (other

than our) in Ngyanapana that people exits there. He also sang about

human birth rare. How human raise from lower births. Upanashids

clearly give about black hole. Sri Krishna took Arjuna by Chariot

through black to reach Vaikunt and brought back a Bramin children to


But science go from evidence that exists and call discovered.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




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Ram Ram



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