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Why Krishna is called Lord and not God? Bhagavan Uvaca refers to Who?

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I strongly believe that Geeta is mother of all the " Shashtras " &

" Vedas " written in India .


At present I would like to get clarification on following question -


1. In Geeta It is said that God is not having body. He is

" Nirakaar " . But Lord Krishna is said to have taken birth. Means he


body. Than does it means that " Bhagawanuwach " in Geeta stands for

somebody else & not Lord Krishna.


2. Normally we attach the prefix Lord to Krishna & Not God to

Krishna. Does it mean that Krishna had taken the benefit of Geeta


some body else & got the position of Lord.


With warm regards






Dear Sadahak Bhavin Shah,


The word `bhagawaanuwach' represents to Lord Krishna only as Krishna

is one of the incarnations of bhagawaan Narayana.


In the Kurukshetra the teaching of Gita continued without quoting

any names as that was a direct speech between Arjuna and Lord

Krishna. Dhritaraasthra and Sanjaya was also not present in the

battle field but their names will be given in the first chapter of

Gitaji and it is clear that it is only the reported speech.

Maharshi Vedyavyasa while scripting this may took the names of the

persons involved started as Dhritaraashtra uvvacha, Sanjaya Uvaacha,

Arjuna Uvaacha and then Bhagawan uvaacha. The name Bhagawaanuvaach

is taken instead of Krishnauvaach is because the maharshi knows that

Lord Krishna is the incarnation of Bhagawaan Srimannarayan. You can

observe the last sloka of Gitaji " Yatra Yogeswara Krishno, Yatra

Partho Dharnudharaha…… " clearly mentions the name of Krishna in

Gitaji. So no doubt the Krishna and Bhagawaan mentioned are one and



Hare Krishna


Sreedhar Acharya


Bhagavan means GOD. It is sanjayen telling Dhritaraashtra due to

Divya Dristi (divine vision), " Bagavan Vuvacha " , saying that

Bhagavan (God) is telling. Again it means that Krishna is Bhagavan.

While Sanjeyan received Divya Dristi he automatically got powers to

know who is who.


Dear Sadaks,This is regard to Bagavan Vuvacha. Let us take a judge

passes a sentence. We say the Judge/Magistrate said in his sentence--

-. But the judge has name may be Ramachandra. When he sat on court

chair, we say judge said. But when he is at home, his

family/friend/neighbour say Ramachandra has come. May be Judge

Ramachandra has Come. Here while telling BG to Arjuna, sanjeyan

could recognise that Sri Krishna is the GOD. Even Duryodhan father

listening to Sanjeyan could not recognise that Sri Krishna was GOD.

Duryodhan blind father had darshan of Sri Krishna as Bhagavan

(Viswaroop, Universal form) at the time Sri Krishna came as

messenger. Height of ignorance due to his Karma cannot know

Bhagavan. In same BG, Sri Krishna tells to Arjuna that this

Bhagavatha was told to Surya Deva. Arjuna asks Bhagavan, that how is

it possible. Then Bhagavan says, " I know you over servaral births, I

know myself over entire period past, and I know the present, and I

know the entire future Oh Arjuna " . Bhagavan Sri Krishna is not in

time circle. One can see picture or idiol in Sri Vishnu sleeping on

snake in Vaikunth and from HIS nabi (navel) Brahmaji with four heads

and 4 vedas was created. The four heads represent 4 yugas period of

Bramaji. Normally Brahmaji is said as creator. But creator of

creator is Bhagavan.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

" Omkar Ved Nirmai " says Guru Nanak i.e Vedas were revaeled by God.

Vedas were revealed by God through the ap-riori knowledge contained

in the human souls of rsis and munnies of yore as mentined in

Atharva Veda. Bhagaved Gita was written much later in Bhisham Parva

Chapter of Mahabharta. Hence Vedas are the mother of all shastras

including Bhagavad Gita.


In Bhagavd Gita it is mentioned study of Vedas is the supreme

virtue. Also there is refernce to Vedas in many chapters of Bhagavad

Gita. Hence it is not correct to say " Geeta is the mother of all

Shastras and Vedas written in India " .


As regards the term Lord Krsihna and not God Krishna or for that

matter Lord Rama, Lord Vishnu the distInction is made between

Nirguna Brhama- formless and ineffable God and Saguna Brahma- god

who is effable with Form. Lord Krishna, Lord Rama are Saguna Brahma

or Ishwaras. The Nirguna and Nirankaar Brahma is the universal God

for the entire mankind and other animate and inanimate life. Adi

Sankarcharya explains this as Brahman the supreme ineffable formless


with regards,

Prem Sabhlok






1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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I strongly believe that Geeta is mother of all the " Shashtras " &

" Vedas " written in India .


At present I would like to get clarification on following question -


1. In Geeta It is said that God is not having body. He is

" Nirakaar " . But Lord Krishna is said to have taken birth. Means he


body. Than does it means that " Bhagawanuwach " in Geeta stands for

somebody else & not Lord Krishna.


2. Normally we attach the prefix Lord to Krishna & Not God to

Krishna. Does it mean that Krishna had taken the benefit of Geeta


some body else & got the position of Lord.


With warm regards






we should know the roots and meaning of 'Lord' and 'God' in ENGLISH.

then we should look for equivalent terms in sanskrit.



as per webster:

Lord =

1: one having power and authority over others: a: a ruler by

hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are

due b: one of whom a fee or estate is held in feudal tenure c: an

owner of land or other real property dobsolete : the male head of a

household e: husband f: one that has achieved mastery or that

exercises leadership or great power in some area <a drug lord>


here the first meaning 'of having power' is same as 'iishwara' which

means one having iishitaa, where iisha = power, one having power

over other.

so 'Lord' translates as 'iishwara', perfect for krishna or vishnu or

the supreme divinity.


iishaa-wasyam-idam-sarvam ... from iishaa-wasya-upanishad


God =

1capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a: the Being

perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator

and ruler of the universe bChristian Science : the incorporeal

divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind2:

a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and

powers and to require human worship ; specifically : one controlling

a particular aspect or part of reality3: a person or thing of

supreme value4: a powerful rulerthe first meaning in english NOW

includes terms as 'ultimate reality' etc. but otherwise they only

use as the 'only true god' as God.


For any of the sanatana dharma divinities, we should NOT use the

word God. but still, it is used while conversing in english as the

closest.so, Lord Krishna is perfect usage.--


shashi joshi




Hari Om


In Gita the 'saakaar', 'nirakaar' , sagun, nirgun all forms of God

are described . Hence it is not a correct statement to say that Gita

denies there cannot be " saakar " form of God. Explaining " nirakaar "

form of God in some verses doesn't mean that " Saakaar " form does not

exist ! All three forms of Paramatma viz " sagun saakaar " , " sagun

nirakaar " , " nirgun niraakaar " are described in Gita.


Hence " Bhagwan Uvach " very well refers to " sagun saakaar " form of

God in the Gita.


Lord, Bhagwaan, Prabhu, Achyut, Paramatma, Devesh, Bhutbhavan,

Bhutesh, Jagatpate, Devdeva, Purushottam, Keshav, Yogin, Janardan,

Vishwarupa, Vishweshwar, Mahatman,Mahabaho, Vishno,Jagannivas,

Hrishikesh,Sarvasvaroop, Yadav, Ishwar, etc, etc they all are

salutations to Krishna only. As Arjuna felt he called God. All refer

to " sagun sakaar " Krishna only.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Bhavin,


Please find my understanding as under in red font after your queries:








I strongly believe that Geeta is mother of all the " Shashtras " &

" Vedas " written in India .


Geeta is essence of " Shashtras " & " Vedas " meaning Geeta came after




At present I would like to get clarification on following question -


1. In Geeta It is said that God is not having body. He is

" Nirakaar " . But Lord Krishna is said to have taken birth. Means he


body. Than does it means that " Bhagawanuwach " in Geeta stands for

somebody else & not Lord Krishna.


Hinduism believes in reincarnation of God – Lord Krishna being one

of them.



2. Normally we attach the prefix Lord to Krishna & Not God to

Krishna. Does it mean that Krishna had taken the benefit of Geeta

from some body else & got the position of Lord.


Please refer first " shlokas " of fourth chapter:


God " Nirakaar " told to Sun he told to " Manu " ….


Than the same got lost to world…. Now imparted to you by me because

you are my devotee and friend.


Hence we can conclude God in form of Lord Krishna gave this

knowledge once again to human kind.


Dr.Paresh Thakkar




Dear Sadahak Bhavin Shah,


The word `bhagawaanuwach' represents to Lord Krishna only as Krishna

is one of the incarnations of bhagawaan Narayana.


In the Kurukshetra the teaching of Gita continued without quoting

any names as that was a direct speech between Arjuna and Lord

Krishna. Dhritaraasthra and Sanjaya was also not present in the

battle field but their names will be given in the first chapter of

Gitaji and it is clear that it is only the reported speech.

Maharshi Vedyavyasa while scripting this may took the names of the

persons involved started as Dhritaraashtra uvvacha, Sanjaya Uvaacha,

Arjuna Uvaacha and then Bhagawan uvaacha. The name Bhagawaanuvaach

is taken instead of Krishnauvaach is because the maharshi knows that

Lord Krishna is the incarnation of Bhagawaan Srimannarayan. You can

observe the last sloka of Gitaji " Yatra Yogeswara Krishno, Yatra

Partho Dharnudharaha…… " clearly mentions the name of Krishna in

Gitaji. So no doubt the Krishna and Bhagawaan mentioned are one and



Hare Krishna


Sreedhar Acharya


Bhagavan means GOD. It is sanjayen telling Dhritaraashtra due to

Divya Dristi (divine vision), " Bagavan Vuvacha " , saying that

Bhagavan (God) is telling. Again it means that Krishna is Bhagavan.

While Sanjeyan received Divya Dristi he automatically got powers to

know who is who.


Dear Sadaks,This is regard to Bagavan Vuvacha. Let us take a judge

passes a sentence. We say the Judge/Magistrate said in his sentence--

-. But the judge has name may be Ramachandra. When he sat on court

chair, we say judge said. But when he is at home, his

family/friend/neighbour say Ramachandra has come. May be Judge

Ramachandra has Come. Here while telling BG to Arjuna, sanjeyan

could recognise that Sri Krishna is the GOD. Even Duryodhan father

listening to Sanjeyan could not recognise that Sri Krishna was GOD.

Duryodhan blind father had darshan of Sri Krishna as Bhagavan

(Viswaroop, Universal form) at the time Sri Krishna came as

messenger. Height of ignorance due to his Karma cannot know

Bhagavan. In same BG, Sri Krishna tells to Arjuna that this

Bhagavatha was told to Surya Deva. Arjuna asks Bhagavan, that how is

it possible. Then Bhagavan says, " I know you over servaral births, I

know myself over entire period past, and I know the present, and I

know the entire future Oh Arjuna " . Bhagavan Sri Krishna is not in

time circle. One can see picture or idiol in Sri Vishnu sleeping on

snake in Vaikunth and from HIS nabi (navel) Brahmaji with four heads

and 4 vedas was created. The four heads represent 4 yugas period of

Bramaji. Normally Brahmaji is said as creator. But creator of

creator is Bhagavan.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

" Omkar Ved Nirmai " says Guru Nanak i.e Vedas were revaeled by God.

Vedas were revealed by God through the ap-riori knowledge contained

in the human souls of rsis and munnies of yore as mentined in

Atharva Veda. Bhagaved Gita was written much later in Bhisham Parva

Chapter of Mahabharta. Hence Vedas are the mother of all shastras

including Bhagavad Gita.


In Bhagavd Gita it is mentioned study of Vedas is the supreme

virtue. Also there is refernce to Vedas in many chapters of Bhagavad

Gita. Hence it is not correct to say " Geeta is the mother of all

Shastras and Vedas written in India " .


As regards the term Lord Krsihna and not God Krishna or for that

matter Lord Rama, Lord Vishnu the distInction is made between

Nirguna Brhama- formless and ineffable God and Saguna Brahma- god

who is effable with Form. Lord Krishna, Lord Rama are Saguna Brahma

or Ishwaras. The Nirguna and Nirankaar Brahma is the universal God

for the entire mankind and other animate and inanimate life. Adi

Sankarcharya explains this as Brahman the supreme ineffable formless


with regards,

Prem Sabhlok






1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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I strongly believe that Geeta is mother of all the " Shashtras " &

" Vedas " written in India .


At present I would like to get clarification on following question -


1. In Geeta It is said that God is not having body. He is

" Nirakaar " . But Lord Krishna is said to have taken birth. Means he


body. Than does it means that " Bhagawanuwach " in Geeta stands for

somebody else & not Lord Krishna.


2. Normally we attach the prefix Lord to Krishna & Not God to

Krishna. Does it mean that Krishna had taken the benefit of Geeta


some body else & got the position of Lord.


With warm regards






In mahabharata, Krishna starts as nobody to Arjuna as Pandavas were

born in oblivion.


Then Arjuna sees a cousin in Krishna. Then he sees a well-wisher in



Then he sees a friend in Krishna.


Then he sees a partner in Krishna.


Then he sees a teacher in Krishna.


Then he sees a counselor in Krishna.


Then he sees The Guru in Krishna.


Then he sees divinity in The Guru.


Then he sees the whole universe in The Divinity.


Then he sees himself in That Universal Divinity.


Then Krishna is Krishna as well as Arjuna as well as all others

around … as well as all the seen and unseen … The Absolute.


But for Krishna, he is everything as such as ever.


Therefore, however whoever is referred in whatever manner wherever,

everything is Krishna and nothing but Krishna.








Brahmaarpanam brahma havih brahmaagnou brahmanaahutam |

Brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahma karma samaadhinam ||


May Bhagavaan Krishna bless us to be Arjunas to seek Him through our

lives blessed by Him.




Naga Narayana.

(A creature blessed with life by The Life)



Dear All,


My sincere appeal to all seekers:-


1.Why should we bother so much on translated meaning of

God,Lord,Bhagwan and so on.


2. Have u ever heard of " Jaat na Puchaye Sadhu Ki Puch Li Jiye Gyan "


3. We have one Gita and because of personalisation of either

institute or cult have created several versions of Krishan Bhagwan.


4. How does it matter to any one whether person who had given

something to understand should necessarily be Bhagwan and lord.


5. Gyan and knowledge is the process and God is a beautiful 'Ehsas'

i.e. a feeling of oneness. why to convert it into different name and

fight over one or other God.


6. Always try to have possesion of such knowledge and divinity which

everyone can understand and you dont need a particular religious

terminology to explain or understand it.


7. Use the university of religion for knowledge/wisdom but then talk

about knowledge/wisdom without becoming PRO of university.


8. Look for commonalities in wisdom and its applicability should be



9. Have mercy on Gita and talk about what you have understood in

your terms about life.


Wish you all the best of knowledge and divinity in grace.


with luv,


Rajesh Kumar Raina,




God is nirankar, all prevading. However from time to time God comes

to this world assuming human form to rid the world of evil and to

show us the right path. One such incarnation was Krishna. The many

names by which Krishna is addressed are all his. The sermons

contained in the Geeta are all Krishna's. Bhagwanuvach means God

speaks or Krishna speaks, which is one and the same thing. Krishna

being God is the Lord of the Universe and as such he is addressed as



Hari Shanker Deo





we should know the roots and meaning of 'Lord' and 'God' in ENGLISH.

then we should look for equivalent terms in sanskrit.



as per webster:

Lord =

1: one having power and authority over others: a: a ruler by

hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are

due b: one of whom a fee or estate is held in feudal tenure c: an

owner of land or other real property dobsolete : the male head of a

household e: husband f: one that has achieved mastery or that

exercises leadership or great power in some area <a drug lord>


here the first meaning 'of having power' is same as 'iishwara' which

means one having iishitaa, where iisha = power, one having power

over other.

so 'Lord' translates as 'iishwara', perfect for krishna or vishnu or

the supreme divinity.


iishaa-wasyam-idam-sarvam ... from iishaa-wasya-upanishad


God =

1capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a: the Being

perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator

and ruler of the universe bChristian Science : the incorporeal

divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind2:

a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and

powers and to require human worship ; specifically : one controlling

a particular aspect or part of reality3: a person or thing of

supreme value4: a powerful rulerthe first meaning in english NOW

includes terms as 'ultimate reality' etc. but otherwise they only

use as the 'only true god' as God.


For any of the sanatana dharma divinities, we should NOT use the

word God. but still, it is used while conversing in english as the

closest.so, Lord Krishna is perfect usage.--


shashi joshi




Hari Om


In Gita the 'saakaar', 'nirakaar' , sagun, nirgun all forms of God

are described . Hence it is not a correct statement to say that Gita

denies there cannot be " saakar " form of God. Explaining " nirakaar "

form of God in some verses doesn't mean that " Saakaar " form does not

exist ! All three forms of Paramatma viz " sagun saakaar " , " sagun

nirakaar " , " nirgun niraakaar " are described in Gita.


Hence " Bhagwan Uvach " very well refers to " sagun saakaar " form of

God in the Gita.


Lord, Bhagwaan, Prabhu, Achyut, Paramatma, Devesh, Bhutbhavan,

Bhutesh, Jagatpate, Devdeva, Purushottam, Keshav, Yogin, Janardan,

Vishwarupa, Vishweshwar, Mahatman,Mahabaho, Vishno,Jagannivas,

Hrishikesh,Sarvasvaroop, Yadav, Ishwar, etc, etc they all are

salutations to Krishna only. As Arjuna felt he called God. All refer

to " sagun sakaar " Krishna only.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Bhavin,


Please find my understanding as under in red font after your queries:








I strongly believe that Geeta is mother of all the " Shashtras " &

" Vedas " written in India .


Geeta is essence of " Shashtras " & " Vedas " meaning Geeta came after




At present I would like to get clarification on following question -


1. In Geeta It is said that God is not having body. He is

" Nirakaar " . But Lord Krishna is said to have taken birth. Means he


body. Than does it means that " Bhagawanuwach " in Geeta stands for

somebody else & not Lord Krishna.


Hinduism believes in reincarnation of God – Lord Krishna being one

of them.



2. Normally we attach the prefix Lord to Krishna & Not God to

Krishna. Does it mean that Krishna had taken the benefit of Geeta

from some body else & got the position of Lord.


Please refer first " shlokas " of fourth chapter:


God " Nirakaar " told to Sun he told to " Manu " ….


Than the same got lost to world…. Now imparted to you by me because

you are my devotee and friend.


Hence we can conclude God in form of Lord Krishna gave this

knowledge once again to human kind.


Dr.Paresh Thakkar




Dear Sadahak Bhavin Shah,


The word `bhagawaanuwach' represents to Lord Krishna only as Krishna

is one of the incarnations of bhagawaan Narayana.


In the Kurukshetra the teaching of Gita continued without quoting

any names as that was a direct speech between Arjuna and Lord

Krishna. Dhritaraasthra and Sanjaya was also not present in the

battle field but their names will be given in the first chapter of

Gitaji and it is clear that it is only the reported speech.

Maharshi Vedyavyasa while scripting this may took the names of the

persons involved started as Dhritaraashtra uvvacha, Sanjaya Uvaacha,

Arjuna Uvaacha and then Bhagawan uvaacha. The name Bhagawaanuvaach

is taken instead of Krishnauvaach is because the maharshi knows that

Lord Krishna is the incarnation of Bhagawaan Srimannarayan. You can

observe the last sloka of Gitaji " Yatra Yogeswara Krishno, Yatra

Partho Dharnudharaha…… " clearly mentions the name of Krishna in

Gitaji. So no doubt the Krishna and Bhagawaan mentioned are one and



Hare Krishna


Sreedhar Acharya


Bhagavan means GOD. It is sanjayen telling Dhritaraashtra due to

Divya Dristi (divine vision), " Bagavan Vuvacha " , saying that

Bhagavan (God) is telling. Again it means that Krishna is Bhagavan.

While Sanjeyan received Divya Dristi he automatically got powers to

know who is who.


Dear Sadaks,This is regard to Bagavan Vuvacha. Let us take a judge

passes a sentence. We say the Judge/Magistrate said in his sentence--

-. But the judge has name may be Ramachandra. When he sat on court

chair, we say judge said. But when he is at home, his

family/friend/neighbour say Ramachandra has come. May be Judge

Ramachandra has Come. Here while telling BG to Arjuna, sanjeyan

could recognise that Sri Krishna is the GOD. Even Duryodhan father

listening to Sanjeyan could not recognise that Sri Krishna was GOD.

Duryodhan blind father had darshan of Sri Krishna as Bhagavan

(Viswaroop, Universal form) at the time Sri Krishna came as

messenger. Height of ignorance due to his Karma cannot know

Bhagavan. In same BG, Sri Krishna tells to Arjuna that this

Bhagavatha was told to Surya Deva. Arjuna asks Bhagavan, that how is

it possible. Then Bhagavan says, " I know you over servaral births, I

know myself over entire period past, and I know the present, and I

know the entire future Oh Arjuna " . Bhagavan Sri Krishna is not in

time circle. One can see picture or idiol in Sri Vishnu sleeping on

snake in Vaikunth and from HIS nabi (navel) Brahmaji with four heads

and 4 vedas was created. The four heads represent 4 yugas period of

Bramaji. Normally Brahmaji is said as creator. But creator of

creator is Bhagavan.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

" Omkar Ved Nirmai " says Guru Nanak i.e Vedas were revaeled by God.

Vedas were revealed by God through the ap-riori knowledge contained

in the human souls of rsis and munnies of yore as mentined in

Atharva Veda. Bhagaved Gita was written much later in Bhisham Parva

Chapter of Mahabharta. Hence Vedas are the mother of all shastras

including Bhagavad Gita.


In Bhagavd Gita it is mentioned study of Vedas is the supreme

virtue. Also there is refernce to Vedas in many chapters of Bhagavad

Gita. Hence it is not correct to say " Geeta is the mother of all

Shastras and Vedas written in India " .


As regards the term Lord Krsihna and not God Krishna or for that

matter Lord Rama, Lord Vishnu the distInction is made between

Nirguna Brhama- formless and ineffable God and Saguna Brahma- god

who is effable with Form. Lord Krishna, Lord Rama are Saguna Brahma

or Ishwaras. The Nirguna and Nirankaar Brahma is the universal God

for the entire mankind and other animate and inanimate life. Adi

Sankarcharya explains this as Brahman the supreme ineffable formless


with regards,

Prem Sabhlok






1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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I strongly believe that Geeta is mother of all the " Shashtras " &

" Vedas " written in India .


At present I would like to get clarification on following question -


1. In Geeta It is said that God is not having body. He is

" Nirakaar " . But Lord Krishna is said to have taken birth. Means he


body. Than does it means that " Bhagawanuwach " in Geeta stands for

somebody else & not Lord Krishna.


2. Normally we attach the prefix Lord to Krishna & Not God to

Krishna. Does it mean that Krishna had taken the benefit of Geeta


some body else & got the position of Lord.


With warm regards






Dear Sadaks,

In simple term, GOD is english word. In samskrit language God is

meant as Bagavan. Those days there were no one called himself

Bagavan, which meant God. Only one man dared to call himself as

Bagavan was Pouderaka Vasudevan, who got killed by his ego. Bagavan

or God or Lord call HIM (Sri Rama or Sri Vishnu or Sriman Narayan)

earnestly with devotion and tears in your eyes, HE will appear so to

you, says BG. So Sadaks, why waste time in elobarating meaning of

words. It is only bhavana (inner sentiments) that takes you near to

God, more than words.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Gita is definitely the mother of all Shashtras because it is essence

of all shashtras. In english we call all Gods as Lord, we must not

confuse the english translation. God descends on earth in different

forms including human form, it does not mean having taken brith. It

is supposed to be understand as Lords appearance for Leela or we may

call it incarnation in different forms to perform specific acts and

disappar again to reach his abode. With Yoga power , Yogis fly from

one place to other in seconds, why not God can? We must not

misconcept all Leela as actions of a common man, nor we should

compare it with common acts of a jugler. I would request you, not to

entertain such silly questions of ignorance which are advanced by

such people who have no basic knowledge. Religion starts from there

where logic lines end, but so far Hindu concept, philosophy and

knowledge is based on YOGIC experience, percieved / experienced by

seers and saints from time to time after vast sadhnas and practices

and I firmly say that all in Hinduism can be proved like

mathematical formulas/ physics practicles in the of inner mind with

YOGA. God Bless we all and illumine our ignorant hearts.


Hari Motwani



Because many Hindus do not realize they are Hindus. " Lord " and " God "

are Christian terms.





In mahabharata, Krishna starts as nobody to Arjuna as Pandavas were

born in oblivion.


Then Arjuna sees a cousin in Krishna. Then he sees a well-wisher in



Then he sees a friend in Krishna.


Then he sees a partner in Krishna.


Then he sees a teacher in Krishna.


Then he sees a counselor in Krishna.


Then he sees The Guru in Krishna.


Then he sees divinity in The Guru.


Then he sees the whole universe in The Divinity.


Then he sees himself in That Universal Divinity.


Then Krishna is Krishna as well as Arjuna as well as all others

around … as well as all the seen and unseen … The Absolute.


But for Krishna, he is everything as such as ever.


Therefore, however whoever is referred in whatever manner wherever,

everything is Krishna and nothing but Krishna.








Brahmaarpanam brahma havih brahmaagnou brahmanaahutam |

Brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahma karma samaadhinam ||


May Bhagavaan Krishna bless us to be Arjunas to seek Him through our

lives blessed by Him.




Naga Narayana.

(A creature blessed with life by The Life)



Dear All,


My sincere appeal to all seekers:-


1.Why should we bother so much on translated meaning of

God,Lord,Bhagwan and so on.


2. Have u ever heard of " Jaat na Puchaye Sadhu Ki Puch Li Jiye Gyan "


3. We have one Gita and because of personalisation of either

institute or cult have created several versions of Krishan Bhagwan.


4. How does it matter to any one whether person who had given

something to understand should necessarily be Bhagwan and lord.


5. Gyan and knowledge is the process and God is a beautiful 'Ehsas'

i.e. a feeling of oneness. why to convert it into different name and

fight over one or other God.


6. Always try to have possesion of such knowledge and divinity which

everyone can understand and you dont need a particular religious

terminology to explain or understand it.


7. Use the university of religion for knowledge/wisdom but then talk

about knowledge/wisdom without becoming PRO of university.


8. Look for commonalities in wisdom and its applicability should be



9. Have mercy on Gita and talk about what you have understood in

your terms about life.


Wish you all the best of knowledge and divinity in grace.


with luv,


Rajesh Kumar Raina,




God is nirankar, all prevading. However from time to time God comes

to this world assuming human form to rid the world of evil and to

show us the right path. One such incarnation was Krishna. The many

names by which Krishna is addressed are all his. The sermons

contained in the Geeta are all Krishna's. Bhagwanuvach means God

speaks or Krishna speaks, which is one and the same thing. Krishna

being God is the Lord of the Universe and as such he is addressed as



Hari Shanker Deo





we should know the roots and meaning of 'Lord' and 'God' in ENGLISH.

then we should look for equivalent terms in sanskrit.



as per webster:

Lord =

1: one having power and authority over others: a: a ruler by

hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are

due b: one of whom a fee or estate is held in feudal tenure c: an

owner of land or other real property dobsolete : the male head of a

household e: husband f: one that has achieved mastery or that

exercises leadership or great power in some area <a drug lord>


here the first meaning 'of having power' is same as 'iishwara' which

means one having iishitaa, where iisha = power, one having power

over other.

so 'Lord' translates as 'iishwara', perfect for krishna or vishnu or

the supreme divinity.


iishaa-wasyam-idam-sarvam ... from iishaa-wasya-upanishad


God =

1capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a: the Being

perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator

and ruler of the universe bChristian Science : the incorporeal

divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind2:

a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and

powers and to require human worship ; specifically : one controlling

a particular aspect or part of reality3: a person or thing of

supreme value4: a powerful rulerthe first meaning in english NOW

includes terms as 'ultimate reality' etc. but otherwise they only

use as the 'only true god' as God.


For any of the sanatana dharma divinities, we should NOT use the

word God. but still, it is used while conversing in english as the

closest.so, Lord Krishna is perfect usage.--


shashi joshi




Hari Om


In Gita the 'saakaar', 'nirakaar' , sagun, nirgun all forms of God

are described . Hence it is not a correct statement to say that Gita

denies there cannot be " saakar " form of God. Explaining " nirakaar "

form of God in some verses doesn't mean that " Saakaar " form does not

exist ! All three forms of Paramatma viz " sagun saakaar " , " sagun

nirakaar " , " nirgun niraakaar " are described in Gita.


Hence " Bhagwan Uvach " very well refers to " sagun saakaar " form of

God in the Gita.


Lord, Bhagwaan, Prabhu, Achyut, Paramatma, Devesh, Bhutbhavan,

Bhutesh, Jagatpate, Devdeva, Purushottam, Keshav, Yogin, Janardan,

Vishwarupa, Vishweshwar, Mahatman,Mahabaho, Vishno,Jagannivas,

Hrishikesh,Sarvasvaroop, Yadav, Ishwar, etc, etc they all are

salutations to Krishna only. As Arjuna felt he called God. All refer

to " sagun sakaar " Krishna only.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Bhavin,


Please find my understanding as under in red font after your queries:








I strongly believe that Geeta is mother of all the " Shashtras " &

" Vedas " written in India .


Geeta is essence of " Shashtras " & " Vedas " meaning Geeta came after




At present I would like to get clarification on following question -


1. In Geeta It is said that God is not having body. He is

" Nirakaar " . But Lord Krishna is said to have taken birth. Means he


body. Than does it means that " Bhagawanuwach " in Geeta stands for

somebody else & not Lord Krishna.


Hinduism believes in reincarnation of God – Lord Krishna being one

of them.



2. Normally we attach the prefix Lord to Krishna & Not God to

Krishna. Does it mean that Krishna had taken the benefit of Geeta

from some body else & got the position of Lord.


Please refer first " shlokas " of fourth chapter:


God " Nirakaar " told to Sun he told to " Manu " ….


Than the same got lost to world…. Now imparted to you by me because

you are my devotee and friend.


Hence we can conclude God in form of Lord Krishna gave this

knowledge once again to human kind.


Dr.Paresh Thakkar




Dear Sadahak Bhavin Shah,


The word `bhagawaanuwach' represents to Lord Krishna only as Krishna

is one of the incarnations of bhagawaan Narayana.


In the Kurukshetra the teaching of Gita continued without quoting

any names as that was a direct speech between Arjuna and Lord

Krishna. Dhritaraasthra and Sanjaya was also not present in the

battle field but their names will be given in the first chapter of

Gitaji and it is clear that it is only the reported speech.

Maharshi Vedyavyasa while scripting this may took the names of the

persons involved started as Dhritaraashtra uvvacha, Sanjaya Uvaacha,

Arjuna Uvaacha and then Bhagawan uvaacha. The name Bhagawaanuvaach

is taken instead of Krishnauvaach is because the maharshi knows that

Lord Krishna is the incarnation of Bhagawaan Srimannarayan. You can

observe the last sloka of Gitaji " Yatra Yogeswara Krishno, Yatra

Partho Dharnudharaha…… " clearly mentions the name of Krishna in

Gitaji. So no doubt the Krishna and Bhagawaan mentioned are one and



Hare Krishna


Sreedhar Acharya


Bhagavan means GOD. It is sanjayen telling Dhritaraashtra due to

Divya Dristi (divine vision), " Bagavan Vuvacha " , saying that

Bhagavan (God) is telling. Again it means that Krishna is Bhagavan.

While Sanjeyan received Divya Dristi he automatically got powers to

know who is who.


Dear Sadaks,This is regard to Bagavan Vuvacha. Let us take a judge

passes a sentence. We say the Judge/Magistrate said in his sentence--

-. But the judge has name may be Ramachandra. When he sat on court

chair, we say judge said. But when he is at home, his

family/friend/neighbour say Ramachandra has come. May be Judge

Ramachandra has Come. Here while telling BG to Arjuna, sanjeyan

could recognise that Sri Krishna is the GOD. Even Duryodhan father

listening to Sanjeyan could not recognise that Sri Krishna was GOD.

Duryodhan blind father had darshan of Sri Krishna as Bhagavan

(Viswaroop, Universal form) at the time Sri Krishna came as

messenger. Height of ignorance due to his Karma cannot know

Bhagavan. In same BG, Sri Krishna tells to Arjuna that this

Bhagavatha was told to Surya Deva. Arjuna asks Bhagavan, that how is

it possible. Then Bhagavan says, " I know you over servaral births, I

know myself over entire period past, and I know the present, and I

know the entire future Oh Arjuna " . Bhagavan Sri Krishna is not in

time circle. One can see picture or idiol in Sri Vishnu sleeping on

snake in Vaikunth and from HIS nabi (navel) Brahmaji with four heads

and 4 vedas was created. The four heads represent 4 yugas period of

Bramaji. Normally Brahmaji is said as creator. But creator of

creator is Bhagavan.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Dear spiritual brothers and sisters,

" Omkar Ved Nirmai " says Guru Nanak i.e Vedas were revaeled by God.

Vedas were revealed by God through the ap-riori knowledge contained

in the human souls of rsis and munnies of yore as mentined in

Atharva Veda. Bhagaved Gita was written much later in Bhisham Parva

Chapter of Mahabharta. Hence Vedas are the mother of all shastras

including Bhagavad Gita.


In Bhagavd Gita it is mentioned study of Vedas is the supreme

virtue. Also there is refernce to Vedas in many chapters of Bhagavad

Gita. Hence it is not correct to say " Geeta is the mother of all

Shastras and Vedas written in India " .


As regards the term Lord Krsihna and not God Krishna or for that

matter Lord Rama, Lord Vishnu the distInction is made between

Nirguna Brhama- formless and ineffable God and Saguna Brahma- god

who is effable with Form. Lord Krishna, Lord Rama are Saguna Brahma

or Ishwaras. The Nirguna and Nirankaar Brahma is the universal God

for the entire mankind and other animate and inanimate life. Adi

Sankarcharya explains this as Brahman the supreme ineffable formless


with regards,

Prem Sabhlok






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Ram Ram



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