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Why are we not Happy and Can't Realize ?

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Priy Sadhak Vrand,

I wish to invite your precious comments, thoughts on deep seer. The

one who is in every ones chetna (consciousness), Sakshi (witness),

SAT (Existence) CHIT (Consciousness) GHAN ANAND (Bliss) SWAROOP

(very self, nature).

Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) why one is

not happy & can't realize.


Raja Gurdasani





Because ... " Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) "

has remained just an idea, a notion, a superstition borrowed from a

reverentially accepted source putting no effort to digest to

appreciate what it could ever mean really.




Naga Narayana.


Dear sadhaks,

Gnana (Real Knowledge) is like a seed in sand called Mind it should

be sprinkled with water called sadhana (spiritual disciplines) to

sprout out of sand to see the Sun (God).

If seed is kept out of reach of sand and water how it will sprout?

So we are like seeds and every one has one.

Like a cover over child in mothers womb agnana (ignorance) is

keeping us away from gnana (knolwedge), the ultimate truth.


Hari Om


Shiva Kumar Shapur


Dear Sadaks,

Chetana means living matter. Achetana is nonliving things like stone

does not move. Sakshi (Witnessing) is Jeevathuma (Embodied soul)

and 5 sheets of Indriya layers (Auras) knows everything being done

and witneses cause and effect. Sat (Real, Truth) is non-destructable

that is Athuman - Self or Soul(Bagavan says cannot be destroyed by

fire, water, or by anything. Conscience is Budhi tells you right and

wrong. Ghan Anand is realization due to Gynana (True knowledge).

Only after realization the Jeeva (embodied soul) understands that

it` s Swaroop (self) is one with Bagavan (God).


The Jeeva knows these. Having known these it is trying to attain the

state of Anandham (Bliss). The happiness said is not real. Happiness

opposite is sorrow, gains opposite loss, health opposite diseases,

and so on. But there is no opposite of Anand (bliss). The happiness

that one experiences are temporary. Ex: Very good amicable wife.

Husband is happy. But she falls sick happiness gone. She recovers

happiness manifests. This interupted happiness that Jeeva

experiences is disliked, and quest for permanent happiness is

sought, thereby Jeeva is unhappy.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram

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Priy Sadhak Vrand,

I wish to invite your precious comments, thoughts on deep seer. The

one who is in every ones chetna (consciousness), Sakshi (witness),

SAT (Existence) CHIT (Consciousness) GHAN ANAND (Bliss) SWAROOP

(very self, nature).

Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) why one is

not happy & can't realize.


Raja Gurdasani





Hari Om


Jeeva is not happy merely because it inspite of being permanent

seeks happiness in temporary.


That I should exist for ever, I should never die - this is desire

for SAT. Jeeva is not happy because it wants to exist with this

body ! Body changes!


That I should know everything- this is desire of CHIT. Jeeva is not

happy because it attempts to gain that knowledge which is worldly.

Knowledge changes!


That I should always be happy, never sorrowful- this is desire for

ANANDA. Jeeva is not happy because it seeks happiness in the

temporary world and worldly things. World changes.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



We notice that our ego always speculates the impossible. Even if 99

people admired your some action, you get all irritation in one man's

unwilling to admire you. Why? The stupid and aimless mind searches

for the unpleasant irritation only as if more interested (yet it is

not!) - how paradox is our nature!


Self-realisation is being Self-alert, the label for the ever alert

nature of an extraordinary person. There is no cause and effect

relationship between Self-Realisation and unhappiness.

Realised people also bereave, they also get happy news; they watch

them as they come and go. We, as yet unrealised souls, get depressed

or excited by them; we are dependEnt.


In reality there is no victim, we feel victimised. Good thing and

bad thingS do happen; they do not happen for anyone, they do not

intend to be anybody's. Vulnerable mind owns them as one's own happy

incident and one's own unhappy incident. This 'mamakara' has to be

noticed by the wise, alert consciousness whose nature is identified

with a realised state.


prabhu shastry





Because ... " Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) "

has remained just an idea, a notion, a superstition borrowed from a

reverentially accepted source putting no effort to digest to

appreciate what it could ever mean really.




Naga Narayana.


Dear sadhaks,

Gnana (Real Knowledge) is like a seed in sand called Mind it should

be sprinkled with water called sadhana (spiritual disciplines) to

sprout out of sand to see the Sun (God).

If seed is kept out of reach of sand and water how it will sprout?

So we are like seeds and every one has one.

Like a cover over child in mothers womb agnana (ignorance) is

keeping us away from gnana (knolwedge), the ultimate truth.


Hari Om


Shiva Kumar Shapur


Dear Sadaks,

Chetana means living matter. Achetana is nonliving things like stone

does not move. Sakshi (Witnessing) is Jeevathuma (Embodied soul)

and 5 sheets of Indriya layers (Auras) knows everything being done

and witneses cause and effect. Sat (Real, Truth) is non-destructable

that is Athuman - Self or Soul(Bagavan says cannot be destroyed by

fire, water, or by anything. Conscience is Budhi tells you right and

wrong. Ghan Anand is realization due to Gynana (True knowledge).

Only after realization the Jeeva (embodied soul) understands that

it` s Swaroop (self) is one with Bagavan (God).


The Jeeva knows these. Having known these it is trying to attain the

state of Anandham (Bliss). The happiness said is not real. Happiness

opposite is sorrow, gains opposite loss, health opposite diseases,

and so on. But there is no opposite of Anand (bliss). The happiness

that one experiences are temporary. Ex: Very good amicable wife.

Husband is happy. But she falls sick happiness gone. She recovers

happiness manifests. This interupted happiness that Jeeva

experiences is disliked, and quest for permanent happiness is

sought, thereby Jeeva is unhappy.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram

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Priy Sadhak Vrand,

I wish to invite your precious comments, thoughts on deep seer. The

one who is in every ones chetna (consciousness), Sakshi (witness),

SAT (Existence) CHIT (Consciousness) GHAN ANAND (Bliss) SWAROOP

(very self, nature).

Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) why one is

not happy & can't realize.


Raja Gurdasani







Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The Self (Swayam) is Existence (Real, Eternal, Truth), therefore

there is no question of Self being unhappy? When the Self, through

it's assumed affinity with the mind, blends with it, then it appears

as though the unhappiness is in the Self. However, even at that

moment, it (unhappiness) is not in the Self. Please kindly read

Sadhak Sanjivani Verse Gita 13:31, in English page 1507, one more

time. Vineet Sarvottam



Swayam sat hai, atah, swayam kaa dukhi honekaa prashna hi nahin hai.

Sukh aur Dukh mana ko hote hai, swayam ko nahin. Jab swayam, mana

ke saath tadaatmai kar letaah hai, toh dukh swayam mein lagtaa hai.

Swayam mein hotaa toh tab bhi nahin hai. Kripayaa Sadhak Sanjivani

shloka Gita 13:31, page 884 (hindi), ek baar phir se samajh le.


Vineet Sarvottam


Namasthe all, this is my humble opinion. Whatever we feel whether

its happy or any other feeling is all the play of that Supreme


It is ok to feel whatever you feel, but once we try to remember that

everything is the play of the Divinity, we feel that whatever we are

going through is only temporary but our inner self will be in that

depth of peace irrespective of whatever happens.




hari om


Ans to the subject is so simple.....


The education system (not only the academic, but from parents,

friends etc) through out the world teaches about the objects around

us. People are made to understand that all the good things in the

earth are made by man. All the scientific and technological

inventions are of man's findings. We are given the education about

the great people, we study the books related to their discovoeries,

inventions etc. We very interestingly study the books written by

such people themselves about themselves, (their 'self'') We fail to

understand that one cannot write about his 'self' as the 'self'

cannot and does not have any 'story' or 'his-story' . People are

very interestingly study about the books written by such scientists,

authors, warriors etc and wander in dream all over to become man

like such people. While somebody wants to become Albert Einstien,

some body wants to become Alexander, somebody wants to become Isaac

Neuton and some else dreaming becoming Bin Ladan. When the

subjects studied and the subjects taught are pertaining to the

matter/object/thing, the thinking and the work of man get limited

to these things/objects/matter. He is not able to think beyond these

things. There is no system of teaching the student about the

subject, that is, about the student. In other words, the first

teachings should be about the student. The student should start

studying about himself.


Since the education system is fully objective, we search for

happiness in objects. The study should be subjective, then you start

searching happiness in the subjects. When one starts studying about

himself, he starts knowing about himself and starts getting

happiness. So the things to be studied are not outside but within

him. Just start studying yourself, you will start getting

happiness. Things/matter/objects or DRISHYA PRAPANCHA cannot

provide man the happiness, contrary, it is enough to give all sorts

of sorrows.


As far as the self-studying is not involved in the process of

acquiring knowledge, man will search happiness in the outside world,

is the reason he is not able to realise.


Hari Omm



Hari Om


Just one example about the study of things outside us............


In the secondary education level, students are taught that we should

not keep drinking water in aluminium pots. When water is kept in

aluminium pot for about four/five hours,

in the bottom of the pot, a white layer is appeared, which is

harmful to stomach/body. We should not use aluminium pots for

cooking food and specially we should not use aluminium while using

tomato, tamrind or such sour things, as it will create aluminium

oxide. This aluminium oxide when reaches stomach, it will create

constipation. Prolonged constipation will/may lead to become ulcer

and ulcer will lead to even cancer.....


This inference reached by the science very scientifically after

number of researches. This is taught by teachers to the students.

Studying this, the students become engineers, doctors, MBAs,

specialists, agriculturists, business man, industrialists etc.


My confusion is, this scientifically arrived inference, when

systematically taught to the students, even after becoming

engineers and doctors, scientists etc., why still in the kitchens

of all these people, including the teacher and the students, all the

pots are still remains of Aluminium. Why not at least the teachers

throw away the aluminium pots from kitchens. ..... Can any body

clarify this....


This is the best reasoning for the reason we are not happy and

cannot realise.


Hari om




Geeta says: Similar to the Sun (Spirituality) in the cloudy sky

(short term material pursuit).

You need to remove the cloud or make effords to fly over the clouds.

Inner illumination through meditations is more important for long

term Bliss.

Kind regards,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.





Hari Om


Jeeva is not happy merely because it inspite of being permanent

seeks happiness in temporary.


That I should exist for ever, I should never die - this is desire

for SAT. Jeeva is not happy because it wants to exist with this

body ! Body changes!


That I should know everything- this is desire of CHIT. Jeeva is not

happy because it attempts to gain that knowledge which is worldly.

Knowledge changes!


That I should always be happy, never sorrowful- this is desire for

ANANDA. Jeeva is not happy because it seeks happiness in the

temporary world and worldly things. World changes.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



We notice that our ego always speculates the impossible. Even if 99

people admired your some action, you get all irritation in one man's

unwilling to admire you. Why? The stupid and aimless mind searches

for the unpleasant irritation only as if more interested (yet it is

not!) - how paradox is our nature!


Self-realisation is being Self-alert, the label for the ever alert

nature of an extraordinary person. There is no cause and effect

relationship between Self-Realisation and unhappiness.

Realised people also bereave, they also get happy news; they watch

them as they come and go. We, as yet unrealised souls, get depressed

or excited by them; we are dependEnt.


In reality there is no victim, we feel victimised. Good thing and

bad thingS do happen; they do not happen for anyone, they do not

intend to be anybody's. Vulnerable mind owns them as one's own happy

incident and one's own unhappy incident. This 'mamakara' has to be

noticed by the wise, alert consciousness whose nature is identified

with a realised state.


prabhu shastry





Because ... " Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) "

has remained just an idea, a notion, a superstition borrowed from a

reverentially accepted source putting no effort to digest to

appreciate what it could ever mean really.




Naga Narayana.


Dear sadhaks,

Gnana (Real Knowledge) is like a seed in sand called Mind it should

be sprinkled with water called sadhana (spiritual disciplines) to

sprout out of sand to see the Sun (God).

If seed is kept out of reach of sand and water how it will sprout?

So we are like seeds and every one has one.

Like a cover over child in mothers womb agnana (ignorance) is

keeping us away from gnana (knolwedge), the ultimate truth.


Hari Om


Shiva Kumar Shapur


Dear Sadaks,

Chetana means living matter. Achetana is nonliving things like stone

does not move. Sakshi (Witnessing) is Jeevathuma (Embodied soul)

and 5 sheets of Indriya layers (Auras) knows everything being done

and witneses cause and effect. Sat (Real, Truth) is non-destructable

that is Athuman - Self or Soul(Bagavan says cannot be destroyed by

fire, water, or by anything. Conscience is Budhi tells you right and

wrong. Ghan Anand is realization due to Gynana (True knowledge).

Only after realization the Jeeva (embodied soul) understands that

it` s Swaroop (self) is one with Bagavan (God).


The Jeeva knows these. Having known these it is trying to attain the

state of Anandham (Bliss). The happiness said is not real. Happiness

opposite is sorrow, gains opposite loss, health opposite diseases,

and so on. But there is no opposite of Anand (bliss). The happiness

that one experiences are temporary. Ex: Very good amicable wife.

Husband is happy. But she falls sick happiness gone. She recovers

happiness manifests. This interupted happiness that Jeeva

experiences is disliked, and quest for permanent happiness is

sought, thereby Jeeva is unhappy.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram

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Priy Sadhak Vrand,

I wish to invite your precious comments, thoughts on deep seer. The

one who is in every ones chetna (consciousness), Sakshi (witness),

SAT (Existence) CHIT (Consciousness) GHAN ANAND (Bliss) SWAROOP

(very self, nature).

Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) why one is

not happy & can't realize.


Raja Gurdasani





Nothing in this world can make us happy. Once we realise this, the

cause of our unhappiness will be gone. Everything in this world is

maya or an illusion and the more entangled we will be with worldly

things, the more unhappy we will be. We can calm our minds only

through sadhna (spiritual practices), sewa (serving others), satsang

(association with Truth, Holy company) and dhyan (medition) in which

we become one with our true self. Only then will we be able to be

dispassionate about any situation.


Hari Shanker Deo





Why one is not happy?


1) If the question is' why I am not happy' ,there is still hope of

finding the causes and eliminating the same one by one.Wrong

question leads to wrong and useless answer.


2)Gita is full of reasons for unhappiness and means to overcome the



3)One may refer to verses:-

a. 62 & 63 of 2nd chapter regarding always thinking about

materialistic objects(vishay) and consequences of the same (Gita

2:63 and Gita 2:64)


b. Verse 69 of 2nd chapter which says except for restrained

(sanyami) person ,god is like night to every one. (Gita 2:69)


c. Verse 37 of 3rd chapter about desires an anger (Gita 3:37)


d. verse 34 of 6th chapter about mind being fickle and restless

and ways to control mind (Gita 6:34)


e. verses 7 to 21 of 16th chapter may please be refered to know

the reasons of unhappiness. (Gita 16:7-21)


Gita is full of solutions also but that comes only after

understanding the causes of unhappiness. Studying Gita daily as a

routine is the shortest possible solution to unhappiness in life.


Three/four readings in 3/4 months will enable the heart to open to

the meaning of Gita.It is a divine song.


Only when heart starts graspnig and understanding the intent of

Bhagwan Krishna as mentioned in Gita, one will be full of joy

irrespective of the situations and circumstances best wishes


Ashok Jain





Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The Self (Swayam) is Existence (Real, Eternal, Truth), therefore

there is no question of Self being unhappy? When the Self, through

it's assumed affinity with the mind, blends with it, then it appears

as though the unhappiness is in the Self. However, even at that

moment, it (unhappiness) is not in the Self. Please kindly read

Sadhak Sanjivani Verse Gita 13:31, in English page 1507, one more

time. Vineet Sarvottam



Swayam sat hai, atah, swayam kaa dukhi honekaa prashna hi nahin hai.

Sukh aur Dukh mana ko hote hai, swayam ko nahin. Jab swayam, mana

ke saath tadaatmai kar letaah hai, toh dukh swayam mein lagtaa hai.

Swayam mein hotaa toh tab bhi nahin hai. Kripayaa Sadhak Sanjivani

shloka Gita 13:31, page 884 (hindi), ek baar phir se samajh le.


Vineet Sarvottam


Namasthe all, this is my humble opinion. Whatever we feel whether

its happy or any other feeling is all the play of that Supreme


It is ok to feel whatever you feel, but once we try to remember that

everything is the play of the Divinity, we feel that whatever we are

going through is only temporary but our inner self will be in that

depth of peace irrespective of whatever happens.




hari om


Ans to the subject is so simple.....


The education system (not only the academic, but from parents,

friends etc) through out the world teaches about the objects around

us. People are made to understand that all the good things in the

earth are made by man. All the scientific and technological

inventions are of man's findings. We are given the education about

the great people, we study the books related to their discovoeries,

inventions etc. We very interestingly study the books written by

such people themselves about themselves, (their 'self'') We fail to

understand that one cannot write about his 'self' as the 'self'

cannot and does not have any 'story' or 'his-story' . People are

very interestingly study about the books written by such scientists,

authors, warriors etc and wander in dream all over to become man

like such people. While somebody wants to become Albert Einstien,

some body wants to become Alexander, somebody wants to become Isaac

Neuton and some else dreaming becoming Bin Ladan. When the

subjects studied and the subjects taught are pertaining to the

matter/object/thing, the thinking and the work of man get limited

to these things/objects/matter. He is not able to think beyond these

things. There is no system of teaching the student about the

subject, that is, about the student. In other words, the first

teachings should be about the student. The student should start

studying about himself.


Since the education system is fully objective, we search for

happiness in objects. The study should be subjective, then you start

searching happiness in the subjects. When one starts studying about

himself, he starts knowing about himself and starts getting

happiness. So the things to be studied are not outside but within

him. Just start studying yourself, you will start getting

happiness. Things/matter/objects or DRISHYA PRAPANCHA cannot

provide man the happiness, contrary, it is enough to give all sorts

of sorrows.


As far as the self-studying is not involved in the process of

acquiring knowledge, man will search happiness in the outside world,

is the reason he is not able to realise.


Hari Omm



Hari Om


Just one example about the study of things outside us............


In the secondary education level, students are taught that we should

not keep drinking water in aluminium pots. When water is kept in

aluminium pot for about four/five hours,

in the bottom of the pot, a white layer is appeared, which is

harmful to stomach/body. We should not use aluminium pots for

cooking food and specially we should not use aluminium while using

tomato, tamrind or such sour things, as it will create aluminium

oxide. This aluminium oxide when reaches stomach, it will create

constipation. Prolonged constipation will/may lead to become ulcer

and ulcer will lead to even cancer.....


This inference reached by the science very scientifically after

number of researches. This is taught by teachers to the students.

Studying this, the students become engineers, doctors, MBAs,

specialists, agriculturists, business man, industrialists etc.


My confusion is, this scientifically arrived inference, when

systematically taught to the students, even after becoming

engineers and doctors, scientists etc., why still in the kitchens

of all these people, including the teacher and the students, all the

pots are still remains of Aluminium. Why not at least the teachers

throw away the aluminium pots from kitchens. ..... Can any body

clarify this....


This is the best reasoning for the reason we are not happy and

cannot realise.


Hari om




Geeta says: Similar to the Sun (Spirituality) in the cloudy sky

(short term material pursuit).

You need to remove the cloud or make effords to fly over the clouds.

Inner illumination through meditations is more important for long

term Bliss.

Kind regards,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.





Hari Om


Jeeva is not happy merely because it inspite of being permanent

seeks happiness in temporary.


That I should exist for ever, I should never die - this is desire

for SAT. Jeeva is not happy because it wants to exist with this

body ! Body changes!


That I should know everything- this is desire of CHIT. Jeeva is not

happy because it attempts to gain that knowledge which is worldly.

Knowledge changes!


That I should always be happy, never sorrowful- this is desire for

ANANDA. Jeeva is not happy because it seeks happiness in the

temporary world and worldly things. World changes.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



We notice that our ego always speculates the impossible. Even if 99

people admired your some action, you get all irritation in one man's

unwilling to admire you. Why? The stupid and aimless mind searches

for the unpleasant irritation only as if more interested (yet it is

not!) - how paradox is our nature!


Self-realisation is being Self-alert, the label for the ever alert

nature of an extraordinary person. There is no cause and effect

relationship between Self-Realisation and unhappiness.

Realised people also bereave, they also get happy news; they watch

them as they come and go. We, as yet unrealised souls, get depressed

or excited by them; we are dependEnt.


In reality there is no victim, we feel victimised. Good thing and

bad thingS do happen; they do not happen for anyone, they do not

intend to be anybody's. Vulnerable mind owns them as one's own happy

incident and one's own unhappy incident. This 'mamakara' has to be

noticed by the wise, alert consciousness whose nature is identified

with a realised state.


prabhu shastry





Because ... " Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) "

has remained just an idea, a notion, a superstition borrowed from a

reverentially accepted source putting no effort to digest to

appreciate what it could ever mean really.




Naga Narayana.


Dear sadhaks,

Gnana (Real Knowledge) is like a seed in sand called Mind it should

be sprinkled with water called sadhana (spiritual disciplines) to

sprout out of sand to see the Sun (God).

If seed is kept out of reach of sand and water how it will sprout?

So we are like seeds and every one has one.

Like a cover over child in mothers womb agnana (ignorance) is

keeping us away from gnana (knolwedge), the ultimate truth.


Hari Om


Shiva Kumar Shapur


Dear Sadaks,

Chetana means living matter. Achetana is nonliving things like stone

does not move. Sakshi (Witnessing) is Jeevathuma (Embodied soul)

and 5 sheets of Indriya layers (Auras) knows everything being done

and witneses cause and effect. Sat (Real, Truth) is non-destructable

that is Athuman - Self or Soul(Bagavan says cannot be destroyed by

fire, water, or by anything. Conscience is Budhi tells you right and

wrong. Ghan Anand is realization due to Gynana (True knowledge).

Only after realization the Jeeva (embodied soul) understands that

it` s Swaroop (self) is one with Bagavan (God).


The Jeeva knows these. Having known these it is trying to attain the

state of Anandham (Bliss). The happiness said is not real. Happiness

opposite is sorrow, gains opposite loss, health opposite diseases,

and so on. But there is no opposite of Anand (bliss). The happiness

that one experiences are temporary. Ex: Very good amicable wife.

Husband is happy. But she falls sick happiness gone. She recovers

happiness manifests. This interupted happiness that Jeeva

experiences is disliked, and quest for permanent happiness is

sought, thereby Jeeva is unhappy.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram

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Priy Sadhak Vrand,

I wish to invite your precious comments, thoughts on deep seer. The

one who is in every ones chetna (consciousness), Sakshi (witness),

SAT (Existence) CHIT (Consciousness) GHAN ANAND (Bliss) SWAROOP

(very self, nature).

Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) why one is

not happy & can't realize.


Raja Gurdasani





Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

In the brginning, we receive the knowledge that in every Jeeva there

is chetana-consciousness or that we are Sat-chit-ananda. It is simply

information. Unless the information leads us to further inquire and

discover for ourselves the truth contained in it, it just sits there

like seeds in the ground ready to germinate. Water, fertilizer of

Sadhana will make it sprout.

This is one of the reasons why we cannot realize what we are!

Another level hihgher than information is intellectual level, if one

so inclined, which is important.

Here we use mind's logical abilities by questioning everything,

playing devil's advocate with scriptures, engage in Satsangs etc..

While at this level we can still be open to all paths preached in

Gita or Swamiji's teachings.

At some point down the road, we may realize that all efforts by mind

to realize chetan tattva or consciousness is futile.

Now this realization is not merely information or intellectual, if

done in all ernestness. Mind is convinced of this fact. Mind only can

know objects with the help of senses which are limited, and therefore

cannot be my True Swarup.

WHat happens to such a mind? It becomes naturally quiet to pave the

way for God realization. It understands beyond any shadow of doubt

that chetna is not in Jeeva, rather, jeeva is in Chetna, the only

Reality of it. It knows " I was never embodied soul, rather body-mind

appears in I. And Chetna is Itself eternal Sat-Chit-Ananda

experience! mind-body just serves It!

With this Realization, Happiness-Bliss or Wholeness(Purnatva) with no

lack of any kind, eliminates all personal desires, even desire to be

happy or to realize!


Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt


Divine Atmans

Happiness is not connected with the outer world

because outer world is nashvar it has no permanent existence it is

subject to destroyal.A man is always unsatisfied unless and until he

or she surrenders himself in gods feet.If a person feels unhappy

that means he has forgetten his identity as atman because material

world is subject to change and for a sadhak in

his sadhana he has to take it as a golden rule of gold then see the

miracles that will take place in ur life so dear surrender

completely in his feet for complete satifaction.

For a sadhak each and every situation in his life

is a examination or a situation sent by lord to become more strong

dear god loves u and he alway gives u clean green signals that o son

stop running behind materialistic happiness come to me i will show

u the real world of wisdom and one who understands this completely

becomes his devotee and surrender his entire life in his feet

Jai Shri Krishna

Raksh Mehra





Nothing in this world can make us happy. Once we realise this, the

cause of our unhappiness will be gone. Everything in this world is

maya or an illusion and the more entangled we will be with worldly

things, the more unhappy we will be. We can calm our minds only

through sadhna (spiritual practices), sewa (serving others), satsang

(association with Truth, Holy company) and dhyan (medition) in which

we become one with our true self. Only then will we be able to be

dispassionate about any situation.


Hari Shanker Deo





Why one is not happy?


1) If the question is' why I am not happy' ,there is still hope of

finding the causes and eliminating the same one by one.Wrong

question leads to wrong and useless answer.


2)Gita is full of reasons for unhappiness and means to overcome the



3)One may refer to verses:-

a. 62 & 63 of 2nd chapter regarding always thinking about

materialistic objects(vishay) and consequences of the same (Gita

2:63 and Gita 2:64)


b. Verse 69 of 2nd chapter which says except for restrained

(sanyami) person ,god is like night to every one. (Gita 2:69)


c. Verse 37 of 3rd chapter about desires an anger (Gita 3:37)


d. verse 34 of 6th chapter about mind being fickle and restless

and ways to control mind (Gita 6:34)


e. verses 7 to 21 of 16th chapter may please be refered to know

the reasons of unhappiness. (Gita 16:7-21)


Gita is full of solutions also but that comes only after

understanding the causes of unhappiness. Studying Gita daily as a

routine is the shortest possible solution to unhappiness in life.


Three/four readings in 3/4 months will enable the heart to open to

the meaning of Gita.It is a divine song.


Only when heart starts graspnig and understanding the intent of

Bhagwan Krishna as mentioned in Gita, one will be full of joy

irrespective of the situations and circumstances best wishes


Ashok Jain





Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The Self (Swayam) is Existence (Real, Eternal, Truth), therefore

there is no question of Self being unhappy? When the Self, through

it's assumed affinity with the mind, blends with it, then it appears

as though the unhappiness is in the Self. However, even at that

moment, it (unhappiness) is not in the Self. Please kindly read

Sadhak Sanjivani Verse Gita 13:31, in English page 1507, one more

time. Vineet Sarvottam



Swayam sat hai, atah, swayam kaa dukhi honekaa prashna hi nahin hai.

Sukh aur Dukh mana ko hote hai, swayam ko nahin. Jab swayam, mana

ke saath tadaatmai kar letaah hai, toh dukh swayam mein lagtaa hai.

Swayam mein hotaa toh tab bhi nahin hai. Kripayaa Sadhak Sanjivani

shloka Gita 13:31, page 884 (hindi), ek baar phir se samajh le.


Vineet Sarvottam


Namasthe all, this is my humble opinion. Whatever we feel whether

its happy or any other feeling is all the play of that Supreme


It is ok to feel whatever you feel, but once we try to remember that

everything is the play of the Divinity, we feel that whatever we are

going through is only temporary but our inner self will be in that

depth of peace irrespective of whatever happens.




hari om


Ans to the subject is so simple.....


The education system (not only the academic, but from parents,

friends etc) through out the world teaches about the objects around

us. People are made to understand that all the good things in the

earth are made by man. All the scientific and technological

inventions are of man's findings. We are given the education about

the great people, we study the books related to their discovoeries,

inventions etc. We very interestingly study the books written by

such people themselves about themselves, (their 'self'') We fail to

understand that one cannot write about his 'self' as the 'self'

cannot and does not have any 'story' or 'his-story' . People are

very interestingly study about the books written by such scientists,

authors, warriors etc and wander in dream all over to become man

like such people. While somebody wants to become Albert Einstien,

some body wants to become Alexander, somebody wants to become Isaac

Neuton and some else dreaming becoming Bin Ladan. When the

subjects studied and the subjects taught are pertaining to the

matter/object/thing, the thinking and the work of man get limited

to these things/objects/matter. He is not able to think beyond these

things. There is no system of teaching the student about the

subject, that is, about the student. In other words, the first

teachings should be about the student. The student should start

studying about himself.


Since the education system is fully objective, we search for

happiness in objects. The study should be subjective, then you start

searching happiness in the subjects. When one starts studying about

himself, he starts knowing about himself and starts getting

happiness. So the things to be studied are not outside but within

him. Just start studying yourself, you will start getting

happiness. Things/matter/objects or DRISHYA PRAPANCHA cannot

provide man the happiness, contrary, it is enough to give all sorts

of sorrows.


As far as the self-studying is not involved in the process of

acquiring knowledge, man will search happiness in the outside world,

is the reason he is not able to realise.


Hari Omm



Hari Om


Just one example about the study of things outside us............


In the secondary education level, students are taught that we should

not keep drinking water in aluminium pots. When water is kept in

aluminium pot for about four/five hours,

in the bottom of the pot, a white layer is appeared, which is

harmful to stomach/body. We should not use aluminium pots for

cooking food and specially we should not use aluminium while using

tomato, tamrind or such sour things, as it will create aluminium

oxide. This aluminium oxide when reaches stomach, it will create

constipation. Prolonged constipation will/may lead to become ulcer

and ulcer will lead to even cancer.....


This inference reached by the science very scientifically after

number of researches. This is taught by teachers to the students.

Studying this, the students become engineers, doctors, MBAs,

specialists, agriculturists, business man, industrialists etc.


My confusion is, this scientifically arrived inference, when

systematically taught to the students, even after becoming

engineers and doctors, scientists etc., why still in the kitchens

of all these people, including the teacher and the students, all the

pots are still remains of Aluminium. Why not at least the teachers

throw away the aluminium pots from kitchens. ..... Can any body

clarify this....


This is the best reasoning for the reason we are not happy and

cannot realise.


Hari om




Geeta says: Similar to the Sun (Spirituality) in the cloudy sky

(short term material pursuit).

You need to remove the cloud or make effords to fly over the clouds.

Inner illumination through meditations is more important for long

term Bliss.

Kind regards,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.





Hari Om


Jeeva is not happy merely because it inspite of being permanent

seeks happiness in temporary.


That I should exist for ever, I should never die - this is desire

for SAT. Jeeva is not happy because it wants to exist with this

body ! Body changes!


That I should know everything- this is desire of CHIT. Jeeva is not

happy because it attempts to gain that knowledge which is worldly.

Knowledge changes!


That I should always be happy, never sorrowful- this is desire for

ANANDA. Jeeva is not happy because it seeks happiness in the

temporary world and worldly things. World changes.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



We notice that our ego always speculates the impossible. Even if 99

people admired your some action, you get all irritation in one man's

unwilling to admire you. Why? The stupid and aimless mind searches

for the unpleasant irritation only as if more interested (yet it is

not!) - how paradox is our nature!


Self-realisation is being Self-alert, the label for the ever alert

nature of an extraordinary person. There is no cause and effect

relationship between Self-Realisation and unhappiness.

Realised people also bereave, they also get happy news; they watch

them as they come and go. We, as yet unrealised souls, get depressed

or excited by them; we are dependEnt.


In reality there is no victim, we feel victimised. Good thing and

bad thingS do happen; they do not happen for anyone, they do not

intend to be anybody's. Vulnerable mind owns them as one's own happy

incident and one's own unhappy incident. This 'mamakara' has to be

noticed by the wise, alert consciousness whose nature is identified

with a realised state.


prabhu shastry





Because ... " Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) "

has remained just an idea, a notion, a superstition borrowed from a

reverentially accepted source putting no effort to digest to

appreciate what it could ever mean really.




Naga Narayana.


Dear sadhaks,

Gnana (Real Knowledge) is like a seed in sand called Mind it should

be sprinkled with water called sadhana (spiritual disciplines) to

sprout out of sand to see the Sun (God).

If seed is kept out of reach of sand and water how it will sprout?

So we are like seeds and every one has one.

Like a cover over child in mothers womb agnana (ignorance) is

keeping us away from gnana (knolwedge), the ultimate truth.


Hari Om


Shiva Kumar Shapur


Dear Sadaks,

Chetana means living matter. Achetana is nonliving things like stone

does not move. Sakshi (Witnessing) is Jeevathuma (Embodied soul)

and 5 sheets of Indriya layers (Auras) knows everything being done

and witneses cause and effect. Sat (Real, Truth) is non-destructable

that is Athuman - Self or Soul(Bagavan says cannot be destroyed by

fire, water, or by anything. Conscience is Budhi tells you right and

wrong. Ghan Anand is realization due to Gynana (True knowledge).

Only after realization the Jeeva (embodied soul) understands that

it` s Swaroop (self) is one with Bagavan (God).


The Jeeva knows these. Having known these it is trying to attain the

state of Anandham (Bliss). The happiness said is not real. Happiness

opposite is sorrow, gains opposite loss, health opposite diseases,

and so on. But there is no opposite of Anand (bliss). The happiness

that one experiences are temporary. Ex: Very good amicable wife.

Husband is happy. But she falls sick happiness gone. She recovers

happiness manifests. This interupted happiness that Jeeva

experiences is disliked, and quest for permanent happiness is

sought, thereby Jeeva is unhappy.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shree Hari

Ram Ram


You will be receiving several extra postings today, to clear the

pending queue.


Gita Talk Moderator




Priy Sadhak Vrand,

I wish to invite your precious comments, thoughts on deep seer. The

one who is in every ones chetna (consciousness), Sakshi (witness),

SAT (Existence) CHIT (Consciousness) GHAN ANAND (Bliss) SWAROOP

(very self, nature).

Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) why one is

not happy & can't realize.


Raja Gurdasani






Dear Sadaks,

From body alone everything starts. Mother, father, wife etc.and also

pleasures and sufferings, use of body mechanism to see, feel,

imagine, crave etc. So as long as one is attached to the body, he is

not happy. Take any saint, he first abandons the pleasures of the

body, wealth, and detaches himself from world. One requires nothing

(even body) to be happy. That is why they do not feel the sufferings

of the body or body related matters. Swaroop (Self, Spirit, Atma) is

Anand which they know. Our Swaroop (Self) due to affinity with the

body is filled with desire, anger, jealousy etc. We only have to

realize our swaroop (Self, Spirit, Consciousness).

Jai Sri Krishna


baiya sathyanarayan




Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

In the brginning, we receive the knowledge that in every Jeeva there

is chetana-consciousness or that we are Sat-chit-ananda. It is simply

information. Unless the information leads us to further inquire and

discover for ourselves the truth contained in it, it just sits there

like seeds in the ground ready to germinate. Water, fertilizer of

Sadhana will make it sprout.

This is one of the reasons why we cannot realize what we are!

Another level hihgher than information is intellectual level, if one

so inclined, which is important.

Here we use mind's logical abilities by questioning everything,

playing devil's advocate with scriptures, engage in Satsangs etc..

While at this level we can still be open to all paths preached in

Gita or Swamiji's teachings.

At some point down the road, we may realize that all efforts by mind

to realize chetan tattva or consciousness is futile.

Now this realization is not merely information or intellectual, if

done in all ernestness. Mind is convinced of this fact. Mind only can

know objects with the help of senses which are limited, and therefore

cannot be my True Swarup.

WHat happens to such a mind? It becomes naturally quiet to pave the

way for God realization. It understands beyond any shadow of doubt

that chetna is not in Jeeva, rather, jeeva is in Chetna, the only

Reality of it. It knows " I was never embodied soul, rather body-mind

appears in I. And Chetna is Itself eternal Sat-Chit-Ananda

experience! mind-body just serves It!

With this Realization, Happiness-Bliss or Wholeness(Purnatva) with no

lack of any kind, eliminates all personal desires, even desire to be

happy or to realize!


Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt


Divine Atmans

Happiness is not connected with the outer world

because outer world is nashvar it has no permanent existence it is

subject to destroyal.A man is always unsatisfied unless and until he

or she surrenders himself in gods feet.If a person feels unhappy

that means he has forgetten his identity as atman because material

world is subject to change and for a sadhak in

his sadhana he has to take it as a golden rule of gold then see the

miracles that will take place in ur life so dear surrender

completely in his feet for complete satifaction.

For a sadhak each and every situation in his life

is a examination or a situation sent by lord to become more strong

dear god loves u and he alway gives u clean green signals that o son

stop running behind materialistic happiness come to me i will show

u the real world of wisdom and one who understands this completely

becomes his devotee and surrender his entire life in his feet

Jai Shri Krishna

Raksh Mehra





Nothing in this world can make us happy. Once we realise this, the

cause of our unhappiness will be gone. Everything in this world is

maya or an illusion and the more entangled we will be with worldly

things, the more unhappy we will be. We can calm our minds only

through sadhna (spiritual practices), sewa (serving others), satsang

(association with Truth, Holy company) and dhyan (medition) in which

we become one with our true self. Only then will we be able to be

dispassionate about any situation.


Hari Shanker Deo





Why one is not happy?


1) If the question is' why I am not happy' ,there is still hope of

finding the causes and eliminating the same one by one.Wrong

question leads to wrong and useless answer.


2)Gita is full of reasons for unhappiness and means to overcome the



3)One may refer to verses:-

a. 62 & 63 of 2nd chapter regarding always thinking about

materialistic objects(vishay) and consequences of the same (Gita

2:63 and Gita 2:64)


b. Verse 69 of 2nd chapter which says except for restrained

(sanyami) person ,god is like night to every one. (Gita 2:69)


c. Verse 37 of 3rd chapter about desires an anger (Gita 3:37)


d. verse 34 of 6th chapter about mind being fickle and restless

and ways to control mind (Gita 6:34)


e. verses 7 to 21 of 16th chapter may please be refered to know

the reasons of unhappiness. (Gita 16:7-21)


Gita is full of solutions also but that comes only after

understanding the causes of unhappiness. Studying Gita daily as a

routine is the shortest possible solution to unhappiness in life.


Three/four readings in 3/4 months will enable the heart to open to

the meaning of Gita.It is a divine song.


Only when heart starts graspnig and understanding the intent of

Bhagwan Krishna as mentioned in Gita, one will be full of joy

irrespective of the situations and circumstances best wishes


Ashok Jain





Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The Self (Swayam) is Existence (Real, Eternal, Truth), therefore

there is no question of Self being unhappy? When the Self, through

it's assumed affinity with the mind, blends with it, then it appears

as though the unhappiness is in the Self. However, even at that

moment, it (unhappiness) is not in the Self. Please kindly read

Sadhak Sanjivani Verse Gita 13:31, in English page 1507, one more

time. Vineet Sarvottam



Swayam sat hai, atah, swayam kaa dukhi honekaa prashna hi nahin hai.

Sukh aur Dukh mana ko hote hai, swayam ko nahin. Jab swayam, mana

ke saath tadaatmai kar letaah hai, toh dukh swayam mein lagtaa hai.

Swayam mein hotaa toh tab bhi nahin hai. Kripayaa Sadhak Sanjivani

shloka Gita 13:31, page 884 (hindi), ek baar phir se samajh le.


Vineet Sarvottam


Namasthe all, this is my humble opinion. Whatever we feel whether

its happy or any other feeling is all the play of that Supreme


It is ok to feel whatever you feel, but once we try to remember that

everything is the play of the Divinity, we feel that whatever we are

going through is only temporary but our inner self will be in that

depth of peace irrespective of whatever happens.




hari om


Ans to the subject is so simple.....


The education system (not only the academic, but from parents,

friends etc) through out the world teaches about the objects around

us. People are made to understand that all the good things in the

earth are made by man. All the scientific and technological

inventions are of man's findings. We are given the education about

the great people, we study the books related to their discovoeries,

inventions etc. We very interestingly study the books written by

such people themselves about themselves, (their 'self'') We fail to

understand that one cannot write about his 'self' as the 'self'

cannot and does not have any 'story' or 'his-story' . People are

very interestingly study about the books written by such scientists,

authors, warriors etc and wander in dream all over to become man

like such people. While somebody wants to become Albert Einstien,

some body wants to become Alexander, somebody wants to become Isaac

Neuton and some else dreaming becoming Bin Ladan. When the

subjects studied and the subjects taught are pertaining to the

matter/object/thing, the thinking and the work of man get limited

to these things/objects/matter. He is not able to think beyond these

things. There is no system of teaching the student about the

subject, that is, about the student. In other words, the first

teachings should be about the student. The student should start

studying about himself.


Since the education system is fully objective, we search for

happiness in objects. The study should be subjective, then you start

searching happiness in the subjects. When one starts studying about

himself, he starts knowing about himself and starts getting

happiness. So the things to be studied are not outside but within

him. Just start studying yourself, you will start getting

happiness. Things/matter/objects or DRISHYA PRAPANCHA cannot

provide man the happiness, contrary, it is enough to give all sorts

of sorrows.


As far as the self-studying is not involved in the process of

acquiring knowledge, man will search happiness in the outside world,

is the reason he is not able to realise.


Hari Omm



Hari Om


Just one example about the study of things outside us............


In the secondary education level, students are taught that we should

not keep drinking water in aluminium pots. When water is kept in

aluminium pot for about four/five hours,

in the bottom of the pot, a white layer is appeared, which is

harmful to stomach/body. We should not use aluminium pots for

cooking food and specially we should not use aluminium while using

tomato, tamrind or such sour things, as it will create aluminium

oxide. This aluminium oxide when reaches stomach, it will create

constipation. Prolonged constipation will/may lead to become ulcer

and ulcer will lead to even cancer.....


This inference reached by the science very scientifically after

number of researches. This is taught by teachers to the students.

Studying this, the students become engineers, doctors, MBAs,

specialists, agriculturists, business man, industrialists etc.


My confusion is, this scientifically arrived inference, when

systematically taught to the students, even after becoming

engineers and doctors, scientists etc., why still in the kitchens

of all these people, including the teacher and the students, all the

pots are still remains of Aluminium. Why not at least the teachers

throw away the aluminium pots from kitchens. ..... Can any body

clarify this....


This is the best reasoning for the reason we are not happy and

cannot realise.


Hari om




Geeta says: Similar to the Sun (Spirituality) in the cloudy sky

(short term material pursuit).

You need to remove the cloud or make effords to fly over the clouds.

Inner illumination through meditations is more important for long

term Bliss.

Kind regards,

Dr BalMukund Bhala.





Hari Om


Jeeva is not happy merely because it inspite of being permanent

seeks happiness in temporary.


That I should exist for ever, I should never die - this is desire

for SAT. Jeeva is not happy because it wants to exist with this

body ! Body changes!


That I should know everything- this is desire of CHIT. Jeeva is not

happy because it attempts to gain that knowledge which is worldly.

Knowledge changes!


That I should always be happy, never sorrowful- this is desire for

ANANDA. Jeeva is not happy because it seeks happiness in the

temporary world and worldly things. World changes.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



We notice that our ego always speculates the impossible. Even if 99

people admired your some action, you get all irritation in one man's

unwilling to admire you. Why? The stupid and aimless mind searches

for the unpleasant irritation only as if more interested (yet it is

not!) - how paradox is our nature!


Self-realisation is being Self-alert, the label for the ever alert

nature of an extraordinary person. There is no cause and effect

relationship between Self-Realisation and unhappiness.

Realised people also bereave, they also get happy news; they watch

them as they come and go. We, as yet unrealised souls, get depressed

or excited by them; we are dependEnt.


In reality there is no victim, we feel victimised. Good thing and

bad thingS do happen; they do not happen for anyone, they do not

intend to be anybody's. Vulnerable mind owns them as one's own happy

incident and one's own unhappy incident. This 'mamakara' has to be

noticed by the wise, alert consciousness whose nature is identified

with a realised state.


prabhu shastry





Because ... " Having chetan (this illumination) in every jeev (being) "

has remained just an idea, a notion, a superstition borrowed from a

reverentially accepted source putting no effort to digest to

appreciate what it could ever mean really.




Naga Narayana.


Dear sadhaks,

Gnana (Real Knowledge) is like a seed in sand called Mind it should

be sprinkled with water called sadhana (spiritual disciplines) to

sprout out of sand to see the Sun (God).

If seed is kept out of reach of sand and water how it will sprout?

So we are like seeds and every one has one.

Like a cover over child in mothers womb agnana (ignorance) is

keeping us away from gnana (knolwedge), the ultimate truth.


Hari Om


Shiva Kumar Shapur


Dear Sadaks,

Chetana means living matter. Achetana is nonliving things like stone

does not move. Sakshi (Witnessing) is Jeevathuma (Embodied soul)

and 5 sheets of Indriya layers (Auras) knows everything being done

and witneses cause and effect. Sat (Real, Truth) is non-destructable

that is Athuman - Self or Soul(Bagavan says cannot be destroyed by

fire, water, or by anything. Conscience is Budhi tells you right and

wrong. Ghan Anand is realization due to Gynana (True knowledge).

Only after realization the Jeeva (embodied soul) understands that

it` s Swaroop (self) is one with Bagavan (God).


The Jeeva knows these. Having known these it is trying to attain the

state of Anandham (Bliss). The happiness said is not real. Happiness

opposite is sorrow, gains opposite loss, health opposite diseases,

and so on. But there is no opposite of Anand (bliss). The happiness

that one experiences are temporary. Ex: Very good amicable wife.

Husband is happy. But she falls sick happiness gone. She recovers

happiness manifests. This interupted happiness that Jeeva

experiences is disliked, and quest for permanent happiness is

sought, thereby Jeeva is unhappy.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




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Ram Ram


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