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On Offering with Devotion - Gita 9:26 Clarification Needed

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Pujya Sadhakas


Jay Shri Krusna


Pl. refer to


Shrimad Bhagwad Gita 9.26


Patram pushpam phalam toyam yo me bhaktyaa prayacchati;

Tadaham bhaktyupahritamashnaami prayataatmanah.


While reading translation of above sloka in Sadhak Sanjivani and an

another Gitaji, the meaning conveyed a bit diff. meaning to me.


May I request the enlightened sadhakas to pl. highlight the perfect

meaning of above sloka by proper sandhi vichhed and meaning of each

sanskrit word?


With warm regds

Vimal Modi



Swamiji's Summarized translation from Gita Prabodhani


II 9:26 II


Patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktyaa prayacchati

Tadaham bhaktyupahrtamasnaami prayataatmanah (Gita 9:26)


Whoever offers Me with love and devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit,

or even water, I accept and relish these devout offerings of that

devotee, whose inner self is immersed in Me. In other words, God

accepts these offerings of devotees.


Comments: In the worship of demi gods (devatas), many rituals and

disciplines are required to be observed; however in worshipping God

no specific disciplines that are required to be observed. In

worship of God, love and feeling of intimacy is more important, not

specific rituals. God values the expressions and feelings. He

does not value the act. Just like an innocent child, grabs anything

that comes in his hand and puts it in his mouth. Similarly, God

innocently partakes in whatever is offered to Him by the innocent



" Ye yethaa maam prapadyante, taams tethayee bhajaamyahum " Gita



Just like Queen Vidurani, offers a banana's peel to God and God

even eats the peel.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Vimalji, Please kindly clarify what you mean by a bit different meaning. What

is the difference you have observed from Sadhak Sanjivani and other

interpretations of Gitaji, that will be helpful to all.




Please kindly provide your feedback or any follow-up questions on the responses

that are received and whether you have understood and gained the appropriate

clarification from the various sadhaks.


From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram






1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Pujya Sadhakas


Jay Shri Krusna


Pl. refer to


Shrimad Bhagwad Gita 9.26


Patram pushpam phalam toyam yo me bhaktyaa prayacchati;

Tadaham bhaktyupahritamashnaami prayataatmanah.


While reading translation of above sloka in Sadhak Sanjivani and an

another Gitaji, the meaning conveyed a bit diff. meaning to me.


May I request the enlightened sadhakas to pl. highlight the perfect

meaning of above sloka by proper sandhi vichhed and meaning of each

sanskrit word?


With warm regds

Vimal Modi



|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Vimalji


What can we give to God, everything is His. In this shloka, God is

not asking for much, only what is ordinarily available, He knows

many may not be able to afford to offer something expensive.


Another interpretation of Gita shaloka: 9-26 follows:


Patram (Leaf) - A mansik patra (love letter) we have to offer,

offering our mind (Gita 12-8)


Examples - (1). Draupadi offers a leaf with dedication and love.


(2). Rukamani offers a love letter to Lord Krishna.


Phalam (fruit) - The devotee offers Karma Phala (fruit of actions)

to God with no attachment to Karma and phala, then he is relieved

from the binding effect of fruits of action, may that be good or bad

(Gita 4-20, 9-28).


Example: Sabri offers berries after tasting them, how much Lord was

pleased, not so much by the berries but her offering with love.


Pushpam (Flower) - Offering the lotus of our flower like heart. In

Hindi, the flower is also known by the word 'suman' (Su+man,

meaning, the good mind),


Example - Gajender (elephant) offers a lotus flower from the lake,

He cried out for God from the deep recesses of his heart, he had

called only half of God's name before God appeared as 'Hari' and

relieved Gajendra from the clutches of crocodile.


Toyam (water) - The devotee sheds tears of joy in true love for God.


Example - The king Rantideva offered water which he was about to

drink after a month long fast.


For worship of gods, a big list of items (pooja samagary) is needed,

a special method has to be observed. Generally devotee worship gods

for fulfilling a desire, to get worldly something. The devotee has

no interest in the worship but just want the things. For worship of

God there is nothing of such kind is required, whatever is easily

available is sufficient, the only condition is that the offering

should be made with a loving sincere heart.


(Gita 4-20, 4-23, 9-28).


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura




Hari Om


Vimalji ! Once you have " Sadhak Sanjeevani " with you, be certain

that you have THE BEST purport. It is a divine permanent gift to

entire humanity by Swamiji Shri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. No body even

equal the value of this Treatise, the question of there being a

better commentary prevalent in the entire Universe than this

Treatise doesnot arise !


Throw all doubts completely. Read Sadhak Sanjeevani only. Stop

relying on or comparing with any other commentary on Gita. Dive deep

with the help of Sadhak Sanjeevani only and trust purports of that



There are 5000 commentaries on Holy Gita in world today. There is no

point in going academic. Trust only Sadhak Sanjeevani. It is trust

worthy. In addition read " Gita Darpan " , and " Gita Prabodhini "

written benevolently by Swamiji only for the eternal benefit of

humanity at large. Ensure you have latest copy of Sadhak Sanjeevani -

as that contains " Appendices " to !


When you read Gitaji, remain in surrendered mode. Use " conscience "

more than " mind/intellect/ego " . " Feel " what is written by Taat

Shree- Swamiji. Think how it is right. " Feel " that it is written for

you only.. If you do not understand something, focus/endeavour or

think so as to correct your own understanding only rather than

getting into a challenging mode for what Taat Shree has written.

Inside you, in your heart, you should believe that what is stated

by Swamiji has to be right. There is no way it can be wrong. Gods

can err but not Taat Shree- Swamiji. Hence only our understanding

can be wrong but not of Taat Shree. What is written by Swamiji

cannot be wrong. If you find difficulty in so presuming (on some

specific observation of Taat Shree) immediately do write to us. Keep

reading Sadhak Sanjeevani. Read, Read and Read. Feel divinity,

feel , feel and feel. There is ocean of nectar.


Jump O Dear Son of God- into that ocean !!


Be firm in your belief that you have the best commentary on hand-

capable of immediately rewarding you

with " Liberation " / " Realisation " . Have no doubts. Even Paramatma

Himself who spoke Gita to Arjuna cannot write a better commentary on

Gita than what Swamiji has written.


Believe in Gita. Believe in Swamiji. Believe in voice of your

conscience. By merely reading again and again you will be getting

better and better.


Read invariably and immediately as to what is meant

by 'shrutivipratipanna' term used in BG 2:53 !!


Brother Mike Keenor ! What do you say ?


Mike ; I know you " may not " be having Sadhak Sanjeevani at your

disposal. But had you had it- then ? Even if you don't have it-

then ? Can you doubt Swamiji - with whatever you have or might

have !!


I wish you had it and knew Hindi and Sanskrit ! But can these be



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B








Dear Friend,


Can there be a single perfect meaning for any sentence or a phrase

or a word or even for a syllable?! That is why there are so many

interpretations – often apparently opposed to each other – for any

scripture. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The meaning is

in the heart of the seeker. As far as the verse removes one's

ignorance to enhance one's inherent bliss, the meaning is good. That

is the apparent idea every other verse throws in The Bhagavad Gita.


As Swamiji has aptly pointed out, the verse conveys to me that,


1. Any act is as good as any other as far as the meaning beneath is

pure to seek God

2. God does not demand any specific act to worship Him

3. Insistance of specific acts to worship God is a big hinderance to

seek Him

4. Perception of any specific act to be offered to God is a Sin

since the seeker is trying to covet all other acts to


5. No specific training is required to seek God this way since any

act (including no act) is as good as such


Natural objects such as flowers, fruits, leaves, etc. are generally

used in our rituals just to remindfully demonstrate to us how the

Nature provides things just to obsorb it back. You can see the life

cycle to make observations like Nachiketa: Sasyamiva pachyate

martyah sasyamivaajaayate punah. The life recycles its resources to

keep itself in continuity. The form of life may change, but not the

life as such. Our body-mind cluster is also provided just like

flowers, fruits, leaves, etc. to be absorbed back eventually. As the

flowers etc. remain part of Nature irrespective of their appearance,

this body-mind cluster also belongs to the Nature as such.

Everything is THAT as such at its inception, during its existence as

well as in its dissolution. That is what such rituals mean to me

personally. That meaning reveals the depth of The Bliss within for

me … so far so good.


As far as you seek meanings that reveals The Bliss within for

yourself, you are good. The ONLY TRUE MEANING IS THE BLISS WITHIN.

Everything else remain useful only for attaining THAT. None can

retain its usefulness beyond THAT. None can remain meaningful

without THAT. None can pretend to be worthy for anything else!




Naga Narayana.


Dear Sadak,

Duryodan offered great buffet to Sri Krishna. But HE refused. Vidura

gave plaintain skins by mistake to Sri Krishna and HE ate. A Bhatt

in Poori Shetra gave dried Roti to Bagavan Jaganath, WHO prefered it

rather than hot fresh food given by another person at temple. Saint

Ekanath gave Kasi Theerth to a donkey in trust, Bagavan Panduranga

appeared. Swamy Ragavandra in his young age gave fruits to Sri

Krishna's statue. Since statue never ate, he cried profusely and Sri

Krishna appeared and took the fruits. Saint Namadev did the same in

his young age and people used to witness the food given to Bagavan.

Namadev while singing Abang he lost thought that Roti and ghee with

sugar by his side. A dog grabbed the roti. Namadev ran after the dog

cought hold of it and fed the dog roti soaking with ghee. The dog

changed to Sri Panduran.


Another saint called Kannapper in south India. He fed meat to

Bagavan Shiva. Seeing this a Bhrahmin named Shivachariyar cried.

Shiva told the Bhrahmin to hide and see what happens today. This

hunter Kannappa brought meat. But there was blood flowing from eye

of Shiva in Statue. Kannapa removed his eye and pressed in the place

of bleeding eye on the statue. Another eye started bleeding. This

man removed the other and offered it to the statue. Shiva appeared

and blessed the hunter. Today great temple stands as witness to it

at Kalahast near Tirupat.

Any offering or even tears is enough to Bagavan. A saint saw Sri

Vishnu by his tears. Bhavana (sentiments) is most important than

offering. Shall continue if sadaks wants more details.









Swamiji's Summarized translation from Gita Prabodhani


II 9:26 II


Patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktyaa prayacchati

Tadaham bhaktyupahrtamasnaami prayataatmanah (Gita 9:26)


Whoever offers Me with love and devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit,

or even water, I accept and relish these devout offerings of that

devotee, whose inner self is immersed in Me. In other words, God

accepts these offerings of devotees.


Comments: In the worship of demi gods (devatas), many rituals and

disciplines are required to be observed; however in worshipping God

no specific disciplines that are required to be observed. In

worship of God, love and feeling of intimacy is more important, not

specific rituals. God values the expressions and feelings. He

does not value the act. Just like an innocent child, grabs anything

that comes in his hand and puts it in his mouth. Similarly, God

innocently partakes in whatever is offered to Him by the innocent



" Ye yethaa maam prapadyante, taams tethayee bhajaamyahum " Gita



Just like Queen Vidurani, offers a banana's peel to God and God

even eats the peel.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Vimalji, Please kindly clarify what you mean by a bit different

meaning. What

is the difference you have observed from Sadhak Sanjivani and other

interpretations of Gitaji, that will be helpful to all.




Please kindly provide your feedback or any follow-up questions on

the responses

that are received and whether you have understood and gained the


clarification from the various sadhaks.


From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram






1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Pujya Sadhakas


Jay Shri Krusna


Pl. refer to


Shrimad Bhagwad Gita 9.26


Patram pushpam phalam toyam yo me bhaktyaa prayacchati;

Tadaham bhaktyupahritamashnaami prayataatmanah.


While reading translation of above sloka in Sadhak Sanjivani and an

another Gitaji, the meaning conveyed a bit diff. meaning to me.


May I request the enlightened sadhakas to pl. highlight the perfect

meaning of above sloka by proper sandhi vichhed and meaning of each

sanskrit word?


With warm regds

Vimal Modi




-Shree Hari-


Reading the various opinions on this question, a thought came to me,

or rather an image of a little child running gleefully with a posy of

wild flowers he/she has picked for mum and dad, seeing no


between them and long stem roses.

Brother Vyas I agree with not getting academic, it can be a trap of

the ego.

I to Sadhaka_insight, so I get a steady flow of discourse

from Swamiji, such 'Great Souls', see into our hearts, thus if one

looks into ones own heart, as you imply, confusion will melt away.

I have met people who are learned in the scriptures, with hearts are

cold as stone, and a knew a sweet soul, whose sacred love traversed

all faiths, I was blessed to know him.

To answer your last question you asked me, I will quote the words of

Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan:

" So if you think you are handicapped in some way, you will find that

your compensation for it is a quality that you wouldn't have

cultivated if it were not for that innate flaw..... one is never so

strong as when one is broken .... "

I pass these comments to all Sadhaks, ones weakness can become ones

greatest strength.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Thanks Pujya Sadhkas, for taking interest & replying.



What is my primary need for the time being is

sandhi vichhed and meaning of each sanskrit word of



Patram pushpam phalam toyam yo me bhaktyaa prayacchati;

Tadaham bhaktyupahritamashn aami prayataatmanah.


(Shrimad Bhagwad Gita 9.26)



Jay Shri Krusna

Vimal Modi


|| Ram Ram ||


Dear Vimalji


What can we give to God, everything is His. In this shloka, God is

not asking for much, only what is ordinarily available, He knows

many may not be able to afford to offer something expensive.


Another interpretation of Gita shaloka: 9-26 follows:


Patram (Leaf) - A mansik patra (love letter) we have to offer,

offering our mind (Gita 12-8)


Examples - (1). Draupadi offers a leaf with dedication and love.


(2). Rukamani offers a love letter to Lord Krishna.


Phalam (fruit) - The devotee offers Karma Phala (fruit of actions)

to God with no attachment to Karma and phala, then he is relieved

from the binding effect of fruits of action, may that be good or bad

(Gita 4-20, 9-28).


Example: Sabri offers berries after tasting them, how much Lord was

pleased, not so much by the berries but her offering with love.


Pushpam (Flower) - Offering the lotus of our flower like heart. In

Hindi, the flower is also known by the word 'suman' (Su+man,

meaning, the good mind),


Example - Gajender (elephant) offers a lotus flower from the lake,

He cried out for God from the deep recesses of his heart, he had

called only half of God's name before God appeared as 'Hari' and

relieved Gajendra from the clutches of crocodile.


Toyam (water) - The devotee sheds tears of joy in true love for God.


Example - The king Rantideva offered water which he was about to

drink after a month long fast.


For worship of gods, a big list of items (pooja samagary) is needed,

a special method has to be observed. Generally devotee worship gods

for fulfilling a desire, to get worldly something. The devotee has

no interest in the worship but just want the things. For worship of

God there is nothing of such kind is required, whatever is easily

available is sufficient, the only condition is that the offering

should be made with a loving sincere heart.


(Gita 4-20, 4-23, 9-28).


Humble regards,

Madan Kaura




Hari Om


Vimalji ! Once you have " Sadhak Sanjeevani " with you, be certain

that you have THE BEST purport. It is a divine permanent gift to

entire humanity by Swamiji Shri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj. No body even

equal the value of this Treatise, the question of there being a

better commentary prevalent in the entire Universe than this

Treatise doesnot arise !


Throw all doubts completely. Read Sadhak Sanjeevani only. Stop

relying on or comparing with any other commentary on Gita. Dive deep

with the help of Sadhak Sanjeevani only and trust purports of that



There are 5000 commentaries on Holy Gita in world today. There is no

point in going academic. Trust only Sadhak Sanjeevani. It is trust

worthy. In addition read " Gita Darpan " , and " Gita Prabodhini "

written benevolently by Swamiji only for the eternal benefit of

humanity at large. Ensure you have latest copy of Sadhak Sanjeevani -

as that contains " Appendices " to !


When you read Gitaji, remain in surrendered mode. Use " conscience "

more than " mind/intellect/ego " . " Feel " what is written by Taat

Shree- Swamiji. Think how it is right. " Feel " that it is written for

you only.. If you do not understand something, focus/endeavour or

think so as to correct your own understanding only rather than

getting into a challenging mode for what Taat Shree has written.

Inside you, in your heart, you should believe that what is stated

by Swamiji has to be right. There is no way it can be wrong. Gods

can err but not Taat Shree- Swamiji. Hence only our understanding

can be wrong but not of Taat Shree. What is written by Swamiji

cannot be wrong. If you find difficulty in so presuming (on some

specific observation of Taat Shree) immediately do write to us. Keep

reading Sadhak Sanjeevani. Read, Read and Read. Feel divinity,

feel , feel and feel. There is ocean of nectar.


Jump O Dear Son of God- into that ocean !!


Be firm in your belief that you have the best commentary on hand-

capable of immediately rewarding you

with " Liberation " / " Realisation " . Have no doubts. Even Paramatma

Himself who spoke Gita to Arjuna cannot write a better commentary on

Gita than what Swamiji has written.


Believe in Gita. Believe in Swamiji. Believe in voice of your

conscience. By merely reading again and again you will be getting

better and better.


Read invariably and immediately as to what is meant

by 'shrutivipratipanna' term used in BG 2:53 !!


Brother Mike Keenor ! What do you say ?


Mike ; I know you " may not " be having Sadhak Sanjeevani at your

disposal. But had you had it- then ? Even if you don't have it-

then ? Can you doubt Swamiji - with whatever you have or might

have !!


I wish you had it and knew Hindi and Sanskrit ! But can these be



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B








Dear Friend,


Can there be a single perfect meaning for any sentence or a phrase

or a word or even for a syllable?! That is why there are so many

interpretations – often apparently opposed to each other – for any

scripture. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The meaning is

in the heart of the seeker. As far as the verse removes one's

ignorance to enhance one's inherent bliss, the meaning is good. That

is the apparent idea every other verse throws in The Bhagavad Gita.


As Swamiji has aptly pointed out, the verse conveys to me that,


1. Any act is as good as any other as far as the meaning beneath is

pure to seek God

2. God does not demand any specific act to worship Him

3. Insistance of specific acts to worship God is a big hinderance to

seek Him

4. Perception of any specific act to be offered to God is a Sin

since the seeker is trying to covet all other acts to


5. No specific training is required to seek God this way since any

act (including no act) is as good as such


Natural objects such as flowers, fruits, leaves, etc. are generally

used in our rituals just to remindfully demonstrate to us how the

Nature provides things just to obsorb it back. You can see the life

cycle to make observations like Nachiketa: Sasyamiva pachyate

martyah sasyamivaajaayate punah. The life recycles its resources to

keep itself in continuity. The form of life may change, but not the

life as such. Our body-mind cluster is also provided just like

flowers, fruits, leaves, etc. to be absorbed back eventually. As the

flowers etc. remain part of Nature irrespective of their appearance,

this body-mind cluster also belongs to the Nature as such.

Everything is THAT as such at its inception, during its existence as

well as in its dissolution. That is what such rituals mean to me

personally. That meaning reveals the depth of The Bliss within for

me … so far so good.


As far as you seek meanings that reveals The Bliss within for

yourself, you are good. The ONLY TRUE MEANING IS THE BLISS WITHIN.

Everything else remain useful only for attaining THAT. None can

retain its usefulness beyond THAT. None can remain meaningful

without THAT. None can pretend to be worthy for anything else!




Naga Narayana.


Dear Sadak,

Duryodan offered great buffet to Sri Krishna. But HE refused. Vidura

gave plaintain skins by mistake to Sri Krishna and HE ate. A Bhatt

in Poori Shetra gave dried Roti to Bagavan Jaganath, WHO prefered it

rather than hot fresh food given by another person at temple. Saint

Ekanath gave Kasi Theerth to a donkey in trust, Bagavan Panduranga

appeared. Swamy Ragavandra in his young age gave fruits to Sri

Krishna's statue. Since statue never ate, he cried profusely and Sri

Krishna appeared and took the fruits. Saint Namadev did the same in

his young age and people used to witness the food given to Bagavan.

Namadev while singing Abang he lost thought that Roti and ghee with

sugar by his side. A dog grabbed the roti. Namadev ran after the dog

cought hold of it and fed the dog roti soaking with ghee. The dog

changed to Sri Panduran.


Another saint called Kannapper in south India. He fed meat to

Bagavan Shiva. Seeing this a Bhrahmin named Shivachariyar cried.

Shiva told the Bhrahmin to hide and see what happens today. This

hunter Kannappa brought meat. But there was blood flowing from eye

of Shiva in Statue. Kannapa removed his eye and pressed in the place

of bleeding eye on the statue. Another eye started bleeding. This

man removed the other and offered it to the statue. Shiva appeared

and blessed the hunter. Today great temple stands as witness to it

at Kalahast near Tirupat.

Any offering or even tears is enough to Bagavan. A saint saw Sri

Vishnu by his tears. Bhavana (sentiments) is most important than

offering. Shall continue if sadaks wants more details.









Swamiji's Summarized translation from Gita Prabodhani


II 9:26 II


Patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktyaa prayacchati

Tadaham bhaktyupahrtamasnaami prayataatmanah (Gita 9:26)


Whoever offers Me with love and devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit,

or even water, I accept and relish these devout offerings of that

devotee, whose inner self is immersed in Me. In other words, God

accepts these offerings of devotees.


Comments: In the worship of demi gods (devatas), many rituals and

disciplines are required to be observed; however in worshipping God

no specific disciplines that are required to be observed. In

worship of God, love and feeling of intimacy is more important, not

specific rituals. God values the expressions and feelings. He

does not value the act. Just like an innocent child, grabs anything

that comes in his hand and puts it in his mouth. Similarly, God

innocently partakes in whatever is offered to Him by the innocent



" Ye yethaa maam prapadyante, taams tethayee bhajaamyahum " Gita



Just like Queen Vidurani, offers a banana's peel to God and God

even eats the peel.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Vimalji, Please kindly clarify what you mean by a bit different

meaning. What

is the difference you have observed from Sadhak Sanjivani and other

interpretations of Gitaji, that will be helpful to all.




Please kindly provide your feedback or any follow-up questions on

the responses

that are received and whether you have understood and gained the


clarification from the various sadhaks.


From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram






1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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