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Few Very Selected Gita Shlokas for Gita Jayanti day Compilation

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Pujya Sadhakas


Jay Shri Krusna


Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti is just a few days away


I know each and every word of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti conveys

a deep meaning, still I would like to complie a list of very very

selected slokas for distributing the same to interested people,

spread the message of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita and arouse interest in

them for further study of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita


So it is my humble request the sadhakas here to pl. help

me in making such compilation.


With warm regds

Vimal Modi




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Pujya Sadhakas


Jay Shri Krusna


Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti is just a few days away


I know each and every word of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti conveys

a deep meaning, still I would like to complie a list of very very

selected slokas for distributing the same to interested people,

spread the message of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita and arouse interest in

them for further study of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita


So it is my humble request the sadhakas here to pl. help

me in making such compilation.


With warm regds

Vimal Modi


Shree Hari




|| Ram Ram ||




Dear Vimalji


Agree with you that all shalokas in Gitaji are special but different

acharyas have preferred certain ones, it is subjective. Here is a

short list of six shalokas for each of the (4) yogas as inspired by

Swamiji Maharaj:




Karma Yoga: 2-38, 2-47, 2-48, 3-19, 3-34, 4-18




Bhakti Yoga: 2-07, 7-16, 7-19, 9-22, 10-41, 18-66




Jnana Yoga: 2-16, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37, 4-39, 13-27




Rajya Yoga: 6-25, 6-12, 6-13, 6-21, 8-12, 8-13




Few more reflections:




.. Adi Shankracarya considers 11-55 as the essence of Gita.




.. Swami Vivekananda said, in 2-3, the whole message of Gita lies

imbedded in this shaloka




.. Sri Ramakrihna said - All that which can be learned from the Gita

can be as well accomplished by repeating " Gita " , " Gita " - Gita-gi-ta-

gita, ten times; it virtually comes to be " Ta-gi " , Ta-gi " - a

modification of " Tyagi " , Tyagi " , which means one who has given up

the world from the mind not just outwardly.




.. From Mahatama Gandhi -


Gita is a dictionary for my conduct, when doubts haunt me, when

disappointments stare me in the face and when I see not any ray of

light on te horizon, I turn to Bhagavad Gita and a verse is there to

comfort me and I immediately begin nto smile in the midest of

overwheming srrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and

if they had not left any visible and indelible effect on me I owe it

to the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.


.. From an unknown source:


" Blessed is the person who studies the Gita daily "


" Twice blessed is he who lives in the spirit of the Gita "


" Thrice blessed is who has realized the knowledge of the Gita "




Humble pranam,

Madan Kaura




Gita sloka 4-24.

" Brahmarpanam Brahma havirbrahmagnow Brahmana hutam'

Brahmaiva thena ganthavyam Brahmakarma samadhina "




shree hari

ram ram


Gita " Api chetsuduraachaaro, bhajate maam ananya bhaak

Saadhureva sa mantavyah samyagvyavasitohi saha " (Gita 9:30)


Simply speaking, even if the worst of sinners becomes Mine, he

should be considered a saint, because he is determined to turn

towards Me, says Bhagwaan.


Bhagwaan has promised us in the Gita that even the worst of worst

sinner, when he turns to God, will very quickly become a righteous

person, and he will attain eternal peace (Gita 9:30-31).


Swamiji says in Bhagwaan's law, there is immense compassion. In his

system of justice, the vilest of sinners can attain salvation, and

on the other hand, His devotees never fall - " Name bhakta

pranashyati " (Gita 9:31). In this there is Bhagwaan's immense

justice and compassion.


Meera Das

Ram Ram




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Pujya Sadhakas


Jay Shri Krusna


Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti is just a few days away


I know each and every word of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti conveys

a deep meaning, still I would like to complie a list of very very

selected slokas for distributing the same to interested people,

spread the message of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita and arouse interest in

them for further study of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita


So it is my humble request the sadhakas here to pl. help

me in making such compilation.


With warm regds

Vimal Modi




FORTY VERSES of the GITA compiled by Gita Society.


(For Daily Reading and contemplation)


I offer my obeisance to Lord Krishna, the world teacher, who is the

son of Vasudeva, the remover of all ob­stacles, the supreme bliss of

His mother Devaki, and whose grace makes the dumb eloquent and the

cripple cross the mountains.


Dhritraashtra said: O Sanjaya, assembled in the holy field of

Kurukshetra and eager to fight, what did my people and the Paandavas

do? (1.01)


Sanjaya said: Lord Krishna spoke these words to Arjuna whose

eyes were tearful and downcast, and who was overwhelmed with compas­

sion and despair. (2.01)


The Supreme Lord said: You grieve for those who are not

worthy of grief, and yet speak the words of wisdom. The wise grieve

neither for the living nor for the dead. (2.11)


Just as Spirit acquires a childhood body, a youth body, and

an old age body during this life, similarly Spirit acquires another

body after death. The wise are not deluded by this. (2.13)


Just as a person puts on new garments after discarding the

old ones, similarly Spirit acquires new bodies after casting away

the old bodies. (2.22)


Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, and victory and

defeat alike, en­gage yourself in your duty. By doing your duty this

way you will not incur sin. (2.38)


You have control over your respective duty only, but no

control or claim over the results. The fruits of work should not be

your motive. You should never be inactive. (2.47)


A Karma-yogi becomes free from both vice and virtue in this

life itself. Therefore, strive for Karma-yoga. Working to the best

of one's abili­ties without becoming attached to the fruits of work

is called Karma-yoga. (2.50)


The mind, when controlled by the roving senses, steals away

the intellect as a storm takes away a boat on the sea from its

destination, the spiri­tual shore. (2.67)


All works are being done by the energy and power of nature, but due

to delusion of ego people assume themselves to be the doer, and

incur Karmic bondage. (3.27)


Knowing the Spirit to be superior to the intellect, and

controlling the mind by the intellect (that is purified by Self-

knowledge), one must kill this mighty enemy, lust, O Arjuna. (3.43)


Whenever there is a decline of Dharma and the rise of

Adharma, O Arjuna, then I appear (or manifest Myself). I appear

from time to time for protecting the good, for transforming the

wicked, and for es­tablishing Dharma, the world order. (4.07-08)


The four divisions ¾based on aptitude and vocation¾of human

society were created by Me. Though I am the author of this system,

one should know that I do nothing and I am eternal. (4.13)


The one who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction,

is a wise person. Such a person is a yogi and has accomplished

everything. (4.18)


Brahma is the oblation. Brahma is the clarified butter. The

oblation is poured by Brahma into the fire that is also Brahma.

Brahma shall be real­ized by the one who considers everything as (a

manifestation or) an act of Brahma. (4.24)


Verily, there is no purifier in this world like Self-

knowledge. One who be­comes purified by Karma-yoga discovers this

knowledge within (naturally) in course of time. (4.38)


But renunciation of selfish motives (Samnyaasa) is difficult

to attain without Karma-yoga. A sage equipped with Karma-yoga

quickly attains nirvana. (5.06)


One who does all work as an offering to the Lord ¾ abandoning

attach­ment to the results ¾ is as untouched by sin (or Karmic

reaction) as a lo­tus leaf is untouched by water. (5.10)


Those who see Me in everything and see everything in Me, are

not separated from Me and I am not separated from them. (6.30)


Four types of virtuous ones worship or seek Me, O Arjuna.

They are: The distressed, the seeker of Self-knowledge, the seeker

of wealth, and the wise one who knows the Supreme. (7.16)


After many births the wise ones resort (or surrender) to Me

by realiz­ing that everything is, indeed, My manifestation. Such a

great soul is very rare. (7.19)


The ignorant ones—unable to understand My immutable,

incomparable, incomprehensible, and transcendental form (or

existence) — assume that I, the Supreme Being, am formless and take

forms. (7.24)


Remembering whatever object one leaves the body at the end of

life, one attains that object, O Arjuna, because of the constant

thought of that object (one remembers that object at the end of life

and achieves it). (8.06)


Therefore, always remember Me and do your duty. You shall

certainly attain Me if your mind and intellect are fixed on Me.



I am easily attainable, O Arjuna, by that ever steadfast yogi

who al­ways thinks of Me and whose mind does not go elsewhere. (8.14)


I personally take care of the wel­fare of those ever steadfast

devotees who always remember or worship Me with single minded

contemplation. (9.22)


Whosoever offers Me a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water with

love; I accept and eat the offering of devotion by the pure

hearted. (9.26)


Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me, and bow

down to Me. Thus uniting yourself with Me, and setting Me as the

supreme goal and sole refuge, you shall certainly realize (or come

to) Me. (9.34)


I am the origin of all. Everything emanates from Me.

Understanding this, the wise ones worship Me with love and

devotion. (10.08)


The one who does all works for Me, and who depends on Me, who

is my devotee, who has no attachment, and is free from enmity

towards any being attains Me, O Arjuna. (11.55)


Fix your mind on Me, and let your intellect dwell upon Me

alone (through meditation and contemplation). Thereafter you shall

certainly attain Me. (12.08)


The one who sees the same immutable Supreme Lord (or Spirit)

dwelling equally within all perishable beings truly sees. (13.27)


The one who offers service to Me with love and unswerving

devotion transcends three modes of material Nature, and becomes fit

for nirvana. (14.26)


I am seated in the hearts of all beings. The memory,

knowledge, and the removal of doubts and wrong notions (about God by

reasoning, or in a trance) come from Me. I am verily that which is

to be known by (the study of) all the Vedas. I am, indeed, the

author of the Vedanta and the knower of the Vedas. (15.15)


Lust, anger, and greed are the three gates of hell leading to

the down­fall (or bondage) of the individual soul. Therefore, one

must (learn to) give up these three. (16.21)


Speech that is non-offensive, truthful, pleasant, beneficial,

and is used for the regular study of scriptures is called the

austerity of word. (17.15)


By devotion one truly understands what and who I am in

essence. Having known Me in essence, one immediately merges into

Me. (18.55)


The Supreme Lord abides in the heart of all beings, O Arjuna,

causing all beings to act (or work out their Karma) by His power of

Maya as if they are (puppets of Karma) mounted on a machine. (18.61)


Setting aside all noble deeds, just surrender completely to

My will (with firm faith and loving contemplation). I shall

liberate you from all sins (or the bonds of Karma). Do not grieve.



The one who shall propagate (or help the propagation in any

way) this Supreme Secret philosophy of the Bhagavad-Gita amongst My

devotees, shall be performing the highest devotional service to Me,

he or she shall be very dear to Me, and shall certainly come to Me.



Sanjaya said: Wherever there will be both Krishna, the Lord

of yoga (in the form of the scriptures), and Arjuna with the weapons

of duty and protection, there will be everlasting prosperity,

victory, happiness, and morality. This is my conviction. (18.78)


May the Lord bless us all with


Goodness, Prosperity, and Peace.


International Gita Society®


(Also Known as the American Gita Society)

Message sent by: light candles instead of cursing darkness.....





Dear Sadhakas,Pranams


Discussion about Bhagwat Gita are very educative no doubt. But I am

hearing about " Rajya Yoga " for the first time. Would some sadhakas

throw more light on the same. Also please quote other references for



Namaskar ;


Suhas Gogate



Jai Shri Krishna!

I would like to send some shlokas but my problem is that I do not

have English Roman, so could you please let me know where can I get

them for entire Gita. thanks.


Satya Kalra


Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||




Dear Vimalji


Agree with you that all shalokas in Gitaji are special but different

acharyas have preferred certain ones, it is subjective. Here is a

short list of six shalokas for each of the (4) yogas as inspired by

Swamiji Maharaj:


Karma Yoga: 2-38, 2-47, 2-48, 3-19, 3-34, 4-18


Bhakti Yoga: 2-07, 7-16, 7-19, 9-22, 10-41, 18-66


Jnana Yoga: 2-16, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37, 4-39, 13-27


Rajya Yoga: 6-25, 6-12, 6-13, 6-21, 8-12, 8-13




Few more reflections:




.. Adi Shankracarya considers 11-55 as the essence of Gita.




.. Swami Vivekananda said, in 2-3, the whole message of Gita lies

imbedded in this shaloka




.. Sri Ramakrihna said - All that which can be learned from the Gita

can be as well accomplished by repeating " Gita " , " Gita " - Gita-gi-ta-

gita, ten times; it virtually comes to be " Ta-gi " , Ta-gi " - a

modification of " Tyagi " , Tyagi " , which means one who has given up

the world from the mind not just outwardly.




.. From Mahatama Gandhi -


Gita is a dictionary for my conduct, when doubts haunt me, when

disappointments stare me in the face and when I see not any ray of

light on te horizon, I turn to Bhagavad Gita and a verse is there to

comfort me and I immediately begin nto smile in the midest of

overwheming srrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and

if they had not left any visible and indelible effect on me I owe it

to the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.


.. From an unknown source:


" Blessed is the person who studies the Gita daily "


" Twice blessed is he who lives in the spirit of the Gita "


" Thrice blessed is who has realized the knowledge of the Gita "




Humble pranam,

Madan Kaura




Gita sloka 4-24.

" Brahmarpanam Brahma havirbrahmagnow Brahmana hutam'

Brahmaiva thena ganthavyam Brahmakarma samadhina "




shree hari

ram ram


Gita " Api chetsuduraachaaro, bhajate maam ananya bhaak

Saadhureva sa mantavyah samyagvyavasitohi saha " (Gita 9:30)


Simply speaking, even if the worst of sinners becomes Mine, he

should be considered a saint, because he is determined to turn

towards Me, says Bhagwaan.


Bhagwaan has promised us in the Gita that even the worst of worst

sinner, when he turns to God, will very quickly become a righteous

person, and he will attain eternal peace (Gita 9:30-31).


Swamiji says in Bhagwaan's law, there is immense compassion. In his

system of justice, the vilest of sinners can attain salvation, and

on the other hand, His devotees never fall - " Name bhakta

pranashyati " (Gita 9:31). In this there is Bhagwaan's immense

justice and compassion.


Meera Das

Ram Ram




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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Pujya Sadhakas


Jay Shri Krusna


Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti is just a few days away


I know each and every word of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti conveys

a deep meaning, still I would like to complie a list of very very

selected slokas for distributing the same to interested people,

spread the message of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita and arouse interest in

them for further study of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita


So it is my humble request the sadhakas here to pl. help

me in making such compilation.


With warm regds

Vimal Modi


Dear Sadak,

Bagavan Said, What happened, happened very well. What happening does

happens well. And what will happen will happen well

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Dear Vimalji Namaskara;


Your requirement is a task by itself. But I will try my hand at it.


(1/20) This is a fulcrum around which Bhagwat Gita (BG) revolves.

Every body goes through this situation as Arjuna

(2/7) Shows the greatness of the Lord, Arjuna (Arj) and depth of BG.

The Lord kept quiet till Arj. surrendered and was ready to receive

knowledge. Knowledge is taken and not given. Arj. was confused and

wanted a guru. He honestly accepted his condition. Depth of BG is

seen in the fact that any action done as per direction of the

intellect is well done.

(2/20-22) Describes the qualities of Atma.

(2/42) Contents are more important than the packing. Lord ridicules

mechanical rituals.

(2/46) An enlightened person has no use of Vedas. It like a pole

vaulter. Use the pole to reach the bar; leave it at a right time. He

can not cross the bar without the pole, He cannot cross it with the


(2/47) Karma yoga is introduced.

(2/55-58) Description of a person with stable intellect.

(3/21) How the leaders should act.

(3/21-24) Lord uses various ways. Personal appeal, fear, threat; so

that Arj may act.

(3/29)Crux of Karma Yoga

(3/35) Principle of right action.

(3/42) Principle of renunciation.

(4/6) Highest Vedantic Philosophy

(4 / 7, 8) Promise by the Lord.

(4/14) Lord functions like an actor on the stage or like petrol in a

car. No play can be without an actor, but the actor has no

involvement in it.

(4/34) Definition of an ideal student.

(5/16) Knowledge develops a person, no matter how long he was


(5 / 27, 28) How to practice meditation.

(6/5,6) Central thought of Atma Sanyam Yoga.

(6/27) Description of the State of realization.

(6/30) Assurance by the Lord.

(9/22 Central thought on which BG is supported. Lord assures

ultimate Realization by own efforts.

(10/40) No end to Lord's manifestations.

(10/42) A philosophical verse. Lord asks, " Why are you stuck with my

manifestations? "

(11/27) Time passes fast. Death can be terrible.

(13/25) Growth is systematic. Bhogi—Yogi—Sanyasi—Dnyani.

(15/8) Concept of Re incarnation.

(18/63) Lord leaves the decision to Arj's intellect.

(18/67) Warning not to pass on this knowledge to those who are

unwilling, disinterested or not devoted.


I have made an effort to list out your requirement, but I do not

know how far I am successful.


With best wishes and Namaskar,


Suhas Gogate







FORTY VERSES of the GITA compiled by Gita Society.


(For Daily Reading and contemplation)


I offer my obeisance to Lord Krishna, the world teacher, who is the

son of Vasudeva, the remover of all ob­stacles, the supreme bliss of

His mother Devaki, and whose grace makes the dumb eloquent and the

cripple cross the mountains.


Dhritraashtra said: O Sanjaya, assembled in the holy field of

Kurukshetra and eager to fight, what did my people and the Paandavas

do? (1.01)


Sanjaya said: Lord Krishna spoke these words to Arjuna whose

eyes were tearful and downcast, and who was overwhelmed with compas­

sion and despair. (2.01)


The Supreme Lord said: You grieve for those who are not

worthy of grief, and yet speak the words of wisdom. The wise grieve

neither for the living nor for the dead. (2.11)


Just as Spirit acquires a childhood body, a youth body, and

an old age body during this life, similarly Spirit acquires another

body after death. The wise are not deluded by this. (2.13)


Just as a person puts on new garments after discarding the

old ones, similarly Spirit acquires new bodies after casting away

the old bodies. (2.22)


Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, and victory and

defeat alike, en­gage yourself in your duty. By doing your duty this

way you will not incur sin. (2.38)


You have control over your respective duty only, but no

control or claim over the results. The fruits of work should not be

your motive. You should never be inactive. (2.47)


A Karma-yogi becomes free from both vice and virtue in this

life itself. Therefore, strive for Karma-yoga. Working to the best

of one's abili­ties without becoming attached to the fruits of work

is called Karma-yoga. (2.50)


The mind, when controlled by the roving senses, steals away

the intellect as a storm takes away a boat on the sea from its

destination, the spiri­tual shore. (2.67)


All works are being done by the energy and power of nature, but due

to delusion of ego people assume themselves to be the doer, and

incur Karmic bondage. (3.27)


Knowing the Spirit to be superior to the intellect, and

controlling the mind by the intellect (that is purified by Self-

knowledge), one must kill this mighty enemy, lust, O Arjuna. (3.43)


Whenever there is a decline of Dharma and the rise of

Adharma, O Arjuna, then I appear (or manifest Myself). I appear

from time to time for protecting the good, for transforming the

wicked, and for es­tablishing Dharma, the world order. (4.07-08)


The four divisions ¾based on aptitude and vocation¾of human

society were created by Me. Though I am the author of this system,

one should know that I do nothing and I am eternal. (4.13)


The one who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction,

is a wise person. Such a person is a yogi and has accomplished

everything. (4.18)


Brahma is the oblation. Brahma is the clarified butter. The

oblation is poured by Brahma into the fire that is also Brahma.

Brahma shall be real­ized by the one who considers everything as (a

manifestation or) an act of Brahma. (4.24)


Verily, there is no purifier in this world like Self-

knowledge. One who be­comes purified by Karma-yoga discovers this

knowledge within (naturally) in course of time. (4.38)


But renunciation of selfish motives (Samnyaasa) is difficult

to attain without Karma-yoga. A sage equipped with Karma-yoga

quickly attains nirvana. (5.06)


One who does all work as an offering to the Lord ¾ abandoning

attach­ment to the results ¾ is as untouched by sin (or Karmic

reaction) as a lo­tus leaf is untouched by water. (5.10)


Those who see Me in everything and see everything in Me, are

not separated from Me and I am not separated from them. (6.30)


Four types of virtuous ones worship or seek Me, O Arjuna.

They are: The distressed, the seeker of Self-knowledge, the seeker

of wealth, and the wise one who knows the Supreme. (7.16)


After many births the wise ones resort (or surrender) to Me

by realiz­ing that everything is, indeed, My manifestation. Such a

great soul is very rare. (7.19)


The ignorant ones—unable to understand My immutable,

incomparable, incomprehensible, and transcendental form (or

existence) — assume that I, the Supreme Being, am formless and take

forms. (7.24)


Remembering whatever object one leaves the body at the end of

life, one attains that object, O Arjuna, because of the constant

thought of that object (one remembers that object at the end of life

and achieves it). (8.06)


Therefore, always remember Me and do your duty. You shall

certainly attain Me if your mind and intellect are fixed on Me.



I am easily attainable, O Arjuna, by that ever steadfast yogi

who al­ways thinks of Me and whose mind does not go elsewhere. (8.14)


I personally take care of the wel­fare of those ever steadfast

devotees who always remember or worship Me with single minded

contemplation. (9.22)


Whosoever offers Me a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water with

love; I accept and eat the offering of devotion by the pure

hearted. (9.26)


Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me, and bow

down to Me. Thus uniting yourself with Me, and setting Me as the

supreme goal and sole refuge, you shall certainly realize (or come

to) Me. (9.34)


I am the origin of all. Everything emanates from Me.

Understanding this, the wise ones worship Me with love and

devotion. (10.08)


The one who does all works for Me, and who depends on Me, who

is my devotee, who has no attachment, and is free from enmity

towards any being attains Me, O Arjuna. (11.55)


Fix your mind on Me, and let your intellect dwell upon Me

alone (through meditation and contemplation). Thereafter you shall

certainly attain Me. (12.08)


The one who sees the same immutable Supreme Lord (or Spirit)

dwelling equally within all perishable beings truly sees. (13.27)


The one who offers service to Me with love and unswerving

devotion transcends three modes of material Nature, and becomes fit

for nirvana. (14.26)


I am seated in the hearts of all beings. The memory,

knowledge, and the removal of doubts and wrong notions (about God by

reasoning, or in a trance) come from Me. I am verily that which is

to be known by (the study of) all the Vedas. I am, indeed, the

author of the Vedanta and the knower of the Vedas. (15.15)


Lust, anger, and greed are the three gates of hell leading to

the down­fall (or bondage) of the individual soul. Therefore, one

must (learn to) give up these three. (16.21)


Speech that is non-offensive, truthful, pleasant, beneficial,

and is used for the regular study of scriptures is called the

austerity of word. (17.15)


By devotion one truly understands what and who I am in

essence. Having known Me in essence, one immediately merges into

Me. (18.55)


The Supreme Lord abides in the heart of all beings, O Arjuna,

causing all beings to act (or work out their Karma) by His power of

Maya as if they are (puppets of Karma) mounted on a machine. (18.61)


Setting aside all noble deeds, just surrender completely to

My will (with firm faith and loving contemplation). I shall

liberate you from all sins (or the bonds of Karma). Do not grieve.



The one who shall propagate (or help the propagation in any

way) this Supreme Secret philosophy of the Bhagavad-Gita amongst My

devotees, shall be performing the highest devotional service to Me,

he or she shall be very dear to Me, and shall certainly come to Me.



Sanjaya said: Wherever there will be both Krishna, the Lord

of yoga (in the form of the scriptures), and Arjuna with the weapons

of duty and protection, there will be everlasting prosperity,

victory, happiness, and morality. This is my conviction. (18.78)


May the Lord bless us all with


Goodness, Prosperity, and Peace.


International Gita Society®


(Also Known as the American Gita Society)

Message sent by: light candles instead of cursing darkness.....





Dear Sadhakas,Pranams


Discussion about Bhagwat Gita are very educative no doubt. But I am

hearing about " Rajya Yoga " for the first time. Would some sadhakas

throw more light on the same. Also please quote other references for



Namaskar ;


Suhas Gogate



Jai Shri Krishna!

I would like to send some shlokas but my problem is that I do not

have English Roman, so could you please let me know where can I get

them for entire Gita. thanks.


Satya Kalra


Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||




Dear Vimalji


Agree with you that all shalokas in Gitaji are special but different

acharyas have preferred certain ones, it is subjective. Here is a

short list of six shalokas for each of the (4) yogas as inspired by

Swamiji Maharaj:


Karma Yoga: 2-38, 2-47, 2-48, 3-19, 3-34, 4-18


Bhakti Yoga: 2-07, 7-16, 7-19, 9-22, 10-41, 18-66


Jnana Yoga: 2-16, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37, 4-39, 13-27


Rajya Yoga: 6-25, 6-12, 6-13, 6-21, 8-12, 8-13




Few more reflections:




.. Adi Shankracarya considers 11-55 as the essence of Gita.




.. Swami Vivekananda said, in 2-3, the whole message of Gita lies

imbedded in this shaloka




.. Sri Ramakrihna said - All that which can be learned from the Gita

can be as well accomplished by repeating " Gita " , " Gita " - Gita-gi-ta-

gita, ten times; it virtually comes to be " Ta-gi " , Ta-gi " - a

modification of " Tyagi " , Tyagi " , which means one who has given up

the world from the mind not just outwardly.




.. From Mahatama Gandhi -


Gita is a dictionary for my conduct, when doubts haunt me, when

disappointments stare me in the face and when I see not any ray of

light on te horizon, I turn to Bhagavad Gita and a verse is there to

comfort me and I immediately begin nto smile in the midest of

overwheming srrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and

if they had not left any visible and indelible effect on me I owe it

to the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.


.. From an unknown source:


" Blessed is the person who studies the Gita daily "


" Twice blessed is he who lives in the spirit of the Gita "


" Thrice blessed is who has realized the knowledge of the Gita "




Humble pranam,

Madan Kaura




Gita sloka 4-24.

" Brahmarpanam Brahma havirbrahmagnow Brahmana hutam'

Brahmaiva thena ganthavyam Brahmakarma samadhina "




shree hari

ram ram


Gita " Api chetsuduraachaaro, bhajate maam ananya bhaak

Saadhureva sa mantavyah samyagvyavasitohi saha " (Gita 9:30)


Simply speaking, even if the worst of sinners becomes Mine, he

should be considered a saint, because he is determined to turn

towards Me, says Bhagwaan.


Bhagwaan has promised us in the Gita that even the worst of worst

sinner, when he turns to God, will very quickly become a righteous

person, and he will attain eternal peace (Gita 9:30-31).


Swamiji says in Bhagwaan's law, there is immense compassion. In his

system of justice, the vilest of sinners can attain salvation, and

on the other hand, His devotees never fall - " Name bhakta

pranashyati " (Gita 9:31). In this there is Bhagwaan's immense

justice and compassion.


Meera Das

Ram Ram




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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  • 11 months later...

Shree Hari Ram Ram

Dear Sadhaks, Please add to the list or share insights on Gita Shlokas in preparation of Gita Jayanti day - 2009 coming this week.

Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


Pujya SadhakasJay Shri KrusnaShrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti is just a few days awayI know each and every word of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Jayanti conveysa deep meaning, still I would like to complie a list of very veryselected slokas for distributing the same to interested people,spread the message of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita and arouse interest inthem for further study of Shrimad Bhagwad GitaSo it is my humble request the sadhakas here to pl. helpme in making such compilation.With warm regdsVimal Modi-----------------------------Dear Sadak,Bagavan Said, What happened, happened very well. What happening doeshappens well. And what will happen will happen wellJai Sri Krishnabaiya sathyanarayan-----------------------------Dear Vimalji Namaskara;Your requirement is a task by itself. But I will try my hand at it.(1/20) This is a fulcrum around which Bhagwat Gita (BG) revolves.Every body goes through this situation as Arjuna(2/7) Shows the greatness of the Lord, Arjuna (Arj) and depth of BG.The Lord kept quiet till Arj. surrendered and was ready to receiveknowledge. Knowledge is taken and not given. Arj. was confused andwanted a guru. He honestly accepted his condition. Depth of BG isseen in the fact that any action done as per direction of theintellect is well done.(2/20-22) Describes the qualities of Atma.(2/42) Contents are more important than the packing. Lord ridiculesmechanical rituals.(2/46) An enlightened person has no use of Vedas. It like a polevaulter. Use the pole to reach the bar; leave it at a right time. Hecan not cross the bar without the pole, He cannot cross it with thepole.(2/47) Karma yoga is introduced.(2/55-58) Description of a person with stable intellect.(3/21) How the leaders should act.(3/21-24) Lord uses various ways. Personal appeal, fear, threat; sothat Arj may act.(3/29)Crux of Karma Yoga(3/35) Principle of right action.(3/42) Principle of renunciation.(4/6) Highest Vedantic Philosophy(4 / 7, 8) Promise by the Lord.(4/14) Lord functions like an actor on the stage or like petrol in acar. No play can be without an actor, but the actor has noinvolvement in it.(4/34) Definition of an ideal student.(5/16) Knowledge develops a person, no matter how long he wasignorant.(5 / 27, 28) How to practice meditation.(6/5,6) Central thought of Atma Sanyam Yoga.(6/27) Description of the State of realization.(6/30) Assurance by the Lord.(9/22 Central thought on which BG is supported. Lord assuresultimate Realization by own efforts.(10/40) No end to Lord's manifestations.(10/42) A philosophical verse. Lord asks, "Why are you stuck with mymanifestations?"(11/27) Time passes fast. Death can be terrible.(13/25) Growth is systematic. Bhogi—Yogi—Sanyasi—Dnyani.(15/8) Concept of Re incarnation.(18/63) Lord leaves the decision to Arj's intellect.(18/67) Warning not to pass on this knowledge to those who areunwilling, disinterested or not devoted.I have made an effort to list out your requirement, but I do notknow how far I am successful.With best wishes and Namaskar,Suhas Gogate-----------------------------PRIOR POSTINGFORTY VERSES of the GITA compiled by Gita Society.(For Daily Reading and contemplation)I offer my obeisance to Lord Krishna, the world teacher, who is theson of Vasudeva, the remover of all ob­stacles, the supreme bliss ofHis mother Devaki, and whose grace makes the dumb eloquent and thecripple cross the mountains.Dhritraashtra said: O Sanjaya, assembled in the holy field ofKurukshetra and eager to fight, what did my people and the Paandavasdo? (1.01)Sanjaya said: Lord Krishna spoke these words to Arjuna whoseeyes were tearful and downcast, and who was overwhelmed with compas­sion and despair. (2.01)The Supreme Lord said: You grieve for those who are notworthy of grief, and yet speak the words of wisdom. The wise grieveneither for the living nor for the dead. (2.11)Just as Spirit acquires a childhood body, a youth body, andan old age body during this life, similarly Spirit acquires anotherbody after death. The wise are not deluded by this. (2.13)Just as a person puts on new garments after discarding theold ones, similarly Spirit acquires new bodies after casting awaythe old bodies. (2.22)Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, and victory anddefeat alike, en­gage yourself in your duty. By doing your duty thisway you will not incur sin. (2.38)You have control over your respective duty only, but nocontrol or claim over the results. The fruits of work should not beyour motive. You should never be inactive. (2.47)A Karma-yogi becomes free from both vice and virtue in thislife itself. Therefore, strive for Karma-yoga. Working to the bestof one's abili­ties without becoming attached to the fruits of workis called Karma-yoga. (2.50)The mind, when controlled by the roving senses, steals awaythe intellect as a storm takes away a boat on the sea from itsdestination, the spiri­tual shore. (2.67)All works are being done by the energy and power of nature, but dueto delusion of ego people assume themselves to be the doer, andincur Karmic bondage. (3.27)Knowing the Spirit to be superior to the intellect, andcontrolling the mind by the intellect (that is purified by Self-knowledge), one must kill this mighty enemy, lust, O Arjuna. (3.43)Whenever there is a decline of Dharma and the rise ofAdharma, O Arjuna, then I appear (or manifest Myself). I appearfrom time to time for protecting the good, for transforming thewicked, and for es­tablishing Dharma, the world order. (4.07-08)The four divisions ¾based on aptitude and vocation¾of humansociety were created by Me. Though I am the author of this system,one should know that I do nothing and I am eternal. (4.13)The one who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction,is a wise person. Such a person is a yogi and has accomplishedeverything. (4.18)Brahma is the oblation. Brahma is the clarified butter. Theoblation is poured by Brahma into the fire that is also Brahma.Brahma shall be real­ized by the one who considers everything as (amanifestation or) an act of Brahma. (4.24)Verily, there is no purifier in this world like Self-knowledge. One who be­comes purified by Karma-yoga discovers thisknowledge within (naturally) in course of time. (4.38)But renunciation of selfish motives (Samnyaasa) is difficultto attain without Karma-yoga. A sage equipped with Karma-yogaquickly attains nirvana. (5.06)One who does all work as an offering to the Lord ¾ abandoningattach­ment to the results ¾ is as untouched by sin (or Karmicreaction) as a lo­tus leaf is untouched by water. (5.10)Those who see Me in everything and see everything in Me, arenot separated from Me and I am not separated from them. (6.30)Four types of virtuous ones worship or seek Me, O Arjuna.They are: The distressed, the seeker of Self-knowledge, the seekerof wealth, and the wise one who knows the Supreme. (7.16)After many births the wise ones resort (or surrender) to Meby realiz­ing that everything is, indeed, My manifestation. Such agreat soul is very rare. (7.19)The ignorant ones—unable to understand My immutable,incomparable, incomprehensible, and transcendental form (orexistence) — assume that I, the Supreme Being, am formless and takeforms. (7.24)Remembering whatever object one leaves the body at the end oflife, one attains that object, O Arjuna, because of the constantthought of that object (one remembers that object at the end of lifeand achieves it). (8.06)Therefore, always remember Me and do your duty. You shallcertainly attain Me if your mind and intellect are fixed on Me.(8.07)I am easily attainable, O Arjuna, by that ever steadfast yogiwho al­ways thinks of Me and whose mind does not go elsewhere. (8.14)I personally take care of the wel­fare of those ever steadfastdevotees who always remember or worship Me with single mindedcontemplation. (9.22)Whosoever offers Me a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water withlove; I accept and eat the offering of devotion by the purehearted. (9.26)Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me, and bowdown to Me. Thus uniting yourself with Me, and setting Me as thesupreme goal and sole refuge, you shall certainly realize (or cometo) Me. (9.34)I am the origin of all. Everything emanates from Me.Understanding this, the wise ones worship Me with love anddevotion. (10.08)The one who does all works for Me, and who depends on Me, whois my devotee, who has no attachment, and is free from enmitytowards any being attains Me, O Arjuna. (11.55)Fix your mind on Me, and let your intellect dwell upon Mealone (through meditation and contemplation). Thereafter you shallcertainly attain Me. (12.08)The one who sees the same immutable Supreme Lord (or Spirit)dwelling equally within all perishable beings truly sees. (13.27)The one who offers service to Me with love and unswervingdevotion transcends three modes of material Nature, and becomes fitfor nirvana. (14.26)I am seated in the hearts of all beings. The memory,knowledge, and the removal of doubts and wrong notions (about God byreasoning, or in a trance) come from Me. I am verily that which isto be known by (the study of) all the Vedas. I am, indeed, theauthor of the Vedanta and the knower of the Vedas. (15.15)Lust, anger, and greed are the three gates of hell leading tothe down­fall (or bondage) of the individual soul. Therefore, onemust (learn to) give up these three. (16.21)Speech that is non-offensive, truthful, pleasant, beneficial,and is used for the regular study of scriptures is called theausterity of word. (17.15)By devotion one truly understands what and who I am inessence. Having known Me in essence, one immediately merges intoMe. (18.55)The Supreme Lord abides in the heart of all beings, O Arjuna,causing all beings to act (or work out their Karma) by His power ofMaya as if they are (puppets of Karma) mounted on a machine. (18.61)Setting aside all noble deeds, just surrender completely toMy will (with firm faith and loving contemplation). I shallliberate you from all sins (or the bonds of Karma). Do not grieve.(18.66)The one who shall propagate (or help the propagation in anyway) this Supreme Secret philosophy of the Bhagavad-Gita amongst Mydevotees, shall be performing the highest devotional service to Me,he or she shall be very dear to Me, and shall certainly come to Me.(18.68)Sanjaya said: Wherever there will be both Krishna, the Lordof yoga (in the form of the scriptures), and Arjuna with the weaponsof duty and protection, there will be everlasting prosperity,victory, happiness, and morality. This is my conviction. (18.78)May the Lord bless us all withGoodness, Prosperity, and Peace.International Gita Society®(Also Known as the American Gita Society)Message sent by: light candles instead of cursing darkness.....-----------------------------Dear Sadhakas,PranamsDiscussion about Bhagwat Gita are very educative no doubt. But I amhearing about "Rajya Yoga" for the first time. Would some sadhakasthrow more light on the same. Also please quote other references forreading.Namaskar ;Suhas Gogate--------------------------------Jai Shri Krishna!I would like to send some shlokas but my problem is that I do nothave English Roman, so could you please let me know where can I getthem for entire Gita. thanks.Satya KalraShree Hari|| Ram Ram ||Dear VimaljiAgree with you that all shalokas in Gitaji are special but differentacharyas have preferred certain ones, it is subjective. Here is ashort list of six shalokas for each of the (4) yogas as inspired bySwamiji Maharaj:Karma Yoga: 2-38, 2-47, 2-48, 3-19, 3-34, 4-18Bhakti Yoga: 2-07, 7-16, 7-19, 9-22, 10-41, 18-66Jnana Yoga: 2-16, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37, 4-39, 13-27Rajya Yoga: 6-25, 6-12, 6-13, 6-21, 8-12, 8-13

Madan Kaura

Ram Ram ____________Few more reflections:. Adi Shankracarya considers 11-55 as the essence of Gita.. Swami Vivekananda said, in 2-3, the whole message of Gita liesimbedded in this shaloka. Sri Ramakrihna said - All that which can be learned from the Gitacan be as well accomplished by repeating "Gita", "Gita" - Gita-gi-ta-gita, ten times; it virtually comes to be "Ta-gi", Ta-gi" - amodification of "Tyagi", Tyagi", which means one who has given upthe world from the mind not just outwardly.. From Mahatama Gandhi -Gita is a dictionary for my conduct, when doubts haunt me, whendisappointments stare me in the face and when I see not any ray oflight on te horizon, I turn to Bhagavad Gita and a verse is there tocomfort me and I immediately begin nto smile in the midest ofoverwheming srrow. My life has been full of external tragedies andif they had not left any visible and indelible effect on me I owe itto the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.. From an unknown source:"Blessed is the person who studies the Gita daily""Twice blessed is he who lives in the spirit of the Gita"" Thrice blessed is who has realized the knowledge of the Gita"Humble pranam,Madan Kaura---------------------------Gita sloka 4-24." Brahmarpanam Brahma havirbrahmagnow Brahmana hutam'Brahmaiva thena ganthavyam Brahmakarma samadhina"G.Vaidyanathan.------------------------------shree hariram ramGita "Api chetsuduraachaaro, bhajate maam ananya bhaakSaadhureva sa mantavyah samyagvyavasitohi saha" (Gita 9:30)Simply speaking, even if the worst of sinners becomes Mine, heshould be considered a saint, because he is determined to turntowards Me, says Bhagwaan.Bhagwaan has promised us in the Gita that even the worst of worstsinner, when he turns to God, will very quickly become a righteousperson, and he will attain eternal peace (Gita 9:30-31).Swamiji says in Bhagwaan's law, there is immense compassion. In hissystem of justice, the vilest of sinners can attain salvation, andon the other hand, His devotees never fall - "Name bhaktapranashyati" (Gita 9:31). In this there is Bhagwaan's immensejustice and compassion.Meera DasRam RamGITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES:1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubtsrelated to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which furtherclarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures tosubstantiate your response.3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respectingsadhaka's time.5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.6. Please do not include links to the other sites or otherorganizations.7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phonenumber, address etc.8. Please do not address the response to a particular individualsince the message is going to the entire group.9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if contentis unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskritwords only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketedwherever possible.MODERATORRam Ram------------------------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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