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Action - Inaction

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On this profound subject I have pasted in this from sadhak-insight

message 2142.


I will float my thoughts before the forum, and would truly appreciate

comments, and wise council.


" Question: What is mysterious about the ways of action and


Answer: He who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is

wise among men. He is a Yogi - the man of wisdom. " Seeing inaction

in action " means " Perform an action, but do not be attached to it "

and " Seeing action in inaction " means " Be unattached and perform the

action. " (Gita 4:18) "


From my martial art training, " action through inaction is to be as

the observer, the results are without emotion, result is achieved by

guiding and deflecting, (that does not just relate to fighting it is

understood " .


In my mind " Seeing inaction in action " a little tricky, but the best

I can come up with is; if one realizes to knee jerk an action = ego =

null benefit; thus to let go of ego, 'to turn the other cheek',

without emotion, do what is right.

Just some thoughts dear Sadhaks, I look forward to your council.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor


Gita Talk Moderator - Sadhaks who understand Hindi, also please read

Gita Prabodhani in Hindi and kindly inform if translation of Gita

4:18 is accurate. Gita Talk Moderator, Ram Ram





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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On this profound subject I have pasted in this from sadhak-insight

message 2142.


I will float my thoughts before the forum, and would truly appreciate

comments, and wise council.


" Question: What is mysterious about the ways of action and


Answer: He who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is

wise among men. He is a Yogi - the man of wisdom. " Seeing inaction

in action " means " Perform an action, but do not be attached to it "

and " Seeing action in inaction " means " Be unattached and perform the

action. " (Gita 4:18) "


From my martial art training, " action through inaction is to be as

the observer, the results are without emotion, result is achieved by

guiding and deflecting, (that does not just relate to fighting it is

understood " .


In my mind " Seeing inaction in action " a little tricky, but the best

I can come up with is; if one realizes to knee jerk an action = ego =

null benefit; thus to let go of ego, 'to turn the other cheek',

without emotion, do what is right.

Just some thoughts dear Sadhaks, I look forward to your council.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor



Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The above quote presented by Mike is from " Gita Madhurya " . I have

checked out the " Gita Prabodhani " Hindi version, and can see why

there may be some lack of clarity. Please read below and help

clarify further.




He who sees inaction in action and he who sees action in inaction,

he among all men is intelligent, he is a Yogi and is the doer of all

actions (i.e. one who has successfully accomplished all).


Comments: While doing one's work (activity), remaining untainted,

detached, in other words, not having pride of doership and not

desirous of fruit - this is seeing " inaction in action " . While

remaining untainted, unattached, in other words, (work) by first

giving up pride of doership and the fruit of actions doing actions

is seeing " action in inaction " . By these two, Karmayog is

perfected. A Karmayogi while performing actions or not performing

actions, in all states he remains detached, untainted - " Naiva tasya

krtenaarth naakrteneha kaschan " (Gita 3:18)




Jo manushya karma mein akarma dekhataa hai aur jo akarma mein karma

dekhataa hai, woh manushyo mein buddhimaan hai, woh yogi hai, aur

sampoorna karmo ko karnewaalaa (krtakrtya) hai.


Vyaakhyaa - karma karte hua nirlipt rahanaa, arthaart kartutva

abhimaan aur phala icchaa ne rakhanaa " karma mein akarma " dekhanaa

hai. Nirlipt rahate hua arthaart kartutvabhimaan aur phala icchaa

ka tyaag karke karma karnaa " akarma mein karma " dekhanaa hai. In

dono se hi karmayog ki siddhi hoti hai. Karmayogi karma karte hua

athvaane karte hua, pratyek avasthaa mein nirlipt rahataa hai -

" Naiva tasya krtenaartho naa krteneha kaschan " (gita 3:18).


Thank you all,


Meera Das

Ram Ram



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


Mikeji has made a good observation on which to build our own

understanding of the subject so profound!

Seeing inaction in action, in my understanding, is seeing Divinity

expressing itself in all our actions. There is no " personal doer "

doing actions. The know-how needed for performing actions, such as

body-mind-intellect etc are all given, so nothing can be claimed by

an individual as his/her own. Divine being the Presence, all actions

take place only in the Presence, and the Presence Itself is

inaction, changeless base needed for all seeming actions. This firm

conviction of this is seeing inaction in action.


From another angle, this is also same as seeing action in Inaction.

Krishna says that this is the vision of wise in the said verse.

In otherwords, wise see the abscence of " me " in all actions!

Ignorance is to see action on the part of the " personal doer-me "

which is everchanging aspect of the Divinity manifest as nature-



If I believe and act as if I am the doer of my deeds, then I cannot

be free from Bondage of karmas, as I cannot be detached. This is

because detachment is from such believed " doer or me " in the first





Pratap Bhatt


You have said :'He is a Yogi - the man of wisdom. " Seeing inaction

in action " means and " Seeing action in inaction " means I have some

comment. Suppose you are a consultant and you give some suggestion

after very arduous labour and your intelligence derived from

experience. If subsequently the executor does not incorporate your

ideas, continue the act as per his own methods and then face a major

problem on completion of the work, dont you feel frustrated? Is it

not your egoism? Can you simply say now that " ma foleshu..... " or

you feel that you could have put pressure on him to follow your

suggestion by other means?

" Perform an action, but do not be attached to it " and " Be unattached

and perform the action. " (Gita 4:18) " , do they not carry the same







Gita Talk Moderator - Sadhaks who understand Hindi, also please read

Gita Prabodhani in Hindi and kindly inform if translation of Gita

4:18 is accurate. Gita Talk Moderator, Ram Ram





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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On this profound subject I have pasted in this from sadhak-insight

message 2142.


I will float my thoughts before the forum, and would truly appreciate

comments, and wise council.


" Question: What is mysterious about the ways of action and


Answer: He who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is

wise among men. He is a Yogi - the man of wisdom. " Seeing inaction

in action " means " Perform an action, but do not be attached to it "

and " Seeing action in inaction " means " Be unattached and perform the

action. " (Gita 4:18) "


From my martial art training, " action through inaction is to be as

the observer, the results are without emotion, result is achieved by

guiding and deflecting, (that does not just relate to fighting it is

understood " .


In my mind " Seeing inaction in action " a little tricky, but the best

I can come up with is; if one realizes to knee jerk an action = ego =

null benefit; thus to let go of ego, 'to turn the other cheek',

without emotion, do what is right.

Just some thoughts dear Sadhaks, I look forward to your council.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor






Dear Sadaks,

Performing an action without attachment: Bagavan Sri Krishna lifted

(Action) Govardhan when Indra showered rain and made cyclon for 7

days. If Bagavan wanted HE could have ordered Indra to stop his

usual trick. Bagavan remained unaware of the situation and not even

bothered about who did the heavy rain to come, is action without


Same manner Bhramaji took children away from Brindavan for 1 day.

Bagavan least bothered, remained as if nothing happened, made

children, cows etc. to appear from HIMSELF for one year. 1 day of

Brahmaji is 1 year on earth. There are numerous incidents of similar

nature and they are wonder leelas to share.


Being unattached and perform action: Sisubala's head was cut off in

Rajya Sabha (King's court)during Yagna (sacrificial fire) by Sri

Krishna, after Sisubala abused Bhagavan exceeding 108 times abuse.

Using Chakrayud Sri Krishna remaining unattached performed action

for Loka Kalyan (benefit of humanity) not for abusing HIM.


Best example: Arjuna refused war as he was attached with his action

(which will kill people). But when Sri Krishna made him realize his

attachment, thereafter, the action became without attachment. There

are wonderful examples of Gopis and that of Dadhi Banda. Moderater

wishes short message I close henceforth.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The above quote presented by Mike is from " Gita Madhurya " . I have

checked out the " Gita Prabodhani " Hindi version, and can see why

there may be some lack of clarity. Please read below and help

clarify further.




He who sees inaction in action and he who sees action in inaction,

he among all men is intelligent, he is a Yogi and is the doer of all

actions (i.e. one who has successfully accomplished all).


Comments: While doing one's work (activity), remaining untainted,

detached, in other words, not having pride of doership and not

desirous of fruit - this is seeing " inaction in action " . While

remaining untainted, unattached, in other words, (work) by first

giving up pride of doership and the fruit of actions doing actions

is seeing " action in inaction " . By these two, Karmayog is

perfected. A Karmayogi while performing actions or not performing

actions, in all states he remains detached, untainted - " Naiva tasya

krtenaarth naakrteneha kaschan " (Gita 3:18)




Jo manushya karma mein akarma dekhataa hai aur jo akarma mein karma

dekhataa hai, woh manushyo mein buddhimaan hai, woh yogi hai, aur

sampoorna karmo ko karnewaalaa (krtakrtya) hai.


Vyaakhyaa - karma karte hua nirlipt rahanaa, arthaart kartutva

abhimaan aur phala icchaa ne rakhanaa " karma mein akarma " dekhanaa

hai. Nirlipt rahate hua arthaart kartutvabhimaan aur phala icchaa

ka tyaag karke karma karnaa " akarma mein karma " dekhanaa hai. In

dono se hi karmayog ki siddhi hoti hai. Karmayogi karma karte hua

athvaane karte hua, pratyek avasthaa mein nirlipt rahataa hai -

" Naiva tasya krtenaartho naa krteneha kaschan " (gita 3:18).


Thank you all,


Meera Das

Ram Ram



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


Mikeji has made a good observation on which to build our own

understanding of the subject so profound!

Seeing inaction in action, in my understanding, is seeing Divinity

expressing itself in all our actions. There is no " personal doer "

doing actions. The know-how needed for performing actions, such as

body-mind-intellect etc are all given, so nothing can be claimed by

an individual as his/her own. Divine being the Presence, all actions

take place only in the Presence, and the Presence Itself is

inaction, changeless base needed for all seeming actions. This firm

conviction of this is seeing inaction in action.


From another angle, this is also same as seeing action in Inaction.

Krishna says that this is the vision of wise in the said verse.

In otherwords, wise see the abscence of " me " in all actions!

Ignorance is to see action on the part of the " personal doer-me "

which is everchanging aspect of the Divinity manifest as nature-



If I believe and act as if I am the doer of my deeds, then I cannot

be free from Bondage of karmas, as I cannot be detached. This is

because detachment is from such believed " doer or me " in the first





Pratap Bhatt


You have said :'He is a Yogi - the man of wisdom. " Seeing inaction

in action " means and " Seeing action in inaction " means I have some

comment. Suppose you are a consultant and you give some suggestion

after very arduous labour and your intelligence derived from

experience. If subsequently the executor does not incorporate your

ideas, continue the act as per his own methods and then face a major

problem on completion of the work, dont you feel frustrated? Is it

not your egoism? Can you simply say now that " ma foleshu..... " or

you feel that you could have put pressure on him to follow your

suggestion by other means?

" Perform an action, but do not be attached to it " and " Be unattached

and perform the action. " (Gita 4:18) " , do they not carry the same







Gita Talk Moderator - Sadhaks who understand Hindi, also please read

Gita Prabodhani in Hindi and kindly inform if translation of Gita

4:18 is accurate. Gita Talk Moderator, Ram Ram





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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On this profound subject I have pasted in this from sadhak-insight

message 2142.


I will float my thoughts before the forum, and would truly appreciate

comments, and wise council.


" Question: What is mysterious about the ways of action and


Answer: He who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is

wise among men. He is a Yogi - the man of wisdom. " Seeing inaction

in action " means " Perform an action, but do not be attached to it "

and " Seeing action in inaction " means " Be unattached and perform the

action. " (Gita 4:18) "


From my martial art training, " action through inaction is to be as

the observer, the results are without emotion, result is achieved by

guiding and deflecting, (that does not just relate to fighting it is

understood " .


In my mind " Seeing inaction in action " a little tricky, but the best

I can come up with is; if one realizes to knee jerk an action = ego =

null benefit; thus to let go of ego, 'to turn the other cheek',

without emotion, do what is right.

Just some thoughts dear Sadhaks, I look forward to your council.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Here is a brief insight on this subject from Swamiji's books -


Like in union and disunion, disunion is constant. Like between

action and inaction - inaction is constant / permanent. All actions start and

end. In all three yogas, while performing actions, a sadhak becomes indifferent

(dispassionate) to actions. You will reach inaction by doing action.


Abscence of doership neutralizes all actions. Other sadhaks have mentioned this,

but revisiting - One way of seeing " inaction in action " is to work for the sake

of sacrifice (yagna). Performance of actions for the welfare of others, without

a selfish motive, is called " Yajna " (sacrifice).


Please also read Sadhaka message that explains Action and Inaction - Gita 4:18

in detail -





However, Swamiji put's emphasis on state beyond these two. He says -

There are two states – one is of action while you have dealings with the world,

and the other is of inaction, while you have no dealings with the world. But

both action and inaction are inclinations because they have affinity with the

mind and intellect. But the light by which you become a witness to these

inclinations is free of any inclinations. You can witness this light in

solitude, but you cannot see it clearly while you are in activity. Even though

not seen in activity, it does not mean that the light (consciousness) does not

exist. If it did not exist, how could you observe your inclinations and

disinclinations? Therefore believe in this light, be fixed in that light without

caring for the inclinations and disinclinations. Be established in the Self.

(from Swamiji's lectures)


Meera Das

Ram Ram



This, to me, is similar to " experiencing Silence in the midst of

cacophony of noises "


Or the " feeling alone – (detached and not loneliness), in the midst

of a crowd "


This also corresponds to the complete surrender , as expoused in the

verse " Mamekam Saranam vraja……. " – central idea of

the " Saranagathi " or " Prapathi " advocated by the Srivaishnava saints.


Basically, a stage of human development which takes things as they

come without any remorse or even a sense of welcome. Fundamentally,

it is our own way of looking at things with a sense of judgement

(from our own standpoint) which is the fundamental reason for the

elation or conflicts.


Simply stated, if we could look at things around and happenings as

if these are certain transient things moving on the nature's canvas –

similar to our own approach while watching a movie on the big or

small screen ( may be now on onr's own mobile)- it tantamounts to

Action in Inaction or the reverse of it.


srl narasimhan





-Shree Hari-


Action through inaction, a term I am familiar with, after all it is

the heart of what we teach, (my wife and I). It is a way of life, I

was trying to connect the words of Gitaji with what we had learned in

our lineage.(I know there is one). So we talked as often we do on

such things, also we discussed what we were taught by a Yogi,(I

remember his words well; my wife was frustrated over wasting her

breath on good advice that was being ignored), he said, " Sister all

you can do is give advise to the best of your abilities, and then

step back, and observe the outcome. I have given good advice to

many, and seen people ignore it, and get themselves in a mess " , he

then smiled very sweetly as he often did, and said nothing more.

So we both often do things for folk, (not force things you

understand), never considering any need for praise of reciprocation,

if it does happen, that's cool, if not thats o.k.

Actually I am now beginning to see the difference between, 'action in

inaction, and inaction in action'.

I think my thoughts in my original question were a little too


I do appreciate all thoughts/comments from you all dear Sadhaks.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Dear Sadaks,

Performing an action without attachment: Bagavan Sri Krishna lifted

(Action) Govardhan when Indra showered rain and made cyclon for 7

days. If Bagavan wanted HE could have ordered Indra to stop his

usual trick. Bagavan remained unaware of the situation and not even

bothered about who did the heavy rain to come, is action without


Same manner Bhramaji took children away from Brindavan for 1 day.

Bagavan least bothered, remained as if nothing happened, made

children, cows etc. to appear from HIMSELF for one year. 1 day of

Brahmaji is 1 year on earth. There are numerous incidents of similar

nature and they are wonder leelas to share.


Being unattached and perform action: Sisubala's head was cut off in

Rajya Sabha (King's court)during Yagna (sacrificial fire) by Sri

Krishna, after Sisubala abused Bhagavan exceeding 108 times abuse.

Using Chakrayud Sri Krishna remaining unattached performed action

for Loka Kalyan (benefit of humanity) not for abusing HIM.


Best example: Arjuna refused war as he was attached with his action

(which will kill people). But when Sri Krishna made him realize his

attachment, thereafter, the action became without attachment. There

are wonderful examples of Gopis and that of Dadhi Banda. Moderater

wishes short message I close henceforth.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


The above quote presented by Mike is from " Gita Madhurya " . I have

checked out the " Gita Prabodhani " Hindi version, and can see why

there may be some lack of clarity. Please read below and help

clarify further.




He who sees inaction in action and he who sees action in inaction,

he among all men is intelligent, he is a Yogi and is the doer of all

actions (i.e. one who has successfully accomplished all).


Comments: While doing one's work (activity), remaining untainted,

detached, in other words, not having pride of doership and not

desirous of fruit - this is seeing " inaction in action " . While

remaining untainted, unattached, in other words, (work) by first

giving up pride of doership and the fruit of actions doing actions

is seeing " action in inaction " . By these two, Karmayog is

perfected. A Karmayogi while performing actions or not performing

actions, in all states he remains detached, untainted - " Naiva tasya

krtenaarth naakrteneha kaschan " (Gita 3:18)




Jo manushya karma mein akarma dekhataa hai aur jo akarma mein karma

dekhataa hai, woh manushyo mein buddhimaan hai, woh yogi hai, aur

sampoorna karmo ko karnewaalaa (krtakrtya) hai.


Vyaakhyaa - karma karte hua nirlipt rahanaa, arthaart kartutva

abhimaan aur phala icchaa ne rakhanaa " karma mein akarma " dekhanaa

hai. Nirlipt rahate hua arthaart kartutvabhimaan aur phala icchaa

ka tyaag karke karma karnaa " akarma mein karma " dekhanaa hai. In

dono se hi karmayog ki siddhi hoti hai. Karmayogi karma karte hua

athvaane karte hua, pratyek avasthaa mein nirlipt rahataa hai -

" Naiva tasya krtenaartho naa krteneha kaschan " (gita 3:18).


Thank you all,


Meera Das

Ram Ram



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


Mikeji has made a good observation on which to build our own

understanding of the subject so profound!

Seeing inaction in action, in my understanding, is seeing Divinity

expressing itself in all our actions. There is no " personal doer "

doing actions. The know-how needed for performing actions, such as

body-mind-intellect etc are all given, so nothing can be claimed by

an individual as his/her own. Divine being the Presence, all actions

take place only in the Presence, and the Presence Itself is

inaction, changeless base needed for all seeming actions. This firm

conviction of this is seeing inaction in action.


From another angle, this is also same as seeing action in Inaction.

Krishna says that this is the vision of wise in the said verse.

In otherwords, wise see the abscence of " me " in all actions!

Ignorance is to see action on the part of the " personal doer-me "

which is everchanging aspect of the Divinity manifest as nature-



If I believe and act as if I am the doer of my deeds, then I cannot

be free from Bondage of karmas, as I cannot be detached. This is

because detachment is from such believed " doer or me " in the first





Pratap Bhatt


You have said :'He is a Yogi - the man of wisdom. " Seeing inaction

in action " means and " Seeing action in inaction " means I have some

comment. Suppose you are a consultant and you give some suggestion

after very arduous labour and your intelligence derived from

experience. If subsequently the executor does not incorporate your

ideas, continue the act as per his own methods and then face a major

problem on completion of the work, dont you feel frustrated? Is it

not your egoism? Can you simply say now that " ma foleshu..... " or

you feel that you could have put pressure on him to follow your

suggestion by other means?

" Perform an action, but do not be attached to it " and " Be unattached

and perform the action. " (Gita 4:18) " , do they not carry the same







Gita Talk Moderator - Sadhaks who understand Hindi, also please read

Gita Prabodhani in Hindi and kindly inform if translation of Gita

4:18 is accurate. Gita Talk Moderator, Ram Ram





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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