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About Jeev - What It is? What It comprises? Where It is?

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What, exactly is 'Jeev'?

Do Body, Mind and Intellect comprise Jeev?

Is Jeev in a particular place in the body?

Or is it every where, in every cell?

Please, enlighten.

Ramesh Chitnis


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Sadhaks please read string of past discussions around similar

subject, summarizing what is already covered and adding anything not

included to date.

Link to past discussions -




Thank you,

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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What, exactly is 'Jeev'?

Do Body, Mind and Intellect comprise Jeev?

Is Jeev in a particular place in the body?

Or is it every where, in every cell?

Please, enlighten.

Ramesh Chitnis





Hari Om


A very good question, indeed!


" Jeev " - is the name given to that pure soul which has connected

itself with the inert ( in simple words with the " body " ) and thereby

has adopted the " world " . - BG 7:4/5


In other words, you are called " jeev " so long as you are connected

with the world/nature/inert/body.


" Jeev " resides " technically " in " ego " . Your " ego " has two parts. One

pure soul- Ishwar ansh, avinaashi, chetan, amal, sahaj sukhraasi. (

Part of God, imperishable, Sentient, faultless, and naturally

blissful) . Another part of " ego " is " inert " / nature/

perishable/world/body. Jeev is the " knot " connecting sentient and



You may call " Jeev " to be " grey " - where Sentient part is white and

inert part is black ! Scriptures call that to be " causal body "

or " ignorance zone " or " ego " !


Sanatan Dharma endeavours to disconnect sentient from inert- so that

you may cease to be " jeev " and regain your chetan, amal, sahaj

sukhrasi form which is pure soul- part of God and God only.


The end result of disconnection of sentient and inert, in other

words of cessation of your being " jeev " is called Moksha, or

Nirvana, or Kaivalya, Emancipation, or Liberation, or Mukti etc. In

other words these terms signify " opening of knot connecting sentient

(chetan) and insentient/inert (jad). "


Thus Jeev doesn't comprise of Mind/Intellect/Body. Through Ego it

gets connected with them. It is everywhere in the body.


Form of " Jeev " consists in " me " and " mine " . You are " jeev " so long

as you consider body/ mind/intellect to be " me " and/or " mine " . You

cease to be " jeev " when you reject your connection with inert by not

considering body/world etc to be " me " or " mine " !


Thus entire " jeevahood " rests on your " connection " by way

of " me " / " mine " with reference to body/mind/intellect etc. This

mind/body/intellect get governed by " ego " - where " jeev " resides.


In Karma Yoga, " the ego is purified " by not considering the

mind/body/intellect etc to be mine and instead by considering them

to be belonging to the world. In Jnana Yoga, the inert part of ego

is not considered to be " me " and hence " ego is eliminated " - being

part of nature and not of you. In Bhakti Yoga, " the ego is changed "

by considering " me " to be part of God and " mine " to be only God-

instead of body to be " me " and " mine " ! In all three cases, the

inert part gets disregarded, connection with inert gets

broken, " knot " gets opened, and " jeev " ceases to exist. What remains

behind is pure soul- being part of God and God only.



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Shree hari

Ram Ram


The Jeev (Embodied soul) can never see itself. When Jeev remains

belonging to it's Swami (Master, Father), then there will be no

quest to see/know itself. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam


Dear sadak,

Do Body, Mind and Intellect comprise Jeev? Body mind Intellect are

tools that guides one to perform his Karma based on his

previous/present puniyas and sins. Example: So many hear Bagavath

Geetha but rare is a person who follows it` s teachings. All who

heard just walk back to their normal life as usual. That rare person

who follows Geetha is the person who done good deeds over several

birth says upashids. All of us know that speaking lies is wrong. But

only very few follow. That few are gided by their Karmas of the

past. One person feels very much about bomb blast. Other just cares

little. So these acts and thoughts are from their mind, inteleect,

which is again operated by one`s own account of Karmas.

Jeeva is totally indipendant.


Is Jeev in a particular place in the body? Near the heart in vaccume

cellular. This was prooved by so many saints.

Or is it every where, in every cell. Jeeva is no way connected to

body anywhere. Jeeva` s arrival and departure from body is

predestined to normal person. Death can be postponed by.certain

spritual practice and servicing by hard work to Bagavan Shiva

Temple. An old lady 80 years was brought to teenage by a saint for

her persistant service at a temple in Kancheepuram. Thousands

wittness including the king iof that town Kancheepuram. This aspect

if moderator and sadaks want, I can furnish full details and proofs

that can be seen to day also. All the cells in brain and body,

senses of perceptions, organs of action is energised by Jeeva which

is part of Bhraman. So any part can be inactive or disease prone by

Jeeva not energising that part sufficiently. Here come pranic

healing and Reki to temporarily heal. The jeeva not energising

partly is due to the Jeeva was wittness to actions of the past and

now it is paid for.

Your questions itself shows your path to divinity





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Sadhaks please read string of past discussions around similar

subject, summarizing what is already covered and adding anything not

included to date.

Link to past discussions -




Thank you,

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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What, exactly is 'Jeev'?

Do Body, Mind and Intellect comprise Jeev?

Is Jeev in a particular place in the body?

Or is it every where, in every cell?

Please, enlighten.

Ramesh Chitnis




Dear Friend

1.'Jeev' is beyond Body,Mind and Intellect.Please refer to verses

42 and 43 of 3rd Chapter of Gita ,which clearly mentions Jeeva is

beyond body ,mind and intellect.One can defeat his worst enemy

desire (kam) by understanding and realising the power of his soul.

Please read verses 36 to 43 of 3rd chapter of Gita.

2.Jeeva is through out the body.It is in every cell of the body.The

soul enters the single cell to give human life and then the single

cell goes on multiplying by division.All memories and experiences

of past lives are coded into the DNA Strands of the cell ,which is

called now Genome Mappimg.

3.Gita will start altering characterstics of DNA Strands on:-

a)Proper and thorough understanding and continuous reading of Gita.

b)Experientially understanding that one is not (beyond) body,mind

and intellect.




Ashok Jain




Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Some additional clarification based on what has helped me, I would

add the following:

Jeev is simply a label given to the state of ignorance on the part

of a person which is to think, and act as if person is body-mind

individual. Jeev is not a " thing " . When Chaitnya tattva or Sentience

or Consciousness or Atman identifies with the body-mind it shines,

acts of such one are based on " me " and " mine " , and that individual

is said to be Jeev or ego,

Again, the Atman is also not a thing, but Absolute Existence-

Consciousness only like a light!


It is important to understand, however, that there is no real

existence of either Jeev or Ego, both are a derived sense of " me " in

the mind based on identification with body. When this sense of " me "

drops away due to realization that " I am/was never an individual

having separate Atma, residing inside a separate body " , then

Jeevahood merges with Ishwartattva or Godhood. Jeeve and Shiva are

one and same in the absence of any limitations such as body-mind-

intellect-world objcts etc

Namaskaras............Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

More pointers on Jeev.

When the Light of Atman, experientially Pure Consciousness reflects

through the senses-mind-intellect of a person, identification with

body in the form of 'me-thought in the mind' and 'me feeling due to

bodily sensations' happens. This is the birth of Ego or Jeev, a

false sens of individuality and doership thereof. This me-thought-

feeling gets stronger throughout the life of a person and it is

taken as real which is our conditioning/karmas.

That which is real cannot cease to be, and that which is unreal

cannot come into being- Gita 2:16. So Jeev or Ego or personal

doership cannot be real as it does cease, otherwise we cannot be

free from it. Thus " we " are Atman, and since there is no sense

of 'me' individuality there, Atman is Impersonal Being, or Brahman


Spiritual law says that only that which is false but taken as real

binds us, That which is Real cannot bind us.

Even though we say embodied soul or Jeev is in the cells of body, it

is not to be taken literally, it just feels as if Atman is embodied

due to limitations of identification just as sunlight in a room is

not located in the room, or bound by it. Since it is a shadowy sense

in the mind as ignorance of our true identity, it cannot be located


Bottom line is our ignorant behavior makes us Jeeva, and when free

from Jeevhood or ignorance, Shiva or auspiciousness or Sahaj

Sukhraasi shines which IS, never ceases to BE!


Namaskaras.............Pratap Bhatt




Hari Om


A very good question, indeed!


" Jeev " - is the name given to that pure soul which has connected

itself with the inert ( in simple words with the " body " ) and thereby

has adopted the " world " . - BG 7:4/5


In other words, you are called " jeev " so long as you are connected

with the world/nature/inert/body.


" Jeev " resides " technically " in " ego " . Your " ego " has two parts. One

pure soul- Ishwar ansh, avinaashi, chetan, amal, sahaj sukhraasi. (

Part of God, imperishable, Sentient, faultless, and naturally

blissful) . Another part of " ego " is " inert " / nature/

perishable/world/body. Jeev is the " knot " connecting sentient and



You may call " Jeev " to be " grey " - where Sentient part is white and

inert part is black ! Scriptures call that to be " causal body "

or " ignorance zone " or " ego " !


Sanatan Dharma endeavours to disconnect sentient from inert- so that

you may cease to be " jeev " and regain your chetan, amal, sahaj

sukhrasi form which is pure soul- part of God and God only.


The end result of disconnection of sentient and inert, in other

words of cessation of your being " jeev " is called Moksha, or

Nirvana, or Kaivalya, Emancipation, or Liberation, or Mukti etc. In

other words these terms signify " opening of knot connecting sentient

(chetan) and insentient/inert (jad). "


Thus Jeev doesn't comprise of Mind/Intellect/Body. Through Ego it

gets connected with them. It is everywhere in the body.


Form of " Jeev " consists in " me " and " mine " . You are " jeev " so long

as you consider body/ mind/intellect to be " me " and/or " mine " . You

cease to be " jeev " when you reject your connection with inert by not

considering body/world etc to be " me " or " mine " !


Thus entire " jeevahood " rests on your " connection " by way

of " me " / " mine " with reference to body/mind/intellect etc. This

mind/body/intellect get governed by " ego " - where " jeev " resides.


In Karma Yoga, " the ego is purified " by not considering the

mind/body/intellect etc to be mine and instead by considering them

to be belonging to the world. In Jnana Yoga, the inert part of ego

is not considered to be " me " and hence " ego is eliminated " - being

part of nature and not of you. In Bhakti Yoga, " the ego is changed "

by considering " me " to be part of God and " mine " to be only God-

instead of body to be " me " and " mine " ! In all three cases, the

inert part gets disregarded, connection with inert gets

broken, " knot " gets opened, and " jeev " ceases to exist. What remains

behind is pure soul- being part of God and God only.



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Shree hari

Ram Ram


The Jeev (Embodied soul) can never see itself. When Jeev remains

belonging to it's Swami (Master, Father), then there will be no

quest to see/know itself. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam


Dear sadak,

Do Body, Mind and Intellect comprise Jeev? Body mind Intellect are

tools that guides one to perform his Karma based on his

previous/present puniyas and sins. Example: So many hear Bagavath

Geetha but rare is a person who follows it` s teachings. All who

heard just walk back to their normal life as usual. That rare person

who follows Geetha is the person who done good deeds over several

birth says upashids. All of us know that speaking lies is wrong. But

only very few follow. That few are gided by their Karmas of the

past. One person feels very much about bomb blast. Other just cares

little. So these acts and thoughts are from their mind, inteleect,

which is again operated by one`s own account of Karmas.

Jeeva is totally indipendant.


Is Jeev in a particular place in the body? Near the heart in vaccume

cellular. This was prooved by so many saints.

Or is it every where, in every cell. Jeeva is no way connected to

body anywhere. Jeeva` s arrival and departure from body is

predestined to normal person. Death can be postponed by.certain

spritual practice and servicing by hard work to Bagavan Shiva

Temple. An old lady 80 years was brought to teenage by a saint for

her persistant service at a temple in Kancheepuram. Thousands

wittness including the king iof that town Kancheepuram. This aspect

if moderator and sadaks want, I can furnish full details and proofs

that can be seen to day also. All the cells in brain and body,

senses of perceptions, organs of action is energised by Jeeva which

is part of Bhraman. So any part can be inactive or disease prone by

Jeeva not energising that part sufficiently. Here come pranic

healing and Reki to temporarily heal. The jeeva not energising

partly is due to the Jeeva was wittness to actions of the past and

now it is paid for.

Your questions itself shows your path to divinity





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Sadhaks please read string of past discussions around similar

subject, summarizing what is already covered and adding anything not

included to date.

Link to past discussions -




Thank you,

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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  • 5 weeks later...

Shree Hari

Ram Ram

We are clearing up pending queue this week due to significant back

log. You will receive few extra emails next couple of days. Only

reply if essential point not covered by other sadhaks

From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram


What, exactly is 'Jeev'?

Do Body, Mind and Intellect comprise Jeev?

Is Jeev in a particular place in the body?

Or is it every where, in every cell?

Please, enlighten.

Ramesh Chitnis




Priy Sadhak

Jeev is an actor performing particular character


Character= Our wordly Identity


Raja Gurdasani



-Shree Hari-


Dear Ashok Jain,


In you statement about Genome Mappimg. I would like clarification.

When is the 'Past', encoded into the DNA strands?


I have heard a Christian monk refer to cellular memory, so

overwhelming is the evidence, that it challenges Christian dogma.


The point is, many have remembered their own deaths,(rigorously

investigated), events remembered as a child who died before puberty,

as a celibate, etc. I have no problem with the concept what so ever.


When is the point of contact, at fertilization? It seems to me, it

cannot be in the sperm or the egg. Many would love to explain such

things as DNA memory, yes a cattle dog is born with the desire to

roundup cattle, (has to polish its skills), a spiders web is perfect

at first attempt, the knowledge is with them, but there are things

that go beyond the genetic line.


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor




Dear Friend

1.'Jeev' is beyond Body,Mind and Intellect.Please refer to verses

42 and 43 of 3rd Chapter of Gita ,which clearly mentions Jeeva is

beyond body ,mind and intellect.One can defeat his worst enemy

desire (kam) by understanding and realising the power of his soul.

Please read verses 36 to 43 of 3rd chapter of Gita.

2.Jeeva is through out the body.It is in every cell of the body.The

soul enters the single cell to give human life and then the single

cell goes on multiplying by division.All memories and experiences

of past lives are coded into the DNA Strands of the cell ,which is

called now Genome Mappimg.

3.Gita will start altering characterstics of DNA Strands on:-

a)Proper and thorough understanding and continuous reading of Gita.

b)Experientially understanding that one is not (beyond) body,mind

and intellect.




Ashok Jain




Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

Some additional clarification based on what has helped me, I would

add the following:

Jeev is simply a label given to the state of ignorance on the part

of a person which is to think, and act as if person is body-mind

individual. Jeev is not a " thing " . When Chaitnya tattva or Sentience

or Consciousness or Atman identifies with the body-mind it shines,

acts of such one are based on " me " and " mine " , and that individual

is said to be Jeev or ego,

Again, the Atman is also not a thing, but Absolute Existence-

Consciousness only like a light!


It is important to understand, however, that there is no real

existence of either Jeev or Ego, both are a derived sense of " me " in

the mind based on identification with body. When this sense of " me "

drops away due to realization that " I am/was never an individual

having separate Atma, residing inside a separate body " , then

Jeevahood merges with Ishwartattva or Godhood. Jeeve and Shiva are

one and same in the absence of any limitations such as body-mind-

intellect-world objcts etc

Namaskaras............Pratap Bhatt




Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

More pointers on Jeev.

When the Light of Atman, experientially Pure Consciousness reflects

through the senses-mind-intellect of a person, identification with

body in the form of 'me-thought in the mind' and 'me feeling due to

bodily sensations' happens. This is the birth of Ego or Jeev, a

false sens of individuality and doership thereof. This me-thought-

feeling gets stronger throughout the life of a person and it is

taken as real which is our conditioning/karmas.

That which is real cannot cease to be, and that which is unreal

cannot come into being- Gita 2:16. So Jeev or Ego or personal

doership cannot be real as it does cease, otherwise we cannot be

free from it. Thus " we " are Atman, and since there is no sense

of 'me' individuality there, Atman is Impersonal Being, or Brahman


Spiritual law says that only that which is false but taken as real

binds us, That which is Real cannot bind us.

Even though we say embodied soul or Jeev is in the cells of body, it

is not to be taken literally, it just feels as if Atman is embodied

due to limitations of identification just as sunlight in a room is

not located in the room, or bound by it. Since it is a shadowy sense

in the mind as ignorance of our true identity, it cannot be located


Bottom line is our ignorant behavior makes us Jeeva, and when free

from Jeevhood or ignorance, Shiva or auspiciousness or Sahaj

Sukhraasi shines which IS, never ceases to BE!


Namaskaras.............Pratap Bhatt




Hari Om


A very good question, indeed!


" Jeev " - is the name given to that pure soul which has connected

itself with the inert ( in simple words with the " body " ) and thereby

has adopted the " world " . - BG 7:4/5


In other words, you are called " jeev " so long as you are connected

with the world/nature/inert/body.


" Jeev " resides " technically " in " ego " . Your " ego " has two parts. One

pure soul- Ishwar ansh, avinaashi, chetan, amal, sahaj sukhraasi. (

Part of God, imperishable, Sentient, faultless, and naturally

blissful) . Another part of " ego " is " inert " / nature/

perishable/world/body. Jeev is the " knot " connecting sentient and



You may call " Jeev " to be " grey " - where Sentient part is white and

inert part is black ! Scriptures call that to be " causal body "

or " ignorance zone " or " ego " !


Sanatan Dharma endeavours to disconnect sentient from inert- so that

you may cease to be " jeev " and regain your chetan, amal, sahaj

sukhrasi form which is pure soul- part of God and God only.


The end result of disconnection of sentient and inert, in other

words of cessation of your being " jeev " is called Moksha, or

Nirvana, or Kaivalya, Emancipation, or Liberation, or Mukti etc. In

other words these terms signify " opening of knot connecting sentient

(chetan) and insentient/inert (jad). "


Thus Jeev doesn't comprise of Mind/Intellect/Body. Through Ego it

gets connected with them. It is everywhere in the body.


Form of " Jeev " consists in " me " and " mine " . You are " jeev " so long

as you consider body/ mind/intellect to be " me " and/or " mine " . You

cease to be " jeev " when you reject your connection with inert by not

considering body/world etc to be " me " or " mine " !


Thus entire " jeevahood " rests on your " connection " by way

of " me " / " mine " with reference to body/mind/intellect etc. This

mind/body/intellect get governed by " ego " - where " jeev " resides.


In Karma Yoga, " the ego is purified " by not considering the

mind/body/intellect etc to be mine and instead by considering them

to be belonging to the world. In Jnana Yoga, the inert part of ego

is not considered to be " me " and hence " ego is eliminated " - being

part of nature and not of you. In Bhakti Yoga, " the ego is changed "

by considering " me " to be part of God and " mine " to be only God-

instead of body to be " me " and " mine " ! In all three cases, the

inert part gets disregarded, connection with inert gets

broken, " knot " gets opened, and " jeev " ceases to exist. What remains

behind is pure soul- being part of God and God only.



Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Shree hari

Ram Ram


The Jeev (Embodied soul) can never see itself. When Jeev remains

belonging to it's Swami (Master, Father), then there will be no

quest to see/know itself. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam


Dear sadak,

Do Body, Mind and Intellect comprise Jeev? Body mind Intellect are

tools that guides one to perform his Karma based on his

previous/present puniyas and sins. Example: So many hear Bagavath

Geetha but rare is a person who follows it` s teachings. All who

heard just walk back to their normal life as usual. That rare person

who follows Geetha is the person who done good deeds over several

birth says upashids. All of us know that speaking lies is wrong. But

only very few follow. That few are gided by their Karmas of the

past. One person feels very much about bomb blast. Other just cares

little. So these acts and thoughts are from their mind, inteleect,

which is again operated by one`s own account of Karmas.

Jeeva is totally indipendant.


Is Jeev in a particular place in the body? Near the heart in vaccume

cellular. This was prooved by so many saints.

Or is it every where, in every cell. Jeeva is no way connected to

body anywhere. Jeeva` s arrival and departure from body is

predestined to normal person. Death can be postponed by.certain

spritual practice and servicing by hard work to Bagavan Shiva

Temple. An old lady 80 years was brought to teenage by a saint for

her persistant service at a temple in Kancheepuram. Thousands

wittness including the king iof that town Kancheepuram. This aspect

if moderator and sadaks want, I can furnish full details and proofs

that can be seen to day also. All the cells in brain and body,

senses of perceptions, organs of action is energised by Jeeva which

is part of Bhraman. So any part can be inactive or disease prone by

Jeeva not energising that part sufficiently. Here come pranic

healing and Reki to temporarily heal. The jeeva not energising

partly is due to the Jeeva was wittness to actions of the past and

now it is paid for.

Your questions itself shows your path to divinity





Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Sadhaks please read string of past discussions around similar

subject, summarizing what is already covered and adding anything not

included to date.

Link to past discussions -




Thank you,

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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