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Philosophy on Service to Humanity

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I am very happy to read these exchanges of spiritual ideas under the

topic of " Misunderstanding of Dharma with Hinduism " . I find them

to be equally valuable to non-Hindus like me (I was born in a

Christian family). It is wonderful to see that these noble thoughts

are interpreted in an inclusive fashion for all religions -- dealing

with right and wrong, duty, and truth.


I was brought up with the ideals of service to humanity as service

to God. As I understand there is nothing else above service. Any

effort to " purify " oneself without service to others is

meaningless. Will someone be able to provide the philosophy

concerning " service to humanity " as it relates to our life itself?


Abraham M. George




1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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I am very happy to read these exchanges of spiritual ideas under the

topic of " Misunderstanding of Dharma with Hinduism " . I find them

to be equally valuable to non-Hindus like me (I was born in a

Christian family). It is wonderful to see that these noble thoughts

are interpreted in an inclusive fashion for all religions -- dealing

with right and wrong, duty, and truth.


I was brought up with the ideals of service to humanity as service

to God. As I understand there is nothing else above service. Any

effort to " purify " oneself without service to others is

meaningless. Will someone be able to provide the philosophy

concerning " service to humanity " as it relates to our life itself?


Abraham M. George





Hari Om


A very good question. Indeed our Sanatan Dharma addresses the

humanity at large irrespective of caste, creed, culture, colour,

country, civilisation, sect, religion, belief etc.


Welcome Brother Abraham ! " Philosophy concerning service to humanity

as it relates to our life itself " is the central theme for



Let me get at macro level and explain " subtle " fundamental

principles on the subject. (All compiled from teachings of Swamiji

Ramsukhdasji Maharaj)



humanity at large.


In all the cases one must understand categorically that " service "

(seva) is rendered always by sentiments/emotions/intentions - in

other words by " bhava " . Service is done by " bhava " not by grant of

worldly things. To give worldly things is not service. That even a

shop keeper does.


1 ...Only that person can do " service " who does not need anything

anytime for himself. Desire to do service, is as bad as is desire to

get money, worldly things etc- because subtly the former is cause

and latter the result. Hence as a principle - one should do service

if an opportunity arises and if you have ability, but one should not

have a " desire to do service and for that purpose to get worldly

things, money etc " . There should be " bhava " (inner sentiments)

not " desire " . Service is a bhava (inner sentiments) not a karma



2... To become happy by making others happy or to keep a sentiment

inside that " Because of me others are getting happy " or to desire

even a little honor or praise, and become happy upon receipt of such

praise or honor- this is in fact " consumption " (Bhog) and

not " service " ! Because in such a case service gets converted into

the consumption of pleasure and becomes for " self " . That creates

importance of pleasure, money, worldly things etc and thereby

arise " mineness " and " desire " .


3... " I am giving something to someone " - one who has this

sentiment or bhava , he cannot understand and it is very difficult

for someone to make him understand that the worldly things used for

service in fact belonged only to the servicee. We have simply given

him what belonged to him. Where then the question of any


happiness/sorrow/pride/honor/etc arises ?? Do we expect anything

when we wash our face with our hands?


By the way " purification " is not the end result of real " service " . I

shall touch upon it latter. But in the meantime may I ask you

Brother Abraham - " Purification of What? Why? " One's Self is ever

pure ! Hence " purification of one's self " is not fitting into. It

should not be a " desire " . Refer para 1 above. NOTHING TO BE DONE FOR

SELF - is the cardinal principle of " Service " . In any case I will

touch upon it. First let us grasp the " philosophy " - principles. An

active deliberation on first the principles then on practice should

make up ideal response.


To be continued.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Dear Mr.George,

Service to humanity alone is not complete service. Service to other

beings that helps humanity around us is also important. Like feeding

birds that keeps environment, watering plants that produces oxygen,

being kind to pets within and outside home etc. Love thy neighbour

(regard less of caste and creed - otherwise it could have been

mentioned love thy Christian neighbour). Thou shall not cast eyes on

neighbour` s wife, show the other cheek if you are slapped. All

these are there in Bhagavat Geetha also in detail.


Path to divinity and liberation is common, but told in differant

aspects. The parable about a priest travelling coming across a needy

person on roadside, is just neglected. Another priest crossing the

same person did all the help to the person on road side. This is



But there is a vital importance in Service. If one thinks in mind

level somewhere in a corner that he is servicing, the whole serving

becomes business and Not divine. The service done yesterday should

not be in mind. It should be forgotten. The services done should be

done without fame and name, surrendering it to God. The outcome of

services by abuses and praises are to be treated Null and void. All

these are there in Bagavath Geetha and in Old Testament, parables.

If a little special treatment is shown to a Hindu brother or a

Christian brother over another person, the service goes waste as far

as divinity.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Dear Abraham,

I have taken the liberty of pasting in an extract from the latests

post from Sadhak_insight by Swami Ramsukhdasji, you could go to :

http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net (English site) to connect.


'.....He is with us. " Param shaanti, param anand. " (Eternal Peace,

Eternal Bliss) This is the truth.


Therefore simply accept – Bhagavaan (God) is mine. Serve all, but

do not consider anyone to be your very own. Just like Mirabai

says - " Mere toh Giridhar Gopal, duseraa ne koyi. " (Only Giridhar

Gopal is Mine. There is None Other). Serve all and all will be

happy if you serve them. But remain ever joyful belonging to only

One.... " .


The reason I mention swamiji is his Soul transcends all faiths it



Jesus to me seemed to be a Prayer to God in action. (all He did for

mankind was in His Fathers name. Our Fathers name).


In all Hearts is the need to serve others. The egos speak for Satan.


Actually, service to others is the outcome of the desire for The

Beloved, thus the focus on the Divine, creates the natural response

to serve others, a prayer in action.

Just a few thoughts.


With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


Right you are Abrahamji, service to humanity is service to God. How

can it be otherwise?


All humanity and animals, plants, environment, nature are manifest

God! As Swamiji says, our body-mind-intellect are just to serve

only. Whom do we serve? If one thinks deeply, one may see one serves

oneself while serving apparent " others " . One gets rewarded right

there and then in terms of inner satisfaction, joy, peace, provided

Love dominates the service!


The greatest of all services though is to know thyself like all

saints and sages have done through their words of wisdom which

uplift humanity as exemplified by Jesus, Mother Teresa, Ramakrishna

Mission and the likes.


Such wisdom as that which comes from God realization have been

proven far more effective. It guides one to serve in most

resourceful ways. Service without humility breeds pride hurting

giver and recipients, both equally.


Service must be considered a privilege, one must be thankful to

those receiving help, so that one can be happy serving.



Pratap Bhatt


Jai Hanuman


Welcome Brother George ! Jee! Great question and great sentiment



Let us take first the object of " service " . It can't

be " purification " . Because any sentiment/bhava/ inner expression

of " purification " necessarily and essentially reflects " continuation

of connection with the subject matter of purification " . The subject

matter of " purification " can only be " inert " and never

be " sentient " . Hence object of service can only be " disconnection "

with inert and never purification there of.



Hence No ! No, Brother you should not serve to " purify " something or

anything ! Nothing is dirty ! All is divine! If something is impure,

it is not ours. On top of it, that impurity consists ONLY in fact

of our " mineness " with that. Else that something is pure ab initio.

You are pure ab initio. Impurity is your " connection " with the

world, worldly people, and worldly objects and things only.

The moment " mineness " with them is gone ( worldly people and things-

including your body, mind, intellect etc) - impurity is gone- that

impurity is gone which in fact never existed- only mineness

existed ! Mineness is impurity! " Connection " is impurity. Because

out of connection - desires and mineness arise!


Hence once there is an importance inside of something, of some

impurity somewhere needing purification , be that related to

purification of money earned, or mind or intellect or body or

worldly things or of servicee or of servicor- the karma is

not " seva " (Service) ! Object of " seva " is always to " disconnect "

one's self with the worldly possessions, desires, mineness, ego,

cause and effect circle, karma and result circle - never

to " connect " with them !


In fact when you do service- real service- you " disconnect " yourself

with the worldly things, mind, intellect etc. Where is the question

of " purification " ? When nothing is yours, and nothing is for you,

to purify what ? Why? How?


Bolo Jee! Respond Brother! We shall continue deliberating. I hope my

first posting on the subject shall be received in right spirit by



Namaste Jee

Jee Jee





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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I am very happy to read these exchanges of spiritual ideas under the

topic of " Misunderstanding of Dharma with Hinduism " . I find them

to be equally valuable to non-Hindus like me (I was born in a

Christian family). It is wonderful to see that these noble thoughts

are interpreted in an inclusive fashion for all religions -- dealing

with right and wrong, duty, and truth.


I was brought up with the ideals of service to humanity as service

to God. As I understand there is nothing else above service. Any

effort to " purify " oneself without service to others is

meaningless. Will someone be able to provide the philosophy

concerning " service to humanity " as it relates to our life itself?


Abraham M. George





Jai Hanuman




One of the most essential care one should take while rendering " service " - is

that neither you should consider the person to whom you are serving as " yours "

nor you should consider the things with which you serve (say body, money, power

etc) to him to be " yours " . Secondly, no desire , even the slighest, for

reciprocation or returns from the servicee or God or any other - these two are

cardinal principles of service !


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om




To serve - means to give pleasure/happiness to others. To every one.

With no exceptions. Always. Without any expectations. As a matter of

duty. This is yardstick.


When you do good, you in fact are limiting yourself to a particular

person/group. You can't to do good to all in the universe..

Limitations of time, worldly things, circumstances, distances don't

let you do that. So what to do ?


Answer is:


Never cause harm/displeasure/sorrow to any one / any body/ anything

in this universe. You then has done good to all without any

exceptions. You have reached by your sentiment/bhava to all

creatures. There is no limitation of worldly things, time etc now

for you.

Hence the real service to the entire universe is - not

harming/hurting any one, any time, anywhere !


Here your " bhava " of not doing bad to anyone is " unlimited " . That

gets you the element which is " unlimited " - Paramatma !


To be continued


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


In short, true Seva or Service should serve the service-giver

i.e. take him to higher conciousness levels.


Seva ho but sevek na ho! Sevek disappears (Service without service-giver being



Sushil Jain




If you want, you may read free online of " Bhagavat Gita As It Is " .

Do a " Search " and you will find it. Hare Krishna

Srinivas kolluri





Hari Om


A very good question. Indeed our Sanatan Dharma addresses the

humanity at large irrespective of caste, creed, culture, colour,

country, civilisation, sect, religion, belief etc.


Welcome Brother Abraham ! " Philosophy concerning service to humanity

as it relates to our life itself " is the central theme for



Let me get at macro level and explain " subtle " fundamental

principles on the subject. (All compiled from teachings of Swamiji

Ramsukhdasji Maharaj)



humanity at large.


In all the cases one must understand categorically that " service "

(seva) is rendered always by sentiments/emotions/intentions - in

other words by " bhava " . Service is done by " bhava " not by grant of

worldly things. To give worldly things is not service. That even a

shop keeper does.


1 ...Only that person can do " service " who does not need anything

anytime for himself. Desire to do service, is as bad as is desire to

get money, worldly things etc- because subtly the former is cause

and latter the result. Hence as a principle - one should do service

if an opportunity arises and if you have ability, but one should not

have a " desire to do service and for that purpose to get worldly

things, money etc " . There should be " bhava " (inner sentiments)

not " desire " . Service is a bhava (inner sentiments) not a karma



2... To become happy by making others happy or to keep a sentiment

inside that " Because of me others are getting happy " or to desire

even a little honor or praise, and become happy upon receipt of such

praise or honor- this is in fact " consumption " (Bhog) and

not " service " ! Because in such a case service gets converted into

the consumption of pleasure and becomes for " self " . That creates

importance of pleasure, money, worldly things etc and thereby

arise " mineness " and " desire " .


3... " I am giving something to someone " - one who has this

sentiment or bhava , he cannot understand and it is very difficult

for someone to make him understand that the worldly things used for

service in fact belonged only to the servicee. We have simply given

him what belonged to him. Where then the question of any


happiness/sorrow/pride/honor/etc arises ?? Do we expect anything

when we wash our face with our hands?


By the way " purification " is not the end result of real " service " . I

shall touch upon it latter. But in the meantime may I ask you

Brother Abraham - " Purification of What? Why? " One's Self is ever

pure ! Hence " purification of one's self " is not fitting into. It

should not be a " desire " . Refer para 1 above. NOTHING TO BE DONE FOR

SELF - is the cardinal principle of " Service " . In any case I will

touch upon it. First let us grasp the " philosophy " - principles. An

active deliberation on first the principles then on practice should

make up ideal response.


To be continued.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Dear Mr.George,

Service to humanity alone is not complete service. Service to other

beings that helps humanity around us is also important. Like feeding

birds that keeps environment, watering plants that produces oxygen,

being kind to pets within and outside home etc. Love thy neighbour

(regard less of caste and creed - otherwise it could have been

mentioned love thy Christian neighbour). Thou shall not cast eyes on

neighbour` s wife, show the other cheek if you are slapped. All

these are there in Bhagavat Geetha also in detail.


Path to divinity and liberation is common, but told in differant

aspects. The parable about a priest travelling coming across a needy

person on roadside, is just neglected. Another priest crossing the

same person did all the help to the person on road side. This is



But there is a vital importance in Service. If one thinks in mind

level somewhere in a corner that he is servicing, the whole serving

becomes business and Not divine. The service done yesterday should

not be in mind. It should be forgotten. The services done should be

done without fame and name, surrendering it to God. The outcome of

services by abuses and praises are to be treated Null and void. All

these are there in Bagavath Geetha and in Old Testament, parables.

If a little special treatment is shown to a Hindu brother or a

Christian brother over another person, the service goes waste as far

as divinity.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Dear Abraham,

I have taken the liberty of pasting in an extract from the latests

post from Sadhak_insight by Swami Ramsukhdasji, you could go to :

http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net (English site) to connect.


'.....He is with us. " Param shaanti, param anand. " (Eternal Peace,

Eternal Bliss) This is the truth.


Therefore simply accept – Bhagavaan (God) is mine. Serve all, but

do not consider anyone to be your very own. Just like Mirabai

says - " Mere toh Giridhar Gopal, duseraa ne koyi. " (Only Giridhar

Gopal is Mine. There is None Other). Serve all and all will be

happy if you serve them. But remain ever joyful belonging to only

One.... " .


The reason I mention swamiji is his Soul transcends all faiths it



Jesus to me seemed to be a Prayer to God in action. (all He did for

mankind was in His Fathers name. Our Fathers name).


In all Hearts is the need to serve others. The egos speak for Satan.


Actually, service to others is the outcome of the desire for The

Beloved, thus the focus on the Divine, creates the natural response

to serve others, a prayer in action.

Just a few thoughts.


With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


Right you are Abrahamji, service to humanity is service to God. How

can it be otherwise?


All humanity and animals, plants, environment, nature are manifest

God! As Swamiji says, our body-mind-intellect are just to serve

only. Whom do we serve? If one thinks deeply, one may see one serves

oneself while serving apparent " others " . One gets rewarded right

there and then in terms of inner satisfaction, joy, peace, provided

Love dominates the service!


The greatest of all services though is to know thyself like all

saints and sages have done through their words of wisdom which

uplift humanity as exemplified by Jesus, Mother Teresa, Ramakrishna

Mission and the likes.


Such wisdom as that which comes from God realization have been

proven far more effective. It guides one to serve in most

resourceful ways. Service without humility breeds pride hurting

giver and recipients, both equally.


Service must be considered a privilege, one must be thankful to

those receiving help, so that one can be happy serving.



Pratap Bhatt


Jai Hanuman


Welcome Brother George ! Jee! Great question and great sentiment



Let us take first the object of " service " . It can't

be " purification " . Because any sentiment/bhava/ inner expression

of " purification " necessarily and essentially reflects " continuation

of connection with the subject matter of purification " . The subject

matter of " purification " can only be " inert " and never

be " sentient " . Hence object of service can only be " disconnection "

with inert and never purification there of.



Hence No ! No, Brother you should not serve to " purify " something or

anything ! Nothing is dirty ! All is divine! If something is impure,

it is not ours. On top of it, that impurity consists ONLY in fact

of our " mineness " with that. Else that something is pure ab initio.

You are pure ab initio. Impurity is your " connection " with the

world, worldly people, and worldly objects and things only.

The moment " mineness " with them is gone ( worldly people and things-

including your body, mind, intellect etc) - impurity is gone- that

impurity is gone which in fact never existed- only mineness

existed ! Mineness is impurity! " Connection " is impurity. Because

out of connection - desires and mineness arise!


Hence once there is an importance inside of something, of some

impurity somewhere needing purification , be that related to

purification of money earned, or mind or intellect or body or

worldly things or of servicee or of servicor- the karma is

not " seva " (Service) ! Object of " seva " is always to " disconnect "

one's self with the worldly possessions, desires, mineness, ego,

cause and effect circle, karma and result circle - never

to " connect " with them !


In fact when you do service- real service- you " disconnect " yourself

with the worldly things, mind, intellect etc. Where is the question

of " purification " ? When nothing is yours, and nothing is for you,

to purify what ? Why? How?


Bolo Jee! Respond Brother! We shall continue deliberating. I hope my

first posting on the subject shall be received in right spirit by



Namaste Jee

Jee Jee





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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I am very happy to read these exchanges of spiritual ideas under the

topic of " Misunderstanding of Dharma with Hinduism " . I find them

to be equally valuable to non-Hindus like me (I was born in a

Christian family). It is wonderful to see that these noble thoughts

are interpreted in an inclusive fashion for all religions -- dealing

with right and wrong, duty, and truth.


I was brought up with the ideals of service to humanity as service

to God. As I understand there is nothing else above service. Any

effort to " purify " oneself without service to others is

meaningless. Will someone be able to provide the philosophy

concerning " service to humanity " as it relates to our life itself?


Abraham M. George





Please read Swamiji's daily message over the last couple of days on

Service. It provides a very different perspective than what most

people ordinarily consider as serving/service to others. The links

on Philosophy of Service / How to serve are -




Thank you for this beautiful and timely posting.


The gist of true service is when the other person -

1) Becomes happy in present and

2) Is benefited (uplifted, liberated) in the future.

When these two things take place, the other person has been served.


Service is not about physically doing something or giving

money/material things. Service can be done by everyone without

exceptions, as it does not require money or power or anything for

that matter. By serving with money, it can lead to egoism and

disrespect for the other person and cause disharmony. Also thinking

that we can serve with money and material things, is giving more

importance to money and things than true service. Very few are

doing true service these days. By simply uniting with the other in

their happy and sad moments, the other person will be served. If

someone else serves better than you, let there be no jealousy.

Rather be very happy in their ability to serve, as our work is done

without any effort on our part.


Please read again! So beautiful! It is very different philosophy on

service than we have heard or practiced. It is more about the

sentiments (bhaav) than about physically providing money or



Meera Das

Ram Ram




Dear Abraham,

Happy New Year 2009 to you and all your Family


My Dear, Philosophy on Service to Humanity is a very interesting

topic. Shri Gita as told by God Krishna to Mr. Arjuna is full of

Service to Humanity. In Chapter 5 God Krishna Said that Karmayogis

perform action while shaking off attachment(fruits) simply for the

sake of self-purification. (Verse 11). And in Verse 12---- " Selfish

motive ties down a man because he is attached to the fruit of

action. In this way , you will find a lot of verses in this tiny

scripture which is the sourse of all scriptures as God is as source

of all origins.

May God Bless You,


Glory to God Krishna

Mahesh Sharma



Vyasa after composing tons of scriptures concludes that he is able to

summarize what is said in 10 million books in half a verse:


shloka ardhena pravakshyaami (I will tell you in half a verse)

yat uktam grantha koTibih (what is spoken in 10 million books)

para upakaara puNyaaya (helping others is virtue)

paapaaya para peeDanam (causing pain to others is sin)


Koti Sreekrishna




Jai Hanuman




One of the most essential care one should take while

rendering " service " - is

that neither you should consider the person to whom you are serving

as " yours "

nor you should consider the things with which you serve (say body,

money, power

etc) to him to be " yours " . Secondly, no desire , even the slighest,


reciprocation or returns from the servicee or God or any other -

these two are

cardinal principles of service !


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om




To serve - means to give pleasure/happiness to others. To every one.

With no exceptions. Always. Without any expectations. As a matter of

duty. This is yardstick.


When you do good, you in fact are limiting yourself to a particular

person/group. You can't to do good to all in the universe..

Limitations of time, worldly things, circumstances, distances don't

let you do that. So what to do ?


Answer is:


Never cause harm/displeasure/sorrow to any one / any body/ anything

in this universe. You then has done good to all without any

exceptions. You have reached by your sentiment/bhava to all

creatures. There is no limitation of worldly things, time etc now

for you.

Hence the real service to the entire universe is - not

harming/hurting any one, any time, anywhere !


Here your " bhava " of not doing bad to anyone is " unlimited " . That

gets you the element which is " unlimited " - Paramatma !


To be continued


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


In short, true Seva or Service should serve the service-giver

i.e. take him to higher conciousness levels.


Seva ho but sevek na ho! Sevek disappears (Service without service-

giver being



Sushil Jain




If you want, you may read free online of " Bhagavat Gita As It Is " .

Do a " Search " and you will find it. Hare Krishna

Srinivas kolluri





Hari Om


A very good question. Indeed our Sanatan Dharma addresses the

humanity at large irrespective of caste, creed, culture, colour,

country, civilisation, sect, religion, belief etc.


Welcome Brother Abraham ! " Philosophy concerning service to humanity

as it relates to our life itself " is the central theme for



Let me get at macro level and explain " subtle " fundamental

principles on the subject. (All compiled from teachings of Swamiji

Ramsukhdasji Maharaj)



humanity at large.


In all the cases one must understand categorically that " service "

(seva) is rendered always by sentiments/emotions/intentions - in

other words by " bhava " . Service is done by " bhava " not by grant of

worldly things. To give worldly things is not service. That even a

shop keeper does.


1 ...Only that person can do " service " who does not need anything

anytime for himself. Desire to do service, is as bad as is desire to

get money, worldly things etc- because subtly the former is cause

and latter the result. Hence as a principle - one should do service

if an opportunity arises and if you have ability, but one should not

have a " desire to do service and for that purpose to get worldly

things, money etc " . There should be " bhava " (inner sentiments)

not " desire " . Service is a bhava (inner sentiments) not a karma



2... To become happy by making others happy or to keep a sentiment

inside that " Because of me others are getting happy " or to desire

even a little honor or praise, and become happy upon receipt of such

praise or honor- this is in fact " consumption " (Bhog) and

not " service " ! Because in such a case service gets converted into

the consumption of pleasure and becomes for " self " . That creates

importance of pleasure, money, worldly things etc and thereby

arise " mineness " and " desire " .


3... " I am giving something to someone " - one who has this

sentiment or bhava , he cannot understand and it is very difficult

for someone to make him understand that the worldly things used for

service in fact belonged only to the servicee. We have simply given

him what belonged to him. Where then the question of any


happiness/sorrow/pride/honor/etc arises ?? Do we expect anything

when we wash our face with our hands?


By the way " purification " is not the end result of real " service " . I

shall touch upon it latter. But in the meantime may I ask you

Brother Abraham - " Purification of What? Why? " One's Self is ever

pure ! Hence " purification of one's self " is not fitting into. It

should not be a " desire " . Refer para 1 above. NOTHING TO BE DONE FOR

SELF - is the cardinal principle of " Service " . In any case I will

touch upon it. First let us grasp the " philosophy " - principles. An

active deliberation on first the principles then on practice should

make up ideal response.


To be continued.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Dear Mr.George,

Service to humanity alone is not complete service. Service to other

beings that helps humanity around us is also important. Like feeding

birds that keeps environment, watering plants that produces oxygen,

being kind to pets within and outside home etc. Love thy neighbour

(regard less of caste and creed - otherwise it could have been

mentioned love thy Christian neighbour). Thou shall not cast eyes on

neighbour` s wife, show the other cheek if you are slapped. All

these are there in Bhagavat Geetha also in detail.


Path to divinity and liberation is common, but told in differant

aspects. The parable about a priest travelling coming across a needy

person on roadside, is just neglected. Another priest crossing the

same person did all the help to the person on road side. This is



But there is a vital importance in Service. If one thinks in mind

level somewhere in a corner that he is servicing, the whole serving

becomes business and Not divine. The service done yesterday should

not be in mind. It should be forgotten. The services done should be

done without fame and name, surrendering it to God. The outcome of

services by abuses and praises are to be treated Null and void. All

these are there in Bagavath Geetha and in Old Testament, parables.

If a little special treatment is shown to a Hindu brother or a

Christian brother over another person, the service goes waste as far

as divinity.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Dear Abraham,

I have taken the liberty of pasting in an extract from the latests

post from Sadhak_insight by Swami Ramsukhdasji, you could go to :

http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net (English site) to connect.


'.....He is with us. " Param shaanti, param anand. " (Eternal Peace,

Eternal Bliss) This is the truth.


Therefore simply accept – Bhagavaan (God) is mine. Serve all, but

do not consider anyone to be your very own. Just like Mirabai

says - " Mere toh Giridhar Gopal, duseraa ne koyi. " (Only Giridhar

Gopal is Mine. There is None Other). Serve all and all will be

happy if you serve them. But remain ever joyful belonging to only

One.... " .


The reason I mention swamiji is his Soul transcends all faiths it



Jesus to me seemed to be a Prayer to God in action. (all He did for

mankind was in His Fathers name. Our Fathers name).


In all Hearts is the need to serve others. The egos speak for Satan.


Actually, service to others is the outcome of the desire for The

Beloved, thus the focus on the Divine, creates the natural response

to serve others, a prayer in action.

Just a few thoughts.


With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


Right you are Abrahamji, service to humanity is service to God. How

can it be otherwise?


All humanity and animals, plants, environment, nature are manifest

God! As Swamiji says, our body-mind-intellect are just to serve

only. Whom do we serve? If one thinks deeply, one may see one serves

oneself while serving apparent " others " . One gets rewarded right

there and then in terms of inner satisfaction, joy, peace, provided

Love dominates the service!


The greatest of all services though is to know thyself like all

saints and sages have done through their words of wisdom which

uplift humanity as exemplified by Jesus, Mother Teresa, Ramakrishna

Mission and the likes.


Such wisdom as that which comes from God realization have been

proven far more effective. It guides one to serve in most

resourceful ways. Service without humility breeds pride hurting

giver and recipients, both equally.


Service must be considered a privilege, one must be thankful to

those receiving help, so that one can be happy serving.



Pratap Bhatt


Jai Hanuman


Welcome Brother George ! Jee! Great question and great sentiment



Let us take first the object of " service " . It can't

be " purification " . Because any sentiment/bhava/ inner expression

of " purification " necessarily and essentially reflects " continuation

of connection with the subject matter of purification " . The subject

matter of " purification " can only be " inert " and never

be " sentient " . Hence object of service can only be " disconnection "

with inert and never purification there of.



Hence No ! No, Brother you should not serve to " purify " something or

anything ! Nothing is dirty ! All is divine! If something is impure,

it is not ours. On top of it, that impurity consists ONLY in fact

of our " mineness " with that. Else that something is pure ab initio.

You are pure ab initio. Impurity is your " connection " with the

world, worldly people, and worldly objects and things only.

The moment " mineness " with them is gone ( worldly people and things-

including your body, mind, intellect etc) - impurity is gone- that

impurity is gone which in fact never existed- only mineness

existed ! Mineness is impurity! " Connection " is impurity. Because

out of connection - desires and mineness arise!


Hence once there is an importance inside of something, of some

impurity somewhere needing purification , be that related to

purification of money earned, or mind or intellect or body or

worldly things or of servicee or of servicor- the karma is

not " seva " (Service) ! Object of " seva " is always to " disconnect "

one's self with the worldly possessions, desires, mineness, ego,

cause and effect circle, karma and result circle - never

to " connect " with them !


In fact when you do service- real service- you " disconnect " yourself

with the worldly things, mind, intellect etc. Where is the question

of " purification " ? When nothing is yours, and nothing is for you,

to purify what ? Why? How?


Bolo Jee! Respond Brother! We shall continue deliberating. I hope my

first posting on the subject shall be received in right spirit by



Namaste Jee

Jee Jee





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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I am very happy to read these exchanges of spiritual ideas under the

topic of " Misunderstanding of Dharma with Hinduism " . I find them

to be equally valuable to non-Hindus like me (I was born in a

Christian family). It is wonderful to see that these noble thoughts

are interpreted in an inclusive fashion for all religions -- dealing

with right and wrong, duty, and truth.


I was brought up with the ideals of service to humanity as service

to God. As I understand there is nothing else above service. Any

effort to " purify " oneself without service to others is

meaningless. Will someone be able to provide the philosophy

concerning " service to humanity " as it relates to our life itself?


Abraham M. George





Hari Om


Sure ! One never ceases to marvel at the subtle principles Swamiji

manifested before the humanity at large and the ease with which He

explained them and which He imparted to Sadhaks . The principles of

Swamiji do not leave any scope for doubt, always establish their

easyness to practice and make you " live " them.


Thanks. Mira Dassji. Service in fact is always done by " bhavas " (

inner sentiments/expressions) .


What is the proof that you have rendered selfless real service?


Says Great Swamiji- When your bhava (inner sentiment/expression) of

doing service is so powerful that you have awakened in

the " servicee " himself a similar bhava of rendering service ! That

is the yardstick ! Is it a tough yardstick? The " servicee " should

get enthused to do the service !! Awakening of such sentiment in

servicee is the yardstick/proof of perfect service rendered within

the meaning of Gita !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



-Shree Hari-


Dear Abraham,


Do you see how much sincerity and service is rendered to your

question, how much Divine Love.

I personally would like to thank sadhak_insight for these current


They will steer you away from ego traps.

I will tell you something about a Benedictine monk who was visiting

'The Sisters of Mercy' in India, he was talking to some of the

sisters, and they pointed out a young man that had been brougt to

them recently, they had cleaned him up and made him comfortable, but

they said he was dying he may have already be dead, he went over and

gently touch this poor souls shoulder, he was still alive he turned

his head, and looked the monk in the eyes, the monk said, " I was

looking into the eyes of God " .

Abraham, whatever service you do from the heart, is to God, " Who ever

feeds the least feeds ME... "


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike Keenor




Please read Swamiji's daily message over the last couple of days on

Service. It provides a very different perspective than what most

people ordinarily consider as serving/service to others. The links

on Philosophy of Service / How to serve are -




Thank you for this beautiful and timely posting.


The gist of true service is when the other person -

1) Becomes happy in present and

2) Is benefited (uplifted, liberated) in the future.

When these two things take place, the other person has been served.


Service is not about physically doing something or giving

money/material things. Service can be done by everyone without

exceptions, as it does not require money or power or anything for

that matter. By serving with money, it can lead to egoism and

disrespect for the other person and cause disharmony. Also thinking

that we can serve with money and material things, is giving more

importance to money and things than true service. Very few are

doing true service these days. By simply uniting with the other in

their happy and sad moments, the other person will be served. If

someone else serves better than you, let there be no jealousy.

Rather be very happy in their ability to serve, as our work is done

without any effort on our part.


Please read again! So beautiful! It is very different philosophy on

service than we have heard or practiced. It is more about the

sentiments (bhaav) than about physically providing money or



Meera Das

Ram Ram




Dear Abraham,

Happy New Year 2009 to you and all your Family


My Dear, Philosophy on Service to Humanity is a very interesting

topic. Shri Gita as told by God Krishna to Mr. Arjuna is full of

Service to Humanity. In Chapter 5 God Krishna Said that Karmayogis

perform action while shaking off attachment(fruits) simply for the

sake of self-purification. (Verse 11). And in Verse 12---- " Selfish

motive ties down a man because he is attached to the fruit of

action. In this way , you will find a lot of verses in this tiny

scripture which is the sourse of all scriptures as God is as source

of all origins.

May God Bless You,


Glory to God Krishna

Mahesh Sharma



Vyasa after composing tons of scriptures concludes that he is able to

summarize what is said in 10 million books in half a verse:


shloka ardhena pravakshyaami (I will tell you in half a verse)

yat uktam grantha koTibih (what is spoken in 10 million books)

para upakaara puNyaaya (helping others is virtue)

paapaaya para peeDanam (causing pain to others is sin)


Koti Sreekrishna




Jai Hanuman




One of the most essential care one should take while

rendering " service " - is

that neither you should consider the person to whom you are serving

as " yours "

nor you should consider the things with which you serve (say body,

money, power

etc) to him to be " yours " . Secondly, no desire , even the slighest,


reciprocation or returns from the servicee or God or any other -

these two are

cardinal principles of service !


Namaste Jee


Jee Jee




Hari Om




To serve - means to give pleasure/happiness to others. To every one.

With no exceptions. Always. Without any expectations. As a matter of

duty. This is yardstick.


When you do good, you in fact are limiting yourself to a particular

person/group. You can't to do good to all in the universe..

Limitations of time, worldly things, circumstances, distances don't

let you do that. So what to do ?


Answer is:


Never cause harm/displeasure/sorrow to any one / any body/ anything

in this universe. You then has done good to all without any

exceptions. You have reached by your sentiment/bhava to all

creatures. There is no limitation of worldly things, time etc now

for you.

Hence the real service to the entire universe is - not

harming/hurting any one, any time, anywhere !


Here your " bhava " of not doing bad to anyone is " unlimited " . That

gets you the element which is " unlimited " - Paramatma !


To be continued


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


In short, true Seva or Service should serve the service-giver

i.e. take him to higher conciousness levels.


Seva ho but sevek na ho! Sevek disappears (Service without service-

giver being



Sushil Jain




If you want, you may read free online of " Bhagavat Gita As It Is " .

Do a " Search " and you will find it. Hare Krishna

Srinivas kolluri





Hari Om


A very good question. Indeed our Sanatan Dharma addresses the

humanity at large irrespective of caste, creed, culture, colour,

country, civilisation, sect, religion, belief etc.


Welcome Brother Abraham ! " Philosophy concerning service to humanity

as it relates to our life itself " is the central theme for



Let me get at macro level and explain " subtle " fundamental

principles on the subject. (All compiled from teachings of Swamiji

Ramsukhdasji Maharaj)



humanity at large.


In all the cases one must understand categorically that " service "

(seva) is rendered always by sentiments/emotions/intentions - in

other words by " bhava " . Service is done by " bhava " not by grant of

worldly things. To give worldly things is not service. That even a

shop keeper does.


1 ...Only that person can do " service " who does not need anything

anytime for himself. Desire to do service, is as bad as is desire to

get money, worldly things etc- because subtly the former is cause

and latter the result. Hence as a principle - one should do service

if an opportunity arises and if you have ability, but one should not

have a " desire to do service and for that purpose to get worldly

things, money etc " . There should be " bhava " (inner sentiments)

not " desire " . Service is a bhava (inner sentiments) not a karma



2... To become happy by making others happy or to keep a sentiment

inside that " Because of me others are getting happy " or to desire

even a little honor or praise, and become happy upon receipt of such

praise or honor- this is in fact " consumption " (Bhog) and

not " service " ! Because in such a case service gets converted into

the consumption of pleasure and becomes for " self " . That creates

importance of pleasure, money, worldly things etc and thereby

arise " mineness " and " desire " .


3... " I am giving something to someone " - one who has this

sentiment or bhava , he cannot understand and it is very difficult

for someone to make him understand that the worldly things used for

service in fact belonged only to the servicee. We have simply given

him what belonged to him. Where then the question of any


happiness/sorrow/pride/honor/etc arises ?? Do we expect anything

when we wash our face with our hands?


By the way " purification " is not the end result of real " service " . I

shall touch upon it latter. But in the meantime may I ask you

Brother Abraham - " Purification of What? Why? " One's Self is ever

pure ! Hence " purification of one's self " is not fitting into. It

should not be a " desire " . Refer para 1 above. NOTHING TO BE DONE FOR

SELF - is the cardinal principle of " Service " . In any case I will

touch upon it. First let us grasp the " philosophy " - principles. An

active deliberation on first the principles then on practice should

make up ideal response.


To be continued.


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



Dear Mr.George,

Service to humanity alone is not complete service. Service to other

beings that helps humanity around us is also important. Like feeding

birds that keeps environment, watering plants that produces oxygen,

being kind to pets within and outside home etc. Love thy neighbour

(regard less of caste and creed - otherwise it could have been

mentioned love thy Christian neighbour). Thou shall not cast eyes on

neighbour` s wife, show the other cheek if you are slapped. All

these are there in Bhagavat Geetha also in detail.


Path to divinity and liberation is common, but told in differant

aspects. The parable about a priest travelling coming across a needy

person on roadside, is just neglected. Another priest crossing the

same person did all the help to the person on road side. This is



But there is a vital importance in Service. If one thinks in mind

level somewhere in a corner that he is servicing, the whole serving

becomes business and Not divine. The service done yesterday should

not be in mind. It should be forgotten. The services done should be

done without fame and name, surrendering it to God. The outcome of

services by abuses and praises are to be treated Null and void. All

these are there in Bagavath Geetha and in Old Testament, parables.

If a little special treatment is shown to a Hindu brother or a

Christian brother over another person, the service goes waste as far

as divinity.

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan



Dear Abraham,

I have taken the liberty of pasting in an extract from the latests

post from Sadhak_insight by Swami Ramsukhdasji, you could go to :

http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.net (English site) to connect.


'.....He is with us. " Param shaanti, param anand. " (Eternal Peace,

Eternal Bliss) This is the truth.


Therefore simply accept – Bhagavaan (God) is mine. Serve all, but

do not consider anyone to be your very own. Just like Mirabai

says - " Mere toh Giridhar Gopal, duseraa ne koyi. " (Only Giridhar

Gopal is Mine. There is None Other). Serve all and all will be

happy if you serve them. But remain ever joyful belonging to only

One.... " .


The reason I mention swamiji is his Soul transcends all faiths it



Jesus to me seemed to be a Prayer to God in action. (all He did for

mankind was in His Fathers name. Our Fathers name).


In all Hearts is the need to serve others. The egos speak for Satan.


Actually, service to others is the outcome of the desire for The

Beloved, thus the focus on the Divine, creates the natural response

to serve others, a prayer in action.

Just a few thoughts.


With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


Right you are Abrahamji, service to humanity is service to God. How

can it be otherwise?


All humanity and animals, plants, environment, nature are manifest

God! As Swamiji says, our body-mind-intellect are just to serve

only. Whom do we serve? If one thinks deeply, one may see one serves

oneself while serving apparent " others " . One gets rewarded right

there and then in terms of inner satisfaction, joy, peace, provided

Love dominates the service!


The greatest of all services though is to know thyself like all

saints and sages have done through their words of wisdom which

uplift humanity as exemplified by Jesus, Mother Teresa, Ramakrishna

Mission and the likes.


Such wisdom as that which comes from God realization have been

proven far more effective. It guides one to serve in most

resourceful ways. Service without humility breeds pride hurting

giver and recipients, both equally.


Service must be considered a privilege, one must be thankful to

those receiving help, so that one can be happy serving.



Pratap Bhatt


Jai Hanuman


Welcome Brother George ! Jee! Great question and great sentiment



Let us take first the object of " service " . It can't

be " purification " . Because any sentiment/bhava/ inner expression

of " purification " necessarily and essentially reflects " continuation

of connection with the subject matter of purification " . The subject

matter of " purification " can only be " inert " and never

be " sentient " . Hence object of service can only be " disconnection "

with inert and never purification there of.



Hence No ! No, Brother you should not serve to " purify " something or

anything ! Nothing is dirty ! All is divine! If something is impure,

it is not ours. On top of it, that impurity consists ONLY in fact

of our " mineness " with that. Else that something is pure ab initio.

You are pure ab initio. Impurity is your " connection " with the

world, worldly people, and worldly objects and things only.

The moment " mineness " with them is gone ( worldly people and things-

including your body, mind, intellect etc) - impurity is gone- that

impurity is gone which in fact never existed- only mineness

existed ! Mineness is impurity! " Connection " is impurity. Because

out of connection - desires and mineness arise!


Hence once there is an importance inside of something, of some

impurity somewhere needing purification , be that related to

purification of money earned, or mind or intellect or body or

worldly things or of servicee or of servicor- the karma is

not " seva " (Service) ! Object of " seva " is always to " disconnect "

one's self with the worldly possessions, desires, mineness, ego,

cause and effect circle, karma and result circle - never

to " connect " with them !


In fact when you do service- real service- you " disconnect " yourself

with the worldly things, mind, intellect etc. Where is the question

of " purification " ? When nothing is yours, and nothing is for you,

to purify what ? Why? How?


Bolo Jee! Respond Brother! We shall continue deliberating. I hope my

first posting on the subject shall be received in right spirit by



Namaste Jee

Jee Jee





1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram



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