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Bhagavad Gita - Daily One Verse Brief Explanation - II 1:21 II

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II 1:21 II


arjuna uvaca


senayor ubhayor madhye, ratham sthapaya me 'cyuta (Gita 1:21)


Arjuna said:


O Achyuta! (Achyuta means one who does not deviate from his Divine

Self), place my chariot between the two armies


From Gita Prabodhani in Hindi pg. 10 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


Chapter 1, Verse 21 is as follows;


Arjuna = Arjuna

Uvaacha = said

SenayoH = of the armies

UbhayoH = of both

Madhye = in the middle

Ratham = chariot

Sthaapaya = place

Me = my

Achyuta = (One who never fails in his obligatory duties) Lord Shree



English translation:-


Arjuna said, " O Krishna, please place my chariot in between the two

armies. "


While the entire armed forces of Pandavaas and Kauravaas were

charged with the thrill of the long anticipated battle, Arjuna told

Lord Krishna to station his chariot between the two opposing armies

so as to enable him to personally inspect the preparedness of the

Kauravaas and assess their strengths and weaknesses.


A-Chyuta is the title of Lord Krishna. It means the one who never

deviates from his original unblemished status of the Self i.e.

Aatman which is a subset of the all pervading Brahman; irrespective

of space, time and causation. It is the purest unconditional status

of the one, who has attained complete Self realisation. Lord Krishna

was the 10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu's earlier

incarnation as Lord Rama is well known as `Maryaadaa Purushottama'

means the best amongst men, who knows where to draw a line of `so

far and no further' in every walk of life; whereas Lord Krishna is

well known as `SampoorNa Purushottama' means the best amongst men,

who has total control over his physical body, mind and intellect and

the one who is in complete alignment with the divinity.


As per the theory of evolution of species, human beings have evolved

from the status of monkeys over a period of few million years. As

per our scriptures, our progression in life ought to be from the

status of Markata i.e. monkey to Maanava i.e. human being to

Maadhava i.e. Lord Vishnu. `Maa' means the goddess of wealth i.e.

Lakshmi and `Dhava' means husband. Thus, Maadhava is one of the

thousand names of Lord Vishnu. Vishnu means the one who pervades the

entire universe of both living and non-living things.


In the divine chariot driven by the four celestial white horses,

both `Nara' i.e. a representative of man called as Arjuna and

`Narayana' i.e. the 10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu / Lord Krishna

are present. Narayana's divine role is to direct the physical body,

mind and intellect of 'Nara' to perform his obligatory duties in

consonance with the scriptures, to the best of his abilities and

knowledge, keeping aside personal likes and dislikes and without

anticipation of any favourable outcome for personal name, fame and

material gains.


If we treat Lord Krishna as our constant companion in the form of a

charioteer of our lives, then certainly all of us will not deviate

from the path, which leads us to divinity.


Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi.



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Thank you Mrs. K Asani for requesting shloka explanation on a daily

basis and Thank you Shri Shrikantji Joshi for taking the initiative

to support this divine work.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram

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