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Bhagavad Gita - Daily One Verse Brief Explanation - II 1:22 II

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II 1:22 II


arjuna uvaca


yaavad etaan nireekshye 'ham, yoddhu-kaaman avasthitaan

kair mayaa saha yoddhavyam, asmin rana-samuddhyame (Gita 1:22)


Arjuna said:


Hold the chariot there, till I have carefully observed those

warriors that are desirous of war. In this endeavor (in the form of

war) whom all is it worthy for me to wage this war with.


From Gita Prabodhani in Hindi pg. 10 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


Chapter 1, Verse 22 is as follows;


Yaavat = while

Etaan = these

Nireekshye = behold

Aham = I

Yoddhu-kaaman = desirous to fight

Avasthitaan = standing

KaiH = with whom

Mayaa = me

Saha = together

Yoddhavyam = must fight

Asmin = in this

Rana –Samuddhyame = on the eve of battle


English translation:-


Let me behold those desirous of fighting, who stand here, with whom

I should wage this war.


Arjuna, at the best of his charged indomitable spirit, just like a

military commander gives instructions to Lord Krishna to steer the

chariot and place it in between the opposing armies, so that he can

observe all those men, with whom he has to contend in the strife of

the impending royal battle.


Up until this time, during the epic of Mahaabhaarata, Arjuna was in

his true element; still unaffected by the lingering thoughts of

futility of war at the back of his mind, which were seeded by

Sanjaya upon the instructions of king Dhritarashtra.


Kunti and Draupadi were two great women, who made earnest and

passionate appeals to Pandavaas to initiate the royal battle to

preserve the `Sanaatana Dharma' i.e. the path of righteousness

against the `A-Dharma' i.e. the path of viciousness perpetuated by

the Kauravaas. Kunti even went on to the extent of admonishing her

sons that, if they chose not to fight against the Kauravaas as per

the advice of Sanjaya, in that case she will consider that the

breast milk, that she had fed them in the childhood, had been a

total waste.


Arjuna deeply loved his mother Kunti as well as his wife Draupadi.

Therefore, their earnest appeals were still at the forefront of his

mind and intellect.


While expressing his desire to scrutinise those opposing him in the

imminent battle, Arjuna demonstrates his heroic courage, firm

determination, adventurous competence and indomitable spirit.


Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Thank you Mrs. K Asani for requesting shloka explanation on a daily

basis and Thank you Shri Shrikantji Joshi for taking the initiative

to support this divine work.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram

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