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New Year Message - Today is the Day to Become Committed

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


All Friends, please accept my respectful greetings (pranaam) for

today's i.e. New Year's message and oblige me. Nine years ago, from

today's date, Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasji had alerted us that today

onwards let this life's one and only aim be to realize Paramatma

(Paramatma praapti). The group organizers have grasped the

opportunity to alert and remind us of the same. Let this reminder

keep us awake (alert) daily, so that everyday is a beginning of a

New Year. So be it.


Vineet Sarvottam






Best Regards

G K Agrawal


Happy new year

Best wishes for coming year

Hopefully truth righteousness and dharma will prevail

Need samundramanthan and churn to get the globe going the right way

Stay well

Dinesh Patel



Today is the Day to become Committed (Jan 1, 2009)


: Shree Hari :

Ram Ram


1st January, 2009, Thursday

Paush Shukla Panchami, Vikram Samvat 2065, Guruvar


Today after paying obeisance to Paramatma (namaskaaram), deeply

understand the following two points -


1) Importance of human body – It is only this human body that is

eligible and entitled to liberation. All other life forms do not

have the discriminative faculty to realize this.


2) Become firm and single-pointed in this one and only aim. Most

people are caught up in worldly matters. But you must be firm. Be

firm that this is the only work you will do from now onwards. Today

is a good day to begin. It does not mean to give up the other

things. It means that the aim is to only attain Paramatma, to

realize Paramatma.


Only human body can consider Bhagwaan as it's own. Only human body

is capable of contemplating on Bhagwaan. Only human body can engage

others in Bhagwaan. This strength, this ability has been given by

Bhagwaan Himself. Bhagwaan has given this to us therefore it is our

job to properly utilize this ability. " Jaraa maran mokshyaaya… " .

What use is it to wait till old age to attain salvation? Become

firm today and remain committed to this aim now! Deeply commit -

There will not be another birth! I take refuge in Bhagwaan's Lotus



In Gita Chapter 7 it is clearly stated - Do everything, do your

duty! But depend on only Bhagwaan. Pride is an obstacle to

realization. Pride can give one all kinds of enjoyment/pleasure. I

am doing this great work! People are benefiting! etc. Instead, by

taking refuge in Bhagwaan, see every thing that is happening as only

His grace, then there will not be any pride. Therefore depend on

His grace. Depending on nature (Prakriti) – activity (kriya) and

things (padaarth) leads to pride. But while doing, if one is

depending on only Bhagwaan, then it will be His grace (kripa).


All is Bhagwaan's! Everything! By using what Bhagwaan has given

us - His strength, His capability etc., become an instrument

(nimit). We are only an instrument. Just like Bhagwaan lifted

Govardhanji, by His tiny finger. He asked gopas to support with

their sticks, simply to make them feel good. But the minute they

became proud, He relaxed His tiny finger and the Gopas could not

bare the weight. Our strength does not work. Become nimit (only His

instrument). All work is happening by His grace. Apply all your

strength, but reliance must be only on Bhagwaan. What has been

given to us is all Parmatma's, not ours. It is Bhagwaan's nature to

give without letting us know that He is giving. " Krishnam Vande

Jagat Guru " All happens by His grace alone. Even death is by His

will and His grace. Wherever there is pride, become alert!

Immediately come to the realization that it happened by His grace.

Whatever good work is happening is happening by His grace. It is

not greatness of our intellect, our ability. It is not in our

hands. It is His grace. All good is happening by God's

grace " Hare Namaha " . With deep sentiments, pay obeisance (bhaav se

namaskaar karo). " Hare Namaha " !


From discourse in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji on Jan 1, 2000 8:00



Ram Ram

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