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Bhagavad Gita - Daily One Verse Brief Explanation - II 1:23 II

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II 1:23 II


yotsyamaanaan avekshe 'ham, ya ete 'tra samagataah

dhaartaraastrasya durbuddher, yuddhe priya-chikirsavah (Gita 1:23)


Let me see all those well-wishers that have assembled here with

their army eager, impatient and ready to fight in battle, intent on

pleasing the evil-minded son of Dhratarashtra (Duryodhana).


From Gita Prabodhani in Hindi pg. 10 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


Chapter 1, Verse 23 is as follows;


Yotsyamaanaan = with the object of fighting

Avekshye = observe

Aham = I

Ye = who

Ete = those

Atra = here

SamaagataaH = assembled

Dhaartra-raashtrasya = of the son of Dhritaraashtra

DurbuddheH = of the evil minded

Yuddhe = in the battle

Priya-chikeerShavaH = wishing to please


English translation:-


I observe those who are assembled here to fight, wishing to please

in battle the evil minded (Duryodhana) son of Dhritaraashtra.


Arjuna offers justification for his desire to review the enemy

formations along with the positions occupied by equally capable

warriors in the army of Kauravaas.


Up until this time, he was not afraid of them, nor was he worried

about the consequences of the royal battle.


He just wanted to see for himself who are those opportunists,

greedy, power hungry and as evil minded as unscrupulous Duryodhana -

all those who had opted to fight the epic battle on the side of

Kauravaas, so as to please the crafty and vicious Duryodhana.


Arjuna remembers the famous quote of Bheeshmaachaarya, " Arthasya

Purusho DaadaaH " i.e. men are slave to the spell and magic power of

all human possessions including money in this mortal world. Arjuna

wanted to witness with his own eyes, all those men who had fallen

prey to the relentless pursuit of name, fame and material gains;

irrespective of the purity of the processes involved.


On the same day morning, after assessing the impenetrable formation

of eleven battalions of the army of Kauravaas, that was organised by

Bheeshmaachaarya, Yudhishthira had told Arjuna, " How can we imagine

victory in the face of such a numerically superior and formidable

challenge? " Arjuna had immediately replied to him by quoting an

ancient verse, " They, that are desirous of victory, conquer not so

much by might and prowess but as much by truth, compassion, piety

and virtue. Victory is certain, where ever Lord Krishna is. Victory

is one of his multiple attributes, so also is humility " .


Inordinate zeal on the part of Arjuna resulted into his soul-damping

depression in due course of time. Arjuna unknowingly and unwittingly

became a victim of his vacillating mind that made him to rush to

scan the foes.


In the retrospective analysis, had Arjuna not fallen prey to his own

vacillating mind, certainly there would have been the royal battle,

however without the nectar of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta.


We should consider ourselves to be divinely blessed Saadhakaas, who

continue to undergo the same experience of Arjuna, as epitomized in

the 18th verse of chapter 10, " BhuyaH Kathay TruptiH Hi Shrunvato

Naasti Me Amrutam " i.e. O Lord Krishna, please continue to relate to

me over and over again and in great details, your yogic powers and

immanent glory of your various manifestations; for I do not feel

ever satisfied by hearing your fascinating, nectar-like, life-

infusing speech " .


Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Thank you Mrs. K Asani for requesting shloka explanation on a daily

basis and Thank you Shri Shrikantji Joshi for taking the initiative

to support this divine work.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram

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