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Intellect - Its Role? Where It Resides? Connection with Vivek (Discrimination)?

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-Shree Hari-


I believe the extract below from this post, could do with a good

airing. I realise that the simple model of the human body falls

very short of the higher reality, this is something that the

individual can discover for him/herself, by various spiritual

practices. (Woe betide those that play around outside the spirit, in

such things).


I have disciplined myself , (sometimes I have fallen outside the

guidelines, for that I apologize to moderator ). But at

the same time regarding, how many thousands readers of these two

sites? The ones who have fallen between the cracks, they are my

beloved fellow imperfect. Maybe the extract below can shine a light

on their confusion.


'...The heart area extends ten fingers below the throat and ten

fingers above the navel. In this heart area, the intellect resides

and its place of operating is the brain....'


I apologize for my verbosity .


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor





: Shree Hari :

Ram Ram


5th January, 2009, Monday

Paush Shukla Navami, Vikram Samvat 2065, Somvar


The glory of the human body has been sung to a great extent in the

scriptures. That glory is not of the body with flesh-bones, but of

the discriminative faculty (vivek). Body has been condemned – `Panch

Rachit Ati Adham Sarira' (Manas, Kishkindha 11|2). In reality

humanity is the power of discrimination (vivek) i.e. knowledge of

perishable-imperishable, duty - non-duty, essential - non-essential,

permitted - forbidden. This discriminative faculty is like an

illuminator, by which all worldly and spiritual affairs are properly

carried out. Glory of human body is actually the glory of

appropriate usage of this power of discrimination (vivek shakti). By

misuse of this faculty great harm can be caused. Intellect (buddhi)

is the instrument to reveal power of vivek. Such an instrument is

not available in other forms of life. In the human body the

intellect occupies a much larger portion, in which there are more

particles (tantu) of knowledge. The heart area extends ten fingers

below the throat and ten fingers above the navel. In this heart

area, the intellect resides and its place of operating is the brain.

Vivek (discrimination) comes in the intellect (buddhi); it is not an

attribute of the intellect (buddhi). Intellect is the evolutes of

insentient nature. Intellect is like a magnifying glass. Magnifying

glass concentrates the rays of sun. The magnifying glass

concentrates the burning power, while a mirror centers and reflects

the illuminating power. Due to being very attached to enjoying

pleasures and hoarding, man even after hearing spiritual talks he is

unable to walk towards Paramatma.


Stealing, breaking trust etc. is misuse of power of vivek

(discrimination). `Narak Swar Apbarg Niseni' (Manas, Uttar 121|5)-

this body is stairway to heaven, hell and is a doorway to salvation-

`Sadhan Dhaam Moksha Kar Dwaaara' (Manas, Uttar 43|4). After coming

into this body we can go to hell by misusing the God-gifted vivek

and attain salvation by appropriately using this vivek. Making

nuclear bombs is great misuse of power of vivek. In light of the Sun

one can read Vedas and one can also hunt.


As a wealthy man, attached to pleasures, generally doesn't come to

Satsang (spiritual discourses), similarly demi-gods also being

attached to pleasures don't turn towards Bhagavaan (God). But if

they do come there is no objection. Kings like Ambrish, Janak etc.

have also been God's devotees. Sinners have also been God's

devotees; because at the root everyone is God's fragment (ansh,

part). So no one is prohibited from walking towards Paramatma (God).


In human body (physical body) there is not even an ounce of purity.

It is only a factory for manufacturing stool-urine. Therefore it is

not the human body that is praiseworthy, but its appropriate usage

is praiseworthy.


Those that have attained God, they are awakened. Those that are

engaged in spiritual practices are asleep. Those that are not

engaged in Bhagwaan are corpses. Those that are sleeping they can

wake up, but how can a corpse wake up?


Earning money is not in our sphere of control, but day and night we

are engaged in this effort. Worshipping (devotion, remembrance,

chanting, meditation, reading etc.) is in our sphere of control but

that is not being done! Working the entire life and thereafter

earning lakh rupees is also not in our sphere of control; but lakh-

three lakh Divine Name (God's name) can be recited daily. That thing

which is going to go with us is not being accumulated, but that

thing which will remain here itself, that alone we are hoarding!


Charity is done only with that money which is earned ethically.

Wells made with money earned via unjust means is not of use to

anyone; just like `Modi's well' in Bikaner.


From " Gyaan ke Deep Jale " in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji, pg 150-



Ram Ram





1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram



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Shree Hari

Ram Ram

If you prefer only one daily message from us, please inform us by

emailing and we can change your email setting. Thank you,

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram


-Shree Hari-


I believe the extract below from this post, could do with a good

airing. I realise that the simple model of the human body falls

very short of the higher reality, this is something that the

individual can discover for him/herself, by various spiritual

practices. (Woe betide those that play around outside the spirit, in

such things).


I have disciplined myself , (sometimes I have fallen outside the

guidelines, for that I apologize to moderator ). But at

the same time regarding, how many thousands readers of these two

sites? The ones who have fallen between the cracks, they are my

beloved fellow imperfect. Maybe the extract below can shine a light

on their confusion.


'...The heart area extends ten fingers below the throat and ten

fingers above the navel. In this heart area, the intellect resides

and its place of operating is the brain....'


I apologize for my verbosity .


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor





Dear Sadaks,

Mr.Mike is correct about intellect residing. This is very clearly

explained and shown with proof by one saint called Veera Bramam

lived in Andra Pradesh, India. The sant has given details of how it

functions by Chakras in human body. The Sant took to Jeeva Samadhi

in 18th century I presume. His Samadhi is in Caddapah, Andra Pradesh

even to day, like that of Saint Gnaneswar.

Jai Sri Krishna


baiya sathyanarayan


The heart is physically present in the body. Intellect may be present in the

brain but real vivek or discrimination can be developed only through spiritual

practices like sadhana, satsang, sewa and meditation.


Hari Shanker Deo




: Shree Hari :

Ram Ram


5th January, 2009, Monday

Paush Shukla Navami, Vikram Samvat 2065, Somvar


The glory of the human body has been sung to a great extent in the

scriptures. That glory is not of the body with flesh-bones, but of

the discriminative faculty (vivek). Body has been condemned – `Panch

Rachit Ati Adham Sarira' (Manas, Kishkindha 11|2). In reality

humanity is the power of discrimination (vivek) i.e. knowledge of

perishable-imperishable, duty - non-duty, essential - non-essential,

permitted - forbidden. This discriminative faculty is like an

illuminator, by which all worldly and spiritual affairs are properly

carried out. Glory of human body is actually the glory of

appropriate usage of this power of discrimination (vivek shakti). By

misuse of this faculty great harm can be caused. Intellect (buddhi)

is the instrument to reveal power of vivek. Such an instrument is

not available in other forms of life. In the human body the

intellect occupies a much larger portion, in which there are more

particles (tantu) of knowledge. The heart area extends ten fingers

below the throat and ten fingers above the navel. In this heart

area, the intellect resides and its place of operating is the brain.

Vivek (discrimination) comes in the intellect (buddhi); it is not an

attribute of the intellect (buddhi). Intellect is the evolutes of

insentient nature. Intellect is like a magnifying glass. Magnifying

glass concentrates the rays of sun. The magnifying glass

concentrates the burning power, while a mirror centers and reflects

the illuminating power. Due to being very attached to enjoying

pleasures and hoarding, man even after hearing spiritual talks he is

unable to walk towards Paramatma.


Stealing, breaking trust etc. is misuse of power of vivek

(discrimination). `Narak Swar Apbarg Niseni' (Manas, Uttar 121|5)-

this body is stairway to heaven, hell and is a doorway to salvation-

`Sadhan Dhaam Moksha Kar Dwaaara' (Manas, Uttar 43|4). After coming

into this body we can go to hell by misusing the God-gifted vivek

and attain salvation by appropriately using this vivek. Making

nuclear bombs is great misuse of power of vivek. In light of the Sun

one can read Vedas and one can also hunt.


As a wealthy man, attached to pleasures, generally doesn't come to

Satsang (spiritual discourses), similarly demi-gods also being

attached to pleasures don't turn towards Bhagavaan (God). But if

they do come there is no objection. Kings like Ambrish, Janak etc.

have also been God's devotees. Sinners have also been God's

devotees; because at the root everyone is God's fragment (ansh,

part). So no one is prohibited from walking towards Paramatma (God).


In human body (physical body) there is not even an ounce of purity.

It is only a factory for manufacturing stool-urine. Therefore it is

not the human body that is praiseworthy, but its appropriate usage

is praiseworthy.


Those that have attained God, they are awakened. Those that are

engaged in spiritual practices are asleep. Those that are not

engaged in Bhagwaan are corpses. Those that are sleeping they can

wake up, but how can a corpse wake up?


Earning money is not in our sphere of control, but day and night we

are engaged in this effort. Worshipping (devotion, remembrance,

chanting, meditation, reading etc.) is in our sphere of control but

that is not being done! Working the entire life and thereafter

earning lakh rupees is also not in our sphere of control; but lakh-

three lakh Divine Name (God's name) can be recited daily. That thing

which is going to go with us is not being accumulated, but that

thing which will remain here itself, that alone we are hoarding!


Charity is done only with that money which is earned ethically.

Wells made with money earned via unjust means is not of use to

anyone; just like `Modi's well' in Bikaner.


From " Gyaan ke Deep Jale " in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji, pg 150-



Ram Ram





1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram



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Shree Hari

Ram Ram

If you prefer only one daily message from us, please inform us by

emailing and we can change your email setting. Thank you,

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram


-Shree Hari-


I believe the extract below from this post, could do with a good

airing. I realise that the simple model of the human body falls

very short of the higher reality, this is something that the

individual can discover for him/herself, by various spiritual

practices. (Woe betide those that play around outside the spirit, in

such things).


I have disciplined myself , (sometimes I have fallen outside the

guidelines, for that I apologize to moderator ). But at

the same time regarding, how many thousands readers of these two

sites? The ones who have fallen between the cracks, they are my

beloved fellow imperfect. Maybe the extract below can shine a light

on their confusion.


'...The heart area extends ten fingers below the throat and ten

fingers above the navel. In this heart area, the intellect resides

and its place of operating is the brain....'


I apologize for my verbosity .


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike Keenor





Hari Om


The " divinity " manifesting out of messages of Brother Mike Keenor

never ceases to surprise me !!


Take for example his below message !


That there is a heart situated at a particular place in a body, that

there is an intellect residing, that it gets controlled by " brain " -

sure !


(How can Taat Shree ever ever be less than HIM ?)


But then, the fact that they all are part of insentient / inert

body made of 5 elements also should be a certainty ! Isn't it ?


So what?


Coming to the " caption " of the subject Q ( if any) -

certainly " conscience " is beyond intellect unless intellect

gets " stablised " ( BG 2:54 r/w 51/52). Once something gets into non-

moving zone , (from " ever changing " to " stablised " ) the very

character/ nature/ substance of the element changes ! (Just as "

Dukhalayam " changes to " Vasudeva Sarvam " ) !


May be ( or surely - Dear Sadhaks? Brother Mike?) at that point or

thereafter real " sentient " elements like equanimity or

desirelessness ( nishkaam) etc also emerge or flash or manifest or

incarnate in " inert " element like mind/intellect !!! ( BG 2: 56 to

59). After all mind/ intellect are mirrors/ magnifying glass only !!


Hence I humbly request GT Moderators to post Brother Mike Keenor's

this genuine response too to the original Q of Sadhak Bandook Singh

relating to " conscience " .


Hence, let us address everything beyond " mental equipment " ( Chitta -

Ego/Mind/Intellect or Subtle /causal body or Mood) under one head -

VIVEKA (Conscience)- " STITHPRAGYAM " ( BG 2:54 to 2:59)- under the

Q asked by Sadhak Bandook Singh !


Sure ! We may deliberate on the " shrutiviprativipanna " (BG

2:53 ) there too- if there are confusions/ issues !! Afterall BG

2:53 is the only verse , but a real verse, dealing with such

technical/philosophical differences only !


But of course consent of Brother Mike Keenor is necessary !! And of

GT Moderators too !!


Indeed a topic of ultimate interest.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





Dear Sadaks,

Mr.Mike is correct about intellect residing. This is very clearly

explained and shown with proof by one saint called Veera Bramam

lived in Andra Pradesh, India. The sant has given details of how it

functions by Chakras in human body. The Sant took to Jeeva Samadhi

in 18th century I presume. His Samadhi is in Caddapah, Andra Pradesh

even to day, like that of Saint Gnaneswar.

Jai Sri Krishna


baiya sathyanarayan


The heart is physically present in the body. Intellect may be

present in the

brain but real vivek or discrimination can be developed only through


practices like sadhana, satsang, sewa and meditation.


Hari Shanker Deo




: Shree Hari :

Ram Ram


5th January, 2009, Monday

Paush Shukla Navami, Vikram Samvat 2065, Somvar


The glory of the human body has been sung to a great extent in the

scriptures. That glory is not of the body with flesh-bones, but of

the discriminative faculty (vivek). Body has been condemned – `Panch

Rachit Ati Adham Sarira' (Manas, Kishkindha 11|2). In reality

humanity is the power of discrimination (vivek) i.e. knowledge of

perishable-imperishable, duty - non-duty, essential - non-essential,

permitted - forbidden. This discriminative faculty is like an

illuminator, by which all worldly and spiritual affairs are properly

carried out. Glory of human body is actually the glory of

appropriate usage of this power of discrimination (vivek shakti). By

misuse of this faculty great harm can be caused. Intellect (buddhi)

is the instrument to reveal power of vivek. Such an instrument is

not available in other forms of life. In the human body the

intellect occupies a much larger portion, in which there are more

particles (tantu) of knowledge. The heart area extends ten fingers

below the throat and ten fingers above the navel. In this heart

area, the intellect resides and its place of operating is the brain.

Vivek (discrimination) comes in the intellect (buddhi); it is not an

attribute of the intellect (buddhi). Intellect is the evolutes of

insentient nature. Intellect is like a magnifying glass. Magnifying

glass concentrates the rays of sun. The magnifying glass

concentrates the burning power, while a mirror centers and reflects

the illuminating power. Due to being very attached to enjoying

pleasures and hoarding, man even after hearing spiritual talks he is

unable to walk towards Paramatma.


Stealing, breaking trust etc. is misuse of power of vivek

(discrimination). `Narak Swar Apbarg Niseni' (Manas, Uttar 121|5)-

this body is stairway to heaven, hell and is a doorway to salvation-

`Sadhan Dhaam Moksha Kar Dwaaara' (Manas, Uttar 43|4). After coming

into this body we can go to hell by misusing the God-gifted vivek

and attain salvation by appropriately using this vivek. Making

nuclear bombs is great misuse of power of vivek. In light of the Sun

one can read Vedas and one can also hunt.


As a wealthy man, attached to pleasures, generally doesn't come to

Satsang (spiritual discourses), similarly demi-gods also being

attached to pleasures don't turn towards Bhagavaan (God). But if

they do come there is no objection. Kings like Ambrish, Janak etc.

have also been God's devotees. Sinners have also been God's

devotees; because at the root everyone is God's fragment (ansh,

part). So no one is prohibited from walking towards Paramatma (God).


In human body (physical body) there is not even an ounce of purity.

It is only a factory for manufacturing stool-urine. Therefore it is

not the human body that is praiseworthy, but its appropriate usage

is praiseworthy.


Those that have attained God, they are awakened. Those that are

engaged in spiritual practices are asleep. Those that are not

engaged in Bhagwaan are corpses. Those that are sleeping they can

wake up, but how can a corpse wake up?


Earning money is not in our sphere of control, but day and night we

are engaged in this effort. Worshipping (devotion, remembrance,

chanting, meditation, reading etc.) is in our sphere of control but

that is not being done! Working the entire life and thereafter

earning lakh rupees is also not in our sphere of control; but lakh-

three lakh Divine Name (God's name) can be recited daily. That thing

which is going to go with us is not being accumulated, but that

thing which will remain here itself, that alone we are hoarding!


Charity is done only with that money which is earned ethically.

Wells made with money earned via unjust means is not of use to

anyone; just like `Modi's well' in Bikaner.


From " Gyaan ke Deep Jale " in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji, pg 150-



Ram Ram





1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram



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