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Bhagavad Gita - Daily One Verse Brief Explanation - II 1:30 II

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II 1:30 II


gandeevam stramsate hastaat, tvak caiva paridahyate

na ca shaknomi avasthaatum, bhramativa ca me manah (Gita 1:30)


The bow, Gandiva slips from my hand, my skin burns all over. My mind

is reeling as it were and I am not able to even stand.


From Gita Prabodhani in Hindi pg. 12 by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Chapter 1, Verse 30 is as follows;


Gandeevam = Bow named Gandeeva

Stramsate = slips

Hastaat = from hand

Tvak = skin

Cha = and

Eva = also

Paridahyate = burns all over

Na = not

Cha = and

Shaknomi = I am able

Avasthaatum = to stand

Bhramti - Eva = seems whirling

Cha = and

Me = my

ManaH = mind


English translation:-


The bow Gaandiva slips from my hand and my skin burns all over. My

mind seems to be whirling so much that I am unable to stand.


All of a sudden, Arjuna finds himself totally dislodged from his

comfort zone. He is confounded by the feelings of loneliness and

emptiness in life, which he had never experienced before in his

entire career. Such an intolerable sadness developed within is

generally the starting point for all the Saadhakaas, who aspire for

the true vision of the Supreme Being, represented here by Lord Shree

Krishna in this case.


In every human being there exists a pyramidal structure of the

gross, base layer of physical body with its organs of senses and

actions. It is covered by the layer of mind that is further covered

by the layer of intellect. On top of all these three layers, there

exists the subtle super crust of the Self i.e. Aatman which is a

fraction of the all pervading Brahman. It is very well illustrated

in the verse 42 in chapter 3.


A man is in the state of perfect harmony and peace as long as the

subtle is in total control of the gross. As a corollary, a man is in

the state of utter confusion and chaos as long as the gross is in

total command of the subtle. It is ultimately your own choice,

whether you want to be in peace or in pieces.


Human intellect, mind and physical body are all interrelated. Any

minute change in one of the three has a percolating effect on the

other two.


The very thought of being held responsible for the total

annihilation of his near and dear ones in the impending gruesome

battle, shatters Arjuna to his core. His mental agony and

instability result into dropping of the bow Gaandiva from his hands.

His mental turmoil incapacitates his physical body to such an extent

that his skin starts burning all and he is unable even to stand on

his two feet.


What a matter great shame and pity that such a pillar of strength

like Arjuna has come to this pass!


As an analogy, a `Bhramar' in Sanskrit language i.e. an insect which

has an ability to pierce through a thick wooden log; has a

misfortune of being trapped in a budding flower in night under the

influence of attachment arising out of ignorance and mental



It also reminds me of a following nice Bhajan by Saint Meerabai, who

was known for her selfless devotion to Lord Krishna;


" Ghaayala Ki Gati Ghaayala Jaane, Te Jina Laage Hoya,

E Ree Main To Prema Divanee Meraa, Darda Naa Jaane Koi "


It means, " Only those who themselves are undergoing mental agitation

and agony can possibly understand that of other's as well. I am so

much engulfed by your love, O Lord Krishna, that I find nobody, who

truly understands my state of sorrow and pain. "


Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi



POSTING/QUESTION - Gita Talk Moderator:



This is indeed the spirit of 'Parasparam Bhaavayantu' and 'Tushyanti

cha Ramanti cha'.


In order to use contempory language in my explanations, I have used

word battalions in the context of Military strength i.e. a ground

force unit composed of a large number of persons and equipment. I

fully agree with Dr. Ranjeet Singh's explanation.


I also agree with the explanation of Suhas Gogate regarding " Matsya-

Gandha " as the famous fisherwoman who married to King Shantanu.

However, I do not agree with his explanation of what

Bheeshmaachaarya should have done as it is an hypothetical one.


Once again thanking you,


With Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi


Dear Mr Joshi,


I would like to thank you all for such help of sending meanings of

1 verse on daily basis. It is a commendable gesture. It is so good

to read and understand each and every word of every verse.


Also may I send this group address to others who may also be

interested in Geeta Talk?


Warm regards

Mrs K Asani




Dear Sadaks,

It very clear from explanation that it is evil mindedness and evils

that are in form of humans on side of Duryodhan has to be killed.

This means Arjuna is merely performing action that kills bodies (Not

the souls which is indestructible) and Sri Bagavan takes care to

punish the evilness, by giving another form (Birth) when they will

have to suffer. Ulimately it is Bagavan doing both actions of war

and establishing Dharma (Punishing evilness).

Jai Sri Krishna

baiya sathyanarayan




Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Thank you Shri Shrikantji Joshi for taking the initiative to support

this divine work and to Mrs. K Asani for requesting shloka

explanation on a daily basis.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram

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