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Bhagavad Gita - Daily One Verse Brief Explanation - II 1:32 II

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II 1:32 II


na kaankshe vijayam Krishna, na cha raajyam sukhaani cha

kim no raajyena govinda, kim bhogair jeevitena vaa (Gita 1:32)


O Krishna, I covet not victory, nor kingdom, nor pleasures. O

Govinda (Krishna) , of what use is kingdom or luxuries or even life

to us?


From Gita Prabodhani in Hindi pg. 13 by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Chapter 1, Verse 32 is as follows;


Na = not

Kaankshe = I desire

Vijayam = victory

Krishna = O Krishna!

Na = not

Cha = and

Raajyam = kingdom

Sukhaani = pleasures

Cha = and

Kim = what

NaH = to us

Raajyen = by kingdom

Govind = O Krishna!

Kim = what

BhogaiH = by pleasures

Jeeviten = life

Vaa = or


English translation:-


O Krishna! I do not hanker for victory or empire or even pleasures.

Of what avail is kingdom to us or enjoyment or even life?


In moments of intolerable personal sorrow, it is our natural

tendency to take resort to abdication of personal responsibility and

seek softer option of renunciation of the entire world.


The natural state of indifference to current worldly possessions and

relentless new acquisitions is indeed a hallmark of ethical and

spiritual progress of man. But what has come to pass on Arjuna is

anything but indifference. Being born in Kuru clan, Arjuna was a

true embodiment of a `Kshatriya' i.e. a warrior who was full of

life, energy and desires for the welfare of people. He had earned

the title of `Dhanamjaya' i.e. conqueror of wealth. For the past 13

years he had meticulously planned for this war with Kauravaas, with

the ultimate desire to conquer them and establish an empire based on

`Dharma' i.e. righteousness.


Unlike modern politicians, Arjuna is not a hypocrite. The modern

mantra of `As long as it does not cost money, there is no harm in

preaching others' is not the intent of Arjuna.


Arjuna is indeed desirous of victory, kingdom and the pleasures of

the world; however, his overpowering mental confusion and chaos have

entirely shrouded his `Viveka Buddhi' i.e. discriminating

intellectual capacity to prefer `Shreyasa' i.e. what ought to done

over `Preyasa' i.e. what one feels good to do.


There is neither immediate endorsement nor intellectual sanction

forthcoming from Lord Krishna.


Lord Krishna maintains his perfect silence as he wanted Arjuna to be

completely drained out of his irrational emotional outbursts first,

so that he can deliver a shock treatment of `Samkhya Yoga' i.e. the

true knowledge of the Self, to Arjuna as per chapter 2 of Shreemad

Bhagawad Geeta.


As an analogy, a medical surgeon, before starting a medical

operation, waits for the right conditions till the patient attains a

stable blood pressure, blood sugar levels etc. that are within the

prescribed limits of tolerance.


Lord Krishna had earned a title of `Govinda'. There are two meanings

of the word `Govinda'.


1. In Sanskrit language, `Go' means the living being and

`Vinda' means the knower thereof. Lord Krishna being the 10th

incarnation of Lord Vishnu is the knower of the desires of all the

living beings and therefore, Arjuna makes an earnest but indirect

appeal to Lord Krishna to look into his unfulfilled desires and

suggest him an appropriate course of actions to achieve them.


2. In Sanskrit language, `Go' also means organs of human body

and `Vinda' means one who has total control over organs of his

physical body. Arjuna indirectly chides Lord Krishna that, " If you

claim to be in total control of your physical body, mind and

intellect, then being my friend and well-wisher, why are you not

helping me to come out of this precarious situation? "


Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi.


Note: I wish to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all of

you for your kind words and encouragement. However, in the true

spirit of 'Idam Na Mama' i.e. it is not mine but it belongs to all;

I will continue to excel in our fine tradition of 'Nirmamo

NirahamkaraH, Sarva Bhuta Hite RataaH " i.e. try to be selfless, to

be devoid of ego and always be engaged in the welfare of all beings.





Dear Sadhaks


A very good daily explanation!


Reciting any scripture of any religion is recommended by all

religious faiths of the world. Reading Bhgavat Gita is also a type

of worship of Lord Krishna ( God )

Some of my freinds were reading the whole of Gita every day.I am

reading Chapter XV every day.Sometimes I have no time .At that time

reciting three slokas


1 Yada Yadahi Dharmasyy-------------

2 Paritrayanaya-----------------------

3 Vasudeva Sutam Devam Kansa Charunyra Mardanam /

Devaki Parmanandam Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum //

Who so ever recite one or three slkas evry day he or she achieves

liberation during this life ( Refer slokas 13 of Gita Mahatmayam

I receive the same consciousness as reading the whole chapter of

Bhagvat Gita It is the faith and the devotion with which we recite

or read that is considered by God


With great Faith in Lord Krishna ( God )


Truly yours

Shankerprasad S Bhatt



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Thank you Shri Shrikantji Joshi for taking the initiative to support

this divine work and to Mrs. K Asani for requesting shloka

explanation on a daily basis.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram

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