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The THREE Essentials

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The three basic essentials for Salvation / Liberation / Benediction:

1) Maanushatuvam, (Human birth)

2) Mumukshathuvam (Desire for Liberation, Salvation, Moksha)


3) Maha Purusha Samshrayaha (Association of Great Souls)

--- Dullabam Triyo. (rare three)

Great men are in this forum. Please discuss in SHORT.

Jai Sri Krishna


Baiya Sathyanarayan




Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

I see this just as Sathyanarayanji has put it, the three essentials

for Liberation!

1) Human Being

2) Desire for Liberation

3) Association with Great Souls.

Being Human, desires arise from feelings of lack, inadequacy,

insignificance, trying towards fulfillment or completeness. However,

in ignorance, we miss to see that we are already full, adequate and

significant just as we are! This leads us to fulfillment through the

pursuits of objects of the world thinking they are real. Because

they seem real we get attached to them and we suffer. They do seem

to offer fleeting pleasures fooling us!


This ignorance, however, is due to identification fundamentally with

body (no fault of body) as it provides the natural anchor for all

functionality of being human, but mistaken as anchor for pleasures

through senses and mind resulting in a false sense of " me " , but

taken real " me " .


At some point the desire for Liberation gets stronger and stronger

by noticing that " I am never ever totally fulfilled through pursuits

of objects which are limited in themselves in the first place " . This

comes also from scriptures, association with Great Souls.

This leads one to glimpses of Truth of one's true nature, called The

Grace of God.


It is Truth Itself that invites such a person toward Liberation from

the limitations, from being insignificant. The apparent person

accepting this invitation is Grace or Blessings!

If seen this way, discrimination(Viveka) arises and subsequently

dispassion(Vairagya) towards the objects.

Association with Mahapurusha(s), the Great Souls strengthens by

Itself but apparently as if by efforts of the person.

Truth Itself finds the way to Itself called Self or God Realization,

while apparent person seems to be engaged in selfless karmas, Total

devotion or Love for the Absolute!

Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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The three basic essentials for Salvation / Liberation / Benediction:

1) Maanushatuvam, (Human birth)

2) Mumukshathuvam (Desire for Liberation, Salvation, Moksha)


3) Maha Purusha Samshrayaha (Association of Great Souls)

--- Dullabam Triyo. (rare three)

Great men are in this forum. Please discuss in SHORT.

Jai Sri Krishna


Baiya Sathyanarayan




The following three basic essentials for salvation quoted by

Sathyanarayanji below appear in the 3rd verse of Vivekachudamani by

Sri Aadi Sankara wherein he clearly states that they can happen only

by God's Grace ( by Daivanugraham). These three essentials actually

pave the way for the enquiry into the Self which ultimately leads to

salvation. The first step in that direction according Sankara is

the Sadhana Chatustayam: Discrimination between Atma- Anatma (Real

and Unreal) etc. in which the last one is Mumukshathvam.


B. Vempaty


Hari Om


Sadhak Sathyanarainji has indeed brought out nectar from scriptures.

Yes ! This human birth is ONLY for God Realisation. It is pity that

we are wasting the same on drawing lines of likings and dislikings,

you and me, mine and other, here and not there, there and not here

etc etc


We often see that a human being runs away from challenges which

Paramatma invariably sends in the form of sorrows, adversities to

each and every human being.


If at all we understand that we have not been given this human birth

for enjoying pleasures, or for 'pampering' our false egos, or for

running away from our 'svadharma' (personal duties based on varna,

ashram, gender etc) but for tolerating the HITS to our egos - we

shall instantly become peaceful, we shall instantly become 'dutiful'

and we shall instantly become 'dharmatma' ! Obstacle- sheer

unwillingness to shed false, non existent, baseless, stupidity

driven , ignorance generated, EGO ! This one single thing - EGO -

has been identified by Scriptures as 'real culprit' !!


EGO - means Me Me , Mein Mein , - ever heard sound of goat?- Mine ,

You are wrong - I am right. Your duty-my right, I like this, I

dislike this, He is mine, he is other, MY intellect, My mind, My

body, My power, My Right, My respect, My equality - Me and Mine/

Likings and Dislikings.


We should therefore welcome every incidence, every person , every

thing, every circumstance, every happening - which/who ruthlessly

crushes our this ego ! We should pray to God like Kunti did- O God,

Please give pleasure to others, but give adversity to me. Let all

others' wives be obedient but let my wife be nasty/arguementative

with tongue like that of a crow ! . Let all others' hubbies be great

but let my hubby be the 'toughest of tough nuts'- ever demanding/

ever quarrelling !!! Let all others' get respect and I should get

humiliation/ disrespect/ non attention !


Why are we afraid of 'demands'? Why do we seek 'non demanding'

alliance? Is human life given for taking from the world or giving to

the world? How can we give if the other side is not demanding ? Are

we that insolvents / bankrupts and beggars ? Do we possess nothing

to 'give' to others? Hence we should welcome adversity.


So that (or by whatever other method,) WE BECOME EGOLESS ! LET US



What kind of ego can a son/daughter exhibit before his/her father or

mother? (Everything belongs to them only. Says Swamiji- Even if we

make shoes out of our skin for them, we can't repay them because the

very skin has been received by us from them only).


What kind of ego parents show to their children? ( They are your

creations. They can ONLY be as you are! Who was that third party

who was involved in their creation? )


What kind of ego can a hubby exhibit before his wife? (She is

grihalaxmi - Queen of the home. She is ANNAPURNA , feeder to all.

She is 1000 times superior to you. She is almost equal to God in

dozens of respects. She is preserver of your very heritage. She is

the VERY and the ONLY cause why your 'house' is called 'home' and

not hotel/restaurant/inn/ dharamshala / ashram/ math ! )


What kind of ego wife can maintain before her hubby? (He is the

shine of her forehead. Glitter of her very bangles. Father of her

children. Her very surname? What is that she has but which is hidden

from him? )


An employee before employer? (He is master. Giver of what employee

needs) An employer before employee? (Employee does Employers' work

as well own work. Employer can't do his own work also).


No earthly relationship demands maintenance / sustenance of ego !

Mother Nature has given some unique special traits in every

creature. No one is inferior or superior. Where does the question of

ego arise at all ? No one is perfect. No one is error free. No one

is independent. Every one is bound. Every one is suffering.


The other person is keeping ego, hence I am keeping ego- most say

so !! So if other person goes to hell, you also go !! Why one should

look at reciprocation? Rarely a person understands that all sorrows,

all pains come to you only for destruction of EGO- and are God sent-

and are ONLY and ONLY the fruits of your own Karmas AND YOUR OWN

KARMAS ONLY ! No one is causing it - no one, be it your parents or

your wife or your hubby or your in laws or your children or your

employers. No one is causing it. God also is not causing. IT IS YOU

AND YOU ONLY who is responsible for your sorrows . What wife or

husband or son or mother is going to do ? Where then the Q of any

blame on other arises? Hence we should pray for destruction of our

ego. Because when ego gets destroyed, then only God is realised.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Human birth is the first thing for seeking liberation Secondly we

have to ry for liberation There are specific steps to be taken.I am

printing its specific book review writtent by me

The third thing is having satsang with religious persons This Gita

Talk is like a Satsang. Am I correct "

Thanks to its promoter that we got a chance to discuss very good

ideas about liberation

Here is my article on review of Swami Jyotiramayanandas book


Shankerprasad Bhatt






In this is explained some spiritual principles required to be

cultivated for final liberation of our souls


The first principle he explained is about serenity of atmosphere in

which we do panacea in addition to serenity of the mind we develop

in the process of meditation practice or ritualistic worship. That

is why we are directed to keep silence for at least fifteen minutes

in a day


The second principle is about contentment in life. We cannot be

happy without contentment in life. The whole life will be finished

after fulfilling various desires of pleasures and enjoyments in life

we are directed to control our desires in life


The third principle is good association of friends or spiritual

people who will perform some spiritual practices together pertaining

to recitation of bhajans or doing meditation practices or discussion

about any spiritual subject. It also includes social work for the

needy people


The fourth principle is very important it pertains to understand or

soul and body too. Take care of the body, hear its story and take

care of it and Go deep into our hearts and try to understand' who

may I?


Read Atman Boddha written by Adi Sri Shankeracharya. This will

enlighten us and take us to the righteous path of liberation of the




Main points on how we can be happy in human life and finally go to

God for final manifestation.


1. The first thing to be happy is to offer consistent prayers

every day if you wish to be happy in human life If you wish to study

about prayers, how they are to be offered you may read my book

namely 'Prayers of all Religions of the world '


2. Free your heart from hatred toward others


3 Free your mind from worries How to avoid worries.


4 Live simple life with contentment in life


5. Give more to down trodden people by way of food and clothing

6. Expect less from others If you expect and of it is not available

then you are unhappy Try to do the thing your self. Be self

sufficient and self help these two things will make us happy This is

the way for liberation


7. Care for others and share love, compassion and good feelings

towards all Actress Merry Streep experienced happiness in taking

care of her ninety one year old father. When we care for others then

almighty God will take our care of us and then liberates us from the

bondage of this life. This is the result of Karma yoga. God's

holiness is expressed in his love therefore divine love is wholeness

and to love is to fulfill-to all full-God's law and be right all

round in various fields of activities of daily life.


8.If we give love to others then we get back the same quantity of

love to us. This is the general rule of this philosophy. Remember

that God is love and simultaneously love is God. When we follow this

maxim and then it is a path of liberation


9 Share everything you have with others. Our sympathy is converted

to love, which will be turned into social service in this modern



10 Take care for the elderly parents and relatives in the family

My wife Rajan took care of her parents and my parents too. She

became very happy and made me happy too.


There ought to have a long married life Then we experience

real happiness and content in life. Life is our chances of learning

love. When both husband and wife worship God there are chances to

seek almighty God. When we perform yoga and meditation practices we

have opportunity to seek god


When we recite mantras of our choice and beliefs we are nearer to

God. Gayatri Mantra and Lord Shiva's 'Ohm Namasha Shivaya are the

best mantras for me In my opinions such recitations wll surely take

me to heaven This is my beliefs.


I did long pilgrimages of mostly all religious places of India and

hence I think I got a definite ladder to seek almighty God.


Contributed by Shankerprasad S Bhatt






Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

I see this just as Sathyanarayanji has put it, the three essentials

for Liberation!

1) Human Being

2) Desire for Liberation

3) Association with Great Souls.

Being Human, desires arise from feelings of lack, inadequacy,

insignificance, trying towards fulfillment or completeness. However,

in ignorance, we miss to see that we are already full, adequate and

significant just as we are! This leads us to fulfillment through the

pursuits of objects of the world thinking they are real. Because

they seem real we get attached to them and we suffer. They do seem

to offer fleeting pleasures fooling us!


This ignorance, however, is due to identification fundamentally with

body (no fault of body) as it provides the natural anchor for all

functionality of being human, but mistaken as anchor for pleasures

through senses and mind resulting in a false sense of " me " , but

taken real " me " .


At some point the desire for Liberation gets stronger and stronger

by noticing that " I am never ever totally fulfilled through pursuits

of objects which are limited in themselves in the first place " . This

comes also from scriptures, association with Great Souls.

This leads one to glimpses of Truth of one's true nature, called The

Grace of God.


It is Truth Itself that invites such a person toward Liberation from

the limitations, from being insignificant. The apparent person

accepting this invitation is Grace or Blessings!

If seen this way, discrimination(Viveka) arises and subsequently

dispassion(Vairagya) towards the objects.

Association with Mahapurusha(s), the Great Souls strengthens by

Itself but apparently as if by efforts of the person.

Truth Itself finds the way to Itself called Self or God Realization,

while apparent person seems to be engaged in selfless karmas, Total

devotion or Love for the Absolute!

Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt




- This human birth is ONLY for God Realisation; it is not for

enjoyment of pleasures; It is not for running away from swadharma;

- Single thing - EGO is the real culprit! therefore welcome every

opportunity to have EGO crushed! Why are we afraid of 'demands'? How

can we give if the other side is not demanding ? No one is inferior

or superior. Where does the question of ego arise at all ?IT IS YOU

AND YOU ONLY who is responsible for your sorrows . Hence we should

pray for destruction of our ego.

- the # - Only happen by God's grace

- they pave the way for enquiry into Self which leads to realization

- First is discrimination between real - unreal

- in ignorance, we miss to see that we are already perfect and self-


- ignorance, is due to identification with body " me - mine "

- desire for liberations provides glimpses of Truth; and thru

discrimination, dispassion arises

- Truth Itself finds the way to Itself while engaged in selfless

service, self-inquiry, devotion and worship of Absolute.

- Principles towards final liberation - 1) silence 2) contentment

3) good associations 4) Inquiry into Self!

- For attainment of Happiness - 1) Daily Prayer 2) Freedom from

hatred 3) Free from Worries 4) Simple Life 5) give More 6) Expect

Less 7) Care for others 8) give love 9) care for elders

- Only when ego is destroyed God is Realized




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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The three basic essentials for Salvation / Liberation / Benediction:

1) Maanushatuvam, (Human birth)

2) Mumukshathuvam (Desire for Liberation, Salvation, Moksha)


3) Maha Purusha Samshrayaha (Association of Great Souls)

--- Dullabam Triyo. (rare three)

Great men are in this forum. Please discuss in SHORT.

Jai Sri Krishna


Baiya Sathyanarayan




1) Maanushatuvam, (Human birth)----Human birth can be obtained but

to live up to Humanity is difficult. That is to live with principle

of Sri Rama. Forgiveness, sincerity, honesty, Pthiru Vakkiya

Paripalanaya, loving, kind hearten, even to treat a squirrel

tenderly, respecting one and all, prepared to give away anything for

family and others, Sri Rama while going in Durbar, used leave

footwear by door step saying to, " You protect my feet but very sorry

I have to leave you (Footwear) here " and the same footwear by HIS

love ruled the kingdom- The quality called Sowlabiyam. Today human

are NO differant from animals.


2) Mumukshathuvam (Desire for Liberation, Salvation, Moksha) --When

these qualities gets in to one, the Iccha sakthi (desire) given to

humans by GOD focuses towards liberation and not towards world.


3) Maha Purusha Samshrayaha (Association of Great Souls) When the

focus towards liberation sets in, the GURU manifests to give one



Dullabam Triyo. (rare three) but these are rare.

Jai Sri Krishna



Joy, Joy, Joy .......


what can be added to what has been written on the subject by the

deeply blessed sadhaks on this Forum?


the three essentials are self explanatory, real jewels of words are

they ............... AH !




to hasten the movement towards self realisation, narinder's Guru,

who retired from Indian Air force as director Education in 1973(

Air Commodore Mohinder Singh ), highlighted three essential

Proinciples to be kept in mind . Allow me to share them :


- Be aware of the sorrow in this world ( not in the outer world, but

his inner world of Thoughts )....


The First Principle is That You are the Co - Creator of your

Destiny. Your Destiny, is your own sowing. It is God's writ in

accordance with the Law which He is ! ( The Inviolable Law, The

Immutable law ! ). Your Destiny , Narinder, is created either by you

yourself or God; none else. "


the Second Principle ,thus :


Concern your self only with your own seeking ! If your mind moves

into judging, the Truth that you were seeking will not be able to

reach you.. it would be stopped by your mind from entering your

Heart and becoming a realisation. "


Some how, ( and I call it Krishna's Grace )..... My heart and Mind,

both, saw the immense Joy and Beauty of the Second Principle... and

accepted it instantly !


Now for the Third Principle ...

" The world is your Training Ground.... each incident that happens

around you , is something that the Great Guru ( Krishna) has so

placed ... in order to make you learn something deep... each

incident is designed to take you beyond itself ... "

" ..... The ......The world is your Training Ground.... ........

Those, who are nearest and dearest around you are the people, who

have been so placed that you may discover your One-ness with

Existence ( Realise your own Self ) through interaction with

them... '


These three Principles, deeply accepted , and enshrined within the

Mind , took the Mind to the door of the Heart within... and the Mind

and the Heart Became One !


Love is the highest awakening..... Love is itself the Way... And

Krishna is all Love...Krishna is The Guru Of Gurus !

He is the Co-creator of your Destiny, the other( partner) being



If these Principles are fully accepted and remembered always ... or

revived in remembrance , even when you slip up... your spiritual

progress towards Realising the Unity of Life will be greatly helped !


Jai Krishna......................

narinder bhandari





The following three basic essentials for salvation quoted by

Sathyanarayanji below appear in the 3rd verse of Vivekachudamani by

Sri Aadi Sankara wherein he clearly states that they can happen only

by God's Grace ( by Daivanugraham). These three essentials actually

pave the way for the enquiry into the Self which ultimately leads to

salvation. The first step in that direction according Sankara is

the Sadhana Chatustayam: Discrimination between Atma- Anatma (Real

and Unreal) etc. in which the last one is Mumukshathvam.


B. Vempaty


Hari Om


Sadhak Sathyanarainji has indeed brought out nectar from scriptures.

Yes ! This human birth is ONLY for God Realisation. It is pity that

we are wasting the same on drawing lines of likings and dislikings,

you and me, mine and other, here and not there, there and not here

etc etc


We often see that a human being runs away from challenges which

Paramatma invariably sends in the form of sorrows, adversities to

each and every human being.


If at all we understand that we have not been given this human birth

for enjoying pleasures, or for 'pampering' our false egos, or for

running away from our 'svadharma' (personal duties based on varna,

ashram, gender etc) but for tolerating the HITS to our egos - we

shall instantly become peaceful, we shall instantly become 'dutiful'

and we shall instantly become 'dharmatma' ! Obstacle- sheer

unwillingness to shed false, non existent, baseless, stupidity

driven , ignorance generated, EGO ! This one single thing - EGO -

has been identified by Scriptures as 'real culprit' !!


EGO - means Me Me , Mein Mein , - ever heard sound of goat?- Mine ,

You are wrong - I am right. Your duty-my right, I like this, I

dislike this, He is mine, he is other, MY intellect, My mind, My

body, My power, My Right, My respect, My equality - Me and Mine/

Likings and Dislikings.


We should therefore welcome every incidence, every person , every

thing, every circumstance, every happening - which/who ruthlessly

crushes our this ego ! We should pray to God like Kunti did- O God,

Please give pleasure to others, but give adversity to me. Let all

others' wives be obedient but let my wife be nasty/arguementative

with tongue like that of a crow ! . Let all others' hubbies be great

but let my hubby be the 'toughest of tough nuts'- ever demanding/

ever quarrelling !!! Let all others' get respect and I should get

humiliation/ disrespect/ non attention !


Why are we afraid of 'demands'? Why do we seek 'non demanding'

alliance? Is human life given for taking from the world or giving to

the world? How can we give if the other side is not demanding ? Are

we that insolvents / bankrupts and beggars ? Do we possess nothing

to 'give' to others? Hence we should welcome adversity.


So that (or by whatever other method,) WE BECOME EGOLESS ! LET US



What kind of ego can a son/daughter exhibit before his/her father or

mother? (Everything belongs to them only. Says Swamiji- Even if we

make shoes out of our skin for them, we can't repay them because the

very skin has been received by us from them only).


What kind of ego parents show to their children? ( They are your

creations. They can ONLY be as you are! Who was that third party

who was involved in their creation? )


What kind of ego can a hubby exhibit before his wife? (She is

grihalaxmi - Queen of the home. She is ANNAPURNA , feeder to all.

She is 1000 times superior to you. She is almost equal to God in

dozens of respects. She is preserver of your very heritage. She is

the VERY and the ONLY cause why your 'house' is called 'home' and

not hotel/restaurant/inn/ dharamshala / ashram/ math ! )


What kind of ego wife can maintain before her hubby? (He is the

shine of her forehead. Glitter of her very bangles. Father of her

children. Her very surname? What is that she has but which is hidden

from him? )


An employee before employer? (He is master. Giver of what employee

needs) An employer before employee? (Employee does Employers' work

as well own work. Employer can't do his own work also).


No earthly relationship demands maintenance / sustenance of ego !

Mother Nature has given some unique special traits in every

creature. No one is inferior or superior. Where does the question of

ego arise at all ? No one is perfect. No one is error free. No one

is independent. Every one is bound. Every one is suffering.


The other person is keeping ego, hence I am keeping ego- most say

so !! So if other person goes to hell, you also go !! Why one should

look at reciprocation? Rarely a person understands that all sorrows,

all pains come to you only for destruction of EGO- and are God sent-

and are ONLY and ONLY the fruits of your own Karmas AND YOUR OWN

KARMAS ONLY ! No one is causing it - no one, be it your parents or

your wife or your hubby or your in laws or your children or your

employers. No one is causing it. God also is not causing. IT IS YOU

AND YOU ONLY who is responsible for your sorrows . What wife or

husband or son or mother is going to do ? Where then the Q of any

blame on other arises? Hence we should pray for destruction of our

ego. Because when ego gets destroyed, then only God is realised.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Human birth is the first thing for seeking liberation Secondly we

have to ry for liberation There are specific steps to be taken.I am

printing its specific book review writtent by me

The third thing is having satsang with religious persons This Gita

Talk is like a Satsang. Am I correct "

Thanks to its promoter that we got a chance to discuss very good

ideas about liberation

Here is my article on review of Swami Jyotiramayanandas book


Shankerprasad Bhatt






In this is explained some spiritual principles required to be

cultivated for final liberation of our souls


The first principle he explained is about serenity of atmosphere in

which we do panacea in addition to serenity of the mind we develop

in the process of meditation practice or ritualistic worship. That

is why we are directed to keep silence for at least fifteen minutes

in a day


The second principle is about contentment in life. We cannot be

happy without contentment in life. The whole life will be finished

after fulfilling various desires of pleasures and enjoyments in life

we are directed to control our desires in life


The third principle is good association of friends or spiritual

people who will perform some spiritual practices together pertaining

to recitation of bhajans or doing meditation practices or discussion

about any spiritual subject. It also includes social work for the

needy people


The fourth principle is very important it pertains to understand or

soul and body too. Take care of the body, hear its story and take

care of it and Go deep into our hearts and try to understand' who

may I?


Read Atman Boddha written by Adi Sri Shankeracharya. This will

enlighten us and take us to the righteous path of liberation of the




Main points on how we can be happy in human life and finally go to

God for final manifestation.


1. The first thing to be happy is to offer consistent prayers

every day if you wish to be happy in human life If you wish to study

about prayers, how they are to be offered you may read my book

namely 'Prayers of all Religions of the world '


2. Free your heart from hatred toward others


3 Free your mind from worries How to avoid worries.


4 Live simple life with contentment in life


5. Give more to down trodden people by way of food and clothing

6. Expect less from others If you expect and of it is not available

then you are unhappy Try to do the thing your self. Be self

sufficient and self help these two things will make us happy This is

the way for liberation


7. Care for others and share love, compassion and good feelings

towards all Actress Merry Streep experienced happiness in taking

care of her ninety one year old father. When we care for others then

almighty God will take our care of us and then liberates us from the

bondage of this life. This is the result of Karma yoga. God's

holiness is expressed in his love therefore divine love is wholeness

and to love is to fulfill-to all full-God's law and be right all

round in various fields of activities of daily life.


8.If we give love to others then we get back the same quantity of

love to us. This is the general rule of this philosophy. Remember

that God is love and simultaneously love is God. When we follow this

maxim and then it is a path of liberation


9 Share everything you have with others. Our sympathy is converted

to love, which will be turned into social service in this modern



10 Take care for the elderly parents and relatives in the family

My wife Rajan took care of her parents and my parents too. She

became very happy and made me happy too.


There ought to have a long married life Then we experience

real happiness and content in life. Life is our chances of learning

love. When both husband and wife worship God there are chances to

seek almighty God. When we perform yoga and meditation practices we

have opportunity to seek god


When we recite mantras of our choice and beliefs we are nearer to

God. Gayatri Mantra and Lord Shiva's 'Ohm Namasha Shivaya are the

best mantras for me In my opinions such recitations wll surely take

me to heaven This is my beliefs.


I did long pilgrimages of mostly all religious places of India and

hence I think I got a definite ladder to seek almighty God.


Contributed by Shankerprasad S Bhatt






Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

I see this just as Sathyanarayanji has put it, the three essentials

for Liberation!

1) Human Being

2) Desire for Liberation

3) Association with Great Souls.

Being Human, desires arise from feelings of lack, inadequacy,

insignificance, trying towards fulfillment or completeness. However,

in ignorance, we miss to see that we are already full, adequate and

significant just as we are! This leads us to fulfillment through the

pursuits of objects of the world thinking they are real. Because

they seem real we get attached to them and we suffer. They do seem

to offer fleeting pleasures fooling us!


This ignorance, however, is due to identification fundamentally with

body (no fault of body) as it provides the natural anchor for all

functionality of being human, but mistaken as anchor for pleasures

through senses and mind resulting in a false sense of " me " , but

taken real " me " .


At some point the desire for Liberation gets stronger and stronger

by noticing that " I am never ever totally fulfilled through pursuits

of objects which are limited in themselves in the first place " . This

comes also from scriptures, association with Great Souls.

This leads one to glimpses of Truth of one's true nature, called The

Grace of God.


It is Truth Itself that invites such a person toward Liberation from

the limitations, from being insignificant. The apparent person

accepting this invitation is Grace or Blessings!

If seen this way, discrimination(Viveka) arises and subsequently

dispassion(Vairagya) towards the objects.

Association with Mahapurusha(s), the Great Souls strengthens by

Itself but apparently as if by efforts of the person.

Truth Itself finds the way to Itself called Self or God Realization,

while apparent person seems to be engaged in selfless karmas, Total

devotion or Love for the Absolute!

Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt




- This human birth is ONLY for God Realisation; it is not for

enjoyment of pleasures; It is not for running away from swadharma;

- Single thing - EGO is the real culprit! therefore welcome every

opportunity to have EGO crushed! Why are we afraid of 'demands'? How

can we give if the other side is not demanding ? No one is inferior

or superior. Where does the question of ego arise at all ?IT IS YOU

AND YOU ONLY who is responsible for your sorrows . Hence we should

pray for destruction of our ego.

- the # - Only happen by God's grace

- they pave the way for enquiry into Self which leads to realization

- First is discrimination between real - unreal

- in ignorance, we miss to see that we are already perfect and self-


- ignorance, is due to identification with body " me - mine "

- desire for liberations provides glimpses of Truth; and thru

discrimination, dispassion arises

- Truth Itself finds the way to Itself while engaged in selfless

service, self-inquiry, devotion and worship of Absolute.

- Principles towards final liberation - 1) silence 2) contentment

3) good associations 4) Inquiry into Self!

- For attainment of Happiness - 1) Daily Prayer 2) Freedom from

hatred 3) Free from Worries 4) Simple Life 5) give More 6) Expect

Less 7) Care for others 8) give love 9) care for elders

- Only when ego is destroyed God is Realized

- Mumukshathuvam - Focus towards God/Liberation, not the world.




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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Shree Hari Ram Ram Cleaning Old Pending Queue. This brings CLOSURE TO THIS TOPIC. Thank you all for participating. Please do not respond. Ram Ram ---------The three basic essentials for Salvation / Liberation / Benediction:

1) Maanushatuvam, (Human birth)

2) Mumukshathuvam (Desire for Liberation, Salvation, Moksha)


3) Maha Purusha Samshrayaha (Association of Great Souls)

--- Dullabam Triyo. (rare three)

Great men are in this forum. Please discuss in SHORT.

Jai Sri Krishna


Baiya Sathyanarayan




Sadhak Bhandariji has indeed summarised 3 golden principles- 1. World

indeed is training ground and all around you, the things as well as

people, invariably direct you towards Paramatma by categorically

exhibiting to you - We are not "yours", We are not"yours", if you

seek pleasure from us. Give pleasure to us , please don't seek pleasure

from us. Some one else is "yours" not us ! 2- Seeking reciprocation is

direct invitation to sorrows and 3-You only are responsible for your

sorrows and no one else ! NO ONE ELSE including Paramatma. One must

realise these facts , one must never forget these cardinal principles

while being a "HUMAN" !!


Coming to second Jewel of Sadhak Sathyanarainji - Mumukshvatam ! Mumuksha is DESIRE for the Ultimate. For God !


Oh - the entire humanity is running to seek worldly pleasures ! DESIRES

are only seen/employed with reference to the world. It is as stupid, as

mindless and as non sensical as one is hungry and trying to seek

fulfillment by watching food spread on a movie screen. It is as good as

one reading only a menu of a five star hotel to quench hunger !! Why

don't we understand that DESIRE , alone DESIRE can ONLY ONLY get you

God and nothing else? Is your thirst quenched by drinking water in a

dream? Desire alone can never get you worldly things/pleasures ! NEVER

! It can only get you GOD !! Any takers ?


Now that desire when you employ for worldly things/pleasures CAN ONLY

ONLY get you sorrows! Nothing else, I repeat, except sorrows. But who




explain whom, when marijuana (intoxicant) is mixed in the very well

(water source) from which we drink water? People are running blindly

to fulfill their worldly desires. It is only the people doing SATSANGA

( association with people practicing spirituality, Saints, sadhaks etc)

, who really understand how futile the exercise it.


Desire for worldly things gives you sorrows right from beginning till

end. Never NEVER it ceases to give you sorrows, till it is renounced.

IT IS A LAW- Dear Sadhaks, law. When arising, when continuing, when

fulfilled and when not not fulfilled , in all the 4 possible scenarios

/ stages , THERE IS ONLY SORROW !Says Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj , quite often:





When desire is gone, worry is gone and mind becomes worriless/carefree

! One who does not need any thing (desires nothing from the world )

only he is the King of all the Kings !


Mumuksha ( desire for God) also is valid and essential only to a

point in God-Realisation. Finally, you have to renounce that also, just

as at the door step of temple, you renounce footwear! Total

Desireless-ness !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B------------------------------Dear Sadak,B. Vempatyji is right. But how Deivaanugrah comes? Every

Karma it is paid. Do Dana get Boga Lok. Work to earn money. Even to

wash one has to lift hands towards face with water.You walk

distance covered. But for Pooja, Bajan, Meditation, Sat Sangh etc are

also karmas for which we get Deiva Anugraha. So one has to do that.Jai Sri KrishnaB.SathyanarayanPRIOR POSTING


1) Maanushatuvam, (Human birth)----Human birth can be obtained but

to live up to Humanity is difficult. That is to live with principle

of Sri Rama. Forgiveness, sincerity, honesty, Pthiru Vakkiya

Paripalanaya, loving, kind hearten, even to treat a squirrel

tenderly, respecting one and all, prepared to give away anything for

family and others, Sri Rama while going in Durbar, used leave

footwear by door step saying to, "You protect my feet but very sorry

I have to leave you (Footwear) here" and the same footwear by HIS

love ruled the kingdom- The quality called Sowlabiyam. Today human

are NO differant from animals.


2) Mumukshathuvam (Desire for Liberation, Salvation, Moksha) --When

these qualities gets in to one, the Iccha sakthi (desire) given to

humans by GOD focuses towards liberation and not towards world.


3) Maha Purusha Samshrayaha (Association of Great Souls) When the

focus towards liberation sets in, the GURU manifests to give one



Dullabam Triyo. (rare three) but these are rare.

Jai Sri Krishna



Joy, Joy, Joy .......


what can be added to what has been written on the subject by the

deeply blessed sadhaks on this Forum?


the three essentials are self explanatory, real jewels of words are

they ............... AH !




to hasten the movement towards self realisation, narinder's Guru,

who retired from Indian Air force as director Education in 1973(

Air Commodore Mohinder Singh ), highlighted three essential

Proinciples to be kept in mind . Allow me to share them :


- Be aware of the sorrow in this world ( not in the outer world, but

his inner world of Thoughts )....


The First Principle is That You are the Co - Creator of your

Destiny. Your Destiny, is your own sowing. It is God's writ in

accordance with the Law which He is ! ( The Inviolable Law, The

Immutable law ! ). Your Destiny , Narinder, is created either by you

yourself or God; none else."


the Second Principle ,thus :


Concern your self only with your own seeking ! If your mind moves

into judging, the Truth that you were seeking will not be able to

reach you.. it would be stopped by your mind from entering your

Heart and becoming a realisation."


Some how, ( and I call it Krishna's Grace )..... My heart and Mind,

both, saw the immense Joy and Beauty of the Second Principle... and

accepted it instantly !


Now for the Third Principle ...

" The world is your Training Ground.... each incident that happens

around you , is something that the Great Guru ( Krishna) has so

placed ... in order to make you learn something deep... each

incident is designed to take you beyond itself ..."

"..... The ......The world is your Training Ground.... ........

Those, who are nearest and dearest around you are the people, who

have been so placed that you may discover your One-ness with

Existence ( Realise your own Self ) through interaction with

them... '


These three Principles, deeply accepted , and enshrined within the

Mind , took the Mind to the door of the Heart within... and the Mind

and the Heart Became One !


Love is the highest awakening..... Love is itself the Way... And

Krishna is all Love...Krishna is The Guru Of Gurus !

He is the Co-creator of your Destiny, the other( partner) being



If these Principles are fully accepted and remembered always ... or

revived in remembrance , even when you slip up... your spiritual

progress towards Realising the Unity of Life will be greatly helped !


Jai Krishna......................

narinder bhandari





The following three basic essentials for salvation quoted by

Sathyanarayanji below appear in the 3rd verse of Vivekachudamani by

Sri Aadi Sankara wherein he clearly states that they can happen only

by God's Grace ( by Daivanugraham). These three essentials actually

pave the way for the enquiry into the Self which ultimately leads to

salvation. The first step in that direction according Sankara is

the Sadhana Chatustayam: Discrimination between Atma- Anatma (Real

and Unreal) etc. in which the last one is Mumukshathvam.


B. Vempaty


Hari Om


Sadhak Sathyanarainji has indeed brought out nectar from scriptures.

Yes ! This human birth is ONLY for God Realisation. It is pity that

we are wasting the same on drawing lines of likings and dislikings,

you and me, mine and other, here and not there, there and not here

etc etc


We often see that a human being runs away from challenges which

Paramatma invariably sends in the form of sorrows, adversities to

each and every human being.


If at all we understand that we have not been given this human birth

for enjoying pleasures, or for 'pampering' our false egos, or for

running away from our 'svadharma' (personal duties based on varna,

ashram, gender etc) but for tolerating the HITS to our egos - we

shall instantly become peaceful, we shall instantly become 'dutiful'

and we shall instantly become 'dharmatma' ! Obstacle- sheer

unwillingness to shed false, non existent, baseless, stupidity

driven , ignorance generated, EGO ! This one single thing - EGO -

has been identified by Scriptures as 'real culprit' !!


EGO - means Me Me , Mein Mein , - ever heard sound of goat?- Mine ,

You are wrong - I am right. Your duty-my right, I like this, I

dislike this, He is mine, he is other, MY intellect, My mind, My

body, My power, My Right, My respect, My equality - Me and Mine/

Likings and Dislikings.


We should therefore welcome every incidence, every person , every

thing, every circumstance, every happening - which/who ruthlessly

crushes our this ego ! We should pray to God like Kunti did- O God,

Please give pleasure to others, but give adversity to me. Let all

others' wives be obedient but let my wife be nasty/arguementative

with tongue like that of a crow ! . Let all others' hubbies be great

but let my hubby be the 'toughest of tough nuts'- ever demanding/

ever quarrelling !!! Let all others' get respect and I should get

humiliation/ disrespect/ non attention !


Why are we afraid of 'demands'? Why do we seek 'non demanding'

alliance? Is human life given for taking from the world or giving to

the world? How can we give if the other side is not demanding ? Are

we that insolvents / bankrupts and beggars ? Do we possess nothing

to 'give' to others? Hence we should welcome adversity.


So that (or by whatever other method,) WE BECOME EGOLESS ! LET US



What kind of ego can a son/daughter exhibit before his/her father or

mother? (Everything belongs to them only. Says Swamiji- Even if we

make shoes out of our skin for them, we can't repay them because the

very skin has been received by us from them only).


What kind of ego parents show to their children? ( They are your

creations. They can ONLY be as you are! Who was that third party

who was involved in their creation? )


What kind of ego can a hubby exhibit before his wife? (She is

grihalaxmi - Queen of the home. She is ANNAPURNA , feeder to all.

She is 1000 times superior to you. She is almost equal to God in

dozens of respects. She is preserver of your very heritage. She is

the VERY and the ONLY cause why your 'house' is called 'home' and

not hotel/restaurant/inn/ dharamshala / ashram/ math ! )


What kind of ego wife can maintain before her hubby? (He is the

shine of her forehead. Glitter of her very bangles. Father of her

children. Her very surname? What is that she has but which is hidden

from him? )


An employee before employer? (He is master. Giver of what employee

needs) An employer before employee? (Employee does Employers' work

as well own work. Employer can't do his own work also).


No earthly relationship demands maintenance / sustenance of ego !

Mother Nature has given some unique special traits in every

creature. No one is inferior or superior. Where does the question of

ego arise at all ? No one is perfect. No one is error free. No one

is independent. Every one is bound. Every one is suffering.


The other person is keeping ego, hence I am keeping ego- most say

so !! So if other person goes to hell, you also go !! Why one should

look at reciprocation? Rarely a person understands that all sorrows,

all pains come to you only for destruction of EGO- and are God sent-

and are ONLY and ONLY the fruits of your own Karmas AND YOUR OWN

KARMAS ONLY ! No one is causing it - no one, be it your parents or

your wife or your hubby or your in laws or your children or your

employers. No one is causing it. God also is not causing. IT IS YOU

AND YOU ONLY who is responsible for your sorrows . What wife or

husband or son or mother is going to do ? Where then the Q of any

blame on other arises? Hence we should pray for destruction of our

ego. Because when ego gets destroyed, then only God is realised.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Human birth is the first thing for seeking liberation Secondly we

have to ry for liberation There are specific steps to be taken.I am

printing its specific book review writtent by me

The third thing is having satsang with religious persons This Gita

Talk is like a Satsang. Am I correct "

Thanks to its promoter that we got a chance to discuss very good

ideas about liberation

Here is my article on review of Swami Jyotiramayanandas book


Shankerprasad Bhatt






In this is explained some spiritual principles required to be

cultivated for final liberation of our souls


The first principle he explained is about serenity of atmosphere in

which we do panacea in addition to serenity of the mind we develop

in the process of meditation practice or ritualistic worship. That

is why we are directed to keep silence for at least fifteen minutes

in a day


The second principle is about contentment in life. We cannot be

happy without contentment in life. The whole life will be finished

after fulfilling various desires of pleasures and enjoyments in life

we are directed to control our desires in life


The third principle is good association of friends or spiritual

people who will perform some spiritual practices together pertaining

to recitation of bhajans or doing meditation practices or discussion

about any spiritual subject. It also includes social work for the

needy people


The fourth principle is very important it pertains to understand or

soul and body too. Take care of the body, hear its story and take

care of it and Go deep into our hearts and try to understand' who

may I?


Read Atman Boddha written by Adi Sri Shankeracharya. This will

enlighten us and take us to the righteous path of liberation of the




Main points on how we can be happy in human life and finally go to

God for final manifestation.


1. The first thing to be happy is to offer consistent prayers

every day if you wish to be happy in human life If you wish to study

about prayers, how they are to be offered you may read my book

namely 'Prayers of all Religions of the world '


2. Free your heart from hatred toward others


3 Free your mind from worries How to avoid worries.


4 Live simple life with contentment in life


5. Give more to down trodden people by way of food and clothing

6. Expect less from others If you expect and of it is not available

then you are unhappy Try to do the thing your self. Be self

sufficient and self help these two things will make us happy This is

the way for liberation


7. Care for others and share love, compassion and good feelings

towards all Actress Merry Streep experienced happiness in taking

care of her ninety one year old father. When we care for others then

almighty God will take our care of us and then liberates us from the

bondage of this life. This is the result of Karma yoga. God's

holiness is expressed in his love therefore divine love is wholeness

and to love is to fulfill-to all full-God's law and be right all

round in various fields of activities of daily life.


8.If we give love to others then we get back the same quantity of

love to us. This is the general rule of this philosophy. Remember

that God is love and simultaneously love is God. When we follow this

maxim and then it is a path of liberation


9 Share everything you have with others. Our sympathy is converted

to love, which will be turned into social service in this modern



10 Take care for the elderly parents and relatives in the family

My wife Rajan took care of her parents and my parents too. She

became very happy and made me happy too.


There ought to have a long married life Then we experience

real happiness and content in life. Life is our chances of learning

love. When both husband and wife worship God there are chances to

seek almighty God. When we perform yoga and meditation practices we

have opportunity to seek god


When we recite mantras of our choice and beliefs we are nearer to

God. Gayatri Mantra and Lord Shiva's 'Ohm Namasha Shivaya are the

best mantras for me In my opinions such recitations wll surely take

me to heaven This is my beliefs.


I did long pilgrimages of mostly all religious places of India and

hence I think I got a definite ladder to seek almighty God.


Contributed by Shankerprasad S Bhatt






Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

I see this just as Sathyanarayanji has put it, the three essentials

for Liberation!

1) Human Being

2) Desire for Liberation

3) Association with Great Souls.

Being Human, desires arise from feelings of lack, inadequacy,

insignificance, trying towards fulfillment or completeness. However,

in ignorance, we miss to see that we are already full, adequate and

significant just as we are! This leads us to fulfillment through the

pursuits of objects of the world thinking they are real. Because

they seem real we get attached to them and we suffer. They do seem

to offer fleeting pleasures fooling us!


This ignorance, however, is due to identification fundamentally with

body (no fault of body) as it provides the natural anchor for all

functionality of being human, but mistaken as anchor for pleasures

through senses and mind resulting in a false sense of "me", but

taken real "me".


At some point the desire for Liberation gets stronger and stronger

by noticing that "I am never ever totally fulfilled through pursuits

of objects which are limited in themselves in the first place". This

comes also from scriptures, association with Great Souls.

This leads one to glimpses of Truth of one's true nature, called The

Grace of God.


It is Truth Itself that invites such a person toward Liberation from

the limitations, from being insignificant. The apparent person

accepting this invitation is Grace or Blessings!

If seen this way, discrimination(Viveka) arises and subsequently

dispassion(Vairagya) towards the objects.

Association with Mahapurusha(s), the Great Souls strengthens by

Itself but apparently as if by efforts of the person.

Truth Itself finds the way to Itself called Self or God Realization,

while apparent person seems to be engaged in selfless karmas, Total

devotion or Love for the Absolute!

Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt




- This human birth is ONLY for God Realisation; it is not for

enjoyment of pleasures; It is not for running away from swadharma;

- Single thing - EGO is the real culprit! therefore welcome every

opportunity to have EGO crushed! Why are we afraid of 'demands'? How

can we give if the other side is not demanding ? No one is inferior

or superior. Where does the question of ego arise at all ?IT IS YOU

AND YOU ONLY who is responsible for your sorrows . Hence we should

pray for destruction of our ego.

- the # - Only happen by God's grace

- they pave the way for enquiry into Self which leads to realization

- First is discrimination between real - unreal

- in ignorance, we miss to see that we are already perfect and self-


- ignorance, is due to identification with body "me - mine"

- desire for liberations provides glimpses of Truth; and thru

discrimination, dispassion arises

- Truth Itself finds the way to Itself while engaged in selfless

service, self-inquiry, devotion and worship of Absolute.

- Principles towards final liberation - 1) silence 2) contentment

3) good associations 4) Inquiry into Self!

- For attainment of Happiness - 1) Daily Prayer 2) Freedom from

hatred 3) Free from Worries 4) Simple Life 5) give More 6) Expect

Less 7) Care for others 8) give love 9) care for elders

- Only when ego is destroyed God is Realized

- Mumukshathuvam - Focus towards God/Liberation, not the world.




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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