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Bhagavad Gita - Daily One Verse Brief Explanation - II 2:21 II

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|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


II 2:21 II


vedaavinashinam nityam, ya enam ajam avyayam

katham sa purushah paartha, kum ghaatayati hanti kam


" O Partha (Arjuna), how will the man who realizes this Atman to be

imperishable, eternal, unborn, free from birth and decay, slay

anyone, or cause anyone to be slain? "




With any action by the body, there is no modification arising at all

in the shariri (indweller of the body, Atman). Thus shariri

(indweller of the body, Atman) does not become a doer, nor the

enjoyer of any action, nor he becomes the promoter of any action.


From Gita Prabodhani in Hindi pg. 32 by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Chapter 2, Verse 21 is as follows;


Veda = knows

Avinaashinam = indestructible

Nityam = eternal

YaH = who

Enam = this (the Self, the Aatman)

Ajam = unborn

Avyayam = immutable

Katham = how

SaH = He (that)

PuruShaH = man

Paartha = O Arjuna!

Kam = whom

Ghaatayati = causes to be slain

Hanti = kills

Kam = whom


English translation:-


He who knows that the Atman as indestructible, eternal, unborn and

changeless, O Arjuna, how can he slay, or cause another to slay?


Lord Krishna poses two basis questions to Arjuna, " When we know that

the Self is invulnerable to any kind of modifications; then how can

a person slay or cause any one to slay ? Having the knowledge of the

Self to be indestructible, eternal, unborn and inexhaustible, then

how can one arrogate to oneself the very ideas of doer-ship or

agency? "


The Aatman is actionless. A true knower of the Aatman is free from

the sense of `Ahamkaara' i.e. the ego and therefore he is free from

the feeling of any selfish motive or agency. His selfless actions

without attachments do not lead him to any bondage.


Please refer the verses 14 in chapter 4 of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta,

wherein Lord Krishna argues, " My actions do not defile Me, as I have

no yearning for their fruits. He who knows Me thus, is not bound by

actions. The ignorant performs action for self-purification; whereas

the wise performs action for the maintenance and benefit of mankind

in this mortal world, while becoming selfless volunteer of the

Supreme Being. "


In short, the one who has such a clarity of thought and purpose will

never have dejection or sorrow in facing the harsh realities of



People having physical bodies enveloping the common denominator -

the Aatman; go through the pangs of birth, growth and eventual

death. Under the guidance of their mind and intellect they perform

various good and / or bad actions. They benefit from selfless

good actions, which are performed as per the scriptures without any

expectations of favourable outcome from every action. As a

corollary, they also suffer from selfish bad actions. In this

turmoil, the Aatman remains unaltered, under all circumstances

without a singular exception.


In modern language, the Aatman is an inert element present in all

things, all physical bodies and is found everywhere in the Universe.

Like a catalyst in a chemical reaction, the Aatman does not cause

any action; but without that enlivening principle, no action can

take place.


During the thirteen years in exile, Arjuna had no peaceful frame of

mind and necessary time to study religious scriptures. Every day was

a battle for survival. On the contrary, Lord Krishna studied in

details all the Vedas and Upanishads and formulated the

impeccable, immaculate theoretical basis for the eventual epic

battle. Lord Krishna imparts the concentrate of the knowledge that

he has perfected in those thirteen years to Arjuna without taking

resort to any parables. Lord Krishna's message and advice are terse,

direct and hard hitting the bull's eye. No unnecessary stories, just

Eternal truths. No fiction, just Universal facts to motivate Arjuna

and initiate righteous actions from him, like a modern slogan

of " Just do it! "


Arjuna, in his deluded state still continues to believe that he

himself is going to kill his kith and kin and in addition, going to

encourage others to kill them as well. Arjuna is not yet fully

convinced of the thesis proposed by Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is

patient and willing to listen to anti-thesis, if any, form Arjuna

and then offer him the synthesis.


Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi.




Hari Om


Dr Mohan ! What a great Q you have asked ! The very desire in you

reflects first stage: outset of liberation process for Sadhak-

SHUBHECCHA (auspicious desire)


At the outset I would recommend you to read " Gita Gyaan Praveshika "

book written by Param Shraddheya Swamiji Shri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

and published from Gita Press, Gorakhpur ! There you will find in

detail how to sit, on what to sit, in which direction to sit, the

sacred mantras which should be recited before starting Gita Paath,

the slokas chronology, etc etc. Coming from Swamiji- they are

ultimate advices !


In order to learn Gitaji by heart:


1 Every day read as a rule either 18 or 9 or 6 chapters.


2 The break ups of slokas (sandhi vicched) , meaning and bhava -

first see/grasp them and then recite repeatedly.


3 Recite in loud voice the verses!


4 When you have learnt by heart, then don't see the book again.


5 Do reverse " paath " - say 20th , then 19th ... Slokas of say

Chapter 15 !


6 Think the meaning while reciting. Etc etc


Important: While remembering/reading Gita - surrender to Gita.

Use " belief " more than mind.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

This is great service to sadhakas! I appreciate it and thank you,

Shrikantji, Moderators, and contributors.

This is just to remind ourselves, again and again that Atman as is

described, being eternal, indestructible, is what I am. We need to

connect to this experiential Reality as my true nature- I AM THAT! I

am sure Bhagwaan has said in some verses of Gita.

As was used to happen to me in the past, reading about such

attributes of attribute-less Atman, an image of Atman as something

invisible inside the body which leaves the body upon death etc.,

was created and Being Atman myself, remained far away in experience.

So, implicit in such statements Atman is what I am, may be made

explicit and contemplated. In adverse situations this reminds us

more often " oh, I am Atman, then who suffers.............?

This helps me, so I share!

Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt



Hari Bol.


With reference to 2:18:


In addition to physical combat, and more importantly in our day to

day lives, the words " Fight, O Son of India, " means that it is a

religious call to every Hindu to discard his defeatist mentality and

face, whole-heartedly and sincerely, the situations, in every given

field of life, at every given moment of this existence.

Active resistance to evil is the Krishna-creed in the Gita.

(from Swami Chinmayananda's commentary).


Because the body is of a perishable nature and because the soul is of

an eternal nature neither of the two can be just reason for regret.

Therefore Bhagavan instructs Arjuna to bear with fortitude the

unavoidable sharp contact of piercing arrows upon him and upon

others and thus going to battle as a matter of duty, without the

desire for any results, prepare his way for immortality.


In terms of physical combat, Bhagavan is urging Arjuna to do his

duty: to fight; yes, to engage in battle. Hindus should not shirk

from our duty to fight if have to - to defend our country, our

community, and our family. The revered Shri Mahatma Gandhi ji

taught us the practical and beneficial use of Ahimsa but even Gandhi

ji exhorted us to fight when it is absolutely necessary.


Hari Om

Krishna S. Narinedath


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Recitation of Bhagavad Gita in Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasji's voice

is available free online. It is very plain, no melody as such, but

something about Swamiji's voice / version, memorizing becomes Simply

incomprehensible !!! Unexplainable !!! How that happens?


It is at: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/html/download.htm. It is at the

bottom of the page; Click on one chapter at a time.


Vyasji has relayed a very good method for memorizing that Swamiji

used to prescribe to sadhaks. Ram Ram




Note: In response to Dr. Mohan's request for Bhagawad Geeta

recitations, I recommend the set of four Audio CDs by Swami

Sarvangananda from Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha, Belur Math, West

Begal. I use them in my daily recitations. I am confident that

all Sadhakas will find Swamiji's recitations with accurate Sanskrit

pronunciation and full of deep Shraddhaa Bhaava to be highly



Shrikant Joshi.



Dear Sir,


I am YOGA student and I desire to learn BHAGWAT GEETA and also to

memorise entire gita as a whole. In this regard, I need your

assistance and guidance.


Dr Mohan


Shree Hari Ram Ram

ALL SADHAKS, If you are aware of good suggestions of Dr. Mohanji,

please email us. Dr. Mohanji, we will compile and send responses in

one posting.

Ram Ram


|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


All Sadhaks can and should contribute as well. Discussion /

clarification is encouraged




Please feel free to take the lead in any of these areas so that all

sadhaks may benefit.



- Chapter Summary - Principles and Laws emanating from it.(N.B. VYAS)

- Summary of Chapter from Sadhak Sanjivani " AS IS "

- Yes, Epilogue / Important Facts in each verse good to bring out.

- Any subtle thoughts / interpretation (MIKE)

- In-depth explanation of " Om Tat Saditi Srimadbhagavadgitaasu,

Upanishadsu..... " is a very good idea. (GT MODERATOR FROM SADHAK



From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

We deeply thank Shri Shrikantji Joshi for taking the initiative to

support this divine work of daily one verse Bhagavad Gita

explanation and Shri Madan Kauraji for the Gita Prabodhani

translation Chapter 1 and 2 and to Mrs. K Asani for requesting shloka

explanation on a daily basis.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram

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