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How to Let Go of I and I-ness ?

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaks, even though this has been addressed in recent

postings, it will be good to summarize for Sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram



Dear sadhaks,

and the disciples of the teachings of Bhagwan krishna

The continued debate and dialogues and words of wisdom flowing from

all has been very helpful and more than likley in the deepest of the

deep heart and spirit every one knows but the problem as I see is

how to How to get rid of external veil of I I I and why ME and ME

and why not others?

Some one will say I have SELF PRIDE and why AHAM and how to win or

get rid of AHAM? which is inherently bonded in every human being and

how to surrender to niceties of the spirit and soul and not mind or

body?? This is what we need Surrender to me by Bhakti or other means

like MEERA is what Krishna would say but practically ____ how can we

let go I I AHAM and break the barrier is, what looks like would

result in the essence of pursuit of happiness HOW TO? More than

likely this has been addressed discoursed in past and if so may be

can we if this sounds reasonable be repeated.




Dinesh patel






1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

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6. Do not include links to the other sites.

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8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

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Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaks, even though this has been addressed in recent

postings, it will be good to summarize for Sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram


Dear sadhaks,

and the disciples of the teachings of Bhagwan krishna

The continued debate and dialogues and words of wisdom flowing from

all has been very helpful and more than likley in the deepest of the

deep heart and spirit every one knows but the problem as I see is

how to How to get rid of external veil of I I I and why ME and ME

and why not others?

Some one will say I have SELF PRIDE and why AHAM and how to win or

get rid of AHAM? which is inherently bonded in every human being and

how to surrender to niceties of the spirit and soul and not mind or

body?? This is what we need Surrender to me by Bhakti or other means

like MEERA is what Krishna would say but practically ____ how can we

let go I I AHAM and break the barrier is, what looks like would

result in the essence of pursuit of happiness HOW TO? More than

likely this has been addressed discoursed in past and if so may be

can we if this sounds reasonable be repeated.




Dinesh patel




Dear Sadhak,


What really is I-ness?


Swamiji's teachings on this subject come to mind. He says -


The inseparable and thick relationship that the Self (Atma, Spirit)

believes it has with the inert body, mind, intellect etc. is " I-

ness " .


The I-ness keeps changing, just as everything in the inert (nature)

keeps changing... I am a hindu, I am a daughter, I am a supervisor,

I am intelligent, I am a writer, I am a PhD, I am a peace lover, I

am a grahastha, I am a social worker and on and on...


so what is that I-ness?


The I-ness comes and goes. Gitaji and Swamiji says, that this I-

ness that keeps changing is unreal (impermanent) and therefore not

our true Self (Gita 2:16)... If it is not our true Self then in

reality, what is there to let go? In fact in deep sleep the I-ness

does not stay !


Gitaji prescribes three paths to be free of I-ness -


1) Karmayog (path of action) - The Body/Mind are part of the world

and the Self is a part of God. Turn the Body/Mind over to the

world, since everything is acquired from the world. By doing

everything only for the world, rendering service without the desire

for it's fruits, i.e. renouncing the fruits, purifies the I-ness.


2) Jnanayog (path of knowledge)- Understanding and knowing through

vivek (discrimination), that the inert (body/mind) etc. are unable

to do anything for the Self. There is nothing the Self needs from

the world / body / mind etc, thus knowing and becoming free of all

desires, the I-ness perishes.


3) In Bhaktiyog (path of devotion)the I-ness changes. I am

Bhagwaan's and only Bhagwaan is mine. Everything is Bhagwaan's and

there is nothing else besides Bhagwaan.


In Karmayog - I-ness purifies

In Jnanayog - I-ness perishes

In Bhaktiyog - I-ness changes

The end result is being free of I-ness.


With devotion,

Meera Das



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

If one is naturally inclined to Devotion to God, whatever God may

mean in the beginning, then, have longing for God, let the mind be

occupied with thoughts of God, let the body remain ready to serve

God through serving all. Perform all rituals, like worship,

chanting, meditation, all activities that remind you of God. Just

God, God, God, whenever possible during the day or night. Above all

don't worry about letting go of I or me.

It will happen on its own when " I " stops trying to get rid of " I "

itself, an impossible task.


If one is given to actions, then perform all actions within the

guidelines of Righteousness, with devotion uppermost on the mind,

like an instrument in the hands of God, the Divinity, the Power,

Intelligence, Love and Harmony. See that deeds are not performed

by 'me " but the capacity, ability, set of skills given by the Grace

of God to do His/Her work. You will see the " me " doer is replaced

by " THE DOER " behind all doers!


If one is inclined to use intellect, inquiry, path of knowledge,

direct approach, then, Understanding based on experience is of great


Just see that I who wants to let go is the same I who has to go. It

is not possible to do so, right? But to see/realize the fact: " oh,

yes, it is the same I, that wants to get rid of " I-ness, or who is

this I in the first place " ?, is the great leap in our understanding

of letting it go. On this direct path, it is the Understanding of

Truth behind all our experiences liberates us and not our doing

anything. In all our doing the " me " gets involved due to ignorance

and forms a veil around truth so that we just keep missing the


For example, ask yourself a question: " What Am I " ? and pause, don't

rush to answer with mind as all such answers overlook inner

experience happening in the moment. All of a sudden, Truth will step

in to steer you to see ITSELF. One may cry out, and say " oh, my God,

I AM already here before I can even ask what am I, I know it for

sure, I don't care who or how or why I am, but I AM is experiential

certainty, aha " . " Now I know what scriptures mean, what Gita tells

me about Atman, I am! " I know I have to be there before I can be

anything or anyone like father, son, husband, wife or engineer,

doctor, happy, unhappy etc. and when I am not any such upadhi I am

still that I am!

At this point, Gyani turns Bhakta who loves Truth unconditionally,

rejoice in it! This Love for the Truth shows this devotee THE WAY to

ITSELF! All objects of the world lead such a one to Bhagwaan by

holding his hands, like a child is led by his father!

The personal " I " is replaced by Impersonal " I " , the Totality,

Functionality, Intelligence, Love, and Harmony in terms of helping

and serving the Universe!

Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt



By Understanding since understanding is the Key.....

Once we understand, we get transformed.....the change starts....

It is a effortless process......there is nothing else to be done...


Truth is like that......otherwise it is not the truth.....

Once we understand the truth........that is it.....even with the I,



It is similar to learning science. Once you understand how Newton's

law of motion works

you will use them for good......Spirituality is the wisdom/rules of

life that govern us....

Once we understand, we can not but change......just have faith and

patience...to see it happen...

Best wishes....

Sushil Jain


Thanks for wonderful piece.

Cape India




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaks, even though this has been addressed in recent

postings, it will be good to summarize for Sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram


Dear sadhaks,

and the disciples of the teachings of Bhagwan krishna

The continued debate and dialogues and words of wisdom flowing from

all has been very helpful and more than likley in the deepest of the

deep heart and spirit every one knows but the problem as I see is

how to How to get rid of external veil of I I I and why ME and ME

and why not others?

Some one will say I have SELF PRIDE and why AHAM and how to win or

get rid of AHAM? which is inherently bonded in every human being and

how to surrender to niceties of the spirit and soul and not mind or

body?? This is what we need Surrender to me by Bhakti or other means

like MEERA is what Krishna would say but practically ____ how can we

let go I I AHAM and break the barrier is, what looks like would

result in the essence of pursuit of happiness HOW TO? More than

likely this has been addressed discoursed in past and if so may be

can we if this sounds reasonable be repeated.




Dinesh patel




Hari Om


Once Mira Dassji addresses any Q , she always addresses it in

entirety, and in a real scholarly manner. Nothing then remains

uncovered. Late comers than can only build upon the same. Thanks for

short and still a very comprehensive message- covering entire

substance of Swamiji's views on the subject.


Any discussion on EGO, indeed reminds me of the following story

which I have picked FROM A SCRIPTURE OF SANATAN DHARMA for benefit

of all sadhaks who try to understand/ grasp what is ego actually.


Just as a child attains conviction in this story narrated by mother


hence worldly life) too has " assumed existence " to those FROM WHOSE



Proof : Live on going debate on how to address Ego by Ego itself,

including usage of Saam/Daam/Dand/Bhed by Ego itself against

dreadful Ego itself, under another Q of this Divine Forum. Sadhaks

may rush there, after reading this story- to further enjoy an

extension, a practical exhibition of the following story:-




There are three brave princes in a non existent city. Of these

three, two were never born and the other one never indeed was

stationed in a womb. Once, having gone out with the object of

acquiring the best, they saw in the sky trees possessing fruits and

having eaten those sweet fruits, they reached three rivers crowned

by large waves, on the way.


There, one was completely dry and there was not even a little water

in the other two. Having bathed there and sported in the water, and

having drunk the water_ Three reached a city to be created in the

future, at the end of the day. There, they saw three beautiful

mansions. One was without walls and pillars; the other two houses

were non-existent. There, they obtained three pans made of melted



Of these, two were in pieces and the other one was powdered. In

that, three measures of rice less three measures were cooked.

Obtaining that food , it was eaten by Brahmanas without mouths

eating much. Then, those 3 princes, having eaten the remnants,

stayed there happily engaged in hunting !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



-Shree Hari-


Dear Dinesh,


I have read your question a few times, to get the feel of where you

are coming from.


All the answers I have read are very good.


I would like to come at your question from a different angle.


I saw a documentary on TV about people on a pilgrimage to the sacred

source of the Ganga, what did I see? Pilgrims, thats all I really


all the differences between them,(gender,age,race profession), were


no interest to me as an onlooker, they were pilgrims.(It was their

journey that kept my attention).

And did not these good people consider themselves at that time, to be

anything other than pilgrims?

From what I have learned of the result of a spiritual driven

pilgrimage, the pilgrim transcends to a higher awareness, yes?

It's not the intellect or scholarly study that will cause the change,

it is the journey, its driving force its rigors, that brings one

closer to the the 'Beloved'.

Not withstanding the three classic yogas, really are they not the

vehicle of choice? One may not be aware that one is of a particular

yoga discipline, are we not all on a pilgrimage?

It is the journey that will change us, as we keep focused on the


destination, within our hearts.

It is the sacred journey, all those rivers you wade, all those sacred

shrines you kneel before in the driving rain, all those tears of

compassion you weep, all the joyous spring mornings you greet. All

this will wash away 'AHAM'

(Sometimes I become lyrical).


B.G. 12

To these whose mind is set on Me,

Verily, I become ere long,

O Pritha's son, their Savior from

The sea of mortal samsara. (7)


(The destination).


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike (Keenor)


Dear Sadaks,

The I-Ness will go by itself. I (Ness) is there in in thinking (I)

want to let go ego. Only thought Vasudeva Sarvamayam will remove Ego.

Now Please think like this..

You are acting in a movie. You may be villan or hero or heroine or

side actress or side dancer or comedian Etc YOU ARE VERY QUITE

AWARE: At the time of acting or Once the movie is complete you are

none of those characters, you are not claiming the

places/house/garden/co actor/ villan, you are NOT attached to

anything in the movie except earning money for the work done. So

also in life just do work (Karma) to earn love of God.

You can similarly think that all the persons around you are acting

(Doing Karma) as per the role given by Paramathuma without beimng

attached to the role. You really do not have Krodh, jeolosy etc with

your co actors except temporary attahment/friendship. In case yiou

dislike your co actor you avoid him. But where as in real life you

cannot detach person in your family (Except brothers and sisters).

But there were saints who got detached even from wife, like Baktha

Gora, Sri Ramanuja, Neelakanda Nayannar, Purander Doss Etc. That

detachment lets go Ego- My wife, my child or himself/herself etc.

When that goes one is in all and all is one. The Director is God who

is seeing how you act and God thinks that you are only acting but HE

pities you when you are attached to the role and to all persons in

the role. You realize this, that when soul departs that the life was

only to estinguise your attachments/Vasanas/ Desires Etc, like when

the curtain falls, the actors just bid Hai to each other and go away

and ready for next role. The anger, love and comedy is left with

stage. We also to leave it on this earth stage, but we carry it in

our mind strongly and get next role to act as per the desire.

Referance Kapila Geetha of Bagavan. Here the curtain is death and

next role is rebirth. Realize this, then you know that you are not

the Hero or villan or others, but you are the self Mr.A or Mrs T or

Master H, Miss U, side actor M, Villan A, dancer N.. So you are in

all (Advaitham) and you are also seem to be seperate (Diyvatham).

Then you also know you are A T H U M A N


Jai Sri Krishna





Dear Sadhak,


What really is I-ness?


Swamiji's teachings on this subject come to mind. He says -


The inseparable and thick relationship that the Self (Atma, Spirit)

believes it has with the inert body, mind, intellect etc. is " I-

ness " .


The I-ness keeps changing, just as everything in the inert (nature)

keeps changing... I am a hindu, I am a daughter, I am a supervisor,

I am intelligent, I am a writer, I am a PhD, I am a peace lover, I

am a grahastha, I am a social worker and on and on...


so what is that I-ness?


The I-ness comes and goes. Gitaji and Swamiji says, that this I-

ness that keeps changing is unreal (impermanent) and therefore not

our true Self (Gita 2:16)... If it is not our true Self then in

reality, what is there to let go? In fact in deep sleep the I-ness

does not stay !


Gitaji prescribes three paths to be free of I-ness -


1) Karmayog (path of action) - The Body/Mind are part of the world

and the Self is a part of God. Turn the Body/Mind over to the

world, since everything is acquired from the world. By doing

everything only for the world, rendering service without the desire

for it's fruits, i.e. renouncing the fruits, purifies the I-ness.


2) Jnanayog (path of knowledge)- Understanding and knowing through

vivek (discrimination), that the inert (body/mind) etc. are unable

to do anything for the Self. There is nothing the Self needs from

the world / body / mind etc, thus knowing and becoming free of all

desires, the I-ness perishes.


3) In Bhaktiyog (path of devotion)the I-ness changes. I am

Bhagwaan's and only Bhagwaan is mine. Everything is Bhagwaan's and

there is nothing else besides Bhagwaan.


In Karmayog - I-ness purifies

In Jnanayog - I-ness perishes

In Bhaktiyog - I-ness changes

The end result is being free of I-ness.


With devotion,

Meera Das



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

If one is naturally inclined to Devotion to God, whatever God may

mean in the beginning, then, have longing for God, let the mind be

occupied with thoughts of God, let the body remain ready to serve

God through serving all. Perform all rituals, like worship,

chanting, meditation, all activities that remind you of God. Just

God, God, God, whenever possible during the day or night. Above all

don't worry about letting go of I or me.

It will happen on its own when " I " stops trying to get rid of " I "

itself, an impossible task.


If one is given to actions, then perform all actions within the

guidelines of Righteousness, with devotion uppermost on the mind,

like an instrument in the hands of God, the Divinity, the Power,

Intelligence, Love and Harmony. See that deeds are not performed

by 'me " but the capacity, ability, set of skills given by the Grace

of God to do His/Her work. You will see the " me " doer is replaced

by " THE DOER " behind all doers!


If one is inclined to use intellect, inquiry, path of knowledge,

direct approach, then, Understanding based on experience is of great


Just see that I who wants to let go is the same I who has to go. It

is not possible to do so, right? But to see/realize the fact: " oh,

yes, it is the same I, that wants to get rid of " I-ness, or who is

this I in the first place " ?, is the great leap in our understanding

of letting it go. On this direct path, it is the Understanding of

Truth behind all our experiences liberates us and not our doing

anything. In all our doing the " me " gets involved due to ignorance

and forms a veil around truth so that we just keep missing the


For example, ask yourself a question: " What Am I " ? and pause, don't

rush to answer with mind as all such answers overlook inner

experience happening in the moment. All of a sudden, Truth will step

in to steer you to see ITSELF. One may cry out, and say " oh, my God,

I AM already here before I can even ask what am I, I know it for

sure, I don't care who or how or why I am, but I AM is experiential

certainty, aha " . " Now I know what scriptures mean, what Gita tells

me about Atman, I am! " I know I have to be there before I can be

anything or anyone like father, son, husband, wife or engineer,

doctor, happy, unhappy etc. and when I am not any such upadhi I am

still that I am!

At this point, Gyani turns Bhakta who loves Truth unconditionally,

rejoice in it! This Love for the Truth shows this devotee THE WAY to

ITSELF! All objects of the world lead such a one to Bhagwaan by

holding his hands, like a child is led by his father!

The personal " I " is replaced by Impersonal " I " , the Totality,

Functionality, Intelligence, Love, and Harmony in terms of helping

and serving the Universe!

Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt



By Understanding since understanding is the Key.....

Once we understand, we get transformed.....the change starts....

It is a effortless process......there is nothing else to be done...


Truth is like that......otherwise it is not the truth.....

Once we understand the truth........that is it.....even with the I,



It is similar to learning science. Once you understand how Newton's

law of motion works

you will use them for good......Spirituality is the wisdom/rules of

life that govern us....

Once we understand, we can not but change......just have faith and

patience...to see it happen...

Best wishes....

Sushil Jain


Thanks for wonderful piece.

Cape India




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Dear Sadhaks, even though this has been addressed in recent

postings, it will be good to summarize for Sadhaks.

From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram



Hari Om


Having explained that Ego is nothing but a non existent ghost

created by ignorance of Jeeva- the Q as to how one should get rid of

it becomes quite easy to answer. Dispel ignorance !!

Understand that THIS IGNORANCE (Ego) is THE ONLY cause, as per

Scriptures, of your worldly existence; and EGO ONLY makes you

CONNECTED with this world ! Understand CATEGORICALLY also that Ego

is Inert and is 'acceptance' of SELF. Only self can REJECT this and

NO ONE ELSE ! Only SELF can help SELF !


With respect to this EGO our Scriptures/Saints identify it

primarily with notions of " ME as body " and " MINE as

mind/intellect/ego - body - world -activity/matter-Nature-Inert !

Here few " terms " come into focus in Holy Scriptures say with ref

mainly to activity - DOERSHIP. For results- ENJOYERSHIP and

Dualities (Dvandas) like Sukha-dukha/ profit-loss/ respect-

disrespect etc. With ref to matter say DESIRES (Kaamna)and SPRIHA

(worry for basic needs). Then with ref to both activity and matter

spring forth likings (RAAG) and dislikings(DVESHA)




constituents of Ego , in one way or other. All with reference to

body/ World/ Nature/Activity-Matter !


( Basically " World/Jagat/ Prakruti " is nothing except activity and

matter.In deeper sense there is no matter even, there is ONLY

constant/ceaseless activity going on. A mass of constant activity is

called matter)


For a human being/ Sadhak REAL goal is to become EGOLESS ! Because

you (Real) get connected with World (Unreal) only because of EGO !!

Different types of sadhaks take different elements/techniques/

powers as 'sadhana' to become EGOLESS !!


A Karma Yogi strives to adopt " Equanimity " while relinquishing

results and Duty/ Expectationless Service in deciding the nature of

karmas to be performed - uses power " to do " ! A. Jnana

Yogi 'discriminates' extensively between body/soul; sentient/inert;

real/unreal etc and adopts 'Viveka' to relinquish 'doership'

first - uses power " to know " ! A Bhakti Yogi changes very " me and

mine " from 'worldly' to 'divine' and adopts " Surrender " / " Devotion "

to achieve that- uses power " to believe " !!


None of them consider Body to be me or mine as a law ! All use '

Divine techniques'. Thus terms such as


Discrimination are frequently used terms in Scriptures !


Result _ Disconnection with World ! These Sadhaks finally become

desireless /egoless/dualityless (nirdvanda/equanimous)/mamataless




Accepting no doership/ no enjoyership/ no mineness or me- ness

with activity/results/matter or


Accepting firmly that " I am of God , only God is mine " (Bhakti

Yoga) or accepting firmly that " I don't do anything; I am not

body " (Jnana Yoga) or accepting firmly that " I don't need anything

for myself, I don't have to do anything for myself " ( Karma Yoga).


AND THEREBY they are liberated ! You have to get liberated from

matter/activity. You have to disconnect with Jagat !


Karma Yogi/Jnana Yogi focus on " disconnection " with World . Their

connection then with 'Divine' is automatic and effortless ! Bhakti

Yogi focuses on " connection with Divine " . His disconnection with

world then is automatic /effortless( becomes responsibility of God) !


Whichever way- Go ahead

Divine Sadhaks ! BUT with folded hands, down on my knees, I request

you all earnestly - PLEASE DONT GO " BHOGA " WAY ! There is no way

prescribed in any Scriptures which allows you indulge into Bhogas

and still

achieve Liberation. Whatever books reference anyone may advice you .

Kindly go " YOGA " way !! The moment you go Yoga way - BG 16:1/16:3

will trigger in your favour !


As simple as that !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Dear sadhaks,

and the disciples of the teachings of Bhagwan krishna

The continued debate and dialogues and words of wisdom flowing from

all has been very helpful and more than likley in the deepest of the

deep heart and spirit every one knows but the problem as I see is

how to How to get rid of external veil of I I I and why ME and ME

and why not others?

Some one will say I have SELF PRIDE and why AHAM and how to win or

get rid of AHAM? which is inherently bonded in every human being and

how to surrender to niceties of the spirit and soul and not mind or

body?? This is what we need Surrender to me by Bhakti or other means

like MEERA is what Krishna would say but practically ____ how can we

let go I I AHAM and break the barrier is, what looks like would

result in the essence of pursuit of happiness HOW TO? More than

likely this has been addressed discoursed in past and if so may be

can we if this sounds reasonable be repeated.




Dinesh patel



Govinda !


Indeed it is bliss to read messages of this forum. Sure, I rushed to

other Question to see practically how mind/intellects create ghosts

and attempt to fight Ego with Ego itself. A thing which does not

exist , it is amazing to see how seriously one fights and advocates

the same. Paragraphs upon paragraphs of how a non existing thing

relinquishes itself !!! Wonder of the wonders. In fact this story

narrated by Vyasji should be an eye opener for many of souls who not

only see snake in a rope, but also call a " jhaadigar " ( mantra

doctor) to recite mantras, claiming they have been bitten by the

snake and poison is spreading in the body. Absolutely unbelievable !


I am a proud party to this Forum.


My Pranaams to all of you.


Rupesh Kumar





Hari Om


Once Mira Dassji addresses any Q , she always addresses it in

entirety, and in a real scholarly manner. Nothing then remains

uncovered. Late comers than can only build upon the same. Thanks for

short and still a very comprehensive message- covering entire

substance of Swamiji's views on the subject.


Any discussion on EGO, indeed reminds me of the following story

which I have picked FROM A SCRIPTURE OF SANATAN DHARMA for benefit

of all sadhaks who try to understand/ grasp what is ego actually.


Just as a child attains conviction in this story narrated by mother


hence worldly life) too has " assumed existence " to those FROM WHOSE



Proof : Live on going debate on how to address Ego by Ego itself,

including usage of Saam/Daam/Dand/Bhed by Ego itself against

dreadful Ego itself, under another Q of this Divine Forum. Sadhaks

may rush there, after reading this story- to further enjoy an

extension, a practical exhibition of the following story:-




There are three brave princes in a non existent city. Of these

three, two were never born and the other one never indeed was

stationed in a womb. Once, having gone out with the object of

acquiring the best, they saw in the sky trees possessing fruits and

having eaten those sweet fruits, they reached three rivers crowned

by large waves, on the way.


There, one was completely dry and there was not even a little water

in the other two. Having bathed there and sported in the water, and

having drunk the water_ Three reached a city to be created in the

future, at the end of the day. There, they saw three beautiful

mansions. One was without walls and pillars; the other two houses

were non-existent. There, they obtained three pans made of melted



Of these, two were in pieces and the other one was powdered. In

that, three measures of rice less three measures were cooked.

Obtaining that food , it was eaten by Brahmanas without mouths

eating much. Then, those 3 princes, having eaten the remnants,

stayed there happily engaged in hunting !!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



-Shree Hari-


Dear Dinesh,


I have read your question a few times, to get the feel of where you

are coming from.


All the answers I have read are very good.


I would like to come at your question from a different angle.


I saw a documentary on TV about people on a pilgrimage to the sacred

source of the Ganga, what did I see? Pilgrims, thats all I really


all the differences between them,(gender,age,race profession), were


no interest to me as an onlooker, they were pilgrims.(It was their

journey that kept my attention).

And did not these good people consider themselves at that time, to be

anything other than pilgrims?

From what I have learned of the result of a spiritual driven

pilgrimage, the pilgrim transcends to a higher awareness, yes?

It's not the intellect or scholarly study that will cause the change,

it is the journey, its driving force its rigors, that brings one

closer to the the 'Beloved'.

Not withstanding the three classic yogas, really are they not the

vehicle of choice? One may not be aware that one is of a particular

yoga discipline, are we not all on a pilgrimage?

It is the journey that will change us, as we keep focused on the


destination, within our hearts.

It is the sacred journey, all those rivers you wade, all those sacred

shrines you kneel before in the driving rain, all those tears of

compassion you weep, all the joyous spring mornings you greet. All

this will wash away 'AHAM'

(Sometimes I become lyrical).


B.G. 12

To these whose mind is set on Me,

Verily, I become ere long,

O Pritha's son, their Savior from

The sea of mortal samsara. (7)


(The destination).


With Respect and Divine Love.


Mike (Keenor)


Dear Sadaks,

The I-Ness will go by itself. I (Ness) is there in in thinking (I)

want to let go ego. Only thought Vasudeva Sarvamayam will remove Ego.

Now Please think like this..

You are acting in a movie. You may be villan or hero or heroine or

side actress or side dancer or comedian Etc YOU ARE VERY QUITE

AWARE: At the time of acting or Once the movie is complete you are

none of those characters, you are not claiming the

places/house/garden/co actor/ villan, you are NOT attached to

anything in the movie except earning money for the work done. So

also in life just do work (Karma) to earn love of God.

You can similarly think that all the persons around you are acting

(Doing Karma) as per the role given by Paramathuma without beimng

attached to the role. You really do not have Krodh, jeolosy etc with

your co actors except temporary attahment/friendship. In case yiou

dislike your co actor you avoid him. But where as in real life you

cannot detach person in your family (Except brothers and sisters).

But there were saints who got detached even from wife, like Baktha

Gora, Sri Ramanuja, Neelakanda Nayannar, Purander Doss Etc. That

detachment lets go Ego- My wife, my child or himself/herself etc.

When that goes one is in all and all is one. The Director is God who

is seeing how you act and God thinks that you are only acting but HE

pities you when you are attached to the role and to all persons in

the role. You realize this, that when soul departs that the life was

only to estinguise your attachments/Vasanas/ Desires Etc, like when

the curtain falls, the actors just bid Hai to each other and go away

and ready for next role. The anger, love and comedy is left with

stage. We also to leave it on this earth stage, but we carry it in

our mind strongly and get next role to act as per the desire.

Referance Kapila Geetha of Bagavan. Here the curtain is death and

next role is rebirth. Realize this, then you know that you are not

the Hero or villan or others, but you are the self Mr.A or Mrs T or

Master H, Miss U, side actor M, Villan A, dancer N.. So you are in

all (Advaitham) and you are also seem to be seperate (Diyvatham).

Then you also know you are A T H U M A N


Jai Sri Krishna





Dear Sadhak,


What really is I-ness?


Swamiji's teachings on this subject come to mind. He says -


The inseparable and thick relationship that the Self (Atma, Spirit)

believes it has with the inert body, mind, intellect etc. is " I-

ness " .


The I-ness keeps changing, just as everything in the inert (nature)

keeps changing... I am a hindu, I am a daughter, I am a supervisor,

I am intelligent, I am a writer, I am a PhD, I am a peace lover, I

am a grahastha, I am a social worker and on and on...


so what is that I-ness?


The I-ness comes and goes. Gitaji and Swamiji says, that this I-

ness that keeps changing is unreal (impermanent) and therefore not

our true Self (Gita 2:16)... If it is not our true Self then in

reality, what is there to let go? In fact in deep sleep the I-ness

does not stay !


Gitaji prescribes three paths to be free of I-ness -


1) Karmayog (path of action) - The Body/Mind are part of the world

and the Self is a part of God. Turn the Body/Mind over to the

world, since everything is acquired from the world. By doing

everything only for the world, rendering service without the desire

for it's fruits, i.e. renouncing the fruits, purifies the I-ness.


2) Jnanayog (path of knowledge)- Understanding and knowing through

vivek (discrimination), that the inert (body/mind) etc. are unable

to do anything for the Self. There is nothing the Self needs from

the world / body / mind etc, thus knowing and becoming free of all

desires, the I-ness perishes.


3) In Bhaktiyog (path of devotion)the I-ness changes. I am

Bhagwaan's and only Bhagwaan is mine. Everything is Bhagwaan's and

there is nothing else besides Bhagwaan.


In Karmayog - I-ness purifies

In Jnanayog - I-ness perishes

In Bhaktiyog - I-ness changes

The end result is being free of I-ness.


With devotion,

Meera Das



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

If one is naturally inclined to Devotion to God, whatever God may

mean in the beginning, then, have longing for God, let the mind be

occupied with thoughts of God, let the body remain ready to serve

God through serving all. Perform all rituals, like worship,

chanting, meditation, all activities that remind you of God. Just

God, God, God, whenever possible during the day or night. Above all

don't worry about letting go of I or me.

It will happen on its own when " I " stops trying to get rid of " I "

itself, an impossible task.


If one is given to actions, then perform all actions within the

guidelines of Righteousness, with devotion uppermost on the mind,

like an instrument in the hands of God, the Divinity, the Power,

Intelligence, Love and Harmony. See that deeds are not performed

by 'me " but the capacity, ability, set of skills given by the Grace

of God to do His/Her work. You will see the " me " doer is replaced

by " THE DOER " behind all doers!


If one is inclined to use intellect, inquiry, path of knowledge,

direct approach, then, Understanding based on experience is of great


Just see that I who wants to let go is the same I who has to go. It

is not possible to do so, right? But to see/realize the fact: " oh,

yes, it is the same I, that wants to get rid of " I-ness, or who is

this I in the first place " ?, is the great leap in our understanding

of letting it go. On this direct path, it is the Understanding of

Truth behind all our experiences liberates us and not our doing

anything. In all our doing the " me " gets involved due to ignorance

and forms a veil around truth so that we just keep missing the


For example, ask yourself a question: " What Am I " ? and pause, don't

rush to answer with mind as all such answers overlook inner

experience happening in the moment. All of a sudden, Truth will step

in to steer you to see ITSELF. One may cry out, and say " oh, my God,

I AM already here before I can even ask what am I, I know it for

sure, I don't care who or how or why I am, but I AM is experiential

certainty, aha " . " Now I know what scriptures mean, what Gita tells

me about Atman, I am! " I know I have to be there before I can be

anything or anyone like father, son, husband, wife or engineer,

doctor, happy, unhappy etc. and when I am not any such upadhi I am

still that I am!

At this point, Gyani turns Bhakta who loves Truth unconditionally,

rejoice in it! This Love for the Truth shows this devotee THE WAY to

ITSELF! All objects of the world lead such a one to Bhagwaan by

holding his hands, like a child is led by his father!

The personal " I " is replaced by Impersonal " I " , the Totality,

Functionality, Intelligence, Love, and Harmony in terms of helping

and serving the Universe!

Namaskar.............Pratap Bhatt



By Understanding since understanding is the Key.....

Once we understand, we get transformed.....the change starts....

It is a effortless process......there is nothing else to be done...


Truth is like that......otherwise it is not the truth.....

Once we understand the truth........that is it.....even with the I,



It is similar to learning science. Once you understand how Newton's

law of motion works

you will use them for good......Spirituality is the wisdom/rules of

life that govern us....

Once we understand, we can not but change......just have faith and

patience...to see it happen...

Best wishes....

Sushil Jain


Thanks for wonderful piece.

Cape India




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Ram Ram

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