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Gita - Who is the source of this great work of Hindus - Ancestors or God?

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Dear Sadhakom


(1) Some people believe that Gita is spoken by Lord Krishna (who is

considered the avatar of God) and compiled by Ved Vyas. [its Hindu

belief also that Vedas - are apaurusheyas (mean not born of human

being) are endowed to human beings by God himself]


(2) However, Historians believe that Vedas, Upanishads and epics

carried foreward as 'srutis' through generations before they were

compiled as books by latter generations (after script was developed!)


Is Gita born out of great seers of the past and compiled by Ved Vyas?

or Is Gita born from Lord Krishna (the God), later compiled by Ved



[Please do not mistake my question, there are 18 puranas in Hindu

thought, all contained stories - if you will - of Gods and in the

names of Gods. Huge Hindu population in India believe the contents of

the puranas as having happened. If these puranas are not stories

written / compiled by our ancestors, but actually did happen, we

should expect the same across the globe in all religions and we know

this is not true!!]



Venu Komanduri







1. The questions as far as possible must be relavant to Gita,

relavant to Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relavant to

motivate Sadhaks to take up spiritual path

2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study

3. Only one question at a time.

4. Question must be brief, to the point and relavant to the group's

primary aim of deeper understanding of Gita.




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, relevant and respectful of sadhaka's


5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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Dear Sadhakom


(1) Some people believe that Gita is spoken by Lord Krishna (who is

considered the avatar of God) and compiled by Ved Vyas. [its Hindu

belief also that Vedas - are apaurusheyas (mean not born of human

being) are endowed to human beings by God himself]


(2) However, Historians believe that Vedas, Upanishads and epics

carried foreward as 'srutis' through generations before they were

compiled as books by latter generations (after script was developed!)


Is Gita born out of great seers of the past and compiled by Ved Vyas?

or Is Gita born from Lord Krishna (the God), later compiled by Ved



[Please do not mistake my question, there are 18 puranas in Hindu

thought, all contained stories - if you will - of Gods and in the

names of Gods. Huge Hindu population in India believe the contents of

the puranas as having happened. If these puranas are not stories

written / compiled by our ancestors, but actually did happen, we

should expect the same across the globe in all religions and we know

this is not true!!]



Venu Komanduri




Hare Krishna

In the beginning of 4th chapter Gita clearly says that it was spoken

by God himself.

When I eat some thing I am least bothered about its cooking process,

I am more interested in seeing that it suits me or not.

Same is with Gita, we should concentrate more on what was said and

less on who said.

Ashok Goenka



Dear Sadaks,

Bagavan at one instance tells Arjuna that the same Geetha was said

earlier to SUN GOD (Demi GOD). This means HE has told over and over

again in the past Bagavan also tells Arjuna that HE has the

knowledge of what was HE in the past and present and will be in the

future. What Bagavan said only Ved Vyasji compliled in script form.

Even Sanjeya was listening by Dhoordharshan gift the Geetha while

Bagavan said.

Sri Krishna happens to take Arjuna through black hole to Vaikunt and

shown Sri Vishnu WHO was same as Sri Krishna. Many do not know the

time factor between earth and Vaikunt. In Vaikunt when insense

harathi was being performed, there was a think smoke covering

Vaikunt, (just like when we do insense harathi in our pooja room)

and the smoke disappears in few seconds. So the time factor in

Vaikunt in few seconds when smoke appeared and disappeared was the

total years of Sri Krishna life on earth. When smoke was

disappearing in Vaikunt Sri Vishnu was back in vaikunt. So none was

able to recognise or aware Sri Visnu`s leaving Vaikunt and back in.

Sadaks please go very deep in divine scripts before simply creating

doubt. Such doubts consumes the whole life time sometime says


Sant Tukaram Abang reads that Sant and God are one and the same.

Means Athuma Boodha Aykiyam. So Sri Krishna was only Avathar

seperate from Sri Vishnu is incorrect.

Wonderful insight is there in Hindu Scripts with hidden facts. But

people find NO time for contemplating on them.

Jai Sri Krishna




Dear Sadhakas, namste!

I may humbly point out, I sense some intention or implications

behind this question of Venuji.

Is it simple curiosity or some genuine inquiry about the origin of

Gita which may benefit us if we know it? It is not clear to me what

is behind the question.

To me, Gita is THE MESSAGE of Truth, from TRUTH itself, spoken from

Bhagwan's lips. It is Consciousness through us that is speaking to

us directly to remind us who have forgotten who WE ARE, as did


Upanishadas-Shruti decalare the Truth of which Lord Krishna is

speaking making them suitable in the context of battlefield! And

when I verify/test such declarations in the light of my(?)

experiences, they prove to be right again and again!

Since it is timeless wisdom, it has to be right from Vedas to

Mahabharata time, and even now in our own times!

Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt




Dear sadhak,

This is a very important question If we read many

books on this subject I have read in some historical books that the

chapter of gits is lately introduced subsequently in

Mahabharat.There are some variations in the number of slokas.It is

fact that there was Bhgavat Gita in which Lord Krishna gave his

ideas in the form of verses in Bhgagvata Gita.We have not to create

doubts about the teachings of Bhagavat Gita.Let us have faith in our

scripture and recite its slokas every day

There is misinterpretation of Gita's slokas

meaning and that is why we have to object to its interpretations.As

a book reviewer I got one book in which the write of Bhgavata got

wrote that Lord Krishna did do n directing Arjoo to fight with his

brothers,gurus and family members.This is against Nonviolence.I

wrote that Lord Krishna asked vir Arjoon to perform his dharma to

protect the right persons.This web site is doing the right thing in

interpreting the right way to follow the teachings og Bhagavta Gita.


Truly yours


Shabnkerprasad S Bhatt



ah, beloved sadhakas of divine love, how the mind keeps asking

questions that have no answers !


and yet, this asking of questions is also divine play of the

self ........... the Joy of the self .........

seek to know the self ................. the shortest

way ........... " surrender "

but surrender is not a doing , it is Grace...................

what , then, to do..............???

enjoy your yearning, enjoy the wait .......... He shall surely come !




Love Trust Surrender


The Truthfulness of Being, Beloved

Thought , word and deed

Being your Gifts

Is known to you

Only to you


Even nari Graced

Finds it impossble to guage

The extant of your Grace

And in loving Gratitude

Prefers to die to thought

Than allow the Mind to think and wander

Into Mysteries Divine

Into analysis of Conduct

That flows, bathed in the rays

Of the Sun that loves the Moon that eclipses Him .


Love, Trust, Surrender

Words satyam, shivam, sundram,

Beatitude of Your Smiling Eyes, Lord

Find Joy of Life Eternally in Nari's heart

Praying for Death that Only You can Give !

The Truthfulness of Being , Beloved

Thought , word and deed


Being your Gifts

Can known be

To who else but You

Only to you .





The Sun Is the Great Fire. Is All ! It's warmth supports all Life .

It's Light illumines all. It devours all darkness. It erases all

ignorance ! It purifies ! All lesser fires pay their homage to THE

SUN... for they derive their Being from The Great Fire Itself ! The

Great One receives the homage graciously, lovingly, joyously, ....

in the acceptance of the homage, does the Sun bestow the Gift to One-

ness . One-ness. Self. Ah ! Poor narinder ! What indeed can he

say... and how ?



narinder bhandari



Vedas, Puranas, Upnishads and Geeta are ancient books of wisdom of

India. Since they are ancient there is no way to verify their

authorship but then if what is written in them is good and many

consider them as gospel then does it matter? Besides historians have

their own theory and spiritual people or people with faith in God

have their own belief. While nobody can prove that the Gita was

written by Ved Vyas no one can disprove it either.


Hari Shanker Deo




Truth does come from books or whatever U call?

It is in U.

Suppose I read a phrase from any holy book in this world &

intentionally cite with wrong meaning, will anybody accept it?

Even who is listening for the first time? Why?

coz it in everybody's inside. therefore it is called SATYA -





Raja Gurdasani


-Shree Hari-


Dear Venu,


This is a debate that I will follow avidly.


But to put the picture straight about the ancient paths in other


of the world, if one looks deeper than the surface, certainly

concepts an ideas that are in tune with Hindu concepts, abounded

once , and to a lesser extent to this day.


The Gnostic scriptures make a lot more sense to me now, than they

ever did until I started to tune into the Indian traditions:


He who Is! Thou art He who Is, the Aeon of Aeons the Umbegoten, who

art higher than the unbegotten (ones), Yatomenos, thou alone for whom

all the unborn were begotten, the Unnameable One ! (Allogenes XI,3)


For many are the pleasant forms which exist in numerous sins! And and

incontinencies , and disgraceful passions, and fleeting pleasures,

which men embrace until they become sober, and go up to their,

resting place, and they will find me there, and they will live,

and they will not die AGAIN.(The Thunder:Perfect Mind V1,2)


The problem is, the Abrahamic religions suppressed these traditions.

AT least in India it seems the ancient traditions survived


With Respect and Divine Love,


Mike (Keenor).







1. The questions as far as possible must be relavant to Gita,

relavant to Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relavant to

motivate Sadhaks to take up spiritual path

2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study

3. Only one question at a time.

4. Question must be brief, to the point and relavant to the group's

primary aim of deeper understanding of Gita.




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, relevant and respectful of sadhaka's


5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites.

7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).

8. Do not personalize message

9. All responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.

11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.

Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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  • 8 months later...

Shree Hari Ram Ram

Dear Sadhaks, We are revisiting old postings during this Gita Jayanti week. Please add to the postings as appropriate. From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram



Dear SadhakasHare Krishna. Bhagavad Gita is spoken by Lord Krishna himself. In the chapter 4,Lord Krishna says,"Imam vivasvate yogam,Proktavan aham avyayam,Vivasvan manave praha,Manur iksvakave bravit. "(Gitaji 4,1)Which means,'Lord Sri Krishna said,I instructed this imperishable yoga to the sun God, vivasvan and vivasvan instucted it to Manu, father of mankind. Manu instructed it to Iksvaku. 'The Holy scripture is Krishna's gift to us. Thank YouHare Krishna Prasad.A.Iragavarapu,M.D


God is the Ancestor of all, whether Hindus or not, human beings or not. Allworks comes from Him, all knowledge flows from Him. It is only incidental thatthe works and knowledge gets expressed through human beings. Whether it is themessages of Upanishads or Geeta or the discovery of planets or DNA sequencing -all are the rvelations of God, the ultimate source of all creation and the onlymaterial that is in this entire creation. Each human being is nothing but atransformation or alternative expressions of the same, sole source material ofevrything in this Creation.Basudeb Sen----

Hari OmWhoever is the source of this creation can only be the source of Gita. Entire nature is following the principles of Gita. Except Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism/ Eternal Religion) rest all religions have a 'Founder' be it Christianity, Islam, Jain, Bouddha or any other religion. Sanatan Dharma, as the very name suggests, has no 'founder'. It is as eternal as is humanity/creation itself. The scriptures of Hinduism are called 'Shrutis' because the Saints and Sages found the wisdom or dharma already existing and thus merely put them in black and white for benefit of humanity.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B ------

Shree Hari

Ram Ram

All 700 verses of the Gita are not the words spoken by Bhagwaan Shri Krishna. In Chapter 4 of Gita, Bhagwaan says to Arjuna that "He taught this immortal yoga to Sun-God..." and not that the entire 700 verses have come from Me. (Shri Ashok Goenkaji has understood this). We should care about eating the mangoes, not counting the mango trees... and who composed the Gita? So be it!

Vineet Sarvottam


Source of Gita


Vedas are not apaurusheya in the sense that they were given by God/parama Atma


the earliest beings of creation observed prakriti which was the only observable manifestation of Parama Atma.


Then, from the observations, they derived methods of exploiting Prakriti optimally for comfortable living.


Optimal in the sense of getting the maximum benefit without harming the environment or Prakriti.


Collection of these observations and optimization techniques constituted the first part of Veda.


It is called Poorva meemaamsa.


Thus the first principles of Veda are not laid down by humans but beings much earlier born beings


Purusha does not mean man or human. Purusha means the one who enjoys.


A misconception that in a sexual intercourse it is the man that enjoys and woman is enjoyed has led to reserving Purusha for male


Hence, vedas are definitely Parusheya


The technique of exploitation when handed to humans with all their guileful wisdom

have been used for destructive purposes


This prompted some selfless and welfare minded people (Rishis)


They contemplated in isolation and came up with the othe rparts like Aranyaka and Brahmana of Veda to check arbitrary



lastly, it was necessary that prakriti oriented and dominated minds be directed towards something superior and more permanent


Recognizing that entity is by perception of its qualities.


Guidelines to get that perception constitute Vedanta or Upanishats


Vedanta is free from time restriction or has no time bar


Poorva Meemaamsa has limited time validity


cows used to graze on the pure grass available in unpolluted plains and hill slopes.


Now they eat anything, plastic bags, cinema posters with backless Kareenas etc


hence their dung is now not as good as it used to be

so how can a homa or Yadnya done with such cow dung be the same as in the old times?


The whole of Veda including Poorva and uttara meemaamsas was transmitted from generation to next by word or hearing


hence it was called Sruti. The equivalent concept in Judaism is Oral Law


As time proceded due to the selfishness of humans, the truths of Veda have been distorted by so called scholars.


Hence Krishna dwaipaayana Vyaasa codified Veda and made them Granddhasta


Later generations continued the distortion processes

refer to 4.2, Gita


In order to restore this veda to its original Glory Krishna made a student of Nara (Arjuna)

The source of Gita is thus the Lord, the motivation is distortion and the Purpose is restoration.


Samudrala Krishna



Om! Gita is the divine text of the soul and the supersoul. Why doubt? Go deeper into the meanings of each character of gitaji. And we understand the complete concept of Gita. Arjuna means who does not want to be born again. Literal translation. Krishna means the ultimate attraction to the soul. Dritarashtra means the one holding on to the body. He is blind. Why people dont think in terms of nirakara aspect of all characters even in this modern age. All Puranas, Upanishad characters ; all Hindu literature is based on personification of abstract ideas.



Bhuvangiri Badri Kishore


Dear Sadhak

Every body belives in their scriptures.We as Hindus believe what is stated in Bhgavat Gita.It was noticed that there was a dialogue between lord Krishna and Vir Arjun.Then we have to believe if we are true Hindus.Ved Vyas wrote many scriptures and then we belive it Do not argue for our faiths in almighty God.


Truly yours


Shankerprasad S Bhatt



Dear Sadhakom(1) Some people believe that Gita is spoken by Lord Krishna (who isconsidered the avatar of God) and compiled by Ved Vyas. [its Hindubelief also that Vedas - are apaurusheyas (mean not born of humanbeing) are endowed to human beings by God himself](2) However, Historians believe that Vedas, Upanishads and epicscarried foreward as 'srutis' through generations before they werecompiled as books by latter generations (after script was developed!)Is Gita born out of great seers of the past and compiled by Ved Vyas?or Is Gita born from Lord Krishna (the God), later compiled by VedVyas?[Please do not mistake my question, there are 18 puranas in Hinduthought, all contained stories - if you will - of Gods and in thenames of Gods. Huge Hindu population in India believe the contents ofthe puranas as having happened. If these puranas are not storieswritten / compiled by our ancestors, but actually did happen, weshould expect the same across the globe in all religions and we knowthis is not true!!]RegardsVenu Komanduri-----------------------------NEW POSTING

Hare KrishnaIn the beginning of 4th chapter Gita clearly says that it was spokenby God himself.When I eat some thing I am least bothered about its cooking process,I am more interested in seeing that it suits me or not.Same is with Gita, we should concentrate more on what was said andless on who said.Ashok Goenka---------------------------Dear Sadaks,Bagavan at one instance tells Arjuna that the same Geetha was saidearlier to SUN GOD (Demi GOD). This means HE has told over and overagain in the past Bagavan also tells Arjuna that HE has theknowledge of what was HE in the past and present and will be in thefuture. What Bagavan said only Ved Vyasji compliled in script form.Even Sanjeya was listening by Dhoordharshan gift the Geetha whileBagavan said.Sri Krishna happens to take Arjuna through black hole to Vaikunt andshown Sri Vishnu WHO was same as Sri Krishna. Many do not know thetime factor between earth and Vaikunt. In Vaikunt when insenseharathi was being performed, there was a think smoke coveringVaikunt, (just like when we do insense harathi in our pooja room)and the smoke disappears in few seconds. So the time factor inVaikunt in few seconds when smoke appeared and disappeared was thetotal years of Sri Krishna life on earth. When smoke wasdisappearing in Vaikunt Sri Vishnu was back in vaikunt. So none wasable to recognise or aware Sri Visnu`s leaving Vaikunt and back in.Sadaks please go very deep in divine scripts before simply creatingdoubt. Such doubts consumes the whole life time sometime saysVivekachudamani.Sant Tukaram Abang reads that Sant and God are one and the same.Means Athuma Boodha Aykiyam. So Sri Krishna was only Avatharseperate from Sri Vishnu is incorrect.Wonderful insight is there in Hindu Scripts with hidden facts. Butpeople find NO time for contemplating on them.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


pRIY SADHAKTruth does come from books or whatever U call?It is in U.Suppose I read a phrase from any holy book in this world & intentionally cite with wrong meaning, will anybody accept it?Even who is listening for the first time? Why?coz it in everybody's inside. therefore it is called SATYA -SATYAM SHIVA SUNDARAMOMThanxRaja Gurdasani---------------------------

Dear Sri Venuji,

After the Mahabharart war he reapeats the Gita content to Utthava when Krishna is at the end of HIS life at Dwaraka. He quotes to Utthava that He already told Gita to Arjuna during Mahabharata war and "now I reapeat (some portion )" ;this itself confirms that Krishna told Gita. ( Vysa has compiled Gita and Lord Ganesh has written as per an evidence of Vysa Guha/Cave in Badrinath )


One can easily understand the truth by seeing Smt.Thavudammal a krishna devotee's conversation with Lord Krishna as given below :


Smt.Thavudammal : There are may Gods ; who is superior God in the world ?


Lord Krishna : Yes there are many Gods and they are existing in the world/Jagath. All Gods are like Paddy seeds ( oddulu in telugu ) and My Bagawat Geetha is like kernal / rice ( biyyam ) ; For preaparing rice flour which is the easy method whether paddy or rice ? ( Using rice is simple rather than processing the paddy seeds and milling at the end ;For mukthi Gita is easy vehicle ) .

Those who develop bhakthi with other gods they will get union with other gods vrey quickly. But I will not go to people who merely express bhakthi ; in addition to bhakthi - Dhanam ,Dharmam ,Murai padi nadathal ( diciplined life with yama/ niyama etc ) is there then I will go very easily to them without their call. .



With kind regards, Sincerely,P.Vivekanandan,--------------------------------Dear Sadhakas, namste!I may humbly point out, I sense some intention or implicationsbehind this question of Venuji.Is it simple curiosity or some genuine inquiry about the origin ofGita which may benefit us if we know it? It is not clear to me whatis behind the question.To me, Gita is THE MESSAGE of Truth, from TRUTH itself, spoken fromBhagwan's lips. It is Consciousness through us that is speaking tous directly to remind us who have forgotten who WE ARE, as didArjuna!Upanishadas-Shruti declare the Truth of which Lord Krishna isspeaking making them suitable in the context of battlefield! Andwhen I verify/test such declarations in the light of my(?)experiences, they prove to be right again and again!Since it is timeless wisdom, it has to be right from Vedas toMahabharata time, and even now in our own times!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt-------------------------------Dear sadhak,This is a very important question If we read manybooks on this subject I have read in some historical books that thechapter of gits is lately introduced subsequently inMahabharat.There are some variations in the number of slokas.It isfact that there was Bhgavat Gita in which Lord Krishna gave hisideas in the form of verses in Bhagvata Gita.We have not to createdoubts about the teachings of Bhagavat Gita. Let us have faith in ourscripture and recite its slokas every dayThere is misinterpretation of Gita's slokasmeaning and that is why we have to object to its interpretations.Asa book reviewer I got one book in which the write of Bhgavata gotwrote that Lord Krishna did do n directing Arjoo to fight with hisbrothers,gurus and family members.This is against Nonviolence.Iwrote that Lord Krishna asked vir Arjoon to perform his dharma toprotect the right persons.This web site is doing the right thing ininterpreting the right way to follow the teachings og Bhagavta Gita.Truly yoursShankerprasad S Bhatt--------------------- -Shree Hari-Dear Venu,This is a debate that I will follow avidly.But to put the picture straight about the ancient paths in otherparts of the world, if one looks deeper than the surface, certainlyconcepts an ideas that are in tune with Hindu concepts, aboundedonce , and to a lesser extent to this day.The Gnostic scriptures make a lot more sense to me now, than theyever did until I started to tune into the Indian traditions:He who Is! Thou art He who Is, the Aeon of Aeons the Umbegoten, whoart higher than the unbegotten (ones), Yatomenos, thou alone for whomall the unborn were begotten, the Unnameable One ! (Allogenes XI,3)For many are the pleasant forms which exist in numerous sins! And andincontinencies , and disgraceful passions, and fleeting pleasures,which men embrace until they become sober, and go up to their,resting place, and they will find me there, and they will live,and they will not die AGAIN.(The Thunder:Perfect Mind V1,2)The problem is, the Abrahamic religions suppressed these traditions.AT least in India it seems the ancient traditions survivedWith Respect and Divine Love,Mike (Keenor).



Near & Dear Venu Komanduri ,I have read your MSG from here, there are two question in my mind First is thatARE YOU ASKING ABOUT BIRTH of GITA? Second thing is that ARE YOU ASKING OFWRITTEN PROOF, EVIDENCE, AUTHORITY (PRAMAAN) OF GITA?Please clear my doubt. It may be possible that I have answer of your question.Narayan NarayanJag Mohan

-----------------------------ah, beloved sadhakas of divine love, how the mind keeps askingquestions that have no answers !and yet, this asking of questions is also divine play of theself ........... the Joy of the self .........seek to know the self ................. the shortestway ..........." surrender "but surrender is not a doing , it is Grace...................what , then, to do..............???enjoy your yearning, enjoy the wait .......... He shall surely come !AumLove Trust SurrenderThe Truthfulness of Being, BelovedThought , word and deedBeing your GiftsIs known to youOnly to youEven nari GracedFinds it impossble to guageThe extant of your GraceAnd in loving GratitudePrefers to die to thoughtThan allow the Mind to think and wanderInto Mysteries DivineInto analysis of ConductThat flows, bathed in the raysOf the Sun that loves the Moon that eclipses Him .Love, Trust, SurrenderWords satyam, shivam, sundram,Beatitude of Your Smiling Eyes, LordFind Joy of Life Eternally in Nari's heartPraying for Death that Only You can Give !The Truthfulness of Being , BelovedThought , word and deedBeing your GiftsCan known beTo who else but YouOnly to you .THE SUNThe Sun Is the Great Fire. Is All ! It's warmth supports all Life .It's Light illumines all. It devours all darkness. It erases allignorance ! It purifies ! All lesser fires pay their homage to THESUN... for they derive their Being from The Great Fire Itself ! TheGreat One receives the homage graciously, lovingly, joyously, ....in the acceptance of the homage, does the Sun bestow the Gift to One-ness . One-ness. Self. Ah ! Poor narinder ! What indeed can hesay... and how ?AUMnarinder bhandari


dear dear Sadhakas, I give below the words of Nanak, from Guru Grantha Sahib.................. please savour the words, and then say, " whose words arethese ?" ..........Do you not feel that these words are the song of Krishna....... that He has uttered very similar words, the same essence , for the sadhak true, in the Bhagvada Geetha and the upanishads ...........ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU:When the mind is filthy, everything is filthy; by washing the body, the mind isnot cleansed. This world is deluded by doubt; hardly anyone understands this.|| 1 || O my mind, chant the One Name. The True Guru has given me this treasure.|| 1 || Pause || Even if one learns the Yogic postures of the Siddhas, and holdshis sexual energy in check, still, the filth of the mind is not removed, and thefilth of egotism is not eliminated. || 2 || This mind is not controlled by anyother discipline, except the Sanctuary of the True Guru. Meeting the True Guru,one is transformed beyond description.|| 3 || Prays Nanak, one who dies upon meeting the True Guru, shall berejuvenated through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. The filth of attachment andpossessiveness shall depart, and the mind shall become pure.|| 4 || 1 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: By His Grace, one serves the True Guru; byHis Grace, service is performed. By His grace, this mind comes under control; byHis Grace, the mind becomes pure. || 1 || O my mind, think of the True One.Think of the One, and you shall find peace; you shall never suffer in sorrowagain. || 1 || Pause || By His Grace, one dies while yet alive; by His Grace,the Word of the Shabad comes to dwell in the mind. By His Grace, one understandsthe Hukam of God's Command; by His Command, one merges into Him. || 2 || Thattongue, which does not savor the sublime essence of the Lord - may that tonguebe burned off! It remains attached to other pleasures, and through the love ofduality, it suffers in pain. || 3 || The One Lord grants His Grace to all; HeHimself makes distinctions.O Nanak, meeting the True Guru, the fruits are obtained, and one is blessed withthe Glorious Greatness of the Naam. || 4 || 2 ||( WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: )ah, dear sadhaks ............... joyous and blessed are they, who choose to walkthe Path of paths ................ the nameless path to the nameless God ! Thesound of K R I S H N A( there is music in it ) is so soothing to my soul thatnarinder's mind is transported to the other shore ...... Silence . Someone elsemay find the same music in another sound ... Hari...... Rama ........ allah Hoothe real thing is the Other shore, The silence.first, Krishna ( the name that is music to the self ) blesses us with a glimpseof that shore ............ as if in a dream ......... and one day , that shore becomes real , and this shore a 'dream-like existence' created and ordained byHIM, whose name vibrates in narinder's body and soul as Krishna, Krishna ,Krishna ...........the last word,the final word, if you please, .................. there is no suchcharacter as narinder bhandari ........... he exists not ...... only you exist.... you the self !!Aumnarinder bhandari--------------------------Vedas, Puranas, Upnishads and Geeta are ancient books of wisdom ofIndia. Since they are ancient there is no way to verify theirauthorship but then if what is written in them is good and manyconsider them as gospel then does it matter? Besides historians havetheir own theory and spiritual people or people with faith in Godhave their own belief. While nobody can prove that the Gita waswritten by Ved Vyas no one can disprove it either.Hari Shanker Deo------------------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relavant to Gita,relavant to Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relavant tomotivate Sadhaks to take up spiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relavant to the group'sprimary aim of deeper understanding of Gita.FOR RESPONDER1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, relevant and respectful of sadhaka'stime.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites.7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).8. Do not personalize message9. All responses may not be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.Provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: @grou ps.comSubscribe: - Un: -unsubscri be ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

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