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On Removing Mine-ness and Dissolving into IS-ness

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Swami Ramsukh Dasji maharaj is my breathing, J Krishnamurti is my 'awareness'and Gita-talks postings are my food. I request you all to pray to Lord Krishnato remove my 'my-ness' and dissolve it in His 'Is-ness', as with my efforts Ihave not been able to do it. Suresh C Sharma

------------------------------Dear Sri Suresh C. Sharma,As long as you think you are putting effort IT does not happen.Ego does not go easily, as it came along over several births. Another easy way to dispel Ego (I_ness), respect it. (Ego) That is start loving people with height of Ego in your mind level. Example: If someone says you are a Crack/Cranky person. Just accept it in depth with full heart, thinking the comment could be correct. This is how Sant Tukaram did. His abangs were asked by Scholar of Kasi to be thrown in a river as writtings were rubbish. Sant Tukaram throw it in river. But it can floating back to him. The scholar developed itchi feelings all over body fell on Tukaram feet. Itchi disappeared. But Tukaram said to people wittnessing, " I am only tool (Nimitra Matra) of God. Whether the abangs restored or not is not my look out. It is HIS property."Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


In your 2nd posting Sureshji had asked about kind of granting him the enlightenment. Few points to ponder upon...


Baba says that reading a menu will not satisfy your hunger. Even if one attends thousands of satsangs, God remains far far away from such people because we fail to implement the teachings - we just keep on reading the menu w/o cooking & eating. I heard this expression when I was a little kid - someone can drag a horse to a pond but the horse himself has to drink the water. If God has given us mind, use it for contemplation & query, what's wrong in it? Boat is needed to reach the other shore, once there we automatically forget that it even exist!!!

Drier sponge, better water holding capacity. If our sponge is already wet with our belief systems, i.e., not open, and are not willing to let go, the talk of God will not do any good! Swamiji says that holding on requires efforts, letting go doesn't. So let's check are we busy holding on to things? Baba says that if my heart is filled with other stuff, there is no room for God to stay so let's check our heart - is it filled with material desires? Do I have trouble letting them go? Am I holding on to a tree and claiming that the tree is holding on to me? There is a story... well, some other time.

Baba also talks about few things have to be present in sadhaks. To receive God/Guru's grace - 1) the pot should not have holes - if we have many desires, the spiritual knowledge will leak out. 2) pot should be facing in right direction - if pot is w/o holes but facing downwards, water will not go in. Keep our attention to God only. 3) face of the pot should not be covered - even if the pot is facing in right direction & w/o holes, it is not open to the vastness, knowledge will not go in. 4) Pot should be empty - person should be ready to receive like a dry sponge. 5) Pot should not be dirty - to conserve clean water, pot needs to be clean. So let us continue w/the spiritual practices - implement what we'v heard in satsangs, slowly the pot will be cleaned and will start reflecting the Truth - ISness.

Even though the true Gure is within us, even though Krishnam vandy jagat guru is absolutely true, I am in favor of a physical Guru/Guide (I know we can have a classic debate again but...). The reason is the able Guru/Guide can grant the glimpses of no mind state to motivate the disciples/devotees so one learns w/o being frstrated or loosing patience.

Baba also says that if you keep on digging many holes in the hopes of reaching water, you will not. Just stick to one and keep on digging deeper. Slowly & steadily, you will reach there. Our vaasanaas (habits from past lives, desires) take long time to be free from but Bhagwan Krishna suggests continuous practice of bringing mind back to God & detachment from the sense objects will help (BG 6:35). Patience is the most needed virtue in spiritual path no matter which one you follow - karma, gyaan or bhakti. As long as there is vaasanaa in us it will take long time.

The last resort, BG 18:65/66, take complete refuge in God, it doesn't matter how long it takes but it is His responsibility to take us there & be worry-free. It is also true what Swamiji has been saying that once you completely accept God to be yours - doosaro naa koi, He has to come to you. But, we want to say it that we like to take refuge, but deep down, we carry on with a subtle doubt & that fails us being completely one w/the God.

To know the SELF, self needs to be engaged. Only self (embodied self) knows SELF - mamaivaansho...(BG15:7) It is ok to use mind, intellect, nothing wrong but the moment you start asking who is it thinking? What is the source of these thoughts, mind and intellect becomes silent. In this silence, eventually, the vastness dawns. Bhandariji has beautifully illustrated this in his response. Unfortunately, there is no short cut other than complete refuge & /or God/Guru's compassion & grace.

Hope, your question is answered. I would also recommend reading and re-reading of chapter 2.

Let's all pray for all of us so that we can evolve faster...

humble regards,

always at Thy Divine Feet


Manjula Patel


Dear Sadhak Suresh jee,

narinder knows but little, and yet he knows the knowing, the Gift of the Natkhat

narinder knows that ......................... no prayer arising from the heart remains unanswered,

In the vast sea of Consciousness; Floats the bubble of narinderness

In the embrace of Love, now awake, now asleep, and now a dream.

Awaiting the Timeless Now, When the Sea chooses to enter the formidable cocoon of Narinderness

To shatter its domain and absorb it in Itself Forever and ever !


Atma-ananda Upanishad






The statement that man is not a beast is no doubt true. But does it show any of his true characteristics?

It is impossible to show Reality as it is. Words are at best mere pointers.

If, without knowing this, one contemplates what is literally signified by words, one's experience of Reality will be tainted to that extent.

If words are taken merely as helps to rise above all thoughts, it is perfectly in order.

If Reality is conceived of as beyond all thoughts, and contemplation directed accordingly, words may help to lead one to a stage where all thoughts cease and Reality is experienced.

Doubt may arise whether it is possible to contemplate anything beyond all thoughts. It is possible. The difficulty is only apparent.

It is true that only an object of perception can be directly contemplated. The 'I' is always perceiver and never an object of perception.

As it is not an object of perception, direct contemplation of the 'I' is out of the question. Nonetheless, because it is experienced as one's Being, it is possible to contemplate it indirectly.

Can it not be contemplated as the residue left after the removal of everything objective from the apparent 'I'?

This contemplative thought itself will automatically come to a standstill in the end, and in that stillness will be seen shining one's true nature.

What is beyond all thoughts may be indirectly contemplated in other ways as well. They will also take one to one's true nature.

Always bear in mind that such words as Consciousness or Knowledge, Being or Happiness, all point to the 'I'.

Hold on to one thought to dispel other thoughts. Let that thought be such as points to one's being.

Think of one's being as that into which all thoughts merge, then the one thought taken hold of gives up its form and merges into Being.

Just as we apply the word knowledge to denote also the function of knowing, we use the word happiness to denote the function of enjoying as well.

It is within the experience of all that knowledge and happiness dawn only when the respective functions of knowing and enjoying cease.

Thus, Knowledge and Happiness are one's own Being. With this conviction, if thought is directed to either of these, that thought also gives up its form and merges.

Merger will never be into deep sleep, but into one's own Being. All knots of the heart will be cut asunder by this means.


The shortest path from Now to Now , is the spanning of now-ness, in This Moment Now.

The Spanning is the Death, The Non-being, Immortality !!

and the spanning ? it happens, when Time is ripe........ and when is the time ripe ?

only The Natkhat knows ! what can suresh do ?

just wait lovingly, all doing is meaningless !


narinder bhandari


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Swami Ramsukh Dasji maharaj is my breathing, J Krishnamurti is my 'awareness'and Gita-talks postings are my food. I request you all to pray to Lord Krishnato remove my 'my-ness' and dissolve it in His 'Is-ness', as with my efforts Ihave not been able to do it. Suresh C Sharma



Sureshji should seek the answer to his question in Gita again and again: the basic rule is one of concentrating on thinking about God and doing Karma with out attachment to goals including the goal of " removing my-ness". Gita says that only a very few are lucky enough to achieve this Goal. May God bless Sureshji to attain " complete loss of ego" and " equanimity".

Basudeb Sen


Kripa kare jo apni, to Gur ka shabad kamae................Nanak


each word that is written below as answer to suresh jee by the self (Sathyanarayan. jee,.Manjula jee, narinder jee.)............... is the true answer ..................is LIGHT , is Guru ka shabad ................... the word itself is the Light .....................


But ..................


Kripa kare jo apni, to Gur ka shabad kamae................Nanak


the profit of the word, the kamai, occurs, only if Grace alights on the self .............


it is the Self that reveals the self to the self , when the self desires the self with all the self .......( the Upanishads ) .........................

Time now to go beyond the words , suresh jee ..................

Meditate, meditate, meditate................

ah, .............all the Buddhas are showering their blessings on us ........ dear Sadahaks true ................

AUM ............................

the self


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!This is just to appreciate the depth in Narinderji's messages! It touches ("me"?) at the deepest of (my?) Being!It is, as though, Consciousness, all of a sudden, remembered Itself: "hey, I KNOW, I had just forgotten!".I remain GRATEFUL to all sadhakas for their posts! For Sureshji, Sadhakas have already posted messages full of wisdom! On my part, I can remind him of one of very significant teachings of Krishnamurti: "Observer is the Observed"! NO duality, between "I" who wants to dissolve into His Isness, and He Himself! Duality between I, the observer of anything perceived and the thing perceived, the observed, when understood deeply as only Non-Dual Consciousness appearing as two, all divisions and therefore, conflicts (existing only in mind) come to their natural death, leaving the mind absolutely Calm, His Isness! Duality can exist only in Mind as it is fragmented, not outside. Outside, if at all there is one, is diversity and not division!Please Sureshji, accept this gift of Krishnamurti to us in its true spirit! Namaskar...............Pratap Bhatt



PRIOR POSTINGDear Sri Suresh C. Sharma,As long as you think you are putting effort IT does not happen.Ego does not go easily, as it came along over several births. Another easy way to dispel Ego (I_ness), respect it. (Ego) That is start loving people with height of Ego in your mind level. Example: If someone says you are a Crack/Cranky person. Just accept it in depth with full heart, thinking the comment could be correct. This is how Sant Tukaram did. His abangs were asked by Scholar of Kasi to be thrown in a river as writtings were rubbish. Sant Tukaram throw it in river. But it can floating back to him. The scholar developed itchi feelings all over body fell on Tukaram feet. Itchi disappeared. But Tukaram said to people wittnessing, " I am only tool (Nimitra Matra) of God. Whether the abangs restored or not is not my look out. It is HIS property."Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


In your 2nd posting Sureshji had asked about kind of granting him the enlightenment. Few points to ponder upon...


Baba says that reading a menu will not satisfy your hunger. Even if one attends thousands of satsangs, God remains far far away from such people because we fail to implement the teachings - we just keep on reading the menu w/o cooking & eating. I heard this expression when I was a little kid - someone can drag a horse to a pond but the horse himself has to drink the water. If God has given us mind, use it for contemplation & query, what's wrong in it? Boat is needed to reach the other shore, once there we automatically forget that it even exist!!!

Drier sponge, better water holding capacity. If our sponge is already wet with our belief systems, i.e., not open, and are not willing to let go, the talk of God will not do any good! Swamiji says that holding on requires efforts, letting go doesn't. So let's check are we busy holding on to things? Baba says that if my heart is filled with other stuff, there is no room for God to stay so let's check our heart - is it filled with material desires? Do I have trouble letting them go? Am I holding on to a tree and claiming that the tree is holding on to me? There is a story... well, some other time.

Baba also talks about few things have to be present in sadhaks. To receive God/Guru's grace - 1) the pot should not have holes - if we have many desires, the spiritual knowledge will leak out. 2) pot should be facing in right direction - if pot is w/o holes but facing downwards, water will not go in. Keep our attention to God only. 3) face of the pot should not be covered - even if the pot is facing in right direction & w/o holes, it is not open to the vastness, knowledge will not go in. 4) Pot should be empty - person should be ready to receive like a dry sponge. 5) Pot should not be dirty - to conserve clean water, pot needs to be clean. So let us continue w/the spiritual practices - implement what we'v heard in satsangs, slowly the pot will be cleaned and will start reflecting the Truth - ISness.

Even though the true Gure is within us, even though Krishnam vandy jagat guru is absolutely true, I am in favor of a physical Guru/Guide (I know we can have a classic debate again but...). The reason is the able Guru/Guide can grant the glimpses of no mind state to motivate the disciples/devotees so one learns w/o being frstrated or loosing patience.

Baba also says that if you keep on digging many holes in the hopes of reaching water, you will not. Just stick to one and keep on digging deeper. Slowly & steadily, you will reach there. Our vaasanaas (habits from past lives, desires) take long time to be free from but Bhagwan Krishna suggests continuous practice of bringing mind back to God & detachment from the sense objects will help (BG 6:35). Patience is the most needed virtue in spiritual path no matter which one you follow - karma, gyaan or bhakti. As long as there is vaasanaa in us it will take long time.

The last resort, BG 18:65/66, take complete refuge in God, it doesn't matter how long it takes but it is His responsibility to take us there & be worry-free. It is also true what Swamiji has been saying that once you completely accept God to be yours - doosaro naa koi, He has to come to you. But, we want to say it that we like to take refuge, but deep down, we carry on with a subtle doubt & that fails us being completely one w/the God.

To know the SELF, self needs to be engaged. Only self (embodied self) knows SELF - mamaivaansho...(BG15:7) It is ok to use mind, intellect, nothing wrong but the moment you start asking who is it thinking? What is the source of these thoughts, mind and intellect becomes silent. In this silence, eventually, the vastness dawns. Bhandariji has beautifully illustrated this in his response. Unfortunately, there is no short cut other than complete refuge & /or God/Guru's compassion & grace.

Hope, your question is answered. I would also recommend reading and re-reading of chapter 2.

Let's all pray for all of us so that we can evolve faster...

humble regards,

always at Thy Divine Feet


Manjula Patel


Dear Sadhak Suresh jee,

narinder knows but little, and yet he knows the knowing, the Gift of the Natkhat

narinder knows that ......................... no prayer arising from the heart remains unanswered,

In the vast sea of Consciousness; Floats the bubble of narinderness

In the embrace of Love, now awake, now asleep, and now a dream.

Awaiting the Timeless Now, When the Sea chooses to enter the formidable cocoon of Narinderness

To shatter its domain and absorb it in Itself Forever and ever !


Atma-ananda Upanishad






The statement that man is not a beast is no doubt true. But does it show any of his true characteristics?

It is impossible to show Reality as it is. Words are at best mere pointers.

If, without knowing this, one contemplates what is literally signified by words, one's experience of Reality will be tainted to that extent.

If words are taken merely as helps to rise above all thoughts, it is perfectly in order.

If Reality is conceived of as beyond all thoughts, and contemplation directed accordingly, words may help to lead one to a stage where all thoughts cease and Reality is experienced.

Doubt may arise whether it is possible to contemplate anything beyond all thoughts. It is possible. The difficulty is only apparent.

It is true that only an object of perception can be directly contemplated. The 'I' is always perceiver and never an object of perception.

As it is not an object of perception, direct contemplation of the 'I' is out of the question. Nonetheless, because it is experienced as one's Being, it is possible to contemplate it indirectly.

Can it not be contemplated as the residue left after the removal of everything objective from the apparent 'I'?

This contemplative thought itself will automatically come to a standstill in the end, and in that stillness will be seen shining one's true nature.

What is beyond all thoughts may be indirectly contemplated in other ways as well. They will also take one to one's true nature.

Always bear in mind that such words as Consciousness or Knowledge, Being or Happiness, all point to the 'I'.

Hold on to one thought to dispel other thoughts. Let that thought be such as points to one's being.

Think of one's being as that into which all thoughts merge, then the one thought taken hold of gives up its form and merges into Being.

Just as we apply the word knowledge to denote also the function of knowing, we use the word happiness to denote the function of enjoying as well.

It is within the experience of all that knowledge and happiness dawn only when the respective functions of knowing and enjoying cease.

Thus, Knowledge and Happiness are one's own Being. With this conviction, if thought is directed to either of these, that thought also gives up its form and merges.

Merger will never be into deep sleep, but into one's own Being. All knots of the heart will be cut asunder by this means.


The shortest path from Now to Now , is the spanning of now-ness, in This Moment Now.

The Spanning is the Death, The Non-being, Immortality !!

and the spanning ? it happens, when Time is ripe........ and when is the time ripe ?

only The Natkhat knows ! what can suresh do ?

just wait lovingly, all doing is meaningless !


narinder bhandari


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Swami Ramsukh Dasji maharaj is my breathing, J Krishnamurti is my 'awareness'and Gita-talks postings are my food. I request you all to pray to Lord Krishnato remove my 'my-ness' and dissolve it in His 'Is-ness', as with my efforts Ihave not been able to do it. Suresh C Sharma



Dear Sadhak,Sarve dharam paritjya, mamekam sharanam vrij....Complete surrender to God/Guru is the surest way!!!with Love,A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar


"the basic rule is one of concentrating on thinking about God and doing Karma with out attachment to goals including the goal of ' removing my-ness'... this can Householders achieve?????

bhaskar mukherjee




Sureshji should seek the answer to his question in Gita again and again: the basic rule is one of concentrating on thinking about God and doing Karma with out attachment to goals including the goal of " removing my-ness". Gita says that only a very few are lucky enough to achieve this Goal. May God bless Sureshji to attain " complete loss of ego" and " equanimity".

Basudeb Sen


Kripa kare jo apni, to Gur ka shabad kamae................Nanak


each word that is written below as answer to suresh jee by the self (Sathyanarayan. jee,.Manjula jee, narinder jee.)............... is the true answer ..................is LIGHT , is Guru ka shabad ................... the word itself is the Light .....................


But ..................


Kripa kare jo apni, to Gur ka shabad kamae................Nanak


the profit of the word, the kamai, occurs, only if Grace alights on the self .............


it is the Self that reveals the self to the self , when the self desires the self with all the self .......( the Upanishads ) .........................

Time now to go beyond the words , suresh jee ..................

Meditate, meditate, meditate................

ah, .............all the Buddhas are showering their blessings on us ........ dear Sadahaks true ................

AUM ............................

the self


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!This is just to appreciate the depth in Narinderji's messages! It touches ("me"?) at the deepest of (my?) Being!It is, as though, Consciousness, all of a sudden, remembered Itself: "hey, I KNOW, I had just forgotten!".I remain GRATEFUL to all sadhakas for their posts! For Sureshji, Sadhakas have already posted messages full of wisdom! On my part, I can remind him of one of very significant teachings of Krishnamurti: "Observer is the Observed"! NO duality, between "I" who wants to dissolve into His Isness, and He Himself! Duality between I, the observer of anything perceived and the thing perceived, the observed, when understood deeply as only Non-Dual Consciousness appearing as two, all divisions and therefore, conflicts (existing only in mind) come to their natural death, leaving the mind absolutely Calm, His Isness! Duality can exist only in Mind as it is fragmented, not outside. Outside, if at all there is one, is diversity and not division!Please Sureshji, accept this gift of Krishnamurti to us in its true spirit! Namaskar...............Pratap Bhatt



PRIOR POSTINGDear Sri Suresh C. Sharma,As long as you think you are putting effort IT does not happen.Ego does not go easily, as it came along over several births. Another easy way to dispel Ego (I_ness), respect it. (Ego) That is start loving people with height of Ego in your mind level. Example: If someone says you are a Crack/Cranky person. Just accept it in depth with full heart, thinking the comment could be correct. This is how Sant Tukaram did. His abangs were asked by Scholar of Kasi to be thrown in a river as writtings were rubbish. Sant Tukaram throw it in river. But it can floating back to him. The scholar developed itchi feelings all over body fell on Tukaram feet. Itchi disappeared. But Tukaram said to people wittnessing, " I am only tool (Nimitra Matra) of God. Whether the abangs restored or not is not my look out. It is HIS property."Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


In your 2nd posting Sureshji had asked about kind of granting him the enlightenment. Few points to ponder upon...


Baba says that reading a menu will not satisfy your hunger. Even if one attends thousands of satsangs, God remains far far away from such people because we fail to implement the teachings - we just keep on reading the menu w/o cooking & eating. I heard this expression when I was a little kid - someone can drag a horse to a pond but the horse himself has to drink the water. If God has given us mind, use it for contemplation & query, what's wrong in it? Boat is needed to reach the other shore, once there we automatically forget that it even exist!!!

Drier sponge, better water holding capacity. If our sponge is already wet with our belief systems, i.e., not open, and are not willing to let go, the talk of God will not do any good! Swamiji says that holding on requires efforts, letting go doesn't. So let's check are we busy holding on to things? Baba says that if my heart is filled with other stuff, there is no room for God to stay so let's check our heart - is it filled with material desires? Do I have trouble letting them go? Am I holding on to a tree and claiming that the tree is holding on to me? There is a story... well, some other time.

Baba also talks about few things have to be present in sadhaks. To receive God/Guru's grace - 1) the pot should not have holes - if we have many desires, the spiritual knowledge will leak out. 2) pot should be facing in right direction - if pot is w/o holes but facing downwards, water will not go in. Keep our attention to God only. 3) face of the pot should not be covered - even if the pot is facing in right direction & w/o holes, it is not open to the vastness, knowledge will not go in. 4) Pot should be empty - person should be ready to receive like a dry sponge. 5) Pot should not be dirty - to conserve clean water, pot needs to be clean. So let us continue w/the spiritual practices - implement what we'v heard in satsangs, slowly the pot will be cleaned and will start reflecting the Truth - ISness.

Even though the true Gure is within us, even though Krishnam vandy jagat guru is absolutely true, I am in favor of a physical Guru/Guide (I know we can have a classic debate again but...). The reason is the able Guru/Guide can grant the glimpses of no mind state to motivate the disciples/devotees so one learns w/o being frstrated or loosing patience.

Baba also says that if you keep on digging many holes in the hopes of reaching water, you will not. Just stick to one and keep on digging deeper. Slowly & steadily, you will reach there. Our vaasanaas (habits from past lives, desires) take long time to be free from but Bhagwan Krishna suggests continuous practice of bringing mind back to God & detachment from the sense objects will help (BG 6:35). Patience is the most needed virtue in spiritual path no matter which one you follow - karma, gyaan or bhakti. As long as there is vaasanaa in us it will take long time.

The last resort, BG 18:65/66, take complete refuge in God, it doesn't matter how long it takes but it is His responsibility to take us there & be worry-free. It is also true what Swamiji has been saying that once you completely accept God to be yours - doosaro naa koi, He has to come to you. But, we want to say it that we like to take refuge, but deep down, we carry on with a subtle doubt & that fails us being completely one w/the God.

To know the SELF, self needs to be engaged. Only self (embodied self) knows SELF - mamaivaansho...(BG15:7) It is ok to use mind, intellect, nothing wrong but the moment you start asking who is it thinking? What is the source of these thoughts, mind and intellect becomes silent. In this silence, eventually, the vastness dawns. Bhandariji has beautifully illustrated this in his response. Unfortunately, there is no short cut other than complete refuge & /or God/Guru's compassion & grace.

Hope, your question is answered. I would also recommend reading and re-reading of chapter 2.

Let's all pray for all of us so that we can evolve faster...

humble regards,

always at Thy Divine Feet


Manjula Patel


Dear Sadhak Suresh jee,

narinder knows but little, and yet he knows the knowing, the Gift of the Natkhat

narinder knows that ......................... no prayer arising from the heart remains unanswered,

In the vast sea of Consciousness; Floats the bubble of narinderness

In the embrace of Love, now awake, now asleep, and now a dream.

Awaiting the Timeless Now, When the Sea chooses to enter the formidable cocoon of Narinderness

To shatter its domain and absorb it in Itself Forever and ever !


Atma-ananda Upanishad






The statement that man is not a beast is no doubt true. But does it show any of his true characteristics?

It is impossible to show Reality as it is. Words are at best mere pointers.

If, without knowing this, one contemplates what is literally signified by words, one's experience of Reality will be tainted to that extent.

If words are taken merely as helps to rise above all thoughts, it is perfectly in order.

If Reality is conceived of as beyond all thoughts, and contemplation directed accordingly, words may help to lead one to a stage where all thoughts cease and Reality is experienced.

Doubt may arise whether it is possible to contemplate anything beyond all thoughts. It is possible. The difficulty is only apparent.

It is true that only an object of perception can be directly contemplated. The 'I' is always perceiver and never an object of perception.

As it is not an object of perception, direct contemplation of the 'I' is out of the question. Nonetheless, because it is experienced as one's Being, it is possible to contemplate it indirectly.

Can it not be contemplated as the residue left after the removal of everything objective from the apparent 'I'?

This contemplative thought itself will automatically come to a standstill in the end, and in that stillness will be seen shining one's true nature.

What is beyond all thoughts may be indirectly contemplated in other ways as well. They will also take one to one's true nature.

Always bear in mind that such words as Consciousness or Knowledge, Being or Happiness, all point to the 'I'.

Hold on to one thought to dispel other thoughts. Let that thought be such as points to one's being.

Think of one's being as that into which all thoughts merge, then the one thought taken hold of gives up its form and merges into Being.

Just as we apply the word knowledge to denote also the function of knowing, we use the word happiness to denote the function of enjoying as well.

It is within the experience of all that knowledge and happiness dawn only when the respective functions of knowing and enjoying cease.

Thus, Knowledge and Happiness are one's own Being. With this conviction, if thought is directed to either of these, that thought also gives up its form and merges.

Merger will never be into deep sleep, but into one's own Being. All knots of the heart will be cut asunder by this means.


The shortest path from Now to Now , is the spanning of now-ness, in This Moment Now.

The Spanning is the Death, The Non-being, Immortality !!

and the spanning ? it happens, when Time is ripe........ and when is the time ripe ?

only The Natkhat knows ! what can suresh do ?

just wait lovingly, all doing is meaningless !


narinder bhandari


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Swami Ramsukh Dasji maharaj is my breathing, J Krishnamurti is my 'awareness'and Gita-talks postings are my food. I request you all to pray to Lord Krishnato remove my 'my-ness' and dissolve it in His 'Is-ness', as with my efforts Ihave not been able to do it. Suresh C Sharma




dear Pratap Bhatt jee, dear self,


" Kaho Nanak sab teri wadyayee, koee nam na jane mera ..........." ......................................nanak Nanak avers, dear Lord, how the beautiful people praise thee ..... and link my name with thee; how can my name have any worth, i am merely your slave, who knows Nothing but what you make available to him ......... I am the goodness in the Good", says Krishna ....................bhagvada Geetha, Ch 10, shaloka36.


Lord, Light of Lights, narinder prays at thy feet is nari's place at thy feet may he ever abide and serve thy Will as thou will have him do never, never may he be displaced, he prays and prays and prays ................





Dear Sadaks,

Duyaitham means 2 or more things. Advaitham is only ONE. Body, soul and Paramathuma is 3. Self, wife, children, Guru, friends etc are many. When 2 is no more and only ONE is felt, then 'my-ness' dissolve it in His 'Is-ness'. Now Sri Sharmaji has 1) Breathing, 2) Awareness, 3)Geetha as food. He left Bagavan Geethaji unknowingly though he has in mind. Here Geethaji can be breathing, awareness and food. Going Further deeper only Geethaji. Example: 1) Until Sant Meera was having idol (1) of Sri Krishna and ability to see Sri Krishna (2) she was not fully realized. So it was Sri Krishna care (Normally HE takes care of HIS Bakthas) to make Meera loose the attachment to the diety of Krishna which she was carrying all along. Next she had no option only Sri Krishna in conscience. Only ONE which Sri Pratabji, Sri Vyasji, Sri Mikeji and others talk off as pure conscience level. 2) Arjuna was asked to aim an arrow at a bird by his Guru. Similarly was asked to others, who said one by one. One said "I can see the tree". 2nd said, "I can branches." 3rd said, "I can see leaves". 4th said "I can see the bird". Arjuna said, "I can see the bird`s eye, nothing else. SADAKS we all know this instance, but need to be reminded. Seeing many or two is NOT going to yield perfect result. NOT Seeing all, but seeing only ONE results in "HIS Is-Ness" Shri Ramasukhdasji is SAT GURU, J.Krishnamoorthy is a GURU who imparts knowledge, Geetha is Bagavan`s speech (To be practiced) and Bagavan HIMSELF is Sri Krishnam Vandhe Jagat Guru. So melt your heart in that Sri Krishna WHO is Guru of Gurus and Pradhama Jagat Guru.

A wife in a family respects, mother in law, brother in law, cares her children Etc, but surrender is ONLY to her husband bodily, emotionally, affectionately, respectfully Etc. Say as Respectful swamiji, as Poojyasri Swamiji, or Gurubon Namaha, Guru Vishnu, Guru Brahma ------ etc It is like wife respects family members. We don't use those adjectives to GOD. We say in surrender OM Namo Narayanaya, Om Nama Shivaya Etc. Since moderator says to be apt, hope sadhaks got the point.

But then how the process of dissolve in Is-nees takes place? Why it does not dissolve? Learned saint tell it as lack of knowledge on Artha Panchakam. That is 5 meanings (Tathuvas)

1)Athuma Swaroop. 2) Paramathuma Swaroop. 3)Uppaaya Swaroop. 4) Prapiya Swaroop. 5) Virodha Swaroop. We know 1) Athuma (Aham) is Brahmasmi. 2) Paramathuma is unchangeless, non distructable, creator Etc.3) Uppaya the method to attain realization by reading Geetha, Karma Yog, sanyasi Yog, Bhakthi yog. 4) Prapiya (Realized) swaroop is Purushartham- that is living only for welfare of devotees, staying in Sat Sangh, negating worldly matters, remaining unattached to any sort of Karma, serving Bakthas and devotees unconditionally Etc. 5) Virodhi Swaroop- that which is obstacle for attainment. That is Sareeram (Body), Samsaar (Family attachment but Not family), Anaadhi Kaala Karma Samandh (Karma pala of several earlier births), Vasanas, Ruchi, illiteracy, ignorance (Not desiring for HIS_Is ness), Kama, Krodha, loba, Madam (Egoness), Marchariyam Etc. So man has so many enemies to conquer for realization. But for 1 to 4 man has only to understand with little knowledge as said above. The 5th Virodh swaroop man has to conquer with the help of the first 4.

Jai Sri Krishna




Dear Sadhak,Sarve dharam paritjya, mamekam sharanam vrij....Complete surrender to God/Guru is the surest way!!!with Love,A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar


"the basic rule is one of concentrating on thinking about God and doing Karma with out attachment to goals including the goal of ' removing my-ness'... this can Householders achieve?????

bhaskar mukherjee




Sureshji should seek the answer to his question in Gita again and again: the basic rule is one of concentrating on thinking about God and doing Karma with out attachment to goals including the goal of " removing my-ness". Gita says that only a very few are lucky enough to achieve this Goal. May God bless Sureshji to attain " complete loss of ego" and " equanimity".

Basudeb Sen


Kripa kare jo apni, to Gur ka shabad kamae................Nanak


each word that is written below as answer to suresh jee by the self (Sathyanarayan. jee,.Manjula jee, narinder jee.)............... is the true answer ..................is LIGHT , is Guru ka shabad ................... the word itself is the Light .....................


But ..................


Kripa kare jo apni, to Gur ka shabad kamae................Nanak


the profit of the word, the kamai, occurs, only if Grace alights on the self .............


it is the Self that reveals the self to the self , when the self desires the self with all the self .......( the Upanishads ) .........................

Time now to go beyond the words , suresh jee ..................

Meditate, meditate, meditate................

ah, .............all the Buddhas are showering their blessings on us ........ dear Sadahaks true ................

AUM ............................

the self


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!This is just to appreciate the depth in Narinderji's messages! It touches ("me"?) at the deepest of (my?) Being!It is, as though, Consciousness, all of a sudden, remembered Itself: "hey, I KNOW, I had just forgotten!".I remain GRATEFUL to all sadhakas for their posts! For Sureshji, Sadhakas have already posted messages full of wisdom! On my part, I can remind him of one of very significant teachings of Krishnamurti: "Observer is the Observed"! NO duality, between "I" who wants to dissolve into His Isness, and He Himself! Duality between I, the observer of anything perceived and the thing perceived, the observed, when understood deeply as only Non-Dual Consciousness appearing as two, all divisions and therefore, conflicts (existing only in mind) come to their natural death, leaving the mind absolutely Calm, His Isness! Duality can exist only in Mind as it is fragmented, not outside. Outside, if at all there is one, is diversity and not division!Please Sureshji, accept this gift of Krishnamurti to us in its true spirit! Namaskar...............Pratap Bhatt



PRIOR POSTINGDear Sri Suresh C. Sharma,As long as you think you are putting effort IT does not happen.Ego does not go easily, as it came along over several births. Another easy way to dispel Ego (I_ness), respect it. (Ego) That is start loving people with height of Ego in your mind level. Example: If someone says you are a Crack/Cranky person. Just accept it in depth with full heart, thinking the comment could be correct. This is how Sant Tukaram did. His abangs were asked by Scholar of Kasi to be thrown in a river as writtings were rubbish. Sant Tukaram throw it in river. But it can floating back to him. The scholar developed itchi feelings all over body fell on Tukaram feet. Itchi disappeared. But Tukaram said to people wittnessing, " I am only tool (Nimitra Matra) of God. Whether the abangs restored or not is not my look out. It is HIS property."Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


In your 2nd posting Sureshji had asked about kind of granting him the enlightenment. Few points to ponder upon...


Baba says that reading a menu will not satisfy your hunger. Even if one attends thousands of satsangs, God remains far far away from such people because we fail to implement the teachings - we just keep on reading the menu w/o cooking & eating. I heard this expression when I was a little kid - someone can drag a horse to a pond but the horse himself has to drink the water. If God has given us mind, use it for contemplation & query, what's wrong in it? Boat is needed to reach the other shore, once there we automatically forget that it even exist!!!

Drier sponge, better water holding capacity. If our sponge is already wet with our belief systems, i.e., not open, and are not willing to let go, the talk of God will not do any good! Swamiji says that holding on requires efforts, letting go doesn't. So let's check are we busy holding on to things? Baba says that if my heart is filled with other stuff, there is no room for God to stay so let's check our heart - is it filled with material desires? Do I have trouble letting them go? Am I holding on to a tree and claiming that the tree is holding on to me? There is a story... well, some other time.

Baba also talks about few things have to be present in sadhaks. To receive God/Guru's grace - 1) the pot should not have holes - if we have many desires, the spiritual knowledge will leak out. 2) pot should be facing in right direction - if pot is w/o holes but facing downwards, water will not go in. Keep our attention to God only. 3) face of the pot should not be covered - even if the pot is facing in right direction & w/o holes, it is not open to the vastness, knowledge will not go in. 4) Pot should be empty - person should be ready to receive like a dry sponge. 5) Pot should not be dirty - to conserve clean water, pot needs to be clean. So let us continue w/the spiritual practices - implement what we'v heard in satsangs, slowly the pot will be cleaned and will start reflecting the Truth - ISness.

Even though the true Gure is within us, even though Krishnam vandy jagat guru is absolutely true, I am in favor of a physical Guru/Guide (I know we can have a classic debate again but...). The reason is the able Guru/Guide can grant the glimpses of no mind state to motivate the disciples/devotees so one learns w/o being frstrated or loosing patience.

Baba also says that if you keep on digging many holes in the hopes of reaching water, you will not. Just stick to one and keep on digging deeper. Slowly & steadily, you will reach there. Our vaasanaas (habits from past lives, desires) take long time to be free from but Bhagwan Krishna suggests continuous practice of bringing mind back to God & detachment from the sense objects will help (BG 6:35). Patience is the most needed virtue in spiritual path no matter which one you follow - karma, gyaan or bhakti. As long as there is vaasanaa in us it will take long time.

The last resort, BG 18:65/66, take complete refuge in God, it doesn't matter how long it takes but it is His responsibility to take us there & be worry-free. It is also true what Swamiji has been saying that once you completely accept God to be yours - doosaro naa koi, He has to come to you. But, we want to say it that we like to take refuge, but deep down, we carry on with a subtle doubt & that fails us being completely one w/the God.

To know the SELF, self needs to be engaged. Only self (embodied self) knows SELF - mamaivaansho...(BG15:7) It is ok to use mind, intellect, nothing wrong but the moment you start asking who is it thinking? What is the source of these thoughts, mind and intellect becomes silent. In this silence, eventually, the vastness dawns. Bhandariji has beautifully illustrated this in his response. Unfortunately, there is no short cut other than complete refuge & /or God/Guru's compassion & grace.

Hope, your question is answered. I would also recommend reading and re-reading of chapter 2.

Let's all pray for all of us so that we can evolve faster...

humble regards,

always at Thy Divine Feet


Manjula Patel


Dear Sadhak Suresh jee,

narinder knows but little, and yet he knows the knowing, the Gift of the Natkhat

narinder knows that ......................... no prayer arising from the heart remains unanswered,

In the vast sea of Consciousness; Floats the bubble of narinderness

In the embrace of Love, now awake, now asleep, and now a dream.

Awaiting the Timeless Now, When the Sea chooses to enter the formidable cocoon of Narinderness

To shatter its domain and absorb it in Itself Forever and ever !


Atma-ananda Upanishad






The statement that man is not a beast is no doubt true. But does it show any of his true characteristics?

It is impossible to show Reality as it is. Words are at best mere pointers.

If, without knowing this, one contemplates what is literally signified by words, one's experience of Reality will be tainted to that extent.

If words are taken merely as helps to rise above all thoughts, it is perfectly in order.

If Reality is conceived of as beyond all thoughts, and contemplation directed accordingly, words may help to lead one to a stage where all thoughts cease and Reality is experienced.

Doubt may arise whether it is possible to contemplate anything beyond all thoughts. It is possible. The difficulty is only apparent.

It is true that only an object of perception can be directly contemplated. The 'I' is always perceiver and never an object of perception.

As it is not an object of perception, direct contemplation of the 'I' is out of the question. Nonetheless, because it is experienced as one's Being, it is possible to contemplate it indirectly.

Can it not be contemplated as the residue left after the removal of everything objective from the apparent 'I'?

This contemplative thought itself will automatically come to a standstill in the end, and in that stillness will be seen shining one's true nature.

What is beyond all thoughts may be indirectly contemplated in other ways as well. They will also take one to one's true nature.

Always bear in mind that such words as Consciousness or Knowledge, Being or Happiness, all point to the 'I'.

Hold on to one thought to dispel other thoughts. Let that thought be such as points to one's being.

Think of one's being as that into which all thoughts merge, then the one thought taken hold of gives up its form and merges into Being.

Just as we apply the word knowledge to denote also the function of knowing, we use the word happiness to denote the function of enjoying as well.

It is within the experience of all that knowledge and happiness dawn only when the respective functions of knowing and enjoying cease.

Thus, Knowledge and Happiness are one's own Being. With this conviction, if thought is directed to either of these, that thought also gives up its form and merges.

Merger will never be into deep sleep, but into one's own Being. All knots of the heart will be cut asunder by this means.


The shortest path from Now to Now , is the spanning of now-ness, in This Moment Now.

The Spanning is the Death, The Non-being, Immortality !!

and the spanning ? it happens, when Time is ripe........ and when is the time ripe ?

only The Natkhat knows ! what can suresh do ?

just wait lovingly, all doing is meaningless !


narinder bhandari


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Swami Ramsukh Dasji maharaj is my breathing, J Krishnamurti is my 'awareness'and Gita-talks postings are my food. I request you all to pray to Lord Krishnato remove my 'my-ness' and dissolve it in His 'Is-ness', as with my efforts Ihave not been able to do it. Suresh C Sharma







Pray, in which dimension is Awareness bound, Gross, subtle or causal, are they It's womb? Or Do they obeisance pay, To the silent joy Of the measureless void of Atma, Awareness, the Eternal, the Infinite.

Existence as well as Non- existence, Manifestation and Non-manifestation --- Thus did speak, my Lord Krishna, Of the dimension-less Void, Awareness, His home, His Being, His Non-being!

No word can bind or define Awareness,The Light of lights, the Lord of lords, the God of gods For The Word is Krishna, whom only Krishna knows. Awareness----Creator, Sustainer, the Destroyer too, Of aeons of Yugas, Time and Timeless-ness, In which Universes are born to play and die!


Who,Sir, are you, seven stones and six? What is your entity, what the dimension? You roll your eyes, you flaunt your pride, In varied possessions, your kith and kin! To what realm do they belong? To which Gods, their obeisance pay? When all is not, where are they? When Awareness is not, where are they?


Never in a million lifetimes, Have you worshipped these thoughts.O Friend! What will happen to you, when Awareness is not

While conciousness to you does Brahma giftHasten to a Guru, the dispeller of Darkness, and, Old age, sickness, pain, of a thousand lives destroy. Kith and kin, possessions, and grammar, will be of no avail, When in the Fire of Sanchit, you will roll, weak and frail!


Thus did Shankara too, moan for you, In his compassion, did Shankra endlessly wail Bhaj Govindam, Bhaj Govindam, Bhaj govindam Moorh Mate.


Narinder Bhandari



Hari OmWelcome Sadhak Bhaskar Mukherjee ! Only a householder can leave "mineness" easily. The medicine for the fever called "mamata" is service. A Karma Yogi (householder) renders service to those who he considers to be "mine" with the things/body which he has received from the world.It is one of the most important principles of Karma Yoga (there are many such little known laws) - SERVICE DESTROYS MAMATA !A Karma Yogi first renounces "mineness" (mamata) , then his "me-ness" (ego/doership) goes automatically. But a sadhu (Jnana Yogi) has to renounce "me-ness" (ego/doership) first. Then "mineness" goes automatically.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B




Yesterday Beloved , This body beautiful was the Bliss of Being A joy to mind, a flower , a flame, a flavour….The flower withered, the flame extinguished, the flavour disappeared… Nought remained but vanity born of remembrance !


Today, born of yesterday, has brought fresh Blossoms Subtler and more meaningful , and long lasting Today's Blossoms will not witherToday's flame will eternally glow Today's Flavour will permeate My being forever This Narinder knows ! Knows , how ????This too narinder knows ! Ah, now he knows ! Yes, he knows !Knows because He , who is all yesterdays , all morrows, And the Eternal Today, between the morrow and yesterday He, indeed has s o revealed ; And Narinder knows !

The One word that that is all words, all knowing That word too now Nari knows ! Yes, he knows ! He knows ! And The word of words that word is GRACE !

Grace Your giving of the Gift, Govinda

and Your Acceptance ; Acceptance of the Gift ! Grace !


Narinder Bhandari



dear Pratap Bhatt jee, dear self, " Kaho Nanak sab teri wadyayee, koee nam na jane mera ..........." ......................................nanak

Nanak avers, dear Lord, how the beautiful people praise thee ..... and link my name with thee; how can my name have any worth, i am merely your slave, who knows Nothing but what you make available to him ......... "

" I am the goodness in the Good", says Krishna ....................bhagvada Geetha, Ch 10, shaloka36.

Lord, Light of Lights, narinder prays

at thy feet is nari's place

at thy feet may he ever abide

and serve thy Will as thou will have him do

never, never may he be displaced, he prays and prays and prays ................ Aumnarinder


Dear Sadaks,

Duyaitham means 2 or more things. Advaitham is only ONE. Body, soul and Paramathuma is 3. Self, wife, children, Guru, friends etc are many. When 2 is no more and only ONE is felt, then 'my-ness' dissolve it in His 'Is-ness'. Now Sri Sharmaji has 1) Breathing, 2) Awareness, 3)Geetha as food. He left Bagavan Geethaji unknowingly though he has in mind. Here Geethaji can be breathing, awareness and food. Going Further deeper only Geethaji. Example: 1) Until Sant Meera was having idol (1) of Sri Krishna and ability to see Sri Krishna (2) she was not fully realized. So it was Sri Krishna care (Normally HE takes care of HIS Bakthas) to make Meera loose the attachment to the diety of Krishna which she was carrying all along. Next she had no option only Sri Krishna in conscience. Only ONE which Sri Pratabji, Sri Vyasji, Sri Mikeji and others talk off as pure conscience level. 2) Arjuna was asked to aim an arrow at a bird by his Guru. Similarly was asked to others, who said one by one. One said "I can see the tree". 2nd said, "I can branches." 3rd said, "I can see leaves". 4th said "I can see the bird". Arjuna said, "I can see the bird`s eye, nothing else. SADAKS we all know this instance, but need to be reminded. Seeing many or two is NOT going to yield perfect result. NOT Seeing all, but seeing only ONE results in "HIS Is-Ness" Shri Ramasukhdasji is SAT GURU, J.Krishnamoorthy is a GURU who imparts knowledge, Geetha is Bagavan`s speech (To be practiced) and Bagavan HIMSELF is Sri Krishnam Vandhe Jagat Guru. So melt your heart in that Sri Krishna WHO is Guru of Gurus and Pradhama Jagat Guru.

A wife in a family respects, mother in law, brother in law, cares her children Etc, but surrender is ONLY to her husband bodily, emotionally, affectionately, respectfully Etc. Say as Respectful swamiji, as Poojyasri Swamiji, or Gurubon Namaha, Guru Vishnu, Guru Brahma ------ etc It is like wife respects family members. We don't use those adjectives to GOD. We say in surrender OM Namo Narayanaya, Om Nama Shivaya Etc. Since moderator says to be apt, hope sadhaks got the point.

But then how the process of dissolve in Is-nees takes place? Why it does not dissolve? Learned saint tell it as lack of knowledge on Artha Panchakam. That is 5 meanings (Tathuvas)

1)Athuma Swaroop. 2) Paramathuma Swaroop. 3)Uppaaya Swaroop. 4) Prapiya Swaroop. 5) Virodha Swaroop. We know 1) Athuma (Aham) is Brahmasmi. 2) Paramathuma is unchangeless, non distructable, creator Etc.3) Uppaya the method to attain realization by reading Geetha, Karma Yog, sanyasi Yog, Bhakthi yog. 4) Prapiya (Realized) swaroop is Purushartham- that is living only for welfare of devotees, staying in Sat Sangh, negating worldly matters, remaining unattached to any sort of Karma, serving Bakthas and devotees unconditionally Etc. 5) Virodhi Swaroop- that which is obstacle for attainment. That is Sareeram (Body), Samsaar (Family attachment but Not family), Anaadhi Kaala Karma Samandh (Karma pala of several earlier births), Vasanas, Ruchi, illiteracy, ignorance (Not desiring for HIS_Is ness), Kama, Krodha, loba, Madam (Egoness), Marchariyam Etc. So man has so many enemies to conquer for realization. But for 1 to 4 man has only to understand with little knowledge as said above. The 5th Virodh swaroop man has to conquer with the help of the first 4.

Jai Sri Krishna




Dear Sadhak,Sarve dharam paritjya, mamekam sharanam vrij....Complete surrender to God/Guru is the surest way!!!with Love,A sadhika

Sadhna Karigar


"the basic rule is one of concentrating on thinking about God and doing Karma with out attachment to goals including the goal of ' removing my-ness'... this can Householders achieve?????

bhaskar mukherjee



Sureshji should seek the answer to his question in Gita again and again: the basic rule is one of concentrating on thinking about God and doing Karma with out attachment to goals including the goal of " removing my-ness". Gita says that only a very few are lucky enough to achieve this Goal. May God bless Sureshji to attain " complete loss of ego" and " equanimity". Basudeb Sen-----Kripa kare jo apni, to Gur ka shabad kamae................Nanak

each word that is written below as answer to suresh jee by the self (Sathyanarayan. jee,.Manjula jee, narinder jee.)............... is the true answer ..................is LIGHT , is Guru ka shabad ................... the word itself is the Light ..................... But .................. Kripa kare jo apni, to Gur ka shabad kamae................Nanak the profit of the word, the kamai, occurs, only if Grace alights on the self ............. it is the Self that reveals the self to the self , when the self desires the self with all the self .......( the Upanishads ) .........................Time now to go beyond the words , suresh jee ..................

Meditate, meditate, meditate................

ah, .............all the Buddhas are showering their blessings on us ........ dear Sadahaks true ................

AUM ............................

the self


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!This is just to appreciate the depth in Narinderji's messages! It touches ("me"?) at the deepest of (my?) Being!It is, as though, Consciousness, all of a sudden, remembered Itself: "hey, I KNOW, I had just forgotten!".I remain GRATEFUL to all sadhakas for their posts! For Sureshji, Sadhakas have already posted messages full of wisdom! On my part, I can remind him of one of very significant teachings of Krishnamurti: "Observer is the Observed"! NO duality, between "I" who wants to dissolve into His Isness, and He Himself! Duality between I, the observer of anything perceived and the thing perceived, the observed, when understood deeply as only Non-Dual Consciousness appearing as two, all divisions and therefore, conflicts (existing only in mind) come to their natural death, leaving the mind absolutely Calm, His Isness! Duality can exist only in Mind as it is fragmented, not outside. Outside, if at all there is one, is diversity and not division!Please Sureshji, accept this gift of Krishnamurti to us in its true spirit! Namaskar...............Pratap Bhatt



PRIOR POSTINGDear Sri Suresh C. Sharma,As long as you think you are putting effort IT does not happen.Ego does not go easily, as it came along over several births. Another easy way to dispel Ego (I_ness), respect it. (Ego) That is start loving people with height of Ego in your mind level. Example: If someone says you are a Crack/Cranky person. Just accept it in depth with full heart, thinking the comment could be correct. This is how Sant Tukaram did. His abangs were asked by Scholar of Kasi to be thrown in a river as writtings were rubbish. Sant Tukaram throw it in river. But it can floating back to him. The scholar developed itchi feelings all over body fell on Tukaram feet. Itchi disappeared. But Tukaram said to people wittnessing, " I am only tool (Nimitra Matra) of God. Whether the abangs restored or not is not my look out. It is HIS property."Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


In your 2nd posting Sureshji had asked about kind of granting him the enlightenment. Few points to ponder upon...

Baba says that reading a menu will not satisfy your hunger. Even if one attends thousands of satsangs, God remains far far away from such people because we fail to implement the teachings - we just keep on reading the menu w/o cooking & eating. I heard this expression when I was a little kid - someone can drag a horse to a pond but the horse himself has to drink the water. If God has given us mind, use it for contemplation & query, what's wrong in it? Boat is needed to reach the other shore, once there we automatically forget that it even exist!!! Drier sponge, better water holding capacity. If our sponge is already wet with our belief systems, i.e., not open, and are not willing to let go, the talk of God will not do any good! Swamiji says that holding on requires efforts, letting go doesn't. So let's check are we busy holding on to things? Baba says that if my heart is filled with other stuff, there is no room for God to stay so let's check our heart - is it filled with material desires? Do I have trouble letting them go? Am I holding on to a tree and claiming that the tree is holding on to me? There is a story... well, some other time. Baba also talks about few things have to be present in sadhaks. To receive God/Guru's grace - 1) the pot should not have holes - if we have many desires, the spiritual knowledge will leak out. 2) pot should be facing in right direction - if pot is w/o holes but facing downwards, water will not go in. Keep our attention to God only. 3) face of the pot should not be covered - even if the pot is facing in right direction & w/o holes, it is not open to the vastness, knowledge will not go in. 4) Pot should be empty - person should be ready to receive like a dry sponge. 5) Pot should not be dirty - to conserve clean water, pot needs to be clean. So let us continue w/the spiritual practices - implement what we'v heard in satsangs, slowly the pot will be cleaned and will start reflecting the Truth - ISness. Even though the true Gure is within us, even though Krishnam vandy jagat guru is absolutely true, I am in favor of a physical Guru/Guide (I know we can have a classic debate again but...). The reason is the able Guru/Guide can grant the glimpses of no mind state to motivate the disciples/devotees so one learns w/o being frstrated or loosing patience. Baba also says that if you keep on digging many holes in the hopes of reaching water, you will not. Just stick to one and keep on digging deeper. Slowly & steadily, you will reach there. Our vaasanaas (habits from past lives, desires) take long time to be free from but Bhagwan Krishna suggests continuous practice of bringing mind back to God & detachment from the sense objects will help (BG 6:35). Patience is the most needed virtue in spiritual path no matter which one you follow - karma, gyaan or bhakti. As long as there is vaasanaa in us it will take long time. The last resort, BG 18:65/66, take complete refuge in God, it doesn't matter how long it takes but it is His responsibility to take us there & be worry-free. It is also true what Swamiji has been saying that once you completely accept God to be yours - doosaro naa koi, He has to come to you. But, we want to say it that we like to take refuge, but deep down, we carry on with a subtle doubt & that fails us being completely one w/the God. To know the SELF, self needs to be engaged. Only self (embodied self) knows SELF - mamaivaansho...(BG15:7) It is ok to use mind, intellect, nothing wrong but the moment you start asking who is it thinking? What is the source of these thoughts, mind and intellect becomes silent. In this silence, eventually, the vastness dawns. Bhandariji has beautifully illustrated this in his response. Unfortunately, there is no short cut other than complete refuge & /or God/Guru's compassion & grace. Hope, your question is answered. I would also recommend reading and re-reading of chapter 2.Let's all pray for all of us so that we can evolve faster...humble regards,always at Thy Divine Feet Manjula Patel-----------------

Dear Sadhak Suresh jee,

narinder knows but little, and yet he knows the knowing, the Gift of the Natkhat

narinder knows that ......................... no prayer arising from the heart remains unanswered,

In the vast sea of Consciousness; Floats the bubble of narinderness

In the embrace of Love, now awake, now asleep, and now a dream.

Awaiting the Timeless Now, When the Sea chooses to enter the formidable cocoon of Narinderness

To shatter its domain and absorb it in Itself Forever and ever !


Atma-ananda Upanishad

The statement that man is not a beast is no doubt true. But does it show any of his true characteristics?

It is impossible to show Reality as it is. Words are at best mere pointers.

If, without knowing this, one contemplates what is literally signified by words, one's experience of Reality will be tainted to that extent.

If words are taken merely as helps to rise above all thoughts, it is perfectly in order.

If Reality is conceived of as beyond all thoughts, and contemplation directed accordingly, words may help to lead one to a stage where all thoughts cease and Reality is experienced.

Doubt may arise whether it is possible to contemplate anything beyond all thoughts. It is possible. The difficulty is only apparent.

It is true that only an object of perception can be directly contemplated. The 'I' is always perceiver and never an object of perception.

As it is not an object of perception, direct contemplation of the 'I' is out of the question. Nonetheless, because it is experienced as one's Being, it is possible to contemplate it indirectly.

Can it not be contemplated as the residue left after the removal of everything objective from the apparent 'I'?

This contemplative thought itself will automatically come to a standstill in the end, and in that stillness will be seen shining one's true nature.

What is beyond all thoughts may be indirectly contemplated in other ways as well. They will also take one to one's true nature.

Always bear in mind that such words as Consciousness or Knowledge, Being or Happiness, all point to the 'I'.

Hold on to one thought to dispel other thoughts. Let that thought be such as points to one's being.

Think of one's being as that into which all thoughts merge, then the one thought taken hold of gives up its form and merges into Being.

Just as we apply the word knowledge to denote also the function of knowing, we use the word happiness to denote the function of enjoying as well.

It is within the experience of all that knowledge and happiness dawn only when the respective functions of knowing and enjoying cease.

Thus, Knowledge and Happiness are one's own Being. With this conviction, if thought is directed to either of these, that thought also gives up its form and merges.

Merger will never be into deep sleep, but into one's own Being. All knots of the heart will be cut asunder by this means.


The shortest path from Now to Now , is the spanning of now-ness, in This Moment Now.

The Spanning is the Death, The Non-being, Immortality !!

and the spanning ? it happens, when Time is ripe........ and when is the time ripe ?

only The Natkhat knows ! what can suresh do ?

just wait lovingly, all doing is meaningless !


narinder bhandari




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