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Bhagavad Gita - Daily One Verse Brief Explanation - II 2:42 II

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|| Shree Hari ||Ram Ram

II 2:42-43 II


yaam imaam pushpitaam vaacham, pravadanti avipaschitahveda-vada-rataah paarth, naanyad asteeti vaadinahkaamaatmaanah svarga-paraa, janma-karma-phala-pradaamkriyaa-visesa-bahulaam, bhogaishvarya-gatim prati

"O Partha (Arjuna), those who are obsessed by desires, who look upon heaven as the supreme goal, and they are devoted to the letter of the Vedas, performing many rites for fulfilling desires. They argue that there is nothing else (except to enjoy the pleasures). These unwise people utter flowery (show-off type, pleasant) speeches, recommending many rituals of various kinds for the attainment of pleasure and prosperity, with rebirth as the fruit of their actions."


From Gita Prabodhani in Hindi pg. 45 - 46 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


Chapter 2, Verse 42 is as follows;

Yaam = which

Imaam = this

PuShpitaam = flowery

Vaacham = speech

Pravadanti = utter

A-vipashchitaH = the unwise

Veda-Vada-RataaH = rejoicing in the words of the Vedas

Paartha = O Arjun!

Na = not

Anyat = other

Asti = is

Iti = thus

VaadinaH = saying

English translation:-

The unwise take delight in mere letters and not the spirit of the Vedas and utter in flowery language that, there is nothing else other than the rituals in the Vedas.

In Sanskrit language, a wise person is called `Vipashyachit' (YaH VisheSheNa Pashyan Chintayate SaH = one who carefully observes everything and thinks independently), while an unwise is called as `A- Vipashyachit'.

In animal kingdom, there is nothing beyond next meal, next mate and next sleep. However, in human kingdom, a man is endowed with an ability to think independently beyond mere mundane existence and seek unity with the Self.

In this verse, Lord Krishna makes a clear distinction between a true `Karma' an action abiding in obligatory duty and `Karma-Kaanda' i.e. mere ritualistic piety.

Maharshee Veda Vyaasa, whom Lord Krishna has referred to as one of His special manifestations in verse 37 in chapter 10 in Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta, created proper classification and compilation of the so far accumulated knowledge in the four Vedas namely, Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda and Atharva-Veda. Each of these Vedas is elaborate in Mantras (lyrical chants praising the beauty of nature created by God), Brahmanas (description of various rituals), Aranyakas (various styles of subjective worship) and Upanishads (philosophical teachings for the knowledge of the Self).

The Brahmanas form a major part of the Vedas which deal with `Karma-Kaanda' i.e. the elaborate rituals and sacrifices for `Ishta-Praapti and Poorti' i.e. fulfillment of individual desires for worldly acquisitions and enjoyments. No doubt many are motivated to perform such rituals and this has been fully exploited by `Brahmana VarNa' i.e. a people of priest class even today, which has been resented by people belonging to the other three VarNas in the system of Chaatur-VarNa.

In Mundaka Upanishad I, 2-10 there is a heavy criticism of such people who indulge in mere rituals for the sake of attainment of the Heaven, "These fools, who believe that only the performance of `Ishta-Purtam' i.e. sacrificial ritual is meritorious and nothing else is meritorious, return to the mortal world after having enjoyed the limited pleasures in the `Swarga' i.e. the kingdom of the gods, which is deemed to be inferior to the abode of the Paramatman, the Supreme Being."

Please refer verses 20 and 21 of chapter 9 in Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta, where Lord Krishna talks about rituals for purely selfish motives, "The knowers of three Vedas, who drink `Soma-Rasa' i.e. juice of a special herbal plant found in the Himalayas and are cleansed of sin, worshipping Me with sacrifices, pray for their passage to the Heaven, while living in this mortal Earth. They manage to reach the holy world of the God Indra and enjoy the limited set of pleasures of the gods. However, when their `Punya-Karma' i.e. meritorious action is exhausted, having enjoyed the spacious world of the Heaven, they finally attain the changeable i.e. the unending cycle of birth and death. This is in total conformity with the doctrines enjoined in the three Vedas."

Please note that the fourth Veda i.e. `Atharva-Veda' has been deliberately ignored by Lord Krishna, as it encourages additional desires based on purely monetary transactions.

The verses 42, 43 and 44 have been created by Maharshee Veda Vyaasa, as a satire on obsessive ritualism that was then practised by both the masses and the classes. These three verses depict and deplore the state of deterioration in the religious practices only for attainment fifty six `Bhogas' i.e. materialistic and sensual pleasures; as if they were the only means to the end of `Swarga-Praapti' i.e. attainment of the final pursuit of the Heavenly pleasures.

Indeed rare and fortunate are those, who are able to avoid the ills of the `Karma-Kaanda' even today.

In essence, what Lord Krishna is trying to communicate to Arjuna is that the concepts of `Paapa and Punya' i.e. sins and meritorious deeds have nothing to do with mere rituals based on pure selfish motives. Therefore, O Arjuna, please look for the Supreme Reality that lies far beyond this materialistic world.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi







Jai HanumanFrom 31st to 38th verse - Lord has manifested typical bhavas. The ruthless way in which He demolished the arguments of Arjuna are worth pondering over :1 BG 1:31 - Arjuna said I don't see any good (kalyaan) in war. BG 2:31- God says, there is no other mean except war for your kalyaan!

2 BG 1:37 - Arjuna says "How can we, by killing our kinsmen, be happy?" ! Lord Krishna says in 2:32 - "Happy are the Ksatriyas who get the opportunity of waging such an unsolicited warfare" ! 3 BG 1:44 - Arjuna says "Consequences of the war will lead to the hell" . BG 2/32 and 37- Lord says , "This war is an open gateway to heaven" !! Come on, Arjuna !!4 BG 1:36 - Arjuna says, "Sin alone will accrue to us by waging the war and by slaying them." Lord Says in 2:33 , "If you do not wage such a righteous war and abandon your duty, you will incur sin" ! Straight Jee, Straight !!5 BG 1:40 Arjuna says, "The result of the war will be that impeity will take hold of the entire family." Lord Krishna in 2:33 says, "If you do not wage such a righteous war, you will abandon your duty" !!Can there be a more direct and ruthless demolition of arguments? Simple clinical cuts !! If Arjuna says in 2:5 "It is better to live on alms, than to wage war" , Krishna orders him in 2:38 !!( From Sadhak Sanjeevani pg 92/155 )Typical Sakha ! Typical Guru ! Ruthless annihilation of all wisdoms which Arjuna boasted.Lord Krishna in fact did that later on also with frequency. With Uddhava also He behaved in a similar manner. Uddhava had desire to live with Lord Krishna. So Lord ordered him to go to the northern mountains and do penance there. What do you say Shrikantji? Brother Mike ?Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala



Hari OmBG 2:41 ! Here object fixation is warranted. "Professional/focussed Intellect"- means an intellect with an object, a goal ! Your goal has to be one and not many ! This is very necessary in Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. This is not necessary in Jnana Yoga. Object/Goal/Target : One ! Equanimity !! Equanimity is of two types. One- End Result (Sadhya) ! Two- Means (sadhan) !! To get Equanimous Paramatma, equanimity of mind/intellect stuff is a way/ means. Obstacle there is 'likings of world' ! To remove that 'liking' or to get that Paramatma- you need to fix object. That object is achieved/accomplished by 'vyavsayatmika buddhi" !! That is "Vyavsayatmika buddih" !

The one who has his object fixed , his intellect would be of one determination only. While in Patanjali Yoga Darshan there is an insistence on 'stability of mind' but Gitaji insists on 'stability of intellect' ! This difference should be noted by sadhaks. Stability of intellect means- solidity of object. In God Realisation , important is solidity of object not control of mind. It is my understanding that by stability of mind you get 'occult powers' but by stability of intellect ( intellect even otherwise controls mind), you get Paramatma. In Karma Yoga also , intellect is crucial not mind. If you stablise mind, how will you do karma? Because in stability of mind, outer activities cease !! Hence 'intellect' as defined here, is of great use to Bhakti Yogi and Karma Yogi. Since a Jnana Yogi at the outset itself settles in the Self, need for 'stablising' intellect does not arise there. Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B --


Is it important to learn by rote the Bhagavath Geetha? I think that is meant for a practice. It is verily the user manual of our life. I have not seen anyone learning any user manual by rote or even try to do so; however expensive the item may be. What you say Sadhaks?





Hari OmRemembering Holy Gita by heart ! This is divine in itself. Oh ! What a peace generates in you when you spontaneously start singing verses of Holy Gita ! Every time you recite it, more meanings of words come into mind. Bhavas unlimited spring forth. The words of Sanskrita start dancing with their subtle meanings. Each and every syllable, vowel, word, sentence starts appearing meaningful. You invariably realise as to how Great is Lord who spoke such words. What a class in itself is God's voice, His selection of words, His chosen order of verses, His way of explaining, His methodology of repetition and summarising ! Secrets of Gitaji start manifesting within. Gitaji definitely appears new and fresh every time you recite it. I have no doubt on the same. Befitting Gita verses start coming to mind automatically based on practical situations prevailing at a particular time. The very environment becomes pure. When you remember by heart, then all obstacles get removed. You can recite before falling asleep, immediately after getting up, in the car, in the lift, whenever alone or feeling like !! Holy Gita. Any thing connected with that becomes Divine- be it tongue or mind or intellect or body or a piece of paper, or pen or computer !! Mind is the culprit for bringing us to this mortal world. If in this mind Gitaji is stored ... Divine !!What 2oth or 21st Century has got to do with the same?Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B




In response to the above question, I have the following observations;

In ancient times, when there was no Internet, no mobile telephones, no wired land-line telephones and no printed books, the only way to communicate and pass on the accumulated knowledge from one generation to the next, was by means of Shruti i.e. by carefully listening and Smruti i.e. by memorising. Therefore, learning by rote was the only option in those times.

The obvious question is, `Do you need to learn anything by heart in the 21st century'?

Certainly it is no longer mandatory. However, it does not negate memorising. A song that you like and enjoy listening to, you end up in memorising it. Why? Simply because it gives you immense pleasure and it enriches your life. It goes without saying that the poem, on which the song has been composed, has to be an outstanding one.

In contrast, a User Manual or a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is written by a supervisory level person, who is not expected to motivate or energise a user beyond basic information and utility of the device.

From my personal experience, I can guarantee that the Song of Lord Krishna is indeed worth memorising. A verse well recited with `Shraddhaa Bhaava' certainly acts like an amplifier that generates the deep `Bhaava' intended behind the written text and offers you an elevated understanding that is coupled with a satisfaction much beyond words.

What I want to communicate, has been very nicely conveyed in a famous Marathi song sung by Pandit Jitendra Abhisheki, "Shabdaa Vaachuna KaLale Saare, Shabdaanchyaa Pali Kadale" i.e. I have understood all that is beyond description of words from you, without you spelling out a single word to me.

I hope and trust that it helps to remove the stigma and blemish of learning by heart and may God bless all of us!

With Best Wishes,

Shrikant Joshi















|| Shree Hari ||Ram RamAll Sadhaks can and should contribute as well. Discussion /clarification is encouragedOTHER REQUESTS FROM SADHAKS -Please feel free to take the lead in any of these areas so that allsadhaks may benefit.- Introduction to Chapters (GT MODERATOR FROM SADHAK SANJIVANI)- Chapter Summary - Principles and Laws emanating from it.(N.B. VYAS)- Summary of Chapter from Sadhak Sanjivani "AS IS"- Yes, Epilogue / Important Facts in each verse good to bring out.- Any subtle thoughts / interpretation (MIKE)- In-depth explanation of "Om Tat Saditi Srimadbhagavadgitaasu,Upanishadsu....." is a very good idea. (GT MODERATOR FROM SADHAKSANJIVANI)From Gita Talk ModeratorsRam Ram-----------------------------Shree HariRam RamWe deeply thank Shri Shrikantji Joshi for taking the initiative tosupport this divine work of daily one verse Bhagavad Gitaexplanation and Shri Madan Kauraji for the Gita Prabodhanitranslation Chapter 1 and 2 and to Mrs. K Asani for requesting shlokaexplanation on a daily basis.From Gita Talk ModeratorsRam Ram

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