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Bhagavad Gita - Daily - II 2:47 II

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|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


|| 2-47 ||


karmanyevaadhikaraas te, maa phaleshu kadaachanaa

maa karma-phala-hetur bhoor, maa te sango 'stv akarmani


" Your right is only to perform your duty, but never to claim its fruits.

Therefore let neither the fruit of action be your motive, nor let your

attachment be to inaction. "




There is a category that if " karma-vibhaag " or performing action (karnaa) and

the other category is " Phala-vibhaag " or the fruit - outcome of action or what

happens as a result (honaa). For doing Karma man is independent but for the

outcome man is dependent on Praarabdh (fate) or God. It is man's duty that

whatever he gets as a result of Praarabdh (fate), or through God's will, is not

to be used for personal gratification but to be utilized for service of others.


From " Gita Prabodhani " in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji, pg 50



Chapter 2, Verse 47 is as follows;


KarmaNi = in action

Eva = only

AdhikaaraH =right

Te = your

Maa = not

PhaleShu = in fruits

Kadaachana = at any time

Maa = not

Karma-Phala-HetuH = motive for the fruits of action i.e. favourable outcome

BhooH = be

Maa = not

Te = you

SangaH = attachment

Astu = be

AkarmaNi = in inaction


English translation:-


Your right is in action only, never to the fruits of action. Let not the fruits

of action i.e. favourable outcome, be your sole motive; nor let your attachment

be to inaction.


This is the most often quoted verse from Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta.


Lord Raama after conclusively winning the epic battle by killing RaavaNa, told

Seetaa: I have accomplished my obligatory tasks and duties, now all the ten

directions are free for you for your next journey in life. O humble and

beautiful Seete, you need not seek my permission anymore. O dear friend, if you

think that now our relationship is over for ever, then so be it and in that

case, I do not have any objection.


This is indeed an eloquent example of the basic principle of

`dis-interested-ness' or `Nish-Kaama Krama Bhaava' enunciated in this verse.


While doing any action, if one is distracted by the fickle mind for seeking

name, fame and money, then one has certainly deviated from the path of

`dis-interested-ness'. Success and failure do not depend only on individual

efforts. There are lots of other external and environmental factors that need to

be taken into account including `Daivam' i.e. God's will.


While having the ability to think independently, what is needed is the courage

to stick to what one believes in. How many of us are willing to stand up for

truth and justice? How many of us compromise with what we claim to believe in,

for sensual pleasures, monetary gains and material comforts?


Lord Krishna's advice is not only to Arjuna, but to the entire humanity to rise

up from a state of inertia and indolence. A self-less action is insignia of a

spirited human life. If you remain idle and docile, you putrefy, decay and

ultimately succumb to death. Do not tarnish your self-less actions by

concentrating on the future success or failure in life. Your motto in life must

be, " To strive and struggle relentlessly for your espoused cause while not

anticipating only success " .


All the human beings are engaged in either gaining something or warding off

unwanted things. If there is no such motive then obviously there is no need for

any action. Here Lord Krishna's advice is to transcend from `Preyas' to

`Shreyas' i.e. remove the selfish motive behind any action and still intensely

remain engaged in self-less action.


Whenever a Karma i.e. bounden duty is performed without any desire, it generates

clarity of thought and purpose and the associated enthusiasm and efficiency

increases automatically.


`A boat sails well, even in choppy waters, as long as no water is allowed to

enter into it. Similarly a man will lead a peaceful and blissful life, as long

as no worldly desire overpowers him. " ……..Shri Ramakrishna Parahansans.


Work devoid of attachment, anxiety and craving for favourable outcomes is

worship indeed.


The essence is that while you are entirely engrossed in the work, whether it is

a `Tapo Yadnya', `Dyaana Yadnya' or `Dhyaana Yadnya' you tend to forget

everything else including your own physical presence. That transcendental state

of renunciation brings peace and gradually brings you closer to the ultimate

Reality, the knowledge of the Self. If you are able to prolong such a

transcendental state, more spiritual benefits will accrue to every Saadhaka.


After being hailed as the most talented human being, Albert Einstein's reaction

was, " The only way to escape the personal corruption of praise is to keep on

working relentlessly. "


Lord Krishna's advice to Arjuna is not to waste time and energy in brooding over

the past and worries of the uncertain future. Just lead the present moment full

of vitality of actions for the protection of the good, for the destruction of

the evil and for the establishment of the superiority of righteousness over



Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi






|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


All Sadhaks can and should contribute as well. Discussion / clarification is





Please feel free to take the lead in any of these areas so that all

sadhaks may benefit.



- Chapter Summary - Principles and Laws emanating from it.(N.B. VYAS)

- Summary of Chapter from Sadhak Sanjivani " AS IS "

- Yes, Epilogue / Important Facts in each verse good to bring out.

- Any subtle thoughts / interpretation (MIKE)

- In-depth explanation of " Om Tat Saditi Srimadbhagavadgitaasu,

Upanishadsu..... " is a very good idea. (GT MODERATOR FROM SADHAK



From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram


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|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


|| 2-47 ||


karmanyevaadhikaraas te, maa phaleshu kadaachanaa

maa karma-phala-hetur bhoor, maa te sango 'stv akarmani


" Your right is only to perform your duty, but never to claim its fruits.

Therefore let neither the fruit of action be your motive, nor let your

attachment be to inaction. "




'Karmanyevadhikaraste' — Your right is only to fulfill your acquired duty, you

are independent in it. This is because besides humans, no other life forms

(animals; birds; insects, plants etc), are for performing new actions. Only

human beings are eligible to perform new actions. God has bestowed this human

birth, the very last of all births so that by performing new actions in the form

of selfless service to others, a person may achieve salvation and be freed from

the bondage of the birth and death cycle. If he remains engaged in selfish

actions, these will result in bondage and if he does not do his duty and remains

lazy and negligent, he will follow prey to repeated birth and death cycle.

Therefore, Bhagwaan says that your rights are only to render selfless services

for common good.


An important fact, which needs attention, is that favourable or unfavourable

situations cannot make a man happy or sad. It is merely his ignorance, which

makes him happy or sad as he identifies himself with those circumstances and

becomes happy or sad. If he gives a serious thought, he will come to know that

the external circumstances cannot make him either happy or sad. He should make

proper use of the favourable circumstances by serving others and unfavorable

circumstances, by renouncing the desire to enjoy pleasure.


'Ma phalesu kadacana'—You cannot claim the least bit of rights over the fruit

of action, in other words, for attaining the fruit you are not independent,

because Bhagwaan is the dispenser of the fruit. Therefore not desiring the

fruit, simply do your duty. If you perform actions with a desire for fruits,

you will be bound " Phale sakto nibadhyate " (GIta 5/12). It is the desire for

fruit that makes a person an agent for actions. When the desire for fruit is

entirely wiped out, a sense of doer-ship also gets wiped away. When doer-ship

is wiped out, a man in spite of doing things, is not bonded. Obliteration of

the sense of doer-ship, does not lead a man to bondage as much as desire for

fruit binds a man. *


Ways to be free from the desire for fruits of actions are as follows—


Desire causes a feeling of lacking something. Its fulfillment makes one a slave.

Its non-fulfillment causes suffering. The pleasure derived out of fulfillment of

desire, gives birth to new desires and a man in order to reap their fruit goes

on getting interested in performing new actions. By understanding this point in

the right perspective, a man automatically becomes free from the desire for the

fruit of action.


Actions are not eternal as they have a beginning and an end. The fruits of

action are also not eternal, as these too are received and later parted. But the

self is eternal. How can the eternal get any benefit from the perishable? By

understanding this point clearly, one becomes detached from the world and

attains God-realization.


'Ma karmaphalaheturbhuh'—Don't become the cause for the fruits of action. It

means, that you should not have the least attachment for the body, senses, mind

and intellect etc., because attachment for these will make you responsible for

the fruit of action.


'Ma te sango'stvakarmani'—Let your attachment not be to inaction, because by

leaning towards inaction, you will become lazy and idle, and like the desire for

fruit it will also mislead you to bondage. The reason is that, indolence and

prolonged sleep are also a form of enjoyment of pleasures.


Even a little equanimity protects one from the great danger of birth and death

viz., it results in salvation. As actions done with an interested motive perish

after bearing fruit, in that way even a little equanimity does not perish after

bearing fruit but it only leads to salvation.


From " The Bhagavadgita - Sadhak Sanjivani " in Hindi, page 103-104 by Swami







|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


All Sadhaks can and should contribute as well. Discussion / clarification is





Please feel free to take the lead in any of these areas so that all

sadhaks may benefit.



- Chapter Summary - Principles and Laws emanating from it.(N.B. VYAS)

- Summary of Chapter from Sadhak Sanjivani " AS IS "

- Yes, Epilogue / Important Facts in each verse good to bring out.

- Any subtle thoughts / interpretation (MIKE)

- In-depth explanation of " Om Tat Saditi Srimadbhagavadgitaasu,

Upanishadsu..... " is a very good idea. (GT MODERATOR FROM SADHAK



From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram


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