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God Reciprocates the Sentiments of His Devotees Gita 4:11 - Share Insights

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Kindly share your understanding, insights, any real incidents, anubhavas

(experiences) related to Gita " Oh! Partha! However, the way devotees take

refuge in Me (worship Me), so do I approach them; for all men ultimately follow

My path. " (Gita 4:11) " . From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




Dear sadaks,

One of the master piece speech of Swamiji. It has plenty of evidences.

`How so ever devotees seek God, so God reveals Himself to the devotee and grants

them their hearts' desires. Similarly, God becomes a worthy father or mother,

son, brother, friend, a lover or even an obedient servant, according to the

desires and sentiments of the devotee. " " Desires and sentiments of devotee is

always to keep Bagavan in highest esteem. Say he thinks that he is his mother,

father, Guru and Deivam. But it is Bagavan who decides to manifest to the needs

of HIS devotee. Devotee never ever will think Bagavan as obedient servant. But

when Devotee is totally immersed in Bagavan forgetting his duties, Bagavan takes

opportunity to show the world, that for HIS devotee HE can take the role of a

servant of HIS devotee.


Swamiji saying can be refered to Gopies. " The Lord of infinite Worlds

reciprocates to the sentiments of His own created beings. So generous,

affectionate and merciful is the Lord! " This also very true, " a devotee takes

one step towards God, God takes 100 strides towards His devotee "

Swamiji saying has deep sense of Bakthi, 'Devotion is automatically bestowed

upon a devotee that takes refuge in God. Refuge (surrender) is the best

sentiment of all the other sentiments. When a devotee surrenders Himself at

God's feet, God even forgets the past sins of His devotees. The only thing that

remains hundred folds Tell sentiments and emotions (bhava) (Manasa 1/29/3).'. If

past sins is forgiven, what more a man has to get other than HIS lotus feet.

Where comes the question of Maya, Gunas, Karmas, Conscienceness etc. Only

Bagavan seen by devotee nothing else, not even his body, mind and intellect.


If moderator permits I wish to post real incidents related this subject.

Jai Sri Krishna






18th March, 2009, Wedneday

Chaitra Krishna Saptami, Vikram Samvat 2065, Budhvar


God reciprocates the sentiments of His devotees (Gita 4:11)


" Ye yathaa maam prapadyante taamstathaiva bhajaamyaham

Mama vartamaanuvartante manusyaah paartha sarvasah. " (Gita 4:11)


" Oh! Partha! However, the way devotees take refuge in Me (worship Me), so do I

approach them; ame manner; for all men ultimately follow My path. " (Gita 4:11)


How so ever devotees seek God, so God reveals Himself to the devotee and grants

them their hearts' desires. If a devotee thinks of God as his preceptor, He

becomes an excellent teacher, a guide. Similarly, God becomes a worthy father or

mother, son, brother, friend, a lover or even an obedient servant, according to

the desires and sentiments of the devotee. If a devotee feels restless without

God, God also becomes restless without His devotee.


Arjuna regarded Lord Krishna, as his friend and wanted to make Him his

charioteer, therefore God became Arjuna's charioteer. Sage Vishwamitra treated

God as His disciple, therefore God became his disciple. With whatever sentiments

a devotee seeks God; He correlates by the same sentiments. The Lord of infinite

Worlds reciprocates to the sentiments of His own created beings. So generous,

affectionate and merciful is the Lord!


The topic reveals that the Lord manifests Himself for the sake of His devotees.

He descends to the Earth, according to the sentiments of His devotees. It is

mentioned in the Upanishad " The Lord felt lonely (Brhandaaranyaka 1/4/3), so He

manifested Himself in different forms as part of His divine sport. Similarly,

when a devotee cannot take separation from God any longer, God too cannot bear a

separation from the devotee.


Though the words " Yatha " (in whatever way) and " Tatha " (so) explains, that in

whatever way a devotee seeks Him, He reciprocates His sentiments, yet there is a

great difference in their manner. If a devotee takes one step towards God, God

takes 100 strides towards His devotee. The Lord is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and

Omniscient. A devotee who uses his entire power to attain God, then God will be

surely realized through His infinite powers.


An aspirant himself creates obstacles in God Realization; In fact an aspirant is

unable to develop devotion for God through his own effort and actions. Devotion

is automatically bestowed upon a devotee that takes refuge in God. Refuge

(surrender) is the best sentiment of all the other sentiments. When a devotee

surrenders Himself at God's feet, God even forgets the past sins of His

devotees. The only thing that remains hundred folds in the forefront, is his

present sentiments and emotions (bhava) (Manasa 1/29/3). Therefore an aspirant

giving up his egoistic notions and selfishness, which are the stumbling blocks

to surrender, must accept his affinity with God even if he does not understand

this at the moment. By doing so, he will realize this close affinity with God,

which is real.


From " The Bhagavadgita - Sadhak Sanjivani " in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji


Ram Ram






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2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible.

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

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Provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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