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Bhagavad Gita - Daily - II 2:53 II

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|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


|| 2-53 ||


shruti-vipratipannaa te, yadaa sthaasyati nischalaa

samaadhav achala buddhis, tadaa yogam avaapsyasi || 53 ||


" After your intellect, having been confused by hearing conflicting doctrines of

different scriptures, has become stable and firm on Paramatma (God), you will

then attain to Yoga (union with God). "




In the previous verse, letting go of worldly delusion was pointed out, in this

verse it is ridding of the delusion due to knowledge learnt from the scriptures,

without any proof of personal experience. These two types of delusion are a

barrier for a spiritual aspirant. The delusion is – after learning from

scriptures one theoretically knows about various schools of thought such as

Advaita (Monism, there is only one creator, He creates out of Himself), Dwaita

(God is separate from the universe) etc. and engages in discussions, arguing for

or against in favor of one or the other. But once he is firmly resolved on the

single pointed goal of salvation (self realization), then very easily both types

of delusions are overcome.


From " Gita Prabodhani " in Hindi, page 54 by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Chapter 2, Verse 53 is as follows;


Shruti-vi-prati-pannaa = perplexed by what has been heard

Te = your

Yadaa = when

Sthaasyati = shall stand

Nishchalaa = still / immovable

Samaadhau = in the Self

Achalaa = steady

BuddhiH = intellect

Tadaa = then

Yogam = unity with the Self i.e. Self realisation

Avaapsyasi = you will attain


English translation:-


When your intellect, perplexed by the conflict of opinions, will become poised

and firmly fixed in the Self, then you will attain to Yoga i.e.





There are many schools of thought containing different doctrines giving rise to

multiple opinions or interpretations of the different paths such as Advaita

(non-dualism), Dvaita (dualism), Visistadvaita (qualified dualism) etc. After

listening to the diversity of different ideas in scriptures, the spiritual

aspirant gets deluded (Ref. 2-41, 44), then, he does not clearly know which path

to follow. His confusion also arises from having to make choice as to whether to

pursue worldly goal or follow the spiritual path.


While pursuing worldly pursuits, with the constant inputs in the form of stimuli

from five sensory organs of a physical body, the mind gets flooded with so much

data that it cannot simply process it into a form of relevant and coherent

information without the help of the intellect. A roving and agitated mind cannot

concentrate on anything worthwhile let alone meditation. Even in scientific

parlance there is a debate of: Is light a particle or a wave or both*?


After failing to achieve the inner peace or happiness through the worldly

pursuits, he resorts to be indifferent to the worldly goals and starts to work

selflessly, in the course of time his intellect becomes pure. Free of mental

disturbances, he surrenders to God and starts to meditate on God.


Meditation is the art of maintaining the mind in a sharp and singular focus upon

a chosen thought to the exclusion of all other thoughts under the rudder of

guidance offered by the intellect. In the silence of meditation, even the

intellect becomes transfixed and the Yogi experiences the one-ness with the

Self. He merges with the all pervading ultimate Reality. He becomes one with the



" First attain Godhood and then pursue the worldly things. Do not proceed in the

reverse order. If you enter the life in the world after spiritual enlightenment,

you will not have anxieties of mind. " ……Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa.


Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi.




* Wave–particle duality of light


The modern scientific theory explains the nature of light which includes the

notion of wave-particle duality, described by Albert Einstein in 1905, based on

his study of the Photo-Electric Effect and Max Planck's basic postulates on

Quantum theory. Einstein asserted that the energy of a photon i.e. a light

particle is proportional to its frequency i.e. E= hv; where E is energy, h is

Plank's universal constant and v is frequency of photon. More generally, the

theory states that everything has both a particle nature and a wave nature, and

various experiments can be done to bring out one or the other. The particle

nature is more easily discerned if an object has a large mass, and it was not

until a bold proposition by Louis de Broglie in 1924 that the scientific

community realized that electrons also exhibit wave–particle duality. The wave

nature of electrons was experimentally demonstrated by Davission and Germer in

1927. Einstein received the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his work with the

wave–particle duality on photons i.e. Photo-Electric Effect and Louis de Broglie

followed in 1929 for his extension to other particles.


Even a man of the stature of Albert Einstein could not comprehend and fully

appreciate the application of Probability theory to modern physics when Einstein

expressed his unhappiness with the " Copenhagen interpretation " of quantum theory

developed by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, wherein quantum phenomena are

inherently probabilistic, with definite states resulting only upon interaction

with classical systems.


Please note that all the modern electronic instruments including your mobile

phones, computers, i-Pods, digital cameras may not have been developed without

the successful application of Quantum theory.





|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


All Sadhaks can participate in discussion / clarification of the verses.




Please feel free to take the lead in any of these areas so that all

sadhaks may benefit.



- Chapter Summary - Principles and Laws emanating from it.(N.B. VYAS)

- Summary of Chapter from Sadhak Sanjivani " AS IS "

- Yes, Epilogue / Important Facts in each verse good to bring out.

- Any subtle thoughts / interpretation (MIKE)

- In-depth explanation of " Om Tat Saditi Srimadbhagavadgitaasu,

Upanishadsu..... " is a very good idea. (GT MODERATOR FROM SADHAK



From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram


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|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


|| 2-53 ||


shrutivipratipannaa te yadaa sthaasyati nischalaa

samaadhaavachalaa buddhistadaa yogamavaapsyasi || 53 ||


After your intellect, confused by hearing conflicting doctrines, has become

stable (unwavering) and steady on Paramatma (God), you will then attain union

(yog) with God or Self-realization. || 53 ||



[Even after crossing the mire of worldly delusion, there may be confusion of

mind by hearing conflicting spiritual doctrines. So in this verse Bhagwaan (God)

inspires to get rid of that confusion.]


'Shrutivipratipannaa te yadaa sthaasyati nischalaa samaadhaavachalaa

buddhistadaa yogamavaapsyasi'— Arjuna was in a dilemma, whether he should

perform his duty as a Kshatriya or he should avoid the destruction of his kith

and kin. If he protected his family, he would shirk his duty. If he performed

his duty of fighting, then the family would not be protected. So he was

confused.* Therefore in case of scriptural differences Bhagwaan urges Arjuna to

keep the intellect unwavering (nischal) and with regards to God-realization

advises to keep the intellect constant and fixed (achal).


Initially, a sadhak (spiritual aspirant) is unable to make up his mind whether

to have honest and sincere dealings with the world or to attain Paramatma (God).

Then he comes to the conclusion that he only wants to render selfless service to

the world and does not want anything from the world. Having taken this decision,

he begins to become distant and dispassionate to the worldly pleasures.

Thereafter when he walks the spiritual path towards Paramatma, he comes across

the various differences in the scriptures related to the goal (God) and the

means to attain them (spiritual disciplines). So it becomes complicated and very

difficult for him to decide, which goal (saadhya) he should accept and what

spiritual disciplines, path, tradition, systems, methods (saadhan-paddhati) he

should pursue. Through holy company of Truth (satsang) he is able to come to a

decision on his inclination, his faith-beliefs and his own abilities. If

however, he is in a state where he unable to take a decision, then taking refuge

in Bhagwaan (God) he calls out to Him for guidance. Then by God's grace his

intellect becomes firm.


In all the scriptures and religions, Paramatma (Supreme Soul), Jeev (soul) and

the sansaar; (world), have been described in different forms and ways. In

inquiring further all agree on, " I am soul " . And however be the world, it has

to be departed from someday – in this too all are in agreement. And Paramatma

(God) whatever be His form, but He has to be realized – in this too all are in

agreement. On coming to a decision on this the spiritual aspirant's (sadhak's)

intellect becomes unwavering (nischal). When sadhak becomes unshakeable and

firm on the thought - I only want to attain Paramatma then his intellect becomes

constant, steady and fixed (achal). Thereafter the sadhak can very easily

attain eternal union with Paramatma.


The greater the deficiency in reaching that decision regarding the contrary

spiritual doctrines and his emancipation, the greater the delay there is. But

in both cases, as soon as the intellect becomes steady, unwavering (nischal) and

determinate/steady/fixed (achal), then eternal union with Paramatma is realized.


To renounce affinity for the world, the intellect must be unwavering and

unshakable (nischal), as mentioned by the expression - " dukhasanyogviyogam "

" separation from assumed union with pain (Gita 6:23); and to establish a

relationship with Paramatma the intellect must be determinate (achal) which has

been covered in Gita 2:48 – " Evenness of Mind is called Yoga " " Samatvam yog

ucchyate " .


Here in " tadaa yogamavaapsyasi " the yoga to be attained is not something where

there was separation from Paramatma at first, and when this separation came to

an end, then there was Union, rather it is by entirely abandoning the assumed

affinity (due to error) with the unreal objects, that the separation takes place

once and for all, which is called " Yoga " . In other words, becoming established

in that state which is man's eternal natural state (Eternal Union with

Paramatma) is called Yoga. This natural state is so extraordinary, that there

can never be separation from it. It is simply impossible. It is a state where

no words can describe it – neither connection (sanyog), nor separation (viyog),

nor union (yog). Simply by letting go of the assumed relation with the unreal

(temporary) is called Union. Essentially this yoga is a term for Eternal Yog.

This eternal union when it is realized through selfless service, it is called

Karmayog, when attained through discrimination and inquiry, it is called

Jnanayog, when realized through devotion and worship of God, it is called

Bhaktiyog, when attained through annihilation of the world viz., Discipline of

Annihilation (Layayoga) or by the process of restraining breath viz., Discipline

of Austerity (Hathayoga) or through the eight limbs of yoga it is called

ashthaang yog etc.


(Appendix not included)


From " The Bhagavadgita - Sadhak Sanjivani " in English, page 198-200 by Swami




|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


All Sadhaks can and should contribute as well. Discussion / clarification is





Please feel free to take the lead in any of these areas so that all

sadhaks may benefit.



- Chapter Summary - Principles and Laws emanating from it.(N.B. VYAS)

- Summary of Chapter from Sadhak Sanjivani " AS IS "

- Yes, Epilogue / Important Facts in each verse good to bring out.

- Any subtle thoughts / interpretation (MIKE)

- In-depth explanation of " Om Tat Saditi Srimadbhagavadgitaasu,

Upanishadsu..... " is a very good idea. (GT MODERATOR FROM SADHAK



From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram


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