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What More do we Need and Why do we Need More when we are GOD'S Only and Only God is Ours?

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Shree Hari:

Ram Ram.

My Questions are :

1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need?

2) And if we need something more, why do we need that?

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's?

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'?

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?)

6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours?

Please give 'samadhan' (help provide solution) to each question in short so that 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe' might be observed.

Thanks and Regards,

Kya Samajhoon?


GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites.7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).8. Do not personalize message9. All responses may not be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.Provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Shree Hari:

Ram Ram.

My Questions are :

1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need?

2) And if we need something more, why do we need that?

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's?

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'?

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?)

6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours?

Please give 'samadhan' (help provide solution) to each question in short so that 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe' might be observed.

Thanks and Regards,

Kya Samajhoon?



dear sadaks,

1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need? One is only accepted NOT experienced. Experienced remain silent-No questions. We are God`s only or God`s our is duvaitham (Duality) is not correct. We are Aaham Bhramasmi one with God.


2) And if we need something more, why do we need that? You say,"And if we----" Something is endless-- nothing is fullstop. One to decide.

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's? God`s --Lift one from ignorance to knowledge

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'? For biginers on divine path. Once knowledge attained literatures unused. Like after completing high school books are of no use, only what studied- No need to go to school again.

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?)-- All distraction and divertion is only at the stage of Sadana-- Not when Sadana perfected and realized. 6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours? No one wants to duivide. One who feels it is just progressing.

Jai Sri Krishna




Very Good questions. The Answers are simple.1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need?

Answer: we do not need anything else or anything more. The problem is thatacceptance that ''we are God's only and only God's ours' meansthat one has to live by this acceptance. Hardly anyone tries to imbibe by these words. Tosay having accepted is not real acceptance.

2) And if we need something more, why do we need that?Answer: We do not need more if we have accepted this. We need more only if we want to either avoid practising by just going on discussing or start practising at some point of future because of repeated reminders.

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's?Answer: That something does not exist as given in Answer to question 1. Nothingcan do good to us because we are Gods. When we really start believing and that we are God's creation or we are nothing but the manifestation of the indestructible, unperturbed, existence and bliss, we do not need anything else: we are beyond the notions of good or bad.. Sincemostly we do not believe , therefore we need so many things that we believe can do good or bad to us.

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'?Answer: The purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike' is as replied earlier to Question 2. The purpose is to defer that 'we are God's only and only God's ours' because we really do not believe in and trying to still find out whether all this is really acceptable and operational.

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?) Answer: You are absolutely correct. These are all distractions that we indulge in to defer accepting God . But once accepted with entire being, nothing can distract or distort. These distortions are in a sense a kind of obstacles that one has to overcometo remove all dilemmas and doubts about the theory of God from the mind,intellect and body.

6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours?Answer: We should not but the illusion of Maya through the operation of the three Gunas keeps us in delusion as we struggle to find out whether we should really and completely submit our lives to the theory of God. That is how God has made his creation to work. This is ultimate dialectics that explains the operation of the entire Creation.Your questions are part of that natural (God manifestation) process of operation of the Creation.Basudeb Sen-------------

Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Following is How I answer myself:1) 'we are God's only and only God's ours'.God is not separate from all of us together. God is the nameless experience of Oneness of Being of all beings! As such "more" cannot exist as it is already God or WE. We take what we need/given. Desires for "more" cannot exist for those who realize being already WHOLE!However, this should be the understanding beyond superficial intellectual level in the sense that All there is, is God only, nothing else!

2) If we need something more, we have not understood the meaning of God, and "we". We need to continue our search to know God in our experience, not only in concept!

3) If everything is understood to be God, this question cannot arise! If the question arise, there may be lingering doubt! I see a possibility of difference in understanding between "everything is God's" and "Everything IS God", the former implies God being separate from everything else that is His, while later eliminates such separateness between the two!

4) Discourse, literature and the likes are all God who chooses to use them as He pleases!

5) This means Know only God (Ekei) in everything, in whatever ways! Don't need to know all else!(sab saadhe sub jaye- Kabir). One may be surprised to know it is already attained!

6) Time is not wasted when we discover God, the Sought and "us", the seeker being One and the same! It is the only thing worth seeking! This discovery happens in the Silence of the mind which is timeless zone, and soon after the discovery, mind claims by thinking "I had this experience of God, it took me years or many births or whatever time duration".

Namaskar ......Pratap Bhatt


Shree Hari

Ram Ram


Any words will fall short there after..... Swamiji says - one attains everything leaving nothing to be acted upon (krta-krtya), known (gyaat-gyaatavya) or gained (praat-praatavya) anymore. This state is already attained for those who have accepted once and for all... "I am only God's and Only God is my very own and there is none other."

Meera Das, Ram Ram



GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites.7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).8. Do not personalize message9. All responses may not be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.Provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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Shree Hari:

Ram Ram.

My Questions are :

1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need?

2) And if we need something more, why do we need that?

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's?

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'?

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?)

6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours?

Please give 'samadhan' (help provide solution) to each question in short so that 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe' might be observed.

Thanks and Regards,

Kya Samajhoon?



Hari Om1) What to do after you have "become" of God ? Says Goswamiji Tulsidasji Maharaj:HOHI RAAM KO NAAM JAPI TULSI TAJI KUSAMAAJ !!After you have become of God, thereafter chant His name as much as you can, and renounce bad company.So do the above 2 things thereafter. It is promise of God given in Gita that your aforesaid "acceptance/belief/resolution" then will keep on strengthening. Just renounce bad company.

2) And if we need something more, why do we need that?So that you may do that after doing which nothing remains to be done- KRITKRATYA. Even after "becoming" of God, karmas will continue. You need to strengthen your acceptance. You need to remain firm in your acceptance. You need not to forget your resolution under sway of sense organs. Don't ever be over confident.3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's?"Something" can do good now only. Before you become of God, everything which you do is "ashubh" (bad) - BG 9:1. 4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'?So that you may not forget and so that your karmas/bhavas continue to be "divya" karmas / "akarmas" . You have to remain careful throughout the balance life. Sense organs may cheat you anytime. Don't be over confident. Literature/discourses keep strengthening your resolution. They make you better. They deter you from "bad company" !5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?)Where is the Q of diversion when Karta (self) has "become" of God? This doubt either shows weak acceptance or mock conduct.6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours?Where is the choice, when you can't remain without doing karma for a fraction of a second- so long as you are alive? Did Ramsukhdasji Maharaj stop doing karmas till He breathed His last? How this Q arose ? "Becoming of God" is basically only a change of ego. Daily routine, karmas continue, only the "karta" (doer) changes from within. World does not come to a grinding halt for you ! Gunas continue playing ! Your roles in this world as a sadhak/devotee/bhakta/ householder continue till you breath your last. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THIS !

Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


Hari Om.Dear Sadhak:You wrote:Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need? It would help if you can describe what do you mean by the above. If there is genuine acceptance then there isn't anything else you need. But the key word here is "genuine."In my humble opinion, one would not ask such a question if there is genuine acceptance.There would not be the need to ask that question.Krishna S Narinedath

---------------------Each and everything in this world is God's. If we need something more it is due to our ignorance. We cannot take with us anything that we acquire so God's things don't do us any good. Lectures, discourses etc. are there to guide or misguide us. Even Gurus can only show us the path. We have to do the sadhna ourselves. We should connect with the Self through meditation, sewa, satsang and sadhna and that will take us to the Parmatma or God.Hari Shanker Deo -----------------------


dear sadaks,1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need? One is only accepted NOT experienced. Experienced remain silent-No questions. We are God`s only or God`s our is duvaitham (Duality) is not correct. We are Aaham Bhramasmi one with God. 2) And if we need something more, why do we need that? You say,"And if we----" Something is endless-- nothing is fullstop. One to decide.

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's? God`s --Lift one from ignorance to knowledge

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'? For biginers on divine path. Once knowledge attained literatures unused. Like after completing high school books are of no use, only what studied- No need to go to school again.

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?)-- All distraction and divertion is only at the stage of Sadana-- Not when Sadana perfected and realized. 6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours? No one wants to duivide. One who feels it is just progressing.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan---------------------------- Very Good questions. The Answers are simple.1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need?

Answer: we do not need anything else or anything more. The problem is thatacceptance that ''we are God's only and only God's ours' meansthat one has to live by this acceptance. Hardly anyone tries to imbibe by these words. Tosay having accepted is not real acceptance.

2) And if we need something more, why do we need that?Answer: We do not need more if we have accepted this. We need more only if we want to either avoid practising by just going on discussing or start practising at some point of future because of repeated reminders.

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's?Answer: That something does not exist as given in Answer to question 1. Nothingcan do good to us because we are Gods. When we really start believing and that we are God's creation or we are nothing but the manifestation of the indestructible, unperturbed, existence and bliss, we do not need anything else: we are beyond the notions of good or bad.. Sincemostly we do not believe , therefore we need so many things that we believe can do good or bad to us.

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'?Answer: The purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike' is as replied earlier to Question 2. The purpose is to defer that 'we are God's only and only God's ours' because we really do not believe in and trying to still find out whether all this is really acceptable and operational.

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?) Answer: You are absolutely correct. These are all distractions that we indulge in to defer accepting God . But once accepted with entire being, nothing can distract or distort. These distortions are in a sense a kind of obstacles that one has to overcometo remove all dilemmas and doubts about the theory of God from the mind,intellect and body.

6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours?Answer: We should not but the illusion of Maya through the operation of the three Gunas keeps us in delusion as we struggle to find out whether we should really and completely submit our lives to the theory of God. That is how God has made his creation to work. This is ultimate dialectics that explains the operation of the entire Creation.

Your questions are part of that natural (God manifestation) process of operation of the Creation.

Basudeb Sen


Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Following is How I answer myself:1) 'we are God's only and only God's ours'.God is not separate from all of us together. God is the nameless experience of Oneness of Being of all beings! As such "more" cannot exist as it is already God or WE. We take what we need/given. Desires for "more" cannot exist for those who realize being already WHOLE!However, this should be the understanding beyond superficial intellectual level in the sense that All there is, is God only, nothing else!

2) If we need something more, we have not understood the meaning of God, and "we". We need to continue our search to know God in our experience, not only in concept!

3) If everything is understood to be God, this question cannot arise! If the question arise, there may be lingering doubt! I see a possibility of difference in understanding between "everything is God's" and "Everything IS God", the former implies God being separate from everything else that is His, while later eliminates such separateness between the two!

4) Discourse, literature and the likes are all God who chooses to use them as He pleases!

5) This means Know only God (Ekei) in everything, in whatever ways! Don't need to know all else!(sab saadhe sub jaye- Kabir). One may be surprised to know it is already attained!

6) Time is not wasted when we discover God, the Sought and "us", the seeker being One and the same! It is the only thing worth seeking! This discovery happens in the Silence of the mind which is timeless zone, and soon after the discovery, mind claims by thinking "I had this experience of God, it took me years or many births or whatever time duration".

Namaskar ......Pratap Bhatt----------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Any words will fall short there after..... Swamiji says - one attains everything leaving nothing to be acted upon (krta-krtya), known (gyaat-gyaatavya) or gained (praat-praatavya) anymore. This state is already attained for those who have accepted once and for all... "I am only God's and Only God is my very own and there is none other." Meera Das, Ram Ram ------------------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites.7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).8. Do not personalize message9. All responses may not be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.Provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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Shree Hari:

Ram Ram.

My Questions are :

1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need?

2) And if we need something more, why do we need that?

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's?

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'?

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?)

6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours?

Please give 'samadhan' (help provide solution) to each question in short so that 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe' might be observed.

Thanks and Regards,

Kya Samajhoon?



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - After being a traveller for months on end, you finally reach your home, and when you reach, you immediately feel at PEACE. May be there is no food at home, the bed is not made, but you have now arrived. There is no greater joy, no greater bliss than reaching our home. There is no need to go anywhere, any further, because you have reached home. When you become God's ... YOUR HAVE REACHED YOUR HOME. When you have become God's, you have reached "Param shaanti, param anand." (Eternal Peace, Eternal Bliss). What more??? Thereafter Serve all and remain ever joyful belonging to only One. "Mere toh Giridhar Gopal, Doosero ne koyi."

Meera Das

Ram Ram



if you are you .....questions arise ........the fire and passion are the joy of life

when you are not you any the more ... when the self is known ................

when it is only God playing 'you' and 'I' ......ah, where do these questions arise ..........

and yet................. God shall play as questions and answers .............

and keep playing .................. tirelessly keep playing as you and i ................

as love and joy of being ............ as fire and passion ................... for you ;

you, the 'i' ..........






------------------------------- Nothing more is needed.. but due to greed and confusion of mind, maya creates bondage making animals greedy and increasing their wants. If one limits and restraints then mind will be pervaded by contentment. desirelessness is the path of a tranquil being. Regards, N. Panda





have you ever wondered , nari what words are needed to feel the joy of silence ................... what Light it is that illumines the light in the eye what sound it is that sings in the ear, when words die .................. in that wonderment , lies the the secret of love in that wonderment , the secret of the Search that is joy

in that wonderment, the Acceptance that is a word no more .......that is ACCEPTANCE of GOD

the love and joy that are the fountain of the fire of Life the fire of Life that is the song of love and joy


narinder bhandari




Hari Om

1) What to do after you have "become" of God ? Says Goswamiji Tulsidasji Maharaj:


After you have become of God, thereafter chant His name as much as you can, and renounce bad company.

So do the above 2 things thereafter. It is promise of God given in Gita that your aforesaid "acceptance/belief/resolution" then will keep on strengthening. Just renounce bad company.

2) And if we need something more, why do we need that?

So that you may do that after doing which nothing remains to be done- KRITKRATYA. Even after "becoming" of God, karmas will continue. You need to strengthen your acceptance. You need to remain firm in your acceptance. You need not to forget your resolution under sway of sense organs. Don't ever be over confident.

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's?

"Something" can do good now only. Before you become of God, everything which you do is "ashubh" (bad) - BG 9:1.

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'?

So that you may not forget and so that your karmas/bhavas continue to be "divya" karmas / "akarmas" . You have to remain careful throughout the balance life. Sense organs may cheat you anytime. Don't be over confident. Literature/discourses keep strengthening your resolution. They make you better. They deter you from "bad company" !

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?)

Where is the Q of diversion when Karta (self) has "become" of God? This doubt either shows weak acceptance or mock conduct.

6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours?

Where is the choice, when you can't remain without doing karma for a fraction of a second- so long as you are alive? Did Ramsukhdasji Maharaj stop doing karmas till He breathed His last? How this Q arose ? "Becoming of God" is basically only a change of ego. Daily routine, karmas continue, only the "karta" (doer) changes from within. World does not come to a grinding halt for you ! Gunas continue playing ! Your roles in this world as a sadhak/devotee/bhakta/ householder continue till you breath your last. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THIS !


Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Hari Om.Dear Sadhak:

You wrote:

Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need?

It would help if you can describe what do you mean by the above. If there is genuine acceptance then there isn't anything else you need. But the key word here is "genuine."In my humble opinion, one would not ask such a question if there is genuine acceptance.There would not be the need to ask that question.

Krishna S Narinedath

---------------------Each and everything in this world is God's. If we need something more it is due to our ignorance. We cannot take with us anything that we acquire so God's things don't do us any good. Lectures, discourses etc. are there to guide or misguide us. Even Gurus can only show us the path. We have to do the sadhna ourselves. We should connect with the Self through meditation, sewa, satsang and sadhna and that will take us to the Parmatma or God.Hari Shanker Deo -----------------------


dear sadaks,1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need? One is only accepted NOT experienced. Experienced remain silent-No questions. We are God`s only or God`s our is duvaitham (Duality) is not correct. We are Aaham Bhramasmi one with God. 2) And if we need something more, why do we need that? You say,"And if we----" Something is endless-- nothing is fullstop. One to decide.

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's? God`s --Lift one from ignorance to knowledge

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'? For biginers on divine path. Once knowledge attained literatures unused. Like after completing high school books are of no use, only what studied- No need to go to school again.

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?)-- All distraction and divertion is only at the stage of Sadana-- Not when Sadana perfected and realized. 6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours? No one wants to duivide. One who feels it is just progressing.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan---------------------------- Very Good questions. The Answers are simple.1) Having accepted 'we are God's only and only God's ours' what more do we need?

Answer: we do not need anything else or anything more. The problem is thatacceptance that ''we are God's only and only God's ours' meansthat one has to live by this acceptance. Hardly anyone tries to imbibe by these words. Tosay having accepted is not real acceptance.

2) And if we need something more, why do we need that?Answer: We do not need more if we have accepted this. We need more only if we want to either avoid practising by just going on discussing or start practising at some point of future because of repeated reminders.

3) How that something can do good to us that are only God's?Answer: That something does not exist as given in Answer to question 1. Nothingcan do good to us because we are Gods. When we really start believing and that we are God's creation or we are nothing but the manifestation of the indestructible, unperturbed, existence and bliss, we do not need anything else: we are beyond the notions of good or bad.. Sincemostly we do not believe , therefore we need so many things that we believe can do good or bad to us.

4) What is then the purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike'?Answer: The purpose of so much 'literature, discourses and alike' is as replied earlier to Question 2. The purpose is to defer that 'we are God's only and only God's ours' because we really do not believe in and trying to still find out whether all this is really acceptable and operational.

5) Do not these deviate (distract/divert) us from 'ekai saadhei, sab sadhe'? (when one is attained, all is perfected and completed?) Answer: You are absolutely correct. These are all distractions that we indulge in to defer accepting God . But once accepted with entire being, nothing can distract or distort. These distortions are in a sense a kind of obstacles that one has to overcometo remove all dilemmas and doubts about the theory of God from the mind,intellect and body.

6) Why should we divide our 'time' in several when only God's is ours?Answer: We should not but the illusion of Maya through the operation of the three Gunas keeps us in delusion as we struggle to find out whether we should really and completely submit our lives to the theory of God. That is how God has made his creation to work. This is ultimate dialectics that explains the operation of the entire Creation.

Your questions are part of that natural (God manifestation) process of operation of the Creation.

Basudeb Sen


Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Following is How I answer myself:1) 'we are God's only and only God's ours'.God is not separate from all of us together. God is the nameless experience of Oneness of Being of all beings! As such "more" cannot exist as it is already God or WE. We take what we need/given. Desires for "more" cannot exist for those who realize being already WHOLE!However, this should be the understanding beyond superficial intellectual level in the sense that All there is, is God only, nothing else!

2) If we need something more, we have not understood the meaning of God, and "we". We need to continue our search to know God in our experience, not only in concept!

3) If everything is understood to be God, this question cannot arise! If the question arise, there may be lingering doubt! I see a possibility of difference in understanding between "everything is God's" and "Everything IS God", the former implies God being separate from everything else that is His, while later eliminates such separateness between the two!

4) Discourse, literature and the likes are all God who chooses to use them as He pleases!

5) This means Know only God (Ekei) in everything, in whatever ways! Don't need to know all else!(sab saadhe sub jaye- Kabir). One may be surprised to know it is already attained!

6) Time is not wasted when we discover God, the Sought and "us", the seeker being One and the same! It is the only thing worth seeking! This discovery happens in the Silence of the mind which is timeless zone, and soon after the discovery, mind claims by thinking "I had this experience of God, it took me years or many births or whatever time duration".

Namaskar ......Pratap Bhatt----------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram Any words will fall short there after..... Swamiji says - one attains everything leaving nothing to be acted upon (krta-krtya), known (gyaat-gyaatavya) or gained (praat-praatavya) anymore. This state is already attained for those who have accepted once and for all... "I am only God's and Only God is my very own and there is none other." Meera Das, Ram Ram ------------------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites.7. Do not include your personal information (Ph #, address etc).8. Do not personalize message9. All responses may not be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.11. Take into consideration the novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. i.e. limit the use to Sanskrit words only.Provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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