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Shree Hari Ram Ram IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WITH INTENSE LONGING FOR BHAGWAAN as described in Swamiji's discourse ? How do I love God? Please share ! Ram Ram -----------------------

Shree Hari Ram Ram


Jai Shri Krishna! Jai Lakshmi Narayana! Jai Sathyanarayana! Jai Mahalakshmi!

Thank you so much for sharing your Self! We are specially touched!

With devotion,


Jai Shri Krishna

Ram Ram



Dear Sadaks,

These are the real yardsticks which Swamiji has mentioned.

Yes, God gifted me dreams about temples and Roops as Sri Padmanabha, Sri Krishna.

2 years ago when I was in London in my daughter` s house on 60 days vacation, my time used to be visiting temples, sitting in large green grass lands and contemplating on what I listened about Geetha, Puranas Etc. I normally says slokas on Sri Vishnu /Sri Krishna/Sri Venkateswara and so on. One day I deeply felt with tears that I am not able to make my own Sloka on Mother Mahalakshme. The same day night I got the sloka in my dream. I immediately got up put on the light and wrote it down. From next day onwards I practiced and made by heart. But Bagavan again came in my dream and said that the sloka is for Only me. Until HE says I thought I will not tell this incident to anyone as it looks unbelivable. But because for sadaks like you all I wish to say only first line out of 8 lines.


Jai Sri Krishna









My beloved Govinda !

This moment Now... Love Blossoms in my heart

As .... Fragrance of Love,... Silence.... One-ness... Being .

Dancing merrily away.... As love and loving ... In myriads of flavours !

Yesterday... The I am- ness of Krishna

Trapped in the infant body... Of Nari-ness... Sought the mother's breast

For sustenance... For love... For Being

And yesterday again; The I am ness Trapped still

In the virile body of young nari-ness

Sought the pulsating nipples of the beloved's breasts

For sustenance of Being ...... For love

And then, another yesterday, Yearning and aflame Ever afire,

Thirst still unquenched the I amness beyond

In nariness still trapped Sought the Loving cool fire... Of your own Being …..

The Self… That you are …. Always were… And will ever be !

And you Govinda.. Did choose... To bestow... On your own I am ness

Trapped in nari-ness; The Love eternal

The silence of Being; The Oneness of Being

The I amness beyond the ' I '; The music flavour and fragrance of Being

Just Being! The Self

The I am-ness unknowable!

Ah, Govinda ..................jai, jai, jai

Jai Govinda Jai

Thus did you... Expand the nari-ness unto the Infinity of being.

Into the eternity Of... This moment Now. Where, O my Beloved ,

Love is just Love; Your own Being dancing to your flute !

Where, There is no Morrow

Nor yesterday! Not even Today !

( tumharo charna, hamaro maatha, swami ramsukhdas jeeo ! )

AUM, narinder -----------------------


ishaq gar janoon hai...to ishaq khuda ka, yaaro

batao phir, kya hai..................ishaq hi duaa hai, agarchai.

to ishaq khuda ka yaaro....batao phir , kya hai ?

if Love be madness, my friends, then, what is Love of God, pray ................

if Love itself is the Prayer...then, what be the Prayer to the Lord, my Beloved ?

Taqdeer ka maatam sahne ke liye; tau ik namaaz bhi mukammill hai

kucchh suna aisaa narinder ne hai; Ai Parwar digaar , sun, meri pukar ab too sun

Din mein paach baar agar ho na pae; Tau teen waqat hee jhuka de yeh mera sir

Mere Mehboob ke sajde mein; Aaj phir teri yaad ayee hai; Ik tarap ban kar ik pukaar ban kar

For the writ of Destiny, Lord.........To bear with Joy and Love ,

Just One Prayer from the agony of the heart is enough,

so, narinder did hear..........

O Beloved Lord of all, hear my voice, now ..........

If, the head forgets to bow in ' namaaz' five times a day......

Be merciful, Lord.... Bend nari's head at least three times a day....

At the feet of His Beloved .......

The yearning for thee rises again .... This moment Now

In the agonizing Prayer of a pining Heart ! Wilt Thou my Love .

Remain Silent for ever and a day !!! ???




LOVEWhen it blossoms in the Heart; Showers its own wisdom on the Mind

And Here and Now; The Mind knows !!

Yes, Love itself is wisdom; Is the teacher willing

To share the joy of Being; With all, who are willing!!

Love is Love, just Love; The quality of Love; Is not the fire of Desire

It is the cooling peacefulness; Of the ambrosia divine.

Bliss it is; And yet, an ache; A yearning; A desire

To be just the Self; One's own self , and Yourself . And

Krishna it is that is Love; Krishna is Love, and Love Krishna

Krishna alone it is , and all is his Play ……………………………..





: Shree Hari :Ram Ram10th March, 2009, TuesdayFalgun Shukla Chaturdashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Mangalvar

This is a very evident and explicit point (pratyaksh baat). Worldlyrelations are going away, just like toys went away, curiosity aboutmoney went away and now worship and devotion (Bhajan) of Bhagwaan (God)has taken it's place. This is everyone's experience. ThatParamatma (Supreme Consciousness, God) is ever present. Paramatma'srelation is permanent and worldly relations are temporary. Bhagwaan (God) can never leave us. Bhagwaan's relation will remain at all times. If there is any doubt about this point then ask me.

Is there anyone here who is experiencing the following –

Is there any one for whom even in dreams there is worship and devotion of Bhagwaan that is taking place? Ifeven in dreams Bhagwaan's (God's) name recitation, chanting, devotionalsongs, hymns, reading of scriptures, listening to His past-times,seeing the form of Bhagwaan etc. is happening naturally, then such asadhak's bhajan (worship and adoration) is extraordinary A point has come to my mind. I am asking you all, each and every one of you engaged in satsang. Is there anyone for whom naturally (swabhaavik) , even in dreams Bhagwaan is remembered? Isthere anyone who does not have to do anything at all, and worship,adoration, remembrance of God happens naturally, innately, on it's ow? Is any such thing happening naturally to you, whereby you don't have to try to remember Bhagwaan? Rather it simply happens naturally, all the time? Tell me if this happening to you? Naturally, automatically and innately, where you don't have to do anything and it is simply happens. For other things you have to make an effort, but this happens naturally. Do you have in you such intense longingand craze (lagan) for Bhagwaan? If you have such intensity, then see me. Make an appointment to meet with me. If such intense longing is there in you, then please come and see me. Is there anyone out there? Is it happening right now or not? I ask, why is this so very difficult?

The truth is there is Bhagwaan (God) and there is Bhagwaan''s devotee (Bhakt). They both remain in each other, just like Karmabai, and her khichadi for Bhagwaan. If you are experiencing this please take some time to meet with me. It has to happen naturally, just like someone is coming on a train and you are waiting in anticipation for them. Do you feel such intensity and longing for Thakurji (God)? Don't be hesitant. If you feel awkward to come in front of everyone, come later and see me in private.

Anyone out there, sisters, mothers come and see me. If not now then at least come and see me later. Don't hesitate. You, me and my assistant, that is it.

Ifwhile walking, strolling, talking or doing any thing if God isremembered naturally and innately, then there is nothing else ofconcern for you, as this is most important. Let there be longing and intensity within. All that is needed is this intense longing (lagan). Favorable and unfavorable things keep happening in this world. Again the question I am asking is not how to develop that intense longing (lagan), rather I am asking if you have that lagan right now? Simply think it over and take time from me to come and meet with me.

From discourse in hindi on May 6th 2005 4:30 pm by Swami Ramsukhdasji at Gita Bhawan, Rishikesh, India Ram Ram---Q: If love is a human's nature, then it should come naturally to him. Whydoes this love not come/develop naturally/easily?A. The main obstacle is ego and desire (want). Love means to give.We want to take in love. The lover does not want anything for himself.Whatever the loved wishes, is his wish. He is always happy in his lovedone's wish. Our lover is only one - God.As soon as you change your feeling from 'taking' to 'giving',the ocean of love will overflow. The same is trapped inside us. We havelocked up the same. Only we ourself can open the same as the key is inour hand. Nobody else can open it. We will have to give ourselves thisblessing. As soon as we want to do this, God and the world will helpus. God is waiting anxiously that whenwill we want this. Gita's principle is that All is God. Evne though we believe that all is God. Wecannot experience/understa nd the true meaning of this principle only because of our desire. This is why he has given us this human life and we are wasting it. When will we awake? Question: It is verynatural to love a human being. We love our friend as he shares all ourpains and sorrow, but we also know that this love is not eternal. Yahasab "mithya" (unreal, temporary) hai. As our friends, family orrelatives are going to leave us. My question is how do I love God whenI can't see Him, speak to Him or hug Him ?Swamiji : You understand that your friends, family or relatives are going toleave you, that they will not be able to share your pains and sorrows foreverand that this worldly love is not eternal. Youalso understand that allobjects,situations, circumstances will never remain with you, and that you mustnot depend on things that are temporary, changing and unreal, whereasGod is ever present, changeless and that we are His ansh (His veryparticle). Understanding and believing these, is a major step towardsyour objective.In Gita, God has emphasized that there should be only one goal, onedetermination, one objective, and that is "God Realization" . Your life willbecome, according to your determination. As long as there is a liking forpleasures, accumulation, respect, praise and comforts, you will be unable toengagein loving God, because the mind is marred by likings for other things.So the determination to love God (even though not seen, heard ortouched) is the key.If you do not feel love for God that you can't see, speak to or hug, do not bediscouraged and disheartened. Pray to God, weep before Him andentreatearnestly,"O Lord, what should I do, I am unable to love You." The moment youfeel helpless, God will help you. God cannot bear your pain or weepingand He will surely with His grace help you to love Him, speak to Him orhug Him. From "Benedictory Discourses" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.Ram Ram

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Shree Hari Ram Ram IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WITH INTENSE LONGING FOR BHAGWAAN as described in Swamiji's discourse ? How do I love God? Please share ! Ram Ram -----------------------



How do you love God? How do you breathe? How do you eat? Loving God/your Ishta is as natural as the above. In Sanatana Dharma we are given the natural right to love/have a relation with God/Ishta in however way we choose. Some however have made rules and unfortunately that has caused some Sadhakas some difficulties in trying to love God/Ishta.


It is acceptable to say I love my dog, I love this plant/flower, I love you my Pati Dev, I love this and that etc etc. The moment you say I love my Bhagwaan--you are called an Egotist. This has been my strangest experience. In fact it has gotten to be that I keep my affection for my Lord to only my family members as they too have a personal relationship with The Lord. Why cant we declare that we love our Bhagwaan? Who has the right to tell me that I have no right to say that I love my Bhagwaan and that He is My Bhagwaan? Saying that He is mine does not mean that He is Only mine---it is a declaration that I belong to Him.It has nothing to do with bodily ego but is soley a declaration that I am truly His.


How to love God? Why do you have to learn to love Him? Do you learn to love someone before you decide to marry a complete stranger, leave home/family, sometimes country and go live in another place? We do that yet we wonder how to love Bhagwaan. I once asked a group of Gyaanis what will they do if Bhagwaan appear in front of us now. Most said bow down and do pranaams. This crazy women said--if my Lord appears in front of me now--I'll launch myself into His Arms, hug Him with all my being. This is how I love My Bhagwaan. He is with me, inside of me,outside of me, a silent witness to everything that happens in my life, He listens to me--when I talk to him, when I quarrel with Him even. He is Bhagwaan--He knows my deepest innermost feelings even more that I do and He knows.


So you do not have to do this and that in order to love Him--just love Him with a pure heart. He knows when you love Him and He will manifest His infinite Love to you once you purely and truly open up your heart to Him. You soon realise that He is with you always...............





O Krishna , Satguru Govinda, which is the best way to obtain your Love ?


" Love is the way, nari… Love indeed, is the way… and love is itself the Goal… for truly I Am Love ."


Teach me , My Lord, the way of Love… for , better teacher than thee, there can be none; you have yourself said that you are Love .


"Nari… I am happy that you are willing to learn… to walk the way…


"Different sages have spoken differently about the path… but they all spoke on authority… on my authority… for they had reached the Goal… Purnam….. Love….One-ness that I Am. In one-ness they loved…. In one-ness they spoke… In joy of Being, they uttered for seekers such as you….and they sought for their expression neither name, nor fame, nor gain….they spoke from their heart centre, which is Krishna … me… I am……Therefore, let Scriptures be your authority for your conduct of affairs….


"The way of Love is Love. Let the war in your own mind come to an end, and enjoy the fruits of True love.


"Realise that Love in you is in All…

"Thus have the sages spoken ` When the Love is known, all is known.'


Krishna jai Krishna .. Jai jai… My Guru … My yearning… my Light…

Jai Krishna.. Jai jai Krishna ! Lord, my mind is fixed on you ; to you, Narinder surrenders, knowing that the surrender is your Gift to Narinder.

This Moment Now, Narinder beseeches you, " Lord, May I never forget thee; may I never be forgotten by thee , O Satguru Govinda ! May you always give me a nudge, when nari-ness overpowers the mind. May Narinder`s mind be ever filled with Smidha , reverence and trust for his Guru , who you chose to become , when Love blossomed as a bud for the first time. Jai Krishna !"


Narinder Bhandari







Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Jai Shri Krishna! Jai Lakshmi Narayana! Jai Sathyanarayana! Jai Mahalakshmi!

Thank you so much for sharing your Self! We are specially touched!

With devotion,

Jai Shri Krishna

Ram Ram


Dear Sadaks,

These are the real yardsticks which Swamiji has mentioned. Yes, God gifted me dreams about temples and Roops as Sri Padmanabha, Sri Krishna.

2 years ago when I was in London in my daughter` s house on 60 days vacation, my time used to be visiting temples, sitting in large green grass lands and contemplating on what I listened about Geetha, Puranas Etc. I normally says slokas on Sri Vishnu /Sri Krishna/Sri Venkateswara and so on. One day I deeply felt with tears that I am not able to make my own Sloka on Mother Mahalakshme. The same day night I got the sloka in my dream. I immediately got up put on the light and wrote it down. From next day onwards I practiced and made by heart. But Bagavan again came in my dream and said that the sloka is for Only me. Until HE says I thought I will not tell this incident to anyone as it looks unbelivable. But because for sadaks like you all I wish to say only first line out of 8 lines. "" SARVA LAKSHANA PRASANA ROOPINI____________.""

Jai Sri Krishna






My beloved Govinda !

This moment Now... Love Blossoms in my heart

As .... Fragrance of Love,... Silence.... One-ness... Being .

Dancing merrily away.... As love and loving ... In myriads of flavours !

Yesterday... The I am- ness of Krishna

Trapped in the infant body... Of Nari-ness... Sought the mother's breast

For sustenance... For love... For Being

And yesterday again; The I am ness Trapped still

In the virile body of young nari-ness

Sought the pulsating nipples of the beloved's breasts

For sustenance of Being ...... For love

And then, another yesterday, Yearning and aflame Ever afire,

Thirst still unquenched the I amness beyond

In nariness still trapped Sought the Loving cool fire... Of your own Being …..

The Self… That you are …. Always were… And will ever be !

And you Govinda.. Did choose... To bestow... On your own I am ness

Trapped in nari-ness; The Love eternal

The silence of Being; The Oneness of Being

The I amness beyond the ' I '; The music flavour and fragrance of Being

Just Being! The Self

The I am-ness unknowable!

Ah, Govinda ..................jai, jai, jai

Jai Govinda Jai

Thus did you... Expand the nari-ness unto the Infinity of being.

Into the eternity Of... This moment Now. Where, O my Beloved ,

Love is just Love; Your own Being dancing to your flute !

Where, There is no Morrow

Nor yesterday! Not even Today !

( tumharo charna, hamaro maatha, swami ramsukhdas jeeo ! )


narinder -----------------------

ishaq gar janoon hai...to ishaq khuda ka, yaaro

batao phir, kya hai..................ishaq hi duaa hai, agarchai.

to ishaq khuda ka yaaro....batao phir , kya hai ?

if Love be madness, my friends, then, what is Love of God, pray ................

if Love itself is the Prayer...then, what be the Prayer to the Lord, my Beloved ?

Taqdeer ka maatam sahne ke liye; tau ik namaaz bhi mukammill hai

kucchh suna aisaa narinder ne hai; Ai Parwar digaar , sun, meri pukar ab too sun

Din mein paach baar agar ho na pae; Tau teen waqat hee jhuka de yeh mera sir

Mere Mehboob ke sajde mein; Aaj phir teri yaad ayee hai; Ik tarap ban kar ik pukaar ban kar

For the writ of Destiny, Lord.........To bear with Joy and Love ,

Just One Prayer from the agony of the heart is enough,

so, narinder did hear..........

O Beloved Lord of all, hear my voice, now ..........

If, the head forgets to bow in ' namaaz' five times a day......

Be merciful, Lord.... Bend nari's head at least three times a day....

At the feet of His Beloved .......

The yearning for thee rises again .... This moment Now

In the agonizing Prayer of a pining Heart ! Wilt Thou my Love .

Remain Silent for ever and a day !!! ???





When it blossoms in the Heart; Showers its own wisdom on the Mind And Here and Now; The Mind knows !!

Yes, Love itself is wisdom; Is the teacher willing

To share the joy of Being; With all, who are willing!!

Love is Love, just Love; The quality of Love; Is not the fire of Desire

It is the cooling peacefulness; Of the ambrosia divine.

Bliss it is; And yet, an ache; A yearning; A desire

To be just the Self; One's own self , and Yourself . And

Krishna it is that is Love; Krishna is Love, and Love Krishna

Krishna alone it is , and all is his Play ……………………………..



: Shree Hari :Ram Ram

10th March, 2009, TuesdayFalgun Shukla Chaturdashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Mangalvar

This is a very evident and explicit point (pratyaksh baat). Worldlyrelations are going away, just like toys went away, curiosity aboutmoney went away and now worship and devotion (Bhajan) of Bhagwaan (God)has taken it's place. This is everyone's experience. ThatParamatma (Supreme Consciousness, God) is ever present. Paramatma'srelation is permanent and worldly relations are temporary. Bhagwaan (God) can never leave us. Bhagwaan's relation will remain at all times. If there is any doubt about this point then ask me. Is there anyone here who is experiencing the following –

Is there any one for whom even in dreams there is worship and devotion of Bhagwaan that is taking place? Ifeven in dreams Bhagwaan's (God's) name recitation, chanting, devotionalsongs, hymns, reading of scriptures, listening to His past-times,seeing the form of Bhagwaan etc. is happening naturally, then such asadhak's bhajan (worship and adoration) is extraordinary

A point has come to my mind. I am asking you all, each and every one of you engaged in satsang. Is there anyone for whom naturally (swabhaavik) , even in dreams Bhagwaan is remembered? Isthere anyone who does not have to do anything at all, and worship,adoration, remembrance of God happens naturally, innately, on it's ow? Is any such thing happening naturally to you, whereby you don't have to try to remember Bhagwaan? Rather it simply happens naturally, all the time? Tell me if this happening to you? Naturally, automatically and innately, where you don't have to do anything and it is simply happens. For other things you have to make an effort, but this happens naturally. Do you have in you such intense longingand craze (lagan) for Bhagwaan? If you have such intensity, then see me. Make an appointment to meet with me. If such intense longing is there in you, then please come and see me. Is there anyone out there? Is it happening right now or not? I ask, why is this so very difficult?

The truth is there is Bhagwaan (God) and there is Bhagwaan''s devotee (Bhakt). They both remain in each other, just like Karmabai, and her khichadi for Bhagwaan. If you are experiencing this please take some time to meet with me. It has to happen naturally, just like someone is coming on a train and you are waiting in anticipation for them. Do you feel such intensity and longing for Thakurji (God)? Don't be hesitant. If you feel awkward to come in front of everyone, come later and see me in private.

Anyone out there, sisters, mothers come and see me. If not now then at least come and see me later. Don't hesitate. You, me and my assistant, that is it.

Ifwhile walking, strolling, talking or doing any thing if God isremembered naturally and innately, then there is nothing else ofconcern for you, as this is most important. Let there be longing and intensity within. All that is needed is this intense longing (lagan). Favorable and unfavorable things keep happening in this world. Again the question I am asking is not how to develop that intense longing (lagan), rather I am asking if you have that lagan right now? Simply think it over and take time from me to come and meet with me.

From discourse in hindi on May 6th 2005 4:30 pm by Swami Ramsukhdasji at Gita Bhawan, Rishikesh, India

Ram Ram---Q: If love is a human's nature, then it should come naturally to him. Whydoes this love not come/develop naturally/easily?

A. The main obstacle is ego and desire (want). Love means to give.We want to take in love. The lover does not want anything for himself.Whatever the loved wishes, is his wish. He is always happy in his lovedone's wish. Our lover is only one - God.

As soon as you change your feeling from 'taking' to 'giving',the ocean of love will overflow. The same is trapped inside us. We havelocked up the same. Only we ourself can open the same as the key is inour hand. Nobody else can open it. We will have to give ourselves thisblessing. As soon as we want to do this, God and the world will helpus. God is waiting anxiously that whenwill we want this.

Gita's principle is that All is God. Evne though we believe that all is God. Wecannot experience/understa nd the true meaning of this principle only because of our desire.

This is why he has given us this human life and we are wasting it. When will we awake?

Question: It is verynatural to love a human being. We love our friend as he shares all ourpains and sorrow, but we also know that this love is not eternal. Yahasab "mithya" (unreal, temporary) hai. As our friends, family orrelatives are going to leave us. My question is how do I love God whenI can't see Him, speak to Him or hug Him ?

Swamiji : You understand that your friends, family or relatives are going toleave you, that they will not be able to share your pains and sorrows foreverand that this worldly love is not eternal. Youalso understand that allobjects,situations, circumstances will never remain with you, and that you mustnot depend on things that are temporary, changing and unreal, whereasGod is ever present, changeless and that we are His ansh (His veryparticle). Understanding and believing these, is a major step towardsyour objective.

In Gita, God has emphasized that there should be only one goal, onedetermination, one objective, and that is "God Realization" . Your life willbecome, according to your determination. As long as there is a liking forpleasures, accumulation, respect, praise and comforts, you will be unable toengagein loving God, because the mind is marred by likings for other things.So the determination to love God (even though not seen, heard ortouched) is the key.

If you do not feel love for God that you can't see, speak to or hug, do not bediscouraged and disheartened. Pray to God, weep before Him andentreatearnestly,"O Lord, what should I do, I am unable to love You." The moment youfeel helpless, God will help you. God cannot bear your pain or weepingand He will surely with His grace help you to love Him, speak to Him orhug Him.

From "Benedictory Discourses" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

Ram Ram

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Shree Hari Ram Ram IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WITH INTENSE LONGING FOR BHAGWAAN as described in Swamiji's discourse ? How do I love God? Please share ! Ram Ram -----------------------


Dear Sadak,

Loving some one first needs deep understanding. Many love on earth was so splendid but ended up in Divorce. Many years of love of friendship goes just in few minutes. How do I love, means you want to make love or love something and how to achieve? When you learn about qualities that interest you in a person, you start liking not Love. But when the qualities change your liking changes.


Love is unconditional. In happiness or in sorrow it should not change even a little. Lady Sants Sakubai, Meera, Sri Andal (Sri Mahalakshmi HERSELF incarnated) all listened to the glory of Sri Krishna at tender age. They brought in Sri Krishna in their heart. They went through very bad state of agony, but their thought for Bagavan remained constant. That very deep undistrubed thoughts made love spontanious-- not making love.

Jai Sri Krishna




-Shree Hari-Oh how I love GOD! It does not matter if people laugh at me, ridicule me, andthey do right here!That love of GOD, 'My Beloved' spills over from me to all around me, if I canhelp others I will, I do it for GOD, not for me, how can I not help?Bhagwan has wiped the pain and agony from my eyes, so what more can I do butlove 'My Beloved'.With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (Keenor).




Is (BHAGWAAN) God Male or female?


Best Regards


Ranjan Kumar



Respected Maharaj Ji


Can we see the God or only realise.


If can see.


Then how it would be posssible. if answer is first Samarpan


then - Dhekhe bin na hoi partiti, bin partit hoi nahi priti.


how can we love the God, if not seen.


pl. advise.


krishna mishra




How do you love God? How do you breathe? How do you eat? Loving God/your Ishta is as natural as the above. In Sanatana Dharma we are given the natural right to love/have a relation with God/Ishta in however way we choose. Some however have made rules and unfortunately that has caused some Sadhakas some difficulties in trying to love God/Ishta.


It is acceptable to say I love my dog, I love this plant/flower, I love you my Pati Dev, I love this and that etc etc. The moment you say I love my Bhagwaan--you are called an Egotist. This has been my strangest experience. In fact it has gotten to be that I keep my affection for my Lord to only my family members as they too have a personal relationship with The Lord. Why cant we declare that we love our Bhagwaan? Who has the right to tell me that I have no right to say that I love my Bhagwaan and that He is My Bhagwaan? Saying that He is mine does not mean that He is Only mine---it is a declaration that I belong to Him.It has nothing to do with bodily ego but is soley a declaration that I am truly His.


How to love God? Why do you have to learn to love Him? Do you learn to love someone before you decide to marry a complete stranger, leave home/family, sometimes country and go live in another place? We do that yet we wonder how to love Bhagwaan. I once asked a group of Gyaanis what will they do if Bhagwaan appear in front of us now. Most said bow down and do pranaams. This crazy women said--if my Lord appears in front of me now--I'll launch myself into His Arms, hug Him with all my being. This is how I love My Bhagwaan. He is with me, inside of me,outside of me, a silent witness to everything that happens in my life, He listens to me--when I talk to him, when I quarrel with Him even. He is Bhagwaan--He knows my deepest innermost feelings even more that I do and He knows.


So you do not have to do this and that in order to love Him--just love Him with a pure heart. He knows when you love Him and He will manifest His infinite Love to you once you purely and truly open up your heart to Him. You soon realise that He is with you always...............





O Krishna , Satguru Govinda, which is the best way to obtain your Love ?


" Love is the way, nari… Love indeed, is the way… and love is itself the Goal… for truly I Am Love ."


Teach me , My Lord, the way of Love… for , better teacher than thee, there can be none; you have yourself said that you are Love .


"Nari… I am happy that you are willing to learn… to walk the way…


"Different sages have spoken differently about the path… but they all spoke on authority… on my authority… for they had reached the Goal… Purnam….. Love….One-ness that I Am. In one-ness they loved…. In one-ness they spoke… In joy of Being, they uttered for seekers such as you….and they sought for their expression neither name, nor fame, nor gain….they spoke from their heart centre, which is Krishna … me… I am……Therefore, let Scriptures be your authority for your conduct of affairs….


"The way of Love is Love. Let the war in your own mind come to an end, and enjoy the fruits of True love.


"Realise that Love in you is in All…

"Thus have the sages spoken ` When the Love is known, all is known.'


Krishna jai Krishna .. Jai jai… My Guru … My yearning… my Light…

Jai Krishna.. Jai jai Krishna ! Lord, my mind is fixed on you ; to you, Narinder surrenders, knowing that the surrender is your Gift to Narinder.

This Moment Now, Narinder beseeches you, " Lord, May I never forget thee; may I never be forgotten by thee , O Satguru Govinda ! May you always give me a nudge, when nari-ness overpowers the mind. May Narinder`s mind be ever filled with Smidha , reverence and trust for his Guru , who you chose to become , when Love blossomed as a bud for the first time. Jai Krishna !"


Narinder Bhandari







Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Jai Shri Krishna! Jai Lakshmi Narayana! Jai Sathyanarayana! Jai Mahalakshmi!

Thank you so much for sharing your Self! We are specially touched!

With devotion,

Jai Shri Krishna

Ram Ram


Dear Sadaks,

These are the real yardsticks which Swamiji has mentioned. Yes, God gifted me dreams about temples and Roops as Sri Padmanabha, Sri Krishna.

2 years ago when I was in London in my daughter` s house on 60 days vacation, my time used to be visiting temples, sitting in large green grass lands and contemplating on what I listened about Geetha, Puranas Etc. I normally says slokas on Sri Vishnu /Sri Krishna/Sri Venkateswara and so on. One day I deeply felt with tears that I am not able to make my own Sloka on Mother Mahalakshme. The same day night I got the sloka in my dream. I immediately got up put on the light and wrote it down. From next day onwards I practiced and made by heart. But Bagavan again came in my dream and said that the sloka is for Only me. Until HE says I thought I will not tell this incident to anyone as it looks unbelivable. But because for sadaks like you all I wish to say only first line out of 8 lines. "" SARVA LAKSHANA PRASANA ROOPINI____________.""

Jai Sri Krishna






My beloved Govinda !

This moment Now... Love Blossoms in my heart

As .... Fragrance of Love,... Silence.... One-ness... Being .

Dancing merrily away.... As love and loving ... In myriads of flavours !

Yesterday... The I am- ness of Krishna

Trapped in the infant body... Of Nari-ness... Sought the mother's breast

For sustenance... For love... For Being

And yesterday again; The I am ness Trapped still

In the virile body of young nari-ness

Sought the pulsating nipples of the beloved's breasts

For sustenance of Being ...... For love

And then, another yesterday, Yearning and aflame Ever afire,

Thirst still unquenched the I amness beyond

In nariness still trapped Sought the Loving cool fire... Of your own Being …..

The Self… That you are …. Always were… And will ever be !

And you Govinda.. Did choose... To bestow... On your own I am ness

Trapped in nari-ness; The Love eternal

The silence of Being; The Oneness of Being

The I amness beyond the ' I '; The music flavour and fragrance of Being

Just Being! The Self

The I am-ness unknowable!

Ah, Govinda ..................jai, jai, jai

Jai Govinda Jai

Thus did you... Expand the nari-ness unto the Infinity of being.

Into the eternity Of... This moment Now. Where, O my Beloved ,

Love is just Love; Your own Being dancing to your flute !

Where, There is no Morrow

Nor yesterday! Not even Today !

( tumharo charna, hamaro maatha, swami ramsukhdas jeeo ! )


narinder -----------------------

ishaq gar janoon hai...to ishaq khuda ka, yaaro

batao phir, kya hai..................ishaq hi duaa hai, agarchai.

to ishaq khuda ka yaaro....batao phir , kya hai ?

if Love be madness, my friends, then, what is Love of God, pray ................

if Love itself is the Prayer...then, what be the Prayer to the Lord, my Beloved ?

Taqdeer ka maatam sahne ke liye; tau ik namaaz bhi mukammill hai

kucchh suna aisaa narinder ne hai; Ai Parwar digaar , sun, meri pukar ab too sun

Din mein paach baar agar ho na pae; Tau teen waqat hee jhuka de yeh mera sir

Mere Mehboob ke sajde mein; Aaj phir teri yaad ayee hai; Ik tarap ban kar ik pukaar ban kar

For the writ of Destiny, Lord.........To bear with Joy and Love ,

Just One Prayer from the agony of the heart is enough,

so, narinder did hear..........

O Beloved Lord of all, hear my voice, now ..........

If, the head forgets to bow in ' namaaz' five times a day......

Be merciful, Lord.... Bend nari's head at least three times a day....

At the feet of His Beloved .......

The yearning for thee rises again .... This moment Now

In the agonizing Prayer of a pining Heart ! Wilt Thou my Love .

Remain Silent for ever and a day !!! ???





When it blossoms in the Heart; Showers its own wisdom on the Mind And Here and Now; The Mind knows !!

Yes, Love itself is wisdom; Is the teacher willing

To share the joy of Being; With all, who are willing!!

Love is Love, just Love; The quality of Love; Is not the fire of Desire

It is the cooling peacefulness; Of the ambrosia divine.

Bliss it is; And yet, an ache; A yearning; A desire

To be just the Self; One's own self , and Yourself . And

Krishna it is that is Love; Krishna is Love, and Love Krishna

Krishna alone it is , and all is his Play ……………………………..



: Shree Hari :Ram Ram

10th March, 2009, TuesdayFalgun Shukla Chaturdashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Mangalvar

This is a very evident and explicit point (pratyaksh baat). Worldlyrelations are going away, just like toys went away, curiosity aboutmoney went away and now worship and devotion (Bhajan) of Bhagwaan (God)has taken it's place. This is everyone's experience. ThatParamatma (Supreme Consciousness, God) is ever present. Paramatma'srelation is permanent and worldly relations are temporary. Bhagwaan (God) can never leave us. Bhagwaan's relation will remain at all times. If there is any doubt about this point then ask me. Is there anyone here who is experiencing the following –

Is there any one for whom even in dreams there is worship and devotion of Bhagwaan that is taking place? Ifeven in dreams Bhagwaan's (God's) name recitation, chanting, devotionalsongs, hymns, reading of scriptures, listening to His past-times,seeing the form of Bhagwaan etc. is happening naturally, then such asadhak's bhajan (worship and adoration) is extraordinary

A point has come to my mind. I am asking you all, each and every one of you engaged in satsang. Is there anyone for whom naturally (swabhaavik) , even in dreams Bhagwaan is remembered? Isthere anyone who does not have to do anything at all, and worship,adoration, remembrance of God happens naturally, innately, on it's ow? Is any such thing happening naturally to you, whereby you don't have to try to remember Bhagwaan? Rather it simply happens naturally, all the time? Tell me if this happening to you? Naturally, automatically and innately, where you don't have to do anything and it is simply happens. For other things you have to make an effort, but this happens naturally. Do you have in you such intense longingand craze (lagan) for Bhagwaan? If you have such intensity, then see me. Make an appointment to meet with me. If such intense longing is there in you, then please come and see me. Is there anyone out there? Is it happening right now or not? I ask, why is this so very difficult?

The truth is there is Bhagwaan (God) and there is Bhagwaan''s devotee (Bhakt). They both remain in each other, just like Karmabai, and her khichadi for Bhagwaan. If you are experiencing this please take some time to meet with me. It has to happen naturally, just like someone is coming on a train and you are waiting in anticipation for them. Do you feel such intensity and longing for Thakurji (God)? Don't be hesitant. If you feel awkward to come in front of everyone, come later and see me in private.

Anyone out there, sisters, mothers come and see me. If not now then at least come and see me later. Don't hesitate. You, me and my assistant, that is it.

Ifwhile walking, strolling, talking or doing any thing if God isremembered naturally and innately, then there is nothing else ofconcern for you, as this is most important. Let there be longing and intensity within. All that is needed is this intense longing (lagan). Favorable and unfavorable things keep happening in this world. Again the question I am asking is not how to develop that intense longing (lagan), rather I am asking if you have that lagan right now? Simply think it over and take time from me to come and meet with me.

From discourse in hindi on May 6th 2005 4:30 pm by Swami Ramsukhdasji at Gita Bhawan, Rishikesh, India

Ram Ram---Q: If love is a human's nature, then it should come naturally to him. Whydoes this love not come/develop naturally/easily?

A. The main obstacle is ego and desire (want). Love means to give.We want to take in love. The lover does not want anything for himself.Whatever the loved wishes, is his wish. He is always happy in his lovedone's wish. Our lover is only one - God.

As soon as you change your feeling from 'taking' to 'giving',the ocean of love will overflow. The same is trapped inside us. We havelocked up the same. Only we ourself can open the same as the key is inour hand. Nobody else can open it. We will have to give ourselves thisblessing. As soon as we want to do this, God and the world will helpus. God is waiting anxiously that whenwill we want this.

Gita's principle is that All is God. Evne though we believe that all is God. Wecannot experience/understa nd the true meaning of this principle only because of our desire.

This is why he has given us this human life and we are wasting it. When will we awake?

Question: It is verynatural to love a human being. We love our friend as he shares all ourpains and sorrow, but we also know that this love is not eternal. Yahasab "mithya" (unreal, temporary) hai. As our friends, family orrelatives are going to leave us. My question is how do I love God whenI can't see Him, speak to Him or hug Him ?

Swamiji : You understand that your friends, family or relatives are going toleave you, that they will not be able to share your pains and sorrows foreverand that this worldly love is not eternal. Youalso understand that allobjects,situations, circumstances will never remain with you, and that you mustnot depend on things that are temporary, changing and unreal, whereasGod is ever present, changeless and that we are His ansh (His veryparticle). Understanding and believing these, is a major step towardsyour objective.

In Gita, God has emphasized that there should be only one goal, onedetermination, one objective, and that is "God Realization" . Your life willbecome, according to your determination. As long as there is a liking forpleasures, accumulation, respect, praise and comforts, you will be unable toengagein loving God, because the mind is marred by likings for other things.So the determination to love God (even though not seen, heard ortouched) is the key.

If you do not feel love for God that you can't see, speak to or hug, do not bediscouraged and disheartened. Pray to God, weep before Him andentreatearnestly,"O Lord, what should I do, I am unable to love You." The moment youfeel helpless, God will help you. God cannot bear your pain or weepingand He will surely with His grace help you to love Him, speak to Him orhug Him.

From "Benedictory Discourses" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

Ram Ram

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Shree Hari Ram Ram IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WITH INTENSE LONGING FOR BHAGWAAN as described in Swamiji's discourse ? How do I love God? Please share ! Ram Ram -----------------------









To offer love, one must attain the state where love can develop in an environment of peace, serenity, satisfaction, and bliss. To offer love, one must be able to receive love with grace and humility. We appreciate and reciprocate love when given and received in a state of surrender. We vow to offer love and receive love, to and from each other, in copious quantities, not grudgingly or doled out in miserly proportions, or not because it is a duty or obligation imposed on us.


Love for Bhagavan is not an activity of the material world; it is part of the spiritual world, where eternity, bliss, and knowledge predominate. Bhagavan Sri Krishna says whatever you offer is acceptable to me so long as the offering has been lovingly made with pious will. A pious will is devoid of all motive. The offering of love is always with a pious will, for love demands no reward.


Whoever with devotion offers Me a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water, that offering I accept, lovingly made with pious will.

Whatever thou doest, whatever thou eatest, whatever thou offerest in sacrifice, whatever thou givest away, whatever austerity thou practisest, O son of Kunti, do that as an offering unto Me. GEETA 9:26, 27


Love has its own fulfillment - it does not seek fulfillment through something and from someone. Bhagavan says that true devotion consists in living a life lovingly and with pious will. For such a man of devotion there is no fear, nor does he seeks security or approval from anyone or worry about displaying intense love for Bhagavan - Bhava, Prema, transcendental love for Bhagavan.


Such a man is utterly secure in his insecurity. When the seeker for security himself has vanished, how can there be a search for security? When the mind becomes mindless, when the Ego and I-ness disappear, all search for security and approval of others ceases. The intense love emanating from such a being, this outpouring of Love for Him, comes from one who has surrendered himself totally to Bhagavan.


Ram Ram

Deosaran Bisnath


Ram Ram,

This is in reply to Mr. Ranjan's query about the sex of GOD.

God is above all this.

Will it make any difference in the path of self realization, if Mr. Ranjan comes to know about the sex of God.

Please Ranjan tell me this or are you here for MANORANJAN??????

This is not a place of MANORANJAN.

Moderators please excuse me for using this type of language. I couldn't stop my self.

Ashok Goenka



You must begin now. This Instant. It is today, that the beginning must be made. It is Now, this moment, that the beginning must be made. For, nothing is possible in the future time nor in the past. Sit down , Narinder, fix your mind on me, bow down to me, and let your mind move into the Conciousness that I Am. You have My Grace, Love you have, This Moment Now.


Narinder Bhandari



Dear Sadaks,

Mr.Rajan Kumar answer to question, "whether God male or female". All living creatures on earth and in certain worlds are males and females.Does water, air, fire etc have gender? Does fruit, rice, seed has gender? seed when sowed germinates as tree etc, but one does not know to sow a female seed or male seed.

First know GOD formless, but dwells in all forms and in everything seen or unseen in universe. Do electrecity, magnetism, etc have gender? ONE who is KAARAN (Cause) for all creations is the boundless energy THAT can take form/forms as and how required. Years ago one were unable say the child in the womb is male or female. Mr.Kumar please read some holy scripts/Geetha, make some efforts to know GOD, then question.


For Sri krishna mishra question. I can see Krishna in your name itself. You tell a story to your child (hope you have one) about an animal of your own creation that does so much good to children, plays with children, looks harmless etc etc Say Micky Mouse. Say the story of the animal doing different funny things to please children DAILY. Child will ask you that it (Child) wants to see that animal and where can it see. As you daily keep on telling new new stories, the child` s interest will arouse and will plead you to show that animal. So are you. You need to understand GOD` s Gunas, leelas, incarnations, HIS grace in helping devoted people, then you also will start thinking that you want to see GOD. When you stand with tears GOD appears. I think you know the story of Shidha Rama at Sholapur. On his name stands a gigantic temple today, as he asked the same question you asked.

Real history relating to your question.There was a 8 year old girl named Manjula near Guruvayur Krishna temple. She was scheduled caste as such she was not allowed any where near temple. Her mother used to tell manjula stories of Krishna Leelas. Manjula devotion aroused to great extent that she never slept. Her mother stopped the stories for that reason. Her interest aroused much stronger. She sat crying under a tree for days. Sadaks please note this child never ever seen an idol of Sri Krishna. One day Great Saint Poothanam passing by noticed the child crying. Coming to know her pain, he advised the child to light a lamp and garland a stone under the tree. The child new that Saint. She took abundant faith. As she was scheduled caste even she was objected to do so. So she used to garland Tulsi and light a lamp in midnight. Her mother thought the child became mad.

But Sri Krishna never ever forsakes HIS devotees. May take a little late, but blessing multi fold. Daily when the temple was opened, the Bramin noticed Tulsi Maala on daity. He was in dismay from where it comes daily. People started gathering and news spread. Every day at the closure of temple all used to see that there is no Tulsi maala on daity. But next one used to be.It was wonder to all villages around. News spread to Sant Poothanam. Sant came over there and kissed the child Manjula and told people that the maala was her daily contribution in midnight. All Bramins felt ashmed. From that day she was allowed in Guruvayur Sri Krishna temple known as southern Dwaraka. Majula house and village still remains for people like me still to develope devotion to that extent All sadaks please bless me to obtain that love for GOD

Jai Krishna



Hari Om

Mirabai said - Mere to Girdhar Gopal, doosaro na koi. " I am of the Paramatma, and only Paramatma is mine- no body else is mine"- i e. When you belong to someone, and the other belongs to you, then naturally and automatically there will be love and longing. But there should not be a feeling of mine-ness with anything else. Exclusive feeling of "Mine" with only Bhagwaan. Love and longing essentially generates out of "mineness". A child loves and longs for "his" mother only- another lady may be most beautiful etc but for the child, his mother is it - however/whatever she is -is the best. Why? Because she belongs to the child and vice versa. To develop intense longing for Bhagwaan, the best way is to accept / resolve / establish and everlasting loving relationship with Bhagwaan

Says Goswami Tulsidasji:- " Bigree janam anek ki, sudhare ab hi aaj; Hohi Raam ko naam japi, Tulsi taji kusamaj"( All. Losses(sins) incurred for many births of past, will get recouped today, right now ( instantly) , if you first become of Raam (establish mineness with Him), and then chant his name and renounce bad company)Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


namasthe , This is my humble opinion fo rthe question 'How do I love God ?'.


Please do not worry of thinking as to how you should love God..instead you can think like this. In all your eveyday actions, be loving to everyone you come across remembering the Supreme's present in every one and that itself is loving God.


1) If you feel like loving God as God by meditation/devotion/any of the actions towards God- then it is like loving God.

2) If you feel like loving everyone feeling the presence of God in everyone, then also, it is like loving God.

3) If you feel like getting involved fully in the world and serving others based on your inclination of the mind.. with the attitude of surrendering every auspicious (shubd) action to God- then also it is loving God.

4) If you do not feel like doing anything and want to remain isolated from worldly activities, based on your mind's inclination, even then, try to surrender that action of non-doing towards that Supreme.- that is also like loving God.

5) The SURRENDER of all your actions to that Supreme - its like loving God. You cannot surrender to God unless you have lots of love, respect, devotion towards that Supreme or God.



In Bhagavadgita: the verse 9.27 says something like this:

Whatever I do, Whatever I eat,

Whatever I offer as oblation to sacred fire,

WHatever I do as a way of penance,

Whatever I bestow as a gift,

Whatever I do as a charity,

I offer and Surrender on you !************************************************************************





Dear Sadak,Loving some one first needs deep understanding. Many love on earth was so splendid but ended up in Divorce. Many years of love of friendship goes just in few minutes. How do I love, means you want to make love or love something and how to achieve? When you learn about qualities that interest you in a person, you start liking not Love. But when the qualities change your liking changes. Love is unconditional. In happiness or in sorrow it should not change even a little. Lady Sants Sakubai, Meera, Sri Andal (Sri Mahalakshmi HERSELF incarnated) all listened to the glory of Sri Krishna at tender age. They brought in Sri Krishna in their heart. They went through very bad state of agony, but their thought for Bagavan remained constant. That very deep undistrubed thoughts made love spontanious-- not making love.

Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan --------------------------Shree Hari-

Oh how I love GOD! It does not matter if people laugh at me, ridicule me, andthey do right here!That love of GOD, 'My Beloved' spills over from me to all around me, if I canhelp others I will, I do it for GOD, not for me, how can I not help?Bhagwan has wiped the pain and agony from my eyes, so what more can I do butlove 'My Beloved'.

With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike (Keenor).


Hi Is (BHAGWAAN) God Male or female? Best Regards Ranjan Kumar-----------------Respected Maharaj Ji Can we see the God or only realise. If can see. Then how it would be posssible. if answer is first Samarpan then - Dhekhe bin na hoi partiti, bin partit hoi nahi priti. how can we love the God, if not seen. pl. advise. krishna mishra-------------------PRIOR POSTING


How do you love God? How do you breathe? How do you eat? Loving God/your Ishta is as natural as the above. In Sanatana Dharma we are given the natural right to love/have a relation with God/Ishta in however way we choose. Some however have made rules and unfortunately that has caused some Sadhakas some difficulties in trying to love God/Ishta. It is acceptable to say I love my dog, I love this plant/flower, I love you my Pati Dev, I love this and that etc etc. The moment you say I love my Bhagwaan--you are called an Egotist. This has been my strangest experience. In fact it has gotten to be that I keep my affection for my Lord to only my family members as they too have a personal relationship with The Lord. Why cant we declare that we love our Bhagwaan? Who has the right to tell me that I have no right to say that I love my Bhagwaan and that He is My Bhagwaan? Saying that He is mine does not mean that He is Only mine---it is a declaration that I belong to Him.It has nothing to do with bodily ego but is soley a declaration that I am truly His. How to love God? Why do you have to learn to love Him? Do you learn to love someone before you decide to marry a complete stranger, leave home/family, sometimes country and go live in another place? We do that yet we wonder how to love Bhagwaan. I once asked a group of Gyaanis what will they do if Bhagwaan appear in front of us now. Most said bow down and do pranaams. This crazy women said--if my Lord appears in front of me now--I'll launch myself into His Arms, hug Him with all my being. This is how I love My Bhagwaan. He is with me, inside of me,outside of me, a silent witness to everything that happens in my life, He listens to me--when I talk to him, when I quarrel with Him even. He is Bhagwaan--He knows my deepest innermost feelings even more that I do and He knows. So you do not have to do this and that in order to love Him--just love Him with a pure heart. He knows when you love Him and He will manifest His infinite Love to you once you purely and truly open up your heart to Him. You soon realise that He is with you always...............Regards,NandaTAD VISNOH PARAMAM PADAM (Rg Veda 1.22.20)------------------------


O Krishna , Satguru Govinda, which is the best way to obtain your Love ?


" Love is the way, nari… Love indeed, is the way… and love is itself the Goal… for truly I Am Love ."


Teach me , My Lord, the way of Love… for , better teacher than thee, there can be none; you have yourself said that you are Love .


"Nari… I am happy that you are willing to learn… to walk the way…


"Different sages have spoken differently about the path… but they all spoke on authority… on my authority… for they had reached the Goal… Purnam….. Love….One-ness that I Am. In one-ness they loved…. In one-ness they spoke… In joy of Being, they uttered for seekers such as you….and they sought for their expression neither name, nor fame, nor gain….they spoke from their heart centre, which is Krishna … me… I am……Therefore, let Scriptures be your authority for your conduct of affairs….


"The way of Love is Love. Let the war in your own mind come to an end, and enjoy the fruits of True love.


"Realise that Love in you is in All…

"Thus have the sages spoken ` When the Love is known, all is known.'


Krishna jai Krishna .. Jai jai… My Guru … My yearning… my Light…

Jai Krishna.. Jai jai Krishna ! Lord, my mind is fixed on you ; to you, Narinder surrenders, knowing that the surrender is your Gift to Narinder.

This Moment Now, Narinder beseeches you, " Lord, May I never forget thee; may I never be forgotten by thee , O Satguru Govinda ! May you always give me a nudge, when nari-ness overpowers the mind. May Narinder`s mind be ever filled with Smidha , reverence and trust for his Guru , who you chose to become , when Love blossomed as a bud for the first time. Jai Krishna !"


Narinder Bhandari







Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Jai Shri Krishna! Jai Lakshmi Narayana! Jai Sathyanarayana! Jai Mahalakshmi!

Thank you so much for sharing your Self! We are specially touched!

With devotion,

Jai Shri Krishna

Ram Ram


Dear Sadaks,

These are the real yardsticks which Swamiji has mentioned. Yes, God gifted me dreams about temples and Roops as Sri Padmanabha, Sri Krishna.

2 years ago when I was in London in my daughter` s house on 60 days vacation, my time used to be visiting temples, sitting in large green grass lands and contemplating on what I listened about Geetha, Puranas Etc. I normally says slokas on Sri Vishnu /Sri Krishna/Sri Venkateswara and so on. One day I deeply felt with tears that I am not able to make my own Sloka on Mother Mahalakshme. The same day night I got the sloka in my dream. I immediately got up put on the light and wrote it down. From next day onwards I practiced and made by heart. But Bagavan again came in my dream and said that the sloka is for Only me. Until HE says I thought I will not tell this incident to anyone as it looks unbelivable. But because for sadaks like you all I wish to say only first line out of 8 lines. "" SARVA LAKSHANA PRASANA ROOPINI____________.""

Jai Sri Krishna






My beloved Govinda !

This moment Now... Love Blossoms in my heart

As .... Fragrance of Love,... Silence.... One-ness... Being .

Dancing merrily away.... As love and loving ... In myriads of flavours !

Yesterday... The I am- ness of Krishna

Trapped in the infant body... Of Nari-ness... Sought the mother's breast

For sustenance... For love... For Being

And yesterday again; The I am ness Trapped still

In the virile body of young nari-ness

Sought the pulsating nipples of the beloved's breasts

For sustenance of Being ...... For love

And then, another yesterday, Yearning and aflame Ever afire,

Thirst still unquenched the I amness beyond

In nariness still trapped Sought the Loving cool fire... Of your own Being …..

The Self… That you are …. Always were… And will ever be !

And you Govinda.. Did choose... To bestow... On your own I am ness

Trapped in nari-ness; The Love eternal

The silence of Being; The Oneness of Being

The I amness beyond the ' I '; The music flavour and fragrance of Being

Just Being! The Self

The I am-ness unknowable!

Ah, Govinda ..................jai, jai, jai

Jai Govinda Jai

Thus did you... Expand the nari-ness unto the Infinity of being.

Into the eternity Of... This moment Now. Where, O my Beloved ,

Love is just Love; Your own Being dancing to your flute !

Where, There is no Morrow

Nor yesterday! Not even Today !

( tumharo charna, hamaro maatha, swami ramsukhdas jeeo ! )


narinder -----------------------

ishaq gar janoon hai...to ishaq khuda ka, yaaro

batao phir, kya hai..................ishaq hi duaa hai, agarchai.

to ishaq khuda ka yaaro....batao phir , kya hai ?

if Love be madness, my friends, then, what is Love of God, pray ................

if Love itself is the Prayer...then, what be the Prayer to the Lord, my Beloved ?

Taqdeer ka maatam sahne ke liye; tau ik namaaz bhi mukammill hai

kucchh suna aisaa narinder ne hai; Ai Parwar digaar , sun, meri pukar ab too sun

Din mein paach baar agar ho na pae; Tau teen waqat hee jhuka de yeh mera sir

Mere Mehboob ke sajde mein; Aaj phir teri yaad ayee hai; Ik tarap ban kar ik pukaar ban kar

For the writ of Destiny, Lord.........To bear with Joy and Love ,

Just One Prayer from the agony of the heart is enough,

so, narinder did hear..........

O Beloved Lord of all, hear my voice, now ..........

If, the head forgets to bow in ' namaaz' five times a day......

Be merciful, Lord.... Bend nari's head at least three times a day....

At the feet of His Beloved .......

The yearning for thee rises again .... This moment Now

In the agonizing Prayer of a pining Heart ! Wilt Thou my Love .

Remain Silent for ever and a day !!! ???





When it blossoms in the Heart; Showers its own wisdom on the Mind And Here and Now; The Mind knows !!

Yes, Love itself is wisdom; Is the teacher willing

To share the joy of Being; With all, who are willing!!

Love is Love, just Love; The quality of Love; Is not the fire of Desire

It is the cooling peacefulness; Of the ambrosia divine.

Bliss it is; And yet, an ache; A yearning; A desire

To be just the Self; One's own self , and Yourself . And

Krishna it is that is Love; Krishna is Love, and Love Krishna

Krishna alone it is , and all is his Play ……………………………..



: Shree Hari :Ram Ram

10th March, 2009, TuesdayFalgun Shukla Chaturdashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Mangalvar

This is a very evident and explicit point (pratyaksh baat). Worldlyrelations are going away, just like toys went away, curiosity aboutmoney went away and now worship and devotion (Bhajan) of Bhagwaan (God)has taken it's place. This is everyone's experience. ThatParamatma (Supreme Consciousness, God) is ever present. Paramatma'srelation is permanent and worldly relations are temporary. Bhagwaan (God) can never leave us. Bhagwaan's relation will remain at all times. If there is any doubt about this point then ask me. Is there anyone here who is experiencing the following –

Is there any one for whom even in dreams there is worship and devotion of Bhagwaan that is taking place? Ifeven in dreams Bhagwaan's (God's) name recitation, chanting, devotionalsongs, hymns, reading of scriptures, listening to His past-times,seeing the form of Bhagwaan etc. is happening naturally, then such asadhak's bhajan (worship and adoration) is extraordinary

A point has come to my mind. I am asking you all, each and every one of you engaged in satsang. Is there anyone for whom naturally (swabhaavik) , even in dreams Bhagwaan is remembered? Isthere anyone who does not have to do anything at all, and worship,adoration, remembrance of God happens naturally, innately, on it's ow? Is any such thing happening naturally to you, whereby you don't have to try to remember Bhagwaan? Rather it simply happens naturally, all the time? Tell me if this happening to you? Naturally, automatically and innately, where you don't have to do anything and it is simply happens. For other things you have to make an effort, but this happens naturally. Do you have in you such intense longingand craze (lagan) for Bhagwaan? If you have such intensity, then see me. Make an appointment to meet with me. If such intense longing is there in you, then please come and see me. Is there anyone out there? Is it happening right now or not? I ask, why is this so very difficult?

The truth is there is Bhagwaan (God) and there is Bhagwaan''s devotee (Bhakt). They both remain in each other, just like Karmabai, and her khichadi for Bhagwaan. If you are experiencing this please take some time to meet with me. It has to happen naturally, just like someone is coming on a train and you are waiting in anticipation for them. Do you feel such intensity and longing for Thakurji (God)? Don't be hesitant. If you feel awkward to come in front of everyone, come later and see me in private.

Anyone out there, sisters, mothers come and see me. If not now then at least come and see me later. Don't hesitate. You, me and my assistant, that is it.

Ifwhile walking, strolling, talking or doing any thing if God isremembered naturally and innately, then there is nothing else ofconcern for you, as this is most important. Let there be longing and intensity within. All that is needed is this intense longing (lagan). Favorable and unfavorable things keep happening in this world. Again the question I am asking is not how to develop that intense longing (lagan), rather I am asking if you have that lagan right now? Simply think it over and take time from me to come and meet with me.

From discourse in hindi on May 6th 2005 4:30 pm by Swami Ramsukhdasji at Gita Bhawan, Rishikesh, India

Ram Ram---Q: If love is a human's nature, then it should come naturally to him. Whydoes this love not come/develop naturally/easily?

A. The main obstacle is ego and desire (want). Love means to give.We want to take in love. The lover does not want anything for himself.Whatever the loved wishes, is his wish. He is always happy in his lovedone's wish. Our lover is only one - God.

As soon as you change your feeling from 'taking' to 'giving',the ocean of love will overflow. The same is trapped inside us. We havelocked up the same. Only we ourself can open the same as the key is inour hand. Nobody else can open it. We will have to give ourselves thisblessing. As soon as we want to do this, God and the world will helpus. God is waiting anxiously that whenwill we want this.

Gita's principle is that All is God. Evne though we believe that all is God. Wecannot experience/understa nd the true meaning of this principle only because of our desire.

This is why he has given us this human life and we are wasting it. When will we awake?

Question: It is verynatural to love a human being. We love our friend as he shares all ourpains and sorrow, but we also know that this love is not eternal. Yahasab "mithya" (unreal, temporary) hai. As our friends, family orrelatives are going to leave us. My question is how do I love God whenI can't see Him, speak to Him or hug Him ?

Swamiji : You understand that your friends, family or relatives are going toleave you, that they will not be able to share your pains and sorrows foreverand that this worldly love is not eternal. Youalso understand that allobjects,situations, circumstances will never remain with you, and that you mustnot depend on things that are temporary, changing and unreal, whereasGod is ever present, changeless and that we are His ansh (His veryparticle). Understanding and believing these, is a major step towardsyour objective.

In Gita, God has emphasized that there should be only one goal, onedetermination, one objective, and that is "God Realization" . Your life willbecome, according to your determination. As long as there is a liking forpleasures, accumulation, respect, praise and comforts, you will be unable toengagein loving God, because the mind is marred by likings for other things.So the determination to love God (even though not seen, heard ortouched) is the key.

If you do not feel love for God that you can't see, speak to or hug, do not bediscouraged and disheartened. Pray to God, weep before Him andentreatearnestly,"O Lord, what should I do, I am unable to love You." The moment youfeel helpless, God will help you. God cannot bear your pain or weepingand He will surely with His grace help you to love Him, speak to Him orhug Him.

From "Benedictory Discourses" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

Ram Ram


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Shree Hari Ram Ram IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WITH INTENSE LONGING FOR BHAGWAAN as described in Swamiji's discourse ? How do I love God? Please share ! Ram Ram ---


Dear Sadhak,Accept-Only God is mine, and I am God's.This is the exclusive way to Love Him.with Love,a sadhika

Sadhana Karigar


Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Krishna Misraji, you ask can we see God or realize only?You can ask this question only when you don't see God that you think you know to be some image in your mind based on what is heard, read, and told over the years, and you don't see that image in whatever is in front of your eyes. Otherwise, this question cannot arise!The answer is really simple. When you realize God:You don't see anything but God everywhere you look! You don't hear anything but God whatever is heard!You don't smell anything but God whatever you smell!You don't touch anything but God, whatever you touch!You don't taste anything but God whatever you taste!You don't think anything but God whatever you think!You don't feel anything but God whatever you feel!And, You don't act, only God( His/Her Intelligence) acts in all actions!This is Pratiti(Proof) and with that Priti(Love only)!Carifications: Here by whatever is meant anything worldly or otherwise!God and the World point to ONE Reality, not that World turns into God, only our vision changes, nothing outside need to change to see GOD!Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt


-Shree Hari-Dear Krishna Mishra,I am not sure whether your question is flippant or not, but to answer your question I will ask you one.If an infant was born blind to a loving mother, would it not feel love and comfort snuggled up to its mothers bosom?

Really think about that one.

And Ranjan Kumar,I have training and knowledge of the oriental view of all the universe.And it speaks of the universal male and female principles, not genderprinciples. The masculine principle (Yang) is hot and creative, the feminine(Yin) is cool moist and nurturing, (some what simplified). It states from themacrocosm to the microcosm, that over all, these two principles must be inbalance.

Now read this paste from Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10:

39. And whatever is the seed of all beings, that also am I, Arjuna! There is nobeing, whether moving or unmoving, that can exist without me.42. But of what avail to you is the knowledge of all these details, Arjuna? Iexist, supporting this whole world by one part of myself.That Ranjan is my answer.With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (Keenor).-

Shree HariDeosaran / Other Sadhaks,How can I offer love to God please give some details. I love my wife and sheloves me. She loves me but I don't expect her to returnmy love because I loveher.I'm not devotee but I prefer helping other people.But if people love God andoffer love to God isn't it something forced and is not spontaneous?Radhe Krishna.Ram Singh





Thank you very much for your communications.May I take this opportunity in informing you strange synchronocity.My wife belongs to Goshala Bazar Hoshiarpur.My d-in-law belongs to Gopal Nagar Jullunudr.We live in K rishan Nagar Jullundur.My grandson was born in April,2008 at Lajwanti Hospital and the name of the doctor who operated is Dr.Vasudev.On one side of this hospital is Akashwani(AIR) and on the other side if Vrindaban restaurant.There are some other specific parameters which too relate by nomenclature to the birth of Lord Krishan.Now,Goshala,Gopal,Krishan,Vasudev,Akashvani,Vrindaban relate to whom you already know it very well.

subhash tewari



Dear Sadak,Loving some one first needs deep understanding. Many love on earth was so splendid but ended up in Divorce. Many years of love of friendship goes just in few minutes. How do I love, means you want to make love or love something and how to achieve? When you learn about qualities that interest you in a person, you start liking not Love. But when the qualities change your liking changes. Love is unconditional. In happiness or in sorrow it should not change even a little. Lady Sants Sakubai, Meera, Sri Andal (Sri Mahalakshmi HERSELF incarnated) all listened to the glory of Sri Krishna at tender age. They brought in Sri Krishna in their heart. They went through very bad state of agony, but their thought for Bagavan remained constant. That very deep undistrubed thoughts made love spontanious-- not making love.

Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan --------------------------Shree Hari-

Oh how I love GOD! It does not matter if people laugh at me, ridicule me, andthey do right here!That love of GOD, 'My Beloved' spills over from me to all around me, if I canhelp others I will, I do it for GOD, not for me, how can I not help?Bhagwan has wiped the pain and agony from my eyes, so what more can I do butlove 'My Beloved'.

With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike (Keenor).


Hi Is (BHAGWAAN) God Male or female? Best Regards Ranjan Kumar-----------------Respected Maharaj Ji Can we see the God or only realise. If can see. Then how it would be posssible. if answer is first Samarpan then - Dhekhe bin na hoi partiti, bin partit hoi nahi priti. how can we love the God, if not seen. pl. advise. krishna mishra-------------------PRIOR POSTING


How do you love God? How do you breathe? How do you eat? Loving God/your Ishta is as natural as the above. In Sanatana Dharma we are given the natural right to love/have a relation with God/Ishta in however way we choose. Some however have made rules and unfortunately that has caused some Sadhakas some difficulties in trying to love God/Ishta. It is acceptable to say I love my dog, I love this plant/flower, I love you my Pati Dev, I love this and that etc etc. The moment you say I love my Bhagwaan--you are called an Egotist. This has been my strangest experience. In fact it has gotten to be that I keep my affection for my Lord to only my family members as they too have a personal relationship with The Lord. Why cant we declare that we love our Bhagwaan? Who has the right to tell me that I have no right to say that I love my Bhagwaan and that He is My Bhagwaan? Saying that He is mine does not mean that He is Only mine---it is a declaration that I belong to Him.It has nothing to do with bodily ego but is soley a declaration that I am truly His. How to love God? Why do you have to learn to love Him? Do you learn to love someone before you decide to marry a complete stranger, leave home/family, sometimes country and go live in another place? We do that yet we wonder how to love Bhagwaan. I once asked a group of Gyaanis what will they do if Bhagwaan appear in front of us now. Most said bow down and do pranaams. This crazy women said--if my Lord appears in front of me now--I'll launch myself into His Arms, hug Him with all my being. This is how I love My Bhagwaan. He is with me, inside of me,outside of me, a silent witness to everything that happens in my life, He listens to me--when I talk to him, when I quarrel with Him even. He is Bhagwaan--He knows my deepest innermost feelings even more that I do and He knows. So you do not have to do this and that in order to love Him--just love Him with a pure heart. He knows when you love Him and He will manifest His infinite Love to you once you purely and truly open up your heart to Him. You soon realise that He is with you always...............Regards,NandaTAD VISNOH PARAMAM PADAM (Rg Veda 1.22.20)------------------------


O Krishna , Satguru Govinda, which is the best way to obtain your Love ?


" Love is the way, nari… Love indeed, is the way… and love is itself the Goal… for truly I Am Love ."


Teach me , My Lord, the way of Love… for , better teacher than thee, there can be none; you have yourself said that you are Love .


"Nari… I am happy that you are willing to learn… to walk the way…


"Different sages have spoken differently about the path… but they all spoke on authority… on my authority… for they had reached the Goal… Purnam….. Love….One-ness that I Am. In one-ness they loved…. In one-ness they spoke… In joy of Being, they uttered for seekers such as you….and they sought for their expression neither name, nor fame, nor gain….they spoke from their heart centre, which is Krishna … me… I am……Therefore, let Scriptures be your authority for your conduct of affairs….


"The way of Love is Love. Let the war in your own mind come to an end, and enjoy the fruits of True love.


"Realise that Love in you is in All…

"Thus have the sages spoken ` When the Love is known, all is known.'


Krishna jai Krishna .. Jai jai… My Guru … My yearning… my Light…

Jai Krishna.. Jai jai Krishna ! Lord, my mind is fixed on you ; to you, Narinder surrenders, knowing that the surrender is your Gift to Narinder.

This Moment Now, Narinder beseeches you, " Lord, May I never forget thee; may I never be forgotten by thee , O Satguru Govinda ! May you always give me a nudge, when nari-ness overpowers the mind. May Narinder`s mind be ever filled with Smidha , reverence and trust for his Guru , who you chose to become , when Love blossomed as a bud for the first time. Jai Krishna !"


Narinder Bhandari







Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Jai Shri Krishna! Jai Lakshmi Narayana! Jai Sathyanarayana! Jai Mahalakshmi!

Thank you so much for sharing your Self! We are specially touched!

With devotion,

Jai Shri Krishna

Ram Ram


Dear Sadaks,

These are the real yardsticks which Swamiji has mentioned. Yes, God gifted me dreams about temples and Roops as Sri Padmanabha, Sri Krishna.

2 years ago when I was in London in my daughter` s house on 60 days vacation, my time used to be visiting temples, sitting in large green grass lands and contemplating on what I listened about Geetha, Puranas Etc. I normally says slokas on Sri Vishnu /Sri Krishna/Sri Venkateswara and so on. One day I deeply felt with tears that I am not able to make my own Sloka on Mother Mahalakshme. The same day night I got the sloka in my dream. I immediately got up put on the light and wrote it down. From next day onwards I practiced and made by heart. But Bagavan again came in my dream and said that the sloka is for Only me. Until HE says I thought I will not tell this incident to anyone as it looks unbelivable. But because for sadaks like you all I wish to say only first line out of 8 lines. "" SARVA LAKSHANA PRASANA ROOPINI____________.""

Jai Sri Krishna






My beloved Govinda !

This moment Now... Love Blossoms in my heart

As .... Fragrance of Love,... Silence.... One-ness... Being .

Dancing merrily away.... As love and loving ... In myriads of flavours !

Yesterday... The I am- ness of Krishna

Trapped in the infant body... Of Nari-ness... Sought the mother's breast

For sustenance... For love... For Being

And yesterday again; The I am ness Trapped still

In the virile body of young nari-ness

Sought the pulsating nipples of the beloved's breasts

For sustenance of Being ...... For love

And then, another yesterday, Yearning and aflame Ever afire,

Thirst still unquenched the I amness beyond

In nariness still trapped Sought the Loving cool fire... Of your own Being …..

The Self… That you are …. Always were… And will ever be !

And you Govinda.. Did choose... To bestow... On your own I am ness

Trapped in nari-ness; The Love eternal

The silence of Being; The Oneness of Being

The I amness beyond the ' I '; The music flavour and fragrance of Being

Just Being! The Self

The I am-ness unknowable!

Ah, Govinda ..................jai, jai, jai

Jai Govinda Jai

Thus did you... Expand the nari-ness unto the Infinity of being.

Into the eternity Of... This moment Now. Where, O my Beloved ,

Love is just Love; Your own Being dancing to your flute !

Where, There is no Morrow

Nor yesterday! Not even Today !

( tumharo charna, hamaro maatha, swami ramsukhdas jeeo ! )


narinder -----------------------

ishaq gar janoon hai...to ishaq khuda ka, yaaro

batao phir, kya hai..................ishaq hi duaa hai, agarchai.

to ishaq khuda ka yaaro....batao phir , kya hai ?

if Love be madness, my friends, then, what is Love of God, pray ................

if Love itself is the Prayer...then, what be the Prayer to the Lord, my Beloved ?

Taqdeer ka maatam sahne ke liye; tau ik namaaz bhi mukammill hai

kucchh suna aisaa narinder ne hai; Ai Parwar digaar , sun, meri pukar ab too sun

Din mein paach baar agar ho na pae; Tau teen waqat hee jhuka de yeh mera sir

Mere Mehboob ke sajde mein; Aaj phir teri yaad ayee hai; Ik tarap ban kar ik pukaar ban kar

For the writ of Destiny, Lord.........To bear with Joy and Love ,

Just One Prayer from the agony of the heart is enough,

so, narinder did hear..........

O Beloved Lord of all, hear my voice, now ..........

If, the head forgets to bow in ' namaaz' five times a day......

Be merciful, Lord.... Bend nari's head at least three times a day....

At the feet of His Beloved .......

The yearning for thee rises again .... This moment Now

In the agonizing Prayer of a pining Heart ! Wilt Thou my Love .

Remain Silent for ever and a day !!! ???





When it blossoms in the Heart; Showers its own wisdom on the Mind And Here and Now; The Mind knows !!

Yes, Love itself is wisdom; Is the teacher willing

To share the joy of Being; With all, who are willing!!

Love is Love, just Love; The quality of Love; Is not the fire of Desire

It is the cooling peacefulness; Of the ambrosia divine.

Bliss it is; And yet, an ache; A yearning; A desire

To be just the Self; One's own self , and Yourself . And

Krishna it is that is Love; Krishna is Love, and Love Krishna

Krishna alone it is , and all is his Play ……………………………..



: Shree Hari :Ram Ram

10th March, 2009, TuesdayFalgun Shukla Chaturdashi, Vikram Samvat 2065, Mangalvar

This is a very evident and explicit point (pratyaksh baat). Worldlyrelations are going away, just like toys went away, curiosity aboutmoney went away and now worship and devotion (Bhajan) of Bhagwaan (God)has taken it's place. This is everyone's experience. ThatParamatma (Supreme Consciousness, God) is ever present. Paramatma'srelation is permanent and worldly relations are temporary. Bhagwaan (God) can never leave us. Bhagwaan's relation will remain at all times. If there is any doubt about this point then ask me. Is there anyone here who is experiencing the following –

Is there any one for whom even in dreams there is worship and devotion of Bhagwaan that is taking place? Ifeven in dreams Bhagwaan's (God's) name recitation, chanting, devotionalsongs, hymns, reading of scriptures, listening to His past-times,seeing the form of Bhagwaan etc. is happening naturally, then such asadhak's bhajan (worship and adoration) is extraordinary

A point has come to my mind. I am asking you all, each and every one of you engaged in satsang. Is there anyone for whom naturally (swabhaavik) , even in dreams Bhagwaan is remembered? Isthere anyone who does not have to do anything at all, and worship,adoration, remembrance of God happens naturally, innately, on it's ow? Is any such thing happening naturally to you, whereby you don't have to try to remember Bhagwaan? Rather it simply happens naturally, all the time? Tell me if this happening to you? Naturally, automatically and innately, where you don't have to do anything and it is simply happens. For other things you have to make an effort, but this happens naturally. Do you have in you such intense longingand craze (lagan) for Bhagwaan? If you have such intensity, then see me. Make an appointment to meet with me. If such intense longing is there in you, then please come and see me. Is there anyone out there? Is it happening right now or not? I ask, why is this so very difficult?

The truth is there is Bhagwaan (God) and there is Bhagwaan''s devotee (Bhakt). They both remain in each other, just like Karmabai, and her khichadi for Bhagwaan. If you are experiencing this please take some time to meet with me. It has to happen naturally, just like someone is coming on a train and you are waiting in anticipation for them. Do you feel such intensity and longing for Thakurji (God)? Don't be hesitant. If you feel awkward to come in front of everyone, come later and see me in private.

Anyone out there, sisters, mothers come and see me. If not now then at least come and see me later. Don't hesitate. You, me and my assistant, that is it.

Ifwhile walking, strolling, talking or doing any thing if God isremembered naturally and innately, then there is nothing else ofconcern for you, as this is most important. Let there be longing and intensity within. All that is needed is this intense longing (lagan). Favorable and unfavorable things keep happening in this world. Again the question I am asking is not how to develop that intense longing (lagan), rather I am asking if you have that lagan right now? Simply think it over and take time from me to come and meet with me.

From discourse in hindi on May 6th 2005 4:30 pm by Swami Ramsukhdasji at Gita Bhawan, Rishikesh, India

Ram Ram---Q: If love is a human's nature, then it should come naturally to him. Whydoes this love not come/develop naturally/easily?

A. The main obstacle is ego and desire (want). Love means to give.We want to take in love. The lover does not want anything for himself.Whatever the loved wishes, is his wish. He is always happy in his lovedone's wish. Our lover is only one - God.

As soon as you change your feeling from 'taking' to 'giving',the ocean of love will overflow. The same is trapped inside us. We havelocked up the same. Only we ourself can open the same as the key is inour hand. Nobody else can open it. We will have to give ourselves thisblessing. As soon as we want to do this, God and the world will helpus. God is waiting anxiously that whenwill we want this.

Gita's principle is that All is God. Evne though we believe that all is God. Wecannot experience/understa nd the true meaning of this principle only because of our desire.

This is why he has given us this human life and we are wasting it. When will we awake?

Question: It is verynatural to love a human being. We love our friend as he shares all ourpains and sorrow, but we also know that this love is not eternal. Yahasab "mithya" (unreal, temporary) hai. As our friends, family orrelatives are going to leave us. My question is how do I love God whenI can't see Him, speak to Him or hug Him ?

Swamiji : You understand that your friends, family or relatives are going toleave you, that they will not be able to share your pains and sorrows foreverand that this worldly love is not eternal. Youalso understand that allobjects,situations, circumstances will never remain with you, and that you mustnot depend on things that are temporary, changing and unreal, whereasGod is ever present, changeless and that we are His ansh (His veryparticle). Understanding and believing these, is a major step towardsyour objective.

In Gita, God has emphasized that there should be only one goal, onedetermination, one objective, and that is "God Realization" . Your life willbecome, according to your determination. As long as there is a liking forpleasures, accumulation, respect, praise and comforts, you will be unable toengagein loving God, because the mind is marred by likings for other things.So the determination to love God (even though not seen, heard ortouched) is the key.

If you do not feel love for God that you can't see, speak to or hug, do not bediscouraged and disheartened. Pray to God, weep before Him andentreatearnestly,"O Lord, what should I do, I am unable to love You." The moment youfeel helpless, God will help you. God cannot bear your pain or weepingand He will surely with His grace help you to love Him, speak to Him orhug Him.

From "Benedictory Discourses" by Swami Ramsukhdasji.

Ram Ram


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