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Paramatma - Stays, Accompanies or Exits from Jiva at Liberation?

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Question: In Gita chapter 15 verse 17, in the purport there is a verse

describing how the Paramatma leaves the body for the Brahmajyoti. Is this what

occurs at liberation, mukti? and does this conflict with the purport to Adi

Leela: chapter 2, verse 46 I believe where it is stated that the Paramatma

features accompanies one both in the spiritual and material domain?


Simply speaking - Does the Paramatma continue to stay with the 'jiva' after

liberation from 'samsara'. Or does the Paramatma also enter Vaikuntha with the

'jiva'? Or does the Paramatma exit the 'jiva's' body and enter the Brahmajyoti

when the jiva is liberated from all material conditions?


The following verse appears in the Vedas (Chandogya Upanishad 8.12.3): taavad

esa samprasaado 'smaac chariraat samutthaaya param jyoti roopam sampadya svena

roopenaabhinispadyate sa uttamah purusah. " The Supersoul coming out of the body

enters the impersonal brahmajyoti.

The Brahmajyoti is the impersonal effulgence of the Lord which is considered to

be the glare of His body or aura. So as per the Upanishad version the Paramatma

leaves the body to enter the non-distinct realm of homogenous oneness, which is

the goal and abode of Gyanees and Yogees whose vision of the Supreme is totally



Paramatma though being everywhere but specifically He lives in our hearts along

with the individual jiva. So, when the jiva or living entity reincarnates then

the Lord as Paramatma accompanies the jiva again and again throughout countless

incarnations in the material world. But when the jiva or living being realizes

his eternal identity as a servant of God, Bhagavan and returns to the abode of

the Lord in Vaikuntha or Goloka, does the Paramatma feature that was

accompanying him then separate and go as the Upanishads suggest to the region of

spiritual light, called the Brahmajyoti?


BV Avadhoot





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2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address

etc) or personalize message to particular person

7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modify

the posting.

8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-

sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word




Ram Ram

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Question: In Gita chapter 15 verse 17, in the purport there is a versedescribing how the Paramatma leaves the body for the Brahmajyoti. Is this whatoccurs at liberation, mukti? and does this conflict with the purport to AdiLeela: chapter 2, verse 46 I believe where it is stated that the Paramatmafeatures accompanies one both in the spiritual and material domain?

Simply speaking - Does the Paramatma continue to stay with the 'jiva' afterliberation from 'samsara'. Or does the Paramatma also enter Vaikuntha with the'jiva'? Or does the Paramatma exit the 'jiva's' body and enter the Brahmajyotiwhen the jiva is liberated from all material conditions?

The following verse appears in the Vedas (Chandogya Upanishad 8.12.3): taavadesa samprasaado 'smaac chariraat samutthaaya param jyoti roopam sampadya svenaroopenaabhinispadyate sa uttamah purusah. "The Supersoul coming out of the bodyenters the impersonal brahmajyoti.The Brahmajyoti is the impersonal effulgence of the Lord which is considered tobe the glare of His body or aura. So as per the Upanishad version the Paramatmaleaves the body to enter the non-distinct realm of homogenous oneness, which isthe goal and abode of Gyanees and Yogees whose vision of the Supreme is totallyimpersonal.

Paramatma though being everywhere but specifically He lives in our hearts alongwith the individual jiva. So, when the jiva or living entity reincarnates thenthe Lord as Paramatma accompanies the jiva again and again throughout countlessincarnations in the material world. But when the jiva or living being realizeshis eternal identity as a servant of God, Bhagavan and returns to the abode ofthe Lord in Vaikuntha or Goloka, does the Paramatma feature that wasaccompanying him then separate and go as the Upanishads suggest to the region ofspiritual light, called the Brahmajyoti?

BV Avadhoot












Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Very important question and beautifully raised by Avadhootji! I appreciate to participate in this discussion by sharing what I understand as to what occurs at liberation and the relation between Paramatman, and Jiva at all times and all places.Answers are best illustrated in the analogy of Ocean-Paramatman and Waves-Jivas.We can see clearly what Upanishads are telling us about Jiva, Atma, Paramatma, and Lokas! A wave is like Jiva whose true identity is Ocean but he doesn't know(has forgotten) it and considers him an individual different from all other waves around him. This ignorance of not knowing, leads him to continuously try to be "secured" by being more powerful, more handsome, more money etc. which is the sansara, the life of "becoming", says Shankara. Suffering is inevitable as he cannot continue being an individual wave and still be so powerful, both, at the same time. He peaks and dies in the process, in the ocean from which he arose at one place and continues as next wave somewhere else. Such places on the ocean can be called lokas, like heaven or vaikuntha, hell, golok etc. Only such an individual wave can exist in limitation of being at one place at one time.Now by the Grace of Paramatman, the Ocean, he realizes that he is not really wave but Ocean because his experience is water inside and outside, the Essence of Ocean, and all waves, his relatives! He cannot exist apart from Ocean so he is not an independent part of Ocean either. He knows he "is-not", only Ocean IS. Ocean's ISness expressed conceptually with names and forms are waves. As Ocean he is everywhere, not limited by any location. When wave dies, Ocean still IS, and as such he cannot die. At no time Ocean was "not", whether wave was, is or will be! So this proves Ocean has no limitations due to time, space-lokas, names, forms, etc etc. All such are concepts whereas Ocean is Wave's undenieable experience of KNOWING and BEING(Sat-Chit). Even as Wave he knows this, he is now Jivanmukta! Thus, wave "is and is not" in the only ISNESS of Ocean. Even the Ocean is Concept of Real Experience(Anubhutiroopah as Swamiji calls it) of Water! Water stands for Brahman, Ishwara, or Consciousness!Wave and Ocean are One and the same Water. Atman is Brahman, says Upanishad!This explains that in liberationn or otherwise, only Paramatma IS-Ever-attained, and in so-called bondage, the ignorance takes hold like a wave which we conceptualize and call Jeeva, the embodied soul! These are not entities or things, only perceptions!When such ignorance dies(original memory regained, BG Ch 18, 73), the individual body-mind runs its course while being guided by Paramtma to engage in welfare of beings in relative world. Namaskar..........Pratap Bhatt

Dear sadaks,

In human body there exits Jeeva, Sukshuma (Sprit) and saanidhiya (Sankalpa) of Paramathuma. Whatever Jeeva does the wittiness is 10 Boothas like agni, Vaayu, Aakash etc records the 3 types of Karmas and Vasanas. In such recording IF there should be error, Paramathuma Saanidhiya records. Such failure by Bootha results in punishment. Yema at one time by mistake punished a Rishi after his death for causing injury to a Bee. The Rishi done that just before a day of completing 12 years of age. In veda any sin committed by child below 12 is not considered. So the Rishi question Yama. Paramathuma punished Yama to be born on earth as Vithura amidst Duskashan & Duryodhan who will not listen to his good advise thereby causing pain in Vithura.

About Jeevathuma going to Bhramajothi, please refer the sloka in Bagavath Geetha where it statrs with, "Sarva (Samasta) Dwara----". That is close the nine holes in body and bring Jeeva on top of head Via susumba Naadi (Nerve) from mooladhara to the head top where there is hole (not seen) and then the jeeva travels to Bramajothi. Sadaks bear with me, as I may post wrongly due to sending message of the mind.

Jai Sri Krishna



After death, only the Soul or Self remains. It is the destiny of everySoul or the Self to be one with the Parmatma, or the Higher Self butthen it is upto us through our karmas to achieve this in this birth or85 lakh births. For our Gurus and other Enlightened people, after theyleave this world, their Soul merges with the Parmatma and they achieveliberation, moksh or Mukti from the endless and painful cycle ofbirths and deaths. For others their Soul enters another body aftersometime and the same cycle is repeated.

Hari Shanker Deo



1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Question: In Gita chapter 15 verse 17, in the purport there is a versedescribing how the Paramatma leaves the body for the Brahmajyoti. Is this whatoccurs at liberation, mukti? and does this conflict with the purport to AdiLeela: chapter 2, verse 46 I believe where it is stated that the Paramatmafeatures accompanies one both in the spiritual and material domain?Detailed Question listed below (at end) BV Avadhoot---------------------NEW POSTINGDear sadhak,

You dont have to worry coz paramatama is all pervading, omni present never goes or comes any where.


raja Gurdasani


-Shree Hari-Dear Moderator,Regards to the most respected Sri Sathyanarayanji's quote:'... That is close the nine holes in body and bring Jeeva on top of head Viasusumba Naadi(Nerve) from mooladhara to the head top where there is hole (notseen) and then the jeeva travels to Bramajothi. Sadaks bear with me, as I... 'I fully understand what he has written about, and has brought a passage alive inGitaji, not sure where it is located, I have read it before, but it meantnothing much to me at the time.My only observation, and I will be happy to be corrected, is this can happenseveral ways:By the Grace of the Guru,(which is GODS grace actually).By the Grace of the 'Divine Beloved', (Through desire for Beloved Bhagwan)By a series of special practices. And this is the one I have grave doubts about.A lot of people in the West are messing around in this manner, not bringing GODinto it.(Makes me shudder).I am not sure whether this needs to go any further, but my mind is focused onthe Westerner, as I believe in India there is far greater knowledge in thesematters.With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (Keenor)-----------------------PRIOR POSTINGDear Sadhakas, Namaste!Very important question and beautifully raised by Avadhootji! I appreciate to participate in this discussion by sharing what I understand as to what occurs at liberation and the relation between Paramatman, and Jiva at all times and all places.Answers are best illustrated in the analogy of Ocean-Paramatman and Waves-Jivas.We can see clearly what Upanishads are telling us about Jiva, Atma, Paramatma, and Lokas!A wave is like Jiva whose true identity is Ocean but he doesn't know(has forgotten) it and considers him an individual different from all other waves around him. This ignorance of not knowing, leads him to continuously try to be "secured" by being more powerful, more handsome, more money etc. which is the sansara, the life of "becoming", says Shankara. Suffering is inevitable as he cannot continue being an individual wave and still be so powerful, both, at the same time. He peaks and dies in the process, in the ocean from which he arose at one place and continues as next wave somewhere else. Such places on the ocean can be called lokas, like heaven or vaikuntha, hell, golok etc. Only such an individual wave can exist in limitation of being at one place at one time.Now by the Grace of Paramatman, the Ocean, he realizes that he is not really wave but Ocean because his experience is water inside and outside, the Essence of Ocean, and all waves, his relatives! He cannot exist apart from Ocean so he is not an independent part of Ocean either. He knows he "is-not", only Ocean IS. Ocean's ISness expressed conceptually with names and forms are waves. As Ocean he is everywhere, not limited by any location. When wave dies, Ocean still IS, and as such he cannot die. At no time Ocean was "not", whether wave was, is or will be! So this proves Ocean has no limitations due to time, space-lokas, names, forms, etc etc. All such are concepts whereas Ocean is Wave's undenieable experience of KNOWING and BEING(Sat-Chit).Even as Wave he knows this, he is now Jivanmukta!Thus, wave "is and is not" in the only ISNESS of Ocean.Even the Ocean is Concept of Real Experience(Anubhutiroopah as Swamiji calls it) of Water! Water stands for Brahman, Ishwara, or Consciousness!Wave and Ocean are One and the same Water. Atman is Brahman, says Upanishad!This explains that in liberationn or otherwise, only Paramatma IS-Ever-attained, and in so-called bondage, the ignorance takes hold like a wave which we conceptualize and call Jeeva, the embodied soul! These are not entities or things, only perceptions!When such ignorance dies(original memory regained, BG Ch 18, 73), the individual body-mind runs its course while being guided by Paramtma to engage in welfare of beings in relative world.Namaskar..........Pratap BhattDear sadaks,In human body there exits Jeeva, Sukshuma (Sprit) and saanidhiya (Sankalpa) of Paramathuma. Whatever Jeeva does the wittiness is 10 Boothas like agni, Vaayu, Aakash etc records the 3 types of Karmas and Vasanas. In such recording IF there should be error, Paramathuma Saanidhiya records. Such failure by Bootha results in punishment. Yema at one time by mistake punished a Rishi after his death for causing injury to a Bee. The Rishi done that just before a day of completing 12 years of age. In veda any sin committed by child below 12 is not considered. So the Rishi question Yama. Paramathuma punished Yama to be born on earth as Vithura amidst Duskashan & Duryodhan who will not listen to his good advise thereby causing pain in Vithura.About Jeevathuma going to Bhramajothi, please refer the sloka in Bagavath Geetha where it statrs with, "Sarva (Samasta) Dwara----". That is close the nine holes in body and bring Jeeva on top of head Via susumba Naadi (Nerve) from mooladhara to the head top where there is hole (not seen) and then the jeeva travels to Bramajothi. Sadaks bear with me, as I may post wrongly due to sending message of the mind.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan After death, only the Soul or Self remains. It is the destiny of everySoul or the Self to be one with the Parmatma, or the Higher Self butthen it is upto us through our karmas to achieve this in this birth or85 lakh births. For our Gurus and other Enlightened people, after theyleave this world, their Soul merges with the Parmatma and they achieveliberation, moksh or Mukti from the endless and painful cycle ofbirths and deaths. For others their Soul enters another body aftersometime and the same cycle is repeated.Hari Shanker Deo------------------------------Simply speaking - Does the Paramatma continue to stay with the 'jiva' after

liberation from 'samsara'. Or does the Paramatma also enter Vaikuntha with the

'jiva'? Or does the Paramatma exit the 'jiva's' body and enter the Brahmajyoti

when the jiva is liberated from all material conditions?


The following verse appears in the Vedas (Chandogya Upanishad 8.12.3): taavad

esa samprasaado 'smaac chariraat samutthaaya param jyoti roopam sampadya svena

roopenaabhinispadyate sa uttamah purusah. "The Supersoul coming out of the body

enters the impersonal brahmajyoti.

The Brahmajyoti is the impersonal effulgence of the Lord which is considered to

be the glare of His body or aura. So as per the Upanishad version the Paramatma

leaves the body to enter the non-distinct realm of homogenous oneness, which is

the goal and abode of Gyanees and Yogees whose vision of the Supreme is totally



Paramatma though being everywhere but specifically He lives in our hearts along

with the individual jiva. So, when the jiva or living entity reincarnates then

the Lord as Paramatma accompanies the jiva again and again throughout countless

incarnations in the material world. But when the jiva or living being realizes

his eternal identity as a servant of God, Bhagavan and returns to the abode of

the Lord in Vaikuntha or Goloka, does the Paramatma feature that was

accompanying him then separate and go as the Upanishads suggest to the region of

spiritual light, called the Brahmajyoti?BV Avadhoot--------------------------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Guest guest

Question: In Gita chapter 15 verse 17, in the purport there is a versedescribing how the Paramatma leaves the body for the Brahmajyoti. Is this whatoccurs at liberation, mukti? and does this conflict with the purport to AdiLeela: chapter 2, verse 46 I believe where it is stated that the Paramatmafeatures accompanies one both in the spiritual and material domain?Detailed Question listed below (at end)BV Avadhoot---------------------NEW POSTINGIf

a person performs every activity after careful contemplation then he

shall not have to repent later on...all shall have to leave this body

one day or the other.. We when born wonder will we grow old, will we

marry, will we be rich, beautiful as women, whether we will have

children or not? In all this remains doubt, a sense of not

knowing...but my sisters and brothers whether we shall die or not there

remains no doubt in this. So in contemplation we may ask, what end

shall we meet after our death?In the beginning of the 8th chapter

of Srimad Bhagavadgita, Arjuna asked 7 questions. The last question was

"O Lord!How are you to be realized at time of death?"God said,"He who departs from the body thinking of Me alone, even at the time of death

attains My state, there is no doubt about it."One of the fates the embodied soul meets with his salvation is called emancipation, enlightenment and self realization.Thanks God for Your Will be doneCAndersen-----------------Shree Hari Ram Ram That

Paramatma (Supreme Consciousness, God) is ever present. Paramatma's

relation is permanent with us as we are a part of Paramatma says Gita 15/7. Bhagwaan (God) can never leave us is Swamiji's eternal words to us. Bhagwaan (God) is incapable of leaving anyone, anybody or anything. We leave Paramatma, but Paramatma never leaves us. He cannot leave us. Bhagwaan's relation will remain at all times. If there is any doubt about this point, one MUST further inquire to clarify once and for all ! Meera Das, Ram Ram -----------------PRIOR POSTINGDear sadhak,You dont have to worry coz paramatama is all pervading, omni present never goes or comes any where.Thanxraja Gurdasani-------Shree Hari-Dear Moderator,Regards to the most respected Sri Sathyanarayanji's quote:'... That is close the nine holes in body and bring Jeeva on top of head Viasusumba Naadi(Nerve) from mooladhara to the head top where there is hole (notseen) and then the jeeva travels to Bramajothi. Sadaks bear with me, as I... 'I fully understand what he has written about, and has brought a passage alive inGitaji, not sure where it is located, I have read it before, but it meantnothing much to me at the time.My only observation, and I will be happy to be corrected, is this can happenseveral ways:By the Grace of the Guru,(which is GODS grace actually).By the Grace of the 'Divine Beloved', (Through desire for Beloved Bhagwan)By a series of special practices. And this is the one I have grave doubts about.A lot of people in the West are messing around in this manner, not bringing GODinto it.(Makes me shudder).I am not sure whether this needs to go any further, but my mind is focused onthe Westerner, as I believe in India there is far greater knowledge in thesematters.With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (Keenor)-----------------------PRIOR POSTINGDear Sadhakas, Namaste!Very important question and beautifully raised by Avadhootji! I appreciate to participate in this discussion by sharing what I understand as to what occurs at liberation and the relation between Paramatman, and Jiva at all times and all places.Answers are best illustrated in the analogy of Ocean-Paramatman and Waves-Jivas.We can see clearly what Upanishads are telling us about Jiva, Atma, Paramatma, and Lokas!A wave is like Jiva whose true identity is Ocean but he doesn't know(has forgotten) it and considers him an individual different from all other waves around him. This ignorance of not knowing, leads him to continuously try to be "secured" by being more powerful, more handsome, more money etc. which is the sansara, the life of "becoming", says Shankara. Suffering is inevitable as he cannot continue being an individual wave and still be so powerful, both, at the same time. He peaks and dies in the process, in the ocean from which he arose at one place and continues as next wave somewhere else. Such places on the ocean can be called lokas, like heaven or vaikuntha, hell, golok etc. Only such an individual wave can exist in limitation of being at one place at one time.Now by the Grace of Paramatman, the Ocean, he realizes that he is not really wave but Ocean because his experience is water inside and outside, the Essence of Ocean, and all waves, his relatives! He cannot exist apart from Ocean so he is not an independent part of Ocean either. He knows he "is-not", only Ocean IS. Ocean's ISness expressed conceptually with names and forms are waves. As Ocean he is everywhere, not limited by any location. When wave dies, Ocean still IS, and as such he cannot die. At no time Ocean was "not", whether wave was, is or will be! So this proves Ocean has no limitations due to time, space-lokas, names, forms, etc etc. All such are concepts whereas Ocean is Wave's undenieable experience of KNOWING and BEING(Sat-Chit).Even as Wave he knows this, he is now Jivanmukta!Thus, wave "is and is not" in the only ISNESS of Ocean.Even the Ocean is Concept of Real Experience(Anubhutiroopah as Swamiji calls it) of Water! Water stands for Brahman, Ishwara, or Consciousness!Wave and Ocean are One and the same Water. Atman is Brahman, says Upanishad!This explains that in liberationn or otherwise, only Paramatma IS-Ever-attained, and in so-called bondage, the ignorance takes hold like a wave which we conceptualize and call Jeeva, the embodied soul! These are not entities or things, only perceptions!When such ignorance dies(original memory regained, BG Ch 18, 73), the individual body-mind runs its course while being guided by Paramtma to engage in welfare of beings in relative world.Namaskar..........Pratap BhattDear sadaks,In human body there exits Jeeva, Sukshuma (Sprit) and saanidhiya (Sankalpa) of Paramathuma. Whatever Jeeva does the wittiness is 10 Boothas like agni, Vaayu, Aakash etc records the 3 types of Karmas and Vasanas. In such recording IF there should be error, Paramathuma Saanidhiya records. Such failure by Bootha results in punishment. Yema at one time by mistake punished a Rishi after his death for causing injury to a Bee. The Rishi done that just before a day of completing 12 years of age. In veda any sin committed by child below 12 is not considered. So the Rishi question Yama. Paramathuma punished Yama to be born on earth as Vithura amidst Duskashan & Duryodhan who will not listen to his good advise thereby causing pain in Vithura.About Jeevathuma going to Bhramajothi, please refer the sloka in Bagavath Geetha where it statrs with, "Sarva (Samasta) Dwara----". That is close the nine holes in body and bring Jeeva on top of head Via susumba Naadi (Nerve) from mooladhara to the head top where there is hole (not seen) and then the jeeva travels to Bramajothi. Sadaks bear with me, as I may post wrongly due to sending message of the mind.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan After death, only the Soul or Self remains. It is the destiny of everySoul or the Self to be one with the Parmatma, or the Higher Self butthen it is upto us through our karmas to achieve this in this birth or85 lakh births. For our Gurus and other Enlightened people, after theyleave this world, their Soul merges with the Parmatma and they achieveliberation, moksh or Mukti from the endless and painful cycle ofbirths and deaths. For others their Soul enters another body aftersometime and the same cycle is repeated.Hari Shanker Deo------------------------------Simply speaking - Does the Paramatma continue to stay with the 'jiva' afterliberation from 'samsara'. Or does the Paramatma also enter Vaikuntha with the'jiva'? Or does the Paramatma exit the 'jiva's' body and enter the Brahmajyotiwhen the jiva is liberated from all material conditions?The following verse appears in the Vedas (Chandogya Upanishad 8.12.3): taavadesa samprasaado 'smaac chariraat samutthaaya param jyoti roopam sampadya svenaroopenaabhinispadyate sa uttamah purusah. "The Supersoul coming out of the bodyenters the impersonal brahmajyoti.The Brahmajyoti is the impersonal effulgence of the Lord which is considered tobe the glare of His body or aura. So as per the Upanishad version the Paramatmaleaves the body to enter the non-distinct realm of homogenous oneness, which isthe goal and abode of Gyanees and Yogees whose vision of the Supreme is totallyimpersonal.Paramatma though being everywhere but specifically He lives in our hearts alongwith the individual jiva. So, when the jiva or living entity reincarnates thenthe Lord as Paramatma accompanies the jiva again and again throughout countlessincarnations in the material world. But when the jiva or living being realizeshis eternal identity as a servant of God, Bhagavan and returns to the abode ofthe Lord in Vaikuntha or Goloka, does the Paramatma feature that wasaccompanying him then separate and go as the Upanishads suggest to the region ofspiritual light, called the Brahmajyoti?BV Avadhoot--------------------------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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