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A Question about Karmic Debt

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Dear sadhaks,


I have been reading the posts on this forum with interest and gratitude. They

remind me of my beacon light every morning when I open my mailbox. Thank you to

all of you for making this forum what it is.


My question is about Karmic debt, which first came to my mind when I saw my

maternal grand-parents suffering at the hands of their sons and the doubt is

reinforced after reading a chain of posts initiated by Sophia ji (I hope she is

feeling better now ) where some of you gave a peek into your own personal

difficult times. Time and again, I have seen people refer to their earthly

problems as Karmic debt, which if I understand correctly is the accumulation of

negative points (lay woman's language) that we have earned by doing actions that

have violated somebody's domain in some way in the previous births. Assuming

that my premise is correct, I want to know:


-Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong

doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?


-There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmic

debt) at hands of the first wrong doer? Why did that somebody (soul) choose to

undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?


- I want to know what my grand-parents got (by way of treatment), was it what

they deserved and my uncles are faultless? Are the so many new born babies who

get dumped in the dustbins/toilets paying for their wrong-doings and their

mother's are settling some old karmic scores? What about the girl who got

flogged? N the ones beheaded n stoned?


-If yes, why does it make me feel that if I really believe in this Karmic debt

theory then I will become uncompassionate and everything horrible will seem to

be fair?


-What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very

unjust happening to somebody?


Much thanks,




PS: Please excuse the imperfections in my question. If there is such thing as a

spiritual path/journey then I am one of those who have just begun looking in the

right direction not having taken a single baby step yet.



Shree Hari Ram Ram

It is recommended that you also read previous related discussion thread at:


1) An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?



2) What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead




3) Becoming Free from Karma Bondage - Actions, Impressions, Doership etc.







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3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

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4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

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etc) or personalize message to particular person

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the posting.

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sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word




Ram Ram

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1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)



Priy sadhak,

Ans of ur Q is extensive,

I request U to please read SADHAK SANJIVNI BY SWAMIJI. It is really ultimate to satisfy ur Q.


Raja Gurdasani


Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Suveniji, first of all, when you see something unjust happening to somebody, tell your heart the following: Is it really unjust? if so, then can I intervene in this matter? If so, then you should try your best to undo unjust to that somebody. Regardless of karmic debt theory, one must give a fair try to help in such situations. Karma theory does not say to blame someone for suffering due to his/her past Karmas, absolutely not! What it says is that when bad things happen to an apparent individual himself/herself, then, say "ok it may be my past karms to have this problem now, but what matters now is how to resolve it satisfactorily, what can I do?" Such acceptance brings intelligence to resolve( Gita teaching). BE FREE of worries/fears, just ACT!Your grand father should say to himself this and see he can get help. it is definitely not wise to think of him as guilty of past karmas. You should, if you can help! Don't find faults with uncles either, instead, pray and ask God for help. Once you develop relationship with God, you will know how He acts as you, other people, situations to answer you!Besides, Karmic debt theory assumes that a person is doer of deeds that are performed through his/her body-mind. Find out: "is it true, am the doer of my actions?" Don't accept the answers based on some beliefs, conditioning etc, but inquire. You may have to get some help of a teacher/Swamiji or the likes here. Suppose you don't find any solid eveidence you are the doer, then drop this doership. Upon dropping the "doer", what basis karmas have to stand on? Individual's Karmas burn away along with the Karta-doer! By the way, "the doer" is "me-thought" in disguise, which in turn, disguised as desires, fears etc..Our individual actions are just one of many variables God-Nature uses to carry out actions. Really it is body-mind-intelligence-knowledge-skills that act, all given by God, but we mistake them for "me". If we use those in accordance with Gita, actions will liberate us form any bondage of karmas! Let us not ask about the first wrong doer/first sufferer etc. Even if you find the answer, it is not going to help resolve any problems in the present, the only thing that matters!Be free of Karmas with this knwoledge. You will know the relevance of Karmic debt then!Bottom line: karmas are imprints of human thoughts-feelings-emotions from the time immemorial left on the Consciousness which are carried from one generation to the next, evolving all the time. An individual can draw, modify, and put back his/her karmas into this ever-flowing stream of Karmas in the Ocean of Consciousness! This Ocean retains its purity even as it holds good and bad karmas of mankind, and initiates reincarnations when bad outweighs good, as Krishna, Rama, Christ and Sages and Saints across the globe. This is "yada yada hi dharmasya ......" BG Ch 4, 7.Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt


Definitely those with good karmas in their previous births get rewarded and those with bad karmas get punished. Even in today's kaliyug one can see examples of people with bad karmas suffering in the end. But that does not mean that we should not help those sufferers by attributing their condition to bad karmas. By helping we will be getting good karmas for ourselves.

Hari Shanker Deo





Dear sadhaks,

I have been reading the posts on this forum with interest and gratitude. Theyremind me of my beacon light every morning when I open my mailbox. Thank you toall of you for making this forum what it is.

My question is about Karmic debt, which first came to my mind when I saw mymaternal grand-parents suffering at the hands of their sons and the doubt isreinforced after reading a chain of posts initiated by Sophia ji (I hope she isfeeling better now ) where some of you gave a peek into your own personaldifficult times. Time and again, I have seen people refer to their earthlyproblems as Karmic debt, which if I understand correctly is the accumulation ofnegative points (lay woman's language) that we have earned by doing actions thathave violated somebody's domain in some way in the previous births. Assumingthat my premise is correct, I want to know:

-Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrongdoing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

-There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmicdebt) at hands of the first wrong doer? Why did that somebody (soul) choose toundergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

- I want to know what my grand-parents got (by way of treatment), was it whatthey deserved and my uncles are faultless? Are the so many new born babies whoget dumped in the dustbins/toilets paying for their wrong-doings and theirmother's are settling some old karmic scores? What about the girl who gotflogged? N the ones beheaded n stoned?

-If yes, why does it make me feel that if I really believe in this Karmic debttheory then I will become uncompassionate and everything horrible will seem tobe fair?

-What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?

Much thanks,


PS: Please excuse the imperfections in my question. If there is such thing as aspiritual path/journey then I am one of those who have just begun looking in theright direction not having taken a single baby step yet.

-----------------------Shree Hari Ram RamIt is recommended that you also read previous related discussion thread at:

1) An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?/message/1864

2) What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Leadto?/message/1444

3) Becoming Free from Karma Bondage - Actions, Impressions, Doership etc./message/2187


GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)



NEW QUESTION: Dear sirs, What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them. Kindly clarify.C.P.Srinivasan-


Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!I want to add one point on Karmic Debt that were left out in previous post.Q: Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving? e.g. new bornbabies dumped etc.... and are wrong-doers settling old karmic scores?The fact that we don't remember anything from past lives indicates thatGod-Intelligence Supreme wants us to start with a clean slate-another chance torealize our Immortality. Even if we are born with, say, bad tendencies-Vaasanascarried over from past lives or acquired in this life, we need to rise above it.This means knowing the cause of our suffering or wrong-doing doesn't relieve usfrom taking corrective actions in the NOW!When innocent babies are dumped, it is not at all relevant to ascertain babiesdeserve it or not based on past karmas etc. Suffering and wrong doing both haveto be addressed by human beings, and, they are doing it with criminal justicesystems, government, charitable organizations etc., even if they are notperfect. It is only God given intelligence put to use with good intentions buthuman abuses happen due to some of us acting as selfish individuals! This iswhere Gita and other scriptures everywhere come in to help, if only everyone ofus realize it and heed the teachings!Karmas are not physical actions, it is desires, motives, conditioning etc etcthat compels humans to act! In order for us to have evil actions, we have toconsider us as individuals to be able to compete against each other throughjealousy, envy, anger, greed, vanity, pride. These are rooted in one singleillness of our illusion of being "separate" individual! Suppose we were all ONE,WHOLE, humanity, then, of whom we may feel threatened to be jealous, angry,envious, greedy?Most of Ch 3 and 4 are devoted to emphasize life of freedom fromkarmas(doership/desires/attachments) while being engaged in very karmas as nonecan remain without doing actions. Very less emphasis is on past lives and itskarmic debts.Finally, if one knows many past lives, it only proves Immortality(Atman) takingon new garbs of mortality(mind-body) every time as it passes through differentlife experiences, Itself remaining Unborn to know it!Namaskar...............Pratap Bhatt

--Suveni ji thankyou so very much for hoping i am well Karma is very complicated indeed it is rarely black and white,simplified. and no matter what we should always help wherever wheneverwe can as long as we are not being abused and victimized.if one cannotstep back and look at what is happening in a detached manner one muststep away. to continue to be victimized is deadly for that jiva and thefamily. to accept that it is ones karma so to speak isa very poorunderstanding of the term and relegates many horrific situations thatcan be helped to an arrogant take on spiritual understanding andcondemns many people to more suffering compassion for all sentient beings is number one, will always be theessential most important thing in this sorry world and compassion mustbe for ourselves as well.i am still taking care of my mother , quite ill, i am and working withdrs. to get welli am trying to arrange care for my mother. which will take time.thestrain had physically broken me.but i am hopefulkindlysophia


Dear Sadhaks,

""Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?"", exactly correct.

Humans by Sadhana (Sidhi –Buddhi- Bakthi- Mukthi Pradayani--- from Sri Mahalakshmi Stotra) elevates himself to highest level where in he comes to know his previous birth Karmas. Such a one completely remains silent to all happenings to him and happenings around him. Example Sri Ramana. If you read/listen (Srimath Bagavath discourses readily available in full explained format Vedio or Audio) one will know about Karmic effect.

"" There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmic debt) at hands of the first wrong doer?"", as said above one needs Gyana Sidhi to know. But normal cannot ask this question. Nala and Manigoopa were 2 Gandervas made fun of Sri Naradh and was cursed to be born as trees in Virdhavan. A great Rishi (Name I don't get now) had Pitru (his parents) Runa (Karma due) had to perform yagna to complete it. Kans was one of Jaya and Vijaya at door step of Vaikunt, did mistake and was born on earth. Just think of ordinary humans, will they know their Karmic effect.

`''Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?—to-- girl who got flogged?''', Read Narayiniyam by Sri Batadri 2000 verses or atleast the verse starting with Yogendra Nam— written and approved by Bagavan Sri Krishna HIMSELF.

There are 13 other worlds (full description in Script Gyanapana by great Saint Poothanam) where one can commit sins and be born on earth to undergo the cause. Sir, your questions are answered very clearly in many scripts and in Vedas. The earth is called Karma Boomi. (for doing Good or bad—to elevate or suffer)

`''If yes, why does it make me feel that if—to-- very, very unjust happening to somebody?'''', understand your sufferings and happiness in same level are Karmic effect. In sufferings/happiness remain silent but focus thoughts on God telling HIM mentally that it is Ok, Oh God please shed your Karuniyam (grace) to bear all these. As in Geetha surrender Karmas to Paramathuma. As said above if you have (you have the power unused) the power of Shidhi (Vision of super conscience or ESP) you can see the one undergoing deep sufferings is none other than the one Who did such worst torches to some in past/past birth. There are number of Slokas written by great Sant in Kaliyug. They can wash away past sins by telling them sincerely with earnest faith and REMAINING divine. One such sloka is ""Vasudevam Sutham Devam—" ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe (Crore Jalma sins vanishes)

Jai Sri Krishna




Priy sadhak,

Ans of ur Q is extensive,I request U to please read SADHAK SANJIVNI BY SWAMIJI. It is really ultimate to satisfy ur Q.ThanxRaja Gurdasani------Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Suveniji, first of all, when you see something unjust happening to somebody, tell your heart the following: Is it really unjust? if so, then can I intervene in this matter? If so, then you should try your best to undo unjust to that somebody. Regardless of karmic debt theory, one must give a fair try to help in such situations. Karma theory does not say to blame someone for suffering due to his/her past Karmas, absolutely not! What it says is that when bad things happen to an apparent individual himself/herself, then, say "ok it may be my past karms to have this problem now, but what matters now is how to resolve it satisfactorily, what can I do?" Such acceptance brings intelligence to resolve( Gita teaching). BE FREE of worries/fears, just ACT!Your grand father should say to himself this and see he can get help. it is definitely not wise to think of him as guilty of past karmas. You should, if you can help! Don't find faults with uncles either, instead, pray and ask God for help. Once you develop relationship with God, you will know how He acts as you, other people, situations to answer you!Besides, Karmic debt theory assumes that a person is doer of deeds that are performed through his/her body-mind. Find out: "is it true, am the doer of my actions?" Don't accept the answers based on some beliefs, conditioning etc, but inquire. You may have to get some help of a teacher/Swamiji or the likes here. Suppose you don't find any solid eveidence you are the doer, then drop this doership. Upon dropping the "doer", what basis karmas have to stand on? Individual's Karmas burn away along with the Karta-doer! By the way, "the doer" is "me-thought" in disguise, which in turn, disguised as desires, fears etc..Our individual actions are just one of many variables God-Nature uses to carry out actions. Really it is body-mind-intelligence-knowledge-skills that act, all given by God, but we mistake them for "me". If we use those in accordance with Gita, actions will liberate us form any bondage of karmas! Let us not ask about the first wrong doer/first sufferer etc. Even if you find the answer, it is not going to help resolve any problems in the present, the only thing that matters!Be free of Karmas with this knwoledge. You will know the relevance of Karmic debt then!Bottom line: karmas are imprints of human thoughts-feelings-emotions from the time immemorial left on the Consciousness which are carried from one generation to the next, evolving all the time. An individual can draw, modify, and put back his/her karmas into this ever-flowing stream of Karmas in the Ocean of Consciousness! This Ocean retains its purity even as it holds good and bad karmas of mankind, and initiates reincarnations when bad outweighs good, as Krishna, Rama, Christ and Sages and Saints across the globe. This is "yada yada hi dharmasya ......" BG Ch 4, 7.Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt


Definitely those with good karmas in their previous births get rewarded and those with bad karmas get punished. Even in today's kaliyug one can see examples of people with bad karmas suffering in the end. But that does not mean that we should not help those sufferers by attributing their condition to bad karmas. By helping we will be getting good karmas for ourselves.

Hari Shanker Deo






Dear sadhaks,

I have been reading the posts on this forum with interest and gratitude. Theyremind me of my beacon light every morning when I open my mailbox. Thank you toall of you for making this forum what it is.

My question is about Karmic debt, which first came to my mind when I saw mymaternal grand-parents suffering at the hands of their sons and the doubt isreinforced after reading a chain of posts initiated by Sophia ji (I hope she isfeeling better now ) where some of you gave a peek into your own personaldifficult times. Time and again, I have seen people refer to their earthlyproblems as Karmic debt, which if I understand correctly is the accumulation ofnegative points (lay woman's language) that we have earned by doing actions thathave violated somebody's domain in some way in the previous births. Assumingthat my premise is correct, I want to know:

-Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrongdoing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

-There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmicdebt) at hands of the first wrong doer? Why did that somebody (soul) choose toundergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

- I want to know what my grand-parents got (by way of treatment), was it whatthey deserved and my uncles are faultless? Are the so many new born babies whoget dumped in the dustbins/toilets paying for their wrong-doings and theirmother's are settling some old karmic scores? What about the girl who gotflogged? N the ones beheaded n stoned?

-If yes, why does it make me feel that if I really believe in this Karmic debttheory then I will become uncompassionate and everything horrible will seem tobe fair?

-What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?

Much thanks,


PS: Please excuse the imperfections in my question. If there is such thing as aspiritual path/journey then I am one of those who have just begun looking in theright direction not having taken a single baby step yet.

-----------------------Shree Hari Ram RamIt is recommended that you also read previous related discussion thread at:

1) An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?/message/1864

2) What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Leadto?/message/1444

3) Becoming Free from Karma Bondage - Actions, Impressions, Doership etc./message/2187


GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)



NEW QUESTION: Dear sirs, What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them. Kindly clarify.C.P.Srinivasan-


Ram RamSuveniji and C.P. Srinivasanji,Please read Sadhak-Sanjivani commentary of Chapter 18 - Verse12. It is available online in Hindi.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.htmlThe same is also available in book named 'Karma-Rahasya' chapter 1. It is also available online in Hindi. http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.htmlIn short,Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other.There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. For elaborate explaination please read from the above links.How to get rid of karmas?I was able to find below few verses which answer your question.Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66Thank You.Hare KrishnaVarun P. Paprunia



Shri Krishna


1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas.


2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same.


3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified.


4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !!


5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy.


Swami Rupesh Kumar


Dear Sadaks,Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back. Vivekachudamni says, that Prarabda Karma is like arrow sent out of bow knowing or unknowing causes risk. Prarabda Karma effect one has to undergo. Where as Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit.King Dasaratha left arrow by mistake on a boy. The boy` s parents cursed that he (king) that he shall also under the same separation of his (king) son. This curse was much before Sri Ramawas born. This is Physical action of King Dasaratha. What to say about this everyone knows. Mother Seetha asking for giolden deer in spite of Sri Rama upraising her not to have such desire. Sri rama was not firm in staying with mother Seetha. Sri Rama went behind deer. Here Sri Rama knew the consequences because HE was Bagavan himself. Sri Krishna tells Devaki on being born that HE is Vaikuntapathi and it is HIS 3rd birth to them. 1st was to Prishni and Sutapa. 2cd was to Kasyapa and Adhiti. Bagavan has also said HIS birth in Kaliyg to whom and where.The realized souls do have this power of reading past births. The doer does not know wrong action or right action. To know of action one must read sastras under Guru in young age itself as in olden days of Sri Rama or Sri Krishna. Even in those days Duryodhan and Pandavas were under one Guru. But Pandavas could maintain Dharma at all levels. Where as Duryodhan maintained Adharma at all levels. Reason previous birth stock. Why many people with divine touch still mentally cannot abstain from looks of lust. They know it is wrong. The vasana is stronger than conscience.Innocent dumped babies: Innocent 6 children of Devaki was killed by maternal uncle. These 6 were sinned small extent ones at Bhrama Lok that their account of Karma was to be born and get killed. Each one was taken by Naradh to Bhrama lok on death. Certain Jeeva have to be born with disability. The parents of such jeeva indulges on Ekadasi day which is the result. So it is time and parents to whom the Jeeva has to go is decided on it` s own karmas Prabdha-Sanchita-Aagami. One can see a dog going in car with royal treatment, where as child suffers due to hunger. The child karma it states it kicked food, wasted food, deprived others food in earlier birth. So based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Compassion does not come to one but it is in full with another. Christ compassion even to people who crucified him. HE was saintly person and knew cause and effect. The link of hatred, anger etc was totally cut by HIM. This gave him austral body to rise from death and go to highest level. Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle.It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Dear all,

Thanks for all your responses. As suggested by most of you, I guess to get a better understanding I need to do some reading. And that's what I will do going forward. To clarify a little, one of my questions:

> What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody?

Was about the "suffering" of others over which I have no power to help/correct. As regards my own personal difficulties, I have learnt to deal with them using a simple rule, which works for me..I say to my-self that this situation/person that I now confront is there to teach me something, I must take the lesson, grow and move forward.

Is there a simple mental note like this that one can use while confronting difficulties/trauma of "others" in the world over which I have no power? I am learning to teach my-self to see the Lord in everything by repeating "There is no one else in the room, there is no OTHER". So when one sees the beloved's hardships in so many forms, what does one tell the aching heart?

Much thanks,


PS1: Since some of you talked about my grandpa, I wish to tell that he expired a couple of years ago and my granny last year. During their times of misery I was a student and hundreds of miles away from them…letters were our only mode of communication. Today in the pages of Bhagvad Gita, is the fond letter from my grandparents… they come alive when I read it. I know that wherever they are today (other than my heart), my grand-pa and ma would be very peaceful.

PS2: Dear Sophia ji, I really hope all of this trial is over for you very soon. Wishing you health and happiness.





1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

Please read SADHAK SANJIVNI BY SWAMIJI. It is really ultimate to satisfy ur Q. (RG)

Humans by Sadhana (Sidhi –Buddhi- Bakthi- Mukthi Pradayani--- from Sri Mahalakshmi Stotra) elevates himself to highest level where in he comes to know his previous birth Karmas. Such a one completely remains silent to all happenings to him and happenings around him. (BS)

Karmas are imprints of human thoughts-feelings-emotions from the time immemorial left on the Consciousness which are carried from one generation to the next, evolving all the time. An individual can draw, modify, and put back his/her karmas into this ever-flowing stream of Karmas in the Ocean of Consciousness! This Ocean retains its purity even as it holds good and bad karmas of mankind, and initiates reincarnations when bad outweighs good, as Krishna, Rama, Christ and Sages and Saints across the globe. This is "yada yada hi dharmasya ......" BG Ch 4, 7. (PB) 2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

one needs Gyana Sidhi to know. Read Narayiniyam by Sri Batadri 2000 verses or atleast the verse starting with Yogendra Nam— written and approved by Bagavan Sri Krishna HIMSELF. (BS)

Living in accordance with Gita, actions can liberate us form any bondage of karmas!

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

God-Intelligence Supreme wants us to start with a clean slate-another chance torealize our Immortality. Nothing prevents us from taking corrective actions in the NOW! Suffering and wrong doing both have to be dealt with. human abuses happen due to selfishness! Gita and other scriptures help, if we heed the teachings! All problems are due to us seeing ourselves as separate individuals. (PB)

The earth is called Karma Boomi. (for doing Good or bad—to elevate or suffer) (BS)

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

Compassion for all sentient beings is number one, will always be the essential most important thing. Compassion must be for ourselves as well. (SD)

In sufferings/happiness remain silent but focus thoughts on God telling HIM mentally that it is Ok, Oh God please shed your Karuniyam (grace) to bear all these. As in Geetha surrender Karmas to Paramathuma. Many shlokas can wash away past sins by sincere recitation with earnest faith and REMAINING divine. e.g. "Vasudevam Sutham Devam—" ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe (Crore Jalma sins vanishes) (SB)

Most of Ch 3 and 4 are devoted to emphasize life of freedom from karmas(doership/desires/attachments) while being engaged in very karmas as none can remain without doing actions. Very little emphasis is on past lives and its karmic debts. (PB)

Karma theory does not say to blame someone for suffering due to his/her past Karmas, absolutely not! What it says is that when bad things happen to an individual, then, say "ok it may be my past karms to have this problem now, but what matters now is how to resolve it satisfactorily, what can I do?" Such acceptance brings intelligence to resolve( Gita teaching). BE FREE of worries/fears, just ACT! (PB) Karmic debt theory assumes that a person is doer of deeds that are performed through his/her body-mind. Find out: "is it true, am the doer of my actions?" On dropping the "doer" (me-thought along with desires, fears etc), karmas have no basis to stand on and burn away along with the Karta-doer! (PB)

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)

People with bad karmas will suffer in the end. But that does not mean that we should not help those sufferers by attributing their condition to bad karmas. By helping we will be our duty (karmas). (HSD)

always help wherever whenever we can as long as we are not being abused and victimized. Look at what is happening in a detached manner - step away.(SD)

Don't find faults in the wrong doer, instead pray and ask God for help. Once you develop relationship with God, you will know how He acts as you, other people, situations to answer you! (PB)

Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle. It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization (BS)

6) What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them.

based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back and the effect which one has to undergo.

Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit (feeling remorse, penance).

Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other. There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. (VP)

And how do we get rid of them?

Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66





Dear sadhaks,

I have been reading the posts on this forum with interest and gratitude. Theyremind me of my beacon light every morning when I open my mailbox. Thank you toall of you for making this forum what it is.

My question is about Karmic debt, which first came to my mind when I saw mymaternal grand-parents suffering at the hands of their sons and the doubt isreinforced after reading a chain of posts initiated by Sophia ji (I hope she isfeeling better now ) where some of you gave a peek into your own personaldifficult times. Time and again, I have seen people refer to their earthlyproblems as Karmic debt, which if I understand correctly is the accumulation ofnegative points (lay woman's language) that we have earned by doing actions thathave violated somebody's domain in some way in the previous births. Assumingthat my premise is correct, I want to know:

-Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrongdoing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

-There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmicdebt) at hands of the first wrong doer? Why did that somebody (soul) choose toundergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

- I want to know what my grand-parents got (by way of treatment), was it whatthey deserved and my uncles are faultless? Are the so many new born babies whoget dumped in the dustbins/toilets paying for their wrong-doings and theirmother's are settling some old karmic scores? What about the girl who gotflogged? N the ones beheaded n stoned?

-If yes, why does it make me feel that if I really believe in this Karmic debttheory then I will become uncompassionate and everything horrible will seem tobe fair?

-What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?

Much thanks,


PS: Please excuse the imperfections in my question. If there is such thing as aspiritual path/journey then I am one of those who have just begun looking in theright direction not having taken a single baby step yet.

-----------------------Shree Hari Ram RamIt is recommended that you also read previous related discussion thread at:

1) An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?/message/1864

2) What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?/message/1444

3) Becoming Free from Karma Bondage - Actions, Impressions, Doership etc./message/2187


GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)



NEW QUESTION: Dear sirs, What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them. Kindly clarify.C.P.Srinivasan-


Hari OmQuestions like this help us in understanding the Law of Karma and do let us admire the "justice" as well as "kindness" of Paramatma. It is very rare to find both justice and kindness operating together in day to day life, but Laws of God always present to us sheer ruthlessness of prakriti on one hand and divine kindness of Paramatma. Well, the difficulties do not arise out of circumstances or situations and your past deeds have no role to play in making you happy or sorrowful. It is DESIRE or expectation of happiness out of world, out of situations and circumstances that make the situations difficult to digest. The fact however remains that :* Destiny merely presents good or difficult circumstances before you. To get soorowful or happy is not caused by destiny but by stupidity/ignorance !* Every calamity is a blessing in disguise. Its result is ONLY reduction of your karmic liabilities and purification.* You can break the chain of action/reaction; birth/death ONLY in this human life. Hence sorrow/karma has no capacity to cause further sorrows/karmas. Use of Conscience (viveka) here plays very important role.* No one in mortal world is free of sorrows. There is nothing unique or important or particular or special about it. The world is designed so- ab initio. "Dukhalayam" ! What is common to all can't be a subject matter of sorrow. Who cries when Sun sets? No one ! Because it is common to all !* No one is supposed to be sorrowful. - "Sahaj Sukhrashi". Only stupids grieve.* In adversity, there is always more spiritual progress. It is our direct experience* DEH DHARE KA DAND HAI SAB KAHOO KO HOY !GYAANI BHUGATE GYAAN SE, MOORAKH BHUGATE ROY !!Human life is a universal tax to be borne by every human being, in the form of sorrows. A wise accepts that with knowledge and a stupid dries , grieves and accepts.* SUKH DUKH NA KOPI DAATA, PARO DADATI, KUBUDDHIH RESHA !!No one (circumstances, situations, people,body, mind, intellect, world, time, God, Karma phala, fate, destiny, all included ) is capable of giving pleasures or pains to you. "That other is giving it" - this very thought is wrong !!* Lord in Gita starts with addressing worries ( ashochyananva shochastvam) and ends with an advice reg worries ( ma suchah). DON'T WORRY. Merely by "not worrying" - worry evaporates. FINAL ADVICE by Lord Krishna to all humans- DON'T WORRY.* IF WE JUST DECIDE that come what may - I shall not grieve, sorrow can't touch you. LAST WORDS of Lord Krishna- Don't worry !! MA SUCHAH !!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


Shri Krishna


1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas.


2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same.


3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified.


4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !!


5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy.


Swami Rupesh Kumar


Namaste dear sadhaks:


There appears to be genuine misinformation, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation about KARMA. Also, there is deliberate propaganda about KARMA, spread by those who seek to denigrate Hinduism, for whatever purpose. Basically, this is how it is put across:


"Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only."


In other words, they portray and interpret KARMA as fatalism, and that KARMA will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. If this has been discussed before, please provide the thread URL. If not, please comment


Ram Ram

Deosaran Bisnath




Ram Ram

Suveniji and C.P. Srinivasanji,Please read Sadhak-Sanjivani commentary of Chapter 18 - Verse12. It is available online in Hindi.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.html

The same is also available in book named 'Karma-Rahasya' chapter 1. It is also available online in Hindi. http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.html

In short,Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other.

There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. For elaborate explaination please read from the above links.

How to get rid of karmas?I was able to find below few verses which answer your question.Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66

Thank You.Hare KrishnaVarun P. Paprunia--


Shri Krishna 1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas. 2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same. 3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified. 4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !! 5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy. Swami Rupesh Kumar


Dear Sadaks,Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back. Vivekachudamni says, that Prarabda Karma is like arrow sent out of bow knowing or unknowing causes risk. Prarabda Karma effect one has to undergo. Where as Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit.King Dasaratha left arrow by mistake on a boy. The boy` s parents cursed that he (king) that he shall also under the same separation of his (king) son. This curse was much before Sri Ramawas born. This is Physical action of King Dasaratha. What to say about this everyone knows. Mother Seetha asking for giolden deer in spite of Sri Rama upraising her not to have such desire. Sri rama was not firm in staying with mother Seetha. Sri Rama went behind deer. Here Sri Rama knew the consequences because HE was Bagavan himself. Sri Krishna tells Devaki on being born that HE is Vaikuntapathi and it is HIS 3rd birth to them. 1st was to Prishni and Sutapa. 2cd was to Kasyapa and Adhiti. Bagavan has also said HIS birth in Kaliyg to whom and where.The realized souls do have this power of reading past births. The doer does not know wrong action or right action. To know of action one must read sastras under Guru in young age itself as in olden days of Sri Rama or Sri Krishna. Even in those days Duryodhan and Pandavas were under one Guru. But Pandavas could maintain Dharma at all levels. Where as Duryodhan maintained Adharma at all levels. Reason previous birth stock. Why many people with divine touch still mentally cannot abstain from looks of lust. They know it is wrong. The vasana is stronger than conscience.Innocent dumped babies: Innocent 6 children of Devaki was killed by maternal uncle. These 6 were sinned small extent ones at Bhrama Lok that their account of Karma was to be born and get killed. Each one was taken by Naradh to Bhrama lok on death. Certain Jeeva have to be born with disability. The parents of such jeeva indulges on Ekadasi day which is the result. So it is time and parents to whom the Jeeva has to go is decided on it` s own karmas Prabdha-Sanchita-Aagami. One can see a dog going in car with royal treatment, where as child suffers due to hunger. The child karma it states it kicked food, wasted food, deprived others food in earlier birth. So based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Compassion does not come to one but it is in full with another. Christ compassion even to people who crucified him. HE was saintly person and knew cause and effect. The link of hatred, anger etc was totally cut by HIM. This gave him austral body to rise from death and go to highest level. Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle.It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Dear all,

Thanks for all your responses. As suggested by most of you, I guess to get a better understanding I need to do some reading. And that's what I will do going forward. To clarify a little, one of my questions:

> What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody?

Was about the "suffering" of others over which I have no power to help/correct. As regards my own personal difficulties, I have learnt to deal with them using a simple rule, which works for me..I say to my-self that this situation/person that I now confront is there to teach me something, I must take the lesson, grow and move forward.

Is there a simple mental note like this that one can use while confronting difficulties/trauma of "others" in the world over which I have no power? I am learning to teach my-self to see the Lord in everything by repeating "There is no one else in the room, there is no OTHER". So when one sees the beloved's hardships in so many forms, what does one tell the aching heart?

Much thanks,


PS1: Since some of you talked about my grandpa, I wish to tell that he expired a couple of years ago and my granny last year. During their times of misery I was a student and hundreds of miles away from them…letters were our only mode of communication. Today in the pages of Bhagvad Gita, is the fond letter from my grandparents… they come alive when I read it. I know that wherever they are today (other than my heart), my grand-pa and ma would be very peaceful.

PS2: Dear Sophia ji, I really hope all of this trial is over for you very soon. Wishing you health and happiness.





1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

Please read SADHAK SANJIVNI BY SWAMIJI. It is really ultimate to satisfy ur Q. (RG)

Humans by Sadhana (Sidhi –Buddhi- Bakthi- Mukthi Pradayani--- from Sri Mahalakshmi Stotra) elevates himself to highest level where in he comes to know his previous birth Karmas. Such a one completely remains silent to all happenings to him and happenings around him. (BS)

Karmas are imprints of human thoughts-feelings-emotions from the time immemorial left on the Consciousness which are carried from one generation to the next, evolving all the time. An individual can draw, modify, and put back his/her karmas into this ever-flowing stream of Karmas in the Ocean of Consciousness! This Ocean retains its purity even as it holds good and bad karmas of mankind, and initiates reincarnations when bad outweighs good, as Krishna, Rama, Christ and Sages and Saints across the globe. This is "yada yada hi dharmasya ......" BG Ch 4, 7. (PB)

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

one needs Gyana Sidhi to know. Read Narayiniyam by Sri Batadri 2000 verses or atleast the verse starting with Yogendra Nam— written and approved by Bagavan Sri Krishna HIMSELF. (BS)

Living in accordance with Gita, actions can liberate us form any bondage of karmas!

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

God-Intelligence Supreme wants us to start with a clean slate-another chance torealize our Immortality. Nothing prevents us from taking corrective actions in the NOW! Suffering and wrong doing both have to be dealt with. human abuses happen due to selfishness! Gita and other scriptures help, if we heed the teachings! All problems are due to us seeing ourselves as separate individuals. (PB)

The earth is called Karma Boomi. (for doing Good or bad—to elevate or suffer) (BS)

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

Compassion for all sentient beings is number one, will always be the essential most important thing. Compassion must be for ourselves as well. (SD)

In sufferings/happiness remain silent but focus thoughts on God telling HIM mentally that it is Ok, Oh God please shed your Karuniyam (grace) to bear all these. As in Geetha surrender Karmas to Paramathuma. Many shlokas can wash away past sins by sincere recitation with earnest faith and REMAINING divine. e.g. "Vasudevam Sutham Devam—" ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe (Crore Jalma sins vanishes) (SB)

Most of Ch 3 and 4 are devoted to emphasize life of freedom from karmas(doership/desires/attachments) while being engaged in very karmas as none can remain without doing actions. Very little emphasis is on past lives and its karmic debts. (PB)

Karma theory does not say to blame someone for suffering due to his/her past Karmas, absolutely not! What it says is that when bad things happen to an individual, then, say "ok it may be my past karms to have this problem now, but what matters now is how to resolve it satisfactorily, what can I do?" Such acceptance brings intelligence to resolve( Gita teaching). BE FREE of worries/fears, just ACT! (PB)

Karmic debt theory assumes that a person is doer of deeds that are performed through his/her body-mind. Find out: "is it true, am the doer of my actions?" On dropping the "doer" (me-thought along with desires, fears etc), karmas have no basis to stand on and burn away along with the Karta-doer! (PB)

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)

People with bad karmas will suffer in the end. But that does not mean that we should not help those sufferers by attributing their condition to bad karmas. By helping we will be our duty (karmas). (HSD)

always help wherever whenever we can as long as we are not being abused and victimized. Look at what is happening in a detached manner - step away.(SD)

Don't find faults in the wrong doer, instead pray and ask God for help. Once you develop relationship with God, you will know how He acts as you, other people, situations to answer you! (PB)

Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle. It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization (BS)

6) What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them.

based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back and the effect which one has to undergo.

Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit (feeling remorse, penance).

Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other. There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. (VP)

And how do we get rid of them?

Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66





Dear sadhaks,

I have been reading the posts on this forum with interest and gratitude. Theyremind me of my beacon light every morning when I open my mailbox. Thank you toall of you for making this forum what it is.

My question is about Karmic debt, which first came to my mind when I saw mymaternal grand-parents suffering at the hands of their sons and the doubt isreinforced after reading a chain of posts initiated by Sophia ji (I hope she isfeeling better now ) where some of you gave a peek into your own personaldifficult times. Time and again, I have seen people refer to their earthlyproblems as Karmic debt, which if I understand correctly is the accumulation ofnegative points (lay woman's language) that we have earned by doing actions thathave violated somebody's domain in some way in the previous births. Assumingthat my premise is correct, I want to know:

-Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrongdoing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

-There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmicdebt) at hands of the first wrong doer? Why did that somebody (soul) choose toundergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

- I want to know what my grand-parents got (by way of treatment), was it whatthey deserved and my uncles are faultless? Are the so many new born babies whoget dumped in the dustbins/toilets paying for their wrong-doings and theirmother's are settling some old karmic scores? What about the girl who gotflogged? N the ones beheaded n stoned?

-If yes, why does it make me feel that if I really believe in this Karmic debttheory then I will become uncompassionate and everything horrible will seem tobe fair?

-What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?

Much thanks,


PS: Please excuse the imperfections in my question. If there is such thing as aspiritual path/journey then I am one of those who have just begun looking in theright direction not having taken a single baby step yet.

-----------------------Shree Hari Ram RamIt is recommended that you also read previous related discussion thread at:

1) An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?/message/1864

2) What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?/message/1444

3) Becoming Free from Karma Bondage - Actions, Impressions, Doership etc./message/2187


GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.

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1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)



NEW QUESTION: Dear sirs, What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them. Kindly clarify.C.P.Srinivasan-



"Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only."


In other words, they portray and interpret KARMA as fatalism, and that KARMA will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. If this has been discussed before, please provide the thread URL. If not, please comment

Dear Sadhaks..................

The Law of karma, though succinctly simple , is the Great Paradox difficult to reconcile.................

How do you resolve Destiny verses Action ? Action and Destiny ! A practical approach to adopt as 'understanding ' for a day to day Living would be :

At any point of time, consider all that you may have gone through in life as Destiny; and whatever Existence presents as the situation in This Moment Now, is the situation for your action.

This would enable you to ' de-involve ' from your past ( regrets, guilt etc ) , and hence tackle the situation of the Moment more objectively. And no sooner is your action of the Moment over, the ' Now ' has also slipped into the Past ! And the past ? it was all ordained... it was destined....... was your Destiny !

And so..... your action... your doing was ..... is.... only an illusion.... the Great Paradox ..............

Also, some day, this will enable you to move into the ultimate wisdom that All that happens is the Existence's doing... Existence's writ.... and, you, as an integral part of the Existence only carry out Existence's writ. You are not other than Existence ! Thus are you freed from 'Doing', and move into 'not-doing '.... wherein all just happens, as it must .

As Long as the Jiva is in duality, The paradox between Action and Destiny can never be resolved ! Only, when duality comes to an end, when the Self is realised as 'One-ness ; is the paradox resolved in the understanding that the two( action and destiny ) are also One, separated only by Time, which is only a Mental construct ; Time is a ‘myth’ and has no reality really !

Till then, The above is a practical resolution of Action and Destiny.




narinder bhandari


Dear Sadaks,

Q.1) " Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?'',

We see some doing most wretched thing on earth but suddenly die. What about his actions? Is it just nothing in his account? People often see this and say, "good people suffer but bad one escapes'. The life span is fixed for each individual. Within that span he has to complete his account. But he adds heavily some more bad actions and thoughts. This is simply carried over. As in accounts we write B/F (Brought forward from earlier birth) OR C/O carried over from last year account.

Q 2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt? The first sufferer presume it is Adam & eve. No karmic debt –Agreed. But desire came in which led to action (Karma) which leads to Karmic debt.

Q 3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped.

New born babies are very much lucky. Their debt was almost 1%. There are so many examples from Scripts.

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become uncompassionate?

Kans karmas is to be killed. Long rope given. Ravana karma was so. The most compassionate Bagavan killed them. Bagavan action of Karma was for Lok Kalyan. So Karma not accounted. For selfish need if one kills another man it becomes Bhrama Hatthi.

Q 5)" What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?" just say Suveni (to yourself) Loka (earth) is Dukha Doshani Dharshanam, just surrender to God and avoid seeing Duk, but constantly see GOD. All this maya should not touch your mind to create disturbances. The earth is Karma boomi (jail) to under go punishment. It cannot be heaven. Feeling sorry about other sufferings is compassion- No doubt. But the same thoughts remaining in mind becomes attachment. Just like Sri Jada Bharat in Srimath Bagavath.

Jai Sri Krishna



Hari OmI agree with Deosharanji ! There is action and reaction separated by Time and governed by Divine Laws. We ourselves only are responsible for whatever happens in our life. Based on the Time lag between the action and reaction ( karma and fruits thereof) , the term "prarabdha" ( fate/destiny) has come into existence. Now every human has been given two things- Prarabdha and Purushartha . The former represents your "prior" deeds. The latter your "present" deeds. As against these two - you have four "desires" - Artha, Kaam, Dharma, Moksha ! Now Artha (worldly possessions) and Kaam (consumption of worldly bhogas with sensory organs/mind/intellect/ego) are DIRECTLY under the purview and jurisdiction of PRARABDHA ! Purushartha has no role there AT ALL !!On the other hand Dharma ( righteousness) and Moksha (Liberation/Benediction) are under the exclusive jurisdiction of PURUSHARTHA ! Prarabdha has no role there AT ALL !!Now since on most of us, due to desires, BG 18:32 is operational, hence we "erroneously and foolishly" consider Dharma and Moksha to be based on Prarabdha and we are ceaselessly , with a stick in hand, running after Artha and Kaam . We are using Prarabdha where we should be using Purushartha ! We have left Dharma and Moksha on fate/destiny/karma and are wasting our Purushartha (current actions) on earning Artha and Bhoga !! Simpletons we are , simply put !!Result: What else it can be except sorrows, frustration, brooding, fretting ??Says Goswami Tulsidasji:So paratra dukh paayavi , sir dhuni dhuni pachchataay !Kaalhi, karmahi, Ishwarahi mithya dosh lagaay !!He ( disillusioned soul described herein above ) repents later on beating his head and becomes highly sorrowful. He then falsely blames Time, Karma and God for his miserable state !!Deosharanji ! You are talking about people described above !!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B




Hari Om

Questions like this help us in understanding the Law of Karma and do let us admire the "justice" as well as "kindness" of Paramatma. It is very rare to find both justice and kindness operating together in day to day life, but Laws of God always present to us sheer ruthlessness of prakriti on one hand and divine kindness of Paramatma.

Well, the difficulties do not arise out of circumstances or situations and your past deeds have no role to play in making you happy or sorrowful. It is DESIRE or expectation of happiness out of world, out of situations and circumstances that make the situations difficult to digest. The fact however remains that :

* Destiny merely presents good or difficult circumstances before you. To get soorowful or happy is not caused by destiny but by stupidity/ignorance !

* Every calamity is a blessing in disguise. Its result is ONLY reduction of your karmic liabilities and purification.

* You can break the chain of action/reaction; birth/death ONLY in this human life. Hence sorrow/karma has no capacity to cause further sorrows/karmas. Use of Conscience (viveka) here plays very important role.

* No one in mortal world is free of sorrows. There is nothing unique or important or particular or special about it. The world is designed so- ab initio. "Dukhalayam" ! What is common to all can't be a subject matter of sorrow. Who cries when Sun sets? No one ! Because it is common to all !

* No one is supposed to be sorrowful. - "Sahaj Sukhrashi". Only stupids grieve.

* In adversity, there is always more spiritual progress. It is our direct experience


Human life is a universal tax to be borne by every human being, in the form of sorrows. A wise accepts that with knowledge and a stupid dries , grieves and accepts.


No one (circumstances, situations, people,body, mind, intellect, world, time, God, Karma phala, fate, destiny, all included ) is capable of giving pleasures or pains to you. "That other is giving it" - this very thought is wrong !!

* Lord in Gita starts with addressing worries ( ashochyananva shochastvam) and ends with an advice reg worries ( ma suchah). DON'T WORRY. Merely by "not worrying" - worry evaporates. FINAL ADVICE by Lord Krishna to all humans- DON'T WORRY.

* IF WE JUST DECIDE that come what may - I shall not grieve, sorrow can't touch you. LAST WORDS of Lord Krishna- Don't worry !! MA SUCHAH !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Shri Krishna 1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas. 2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same. 3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified. 4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !! 5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy. Swami Rupesh KumarNamaste dear sadhaks: There appears to be genuine misinformation, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation about KARMA. Also, there is deliberate propaganda about KARMA, spread by those who seek to denigrate Hinduism, for whatever purpose. Basically, this is how it is put across: "Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only." In other words, they portray and interpret KARMA as fatalism, and that KARMA will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. If this has been discussed before, please provide the thread URL. If not, please comment Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath



Ram Ram

Suveniji and C.P. Srinivasanji,Please read Sadhak-Sanjivani commentary of Chapter 18 - Verse12. It is available online in Hindi.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.html

The same is also available in book named 'Karma-Rahasya' chapter 1. It is also available online in Hindi. http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.html

In short,Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other.

There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. For elaborate explaination please read from the above links.

How to get rid of karmas?I was able to find below few verses which answer your question.Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66

Thank You.Hare KrishnaVarun P. Paprunia--


Shri Krishna 1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas. 2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same. 3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified. 4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !! 5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy. Swami Rupesh Kumar


Dear Sadaks,Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back. Vivekachudamni says, that Prarabda Karma is like arrow sent out of bow knowing or unknowing causes risk. Prarabda Karma effect one has to undergo. Where as Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit.King Dasaratha left arrow by mistake on a boy. The boy` s parents cursed that he (king) that he shall also under the same separation of his (king) son. This curse was much before Sri Ramawas born. This is Physical action of King Dasaratha. What to say about this everyone knows. Mother Seetha asking for giolden deer in spite of Sri Rama upraising her not to have such desire. Sri rama was not firm in staying with mother Seetha. Sri Rama went behind deer. Here Sri Rama knew the consequences because HE was Bagavan himself. Sri Krishna tells Devaki on being born that HE is Vaikuntapathi and it is HIS 3rd birth to them. 1st was to Prishni and Sutapa. 2cd was to Kasyapa and Adhiti. Bagavan has also said HIS birth in Kaliyg to whom and where.The realized souls do have this power of reading past births. The doer does not know wrong action or right action. To know of action one must read sastras under Guru in young age itself as in olden days of Sri Rama or Sri Krishna. Even in those days Duryodhan and Pandavas were under one Guru. But Pandavas could maintain Dharma at all levels. Where as Duryodhan maintained Adharma at all levels. Reason previous birth stock. Why many people with divine touch still mentally cannot abstain from looks of lust. They know it is wrong. The vasana is stronger than conscience.Innocent dumped babies: Innocent 6 children of Devaki was killed by maternal uncle. These 6 were sinned small extent ones at Bhrama Lok that their account of Karma was to be born and get killed. Each one was taken by Naradh to Bhrama lok on death. Certain Jeeva have to be born with disability. The parents of such jeeva indulges on Ekadasi day which is the result. So it is time and parents to whom the Jeeva has to go is decided on it` s own karmas Prabdha-Sanchita-Aagami. One can see a dog going in car with royal treatment, where as child suffers due to hunger. The child karma it states it kicked food, wasted food, deprived others food in earlier birth. So based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Compassion does not come to one but it is in full with another. Christ compassion even to people who crucified him. HE was saintly person and knew cause and effect. The link of hatred, anger etc was totally cut by HIM. This gave him austral body to rise from death and go to highest level. Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle.It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Dear all,

Thanks for all your responses. As suggested by most of you, I guess to get a better understanding I need to do some reading. And that's what I will do going forward. To clarify a little, one of my questions:

> What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody?

Was about the "suffering" of others over which I have no power to help/correct. As regards my own personal difficulties, I have learnt to deal with them using a simple rule, which works for me..I say to my-self that this situation/person that I now confront is there to teach me something, I must take the lesson, grow and move forward.

Is there a simple mental note like this that one can use while confronting difficulties/trauma of "others" in the world over which I have no power? I am learning to teach my-self to see the Lord in everything by repeating "There is no one else in the room, there is no OTHER". So when one sees the beloved's hardships in so many forms, what does one tell the aching heart?

Much thanks,


PS1: Since some of you talked about my grandpa, I wish to tell that he expired a couple of years ago and my granny last year. During their times of misery I was a student and hundreds of miles away from them…letters were our only mode of communication. Today in the pages of Bhagvad Gita, is the fond letter from my grandparents… they come alive when I read it. I know that wherever they are today (other than my heart), my grand-pa and ma would be very peaceful.

PS2: Dear Sophia ji, I really hope all of this trial is over for you very soon. Wishing you health and happiness.





1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

Please read SADHAK SANJIVNI BY SWAMIJI. It is really ultimate to satisfy ur Q. (RG)

Humans by Sadhana (Sidhi –Buddhi- Bakthi- Mukthi Pradayani--- from Sri Mahalakshmi Stotra) elevates himself to highest level where in he comes to know his previous birth Karmas. Such a one completely remains silent to all happenings to him and happenings around him. (BS)

Karmas are imprints of human thoughts-feelings-emotions from the time immemorial left on the Consciousness which are carried from one generation to the next, evolving all the time. An individual can draw, modify, and put back his/her karmas into this ever-flowing stream of Karmas in the Ocean of Consciousness! This Ocean retains its purity even as it holds good and bad karmas of mankind, and initiates reincarnations when bad outweighs good, as Krishna, Rama, Christ and Sages and Saints across the globe. This is "yada yada hi dharmasya ......" BG Ch 4, 7. (PB)

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

one needs Gyana Sidhi to know. Read Narayiniyam by Sri Batadri 2000 verses or atleast the verse starting with Yogendra Nam— written and approved by Bagavan Sri Krishna HIMSELF. (BS)

Living in accordance with Gita, actions can liberate us form any bondage of karmas!

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

God-Intelligence Supreme wants us to start with a clean slate-another chance torealize our Immortality. Nothing prevents us from taking corrective actions in the NOW! Suffering and wrong doing both have to be dealt with. human abuses happen due to selfishness! Gita and other scriptures help, if we heed the teachings! All problems are due to us seeing ourselves as separate individuals. (PB)

The earth is called Karma Boomi. (for doing Good or bad—to elevate or suffer) (BS)

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

Compassion for all sentient beings is number one, will always be the essential most important thing. Compassion must be for ourselves as well. (SD)

In sufferings/happiness remain silent but focus thoughts on God telling HIM mentally that it is Ok, Oh God please shed your Karuniyam (grace) to bear all these. As in Geetha surrender Karmas to Paramathuma. Many shlokas can wash away past sins by sincere recitation with earnest faith and REMAINING divine. e.g. "Vasudevam Sutham Devam—" ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe (Crore Jalma sins vanishes) (SB)

Most of Ch 3 and 4 are devoted to emphasize life of freedom from karmas(doership/desires/attachments) while being engaged in very karmas as none can remain without doing actions. Very little emphasis is on past lives and its karmic debts. (PB)

Karma theory does not say to blame someone for suffering due to his/her past Karmas, absolutely not! What it says is that when bad things happen to an individual, then, say "ok it may be my past karms to have this problem now, but what matters now is how to resolve it satisfactorily, what can I do?" Such acceptance brings intelligence to resolve( Gita teaching). BE FREE of worries/fears, just ACT! (PB)

Karmic debt theory assumes that a person is doer of deeds that are performed through his/her body-mind. Find out: "is it true, am the doer of my actions?" On dropping the "doer" (me-thought along with desires, fears etc), karmas have no basis to stand on and burn away along with the Karta-doer! (PB)

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)

People with bad karmas will suffer in the end. But that does not mean that we should not help those sufferers by attributing their condition to bad karmas. By helping we will be our duty (karmas). (HSD)

always help wherever whenever we can as long as we are not being abused and victimized. Look at what is happening in a detached manner - step away.(SD)

Don't find faults in the wrong doer, instead pray and ask God for help. Once you develop relationship with God, you will know how He acts as you, other people, situations to answer you! (PB)

Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle. It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization (BS)

6) What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them.

based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back and the effect which one has to undergo.

Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit (feeling remorse, penance).

Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other. There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. (VP)

And how do we get rid of them?

Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66





Dear sadhaks,

I have been reading the posts on this forum with interest and gratitude. Theyremind me of my beacon light every morning when I open my mailbox. Thank you toall of you for making this forum what it is.

My question is about Karmic debt, which first came to my mind when I saw mymaternal grand-parents suffering at the hands of their sons and the doubt isreinforced after reading a chain of posts initiated by Sophia ji (I hope she isfeeling better now ) where some of you gave a peek into your own personaldifficult times. Time and again, I have seen people refer to their earthlyproblems as Karmic debt, which if I understand correctly is the accumulation ofnegative points (lay woman's language) that we have earned by doing actions thathave violated somebody's domain in some way in the previous births. Assumingthat my premise is correct, I want to know:

-Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrongdoing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

-There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmicdebt) at hands of the first wrong doer? Why did that somebody (soul) choose toundergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

- I want to know what my grand-parents got (by way of treatment), was it whatthey deserved and my uncles are faultless? Are the so many new born babies whoget dumped in the dustbins/toilets paying for their wrong-doings and theirmother's are settling some old karmic scores? What about the girl who gotflogged? N the ones beheaded n stoned?

-If yes, why does it make me feel that if I really believe in this Karmic debttheory then I will become uncompassionate and everything horrible will seem tobe fair?

-What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?

Much thanks,


PS: Please excuse the imperfections in my question. If there is such thing as aspiritual path/journey then I am one of those who have just begun looking in theright direction not having taken a single baby step yet.

-----------------------Shree Hari Ram RamIt is recommended that you also read previous related discussion thread at:

1) An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?/message/1864

2) What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?/message/1444

3) Becoming Free from Karma Bondage - Actions, Impressions, Doership etc./message/2187


GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)



NEW QUESTION: Dear sirs, What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them. Kindly clarify.C.P.Srinivasan-


Respected Satsang Members:I would like try to explain how Karma works from a scientific view point. The questions that will be addressed are: 1. How the cause and effect are not identical for all 2. Why self effort is the most required 3. The inevitability of certain happenings. It assumes the following: 1.Every living being comes with certain qualities (Vasanas) from birth. 2. Some of these are inherited from the parents as the present day science tells us. 3.Some of them come from our past lives the Soul carries with it before it finds the right place to give birth again.4. A human system is very complex and is influenced by so many external forces in addition to the internal forces5. Any physical system including human system continues to be 'what it is' unless and otherwise disturbed by an external/internal force. Human behavior at a given time (t, let us say today) is determined from two factors: 1. Dictated by its inherent nature (Vasanas) and the initial condition it was a small time before t (it could be previous day) and 2. The effort put in by external and internal factors. This formula explains how we behave today and why we behave the way we do clearly. In this formula, the Initial condition is nothing but the past Karma. The external effort is nothing but the influence of all external objects (includes all animate and inanimate). The internal effort is the one we resolved to do and implement. This is part of the dynamics of physical systems for those who are exposed to control system theory. Now one can see how a Satsang helps to mold our behavior tomorrow based on what we are today (External input)Also, we can see how the self effort is very important to change our behavior tomorrow from that of today. Depending on which of these inputs is greater, positive or negative, our actions will result today. It means that we can get over our inherent nature (Vasanas) but requires large effort to be put in. This large effort could be coming from a Guru or Scriptures or Yourself by meditation. It also means that some of the Karmas Need to be obeyed and lived out (praarabdha). Like even greatest spiritual people suffered from incurable diseases. Sanchita karmas are the inherent to the system and can be changed by a counter self effort called "Will" to a great extent In all these actions God has nothing to do except being the 'Witness'. In conclusion we are what we do, what company we keep, what values we cherish, what actions we perform out of our will. If we need to change the influence of the initial conditions, we need to put in large effort.This explains why some people with good vasanas are able to go faster in reaching their goal of Moksha by simple practices and why people like me need enormous effort and may not even reach the goal because of past karmas both in this life and in the previous lives. Thanks for allowing to share these thoughts.B Vempaty ---------------------

1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?Yes, it is logically consistent theory, though it is not necessary to explain every suffering that way from Hindu philosophy point of view. Ans: It is logical because eveyone is doing what he/she is destined to do. Suffering or happiness in the material sense occur only when one identifies oneself as a distinctly separate entity with a semse of ownership of action. As soon as one assumes ownership of one's actions (active doer) one will suffer / enjoy the consequences of his actions If one eats too much he/she will most likely have diseases and fast weaking body. The one who knows that he does not really do anything and aware that all these actions are the result of circumstances and the inherited behavior propensities. Wrong doings or right doing, there might be both positive and negative outcomes.Thr consequences might come after 7 days or over a very long period of time. People who think as if they are taking and doing things by themselves. Depending on their values, perceptions and the combination of intensity of the three gunas they inherit, have their sufferings. Yes, any human being is doing wrong things of one type or another and suffer their adverse effects sooner or later within their current life span. Death with lot of disaapointment prior to death and the timing of death are all in a chained sequence of cause and effect. Many people do similar bad things, will suffer if the act with a sense of ego as a doer ofthings.

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

Ans: No one has any real choice. The do things as is the result of the changing environment to which they react in accordance with the particular mix of the three Gunas. There is really no first or second doer. No body really does. It is mix of gunas that react to external environment. Soul does not really suffer: soul is clean and transparent. It only reflects the outcome of the three guna combination responding to external environment. Just like cells multiply as per their natural law.

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumpedAns: No one deserves anything. A new born baby dumped and another not dumped are the same things. If you accept rebirth policy, the new born baby dumped may be fortunate as well being picked up by wealthy family and adopt. What isapparent lt bad maybe good in reality. Bill Gates could not study in the college because of his gunas and circumstances specific to him. but he became the wealthiest person in the World.

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?Ans: There are no fair laws that decide whether to make one compansionate or incompasionate. Whether a person will be compasionate or not is determined by the Three gunas genetically and the external environment he faces. A person hasno choice. It is stochastic process . it is a probabilty play that is fair in probabilic sense.

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody?Ans: Nothing unjust happens to anyone. Some things happen and we experience them as bad or good and seek justification for the experience. We happen to be made with a particular mis og Gunas that controls all actions.. You will tell your hearrt exactly what you are condioned to do. Get rid of identifying you with a body and mind . You are not illusion: Your thinking that you do is the illusionthat begets a chain of illusion. You do not cry because some clouds lose thieir existence to become water. There is no way a cloud don not become rain. You will do what you are and will be doing as the water vapor rises up to formclouds to come back as rain water later. Water vapour dies? Clouds die? Rains cease? What s the fairness in the distribution of water drops falling as rain over a wide range locations.In summary, when you believe you the Soul, the self that is the cause of all but not a slave of the gunas, the question of unfair happenings do not arise. But when you see different people as different identities, you seek fairness? Think about all this . You will yourself get the final answer.

Basudeb Sen


Hari OmNarinderji Bhandari - I don't agree with you on the point you have stated in this topic and my reasons are included here with -You say: "As Long as the Jiva is in duality, The paradox between Action and Destiny can never be resolved ! Only, when duality comes to an end, when the Self is realised as 'One-ness ; is the paradox resolved in the understanding that the two ( action and destiny ) are also One, separated only by Time, which is only a Mental construct ; Time is a "myth" and has no reality really !" You are presuming that there is a conflict between "destiny" and "action" (Purushartha- present deeds) ! Fact is (as explained in my last detailed message) that Prarabdha (destiny) and Purushartha (present deeds) have no conflict at all and their fields of operations are totally different. Artha and Kama fall in the purview of Prarabdha, while Dharma and Moksha are subject matter of Purushartha. Where is the conflict? What is paradox?My recommendation would be to read Sadhak Sanjeevani ! Also on the subject of - who is doer and who is not, it is a deep subject and subtle points on this subject need to be understood. It is my sincere request that you ask a separate question on the subject for clarity. Else better yet read, read and read Swamiji's literature on the subject. Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B





"Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only." In other words, they portray and interpret KARMA as fatalism, and that KARMA will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. If this has been discussed before, please provide the thread URL. If not, please commentDear Sadhaks..................

The Law of karma, though succinctly simple , is the Great Paradox difficult to reconcile.................

How do you resolve Destiny verses Action ? Action and Destiny ! A practical approach to adopt as 'understanding ' for a day to day Living would be :

At any point of time, consider all that you may have gone through in life as Destiny; and whatever Existence presents as the situation in This Moment Now, is the situation for your action.

This would enable you to ' de-involve ' from your past ( regrets, guilt etc ) , and hence tackle the situation of the Moment more objectively. And no sooner is your action of the Moment over, the ' Now ' has also slipped into the Past ! And the past ? it was all ordained... it was destined....... was your Destiny !

And so..... your action... your doing was ..... is.... only an illusion.... the Great Paradox ..............

Also, some day, this will enable you to move into the ultimate wisdom that All that happens is the Existence's doing... Existence's writ.... and, you, as an integral part of the Existence only carry out Existence's writ. You are not other than Existence ! Thus are you freed from 'Doing', and move into 'not-doing '.... wherein all just happens, as it must .

As Long as the Jiva is in duality, The paradox between Action and Destiny can never be resolved ! Only, when duality comes to an end, when the Self is realised as 'One-ness ; is the paradox resolved in the understanding that the two( action and destiny ) are also One, separated only by Time, which is only a Mental construct ; Time is a ‘myth’ and has no reality really !

Till then, The above is a practical resolution of Action and Destiny. AUM narinder bhandari----------------------------Dear Sadaks,

Q.1) " Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?'',

We see some doing most wretched thing on earth but suddenly die. What about his actions? Is it just nothing in his account? People often see this and say, "good people suffer but bad one escapes'. The life span is fixed for each individual. Within that span he has to complete his account. But he adds heavily some more bad actions and thoughts. This is simply carried over. As in accounts we write B/F (Brought forward from earlier birth) OR C/O carried over from last year account.

Q 2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt? The first sufferer presume it is Adam & eve. No karmic debt –Agreed. But desire came in which led to action (Karma) which leads to Karmic debt.

Q 3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped.

New born babies are very much lucky. Their debt was almost 1%. There are so many examples from Scripts.

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become uncompassionate?

Kans karmas is to be killed. Long rope given. Ravana karma was so. The most compassionate Bagavan killed them. Bagavan action of Karma was for Lok Kalyan. So Karma not accounted. For selfish need if one kills another man it becomes Bhrama Hatthi.

Q 5)" What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?" just say Suveni (to yourself) Loka (earth) is Dukha Doshani Dharshanam, just surrender to God and avoid seeing Duk, but constantly see GOD. All this maya should not touch your mind to create disturbances. The earth is Karma boomi (jail) to under go punishment. It cannot be heaven. Feeling sorry about other sufferings is compassion- No doubt. But the same thoughts remaining in mind becomes attachment. Just like Sri Jada Bharat in Srimath Bagavath.

Jai Sri Krishna



Hari Om

I agree with Deosharanji ! There is action and reaction separated by Time and governed by Divine Laws. We ourselves only are responsible for whatever happens in our life.

Based on the Time lag between the action and reaction ( karma and fruits thereof) , the term "prarabdha" ( fate/destiny) has come into existence. Now every human has been given two things- Prarabdha and Purushartha . The former represents your "prior" deeds. The latter your "present" deeds. As against these two - you have four "desires" - Artha, Kaam, Dharma, Moksha ! Now Artha (worldly possessions) and Kaam (consumption of worldly bhogas with sensory organs/mind/intellect/ego) are DIRECTLY under the purview and jurisdiction of PRARABDHA ! Purushartha has no role there AT ALL !!

On the other hand Dharma ( righteousness) and Moksha (Liberation/Benediction) are under the exclusive jurisdiction of PURUSHARTHA ! Prarabdha has no role there AT ALL !!

Now since on most of us, due to desires, BG 18:32 is operational, hence we "erroneously and foolishly" consider Dharma and Moksha to be based on Prarabdha and we are ceaselessly , with a stick in hand, running after Artha and Kaam . We are using Prarabdha where we should be using Purushartha ! We have left Dharma and Moksha on fate/destiny/karma and are wasting our Purushartha (current actions) on earning Artha and Bhoga !! Simpletons we are , simply put !!

Result: What else it can be except sorrows, frustration, brooding, fretting ??

Says Goswami Tulsidasji:

So paratra dukh paayavi , sir dhuni dhuni pachchataay !

Kaalhi, karmahi, Ishwarahi mithya dosh lagaay !!

He ( disillusioned soul described herein above ) repents later on beating his head and becomes highly sorrowful. He then falsely blames Time, Karma and God for his miserable state !!

Deosharanji ! You are talking about people described above !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B




Hari Om

Questions like this help us in understanding the Law of Karma and do let us admire the "justice" as well as "kindness" of Paramatma. It is very rare to find both justice and kindness operating together in day to day life, but Laws of God always present to us sheer ruthlessness of prakriti on one hand and divine kindness of Paramatma.

Well, the difficulties do not arise out of circumstances or situations and your past deeds have no role to play in making you happy or sorrowful. It is DESIRE or expectation of happiness out of world, out of situations and circumstances that make the situations difficult to digest. The fact however remains that :

* Destiny merely presents good or difficult circumstances before you. To get soorowful or happy is not caused by destiny but by stupidity/ignorance !

* Every calamity is a blessing in disguise. Its result is ONLY reduction of your karmic liabilities and purification.

* You can break the chain of action/reaction; birth/death ONLY in this human life. Hence sorrow/karma has no capacity to cause further sorrows/karmas. Use of Conscience (viveka) here plays very important role.

* No one in mortal world is free of sorrows. There is nothing unique or important or particular or special about it. The world is designed so- ab initio. "Dukhalayam" ! What is common to all can't be a subject matter of sorrow. Who cries when Sun sets? No one ! Because it is common to all !

* No one is supposed to be sorrowful. - "Sahaj Sukhrashi". Only stupids grieve.

* In adversity, there is always more spiritual progress. It is our direct experience


Human life is a universal tax to be borne by every human being, in the form of sorrows. A wise accepts that with knowledge and a stupid dries , grieves and accepts.


No one (circumstances, situations, people,body, mind, intellect, world, time, God, Karma phala, fate, destiny, all included ) is capable of giving pleasures or pains to you. "That other is giving it" - this very thought is wrong !!

* Lord in Gita starts with addressing worries ( ashochyananva shochastvam) and ends with an advice reg worries ( ma suchah). DON'T WORRY. Merely by "not worrying" - worry evaporates. FINAL ADVICE by Lord Krishna to all humans- DON'T WORRY.

* IF WE JUST DECIDE that come what may - I shall not grieve, sorrow can't touch you. LAST WORDS of Lord Krishna- Don't worry !! MA SUCHAH !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Shri Krishna 1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas. 2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same. 3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified. 4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !! 5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy. Swami Rupesh KumarNamaste dear sadhaks: There appears to be genuine misinformation, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation about KARMA. Also, there is deliberate propaganda about KARMA, spread by those who seek to denigrate Hinduism, for whatever purpose. Basically, this is how it is put across: "Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only." In other words, they portray and interpret KARMA as fatalism, and that KARMA will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. If this has been discussed before, please provide the thread URL. If not, please comment Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath



Ram Ram

Suveniji and C.P. Srinivasanji,Please read Sadhak-Sanjivani commentary of Chapter 18 - Verse12. It is available online in Hindi.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.html

The same is also available in book named 'Karma-Rahasya' chapter 1. It is also available online in Hindi. http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.html

In short,Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other.

There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. For elaborate explaination please read from the above links.

How to get rid of karmas?I was able to find below few verses which answer your question.Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66

Thank You.Hare KrishnaVarun P. Paprunia--


Shri Krishna 1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas. 2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same. 3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified. 4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !! 5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy. Swami Rupesh Kumar


Dear Sadaks,Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back. Vivekachudamni says, that Prarabda Karma is like arrow sent out of bow knowing or unknowing causes risk. Prarabda Karma effect one has to undergo. Where as Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit.King Dasaratha left arrow by mistake on a boy. The boy` s parents cursed that he (king) that he shall also under the same separation of his (king) son. This curse was much before Sri Ramawas born. This is Physical action of King Dasaratha. What to say about this everyone knows. Mother Seetha asking for giolden deer in spite of Sri Rama upraising her not to have such desire. Sri rama was not firm in staying with mother Seetha. Sri Rama went behind deer. Here Sri Rama knew the consequences because HE was Bagavan himself. Sri Krishna tells Devaki on being born that HE is Vaikuntapathi and it is HIS 3rd birth to them. 1st was to Prishni and Sutapa. 2cd was to Kasyapa and Adhiti. Bagavan has also said HIS birth in Kaliyg to whom and where.The realized souls do have this power of reading past births. The doer does not know wrong action or right action. To know of action one must read sastras under Guru in young age itself as in olden days of Sri Rama or Sri Krishna. Even in those days Duryodhan and Pandavas were under one Guru. But Pandavas could maintain Dharma at all levels. Where as Duryodhan maintained Adharma at all levels. Reason previous birth stock. Why many people with divine touch still mentally cannot abstain from looks of lust. They know it is wrong. The vasana is stronger than conscience.Innocent dumped babies: Innocent 6 children of Devaki was killed by maternal uncle. These 6 were sinned small extent ones at Bhrama Lok that their account of Karma was to be born and get killed. Each one was taken by Naradh to Bhrama lok on death. Certain Jeeva have to be born with disability. The parents of such jeeva indulges on Ekadasi day which is the result. So it is time and parents to whom the Jeeva has to go is decided on it` s own karmas Prabdha-Sanchita-Aagami. One can see a dog going in car with royal treatment, where as child suffers due to hunger. The child karma it states it kicked food, wasted food, deprived others food in earlier birth. So based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Compassion does not come to one but it is in full with another. Christ compassion even to people who crucified him. HE was saintly person and knew cause and effect. The link of hatred, anger etc was totally cut by HIM. This gave him austral body to rise from death and go to highest level. Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle.It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Dear all,

Thanks for all your responses. As suggested by most of you, I guess to get a better understanding I need to do some reading. And that's what I will do going forward. To clarify a little, one of my questions:

> What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody?

Was about the "suffering" of others over which I have no power to help/correct. As regards my own personal difficulties, I have learnt to deal with them using a simple rule, which works for me..I say to my-self that this situation/person that I now confront is there to teach me something, I must take the lesson, grow and move forward.

Is there a simple mental note like this that one can use while confronting difficulties/trauma of "others" in the world over which I have no power? I am learning to teach my-self to see the Lord in everything by repeating "There is no one else in the room, there is no OTHER". So when one sees the beloved's hardships in so many forms, what does one tell the aching heart?

Much thanks,


PS1: Since some of you talked about my grandpa, I wish to tell that he expired a couple of years ago and my granny last year. During their times of misery I was a student and hundreds of miles away from them…letters were our only mode of communication. Today in the pages of Bhagvad Gita, is the fond letter from my grandparents… they come alive when I read it. I know that wherever they are today (other than my heart), my grand-pa and ma would be very peaceful.

PS2: Dear Sophia ji, I really hope all of this trial is over for you very soon. Wishing you health and happiness.





1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

Please read SADHAK SANJIVNI BY SWAMIJI. It is really ultimate to satisfy ur Q. (RG)

Humans by Sadhana (Sidhi –Buddhi- Bakthi- Mukthi Pradayani--- from Sri Mahalakshmi Stotra) elevates himself to highest level where in he comes to know his previous birth Karmas. Such a one completely remains silent to all happenings to him and happenings around him. (BS)

Karmas are imprints of human thoughts-feelings-emotions from the time immemorial left on the Consciousness which are carried from one generation to the next, evolving all the time. An individual can draw, modify, and put back his/her karmas into this ever-flowing stream of Karmas in the Ocean of Consciousness! This Ocean retains its purity even as it holds good and bad karmas of mankind, and initiates reincarnations when bad outweighs good, as Krishna, Rama, Christ and Sages and Saints across the globe. This is "yada yada hi dharmasya ......" BG Ch 4, 7. (PB)

2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

one needs Gyana Sidhi to know. Read Narayiniyam by Sri Batadri 2000 verses or atleast the verse starting with Yogendra Nam— written and approved by Bagavan Sri Krishna HIMSELF. (BS)

Living in accordance with Gita, actions can liberate us form any bondage of karmas!

3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped

God-Intelligence Supreme wants us to start with a clean slate-another chance torealize our Immortality. Nothing prevents us from taking corrective actions in the NOW! Suffering and wrong doing both have to be dealt with. human abuses happen due to selfishness! Gita and other scriptures help, if we heed the teachings! All problems are due to us seeing ourselves as separate individuals. (PB)

The earth is called Karma Boomi. (for doing Good or bad—to elevate or suffer) (BS)

4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?

Compassion for all sentient beings is number one, will always be the essential most important thing. Compassion must be for ourselves as well. (SD)

In sufferings/happiness remain silent but focus thoughts on God telling HIM mentally that it is Ok, Oh God please shed your Karuniyam (grace) to bear all these. As in Geetha surrender Karmas to Paramathuma. Many shlokas can wash away past sins by sincere recitation with earnest faith and REMAINING divine. e.g. "Vasudevam Sutham Devam—" ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe (Crore Jalma sins vanishes) (SB)

Most of Ch 3 and 4 are devoted to emphasize life of freedom from karmas(doership/desires/attachments) while being engaged in very karmas as none can remain without doing actions. Very little emphasis is on past lives and its karmic debts. (PB)

Karma theory does not say to blame someone for suffering due to his/her past Karmas, absolutely not! What it says is that when bad things happen to an individual, then, say "ok it may be my past karms to have this problem now, but what matters now is how to resolve it satisfactorily, what can I do?" Such acceptance brings intelligence to resolve( Gita teaching). BE FREE of worries/fears, just ACT! (PB)

Karmic debt theory assumes that a person is doer of deeds that are performed through his/her body-mind. Find out: "is it true, am the doer of my actions?" On dropping the "doer" (me-thought along with desires, fears etc), karmas have no basis to stand on and burn away along with the Karta-doer! (PB)

5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)

People with bad karmas will suffer in the end. But that does not mean that we should not help those sufferers by attributing their condition to bad karmas. By helping we will be our duty (karmas). (HSD)

always help wherever whenever we can as long as we are not being abused and victimized. Look at what is happening in a detached manner - step away.(SD)

Don't find faults in the wrong doer, instead pray and ask God for help. Once you develop relationship with God, you will know how He acts as you, other people, situations to answer you! (PB)

Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle. It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization (BS)

6) What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them.

based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back and the effect which one has to undergo.

Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit (feeling remorse, penance).

Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other. There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. (VP)

And how do we get rid of them?

Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66





Dear sadhaks,

I have been reading the posts on this forum with interest and gratitude. Theyremind me of my beacon light every morning when I open my mailbox. Thank you toall of you for making this forum what it is.

My question is about Karmic debt, which first came to my mind when I saw mymaternal grand-parents suffering at the hands of their sons and the doubt isreinforced after reading a chain of posts initiated by Sophia ji (I hope she isfeeling better now ) where some of you gave a peek into your own personaldifficult times. Time and again, I have seen people refer to their earthlyproblems as Karmic debt, which if I understand correctly is the accumulation ofnegative points (lay woman's language) that we have earned by doing actions thathave violated somebody's domain in some way in the previous births. Assumingthat my premise is correct, I want to know:

-Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrongdoing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?

-There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmicdebt) at hands of the first wrong doer? Why did that somebody (soul) choose toundergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?

- I want to know what my grand-parents got (by way of treatment), was it whatthey deserved and my uncles are faultless? Are the so many new born babies whoget dumped in the dustbins/toilets paying for their wrong-doings and theirmother's are settling some old karmic scores? What about the girl who gotflogged? N the ones beheaded n stoned?

-If yes, why does it make me feel that if I really believe in this Karmic debttheory then I will become uncompassionate and everything horrible will seem tobe fair?

-What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?

Much thanks,


PS: Please excuse the imperfections in my question. If there is such thing as aspiritual path/journey then I am one of those who have just begun looking in theright direction not having taken a single baby step yet.

-----------------------Shree Hari Ram RamIt is recommended that you also read previous related discussion thread at:

1) An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?/message/1864

2) What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?/message/1444

3) Becoming Free from Karma Bondage - Actions, Impressions, Doership etc./message/2187


GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.

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QUESTION SUMMARY - ON KARMIC DEBT (DETAILS BELOW)1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate? 5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below) Suveni-----------NEW QUESTION: Dear sirs, What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them. Kindly clarify.C.P.Srinivasan-NEW POSTINGWork like an agent of god. Surrender all karmas to god Good or bad,

Then U will feel free from karmic debt.

Raja Gurdasani-respected Vyas jee,


You are RIGHT........ there is , in Truth , NO paradox.


Yet, Paradox is a seeming Reality.

Just as there is no such Reality as darkness . Darkness is only absence of Light .

Maya is NOT real..................... Avidya (Ignorance) is NOT real , only Vidya is Real.


Spiritualism is like a Kaleidoscope; just move the angle of vision, and you have another view of Reality, as false or true as the previous one .

And the True knowing of the kaleidoscope could only be That,

which accepts all colours, all designs, all views ...... that arise in

the kaleidoscope which IS... just IS..... ah ! This then is the seeming Paradox , narinder speaks about .


Truth cannot be captured in words ................... the moment one says anything about the Truth of being, it is no more the Truth ...........

and yet,

it is only words that can lead us unto the experience of the Truth. This itself is a Paradox !



proof of the Great Paradox existing in one's Life is the dichotomy that

prevails in one's being ................ the dichotomy of what one

believes one is, and how one fares in one's conduct, when dealing

towards the other,.......... how much love one brings into one's conduct, while dealing with the other ...........


only when the paradox is resolved in one's being through the realisation of the Self, is one able to express oneself as Love in action

, the proof of which is that the inner being of one is not disturbed at

all by what Destiny brings one in contact ............ no

intellectual proofs suffice, only the inner equanimity !



with respects,




A Quote from Ramanna Maharishi regarding Destiny :


Devotee: "Is there

predestination? And if what is destined to happen will happen, is there

any use in prayer or effort or should we just remain idle?" Ramanna

Maharishi: "There are only two ways in which to conquer Destiny or be

independent of it. One is to enquire who undergoes this destiny and

discover that only the ego is bound by it and not the Self, and that

the ego is non-existent. The other way is to kill the ego by

completely surrendering to the Lord, by realizing one's helplessness

and saying all the time: `Not I, but Thou, Oh my Lord', and giving up

sense of `I' and `mine' and leaving it to the Lord to do what he likes

with you. Surrender can never be regarded as complete so long as the

devotee wants this or that from the Lord. True surrender is love of God

for the sake of love and for nothing else, not even for the sake of

salvation. In other words, complete effacement of the ego is necessary

to conquer destiny, whether you achieve the effacement through

Self-enquiry or through Bhakti-marga." AUM


narinder bhandari----------HARI OMI draw to the attention of sadhaks the outbreak of Swine

Flu. This is Karma - when they kill animals by the millions; when they

house thousands of pigs in farms in tightly enclosed spaces with lakes

of feces and filth; and when they suffer thousands of calves and cows

in unbearable stock lots, then they have created tons of karma that

will come back to haunt them.

In the midst of a pandemic outbreak resulting from the transmission of

a virus from animal to man, people are still asking if it is safe to

eat that animal (pork and pork products.) This is the Age of Darkness

when such behavior and lifestyle is common, except for those who heed

Bhagavan and live according to the teachings of Gita. If we do that

then we will erase all karmic debt.May You be blessed.Krishna S. Narinedath

----PRIOR POSTINGRespected Satsang Members:I would like try to explain how Karma works from a scientific view point. The questions that will be addressed are: 1. How the cause and effect are not identical for all 2. Why self effort is the most required 3. The inevitability of certain happenings.It assumes the following: 1.Every living being comes with certain qualities (Vasanas) from birth. 2. Some of these are inherited from the parents as the present day science tells us. 3.Some of them come from our past lives the Soul carries with it before it finds the right place to give birth again.4. A human system is very complex and is influenced by so many external forces in addition to the internal forces5. Any physical system including human system continues to be 'what it is' unless and otherwise disturbed by an external/internal force.Human behavior at a given time (t, let us say today) is determined from two factors: 1. Dictated by its inherent nature (Vasanas) and the initial condition it was a small time before t (it could be previous day) and 2. The effort put in by external and internal factors.This formula explains how we behave today and why we behave the way we do clearly. In this formula, the Initial condition is nothing but the past Karma. The external effort is nothing but the influence of all external objects (includes all animate and inanimate). The internal effort is the one we resolved to do and implement. This is part of the dynamics of physical systems for those who are exposed to control system theory.Now one can see how a Satsang helps to mold our behavior tomorrow based on what we are today (External input)Also, we can see how the self effort is very important to change our behavior tomorrow from that of today.Depending on which of these inputs is greater, positive or negative, our actions will result today.It means that we can get over our inherent nature (Vasanas) but requires large effort to be put in. This large effort could be coming from a Guru or Scriptures or Yourself by meditation.It also means that some of the Karmas Need to be obeyed and lived out (praarabdha). Like even greatest spiritual people suffered from incurable diseases.Sanchita karmas are the inherent to the system and can be changed by a counter self effort called "Will" to a great extentIn all these actions God has nothing to do except being the 'Witness'. In conclusion we are what we do, what company we keep, what values we cherish, what actions we perform out of our will. If we need to change the influence of the initial conditions, we need to put in large effort.This explains why some people with good vasanas are able to go faster in reaching their goal of Moksha by simple practices and why people like me need enormous effort and may not even reach the goal because of past karmas both in this life and in the previous lives. Thanks for allowing to share these thoughts.B Vempaty ---------------------1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?Yes, it is logically consistent theory, though it is not necessary to explain every suffering that way from Hindu philosophy point of view. Ans: It is logical because eveyone is doing what he/she is destined to do. Suffering or happiness in the material sense occur only when one identifies oneself as a distinctly separate entity with a semse of ownership of action. As soon as one assumes ownership of one's actions (active doer) one will suffer / enjoy the consequences of his actions If one eats too much he/she will most likely have diseases and fast weaking body. The one who knows that he does not really do anything and aware that all these actions are the result of circumstances and the inherited behavior propensities. Wrong doings or right doing, there might be both positive and negative outcomes.Thr consequences might come after 7 days or over a very long period of time. People who think as if they are taking and doing things by themselves. Depending on their values, perceptions and the combination of intensity of the three gunas they inherit, have their sufferings. Yes, any human being is doing wrong things of one type or another and suffer their adverse effects sooner or later within their current life span. Death with lot of disaapointment prior to death and the timing of death are all in a chained sequence of cause and effect. Many people do similar bad things, will suffer if the act with a sense of ego as a doer ofthings.2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?Ans: No one has any real choice. The do things as is the result of the changing environment to which they react in accordance with the particular mix of the three Gunas. There is really no first or second doer. No body really does. It is mix of gunas that react to external environment. Soul does not really suffer: soul is clean and transparent. It only reflects the outcome of the three guna combination responding to external environment. Just like cells multiply as per their natural law.3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumpedAns: No one deserves anything. A new born baby dumped and another not dumped are the same things. If you accept rebirth policy, the new born baby dumped may be fortunate as well being picked up by wealthy family and adopt. What isapparent lt bad maybe good in reality. Bill Gates could not study in the college because of his gunas and circumstances specific to him. but he became the wealthiest person in the World.4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?Ans: There are no fair laws that decide whether to make one compansionate or incompasionate. Whether a person will be compasionate or not is determined by the Three gunas genetically and the external environment he faces. A person hasno choice. It is stochastic process . it is a probabilty play that is fair in probabilic sense.5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody?Ans: Nothing unjust happens to anyone. Some things happen and we experience them as bad or good and seek justification for the experience. We happen to be made with a particular mis og Gunas that controls all actions.. You will tell your hearrt exactly what you are condioned to do. Get rid of identifying you with a body and mind . You are not illusion: Your thinking that you do is the illusionthat begets a chain of illusion. You do not cry because some clouds lose thieir existence to become water. There is no way a cloud don not become rain. You will do what you are and will be doing as the water vapor rises up to formclouds to come back as rain water later. Water vapour dies? Clouds die? Rains cease? What s the fairness in the distribution of water drops falling as rain over a wide range locations.In summary, when you believe you the Soul, the self that is the cause of all but not a slave of the gunas, the question of unfair happenings do not arise. But when you see different people as different identities, you seek fairness? Think about all this . You will yourself get the final answer.Basudeb Sen--Hari OmNarinderji Bhandari - I don't agree with you on the point you have stated in this topic and my reasons are included here with -You say: "As Long as the Jiva is in duality, The paradox between Action and Destiny can never be resolved ! Only, when duality comes to an end, when the Self is realised as 'One-ness ; is the paradox resolved in the understanding that the two ( action and destiny ) are also One, separated only by Time, which is only a Mental construct ; Time is a "myth" and has no reality really !" You are presuming that there is a conflict between "destiny" and "action" (Purushartha- present deeds) ! Fact is (as explained in my last detailed message) that Prarabdha (destiny) and Purushartha (present deeds) have no conflict at all and their fields of operations are totally different. Artha and Kama fall in the purview of Prarabdha, while Dharma and Moksha are subject matter of Purushartha. Where is the conflict? What is paradox?My recommendation would be to read Sadhak Sanjeevani ! Also on the subject of - who is doer and who is not, it is a deep subject and subtle points on this subject need to be understood. It is my sincere request that you ask a separate question on the subject for clarity. Else better yet read, read and read Swamiji's literature on the subject. Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B-------------------------------- -PRIOR POSTING"Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only." In other words, they portray and interpret KARMA as fatalism, and that KARMA will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. If this has been discussed before, please provide the thread URL. If not, please commentDear Sadhaks..................The Law of karma, though succinctly simple , is the Great Paradox difficult to reconcile.................How do you resolve Destiny verses Action ? Action and Destiny ! A practical approach to adopt as 'understanding ' for a day to day Living would be :At any point of time, consider all that you may have gone through in life as Destiny; and whatever Existence presents as the situation in This Moment Now, is the situation for your action.This would enable you to ' de-involve ' from your past ( regrets, guilt etc ) , and hence tackle the situation of the Moment more objectively. And no sooner is your action of the Moment over, the ' Now ' has also slipped into the Past ! And the past ? it was all ordained... it was destined....... was your Destiny !And so..... your action... your doing was ..... is.... only an illusion.... the Great Paradox ..............Also, some day, this will enable you to move into the ultimate wisdom that All that happens is the Existence's doing... Existence's writ.... and, you, as an integral part of the Existence only carry out Existence's writ. You are not other than Existence ! Thus are you freed from 'Doing', and move into 'not-doing '.... wherein all just happens, as it must .As Long as the Jiva is in duality, The paradox between Action and Destiny can never be resolved ! Only, when duality comes to an end, when the Self is realised as 'One-ness ; is the paradox resolved in the understanding that the two( action and destiny ) are also One, separated only by Time, which is only a Mental construct ; Time is a ‘myth’ and has no reality really !Till then, The above is a practical resolution of Action and Destiny. AUM narinder bhandari----------------------------Dear Sadaks,Q.1) " Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?'',We see some doing most wretched thing on earth but suddenly die. What about his actions? Is it just nothing in his account? People often see this and say, "good people suffer but bad one escapes'. The life span is fixed for each individual. Within that span he has to complete his account. But he adds heavily some more bad actions and thoughts. This is simply carried over. As in accounts we write B/F (Brought forward from earlier birth) OR C/O carried over from last year account.Q 2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt? The first sufferer presume it is Adam & eve. No karmic debt –Agreed. But desire came in which led to action (Karma) which leads to Karmic debt.Q 3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped.New born babies are very much lucky. Their debt was almost 1%. There are so many examples from Scripts.4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become uncompassionate?Kans karmas is to be killed. Long rope given. Ravana karma was so. The most compassionate Bagavan killed them. Bagavan action of Karma was for Lok Kalyan. So Karma not accounted. For selfish need if one kills another man it becomes Bhrama Hatthi.Q 5)" What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?" just say Suveni (to yourself) Loka (earth) is Dukha Doshani Dharshanam, just surrender to God and avoid seeing Duk, but constantly see GOD. All this maya should not touch your mind to create disturbances. The earth is Karma boomi (jail) to under go punishment. It cannot be heaven. Feeling sorry about other sufferings is compassion- No doubt. But the same thoughts remaining in mind becomes attachment. Just like Sri Jada Bharat in Srimath Bagavath.Jai Sri KrishnaB.SathyanarayanHari OmI agree with Deosharanji ! There is action and reaction separated by Time and governed by Divine Laws. We ourselves only are responsible for whatever happens in our life.Based on the Time lag between the action and reaction ( karma and fruits thereof) , the term "prarabdha" ( fate/destiny) has come into existence. Now every human has been given two things- Prarabdha and Purushartha . The former represents your "prior" deeds. The latter your "present" deeds. As against these two - you have four "desires" - Artha, Kaam, Dharma, Moksha ! Now Artha (worldly possessions) and Kaam (consumption of worldly bhogas with sensory organs/mind/intellect/ego) are DIRECTLY under the purview and jurisdiction of PRARABDHA ! Purushartha has no role there AT ALL !!On the other hand Dharma ( righteousness) and Moksha (Liberation/Benediction) are under the exclusive jurisdiction of PURUSHARTHA ! Prarabdha has no role there AT ALL !!Now since on most of us, due to desires, BG 18:32 is operational, hence we "erroneously and foolishly" consider Dharma and Moksha to be based on Prarabdha and we are ceaselessly , with a stick in hand, running after Artha and Kaam . We are using Prarabdha where we should be using Purushartha ! We have left Dharma and Moksha on fate/destiny/karma and are wasting our Purushartha (current actions) on earning Artha and Bhoga !! Simpletons we are , simply put !!Result: What else it can be except sorrows, frustration, brooding, fretting ??Says Goswami Tulsidasji:So paratra dukh paayavi , sir dhuni dhuni pachchataay !Kaalhi, karmahi, Ishwarahi mithya dosh lagaay !!He ( disillusioned soul described herein above ) repents later on beating his head and becomes highly sorrowful. He then falsely blames Time, Karma and God for his miserable state !!Deosharanji ! You are talking about people described above !!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B -PRIOR POSTINGHari OmQuestions like this help us in understanding the Law of Karma and do let us admire the "justice" as well as "kindness" of Paramatma. It is very rare to find both justice and kindness operating together in day to day life, but Laws of God always present to us sheer ruthlessness of prakriti on one hand and divine kindness of Paramatma.Well, the difficulties do not arise out of circumstances or situations and your past deeds have no role to play in making you happy or sorrowful. It is DESIRE or expectation of happiness out of world, out of situations and circumstances that make the situations difficult to digest. The fact however remains that :* Destiny merely presents good or difficult circumstances before you. To get soorowful or happy is not caused by destiny but by stupidity/ignorance !* Every calamity is a blessing in disguise. Its result is ONLY reduction of your karmic liabilities and purification.* You can break the chain of action/reaction; birth/death ONLY in this human life. Hence sorrow/karma has no capacity to cause further sorrows/karmas. Use of Conscience (viveka) here plays very important role.* No one in mortal world is free of sorrows. There is nothing unique or important or particular or special about it. The world is designed so- ab initio. "Dukhalayam" ! What is common to all can't be a subject matter of sorrow. Who cries when Sun sets? No one ! Because it is common to all !* No one is supposed to be sorrowful. - "Sahaj Sukhrashi". Only stupids grieve.* In adversity, there is always more spiritual progress. It is our direct experience* DEH DHARE KA DAND HAI SAB KAHOO KO HOY !GYAANI BHUGATE GYAAN SE, MOORAKH BHUGATE ROY !!Human life is a universal tax to be borne by every human being, in the form of sorrows. A wise accepts that with knowledge and a stupid dries , grieves and accepts.* SUKH DUKH NA KOPI DAATA, PARO DADATI, KUBUDDHIH RESHA !!No one (circumstances, situations, people,body, mind, intellect, world, time, God, Karma phala, fate, destiny, all included ) is capable of giving pleasures or pains to you. "That other is giving it" - this very thought is wrong !!* Lord in Gita starts with addressing worries ( ashochyananva shochastvam) and ends with an advice reg worries ( ma suchah). DON'T WORRY. Merely by "not worrying" - worry evaporates. FINAL ADVICE by Lord Krishna to all humans- DON'T WORRY.* IF WE JUST DECIDE that come what may - I shall not grieve, sorrow can't touch you. LAST WORDS of Lord Krishna- Don't worry !! MA SUCHAH !!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B--Shri Krishna 1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas. 2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same. 3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified. 4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !! 5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy. Swami Rupesh KumarNamaste dear sadhaks: There appears to be genuine misinformation, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation about KARMA. Also, there is deliberate propaganda about KARMA, spread by those who seek to denigrate Hinduism, for whatever purpose. Basically, this is how it is put across: "Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only." In other words, they portray and interpret KARMA as fatalism, and that KARMA will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. If this has been discussed before, please provide the thread URL. If not, please comment Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath-PRIOR POSTINGRam RamSuveniji and C.P. Srinivasanji,Please read Sadhak-Sanjivani commentary of Chapter 18 - Verse12. It is available online in Hindi.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.htmlThe same is also available in book named 'Karma-Rahasya' chapter 1. It is also available online in Hindi.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.htmlIn short,Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other.There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. For elaborate explaination please read from the above links.How to get rid of karmas?I was able to find below few verses which answer your question.Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66Thank You.Hare KrishnaVarun P. Paprunia-- Shri Krishna 1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas. 2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same. 3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified. 4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !! 5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy. Swami Rupesh Kumar-Dear Sadaks,Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back. Vivekachudamni says, that Prarabda Karma is like arrow sent out of bow knowing or unknowing causes risk. Prarabda Karma effect one has to undergo. Where as Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit.King Dasaratha left arrow by mistake on a boy. The boy` s parents cursed that he (king) that he shall also under the same separation of his (king) son. This curse was much before Sri Ramawas born. This is Physical action of King Dasaratha. What to say about this everyone knows. Mother Seetha asking for giolden deer in spite of Sri Rama upraising her not to have such desire. Sri rama was not firm in staying with mother Seetha. Sri Rama went behind deer. Here Sri Rama knew the consequences because HE was Bagavan himself. Sri Krishna tells Devaki on being born that HE is Vaikuntapathi and it is HIS 3rd birth to them. 1st was to Prishni and Sutapa. 2cd was to Kasyapa and Adhiti. Bagavan has also said HIS birth in Kaliyg to whom and where.The realized souls do have this power of reading past births.The doer does not know wrong action or right action. To know of action one must read sastras under Guru in young age itself as in olden days of Sri Rama or Sri Krishna. Even in those days Duryodhan and Pandavas were under one Guru. But Pandavas could maintain Dharma at all levels. Where as Duryodhan maintained Adharma at all levels. Reason previous birth stock. Why many people with divine touch still mentally cannot abstain from looks of lust. They know it is wrong. The vasana is stronger than conscience.Innocent dumped babies: Innocent 6 children of Devaki was killed by maternal uncle. These 6 were sinned small extent ones at Bhrama Lok that their account of Karma was to be born and get killed. Each one was taken by Naradh to Bhrama lok on death. Certain Jeeva have to be born with disability. The parents of such jeeva indulges on Ekadasi day which is the result. So it is time and parents to whom the Jeeva has to go is decided on it` s own karmas Prabdha-Sanchita-Aagami. One can see a dog going in car with royal treatment, where as child suffers due to hunger. The child karma it states it kicked food, wasted food, deprived others food in earlier birth. So based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Compassion does not come to one but it is in full with another. Christ compassion even to people who crucified him. HE was saintly person and knew cause and effect. The link of hatred, anger etc was totally cut by HIM. This gave him austral body to rise from death and go to highest level. Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle.It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan----Dear all,Thanks for all your responses. As suggested by most of you, I guess to get a better understanding I need to do some reading. And that's what I will do going forward. To clarify a little, one of my questions:> What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody?Was about the "suffering" of others over which I have no power to help/correct. As regards my own personal difficulties, I have learnt to deal with them using a simple rule, which works for me..I say to my-self that this situation/person that I now confront is there to teach me something, I must take the lesson, grow and move forward.Is there a simple mental note like this that one can use while confronting difficulties/trauma of "others" in the world over which I have no power? I am learning to teach my-self to see the Lord in everything by repeating "There is no one else in the room, there is no OTHER". So when one sees the beloved's hardships in so many forms, what does one tell the aching heart?Much thanks,SuveniPS1: Since some of you talked about my grandpa, I wish to tell that he expired a couple of years ago and my granny last year. During their times of misery I was a student and hundreds of miles away from them…letters were our only mode of communication. Today in the pages of Bhagvad Gita, is the fond letter from my grandparents… they come alive when I read it. I know that wherever they are today (other than my heart), my grand-pa and ma would be very peaceful.PS2: Dear Sophia ji, I really hope all of this trial is over for you very soon. Wishing you health and happiness.=========================================================TO READ ALL PRIOR POSTING GO TO: /message/2560SUMMARY RESPONSES TO DATE1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?Please read SADHAK SANJIVNI BY SWAMIJI. It is really ultimate to satisfy ur Q. (RG)Humans by Sadhana (Sidhi –Buddhi- Bakthi- Mukthi Pradayani--- from Sri Mahalakshmi Stotra) elevates himself to highest level where in he comes to know his previous birth Karmas. Such a one completely remains silent to all happenings to him and happenings around him. (BS)Karmas are imprints of human thoughts-feelings-emotions from the time immemorial left on the Consciousness which are carried from one generation to the next, evolving all the time. An individual can draw, modify, and put back his/her karmas into this ever-flowing stream of Karmas in the Ocean of Consciousness! This Ocean retains its purity even as it holds good and bad karmas of mankind, and initiates reincarnations when bad outweighs good, as Krishna, Rama, Christ and Sages and Saints across the globe. This is "yada yada hi dharmasya ......" BG Ch 4, 7. (PB)2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?one needs Gyana Sidhi to know. Read Narayiniyam by Sri Batadri 2000 verses or atleast the verse starting with Yogendra Nam— written and approved by Bagavan Sri Krishna HIMSELF. (BS)Living in accordance with Gita, actions can liberate us form any bondage of karmas!3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumpedGod-Intelligence Supreme wants us to start with a clean slate-another chance torealize our Immortality. Nothing prevents us from taking corrective actions in the NOW! Suffering and wrong doing both have to be dealt with. human abuses happen due to selfishness! Gita and other scriptures help, if we heed the teachings! All problems are due to us seeing ourselves as separate individuals. (PB)The earth is called Karma Boomi. (for doing Good or bad—to elevate or suffer) (BS)4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate? Compassion for all sentient beings is number one, will always be the essential most important thing. Compassion must be for ourselves as well. (SD) In sufferings/happiness remain silent but focus thoughts on God telling HIM mentally that it is Ok, Oh God please shed your Karuniyam (grace) to bear all these. As in Geetha surrender Karmas to Paramathuma. Many shlokas can wash away past sins by sincere recitation with earnest faith and REMAINING divine. e.g. "Vasudevam Sutham Devam—" ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe (Crore Jalma sins vanishes) (SB)Most of Ch 3 and 4 are devoted to emphasize life of freedom from karmas(doership/desires/attachments) while being engaged in very karmas as none can remain without doing actions. Very little emphasis is on past lives and its karmic debts. (PB) Karma theory does not say to blame someone for suffering due to his/her past Karmas, absolutely not! What it says is that when bad things happen to an individual, then, say "ok it may be my past karms to have this problem now, but what matters now is how to resolve it satisfactorily, what can I do?" Such acceptance brings intelligence to resolve( Gita teaching). BE FREE of worries/fears, just ACT! (PB)Karmic debt theory assumes that a person is doer of deeds that are performed through his/her body-mind. Find out: "is it true, am the doer of my actions?" On dropping the "doer" (me-thought along with desires, fears etc), karmas have no basis to stand on and burn away along with the Karta-doer! (PB)5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below) People with bad karmas will suffer in the end. But that does not mean that we should not help those sufferers by attributing their condition to bad karmas. By helping we will be our duty (karmas). (HSD)always help wherever whenever we can as long as we are not being abused and victimized. Look at what is happening in a detached manner - step away.(SD)Don't find faults in the wrong doer, instead pray and ask God for help. Once you develop relationship with God, you will know how He acts as you, other people, situations to answer you! (PB)Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle. It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization (BS)6) What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them. based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back and the effect which one has to undergo.Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit (feeling remorse, penance). Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other. There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. (VP)And how do we get rid of them?Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66----- -----DETAILED QUESTIONDear sadhaks,I have been reading the posts on this forum with interest and gratitude. Theyremind me of my beacon light every morning when I open my mailbox. Thank you toall of you for making this forum what it is.My question is about Karmic debt, which first came to my mind when I saw mymaternal grand-parents suffering at the hands of their sons and the doubt isreinforced after reading a chain of posts initiated by Sophia ji (I hope she isfeeling better now ) where some of you gave a peek into your own personaldifficult times. Time and again, I have seen people refer to their earthlyproblems as Karmic debt, which if I understand correctly is the accumulation ofnegative points (lay woman's language) that we have earned by doing actions thathave violated somebody's domain in some way in the previous births. Assumingthat my premise is correct, I want to know:-Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrongdoing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?-There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmicdebt) at hands of the first wrong doer? Why did that somebody (soul) choose toundergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?- I want to know what my grand-parents got (by way of treatment), was it whatthey deserved and my uncles are faultless? Are the so many new born babies whoget dumped in the dustbins/toilets paying for their wrong-doings and theirmother's are settling some old karmic scores? What about the girl who gotflogged? N the ones beheaded n stoned?-If yes, why does it make me feel that if I really believe in this Karmic debttheory then I will become uncompassionate and everything horrible will seem tobe fair?-What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?Much thanks,SuveniPS: Please excuse the imperfections in my question. If there is such thing as aspiritual path/journey then I am one of those who have just begun looking in theright direction not having taken a single baby step yet.-----------------------Shree Hari Ram RamIt is recommended that you also read previous related discussion thread at:1) An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?/message/18642) What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?/message/14443) Becoming Free from Karma Bondage - Actions, Impressions, Doership etc./message/2187--------------------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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QUESTION SUMMARY - ON KARMIC DEBT (DETAILS BELOW)1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)Suveni-----------NEW QUESTION: Dear sirs, What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them. Kindly clarify.C.P.Srinivasan-NEW POSTINGsanchit=deposited karmas

Prarabdh=deposited karma which have matured to give results

Work like an agent of god. Surrender all karmas to god Good or bad,

Then U will feel free from karmic

Raja Gurdasani--Dear Sadhak,To me when we identifying our selves with our mind,

body, intellect and act, those ego(I) identified actions bind us and we

become karta (doer) and bhokta (enjoyer) of our actions. Not only actions even thoughts

also binds us. If we desire or think of something, we must be ready to

accept its result (and related DEBTS) in the ratio of its intensity.Thoughts are

floating energy forms which manifest material world.The material world

itself has no existence, it is manifested due to power of Self attached

to it. That is why in our scriptures it is said that -Brahma satya,

jagat mithya.So to be completely free from bondage of karma and related debts, one

must detach him/her self from all false identifications and remain ever

present in NOW.With Love,a sadhikaSadhna Karigar----Krishna S. NarinedathmokshaMay all sentient beings be free from suffering and sorrow. What you have madea point of is tragically all too brutally poignantthe question of how many incarnations will it take for people to understandthe most beautiful of concepts Ahimsathank you for your comment Sophia---------------------------PRIOR POSTINGWork like an agent of god. Surrender all karmas to god Good or bad,Then U will feel free from karmic debt.Raja Gurdasani-respected Vyas jee, You are RIGHT........ there is , in Truth , NO paradox. Yet, Paradox is a seeming Reality.Just as there is no such Reality as darkness . Darkness is only absence of Light . Maya is NOT real..................... Avidya (Ignorance) is NOT real , only Vidya is Real. Spiritualism is like a Kaleidoscope; just move the angle of vision, and you have another view of Reality, as false or true as the previous one . And the True knowing of the kaleidoscope could only be That, which accepts all colours, all designs, all views ...... that arise in the kaleidoscope which IS... just IS..... ah ! This then is the seeming Paradox , narinder speaks about . Truth cannot be captured in words ................... the moment one says anything about the Truth of being, it is no more the Truth ........... and yet, it is only words that can lead us unto the experience of the Truth. This itself is a Paradox ! The proof of the Great Paradox existing in one's Life is the dichotomy that prevails in one's being ................ the dichotomy of what one believes one is, and how one fares in one's conduct, when dealing towards the other,.......... how much love one brings into one's conduct, while dealing with the other ........... only when the paradox is resolved in one's being through the realisation of the Self, is one able to express oneself as Love in action , the proof of which is that the inner being of one is not disturbed at all by what Destiny brings one in contact ............ no intellectual proofs suffice, only the inner equanimity ! with respects, narinder A Quote from Ramanna Maharishi regarding Destiny : Devotee: "Is there predestination? And if what is destined to happen will happen, is there any use in prayer or effort or should we just remain idle?"Ramanna Maharishi: "There are only two ways in which to conquer Destiny or be independent of it. One is to enquire who undergoes this destiny and discover that only the ego is bound by it and not the Self, and that the ego is non-existent.The other way is to kill the ego by completely surrendering to the Lord, by realizing one's helplessness and saying all the time: `Not I, but Thou, Oh my Lord', and giving up sense of `I' and `mine' and leaving it to the Lord to do what he likes with you. Surrender can never be regarded as complete so long as the devotee wants this or that from the Lord. True surrender is love of God for the sake of love and for nothing else, not even for the sake of salvation. In other words, complete effacement of the ego is necessary to conquer destiny, whether you achieve the effacement through Self-enquiry or through Bhakti-marga."AUM narinder bhandari----------HARI OMI draw to the attention of sadhaks the outbreak of Swine Flu. This is Karma - when they kill animals by the millions; when they house thousands of pigs in farms in tightly enclosed spaces with lakes of feces and filth; and when they suffer thousands of calves and cows in unbearable stock lots, then they have created tons of karma that will come back to haunt them.In the midst of a pandemic outbreak resulting from the transmission of a virus from animal to man, people are still asking if it is safe to eat that animal (pork and pork products.) This is the Age of Darkness when such behavior and lifestyle is common, except for those who heed Bhagavan and live according to the teachings of Gita. If we do that then we will erase all karmic debt.May You be blessed.Krishna S. Narinedath----PRIOR POSTINGRespected Satsang Members:I would like try to explain how Karma works from a scientific view point. The questions that will be addressed are: 1. How the cause and effect are not identical for all 2. Why self effort is the most required 3. The inevitability of certain happenings.It assumes the following:1.Every living being comes with certain qualities (Vasanas) from birth.2. Some of these are inherited from the parents as the present day science tells us.3.Some of them come from our past lives the Soul carries with it before it finds the right place to give birth again.4. A human system is very complex and is influenced by so many external forces in addition to the internal forces5. Any physical system including human system continues to be 'what it is' unless and otherwise disturbed by an external/internal force.Human behavior at a given time (t, let us say today) is determined from two factors: 1. Dictated by its inherent nature (Vasanas) and the initial condition it was a small time before t (it could be previous day) and 2. The effort put in by external and internal factors.This formula explains how we behave today and why we behave the way we do clearly. In this formula, the Initial condition is nothing but the past Karma. The external effort is nothing but the influence of all external objects (includes all animate and inanimate). The internal effort is the one we resolved to do and implement. This is part of the dynamics of physical systems for those who are exposed to control system theory.Now one can see how a Satsang helps to mold our behavior tomorrow based on what we are today (External input)Also, we can see how the self effort is very important to change our behavior tomorrow from that of today.Depending on which of these inputs is greater, positive or negative, our actions will result today.It means that we can get over our inherent nature (Vasanas) but requires large effort to be put in. This large effort could be coming from a Guru or Scriptures or Yourself by meditation.It also means that some of the Karmas Need to be obeyed and lived out (praarabdha). Like even greatest spiritual people suffered from incurable diseases.Sanchita karmas are the inherent to the system and can be changed by a counter self effort called "Will" to a great extentIn all these actions God has nothing to do except being the 'Witness'. In conclusion we are what we do, what company we keep, what values we cherish, what actions we perform out of our will. If we need to change the influence of the initial conditions, we need to put in large effort.This explains why some people with good vasanas are able to go faster in reaching their goal of Moksha by simple practices and why people like me need enormous effort and may not even reach the goal because of past karmas both in this life and in the previous lives. Thanks for allowing to share these thoughts.B Vempaty---------------------1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?Yes, it is logically consistent theory, though it is not necessary to explain every suffering that way from Hindu philosophy point of view. Ans: It is logical because eveyone is doing what he/she is destined to do. Suffering or happiness in the material sense occur only when one identifies oneself as a distinctly separate entity with a semse of ownership of action. As soon as one assumes ownership of one's actions (active doer) one will suffer / enjoy the consequences of his actions If one eats too much he/she will most likely have diseases and fast weaking body. The one who knows that he does not really do anything and aware that all these actions are the result of circumstances and the inherited behavior propensities. Wrong doings or right doing, there might be both positive and negative outcomes.Thr consequences might come after 7 days or over a very long period of time. People who think as if they are taking and doing things by themselves. Depending on their values, perceptions and the combination of intensity of the three gunas they inherit, have their sufferings. Yes, any human being is doing wrong things of one type or another and suffer their adverse effects sooner or later within their current life span. Death with lot of disaapointment prior to death and the timing of death are all in a chained sequence of cause and effect. Many people do similar bad things, will suffer if the act with a sense of ego as a doer ofthings.2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?Ans: No one has any real choice. The do things as is the result of the changing environment to which they react in accordance with the particular mix of the three Gunas. There is really no first or second doer. No body really does. It is mix of gunas that react to external environment. Soul does not really suffer: soul is clean and transparent. It only reflects the outcome of the three guna combination responding to external environment. Just like cells multiply as per their natural law.3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumpedAns: No one deserves anything. A new born baby dumped and another not dumped are the same things. If you accept rebirth policy, the new born baby dumped may be fortunate as well being picked up by wealthy family and adopt. What isapparent lt bad maybe good in reality. Bill Gates could not study in the college because of his gunas and circumstances specific to him. but he became the wealthiest person in the World.4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate?Ans: There are no fair laws that decide whether to make one compansionate or incompasionate. Whether a person will be compasionate or not is determined by the Three gunas genetically and the external environment he faces. A person hasno choice. It is stochastic process . it is a probabilty play that is fair in probabilic sense.5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody?Ans: Nothing unjust happens to anyone. Some things happen and we experience them as bad or good and seek justification for the experience. We happen to be made with a particular mis og Gunas that controls all actions.. You will tell your hearrt exactly what you are condioned to do. Get rid of identifying you with a body and mind . You are not illusion: Your thinking that you do is the illusionthat begets a chain of illusion. You do not cry because some clouds lose thieir existence to become water. There is no way a cloud don not become rain. You will do what you are and will be doing as the water vapor rises up to formclouds to come back as rain water later. Water vapour dies? Clouds die? Rains cease? What s the fairness in the distribution of water drops falling as rain over a wide range locations.In summary, when you believe you the Soul, the self that is the cause of all but not a slave of the gunas, the question of unfair happenings do not arise. But when you see different people as different identities, you seek fairness? Think about all this . You will yourself get the final answer.Basudeb Sen--Hari OmNarinderji Bhandari - I don't agree with you on the point you have stated in this topic and my reasons are included here with -You say: "As Long as the Jiva is in duality, The paradox between Action and Destiny can never be resolved ! Only, when duality comes to an end, when the Self is realised as 'One-ness ; is the paradox resolved in the understanding that the two ( action and destiny ) are also One, separated only by Time, which is only a Mental construct ; Time is a "myth" and has no reality really !"You are presuming that there is a conflict between "destiny" and "action" (Purushartha- present deeds) ! Fact is (as explained in my last detailed message) that Prarabdha (destiny) and Purushartha (present deeds) have no conflict at all and their fields of operations are totally different. Artha and Kama fall in the purview of Prarabdha, while Dharma and Moksha are subject matter of Purushartha. Where is the conflict? What is paradox?My recommendation would be to read Sadhak Sanjeevani ! Also on the subject of - who is doer and who is not, it is a deep subject and subtle points on this subject need to be understood. It is my sincere request that you ask a separate question on the subject for clarity. Else better yet read, read and read Swamiji's literature on the subject. Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B-------------------------------- -PRIOR POSTING"Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only." In other words, they portray and interpret KARMA as fatalism, and that KARMA will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. If this has been discussed before, please provide the thread URL. If not, please commentDear Sadhaks..................The Law of karma, though succinctly simple , is the Great Paradox difficult to reconcile.................How do you resolve Destiny verses Action ? Action and Destiny ! A practical approach to adopt as 'understanding ' for a day to day Living would be :At any point of time, consider all that you may have gone through in life as Destiny; and whatever Existence presents as the situation in This Moment Now, is the situation for your action.This would enable you to ' de-involve ' from your past ( regrets, guilt etc ) , and hence tackle the situation of the Moment more objectively. And no sooner is your action of the Moment over, the ' Now ' has also slipped into the Past ! And the past ? it was all ordained... it was destined....... was your Destiny !And so..... your action... your doing was ..... is.... only an illusion.... the Great Paradox ..............Also, some day, this will enable you to move into the ultimate wisdom that All that happens is the Existence's doing... Existence's writ.... and, you, as an integral part of the Existence only carry out Existence's writ. You are not other than Existence ! Thus are you freed from 'Doing', and move into 'not-doing '.... wherein all just happens, as it must .As Long as the Jiva is in duality, The paradox between Action and Destiny can never be resolved ! Only, when duality comes to an end, when the Self is realised as 'One-ness ; is the paradox resolved in the understanding that the two( action and destiny ) are also One, separated only by Time, which is only a Mental construct ; Time is a ‘myth’ and has no reality really !Till then, The above is a practical resolution of Action and Destiny. AUM narinder bhandari----------------------------Dear Sadaks,Q.1) " Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?'',We see some doing most wretched thing on earth but suddenly die. What about his actions? Is it just nothing in his account? People often see this and say, "good people suffer but bad one escapes'. The life span is fixed for each individual. Within that span he has to complete his account. But he adds heavily some more bad actions and thoughts. This is simply carried over. As in accounts we write B/F (Brought forward from earlier birth) OR C/O carried over from last year account.Q 2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt? The first sufferer presume it is Adam & eve. No karmic debt �Agreed. But desire came in which led to action (Karma) which leads to Karmic debt.Q 3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumped.New born babies are very much lucky. Their debt was almost 1%. There are so many examples from Scripts.4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become uncompassionate?Kans karmas is to be killed. Long rope given. Ravana karma was so. The most compassionate Bagavan killed them. Bagavan action of Karma was for Lok Kalyan. So Karma not accounted. For selfish need if one kills another man it becomes Bhrama Hatthi.Q 5)" What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?" just say Suveni (to yourself) Loka (earth) is Dukha Doshani Dharshanam, just surrender to God and avoid seeing Duk, but constantly see GOD. All this maya should not touch your mind to create disturbances. The earth is Karma boomi (jail) to under go punishment. It cannot be heaven. Feeling sorry about other sufferings is compassion- No doubt. But the same thoughts remaining in mind becomes attachment. Just like Sri Jada Bharat in Srimath Bagavath.Jai Sri KrishnaB.SathyanarayanHari OmI agree with Deosharanji ! There is action and reaction separated by Time and governed by Divine Laws. We ourselves only are responsible for whatever happens in our life.Based on the Time lag between the action and reaction ( karma and fruits thereof) , the term "prarabdha" ( fate/destiny) has come into existence. Now every human has been given two things- Prarabdha and Purushartha . The former represents your "prior" deeds. The latter your "present" deeds. As against these two - you have four "desires" - Artha, Kaam, Dharma, Moksha ! Now Artha (worldly possessions) and Kaam (consumption of worldly bhogas with sensory organs/mind/intellect/ego) are DIRECTLY under the purview and jurisdiction of PRARABDHA ! Purushartha has no role there AT ALL !!On the other hand Dharma ( righteousness) and Moksha (Liberation/Benediction) are under the exclusive jurisdiction of PURUSHARTHA ! Prarabdha has no role there AT ALL !!Now since on most of us, due to desires, BG 18:32 is operational, hence we "erroneously and foolishly" consider Dharma and Moksha to be based on Prarabdha and we are ceaselessly , with a stick in hand, running after Artha and Kaam . We are using Prarabdha where we should be using Purushartha ! We have left Dharma and Moksha on fate/destiny/karma and are wasting our Purushartha (current actions) on earning Artha and Bhoga !! Simpletons we are , simply put !!Result: What else it can be except sorrows, frustration, brooding, fretting ??Says Goswami Tulsidasji:So paratra dukh paayavi , sir dhuni dhuni pachchataay !Kaalhi, karmahi, Ishwarahi mithya dosh lagaay !!He ( disillusioned soul described herein above ) repents later on beating his head and becomes highly sorrowful. He then falsely blames Time, Karma and God for his miserable state !!Deosharanji ! You are talking about people described above !!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B -PRIOR POSTINGHari OmQuestions like this help us in understanding the Law of Karma and do let us admire the "justice" as well as "kindness" of Paramatma. It is very rare to find both justice and kindness operating together in day to day life, but Laws of God always present to us sheer ruthlessness of prakriti on one hand and divine kindness of Paramatma.Well, the difficulties do not arise out of circumstances or situations and your past deeds have no role to play in making you happy or sorrowful. It is DESIRE or expectation of happiness out of world, out of situations and circumstances that make the situations difficult to digest. The fact however remains that :* Destiny merely presents good or difficult circumstances before you. To get soorowful or happy is not caused by destiny but by stupidity/ignorance !* Every calamity is a blessing in disguise. Its result is ONLY reduction of your karmic liabilities and purification.* You can break the chain of action/reaction; birth/death ONLY in this human life. Hence sorrow/karma has no capacity to cause further sorrows/karmas. Use of Conscience (viveka) here plays very important role.* No one in mortal world is free of sorrows. There is nothing unique or important or particular or special about it. The world is designed so- ab initio. "Dukhalayam" ! What is common to all can't be a subject matter of sorrow. Who cries when Sun sets? No one ! Because it is common to all !* No one is supposed to be sorrowful. - "Sahaj Sukhrashi". Only stupids grieve.* In adversity, there is always more spiritual progress. It is our direct experience* DEH DHARE KA DAND HAI SAB KAHOO KO HOY !GYAANI BHUGATE GYAAN SE, MOORAKH BHUGATE ROY !!Human life is a universal tax to be borne by every human being, in the form of sorrows. A wise accepts that with knowledge and a stupid dries , grieves and accepts.* SUKH DUKH NA KOPI DAATA, PARO DADATI, KUBUDDHIH RESHA !!No one (circumstances, situations, people,body, mind, intellect, world, time, God, Karma phala, fate, destiny, all included ) is capable of giving pleasures or pains to you. "That other is giving it" - this very thought is wrong !!* Lord in Gita starts with addressing worries ( ashochyananva shochastvam) and ends with an advice reg worries ( ma suchah). DON'T WORRY. Merely by "not worrying" - worry evaporates. FINAL ADVICE by Lord Krishna to all humans- DON'T WORRY.* IF WE JUST DECIDE that come what may - I shall not grieve, sorrow can't touch you. LAST WORDS of Lord Krishna- Don't worry !! MA SUCHAH !!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B--Shri Krishna 1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas. 2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same. 3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified. 4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !! 5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy. Swami Rupesh KumarNamaste dear sadhaks: There appears to be genuine misinformation, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation about KARMA. Also, there is deliberate propaganda about KARMA, spread by those who seek to denigrate Hinduism, for whatever purpose. Basically, this is how it is put across: "Karma does everything. It is all destiny. If I am destined by my karma to be like this or like that, why then should I exert? It is my destiny only." In other words, they portray and interpret KARMA as fatalism, and that KARMA will bring inertia, stagnation and misery. If this has been discussed before, please provide the thread URL. If not, please comment Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath-PRIOR POSTINGRam RamSuveniji and C.P. Srinivasanji,Please read Sadhak-Sanjivani commentary of Chapter 18 - Verse12. It is available online in Hindi.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.htmlThe same is also available in book named 'Karma-Rahasya' chapter 1. It is also available online in Hindi.http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/karmrahasya/main.htmlIn short,Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other.There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. For elaborate explaination please read from the above links.How to get rid of karmas?I was able to find below few verses which answer your question.Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66Thank You.Hare KrishnaVarun P. Paprunia-- Shri Krishna 1. No as far as difficulties are concerned. Yes ! As far as favourable or adverse circumstances are concerned. Sadhaks should appreciate that all difficulties are because of our STUPIDITY alone and not because of fate or destiny or karma , by whatever name we may call that. You are totally INDEPENDENT in getting or not getting happy or sorrowful when we encounter favourable or adverse circumstances based on our prior karmas. 2. The creation is eternal and timeless. Even at the end of one KALPA, when all merge into one, there arises another KALPA with transfer of karmic debts. Secondly, it is not necessary that the one at whose hands we are suffering is because of some earlier contractual obligations. God keeps changing mediums. For example, it is not necessary that if some one has been given capital punishment and the hang man is redeeming some old debts. Hang man is simply doing his duty. The other is simply a medium of Law of Karma - may or may not be redeeming old score with you, in fact, your prior karma is punishing/rewarding you through operation of Law of Karma and the medium may or may not have any past karmic relationship with you. Be very clear on this. The other may be incurring a totally new sin. But your old sin is getting wiped out, there is no doubt on the same. 3 Reg new born babies, when you grasp the above principle, the matter gets clarified. 4. No ! Becoming compassionate or non-compassionate is a present life new karma. You are independent in that. No past life karmas can force you to become adharmic or commit sins. NEVER !! 5 . Feel compassionate about the sufferer, pray to God for cessation of all sufferrings and help the sufferer , if you can. Dont develop any hatred or negativity about the abuser. Dont become yourself bad, by considering anyone to be bad.This world is DUKHALAYAM. Have the goal of seeing all happy. Swami Rupesh Kumar-Dear Sadaks,Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back. Vivekachudamni says, that Prarabda Karma is like arrow sent out of bow knowing or unknowing causes risk. Prarabda Karma effect one has to undergo. Where as Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit.King Dasaratha left arrow by mistake on a boy. The boy` s parents cursed that he (king) that he shall also under the same separation of his (king) son. This curse was much before Sri Ramawas born. This is Physical action of King Dasaratha. What to say about this everyone knows. Mother Seetha asking for giolden deer in spite of Sri Rama upraising her not to have such desire. Sri rama was not firm in staying with mother Seetha. Sri Rama went behind deer. Here Sri Rama knew the consequences because HE was Bagavan himself. Sri Krishna tells Devaki on being born that HE is Vaikuntapathi and it is HIS 3rd birth to them. 1st was to Prishni and Sutapa. 2cd was to Kasyapa and Adhiti. Bagavan has also said HIS birth in Kaliyg to whom and where.The realized souls do have this power of reading past births.The doer does not know wrong action or right action. To know of action one must read sastras under Guru in young age itself as in olden days of Sri Rama or Sri Krishna. Even in those days Duryodhan and Pandavas were under one Guru. But Pandavas could maintain Dharma at all levels. Where as Duryodhan maintained Adharma at all levels. Reason previous birth stock. Why many people with divine touch still mentally cannot abstain from looks of lust. They know it is wrong. The vasana is stronger than conscience.Innocent dumped babies: Innocent 6 children of Devaki was killed by maternal uncle. These 6 were sinned small extent ones at Bhrama Lok that their account of Karma was to be born and get killed. Each one was taken by Naradh to Bhrama lok on death. Certain Jeeva have to be born with disability. The parents of such jeeva indulges on Ekadasi day which is the result. So it is time and parents to whom the Jeeva has to go is decided on it` s own karmas Prabdha-Sanchita-Aagami. One can see a dog going in car with royal treatment, where as child suffers due to hunger. The child karma it states it kicked food, wasted food, deprived others food in earlier birth. So based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Compassion does not come to one but it is in full with another. Christ compassion even to people who crucified him. HE was saintly person and knew cause and effect. The link of hatred, anger etc was totally cut by HIM. This gave him austral body to rise from death and go to highest level. Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle.It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan----Dear all,Thanks for all your responses. As suggested by most of you, I guess to get a better understanding I need to do some reading. And that's what I will do going forward. To clarify a little, one of my questions:> What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody?Was about the "suffering" of others over which I have no power to help/correct. As regards my own personal difficulties, I have learnt to deal with them using a simple rule, which works for me..I say to my-self that this situation/person that I now confront is there to teach me something, I must take the lesson, grow and move forward.Is there a simple mental note like this that one can use while confronting difficulties/trauma of "others" in the world over which I have no power? I am learning to teach my-self to see the Lord in everything by repeating "There is no one else in the room, there is no OTHER". So when one sees the beloved's hardships in so many forms, what does one tell the aching heart?Much thanks,SuveniPS1: Since some of you talked about my grandpa, I wish to tell that he expired a couple of years ago and my granny last year. During their times of misery I was a student and hundreds of miles away from them�letters were our only mode of communication. Today in the pages of Bhagvad Gita, is the fond letter from my grandparents� they come alive when I read it. I know that wherever they are today (other than my heart), my grand-pa and ma would be very peaceful.PS2: Dear Sophia ji, I really hope all of this trial is over for you very soon. Wishing you health and happiness.=========================================================TO READ ALL PRIOR POSTING GO TO:/message/2560SUMMARY RESPONSES TO DATE1) Is it logically possible that all of us have a wrong doing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?Please read SADHAK SANJIVNI BY SWAMIJI. It is really ultimate to satisfy ur Q. (RG)Humans by Sadhana (Sidhi �Buddhi- Bakthi- Mukthi Pradayani--- from Sri Mahalakshmi Stotra) elevates himself to highest level where in he comes to know his previous birth Karmas. Such a one completely remains silent to all happenings to him and happenings around him. (BS)Karmas are imprints of human thoughts-feelings-emotions from the time immemorial left on the Consciousness which are carried from one generation to the next, evolving all the time. An individual can draw, modify, and put back his/her karmas into this ever-flowing stream of Karmas in the Ocean of Consciousness! This Ocean retains its purity even as it holds good and bad karmas of mankind, and initiates reincarnations when bad outweighs good, as Krishna, Rama, Christ and Sages and Saints across the globe. This is "yada yada hi dharmasya ......" BG Ch 4, 7. (PB)2) There had to be somebody the first sufferer at the hands of first wrong doer. Why did that somebody (soul) choose to undergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?one needs Gyana Sidhi to know. Read Narayiniyam by Sri Batadri 2000 verses or atleast the verse starting with Yogendra Nam� written and approved by Bagavan Sri Krishna HIMSELF. (BS)Living in accordance with Gita, actions can liberate us form any bondage of karmas!3) Whatever is received by sufferers is all deserving ? e.g. new born babies dumpedGod-Intelligence Supreme wants us to start with a clean slate-another chance torealize our Immortality. Nothing prevents us from taking corrective actions in the NOW! Suffering and wrong doing both have to be dealt with. human abuses happen due to selfishness! Gita and other scriptures help, if we heed the teachings! All problems are due to us seeing ourselves as separate individuals. (PB)The earth is called Karma Boomi. (for doing Good or bad�to elevate or suffer) (BS)4) In lights of fair laws of karma, can one become incompassionate? Compassion for all sentient beings is number one, will always be the essential most important thing. Compassion must be for ourselves as well. (SD) In sufferings/happiness remain silent but focus thoughts on God telling HIM mentally that it is Ok, Oh God please shed your Karuniyam (grace) to bear all these. As in Geetha surrender Karmas to Paramathuma. Many shlokas can wash away past sins by sincere recitation with earnest faith and REMAINING divine. e.g. "Vasudevam Sutham Devam�" ends with Koti Jalma Papam Vinasyathe (Crore Jalma sins vanishes) (SB)Most of Ch 3 and 4 are devoted to emphasize life of freedom from karmas(doership/desires/attachments) while being engaged in very karmas as none can remain without doing actions. Very little emphasis is on past lives and its karmic debts. (PB)Karma theory does not say to blame someone for suffering due to his/her past Karmas, absolutely not! What it says is that when bad things happen to an individual, then, say "ok it may be my past karms to have this problem now, but what matters now is how to resolve it satisfactorily, what can I do?" Such acceptance brings intelligence to resolve( Gita teaching). BE FREE of worries/fears, just ACT! (PB)Karmic debt theory assumes that a person is doer of deeds that are performed through his/her body-mind. Find out: "is it true, am the doer of my actions?" On dropping the "doer" (me-thought along with desires, fears etc), karmas have no basis to stand on and burn away along with the Karta-doer! (PB)5) What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, very unjust happening to somebody? (details of question... below)People with bad karmas will suffer in the end. But that does not mean that we should not help those sufferers by attributing their condition to bad karmas. By helping we will be our duty (karmas). (HSD)always help wherever whenever we can as long as we are not being abused and victimized. Look at what is happening in a detached manner - step away.(SD)Don't find faults in the wrong doer, instead pray and ask God for help. Once you develop relationship with God, you will know how He acts as you, other people, situations to answer you! (PB)Every human knows what is compassion. But never uses it, because his likes and dislikes are framed tight on Karmic circle. It is up to one to decide and learn knowledge and prepare himself for realization (BS)6) What is the difference between Prarabda and Sanchita Karmas? and how do we get rid of them.based on once action the next birth is decided. Bagavan has said very clearly in Geetha.Prarabdha Karma is action done by one that cannot be taken back and the effect which one has to undergo.Sanchita Karma can be compensated by realization of mistake and doing prayachit (feeling remorse, penance).Sanchit Karmas - Karmas of all our previous human lives as well as current human life.Prarabdh - Out of the collection of sanchit karmas, those karmas which have given us human body and pleasant and unpleasant situations, is prarabdh karma. Destiny, prarabdh, kismat, naseeb, prarabdh, fate etc. are synonymous with each other. There is also third type of karma known as Kriyaman Karma (which we are currently doing in this human life) and there are also many subtypes to each type of karma. (VP)And how do we get rid of them?Gita 4/23, 5/10, 9/27-28, 18/9-12,17,46,66----- -----DETAILED QUESTIONDear sadhaks,I have been reading the posts on this forum with interest and gratitude. Theyremind me of my beacon light every morning when I open my mailbox. Thank you toall of you for making this forum what it is.My question is about Karmic debt, which first came to my mind when I saw mymaternal grand-parents suffering at the hands of their sons and the doubt isreinforced after reading a chain of posts initiated by Sophia ji (I hope she isfeeling better now ) where some of you gave a peek into your own personaldifficult times. Time and again, I have seen people refer to their earthlyproblems as Karmic debt, which if I understand correctly is the accumulation ofnegative points (lay woman's language) that we have earned by doing actions thathave violated somebody's domain in some way in the previous births. Assumingthat my premise is correct, I want to know:-Going up the Karmic chain is it logically possible that all of us have a wrongdoing at our hands (in past lives) to explain our difficulties?-There has to be somebody long ago who was the first sufferer (with no Karmicdebt) at hands of the first wrong doer? Why did that somebody (soul) choose toundergo hardship in the physical world even without any Karmic debt?- I want to know what my grand-parents got (by way of treatment), was it whatthey deserved and my uncles are faultless? Are the so many new born babies whoget dumped in the dustbins/toilets paying for their wrong-doings and theirmother's are settling some old karmic scores? What about the girl who gotflogged? N the ones beheaded n stoned?-If yes, why does it make me feel that if I really believe in this Karmic debttheory then I will become uncompassionate and everything horrible will seem tobe fair?-What should I tell my heart the next time I hear/see something very, veryunjust happening to somebody?Much thanks,SuveniPS: Please excuse the imperfections in my question. If there is such thing as aspiritual path/journey then I am one of those who have just begun looking in theright direction not having taken a single baby step yet.-----------------------Shree Hari Ram RamIt is recommended that you also read previous related discussion thread at:1) An Unfavorable Situation - Is it bad karmas? Act of God? Other?/message/18642) What is Karma ? It's Use & Importance ? What does Good and Bad Karma Lead to?/message/14443) Becoming Free from Karma Bondage - Actions, Impressions, Doership etc./message/2187--------------------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to theextent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English wordbracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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