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Bhagavad Gita - Daily - II 2:63 II

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|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


|| 2:62 & 2:63 ||


dhyaayato vishayaan pumsah, sangas teshoopajaayate

sangaat sanjayate kaamah, kaamaat krodho 'bhijaayate || 62 ||


krodhaad bhavati sammohah, sammohaat smriti-vibhramah

smriti-bhramshaad buddhi-naasho, buddhi-naashaat pranashyati || 63 ||


" Thinking constantly (chintan) on the objects of senses, a man develops

attachment for them; from the attachment springs desire, and from desire

(obstruction in fulfillment) ensues anger. From anger arises delusion

(foolishness); from delusion, confusion of memory; which results in loss of

reasoning/discrimination (Viveka), and with loss of reasoning/discrimination, he

oes to complete ruin. "




Let alone the enjoyment of sense pleasures, but simply by thinking passionately

about them, the spiritual seeker marches towards ruin. The reason is that

thinking about the pleasures is not in any way less than enjoying them.


From " Gita Prabodhani " in Hindi, page 59-60 by Swami Ramsukhdasji



Chapter 2, Verse 63 is as follows;


Krodhaat = from anger

Bhavati = comes

SammohaH = delusion / bewilderment / confusion from failure to understand

Sammohaat = from delusion

Smruti-VibhramaH = confusion of memory

Smruti-Bhramshaat = from the confusion of memory

Buddhi-NaashaH = loss of intellect

Buddhi-Naashaat = from loss of intellect

Pra-Nashyati = perishes


English translation:-


From anger arises delusion, from delusion confusion of memory, from confusion of

memory loss of intellect and due to loss of intellect, a man perishes.




When a person is overwhelmed by an uncontrollable passion, his memory is lost.

With the loss of memory for " Kartavya Karma " i.e. bounden duty, his intellect is

obscured. He loses his " Viveka-BuddhiH " i.e. ability to discriminate between

what is wrong and what is good for him. With the loss of " Sat-Asat

Viveka-BuddhiH " ultimately such a man perishes.


Therefore, what is called for is not a forced isolation or denial of the sensory

perceptions but to lead a life of self regulation and moderation. There is no

point in either hating the sensory organs or loving them. Similarly no great

purpose is served by either hating the sense objects or loving them.


Anger is temporary insanity. When the mind is occasionally upset, it is anger.

When mind is permanently upset, it is lunacy. Both ultimately result into



Driven by random wind, a minute Peepal seed lands into a crack in a wall. With

the right environmental conditions, it germinates. Over a period of time, it

sprouts and then it grows from strength to strength such that it cracks the wall

and ultimately the wall caves in and collapses. Similarly, whenever an evil

thought is germinated in the human mind and unless it is nipped in the bud, it

culminates into the full and final destruction of that person.


" Beware of your thoughts and everything will be all right with you " ……..Shri

Ramakrishna Paramahansa.


In general, `Sammoha' i.e. delusion arises due to six enemies of man and they

are `Kaama' (lust), `Krodha' (anger), `Lobha' (avarice), `Mada' (pride), `Moha'

(attachment) and `Matsara' (hatred). Under delusion, one forgets the position in

the society and what is good or bad and what is right or wrong for oneself.

Under delusion, one does not respect hierarchy of relationships and forgets the

obligations that one needs to honour in life. Therefore, indiscriminate

entertainment of a singular evil thought can result into a total self

destruction of a deluded human being.


Lord Krishna has clearly pinpointed that the incessant contemplation of sense

objects is the root cause of all the evils a man can possibly do.


Later on in the verse 23 of chapter 5 of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Lord Krishna

has very nicely proclaimed that the person who is able to contain the potential

build up of lust and anger and finely regulate the resultant impulse in his

current manifestation itself, he is indeed a Yogi and a happy man.


Therefore, it is of paramount importance that first of all a Saadhaka should not

entertain the impulsive build of evil thought processes and on top of that even

if such build-up takes place, he must assert the superiority of `Viveka-Buddhi'

over it and under no circumstances initiate any action that might result into

his degradation and ultimate total annihilation.


Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi




|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram


All Sadhaks can participate in discussion / clarification of the verses.




Please feel free to take the lead in any of these areas so that all

sadhaks may benefit.



- Chapter Summary - Principles and Laws emanating from it.(N.B. VYAS)

- Summary of Chapter from Sadhak Sanjivani " AS IS "

- Yes, Epilogue / Important Facts in each verse good to bring out.

- Any subtle thoughts / interpretation (MIKE)

- In-depth explanation of " Om Tat Saditi Srimadbhagavadgitaasu,

Upanishadsu..... " is a very good idea. (GT MODERATOR FROM SADHAK



From Gita Talk Moderators

Ram Ram


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