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On Readiness ! Are You Ready? Your Thoughts?

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Shree Hari Ram Ram Kindly share your thoughts and insights! From Gita Talk Moderators. Ram Ram ============================================A Zen Master has said,"A Master's word is ten thousand years"


How beautiful, how joyous are the

words spoken by the Swami. Each upadesh is capable of leading a sadhak

into the realisation of the self. But,only the Ready Sadhak. This

readiness means that the sadhak has already walked his Path step by

step .If the sadhak is ready,one upadesh is enough to lead him into

becoming himself a Swami.

How beautiful, how joyous are the words spoken by the Swami. This Beauty ,This Joyousness means that you ,having read or heard the Upadesh,can execute it in conduct !

And this happens ,only if the Mind has moved into the Stillness it is. Has become the No- Mind !


Meditation is the Way.




narinder bhandari




sadhak_insight <sadhak_insightsadhaka Sent: Saturday, 16 May, 2009 7:36:50 PM[sadhaka] Awaken Quickly ! Realize the Importance of this Birth (May 16, 2009)


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

16th May, 2009, Saturday; Jeshtha Krishna Saptamii, Vikram Samvat 2066, Shanivaar Question: In relationships, after getting entangled, I realize I made amistake. Initially when I got involved, I was unable to take a decision, I didnot realize it then. What should I do?Swamiji: Pray to God, after making a mistake, feel repentance. There are threepoints related to this: 1) after making a mistake either do not recognize orremember at all that you have made a mistake 2) realize you made a mistake andrepent feeling that after being given this human birth and turning towardsspiritual activities, I have still made a mistake. It is not a good thing, Itruly regret it and 3) I will never make this mistake again for the rest of mylife. From now onwards never again.Realizing this, all will all be

alright. You will not make mistakes in thefuture. All mistakes are due to desire for happiness and wealth. All mistakesare due to these two things. "Bhogaishvarya prasaktaanaam" Mistakes are only dueto desire for enjoyment of pleasures and accumulation of wealth. Anyone who hasthese two desires, cannot attain God realization. Such persons cannot evenresolve to turn towards God. They cannot desire to get engaged in worship ofGod.Brothers ! Simply by desiring God, one can attain God Realization. Worldlythings require desire, effort and also what is coming due to us, resulting fromour past actions (praarabdh). All three are needed for worldly acquisitions. Butto attain God, requires only desire. In worldly affairs, there can be losses,but in attaining spiritual upliftment there is nothing but gain. There can neverbe any losses. With a true heart call out to God "He Mere Naath, He Mere Swami" If

parents do not listen, then who will listen? God, is the Eternal Father ofall. He will listen to our prayers. He will have mercy and compassion. Our Lord,the protector of the weak, He will come to our rescue.Time is running out. Every moment it is leaving us. Death is coming closer.There is no one who will come to our help except God. Recognize this quickly.There is no gain in understanding the world. True gain is only in realizing God.Awaken quickly. In worldly things there is not much gain. "tere bhaave jo karobhalo buro sansaar, Narayan tu baith ke tu apnaa bodh buaar" Lord, in worldlyaffairs, let it be as you please, good or bad. However my Lord, You illume mewith Your divine knowledge.There were many great saints in Vraj. The common thing among them all was thatthey had only one desire. Desire for God. Let us too have only one desire. Everymoment, death is coming closer. Very very

close. And when it does come, we willhave to leave. At that very second we will have to leave. This life will come toan end. Therefore call out to God."sansaar saathi sab swaarth ke hai, pakke virodhi paramaarth ke hai,degaa ne koyi dukh mein sahaara, sun tu kisiki mat baat pyaara"Do not listen to anybody. This world and the people in it are all selfish andnon-believers in God. No one will come to your rescue or help. Even the Saintswill only help you, if you listen to them. Many form different groups, fightwith other groups. There is no gain in any of this. Do not favor one group overanother and have no differences. All this is a waste of time. Simply get engagedin God and God alone, as this birth is only for that purpose. Oh Lord, Oh Lord !Pray that you do not get entangled in Organizations and Groups. There is simplyno gain in any of this.This birth is only for realizing God. Call

out to only God. There is gain andonly gain. This birth is for no other purpose. There fore with a true heart callout to Him. Oh Lord, Let me never forget you. "Sab par maange ek phal, Ramcharan rati ho." Let me develop attraction only for Your Lotus Feet. Let menever forget you. "Arthna dharma ne kaam .......... janam janam rati Ram pad,yeh vardaan ne aan." Even if everyone complains about me, let it be so. Let mymind continue to be engaged in You and You alone. "Jaane ram kutil ker mohi, logkahe guru saaheb drohi, sita ram charan rati more, anudin bade anugraha tore."Wherever saints have gone, that land has become holy and pure. They haveshared the words of God, and purified the environment. It is God's grace thatthis type of association with truth is made possible. It is all God's grace..From discourse by Swami Ramsukhdasji on November 10th, 1999 at 3:30 pm

Ram RamFor ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji. netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji. org-----------


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Ram Ram

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