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From All Belongs to God to Everything is God

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Shri Ram,I have accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing ismine. I am of Lord Ram only. But when I accept that everything is Bhagwan (God), thendesire for enjoyment returns back.Swamiji says in his book that even if you do not understand this fact - VasudevaSarvam, just accept it. Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).Regards,Santosh Sharma----------------------GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up spiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim of deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address etc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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Shri Ram,I have accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing ismine. I am of Lord Ram only. But when I accept that everything is Bhagwan (God), thendesire for enjoyment returns back.Swamiji says in his book that even if you do not understand this fact - VasudevaSarvam, just accept it. Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).Regards,Santosh Sharma----------------------NEW POSTINGRam RamDear Santoshji,Swamiji has answered your question in page 436 and 437 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindhu. I will also ask moderators to translate and post in daily sadhak posting for non-hindi readers. It is available online if you understand Hindi (highly recommended reading after Sadhak Sanjivani) at: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/sadhansudhasindhu/main.htmlVarun Paprunia----What Swamiji says is absolutely correct We have to create faith in

what Swamiji says then no further clarification is required We ought to

utter affirmation like

I am nothing and I do not own any thing,everything belongs to God.

Then act accordingly then and then we will be happy in this lifePlease give some idea of Swamiji so that we can also talk to him and get guidance from him

Truly yours


S S Bhatt M.Com------------------It is easy to understand. Everything that we can see is perishable,including our bodies and is therefore an illusion. The only real thingin us is our soul. Its ultimate destiny is to become one with Parmatmaor the Great Soul or God. The sooner we realise this the quicker willbe our liberation. As long as we desire worldly things, unfulfilleddesires will time and again drag us to this worldly cycle of birthsand deaths.Hari Shanker Deo --------Dear sadhak santosh sharma ,


Your message takes us to the Basics......


You say, "I have accepted and understood that

everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing is mine. I am of Lord Ram only.

But when I accept that everything is Bhagwan (God), then desire for

enjoyment returns back."


Yes ! it happens

that way, nothing to worry about. It happens with

almost everyone. This acceptance, will now help you to

walk the Path . No-one can skip his sadhna . This will give you the strength

and courage to walk step by step. For most persons today, the deepening

of the Intellect through Swadhyaye , through understanding of what is

Righteousness , and then striving to put it into your day to day conduct

is the Way.


This practise of Righteousness

,surrendering the fruits to the Lord, is karamyoga.This leads to the

purification of the ego,and enables the Mind to surrender to the

lord . Karma,Bhakti,and Gyana are not separate Paths. They are all simultaneously present in us; .albeit,their relative presence differs in each person and

in the same person at different times.


But................all Paths culminate in the Self ....into the ultimate Knowledge of the Self.............


When you say.............

Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).


persumes what you mean is that you are troubled that you are unable to

express your 'intellectual knowledge' in action in your day to day

life .



know that .................it happens so in almost every one's life

................... only an enlightened being is able to express the

Truths of the scriptures in action. This despair that you are unable to

do so will itself give you strength and direction in your quest for

self realisation .



Knowers of Truth ,the scriptures,the saints and the sages exist only

for the seeker true ..... for you ........to guide you

with the pointers ................walking the Path will have to be done

by you ....................... Krishna,seated in your heart would Himself be guiding you .

....................................and then ..................VOWWWW!



more to say,O sadhak.................. hasten to Krishna

and seek refuge in him with total trust ........ Please be yourself.Accept yourself. Attend satsangas. Let austerities

be observed. Let there be an outflow of charity from your honest

earnings. let there be the traditional worship of God. And thus,allow

, readiness to flower in you ............


The Blessings of the buddhas are invariably with one,who has correctly resolved as you have.............



narinder bhandari-----GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up spiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim of deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address etc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Shri Ram,I have accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing ismine. I am of Lord Ram only. But when I accept that everything is Bhagwan (God), thendesire for enjoyment returns back.Swamiji says in his book that even if you do not understand this fact - VasudevaSarvam, just accept it. Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).Regards,Santosh Sharma----------------------NEW POSTINGHari OmYou said

Santoshji that when you consider everything belongs to God then desire

for enjoyment of that thing returns . May I request you to elaborate on

this.Basically when we "accept" firmly that everything belongs

to God, then every desire melts then and there. Would you like to say a

thing belonging to Him to be "yours" and "for your enjoyment"? Do we

even smell the flowers when we offer that to Him? Why don't we smell ? Because we

believe it belongs to Him. Why don't we eat before we offer food to

Him? "Prasad" (offered to God, received after Puja) is ours ! But do we

want "prasad" to satisfy our hunger? Can we mis-utilize a thing , if we believe it to be property of God? Can we become

proud of possessing the same? Or sorrowful of loosing the same? Can we

"enjoy" that which belongs to Him? He is ours, does that mean a thing

belonging to Him too is ours? That too for "enjoyment" and "desiring" ?

If our "mineness" with Him entitles us to enjoy that, then where is the

place for "desiring" for the same? What does not belong to Him? Consider

"prasad" which we all get after puja at homes /temples . How respectful

we become in accepting/dealing with it? Can we become disrespect to any

soul once we believe that soul is nothing except Vasudev? Can we look

at any one with lust , if we believe Divine resides there?Do come back.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B

-----------------------------Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Dear Santoshji, it will be like this in the

beginning for most of us. Swamiji is saying it, I think, so we may give

it a fair try to accept it and not reject it outright. You need to

go to the depth of this "Understanding" and Acceptance when you say "I

have accepted it and understood that everything belongs to Lord Rama,

nothing is mine....." for it to bear fruits! The more you understand

the more is your acceptance and the more you accept the more is your

understanding! It gets easier to accept once it is understood that

it is not "you", the ego-me that accepts or understands. Ego, the false

sense of "me" will come to end if it accepts God, so it wouldn't let

you accept it that easily! That is the very reason it keeps us bound by

temptations of pleasures through senses and mind never letting us see

the Only Source

of True Joy which is within us as Being having no dependencies on senses.

Just know that ego-me can only pretend to accept but not really accept

GOD. This way everytime you remember "all belongs to God", remind

yourself "it is not me that accepts it, Santosh". It doesn't matter who

accepts in the absence of ego-me, but for sure, you will feel Acceptance deep

within you getting hold of you, awakening you by gentle slaps. This

feeling will get stronger and stronger. Your need to seek pleasures

"out there" by being an "enjoyer" will diminish. More clarity will dawn

on you about Everything belongs to God and then subsequently you will

say "Everything is GOD, how can it be otherwise?" At that point

provisional acceptance suggested by Swamiji will become alive and firm

in "YOU", and

Santosh will have fled! Santoshji will return only to sing glory of

Acceptance!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt--Santoshji,

You have only accepted 'that everything is Bhagwan (God)'. That

is good but you have to practice it every moment of your life. You have

got hold of the Truth but you have to Realize this Truth by your

actions and understand it. Many are just trying to do that. No one can

help you practice Truth, you have to do it through your own actions.

You must learn yourself to enjoy practicing this Truth: when you do

that no desire for any other kind of enjoyment will arise. Try making

all your actions and thoughts and feelings consistent with the Truth

that you have accepted: otherwise this acceptance has no meaning. Do

not worry that desires are coming back: that is Bhagwan's desire. Forget

that you exist for anything else but for merging with the Self-less,

ego-less God: you will become desire-free automatically.

Sadhna is about

practicing the Truth in actions, thought and deeds: no one can help

you: you have to find your way by continuous effort at practicing.

Basudeb Sen --------------------------------PRIOR POSTINGRam RamDear Santoshji,Swamiji has answered your question in page 436 and 437 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindhu. I will also ask moderators to translate and post in daily sadhak posting for non-hindi readers. It is available online if you understand Hindi (highly recommended reading after Sadhak Sanjivani) at: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org/swamijibooks/pustak/pustak1/html/sadhansudhasindhu/main.htmlVarun Paprunia----What Swamiji says is absolutely correct We have to create faith in what Swamiji says then no further clarification is required We ought to utter affirmation likeI am nothing and I do not own any thing,everything belongs to God.Then act accordingly then and then we will be happy in this lifePlease give some idea of Swamiji so that we can also talk to him and get guidance from himTruly yours S S Bhatt M.Com------------------It is easy to understand. Everything that we can see is perishable,including our bodies and is therefore an illusion. The only real thingin us is our soul. Its ultimate destiny is to become one with Parmatmaor the Great Soul or God. The sooner we realise this the quicker willbe our liberation. As long as we desire worldly things, unfulfilleddesires will time and again drag us to this worldly cycle of birthsand deaths.Hari Shanker Deo --------Dear sadhak santosh sharma , Your message takes us to the Basics...... You say, "I have accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing is mine. I am of Lord Ram only. But when I accept that everything is Bhagwan (God), then desire for enjoyment returns back." Yes ! it happens that way, nothing to worry about. It happens with almost everyone. This acceptance, will now help you to walk the Path . No-one can skip his sadhna . This will give you the strength and courage to walk step by step. For most persons today, the deepening of the Intellect through Swadhyaye , through understanding of what is Righteousness , and then striving to put it into your day to day conduct is the Way. This practise of Righteousness ,surrendering the fruits to the Lord, is karamyoga.This leads to the purification of the ego,and enables the Mind to surrender to the lord . Karma,Bhakti,and Gyana are not separate Paths. They are all simultaneously present in us; .albeit,their relative presence differs in each person and in the same person at different times. But................all Paths culminate in the Self ....into the ultimate Knowledge of the Self............. When you say............. Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).narinder persumes what you mean is that you are troubled that you are unable to express your 'intellectual knowledge' in action in your day to day life . Please know that .................it happens so in almost every one's life .................. only an enlightened being is able to express the Truths of the scriptures in action. This despair that you are unable to do so will itself give you strength and direction in your quest for self realisation . The Knowers of Truth ,the scriptures,the saints and the sages exist only for the seeker true ..... for you ........to guide you with the pointers ................walking the Path will have to be done by you ....................... Krishna,seated in your heart would Himself be guiding you . ...................................and then ..................VOWWWW! What more to say,O sadhak.................. hasten to Krishna and seek refuge in him with total trust ........ Please be yourself.Accept yourself. Attend satsangas. Let austerities be observed. Let there be an outflow of charity from your honest earnings. let there be the traditional worship of God. And thus,allow , readiness to flower in you ............ The Blessings of the buddhas are invariably with one,who has correctly resolved as you have............. AUMnarinder bhandari-----GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up spiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim of deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address etc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Shri Ram,


I have accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing is

mine. I am of Lord Ram only. But when I accept that everything is Bhagwan (God),

then desire for enjoyment returns back.


Swamiji says in his book that even if you do not understand this fact - Vasudeva

Sarvam, just accept it.


Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).



Santosh Sharma






Shree Hari

Ram Ram


To reiterate what Vyasji and others have already stated - As long as we still

have desire or expectation of anything at all (what so ever) from the world

(i.e. your reference - desire for enjoyment), VASUDEVA SARVAM (Everything is

God) CANNOT BE REALIZED. Swamiji has been very clear about this. We are all

entirely independent (swatantra), competent (samarth), worthy (yogya), and

entitled (adhikaari) to understand and accept this (Vasudeva Sarvam). Because

Bhagwaan bestows upon us this human body, then with it he also graces us with

the freedom, the competence, the worthiness, and the rights to attain

salvation, to realize Vasudeva Sarvam.


Therefore it is important that you revisit whether you have really understood

(logically) and have accepted -

1) nothing is mine at all

2) there is nothing at all that I need

3) I have not the least relationship with anyone

4) God Alone is my very Own. Each of these have been logically explained in the

daily sadhak message (not just blind faith or acceptance).


Your question is good, but needs deeper Self inquiry, as the main flaw (per

Swamiji )is that we have accepted the PERISHABLE (main reason for desire for

enjoyment) as our own. THINK DEEPLY ABOUT THIS.

With Devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram




Ram Ram


Dear Santoshji,


Don't worry if the desire of sensual pleasures comes back. Emphasize more on

your eternal and unbreakable relationship with God. Even after enjoying any

sensual pleasure you return to the same state which you were in before. You

remain as it is. What difference does it make? Our existence never changes

because it is part of God (Gita 15/7). Whether you enjoy any pleasure or not you

will remain of God only. So don't worry. When this relationship will get firm

then these desire will automatically stop coming.



1. SSS - Chapter 9 (Sugam-Sadhan) of Bhaktiyog section - For accepting

relationship with God

2. Sadhan Ke Do Pradhan Sutra page 8 - For renouncing desires



Hare Krishna

Varun P. Paprunia


Dear Sadak,

You are one and the same with Sri Rama. No duvitham. Sri Hanuman tore his chest

to show Sri Rama in him.

" Desires of enjoyment comes " - Let it come and go. It is it` s nature. Think that

all enjoyments are belonging to the body and NOT your` s. Sri Krishna said in

Srimath Bagavath saving life of baby Parikchit that HE was poorna Bramachari

till date and never spoken a lie till date, then may be this child become alive.

Bagavan history all of us know. He had children and wives, but never was HE

attached to any of them- That is Poornathuvam. But we say me- mine and myself.

Jai Sri Krishna






Hari Om


You said Santoshji that when you consider everything belongs to God then desire

for enjoyment of that thing returns . May I request you to elaborate on this.


Basically when we " accept " firmly that everything belongs to God, then every

desire melts then and there. Would you like to say a thing belonging to Him to

be " yours " and " for your enjoyment " ? Do we even smell the flowers when we offer

that to Him? Why don't we smell ? Because we believe it belongs to Him. Why

don't we eat before we offer food to Him? " Prasad " (offered to God, received

after Puja) is ours ! But do we want " prasad " to satisfy our hunger?


Can we mis-utilize a thing , if we believe it to be property of God? Can we

become proud of possessing the same? Or sorrowful of loosing the same? Can we

" enjoy " that which belongs to Him? He is ours, does that mean a thing belonging

to Him too is ours? That too for " enjoyment " and " desiring " ? If our " mineness "

with Him entitles us to enjoy that, then where is the place for " desiring " for

the same? What does not belong to Him?


Consider " prasad " which we all get after puja at homes /temples . How respectful

we become in accepting/dealing with it? Can we become disrespect to any soul

once we believe that soul is nothing except Vasudev? Can we look at any one with

lust , if we believe Divine resides there?


Do come back.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!

Dear Santoshji, it will be like this in the beginning for most of us. Swamiji is

saying it, I think, so we may give it a fair try to accept it and not reject it


You need to go to the depth of this " Understanding " and Acceptance when you say

" I have accepted it and understood that everything belongs to Lord Rama, nothing

is mine..... " for it to bear fruits! The more you understand the more is your

acceptance and the more you accept the more is your understanding!

It gets easier to accept once it is understood that it is not " you " , the ego-me

that accepts or understands. Ego, the false sense of " me " will come to end if it

accepts God, so it wouldn't let you accept it that easily! That is the very

reason it keeps us bound by temptations of pleasures through senses and mind

never letting us see the Only Source of True Joy which is within us as Being

having no dependencies on senses.


Just know that ego-me can only pretend to accept but not really accept GOD. This

way everytime you remember " all belongs to God " , remind yourself " it is not me

that accepts it, Santosh " . It doesn't matter who accepts in the absence of

ego-me, but for sure, you will feel Acceptance deep within you getting hold of

you, awakening you by gentle slaps. This feeling will get stronger and stronger.

Your need to seek pleasures " out there " by being an " enjoyer " will diminish.

More clarity will dawn on you about Everything belongs to God and then

subsequently you will say " Everything is GOD, how can it be otherwise? " At that

point provisional acceptance suggested by Swamiji will become alive and firm in

" YOU " , and Santosh will have fled! Santoshji will return only to sing glory of


Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt




You have only accepted 'that everything is Bhagwan (God)'. That is good but you

have to practice it every moment of your life. You have got hold of the Truth

but you have to Realize this Truth by your actions and understand it. Many are

just trying to do that. No one can help you practice Truth, you have to do it

through your own actions. You must learn yourself to enjoy practicing this

Truth: when you do that no desire for any other kind of enjoyment will arise.

Try making all your actions and thoughts and feelings consistent with the Truth

that you have accepted: otherwise this acceptance has no meaning. Do not worry

that desires are coming back: that is Bhagwan's desire. Forget that you exist

for anything else but for merging with the Self-less, ego-less God: you will

become desire-free automatically.

Sadhna is about practicing the Truth in actions, thought and deeds: no one can

help you: you have to find your way by continuous effort at practicing.

Basudeb Sen







Ram Ram


Dear Santoshji,


Swamiji has answered your question in page 436 and 437 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindhu.

I will also ask moderators to translate and post in daily sadhak posting for

non-hindi readers. It is available online if you understand Hindi (highly

recommended reading after Sadhak Sanjivani) at:




Varun Paprunia




What Swamiji says is absolutely correct We have to create faith in what Swamiji

says then no further clarification is required We ought to utter affirmation


I am nothing and I do not own any thing,everything belongs to God.

Then act accordingly then and then we will be happy in this life

Please give some idea of Swamiji so that we can also talk to him and get

guidance from him

Truly yours


S S Bhatt M.Com




It is easy to understand. Everything that we can see is perishable,

including our bodies and is therefore an illusion. The only real thing

in us is our soul. Its ultimate destiny is to become one with Parmatma

or the Great Soul or God. The sooner we realise this the quicker will

be our liberation. As long as we desire worldly things, unfulfilled

desires will time and again drag us to this worldly cycle of births

and deaths.


Hari Shanker Deo





Dear sadhak santosh sharma ,


Your message takes us to the Basics......


You say, " I have accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram,

nothing is mine. I am of Lord Ram only. But when I accept that everything is

Bhagwan (God), then desire for enjoyment returns back. "


Yes ! it happens that way, nothing to worry about. It happens with almost

everyone. This acceptance, will now help you to walk the Path . No-one can skip

his sadhna . This will give you the strength and courage to walk step by step.

For most persons today, the deepening of the Intellect through Swadhyaye ,

through understanding of what is Righteousness , and then striving to put it

into your day to day conduct is the Way.


This practise of Righteousness ,surrendering the fruits to the Lord, is

karamyoga.This leads to the purification of the ego,and enables the Mind to

surrender to the lord . Karma,Bhakti,and Gyana are not separate Paths. They

are all simultaneously present in us; .albeit,their relative presence differs

in each person and in the same person at different times.


But................all Paths culminate in the Self ....into the ultimate

Knowledge of the Self.............


When you say.............

Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).

narinder persumes what you mean is that you are troubled that you are unable to

express your 'intellectual knowledge' in action in your day to day life .


Please know that .................it happens so in almost every one's life

................... only an enlightened being is able to express the Truths of

the scriptures in action. This despair that you are unable to do so will itself

give you strength and direction in your quest for self realisation .


The Knowers of Truth ,the scriptures,the saints and the sages exist only for the

seeker true ..... for you ........to guide you with the pointers

.................walking the Path will have to be done by you

........................ Krishna,seated in your heart would Himself be guiding

you . ...................................and then ..................VOWWWW!


What more to say,O sadhak.................. hasten to Krishna and seek refuge in

him with total trust ........


Please be yourself.Accept yourself. Attend satsangas. Let austerities be

observed. Let there be an outflow of charity from your honest earnings. let

there be the traditional worship of God. And thus,allow , readiness to flower

in you ............


The Blessings of the buddhas are invariably with one,who has correctly resolved

as you have.............



narinder bhandari






1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to

Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up

spiritual path

2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study

3. Only one question at a time.

4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim

of deeper understanding of Gita.




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they

further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address

etc) or personalize message to particular person

7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modify

the posting.

8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit

the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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Shri Ram,

I have accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing ismine. I am of Lord Ram only. But when I accept that everything is Bhagwan (God),then desire for enjoyment returns back.

Swamiji says in his book that even if you do not understand this fact - VasudevaSarvam, just accept it.

Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).

Regards,Santosh Sharma








Namaste.No, you haven't completely "accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing is mine. I am of Lord Ram only." If you did, then your desire for enjoyment will never return. For human beings, acceptance and understanding is not a one-time event that if done will persist and be permanent. By its very nature, this must be 24/7, without a break; it can't be forced, it has to become natural to you. If you accept and understand, then your mind will not stray; if it does then you have more work to do.Don't despair. We are in the same boat, all of us seeking to achieve that exalted state.A previous post advises us to remember Him all the time. Let there be a true longing from within. If you utilize the time properly, it will be very good. Remember the Panchaamrit (Five Golden Principles)

1) I am Bhagwaan's 2) I live in His Kingdom 3) I do His work, 4) I receive His gifts, 5) With His gifts, I serve His children. When we do this, Bhagwaan becomes captivated by devotion. He protects all those that remain dependent on Bhagwaan. "Yeh yathaa maam prapadyante…. " He does all the work because you are His very own "Mameeva Ansh". It is this very feeling of mine-ness that causes him to support you.

Surrender to Bhagavan, total surrender, then we shall be free of the desire of enjoyment and attain supreme peace in eternal abode.

Take refuge in Him with all thy heart, O Bhârata; by His grace shalt thou attain supreme peace (and) the eternal abode.Occupy thy mind with Me, be devoted to Me, sacrifice to Me, bow down to Me. Thou shalt reach Myself; truly do I promise unto thee, (for) thou art dear to Me.

Relinquishing all Dharmas take refuge in Me alone; I will liberate thee from all sins; grieve not Geeta 18: 62/65

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


Jai Shri Ram,The answer to your question is very simple, but you have to understand it thoroughly.Simply handover everything to God, and don't crave for any more hopes. Swamiji told us that "Aasha paramam dukham", and "Nairashyam paramam sukham".This aashsa or hope is only from the Prakruti (Nature) side and not from God side. We'd be hopeful for God, always. Even if we cannot do, then simply request God in your personal ways to help you out.Humbly in your service,- Kuldeep Chaturvedi



Shree HariRam Ram

To reiterate what Vyasji and others have already stated - As long as we stillhave desire or expectation of anything at all (what so ever) from the world(i.e. your reference - desire for enjoyment), VASUDEVA SARVAM (Everything isGod) CANNOT BE REALIZED. Swamiji has been very clear about this. We are allentirely independent (swatantra), competent (samarth), worthy (yogya), andentitled (adhikaari) to understand and accept this (Vasudeva Sarvam). BecauseBhagwaan bestows upon us this human body, then with it he also graces us withthe freedom, the competence, the worthiness, and the rights to attain salvation, to realize Vasudeva Sarvam.

Therefore it is important that you revisit whether you have really understood(logically) and have accepted -1) nothing is mine at all2) there is nothing at all that I need3) I have not the least relationship with anyone4) God Alone is my very Own. Each of these have been logically explained in thedaily sadhak message (not just blind faith or acceptance).

Your question is good, but needs deeper Self inquiry, as the main flaw (perSwamiji )is that we have accepted the PERISHABLE (main reason for desire forenjoyment) as our own. THINK DEEPLY ABOUT THIS.With Devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Ram Ram

Dear Santoshji,

Don't worry if the desire of sensual pleasures comes back. Emphasize more onyour eternal and unbreakable relationship with God. Even after enjoying anysensual pleasure you return to the same state which you were in before. Youremain as it is. What difference does it make? Our existence never changesbecause it is part of God (Gita 15/7). Whether you enjoy any pleasure or not youwill remain of God only. So don't worry. When this relationship will get firmthen these desire will automatically stop coming.

References1. SSS - Chapter 9 (Sugam-Sadhan) of Bhaktiyog section - For acceptingrelationship with God2. Sadhan Ke Do Pradhan Sutra page 8 - For renouncing desires

Thanks,Hare KrishnaVarun P. Paprunia--------------------------Dear Sadak,You are one and the same with Sri Rama. No duvitham. Sri Hanuman tore his chestto show Sri Rama in him."Desires of enjoyment comes"- Let it come and go. It is it` s nature. Think thatall enjoyments are belonging to the body and NOT your` s. Sri Krishna said inSrimath Bagavath saving life of baby Parikchit that HE was poorna Bramacharitill date and never spoken a lie till date, then may be this child become alive.Bagavan history all of us know. He had children and wives, but never was HEattached to any of them- That is Poornathuvam. But we say me- mine and myself.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan------------------------


Hari Om

You said Santoshji that when you consider everything belongs to God then desirefor enjoyment of that thing returns . May I request you to elaborate on this.

Basically when we "accept" firmly that everything belongs to God, then everydesire melts then and there. Would you like to say a thing belonging to Him tobe "yours" and "for your enjoyment"? Do we even smell the flowers when we offerthat to Him? Why don't we smell ? Because we believe it belongs to Him. Whydon't we eat before we offer food to Him? "Prasad" (offered to God, receivedafter Puja) is ours ! But do we want "prasad" to satisfy our hunger?

Can we mis-utilize a thing , if we believe it to be property of God? Can webecome proud of possessing the same? Or sorrowful of loosing the same? Can we"enjoy" that which belongs to Him? He is ours, does that mean a thing belongingto Him too is ours? That too for "enjoyment" and "desiring" ? If our "mineness"with Him entitles us to enjoy that, then where is the place for "desiring" forthe same? What does not belong to Him?

Consider "prasad" which we all get after puja at homes /temples . How respectfulwe become in accepting/dealing with it? Can we become disrespect to any soulonce we believe that soul is nothing except Vasudev? Can we look at any one withlust , if we believe Divine resides there?

Do come back.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B-----------------------------

Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Dear Santoshji, it will be like this in the beginning for most of us. Swamiji issaying it, I think, so we may give it a fair try to accept it and not reject itoutright.You need to go to the depth of this "Understanding" and Acceptance when you say"I have accepted it and understood that everything belongs to Lord Rama, nothingis mine....." for it to bear fruits! The more you understand the more is youracceptance and the more you accept the more is your understanding!It gets easier to accept once it is understood that it is not "you", the ego-methat accepts or understands. Ego, the false sense of "me" will come to end if itaccepts God, so it wouldn't let you accept it that easily! That is the veryreason it keeps us bound by temptations of pleasures through senses and mindnever letting us see the Only Source of True Joy which is within us as Beinghaving no dependencies on senses.

Just know that ego-me can only pretend to accept but not really accept GOD. Thisway everytime you remember "all belongs to God", remind yourself "it is not methat accepts it, Santosh". It doesn't matter who accepts in the absence ofego-me, but for sure, you will feel Acceptance deep within you getting hold ofyou, awakening you by gentle slaps. This feeling will get stronger and stronger.Your need to seek pleasures "out there" by being an "enjoyer" will diminish.More clarity will dawn on you about Everything belongs to God and thensubsequently you will say "Everything is GOD, how can it be otherwise?" At thatpoint provisional acceptance suggested by Swamiji will become alive and firm in"YOU", and Santosh will have fled! Santoshji will return only to sing glory ofAcceptance!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt--

Santoshji,You have only accepted 'that everything is Bhagwan (God)'. That is good but youhave to practice it every moment of your life. You have got hold of the Truthbut you have to Realize this Truth by your actions and understand it. Many arejust trying to do that. No one can help you practice Truth, you have to do itthrough your own actions. You must learn yourself to enjoy practicing thisTruth: when you do that no desire for any other kind of enjoyment will arise.Try making all your actions and thoughts and feelings consistent with the Truththat you have accepted: otherwise this acceptance has no meaning. Do not worrythat desires are coming back: that is Bhagwan's desire. Forget that you existfor anything else but for merging with the Self-less, ego-less God: you willbecome desire-free automatically.Sadhna is about practicing the Truth in actions, thought and deeds: no one canhelp you: you have to find your way by continuous effort at practicing.Basudeb Sen



Ram Ram

Dear Santoshji,

Swamiji has answered your question in page 436 and 437 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindhu. I will also ask moderators to translate and post in daily sadhak posting fornon-hindi readers. It is available online if you understand Hindi (highlyrecommended reading after Sadhak Sanjivani) at:

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Guest guest

Shri Ram,

I have accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing ismine. I am of Lord Ram only. But when I accept that everything is Bhagwan (God),then desire for enjoyment returns back.

Swamiji says in his book that even if you do not understand this fact - VasudevaSarvam, just accept it.

Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).

Regards,Santosh Sharma



Hari OmThe responses from esteemed Sadhaks are indeed divine ! Right Deosharanji ! Welcome Kuldeepji ! Please keep contributing ! "Acceptance" is divine word !This word "aasha" ( hope/desire) is indeed the real culprit. What a temporary can give to the permanent? Time and Space invariably snatch away everything from you !! Concentrate on inner bhavas ! Discriminate !! BHAVAGRAHI JANARDANA ! Just As: Air picks fragrance- your bhavas (inner sentiments) get picked !! Indeed, this Satsanga is reaching divine heights ! Who knows, why ?Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


There is nothing wrong with desire for happiness.....

We all want to be happy all the time......


But understand first what is happiness, where is it, do you want temporary happiness or

permanent one, who you are.......how to enjoy and live in happiness....


We take 12 years of schooling, 3-5 or more years of college education to start doing something

meaningful........but we give very little time in understanding ourselves.....


If we spend an hour a day to know ourselves (not religious rituals), our mind,

what we really want, what is happiness, what oneness means....., what is love, what are personal

goals, what are impersonal goals, what makes us experience happiness....we will all be in bliss....

We can understand everything in experience.....


Sushil Jain



Dear Sharmaji,From the day we understand and accept that everything belongs to God, grip of Ego (Dehatma-Budhhi) starts loosening. Shree Ramkrishna Paramhans used to say desire for enjoyment comes in the form of Kamini (Women i.e. desire for sensual pleasures) and Kanchan (Gold, i.e. desire for wealth, possessions, hoarding, accumulation) and tools to keep them under check are Satsang (Asso. with Truth), Swadhyay (self-study), Jap (Divine Name Recitation). Prayer, Meditation etc.Geeta - Chapter 7 Verse 19 (Gita 7/19) says: Bahunam Janmanam Ante, Jnanwan mam Pradyate; VasudevahSarvam iti,sah mahatma sudurlabha. The optimism in this Verse should lead us to strong determination.patience and perseverence. I write this from my 25 years of dedicated work in this direction with good results.

Jayantilal Shah






------Namaste.No, you haven't completely "accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing is mine. I am of Lord Ram only." If you did, then your desire for enjoyment will never return. For human beings, acceptance and understanding is not a one-time event that if done will persist and be permanent. By its very nature, this must be 24/7, without a break; it can't be forced, it has to become natural to you. If you accept and understand, then your mind will not stray; if it does then you have more work to do.Don't despair. We are in the same boat, all of us seeking to achieve that exalted state.A previous post advises us to remember Him all the time. Let there be a true longing from within. If you utilize the time properly, it will be very good. Remember the Panchaamrit (Five Golden Principles)

1) I am Bhagwaan's 2) I live in His Kingdom 3) I do His work, 4) I receive His gifts, 5) With His gifts, I serve His children. When we do this, Bhagwaan becomes captivated by devotion. He protects all those that remain dependent on Bhagwaan. "Yeh yathaa maam prapadyante…. " He does all the work because you are His very own "Mameeva Ansh". It is this very feeling of mine-ness that causes him to support you.

Surrender to Bhagavan, total surrender, then we shall be free of the desire of enjoyment and attain supreme peace in eternal abode.

Take refuge in Him with all thy heart, O Bhârata; by His grace shalt thou attain supreme peace (and) the eternal abode.Occupy thy mind with Me, be devoted to Me, sacrifice to Me, bow down to Me. Thou shalt reach Myself; truly do I promise unto thee, (for) thou art dear to Me.

Relinquishing all Dharmas take refuge in Me alone; I will liberate thee from all sins; grieve not Geeta 18: 62/65

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath



Jai Shri Ram,The answer to your question is very simple, but you have to understand it thoroughly.Simply handover everything to God, and don't crave for any more hopes. Swamiji told us that "Aasha paramam dukham", and "Nairashyam paramam sukham".This aashsa or hope is only from the Prakruti (Nature) side and not from God side. We'd be hopeful for God, always. Even if we cannot do, then simply request God in your personal ways to help you out.Humbly in your service,- Kuldeep Chaturvedi



Shree HariRam Ram

To reiterate what Vyasji and others have already stated - As long as we stillhave desire or expectation of anything at all (what so ever) from the world(i.e. your reference - desire for enjoyment), VASUDEVA SARVAM (Everything isGod) CANNOT BE REALIZED. Swamiji has been very clear about this. We are allentirely independent (swatantra), competent (samarth), worthy (yogya), andentitled (adhikaari) to understand and accept this (Vasudeva Sarvam). BecauseBhagwaan bestows upon us this human body, then with it he also graces us withthe freedom, the competence, the worthiness, and the rights to attain salvation, to realize Vasudeva Sarvam.

Therefore it is important that you revisit whether you have really understood(logically) and have accepted -1) nothing is mine at all2) there is nothing at all that I need3) I have not the least relationship with anyone4) God Alone is my very Own. Each of these have been logically explained in thedaily sadhak message (not just blind faith or acceptance).

Your question is good, but needs deeper Self inquiry, as the main flaw (perSwamiji )is that we have accepted the PERISHABLE (main reason for desire forenjoyment) as our own. THINK DEEPLY ABOUT THIS.With Devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Ram Ram

Dear Santoshji,

Don't worry if the desire of sensual pleasures comes back. Emphasize more onyour eternal and unbreakable relationship with God. Even after enjoying anysensual pleasure you return to the same state which you were in before. Youremain as it is. What difference does it make? Our existence never changesbecause it is part of God (Gita 15/7). Whether you enjoy any pleasure or not youwill remain of God only. So don't worry. When this relationship will get firmthen these desire will automatically stop coming.

References1. SSS - Chapter 9 (Sugam-Sadhan) of Bhaktiyog section - For acceptingrelationship with God2. Sadhan Ke Do Pradhan Sutra page 8 - For renouncing desires

Thanks,Hare KrishnaVarun P. Paprunia--------------------------Dear Sadak,You are one and the same with Sri Rama. No duvitham. Sri Hanuman tore his chestto show Sri Rama in him."Desires of enjoyment comes"- Let it come and go. It is it` s nature. Think thatall enjoyments are belonging to the body and NOT your` s. Sri Krishna said inSrimath Bagavath saving life of baby Parikchit that HE was poorna Bramacharitill date and never spoken a lie till date, then may be this child become alive.Bagavan history all of us know. He had children and wives, but never was HEattached to any of them- That is Poornathuvam. But we say me- mine and myself.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan------------------------


Hari Om

You said Santoshji that when you consider everything belongs to God then desirefor enjoyment of that thing returns . May I request you to elaborate on this.

Basically when we "accept" firmly that everything belongs to God, then everydesire melts then and there. Would you like to say a thing belonging to Him tobe "yours" and "for your enjoyment"? Do we even smell the flowers when we offerthat to Him? Why don't we smell ? Because we believe it belongs to Him. Whydon't we eat before we offer food to Him? "Prasad" (offered to God, receivedafter Puja) is ours ! But do we want "prasad" to satisfy our hunger?

Can we mis-utilize a thing , if we believe it to be property of God? Can webecome proud of possessing the same? Or sorrowful of loosing the same? Can we"enjoy" that which belongs to Him? He is ours, does that mean a thing belongingto Him too is ours? That too for "enjoyment" and "desiring" ? If our "mineness"with Him entitles us to enjoy that, then where is the place for "desiring" forthe same? What does not belong to Him?

Consider "prasad" which we all get after puja at homes /temples . How respectfulwe become in accepting/dealing with it? Can we become disrespect to any soulonce we believe that soul is nothing except Vasudev? Can we look at any one withlust , if we believe Divine resides there?

Do come back.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B-----------------------------

Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Dear Santoshji, it will be like this in the beginning for most of us. Swamiji issaying it, I think, so we may give it a fair try to accept it and not reject itoutright.You need to go to the depth of this "Understanding" and Acceptance when you say"I have accepted it and understood that everything belongs to Lord Rama, nothingis mine....." for it to bear fruits! The more you understand the more is youracceptance and the more you accept the more is your understanding!It gets easier to accept once it is understood that it is not "you", the ego-methat accepts or understands. Ego, the false sense of "me" will come to end if itaccepts God, so it wouldn't let you accept it that easily! That is the veryreason it keeps us bound by temptations of pleasures through senses and mindnever letting us see the Only Source of True Joy which is within us as Beinghaving no dependencies on senses.

Just know that ego-me can only pretend to accept but not really accept GOD. Thisway everytime you remember "all belongs to God", remind yourself "it is not methat accepts it, Santosh". It doesn't matter who accepts in the absence ofego-me, but for sure, you will feel Acceptance deep within you getting hold ofyou, awakening you by gentle slaps. This feeling will get stronger and stronger.Your need to seek pleasures "out there" by being an "enjoyer" will diminish.More clarity will dawn on you about Everything belongs to God and thensubsequently you will say "Everything is GOD, how can it be otherwise?" At thatpoint provisional acceptance suggested by Swamiji will become alive and firm in"YOU", and Santosh will have fled! Santoshji will return only to sing glory ofAcceptance!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt--

Santoshji,You have only accepted 'that everything is Bhagwan (God)'. That is good but youhave to practice it every moment of your life. You have got hold of the Truthbut you have to Realize this Truth by your actions and understand it. Many arejust trying to do that. No one can help you practice Truth, you have to do itthrough your own actions. You must learn yourself to enjoy practicing thisTruth: when you do that no desire for any other kind of enjoyment will arise.Try making all your actions and thoughts and feelings consistent with the Truththat you have accepted: otherwise this acceptance has no meaning. Do not worrythat desires are coming back: that is Bhagwan's desire. Forget that you existfor anything else but for merging with the Self-less, ego-less God: you willbecome desire-free automatically.Sadhna is about practicing the Truth in actions, thought and deeds: no one canhelp you: you have to find your way by continuous effort at practicing.Basudeb Sen



Ram Ram

Dear Santoshji,

Swamiji has answered your question in page 436 and 437 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindhu. I will also ask moderators to translate and post in daily sadhak posting fornon-hindi readers. It is available online if you understand Hindi (highlyrecommended reading after Sadhak Sanjivani) at:

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Shri Ram,

I have accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing ismine. I am of Lord Ram only. But when I accept that everything is Bhagwan (God),then desire for enjoyment returns back.

Swamiji says in his book that even if you do not understand this fact - VasudevaSarvam, just accept it.

Please help me to accept this truth - All is God (Vasudeva Sarvam).

Regards,Santosh Sharma



''All is God and God is All'' as said by Swami Ramsukhdasjee in Manavamatrake Kalyanake Liye page 220 lines 17 to 19 results immediately merging of Self with God. How dare we find one to explore desires or anything else when 'All is God and God is All'? Who finds desires of enjoyments returning to whom? What are desires if not God? If desires are different from God, that God is not that God Who is All in All. Understand God is All and All is God. If you worry for desires, you think you are different entity from God and that goes against All is God. Understand there is no desire, there is no pleasure, there is nothing else but God. That's All.

Ram ram.





in one form or another ,dear sadhakas,


narinder finds the discussion invariably circles around "how to express one's intellectual understanding in action ....... how to express the perfection that is our true being in action "


the suggestions in words given by so many divine sadhaks from their own ' anubhava' bring joy and cheer to all the sadhakas .............. especially to those still struggling with their vasanas ..............


to narinder , what is clear is that the wave and the Ocean were never ever TWO.......the Ocean knows it,keeps smiling and wave-ing .....................but the wave that has not yet experienced the not-two-ness with the Ocean ............... is saddled with the duality in understanding ................it's desire for 'One-ness expressed in action' ,and,its perception of ( as revealed by its own disturbance / suffering / fear/ anxiety of Mind ) its inability to be harmonised in Love.


Being harmonised in Love isthe Goal that Bhagvada Geetha is speaking about ALLTHE TIME.Love in ACTION.


Love is One-ness, a feeling of one-ness true with the other . One-ness is Silence of Ego , Love ; this One-ness is Meditation.Love and meditation are One, not-two.


narinder is uanable to see any dichotomy between one's chosen Path and the practise of Love or Meditation ( one-ness) . The final word is your own Experienceof Joy and Love .That One-ness which is freedom from Dukha,Bhrama,Bhau ,is called Meditation or Love.


Donot quibble about words ,dear sadhaka ; go beyond words and having understood the essence , live in 'happiness' (of action) that Sushil Jain jee is so aptly conveying in words......................



narinder bhandari


Hari OmMessage of Jayantilalji Shah is indeed worth reading and so are messages , as usual, of Deosharanji and Sushilji Jain ! Welcome Jayantilalji !!Why there is nothing wrong in "desire for happiness" ? Because a drop of water separated from ocean CANNOT remain peaceful till it merges back into ocean ! DESIRE thereof is "natural and inborn"!! It (drop) belonged to ocean only and to nothing else !! SIMILARLY: We are "sahaj sukhraasi" - we belong to happiness only ! How can we not desire it particularly when we have been "despatched" into "Dukhalayam" ? It is another matter as to where do we search it ! IN THE WORLD - out of stupidity or IN THE GOD- out of wisdom ( stable intellect) !! So what is wrong if one searches happiness in ocean? Nothing ! Is it SAT or ASAT ? SAT, SAT, SAT! THANKS-Sushilji !Come to the nature of that drop! What does the ocean have that it (it = drop separated from ocean) does not have? Be it in form of vapour, or cloud, or rain, or ice or moisture or pond or river .... ? Can it be EVER different from ocean? What if drop presumes itself to be not a "drop" but "ocean" ? Anything wrong there? Sure, there is no difference ! Once it is clear then what difference , thereafter, it makes to "drop" whether it merges back into "ocean" or not? IT HAS ALREADY REALISED/KNOWN THAT IT IS OCEAN !! Matter ends there ! THANKS, Deosharanji ! After that what else other similar drops are there ? .... vis a vis this drop... ?? Ocean... !! What else? SAT or ASAT? SAT, SAT, SAT !! Vasudev Sarvam !!To whom can the "drop" ever belong to ? Except to the ocean ? If drop says/believes/ "ACCEPTS" itself to be a part of ocean ... (Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro Na Koi) ... Any thing wrong there? That is SAT or ASAT ? SAT, SAT, SAT !! THANKS - Jayantilalji Shah !!

Indeed- "Nairashyam paramam sukhah" ! Note that "aasha" here belongs to the worldly things/people/actions ! THANKS- Kuldipji !! Oh ! We hanker for "sukha" in the "association" of the world while it lies in the "renunciation/ disassociation " thereof. This is SAT ... SATSANGA ! THANKS- Gita Talk Group ! THANKS- GT Moderators !! THANKS- Divine Sadhaks !!!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B -----

Radhey ! Radhey!!


There is a story of a child to whom his Mom whole day taught story of Ramayana.. In the evening when she asked him as to who was wife of Lord Rama...child replied Mandodari ! Oh ! These insistences, and aagrahs of mind. Above mind there is intellect. Above intellect there is Ego. Above Ego there is SELF/ Conscience ! Now argue reg those verses of Gita which say devotees are rare ! Mind being already in 18:33 zone, would insist that Realisation is rare. Who has time to keep arguing. Indeed, none has been able to straighten out a dog's curly tail. Mind...Throw it into a dust bin...Jee !! Searching Love... by being insistent? Even Mother does not love that child who does not heed.


Radhey ! Radhey !!


Nisha Chatterji


Dear sadaks,

A little modification, may be useful.

Sri- Kuldeep Chaturvedi said

1) nothing is mine at all (Nothing at all)- mine removed2) there is nothing at all that I need (there nothing needed)-" I" removed3) I have not the least relationship with anyone (have no relation with anyone in world)4) God Alone is my very Own. (God alone is very own) –"my" removed

Radha thought of like Sri Kuldeep, then Sri Krishna disappeared, until Radha felt that I and mine makes no sense.

Sri Kuldeep says-"Simply handover everything to God, and don't crave for any more hopes." Simply do not handover everything to God, HE is already burdened by Bakthas.Swamiji told us that ""This aashsa or hope is only from the Prakruti (Nature) side and not from God side. We'd be hopeful for God, always. Even if we cannot do, then simply request God in your personal ways to help you out.""

Asshsa turn it on to God only. Prakurthi manifested from God and from Prakurthi Aassha- Source Srimath Bagavath. We use all the tools like desire, anger, jealousy etc on wrong things. Deosaran Bisnath says,

1) I am Bhagwaan's Remove "I", it become am Bagavan (Aham Bhramasmi) source Sant Tukaram2) I live in His Kingdom. Remove "I" then it become –live in HIS kingdom. 3) I do His work, Remove "I" then it becomes – Do HIS work- Expect no pala- Source Geetha 4) I receive His gifts, remove "I" then it becomes- receive only HIS gifts 5) With His gifts, I serve His children. Remove "I"- then it becomes- With HIS gifts are served to HIS children- Here gifts are HIS and ability to serve is HIS- The thought to serve is HIS.. "Yeh yathaa maam prapadyante…. " He does all the work because you are His very own "Mameeva Ansh". Again here, Sadaks understand that GOD is not attached to HIS own. When your thought process is completely on GOD, it is SANKALP that does the work. Like in the case of saving Sri Drowpathi while disrobing.

Sushil Jain says,

We take 12 years of schooling, 3-5 or more years of college education to start doing something

meaningful........but we give very little time in understanding ourselves.....

If we spend an hour a day to know ourselves (not religious rituals), our mind,

what we really want, what is happiness, what oneness means....., what is love, what are personal

goals, what are impersonal goals, what makes us experience happiness....we will all be in bliss....

We can understand everything in experience.....

Yes my dear Sadak- All the schooling collage does help survival for money and food. But this ONE HOUR only will come along with you when death strikes. Source- Sri Vishnu Puran & Bagavath Dharam

Sushil Jain

`'This word "aasha" ( hope/desire) is indeed the real culprit'' says Sri Vyasji. How is that desire does not arise in Baktha? He has desire on GOD. How is this desire (Culprit) used by saints to whom Bagavan was pleased. There is answer in Geetha.

Jai Sri Krishna



Desire is also God, since nothing exists without Him or Her. No "movement" can occur, without a "desire" to "move", or "think". THey are all in the realms of Kshetra, which is ruled by the Kshetrajna---God .

D. Mankikar



Hari Om

The responses from esteemed Sadhaks are indeed divine ! Right Deosharanji ! Welcome Kuldeepji ! Please keep contributing ! "Acceptance" is divine word !

This word "aasha" ( hope/desire) is indeed the real culprit. What a temporary can give to the permanent? Time and Space invariably snatch away everything from you !! Concentrate on inner bhavas ! Discriminate !! BHAVAGRAHI JANARDANA ! Just As: Air picks fragrance- your bhavas (inner sentiments) get picked !!

Indeed, this Satsanga is reaching divine heights ! Who knows, why ?

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


There is nothing wrong with desire for happiness.....We all want to be happy all the time...... But understand first what is happiness, where is it, do you want temporary happiness or permanent one, who you are.......how to enjoy and live in happiness.... We take 12 years of schooling, 3-5 or more years of college education to start doing somethingmeaningful........but we give very little time in understanding ourselves..... If we spend an hour a day to know ourselves (not religious rituals), our mind, what we really want, what is happiness, what oneness means....., what is love, what are personalgoals, what are impersonal goals, what makes us experience happiness....we will all be in bliss....We can understand everything in experience..... Sushil Jain --------------------------------Dear Sharmaji,From the day we understand and accept that everything belongs to God, grip of Ego (Dehatma-Budhhi) starts loosening. Shree Ramkrishna Paramhans used to say desire for enjoyment comes in the form of Kamini (Women i.e. desire for sensual pleasures) and Kanchan (Gold, i.e. desire for wealth, possessions, hoarding, accumulation) and tools to keep them under check are Satsang (Asso. with Truth), Swadhyay (self-study), Jap (Divine Name Recitation). Prayer, Meditation etc.Geeta - Chapter 7 Verse 19 (Gita 7/19) says: Bahunam Janmanam Ante, Jnanwan mam Pradyate; VasudevahSarvam iti,sah mahatma sudurlabha. The optimism in this Verse should lead us to strong determination.patience and perseverence. I write this from my 25 years of dedicated work in this direction with good results.

Jayantilal Shah


No, you haven't completely "accepted and understood that everything belongs to Lord Ram, nothing is mine. I am of Lord Ram only." If you did, then your desire for enjoyment will never return.

For human beings, acceptance and understanding is not a one-time event that if done will persist and be permanent. By its very nature, this must be 24/7, without a break; it can't be forced, it has to become natural to you. If you accept and understand, then your mind will not stray; if it does then you have more work to do.

Don't despair. We are in the same boat, all of us seeking to achieve that exalted state.

A previous post advises us to remember Him all the time. Let there be a true longing from within. If you utilize the time properly, it will be very good. Remember the Panchaamrit (Five Golden Principles)

1) I am Bhagwaan's 2) I live in His Kingdom 3) I do His work, 4) I receive His gifts, 5) With His gifts, I serve His children.

When we do this, Bhagwaan becomes captivated by devotion. He protects all those that remain dependent on Bhagwaan. "Yeh yathaa maam prapadyante…. " He does all the work because you are His very own "Mameeva Ansh". It is this very feeling of mine-ness that causes him to support you.

Surrender to Bhagavan, total surrender, then we shall be free of the desire of enjoyment and attain supreme peace in eternal abode.

Take refuge in Him with all thy heart, O Bhârata; by His grace shalt thou attain supreme peace (and) the eternal abode.

Occupy thy mind with Me, be devoted to Me, sacrifice to Me, bow down to Me. Thou shalt reach Myself; truly do I promise unto thee, (for) thou art dear to Me. Relinquishing all Dharmas take refuge in Me alone; I will liberate thee from all sins; grieve not Geeta 18: 62/65


Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


Jai Shri Ram,

The answer to your question is very simple, but you have to understand it thoroughly.

Simply handover everything to God, and don't crave for any more hopes.

Swamiji told us that

"Aasha paramam dukham", and "Nairashyam paramam sukham".

This aashsa or hope is only from the Prakruti (Nature) side and not from God side. We'd be hopeful for God, always. Even if we cannot do, then simply request God in your personal ways to help you out.

Humbly in your service,- Kuldeep Chaturvedi



Shree HariRam Ram

To reiterate what Vyasji and others have already stated - As long as we stillhave desire or expectation of anything at all (what so ever) from the world(i.e. your reference - desire for enjoyment), VASUDEVA SARVAM (Everything isGod) CANNOT BE REALIZED. Swamiji has been very clear about this. We are allentirely independent (swatantra), competent (samarth), worthy (yogya), andentitled (adhikaari) to understand and accept this (Vasudeva Sarvam). BecauseBhagwaan bestows upon us this human body, then with it he also graces us withthe freedom, the competence, the worthiness, and the rights to attain salvation, to realize Vasudeva Sarvam.

Therefore it is important that you revisit whether you have really understood(logically) and have accepted -1) nothing is mine at all2) there is nothing at all that I need3) I have not the least relationship with anyone4) God Alone is my very Own. Each of these have been logically explained in thedaily sadhak message (not just blind faith or acceptance).

Your question is good, but needs deeper Self inquiry, as the main flaw (perSwamiji )is that we have accepted the PERISHABLE (main reason for desire forenjoyment) as our own. THINK DEEPLY ABOUT THIS.With Devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Ram Ram

Dear Santoshji,

Don't worry if the desire of sensual pleasures comes back. Emphasize more onyour eternal and unbreakable relationship with God. Even after enjoying anysensual pleasure you return to the same state which you were in before. Youremain as it is. What difference does it make? Our existence never changesbecause it is part of God (Gita 15/7). Whether you enjoy any pleasure or not youwill remain of God only. So don't worry. When this relationship will get firmthen these desire will automatically stop coming.

References1. SSS - Chapter 9 (Sugam-Sadhan) of Bhaktiyog section - For acceptingrelationship with God2. Sadhan Ke Do Pradhan Sutra page 8 - For renouncing desires

Thanks,Hare KrishnaVarun P. Paprunia--------------------------Dear Sadak,You are one and the same with Sri Rama. No duvitham. Sri Hanuman tore his chestto show Sri Rama in him."Desires of enjoyment comes"- Let it come and go. It is it` s nature. Think thatall enjoyments are belonging to the body and NOT your` s. Sri Krishna said inSrimath Bagavath saving life of baby Parikchit that HE was poorna Bramacharitill date and never spoken a lie till date, then may be this child become alive.Bagavan history all of us know. He had children and wives, but never was HEattached to any of them- That is Poornathuvam. But we say me- mine and myself.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan------------------------


Hari Om

You said Santoshji that when you consider everything belongs to God then desirefor enjoyment of that thing returns . May I request you to elaborate on this.

Basically when we "accept" firmly that everything belongs to God, then everydesire melts then and there. Would you like to say a thing belonging to Him tobe "yours" and "for your enjoyment"? Do we even smell the flowers when we offerthat to Him? Why don't we smell ? Because we believe it belongs to Him. Whydon't we eat before we offer food to Him? "Prasad" (offered to God, receivedafter Puja) is ours ! But do we want "prasad" to satisfy our hunger?

Can we mis-utilize a thing , if we believe it to be property of God? Can webecome proud of possessing the same? Or sorrowful of loosing the same? Can we"enjoy" that which belongs to Him? He is ours, does that mean a thing belongingto Him too is ours? That too for "enjoyment" and "desiring" ? If our "mineness"with Him entitles us to enjoy that, then where is the place for "desiring" forthe same? What does not belong to Him?

Consider "prasad" which we all get after puja at homes /temples . How respectfulwe become in accepting/dealing with it? Can we become disrespect to any soulonce we believe that soul is nothing except Vasudev? Can we look at any one withlust , if we believe Divine resides there?

Do come back.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B-----------------------------

Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Dear Santoshji, it will be like this in the beginning for most of us. Swamiji issaying it, I think, so we may give it a fair try to accept it and not reject itoutright.You need to go to the depth of this "Understanding" and Acceptance when you say"I have accepted it and understood that everything belongs to Lord Rama, nothingis mine....." for it to bear fruits! The more you understand the more is youracceptance and the more you accept the more is your understanding!It gets easier to accept once it is understood that it is not "you", the ego-methat accepts or understands. Ego, the false sense of "me" will come to end if itaccepts God, so it wouldn't let you accept it that easily! That is the veryreason it keeps us bound by temptations of pleasures through senses and mindnever letting us see the Only Source of True Joy which is within us as Beinghaving no dependencies on senses.

Just know that ego-me can only pretend to accept but not really accept GOD. Thisway everytime you remember "all belongs to God", remind yourself "it is not methat accepts it, Santosh". It doesn't matter who accepts in the absence ofego-me, but for sure, you will feel Acceptance deep within you getting hold ofyou, awakening you by gentle slaps. This feeling will get stronger and stronger.Your need to seek pleasures "out there" by being an "enjoyer" will diminish.More clarity will dawn on you about Everything belongs to God and thensubsequently you will say "Everything is GOD, how can it be otherwise?" At thatpoint provisional acceptance suggested by Swamiji will become alive and firm in"YOU", and Santosh will have fled! Santoshji will return only to sing glory ofAcceptance!Namaskar............Pratap Bhatt--

Santoshji,You have only accepted 'that everything is Bhagwan (God)'. That is good but youhave to practice it every moment of your life. You have got hold of the Truthbut you have to Realize this Truth by your actions and understand it. Many arejust trying to do that. No one can help you practice Truth, you have to do itthrough your own actions. You must learn yourself to enjoy practicing thisTruth: when you do that no desire for any other kind of enjoyment will arise.Try making all your actions and thoughts and feelings consistent with the Truththat you have accepted: otherwise this acceptance has no meaning. Do not worrythat desires are coming back: that is Bhagwan's desire. Forget that you existfor anything else but for merging with the Self-less, ego-less God: you willbecome desire-free automatically.Sadhna is about practicing the Truth in actions, thought and deeds: no one canhelp you: you have to find your way by continuous effort at practicing.Basudeb Sen



Ram Ram

Dear Santoshji,

Swamiji has answered your question in page 436 and 437 of Saadhan-Sudha-Sindhu. I will also ask moderators to translate and post in daily sadhak posting fornon-hindi readers. It is available online if you understand Hindi (highlyrecommended reading after Sadhak Sanjivani) at:

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