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Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?

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Mangalmai Vidhaan)










1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant to

Dharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take up

spiritual path

2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study

3. Only one question at a time.

4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aim

of deeper understanding of Gita.




1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.

2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..

3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that they

further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.

5. Focus on subject at hand only.

6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, address

etc) or personalize message to particular person

7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modify

the posting.

8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limit

the use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.



Ram Ram

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Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari OmKalpanaji ! A really good Q ! Reasons appear to be1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,

This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ )


and the answer True is :


Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being .


Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' ..............


To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way......................


Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously.


The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results .


Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof.


Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action .


May the Buddhas be your Guide ................




narinder bhandari




Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.

Ashok Goenka





FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Namaste.I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony....."Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues.""On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love.""Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."Profound, isn't it ? See below for full post Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar

There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji Ram RamFor ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org


That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true.


This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....

is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while.....


All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......

The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...

but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out.......


Sushil Jain




Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!!


Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI .


Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ).




Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!!


Anirudh Joshi


Narain ! Narain !!


Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest.


Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN.


However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33.


Narain ! Narain !!


Naarad N Maharishi




Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -


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Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other.

So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what.

With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram






Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna. This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka. Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)Which means"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure. One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani. The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually. Thank you. Hare krishna. Prasad iragavarapu. M. D






-Shree Hari-


Consider the paste:

Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hanker

after pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a

sage of steady wisdom.

Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severely

afflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can be

transmuted into love, not bitterness.

What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer around

you, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!

With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike (K)





I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/

In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony.....

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

"On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love."

"Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."

Profound, isn't it ?

See below for full post

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org


That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -



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Shree Hari Ram Ram

Brothers, Deosaranji pointed out this particular statement from sadhaka postings. What is your understanding of this statement? Do you have any doubts, disagreements with what is being stated?

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

Kindly share, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?Because … "OUR GOOD" has never let our focus shift away from itself even in thename of The God! We wander in search of "our good" everywhere in absolutefutility as we lack truthful appreciation of good and bad on one hand; and areincapable of looking at anything without the filter-glass in terms of ournotions of good and bad on the other hand. Till we remain captive within ournotions of good and bad, The God remains a distant notion as well. Therefore, acloser look at our notions of good and bad may be the clue to this question ...RespectsNaga Narayana


Hari OmAll three messages in the last post are divine ! They are:Exclusive mineness with Him ( Miraji Dass) ; Love. ( Brother Mike) and Equanimity ( Prasadji)!Let us put Mineness and Love on one side (there is "cause" and "effect" relationship between the two) AND Equanimity ( Samata) in other Side :Says Tulsidasji Maharaj :TULSI MAMTA RAAM SE, SAMATA SAB SANSAAR

NB Vyas


Dear Sadhaks


In Gita ,where it is mentioned that:-

1)God has done all good for us

2)Every situation is for our good


I have not seen mention of such assumptions.I invite reference to Verse 14 of 5 th Chapter

and verse 14 th of 5th chapter which says otherwise.You may also study remaining verses of 14th Chapter.


The universe or God operates on two basic principles:-

a)Free choice-we are free to choose the way we want to feel,think or act on any situation.

b)Non-interference-God will not interfere in any choice we make.


Please also refer to verse 16th and 17th of 18th Chapter on the 'Doer" or Karta




Ashok Jain



Radhey ! Radhey !!


We shall crawl into the Mom's Lap....undoubtedly ! But when? Now itself or after toiling, sufferring, travelling into endless wombs...when ? THIS ENTIRELY DEPENDS UPON US ! There is a difference between Holy Bath in Holy Ganges when taken in the month of January or when taken in the Month of May. Result is same, but pains......! Why should we leave what is under our prorogative, under our control and under our arena of KARMA to the FATE/DESTINY and why we should run day and night after those things which have no corelation with your present Karmas but have corelation with your fate/destiny? No ! Devotion/Bhakti and shedding of worldly me and mine need be taken instantly. Dear Sadhaks ! Laws of Nature always drag us towards our Mom. We delay the process by DESIRING worldly transitory things and getting attached with worldly people and establishing UNNATURAL....Me (es) and Mine(s). No one is ours, we dont belong to the world, nothing is ours, .....it is TRUTH ....TRUTH !! Sooner we realise it, faster we shall crawl into HIS lap. Laws of Nature are ruthless. If we dont move suo motto towards His lap, they will give us pains and drive us towards His lap...be sure about it !


Radhey ! Radhey !!


Nisha Chatterji



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other.

So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what.

With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,

"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)

Which means

"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "

This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure.

One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani.

The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


-Shree Hari-Nameste!Consider the paste:Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hankerafter pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called asage of steady wisdom.Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severelyafflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can betransmuted into love, not bitterness.What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer aroundyou, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (K)




I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/

In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony.....

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

"On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love."

"Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."

Profound, isn't it ?

See below for full post

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org


That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -


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Priy sadhaks,

This situation is very practical and almost every one come across this.

The reason is lack of APANAPAN (feeling of mine) WITH GOD.

If we be firm that gid is ours then we can get rid of it.

see in practical life, when we accept someone APANA (Like father mother bro sis wife), Then we have in our depth that whatever one does can never be for my bad for us.

Similarly with god apanapan is real thing which can solve this prob.

Swamiji in describing sharanagati says nothing more matters as APANAPAN WITH GOD. NO GYAN TAP KARM CAN MATCH IT.


RAJA Gurdasani


Dear sadaks,Agyanan is the cause. Our past loads of bad Karmas is the cause for AgyananJai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Ram Ram,

Deosaranji is very much right in his statement. Happiness and sorrow are not the fruit of sins and virtues, the situations (favorable & unfavorable) are. Its fully in our hands to become happy or sorrowful.

Ashok Goenka


Namaste, Dear Sadhakas!Moderators have asked to share understanding on Swamiji's words of wisdom:"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues." Already he has explained profoundly in that writeup, it is worth reading again and again.I can only echo what I learned. Situations keep on happening relentlessly in Life, they don't happen personally even if they seem to affect one more than others. Life is unavoidable relationship among each other and with Nature. Nothing ever can happen in isolation. If there is "one", there are necessarily "others" and thinking and actions of "one" affects "others". This results in mass/collective karmas consisting of virtues and sins(papa and punya), and always culminate in impersonal events mistaken by individuals as happy or unhappy personal situations. This is also the Causal Body of Ignorance(of not knowing one's true Nature).A wise is one who takes such situations in strides and remain steadfast in Being only, unaffected by pleasures and pains perceived in them! What helps one to remain in equanimity is the understanding that he is the Witnessing Presence Permeating the body-mind that belongs to Nature; and whatever happens, happens impersonally to Nature, not to the Presence!In Bhaktas, the understanding is Divine Love of Pure Being. His/her entire Being is taken over by this Unconditional Love which he/she calls Bhagwaan!Pure Being of SELF is Divine-Unconditional Love, Love that knows no opposites, and is also at the same time Impersonal Cosmic Intelligence manifest in abundance! God, to me, is Experince(anubhutiroopah) of Pure Being-Consciousness), Divine Love, and Intelligence!Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt


This knowledge that God has done all good for us although true has come fromoutside. When you only make an attempt to accept an unpleasant experience intotality without dividing it into good and bad, you are on the path of Sadhana.Gradually questions will melt and you will reach first stage of NirvitarkSamadhi. As you practice this acceptance for a longer period,you will experienceinflow of Divine Energy when you are about to breakdown and slowly preliminaryexperience of Nirvichar Samadhi will start. Mind will become more quiet andGod's presence will be felt to an extent.Why such things happen will also beunderstood and you will be on Real Path of Progress. Bahunam Janmanam ante,Gnanwan mam prapadyante. Bhagwad Geeta verse 7/19. Have faith, patience andperseverence and parameter of Tolerance will be developed.This will lead you to Divine experience.Jayantilal Shah

----------Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna. This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka regarding happiness and sorrow. Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita " Prakruteh kriyamanani,Gunai karmani sarvasah" ( gita 3, 27"Which means"Activities are carried out by theModes of nature". The three modes of nature are sattva ( goodness), rajoh( passion) , tamo (ignorance). activities continue to happen with or without our involvement. That is the law of nature.Lord krishna says in gita, " Sattvam sukhe sanjayati,Rajah karmani bharata,Jnanam avrutya tu tamah,Pramade sanjayaty uta" ( gita 14, 9)Which means," O son of bharata, mode of goodness causes happiness, passion leads one to fruitive action, and ignorance leads one to madness and danger. "If we want to be happy, we need to be in the mode of goodness. Passion and ignorance do not lead us to happiness. Lord krishna continues,"Karmanah sukrutasyahuh,Sattvikam nirmalam phalam,Rajasas tu phalam dukham,Ajnanam tamasah phalam" ( gita, 14, 16). Which means"Pious activities done in the mode of goodness are pure. Actions done in the mode of passion lead us to misery and,sorrow. Action perormed in the mode of ignorance causes foolishness. "People involved in pious actions are situated in happiness. We are bound by actions. There is no way out. But there is one, as lord krishna says," Mam ca yo vyabhicarena,Bhakti yogena sevate,Sa gunan samatityaitan,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gita, 14, 26)Which means," One who is in full devotional service all the time , transcends the modes of this materialism and reaches the level of eternal bliss. "If we want to get out of these modes of nature, devotional service is the answer. Thank you. Hare krishna. Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses.

. ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee


[sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)


Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )


2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Mediation( a formof Prayer,in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words,words ...too many words eclipse the Truth Beyond …………the silence,which is the womb of the words ... Silence ,which is not the word silence

BUT,is the ISNESS of the word silence ..which just IS

This silence is the ultimate Truth ,the Nothingness

Nothingness ,which is the womb of Everythingness

The Truth....The Real,......The Un-knowable ever known, ...Is God,

Is Krishna .....Is the Way to Krishna

Witness Consciousness is the Way

No Doing, NO treading, just being yourself, the self

Narinder Bhandari


Hari OmLord Krishna smiles ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the ignorance of His children when we refer to His 'MAYA' as stupidity in BG 7:13/14 ! Let there be deliberations: 'Wisdom vs Ignorance'.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B







Hari OmSheer stupidity (moorkhata) ! Nothing except stupidity !! Only Stupidity !!! Lord Krishna laughs ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the stupidity only of His children when He calls that stupidity as 'MAYA' in BG 7:13/14 ! But "actually" alone Stupidity !Let there be deliberations: 'Wisdom vs Stupidity'.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B "Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruitsof sins and virtues."Such a statement from a teacher makes perfect sense under certain contexts e.g.when the desciple is carried away by the apparent sins and virtues whileignoring their inherent counterpart - ignorance. The lopsided emphasis in aseeker is often "balanced" by emphasising the ignored opposite by the wiseteacher. I do not think that meant anyway to ignore the sins and virtuesaltogether.But, as we go beyond contexts, I see that ignorance is the seed for all sins(and virtues); and ignorance is the fruit of all sins (and virtues).OR, one can also say,Sins (and virtues) are the seed for ignorance; and sins (and virtues) are thefruits of ignorance.However we see, the two are inseparable. So are the two polarized feelings ofsorrow and happiness. They are inseparable from the sins and virtues which areinseparable from the ignorance as such. They produce each other, they harvesteach other and they devour each other in cycles. Therefore, the second part ofthis statement does not appeal to me.To me ignorance, sins, virtues, happiness, sorrow, etc. are synanymous withconcurrent occurance. As we feel sorrow and happiness, sins and virtues aregenerated and the ignorance is enseeded. As the ignorance pops up, sins andvirtues are churned out and the feelings of sorrow and happines are established.Of course, the opposites such as sins and virtues often appear as different whenone applies the relativity of one's tempermental ego-centric and ego-promotionalattitude toward the same. When ego is active, ignorance itself starts appearingas "knowledge" as well. But, even from the relative perspective, the second partof the statement (seggregation of ignorance from sins and virtues) does notapeal to me personally.Respects.Naga Narayana




Shree Hari Ram Ram

Brothers, Deosaranji pointed out this particular statement from sadhaka postings. What is your understanding of this statement? Do you have any doubts, disagreements with what is being stated?

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

Kindly share, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?

Because … "OUR GOOD" has never let our focus shift away from itself even in thename of The God! We wander in search of "our good" everywhere in absolutefutility as we lack truthful appreciation of good and bad on one hand; and areincapable of looking at anything without the filter-glass in terms of ournotions of good and bad on the other hand. Till we remain captive within ournotions of good and bad, The God remains a distant notion as well. Therefore, acloser look at our notions of good and bad may be the clue to this question ...


Naga Narayana


Hari Om

All three messages in the last post are divine ! They are:

Exclusive mineness with Him ( Miraji Dass) ; Love. ( Brother Mike) and Equanimity ( Prasadji)!

Let us put Mineness and Love on one side (there is "cause" and "effect" relationship between the two) AND Equanimity ( Samata) in other Side :

Says Tulsidasji Maharaj :


NB Vyas


Dear Sadhaks In Gita ,where it is mentioned that:-1)God has done all good for us2)Every situation is for our good I have not seen mention of such assumptions.I invite reference to Verse 14 of 5 th Chapter and verse 14 th of 5th chapter which says otherwise.You may also study remaining verses of 14th Chapter. The universe or God operates on two basic principles:-a)Free choice-we are free to choose the way we want to feel,think or act on any situation.b)Non-interference-God will not interfere in any choice we make. Please also refer to verse 16th and 17th of 18th Chapter on the 'Doer" or Karta regards Ashok Jain -----------

Radhey ! Radhey !! We shall crawl into the Mom's Lap....undoubtedly ! But when? Now itself or after toiling, sufferring, travelling into endless wombs...when ? THIS ENTIRELY DEPENDS UPON US ! There is a difference between Holy Bath in Holy Ganges when taken in the month of January or when taken in the Month of May. Result is same, but pains......! Why should we leave what is under our prorogative, under our control and under our arena of KARMA to the FATE/DESTINY and why we should run day and night after those things which have no corelation with your present Karmas but have corelation with your fate/destiny? No ! Devotion/Bhakti and shedding of worldly me and mine need be taken instantly. Dear Sadhaks ! Laws of Nature always drag us towards our Mom. We delay the process by DESIRING worldly transitory things and getting attached with worldly people and establishing UNNATURAL....Me (es) and Mine(s). No one is ours, we dont belong to the world, nothing is ours, .....it is TRUTH ....TRUTH !! Sooner we realise it, faster we shall crawl into HIS lap. Laws of Nature are ruthless. If we dont move suo motto towards His lap, they will give us pains and drive us towards His lap...be sure about it ! Radhey ! Radhey !! Nisha Chatterji



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other.

So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what.

With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,

"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)

Which means

"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "

This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure.

One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani.

The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


-Shree Hari-Nameste!Consider the paste:Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hankerafter pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called asage of steady wisdom.Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severelyafflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can betransmuted into love, not bitterness.What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer aroundyou, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (K)




I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/

In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony.....

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

"On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love."

"Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."

Profound, isn't it ?

See below for full post

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org


That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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Dear sadaks,I would like add this to my previous posting. "WHEN WE KNOW GOD HAS DONE ALL GOOD FOR US AND EVERY SITUATION IS FOR OUR GOOD," said by Sri Kalpna. Even in conjugal situation I dont think man has faith in God. He is busy with social obligations and programs. If faith in God is there in comfortable situations, the faith will remain even in unpleasent situations. Man` s hidden thinking is that God should take care of him in all situations, because HE is creator. We hear people say, " Why on earth God created me". Ignorance and absence of total faith. Partial faith does not work with God. Drowpathi was holding on to her last stretch of her sari in one hand and calling to Govinda. When it failed, she raised both her hands in total faith, she was saved. Same with us.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan---------------------------

Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses.

. ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee


[sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)


Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )


2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)


Ah, dear sadhakas,


Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya,and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints

Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self

That is both and neither

Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now

they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike,rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............... to awaken from your dream............. search for the dreamer .............




narinder bhandari


Hari OmMr Naga Narain ! It will be helpful if you can please share with us which Scripture to your knowledge supports that both sins and virtues give birth to ignorance; which in turn gives birth to happiness/sorrow and from that happiness/sorrow again sins/virtues spring forth .... Thus a vicious never ending circle forms !

Swamiji's Divine words are always truthful. Truth does not require any acceptance/acnowledgement/conditions/contexts/ appeal effect . Truth is always Truth. Saints have said:HAI SO SUNDER HAI SADAA , NAHIN SO SUNDER NAAHI !NAHIN SO PRAKAT DEKHIYE, HAI SO DEEKHE NAAHI !!What is beautiful (right/ what exists) is always beautiful (is always right/always exists) , what is not beautiful (false/non existent) is not beautiful (remains false/doesnot exist) !(Ignorance... Irony is that) What is not beautiful (non existence) appears to be so ( appears existing) and what is existing (beautiful/Truth) does not appear to be existing !!Truth supports itself (Dharma rakshito dharmah) ! Some may find Truth to be appealing , some may not ! That in no case vitiates the Truth. Truth prevails. So that Truth prevails.

Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B


In the twelfth chapter,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shalokas . Let us see a few..............


Sh.6, 7.


But those,who worship Me,renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the supreme Goal, meditating on Me with a single minded devotion,


For them,whose minds are set on Me,verily I become,the Saviour,( to save them) out of the Ocean of finite experiences; the SAMSARA.

further, shalokas 2,3,8,and 14 also indicate the importance of meditative approach/meditation while reading / hearing the words ................


Sh.14. says ...........Ever content ,steady in Meditation,self-controlled, possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect dedicated to Me,he ,My devotee,is dear to Me.


Meditation is the Way ................... meditation as the Way is integral to all Paths ..........................

Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............... his conduct becomes as stated therein.

Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof.

It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental,or,

patronising ................... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ........................






Priy sadhaks,This situation is very practical and almost every one come across this.The reason is lack of APANAPAN (feeling of mine) WITH GOD.If we be firm that gid is ours then we can get rid of it.see in practical life, when we accept someone APANA (Like father mother bro sis wife), Then we have in our depth that whatever one does can never be for my bad for us.Similarly with god apanapan is real thing which can solve this prob.Swamiji in describing sharanagati says nothing more matters as APANAPAN WITH GOD. NO GYAN TAP KARM CAN MATCH IT.THANXRAJA GurdasaniDear sadaks,Agyanan is the cause. Our past loads of bad Karmas is the cause for AgyananJai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Ram Ram,Deosaranji is very much right in his statement. Happiness and sorrow are not the fruit of sins and virtues, the situations (favorable & unfavorable) are. Its fully in our hands to become happy or sorrowful.Ashok GoenkaNamaste, Dear Sadhakas!Moderators have asked to share understanding on Swamiji's words of wisdom:"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues." Already he has explained profoundly in that writeup, it is worth reading again and again.I can only echo what I learned. Situations keep on happening relentlessly in Life, they don't happen personally even if they seem to affect one more than others. Life is unavoidable relationship among each other and with Nature. Nothing ever can happen in isolation. If there is "one", there are necessarily "others" and thinking and actions of "one" affects "others". This results in mass/collective karmas consisting of virtues and sins(papa and punya), and always culminate in impersonal events mistaken by individuals as happy or unhappy personal situations. This is also the Causal Body of Ignorance(of not knowing one's true Nature).A wise is one who takes such situations in strides and remain steadfast in Being only, unaffected by pleasures and pains perceived in them! What helps one to remain in equanimity is the understanding that he is the Witnessing Presence Permeating the body-mind that belongs to Nature; and whatever happens, happens impersonally to Nature, not to the Presence!In Bhaktas, the understanding is Divine Love of Pure Being. His/her entire Being is taken over by this Unconditional Love which he/she calls Bhagwaan!Pure Being of SELF is Divine-Unconditional Love, Love that knows no opposites, and is also at the same time Impersonal Cosmic Intelligence manifest in abundance! God, to me, is Experince(anubhutiroopah) of Pure Being-Consciousness), Divine Love, and Intelligence!Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt---This knowledge that God has done all good for us although true has come fromoutside. When you only make an attempt to accept an unpleasant experience intotality without dividing it into good and bad, you are on the path of Sadhana.Gradually questions will melt and you will reach first stage of NirvitarkSamadhi. As you practice this acceptance for a longer period,you will experienceinflow of Divine Energy when you are about to breakdown and slowly preliminaryexperience of Nirvichar Samadhi will start. Mind will become more quiet andGod's presence will be felt to an extent.Why such things happen will also beunderstood and you will be on Real Path of Progress. Bahunam Janmanam ante,Gnanwan mam prapadyante. Bhagwad Geeta verse 7/19. Have faith, patience andperseverence and parameter of Tolerance will be developed.This will lead you to Divine experience.Jayantilal Shah

----------Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka regarding happiness and sorrow.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita " Prakruteh kriyamanani,Gunai karmani sarvasah" ( gita 3, 27"Which means"Activities are carried out by theModes of nature". The three modes of nature are sattva ( goodness), rajoh( passion) , tamo (ignorance). activities continue to happen with or without our involvement. That is the law of nature.

Lord krishna says in gita,

" Sattvam sukhe sanjayati,Rajah karmani bharata,Jnanam avrutya tu tamah,Pramade sanjayaty uta" ( gita 14, 9)Which means," O son of bharata, mode of goodness causes happiness, passion leads one to fruitive action, and ignorance leads one to madness and danger. "

If we want to be happy, we need to be in the mode of goodness. Passion and ignorance do not lead us to happiness.

Lord krishna continues,

"Karmanah sukrutasyahuh,Sattvikam nirmalam phalam,Rajasas tu phalam dukham,Ajnanam tamasah phalam" ( gita, 14, 16).

Which means

"Pious activities done in the mode of goodness are pure. Actions done in the mode of passion lead us to misery and,sorrow. Action perormed in the mode of ignorance causes foolishness. "

People involved in pious actions are situated in happiness.

We are bound by actions. There is no way out. But there is one, as lord krishna says,

" Mam ca yo vyabhicarena,Bhakti yogena sevate,Sa gunan samatityaitan,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gita, 14, 26)

Which means,

" One who is in full devotional service all the time , transcends the modes of this materialism and reaches the level of eternal bliss. "

If we want to get out of these modes of nature, devotional service is the answer.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. . ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Mediation( a formof Prayer,in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words,words ...too many words eclipse the Truth Beyond …………the silence,which is the womb of the words ... Silence ,which is not the word silence

BUT,is the ISNESS of the word silence ..which just IS

This silence is the ultimate Truth ,the Nothingness

Nothingness ,which is the womb of Everythingness

The Truth....The Real,......The Un-knowable ever known, ...Is God,

Is Krishna .....Is the Way to Krishna

Witness Consciousness is the Way

No Doing, NO treading, just being yourself, the self

Narinder Bhandari


Hari Om

Lord Krishna smiles ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the ignorance of His children when we refer to His 'MAYA' as stupidity in BG 7:13/14 ! Let there be deliberations: 'Wisdom vs Ignorance'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Hari Om

Sheer stupidity (moorkhata) ! Nothing except stupidity !! Only Stupidity !!! Lord Krishna laughs ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the stupidity only of His children when He calls that stupidity as 'MAYA' in BG 7:13/14 ! But "actually" alone Stupidity !

Let there be deliberations:

'Wisdom vs Stupidity'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B "Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruitsof sins and virtues."

Such a statement from a teacher makes perfect sense under certain contexts e.g.when the desciple is carried away by the apparent sins and virtues whileignoring their inherent counterpart - ignorance. The lopsided emphasis in aseeker is often "balanced" by emphasising the ignored opposite by the wiseteacher. I do not think that meant anyway to ignore the sins and virtuesaltogether.

But, as we go beyond contexts, I see that ignorance is the seed for all sins(and virtues); and ignorance is the fruit of all sins (and virtues).

OR, one can also say,

Sins (and virtues) are the seed for ignorance; and sins (and virtues) are thefruits of ignorance.

However we see, the two are inseparable. So are the two polarized feelings ofsorrow and happiness. They are inseparable from the sins and virtues which areinseparable from the ignorance as such. They produce each other, they harvesteach other and they devour each other in cycles. Therefore, the second part ofthis statement does not appeal to me.

To me ignorance, sins, virtues, happiness, sorrow, etc. are synanymous withconcurrent occurance. As we feel sorrow and happiness, sins and virtues aregenerated and the ignorance is enseeded. As the ignorance pops up, sins andvirtues are churned out and the feelings of sorrow and happines are established.

Of course, the opposites such as sins and virtues often appear as different whenone applies the relativity of one's tempermental ego-centric and ego-promotionalattitude toward the same. When ego is active, ignorance itself starts appearingas "knowledge" as well. But, even from the relative perspective, the second partof the statement (seggregation of ignorance from sins and virtues) does notapeal to me personally.


Naga Narayana




Shree Hari Ram Ram

Brothers, Deosaranji pointed out this particular statement from sadhaka postings. What is your understanding of this statement? Do you have any doubts, disagreements with what is being stated?

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

Kindly share, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?

Because … "OUR GOOD" has never let our focus shift away from itself even in thename of The God! We wander in search of "our good" everywhere in absolutefutility as we lack truthful appreciation of good and bad on one hand; and areincapable of looking at anything without the filter-glass in terms of ournotions of good and bad on the other hand. Till we remain captive within ournotions of good and bad, The God remains a distant notion as well. Therefore, acloser look at our notions of good and bad may be the clue to this question ...


Naga Narayana


Hari Om

All three messages in the last post are divine ! They are:

Exclusive mineness with Him ( Miraji Dass) ; Love. ( Brother Mike) and Equanimity ( Prasadji)!

Let us put Mineness and Love on one side (there is "cause" and "effect" relationship between the two) AND Equanimity ( Samata) in other Side :

Says Tulsidasji Maharaj :


NB Vyas


Dear Sadhaks In Gita ,where it is mentioned that:-1)God has done all good for us2)Every situation is for our good I have not seen mention of such assumptions.I invite reference to Verse 14 of 5 th Chapter and verse 14 th of 5th chapter which says otherwise.You may also study remaining verses of 14th Chapter. The universe or God operates on two basic principles:-a)Free choice-we are free to choose the way we want to feel,think or act on any situation.b)Non-interference-God will not interfere in any choice we make. Please also refer to verse 16th and 17th of 18th Chapter on the 'Doer" or Karta regards Ashok Jain -----------

Radhey ! Radhey !! We shall crawl into the Mom's Lap....undoubtedly ! But when? Now itself or after toiling, sufferring, travelling into endless wombs...when ? THIS ENTIRELY DEPENDS UPON US ! There is a difference between Holy Bath in Holy Ganges when taken in the month of January or when taken in the Month of May. Result is same, but pains......! Why should we leave what is under our prorogative, under our control and under our arena of KARMA to the FATE/DESTINY and why we should run day and night after those things which have no corelation with your present Karmas but have corelation with your fate/destiny? No ! Devotion/Bhakti and shedding of worldly me and mine need be taken instantly. Dear Sadhaks ! Laws of Nature always drag us towards our Mom. We delay the process by DESIRING worldly transitory things and getting attached with worldly people and establishing UNNATURAL....Me (es) and Mine(s). No one is ours, we dont belong to the world, nothing is ours, .....it is TRUTH ....TRUTH !! Sooner we realise it, faster we shall crawl into HIS lap. Laws of Nature are ruthless. If we dont move suo motto towards His lap, they will give us pains and drive us towards His lap...be sure about it ! Radhey ! Radhey !! Nisha Chatterji



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other.

So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what.

With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,

"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)

Which means

"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "

This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure.

One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani.

The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


-Shree Hari-Nameste!Consider the paste:Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hankerafter pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called asage of steady wisdom.Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severelyafflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can betransmuted into love, not bitterness.What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer aroundyou, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (K)




I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/

In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony.....

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

"On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love."

"Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."

Profound, isn't it ?

See below for full post

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org


That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -


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Dear Sadhak insight

Every devotee is required to write his or her own interpretation.If we deeply believe in God then even in difficult circumstances wed keep our faith in Him.Read the story of queen Kunti in Mahabharat then we can easily follow this principle of faith in God


TRuly yours


S S Bhatt


Mr. Vyas,Thanks for your interest in my utterances. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance aswell as their potential representation of the truth. The good and bad alwaysremain relative to each other - each cannot exist without the other! They bothstand as hurdles with their strong insistence on their opposites in one'sseeking The Absolute. The duality persists in one's mind with an insistence onthe good as strongly with an insistence on the bad. The very insistence on "agood" reflects the aversion to the "corresponding bad" with equal potency. Whatscripture shall I quote for you on this?! To me every phrase and every word inevery verse in every scripture tell ONLY THIS. May be, that is all I can see.I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Swamiji's life is atestImony to this in my understanding. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! I urge you not to let yourself swingto assert that "Swamiji is always right" as if I could be under a differentopinion.After all, the utterance does not suggest anything new here (How can I? How cananybody make any new statement on anything??) It is a well known fact amongstall the seers and has been explicitly mentioned in all scriptures. For example,I am quoting Swamy Ramsukhdasji below (Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead tobondage, both are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.The ignorance is the seed for virtues and sins as well as the fruit of thevirtues and sins. Yes, it IS circular and vicious. That is the difficulty I faceas I keep mentioning to your and others' annoyance that removal of ignorance isNOT INSTANTANEOUS. That is the difficulty I face irrespective of whatever issaid by anybody. Unless I am transparent to my difficulty, I cannot dream oftranscending the same. You may not be facing this problem. Then, that is goodfor you. Coming back to the circularity of the ignorance; again, there is noinvention in the utterance here. It is a well known fact amongst all the seersincluding Swamy Ramsukhdasji. Again a quote from him from the same article(Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather itdestroys "the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance".Both "sins and virtues ... lead to bondage" (above quote).Therefore, the utterance naturally comes out ... ignorance is the cause of sinsand virtues which in turn lead to the same in a snowballing manner. Viciousindeed.I hope that clarifies. If you think that I need to explain further, please feelfree. I will try my best.Thank You.Respects.Naga Narayana





Narain ! Narain !!


Replying to the Qs with a lot of Love...if at all Love can be expressed:


Q Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. ...Swami Ramsukhdas jee



Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation 1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )2.Contemplation. ............ ........Religiou s Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words, words..... ......... .....


Ans : Ask MODERATORS first when they used the word " Contemplation" whether it meant "SAMADHI" ! When in doubt or unclear, it is advicable to check the Hindi version fo Swamiji's writings, before concluding. To a common man's language... contemplation is pondering over, deeply thinking about ! Sure ..Gita bhavas are divine...!!! Words are very powerful source of Realisation. They reach SELF directly. When you are sleeping and somebody calls out your name , you wake up...why? Because words touch the souls !!

Q Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya, and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints . Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self That is both and neither Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence .

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

Ans Per my understanding we are not back to square one ! Experience is not something that can be questioned or vouched or argued out.

Q What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike, rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............ ... to awaken from your dream........ ...... search for the dreamer ............ .

Ans : Poor Nari or Nar or Narinder or Naroo or Bhandari can only argue , play as a toy in the hands of mischievous mind !! Dream is never "non existent" ! Dream when seen is existent. After you wake up..the very dream goes..what remains is "remembrance thereof".. !! Why you are counting names? To prove what? You are dreaming...dreaming and dreaming. Shri Krishna Narinedath ! Your interference needed? Dangerous mental propensity...Sir !! Utter confusion ! As regards "anirvachaniya"... find out what Dictionaries say about it !! If it is so...what vivechan is sought by you?



Q ,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shlokas . Let us see a few......... .....


Ans : Read Gita ! Read Sadhak Sanjeevani !! Read Daily Swamiji messages! Read past postings GT Group Q and As ! READ ! READ !! Read and then write ! What you have stated as BG 12:6/7 / 14 etc...is ONLY achievable by "establishing mineness with Paramatma"...not by Meditation ! Whether it is sloka 2, 3, 8, and 14 or 6 or 7 of BG ...the reaching there is not through MIND or meditation but by "becoming of God". ! A pativrata wife never utters the name of her husband...but is she not of him? You are allowed to WORK 24 hours a day...and still you can achieve what is stated in the aforesaid slokas of BG referred by you ! This you can realise ONLY by reading Sadhak Sanjeevani ! Kindly read read Scriptures, read Swamiji in depth...listen to others.. On the basis of mind or ego or living Gurus or by AGRAHS ?


Q Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............. ... his conduct becomes as stated therein. Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof.


Ans : If your goal is to go "beyond words" then why you are referring English Dictionaries ? What is in those Dictionaries except words?? "We are our own proof" ..means what ? Means nothing. So what ?


Q It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas .

Ans : Who is this Narinder ? " SELF" or "NAME" ? If it is SELF then why SELF is stated as Narinder? Why not as " I " ? You are not yet discriminating ! Even the name given is so closely dear to you. Remember...first learn to discriminate between body and soul ! Then talk !! We want thanks from SELF and not from NARINDER ! Why ... hearts of "other sadhaks" ...are we not touching your heart also ? So much labour is being put by us...to straighten out the twists and turns of your insistent mind and reliance of SELF over NARINDER !!

Q The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental, or,patronising ............ ....... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ............ ......... ...

Ans : THIS IS SATSANGA FORUM ! Here arguments, discussions, deliberations, agreements, disagreements, praises, criticisms take place NATURALLY ! What else you expect out of SATSANGA ? Love can not be demanded ... it comes automatically when you are associated with SAT and remain established therein ! You can see in others only that which you yourself have....IT IS A CARDINAL PRINCIPLE...ARGUE ON THIS !!

Narain ! Narain !!

Naarad N Maharishi




Dear sadaks,I would like add this to my previous posting. "WHEN WE KNOW GOD HAS DONE ALL GOOD FOR US AND EVERY SITUATION IS FOR OUR GOOD," said by Sri Kalpna. Even in conjugal situation I dont think man has faith in God. He is busy with social obligations and programs. If faith in God is there in comfortable situations, the faith will remain even in unpleasent situations. Man` s hidden thinking is that God should take care of him in all situations, because HE is creator. We hear people say, " Why on earth God created me". Ignorance and absence of total faith. Partial faith does not work with God. Drowpathi was holding on to her last stretch of her sari in one hand and calling to Govinda. When it failed, she raised both her hands in total faith, she was saved. Same with us.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan---------------------------

Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses.

. ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas,


Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya,and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints

Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self

That is both and neither

Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now

they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike,rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............... to awaken from your dream............. search for the dreamer .............




narinder bhandari


Hari Om

Mr Naga Narain ! It will be helpful if you can please share with us which Scripture to your knowledge supports that both sins and virtues give birth to ignorance; which in turn gives birth to happiness/sorrow and from that happiness/sorrow again sins/virtues spring forth .... Thus a vicious never ending circle forms !

Swamiji's Divine words are always truthful. Truth does not require any acceptance/acnowledgement/conditions/contexts/ appeal effect . Truth is always Truth. Saints have said:



What is beautiful (right/ what exists) is always beautiful (is always right/always exists) , what is not beautiful (false/non existent) is not beautiful (remains false/doesnot exist) !

(Ignorance... Irony is that) What is not beautiful (non existence) appears to be so ( appears existing) and what is existing (beautiful/Truth) does not appear to be existing !!

Truth supports itself (Dharma rakshito dharmah) ! Some may find Truth to be appealing , some may not ! That in no case vitiates the Truth. Truth prevails. So that Truth prevails.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


In the twelfth chapter,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shalokas . Let us see a few.............. Sh.6, 7. But those,who worship Me,renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the supreme Goal, meditating on Me with a single minded devotion, For them,whose minds are set on Me,verily I become,the Saviour,( to save them) out of the Ocean of finite experiences; the SAMSARA.

further, shalokas 2,3,8,and 14 also indicate the importance of meditative approach/meditation while reading / hearing the words ................ Sh.14. says ...........Ever content ,steady in Meditation,self-controlled, possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect dedicated to Me,he ,My devotee,is dear to Me. Meditation is the Way ................... meditation as the Way is integral to all Paths ..........................Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............... his conduct becomes as stated therein.

Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof.

It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental,or,

patronising ................... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ........................


narinder -----


Priy sadhaks,This situation is very practical and almost every one come across this.The reason is lack of APANAPAN (feeling of mine) WITH GOD.If we be firm that gid is ours then we can get rid of it.see in practical life, when we accept someone APANA (Like father mother bro sis wife), Then we have in our depth that whatever one does can never be for my bad for us.Similarly with god apanapan is real thing which can solve this prob.Swamiji in describing sharanagati says nothing more matters as APANAPAN WITH GOD. NO GYAN TAP KARM CAN MATCH IT.THANXRAJA GurdasaniDear sadaks,Agyanan is the cause. Our past loads of bad Karmas is the cause for AgyananJai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Ram Ram,Deosaranji is very much right in his statement. Happiness and sorrow are not the fruit of sins and virtues, the situations (favorable & unfavorable) are. Its fully in our hands to become happy or sorrowful.Ashok GoenkaNamaste, Dear Sadhakas!Moderators have asked to share understanding on Swamiji's words of wisdom:"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues." Already he has explained profoundly in that writeup, it is worth reading again and again.I can only echo what I learned. Situations keep on happening relentlessly in Life, they don't happen personally even if they seem to affect one more than others. Life is unavoidable relationship among each other and with Nature. Nothing ever can happen in isolation. If there is "one", there are necessarily "others" and thinking and actions of "one" affects "others". This results in mass/collective karmas consisting of virtues and sins(papa and punya), and always culminate in impersonal events mistaken by individuals as happy or unhappy personal situations. This is also the Causal Body of Ignorance(of not knowing one's true Nature).A wise is one who takes such situations in strides and remain steadfast in Being only, unaffected by pleasures and pains perceived in them! What helps one to remain in equanimity is the understanding that he is the Witnessing Presence Permeating the body-mind that belongs to Nature; and whatever happens, happens impersonally to Nature, not to the Presence!In Bhaktas, the understanding is Divine Love of Pure Being. His/her entire Being is taken over by this Unconditional Love which he/she calls Bhagwaan!Pure Being of SELF is Divine-Unconditional Love, Love that knows no opposites, and is also at the same time Impersonal Cosmic Intelligence manifest in abundance! God, to me, is Experince(anubhutiroopah) of Pure Being-Consciousness), Divine Love, and Intelligence!Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt---This knowledge that God has done all good for us although true has come fromoutside. When you only make an attempt to accept an unpleasant experience intotality without dividing it into good and bad, you are on the path of Sadhana.Gradually questions will melt and you will reach first stage of NirvitarkSamadhi. As you practice this acceptance for a longer period,you will experienceinflow of Divine Energy when you are about to breakdown and slowly preliminaryexperience of Nirvichar Samadhi will start. Mind will become more quiet andGod's presence will be felt to an extent.Why such things happen will also beunderstood and you will be on Real Path of Progress. Bahunam Janmanam ante,Gnanwan mam prapadyante. Bhagwad Geeta verse 7/19. Have faith, patience andperseverence and parameter of Tolerance will be developed.This will lead you to Divine experience.Jayantilal Shah

----------Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka regarding happiness and sorrow.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita " Prakruteh kriyamanani,Gunai karmani sarvasah" ( gita 3, 27"Which means"Activities are carried out by theModes of nature". The three modes of nature are sattva ( goodness), rajoh( passion) , tamo (ignorance). activities continue to happen with or without our involvement. That is the law of nature.

Lord krishna says in gita,

" Sattvam sukhe sanjayati,Rajah karmani bharata,Jnanam avrutya tu tamah,Pramade sanjayaty uta" ( gita 14, 9)Which means," O son of bharata, mode of goodness causes happiness, passion leads one to fruitive action, and ignorance leads one to madness and danger. "

If we want to be happy, we need to be in the mode of goodness. Passion and ignorance do not lead us to happiness.

Lord krishna continues,

"Karmanah sukrutasyahuh,Sattvikam nirmalam phalam,Rajasas tu phalam dukham,Ajnanam tamasah phalam" ( gita, 14, 16).

Which means

"Pious activities done in the mode of goodness are pure. Actions done in the mode of passion lead us to misery and,sorrow. Action perormed in the mode of ignorance causes foolishness. "

People involved in pious actions are situated in happiness.

We are bound by actions. There is no way out. But there is one, as lord krishna says,

" Mam ca yo vyabhicarena,Bhakti yogena sevate,Sa gunan samatityaitan,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gita, 14, 26)

Which means,

" One who is in full devotional service all the time , transcends the modes of this materialism and reaches the level of eternal bliss. "

If we want to get out of these modes of nature, devotional service is the answer.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. . ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Mediation( a formof Prayer,in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words,words ...too many words eclipse the Truth Beyond …………the silence,which is the womb of the words ... Silence ,which is not the word silence

BUT,is the ISNESS of the word silence ..which just IS

This silence is the ultimate Truth ,the Nothingness

Nothingness ,which is the womb of Everythingness

The Truth....The Real,......The Un-knowable ever known, ...Is God,

Is Krishna .....Is the Way to Krishna

Witness Consciousness is the Way

No Doing, NO treading, just being yourself, the self

Narinder Bhandari


Hari Om

Lord Krishna smiles ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the ignorance of His children when we refer to His 'MAYA' as stupidity in BG 7:13/14 ! Let there be deliberations: 'Wisdom vs Ignorance'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Hari Om

Sheer stupidity (moorkhata) ! Nothing except stupidity !! Only Stupidity !!! Lord Krishna laughs ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the stupidity only of His children when He calls that stupidity as 'MAYA' in BG 7:13/14 ! But "actually" alone Stupidity !

Let there be deliberations:

'Wisdom vs Stupidity'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B "Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruitsof sins and virtues."

Such a statement from a teacher makes perfect sense under certain contexts e.g.when the desciple is carried away by the apparent sins and virtues whileignoring their inherent counterpart - ignorance. The lopsided emphasis in aseeker is often "balanced" by emphasising the ignored opposite by the wiseteacher. I do not think that meant anyway to ignore the sins and virtuesaltogether.

But, as we go beyond contexts, I see that ignorance is the seed for all sins(and virtues); and ignorance is the fruit of all sins (and virtues).

OR, one can also say,

Sins (and virtues) are the seed for ignorance; and sins (and virtues) are thefruits of ignorance.

However we see, the two are inseparable. So are the two polarized feelings ofsorrow and happiness. They are inseparable from the sins and virtues which areinseparable from the ignorance as such. They produce each other, they harvesteach other and they devour each other in cycles. Therefore, the second part ofthis statement does not appeal to me.

To me ignorance, sins, virtues, happiness, sorrow, etc. are synanymous withconcurrent occurance. As we feel sorrow and happiness, sins and virtues aregenerated and the ignorance is enseeded. As the ignorance pops up, sins andvirtues are churned out and the feelings of sorrow and happines are established.

Of course, the opposites such as sins and virtues often appear as different whenone applies the relativity of one's tempermental ego-centric and ego-promotionalattitude toward the same. When ego is active, ignorance itself starts appearingas "knowledge" as well. But, even from the relative perspective, the second partof the statement (seggregation of ignorance from sins and virtues) does notapeal to me personally.


Naga Narayana




Shree Hari Ram Ram

Brothers, Deosaranji pointed out this particular statement from sadhaka postings. What is your understanding of this statement? Do you have any doubts, disagreements with what is being stated?

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

Kindly share, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?

Because … "OUR GOOD" has never let our focus shift away from itself even in thename of The God! We wander in search of "our good" everywhere in absolutefutility as we lack truthful appreciation of good and bad on one hand; and areincapable of looking at anything without the filter-glass in terms of ournotions of good and bad on the other hand. Till we remain captive within ournotions of good and bad, The God remains a distant notion as well. Therefore, acloser look at our notions of good and bad may be the clue to this question ...


Naga Narayana


Hari Om

All three messages in the last post are divine ! They are:

Exclusive mineness with Him ( Miraji Dass) ; Love. ( Brother Mike) and Equanimity ( Prasadji)!

Let us put Mineness and Love on one side (there is "cause" and "effect" relationship between the two) AND Equanimity ( Samata) in other Side :

Says Tulsidasji Maharaj :


NB Vyas


Dear Sadhaks In Gita ,where it is mentioned that:-1)God has done all good for us2)Every situation is for our good I have not seen mention of such assumptions.I invite reference to Verse 14 of 5 th Chapter and verse 14 th of 5th chapter which says otherwise.You may also study remaining verses of 14th Chapter. The universe or God operates on two basic principles:-a)Free choice-we are free to choose the way we want to feel,think or act on any situation.b)Non-interference-God will not interfere in any choice we make. Please also refer to verse 16th and 17th of 18th Chapter on the 'Doer" or Karta regards Ashok Jain -----------

Radhey ! Radhey !! We shall crawl into the Mom's Lap....undoubtedly ! But when? Now itself or after toiling, sufferring, travelling into endless wombs...when ? THIS ENTIRELY DEPENDS UPON US ! There is a difference between Holy Bath in Holy Ganges when taken in the month of January or when taken in the Month of May. Result is same, but pains......! Why should we leave what is under our prorogative, under our control and under our arena of KARMA to the FATE/DESTINY and why we should run day and night after those things which have no corelation with your present Karmas but have corelation with your fate/destiny? No ! Devotion/Bhakti and shedding of worldly me and mine need be taken instantly. Dear Sadhaks ! Laws of Nature always drag us towards our Mom. We delay the process by DESIRING worldly transitory things and getting attached with worldly people and establishing UNNATURAL....Me (es) and Mine(s). No one is ours, we dont belong to the world, nothing is ours, .....it is TRUTH ....TRUTH !! Sooner we realise it, faster we shall crawl into HIS lap. Laws of Nature are ruthless. If we dont move suo motto towards His lap, they will give us pains and drive us towards His lap...be sure about it ! Radhey ! Radhey !! Nisha Chatterji



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other.

So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what.

With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,

"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)

Which means

"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "

This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure.

One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani.

The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


-Shree Hari-Nameste!Consider the paste:Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hankerafter pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called asage of steady wisdom.Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severelyafflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can betransmuted into love, not bitterness.What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer aroundyou, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (K)




I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/

In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony.....

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

"On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love."

"Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."

Profound, isn't it ?

See below for full post

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org


That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -


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I think one never loose faith in god completly.

Coz in the end when no one is on ones side , one cries O my God.

thats it.

Raja Gurdasani


Shree Hari:

Ram Ram. 

Who gets irritated? The mind NOT You. Swamiji said "Disown the mind as mind is neither You nor Yours." Observing mind from a distance (considering mind is neither You nor is mind Yours) we are able to visualize Bhagwaanji's Mangalmai Vidhaan no rituals and nothing to be done for it. Just observe doing nothing (Chup Saadhan). It is true.

Vineet, Sarvottam.







Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...

Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....

With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy....


It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaining

happy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...

There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness.......

Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...

Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....

With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy....


It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaining

happy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...

There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness.......


Sushil Jain





Dear Naga Narayana ji,


Thank you for your view. My dew drops before the niagara falls of your knowledge:".. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance .."


How can virtues and sins be same in a practical world? Marrying our own sisters or mothers or daughters is a sin ... But you say that virtues and sins are concoction of wishful mind....



". The good and bad always remain relative to each other .."


Fair enough Sir, but are you not indirectly advocating for Hitlars, Al-Kaida/Taliban or other terrorists?


I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within.


Ram always followed the advice of sages - Vashishtha ji, Vishwamitra ji, Valmikiji, Atri ji etc.


As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there!


It reminds of a famous line from John Milton's Paradise Lost, wherein the satan says that it is better to rule in the Hell and serve in God's kingdom.


Kind regards,

Suresh C. Sharma



naga jeee.................O jeeeeeeee


each word flows from the Truth of your being



each word is Silence ,the source of Love and Joy.........


each word just IS ...............


verily is the joyof nari's understanding too ...............


the buddhas stand in awe,showering their blessings on you ...........


you,who is neither naga,nor narayana,nor both,nor neither ......


Aum is the Joy of being ...aum is Aum,nought but Aum..........


blessed by Aum,naga dies, to merge in Aum





Jai Krishna Jai .............





narinder ,not nari,nor narinder ............aum


narinder bhandari



narayan narayanhum vyasji ki baat se sahmat hein.jeev yadi apna jeevatv ahaam bhula de tho ishwar bhi apnaishwartav ek our rakh de te hein.baki- char mele chobish khele, bees rahe kar jodharijan se harijan mele , bihanse shat karod.jaishree krishna.[ramchandra]







Hari OmI replied to Mr Naga Narain because there was a direct statement by him that certain views of Swamiji did not "appeal to him".If "good" and "bad" / "happiness" and "sorrow" can't exist without each other,.... are always "relative" .... then what is "absolute happiness" ? What is "Ananda" referred in Scriptures? You are in a circle because "good and bad" or "happiness and sorrows" or "sins and virtues" are being interpreted by you ONLY with reference to the body/mind/inert. If you simply turn your glance towards "self" or "God" who are beyond "good/bad" etc already.... you will easily understand what is "absolute happiness or goodness or virtue" !! There is a difference between "assumed state" and "natural state" ! Relativity lies in "assumed state" and not in "natural/sahaj state" ! SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !!Jeeva is "sahaj sukhraasi" means he is "naturally happy" ! Jeeva is "amal" means he is "naturally sinless" ! Now to argue/insist against a "naturality" only has created a personal vicious circle for you.You can't thus succeed in saying or accepting that good can't exist without bad, or sins can't exist without virtues ! Goodness and virtues are existing without evil and sins respectively in realised souls. They are natural part of them.They are so stated in all Scriptures for every Jeeva. If there is a vicious circle formed "naturally" who can break it? How one can break it? Hence existence of vicious circle is only an "assumption of an ignorant" .... thus ASAT and not "conclusion of Scriptures / Saints and Sages" ! Relativity is ASAT ! Absolute is SAT ! We are in SATSANGA !! Hence there is no "vicious circle" provided for by the Creator. It is our mind only which keeps creating such circles and make the caged self suffer. Religion helps you in coming out of the cage. Mind does not let you do that.Hence stop relying on mind and heed to the voice of conscience. What "appeals to your mind" is not material ... what is Truth (SAT) is material.Removal of circle is not INSTANTAEOUS for you merely because of your "insistence" that good and bad are relative and can't exist without each other. Same is true for "unnatural bad" but not for "natural good"- SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B -


In life we go through many experiences, both good and bad. Oppositesare complementry. One cannot exist without the other. When we gothrough bad experiences, we learn to appreciate the good experiences.This is a part of everybody's life. However it is easier said thandone. If we attribute each and every experience to God then it will bean enlightened person indeed who will see good and bad as two sides ofthe same coin. This is the message of gita. The ideal person treatsgood and bad experiences as one and the same.

Hari Shanker Deo





Dear Sadhak insightEvery devotee is required to write his or her own interpretation.If we deeply believe in God then even in difficult circumstances wed keep our faith in Him.Read the story of queen Kunti in Mahabharat then we can easily follow this principle of faith in God TRuly yours S S Bhatt------Mr. Vyas,

Thanks for your interest in my utterances. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance aswell as their potential representation of the truth. The good and bad alwaysremain relative to each other - each cannot exist without the other! They bothstand as hurdles with their strong insistence on their opposites in one'sseeking The Absolute. The duality persists in one's mind with an insistence onthe good as strongly with an insistence on the bad. The very insistence on "agood" reflects the aversion to the "corresponding bad" with equal potency. Whatscripture shall I quote for you on this?! To me every phrase and every word inevery verse in every scripture tell ONLY THIS. May be, that is all I can see.

I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Swamiji's life is atestImony to this in my understanding. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! I urge you not to let yourself swingto assert that "Swamiji is always right" as if I could be under a differentopinion.

After all, the utterance does not suggest anything new here (How can I? How cananybody make any new statement on anything??) It is a well known fact amongstall the seers and has been explicitly mentioned in all scriptures. For example,I am quoting Swamy Ramsukhdasji below (Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):

Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead tobondage, both are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

The ignorance is the seed for virtues and sins as well as the fruit of thevirtues and sins. Yes, it IS circular and vicious. That is the difficulty I faceas I keep mentioning to your and others' annoyance that removal of ignorance isNOT INSTANTANEOUS. That is the difficulty I face irrespective of whatever issaid by anybody. Unless I am transparent to my difficulty, I cannot dream oftranscending the same. You may not be facing this problem. Then, that is goodfor you. Coming back to the circularity of the ignorance; again, there is noinvention in the utterance here. It is a well known fact amongst all the seersincluding Swamy Ramsukhdasji. Again a quote from him from the same article(Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):

Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather itdestroys "the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance".Both "sins and virtues ... lead to bondage" (above quote).

Therefore, the utterance naturally comes out ... ignorance is the cause of sinsand virtues which in turn lead to the same in a snowballing manner. Viciousindeed.

I hope that clarifies. If you think that I need to explain further, please feelfree. I will try my best.

Thank You.


Naga Narayana------- Narain ! Narain !! Replying to the Qs with a lot of Love...if at all Love can be expressed: Q Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. ...Swami Ramsukhdas jee

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation 1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )2.Contemplation. ............ ........Religiou s Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words, words..... ......... .....Ans : Ask MODERATORS first when they used the word " Contemplation" whether it meant "SAMADHI" ! When in doubt or unclear, it is advicable to check the Hindi version fo Swamiji's writings, before concluding. To a common man's language... contemplation is pondering over, deeply thinking about ! Sure ..Gita bhavas are divine...!!! Words are very powerful source of Realisation. They reach SELF directly. When you are sleeping and somebody calls out your name , you wake up...why? Because words touch the souls !!

Q Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya, and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints . Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self That is both and neither Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence .

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

Ans Per my understanding we are not back to square one ! Experience is not something that can be questioned or vouched or argued out.

Q What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike, rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............ ... to awaken from your dream........ ...... search for the dreamer ............ .

Ans : Poor Nari or Nar or Narinder or Naroo or Bhandari can only argue , play as a toy in the hands of mischievous mind !! Dream is never "non existent" ! Dream when seen is existent. After you wake up..the very dream goes..what remains is "remembrance thereof".. !! Why you are counting names? To prove what? You are dreaming...dreaming and dreaming. Shri Krishna Narinedath ! Your interference needed? Dangerous mental propensity...Sir !! Utter confusion ! As regards "anirvachaniya"... find out what Dictionaries say about it !! If it is so...what vivechan is sought by you?


Q ,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shlokas . Let us see a few......... ..... Ans : Read Gita ! Read Sadhak Sanjeevani !! Read Daily Swamiji messages! Read past postings GT Group Q and As ! READ ! READ !! Read and then write ! What you have stated as BG 12:6/7 / 14 etc...is ONLY achievable by "establishing mineness with Paramatma"...not by Meditation ! Whether it is sloka 2, 3, 8, and 14 or 6 or 7 of BG ...the reaching there is not through MIND or meditation but by "becoming of God". ! A pativrata wife never utters the name of her husband...but is she not of him? You are allowed to WORK 24 hours a day...and still you can achieve what is stated in the aforesaid slokas of BG referred by you ! This you can realise ONLY by reading Sadhak Sanjeevani ! Kindly read read Scriptures, read Swamiji in depth...listen to others.. On the basis of mind or ego or living Gurus or by AGRAHS ? Q Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............. ... his conduct becomes as stated therein. Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof. Ans : If your goal is to go "beyond words" then why you are referring English Dictionaries ? What is in those Dictionaries except words?? "We are our own proof" ..means what ? Means nothing. So what ? Q It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . Ans : Who is this Narinder ? " SELF" or "NAME" ? If it is SELF then why SELF is stated as Narinder? Why not as " I " ? You are not yet discriminating ! Even the name given is so closely dear to you. Remember...first learn to discriminate between body and soul ! Then talk !! We want thanks from SELF and not from NARINDER ! Why ... hearts of "other sadhaks" ...are we not touching your heart also ? So much labour is being put by us...to straighten out the twists and turns of your insistent mind and reliance of SELF over NARINDER !!

Q The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental, or,patronising ............ ....... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ............ ......... ...

Ans : THIS IS SATSANGA FORUM ! Here arguments, discussions, deliberations, agreements, disagreements, praises, criticisms take place NATURALLY ! What else you expect out of SATSANGA ? Love can not be demanded ... it comes automatically when you are associated with SAT and remain established therein ! You can see in others only that which you yourself have....IT IS A CARDINAL PRINCIPLE...ARGUE ON THIS !!

Narain ! Narain !!

Naarad N Maharishi ---PRIOR POSTING

Dear sadaks,I would like add this to my previous posting. "WHEN WE KNOW GOD HAS DONE ALL GOOD FOR US AND EVERY SITUATION IS FOR OUR GOOD," said by Sri Kalpna. Even in conjugal situation I dont think man has faith in God. He is busy with social obligations and programs. If faith in God is there in comfortable situations, the faith will remain even in unpleasent situations. Man` s hidden thinking is that God should take care of him in all situations, because HE is creator. We hear people say, " Why on earth God created me". Ignorance and absence of total faith. Partial faith does not work with God. Drowpathi was holding on to her last stretch of her sari in one hand and calling to Govinda. When it failed, she raised both her hands in total faith, she was saved. Same with us.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan---------------------------

Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses.

. ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas,


Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya,and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints

Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self

That is both and neither

Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now

they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike,rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............... to awaken from your dream............. search for the dreamer .............




narinder bhandari


Hari Om

Mr Naga Narain ! It will be helpful if you can please share with us which Scripture to your knowledge supports that both sins and virtues give birth to ignorance; which in turn gives birth to happiness/sorrow and from that happiness/sorrow again sins/virtues spring forth .... Thus a vicious never ending circle forms !

Swamiji's Divine words are always truthful. Truth does not require any acceptance/acnowledgement/conditions/contexts/ appeal effect . Truth is always Truth. Saints have said:



What is beautiful (right/ what exists) is always beautiful (is always right/always exists) , what is not beautiful (false/non existent) is not beautiful (remains false/doesnot exist) !

(Ignorance... Irony is that) What is not beautiful (non existence) appears to be so ( appears existing) and what is existing (beautiful/Truth) does not appear to be existing !!

Truth supports itself (Dharma rakshito dharmah) ! Some may find Truth to be appealing , some may not ! That in no case vitiates the Truth. Truth prevails. So that Truth prevails.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


In the twelfth chapter,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shalokas . Let us see a few.............. Sh.6, 7. But those,who worship Me,renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the supreme Goal, meditating on Me with a single minded devotion, For them,whose minds are set on Me,verily I become,the Saviour,( to save them) out of the Ocean of finite experiences; the SAMSARA.

further, shalokas 2,3,8,and 14 also indicate the importance of meditative approach/meditation while reading / hearing the words ................ Sh.14. says ...........Ever content ,steady in Meditation,self-controlled, possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect dedicated to Me,he ,My devotee,is dear to Me. Meditation is the Way ................... meditation as the Way is integral to all Paths ..........................Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............... his conduct becomes as stated therein.

Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof.

It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental,or,

patronising ................... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ........................


narinder -----


Priy sadhaks,This situation is very practical and almost every one come across this.The reason is lack of APANAPAN (feeling of mine) WITH GOD.If we be firm that gid is ours then we can get rid of it.see in practical life, when we accept someone APANA (Like father mother bro sis wife), Then we have in our depth that whatever one does can never be for my bad for us.Similarly with god apanapan is real thing which can solve this prob.Swamiji in describing sharanagati says nothing more matters as APANAPAN WITH GOD. NO GYAN TAP KARM CAN MATCH IT.THANXRAJA GurdasaniDear sadaks,Agyanan is the cause. Our past loads of bad Karmas is the cause for AgyananJai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Ram Ram,Deosaranji is very much right in his statement. Happiness and sorrow are not the fruit of sins and virtues, the situations (favorable & unfavorable) are. Its fully in our hands to become happy or sorrowful.Ashok GoenkaNamaste, Dear Sadhakas!Moderators have asked to share understanding on Swamiji's words of wisdom:"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues." Already he has explained profoundly in that writeup, it is worth reading again and again.I can only echo what I learned. Situations keep on happening relentlessly in Life, they don't happen personally even if they seem to affect one more than others. Life is unavoidable relationship among each other and with Nature. Nothing ever can happen in isolation. If there is "one", there are necessarily "others" and thinking and actions of "one" affects "others". This results in mass/collective karmas consisting of virtues and sins(papa and punya), and always culminate in impersonal events mistaken by individuals as happy or unhappy personal situations. This is also the Causal Body of Ignorance(of not knowing one's true Nature).A wise is one who takes such situations in strides and remain steadfast in Being only, unaffected by pleasures and pains perceived in them! What helps one to remain in equanimity is the understanding that he is the Witnessing Presence Permeating the body-mind that belongs to Nature; and whatever happens, happens impersonally to Nature, not to the Presence!In Bhaktas, the understanding is Divine Love of Pure Being. His/her entire Being is taken over by this Unconditional Love which he/she calls Bhagwaan!Pure Being of SELF is Divine-Unconditional Love, Love that knows no opposites, and is also at the same time Impersonal Cosmic Intelligence manifest in abundance! God, to me, is Experince(anubhutiroopah) of Pure Being-Consciousness), Divine Love, and Intelligence!Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt---This knowledge that God has done all good for us although true has come fromoutside. When you only make an attempt to accept an unpleasant experience intotality without dividing it into good and bad, you are on the path of Sadhana.Gradually questions will melt and you will reach first stage of NirvitarkSamadhi. As you practice this acceptance for a longer period,you will experienceinflow of Divine Energy when you are about to breakdown and slowly preliminaryexperience of Nirvichar Samadhi will start. Mind will become more quiet andGod's presence will be felt to an extent.Why such things happen will also beunderstood and you will be on Real Path of Progress. Bahunam Janmanam ante,Gnanwan mam prapadyante. Bhagwad Geeta verse 7/19. Have faith, patience andperseverence and parameter of Tolerance will be developed.This will lead you to Divine experience.Jayantilal Shah

----------Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka regarding happiness and sorrow.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita " Prakruteh kriyamanani,Gunai karmani sarvasah" ( gita 3, 27"Which means"Activities are carried out by theModes of nature". The three modes of nature are sattva ( goodness), rajoh( passion) , tamo (ignorance). activities continue to happen with or without our involvement. That is the law of nature.

Lord krishna says in gita,

" Sattvam sukhe sanjayati,Rajah karmani bharata,Jnanam avrutya tu tamah,Pramade sanjayaty uta" ( gita 14, 9)Which means," O son of bharata, mode of goodness causes happiness, passion leads one to fruitive action, and ignorance leads one to madness and danger. "

If we want to be happy, we need to be in the mode of goodness. Passion and ignorance do not lead us to happiness.

Lord krishna continues,

"Karmanah sukrutasyahuh,Sattvikam nirmalam phalam,Rajasas tu phalam dukham,Ajnanam tamasah phalam" ( gita, 14, 16).

Which means

"Pious activities done in the mode of goodness are pure. Actions done in the mode of passion lead us to misery and,sorrow. Action perormed in the mode of ignorance causes foolishness. "

People involved in pious actions are situated in happiness.

We are bound by actions. There is no way out. But there is one, as lord krishna says,

" Mam ca yo vyabhicarena,Bhakti yogena sevate,Sa gunan samatityaitan,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gita, 14, 26)

Which means,

" One who is in full devotional service all the time , transcends the modes of this materialism and reaches the level of eternal bliss. "

If we want to get out of these modes of nature, devotional service is the answer.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. . ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Mediation( a formof Prayer,in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words,words ...too many words eclipse the Truth Beyond …………the silence,which is the womb of the words ... Silence ,which is not the word silence

BUT,is the ISNESS of the word silence ..which just IS

This silence is the ultimate Truth ,the Nothingness

Nothingness ,which is the womb of Everythingness

The Truth....The Real,......The Un-knowable ever known, ...Is God,

Is Krishna .....Is the Way to Krishna

Witness Consciousness is the Way

No Doing, NO treading, just being yourself, the self

Narinder Bhandari


Hari Om

Lord Krishna smiles ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the ignorance of His children when we refer to His 'MAYA' as stupidity in BG 7:13/14 ! Let there be deliberations: 'Wisdom vs Ignorance'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Hari Om

Sheer stupidity (moorkhata) ! Nothing except stupidity !! Only Stupidity !!! Lord Krishna laughs ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the stupidity only of His children when He calls that stupidity as 'MAYA' in BG 7:13/14 ! But "actually" alone Stupidity !

Let there be deliberations:

'Wisdom vs Stupidity'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B "Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruitsof sins and virtues."

Such a statement from a teacher makes perfect sense under certain contexts e.g.when the desciple is carried away by the apparent sins and virtues whileignoring their inherent counterpart - ignorance. The lopsided emphasis in aseeker is often "balanced" by emphasising the ignored opposite by the wiseteacher. I do not think that meant anyway to ignore the sins and virtuesaltogether.

But, as we go beyond contexts, I see that ignorance is the seed for all sins(and virtues); and ignorance is the fruit of all sins (and virtues).

OR, one can also say,

Sins (and virtues) are the seed for ignorance; and sins (and virtues) are thefruits of ignorance.

However we see, the two are inseparable. So are the two polarized feelings ofsorrow and happiness. They are inseparable from the sins and virtues which areinseparable from the ignorance as such. They produce each other, they harvesteach other and they devour each other in cycles. Therefore, the second part ofthis statement does not appeal to me.

To me ignorance, sins, virtues, happiness, sorrow, etc. are synanymous withconcurrent occurance. As we feel sorrow and happiness, sins and virtues aregenerated and the ignorance is enseeded. As the ignorance pops up, sins andvirtues are churned out and the feelings of sorrow and happines are established.

Of course, the opposites such as sins and virtues often appear as different whenone applies the relativity of one's tempermental ego-centric and ego-promotionalattitude toward the same. When ego is active, ignorance itself starts appearingas "knowledge" as well. But, even from the relative perspective, the second partof the statement (seggregation of ignorance from sins and virtues) does notapeal to me personally.


Naga Narayana




Shree Hari Ram Ram

Brothers, Deosaranji pointed out this particular statement from sadhaka postings. What is your understanding of this statement? Do you have any doubts, disagreements with what is being stated?

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

Kindly share, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?

Because … "OUR GOOD" has never let our focus shift away from itself even in thename of The God! We wander in search of "our good" everywhere in absolutefutility as we lack truthful appreciation of good and bad on one hand; and areincapable of looking at anything without the filter-glass in terms of ournotions of good and bad on the other hand. Till we remain captive within ournotions of good and bad, The God remains a distant notion as well. Therefore, acloser look at our notions of good and bad may be the clue to this question ...


Naga Narayana


Hari Om

All three messages in the last post are divine ! They are:

Exclusive mineness with Him ( Miraji Dass) ; Love. ( Brother Mike) and Equanimity ( Prasadji)!

Let us put Mineness and Love on one side (there is "cause" and "effect" relationship between the two) AND Equanimity ( Samata) in other Side :

Says Tulsidasji Maharaj :


NB Vyas


Dear Sadhaks In Gita ,where it is mentioned that:-1)God has done all good for us2)Every situation is for our good I have not seen mention of such assumptions.I invite reference to Verse 14 of 5 th Chapter and verse 14 th of 5th chapter which says otherwise.You may also study remaining verses of 14th Chapter. The universe or God operates on two basic principles:-a)Free choice-we are free to choose the way we want to feel,think or act on any situation.b)Non-interference-God will not interfere in any choice we make. Please also refer to verse 16th and 17th of 18th Chapter on the 'Doer" or Karta regards Ashok Jain -----------

Radhey ! Radhey !! We shall crawl into the Mom's Lap....undoubtedly ! But when? Now itself or after toiling, sufferring, travelling into endless wombs...when ? THIS ENTIRELY DEPENDS UPON US ! There is a difference between Holy Bath in Holy Ganges when taken in the month of January or when taken in the Month of May. Result is same, but pains......! Why should we leave what is under our prorogative, under our control and under our arena of KARMA to the FATE/DESTINY and why we should run day and night after those things which have no corelation with your present Karmas but have corelation with your fate/destiny? No ! Devotion/Bhakti and shedding of worldly me and mine need be taken instantly. Dear Sadhaks ! Laws of Nature always drag us towards our Mom. We delay the process by DESIRING worldly transitory things and getting attached with worldly people and establishing UNNATURAL....Me (es) and Mine(s). No one is ours, we dont belong to the world, nothing is ours, .....it is TRUTH ....TRUTH !! Sooner we realise it, faster we shall crawl into HIS lap. Laws of Nature are ruthless. If we dont move suo motto towards His lap, they will give us pains and drive us towards His lap...be sure about it ! Radhey ! Radhey !! Nisha Chatterji



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other.

So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what.

With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,

"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)

Which means

"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "

This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure.

One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani.

The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


-Shree Hari-Nameste!Consider the paste:Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hankerafter pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called asage of steady wisdom.Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severelyafflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can betransmuted into love, not bitterness.What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer aroundyou, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (K)




I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/

In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony.....

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

"On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love."

"Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."

Profound, isn't it ?

See below for full post

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org


That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -


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I was pondering over your questions as it is my question also. Thank you for articulating it. Today's Gita Talk also leads to the understading why we ger irritated or sad when something unpleasant happens. We would not have persformed the action for the sake of sacrifice. So the bondage in the form of irritation and duhkha.

The Lord in the preceding verse declared, "The man is bound by actions, other than those performed for the sake of sacrifice. " Therefore, in order to be free from bondage, actions instead of being renounced, should be performed, only in the spirit of performing a duty (yajna). The Lord confirms the same fact, by giving other reasons in the next three verses"

Veena Hassan



ah friends ............. ah friends .................. " narinder, knowing one's own self is NOT easy .......... the mind-created judgements /interpretations just eclipse the very Truth you are seeking ........... the Truth of your own being the Truth of the self you are the Truth of the Love that does not die ...... nor changes with Time ........... stop assessing others,just love them as they Be ........ better to focus on your mind's propensities... your mind's dichotomies and lead them to death with Krishna's help ... ! You can Do It .......as all the Buddhas say .. AUM !!! "



narinder bhandari







Dear Naga Narayana ji,


I, like many other Sadhaks on this divine forum, am convinced that in fact, Vyas ji and yourself are not disagreeing about the holy Gita, but only at superficial level both of you seem to disagree with each other's interpretation.


Yet, I must emphasise the fact that in practical life, sins and virtus cannot be measured at the same level. As Sadak Sh. Suresh C. Sharma has rightly quoted from John Milton's famous master piece Paradise Lost that for a sinful person natural temptation will be to rule in the hell rather than serive in the paradise.


As Lord Krishna declared in the Gita,"NADATTE KASHYACHIT PAPAM NA SUKRITAM VIBHU, AGYANENAVRITAM GYANAM TEN MUHYANTI JANTAWA" (God does not accept anyone's sins nor virtues, the persons are surrounded by ignorance, hence they are confused). He further delcares that 'YA SHASTRAVIDHIM URSRIJYA, VARTATE KAAMKAARTAH......" - this is clear now that at practical level, sins and virtues are quite different.



Ravi Bhandari




It is said in vedantas that mind is the cause of all happiness and sorrows

" manameva manushyanam bhadha moshaye"

Gita is leading us to be a yogi- a yogi is a person who win over his own mind.- Remember " a man who win his own mind is greater than who wins a thousand wars"- the greatest way to win your own mind is to guide your thoughts to good thoughts. Good thoughts and only good thoughts will help us to control our mind.Bhakti yoga, karma yoga, Raja yoga and Jnana yoga are all the path to good thoughts.


Om namo bhagavade Vasudevaya, Om namo bhagavade Narayanaya


vibiesh c v


Shree Hari Ram Ram

To reiterate what Sarvottamji has said per Swamiji / Gitaji - can we control what is not ours (i.e the mind) ? Let us simply detach from it. They are separate departments (vibhaag). Let us not accept the changing (that which is not constant) as ours. Let us only leave and trust what belongs to Him in His care. Meera Das, Ram Ram -----------

I think one never loose faith in god completely.Coz in the end when no one is on ones side , one cries O my God.thats it.Raja Gurdasani-

Shree Hari:

Ram Ram.

Who gets irritated? The mind NOT You. Swamiji said "Disown the mind as mind is neither You nor Yours." Observing mind from a distance (considering mind is neither You nor is mind Yours) we are able to visualize Bhagwaanji's Mangalmai Vidhaan no rituals and nothing to be done for it. Just observe doing nothing (Chup Saadhan). It is true.

Vineet, Sarvottam.


Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy.... It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaining happy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness.......

Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy.... It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaining happy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness....... Sushil Jain Dear Naga Narayana ji, Thank you for your view. My dew drops before the niagara falls of your knowledge:

".. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance .." How can virtues and sins be same in a practical world? Marrying our own sisters or mothers or daughters is a sin ... But you say that virtues and sins are concoction of wishful mind.... ". The good and bad always remain relative to each other .." Fair enough Sir, but are you not indirectly advocating for Hitlars, Al-Kaida/Taliban or other terrorists?

I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Ram always followed the advice of sages - Vashishtha ji, Vishwamitra ji, Valmikiji, Atri ji etc. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! It reminds of a famous line from John Milton's Paradise Lost, wherein the satan says that it is better to rule in the Hell and serve in God's kingdom. Kind regards,Suresh C. Sharma -naga jeee.................O jeeeeeeee each word flows from the Truth of your being each word is Silence ,the source of Love and Joy......... each word just IS ............... verily is the joyof nari's understanding too ............... the buddhas stand in awe,showering their blessings on you ........... you,who is neither naga,nor narayana,nor both,nor neither ...... Aum is the Joy of being ...aum is Aum,nought but Aum.......... blessed by Aum,naga dies, to merge in Aum JaiJaiJai Jai Krishna Jai ............. AUM............ narinder ,not nari,nor narinder ............aum narinder bhandari - narayan narayan

hum vyasji ki baat se sahmat hein.jeev yadi apna jeevatv ahaam bhula de tho ishwar bhi apnaishwartav ek our rakh de te hein.

baki- char mele chobish khele, bees rahe kar jodharijan se harijan mele , bihanse shat karod.

jaishree krishna.


Hari Om

I replied to Mr Naga Narain because there was a direct statement by him that certain views of Swamiji did not "appeal to him".

If "good" and "bad" / "happiness" and "sorrow" can't exist without each other,.... are always "relative" .... then what is "absolute happiness" ? What is "Ananda" referred in Scriptures? You are in a circle because "good and bad" or "happiness and sorrows" or "sins and virtues" are being interpreted by you ONLY with reference to the body/mind/inert. If you simply turn your glance towards "self" or "God" who are beyond "good/bad" etc already.... you will easily understand what is "absolute happiness or goodness or virtue" !! There is a difference between "assumed state" and "natural state" ! Relativity lies in "assumed state" and not in "natural/sahaj state" ! SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !!

Jeeva is "sahaj sukhraasi" means he is "naturally happy" ! Jeeva is "amal" means he is "naturally sinless" ! Now to argue/insist against a "naturality" only has created a personal vicious circle for you.

You can't thus succeed in saying or accepting that good can't exist without bad, or sins can't exist without virtues ! Goodness and virtues are existing without evil and sins respectively in realised souls. They are natural part of them.They are so stated in all Scriptures for every Jeeva. If there is a vicious circle formed "naturally" who can break it? How one can break it? Hence existence of vicious circle is only an "assumption of an ignorant" .... thus ASAT and not "conclusion of Scriptures / Saints and Sages" ! Relativity is ASAT ! Absolute is SAT ! We are in SATSANGA !!

Hence there is no "vicious circle" provided for by the Creator. It is our mind only which keeps creating such circles and make the caged self suffer. Religion helps you in coming out of the cage. Mind does not let you do that.Hence stop relying on mind and heed to the voice of conscience. What "appeals to your mind" is not material ... what is Truth (SAT) is material.Removal of circle is not INSTANTAEOUS for you merely because of your "insistence" that good and bad are relative and can't exist without each other. Same is true for "unnatural bad" but not for "natural good"- SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



In life we go through many experiences, both good and bad. Oppositesare complementry. One cannot exist without the other. When we gothrough bad experiences, we learn to appreciate the good experiences.This is a part of everybody's life. However it is easier said thandone. If we attribute each and every experience to God then it will bean enlightened person indeed who will see good and bad as two sides ofthe same coin. This is the message of gita. The ideal person treatsgood and bad experiences as one and the same.

Hari Shanker Deo





Dear Sadhak insightEvery devotee is required to write his or her own interpretation.If we deeply believe in God then even in difficult circumstances wed keep our faith in Him.Read the story of queen Kunti in Mahabharat then we can easily follow this principle of faith in God TRuly yours S S Bhatt------Mr. Vyas,

Thanks for your interest in my utterances. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance aswell as their potential representation of the truth. The good and bad alwaysremain relative to each other - each cannot exist without the other! They bothstand as hurdles with their strong insistence on their opposites in one'sseeking The Absolute. The duality persists in one's mind with an insistence onthe good as strongly with an insistence on the bad. The very insistence on "agood" reflects the aversion to the "corresponding bad" with equal potency. Whatscripture shall I quote for you on this?! To me every phrase and every word inevery verse in every scripture tell ONLY THIS. May be, that is all I can see.

I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Swamiji's life is atestImony to this in my understanding. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! I urge you not to let yourself swingto assert that "Swamiji is always right" as if I could be under a differentopinion.

After all, the utterance does not suggest anything new here (How can I? How cananybody make any new statement on anything??) It is a well known fact amongstall the seers and has been explicitly mentioned in all scriptures. For example,I am quoting Swamy Ramsukhdasji below (Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):

Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead tobondage, both are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

The ignorance is the seed for virtues and sins as well as the fruit of thevirtues and sins. Yes, it IS circular and vicious. That is the difficulty I faceas I keep mentioning to your and others' annoyance that removal of ignorance isNOT INSTANTANEOUS. That is the difficulty I face irrespective of whatever issaid by anybody. Unless I am transparent to my difficulty, I cannot dream oftranscending the same. You may not be facing this problem. Then, that is goodfor you. Coming back to the circularity of the ignorance; again, there is noinvention in the utterance here. It is a well known fact amongst all the seersincluding Swamy Ramsukhdasji. Again a quote from him from the same article(Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):

Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather itdestroys "the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance".Both "sins and virtues ... lead to bondage" (above quote).

Therefore, the utterance naturally comes out ... ignorance is the cause of sinsand virtues which in turn lead to the same in a snowballing manner. Viciousindeed.

I hope that clarifies. If you think that I need to explain further, please feelfree. I will try my best.

Thank You.


Naga Narayana------- Narain ! Narain !! Replying to the Qs with a lot of Love...if at all Love can be expressed: Q Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. ...Swami Ramsukhdas jee

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation 1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )2.Contemplation. ............ ........Religiou s Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words, words..... ......... .....Ans : Ask MODERATORS first when they used the word " Contemplation" whether it meant "SAMADHI" ! When in doubt or unclear, it is advicable to check the Hindi version fo Swamiji's writings, before concluding. To a common man's language... contemplation is pondering over, deeply thinking about ! Sure ..Gita bhavas are divine...!!! Words are very powerful source of Realisation. They reach SELF directly. When you are sleeping and somebody calls out your name , you wake up...why? Because words touch the souls !!

Q Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya, and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints . Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self That is both and neither Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence .

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

Ans Per my understanding we are not back to square one ! Experience is not something that can be questioned or vouched or argued out.

Q What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike, rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............ ... to awaken from your dream........ ...... search for the dreamer ............ .

Ans : Poor Nari or Nar or Narinder or Naroo or Bhandari can only argue , play as a toy in the hands of mischievous mind !! Dream is never "non existent" ! Dream when seen is existent. After you wake up..the very dream goes..what remains is "remembrance thereof".. !! Why you are counting names? To prove what? You are dreaming...dreaming and dreaming. Shri Krishna Narinedath ! Your interference needed? Dangerous mental propensity...Sir !! Utter confusion ! As regards "anirvachaniya"... find out what Dictionaries say about it !! If it is so...what vivechan is sought by you?


Q ,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shlokas . Let us see a few......... ..... Ans : Read Gita ! Read Sadhak Sanjeevani !! Read Daily Swamiji messages! Read past postings GT Group Q and As ! READ ! READ !! Read and then write ! What you have stated as BG 12:6/7 / 14 etc...is ONLY achievable by "establishing mineness with Paramatma"...not by Meditation ! Whether it is sloka 2, 3, 8, and 14 or 6 or 7 of BG ...the reaching there is not through MIND or meditation but by "becoming of God". ! A pativrata wife never utters the name of her husband...but is she not of him? You are allowed to WORK 24 hours a day...and still you can achieve what is stated in the aforesaid slokas of BG referred by you ! This you can realise ONLY by reading Sadhak Sanjeevani ! Kindly read read Scriptures, read Swamiji in depth...listen to others.. On the basis of mind or ego or by AGRAHS ? Q Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............. ... his conduct becomes as stated therein. Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof. Ans : If your goal is to go "beyond words" then why you are referring English Dictionaries ? What is in those Dictionaries except words?? "We are our own proof" ..means what ? Means nothing. So what ? Q It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . Ans : Who is this Narinder ? " SELF" or "NAME" ? If it is SELF then why SELF is stated as Narinder? Why not as " I " ? You are not yet discriminating ! Even the name given is so closely dear to you. Remember...first learn to discriminate between body and soul ! Then talk !! We want thanks from SELF and not from NARINDER ! Why ... hearts of "other sadhaks" ...are we not touching your heart also ? So much labour is being put by us...to straighten out the twists and turns of your insistent mind and reliance of SELF over NARINDER !!

Q The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental, or,patronising ............ ....... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ............ ......... ...

Ans : THIS IS SATSANGA FORUM ! Here arguments, discussions, deliberations, agreements, disagreements, praises, criticisms take place NATURALLY ! What else you expect out of SATSANGA ? Love can not be demanded ... it comes automatically when you are associated with SAT and remain established therein ! You can see in others only that which you yourself have....IT IS A CARDINAL PRINCIPLE...ARGUE ON THIS !!

Narain ! Narain !!

Naarad N Maharishi ---PRIOR POSTING

Dear sadaks,I would like add this to my previous posting. "WHEN WE KNOW GOD HAS DONE ALL GOOD FOR US AND EVERY SITUATION IS FOR OUR GOOD," said by Sri Kalpna. Even in conjugal situation I dont think man has faith in God. He is busy with social obligations and programs. If faith in God is there in comfortable situations, the faith will remain even in unpleasent situations. Man` s hidden thinking is that God should take care of him in all situations, because HE is creator. We hear people say, " Why on earth God created me". Ignorance and absence of total faith. Partial faith does not work with God. Drowpathi was holding on to her last stretch of her sari in one hand and calling to Govinda. When it failed, she raised both her hands in total faith, she was saved. Same with us.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan---------------------------

Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses.

. ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas,


Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya,and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints

Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self

That is both and neither

Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now

they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike,rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............... to awaken from your dream............. search for the dreamer .............




narinder bhandari


Hari Om

Mr Naga Narain ! It will be helpful if you can please share with us which Scripture to your knowledge supports that both sins and virtues give birth to ignorance; which in turn gives birth to happiness/sorrow and from that happiness/sorrow again sins/virtues spring forth .... Thus a vicious never ending circle forms !

Swamiji's Divine words are always truthful. Truth does not require any acceptance/acnowledgement/conditions/contexts/ appeal effect . Truth is always Truth. Saints have said:



What is beautiful (right/ what exists) is always beautiful (is always right/always exists) , what is not beautiful (false/non existent) is not beautiful (remains false/doesnot exist) !

(Ignorance... Irony is that) What is not beautiful (non existence) appears to be so ( appears existing) and what is existing (beautiful/Truth) does not appear to be existing !!

Truth supports itself (Dharma rakshito dharmah) ! Some may find Truth to be appealing , some may not ! That in no case vitiates the Truth. Truth prevails. So that Truth prevails.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


In the twelfth chapter,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shalokas . Let us see a few.............. Sh.6, 7. But those,who worship Me,renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the supreme Goal, meditating on Me with a single minded devotion, For them,whose minds are set on Me,verily I become,the Saviour,( to save them) out of the Ocean of finite experiences; the SAMSARA.

further, shalokas 2,3,8,and 14 also indicate the importance of meditative approach/meditation while reading / hearing the words ................ Sh.14. says ...........Ever content ,steady in Meditation,self-controlled, possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect dedicated to Me,he ,My devotee,is dear to Me. Meditation is the Way ................... meditation as the Way is integral to all Paths ..........................Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............... his conduct becomes as stated therein.

Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof.

It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental,or,

patronising ................... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ........................


narinder -----


Priy sadhaks,This situation is very practical and almost every one come across this.The reason is lack of APANAPAN (feeling of mine) WITH GOD.If we be firm that gid is ours then we can get rid of it.see in practical life, when we accept someone APANA (Like father mother bro sis wife), Then we have in our depth that whatever one does can never be for my bad for us.Similarly with god apanapan is real thing which can solve this prob.Swamiji in describing sharanagati says nothing more matters as APANAPAN WITH GOD. NO GYAN TAP KARM CAN MATCH IT.THANXRAJA GurdasaniDear sadaks,Agyanan is the cause. Our past loads of bad Karmas is the cause for AgyananJai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Ram Ram,Deosaranji is very much right in his statement. Happiness and sorrow are not the fruit of sins and virtues, the situations (favorable & unfavorable) are. Its fully in our hands to become happy or sorrowful.Ashok GoenkaNamaste, Dear Sadhakas!Moderators have asked to share understanding on Swamiji's words of wisdom:"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues." Already he has explained profoundly in that writeup, it is worth reading again and again.I can only echo what I learned. Situations keep on happening relentlessly in Life, they don't happen personally even if they seem to affect one more than others. Life is unavoidable relationship among each other and with Nature. Nothing ever can happen in isolation. If there is "one", there are necessarily "others" and thinking and actions of "one" affects "others". This results in mass/collective karmas consisting of virtues and sins(papa and punya), and always culminate in impersonal events mistaken by individuals as happy or unhappy personal situations. This is also the Causal Body of Ignorance(of not knowing one's true Nature).A wise is one who takes such situations in strides and remain steadfast in Being only, unaffected by pleasures and pains perceived in them! What helps one to remain in equanimity is the understanding that he is the Witnessing Presence Permeating the body-mind that belongs to Nature; and whatever happens, happens impersonally to Nature, not to the Presence!In Bhaktas, the understanding is Divine Love of Pure Being. His/her entire Being is taken over by this Unconditional Love which he/she calls Bhagwaan!Pure Being of SELF is Divine-Unconditional Love, Love that knows no opposites, and is also at the same time Impersonal Cosmic Intelligence manifest in abundance! God, to me, is Experince(anubhutiroopah) of Pure Being-Consciousness), Divine Love, and Intelligence!Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt---This knowledge that God has done all good for us although true has come fromoutside. When you only make an attempt to accept an unpleasant experience intotality without dividing it into good and bad, you are on the path of Sadhana.Gradually questions will melt and you will reach first stage of NirvitarkSamadhi. As you practice this acceptance for a longer period,you will experienceinflow of Divine Energy when you are about to breakdown and slowly preliminaryexperience of Nirvichar Samadhi will start. Mind will become more quiet andGod's presence will be felt to an extent.Why such things happen will also beunderstood and you will be on Real Path of Progress. Bahunam Janmanam ante,Gnanwan mam prapadyante. Bhagwad Geeta verse 7/19. Have faith, patience andperseverence and parameter of Tolerance will be developed.This will lead you to Divine experience.Jayantilal Shah

----------Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka regarding happiness and sorrow.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita " Prakruteh kriyamanani,Gunai karmani sarvasah" ( gita 3, 27"Which means"Activities are carried out by theModes of nature". The three modes of nature are sattva ( goodness), rajoh( passion) , tamo (ignorance). activities continue to happen with or without our involvement. That is the law of nature.

Lord krishna says in gita,

" Sattvam sukhe sanjayati,Rajah karmani bharata,Jnanam avrutya tu tamah,Pramade sanjayaty uta" ( gita 14, 9)Which means," O son of bharata, mode of goodness causes happiness, passion leads one to fruitive action, and ignorance leads one to madness and danger. "

If we want to be happy, we need to be in the mode of goodness. Passion and ignorance do not lead us to happiness.

Lord krishna continues,

"Karmanah sukrutasyahuh,Sattvikam nirmalam phalam,Rajasas tu phalam dukham,Ajnanam tamasah phalam" ( gita, 14, 16).

Which means

"Pious activities done in the mode of goodness are pure. Actions done in the mode of passion lead us to misery and,sorrow. Action perormed in the mode of ignorance causes foolishness. "

People involved in pious actions are situated in happiness.

We are bound by actions. There is no way out. But there is one, as lord krishna says,

" Mam ca yo vyabhicarena,Bhakti yogena sevate,Sa gunan samatityaitan,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gita, 14, 26)

Which means,

" One who is in full devotional service all the time , transcends the modes of this materialism and reaches the level of eternal bliss. "

If we want to get out of these modes of nature, devotional service is the answer.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. . ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Mediation( a formof Prayer,in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words,words ...too many words eclipse the Truth Beyond …………the silence,which is the womb of the words ... Silence ,which is not the word silence

BUT,is the ISNESS of the word silence ..which just IS

This silence is the ultimate Truth ,the Nothingness

Nothingness ,which is the womb of Everythingness

The Truth....The Real,......The Un-knowable ever known, ...Is God,

Is Krishna .....Is the Way to Krishna

Witness Consciousness is the Way

No Doing, NO treading, just being yourself, the self

Narinder Bhandari


Hari Om

Lord Krishna smiles ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the ignorance of His children when we refer to His 'MAYA' as stupidity in BG 7:13/14 ! Let there be deliberations: 'Wisdom vs Ignorance'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Hari Om

Sheer stupidity (moorkhata) ! Nothing except stupidity !! Only Stupidity !!! Lord Krishna laughs ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the stupidity only of His children when He calls that stupidity as 'MAYA' in BG 7:13/14 ! But "actually" alone Stupidity !

Let there be deliberations:

'Wisdom vs Stupidity'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B "Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruitsof sins and virtues."

Such a statement from a teacher makes perfect sense under certain contexts e.g.when the desciple is carried away by the apparent sins and virtues whileignoring their inherent counterpart - ignorance. The lopsided emphasis in aseeker is often "balanced" by emphasising the ignored opposite by the wiseteacher. I do not think that meant anyway to ignore the sins and virtuesaltogether.

But, as we go beyond contexts, I see that ignorance is the seed for all sins(and virtues); and ignorance is the fruit of all sins (and virtues).

OR, one can also say,

Sins (and virtues) are the seed for ignorance; and sins (and virtues) are thefruits of ignorance.

However we see, the two are inseparable. So are the two polarized feelings ofsorrow and happiness. They are inseparable from the sins and virtues which areinseparable from the ignorance as such. They produce each other, they harvesteach other and they devour each other in cycles. Therefore, the second part ofthis statement does not appeal to me.

To me ignorance, sins, virtues, happiness, sorrow, etc. are synanymous withconcurrent occurance. As we feel sorrow and happiness, sins and virtues aregenerated and the ignorance is enseeded. As the ignorance pops up, sins andvirtues are churned out and the feelings of sorrow and happines are established.

Of course, the opposites such as sins and virtues often appear as different whenone applies the relativity of one's tempermental ego-centric and ego-promotionalattitude toward the same. When ego is active, ignorance itself starts appearingas "knowledge" as well. But, even from the relative perspective, the second partof the statement (seggregation of ignorance from sins and virtues) does notapeal to me personally.


Naga Narayana




Shree Hari Ram Ram

Brothers, Deosaranji pointed out this particular statement from sadhaka postings. What is your understanding of this statement? Do you have any doubts, disagreements with what is being stated?

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

Kindly share, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?

Because … "OUR GOOD" has never let our focus shift away from itself even in thename of The God! We wander in search of "our good" everywhere in absolutefutility as we lack truthful appreciation of good and bad on one hand; and areincapable of looking at anything without the filter-glass in terms of ournotions of good and bad on the other hand. Till we remain captive within ournotions of good and bad, The God remains a distant notion as well. Therefore, acloser look at our notions of good and bad may be the clue to this question ...


Naga Narayana


Hari Om

All three messages in the last post are divine ! They are:

Exclusive mineness with Him ( Miraji Dass) ; Love. ( Brother Mike) and Equanimity ( Prasadji)!

Let us put Mineness and Love on one side (there is "cause" and "effect" relationship between the two) AND Equanimity ( Samata) in other Side :

Says Tulsidasji Maharaj :


NB Vyas


Dear Sadhaks In Gita ,where it is mentioned that:-1)God has done all good for us2)Every situation is for our good I have not seen mention of such assumptions.I invite reference to Verse 14 of 5 th Chapter and verse 14 th of 5th chapter which says otherwise.You may also study remaining verses of 14th Chapter. The universe or God operates on two basic principles:-a)Free choice-we are free to choose the way we want to feel,think or act on any situation.b)Non-interference-God will not interfere in any choice we make. Please also refer to verse 16th and 17th of 18th Chapter on the 'Doer" or Karta regards Ashok Jain -----------

Radhey ! Radhey !! We shall crawl into the Mom's Lap....undoubtedly ! But when? Now itself or after toiling, sufferring, travelling into endless wombs...when ? THIS ENTIRELY DEPENDS UPON US ! There is a difference between Holy Bath in Holy Ganges when taken in the month of January or when taken in the Month of May. Result is same, but pains......! Why should we leave what is under our prorogative, under our control and under our arena of KARMA to the FATE/DESTINY and why we should run day and night after those things which have no corelation with your present Karmas but have corelation with your fate/destiny? No ! Devotion/Bhakti and shedding of worldly me and mine need be taken instantly. Dear Sadhaks ! Laws of Nature always drag us towards our Mom. We delay the process by DESIRING worldly transitory things and getting attached with worldly people and establishing UNNATURAL....Me (es) and Mine(s). No one is ours, we dont belong to the world, nothing is ours, .....it is TRUTH ....TRUTH !! Sooner we realise it, faster we shall crawl into HIS lap. Laws of Nature are ruthless. If we dont move suo motto towards His lap, they will give us pains and drive us towards His lap...be sure about it ! Radhey ! Radhey !! Nisha Chatterji



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other.

So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what.

With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,

"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)

Which means

"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "

This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure.

One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani.

The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


-Shree Hari-Nameste!Consider the paste:Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hankerafter pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called asage of steady wisdom.Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severelyafflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can betransmuted into love, not bitterness.What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer aroundyou, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (K)




I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/

In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony.....

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

"On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love."

"Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."

Profound, isn't it ?

See below for full post

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org


That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

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Shree Hari Ram Ram

Dear Sadhaks, the previous postings and related responses under this topic, are not beneficial to sadhaks at large. They give the impression of being judgemental, criticizing the other, disrespectful, putting sadhaks on the defensive and verbose in nature. These types of postings will not be approved in the future for sharing with the entire group as they do not adhere to the Gita Talk guidelines.

From Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram






Jai HanumanRelativity vs Absolute ! If one goes deeper , one finds that there is no relativity even with reference to the world. Take for example Sukh and Dukha ! Where is happiness ? In fact, in assumed happiness also really at the end, there is sorrow only. Sorrow was at the beginning, sorrow remains at the end. Hence in the middle too there is sorrow only. Hence there is no relativity, actually. THAT IS WHY - DUKHALAYAM (Only sorrows; no happiness- absolute sorrow). WHY ? World is "naturally" sorrowful. Exactly reverse is the case, when your "drishti" (glance) turns towards Self/God ! There in "viyog" (disconnection) also there is " sanyog " (connection) , what to talk of vice versa ! There you are "naturally" blissful/happy. There is no sorrow . Absolute happiness ! THAT IS WHY- SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !!Therefore, I question the issue of equating sins and virtues to be the same, as such ! If ASAT does not exist (BG 2:16), relativity also does not exist. If SAT is never absent, absolute also is never absent.Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala


Dear Sadaks,Kalpana Dixit posting is for normal humans. Don't talk of body and mind- divines and ignorance to one who is still not understood himself. To Him say- Normally when you can be subjected to happiness in favourable condition, you can also get subjected to unhappiness unfavourable condition also. So you man/woman try to tame your mind to remain equilibrium in both condition. When such person becomes slowly adaptable to understanding this he becomes Stitapragna and then he knows that God is doing all for Good.If we carefully observe-- That when a man prays to GOD to relive him of problem or give him money or improve his business or grant a child as he is issue less Etc, God does help him so that he gets attracted towards HIM (God) slowly and ultimately become HIS Baktha. Then Bagavan says-- "Name Baktha Pranasyathe". But pitiable condition is that in most cases man never stops asking God one more. So it may take to such a person few births and in certain birth he reaches Bagavan. Bagavan has also said this.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan--------------------------------

Sureshji,Thanks for your genuine concerns. All you said is valid. Your concerns are mineas well as far as we both are entangled in the duality of desires and fears, asfar as we strive for the dual existence of active and restful states, as far aswe look forward to the dual presence of happiness and sadness, as far as we aredesparate for discriminating the nature into our hallucinative dualities of goodand bad, favorable and unfavorable, and likes and dislikes ... as far as we keeppaddling the dual boat of life and death frantically with a lopsided wishfulfocus on one that we crave while we are incapable of not ignoring the one thatwe hate … torn between the tandem pull and push of the desire-fear twinhoodconcocted in our very mind ... till then ... yes! I would also love to promotewhat favors me ... the virtues :).Society works for survival. Whatever improves the chances of survival of asoceity has been accepted as virtues for that society. Whatever is detrimentalto the social integrity is naturally considered a sin. The very discriminationis a genetic instinct for the sake of survival. The very survival is the singlewishful thought that drives all our wishful thoughts individually as well ascollectively. Naturally, we are instigated from within to continuouslydiscriminate the world around into good and bad wishfully ... to me, thespirituality is to win over this very instinct.I wonder how you could relate the utterings to terrorism!!! Anyway, you are worrying about the Hitlers as if they are awaiting sanctions from the scriptures! Please consider this … Did Ravana care the seers? Did Duryodhana care the scriptures? Did Hitler await a holyman to bless his (mis)endeavours? A wishful thought that "the scriputes or the so called'virtues' would fix these 'vicked' characters" is impotent in itself. Rama proves it; Krishna proves it. Nothing can inculcate correction in anyone other than oneself.On the other hand, a cruel king such as Ashoka can become a saint when thecorrection is seen within ... meeting a Buddha/Guru for spiritual progress is aneventuality. Therefore, my utterance ... to seek the correction within where thebattle of good and bad is perpetually raged and waged. Becoming an Arjuna is ofutmost urgency. Meeting Bhagavan Krishna is an eventuality. HE cannot escape anArjuna! Appreciation of the scriptures is an eventuality ... as the correctionis sought within, everything starts becoming scriptures on its own ... rathereverything being "The Holy" starts becoming clearer and clearer as the mist ofignorance starts dissipating when the urge for correction starts evaporating thesame at our core. The invaluable guidance is automatically sought from Gurussuch as Vasishtha, AshTavakra, etc. once the urge for internal correction raiseswithin.Do you also see the strange dogma this world is infested with … even Hitler andAl Khaida had/have their own "virtues" which the rest of the world denounces as"sins"; but their own followers adore the same as sanctions from the heavens! IfHitler won the war, it is not surprising that the evil trio(Hitler-Musoloni-Hirohito) would have been the heavenly trio and the threemusketeers (Truman-Churchill-Stalin) would be the three sinners altogether!Virtues and sins are dectated by the power of survival ... the survivor writesthe story ... the winner dectates the terms ... the desirer seeks thesedefinitions ...The spirituality is like becoming a blank sheet of paper where there are noexpressions and all expressions get dissolved sooner than they are formed. Beingthat blank sheet perpetually is THE ONLY HAPPINESS … anything else is nothingbut misery changing its appearance like a chamleon. As Narinderji gracefullyblesses, "being neither naga,nor narayana,nor both,nor neither ..." is the onlyworthy target for a spiritual seeker as that target absorbs all other targets oflife and disappears at once to let me be THAT I AM ... THE SILENCE ... THEABSOLUTE ... THE BLISS ... whatever else that you would refer to That as ...Hope that helps. Please feel free to question further as needed.Respects.Naga Narayana


Mr. Vyas,As I deliberate on your conclusions about my utterings, I realize we are talkingof the same, The Truth, The Absolute. The only difference is that you prefer toretain "the good" or "one quality" there while I prefer to de-emphasise bothgood and bad equally to their non-existence or "no quality" there. That isperfectly fine with me ... the residue depends on one's nature. As I see, nodebate is warranted toward this.Regarding the difference between "assumed state" and "natural state" - that isperfectly fine. Personally speaking the reality here is, attaining the "natural state" has NOT BEEN INSTANTANEOUS :(. If so, would I have entertained this debate in the first place?!Some secondary observations ... As I mentioned earlier, the statement "Happinessand Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins andvirtues" does not appeal to me. But, it neither means "I amright" or "statement is wrong" or anything else. IT JUST MEANS, "It does notappeal to me"! .Swamiji's view on the matter of circularity of ignorance and virtue-sin ispretty clear and complete in the same article as I attempted to show earlier. Iam surprised at your conclusive understanding that "certain views of Swamiji didnot appeal to me" even after I established how all my utterances are quiteconsistent with Swamiji's teachings. I wonder how you missed that.My sincere opinion is, we should not attempt to encage a free spirit such asSwamy Ramsukhdasji with our limited understandings. Depending on where I am Isee what I see. Depending on where you are you see what you see. If we both tryto define this is what Swamiji should have told or should have been, it is likethe two blind men attempting to define what an elephant could be! I appreciate ifyou do not drag me into such debates.Respects.Naga Narayana


Sureshji,I thought of giving more specific clarifications to your queries … I willattempt one by one …Suresh C Sharma: Ram always followed the advice of sages - Vashishtha ji,Vishwamitra ji, Valmikiji, Atri ji etc.Rama SOUGHT advice from sages. Sages never came on to him to advise him! Sagesknow it very well, only a seeker is worthy of being a desciple. A seeker is onein whom an urge for correction is raisen within. The power of correction is inthe seeker … NOT in the teacher. Otherwise, the same sages could have easilycorrected Ravana to dissipate all the problems at once! KrishNa could havetaught the Kauravas to dissolve the whole war at once!! That is why BhagavanVyasa instructs NOT TO PREACH EVER ... Na buddhibhedam janayet ... Do notmislead yourself as well as others …Please do not jump to the conclusion that The Guru is underplayed by the aboveobservation. The very reason of the appreciation of a Guru is the urge to correct oneself within.

Suresh C Sharma: It reminds of a famous line from John Milton's Paradise Lost,wherein the satan says that it is better to rule in the Hell and serve in God'skingdom.I am still oblivious of how you could manage to relate the following statementto Satan, Hell, God's Kingdom etc. - "As a seeker, I do not have any bondage toagree with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there!" The utterance is with genuinerespect to The Guru, Bhagavan Vasudeva Himself. Trust me. Superficial acceptanceof anything is THE ONLY SIN in my sincere opinion. In fact, I consider that asdisrespect to My Guru. Unless I see the correction within, the teaching isincomplete. It is my responsibility to continue the learning process TILL I SEECORRECTION WITHIN. Stopping the process with a superficial acceptance, eventhough with deepest respect and reverence, is still suicidal as I remain in adarker ignorance hushed up by the so-called acceptance. THE ONLY ACCEPTANCE isthat which arises truthfully from the correction absorbed within. Everytruthful disagreement just verifies how the correction within has remainedincomplete reminding the seeker for further study.Anyway, coming to your comments on hell and God. If the satan and hell resideoutside God's Kingdom, I am sorry to mention that I consider your appreciationof The God questionable! Please think about that. Would The God havedescriminations such as devine and evil, heaven and hell, angel and satan, ...?!Please deliberate on your own for your own sake ... that is all I can say aboutthat.Suresh C Sharma: How can virtues and sins be same in a practical world? Marryingour own sisters or mothers or daughters is a sin ... But you say that virtuesand sins are concoction of wishful mind....Again, I see that you are jumping to opposite here. If someone could say EVENvirtues are obstacles to seek The God, how can he/she ever imagine that the sinsare adorable or even acceptable????? I urge you to think straight and withoutany preconceived notions. Respect to the virtues such as notions of marriage,mother, daughter, wife, etc. is REQUIRED to win over the sinful attitudes. But,you need spirituality to win over the virtuous attitude as well to attainequanimity where there are no attitudes ever. How can you ever not be afraid ofslipping into the oblivion of the sins till you hang on to their nemesis, thevirtues, strongly? The very insistence of X is rooted in the fear of NOT(X).What is the need for the notions of virtues when no sin hounds you anymore?! Thevirtues (and the sins as well) become notions in spirituality ... even thenotions of mother and father will have to be questioned, examined and resolvedas much as one should review the notions of the evils the same way ... AsShankara utters ... Mado naïve me naiva maatsarya bhaavah … Pita naiva me naivamaataa na janma ... Think …Hope that clarifies.Respects.Naga Narayana




KalpanajeeI was pondering over your questions as it is my question also. Thank you for articulating it. Today's Gita Talk also leads to the understading why we ger irritated or sad when something unpleasant happens. We would not have persformed the action for the sake of sacrifice. So the bondage in the form of irritation and duhkha.The Lord in the preceding verse declared, "The man is bound by actions, other than those performed for the sake of sacrifice. " Therefore, in order to be free from bondage, actions instead of being renounced, should be performed, only in the spirit of performing a duty (yajna). The Lord confirms the same fact, by giving other reasons in the next three verses"Veena Hassan------------------

ah friends ............. ah friends ..................

" narinder, knowing one's own self is NOT easy ..........

the mind-created judgements /interpretations just eclipse

the very Truth you are seeking ...........

the Truth of your own being

the Truth of the self you are

the Truth of the Love that does not die

....... nor changes with Time ...........

stop assessing others,just love them as they Be ........

better to focus on your mind's propensities... your mind's dichotomies

and lead them to death with Krishna's help ... !

You can Do It .......as all the Buddhas say .. AUM !!! "

AUM narinder bhandari


Dear Naga Narayana ji, I, like many other Sadhaks on this divine forum, am convinced that in fact, Vyas ji and yourself are not disagreeing about the holy Gita, but only at superficial level both of you seem to disagree with each other's interpretation. Yet, I must emphasise the fact that in practical life, sins and virtus cannot be measured at the same level. As Sadak Sh. Suresh C. Sharma has rightly quoted from John Milton's famous master piece Paradise Lost that for a sinful person natural temptation will be to rule in the hell rather than serive in the paradise. As Lord Krishna declared in the Gita,"NADATTE KASHYACHIT PAPAM NA SUKRITAM VIBHU, AGYANENAVRITAM GYANAM TEN MUHYANTI JANTAWA" (God does not accept anyone's sins nor virtues, the persons are surrounded by ignorance, hence they are confused). He further delcares that 'YA SHASTRAVIDHIM URSRIJYA, VARTATE KAAMKAARTAH......" - this is clear now that at practical level, sins and virtues are quite different. Regards,Ravi Bhandari---------------------- It is said in vedantas that mind is the cause of all happiness and sorrows

" manameva manushyanam bhadha moshaye"

Gita is leading us to be a yogi- a yogi is a person who win over his own mind.- Remember " a man who win his own mind is greater than who wins a thousand wars"- the greatest way to win your own mind is to guide your thoughts to good thoughts. Good thoughts and only good thoughts will help us to control our mind.Bhakti yoga, karma yoga, Raja yoga and Jnana yoga are all the path to good thoughts.


Om namo bhagavade Vasudevaya, Om namo bhagavade Narayanaya


vibiesh c v


Shree Hari Ram Ram

To reiterate what Sarvottamji has said per Swamiji / Gitaji - can we control what is not ours (i.e the mind) ? Let us simply detach from it. They are separate departments (vibhaag). Let us not accept the changing (that which is not constant) as ours. Let us only leave and trust what belongs to Him in His care. Meera Das, Ram Ram


I think one never loose faith in god completely.Coz in the end when no one is on ones side , one cries O my God.thats it.Raja Gurdasani-

Shree Hari:

Ram Ram.

Who gets irritated? The mind NOT You. Swamiji said "Disown the mind as mind is neither You nor Yours." Observing mind from a distance (considering mind is neither You nor is mind Yours) we are able to visualize Bhagwaanji's Mangalmai Vidhaan no rituals and nothing to be done for it. Just observe doing nothing (Chup Saadhan). It is true.

Vineet, Sarvottam.


Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy.... It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaining happy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness.......

Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy.... It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaining happy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness....... Sushil Jain Dear Naga Narayana ji, Thank you for your view. My dew drops before the niagara falls of your knowledge:

".. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance .." How can virtues and sins be same in a practical world? Marrying our own sisters or mothers or daughters is a sin ... But you say that virtues and sins are concoction of wishful mind.... ". The good and bad always remain relative to each other .." Fair enough Sir, but are you not indirectly advocating for Hitlars, Al-Kaida/Taliban or other terrorists?

I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Ram always followed the advice of sages - Vashishtha ji, Vishwamitra ji, Valmikiji, Atri ji etc. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! It reminds of a famous line from John Milton's Paradise Lost, wherein the satan says that it is better to rule in the Hell and serve in God's kingdom. Kind regards,Suresh C. Sharma -naga jeee.................O jeeeeeeee each word flows from the Truth of your being each word is Silence ,the source of Love and Joy......... each word just IS ............... verily is the joyof nari's understanding too ............... the buddhas stand in awe,showering their blessings on you ........... you,who is neither naga,nor narayana,nor both,nor neither ...... Aum is the Joy of being ...aum is Aum,nought but Aum.......... blessed by Aum,naga dies, to merge in Aum JaiJaiJai Jai Krishna Jai ............. AUM............ narinder ,not nari,nor narinder ............aum narinder bhandari - narayan narayan

hum vyasji ki baat se sahmat hein.jeev yadi apna jeevatv ahaam bhula de tho ishwar bhi apnaishwartav ek our rakh de te hein.

baki- char mele chobish khele, bees rahe kar jodharijan se harijan mele , bihanse shat karod.

jaishree krishna.


Hari Om

I replied to Mr Naga Narain because there was a direct statement by him that certain views of Swamiji did not "appeal to him".

If "good" and "bad" / "happiness" and "sorrow" can't exist without each other,.... are always "relative" .... then what is "absolute happiness" ? What is "Ananda" referred in Scriptures? You are in a circle because "good and bad" or "happiness and sorrows" or "sins and virtues" are being interpreted by you ONLY with reference to the body/mind/inert. If you simply turn your glance towards "self" or "God" who are beyond "good/bad" etc already.... you will easily understand what is "absolute happiness or goodness or virtue" !! There is a difference between "assumed state" and "natural state" ! Relativity lies in "assumed state" and not in "natural/sahaj state" ! SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !!

Jeeva is "sahaj sukhraasi" means he is "naturally happy" ! Jeeva is "amal" means he is "naturally sinless" ! Now to argue/insist against a "naturality" only has created a personal vicious circle for you.

You can't thus succeed in saying or accepting that good can't exist without bad, or sins can't exist without virtues ! Goodness and virtues are existing without evil and sins respectively in realised souls. They are natural part of them.They are so stated in all Scriptures for every Jeeva. If there is a vicious circle formed "naturally" who can break it? How one can break it? Hence existence of vicious circle is only an "assumption of an ignorant" .... thus ASAT and not "conclusion of Scriptures / Saints and Sages" ! Relativity is ASAT ! Absolute is SAT ! We are in SATSANGA !!

Hence there is no "vicious circle" provided for by the Creator. It is our mind only which keeps creating such circles and make the caged self suffer. Religion helps you in coming out of the cage. Mind does not let you do that.Hence stop relying on mind and heed to the voice of conscience. What "appeals to your mind" is not material ... what is Truth (SAT) is material.Removal of circle is not INSTANTAEOUS for you merely because of your "insistence" that good and bad are relative and can't exist without each other. Same is true for "unnatural bad" but not for "natural good"- SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



In life we go through many experiences, both good and bad. Oppositesare complementry. One cannot exist without the other. When we gothrough bad experiences, we learn to appreciate the good experiences.This is a part of everybody's life. However it is easier said thandone. If we attribute each and every experience to God then it will bean enlightened person indeed who will see good and bad as two sides ofthe same coin. This is the message of gita. The ideal person treatsgood and bad experiences as one and the same.

Hari Shanker Deo





Dear Sadhak insightEvery devotee is required to write his or her own interpretation.If we deeply believe in God then even in difficult circumstances wed keep our faith in Him.Read the story of queen Kunti in Mahabharat then we can easily follow this principle of faith in God TRuly yours S S Bhatt------Mr. Vyas,

Thanks for your interest in my utterances. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance aswell as their potential representation of the truth. The good and bad alwaysremain relative to each other - each cannot exist without the other! They bothstand as hurdles with their strong insistence on their opposites in one'sseeking The Absolute. The duality persists in one's mind with an insistence onthe good as strongly with an insistence on the bad. The very insistence on "agood" reflects the aversion to the "corresponding bad" with equal potency. Whatscripture shall I quote for you on this?! To me every phrase and every word inevery verse in every scripture tell ONLY THIS. May be, that is all I can see.

I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Swamiji's life is atestImony to this in my understanding. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! I urge you not to let yourself swingto assert that "Swamiji is always right" as if I could be under a differentopinion.

After all, the utterance does not suggest anything new here (How can I? How cananybody make any new statement on anything??) It is a well known fact amongstall the seers and has been explicitly mentioned in all scriptures. For example,I am quoting Swamy Ramsukhdasji below (Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):

Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead tobondage, both are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

The ignorance is the seed for virtues and sins as well as the fruit of thevirtues and sins. Yes, it IS circular and vicious. That is the difficulty I faceas I keep mentioning to your and others' annoyance that removal of ignorance isNOT INSTANTANEOUS. That is the difficulty I face irrespective of whatever issaid by anybody. Unless I am transparent to my difficulty, I cannot dream oftranscending the same. You may not be facing this problem. Then, that is goodfor you. Coming back to the circularity of the ignorance; again, there is noinvention in the utterance here. It is a well known fact amongst all the seersincluding Swamy Ramsukhdasji. Again a quote from him from the same article(Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):

Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather itdestroys "the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance".Both "sins and virtues ... lead to bondage" (above quote).

Therefore, the utterance naturally comes out ... ignorance is the cause of sinsand virtues which in turn lead to the same in a snowballing manner. Viciousindeed.

I hope that clarifies. If you think that I need to explain further, please feelfree. I will try my best.

Thank You.


Naga Narayana------- Narain ! Narain !! Replying to the Qs with a lot of Love...if at all Love can be expressed: Q Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. ...Swami Ramsukhdas jee

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation 1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )2.Contemplation. ............ ........Religiou s Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words, words..... ......... .....Ans : Ask MODERATORS first when they used the word " Contemplation" whether it meant "SAMADHI" ! When in doubt or unclear, it is advicable to check the Hindi version fo Swamiji's writings, before concluding. To a common man's language... contemplation is pondering over, deeply thinking about ! Sure ..Gita bhavas are divine...!!! Words are very powerful source of Realisation. They reach SELF directly. When you are sleeping and somebody calls out your name , you wake up...why? Because words touch the souls !!

Q Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya, and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints . Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self That is both and neither Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence .

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

Ans Per my understanding we are not back to square one ! Experience is not something that can be questioned or vouched or argued out.

Q What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike, rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............ ... to awaken from your dream........ ...... search for the dreamer ............ .

Ans : Poor Nari or Nar or Narinder or Naroo or Bhandari can only argue , play as a toy in the hands of mischievous mind !! Dream is never "non existent" ! Dream when seen is existent. After you wake up..the very dream goes..what remains is "remembrance thereof".. !! Why you are counting names? To prove what? You are dreaming...dreaming and dreaming. Shri Krishna Narinedath ! Your interference needed? Dangerous mental propensity...Sir !! Utter confusion ! As regards "anirvachaniya"... find out what Dictionaries say about it !! If it is so...what vivechan is sought by you?


Q ,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shlokas . Let us see a few......... ..... Ans : Read Gita ! Read Sadhak Sanjeevani !! Read Daily Swamiji messages! Read past postings GT Group Q and As ! READ ! READ !! Read and then write ! What you have stated as BG 12:6/7 / 14 etc...is ONLY achievable by "establishing mineness with Paramatma"...not by Meditation ! Whether it is sloka 2, 3, 8, and 14 or 6 or 7 of BG ...the reaching there is not through MIND or meditation but by "becoming of God". ! A pativrata wife never utters the name of her husband...but is she not of him? You are allowed to WORK 24 hours a day...and still you can achieve what is stated in the aforesaid slokas of BG referred by you ! This you can realise ONLY by reading Sadhak Sanjeevani ! Kindly read read Scriptures, read Swamiji in depth...listen to others.. On the basis of mind or ego or by AGRAHS ? Q Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............. ... his conduct becomes as stated therein. Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof. Ans : If your goal is to go "beyond words" then why you are referring English Dictionaries ? What is in those Dictionaries except words?? "We are our own proof" ..means what ? Means nothing. So what ? Q It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . Ans : Who is this Narinder ? " SELF" or "NAME" ? If it is SELF then why SELF is stated as Narinder? Why not as " I " ? You are not yet discriminating ! Even the name given is so closely dear to you. Remember...first learn to discriminate between body and soul ! Then talk !! We want thanks from SELF and not from NARINDER ! Why ... hearts of "other sadhaks" ...are we not touching your heart also ? So much labour is being put by us...to straighten out the twists and turns of your insistent mind and reliance of SELF over NARINDER !!

Q The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental, or,patronising ............ ....... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ............ ......... ...

Ans : THIS IS SATSANGA FORUM ! Here arguments, discussions, deliberations, agreements, disagreements, praises, criticisms take place NATURALLY ! What else you expect out of SATSANGA ? Love can not be demanded ... it comes automatically when you are associated with SAT and remain established therein ! You can see in others only that which you yourself have....IT IS A CARDINAL PRINCIPLE...ARGUE ON THIS !!

Narain ! Narain !!

Naarad N Maharishi ---PRIOR POSTING

Dear sadaks,I would like add this to my previous posting. "WHEN WE KNOW GOD HAS DONE ALL GOOD FOR US AND EVERY SITUATION IS FOR OUR GOOD," said by Sri Kalpna. Even in conjugal situation I dont think man has faith in God. He is busy with social obligations and programs. If faith in God is there in comfortable situations, the faith will remain even in unpleasent situations. Man` s hidden thinking is that God should take care of him in all situations, because HE is creator. We hear people say, " Why on earth God created me". Ignorance and absence of total faith. Partial faith does not work with God. Drowpathi was holding on to her last stretch of her sari in one hand and calling to Govinda. When it failed, she raised both her hands in total faith, she was saved. Same with us.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan---------------------------

Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses.

. ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas,


Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya,and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints

Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self

That is both and neither

Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now

they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike,rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............... to awaken from your dream............. search for the dreamer .............




narinder bhandari


Hari Om

Mr Naga Narain ! It will be helpful if you can please share with us which Scripture to your knowledge supports that both sins and virtues give birth to ignorance; which in turn gives birth to happiness/sorrow and from that happiness/sorrow again sins/virtues spring forth .... Thus a vicious never ending circle forms !

Swamiji's Divine words are always truthful. Truth does not require any acceptance/acnowledgement/conditions/contexts/ appeal effect . Truth is always Truth. Saints have said:



What is beautiful (right/ what exists) is always beautiful (is always right/always exists) , what is not beautiful (false/non existent) is not beautiful (remains false/doesnot exist) !

(Ignorance... Irony is that) What is not beautiful (non existence) appears to be so ( appears existing) and what is existing (beautiful/Truth) does not appear to be existing !!

Truth supports itself (Dharma rakshito dharmah) ! Some may find Truth to be appealing , some may not ! That in no case vitiates the Truth. Truth prevails. So that Truth prevails.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


In the twelfth chapter,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shalokas . Let us see a few.............. Sh.6, 7. But those,who worship Me,renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the supreme Goal, meditating on Me with a single minded devotion, For them,whose minds are set on Me,verily I become,the Saviour,( to save them) out of the Ocean of finite experiences; the SAMSARA.

further, shalokas 2,3,8,and 14 also indicate the importance of meditative approach/meditation while reading / hearing the words ................ Sh.14. says ...........Ever content ,steady in Meditation,self-controlled, possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect dedicated to Me,he ,My devotee,is dear to Me. Meditation is the Way ................... meditation as the Way is integral to all Paths ..........................Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............... his conduct becomes as stated therein.

Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof.

It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental,or,

patronising ................... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ........................


narinder -----


Priy sadhaks,This situation is very practical and almost every one come across this.The reason is lack of APANAPAN (feeling of mine) WITH GOD.If we be firm that gid is ours then we can get rid of it.see in practical life, when we accept someone APANA (Like father mother bro sis wife), Then we have in our depth that whatever one does can never be for my bad for us.Similarly with god apanapan is real thing which can solve this prob.Swamiji in describing sharanagati says nothing more matters as APANAPAN WITH GOD. NO GYAN TAP KARM CAN MATCH IT.THANXRAJA GurdasaniDear sadaks,Agyanan is the cause. Our past loads of bad Karmas is the cause for AgyananJai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Ram Ram,Deosaranji is very much right in his statement. Happiness and sorrow are not the fruit of sins and virtues, the situations (favorable & unfavorable) are. Its fully in our hands to become happy or sorrowful.Ashok GoenkaNamaste, Dear Sadhakas!Moderators have asked to share understanding on Swamiji's words of wisdom:"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues." Already he has explained profoundly in that writeup, it is worth reading again and again.I can only echo what I learned. Situations keep on happening relentlessly in Life, they don't happen personally even if they seem to affect one more than others. Life is unavoidable relationship among each other and with Nature. Nothing ever can happen in isolation. If there is "one", there are necessarily "others" and thinking and actions of "one" affects "others". This results in mass/collective karmas consisting of virtues and sins(papa and punya), and always culminate in impersonal events mistaken by individuals as happy or unhappy personal situations. This is also the Causal Body of Ignorance(of not knowing one's true Nature).A wise is one who takes such situations in strides and remain steadfast in Being only, unaffected by pleasures and pains perceived in them! What helps one to remain in equanimity is the understanding that he is the Witnessing Presence Permeating the body-mind that belongs to Nature; and whatever happens, happens impersonally to Nature, not to the Presence!In Bhaktas, the understanding is Divine Love of Pure Being. His/her entire Being is taken over by this Unconditional Love which he/she calls Bhagwaan!Pure Being of SELF is Divine-Unconditional Love, Love that knows no opposites, and is also at the same time Impersonal Cosmic Intelligence manifest in abundance! God, to me, is Experince(anubhutiroopah) of Pure Being-Consciousness), Divine Love, and Intelligence!Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt---This knowledge that God has done all good for us although true has come fromoutside. When you only make an attempt to accept an unpleasant experience intotality without dividing it into good and bad, you are on the path of Sadhana.Gradually questions will melt and you will reach first stage of NirvitarkSamadhi. As you practice this acceptance for a longer period,you will experienceinflow of Divine Energy when you are about to breakdown and slowly preliminaryexperience of Nirvichar Samadhi will start. Mind will become more quiet andGod's presence will be felt to an extent.Why such things happen will also beunderstood and you will be on Real Path of Progress. Bahunam Janmanam ante,Gnanwan mam prapadyante. Bhagwad Geeta verse 7/19. Have faith, patience andperseverence and parameter of Tolerance will be developed.This will lead you to Divine experience.Jayantilal Shah

----------Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka regarding happiness and sorrow.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita " Prakruteh kriyamanani,Gunai karmani sarvasah" ( gita 3, 27"Which means"Activities are carried out by theModes of nature". The three modes of nature are sattva ( goodness), rajoh( passion) , tamo (ignorance). activities continue to happen with or without our involvement. That is the law of nature.

Lord krishna says in gita,

" Sattvam sukhe sanjayati,Rajah karmani bharata,Jnanam avrutya tu tamah,Pramade sanjayaty uta" ( gita 14, 9)Which means," O son of bharata, mode of goodness causes happiness, passion leads one to fruitive action, and ignorance leads one to madness and danger. "

If we want to be happy, we need to be in the mode of goodness. Passion and ignorance do not lead us to happiness.

Lord krishna continues,

"Karmanah sukrutasyahuh,Sattvikam nirmalam phalam,Rajasas tu phalam dukham,Ajnanam tamasah phalam" ( gita, 14, 16).

Which means

"Pious activities done in the mode of goodness are pure. Actions done in the mode of passion lead us to misery and,sorrow. Action perormed in the mode of ignorance causes foolishness. "

People involved in pious actions are situated in happiness.

We are bound by actions. There is no way out. But there is one, as lord krishna says,

" Mam ca yo vyabhicarena,Bhakti yogena sevate,Sa gunan samatityaitan,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gita, 14, 26)

Which means,

" One who is in full devotional service all the time , transcends the modes of this materialism and reaches the level of eternal bliss. "

If we want to get out of these modes of nature, devotional service is the answer.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. . ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Mediation( a formof Prayer,in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words,words ...too many words eclipse the Truth Beyond …………the silence,which is the womb of the words ... Silence ,which is not the word silence

BUT,is the ISNESS of the word silence ..which just IS

This silence is the ultimate Truth ,the Nothingness

Nothingness ,which is the womb of Everythingness

The Truth....The Real,......The Un-knowable ever known, ...Is God,

Is Krishna .....Is the Way to Krishna

Witness Consciousness is the Way

No Doing, NO treading, just being yourself, the self

Narinder Bhandari


Hari Om

Lord Krishna smiles ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the ignorance of His children when we refer to His 'MAYA' as stupidity in BG 7:13/14 ! Let there be deliberations: 'Wisdom vs Ignorance'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Hari Om

Sheer stupidity (moorkhata) ! Nothing except stupidity !! Only Stupidity !!! Lord Krishna laughs ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the stupidity only of His children when He calls that stupidity as 'MAYA' in BG 7:13/14 ! But "actually" alone Stupidity !

Let there be deliberations:

'Wisdom vs Stupidity'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B "Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruitsof sins and virtues."

Such a statement from a teacher makes perfect sense under certain contexts e.g.when the desciple is carried away by the apparent sins and virtues whileignoring their inherent counterpart - ignorance. The lopsided emphasis in aseeker is often "balanced" by emphasising the ignored opposite by the wiseteacher. I do not think that meant anyway to ignore the sins and virtuesaltogether.

But, as we go beyond contexts, I see that ignorance is the seed for all sins(and virtues); and ignorance is the fruit of all sins (and virtues).

OR, one can also say,

Sins (and virtues) are the seed for ignorance; and sins (and virtues) are thefruits of ignorance.

However we see, the two are inseparable. So are the two polarized feelings ofsorrow and happiness. They are inseparable from the sins and virtues which areinseparable from the ignorance as such. They produce each other, they harvesteach other and they devour each other in cycles. Therefore, the second part ofthis statement does not appeal to me.

To me ignorance, sins, virtues, happiness, sorrow, etc. are synanymous withconcurrent occurance. As we feel sorrow and happiness, sins and virtues aregenerated and the ignorance is enseeded. As the ignorance pops up, sins andvirtues are churned out and the feelings of sorrow and happines are established.

Of course, the opposites such as sins and virtues often appear as different whenone applies the relativity of one's tempermental ego-centric and ego-promotionalattitude toward the same. When ego is active, ignorance itself starts appearingas "knowledge" as well. But, even from the relative perspective, the second partof the statement (seggregation of ignorance from sins and virtues) does notapeal to me personally.


Naga Narayana




Shree Hari Ram Ram

Brothers, Deosaranji pointed out this particular statement from sadhaka postings. What is your understanding of this statement? Do you have any doubts, disagreements with what is being stated?

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

Kindly share, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?

Because … "OUR GOOD" has never let our focus shift away from itself even in thename of The God! We wander in search of "our good" everywhere in absolutefutility as we lack truthful appreciation of good and bad on one hand; and areincapable of looking at anything without the filter-glass in terms of ournotions of good and bad on the other hand. Till we remain captive within ournotions of good and bad, The God remains a distant notion as well. Therefore, acloser look at our notions of good and bad may be the clue to this question ...


Naga Narayana


Hari Om

All three messages in the last post are divine ! They are:

Exclusive mineness with Him ( Miraji Dass) ; Love. ( Brother Mike) and Equanimity ( Prasadji)!

Let us put Mineness and Love on one side (there is "cause" and "effect" relationship between the two) AND Equanimity ( Samata) in other Side :

Says Tulsidasji Maharaj :


NB Vyas


Dear Sadhaks In Gita ,where it is mentioned that:-1)God has done all good for us2)Every situation is for our good I have not seen mention of such assumptions.I invite reference to Verse 14 of 5 th Chapter and verse 14 th of 5th chapter which says otherwise.You may also study remaining verses of 14th Chapter. The universe or God operates on two basic principles:-a)Free choice-we are free to choose the way we want to feel,think or act on any situation.b)Non-interference-God will not interfere in any choice we make. Please also refer to verse 16th and 17th of 18th Chapter on the 'Doer" or Karta regards Ashok Jain -----------

Radhey ! Radhey !! We shall crawl into the Mom's Lap....undoubtedly ! But when? Now itself or after toiling, sufferring, travelling into endless wombs...when ? THIS ENTIRELY DEPENDS UPON US ! There is a difference between Holy Bath in Holy Ganges when taken in the month of January or when taken in the Month of May. Result is same, but pains......! Why should we leave what is under our prorogative, under our control and under our arena of KARMA to the FATE/DESTINY and why we should run day and night after those things which have no corelation with your present Karmas but have corelation with your fate/destiny? No ! Devotion/Bhakti and shedding of worldly me and mine need be taken instantly. Dear Sadhaks ! Laws of Nature always drag us towards our Mom. We delay the process by DESIRING worldly transitory things and getting attached with worldly people and establishing UNNATURAL....Me (es) and Mine(s). No one is ours, we dont belong to the world, nothing is ours, .....it is TRUTH ....TRUTH !! Sooner we realise it, faster we shall crawl into HIS lap. Laws of Nature are ruthless. If we dont move suo motto towards His lap, they will give us pains and drive us towards His lap...be sure about it ! Radhey ! Radhey !! Nisha Chatterji



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other.

So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what.

With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,

"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)

Which means

"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "

This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure.

One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani.

The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


-Shree Hari-Nameste!Consider the paste:Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hankerafter pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called asage of steady wisdom.Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severelyafflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can betransmuted into love, not bitterness.What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer aroundyou, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (K)




I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/

In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony.....

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

"On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love."

"Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."

Profound, isn't it ?

See below for full post

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org


That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

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Shree Hari


|| Ram Ram ||


Many many thanks to our Gita Moderators for doing such an excellent job, day in day out. In my humble opinion, it would help our Moderators immensely if we are a bit careful in responding to the questions keeping following points in mind:


.. Staying focused on questions only and not indulging in our favorite other related material

.. Keeping it brief and to the point

.. Quoting relevant Verses from scriptures (Especially Gita and Ramayana)

.. Quoting from discourses or books of Swamiji Maharaj

|| Ram Ram || Thanks and Humble regards, Madan Kaura



Hari Om


It is so divine to find increase in Sadhaka participation ! Welcome Veenaji, Ravi Bhandariji and Vibiesh C V ji.


Basically, we must understand futility of "asat" and accordingly renounce it, we ourselves being "sat" ! We can't eat the cake and keep it too ! "Bad" is asat, "Good" is sat ! Former is unnatural , the latter is natural ! Don't go for words "good"/"bad" ! Relativity then must emerge ! Understand that to be "temporary" or "permanent" ! Thus... Scriptures to change the words - "good" gets replaced by "sinless" (amal) ; happiness gets replaced by ANANDA ; "desire" by "Prem" and so on!


Essence however remains the same. But focus (karta/self) changes from perishable/inert to imperishable/sentient ! Ultimately "thirst" is not different from "water" but thirst still is primary not water. Only a devotee of Him, a Premi knows that !


If "relativity" is a compulsory , then why in BG 18:66 , "aham twaam sarva PAAPEBHYO...." is mentioned? Why "PAAP" only mentioned? Why did not Lord refer "PUNYAS" also there? Why? Because upon "moksha" (disconnection) from PAAP (asat), what remains behind is PUNYA (sat) ! Chetan.... AMAL (sinless) ... SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !


That is how "relativity" converts into "absolute" !


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B




dear all

veena hassan very finely resolved the solution. ya thats true.


Raja Gurdasani


Dear Naga Narayana ji,


As Swami Ramsukhdasji has mentioned on several occasions that, man's problem is that he wants to live (survive) for ever but through the body, he wants to know the whole world (acquire knowledge) but through the mind-intellect, he wants to taste the never-ending bliss but through the senses. The entire sadhna is about how to realise this truth that we are sat-chit-anand. There are ways and means mentioned in the holy scriptures and/or interpreted by the realised saints.


Shastras/sages' teachings must be followed to avoid being misguided.According to Gita/Sanatan Dharma, I am limitless ocean of silence as well the ripples of noise/words. Sarvamiti Vasudeva.



Your talks about the two opposites can be summarised that 'opposite qualities/gunas can exist only in God' (was he Shri Vallabhacharya who has proclaimed this truth?). Since this world is also made of dualities and/or two opposites, this is also regarded as 'God's adi avatar'.




Kind regards,

Suresh C. Sharma







Jai Hanuman

Relativity vs Absolute ! If one goes deeper , one finds that there is no relativity even with reference to the world. Take for example Sukh and Dukha ! Where is happiness ? In fact, in assumed happiness also really at the end, there is sorrow only. Sorrow was at the beginning, sorrow remains at the end. Hence in the middle too there is sorrow only. Hence there is no relativity, actually. THAT IS WHY - DUKHALAYAM (Only sorrows; no happiness- absolute sorrow). WHY ? World is "naturally" sorrowful.

Exactly reverse is the case, when your "drishti" (glance) turns towards Self/God ! There in "viyog" (disconnection) also there is " sanyog " (connection) , what to talk of vice versa ! There you are "naturally" blissful/happy. There is no sorrow . Absolute happiness ! THAT IS WHY- SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !!

Therefore, I question the issue of equating sins and virtues to be the same, as such ! If ASAT does not exist (BG 2:16), relativity also does not exist. If SAT is never absent, absolute also is never absent.

Namaste Jee

Jee JeeShashikala


Dear Sadaks,Kalpana Dixit posting is for normal humans. Don't talk of body and mind- divines and ignorance to one who is still not understood himself. To Him say- Normally when you can be subjected to happiness in favourable condition, you can also get subjected to unhappiness unfavourable condition also. So you man/woman try to tame your mind to remain equilibrium in both condition. When such person becomes slowly adaptable to understanding this he becomes Stitapragna and then he knows that God is doing all for Good.If we carefully observe-- That when a man prays to GOD to relive him of problem or give him money or improve his business or grant a child as he is issue less Etc, God does help him so that he gets attracted towards HIM (God) slowly and ultimately become HIS Baktha. Then Bagavan says-- "Name Baktha Pranasyathe". But pitiable condition is that in most cases man never stops asking God one more. So it may take to such a person few births and in certain birth he reaches Bagavan. Bagavan has also said this.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan--------------------------------


Thanks for your genuine concerns. All you said is valid. Your concerns are mineas well as far as we both are entangled in the duality of desires and fears, asfar as we strive for the dual existence of active and restful states, as far aswe look forward to the dual presence of happiness and sadness, as far as we aredesparate for discriminating the nature into our hallucinative dualities of goodand bad, favorable and unfavorable, and likes and dislikes ... as far as we keeppaddling the dual boat of life and death frantically with a lopsided wishfulfocus on one that we crave while we are incapable of not ignoring the one thatwe hate … torn between the tandem pull and push of the desire-fear twinhoodconcocted in our very mind ... till then ... yes! I would also love to promotewhat favors me ... the virtues :).

Society works for survival. Whatever improves the chances of survival of asoceity has been accepted as virtues for that society. Whatever is detrimentalto the social integrity is naturally considered a sin. The very discriminationis a genetic instinct for the sake of survival. The very survival is the singlewishful thought that drives all our wishful thoughts individually as well ascollectively. Naturally, we are instigated from within to continuouslydiscriminate the world around into good and bad wishfully ... to me, thespirituality is to win over this very instinct.

I wonder how you could relate the utterings to terrorism!!! Anyway, you are worrying about the Hitlers as if they are awaiting sanctions from the scriptures! Please consider this … Did Ravana care the seers? Did Duryodhana care the scriptures? Did Hitler await a holyman to bless his (mis)endeavours? A wishful thought that "the scriputes or the so called'virtues' would fix these 'vicked' characters" is impotent in itself. Rama proves it; Krishna proves it. Nothing can inculcate correction in anyone other than oneself.

On the other hand, a cruel king such as Ashoka can become a saint when thecorrection is seen within ... meeting a Buddha/Guru for spiritual progress is aneventuality. Therefore, my utterance ... to seek the correction within where thebattle of good and bad is perpetually raged and waged. Becoming an Arjuna is ofutmost urgency. Meeting Bhagavan Krishna is an eventuality. HE cannot escape anArjuna! Appreciation of the scriptures is an eventuality ... as the correctionis sought within, everything starts becoming scriptures on its own ... rathereverything being "The Holy" starts becoming clearer and clearer as the mist ofignorance starts dissipating when the urge for correction starts evaporating thesame at our core. The invaluable guidance is automatically sought from Gurussuch as Vasishtha, AshTavakra, etc. once the urge for internal correction raiseswithin.

Do you also see the strange dogma this world is infested with … even Hitler andAl Khaida had/have their own "virtues" which the rest of the world denounces as"sins"; but their own followers adore the same as sanctions from the heavens! IfHitler won the war, it is not surprising that the evil trio(Hitler-Musoloni-Hirohito) would have been the heavenly trio and the threemusketeers (Truman-Churchill-Stalin) would be the three sinners altogether!Virtues and sins are dectated by the power of survival ... the survivor writesthe story ... the winner dectates the terms ... the desirer seeks thesedefinitions ...

The spirituality is like becoming a blank sheet of paper where there are noexpressions and all expressions get dissolved sooner than they are formed. Beingthat blank sheet perpetually is THE ONLY HAPPINESS … anything else is nothingbut misery changing its appearance like a chamleon. As Narinderji gracefullyblesses, "being neither naga,nor narayana,nor both,nor neither ..." is the onlyworthy target for a spiritual seeker as that target absorbs all other targets oflife and disappears at once to let me be THAT I AM ... THE SILENCE ... THEABSOLUTE ... THE BLISS ... whatever else that you would refer to That as ...

Hope that helps. Please feel free to question further as needed.


Naga Narayana


Mr. Vyas,

As I deliberate on your conclusions about my utterings, I realize we are talkingof the same, The Truth, The Absolute. The only difference is that you prefer toretain "the good" or "one quality" there while I prefer to de-emphasise bothgood and bad equally to their non-existence or "no quality" there. That isperfectly fine with me ... the residue depends on one's nature. As I see, nodebate is warranted toward this.

Regarding the difference between "assumed state" and "natural state" - that isperfectly fine. Personally speaking the reality here is, attaining the "natural state" has NOT BEEN INSTANTANEOUS :(. If so, would I have entertained this debate in the first place?!

Some secondary observations ... As I mentioned earlier, the statement "Happinessand Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins andvirtues" does not appeal to me. But, it neither means "I amright" or "statement is wrong" or anything else. IT JUST MEANS, "It does notappeal to me"! .

Swamiji's view on the matter of circularity of ignorance and virtue-sin ispretty clear and complete in the same article as I attempted to show earlier. Iam surprised at your conclusive understanding that "certain views of Swamiji didnot appeal to me" even after I established how all my utterances are quiteconsistent with Swamiji's teachings. I wonder how you missed that.

My sincere opinion is, we should not attempt to encage a free spirit such asSwamy Ramsukhdasji with our limited understandings. Depending on where I am Isee what I see. Depending on where you are you see what you see. If we both tryto define this is what Swamiji should have told or should have been, it is likethe two blind men attempting to define what an elephant could be! I appreciate ifyou do not drag me into such debates.


Naga Narayana



I thought of giving more specific clarifications to your queries … I willattempt one by one …

Suresh C Sharma: Ram always followed the advice of sages - Vashishtha ji,Vishwamitra ji, Valmikiji, Atri ji etc.

Rama SOUGHT advice from sages. Sages never came on to him to advise him! Sagesknow it very well, only a seeker is worthy of being a desciple. A seeker is onein whom an urge for correction is raisen within. The power of correction is inthe seeker … NOT in the teacher. Otherwise, the same sages could have easilycorrected Ravana to dissipate all the problems at once! KrishNa could havetaught the Kauravas to dissolve the whole war at once!! That is why BhagavanVyasa instructs NOT TO PREACH EVER ... Na buddhibhedam janayet ... Do notmislead yourself as well as others …

Please do not jump to the conclusion that The Guru is underplayed by the aboveobservation. The very reason of the appreciation of a Guru is the urge to correct oneself within.

Suresh C Sharma: It reminds of a famous line from John Milton's Paradise Lost,wherein the satan says that it is better to rule in the Hell and serve in God'skingdom.

I am still oblivious of how you could manage to relate the following statementto Satan, Hell, God's Kingdom etc. - "As a seeker, I do not have any bondage toagree with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there!" The utterance is with genuinerespect to The Guru, Bhagavan Vasudeva Himself. Trust me. Superficial acceptanceof anything is THE ONLY SIN in my sincere opinion. In fact, I consider that asdisrespect to My Guru. Unless I see the correction within, the teaching isincomplete. It is my responsibility to continue the learning process TILL I SEECORRECTION WITHIN. Stopping the process with a superficial acceptance, eventhough with deepest respect and reverence, is still suicidal as I remain in adarker ignorance hushed up by the so-called acceptance. THE ONLY ACCEPTANCE isthat which arises truthfully from the correction absorbed within. Everytruthful disagreement just verifies how the correction within has remainedincomplete reminding the seeker for further study.

Anyway, coming to your comments on hell and God. If the satan and hell resideoutside God's Kingdom, I am sorry to mention that I consider your appreciationof The God questionable! Please think about that. Would The God havedescriminations such as devine and evil, heaven and hell, angel and satan, ...?!Please deliberate on your own for your own sake ... that is all I can say aboutthat.

Suresh C Sharma: How can virtues and sins be same in a practical world? Marryingour own sisters or mothers or daughters is a sin ... But you say that virtuesand sins are concoction of wishful mind....

Again, I see that you are jumping to opposite here. If someone could say EVENvirtues are obstacles to seek The God, how can he/she ever imagine that the sinsare adorable or even acceptable????? I urge you to think straight and withoutany preconceived notions. Respect to the virtues such as notions of marriage,mother, daughter, wife, etc. is REQUIRED to win over the sinful attitudes. But,you need spirituality to win over the virtuous attitude as well to attainequanimity where there are no attitudes ever. How can you ever not be afraid ofslipping into the oblivion of the sins till you hang on to their nemesis, thevirtues, strongly? The very insistence of X is rooted in the fear of NOT(X).What is the need for the notions of virtues when no sin hounds you anymore?! Thevirtues (and the sins as well) become notions in spirituality ... even thenotions of mother and father will have to be questioned, examined and resolvedas much as one should review the notions of the evils the same way ... AsShankara utters ... Mado naïve me naiva maatsarya bhaavah … Pita naiva me naivamaataa na janma ... Think …

Hope that clarifies.


Naga Narayana




KalpanajeeI was pondering over your questions as it is my question also. Thank you for articulating it. Today's Gita Talk also leads to the understading why we ger irritated or sad when something unpleasant happens. We would not have persformed the action for the sake of sacrifice. So the bondage in the form of irritation and duhkha.The Lord in the preceding verse declared, "The man is bound by actions, other than those performed for the sake of sacrifice. " Therefore, in order to be free from bondage, actions instead of being renounced, should be performed, only in the spirit of performing a duty (yajna). The Lord confirms the same fact, by giving other reasons in the next three verses"Veena Hassan------------------

ah friends ............. ah friends ..................

" narinder, knowing one's own self is NOT easy ..........

the mind-created judgements /interpretations just eclipse

the very Truth you are seeking ...........

the Truth of your own being

the Truth of the self you are

the Truth of the Love that does not die

....... nor changes with Time ...........

stop assessing others,just love them as they Be ........

better to focus on your mind's propensities... your mind's dichotomies

and lead them to death with Krishna's help ... !

You can Do It .......as all the Buddhas say .. AUM !!! "

AUM narinder bhandari


Dear Naga Narayana ji, I, like many other Sadhaks on this divine forum, am convinced that in fact, Vyas ji and yourself are not disagreeing about the holy Gita, but only at superficial level both of you seem to disagree with each other's interpretation. Yet, I must emphasise the fact that in practical life, sins and virtus cannot be measured at the same level. As Sadak Sh. Suresh C. Sharma has rightly quoted from John Milton's famous master piece Paradise Lost that for a sinful person natural temptation will be to rule in the hell rather than serive in the paradise. As Lord Krishna declared in the Gita,"NADATTE KASHYACHIT PAPAM NA SUKRITAM VIBHU, AGYANENAVRITAM GYANAM TEN MUHYANTI JANTAWA" (God does not accept anyone's sins nor virtues, the persons are surrounded by ignorance, hence they are confused). He further delcares that 'YA SHASTRAVIDHIM URSRIJYA, VARTATE KAAMKAARTAH......" - this is clear now that at practical level, sins and virtues are quite different. Regards,Ravi Bhandari---------------------- It is said in vedantas that mind is the cause of all happiness and sorrows

" manameva manushyanam bhadha moshaye"

Gita is leading us to be a yogi- a yogi is a person who win over his own mind.- Remember " a man who win his own mind is greater than who wins a thousand wars"- the greatest way to win your own mind is to guide your thoughts to good thoughts. Good thoughts and only good thoughts will help us to control our mind.Bhakti yoga, karma yoga, Raja yoga and Jnana yoga are all the path to good thoughts.


Om namo bhagavade Vasudevaya, Om namo bhagavade Narayanaya


vibiesh c v


Shree Hari Ram Ram

To reiterate what Sarvottamji has said per Swamiji / Gitaji - can we control what is not ours (i.e the mind) ? Let us simply detach from it. They are separate departments (vibhaag). Let us not accept the changing (that which is not constant) as ours. Let us only leave and trust what belongs to Him in His care. Meera Das, Ram Ram


I think one never loose faith in god completely.Coz in the end when no one is on ones side , one cries O my God.thats it.Raja Gurdasani-

Shree Hari:

Ram Ram.

Who gets irritated? The mind NOT You. Swamiji said "Disown the mind as mind is neither You nor Yours." Observing mind from a distance (considering mind is neither You nor is mind Yours) we are able to visualize Bhagwaanji's Mangalmai Vidhaan no rituals and nothing to be done for it. Just observe doing nothing (Chup Saadhan). It is true.

Vineet, Sarvottam.


Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy.... It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaining happy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness.......

Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy.... It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaining happy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness....... Sushil Jain Dear Naga Narayana ji, Thank you for your view. My dew drops before the niagara falls of your knowledge:

".. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance .." How can virtues and sins be same in a practical world? Marrying our own sisters or mothers or daughters is a sin ... But you say that virtues and sins are concoction of wishful mind.... ". The good and bad always remain relative to each other .." Fair enough Sir, but are you not indirectly advocating for Hitlars, Al-Kaida/Taliban or other terrorists?

I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Ram always followed the advice of sages - Vashishtha ji, Vishwamitra ji, Valmikiji, Atri ji etc. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! It reminds of a famous line from John Milton's Paradise Lost, wherein the satan says that it is better to rule in the Hell and serve in God's kingdom. Kind regards,Suresh C. Sharma -naga jeee.................O jeeeeeeee each word flows from the Truth of your being each word is Silence ,the source of Love and Joy......... each word just IS ............... verily is the joyof nari's understanding too ............... the buddhas stand in awe,showering their blessings on you ........... you,who is neither naga,nor narayana,nor both,nor neither ...... Aum is the Joy of being ...aum is Aum,nought but Aum.......... blessed by Aum,naga dies, to merge in Aum JaiJaiJai Jai Krishna Jai ............. AUM............ narinder ,not nari,nor narinder ............aum narinder bhandari - narayan narayan

hum vyasji ki baat se sahmat hein.jeev yadi apna jeevatv ahaam bhula de tho ishwar bhi apnaishwartav ek our rakh de te hein.

baki- char mele chobish khele, bees rahe kar jodharijan se harijan mele , bihanse shat karod.

jaishree krishna.


Hari Om

I replied to Mr Naga Narain because there was a direct statement by him that certain views of Swamiji did not "appeal to him".

If "good" and "bad" / "happiness" and "sorrow" can't exist without each other,.... are always "relative" .... then what is "absolute happiness" ? What is "Ananda" referred in Scriptures? You are in a circle because "good and bad" or "happiness and sorrows" or "sins and virtues" are being interpreted by you ONLY with reference to the body/mind/inert. If you simply turn your glance towards "self" or "God" who are beyond "good/bad" etc already.... you will easily understand what is "absolute happiness or goodness or virtue" !! There is a difference between "assumed state" and "natural state" ! Relativity lies in "assumed state" and not in "natural/sahaj state" ! SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !!

Jeeva is "sahaj sukhraasi" means he is "naturally happy" ! Jeeva is "amal" means he is "naturally sinless" ! Now to argue/insist against a "naturality" only has created a personal vicious circle for you.

You can't thus succeed in saying or accepting that good can't exist without bad, or sins can't exist without virtues ! Goodness and virtues are existing without evil and sins respectively in realised souls. They are natural part of them.They are so stated in all Scriptures for every Jeeva. If there is a vicious circle formed "naturally" who can break it? How one can break it? Hence existence of vicious circle is only an "assumption of an ignorant" .... thus ASAT and not "conclusion of Scriptures / Saints and Sages" ! Relativity is ASAT ! Absolute is SAT ! We are in SATSANGA !!

Hence there is no "vicious circle" provided for by the Creator. It is our mind only which keeps creating such circles and make the caged self suffer. Religion helps you in coming out of the cage. Mind does not let you do that.Hence stop relying on mind and heed to the voice of conscience. What "appeals to your mind" is not material ... what is Truth (SAT) is material.Removal of circle is not INSTANTAEOUS for you merely because of your "insistence" that good and bad are relative and can't exist without each other. Same is true for "unnatural bad" but not for "natural good"- SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B



In life we go through many experiences, both good and bad. Oppositesare complementry. One cannot exist without the other. When we gothrough bad experiences, we learn to appreciate the good experiences.This is a part of everybody's life. However it is easier said thandone. If we attribute each and every experience to God then it will bean enlightened person indeed who will see good and bad as two sides ofthe same coin. This is the message of gita. The ideal person treatsgood and bad experiences as one and the same.

Hari Shanker Deo





Dear Sadhak insightEvery devotee is required to write his or her own interpretation.If we deeply believe in God then even in difficult circumstances wed keep our faith in Him.Read the story of queen Kunti in Mahabharat then we can easily follow this principle of faith in God TRuly yours S S Bhatt------Mr. Vyas,

Thanks for your interest in my utterances. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance aswell as their potential representation of the truth. The good and bad alwaysremain relative to each other - each cannot exist without the other! They bothstand as hurdles with their strong insistence on their opposites in one'sseeking The Absolute. The duality persists in one's mind with an insistence onthe good as strongly with an insistence on the bad. The very insistence on "agood" reflects the aversion to the "corresponding bad" with equal potency. Whatscripture shall I quote for you on this?! To me every phrase and every word inevery verse in every scripture tell ONLY THIS. May be, that is all I can see.

I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Swamiji's life is atestImony to this in my understanding. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! I urge you not to let yourself swingto assert that "Swamiji is always right" as if I could be under a differentopinion.

After all, the utterance does not suggest anything new here (How can I? How cananybody make any new statement on anything??) It is a well known fact amongstall the seers and has been explicitly mentioned in all scriptures. For example,I am quoting Swamy Ramsukhdasji below (Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):

Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead tobondage, both are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

The ignorance is the seed for virtues and sins as well as the fruit of thevirtues and sins. Yes, it IS circular and vicious. That is the difficulty I faceas I keep mentioning to your and others' annoyance that removal of ignorance isNOT INSTANTANEOUS. That is the difficulty I face irrespective of whatever issaid by anybody. Unless I am transparent to my difficulty, I cannot dream oftranscending the same. You may not be facing this problem. Then, that is goodfor you. Coming back to the circularity of the ignorance; again, there is noinvention in the utterance here. It is a well known fact amongst all the seersincluding Swamy Ramsukhdasji. Again a quote from him from the same article(Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):

Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather itdestroys "the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance".Both "sins and virtues ... lead to bondage" (above quote).

Therefore, the utterance naturally comes out ... ignorance is the cause of sinsand virtues which in turn lead to the same in a snowballing manner. Viciousindeed.

I hope that clarifies. If you think that I need to explain further, please feelfree. I will try my best.

Thank You.


Naga Narayana------- Narain ! Narain !! Replying to the Qs with a lot of Love...if at all Love can be expressed: Q Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. ...Swami Ramsukhdas jee

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation 1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )2.Contemplation. ............ ........Religiou s Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words, words..... ......... .....Ans : Ask MODERATORS first when they used the word " Contemplation" whether it meant "SAMADHI" ! When in doubt or unclear, it is advicable to check the Hindi version fo Swamiji's writings, before concluding. To a common man's language... contemplation is pondering over, deeply thinking about ! Sure ..Gita bhavas are divine...!!! Words are very powerful source of Realisation. They reach SELF directly. When you are sleeping and somebody calls out your name , you wake up...why? Because words touch the souls !!

Q Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya, and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints . Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self That is both and neither Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence .

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

Ans Per my understanding we are not back to square one ! Experience is not something that can be questioned or vouched or argued out.

Q What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike, rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............ ... to awaken from your dream........ ...... search for the dreamer ............ .

Ans : Poor Nari or Nar or Narinder or Naroo or Bhandari can only argue , play as a toy in the hands of mischievous mind !! Dream is never "non existent" ! Dream when seen is existent. After you wake up..the very dream goes..what remains is "remembrance thereof".. !! Why you are counting names? To prove what? You are dreaming...dreaming and dreaming. Shri Krishna Narinedath ! Your interference needed? Dangerous mental propensity...Sir !! Utter confusion ! As regards "anirvachaniya"... find out what Dictionaries say about it !! If it is so...what vivechan is sought by you?


Q ,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shlokas . Let us see a few......... ..... Ans : Read Gita ! Read Sadhak Sanjeevani !! Read Daily Swamiji messages! Read past postings GT Group Q and As ! READ ! READ !! Read and then write ! What you have stated as BG 12:6/7 / 14 etc...is ONLY achievable by "establishing mineness with Paramatma"...not by Meditation ! Whether it is sloka 2, 3, 8, and 14 or 6 or 7 of BG ...the reaching there is not through MIND or meditation but by "becoming of God". ! A pativrata wife never utters the name of her husband...but is she not of him? You are allowed to WORK 24 hours a day...and still you can achieve what is stated in the aforesaid slokas of BG referred by you ! This you can realise ONLY by reading Sadhak Sanjeevani ! Kindly read read Scriptures, read Swamiji in depth...listen to others.. On the basis of mind or ego or by AGRAHS ? Q Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............. ... his conduct becomes as stated therein. Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof. Ans : If your goal is to go "beyond words" then why you are referring English Dictionaries ? What is in those Dictionaries except words?? "We are our own proof" ..means what ? Means nothing. So what ? Q It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . Ans : Who is this Narinder ? " SELF" or "NAME" ? If it is SELF then why SELF is stated as Narinder? Why not as " I " ? You are not yet discriminating ! Even the name given is so closely dear to you. Remember...first learn to discriminate between body and soul ! Then talk !! We want thanks from SELF and not from NARINDER ! Why ... hearts of "other sadhaks" ...are we not touching your heart also ? So much labour is being put by us...to straighten out the twists and turns of your insistent mind and reliance of SELF over NARINDER !!

Q The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental, or,patronising ............ ....... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ............ ......... ...

Ans : THIS IS SATSANGA FORUM ! Here arguments, discussions, deliberations, agreements, disagreements, praises, criticisms take place NATURALLY ! What else you expect out of SATSANGA ? Love can not be demanded ... it comes automatically when you are associated with SAT and remain established therein ! You can see in others only that which you yourself have....IT IS A CARDINAL PRINCIPLE...ARGUE ON THIS !!

Narain ! Narain !!

Naarad N Maharishi ---PRIOR POSTING

Dear sadaks,I would like add this to my previous posting. "WHEN WE KNOW GOD HAS DONE ALL GOOD FOR US AND EVERY SITUATION IS FOR OUR GOOD," said by Sri Kalpna. Even in conjugal situation I dont think man has faith in God. He is busy with social obligations and programs. If faith in God is there in comfortable situations, the faith will remain even in unpleasent situations. Man` s hidden thinking is that God should take care of him in all situations, because HE is creator. We hear people say, " Why on earth God created me". Ignorance and absence of total faith. Partial faith does not work with God. Drowpathi was holding on to her last stretch of her sari in one hand and calling to Govinda. When it failed, she raised both her hands in total faith, she was saved. Same with us.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan---------------------------

Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses.

. ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas,


Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya,and Sadhak being ONE

So do all sages and saints

Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self

That is both and neither

Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are One

Who are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now

they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence

Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....

What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )

nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike,rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............... to awaken from your dream............. search for the dreamer .............




narinder bhandari


Hari Om

Mr Naga Narain ! It will be helpful if you can please share with us which Scripture to your knowledge supports that both sins and virtues give birth to ignorance; which in turn gives birth to happiness/sorrow and from that happiness/sorrow again sins/virtues spring forth .... Thus a vicious never ending circle forms !

Swamiji's Divine words are always truthful. Truth does not require any acceptance/acnowledgement/conditions/contexts/ appeal effect . Truth is always Truth. Saints have said:



What is beautiful (right/ what exists) is always beautiful (is always right/always exists) , what is not beautiful (false/non existent) is not beautiful (remains false/doesnot exist) !

(Ignorance... Irony is that) What is not beautiful (non existence) appears to be so ( appears existing) and what is existing (beautiful/Truth) does not appear to be existing !!

Truth supports itself (Dharma rakshito dharmah) ! Some may find Truth to be appealing , some may not ! That in no case vitiates the Truth. Truth prevails. So that Truth prevails.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


In the twelfth chapter,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shalokas . Let us see a few.............. Sh.6, 7. But those,who worship Me,renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the supreme Goal, meditating on Me with a single minded devotion, For them,whose minds are set on Me,verily I become,the Saviour,( to save them) out of the Ocean of finite experiences; the SAMSARA.

further, shalokas 2,3,8,and 14 also indicate the importance of meditative approach/meditation while reading / hearing the words ................ Sh.14. says ...........Ever content ,steady in Meditation,self-controlled, possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect dedicated to Me,he ,My devotee,is dear to Me. Meditation is the Way ................... meditation as the Way is integral to all Paths ..........................Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............... his conduct becomes as stated therein.

Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof.

It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental,or,

patronising ................... he is just loving !

May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ........................


narinder -----


Priy sadhaks,This situation is very practical and almost every one come across this.The reason is lack of APANAPAN (feeling of mine) WITH GOD.If we be firm that gid is ours then we can get rid of it.see in practical life, when we accept someone APANA (Like father mother bro sis wife), Then we have in our depth that whatever one does can never be for my bad for us.Similarly with god apanapan is real thing which can solve this prob.Swamiji in describing sharanagati says nothing more matters as APANAPAN WITH GOD. NO GYAN TAP KARM CAN MATCH IT.THANXRAJA GurdasaniDear sadaks,Agyanan is the cause. Our past loads of bad Karmas is the cause for AgyananJai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan


Ram Ram,Deosaranji is very much right in his statement. Happiness and sorrow are not the fruit of sins and virtues, the situations (favorable & unfavorable) are. Its fully in our hands to become happy or sorrowful.Ashok GoenkaNamaste, Dear Sadhakas!Moderators have asked to share understanding on Swamiji's words of wisdom:"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues." Already he has explained profoundly in that writeup, it is worth reading again and again.I can only echo what I learned. Situations keep on happening relentlessly in Life, they don't happen personally even if they seem to affect one more than others. Life is unavoidable relationship among each other and with Nature. Nothing ever can happen in isolation. If there is "one", there are necessarily "others" and thinking and actions of "one" affects "others". This results in mass/collective karmas consisting of virtues and sins(papa and punya), and always culminate in impersonal events mistaken by individuals as happy or unhappy personal situations. This is also the Causal Body of Ignorance(of not knowing one's true Nature).A wise is one who takes such situations in strides and remain steadfast in Being only, unaffected by pleasures and pains perceived in them! What helps one to remain in equanimity is the understanding that he is the Witnessing Presence Permeating the body-mind that belongs to Nature; and whatever happens, happens impersonally to Nature, not to the Presence!In Bhaktas, the understanding is Divine Love of Pure Being. His/her entire Being is taken over by this Unconditional Love which he/she calls Bhagwaan!Pure Being of SELF is Divine-Unconditional Love, Love that knows no opposites, and is also at the same time Impersonal Cosmic Intelligence manifest in abundance! God, to me, is Experince(anubhutiroopah) of Pure Being-Consciousness), Divine Love, and Intelligence!Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt---This knowledge that God has done all good for us although true has come fromoutside. When you only make an attempt to accept an unpleasant experience intotality without dividing it into good and bad, you are on the path of Sadhana.Gradually questions will melt and you will reach first stage of NirvitarkSamadhi. As you practice this acceptance for a longer period,you will experienceinflow of Divine Energy when you are about to breakdown and slowly preliminaryexperience of Nirvichar Samadhi will start. Mind will become more quiet andGod's presence will be felt to an extent.Why such things happen will also beunderstood and you will be on Real Path of Progress. Bahunam Janmanam ante,Gnanwan mam prapadyante. Bhagwad Geeta verse 7/19. Have faith, patience andperseverence and parameter of Tolerance will be developed.This will lead you to Divine experience.Jayantilal Shah

----------Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka regarding happiness and sorrow.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita " Prakruteh kriyamanani,Gunai karmani sarvasah" ( gita 3, 27"Which means"Activities are carried out by theModes of nature". The three modes of nature are sattva ( goodness), rajoh( passion) , tamo (ignorance). activities continue to happen with or without our involvement. That is the law of nature.

Lord krishna says in gita,

" Sattvam sukhe sanjayati,Rajah karmani bharata,Jnanam avrutya tu tamah,Pramade sanjayaty uta" ( gita 14, 9)Which means," O son of bharata, mode of goodness causes happiness, passion leads one to fruitive action, and ignorance leads one to madness and danger. "

If we want to be happy, we need to be in the mode of goodness. Passion and ignorance do not lead us to happiness.

Lord krishna continues,

"Karmanah sukrutasyahuh,Sattvikam nirmalam phalam,Rajasas tu phalam dukham,Ajnanam tamasah phalam" ( gita, 14, 16).

Which means

"Pious activities done in the mode of goodness are pure. Actions done in the mode of passion lead us to misery and,sorrow. Action perormed in the mode of ignorance causes foolishness. "

People involved in pious actions are situated in happiness.

We are bound by actions. There is no way out. But there is one, as lord krishna says,

" Mam ca yo vyabhicarena,Bhakti yogena sevate,Sa gunan samatityaitan,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gita, 14, 26)

Which means,

" One who is in full devotional service all the time , transcends the modes of this materialism and reaches the level of eternal bliss. "

If we want to get out of these modes of nature, devotional service is the answer.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. . ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jee Ref: [sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)

Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation

1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )

2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Mediation( a formof Prayer,in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)

Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words,words ...too many words eclipse the Truth Beyond …………the silence,which is the womb of the words ... Silence ,which is not the word silence

BUT,is the ISNESS of the word silence ..which just IS

This silence is the ultimate Truth ,the Nothingness

Nothingness ,which is the womb of Everythingness

The Truth....The Real,......The Un-knowable ever known, ...Is God,

Is Krishna .....Is the Way to Krishna

Witness Consciousness is the Way

No Doing, NO treading, just being yourself, the self

Narinder Bhandari


Hari Om

Lord Krishna smiles ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the ignorance of His children when we refer to His 'MAYA' as stupidity in BG 7:13/14 ! Let there be deliberations: 'Wisdom vs Ignorance'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Hari Om

Sheer stupidity (moorkhata) ! Nothing except stupidity !! Only Stupidity !!! Lord Krishna laughs ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the stupidity only of His children when He calls that stupidity as 'MAYA' in BG 7:13/14 ! But "actually" alone Stupidity !

Let there be deliberations:

'Wisdom vs Stupidity'.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B "Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruitsof sins and virtues."

Such a statement from a teacher makes perfect sense under certain contexts e.g.when the desciple is carried away by the apparent sins and virtues whileignoring their inherent counterpart - ignorance. The lopsided emphasis in aseeker is often "balanced" by emphasising the ignored opposite by the wiseteacher. I do not think that meant anyway to ignore the sins and virtuesaltogether.

But, as we go beyond contexts, I see that ignorance is the seed for all sins(and virtues); and ignorance is the fruit of all sins (and virtues).

OR, one can also say,

Sins (and virtues) are the seed for ignorance; and sins (and virtues) are thefruits of ignorance.

However we see, the two are inseparable. So are the two polarized feelings ofsorrow and happiness. They are inseparable from the sins and virtues which areinseparable from the ignorance as such. They produce each other, they harvesteach other and they devour each other in cycles. Therefore, the second part ofthis statement does not appeal to me.

To me ignorance, sins, virtues, happiness, sorrow, etc. are synanymous withconcurrent occurance. As we feel sorrow and happiness, sins and virtues aregenerated and the ignorance is enseeded. As the ignorance pops up, sins andvirtues are churned out and the feelings of sorrow and happines are established.

Of course, the opposites such as sins and virtues often appear as different whenone applies the relativity of one's tempermental ego-centric and ego-promotionalattitude toward the same. When ego is active, ignorance itself starts appearingas "knowledge" as well. But, even from the relative perspective, the second partof the statement (seggregation of ignorance from sins and virtues) does notapeal to me personally.


Naga Narayana




Shree Hari Ram Ram

Brothers, Deosaranji pointed out this particular statement from sadhaka postings. What is your understanding of this statement? Do you have any doubts, disagreements with what is being stated?

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

Kindly share, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram




Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?

Because … "OUR GOOD" has never let our focus shift away from itself even in thename of The God! We wander in search of "our good" everywhere in absolutefutility as we lack truthful appreciation of good and bad on one hand; and areincapable of looking at anything without the filter-glass in terms of ournotions of good and bad on the other hand. Till we remain captive within ournotions of good and bad, The God remains a distant notion as well. Therefore, acloser look at our notions of good and bad may be the clue to this question ...


Naga Narayana


Hari Om

All three messages in the last post are divine ! They are:

Exclusive mineness with Him ( Miraji Dass) ; Love. ( Brother Mike) and Equanimity ( Prasadji)!

Let us put Mineness and Love on one side (there is "cause" and "effect" relationship between the two) AND Equanimity ( Samata) in other Side :

Says Tulsidasji Maharaj :


NB Vyas


Dear Sadhaks In Gita ,where it is mentioned that:-1)God has done all good for us2)Every situation is for our good I have not seen mention of such assumptions.I invite reference to Verse 14 of 5 th Chapter and verse 14 th of 5th chapter which says otherwise.You may also study remaining verses of 14th Chapter. The universe or God operates on two basic principles:-a)Free choice-we are free to choose the way we want to feel,think or act on any situation.b)Non-interference-God will not interfere in any choice we make. Please also refer to verse 16th and 17th of 18th Chapter on the 'Doer" or Karta regards Ashok Jain -----------

Radhey ! Radhey !! We shall crawl into the Mom's Lap....undoubtedly ! But when? Now itself or after toiling, sufferring, travelling into endless wombs...when ? THIS ENTIRELY DEPENDS UPON US ! There is a difference between Holy Bath in Holy Ganges when taken in the month of January or when taken in the Month of May. Result is same, but pains......! Why should we leave what is under our prorogative, under our control and under our arena of KARMA to the FATE/DESTINY and why we should run day and night after those things which have no corelation with your present Karmas but have corelation with your fate/destiny? No ! Devotion/Bhakti and shedding of worldly me and mine need be taken instantly. Dear Sadhaks ! Laws of Nature always drag us towards our Mom. We delay the process by DESIRING worldly transitory things and getting attached with worldly people and establishing UNNATURAL....Me (es) and Mine(s). No one is ours, we dont belong to the world, nothing is ours, .....it is TRUTH ....TRUTH !! Sooner we realise it, faster we shall crawl into HIS lap. Laws of Nature are ruthless. If we dont move suo motto towards His lap, they will give us pains and drive us towards His lap...be sure about it ! Radhey ! Radhey !! Nisha Chatterji



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Swamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other.

So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what.

With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram


Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.

This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka.

Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,

"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)

Which means

"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "

This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure.

One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani.

The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually.

Thank you.

Hare krishna.

Prasad iragavarapu. M. D


-Shree Hari-Nameste!Consider the paste:Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hankerafter pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called asage of steady wisdom.Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severelyafflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can betransmuted into love, not bitterness.What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer aroundyou, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (K)




I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/

In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony.....

"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues."

"On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love."

"Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."

Profound, isn't it ?

See below for full post

Ram RamDeosaran Bisnath


: Shree Hari: Ram Ram

10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.

It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.

On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation.

On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24).

If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5).

Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

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That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----



Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana! First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence! As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt


Hari Om

Kalpanaji ! A really good Q !

Reasons appear to be

1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !

2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !

But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B


Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.

MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -


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Ram Ram.


has given us most tested guidelines: page 174 of Manavamaatrake

Kalyaanake Liye in Hindi contains two bold typed statements. If you

couldn't believe what Swamiji said, who can guide you? Please practise

what is said there.




Pg 174 - "As many difficulties that arise, as many unfavorable

situations and circumstances that arise, they all come for our growth

and spiritual upliftment.


I do not wish to take anything, I only want to give and give only. By

having such thoughts, a man becomes a sadhak (aspirant).


--------------------------NARAYAN NARAYANkalpanajiMake the mind upside down. This play of the mind of mine and yours was initiated by the mind. For teaching a lesson, a king announced that whoevercan satisfy the hunger of this goat, he will award a prize. Many tried all day long to feed the goat, but when the goat would be brought in front of the king, he would begin to eat. On wise Brahmin like Vyasji, accepted the challenge. He took the goat to the forest, and the minute the goat began to eat the grass, he beat it with a stick, continuing this exercize for several days. NOw when the goat was brought in front of the King, and when the King gave the goat grass, he did not touch it. From this it is proven that the goat = MAN is a wandering sense enjoyer (Jeevatma, embodied soul). And the King (Parmaatma, God) teaching the lessonsthat through sense enjoyments one is not satisfied. Mind is to be checked and keptthrough constant discrimination (vivek) keeping it free of mine-ness and egoism. Ramchandra MAN KO ULTA KARDO [NAM]MERA OUR TERA KHEL ES MAN NE HI RACHA HEINEK RAJA NE PARIKSHA KE LIYE BAKRE KO JO BHI TRIPAT KAR DEGA USKOENAM MELGA . SAB NE KOSHISH KI DIN BHAR US BAKRE KO CHARATE SAAM KORAJA KE PAS LEKE AATE RAJA USKO GHAS DALTA BAKRA GHAS KHA JATAEK VYASJI JESA BHUDHIMAN BRHAMAN RAJA KI SHART SWIKAR KARLI OUR BAKREKO JANGAL ME LEGAYA BAKRA GHAS KHANE LAGE TAB USKO DANDA MARE PHIR SAAMKO RAJA KE SAMNE PESH HUAA RAJA NE SHART KE ANUSAR BAKRE KO GHAS DALIPER BAKRE NE GHAS NAHI KHAYEE. ES SE YE SABIT HOTA HEIN KI [bAKRA=MAN]GHAS CHARANEWALA [JEEVATMA]HEIN OUR [RAJA=PARMATMA HEIN]MAN SUDHREJA THO JEEVAN SUDHREJA ,BHOJ SE JEEV TRIPAT NAHI HO SAKTAMAN KO VEVEK RUPI LAKDI SE ROOJ PITO MAN AHNATA HEIN MAMTA SE BHARA HEINMAN KUCH MANGE TAB USE VEVEK RUPI LAKDI SE PITO VAH VAS ME RAHEJA .[RAMCHANDRA]--------------------------Hari OmRight you are ,

Sureshji ! The views of Madanji should be honoured by all of us. He has

a genuine point. Take for example thjis thread. How the issue of

sins/virtues or relativity/absolute was relevant to the Q of Kalpanaji?

Why did the deliberations drift? One must think ! At least I would

definitely review myself, though I wonder whether my ignorance to

deliberations would have helped sadhaks. I agree entirely with

Moderators/Madanji that such driftings from the Q raised and then

talking endlessly about things irrelevant does not in any way make this

unique satsanga forum any good.Pranaams to Madanji.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B

---THANKS, JAISHREE KRISHNA, (BOL MUKH SEY) ashok khiara---Shree Hari|| Ram Ram ||Many many thanks to our Gita Moderators for doing such an excellent job, day in day out. In my humble opinion, it would help our Moderators immensely if we are a bit careful in responding to the questions keeping following points in mind:. Staying focused on questions only and not indulging in our favorite other related material. Keeping it brief and to the point. Quoting relevant Verses from scriptures (Especially Gita and Ramayana). Quoting from discourses or books of Swamiji Maharaj || Ram Ram || Thanks and Humble regards,Madan Kaura--Hari OmIt is so divine to find increase in Sadhaka participation ! Welcome Veenaji, Ravi Bhandariji and Vibiesh C V ji.Basically, we must understand futility of "asat" and accordingly renounce it, we ourselves being "sat" ! We can't eat the cake and keep it too ! "Bad" is asat, "Good" is sat ! Former is unnatural , the latter is natural ! Don't go for words "good"/"bad" ! Relativity then must emerge ! Understand that to be "temporary" or "permanent" ! Thus... Scriptures to change the words - "good" gets replaced by "sinless" (amal) ; happiness gets replaced by ANANDA ; "desire" by "Prem" and so on!Essence however remains the same. But focus (karta/self) changes from perishable/inert to imperishable/sentient ! Ultimately "thirst" is not different from "water" but thirst still is primary not water. Only a devotee of Him, a Premi knows that !If "relativity" is a compulsory , then why in BG 18:66 , "aham twaam sarva PAAPEBHYO...." is mentioned? Why "PAAP" only mentioned? Why did not Lord refer "PUNYAS" also there? Why? Because upon "moksha" (disconnection) from PAAP (asat), what remains behind is PUNYA (sat) ! Chetan.... AMAL (sinless) ... SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !That is how "relativity" converts into "absolute" !Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B------------------------dear allveena hassan very finely resolved the solution. ya thats true.ThanxRaja Gurdasani------------------------Dear Naga Narayana ji, As Swami Ramsukhdasji has mentioned on several occasions that, man's problem is that he wants to live (survive) for ever but through the body, he wants to know the whole world (acquire knowledge) but through the mind-intellect, he wants to taste the never-ending bliss but through the senses. The entire sadhna is about how to realise this truth that we are sat-chit-anand. There are ways and means mentioned in the holy scriptures and/or interpreted by the realised saints. Shastras/sages' teachings must be followed to avoid being misguided.According to Gita/Sanatan Dharma, I am limitless ocean of silence as well the ripples of noise/words. Sarvamiti Vasudeva. Your talks about the two opposites can be summarised that 'opposite qualities/gunas can exist only in God' (was he Shri Vallabhacharya who has proclaimed this truth?). Since this world is also made of dualities and/or two opposites, this is also regarded as 'God's adi avatar'. Kind regards,Suresh C. Sharma------- ---Jai HanumanRelativity vs Absolute ! If one goes deeper , one finds that there is no relativity even with reference to the world. Take for example Sukh and Dukha ! Where is happiness ? In fact, in assumed happiness also really at the end, there is sorrow only. Sorrow was at the beginning, sorrow remains at the end. Hence in the middle too there is sorrow only. Hence there is no relativity, actually. THAT IS WHY - DUKHALAYAM (Only sorrows; no happiness- absolute sorrow). WHY ? World is "naturally" sorrowful.Exactly reverse is the case, when your "drishti" (glance) turns towards Self/God ! There in "viyog" (disconnection) also there is " sanyog " (connection) , what to talk of vice versa ! There you are "naturally" blissful/happy. There is no sorrow . Absolute happiness ! THAT IS WHY- SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !!Therefore, I question the issue of equating sins and virtues to be the same, as such ! If ASAT does not exist (BG 2:16), relativity also does not exist. If SAT is never absent, absolute also is never absent.Namaste JeeJee JeeShashikala----------Dear Sadaks,Kalpana Dixit posting is for normal humans. Don't talk of body and mind- divines and ignorance to one who is still not understood himself. To Him say- Normally when you can be subjected to happiness in favourable condition, you can also get subjected to unhappiness unfavourable condition also. So you man/woman try to tame your mind to remain equilibrium in both condition. When such person becomes slowly adaptable to understanding this he becomes Stitapragna and then he knows that God is doing all for Good.If we carefully observe-- That when a man prays to GOD to relive him of problem or give him money or improve his business or grant a child as he is issue less Etc, God does help him so that he gets attracted towards HIM (God) slowly and ultimately become HIS Baktha. Then Bagavan says-- "Name Baktha Pranasyathe". But pitiable condition is that in most cases man never stops asking God one more. So it may take to such a person few births and in certain birth he reaches Bagavan. Bagavan has also said this.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan--------------------------------Sureshji,Thanks for your genuine concerns. All you said is valid. Your concerns are mineas well as far as we both are entangled in the duality of desires and fears, asfar as we strive for the dual existence of active and restful states, as far aswe look forward to the dual presence of happiness and sadness, as far as we aredesparate for discriminating the nature into our hallucinative dualities of goodand bad, favorable and unfavorable, and likes and dislikes ... as far as we keeppaddling the dual boat of life and death frantically with a lopsided wishfulfocus on one that we crave while we are incapable of not ignoring the one thatwe hate … torn between the tandem pull and push of the desire-fear twinhoodconcocted in our very mind ... till then ... yes! I would also love to promotewhat favors me ... the virtues :).Society works for survival. Whatever improves the chances of survival of asoceity has been accepted as virtues for that society. Whatever is detrimentalto the social integrity is naturally considered a sin. The very discriminationis a genetic instinct for the sake of survival. The very survival is the singlewishful thought that drives all our wishful thoughts individually as well ascollectively. Naturally, we are instigated from within to continuouslydiscriminate the world around into good and bad wishfully ... to me, thespirituality is to win over this very instinct.I wonder how you could relate the utterings to terrorism!!! Anyway, you are worrying about the Hitlers as if they are awaiting sanctions from the scriptures! Please consider this … Did Ravana care the seers? Did Duryodhana care the scriptures? Did Hitler await a holyman to bless his (mis)endeavours? A wishful thought that "the scriputes or the so called'virtues' would fix these 'vicked' characters" is impotent in itself. Rama proves it; Krishna proves it. Nothing can inculcate correction in anyone other than oneself.On the other hand, a cruel king such as Ashoka can become a saint when thecorrection is seen within ... meeting a Buddha/Guru for spiritual progress is aneventuality. Therefore, my utterance ... to seek the correction within where thebattle of good and bad is perpetually raged and waged. Becoming an Arjuna is ofutmost urgency. Meeting Bhagavan Krishna is an eventuality. HE cannot escape anArjuna! Appreciation of the scriptures is an eventuality ... as the correctionis sought within, everything starts becoming scriptures on its own ... rathereverything being "The Holy" starts becoming clearer and clearer as the mist ofignorance starts dissipating when the urge for correction starts evaporating thesame at our core. The invaluable guidance is automatically sought from Gurussuch as Vasishtha, AshTavakra, etc. once the urge for internal correction raiseswithin.Do you also see the strange dogma this world is infested with … even Hitler andAl Khaida had/have their own "virtues" which the rest of the world denounces as"sins"; but their own followers adore the same as sanctions from the heavens! IfHitler won the war, it is not surprising that the evil trio(Hitler-Musoloni-Hirohito) would have been the heavenly trio and the threemusketeers (Truman-Churchill-Stalin) would be the three sinners altogether!Virtues and sins are dectated by the power of survival ... the survivor writesthe story ... the winner dectates the terms ... the desirer seeks thesedefinitions ...The spirituality is like becoming a blank sheet of paper where there are noexpressions and all expressions get dissolved sooner than they are formed. Beingthat blank sheet perpetually is THE ONLY HAPPINESS … anything else is nothingbut misery changing its appearance like a chamleon. As Narinderji gracefullyblesses, "being neither naga,nor narayana,nor both,nor neither ..." is the onlyworthy target for a spiritual seeker as that target absorbs all other targets oflife and disappears at once to let me be THAT I AM ... THE SILENCE ... THEABSOLUTE ... THE BLISS ... whatever else that you would refer to That as ...Hope that helps. Please feel free to question further as needed.Respects.Naga Narayana--Mr. Vyas,As I deliberate on your conclusions about my utterings, I realize we are talkingof the same, The Truth, The Absolute. The only difference is that you prefer toretain "the good" or "one quality" there while I prefer to de-emphasise bothgood and bad equally to their non-existence or "no quality" there. That isperfectly fine with me ... the residue depends on one's nature. As I see, nodebate is warranted toward this.Regarding the difference between "assumed state" and "natural state" - that isperfectly fine. Personally speaking the reality here is, attaining the "natural state" has NOT BEEN INSTANTANEOUS :(. If so, would I have entertained this debate in the first place?!Some secondary observations ... As I mentioned earlier, the statement "Happinessand Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins andvirtues" does not appeal to me. But, it neither means "I amright" or "statement is wrong" or anything else. IT JUST MEANS, "It does notappeal to me"! .Swamiji's view on the matter of circularity of ignorance and virtue-sin ispretty clear and complete in the same article as I attempted to show earlier. Iam surprised at your conclusive understanding that "certain views of Swamiji didnot appeal to me" even after I established how all my utterances are quiteconsistent with Swamiji's teachings. I wonder how you missed that.My sincere opinion is, we should not attempt to encage a free spirit such asSwamy Ramsukhdasji with our limited understandings. Depending on where I am Isee what I see. Depending on where you are you see what you see. If we both tryto define this is what Swamiji should have told or should have been, it is likethe two blind men attempting to define what an elephant could be! I appreciate ifyou do not drag me into such debates.Respects.Naga Narayana--Sureshji,I thought of giving more specific clarifications to your queries … I willattempt one by one …Suresh C Sharma: Ram always followed the advice of sages - Vashishtha ji,Vishwamitra ji, Valmikiji, Atri ji etc.Rama SOUGHT advice from sages. Sages never came on to him to advise him! Sagesknow it very well, only a seeker is worthy of being a desciple. A seeker is onein whom an urge for correction is raisen within. The power of correction is inthe seeker … NOT in the teacher. Otherwise, the same sages could have easilycorrected Ravana to dissipate all the problems at once! KrishNa could havetaught the Kauravas to dissolve the whole war at once!! That is why BhagavanVyasa instructs NOT TO PREACH EVER ... Na buddhibhedam janayet ... Do notmislead yourself as well as others …Please do not jump to the conclusion that The Guru is underplayed by the aboveobservation. The very reason of the appreciation of a Guru is the urge to correct oneself within.Suresh C Sharma: It reminds of a famous line from John Milton's Paradise Lost,wherein the satan says that it is better to rule in the Hell and serve in God'skingdom.I am still oblivious of how you could manage to relate the following statementto Satan, Hell, God's Kingdom etc. - "As a seeker, I do not have any bondage toagree with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there!" The utterance is with genuinerespect to The Guru, Bhagavan Vasudeva Himself. Trust me. Superficial acceptanceof anything is THE ONLY SIN in my sincere opinion. In fact, I consider that asdisrespect to My Guru. Unless I see the correction within, the teaching isincomplete. It is my responsibility to continue the learning process TILL I SEECORRECTION WITHIN. Stopping the process with a superficial acceptance, eventhough with deepest respect and reverence, is still suicidal as I remain in adarker ignorance hushed up by the so-called acceptance. THE ONLY ACCEPTANCE isthat which arises truthfully from the correction absorbed within. Everytruthful disagreement just verifies how the correction within has remainedincomplete reminding the seeker for further study.Anyway, coming to your comments on hell and God. If the satan and hell resideoutside God's Kingdom, I am sorry to mention that I consider your appreciationof The God questionable! Please think about that. Would The God havedescriminations such as devine and evil, heaven and hell, angel and satan, ...?!Please deliberate on your own for your own sake ... that is all I can say aboutthat.Suresh C Sharma: How can virtues and sins be same in a practical world? Marryingour own sisters or mothers or daughters is a sin ... But you say that virtuesand sins are concoction of wishful mind....Again, I see that you are jumping to opposite here. If someone could say EVENvirtues are obstacles to seek The God, how can he/she ever imagine that the sinsare adorable or even acceptable????? I urge you to think straight and withoutany preconceived notions. Respect to the virtues such as notions of marriage,mother, daughter, wife, etc. is REQUIRED to win over the sinful attitudes. But,you need spirituality to win over the virtuous attitude as well to attainequanimity where there are no attitudes ever. How can you ever not be afraid ofslipping into the oblivion of the sins till you hang on to their nemesis, thevirtues, strongly? The very insistence of X is rooted in the fear of NOT(X).What is the need for the notions of virtues when no sin hounds you anymore?! Thevirtues (and the sins as well) become notions in spirituality ... even thenotions of mother and father will have to be questioned, examined and resolvedas much as one should review the notions of the evils the same way ... AsShankara utters ... Mado naïve me naiva maatsarya bhaavah … Pita naiva me naivamaataa na janma ... Think …Hope that clarifies.Respects.Naga Narayana ---PRIOR POSTINGKalpanajeeI was pondering over your questions as it is my question also. Thank you for articulating it. Today's Gita Talk also leads to the understading why we ger irritated or sad when something unpleasant happens. We would not have persformed the action for the sake of sacrifice. So the bondage in the form of irritation and duhkha.The Lord in the preceding verse declared, "The man is bound by actions, other than those performed for the sake of sacrifice. " Therefore, in order to be free from bondage, actions instead of being renounced, should be performed, only in the spirit of performing a duty (yajna). The Lord confirms the same fact, by giving other reasons in the next three verses"Veena Hassan------------------ah friends ............. ah friends .................." narinder, knowing one's own self is NOT easy ..........the mind-created judgements /interpretations just eclipsethe very Truth you are seeking ...........the Truth of your own beingthe Truth of the self you are the Truth of the Love that does not die...... nor changes with Time ...........stop assessing others,just love them as they Be ........better to focus on your mind's propensities... your mind's dichotomiesand lead them to death with Krishna's help ... ! You can Do It .......as all the Buddhas say .. AUM !!! " AUMnarinder bhandari--------------------------Dear Naga Narayana ji, I, like many other Sadhaks on this divine forum, am convinced that in fact, Vyas ji and yourself are not disagreeing about the holy Gita, but only at superficial level both of you seem to disagree with each other's interpretation. Yet, I must emphasise the fact that in practical life, sins and virtus cannot be measured at the same level. As Sadak Sh. Suresh C. Sharma has rightly quoted from John Milton's famous master piece Paradise Lost that for a sinful person natural temptation will be to rule in the hell rather than serive in the paradise. As Lord Krishna declared in the Gita,"NADATTE KASHYACHIT PAPAM NA SUKRITAM VIBHU, AGYANENAVRITAM GYANAM TEN MUHYANTI JANTAWA" (God does not accept anyone's sins nor virtues, the persons are surrounded by ignorance, hence they are confused). He further delcares that 'YA SHASTRAVIDHIM URSRIJYA, VARTATE KAAMKAARTAH......" - this is clear now that at practical level, sins and virtues are quite different. Regards,Ravi Bhandari---------------------- It is said in vedantas that mind is the cause of all happiness and sorrows" manameva manushyanam bhadha moshaye"Gita is leading us to be a yogi- a yogi is a person who win over his own mind.- Remember " a man who win his own mind is greater than who wins a thousand wars"- the greatest way to win your own mind is to guide your thoughts to good thoughts. Good thoughts and only good thoughts will help us to control our mind.Bhakti yoga, karma yoga, Raja yoga and Jnana yoga are all the path to good thoughts. Om namo bhagavade Vasudevaya, Om namo bhagavade Narayanaya vibiesh c v-----------------------------Shree Hari Ram Ram To reiterate what Sarvottamji has said per Swamiji / Gitaji - can we control what is not ours (i.e the mind) ? Let us simply detach from it. They are separate departments (vibhaag). Let us not accept the changing (that which is not constant) as ours. Let us only leave and trust what belongs to Him in His care. Meera Das, Ram Ram ----------- I think one never loose faith in god completely.Coz in the end when no one is on ones side , one cries O my God.thats it.Raja Gurdasani-Shree Hari:Ram Ram. Who gets irritated? The mind NOT You. Swamiji said "Disown the mind as mind is neither You nor Yours." Observing mind from a distance (considering mind is neither You nor is mind Yours) we are able to visualize Bhagwaanji's Mangalmai Vidhaan no rituals and nothing to be done for it. Just observe doing nothing (Chup Saadhan). It is true. Vineet, Sarvottam.----------Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy.... It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaininghappy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness.......Belief has to be strong.....one has to have complete faith...and patience...Then only you begin to see things that we miss out leading to all these questions....With awareness, the irritation remains under control....you begin to enjoy.... It is possible to remain happy even in unpleasant situations........if you understand that by remaininghappy we are handling the situation the best possible way......It is a test....of your faith and patience...There is no other option.......that is the wisdom.......you when we have to choose, .....we must choose happiness....... Sushil Jain Dear Naga Narayana ji, Thank you for your view. My dew drops before the niagara falls of your knowledge:".. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance .." How can virtues and sins be same in a practical world? Marrying our own sisters or mothers or daughters is a sin ... But you say that virtues and sins are concoction of wishful mind.... ". The good and bad always remain relative to each other .." Fair enough Sir, but are you not indirectly advocating for Hitlars, Al-Kaida/Taliban or other terrorists?I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Ram always followed the advice of sages - Vashishtha ji, Vishwamitra ji, Valmikiji, Atri ji etc. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! It reminds of a famous line from John Milton's Paradise Lost, wherein the satan says that it is better to rule in the Hell and serve in God's kingdom. Kind regards,Suresh C. Sharma -naga jeee.................O jeeeeeeee each word flows from the Truth of your being each word is Silence ,the source of Love and Joy......... each word just IS ............... verily is the joyof nari's understanding too ............... the buddhas stand in awe,showering their blessings on you ........... you,who is neither naga,nor narayana,nor both,nor neither ...... Aum is the Joy of being ...aum is Aum,nought but Aum.......... blessed by Aum,naga dies, to merge in Aum JaiJaiJai Jai Krishna Jai ............. AUM............ narinder ,not nari,nor narinder ............aum narinder bhandari- narayan narayanhum vyasji ki baat se sahmat hein.jeev yadi apna jeevatv ahaam bhula de tho ishwar bhi apnaishwartav ek our rakh de te hein.baki- char mele chobish khele, bees rahe kar jodharijan se harijan mele , bihanse shat karod.jaishree krishna.[ramchandra]---Hari OmI replied to Mr Naga Narain because there was a direct statement by him that certain views of Swamiji did not "appeal to him".If "good" and "bad" / "happiness" and "sorrow" can't exist without each other,.... are always "relative" .... then what is "absolute happiness" ? What is "Ananda" referred in Scriptures? You are in a circle because "good and bad" or "happiness and sorrows" or "sins and virtues" are being interpreted by you ONLY with reference to the body/mind/inert. If you simply turn your glance towards "self" or "God" who are beyond "good/bad" etc already.... you will easily understand what is "absolute happiness or goodness or virtue" !! There is a difference between "assumed state" and "natural state" ! Relativity lies in "assumed state" and not in "natural/sahaj state" ! SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !!Jeeva is "sahaj sukhraasi" means he is "naturally happy" ! Jeeva is "amal" means he is "naturally sinless" ! Now to argue/insist against a "naturality" only has created a personal vicious circle for you.You can't thus succeed in saying or accepting that good can't exist without bad, or sins can't exist without virtues ! Goodness and virtues are existing without evil and sins respectively in realised souls. They are natural part of them.They are so stated in all Scriptures for every Jeeva. If there is a vicious circle formed "naturally" who can break it? How one can break it? Hence existence of vicious circle is only an "assumption of an ignorant" .... thus ASAT and not "conclusion of Scriptures / Saints and Sages" ! Relativity is ASAT ! Absolute is SAT ! We are in SATSANGA !!Hence there is no "vicious circle" provided for by the Creator. It is our mind only which keeps creating such circles and make the caged self suffer. Religion helps you in coming out of the cage. Mind does not let you do that.Hence stop relying on mind and heed to the voice of conscience. What "appeals to your mind" is not material ... what is Truth (SAT) is material.Removal of circle is not INSTANTAEOUS for you merely because of your "insistence" that good and bad are relative and can't exist without each other. Same is true for "unnatural bad" but not for "natural good"- SAHAJ SUKHRAASI !Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B- In life we go through many experiences, both good and bad. Oppositesare complementry. One cannot exist without the other. When we gothrough bad experiences, we learn to appreciate the good experiences.This is a part of everybody's life. However it is easier said thandone. If we attribute each and every experience to God then it will bean enlightened person indeed who will see good and bad as two sides ofthe same coin. This is the message of gita. The ideal person treatsgood and bad experiences as one and the same.Hari Shanker Deo-------------------------PRIOR POSTINGKINDLY STICK TO THE GUIDELINES OF CONCISE MESSAGES. RAM RAM------Dear Sadhak insightEvery devotee is required to write his or her own interpretation.If we deeply believe in God then even in difficult circumstances wed keep our faith in Him.Read the story of queen Kunti in Mahabharat then we can easily follow this principle of faith in God TRuly yours S S Bhatt------Mr. Vyas,Thanks for your interest in my utterances. To me both virtues and sins areconcoction of a wishful mind and therefore are the same in terms of ignorance aswell as their potential representation of the truth. The good and bad alwaysremain relative to each other - each cannot exist without the other! They bothstand as hurdles with their strong insistence on their opposites in one'sseeking The Absolute. The duality persists in one's mind with an insistence onthe good as strongly with an insistence on the bad. The very insistence on "agood" reflects the aversion to the "corresponding bad" with equal potency. Whatscripture shall I quote for you on this?! To me every phrase and every word inevery verse in every scripture tell ONLY THIS. May be, that is all I can see.I am a bit disappointed that even you too were tempted to extrapolate anutterance to a conclusion. You see, scriptures are there to correct meonly when the correction is seen within. Swamiji's life is atestImony to this in my understanding. As a seeker, I do not have any bondage to"agree" with anybody, even Bhagavan Vyaasa. It does not mean in any sense thatthere could be an iota of disrespect there! I urge you not to let yourself swingto assert that "Swamiji is always right" as if I could be under a differentopinion.After all, the utterance does not suggest anything new here (How can I? How cananybody make any new statement on anything??) It is a well known fact amongstall the seers and has been explicitly mentioned in all scriptures. For example,I am quoting Swamy Ramsukhdasji below (Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead tobondage, both are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.The ignorance is the seed for virtues and sins as well as the fruit of thevirtues and sins. Yes, it IS circular and vicious. That is the difficulty I faceas I keep mentioning to your and others' annoyance that removal of ignorance isNOT INSTANTANEOUS. That is the difficulty I face irrespective of whatever issaid by anybody. Unless I am transparent to my difficulty, I cannot dream oftranscending the same. You may not be facing this problem. Then, that is goodfor you. Coming back to the circularity of the ignorance; again, there is noinvention in the utterance here. It is a well known fact amongst all the seersincluding Swamy Ramsukhdasji. Again a quote from him from the same article(Sadhak circular, 10th June, 2009):Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather itdestroys "the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance".Both "sins and virtues ... lead to bondage" (above quote).Therefore, the utterance naturally comes out ... ignorance is the cause of sinsand virtues which in turn lead to the same in a snowballing manner. Viciousindeed.I hope that clarifies. If you think that I need to explain further, please feelfree. I will try my best.Thank You.Respects.Naga Narayana------- Narain ! Narain !! Replying to the Qs with a lot of Love...if at all Love can be expressed: Q Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. ...Swami Ramsukhdas jeeDictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation 1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )2.Contemplation. ............ ........Religiou s Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words, words..... ......... .....Ans : Ask MODERATORS first when they used the word " Contemplation" whether it meant "SAMADHI" ! When in doubt or unclear, it is advicable to check the Hindi version fo Swamiji's writings, before concluding. To a common man's language... contemplation is pondering over, deeply thinking about ! Sure ..Gita bhavas are divine...!!! Words are very powerful source of Realisation. They reach SELF directly. When you are sleeping and somebody calls out your name , you wake up...why? Because words touch the souls !!Q Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya, and Sadhak being ONESo do all sages and saints . Saints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-self That is both and neither Who have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are OneWho are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Now they also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silence .Ah,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....Ans Per my understanding we are not back to square one ! Experience is not something that can be questioned or vouched or argued out. Q What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike, rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............ ... to awaken from your dream........ ...... search for the dreamer ............ .Ans : Poor Nari or Nar or Narinder or Naroo or Bhandari can only argue , play as a toy in the hands of mischievous mind !! Dream is never "non existent" ! Dream when seen is existent. After you wake up..the very dream goes..what remains is "remembrance thereof".. !! Why you are counting names? To prove what? You are dreaming...dreaming and dreaming. Shri Krishna Narinedath ! Your interference needed? Dangerous mental propensity...Sir !! Utter confusion ! As regards "anirvachaniya"... find out what Dictionaries say about it !! If it is so...what vivechan is sought by you? Q ,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shlokas . Let us see a few......... ..... Ans : Read Gita ! Read Sadhak Sanjeevani !! Read Daily Swamiji messages! Read past postings GT Group Q and As ! READ ! READ !! Read and then write ! What you have stated as BG 12:6/7 / 14 etc...is ONLY achievable by "establishing mineness with Paramatma"...not by Meditation ! Whether it is sloka 2, 3, 8, and 14 or 6 or 7 of BG ...the reaching there is not through MIND or meditation but by "becoming of God". ! A pativrata wife never utters the name of her husband...but is she not of him? You are allowed to WORK 24 hours a day...and still you can achieve what is stated in the aforesaid slokas of BG referred by you ! This you can realise ONLY by reading Sadhak Sanjeevani ! Kindly read read Scriptures, read Swamiji in depth...listen to others.. On the basis of mind or ego or by AGRAHS ? Q Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............. ... his conduct becomes as stated therein. Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof. Ans : If your goal is to go "beyond words" then why you are referring English Dictionaries ? What is in those Dictionaries except words?? "We are our own proof" ..means what ? Means nothing. So what ? Q It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas .Ans : Who is this Narinder ? " SELF" or "NAME" ? If it is SELF then why SELF is stated as Narinder? Why not as " I " ? You are not yet discriminating ! Even the name given is so closely dear to you. Remember...first learn to discriminate between body and soul ! Then talk !! We want thanks from SELF and not from NARINDER ! Why ... hearts of "other sadhaks" ...are we not touching your heart also ? So much labour is being put by us...to straighten out the twists and turns of your insistent mind and reliance of SELF over NARINDER !!Q The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental, or,patronising ............ ....... he is just loving !May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ............ ......... ...Ans : THIS IS SATSANGA FORUM ! Here arguments, discussions, deliberations, agreements, disagreements, praises, criticisms take place NATURALLY ! What else you expect out of SATSANGA ? Love can not be demanded ... it comes automatically when you are associated with SAT and remain established therein ! You can see in others only that which you yourself have....IT IS A CARDINAL PRINCIPLE...ARGUE ON THIS !!Narain ! Narain !!Naarad N Maharishi ---PRIOR POSTINGDear sadaks,I would like add this to my previous posting. "WHEN WE KNOW GOD HAS DONE ALL GOOD FOR US AND EVERY SITUATION IS FOR OUR GOOD," said by Sri Kalpna. Even in conjugal situation I dont think man has faith in God. He is busy with social obligations and programs. If faith in God is there in comfortable situations, the faith will remain even in unpleasent situations. Man` s hidden thinking is that God should take care of him in all situations, because HE is creator. We hear people say, " Why on earth God created me". Ignorance and absence of total faith. Partial faith does not work with God. Drowpathi was holding on to her last stretch of her sari in one hand and calling to Govinda. When it failed, she raised both her hands in total faith, she was saved. Same with us.Jai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan---------------------------Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. . ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jeeRef:[sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Meditation ( a form of Prayer, in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.)Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words,words..................Swami Ramsukhdasjee keeps speaking of Sadhan,Sadhya,and Sadhak being ONESo do all sages and saintsSaints,sages ,who experience this One-ness ,this Silence ,this self that is also the not-selfThat is both and neitherWho have experienced that Karma,Bhakti ,and Gyana are OneWho are trying to lead the One desiring to understand One-ness .......to walk to the Destination that is ONE- NESS , from the Point where he ( she) is NOW,this Moment Nowthey also use words only to lead you beyond the words ............ unto silenceAh,Sadhakas ,we are back to square ONE .... Quibbling about words ....What can poor nari or narinder say in words ....and how ? ( all the Upanishads have proclaimed that Truth is anarvachniya ! And yet have succeeded in indicating the Way to the Sadhaka True )nari, narinder , partap, sushil, naga sadhna, vyas, maharashi ,meera,mike,rupesh ,Swamiji, are BUT names ..... a million more names functional entities of a non-existing dream. the world. in reality,they are only dream characters in your dream ............... to awaken from your dream............. search for the dreamer .............Only KRISHNA is REAL.VASUDEVAYE SARVAM..AUMnarinder bhandari--------------------------------Hari OmMr Naga Narain ! It will be helpful if you can please share with us which Scripture to your knowledge supports that both sins and virtues give birth to ignorance; which in turn gives birth to happiness/sorrow and from that happiness/sorrow again sins/virtues spring forth .... Thus a vicious never ending circle forms !Swamiji's Divine words are always truthful. Truth does not require any acceptance/acnowledgement/conditions/contexts/ appeal effect . Truth is always Truth. Saints have said:HAI SO SUNDER HAI SADAA , NAHIN SO SUNDER NAAHI !NAHIN SO PRAKAT DEKHIYE, HAI SO DEEKHE NAAHI !!What is beautiful (right/ what exists) is always beautiful (is always right/always exists) , what is not beautiful (false/non existent) is not beautiful (remains false/doesnot exist) !(Ignorance... Irony is that) What is not beautiful (non existence) appears to be so ( appears existing) and what is existing (beautiful/Truth) does not appear to be existing !!Truth supports itself (Dharma rakshito dharmah) ! Some may find Truth to be appealing , some may not ! That in no case vitiates the Truth. Truth prevails. So that Truth prevails.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N BIn the twelfth chapter,the Path of Devotion ,the Truth of Meditation is directly and indirectly referred to in the various shalokas . Let us see a few.............. Sh.6, 7. But those,who worship Me,renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the supreme Goal, meditating on Me with a single minded devotion, For them,whose minds are set on Me,verily I become,the Saviour,( to save them) out of the Ocean of finite experiences; the SAMSARA.further, shalokas 2,3,8,and 14 also indicate the importance of meditative approach/meditation while reading / hearing the words ................ Sh.14. says ...........Ever content ,steady in Meditation,self-controlled, possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect dedicated to Me,he ,My devotee,is dear to Me. Meditation is the Way ................... meditation as the Way is integral to all Paths ..........................Shalokas 16 to 19 speak aver that ............ when one goes beyond words ............... his conduct becomes as stated therein.Remember Sadhakas,you are your own Proof.It also occurs to narinder that many deeply advanced sadhakas ( souls) share the truths that they have realised ever so humbly and lovingly. narinder thanks them . It is they,who touch the hearts of other sadhakas . The enlightened Master is never harsh or judgemental,or,patronising ................... he is just loving !May the blessings of the Buddhas be with us ........................AUM narinder----- Priy sadhaks,This situation is very practical and almost every one come across this.The reason is lack of APANAPAN (feeling of mine) WITH GOD.If we be firm that gid is ours then we can get rid of it.see in practical life, when we accept someone APANA (Like father mother bro sis wife), Then we have in our depth that whatever one does can never be for my bad for us.Similarly with god apanapan is real thing which can solve this prob.Swamiji in describing sharanagati says nothing more matters as APANAPAN WITH GOD. NO GYAN TAP KARM CAN MATCH IT.THANXRAJA GurdasaniDear sadaks,Agyanan is the cause. Our past loads of bad Karmas is the cause for AgyananJai Sri KrishnaB.Sathyanarayan----------------------------Ram Ram,Deosaranji is very much right in his statement. Happiness and sorrow are not the fruit of sins and virtues, the situations (favorable & unfavorable) are. Its fully in our hands to become happy or sorrowful.Ashok GoenkaNamaste, Dear Sadhakas!Moderators have asked to share understanding on Swamiji's words of wisdom:"Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues." Already he has explained profoundly in that writeup, it is worth reading again and again.I can only echo what I learned.Situations keep on happening relentlessly in Life, they don't happen personally even if they seem to affect one more than others. Life is unavoidable relationship among each other and with Nature. Nothing ever can happen in isolation. If there is "one", there are necessarily "others" and thinking and actions of "one" affects "others". This results in mass/collective karmas consisting of virtues and sins(papa and punya), and always culminate in impersonal events mistaken by individuals as happy or unhappy personal situations. This is also the Causal Body of Ignorance(of not knowing one's true Nature).A wise is one who takes such situations in strides and remain steadfast in Being only, unaffected by pleasures and pains perceived in them!What helps one to remain in equanimity is the understanding that he is the Witnessing Presence Permeating the body-mind that belongs to Nature; and whatever happens, happens impersonally to Nature, not to the Presence!In Bhaktas, the understanding is Divine Love of Pure Being. His/her entire Being is taken over by this Unconditional Love which he/she calls Bhagwaan!Pure Being of SELF is Divine-Unconditional Love, Love that knows no opposites, and is also at the same time Impersonal Cosmic Intelligence manifest in abundance! God, to me, is Experince(anubhutiroopah) of Pure Being-Consciousness), Divine Love, and Intelligence!Namaskar........Pratap Bhatt---This knowledge that God has done all good for us although true has come fromoutside. When you only make an attempt to accept an unpleasant experience intotality without dividing it into good and bad, you are on the path of Sadhana.Gradually questions will melt and you will reach first stage of NirvitarkSamadhi. As you practice this acceptance for a longer period,you will experienceinflow of Divine Energy when you are about to breakdown and slowly preliminaryexperience of Nirvichar Samadhi will start. Mind will become more quiet andGod's presence will be felt to an extent.Why such things happen will also beunderstood and you will be on Real Path of Progress. Bahunam Janmanam ante,Gnanwan mam prapadyante. Bhagwad Geeta verse 7/19. Have faith, patience andperseverence and parameter of Tolerance will be developed.This will lead you to Divine experience.Jayantilal Shah----------Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka regarding happiness and sorrow.Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita" Prakruteh kriyamanani,Gunai karmani sarvasah" ( gita 3, 27"Which means"Activities are carried out by theModes of nature".The three modes of nature are sattva ( goodness), rajoh( passion) , tamo (ignorance).activities continue to happen with or without our involvement.That is the law of nature.Lord krishna says in gita," Sattvam sukhe sanjayati,Rajah karmani bharata,Jnanam avrutya tu tamah,Pramade sanjayaty uta" ( gita 14, 9)Which means," O son of bharata, mode of goodness causes happiness, passion leads one to fruitive action, and ignorance leads one to madness and danger. "If we want to be happy, we need to be in the mode of goodness.Passion and ignorance do not lead us to happiness.Lord krishna continues,"Karmanah sukrutasyahuh,Sattvikam nirmalam phalam,Rajasas tu phalam dukham,Ajnanam tamasah phalam" ( gita, 14, 16).Which means"Pious activities done in the mode of goodness are pure. Actions done in the mode of passion lead us to misery and,sorrow. Action perormed in the mode of ignorance causes foolishness. "People involved in pious actions are situated in happiness.We are bound by actions. There is no way out. But there is one, as lord krishna says," Mam ca yo vyabhicarena,Bhakti yogena sevate,Sa gunan samatityaitan,Brahma bhuyaya kalpate. "( Gita, 14, 26)Which means," One who is in full devotional service all the time , transcends the modes of this materialism and reaches the level of eternal bliss. "If we want to get out of these modes of nature, devotional service is the answer.Thank you.Hare krishna.Prasad iragavarapu. M. D-Any number of commentaries on the Bhagvada Geetha is just not enough. The sentiments are so very deep. If one contemplates on the Gita, new and extraordinary sentiments manifest . A man's life changes entirely as he begins to contemplate on these verses. . ....................................................................Swami Ramsukhdas jeeRef:[sadhaka] Glories of Gitaji (Jun 11, 2009)Dictionary Meaning of Contempolate , Contemplation1. Contemplate. ........... to meditate ........... ( Collins Dictionary )2.Contemplation. ....................Religious Mediation( a formof Prayer,in which a person seeks a direct experience of the divine ...........(Oxford dictinary.) Ah, dear sadhakas, words,words,words ...too many words eclipse the Truth Beyond …………the silence,which is the womb of the words ... Silence ,which is not the word silenceBUT,is the ISNESS of the word silence ..which just ISThis silence is the ultimate Truth ,the NothingnessNothingness ,which is the womb of EverythingnessThe Truth....The Real,......The Un-knowable ever known, ...Is God,Is Krishna .....Is the Way to KrishnaWitness Consciousness is the WayNo Doing, NO treading, just being yourself, the selfNarinder Bhandari----------------------Hari OmLord Krishna smiles ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the ignorance of His children when we refer to His 'MAYA' as stupidity in BG 7:13/14 !Let there be deliberations: 'Wisdom vs Ignorance'.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B Hari OmSheer stupidity (moorkhata) ! Nothing except stupidity !! Only Stupidity !!! Lord Krishna laughs ( Afterall He too is 'sahaj sukhraasi') at the stupidity only of His children when He calls that stupidity as 'MAYA' in BG 7:13/14 ! But "actually" alone Stupidity !Let there be deliberations:'Wisdom vs Stupidity'.Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B "Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruitsof sins and virtues."Such a statement from a teacher makes perfect sense under certain contexts e.g.when the desciple is carried away by the apparent sins and virtues whileignoring their inherent counterpart - ignorance. The lopsided emphasis in aseeker is often "balanced" by emphasising the ignored opposite by the wiseteacher. I do not think that meant anyway to ignore the sins and virtuesaltogether.But, as we go beyond contexts, I see that ignorance is the seed for all sins(and virtues); and ignorance is the fruit of all sins (and virtues).OR, one can also say,Sins (and virtues) are the seed for ignorance; and sins (and virtues) are thefruits of ignorance.However we see, the two are inseparable. So are the two polarized feelings ofsorrow and happiness. They are inseparable from the sins and virtues which areinseparable from the ignorance as such. They produce each other, they harvesteach other and they devour each other in cycles. Therefore, the second part ofthis statement does not appeal to me.To me ignorance, sins, virtues, happiness, sorrow, etc. are synanymous withconcurrent occurance. As we feel sorrow and happiness, sins and virtues aregenerated and the ignorance is enseeded. As the ignorance pops up, sins andvirtues are churned out and the feelings of sorrow and happines are established.Of course, the opposites such as sins and virtues often appear as different whenone applies the relativity of one's tempermental ego-centric and ego-promotionalattitude toward the same. When ego is active, ignorance itself starts appearingas "knowledge" as well. But, even from the relative perspective, the second partof the statement (seggregation of ignorance from sins and virtues) does notapeal to me personally.Respects.Naga Narayana -PRIOR POSTINGShree Hari Ram RamBrothers, Deosaranji pointed out this particular statement from sadhaka postings. What is your understanding of this statement? Do you have any doubts, disagreements with what is being stated? "Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues." Kindly share, Gita Talk Moderators, Ram Ram - ------Why the Lack of Constancy? Why Not Firm and Implicit Trust in His Ordinance?Because … "OUR GOOD" has never let our focus shift away from itself even in thename of The God! We wander in search of "our good" everywhere in absolutefutility as we lack truthful appreciation of good and bad on one hand; and areincapable of looking at anything without the filter-glass in terms of ournotions of good and bad on the other hand. Till we remain captive within ournotions of good and bad, The God remains a distant notion as well. Therefore, acloser look at our notions of good and bad may be the clue to this question ...RespectsNaga Narayana---------Hari OmAll three messages in the last post are divine ! They are:Exclusive mineness with Him ( Miraji Dass) ; Love. ( Brother Mike) and Equanimity ( Prasadji)!Let us put Mineness and Love on one side (there is "cause" and "effect" relationship between the two) AND Equanimity ( Samata) in other Side :Says Tulsidasji Maharaj :TULSI MAMTA RAAM SE, SAMATA SAB SANSAARNB Vyas----------Dear Sadhaks In Gita ,where it is mentioned that:-1)God has done all good for us2)Every situation is for our good I have not seen mention of such assumptions.I invite reference to Verse 14 of 5 th Chapterand verse 14 th of 5th chapter which says otherwise.You may also study remaining verses of 14th Chapter. The universe or God operates on two basic principles:-a)Free choice-we are free to choose the way we want to feel,think or act on any situation.b)Non-interference-God will not interfere in any choice we make. Please also refer to verse 16th and 17th of 18th Chapter on the 'Doer" or Karta regards Ashok Jain -----------Radhey ! Radhey !! We shall crawl into the Mom's Lap....undoubtedly ! But when? Now itself or after toiling, sufferring, travelling into endless wombs...when ? THIS ENTIRELY DEPENDS UPON US ! There is a difference between Holy Bath in Holy Ganges when taken in the month of January or when taken in the Month of May. Result is same, but pains......! Why should we leave what is under our prorogative, under our control and under our arena of KARMA to the FATE/DESTINY and why we should run day and night after those things which have no corelation with your present Karmas but have corelation with your fate/destiny? No ! Devotion/Bhakti and shedding of worldly me and mine need be taken instantly. Dear Sadhaks ! Laws of Nature always drag us towards our Mom. We delay the process by DESIRING worldly transitory things and getting attached with worldly people and establishing UNNATURAL....Me (es) and Mine(s). No one is ours, we dont belong to the world, nothing is ours, .....it is TRUTH ....TRUTH !! Sooner we realise it, faster we shall crawl into HIS lap. Laws of Nature are ruthless. If we dont move suo motto towards His lap, they will give us pains and drive us towards His lap...be sure about it ! Radhey ! Radhey !! Nisha Chatterji--------PRIOR POSTINGShree HariRam RamSwamiji says - A mother loves her child dearly, yet she scrubs him and pours water over him while giving him a bath. She does this to cleanse him, and does not ask for permission, and she does this even if the child cries, or resents or is defiant. We are like His children, but ultimately we have no choice but to crawl back into our mother's lap. Because there is no other safe place like that. God is our eternal mother, father, companion, caretaker and everything. He is the only One with us at all times. Every one else will desert us, sometime or the other. So whether we believe it or not, we will ultimately crawl into His lap, no matter what. With devotion, Meera Das, Ram Ram ------------------------------Dear sadhakas,Hare krishna.This is in response to a questionFrom a sadhaka.Lord krishna says in bhagavad gita,"Prakrtyaiva ca karmani,Kriyamanani sarvasah,Yah pasyati tathatmanam,Akartaram sa pasyati. " (Gita 13, 30)Which means"One who sees that all activitiesAre performed by the body,which is made up of material natureAnd sees that self does nothing,Is the one that actually sees andThat one is the gnani. "This body is made up of materialNature under the direction of theLord and the activities that areGoing on in one,s body is not his doing. The body is given because of our past desires, and to satisfy one,s desires, one gets this body. The ' self ' is outside the activities of the body. Because of our desires, we get into these circumstances, that give us pain or pleasure.One who realizes that he is not this body and sees the difference between the body and theSelf , has developed the transcendental vision and that one, is the gnani.The way to get out of these, material miseries of our lives, is through devotional service. Let us chant the holy name of theLord and advance spiritually.Thank you.Hare krishna.Prasad iragavarapu. M. D----Shree Hari-Nameste!Consider the paste:Gitaji:2 56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hankerafter pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called asage of steady wisdom.Now I will tell you this, something amazing can happen when you are severelyafflicted in some way or other. If you focus on the Divine, your pain can betransmuted into love, not bitterness.What a joy it is to observe the way you change towards those who suffer aroundyou, you will realize, you are touched by 'Divine Love'!With Respect and Divine Love,Mike (K) --PRIOR POSTINGNamaste.I urge you to read and study these precious gems from today's sadhaka group post; go to group's home page to .sadhaka/In my humble opinion, these 3 lines cover the content of hundreds or thousands of books. If you have truly developed Love for Bhagavan, you will not be bothered about anything; you will not be wondering about happiness, sorrow, joy, agony....."Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues.""On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love.""Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unaware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan."Profound, isn't it ?See below for full postRam RamDeosaran Bisnath-------------------- : Shree Hari: Ram Ram10th June, 2009, Wednesday; Aashaad Krishna Tritiya, Vikram Samvat 2066, Budhvaar There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance (stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues,. But the longing due to separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for Bhagavan.It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within the realm of nature born "gunas" (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and virtues are of the same "jaati" class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed. On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful, transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and separation. On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth) -"samdukh - sukhahswasthah" (Gita 14/24). If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - "dwandvairvimuktaah sukhadukhsanjaih" (Gita 15/5). Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments, i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar). From "Alaukik Prem" in Hindi page 5-8 by Swami RamsukhdasjiRam RamFor ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiram sukhdasji.org--------------------- That is why the world is known as Maya. What appears to be, is not true. This understanding that everything happening is for good, God is only good....is easy to follow when you have full faith and practice this for a while..... All doubts will have to be countered/neutralized by your faith in the understanding mentioned above, shifting your mind to accept that every happening is good.......The irritation will dissolve/disappear.....for results to come, it takes a little time...but truth is truth...........experience it, try it out....... Sushil Jain Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Mr Bhandari, What conduct...what Time and Space ? What inability? What efforts? What step by step ? What does it take for a child to say MOM IS MINE ? What wisdom is required there? Cant we even become like a child ? Meditation as I understand is CATEGORICALLY stated not once but twice in the Gita that it is the most difficult. As I understand the the pre qualifications required to MEDITATE are not simple as stated in Gita Chaper VI . Bhakti Yoga is the easiest as per Lord Krishna in Gita, Goswamiji in Ramayana, Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj and Shrimad Bhagavatam ( and endless Scriptures)... but you are opinion is thaat it is the toughest because in your views humans are not equipped...100% opposite of reality. Similarly Dhyaan Yoga contemplates a lot of qualifications as per Gita, Patanjali Yoga Darshana etc... you say it is the way (if not now the ONLY way- thanks for relaxation ). My sincere advice - SHED ALL PRIOR INSISTENCES OF MIND. BE FRESH . YOU ARE AMONG THE SADHAKS HERE. YOU ARE IN SATSANGA ! .... SATSANGA !! HERE ONLY SAT PREVAILS. Raam ! Raam !! Raam !!! Anirudh Joshi-Narain ! Narain !! Sadhak Narinder ! kindly quote Gita / other scriptures to support your views, as the guidelines for the group suggest. Gita 9:31 and Ramcharitra manas clearly state - " Sanmukh hoi jeev mohi jabahi, koti anagh tav naashahin tabahi" ( When Jeeva turns towards Me, all his sins get destroyed) - Human birth has been glorified time and again in Scriptures. Swamiji sasy again and again - ALL ARE CAPABLE, ALL ARE ELIGIBLE, ALL HAVE ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR KALYAAN. However I do see an improvement, from earlier when you used to insist Meditation is the Only way, to now Meditation is the way. Also, by the way : WISDOM IS NOT ACTION ( KARMA) ; WISDOM IS INACTION (AKARMA) !! Read Gita 18:33. Narain ! Narain !! Naarad N Maharishi----PRIOR POSTING Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!Dear Kalpnaji, appreciate your dilemma. It is understandably hard, as you say, to accept situations when they seem to happen to "us or our loved ones". It is easier to offer comfort to others when the same situations arise in their lives! However, there is a way to address them with the help of Almighty and Just God who is all Intelligence if we can establish some relationship with Him/Her by Sadhana!First of all, we need to understand thoroughly that situations happen impersonally as they happen without any prejudices or intervention on the part of God to punish or reward us. They only seem like happening to us! Situations in themselves are neither good nor bad, we think from a personal point of view, and that is the only reason they are taken "good" or "bad". Don't we know many such situations where someone's gain is someone else' loss?I never label them as such, and just witness them even if it is hard to do so ocassionally. This helps us to be more objective about situations or things or people, so we can take necessary actions with God given Intelligence! What I have found helpful is Prayer in which acknowledgment of limitations of body-mind-intellect(my God given tools), and asking for help of God to do the best for all involved in situations, and in the way He sees fit, in the time He wants to resolve it. In the meantime, I ask for the courage to go through whatever it is and accept it, rather welcome it! This attitude relieves me as soon as I pray and invariably changes my own outlook towards the situations which now look more neutral than before! As a matter of fact, you get an insight to see positives which are not in situations themselves but within "you", really, that was always hidden in labeling good or bad for "me" and then fighting.What gives us the courage to face anything is the Trust in our conviction that nothing is personal in this entire Universe, that God is fairness and freedom and "we" are not individuals, separate and independently existing from God who is the Whole Existence!As such, through Prayer, the Intelligence of God manifests in the tools we have at our disposal!Namaskar...........Pratap Bhatt----------------------------Hari OmKalpanaji ! A really good Q !Reasons appear to be1. Acceptance still is predominantly by mind. Hence, it is not firm. An acceptance by Self is never forgotten. (Does a married woman ever forgets her marital status? - Come what may ). There is acceptance of "Mere to Girdhar Gopal" but not very firmly of " Doosaro na koi" ! There is still respect for world (Doosara / other) in you, proving you have not fully accepted- Doosara Na Koi !2 Your eye is still not on your direct experiences. That respect to one's experiences emerges when you seek equanimity. Else you will not deter from the truth - "ma phaleshu kadachan" !But you need not get panicy or undue worried. It is basically the duty of Paramatma to strengthen your faith. Simply don't test your "acceptance" status or think much about it. Thoughts that you are not yet equanimous, proves your desire to be equanimous. This is sterling desire- Subheccha- auspicious desire ! Hence your "AIM"- object ! Remain firm on this AIM/ object ! Seek Equanimity !!Jai Shree KrishnaVyas N B---Dear Sadhaka,This doubt has been projected again and again in different forms .................... and the answer too has been given so many times ........................ here it is again ............................. dear sadhakas (These words are being written with a purpose ............. only to highlight the proof of the True answer ................ ) and the answer True is : Your knowing is at the Intellectual level ................... and the intellect never goes very deep .............it is a part of the Ego , which eclipses the Truth from becoming a part of our being . Truth that becomes apart of our being , invariably becomes our 'Conduct ' .............. To transform our Knowledge ( intelectual level ) into Wisdom ( beyond the intellect ...much deeper ! ) ,Meditation is the Way...................... Each being is different . Each being is not ready ............ that hearing of the scriptural Truth,enables one to eat and digest it instantaneously. The majority of beings,in the present movement of Time and Space are into 'doing ". They are Karmic by nature .Their nature is different from that of a Bhakta. And,however they may wish to 'change'thie nature ,.........they CANNOT . Their nature shall change gradually through making their Doings a Yoga .....Karam yoga is the Way . Patanjali's Step by step Yoga will bring faster results . Each being has to follow his nature ...and as a first step,must be able to divine his true nature at the present moment , and accept himself . He/she is his/her own Proof. Remember ,Wisdom is Action. Spontaneous Action . May the Buddhas be your Guide ................ AUM narinder bhandari---Ram-Ram,Everybody (Jeev-atma) has his share of sorrow and happiness according to the work done by him in present and past lives. God is our father, he never punishes us without mistake. (Do we enjoy while punishing our kids? No! But we do punish our kids, to stop them from getting spoiled.) If we make mistake and then we have to be ready for the punishment. The all merciful God gives us the power to bear the punishment and learn from it. Now its our mistake if we don't understand it.Ashok GoenkaP>----GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES: PLEASE -FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.GITA TALK GROUP GUIDELINES for RESPONDER: PLEASE -1. Only responses that further clarify Gita message will be posted.2. Quote Gitaji/scriptures wherever possible..3. Limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the extent that theyfurther help in understanding the Gita shlokas4. Be as concise, to the point, respecting sadhaka's time.5. Focus on subject at hand only.6. Do not include links to the other sites; personal information (Ph #, addressetc) or personalize message to particular person7. All responses may not be posted and moderator at his discretion, may modifythe posting.8. Please keep in mind novices, youth, westerners, non-sectarian audience. Limitthe use to Sanskrit words and provide English word bracketed.MODERATORRam Ram------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Post message: Subscribe: - Unsubscribe: -

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