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Bhagavad Gita - Daily - II CHAPTER 3-15 II

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Gita 3-14 & 15

annad bhavanti bhutani, parjanyad anna-sambhavahyajnad bhavati parjanyo, yajnah karma-samudbhavah || 3-14 ||

karma brahmodbhavam viddhi, brahmakshara-samudbhavamtasmat sarva-gatam brahma, nityam yajne pratisthitam || 3-15 ||

"From food creatures come into being, food is produced from rain, rain ensuesfrom sacrifice (Yajna) and sacrifice comes from action. Know that the origin ofaction (of sacrifice) to be in Brahma (the Veda) and Brahma springs from theImperishable (God). Therefore, the all pervading Infinite (God) ever vests inthe sacrifice (Yajna)."

From "Gita Prabodhani" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji.


Karma = a purified action

Brahma-Ud-Bhavam = arisen from Brahma i.e. the scriptures Vedas / arisen from Mother Nature / arisen from Lord Brahmaa

Viddhi = know

Brahma = the Veda / the Mother Nature / the Creator Lord Brahmaa

Akshara = the Imperishable Brahman / the Supreme Being

Samud-Bhavam = had arisen from / had sprung from

Tasmaat = therefore

Sarvagatam = all pervading

Brahma = the Brahman

Nityam = ever

Yadnye = in sacrifice

Prati-Sthitam = is established / is primarily worshipped

English translation:-

Know the origin of Karma (the sacrificial action) to be in Brahma i.e. the four Vedas the Scriptures and the Vedas had sprung from the Imperishable Brahman. Therefore the all pervading Infinite (God) ever centres round the sacrifice.

Alternatively: Know that purified action (Karma) has arisen from the Creator i.e. Lord Brahmaa and the Lord Brahmaa had arisen from the Imperishable Brahman. The all pervading Brahman is primarily worshipped in Yadnya i.e. action performed in the spirit of service and sacrifice for the benefit of one and all.


The Brahman, the infinite source of Cosmic Energy is the Supreme Reality. It is all pervading unmanifest Supreme Being. Everything terrestrial as well as transcendental is nothing else but the Brahman. Every action is rooted in the Imperishable Brahman. But for the action of the Supreme, the entire world will fall into ruin. Please refer verse 24 in Chapter 3 of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta, wherein Lord Krishna has pronounced that, "If I (the personification of the Brahman) did not perform action, these worlds would perish."

On the foundation of verse 32 in Chapter 4 of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta, our beloved Swami Ramsukhdasji has explained that the method of performance of various kinds of sacrifices are known from the four Vedas and other ancient scriptures. Therefore, every action has its origin in the Vedas. Here the interpretation of the word Brahma is the Vedas. The Vedas had sprung from the Imperishable God. Thus Supreme God is the root cause of all. `Born of Vedas' conveys revealed by Vedas, which are treated as `A-Paurusheya' i.e. not of human agency and creativity.

With reference to the verse 7 in chapter 9 of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta, all living beings including Lord Brahmaa are born at the beginning of every Kalpa i.e. the beginning of an entirely fresh new cyclic life pattern of the ever evolving Mother Nature after the complete annihilation of the previous one. Therefore, another interpretation of the word Brahma in this verse is the Creator Lord Brahmaa born in `Prakruti' i.e. Mother Nature. From the Creator flows action. Please refer verse 3 from Chapter 14 of Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta as well. As per the Rig-Veda, Brahman gives rise to the primordial living being called `Hiranyagarbha' i.e. golden womb, who is equated with the Creator Lord Brahmaa, who is often identified with Prajapati, a Vedic deity. Lord Brahmaa is traditionally depicted with four heads and four faces and four arms but without weapons. With each head he continually recites one of the four Vedas. According to the Puranas, Lord Brahmaa is self-born (without mother) in the lotus flower which grew from the navel of Lord Vishnu at the beginning of the Universe. This explains his name Nabhija i.e. born from the navel. A Kalpa is a Sanskrit word meaning an Aeon, or a long period of time which is a day of Lord Brahmaa. The Guinness Book of World Records lists the 4.32 billion year long `Kalpa' as the longest measure of time.

In my personal opinion both the interpretations of the word Brahma are consistent, logical and valid.

Whenever any action is performed perfectly with the best of motives it becomes a Yadnya. Even simple act of eating may be carried out as an act of glorifying the Divinity enshrined in every Sadhak. It reminds me of the famous verse by Santa Raamadaasa in Marathi language, "Vadani KavaLa Ghetaa, Naama Ghyaa Shree Hareeche. Sahaja Havana Hote, Naama Ghetaa Phukaache. Jeevana Karee Jeevitvaa, Anna He PoorNa Brahma, Udara BharaNa Nohe, JaaNije Yadnya Karma." i.e. whenever you lift portion of food for eating, please think of the Supreme Lord and thus by offering prayers to Him, you will be able to digest any food with ease. Eating food is not merely filling up your stomach but please note that the food has arisen due to sacrificial actions performed by many individuals that are aided by the Mother Nature. Food is the essence of nourishment of every being, which has arisen from the all pervading Brahman.

Living itself is turned into Yadnya, when all actions are directed to the service of the Divine. The scheme of Mother Nature is verily centred on the spirit of Yadnya. It is possible for every Sadhak to convert his family, his community, his nation and rather the entire world into the Heaven and the most guaranteed path is the performance of purified actions in the spirit of service above the self and service for all.

Sacrifice produces rain! It is a strong belief even today in India that the smoke which rises from the `Homa-Kunda' i.e. sacrificial pit; brings about the necessary changes in the atmosphere so as to induce the clouds to rain. Even subtler than this is the power of good thoughts. There is a proverb in Tamil language that even if there is one noble minded person in the village, the entire village will be blessed with sufficient rain to ensure the prosperity for all. A selfish person is more concerned with destroying the prosperity of others than with building his own, for he wants to project himself as a superior person, one better than the rest. When all persons in the village turn selfish, when everyone wants to swindle each other, the whole atmosphere is full of vicious thought-currents; ill-will fills the entire village and the mood of destruction prevails. In India, we strongly believe that the `Pancha Mahaa Bhootaas' i.e. the five basic elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) respond to such thought-vibrations and then we have to face the resultant famines and virulent epidemic diseases.

On the other hand, if there is an attitude of unselfish service in the heart of a Sadhak, then there is prosperity around him. With that unselfishness in his heart, a Sadhak will always try to promote the prosperity of others as well. His actions will be pure and prosperity-promoting. Such pure actions are divine and are rooted in the Imperishable Brahman, the eternal Divine law that has created and that continues to sustain the entire Universe. A life of sacrifice is therefore a full and dynamic life. Sacrifice knits the knowledge of the Supreme and purified selfless actions into the fabric of the Divine life.

Of all the living beings, only human beings are capable of regaining the state of the Brahman by performing actions based on relentless and selfless service in the spirit of `Sarva Bhoota Hite RataaH'.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Shrikant Joshi.


To learn more -

please visit Hindi website: www.swamiramsukhdasji.orgplease visit English website: www.swamiramsukhdasji.net

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