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Peace and it's Attainment through Non-Doing / Non-Doership - Clarification ?

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I can't see the logic of the statement. Sitting idle and doing nothing is awaste of time and existence. Even for attaining the PARAMATMA one has to dosomething..Pl clarify.RegardsP. K. NAIR



Shree Hari

Ram Ram

Brother, In the forum kindly take the support of "vivek" (discrimination). That which you have written in English - Sitting idle and doing nothing is a waste of time and existence. Even for attaining Paramaatmaa one has to do something the explanation of that has been clearly given by Swamiji in his book "Akriyataah se Paramatma Praapti". Kindly read the article in Swamiji's book "Maanav Maatre Kalyaan Ke Liye: pg. 113-120, and after reading to share your understanding so that many others sadhaks can likely benefit and understand this point.

Vineet Sarvottam


-Shree Hari-Namaste!Dear P.K. Nair,Read this post again carefully, I will paste in parts to stimulate yourreflections:'Therefore a Karmayogi (One who practices Discipline of Selfless Action) instead of considering these (actions/objects) to be his and for himself,engages these for the service of the world.'A Karmayogi, does her/his very best for the benefit of the world, not tied tothe outcome.'An activity has a beginning and an end, but inaction is "AS IS" at all times.Therefore in attaining God, a mind that is "rested / still" in other words, notdoing anything at all, is the causative factor.'Reflecting on this, a Christian Monk a mystic indeed, spoke of the pitfall thatawaits one when he/she feels this inner peace: "This is marvelous! How many canreach such a level of peace as this? I am going to be a saint! A mystic!". Thatinner voice is Ego, some identify Ego as Satan!BHAGAVAD GITA Ch:1212. Better indeed is knowledge than practice; than knowledge meditation isbetter; than meditation the renunciation of the fruits of actions; peaceimmediately follows renunciation.Om Shaanti.....Mike Keenor


Dear Sadaks,

Bagavan again and again says in geetha that do your Karma to Arjuna without expecting the fruits,

which also means to all of us.

One has to interrogate himself before raising simple question, in order to enrich himself.

Jai Sri Krishna



Very interesting questions arer aised by Sadhak P K Nair. These questionshave troubled sahdhaks for millenniums.He is correct that for sadhna to lead one to the realization of Paramatmaone day, in all previous days one would be in the act of sadhana.But the problem with Upanashadik/ Gita peinciples is that they had to beexpressed in language and language has many words and words of manyconnotations. The source of confusion lies there. The Nature is always inactivity. To the extent a human being is the product of nature, the naturalcombination of Gunas will always force a person into some activity or other.You will breath and that is an activity. But a human being, theoretically isalso contained in the knowledge that is the source of all Nature. Thissource is infinite, eternal, indestructible, not subject to change, thoughit is the source of Nature that continuously undergoes transformation. Theprocess of transformation or chane is what we call as activity. But thesource remains unaltered and unaffected by Nature and Natural activity andchanges.Paramatma is that sole source of everything: although it is the source(Creator) and remains inherent in all and every part, however infinitsimal,the source does not Create by doing some activity. Paramatma or God did notmanufacture or cultivate the Nature: God is the pure source. If that sourceis inherent in me and the nature, can I transcend this nature and identifymyself with that source instead of identifying myself with my nature?If it were possible to do so, my body and mind may still be acting becausethey are the product of Nature, I will not be any longer identifying myselfwith my body and mind. I will then be identifying myself with the ultimateSource Paramtama. When I am in that stage, I no more exist individually butget merged in the Paramatma (even though my body and mind may continue to beactively involved in the worldly affairs). At that state I, merged in theSource, am in peace, unattached, equanamilty and inactivity. When I getestablished in that state, my body and mind may be affected and get intorelatively inactive mode and finally inactive (Samadhi) mode when evenbreathing may stop for as long as that state continues before I come back tobreating again.The essence of the method of sadhana is to continuously send signals to thebody and mind that they are doing things as per their nature and not as Iwould wish them to do. The only wish I have is to merge with the Source thatdoes not activity. Thus sadhans becomes a fight between my Nature thatimparts certain tendencies in my body and mind on the one hand and my desireto identify myself with the source and remain in the state of source. When Iget to that state, I have no more any wish to drive me.Now whether this is meanigful or not or sheer wastage of time or not isactually a meaningless question. For the person who has reached Paratma,since there is no more wishes to satisfy, the meaning of meaningfulness,productivity, utilization of time does not arise. For the person who hastravelled far on the path of Sadhana towards attaining Paramatma, the onlywish that is meaningful is to realize God: no other wish, whether selfish orunselfish (social) activity, is meaningful to him. For others, there aremany wishes to realize and many activities that can be undertaken towardsrealisation of such wishes. For him to have a single wish of realizingParamatma would seem wastage of time: he would love to be in tensions,worries, diappointments, pleasures and pains resulting from or associatewith the activities he is forced to do by his natural tendencies geared tofulfilling his many wishes.This is the framwork.One will choose the path one is destined to pursue: fewwould be force to pusue till the end to realize Paramatma. Some may travelalong the road. Most other like me are destined by our nature to pursuevarious worldy desires, occasionall also trying to connect to Paramatma.Basudeb Sen











I agree with Mr Nair.


Everyone cannot be and is not capable of this Adhikaar of peace and rest at all times.

In fact, as per Gita, your natural inclination is activity and it is best if that is done as a

Karmayogi, in the name of God. When one reaches through severe and several years

of KarmaYoga, one becomes a Jnyaana Yogi, but until then your prescription is to

follow Karmayoga.


As Swami Dayananda says, everyone cannot claim to be a Sthitaprajnya. One first

needs to acquire Prajnya---proper knowledge, then acquire Viveka and after practicing

it for years will one become a Shitaprajnya !!


This is no different.


You'll acquire or attain peace, if you do appropriate things for others, without laying

any claim to ask for a favor in return, and by seeking peace in nature and human conflicts.

Do that long enough and you may attain the higher status of Sannyasa. Even then, a Sannyaasi

is not without action. His role is to contemplate and teach what he has learnt to others. Only

after several years of this will someone attain that state where you just observe the world, while performing action, and then ultimately the state that you mention.

Durgesh Mankikar,MD

----------: Shree Hari:Ram Ram

4th August, 2009, Wednesday, Shravan Shukla Panchami, Vikram Samvat 2066,Budhvaar

Rested mind (mind at Peace) - means - to do absolutely nothing. As long asthere is relationship with "doing", till that time there is relationship withNature, and as long as there is relationship with Nature (World), till that timethere is lack of peace, there is sorrow and birth and death cycles. Relationship with Nature (World) is wiped out by "non-doing", since bothactivity and objects are part of Nature (World). The sentient Essence (tattva)is neither activity, nor object. Actions are not-eternal (temporary), whereasinaction is eternal. An activity has a beginning and an end, but inaction is"AS IS" at all times. Therefore in attaining God, a mind that is "rested /still" in other words, not doing anything at all, is the causative factor. Yes!However, if you mis-utilize this "peace", then Paramatma will not be attained. "I am at Peace" - In this manner, by attaching egoism to peace, or "it is verypeaceful" by becoming pleased in this state, one becomes the enjoyer, engages inconsumption of peace. Therefore do not blend "I" with Peace, rather understandthat Peace naturally prevails. By engaging in consumption (enjoyment) of peace,the peace will not remain, rather agitations will arise, or one will feelsleepy. By not becoming an enjoyer of peace, peace will naturally remain. Without actions and without pride, if peace naturally takes place, that is "Yog"(Union). Because there is no doer or enjoyer of that peace. Wherever there isdoer and enjoyer there is enjoyment of sense pleasures. Whenever one is anenjoyer he is established in the world.

All the activities and objects are of the world and for the world only. Therefore a Karmayogi (One who practices Discipline of Selfless Action) insteadof considering these (actions/objects) to be his and for himself, engages thesefor the service of the world. By engaging these in service, his relationshipwith actions and objects is servered. Nature is in the form of activity,whereas Paramatma is in the form of repose. Therefore Jnaanyogi (follower ofDiscipline of Knowledge) becomes detached from activities and objects andaccepts repose. Acceptance of repose (vishraam) means he experiences being inhis real nature in the form of existence and consciousness. However, theBhaktiyogi (One who follows the Discipline of Devotion) accepts dependence ononly Bhagwaan. His very nature which is existence and consciousness is also apart (ansh) of Bhagwaan. Thus by accepting his dependence on only Bhagwaan, byserving and trusting Bhagwaan, he attains salvation, and by depending on only Bhagwaan, love manifests within him.

It is a principle that the All pervading Essence, It's attainment is not by anyaction / activity (kriya). The minute we do some activity, we become apart fromthat Essence, the real Nature. If we engage in no activity / action (kriya)whatsoever, then we will be established in the real nature of Paramatma(tattva). Therefore a Sadhak while walking-roaming, standing -sitting and atall times make his nature calm and quieted.

From "Sansaar kaa asar kaise chute?" in Hindi page 56-60.

Ram Ram

For ENGLISH WEBSITE please visit: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.netFor full online discourses in Hindi: http://www.swamiramsukhdasji.org-----------



FOR QUESTIONER1. The questions as far as possible must be relevant to Gita, relevant toDharma, relavant to other scriptures and relevant to motivate Sadhaks to take upspiritual path2. The Questioner must commit to daily Gita study3. Only one question at a time.4. Question must be brief, to the point and relevant to the group's primary aimof deeper understanding of Gita.

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